Prvá pečať



Potom, keď Baránok vzal tú Knihu a zlámal tú Prvú Pečať, Boh prehovoril zo svojho večného Trónu, aby povedal, čo bola tá Pečať, aby to bolo zjavené. Ale keď to bolo predložené pred Jána, bolo to v symbole. Keď to Ján videl stále to bolo tajomstvo. Prečo? To hneď vtedy ešte nebolo zjavené. To nemohlo byť zjavené, až do vtedy, ako On tu povedal, "v čase konca." Ale to prichádza v symbole. Keď, zahrmelo ... Pamätajte, silný tresknúci zvuk hromu je Hlas Boží. To je to, čo hovorí Biblia - úder hromu. Oni si mysleli, že to bol hrom, ale to bol Boh. On tomu rozumel, pretože Mu to bolo zjavené. Vidíte? To bol hrom. A všimnite si, Prvá Pečať otvorila ... Prvá Pečať, keď bola otvorená vo forme symbolu, zahrmelo! Nuž, čo potom, keď je otvorená vo svojej skutočnej forme?

Len čo Baránok odstránil tú Pečať, zahrmelo. A čo to zjavilo? Nie všetko z nej. Prv je to u Boha, potom je to v symbole, potom je to zjavené. Tri veci. Vidíte? Vychádza to z Trónu. Prv sa to nedalo vidieť, ani počuť, ani nič. Je to zapečatené. Baránkova Krv zaplatila cenu. Keď to On vyslovil zahrmelo. A keď to On urobil, vyšiel jazdec na bielom koni a to bol stále symbol.

Hľaďte teraz. On povedal, že to bude dané najavo v tých posledných dňoch. Ale to vychádza v cirkevnom symbole. Rozumiete tomu, cirkev? To vychádza v nejakom cirkevnom symbole, ktorý ... Oni vedia, že tam je Pečať. Ale čo to vlastne je oni ešte nevedia, pretože to je jazdec na bielom koni. A to má byť zjavené len v tom poslednom dni, keď bude zlomená táto skutočná Pečať. Zlomená pre koho? Nie pre Krista, ale pre Cirkev.

1Skloňme teraz hlavy a pomodlime sa. Náš Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes večer za túto ďalšiu možnosť prísť sem a velebiť Ťa. Sme vďační, že sme živí a že máme toto veľké zjavenie Večného Života, ktorý v nás prebýva.

A prišli sme dnes večer, Otče, aby sme spolu skúmali Tvoje Slovo. Tieto veľké ukryté tajomstvá, ktoré boli ukryté od založenia sveta. A Baránok je ten jediný, ktorý nám to môže zjaviť. Prosím, aby On dnes večer prišiel medzi nás, aby On vzal Svoje Slovo a zjavil nám ho, aby sme mohli vedieť, ako Mu byť lepšími služobníkmi v tomto poslednom čase. Ó Bože, pri tom čo vidíme, že sme teraz v poslednom čase, pomôž nám poznať naše miesto, Pane a naše slabé bytosti a istotu skorého príchodu Pánovho. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Myslím, že to bol Dávid, ktorý povedal: "Bol som rád, keď mi povedali, poďme do domu Pánovho." Vždy je to pre mňa veľké privilégium prísť, a toto spoločné skúmanie Slova nám dáva túto veľkú nádej.

Mnohí stoja a ja sa budem ponáhľať, ako len budem môcť. Ale dúfam, že ste sa, tak ako ja, rozradovali prítomnosťou Svätého Ducha v týchto posledných dvoch zhromaždeniach. A dnes sa stalo niečo, čo som dlho neprežil. Premýšľal som nad týmto, nad týmto zjavením tu, nad otvorením tejto Pečati.

2Pred rokmi som tu cez to prebehol, asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, tak sa mi vidí, alebo tak nejako, ale tak či tak som s tým nebol celkom spokojný. Vyzeralo to, ako keby tam boli nejaké veci, zvlášť v týchto Pečatiach, pretože tieto Pečate sú tou kompletnou Knihou. Vidíte? To je Kniha. Celá Kniha v jednej Knihe, zapečatená. Ona začína ...

3Napríklad, ak by som tu niečo mal, ukážem vám čo myslím. [Brat Branham predstavuje zvíjanie a pečatenie zvitku, pomocou listu papiera. -- pozn.prekl.] Tu je jedna pečať. To je jedna ... A vy to takto rolujete - takto to bolo zrolované. A vy to takto rolujete a tam na konci je malý kúsok, ktorý takto vyčnieva. To je prvá pečať. No dobre. Potom, to je prvá časť knihy. Potom tá ďalšia pečať je zvinutá takýmto spôsobom, hneď vedľa toho. A to je zrolované takto, ako tu. A potom, na konci, rovno tu, tam vyčnieva ďalší kúsok a to znamená, dve pečate. A takým spôsobom bola napísaná celá Biblia, na zvitkoch. A tak, zlámať tieto Pečate, to otvára tajomstvá Knihy.

4Dostali ste sa ku tomu, aby ste si to preštudovali v Jeremiášovi, ako to on napísal, (mnohí z vás ste si to včera večer značili)? Ako tie pečate boli napísané a odložené, aby boli zachované, až kým sa on nevráti po sedemdesiatych rokoch zajatia. On sa vrátil naspäť a dožadoval sa svojho vlastníctva. A ja by som to skutočne rád vysvetlil, aby ste nemohli ... Nie je možnosť vyjadriť to všetko, pretože to je večné Slovo. To je večná Kniha. Preto sa dotkneme len tých dôležitých miest.

A dnes, pri skúmaní toho som si poznačil mnoho miest Písma, a tak to môžete skúmať. A tiež pri ... tie tieto pásky zjavia mnoho o tom, keď to budete skúmať. Tam je tak mnoho vecí. Keby som tu len mohol stáť na pódiu a zjaviť vám to, tak ako to bolo zjavené mne v tej izbe. Ó, bolo by to ohromné. Ale, keď sem prídete, ste tu stiesnení a preskočíte ponad tie veci a snažím sa predstaviť ľuďom len tú najhlavnejšiu časť, aby to mohli vidieť.

5Skutočne si cením tú pieseň, "Dole zo Svojej Slávy", ktorú práve spieval brat Ungren. Ak by On nebol prišiel zo Svojej Slávy, kde by sme dnes všetci boli? A tak sme vďační, že On prišiel dole, aby nám pomohol.

Nuž, pretože mnohí stoja, budeme sa ponáhľať prebrať to tu, najlepšie ako budem môcť. Nehovorím, že sa budeme ponáhľať prejsť cez to, ale mám na mysli, že začneme tak rýchlo, ako to len bude možné.

6A teraz, otvorme si teraz, po ... Mali sme prvú kapitolu, druhú, tretiu a štvrtú. A piatu minulý večer. A dnes večer začíname na šiestej kapitole Zjavenia. Nuž, pri tom, čo skúmame túto kapitolu, odvolávame sa na rôzne miesta Písma - na Starý a tak isto Nový Zákon, pretože celá Kniha je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. To všetko dokopy je zjavenie Pána Ježiša, zjavenie Ježiša Krista. To je Boh, zjavujúci sa v tej Knihe - zjavujúci sa v tej Knihe skrze Krista.

7A Kristus je zjavením Boha. On prišiel aby zjavil Boha, pretože On a Boh boli to isté. "Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so Sebou svet." Inými slovami, nikdy by ste nevedeli, čo bol Boh, až kým sa On nezjavil cez Krista. Potom môžete vidieť. Myslel som si, pred rokmi, že možno Boh sa na mňa hnevá, ale Kristus ma miluje. No prišiel som na to, že to tá istá Osoba, vidíte. A Kristus je samým srdcom Božím.

8A teraz pri tom čo to skúmame, porovnávame to teraz - tie prvé tri knihy (Biblii) Zjavenia, ktoré sme dosť dôkladne prebrali - sú cirkevné veky, Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. Nuž, je sedem cirkevných vekov, sedem Pečatí, sedem Trúb, a Čiaš, a nečistí duchovia podobní žabám. A všetko toto ide spolu. Ó, ako rád by som mal nejakú veľkú mapu a nakreslil to všetko na nej, tak ako to vidím, viete - ako každá jedna z tých vecí zaujíma svoje miesto. Nakreslil som to na malý kúsok papieru, ale viete ... A všetko, až tak presne pasuje, čo sa týka času, tých vekov - ako prišli a pominuli, a všetko spolu tak dokonale zapasovalo.

9Tak, pomimo všetkého možno, že to nie je celkom správne, ale jednako, to je to najlepšie, čo o tom viem. A viem, že ak robím to najlepšie, a keď urobím chybu, pri tom, čo sa to snažím robiť najlepšie, to najlepšie čo o tom viem, že Boh mi určite odpustí, ak robím ... tú chybu, ak som urobil niečo zle.

10Teraz, tieto prvé tri knihy je tých prvých sedem cirkevných vekov, a potom nachádzame v štvrtej kapitole Zjavenia, že Ján je zobraný hore. Vidíte? Vidíme tie cirkvi ... O tých cirkevných vekoch nie je povedané príliš mnoho. Myslím, že z toho budú ľudia tak zaskočení. Oni umiestňujú cirkev tam ďalej do súženia, do tých vecí, ktoré sa majú stať. A ako som povedal, v nedeľu - včera: "To prvé, čo zbadáte bude, že nastanú tie súženia a vy sa budete diviť prečo nebolo ...? Najprv prichádza Vytrhnutie. A to bude tak, ako to bolo: "ono pominulo a vy ste to nevedeli."

Nuž, nie je príliš mnoho zasľúbeného pre túto Cirkev - pre túto Cirkev z Pohanov - Nevestu.

11Chcem, aby ste si zapamätali, že existuje cirkev a Nevesta. Vidíte? Vy to stále musíte uložiť, aby to prebiehalo v trojkách; štvorky sú nesprávne. Trojky! Trojky, sedmičky, desiatky, dvanástky a dvadsať štvorky a štyridsiatky, päťdesiatky, tie nerozbitné čísla. Biblia je ... a Boh nesie Svoje Posolstvá v Biblických číslach, v týchto číslach. Ak dostanete niečo, čo prechádza pomimo niektorého z týchto čísel, radšej by ste mali dávať pozor. Pri tej ďalšej veci to nevyjde správne. Musíte to priniesť znovu tam, kde ste začali.

12Brat Vayle, brat Lee Vayle, on - on ... Myslím, že je tu. Rozprávali sme sa jedného dňa o ľuďoch ktorý ... dostávajú sa mimo toho chodníka. Je to práve tak, ako strieľanie do terču. Ak je puška poriadne nastavená, poriadne nasmerovaná a zacielená, musí trafiť terč; ak sa tá hlaveň nepohne, alebo nezvrtne, alebo ak to neodhodí vibrácia, a kdekoľvek ... alebo zavanie vietor. Kdekoľvek sa to odchýlilo, existuje len jediný spôsob, ako to napraviť, a to ísť naspäť tam, kde to opustilo dráhu a začať znovu, ak to má trafiť terč. Ak sa to neurobí, nuž, to proste netrafí do terča.

13A verím, že tak je to pri skúmaní Písma. Ak zistíme, že sme tu niečo začali a nevychádza to správne, vidíte, urobili sme niekde chybu. Musíte sa vrátiť naspäť. Nikdy neprídete na to svojím rozumom. To proste nie je ... Práve sme zistili, skrze Písma, že nie je žiadneho človeka na Nebi, ani na zemi, ani pod zemou, ani nikdy nebol, ani nikdy nebude, ktorý by to mohol urobiť. Jedine Baránok to môže urobiť. A tak seminárne výklady, keby boli akékoľvek, to je proste nič. Vidíte? Na to je potrebný Baránok, aby to zjavil. A to stačí. Tak dúfame, že On nám pomôže.

14Ján, zobraný hore, v štvrtej kapitoly, aby videl veci, "ktoré boli, ktoré sú, a ktoré majú prísť,"- zobrazuje, že Cirkev končí v štvrtej kapitoly. A Kristus berie hore Cirkev, zaberá ju hore do povetria, aby sa s Ním stretla, a nezjavuje sa viac, až do 19-tej kapitoly, kde On s Ňou prichádza naspäť, ako Kráľ kráľov a Pán pánov. A teraz ... Ó, dúfam, že jedného dňa to všetko preberieme, možno prv ako On príde. Ak nie, jednako to uvidíme, a tak to nevadí.

15Nuž, v tejto piatej kapitole, to lámanie týchto Pečatí ... Táto sedem krát zapečatená Kniha ... Najprv chceme čítať tú Prvú Pečať. Minulý večer - aby sme urobili tomu trochu pozadie - sme zistili, že keď sa Ján pozrel a videl tú Knihu stále v rukách toho originálneho Majiteľa - Boha .. Pamätáte sa ako zostala utratená? Skrze Adama. On kvôli Satanovým vedomostiam prišiel o Knihu Života a utratil svoje dedičstvo. Utratil všetko; a nebola možnosť na vykúpenie.

Potom Boh, uspôsobený na podobu človeka, prišiel dole a stal sa naším Vykupiteľom, aby nás vykúpil. A teraz sme zistili, že tieto veci, ktoré v tých uplynulých dňoch boli tajomstvami, nám majú byť v posledných dňoch otvorené.

16Tak isto sme v tomto našli, že len čo Ján počul toto ohlásenie, aby predstúpil Príbuzný Vykupiteľ a požiadal o Svoje práva, nebolo človeka, ktorý by to mohol urobiť. Nikto na Nebi, nikto na zemi, nikto pod zemou. Nikto nebol hodný ani len pozrieť na tú Knihu. Len si to predstavte. Vôbec žiadna osoba nebola hodná ani len pozrieť na ňu. A Ján začal plakať.

On vedel, že všetko ... Potom nebolo žiadnej šanci na vykúpenie. Všetko sklamalo. A zrazu ... Zistili sme, že zrazu jeho plač prestal, pretože jedna z tých štyroch Bytostí oznámila, či vlastne jeden z tých starších. Jeden z tých starších povedal: "Neplač, Ján, pretože zvíťazil Lev z pokolenia Júdovho," - inými slovami premohol a zvíťazil.

17Ján sa obrátil a videl vychádzať Baránka. Musel byť krvavý a dosekaný a dobitý. Bol zabitý - "Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý." A samozrejme, on bol stále krvavý. Ak ste podrezali baránka a zabili ho, tak ako bol zabitý ten Baránok, v každom prípade ... On bol na kríži rozsekaný na kusy, prepichnutý na boku, klince v rukách a v nohách, tŕne okolo čela. Bol v hroznom stave. A tento Baránok vystúpil a išiel ku Tomu, ktorý sedel na Tróne, ktorý držal kompletnú Právnu Listinu Vykúpenia. A Baránok išiel a vzal tú Knihu z ruky Toho, ktorý sedel na Tróne a vzal a otvoril tie Pečate a otvoril tú Knihu.

18Potom, keď sa to stalo, zistili sme, že v Nebi sa muselo odohrať niečo ohromné, pretože tí starší a ... tie štyri živé Bytosti a dvadsať štyri starších a všetci v Nebi, začali kričať: "Hodný!" A tu prichádzajú tí Anjeli a vylievajú čaše s modlitbami svätých. Svätí pod oltárom vykríkli: "Hodný si ó Baránok, pretože si nás vykúpil a teraz si nás učinil kráľmi a kňazmi, a budeme vládnuť na zemi." Ó! A to sa stalo, keď On otvoril tú Knihu.

19Viete, tá Kniha bola v skutočnosti naplánovaná a napísaná pred založením sveta. Táto Kniha - Biblia - bola skutočne napísaná pred založením sveta. A Kristus, ktorý je Baránkom, bol zabitý pred založením sveta. A tí, ktorí patria do Jeho Nevesty, ich mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. Ale to bolo zapečatené a teraz to zostalo zjavené - čie mená tam boli, všetko o tom. Čo za veľká vec! A Ján, keď to videl, on povedal, že všetci na Nebi, všetci pod zemou, všetci ho počuli ako hovorí, "Amen, požehnania, a sláva!" On skutočne prežíval nádherný čas, pretože "Baránok bol hodný."

20A tak Baránok teraz stojí, dnes večer, pri tom čo vchádzame do tejto šiestej kapitoly. On má tú Knihu vo Svojej ruke a začína ju zjavovať. A, och, bol by som dnes úplne ... Dúfam, že ľudia sú duchovní. Bol by som pri tom urobil strašnú chybu, ak by sa nestalo, že dnes okolo dvanástej vstúpil Duch Svätý do tej miestnosti a opravil ma v niečom, čo som si zapisoval, že poviem.

21Bral som to zo starých poznámok. Nemal som o tom nič. Neviem vôbec čím je Druhá Pečať. Ale mal som nejaké staré poznámky, z niečoho, čo som hovoril pred niekoľkými rokmi a zapísal som si to. A pozbieral som tieto poznámky. Poznámky od Dr. Smitha a od mnohých veľkých význačných učiteľov, ktoré som zohnal. A všetci z nich tomu verili, a tak som si to zapísal. A bol som rozhodnutý povedať: "Nuž, budem to teraz skúmať z tohoto hľadiska." A tam, dnes okolo dvanástej sa zrazu Duch Svätý zniesol dole do tej miestnosti a otvoril mi celú tú vec, a tam sa to stalo - táto Prvá Pečať bola otvorená.

22Tak ako tu stojím, tak som si istý, že to, čo sa vám tu chystám povedať je Pravda Evanjelia. Viem proste, že to tak je. Pretože ak nejaké zjavenie nie je zhodné s Písmom, potom to nie je zjavenie. A vy viete, že sú určité veci, ktoré môžu vyzerať, že sú úplne pravdivé a jednako to nie je pravda. Vidíte? Vyzerá, ako keby to bola, ale nie je.

23Nachádzame teraz Baránka s Knihou. A teraz v 6. kapitole čítame.

A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmych pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu: Poď a vidz!

A videl som a hľa, biely kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal lučište, a dala sa mu koruna, a vyšiel víťaziac, aj aby zvíťazil.

Nuž, toto je Prvá Pečať. Tá, ktorú sa s milosťou Božou budeme snažiť dnes večer vysvetliť. Podľa toho najlepšieho ... A uvedomujem si, že človek, ktorý sa to snaží vysvetliť, kráča po nebezpečnej pôde, ak neviete čo robíte.

24Tak, ak to ku mne prichádza skrze zjavenie, poviem vám to takým spôsobom. Ak to musím vziať len skrze svoj vlastný rozum, potom vám to povedal skôr, ako budem o tom hovoriť. Ale som si tak istý, ako tu stojím dnes večer, že to dnes čerstvo prišlo ku mne od Všemohúceho. Nemám sklon ku tomu, aby som len tak niečo hovoril, keď to prišlo na túto časť Písma. Dúfam, že rozumiete o čom teraz hovorím.

Viete, že nemôžete hovoriť niektoré veci, ak tu niečo má byť položené prv, ako sa to stane. Nemôžete to povedať, až kým to niečo tam neleží. Rozumiete? Či čítate o tom niečom? Či počúvate o tom niečom?

25Nuž, Baránok teraz otvára tú zrolovanú Knihu zapečatenú Siedmymi Pečaťami. Pristupujeme dnes večer ku tomu miestu. Nech nám Boh pomôže. Pri tom, čo sú tieto Pečate zlámané a uvoľnené, tie tajomstvá tej Knihy sú zjavené. Nuž, vidíte, toto je zapečatená Kniha. Nuž, veríme tomu. Či nie? Veríme, že to je zapečatená Kniha. No, nikdy predtým sme toto nepoznali, ale to existuje. Je to zapečatené Siedmymi Pečaťami. Je, na zadnej strane tej Knihy, tá Kniha je zapečatená Siedmymi Pečaťami.

26Keby sme hovorili o takomto type knihy, to by bolo tak, ako dať krížom cez to pásku - sedem pások. [Brat Branham na znázornenie toho ukazuje knihu. -- pozn.prekl.] Ale to nie je takýto druh knihy. To je zvitok. A potom, keď ten zvitok je rozvinutý, to je jeden zvitok. Potom rovno v tom zvitku leží zvitok číslo dva. A hneď tu v ňom je napísané, čo to je - ale to je tajomstvo. Ale my sme to jednako skúmali, ale pamätajte, tá Kniha je zapečatená. A tá Kniha je Knihou tajomstva zjavenia. To je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? Kniha zjavenia. A teraz viete, že po celý čas to ľudia skúmali a snažili sa dostať sa do toho. My všetci sme sa to snažili. A jednako ...

27Pamätám sa raz ... Ak je tu náhodou prítomný pán Bohannon, alebo niekto z jeho ľudí, nemienim ho tým nejako uraziť. Pán Bohannon je môj dôverný priateľ. On bol správcom Verejných Služieb, keď som tam bol zamestnaný. Hneď, ako som bol spasený som mu rozprával, že čítam Knihu Zjavenia. On povedal: "Snažil som sa to čítať." Povedal ... A pán Bohannon bol fajn človek a bol členom cirkvi a ... Neviem ku čomu všetkému on náležal, ale on povedal: "Myslím, že Ján musel mať vtedy na večeru štipľavú papriku a išiel spať s plným žalúdkom."

Povedal som mu, hoci ma to mohol stáť, že prídem o prácu, povedal som mu: "Nehanbíte sa tak hovoriť?" A ja som bol len chlapec. Ale povedal som: "Nehanbíte sa tak hovoriť o Slove Božom?" Bol som pritom len dieťa, nebolo mi viac ako nejakých ... možno dvadsať jedna, dvadsať dva rokov. A o robotu bola núdza, bola hospodárska kríza. Ale jednako som mal v sebe bázeň, keď som počul nejakú narážku voči Božiemu Slovu. Toto je Pravda! Všetko toto je Pravda!

28Tak to nebol ani nejaký sen, ani nočná múra. Ján nejedol ... On bol na ostrove Patmos, pretože sa snažil dať Slovo Božie do formy knihy a Rímska vláda ho tam dala do vyhnanstva. A bol na tom ostrove v Deň Pánov. A počul za sebou Hlas mnohých vôd a otočil sa, aby videl a videl Sedem Zlatých Svietnikov. Tam medzi nimi stál Syn Boží.

Tak potom tá Kniha je zjavenie. Tak, zjavenie, to je niečo, čo dáva niečo najavo, niečo, čo bolo zjavené. A teraz si všimnite, aby ste na to nezabudli! To je zavreté až do posledného času. Vidíte? Celé tajomstvo o tom je zavreté až do posledného času. Nachádzame to tu v Písme.

29Tajomstvá tej Knihy sú zjavené, keď sú zlámané tie Pečate. A keď sú tie Pečate celkom zlámané, čas vykúpenia sa skončil. Pretože Baránok opustil miesto Prostredníka, aby vystúpil a aby si vzal to, čo Mu patrí. On medzi tým bol Prímluvcom. Ale keď dochádza ku tomu skutočnému zjaveniu Pečatí, keď oni začínajú byť lámané, Baránok vychádza zo svätyni. To je podľa Slova. Čítali sme to minulý večer. On vyšiel von zo stredu a vzal Knihu. Tak On už viac nie je Prímluvcom. Pretože ešte aj oni Ho nazvali Levom - a to je Kráľ. A On už potom nie je Prímluvca.

30Hoci herci, ktorí účinkujú v týchto Pečatiach začali v prvom cirkevnom veku ... Zapamätajte si teraz, ak budeme môcť dostanete takto ku tomu úplné pozadie, alebo tak úplné, ako to bude možné. Herci ... Predstavím to takto, pretože herec je niekto, kto zamieňa masky.

A dnes večer v tejto roli budeme vidieť, že to je Satan, ktorý mení svoju masku. A všetci herci ... Kristus odohráva roľu, ktorú On mal, keď sa z Ducha stal človekom. On len vzal na seba herecký odev - ľudské telo a prišiel dole vo forme človeka, za tým účelom, aby bol Príbuzným Vykupiteľom.

31Nuž, vidíte, to je len nejaká herecká forma. Preto sú tu oni všetci znázornení v podobenstvách a takým spôsobom, ako bytosti, zvieratá a tak ďalej. To je v nejakej roli. A títo herci začali v prvom cirkevnom veku, pretože to bol Kristus zjavujúci sa v siedmych cirkevných vekoch. Rozumiete tomu? No dobre. Vidíte? Kristus sa zjavuje v siedmych cirkevných vekoch. Potom počas týchto cirkevných vekov dochádza do veľkého zamiešania. A potom na konci toho cirkevného veku, posolstvo toho siedmeho anjela má pozbierať tieto stratené tajomstvá a dať ich Cirkvi. Nuž, všimneme si to.

32Ale ... vtedy neboli zjavené vo svojom pravom stave. Nuž, v tom Biblickom čase, tie tajomstvá tam boli a oni videli diať sa tieto veci, takým spôsobom, ako to videl Ján. On povedal: "Tam je jazdec na bielom koni." Ale, aké tajomstvo sa skrýva za tým - tam je nejaké tajomstvo, ktoré ide s tým jazdcom. Nuž, čo to bolo, oni nevedeli, ale má to byť zjavené. Ale má to byť zjavené potom, keď Baránok opustí Otcov Trón, Trón Svojej prímluvy, kde bol ako Príbuzný Vykupiteľ.

Niečo tu poviem. Nuž, ak ktokoľvek, kto dostane tieto pásky ... Každý človek môže hovoriť, čo chce. Má právo robiť čokoľvek podľa svojho presvedčenia. Ale viete, ak nejaký kazateľ toto nechce medzi svojimi ľuďmi, potom mu povedzte, aby si to nebral. Ale toto je to, čo má byť povedané medzi ľuďmi, ku ktorým som bol poslaný, a tak musím zjaviť to, čo je Pravda.

33Baránok, tu predtým v čase prímluvy, On vedel, že tam boli mená, ktoré tam boli zapísané od založenia sveta. A dovtedy, kým sa ešte tie mená nezamanifestovali na zemi, On tam stále musel byť, ako Prímluvca. Rozumiete tomu? Dokonale, predurčené! Vidíte?

34No dobre. On tam stále musel byť, pretože On prišiel, aby zomrel za tých, ktorých Boh určil do Večného Života. Vidíte? Skrze Svoje predvedenie ich On videl. Nie skrze Svoju Vlastnú vôľu; Jeho vôľa bola, aby žiadny z nich nezahynul. Ale skrze Svoje predvedenie On vedel, kto zahynie a kto nie.

35A preto zatiaľ, kým tam bolo jedno meno, ktoré sa ešte nezjavilo na zemi, Kristus tam musel zotrvávať ako Prímluvca, aby sa staral o to meno. Ale akonáhle to posledné meno spadlo do toho Cloroxu, či bielidla, potom čas Jeho prímluvy sa skončil. "Nech ten, kto je špinavý zostane špinavý. Nech ten, kto je svätý, zostane svätý." Vidíte? A On opúšťa svätyňu a potom sa to stáva súdnou stolicou. Beda tým, ktorí sú potom pomimo Krista!

36No, všimnite si: Ale to má byť zjavené, keď Baránok opustí Svoje miesto prímluvy od Otca. No, to je Zjavenie 5. Teraz, On berie tú Knihu Pečatí - Knihu Pečatí, alebo Knihu zapečatenú Pečaťami, láme tie pečate a ukazuje ich ... Pozrite sa. Teraz na konci veku, potom, čo skončila prímluva, cirkevné veky sa zakončili. On prichádza v tom prvom veku, v Efezskom Veku; zjavil, poslal toho posla. Všimnite si, čo sa deje, ako ideme ďalej.

37Tu je plán toho. Prvé, čo sa deje - najprv tam v nebesiach je oznámenie. Čo sa stalo? Pečať je otvorená. Čo to je? Tajomstvo je odhalené. Vidíte? A keď sa odhaľuje tajomstvo, potom zneje trúba. Ona vyhlasuje vojnu. Padajú pliagy a otvára sa cirkevný vek. Vidíte? Kvôli čomu je tá vojna? Ten anjel Cirkvi porozumieva zjavenie Božie, ešte nie plne zjavené. Ale, keď to on porozumieva, on uchvacuje toto tajomstvo Božie, a potom ide ďalej ku ľuďom - potom, čo mu bolo dané to tajomstvo ide ďalej ku ľuďom! Čo on tam vonku robí? On začína vyhlasovať to posolstvo. A čo to začína spôsobovať? Vojnu! Duchovnú vojnu.

38A Boh potom berie Svojho posla s vyvolenými toho veku a spiacich ich odkladá nabok. A potom zosiela pliagu na tých, ktorí to odmietli; prechodný súd.

39A potom, keď to pominulo, potom on ide ďalej. A oni robia denomináciu a vstupujú do denominácií a začínajú s tou ľudskou robotou - ako v prípade Wesleya i všetkých ostatných. A potom sa z toho všetkého znovu stáva guláš. A potom vystupuje do popredia ďalšie tajomstvo. Čo sa potom deje? Na zemi povstáva ďalší posol pre ďalší cirkevný vek. Vidíte? Potom, keď on povstane - zneje trúba. On vyhlasuje vojnu. Vidíte? A čo sa potom deje? On je potom nakoniec zabratý preč. A potom, keď on už leží naboku, potom padajú pliagy - ničia ich. Duchovná smrť naráža na cirkev a ona je preč - tá skupina. Potom to ide ďalej ku ďalšiemu.

40Ó, to je veľký plán. Až kým to nepríde ku tomu poslednému anjelovi. Nuž, on nemá žiadne určité tajomstvo. Ale on zhromaždí všetky tie, ktoré boli stratené v tých iných vekoch. Všetky tie Pravdy, ktoré ešte neboli pravdivo zjavené, vidíte, keď prichádza to zjavenie. On potom vo svojom čase zjavuje tieto veci. Ak si to chcete prečítať, je to tu: Zjavenie 10, od 1 do asi 4, porozumiete to. No dobre.

41Vidíte? Berie tú Knihu Pečatí a láme ich a ukazuje to siedmemu anjelovi; práve kvôli tomuto - kvôli týmto tajomstvám Božím - je služba siedmeho anjela! Nuž, práve sme prešli cez tie cirkevné veky, dokonca s históriou, aby sme to dokázali. To je to anjelské posolstvo tej siedmej cirkvi. No dobre, zjavuje všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli v minulosti - všetky tie minulé veky. Zjavenie 10: 1-7. To je to, čo to má byť.

42Zapamätajte si teraz. Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela - jeho trúbenie sa bude rozliehať, trúbenie na trúbe Evanjelia - on má dokončiť všetky tajomstvá Božie. Práve tak ako ...Tu v tých ranných cirkevných vekoch povstáva náuka, potom ... Dostaneme sa za chvíľu ku tomu. To sa stalo najprv niečím o čom sa hovorilo, potom náukou a potom sa to stalo zákonom a potom sa to stalo cirkvou. A cez tie temné veky, a po tých temných vekoch prichádza prvá reformácia s Lutherom. A on prináša so sebou všetky rôzne tajomné veci, ktoré sa odohrali počas toho cirkevného veku, všetko tam predtým, ale on to nedoviedol do konca.

43Potom prichádza Wesley s posvätením. On mal toho trochu viac. Stále to nebolo dovedené do konca. Všade zostali voľné konce, ako fŕkanie namiesto krstu. A Luther vzal "Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého" namiesto "Pána Ježiša Krista." Všetky tieto rôzne veci.

44Potom prichádza Letničný vek s krstom Ducha Svätého a oni sa na tom uložili a skysli, ako kapusta v sude. No, nemôže byť už viacej vekov. To sú všetky. To je Laodicejský Vek. Ale potom sme našli pri skúmaní Písma, že posol na daný vek prišiel stále práve na konci toho veku. Pavol prišiel na konci veku. Zistili sme, že Ireneus prišiel na konci veku. Martin, na konci toho veku. Luther, na konci katolíckeho veku. A čo? - Wesley na konci Lutherovho veku. A Letniční na konci veku posvätenia, do krstu Duchom Svätým.

45A na konci Letničného veku máme prijať, podľa Slova, keď mi Boh pomôže ukázať vám to dnes cez toto tu, že máme prijať posla, ktorý tam vezme všetky tie stratené konce a zjaví celé tajomstvo Božie, na vytrhnutie Cirkvi.

46Potom prichádza sedem tajomných Hromov, čo nie je vôbec ani zapísané! Je to tak! A verím, že skrze tých Sedem Hromov, ktoré budú zjavené v tých posledných dňoch za tým účelom, aby zhromaždili spolu Nevestu pre vieru do vytrhnutia. Pretože to, čo máme práve teraz; neboli by sme to schopní urobiť. Je niečo, čo musí vystúpiť dopredu, pretože nemáme dostatok viery ani na Božské uzdravenie. Musíme mať dostatok viery, aby sme v jednej chvíli boli premenení a zabraní preč z tejto zemi. A zistíme to za chvíľu, ak Pán dá, nájdeme kde je to napísané.

47Potom všetky súdy s tými, ktorí činia zlo ... No, vidíte, cez tieto veky, ako boli lámané tieto pečate ... až do teraz, keď je zlámaná posledná Pečať. A teraz, pri tom, čo oni skúmali tieto Pečate a len sa domnievali čo znamenajú, teraz na konci vekov - cirkevných vekov, všetci tí, ktorí činia zlo budú mať svoj diel a zakončia v tom súžení.

48Všetky tieto záporné postavy v týchto Siedmych Pečatiach, ktoré v cirkvi tajomne pracovali ... A za chvíľu budeme vidieť, že pracovali dokonca v mene cirkvi. Oni sami seba nazývali cirkev! Môžete vidieť, že je to tak! Nie divu, že som bol tak proti denominácii, nevediac prečo.

Oni skončia ... Nuž, začalo to tam v jemnej forme a stávalo sa to ďalej horšie a horšie, až ... A ľudia išli rovno do toho, hovoriac: "Ó áno, toto je proste fajn." Ale v tých posledných dňoch sú tieto veci dané najavo. A oni nakoniec postupujú tak zle, až vojdú rovno do obdobia súženia.

49Ako niekto môže povedať, že Nevesta Kristova pôjde do súženia? Nemôžem to pochopiť! Ona je vzatá preč zo súženia. Ak Cirkev bola súdená a oni súdili sami seba a prijali Krv, ako môže Boh súdiť človeka, ktorý je dokonale, úplne bez hriechu? Vy hovoríte: "Neexistuje taká osoba." Každý znovu zrodený veriaci, skutočný veriaci, je dokonale, absolútne bez hriechu pred Bohom. On nespolieha na svoje skutky; na Krvi Ježiša do ktorej kvaplo jeho vyznanie. Biblia tak hovorí. Vidíte?

50"Ten, kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší, pretože nemôže hrešiť." Ako môžete robiť človeka hriešnikom, keď bielidlo Krvi Ježiša Krista je medzi ním a Bohom? To rozoženie hriech, až z neho nič nezostane. Vidíte? Ako môže tá čistá Kristova Krv dovoliť, aby tam kedy prešiel hriech? On nemôže.

51Ježiš povedal: "Buďte dokonalí, ako váš Otec v Nebesiach je dokonalý." A ako by sme mohli, čo len pomyslieť o tom byť dokonalí? Ale Ježiš to požadoval. A ak to Ježiš požadoval, On musel ku tomu urobiť cestu. A urobil - skrze Svoju vlastnú Krv!

52No, zjavuje všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré sa odohrávali v minulosti. No, tu v čase konca je tá myšlienka, že tie tajomstvá, ktoré začali tam dávno a prešli cez tie cirkevné veky, majú tu byť zjavené pri lámaní týchto Pečatí - tu v týchto posledných dňoch, potom čo čas prímluvy je práve skoro zakončený - v tom čase.

53Potom na tých, ktorý sú poza tým, čakajú súdy. Oni idú ďalej do toho. To je potom, čo Nevesta bola vzatá zo scény. Ó, čítajme len Písmo. Či si chce všetci poznačiť niektoré z tých miest Písma? Vezmime ll. List Tesaloničanom, len na chvíľu, a pozrieme sa na chvíľu do neho. To je tu tak nádherný obraz. Páči sa mi to. Pozrime sa. Áno, ll. Tesaloničanom. A chcem čítať druhú kapitolu Druhého Listu Tesaloničanom a siedmy verš. Pozrime sa. Druhý Tesaloničanom 2:7. Myslím, že to je to. No, zapisoval som si to s chvením a s trasením.

Lebo tajomstvo bezzákonnosti už pôsobí, len až by ten, kto teraz zdržuje, bol odstránený zo stredu.

54Kto? "Ten kto zdržuje." Vidíte, tajomstvo ... tajomstvo neprávosti, vtedy hneď tu v tom prvom cirkevnom veku. Tu Pavol píše, hovorí, že tajomstvo neprávosti ... Čo je neprávosť? Neprávosť, to je niečo, čo viete, že nemáte robiť a jednako to robíte. A Pavol povedal, že niečo také je dnes na zemi, činitelia neprávosti. Ó, ak ... dostaneme sa do ... Čítajme len ten kúsok. Začnime trochu predtým - od tretieho verša.

Nech vás nikto nezvedie nijakým spôsobom, lebo deň Kristov nenastane, kým prv nepríde odpadnutie, a nebude zjavený


človek hriechu, syn zatratenia;

 (to je pravda)

Ktorý sa protiví a povyšuje nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh, alebo čomu sa dáva božská česť, takže sa posadí do chrámu Božieho ako Boh a bude sa vydávať za Boha

 (odpúšťajúc hriechy).

Či sa nepamätáte, že ešte keď som bol u vás, som vám to hovoril?

 (Rád by som sedel pri takom jeho vyučovaní. Či vy nie?)

A teraz to, čo zdržuje, viete, aby bol zjavený vo svojom čase.

Nie vtedy, vidíte! Nie vtedy, ale "vo svojom čase". Vidíte, pri lámaní tej Pečati. My budeme presne vedieť, čo to bolo. Kto je ten človek neprávosti? Kto je ten človek hriechu? Tento, ktorý činí neprávosť? "Ale on bude zjavený vo svojom čase."

Lebo tajomstvo neprávosti už pôsobí

 (zvoditelia, vidíte, zvádzajú ľudí do niečoho, vidíte): 

len až by ten,


kto ... len až by ten, kto teraz zdržuje

 (Cirkev, Kristus, Nevesta), 

bol odstránený zo stredu.

A potom bude zjavený ten bezzákonný bezbožník, ...

(Pri lámaní tej Pečati, vo svojom čase. Pavol povedal: "Nie v mojom čase, ale v čase, keď on bude zjavený." Vidíte?)...

ktorého Pán Ježiš zabije duchom svojich úst, ...

(Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme.)...

duchom svojich úst...

 (Dávajte pozor, čo to je.)...

a skazí zjavením svojho príchodu,

toho bezbožníka, ktorého príchod je podľa mocného pôsobenia satanovho.

(Jeho, jeho, človeka.)...

ktorého pôsobenie je podľa mocného pôsobenia satanovho so všetkou mocou a so znameniami a s lživými zázrakmi,

a s každým zvodom neprávosti,

(Zvádza ľudí skrze neprávosti.)

... medzi tými, ktorí hynú

... (Nie medzi touto Nevestou; medzi tým, ktorí hľadajú niečo také.) ...

pretože neprijali lásky pravdy, ...

 (A Kristus je Pravda, a Kristus je Slovo; ale oni majú radšej vierovyznanie. Och! Vidíte?) 

... aby boli spasení.

A preto im Boh pošle mocné pôsobenie bludu, aby uverili lži,

(To by malo byť tam preložené "tej lži", ako som sa díval do lexikónu. Nie len "lži". "Tej lži" - to je tá istá lož, ktorú on povedal Eve.)

aby boli odsúdení ... ktorí neuverili pravde, ale si obľúbili neprávosť.

Čo za výpoveď! Ó! Potom, čo Nevesta je vzatá preč, potom sa zjaví tento človek hriechu. Ona, tá skutočná Nevesta Kristova bola vyvolená z každého cirkevného veku.

55Nuž, jedného dňa som povedal, že Nevesta môže odísť domov a vy nebudete nič o tom vedieť. To je pravda. Niekto povedal: "No, brat Branham, to by bola veľmi malá skupina." Ježiš povedal: "Tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho," tak porozprávajte sa s Ním o tom, vidíte, "kde osem duší bolo zachránených vodou, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

56Keby dnes večer bolo osemsto, ktorí by odišli vo vytrhnutí, zajtra by ste sa nedopočuli ani slovo o tom, ani napozajtra, ani neskoršie. Oni by odišli a vy by ste nič o tom nevedeli. To by bolo to isté.

Čo sa snažím povedať? Nesnažím sa vás vystrašiť, či znepokojiť. Chcem, aby ste boli čulí. Pripravení, bdelí v každej minúte. Prestaňte so svojimi nezmyslami. Zahĺbte sa len do Božích vecí, pretože je neskoršie, ako si myslíte.

57Nuž, zapamätajte si, tá skutočná Nevesta ... Nuž, existuje falošná nevesta. Máme to v Zjavení 17. Ona hovorí: "Som vdova a v ničom nemám nedostatok," - sedí na šarlátovej šelme, a tak ďalej, či lepšie povedané na šelme. Nuž, ale tá skutočná Nevesta bude zložená z tisícov krát tisícov ľudí, ale to budú tí vyvolení z každého cirkevného veku. V každom čase vyšlo posolstvo a ľudia mu verili a prijali ho v plnom svetle, v akom ono bolo, keď boli zapečatení až do Dňa Vykúpenia.

58Či nehovoril Ježiš to isté, keď povedal: "Pri siedmej stráži sa rozľahol krik?" To je posledný cirkevný vek. Vidíte? A povedal: "Ajhľa, Ženích prichádza; vyjdite Mu naproti."

59A potom prišla tá spiaca panna, pretierala si oči a povedala: "Zdá sa mi, že by som tiež mala mať niečo z toho oleja. Tak vy by ste možno nejaký mali."

60Tá skutočná, opravdivá Nevesta, ktorá tam stála, povedala: "My máme akurát dosť pre seba. Och-hm. Máme akurát dosť pre seba, aby sme vošli. Nemôžeme vám nič dať. Ak chcete nejaký, choďte a premodlite sa."

61A zatiaľ, čo ona odišla, prišiel Ženích a Nevesta vošla. A potom tie pozostalé, ktoré boli skutočne panny - cirkev, ona bola zanechaná vonku! A On povedal: "Tam bude plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov." Vidíte?

62Nuž, to je tá vyvolená. A keď sa rozľahol ten krik: "Ženích prichádza," potom každá jedna z tých, ktoré spali cez tie veky sa prebudili. Každá jedna!

63Vidíte, to Boh nerobí tak, ako by sme si mysleli, že On ide, aby ulovil niekoľko tisícov ľudí v tomto veku a vzal ich. To sú tí vyvolení z každého veku. A preto Kristus musí pozostávať tu na stolici prímluvcu, ako Prostredník, až kým nevojde ten posledný v tom poslednom veku. A potom tieto zjavenia o tom, čo to bolo, sa prelamujú na ľudí a oni vidia, čo sa stalo. Rozumiete teraz tomu? No dobre.

64Všimnite si, tí ostatní mŕtvi - členovia cirkví - neožili, až kým sa nedokonalo tisíc rokov. Členovia cirkví, kresťania, cirkev, neožili, až kým neprešlo tých tisíc rokov. A potom oni prišli a postavili sa pred Nevestou. Je to tak. Postavili sa pred Kráľom a Kráľovnou. Sláva!

65Nejaká cirkev nazýva dnes samú seba, "Kráľovná Nebies." Kráľovná Nebies je tá vybraná Nevesta Kristova a Ona prichádza s Ním. Daniel to videl a povedal: "Desať tisíce krát desať tisícov Mu slúžili." Nuž ak tam v Danielovi budete pozorovať to Písmo: "Zasadol súd, a knihy sa otvorili."

66Nuž zapamätajte si, keď On príde, On príde so Svojou Nevestou. Žena slúži svojmu mužovi. "A desať tisíce krát desať tisíce tisícov Mu slúžilo." "Zasadol súd a knihy sa otvorili." "A iná kniha sa otvorila, ktorá je Kniha Života." Nie Nevesta, vôbec nie! Ona odišla a prišla naspäť a stojí tam pri súde tých generácií, ktoré odmietli Posolstvo Evanjelia.

67Či nepovedal Ježiš? "Kráľovná z juhu povstane vo svojich dňoch na súde s touto generáciou a odsúdi ju. Pretože ona prišla z ďalekých končín sveta, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu a tu je väčší, ako Šalamún."

68Tam zasadol súd. Kráľovná z juhu, zo šeby povstala tam na tom súde a jej vlastné svedectvo ... nie ani židovka. Prišla s tou židovskou generáciou. A oni boli slepí a nerozpoznali Ho, pretože ... oni očakávali na Neho, ale On prišiel tak jednoducho, že oni prešli takto rovno okolo toho. A tam sa táto veľká kráľovná pokorila a prišla a prijala to posolstvo. "A ona povstane na súde." On povedal: "a odsúdi tú generáciu."

69Vždy vidíte tie tri skupiny. Kniha, podľa ktorej boli súdení tí mŕtvi. Ďalšia kniha, Kniha Života - pre tých, ktorí mali mená v knihe Života. Vy hovoríte: "Ak je tvoje meno zapísané v Knihe Života, je to v poriadku, či nie?" Nie veru!

70Pozrite sa, Judáš Iškariodský mal zapísané meno v Knihe Života. Vy teraz hovoríte, že to nie je pravda! Ježiš, v Matúšovi 10, im dal moc, aby vyháňali démonov a poslal ich, aby uzdravovali nemocných a očisťovali malomocných a kriesili mŕtvych. A oni odišli a vrátili sa naspäť, Judáš zarovno s nimi. A vyháňali démonov a dokonávali všetky druhy zázrakov. A oni sa vrátili a hovorili: "Aj démoni sa nám poddávali."

71Ježiš povedal: "Neradujte sa z toho, že sa vám démoni poddávajú, ale radujte sa, že sú vaše mená napísané v Nebesiach." A Judáš bol s nimi. Ale čo sa stalo? Keď prišlo ku tomu, aby tá vyvolená skupina išla tam do Letníc a skutočne prijala Ducha Svätého, Judáš ukázal svoje farby. On bude tam na súde.

72Tak knihy sa otvorili; a Kniha Života bola otvorená, a tak bol súdený každý človek. No Nevesta tam stojí s Kristom, aby súdila svet.

73Či Pavol nepovedal: "Či sa opovažujete," hovoriac ku Neveste, "kto má nejaký spor s iným, súdiť sa pred nespravodlivými. Alebo či neviete, že svätí budú súdiť svet?" Vidíte? No prosím. Svätí budú súdiť svet a zaujmú ho. Je to tak!

Vy hovoríte: "Ako vôbec taká malá skupina ... ?" Ja neviem, ako sa to stane. Ale On povedal, že sa to stane, a pokiaľ viem, tým je to urovnané.

74No, všimnite si tých ostatných mŕtvych (členov cirkví, mŕtvych členov cirkví) neožili, až kým sa dokoná tisíc rokov. A potom po tisícich rokoch, oni budú zhromaždení. Príde ďalšie vzkriesenie, ktorým je druhé vzkriesenie a oni boli zhromaždení. A Kristus a cirkev ... Nevesta, nie cirkev. Nevesta! Kristus a Kráľovná, (nie cirkev) Kristus a Nevesta sa tam postavili. A oni boli oddelení, ako ovce od kozlov. Je to tak. Tam prichádzajú členovia cirkví.

75A ak oni počuli Pravdu a odmietli ju, potom čo im bude povedané, keď tá veľká vec bude premietnutá na plátne, keď tam budú premietnuté ešte aj vaše vlastné myšlienky? Čo ste si o tom mysleli. Ako uniknete? Je to rovno tam na nebeských plátnach, tam v tom veľkom Božom televízore. Vaše vlastné rebelujúce myšlienky. Vaše vlastné myšlienky budú v tej hodine hovoriť proti vám!

76A tak ak hovoríte jedno a myslíte pritom niečo iné, bolo by lepšie, aby ste s tým prestali. Obráťte svoje myšlienky k Bohu. Zachovávajte ich čisté a zostávajte práve tam s nimi a hovorte stále to isté. Vidíte? Nehovorte: "No dobre, poviem, že tomu verím. Ale pôjdem to prekuknúť." Verte tomu! Amen.

77Všimnite si, tieto predobrazy - dôvod, že oni zomierajú, že idú cez očisťujúci súd súženia je ten, že nie sú skutočne pod Krvou! Oni tvrdia, že sú, ale nie sú. Ako oni môžu prechádzať cez nejaký súd, aby boli očistení, keď je, keď (bielidlo) Krv Ježiša Krista odníma od vás každý príznak hriechu a všetkého? Vy ste už mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Ňom, skrze Boha a je tam zapečatený Duchom Svätým.

78Kvôli čomu by ste mali byť súdení? Kde získate svoje očistenie? Od čoho musíte byť očistení, keď ste v Kristovi dokonale bezhriešni? Načo je súd?

79Ale toto je spiaca skupina, ktorú tí ľudia nemohli dohotoviť. Nuž, oni ju za tie roky nedohotovili, vidíte. Ale toto je hodina zjavenia, vidíte, zjavená práve pri príchode Nevesty; to posledné navinutie, tie posledné veci prichádzajú ... Prichádza to ku koncu, priatelia, verím.

80Kedy? Neviem. Nemôžem vám to povedať. Ale všetko ... Chcem žiť dnes tak, ako keby to bolo dnes, aby som bol pripravený. On môže prísť dnes večer. A tiež nemusí prísť za dvadsať rokov. Ja neviem, kedy príde. Ale kedykoľvek to bude ... A môj život môže dnes večer skončiť. Potom čokoľvek, čo som tu vykonal sa v tej hodine skončí. Musím Ho stretnúť na súde v takom stave, ako som tu chodil. Tam, kde sa strom nakláňa, tam spadne.

81Zapamätajte si, keď oni odišli kupovať olej, oni ... "Ó," vy poviete: "počkaj teraz za chvíľu, brat Branham. Ja o tom neviem." Keď oni odišli kupovať olej, keď sa vrátili, Nevesta bola preč a dvere boli zavreté. A oni klopali a hovorili: "Dovoľ nám vojsť! Dovoľ nám vojsť!" Ale oni boli vonku vo vonkajšej tme.

82Nuž, ak chcete ku tomu nejaký predobraz, no pozrite sa: "V čase Noeho," Ježiš povedal, poukazujúc na to. Nuž, v čase Noeho, oni vošli do korábu. Ale oni boli nesení cez ... kým trval súdu, ale to nebol predobraz Kristovej Nevesty. Enoch bol predobrazom Nevesty.

83Enoch ... Noe prešiel na druhú stranu cez obdobie súženia a trpel a opil sa a zomrel. Ale Enoch chodil pred Bohom päťsto rokov a mal svedectvo, že sa ľúbil Bohu s vierou do vytrhnutia; a len začal rovno kráčať a išiel hore cez oblaky a odišiel domov. Bez toho, že by čo len okúsil smrť. On vôbec nezomrel!

84To je predobraz: "My ktorí sme živí a ponechaní, nepredstihneme, ani nezabránime ľuďom tomu istému typu, ktorí spia," ktorí upadli do spánku z dôvodu ľudského veku a dožitia sa ľudského veku. Oni tam zomreli, ale oni nie sú mŕtvi. Oni spia. Amen. Oni spia, nie sú mŕtvi! A to jediné, čo ku tomu treba je Ženích, aby ich prebudil. Áno. A my ktorí sme živí a ponechaní, nepredstihneme tých ktorí zosnuli. Pretože trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú najprv; potom my, ktorí sme živí budeme vychvátení spolu s nimi a stretneme Pána na povetrí. A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až kým sa nevyplnilo tisíc rokov. Tu to máte! Oni išli cez obdobie súženia. Čo to bolo? Ako Enoch.

85Viete, Noe pozoroval Enocha. Pretože, keď Enoch pôjde hore a nebude ho, on vedel, že súd je na blízku. On sa musel zvŕtať okolo korábu, ale Noe neišiel hore. On bol len trošku zodvihnutý a prechádzal cez súženia. On bol prenášaný cez obdobie súženia, aby zomrel smrťou. Vidíte? Ale Noe bol nesený cez to. Enoch bol prenesený bez smrti - predobraz Cirkvi, ktorá je vychvátená hore s tými, ktorí zosnuli, aby stretli Pána na povetrí. A ostatok cirkvi je prenesený do obdobia súženia. Ja sám z toho nemôžem dostať nič inšie. Enoch vytrhnutý - žiadna smrť.

86No, začnime to teraz trochu študovať. Poďme do našej lekcii. Stále som len tu pri tom, nemôžeme sa dostať ku tejto Pečati. No všimnite si. Vezmime teraz ... pretože budeme mať dlhú ... Možno zajtra večer alebo napozajtra narazíme sem tam na trúbu, pretože tá trúba trúbi v tom istom čase, ako Pečate. To je proste to isté - otvára sa cirkevní vek - to je proste to isté. Vidíte?

87Nuž, trúba stále oznamuje vojnu, alebo inak tiež, politický nepokoj. Trúba oznamuje politický nepokoj a to spôsobuje vojnu. Keď vchádzate do politického zamiešania, a oni všetci sa dostávajú do neporiadku, ako to máme teraz, dávajte pozor! Vojna je na blízku!

88Ale vidíte, kráľovstvo stále patrí Satanovi. On má stále tú časť vo svojej ruke, pretože ... Prečo? Kristus to vykúpil, ale On vykonáva úlohu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa, prijíma Svojich poddaných, až kým to ten posledný, ktorého meno je zapísané v tej Knihe, neprijme a nebude zapečatený. Nuž, rozumiete tomu? Potom On prichádza zo Svojho Trónu, z Trónu Svojho Otca, predstupuje, berie Knihu z Božej ruky, z Trónu a dožaduje sa Svojho práva. Tá prvá vec, ktorú On robí je, že sa dovoláva Svojej Nevesty. Amen! Čo On potom berie? Berie Svojho protivníka, Satana a zväzuje ho a vrhá ho tam do toho ohňa, so všetkými tými, ktorí ho nasledujú.

89Pamätajte teraz, to nebolo Rusko! Nie. Antikrist je uhladený chlapík. Len sledujte, aký je on uhladený. On je chytrý. Tak veru. Na to treba proste Ducha Svätého, to je jediné, čo ho môže premôcť.

90Všimnite si, trúby znamenajú politický nepokoj, vojny. V Matúšovi 24, Ježiš o tom hovoril. On povedal: "Budete počuť o vojnách a chýry o vojnách ..." Vidíte, po celý ten čas. Pamätáte, že Ježiš to hovorí: "Vojny, chýry a vojny a chýry a vojny, až do konca." Nuž, to je trúbenie trúby.

91Nuž, keď sa dostaneme ku tým trúbám, pôjdeme tam naspäť a vezmeme každú z tých vojen a ukážem vám, že oni nasledovali tie cirkvi. Ukážeme vám, že oni nasledujú tieto Pečate. "Vojny a chýry o vojne." Ale trúba označuje politický nepokoj; zatiaľ čo Pečate pojednávajú o náboženských nepokojoch. Vidíte?

92Pečať je otvorená, posolstvo je vypustené. A potom cirkev sa stále tak usadí na svojich vlastných politických spôsoboch a všetkom možnom a všetkých svojich hodnostároch. A keď prichádza dole to skutočné posolstvo, vystupuje ten posol a roztrasie ich na kusy. Tak to je! Keď je otvorená Pečať nastáva náboženský nepokoj. To je to, čo sa dialo.

93Áno. Oni sa dostávajú všetci pohodlne na Sion. Cirkev sa stáva celkom usadená a ... "My sme to už všetko urobili." Práve tak ako Anglická cirkev - oni boli všetci pevne usadení. Katolícka cirkev - všetko pevne usadené, a potom prichádza Luther. Nastalo náboženské znepokojenie. Tak veru! Skutočne nastalo!

94No, cirkev odchádzala s Cwinglim. A od Cwingliho išla ďalej ku ďalším a ku Calvínovi. A po nejakom čase sa Anglikánska cirkev usadila a to bolo celkom pohodlne. A potom prichádza Wesley! Nastali náboženské nepokoje. Tak to je! Vidíte, to stále označovalo náboženské nepokoje.

Nuž, táto Pečať. Čítajme to teraz trochu. Chcem, aby ste to porozumeli. Budeme čítať ... Začínam to príliš rozvádzať.

A videl som, keď Baránok otvoril jednu z pečatí

 (čo sa stalo?) 

a počul som ako hlasom hromu, ...

Ó, ako rád by som pri tom zostal aspoň niekoľko minút! A dúfam teraz, že všetci ľudia, ktorí poznajú tieto veci a očakávajú na potešenie Pánovo, budú študovať teraz skutočne dôkladne; a vy pri tých páskach tak isto, že budete myslieť o tomto.

95Tá prvá vec, ktorá sa stala ... Keď Baránok zlomil túto Prvú Pečať, zaburácal hrom. Nuž, to malo nejaký význam. To niečo znamenalo. To má nejaký význam.. Nič sa nedeje bez významu. No dobre, hrom, zahučal hrom. Ste zvedaví, čo to bol ten hrom?

96Čítajme trochu. Otvorme si Matúša ... Nie, zoberme najprv Ev. Jána. Ev. Ján 12. kapitola a zastavme sa pri tom na chvíľu. Ev. Jána 12. kapitola a začnime teraz od 23. verša sv. Jána 12. Počúvajte to tu teraz, skutočne pozorne, potom sa nebudete musieť viacej diviť, že čo to je.

A Ježiš im odpovedal a riekol: Prišla hodina aby bol oslávený Syn človeka.

97Vidíte, ste tam na konci nejakého veku. Jeho služba sa končí. Vidíte? "Prišla hodina, aby bol oslávený Syn človeka." A čo s tým: "Prišla hodina, keď musí byť vzatá Jeho Nevesta?" Čo? Prišla hodina, že "času viacej nebude." Ten Anjel je pripravený položiť jednu nohu na zem a druhú na more, s dúhou nad hlavou, s nohami ... a povie: "Čas dobehol do konca." A okrem toho, On zodvihol Svoju ruku a prisahal, že "času viacej nebude," keď sa toto stalo. Aké je to dokonalé - prehlásenie s prísahou pre Cirkev!

... Prišla hodina, aby bol oslávený Syn človeka.

Amen, amen vám hovorím, ak nezomrie pšeničné zrno, keď padne do zeme, zostane ono samotné; ale ak zomrie, donesie mnoho úžitku.

Kto má rád svoju dušu stratí ju; ... kto nenávidí svoju dušu na tomto svete, zachová ju do večného života.

Ak mne niekto slúži, nech mňa nasleduje; a kde som ja, tam ... bude aj môj služobník. A jestli mne niekto slúži, toho bude ctiť Otec.

Teraz je moja duša rozrušená; ...

Vy hovoríte, ohľadom Neho: "Dobre, prichádzaš do konca cesty a si rozrušený?" Prečo si myslíte, že keď sa deje niečo veľké duchovné, že vás to rozrušuje? Ó!

Teraz je moja duša rozrušená; a čo mám povedať: Otče, vyprosti ma z tejto hodiny? Ale veď preto som prišiel k tejto hodine.

Otče, osláv svoje meno! Vtedy prišiel hlas z neba: Aj som oslávil aj zase oslávim.

Vtedy zástup, ktorý tam stál a počul to, hovoril, že zahrmelo ...

98Potom, keď Baránok vzal tú Knihu a zlámal tú Prvú Pečať, Boh prehovoril zo svojho večného Trónu, aby povedal, čo bola tá Pečať, aby to bolo zjavené. Ale keď to bolo predložené pred Jána, bolo to v symbole. Keď to Ján videl stále to bolo tajomstvo. Prečo? To hneď vtedy ešte nebolo zjavené. To nemohlo byť zjavené, až do vtedy, ako On tu povedal, "v čase konca." Ale to prichádza v symbole.

99Keď, zahrmelo ... Pamätajte, silný tresknúci zvuk hromu je Hlas Boží. To je to, čo hovorí Biblia - úder hromu. Oni si mysleli, že to bol hrom, ale to bol Boh. On tomu rozumel, pretože Mu to bolo zjavené. Vidíte? To bol hrom.

100A všimnite si, Prvá Pečať otvorila ... Prvá Pečať, keď bola otvorená vo forme symbolu, zahrmelo! Nuž, čo potom, keď je otvorená vo svojej skutočnej forme?

101Len čo Baránok odstránil tú Pečať, zahrmelo. A čo to zjavilo? Nie všetko z nej. Prv je to u Boha, potom je to v symbole, potom je to zjavené. Tri veci. Vidíte? Vychádza to z Trónu. Prv sa to nedalo vidieť, ani počuť, ani nič. Je to zapečatené. Baránkova Krv zaplatila cenu. Keď to On vyslovil zahrmelo. A keď to On urobil, vyšiel jazdec na bielom koni a to bol stále symbol.

102Hľaďte teraz. On povedal, že to bude dané najavo v tých posledných dňoch. Ale to vychádza v cirkevnom symbole. Rozumiete tomu, cirkev? To vychádza v nejakom cirkevnom symbole, ktorý ... Oni vedia, že tam je Pečať. Ale čo to vlastne je oni ešte nevedia, pretože to je jazdec na bielom koni. A to má byť zjavené len v tom poslednom dni, keď bude zlomená táto skutočná Pečať. Zlomená pre koho? Nie pre Krista, ale pre Cirkev.

Všimnite si, teraz ... Ó, až sa z toho trasiem! Dúfam, že Cirkev skutočne rozumie to, čo myslím, vy ľudia - budem vás nazývať nevestou. Rozumiete tomu?

103Hlas je hrom. Odkiaľ prišiel ten Hlas? Z Trónu, ktorý Baránok, ako Prostredník, práve opustil. Teraz tu On stojí, aby zaujal Svoju pozíciu a uplatnil Svoje právo. Ale ten hrom vyšiel z vnútra Trónu - zahrmel von! A Baránok stál tu vonku. Hrom, tam keď Baránok opustil - opustil Otcov Trón, aby išiel a zaujal Svoj vlastný Trón. Sláva! Nuž, nech vám to neunikne, priatelia.

104My všetci vieme, ako Kresťania, že Boh prisahal Dávidovi, že On vzbudí Krista, aby zasadol na jeho trón a dá Mu večné kráľovstvo tu na zemi. On to urobil. A Ježiš povedal: "Ten kto zvíťazí nad antikristom a nad všetkými vecami toho sveta, bude sedieť so Mnou na Mojom Tróne, ako som Ja zvíťazil a zasadol som na Tróne Svojho Otca." Vidíte?

105Nuž, jedného dňa On vstane z Otcovho Trónu a ide aby zaujal Svoj vlastný Trón. Teraz On predstupuje, aby zavolal Svojich poddaných. Ako si ich On bude nárokovať? On už má Knihu Vykúpenia vo Svojej ruke. Sláva! Ó, cítim sa akoby som spieval pieseň.

Zakrátko Baránok vezme Svoju Nevestu,

aby bola stále po Jeho boku;

Všetci duchovia Nebies budú zhromaždení; (Aby to videli.)

Ó, to bude nádherný pohľad,

všetci svätý v bielych rúchach bez poškvrny;

S Ježišom sa budeme večne hostiť.

Ó! Hovoríme o tom, že teraz sedíme v ponebeských miestach? Čo to bude, keď to takto môžeme cítiť zatiaľ, čo sedíme tu dole na zemi, prv ako príde Vytrhnutie, v tomto stave v akom sme teraz; a môžeme sa radovať, stáť okolo stien, a stáť na daždi, len aby toto počuť. Čo to bude, keď uvidíme Jeho, ako tam sedí? Ó! To bude nádherný čas!

106Opustil Otcov Trón, vyšiel aby ... Jeho Syn, aby bol ... On je Syn Dávidov. To je to, čo si Izrael myslel, že On potom bude robiť. Pamätajte, tá žena Sýroféničanka povedala: "Synu Davidov!" Pamätáte sa na slepého Bartimeusa: "Synu Davidov!" Oj-joj! A Ježiš, poznal ten plán, zatiaľ čo oni to nepoznali. Oni sa Ho nasilu snažili priviesť do toho, aby zaujal trón. A dokonca Pilát sa Ho to opýtal. Ale On povedal: "Keby bolo Moje kráľovstvo z tohoto sveta, potom moji poddaní by bojovali. Moje kráľovstvo je Hore." Ale On povedal: "Keď sa modlíte, modlite sa, Príď Tvoje Kráľovstvo. Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa tu na zemi, ako na Nebi." Amen. Ó! Aká slávna je táto veľká vec!

107Opustil Otcov Trón, aby zaujal Svoj vlastný Trón. On tu teraz vyšiel od Svojej práci prostredníka, aby uplatnil nárok na Svoj vlastný Trón, Svojich vykúpených poddaných. To je to kvôli čomu On opustil ten Trón. To je, keď tá Bytosť podobná levovi, povedala Jánovi: "Poď a vidz." Hľaďte! Čítate to?

... jednu z pečatí, a ... jako hlasom hromu, a jedna zo štyroch živých bytostí ...

108Viete čo to boli za Bytosti. Prebrali sme ich. "Jedna ako lev; jedna ako teľa; jedna ako človek a jedna ako orol." A teraz, táto prvá bytosť povedala ... Dávajte pozor, zakaždým je to iná Bytosť, zatiaľ, čo prechádzajú tí štyria jazdci na koňoch. Sú tam štyri Bytosti a sú štyria jazdci na koňoch.

109Všimnite si, každá jedna z tých Bytostí ohlasuje. Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján. Vrátime sa do toho a dokážeme ktorá je Matúš, ktorá je Marek, ktorá je Ján, každú jednu, ako oni išli.

110No, všimnite si, jedna z tých Bytostí hovorí: "Poď a vidz." On počul ten hukot hromu a jedna z tých Bytostí povedala: "Teraz poď a vidz." Inými slovami, tu stojí Baránok a Ján stojí tam a díva sa, čo sa deje. Baránok vychádza z Trónu, akoby bol zabitý, celý zakrvavený. On bol ten Jediný, ktorý bol nájdený hodný. A keď sa On načiahol a vzal tú Knihu, vtedy všetko začalo kričať a volať a tak sa zachovávať, vidíte, pretože vedeli, že vykúpenie bolo zaplatené.

111A teraz On prišiel, aby si vyžiadal Svojich vlastných. Tak On berie tú Knihu, stojí tam pred Jánom, berie ju naspäť a láme Pečať. Strháva Pečať! A keď strháva tú Pečať, zahrmel hrom cez to miesto. A keď zahrmel hrom, bez pochyby Ján mohol podskočiť do vzduchu, keď zaburácal hrom. A potom jedna zo štyroch živých Bytostí povedala: "Poď teraz a pozri sa, čo to je, čo je tu pod tým zjavené. (Ó!) Ján, píš čo vidíš."

Tak Ján ide, aby sa pozrel, aby videl, čo to je. Ján ide, aby videl čo povedal ten hrom. To je potom, čo tá Bytosť povedala Jánovi: "Poď, vidz, čo za tajomstvo je pod touto Prvou Pečaťou." Hrom, Hlas Stvoriteľa to vyslovil. On by teraz mal vedieť, čo tam je. Vidíte? Ó!

Ale zamyslite sa, on teraz toto napísal. Ale keď začal písať to, čo hovorilo tých ďalších, sedem hromov, On povedal: "Nepíš to." On bol poverený, aby zapísal všetko, čo videl. Ale keď týchto sedem hromov v Zjavení 10. vypovedalo svoje hlasy, On povedal: "Toto vôbec nepíš." To sú tajomstvá.

112My ešte nevieme, čo oni sú. Ale podľa môjho názoru, oni budú zjavené, okamžite. A keď sa to stane, to dá pre tú Cirkev vieru do tej vytrhujúcej milosti, aby sa pohla preč. Vidíte? Práve sme prešli cez všetko, čo sme o tom vedeli, cez všetky tie rozdeľovania. Pozorovali sme všetko. Videli sme tajomstvá Božie. Videli sme to objavenie sa toho veľkého zhromažďovania sa spolu Nevesty v týchto posledných dňoch. Ale jednako je tam niečo, na čo sami od seba nemôžeme prísť. Tam je ešte niečo iné.

Ale predstavujem si, keď tieto tajomstvá začali vychádzať najavo - Boh povedal: "Zadrž to teraz. Počkaj chvíľu. Ja to zjavím v tom dni. Vôbec to nepíš, Ján, pretože by tým boli šokovaní. Nechaj to len tak, vidíte. Ale Ja to zjavím v tom dni, keď to bude potrebné."

113Oni to nevypovedali len tak. Pamätajte, ako tá maličká kvapka atramentu, všetko má určitý účel. Všetko je kvôli niečomu. Ale, všimnite si, Stvoriteľ to vypovedal. A on počul tento hlas, a išiel sa pozrieť.

Ale teraz Baránok ukazuje Jánovi, v symboloch ... cirkevného písma, ako - pre cirkev, aby vedel - čo písať. On mu len ukazuje, hovorí: "Teraz toto nepovedz, čo to proste je. Nechoď dole, Ján a nepovedz: 'toto je teraz práve to, čo to je. Čo je pod touto Siedmou Pečaťou ....' Nechoď to tam dole povedať. (Pretože, ak to Ja Jánovi poviem, potom cez celý ten vek, celý plán bude narušený.) To je tajomstvo!"

On len chce ... Jeho Príchod ... On povedal: "Nikto nebude vedieť, kedy prídem. Ja proste prídem." A hotovo. To nie je moja starosť vedieť kedy. Ja bude proste hotový, vidíte.

114Potom on povedal ... A Ján teraz išiel. On si myslel: "Teraz to budem vidieť." A čo uvidel? Keď Ján vystúpil dopredu, čo on mal robiť? On toto teraz mal písať pre ten cirkevný vek.. To bolo to, čo mal robiť - písať to pre tie cirkevné veky. "Píš na začiatku, čo vidíš o týchto siedmych zlatých svietnikoch. Píš to tejto cirkvi a povedz im o tom."

115No dobre, a zaznel hrom. Ján vedel, že to bol Boží Hlas. A potom tá Bytosť podobná levovi povedala: "Poď a vidz, čo to je." A Ján teraz vyšiel, s perom, aby napísal to, čo bude vidieť.

116Nuž, on nevidel presne, čo to bolo. On tomu nerozumel. Ale to, čo on videl bolo to, čo Boh posielal do cirkvi na "nejaký čas." On teraz mal ... On bude, On to vždy robí, On to jasne podáva, keď je čas, aby to bolo jasne podané. Ale On to vtedy nepredstavil jasne. Prečo? Pretože, On to držal ako tajomstvo až do posledného veku. A znenie Posolstva posledného anjela malo zhromaždiť tieto tajomstvá, vyjasniť to. Vidíte?

117Ale čo Ján videl, on len videl vyjsť bieleho koňa, s jazdcom. Tak to je to, čo on napísal, vidíte, keď písal. To je to, čo on povedal: "Poď a vidz." Tak Ján išiel, aby videl to, čo mohol vidieť, aby to napísal pre cirkev. A keď vyšiel, videl bieleho koňa, a ten, ktorý sedem na ňom mal luk, a vyšiel víťaziac a aby zvíťazil. A bola mu daná koruna. A teraz, to je všetko, čo Ján videl, tak on to len zapísal.

No vidíte, to je v symbole. Takým spôsobom to obdržala cirkev; ale so zasľúbením, že On to zjaví v tom poslednom dni, ukáže čo to je. Bože, pomôž nám porozumieť to.

118Cirkevné veky ... ale nie je to dané plne na známosť, až do toho siedmeho posolstva tohoto posledného cirkevného veku. Všimnite si, on začína ... Tento posol siedmeho cirkevného veku, ak si to všimnete, on nezačína nejakú denomináciu, ako to urobili tí ostatní. Pamätajte on nezačína ... Nie. Ak budete zisťovať, on je proti tomu (denominácii).

119Či bol Eliáš proti tomu? Skutočne, bol. Bol Ján proti tomu, s duchom Eliáša? Aký druh ducha mal Eliáš v sebe? On bol ... Nikto o ňom veľa nevie. On bol len obyčajný človek, ale bol prorok. Bol nenávidený. Ó! A v akom čase on povstal? Práve v čase popularity Izraela, keď oni všetci postupovali po svetsky. A on tam vystúpil. Nenávidel ženy. Och-joj. On skutočne taký bol. A miloval pustatinu. To bola jeho povaha.

120Potom tí ľudia mali vedieť, že keď tam vystúpi ten človek s tým istým duchom. Vystúpi tam, tento Ján, nebol vôbec oblečený ako tie slávne osobnosti, ako som to povedal minulý večer. Oni bozkávali deti, sobášili, pochovávali, a tak ďalej. Ale tento človek vystúpil, ako človek pustatiny. Čo on bol? On miloval pustatinu.

121Ďalšia vec ktorú robil, on nenávidel denomináciu. On povedal: "Nuž, nezačínajte hovoriť: 'My patríme do tej či do tamtej', pretože vám hovorím, že Boh môže z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi." On nebol žiadny kompromista. Oni nemohli ... Povedal: "Či ste vyšli vidieť trstinu chvejúcu sa vo vetre?" Ján taký nebol! Nie veru.

122Čo on ešte robil? Práve tak, ako Eliáš, ktorý povedal Jezábeli, on povedal Herodiade. Išiel rovno pred Herodesa a povedal: "Nepatrí sa ti ju mať." Ona mu za to odsekla hlavu. Vidíte? Tá sa snažila dostať Eliáša. Ten istý duch, ktorý bol v Jezábeli, bol v tej žene. A tá istá vec je v tej Jezábeľskej cirkvi dnes - to isté.

123Nuž všimnite si to. Čo za veľkú lekciu sme tu objavili! A teraz, vyzerá, akoby to tí ľudia mali vedieť. Ján začal vykrikovať na týchto ľudí a stál tam ... Vyzeralo, že by oni mali poznať, že to bol duch Eliáša. Oni to mali porozumieť, že to je to, čo to bolo.

124No, zisťujeme a našli sme cez tie cirkevné veky, podľa Písma, že je nám zasľúbené navrátenie sa toho Ducha, tesne pred časom konca. Je to pravda? Nuž a všimnite si, všimnete si tú povahu toho. Nuž, on nezačne ďalší cirkevný vek, ako to urobil Luther a Wesley a všetci ostatní. On nezačne ďalšiu cirkev, pretože už nemajú prísť žiadne cirkevné veky. Vidíte? Nebude už žiadny ďalší. Tak on musí byť proti tomu, pretože jeho duch bude presne taký, ako boli oni predtým - ten istý duch.

125Ako som povedal minulý večer: "Zaľúbilo sa Bohu použiť ho v troch rôznych prípadoch." To je Jeho číslo - tri. Nie dva; tri! On ho už dvakrát použil, teraz ho On znovu použije. On to tak povedal. On to zasľúbil.

Nuž, všimnite si. On ... Všimnite si teraz, keď to On urobil. On nebude začínať nejakú denomináciu, pretože Laodicejský cirkevný vek je tým posledným vekom. A tento posol, siedmy anjel, ktorý je siedmym poslom, pre siedmy cirkevný vek, to je ten, ktorý skrze Ducha Svätého zjaví všetky tieto tajomné veci. To bude ... Koľký z vás tu boli minulý večer? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Myslím, že to potom nemusím znovu čítať. Viete kde to je, desiata kapitola, vidíte. No dobre.

126No dobre. Reformátori prišli reformovať ten posledný upadnutý cirkevný vek, ktorý bol pred nimi. A potom, keď títo reformátori prišli a zreformovali daný cirkevný vek a dostali ho z toho stavu v akom sa nachádzal, on odišiel naspäť do sveta, potom oni začali nový cirkevný vek. Oni to vždy tak urobili. Vždy. Nuž, prešli sme cez to. Vidíte?

127Inými slovami, tu bol Katolícky cirkevný vek, Rímsko katolícka cirkev. Potom prichádza Luther, reformátor. On je nazvaný reformátor. A čo on robí? Začína tam udierať, a keď to robí, protestuje proti cirkvi. A prvé ako viete, čo robí? Buduje to isté, z čoho prišiel vyviesť - ďalšiu cirkev.

128Potom oni mali ďalší cirkevný vek. Potom prvé čo viete, prichádza ... Cirkevný vek sa nachádza v takom zamiešaní. Potom prichádza John Wesley, ďalší reformátor. Vidíte, buduje ďalší cirkevný vek. Rozumiete, čo myslím? Je vybudovaný ďalší cirkevný vek. To sú všetko reformátori.

129Všimnite si. Toto posledné posolstvo, tohoto posledného cirkevného veku, nie je reformátor. Ukážte mi, kde nejaký prorok rozpočal niekedy nejaký cirkevný vek. On nie je reformátor. On je prorok. Ostatní boli reformátori, ale nie proroci. Ak by oni boli ... Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi. Preto oni pokračovali v krste v Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha a vo všetkých týchto ďalších veciach, pretože oni boli reformátori a nie proroci.

Ale jednako oni boli veľkí Boží mužovia a videli potrebu toho dňa v ktorom žili. A Boh ich pomazal a oni tam boli poslaní a roztrhali tie veci na kusy. Ale plné Slovo Božie nikdy ku ním neprišlo, pretože oni neboli proroci. Oni boli reformátori.

130Ale v tých posledných dňoch to bude musieť byť prorok, aby vzal tie tajomstvá Božie, aby oni ... pretože tajomstvá boli dané na známosť jedine skrze prorokov. A tak tento, ktorý príde musí byť prorok! Rozumiete, čo chcem teraz povedať? On nemôže byť reformátor. To musí byť prorok, pretože to musí byť niekto, kto je obdarený a postavený tam, ktorý chytá Slovo.

131Nuž, títo reformátori vedeli, že je niečo nie v poriadku. Luther to vedel, že ten chlieb nie je telo Kristovo. A tak on kázal: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." A to bolo jeho posolstvo. A keď prišiel Ján Wesley, on videl, že existuje posvätenie, tak on kázal posvätenie. To bolo jeho posolstvo. Vidíte? Letniční priniesli posolstvo o Duchu Svätom, a tak ďalej. Ale v tých posledných dňoch, v tomto poslednom veku, ten posol nie je na to, aby začal nejakú reformáciu, ale aby vzal všetky tajomstvá, ktoré títo reformátori obišli a zhromaždil ich spolu a vylúštil ich pre ľudí.

Dovoľte, že to ešte znovu prečítam. Pre mňa to tak dobre zneje. Rád to čítam.

... videl som iného anjela silného, zostupujúceho z neba, odiateho oblakom, a na jeho hlave bola dúha, a jeho tvár bola ako slnce a jeho nohy, ako ohnivé stĺpy.

Teraz sme videli tú istú vec, ktorou bol Kristus. A vieme, že Kristus je vždy Poslom pre Cirkev. No dobre. On je nazvaný Ohnivý Stĺp, Anjel Zmluvy, a tak ďalej.

... a vo svojej ruka mal otvorenú knižku. ...

Teraz, tie Pečate tu boli zlámané! My ich teraz lámeme, ale v tomto je to otvorené.

... a svoju pravú nohu položil na more, a ľavú na zem

a skríkol ... veľkým hlasom, ako keď reve lev. a keď ... skríkol, prehovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy.

 (Ó! Úplnosť!)

A keď dohovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy, chcel som písať

 (písať čo?),

čo oni povedali: a počul som hlas z neba


ktorý mi hovoril: Zapečať to, čo hovorilo sedem hromov, a nepíš toho!


A anjel, ktorého som videl stáť na mori ... pozdvihol svoju pravú ruku k nebu,

a prisahal na živého na veky vekov, ktorý stvoril nebo i to, čo je v ňom, a zem i to, čo je na nej, a more i to, čo je v ňom, že už viac nebude času,

Hľaďte! Nezabudnite toto teraz, keď pôjdeme ďalej.

ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, ...

Toho posledného anjela, zemského anjela. Tento Anjel prišiel dole z Neba. To bol On; On prišiel z neba. Ale On tu hovorí o hlase siedmeho anjela, ktorým je ... Anjel znamená posol. Každý to vie. A posol pre ten cirkevný vek ...

... vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo

 (Sedem Pečatí, všetko, celé tajomstvo) 

Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

132Celé tajomstvo je rozvinuté. To je služba toho anjela. Vidíte? Tak jednoduché, že ľudia prejdú pomimo toho. Ale tu to bude všade dokonale potvrdené. To bude proste dokonale známe. Každý kto to chce vidieť, môže to vidieť. Je to pravda. Ale tí ... Ježiš povedal, ako On povedal, keď On príde, povedal: "Máte oči a nevidíte. Izaiáš povedal, že nevidíte. A máte uši a nepočujete."

Tak sme zistili, že ... To ma vystrašilo. Pozrel som sa tam dozadu na tie hodiny a myslel som si, že je desať hodín. Ale ja mám ... nie je ešte ani deväť. No dobre. Ó! Vezmime to teraz.

133Všimnite si, (mám to rád) ostatní boli reformátori, ale tým, že boli veľkí mužovia Boží, videli potrebu toho dňa a priniesli reformáciu. Ale Zjavenie 10 hovorí, že jeho posolstvo má zjaviť, nie reformovať; zjaví tie tajnosti. Zjaví tajnosti! To je Slovo v tom mužovi. Židom 4 hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce až do rozdelenia kostí a zjavuje tajnosti srdca. Vidíte? Tento muž nie je reformátor. On je zjavovateľ. Zjavovateľ čoho? Tajomstiev Božích. Kde to cirkev má všetko pozväzované a tak ďalej, on má vystúpiť so Slovom Božím a zjaviť tú vec. Pretože, on má prinavrátiť vieru detí späť do viery otcov. Originálna Biblická viera má byť prinavrátená skrze siedmeho anjela. Nuž, ó, ako to milujem! Všetky tajomstvá Pečatí, ktoré tí reformátori nikdy plne neporozumeli! Vidíte?

134A teraz sa pozrime do Malachiáša 4, len na chvíľu. Len si to poznačte. On je prorok a prinavracia tú originálnu vieru otcov. Nuž očakávame na tú osobu, aby sa zjavila na scéne. On bude tak pokorný, že desať miliónov krát desať miliónov bude ... No, bude malá skupina, ktorá tomu bude rozumieť.

135Pamätáte si jedného dňa, keď mal Ján prísť, bolo prorokované, že pred Kristom príde posol, hlas volajúceho na púšti. Malachiáš ho videl. Pozrite, tretia kapitola Malachiáša je príchod Eliáša, ktorý mal prísť a predísť príchod Kristov. Vy hovoríte: "Ó, nie, nie, brat Branham. To je štvrtá kapitola." Prepáčte. Ježiš povedal, že je to tretia kapitola.

136No, vezmite Svätého Matúša, 11. kapitolu a 6. verš, On bude toto hovoriť. (11. kapitola, myslím, že je to 6. verš; 4., 5., alebo 6. rovno tam.) On povedal: "Ak to môžete prijať," keď On hovoril o Jánovi, "toto je ten o ktorom bolo povedané: 'Hľa Ja posielam Svojho anjela pred Svojou tvárou.'" A teraz čítajte Malachiáša 3.

137Niektorí sa to snažia aplikovať na Malachiáša 4. Nie, nie! To nie je to! Všimnite si, Malachiáš 4, akonáhle tento posol vystúpi, svet bude kompletne spálený a spravodliví budú kráčať do Milénia po ich popole. Tak, vidíte, ak pripisujete túto postavu jemu tam, potom Biblia hovorí niečo, čo nebolo tak. Už máme dvetisíc rokov a svet ešte nie je spálený, a spravodliví žijú na ňom. A tak to musí byť v budúcnosti.

138Ó! Ak sa dostanete tu do Zjavenia a budete vidieť, čo ten posol na konci tohoto veku má robiť, potom budete vidieť, čo to je. On musí byť prorok. On musí chytiť tieto konce, ktoré títo reformátori nevideli a dať ich na správne miesto.

139Ako môže byť Matúš 28. 19. porovnaný so Skutkami 2. 38., bez duchovného zjavenia Božieho? Ako títo ľudia môžu povedať, že dni zázrakov pominuli alebo niečo takéto, bez zjavenia Božieho? To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to kedy môžu poznať, vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie! Vidíte? Ale oni prišli cez semináre ...

Dúfam, že máme čas dostať sa do toho. Chcem sa poponáhľať, pretože vás tu nechcem držať povyše týždňa. Rozumiete, čo myslím. Pri tomto otváraní týchto Pečatí. Mám jeden deň a rád by som sa modlil za chorých v ten deň, ak budem môcť.

140No pozrite sa, Malachiáš 4 - on je prorok a prinavracia originálnu vieru otcov. V čase konca, keď prichádza obdobie súženia (No tu je maličká vec, kde sa za chvíľku vrátime, na minútku.), kde tie tri a pol roka, alebo Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov ... tá posledná polovica Danielových sedemdesiatych týždňoch, čo je tri a pol roka ... No, my ... Koľkí si na to pamätajú z cirkevných vekov? Vymerané je sedemdesiat týždňov. Pozrite sa, aké je to dokonalé. Povedal, že Mesiáš príde a v polovici týždňa bude vyťatý na obeť a zmluva bude zrušená.

141Potom pre Židov ešte stále zostáva tri a pol roka na Mesiášsku náuku. A Boh nejedná so Židmi a s Pohanmi v tom istom čase. On jedná s Izraelom, ako s národom a s Pohanmi, ako s jednotlivcami. On nikdy nezobral Pohanov za Svoju Nevestu; On vzal ľudí z Pohanov. Vidíte? Nuž On jedná s Izraelom, ako s národom. A on teraz sedí rovno tam, ako národ.

142Dostal som dnes dopis od Pavla, Pavla Boyda. A on mi tam hovorí, povedal: "Brat Branham, aká je to pravda. Títo Židia majú stále taký zvláštny postoj voči pohanom, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stalo." Skutočne, oni ho budú mať. Oni majú.

Keď Martin Luther učinil vyhlásenie, že všetci Židia majú byť vyhnaní preč a ich budovy spálené, pretože oni sú antikrist. Vidíte? Sám Martin Luther učinil také tvrdenie vo svojich spisoch.

143Nuž, Hitler len vypĺňal to, čo povedal Martin Luther. Prečo to Martin Luther povedal? Pretože on bol reformátor, nie prorok. Boh jednal s tým prorokom - požehnal Izrael. On povedal: "Ktokoľvek ťa bude žehnať bude požehnaný a kto ťa bude preklínať bude prekliaty." Ako sa môže postaviť jeden prorok a zapierať to, čo povedal druhý prorok? On to môže robiť. To musí byť v harmónii.

144Preto oni triedia ... Vidíte, Nemci majú byť kresťanským národom. A oni tak zachádzali s Izraelom, oni stále majú na ich chrbte palicu; a vy ich nemôžete obviňovať. Ale pamätajte len, ak tu sedia nejakí Židia, nebojte sa. Váš deň prichádza! Boh nemôže na nich zabudnúť. Oni boli zaslepení kvôli nám.

145Vy viete, že On povedal prorokovi ... Prorok zvolal a riekol: "Či zabudneš na Izraela?"

On povedal: "Vezmi túto mernú trstinu; a ako vysoko sú nebesia? Aké je hlboké more?"

On povedal: "Nemohol som to zmerať."

146On povedal: "Ja tiež nemôžem zabudnúť Na Izrael." To je Jeho ľud, Jeho sluhovia. A Pohanov je vzatých len niekoľko za Jeho Nevestu. Je to presne tak! To je Nevesta.

147Nuž, sedemdesiat týždňov bolo vyznačených, dokonale, ako povedal Daniel, že Mesiáš príde a bude vyťatý v polovici týždňa. Ježiš prorokoval tri a pol roka. Nuž, v polovici týchto tri a pol rokov Daniela, v polovici toho, On bol vyťatý. Ale teraz tá posledná časť je obdobie súženia, kde cirkev z Pohanov ... Ó, to je veľké! Neprehliadnite to teraz. Nevesta odchádza so Ženíchom; potom, po Miléniu, kráča po popole bezbožných.

148Dovoľte, aby som vám tu niečo ukázal. Zatiaľ kým to máme na rozume, pozrime sa len, čo to hovorí, čo hovorí Biblia. A my toto nemôžeme zapierať, to je Slovo Božie. Ak to zapierame, potom sme neveriaci. Vidíte, my tomu musíme veriť. Vy hovoríte: "Ja tomu nerozumiem." Ja tiež nie. Ale ja očakávam na Neho, aby to zjavil. Pozrite sa.

Lebo hľa, prichádza deň, ktorý horí ako pec, v ktorom budú všetci pyšní

(ako Američania, a tak ďalej),

áno, ... všetci, ktorí páchajú bezbožnosť, budú slamou:

 (To bude horieť.) 

a spáli ich deň, ktorý príde, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov, takže im neponechá ani koreňa ani haluzi.

149Ako tam potom môžete mať večné peklo? Vidíte, to sú posledné dni, keď tieto veci budú zjavené. Nieto v Biblii miesto, ktoré by hovorilo, že peklo je večné. Aby mať ... byť vo večnom pekle, to by ste museli mať večný život, aby ste tam mohli byť. Je len jedna forma Večného Života a to je to, o čo zápasíme. Všetko, čo malo začiatok má koniec. Peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a jeho anjelov a bude zničené a odstránené. Tak veru. Vidíte? Ale keď sa toto stane, to im nenechá ani koreňa ani haluzi.

Ale vám, ktorí sa bojíte môjho mena, vyjde slnce spravodlivosti, a lekárstvo bude na jeho krídlach; vyjdete a budete poskakovať, ako vykŕmené teľatá.

A pošliapete bezbožných, lebo budú popolom pod vašimi nohami toho dňa, ktorý ja učiním, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov.

150Kde bude ten bezbožný po tom súžení? Popolom!

Pamätajte na zákon Mojžiša, môjho služobníka, ktorému som prikázal na Hórebe o celom Izraelovi ustanovenia a súdy.

Hľa ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, prv ako príde ten deň Hospodinov, veľký a strašný.

151Amen! Takto sa tu končí Starý Zákon a Nový Zákon sa tu končí s tým istým. Ako to udržíte preč od seba? Nemôžete. Pozrite: "Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, prv ako príde ten deň."

A obráti srdce otcov na synov a srdce synov na ich otcov, aby som neprišiel a neranil zem kliatbou.

152No prosím. To je Slovo Pánovo. On to zasľúbil. To musí prísť. A teraz, ak si to všimnete, ako sa to deje - Je to nádherné, ako to Boh robí. Nevesta so Ženíchom odchádza. A potom, keď sa toto stane, bezbožní budú spálení neuhasiteľným ohňom. A potom, keď svet bude očistený, zreprodukuje sa ...

153Všetko to musí urobiť - musí to ísť cez obdobie očistenia. Vulkán vypukne v tomto veľkom poslednom čase a svet praskne a vybuchne, a tak ďalej. A všetky tieto žumpy hriechu a všetko, čo je na zemi, bude obrátené na nič. Bude to horieť v takej ohnivej žiare, že to bude, ako to bielenie, ktoré posiela farbu atramentu späť do jej originálneho stvorenia. Tak horúci bude ten Oheň od Boha, že obráti každú nečistú vec znovu späť do jej originálneho stavu, keď Satan a všetok jeho hriech bude spálený a všetko. A potom ona príde taká nádherná, aká bola v záhrade Eden. Tak veru. Ó, tá veľká hodina leží rovno pred nami!

154V priebehu obdobia súženia. Tu je to, čo chcem, aby ste si teraz všimli, maličkú vec, ktorú som tu utrúsil. V priebehu tohoto obdobia súženia, potom, čo Nevesta bola vyvolaná von a cirkev prechádza cez obdobie súženia, tých sto štyridsať štyri tisíc je zavolaných skrze dvoch svedkov zo Zjavenia 11. Dívajte sa teraz. Oni budú prorokovať, tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní, oblečení vo vrecovine.

155Nuž, my vieme, že tento Rímsky kalendár má ... My niekedy máme dvadsať osem dní a tridsať a tridsať jeden. Ale v skutočnosti kalendár ukazuje každý mesiac tridsať dní. Tak veru! A vezmite tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní a vložte do toho tridsať a budete vidieť, čo dostanete. Tri a pol roka, presne do bodky. To je ten čas. To je ten vyznačený čas, aby bolo pre Izrael kázané Mesiášske Posolstvo, ako to bolo tam v tedy. Keď sa On vracia späť a dáva sa poznávať, v symbole, že keď On príde ...

156Keď, Jozef bol vzatý tam dole do tej krajiny a jeho bratia ho odmietli, pretože bol duchovný človek. On mohol vídať videnia a vykladať sny. A keď to robil, bol vzatý dole do tej krajiny a bol predaný skoro za tridsať strieborných.

157On presne znázornil Krista, pretože bol v ňom Kristov Duch. Všimnite si, čo sa potom stalo. A všimnite si to, keď on toto urobil, bol daný do väzenia. A jeden muž bol zachránený a ten druhý zatratený - presne ako Ježiš, keď bol vo vezení na kríži. Jeden zločinec bol spasený a ten druhý zatratený. Presne! Uvrhnutý do hrobu, očakávali, že je mŕtvy, a bol vzatý hore, a zasadol po pravici faraóna, že nikto nemohol vidieť faraóna bez toho, že by videl prv Jozefa. Ježiš sedí po pravici Božej a nikto nemôže prísť, aby videl Otca, jedine skrze Syna! Tak veru!

158A všimnite si, zakaždým, keď Jozef opustil ... keď Jozef vstal z pravici trónu. Sledujte to! Sláva! Tam sedel Jozef po pravici faraónovej. A keď Jozef povstal, aby opustil trón, znela trúba: "Skláňajte kolená, každý! Jozef prichádza!"

159Keď ten Baránok opustí Trón, tam po Svojich dňoch práci Prostredníka, keď On tam opustí Trón a vezme tú Knihu Vykúpenia a vystupuje, skloní sa každé koleno! Tam On je!

160Všimnite si. A keď bol Jozef odmietnutý svojimi bratmi bola mu daná Pohanská žena. Putifár mu dal ... Či, faraón mu dal Pohanskú ženu a on splodil Pohanské deti - z polovici Pohania i Židia. Oni dali veľký symbol. Keď ich Jákob žehnal. Efraim na jednej strane a Manasses na druhej. On skrížil svoje ruky a tomu mladšiemu decku dal to požehnanie. A tieto dve deti boli pridané ku dvanástim kmeňom, ktorých v tom čase bolo len desať. A on sám ich požehnal v Jakobovi. A Jozef, jeho prorocký syn, ako tam stál, povedal: "Otče, urobil si chybu." Povedal: "Položil si svoju pravú ruku, žehnajúc, na mladšie dieťa, keď to malo ísť na staršieho."

161On povedal: "Ja viem, moje ruky sú skrížené, ale Boh ich skrížil." Prečo? Izrael, majúci práva byť nevestou to odmietol a predal svoje prvorodenstvá a to prešlo zo staršieho syna, Izraela, na toho nového - Pohanov. A tie požehnania vyšli z tade, cez kríž, na toho mladšieho.

Ale všimnite si. Potom, vidíte, cez to ... Keď všetko ... On zobral svoju nevestu. Keď tí chlapci prišli dole, aby kúpili potravu ... Ó, to je tak nádherný obraz! Som pomimo tej Pečati, ale musím to povedať, vidíte, pretože, obdržíte lepší obraz, verím.

162Všimnite si. Nuž, keď oni tam prišli, aby kúpili potravu, Jozef ich hneď spoznal. A Jozef bol synom zdaru. Nezáležalo na tom, kde išiel, stále sa mu darilo. Počkajte, keď On znovu príde na zem; počkajme keď príde náš Jozef! Púšť bude kvitnúť ako ruža a vyjde Slnko Spravodlivosti a lekárstvo bude na Jeho krídlach. Ó! Všetky tie kaktusy po Arizone sa rozvinú do nádherných stromov. To bude nádherné.

Všimnite si, tu on vystupuje, a on tam na nich odohral malý trik. A on stojí a hovorí: "Je môj otec stále živý?" Vidíte? On chcel vedieť, či žije otec toho chlapca.

Povedal: "Áno."

163On vedel, že to je jeho brat. Ale všimli ste si? Keď on bol pripravený dať sa poznať svojím bratom a našiel malého Benjamína, ktorý sa narodil zatiaľ, čo on bol preč ... A to predstavuje týchto Židov, týchto sto štyridsať štyri tisíc, ktorí sa tam práve teraz zhromažďujú, zatiaľ, čo je On preč. A keď sa On vrátil, On povedal ... On sa pozrel na Benjamína; jeho srdce skoro puklo. A pamätajte, oni mali ... on ... Oni nevedeli, že on vie po Hebrejsky. On používal tlmočníka. On sa správal, akoby bol Egypťan. Vidíte?

164A potom, keď to bolo dané najavo ... On sa chcel dať poznať. On sa stále díval na malého Benjamína. A pamätajte, on odoslal svoju ženu. Ona bola v paláci, keď sa on dal poznať svojím bratom. A tá Nevesta z Pohanov, tá žena ... Potom, čo bol Ježiš odmietnutý Svojim Vlastným ľudom, On si vzal Nevestu z Pohanov. A vezme Ju z tadiaľto do Paláca, do Domu Svojho Otca v Chvále, na Svadobnú Večeru. A skĺzne naspäť dole, aby sa dal poznať Svojim bratom - tím 144 000. Tam On stojí. A pamätajte, hľaďte na tie symboly. Presne.

165A keď on prichádza naspäť, tam kde toto bolo, on sa pozrel dole na nich a povedal ... začal sa dívať. A oni začali rozprávať. Oni povedali: "No Rúben, ty vieš, že my sme tu teraz kvôli tomu, vidíš. Pretože vieš, čo sme urobili? Dostali sme tohoto chlapca do tejto nepríjemnej situácii. Nemali sme predať nášho brata." To bol ich brat, ktorý tam stál, to mocné knieža a oni to nevedeli.

Preto Ho Izrael nemôže dnes porozumieť. Ešte nie je tá hodina, aby to vedeli. A potom on ... oni si mysleli, že nerozumie po Hebrejsky, ale on počúval priamo ich. Oni povedali: "Teraz sme tu kvôli tomu."

166A Jozef, keď sa pozeral na nich, on to už nemohol dlhšie vydržať. Pamätajte teraz, jeho žena a deti boli v tom čase v paláci. Svätí odišli z ich prítomnosti - a on povedal: "Ja som Jozef, váš brat." A bežal a objal malého Benjamína, padol okolo jeho krku a začal plakať. A dal sa im poznať.

Oni potom povedali: "Teraz vieme, že toto na nás muselo prísť, pretože my sme ho predali. My sme boli tí, ktorí ho predali. My sme boli tí, ktorí ho chceli zabiť, a teraz vieme, že on zabije nás."

167On povedal: "Nie, nehnevajte sa na seba. Vy ste to urobili len na zachovanie života. Kvôli tomu ma sem Boh poslal." A keď sa On dal poznať, Biblia hovorí (ako prichádzame do toho), keď sa On dá poznať tým sto štyridsať štyri tisícom tam - tomu dnešnému malému Benjamínovi a tým ostatným Židom, ktorí sú tam ponechaným - keď sa On dá poznať, oni povedia: "Odkiaľ máš tie jazvy? Čo oni robia na tvojich rukách?"

On povie: "Ó, utŕžil som ich v dome Mojich priateľov."

168Ó, potom si oni uvedomia, že zabili Mesiáša. Ale čo On povie? To isté, čo povedal Jozef. "Vy ste to urobili, aby ste prislúžili život. Ne ... zachovali život. Nehnevajte sa na seba." Pretože inak by Pohania neboli prinesení, ak by Židia neboli naleteli na ten trik, ktorý im zastrel oči. Tak On skrze to, čo oni urobili, zachránil život Cirkvi. Tak tu to máte. Preto to oni dnes nemôžu porozumieť. Ešte nie je tá hodina.

169Tak isto ako my nemôžeme porozumieť tieto veci, až kým nepríde ten čas, aby sme to porozumeli. Ó! Sedem Hromov zo Zjavenia - smie On ukázať Neveste, ako sa má pripraviť na tú veľkú vieru do prenesenia! Ponáhľajme sa teraz, pretože nemáme už len pätnásť, dvadsať minút.

170Nuž, čo znamená tento biely kôň? Dovoľte mi prečítať toto. Bol som tak ďaleko od toho. Prepáčte mi, že som opustil svoju tému. Ale znovu budem čítať ten verš, tie dva verše.

A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmych pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu, Poď ... a vidz!

A videl som a hľa, biely kôň

... (Teraz ideme do druhého verša.) ...

biely kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal lučište, a dala sa mu koruna,

 (tak on ju pred tým nemal) ... 

a vyšiel víťaziac aj aby zvíťazil.

(To je všetko o tom. To je Pečať.)

Nájdime teraz tie symboly. Zistili sme, čo znamená Hrom. To je presne to, vieme to. Hrom bol Hlas Boží, keď sa otvára Pečať.

171Nuž, čo znamená ten biely kôň? Nuž, tu prichádza zjavenie. Som si toho tak istý, ako tu stojím a viem, že toto je Slovo. Čítal som o tom každú knihu, ktorú som mohol nájsť. A s ... Ja ... Naposledy, keď som ... snažil som sa cez to prejsť, len to učiac - asi pred tridsiatimi rokmi som vzal tú knihu ... Niekto mi povedal, že Adventisti majú viacej svetla na druhý príchod Kristov, než ktorýkoľvek iní, ktorých poznali, a tak som vyhľadal nejaké z ich dobrých kníh, aby som si ich prečítať. Mal som Smithovu knihu o Danielovom zjavení. On povedal, že tento biely kôň, ktorý vyšiel bol biely a to symbolizovalo víťaza. A v tomto víťazení ...

Mnohí z vás bratov Adventistov, ktorí ste tu, poznáte tú knihu a tak isto mnohí iní z vás ju čítali. A iné. Ja som čítal dve alebo tri. Čítal som ... Neviem názov ... Čítal som dve alebo tri ďalšie a obidvaja mužovia sa zhodovali, že je to tak. To boli dobrí učitelia, možno jedni z najlepších, s najlepším svetlom. A tak som si myslel: "Nuž, ak nebudem vedieť, poviem len to, čo oni povedali, skúsim to tak učiť." Oni dali veľmi dobré vysvetlenie o tom, čo to skutočne znamenalo.

172A on povedal: "Nuž, tu je biely kôň a biely kôň znamená moc - bojový tátoš." A povedal: "Ten muž, ktorý sedí na ňom, bol ... biely kôň bol Duch Svätý, ktorý vyšiel v tom včasnom veku a dobil ten vek pre Kráľovstvo Božie. On mal vo svojej ruke luk, čo znamenalo niečo, ako Amor. On strieľal do sŕdc ľudí šípy lásky, lásku Božiu, a On zvíťazil."

173Nuž, to znie veľmi dobre, ale nie je to pravda. Nie veru. Nie. To nebola pravda. Biela farba znamená spravodlivosť. Uvedomujeme si to. Biela znamená spravodlivosť. Tí učitelia to učili, že to bol Duch Svätý víťaziaci v tom prvom veku. Ale moje zjavenie, skrze Ducha Svätého nie je takéto.

174Moje zjavenie, skrze Ducha Svätého je: Kristus a Duch Svätý je tá istá Osoba, len v inej forme. Tak, tu stojí Kristus, Baránok. My vieme, že On bol Baránok. On tu stál s tou Knihou vo Svojej ruke; a tam ide jazdec na bielom koni. Vidíte? Tak to nebol Duch Svätý.

175Nuž, to je jedno z tajomstiev posledných dní, ako Kristus môže byť tromi osobami v Jednej. To nie sú traja rôzny ľudia - Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý - existujúci ako traja bohovia, ako sa nám to vyznávači trojici snažia povedať. To sú tri manifestácie tej istej Osoby. Alebo to môžete nazvať tri úrady. Ak hovoríte ku kazateľom, nemali by ste používať slovo úrad; pretože ... uvedomil som si, že sa to nahráva. Tak poviem vám ... Samozrejme, Kristus nemohol povedať: "Budem sa modliť ku Svojmu úradu a On vám pošle iný úrad." To vieme. Ale ak to chcete ... To sú tri charakteristické znaky (atribúty) toho istého Boha. Vidíte? Nie traja Bohovia. Tri charakteristické znaky toho istého Boha! Vidíte? A tak, ako by mohol byť Kristus tam, na tom bielom koni, víťaziac a pri tom stáť tu s Knihou vo Svojej ruke? To tak nie je. To nie je Kristus.

176Všimnite si. Duch Svätý, podľa toho zjavenia ... A Kristus je ... Duch Svätý je Kristus v inej forme. Je to tak. Všimnite si, to Baránok otvoril tú Knihu a Baránok je Kristus. A Krista potom viacej nevidíme. Ale vidíme Ho v Knihe Zjavenia, v 19 kapitole, ako prichádza na bielom koni. Ak by ste si to chceli prečítať, otvorme si Zjavenie 19:11-16. A rýchlo to prečítajme, zatiaľ, čo sme ... máme dosť času, dúfam, tak to bude pre nás lepšie. (19: 11.) Začnime od 11. verša a čítajme až do 16.

A videl som nebo otvorené ... a hľa, zjavil sa biely kôň; 

(nie na zemi; v Nebi, vidíte) 

a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, volal sa Verný ... Pravdivý, ... v spravodlivosti súdi i bojuje.

A jeho oči boli ... ako plameň ohňa, a na jeho hlave mnoho diadémov, 

(Pozrite na tie diadémy!); 

a mal napísané meno, ktoré nikto nevie, iba ... on sám.

177Prajem si, aby som sa pri tomto mohol na chvíľu zastaviť. Ó! Mám dobrý úmysel, ale možno by som mohol, ak vy ... [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Pokračuj!" -- pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, nikto to nevie. Dozvedeli ste sa kedy, že Meno "Jehova" nie je správne? Všetci vedia. Dr. Vayle vie, že je to pravda. Prekladatelia to nikdy nemohli preložiť. Ono sa slabikovalo J-U-H-V. Chcem povedať J-V-H-U. To nie je "Jehova." Oni sa toho nemohli dotknúť. Oni nevedia, čo ono je. Nazvali to "Jehova," ale to nebolo Jeho Meno.

178Pozrite sa, stále keď je dobité víťazstvo, alebo niečo sa deje, je zmenené meno. Pozrite sa do času Abraháma. On bol prv Abram a nemohol mať to dieťa, až kým jeho meno nebolo zmenené na Abrahám. A Sára, S-a-r-a, nemohla mať nič okrem mŕtveho lona, až kým jej meno nebolo zmenené na Sárah.

179Jákob znamená pätár, podvodník. A to je to, čo on urobil. On navliekol na seba ovčiu kožu a oklamal svojho prorockého otca, aby získal práva prvorodenstva. On kládol topoľové prúty do vody, narobil na nich škvrny, postrašil dobytok, keď on počínal ... svoje mladé, aby získal škvrnitý dobytok a ovce. Nič iné ako podvodník! Ale jednej noci sa on uchytil Niečoho skutočného a on vedel, že to je skutočné. A on zostal s tým a držal sa, až kým nezvíťazil. A jeho meno bolo zmenené a nazýval sa Izrael, čo znamená knieža s mocou pred Bohom. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Každý víťaz ...

180Šimon bol rybár. Ale keď sa jeho viera chytila a poznala, že to bol Ježiš, keď mu On povedal, že On je Mesiáš a povedal mu, aké je jeho meno, a aké je meno jeho otca, on zvíťazil a bol premenovaný zo Šimona na Petra.

181Saul, dobré meno. Saul bol raz Izraelským kráľom, ale meno Saul nepasovalo pre apoštola. Mohlo byť dobré pre kráľa, ale nie pre apoštola. A tak Ježiš zmenil jeho meno. Z čoho? Zo Saula na Paula. Pozrite sa na "synov hromu", a tak ďalej.

182A Ježiš, Jeho meno na zemi bolo Vykupiteľ - Ježiš. Keď On bol na zemi, On bol Vykupiteľ, to je pravda. Ale keď On premohol smrť a peklo a zvíťazil nad nimi a vystúpil na výsosť, On obdržal nové meno. Preto oni kričia tak, ako kričia a nič nedostávajú. To bude zjavené v tých hromoch.

Všimnite si, to je tajomstvo. On prichádza, jazdiac ... Musí byť niečo, čo premení túto Cirkev. Vy to viete. Tam musí byť niečo! Všimnite si: "Nikto nevedel, iba On sám." No, všimnite si: "Ktoré nikto nevedel, iba On sám."

A bol oblečený v rúchu, pokropenom krvou, a jeho meno sa zovie: Slovo Božie.

 (Ó! Všimnite si!)

A vojská, ktoré sú na nebi, išli za ním na bielych koňoch, odiati kmentom, bielym a čistým.

A z jeho úst vychádzal ostrý meč, aby nim bil národy. A on ich bude pásť železným prútom a on bude šliapať lis vína prchlivosti a hnevu všemohúceho Boha.

A na svojom rúchu a na svojich bedrách má napísané meno: Kráľ kráľov a Pán pánov.

183Tam prichádza Mesiáš! Tam On je; nie tento tu na tomto koni. Pozorujte ten rozdiel. Tu On stojí s tou Knihou vo Svojej ruke! Práca vykúpenia sa práve ... On ešte nezaujal Svoje miesto!

Tak, to nebol Kristus - Duch Svätý, ktorý tam vyšiel. Nechcem sa priečiť s tými veľkými mužmi. To nie. Ja to nerobím. Nechcel by som to robiť, ale toto je moje zjavenie ohľadne toho. Vidíte? Ak vy máte niečo iné, dobre, to je v poriadku. Ale pre mňa to nie je v poriadku. Vidíte, ja to verím takto.

184Všimnite si. Tam od toho času Krista už viacej nevidíme. Ale On je na bielom koni. A tak ak tento jazdí na bielom koni, on je len niekto, kto sa pretvaruje za Krista. Vidíte? Rozumiete tomu? Všimnite si, tento jazdec na tomto bielom koni nemá žiadne meno. On môže používať dva alebo tri tituly, vidíte, ale on nemá žiadne meno. Ale Kristus má meno! Čo to je? Slovo Božie! "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom." Vidíte?

185Tento jazdec nemá meno, ale Kristus je nazvaný: "Slovo Božie." To je to, čo On je. On je tak nazvaný. Nuž On má meno, ktoré nikto nevie; ale On je nazvaný: "Slovo Božie." Tento nie je nijako nazvaný, vidíte, ale je na bielom koni.

186Tento jazdec nemá šípy do svojho luku. Všimli ste si? On mal luk, ale nie je nič povedané o tom, že by mal šípy, a tak on musí byť podvodník. Tak veru. Možno, že on má množstvo hromov a žiadne blýskanie. Ale vy ste zistili, že Kristus mal oboje - zablysknutie i hrom. Pretože z Jeho úst vychádza ostrý dvojsečný Meč a On ním bije národy. A tento nemôže nič byť, vidíte, ale on odohráva roľu pokrytca. On ide, jazdiac na bielom koni, vychádzajúc aby zvíťazil.

187Kristus mal ostrý Meč, a dávajte pozor! On vychádzal z Jeho úst - Živé Slovo! To je Slovo Božie zjavované Jeho sluhom. Ako On povedal Mojžišovi: "Choď, postav sa tam a drž túto palicu tam; zavolaj na muchy," a tam boli muchy. Skutočne! Čokoľvek on povedal, On to urobil; a to sa stalo. Jeho živé Slovo. Boh a Jeho Slovo je tá istá Osoba. Boh je Slovo!

Kto je potom tento tajomný jazdec tohoto prvého cirkevného veku? Kto to je? Rozmýšľajme o tom. Kto je tento tajomný jazdec, ktorý vybehol v tomto prvom cirkevnom veku a cvála rovno ďalej do Večnosti, ide do konca?

Prichádza Druhá Pečať a ide rovno ďalej do konca. Prichádza Tretia Pečať a ide rovno ďalej do konca. Štvrtá, Piata, šiesta, Siedma, každá jedna z nich dochádza do zakončenia tu na konci.

A v poslednom čase, tieto Knihy, ktoré boli zrolované po celý tento čas majúce v sebe tieto tajomstvá - je to zlámané. Potom vychádzajú tie tajomstvá, aby bolo vidieť, čo to je. Ale v skutočnosti oni začali v prvom cirkevnom veku, pretože prvý cirkevný vek obdržal takéto posolstvo, ako toto.

188Vyšiel jazdec na bielom koni. Vidíte? Kto to je? On je mocný vo svojej víťaziacej moci. On je veľký chlap vo svojej víťaziacej moci. Chcete aby som vám povedal, kto to je? To je antikrist. To je presne to, čo on je!

189Nuž, pretože, vidíte, ak antikrist ... Ježiš povedal, že tí dvaja budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, Nevestu, ak by to bolo možné. Antikrist! To je duch antikrista.

190Pamätáte sa, v cirkevných vekoch, keď sme tam otvorili prvý cirkevný vek, zistili sme, že Duch Svätý bol proti určitej veci, ktorú oni začali v tom cirkevnom veku. A to bolo nazvané "skutky Nikolaitov." [Mikulášencov - podľa slovenského prekladu Biblie. -- pozn.prekl.] Pamätáte sa na to? Nikao znamená "premáhať." Laity znamená cirkev, laikov. Niko-laites, premáhať laikov. Odoberá Ducha Svätého z cirkvi a dáva to všetko jednému svätému mužovi. Necháva ho byť vedúcim všetkého toho. Prešli ste cez to - Nikolaitizmus.

191Všimnite si, Nikolaitizmus bolo niečo, o čom sa hovorilo v prvej cirkvi. V ďalšom cirkevnom veku sa to stáva náukou. A v treťom cirkevnom veku to bolo násilie, a oni mali Nicejský Koncil. Potom v cirkvi bola z toho urobená náuka.

192A čo sa stalo ako prvé? Povstala z toho organizácia! No, je to tak? Povedzte mi z kadiaľ pochádza prvá organizovaná cirkev. - Rímsko Katolícka cirkev. Povedzte mi, či nie je povedané v Zjavení, v Knihe Zjavení 17, že ona bola smilnica, mater smilníc - jej dcéry boli smilnice. To sú tie isté, ktoré sa s ňou zorganizovali - smilnice berúce ohavnosti, špinavosti svojho smilstva za náuku. Učiac učenia, ktoré sú prikázaniami ľudí.

193Všimnite si. Pozrite sa, on vyšiel aby zvíťazil. Všimnite si, on nemal žiadnu korunu. Ten jazdec na bielom koni, o ktorom tu hovorím. Vidíte? Luk a bola mu daná koruna - potom. Vidíte? On keď začal nemal žiadnu korunu, ale mu bola daná koruna. Všimnite si, neskoršie mu bola daná koruna. Áno, tri - tri v jednej. To bolo o tristo rokov neskoršie, na Nicejskom Koncile, keď on vyrazil - duch Nikolaitov, aby medzi ľuďmi sformoval organizáciu. A potom to ďalej pretrvávalo, ide to ďalej, ide to ďalej a stáva sa to niečím, o čom sa hovorí. Potom sa to stáva náukou.

194Pamätáte sa, ako Kristus hovorí ku cirkvi, povedal: "Nenávidíš skutky Nikolaitov, ktoré Ja tiež nenávidím." Snaží sa víťaziť - berie Sväté Písma ... Len jeden svätý muž; on môže odpúšťať všetky hriechy a všetko. A my sme práve čítali, kde Pavol o tom hovoril. Táto vec nastane v týchto posledných dňoch. A on nebude môcť byť zjavený, až do posledných dní. Potom on, ktorý zdržoval, vezme Ducha Svätého preč z tade a potom sa on zjaví.

195Dnes je on pod maskou bieleho koňa. Dávajte za chvíľu pozor, ako sa on mení z toho bieleho koňa. On sa nestáva len bielym koňom; on sa stáva zvieraťom s mnohými hlavami a rohmi. Vidíte? Tento biely kôň, on je teraz zvodca, a preto to tí ľudia po celý tento čas nevedeli. Oni si to mysleli, ale teraz je to tu. Bude to zjavené skrze Písmo.

196Všimnite si, keď Nikolaitizmus, vidíte ... antikrist je nakoniec ... on je stelesnený v človeku; potom je korunovaný. Keď vyšiel, ako duch Nikolaitov v cirkvi, on je duch. Nemôžete korunovať ducha. Ale o tristo rokov neskoršie sa on stáva pápežom, a potom ho oni korunovali. On keď začal, nemal žiadnu korunu. Ale neskoršie mal korunu, vidíte, keď ten duch bol stelesnený. Vidíte? On sa stal človekom. Náuka Nikolaitov sa stala človekom, potom ho oni mohli korunovať. Oni to prv nemohli urobiť, pretože, on bol len náukou. Sláva!

197Všimnite si! A keď tento Duch Svätý, ktorého máme sa stelesňuje v nás, ten, ktorý je teraz v našom strede vo forme Ducha Svätého, vteľuje sa do nás v osobe Ježiša Krista, my budeme korunovať Jeho, Kráľa kráľov. Amen. Je to tak. Vidíte?

198Nuž pamätajte, v tom čase, keď Kristus prichádza na Trón, antikrist prichádza na trón - Judáš. V tom čase, keď Kristus odišiel zo zeme, Judáš odišiel zo zeme. Práve v tom čase, keď Duch Svätý prichádza späť, antikrist prichádza späť.

199Vy viete, Ján tu povedal: "Detičky, nechcem aby ste nevedeli, vy viete, o antikristovi, ktorý už prišiel a pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti." Antikrist potom - on tam bol, začal tam formovať ducha Nikolaitov, aby urobil organizáciu.

200Nie divu, že som nenávidel tú vec! Tu to máte. To som nebol ja; to bolo niečo tu vo vnútri. Tam je tá vec. To vychádza von. Vidíte to? Obzeral som to zo všetkých strán. Nemohol som to vidieť až doteraz. Teraz to viem. Tu to je - Boh nenávidí toho ducha Nikolaitov. A teraz sa tento duch stelesnil a oni ho korunovali. Tu to je - rovno tu. To, čo Biblia hovorí, že oni s tým urobia - presne. Ó!

201Stelesnený - on sa stal človekom, a potom ho oni korunovali. Čítajte, všimnite si ... Alebo čítajme radšej, ako Daniel povedal, že on prevezme do svojich rúk cirkevné kráľovstvo. Chceli by ste si to prečítať? Máme čas na to, či nie? No dobre. Počúvajte. Poďme na chvíľu späť do Daniela. Otvorme si Knihu Daniela a budeme čítať za chvíľu a nebudeme ... možno ešte pätnásť, dvadsať minút, alebo tridsať, alebo tak nejako. Dobre? Vezmime Daniela, 11. kapitolu a vezmime 21. verš. Tu je Daniel. Daniel teraz hovorí, ako tento chlapík prevezme.

A zase na jeho mieste povstane opovržený človek,

 (hovorí o Ríme),

na ktorého nedajú slávy kráľovstva: 

(teraz dávajte pozor) 

ale príde v pokoji ... príde v pokoji a zmocní sa kráľovstva úlisnosťou.

202Presne to čo on urobil - čo povedal Daniel, že tento antikrist urobí. On prispôsobí miesto pre ľudí. To bude vyhovovať ich - ich jedálnemu lístku na tento deň, pre cirkvi. Pretože v tomto cirkevnom veku oni nechcú Slovo, Krista, oni chcú cirkev. Prvé ... oni sa vás nepýtajú, či ste Kresťan. "Do akej cirkvi patríš? Aká cirkev?" Oni nechcú Krista, Slovo. Choďte a povedzte im o Slove, a ako sa napraviť, oni to nechcú.

Oni chcú niečo ... žiť si akokoľvek len chcú a stále patriť do cirkvi a udržať svoje svedectvo. Vidíte? Tak, on presne prispôsobuje jedálny lístok. A pamätajte, on bol nakoniec v Biblii nazvaný "ona". A ona bola prostitútka a mala dcéry. On proste prispôsobuje ten jedálny lístok na tento deň - to, čo ľudia chcú. Tu to máte.

203Boh to zasľúbil. Kaď odmietli Slovo, potom sa obrátili do svojich žiadostí. Čítajme znovu v liste Tesaloničanom. Chcem, aby ste to tu ešte chvíľu pozorovali. Čítali sme to pred chvíľou. Druhá Tesaloničanom 2:9-11. Tam stojí, že oni budú: "Odvracajúci sa, odmietajúci pravdu, budú vydaní do prevrátenej mysli, a budú veriť lži a skrze to budú odsúdení." To je to, čo povedal Duch Svätý.

204Nuž, či toto nie je dnes žiadosťou cirkvi? Vy sa snažíte povedať ľuďom, že musia robiť toto, to, či tamto, a oni vám hneď dajú najavo, že oni sú Metodisti, Presbyteriáni, či čokoľvek, že oni nemusia veslovať vo vašom člne. Vidíte? Skutočne! Oni to chcú. A Boh povedal: "Keď to oni chcú, nechám ich nech to majú. A Ja skutočne spôsobím, aby verili, že to je pravda, pretože im dám prevrátenú myseľ ohľadne pravdy."

205Nuž pozrite sa sem, čo tiež hovorí Biblia: "Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžíšovi ...," tak budú robiť títo v tých posledných dňoch s prevrátenou mysľou ohľadne pravdy; a obrátia milosť nášho Boha na nestudatosť, zapierajúc Pána Boha. Teraz vidíte kde to je! Nie len Katolíci, ale Protestanti - všetci. To je celý ten zorganizovaný svet. To je jazdec na bielom koni, pod rúškom bielej, spravodlivej cirkvi. Vidíte? Ale antikrist - to musí vyzerať, ako ... dokonca na koni, práve tak, ako Kristus prichádza na koni. Vidíte? Všetko anti - tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených ...

Tu on je. On je antikrist. On začal cválať v prvom cirkevnom veku. Teraz on cvála ďalej, ďalej cez každý vek. Nuž pozorujte ho.

Vy hovoríte: "Či už vtedy v tom apoštolskom čase?" On tam bol nazvaní Nikolaitizmus. Potom v ďalšom cirkevnom veku, potom sa on v cirkvi stáva náukou. Prv on bol len niečím, o čom sa hovorilo, potom sa stal náukou.

206Nóbl, slávni ľudia, fajne oblečení, vysoko vzdelaní, uhladení, nechceli všetko to zachovávanie sa v cirkvi. Nie, oni nechceli tie všetky veci Ducha Svätého. Musí byť cirkev ... "A my všetci pôjdeme cez Nicejský koncil a tak ďalej, v Ríme." Potom, keď tam oni prišli, oni zobrali cirkev, zobrali pohanstvo, Rím a Katolicizmus či pohanstvo. Pohanský Rím a niekoľko povier. A zobrali Astartu, kráľovnú nebies a prerobili ju na Máriu, matku. Robia prostredníkov z mŕtvych ľudí, a tak ďalej. A zobrali tú okrúhlu oplátku, čo stále kladú tam dookola, a nazývajú to telo Kristovo, pretože to reprezentuje matku nebies. A katolíci prechádzajú okolo a prekrižúvajú sa. Pretože, tie svetlá tam horia, to má byť ten kóšer (nekvasený chlieb), ktorý je premenený na boha, skrze kňazovu moc. Zatiaľ, čo to nie je nič iné, ako jasné pohanstvo! Vidíte? Je to tak.

207Ja to proste nerozumiem! Nuž, áno, rozumiem. Rozumiem tomu, skrze milosť Božiu. Všimnite si teraz. Ó, ako to oni môžu robiť! A oni sú vydaní svojím žiadostiam. Nie, to je pravda. Vy to nemusíte robiť. Nie veru. Ak to nechcete robiť, nie ste nasilu nútení, aby ste to robili. Ak sa nechcete dať do poriadku podľa Božieho spôsobu žitia a všetkého, a bohoslužby, nemusíte to robiť. Boh nikoho nenúti, aby to robil. Ale dovoľte mi, aby som vám niečo povedal. Ak vaše meno bolo umiestené v tej Baránkovej Knihe Života pred založením sveta, budete to tak radi robiť, nebudete sa môcť dočkať na tú chvíľu, aby ste to robili.

Pozri sa sem. Hovoríte: "Dám ti porozumieť, že som práve tak nábožný ..." Dobre, to môže byť pravda. Pozrite sa, kto by mohol povedať tým kňazom vo dňoch Pána Ježiša, že neboli nábožní? Kto by mohol povedať, že Izrael na púšti nebol nábožný? Keď jedli ...

"Boh ma tak mnoho krát požehnal ..."

Áno, On tiež žehnal ich. Oni nemuseli ani pracovať na svoje živobytie. On ich kŕmil z neba. A Ježiš povedal: "Oni sú všetci stratení a pomreli a zahynuli."

"Naši otcovia," oni povedali, "jedli mannu na púšti, štyridsať rokov."

208Ježiš povedal: "A oni, každý jeden, sú mŕtvi - večne oddelení." Vidíte? On povedal: "Ale Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý zostupuje od Boha z Neba. Ten, kto je tento chlieb, nikdy nezomrie." Vidíte? On je ten Strom Života.

209Všimnite si len ako ... A keď prišiel Ježiš, povstali tam títo kňazi, veľmi nábožní. Chlapče, nikto by nemohol povedať, že to neboli dobrí ľudia. Ó! Oni kráčali podľa línii zákona. Všetko, čo cirkev povedala, oni to robili. Ak by to nerobili, boli by ukameňovaní. A tak, keď oni vystúpili, viete ako ich Ježiš nazval? Ján ich nazval: "Vy hromada hadov v tráve! Nemyslite si, pretože patríte do tej organizácii, že máte niečo dočinenia s Bohom."

210A Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste z vášho otca, diabla." Povedal: "Zakaždým, keď Boh poslal nejakého proroka, čo sa stalo? Ukameňovali ste ho a hodili ste ho do hrobu. A teraz tam idete a bielite jeho hrob."

211Či to nie je to isté, čo urobila Katolícka cirkev? Pozrite sa na Johanu z Arcu a Svätého Patrika a všetkých tých ostatných. Oni sú tí, ktorí ich doviedli do hrobu. A potom vykopali telo Johany z Arcu a hodili ho do rieky, o niekoľko sto rokov neskoršie. A upálili ju ako čarodejnicu. "Vy ste z vášho otca, diabla a konáte jeho skutky." Presne tak. Toto pôjde do celého sveta. Vidíte? Tak veru!

To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. A vy si myslíte, že to je v poriadku. Vyzerá to celkom pekne, ten biely kôň. Ale pozrite sa, čo máte. To je presne on, ktorý ide na ňom.

212Nuž, ale On povedal, že oni to chceli, a tak On im dal silné pôsobenie bludu. Pamätajte, táto prostitútka zo Zjavenia 17, ona je to Tajomstvo, Babylon, mater smilníc. A Ján ju obdivoval, práve tak, ako tohoto muža, napísal ... Počkajte ideme sem a sledujte ho, ako tu pozoruje toho koňa. Vidíte? Ale všimli ste si, že ona bola ... to, čo sa stalo bolo toto: že on ju obdivoval s veľkým údivom. Ale to tajomstvo bolo, že ona pila krv mučeníkov Kristových. Sedela tam nádherná cirkev, odiata v purpure a v zlate a vo svojej ruke mala pohár nečistoty svojho smilstva.

213Čo je to smilstvo? Nepočestný život. To je jej náuka, ktorú ona vydala - berie Slovo Božie a zbavuje ho moci; s nejakým "Zdravas Mária" a so všetkými týmito rôznymi inými vecami a podáva to ľuďom. A kráľovia zeme páchali s ňou smilstvo.

214"Dobre," vy hovoríte, "to je Katolícka cirkev." Ale ona bola "mater smilníc," vidíte, oni sú také isté, ako ona! Tu to máte! Čo sa stalo? Keď ten reformátor zomrel a jeho posolstvo zomrelo, vy ste to zorganizovali a dali do toho bandu zosvetštených ľudí (Rikys) a priviedli ste to znovu naspäť, aby ste si žili tak, ako sa vám zachce. Nechceli ste zostávať pri Slove. Namiesto toho, aby sa pohybovali ďalej dopredu podľa Slova, oni tam hneď začali: "Toto je to." Och! Nerobte to. To je to - Jeho tam hore!

215Všimnite si. To je jedna vec. Prv ako zakončíme chceme sa dotknúť ešte niekoľko ďalších vecí. On je ten vojvoda, ktorý mal zničiť Danielov ľud. Veríte tomu? Chcem to teraz predstaviť, ak mi len pomôžete a ešte niekoľko minút budete mať so mnou trpezlivosť. Predstavím to tak rýchlo, ako len budem môcť. Ale chcem to predstaviť jasne! Pretože mi to dal Duch Svätý viem to s takou istotou, ako tu stojím. Rozumiete?

216No pozrite sa, vezmime ... poďme znovu na chvíľu naspäť do Daniela. Chcem vám niečo prečítať. Samozrejme, ak nepôjdete naspäť, je to v poriadku. Chcem čítať Daniela 9. Daniel 9. A chcem čítať 26. a 27 verš z 9. kapitoly Daniela. Dávajte pozor, či to nie je ten, ktorý má zničiť Danielov ľud - čo on bude robiť.

A po šesťdesiatych a dvoch týždňoch bude vyťatý Pomazaný, ...

Vidíte, to je šesťdesiat dva týždňov. On bude vyťatý z tých sedemdesiatych týždňov.

... ale nie kvôli sebe: ale kvôli ľuďom - A mesto i svätyňu skazí ľud vojvodu 

(to je tu tá hierarchia),

ktorý prijde a jeho koniec bude ako záplava a vojna až do konca, určené pustošenia.

217Ľudia, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Potom, čo Kristus bol vyťatý zo zeme, po tri a pol rokoch Svojej služby, čo zničilo chrám? Kto ho zničil? Rím! Skutočne. Konštantín či ... Nie, prepáčte. Titus, Rímsky generál. On zničil toho vojvodu. Všimnite si teraz. Pozorujte tú osobu, ako hneď prichádza dole. Dávajte len na neho pozor.

218Keď sa Ježiš narodil, ten červený drak stál na nebi pri žene, aby zožral jej chlapca, akonáhle sa narodí. Je to tak? Kto to bol, ktorý sa snažil zožrať jej chlapca, keď sa On narodil? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Rím.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? Tam je ten červený drak. Tu máte toho vojvodu. Tu máte tú šelmu. Vidíte? Tam oni sú, každý jeden z nich, práve tak isto - aby zožral to dieťa. Boh ho zobral do Neba a posadil na Svoj Trón. To je tam, kde je teraz Kristus až do toho vyznačeného času. Vidíte? Nuž, dávajte pozor, čo on bude robiť.

219Myslím, že som to tu niekomu hovoril. Možno to bol dnes brat Roberson, alebo niekto, komu som o tomto hovoril. O ... nie toto tu, ale práve o tom istom. Myslím, že som tu nedávno o tom kázal, čo sa stane týmto Spojeným štátom, o tejto peňažnej situácii. Vidíte? Dobre, my teraz platíme naše dlhy daniami, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov. Tak sme pozadu.

220Naladili ste si niekedy "KAIR", alebo "Lifeline" a počúvali ste správy z Washingtonu? No vidíte, sme úplne zbankrotovaný. To je všetko. O čo ide? Zlato je všetko uložené a Židia držia dlžobné úpisy. Prejde to do rúk Rímu.

221Dávajte teraz pozor. Vieme kto vlastní tie veľké obchodné domy, ale Rím má najväčšiu časť svetového bohatstva. Zbytok majú Židia. Sledujte teraz toto. Počúvate len teraz, ako mi to predstavil Duch Svätý.

A uzavrie pevnú zmluvu s mnohými za jeden týždeň: 

(teraz dávajte pozor) 

a v polovici toho týždňa urobí to, že prestane bitná obeť aj *obetný dar obilný, ...  a na krídle ohavností ponesie sa pustošiteľ, a to až sa dokoná úplná záhuba a to, čo je určené, vyleje sa na pustošiteľa.

[*Výraz - "obetný dar obilný" je v angličtine vyjadrený slovom "oblation". Brat Branham vyslovuje slovo "obligation", čo znamená - záväzná dohoda, alebo úpis, dlhopis. – pozn.prekl.]

Hľaďte! Och, čo je to za chytráka! Tu ho máte. Teraz sme obdržali svoj obraz a vieme, že to je Rím. Vieme, že on je ten jazdec na bielom koni. Vieme, že on vystúpil ako náuka. Čo sa potom stalo s pohanským Rímom? Zmenil sa na papežský Rím a bol korunovaný.

222Hľaďte teraz. V poslednom čase - nie v tých včasných dňoch, keď bol kázaný Kristus - ale v poslednom čase. V poslednej polovici toho týždňa, kde sme práve zobrali sedemdesiat Danielových týždňov ... A Kristus prorokoval tri a pol roka a tri a pol roka je ešte vymeraných. Je to tak? A tento vojvoda v tom čase má uzavrieť zmluvu s Danielovým ľudom, ktorým sú Židia. To sa deje, keď je Nevesta vzatá. Ona to nebude vidieť.

223Všimnite si. V poslednej polovici Danielovho týždňa, tí ľudia uzatvárajú zmluvu. Tento vojvoda uzatvára zmluvu s Rímom - uzatvára s nimi zmluvu. Niet pochýb, že kvôli bohatstvu. Pretože Katolíci a Židia držia bohatstvo sveta.

224Bol som vo Vatikáne. Videl som tú trojitú korunu. Myslel som, že budem mať rozhovor s pápežom. Baron Von Blomberg mi to vybavil na stredu popoludní o tretej. Keď ma vzali ku tomu kráľovi, odtrhli mi manžety na nohaviciach. To bolo v poriadku. Povedali mi, že sa mu nesmiem obrátiť chrbtom, keď budem od neho odchádzať. To bolo v poriadku. Ale ja som povedal: "Čo musím urobiť pred tou osobou?"

Povedali: "No, len tam vojdeš pokľakneš na jedno koleno a pobozkáš mu prst."

225Povedal som: "To je priveľa. To neurobím." Povedal som: "Nazvem každého človeka bratom, kto chce byť bratom. Nazvem ho Reverend, ak chce byť tak titulovaný. Ale uctievať človeka - to všetko patrí Ježišovi Kristovi." Vidíte? To neurobím. Nebudem nikomu takto bozkávať ruku. Nie, skutočne.

A tak, som to neurobil. Ale mal som možnosť prejsť cez celý Vatikán. No, nemohli by ste ho kúpiť za sto bilión, biliónov dolárov. Povedzme, vy ... A rozmýšľajte len: "Bohatstvo sveta," hovorí Biblia, "bolo nájdené v nej." Ó, predstavte si len tie vysoké miesta, bilión krát ...

226Prečo tu v Rusku povstal komunizmus? Bolí ma z toho žalúdok, keď počujem toľkých kazateľov, ako vyvreskujú o komunizme a vôbec ani nevedia, o čom kotkodákajú. Je to tak. Komunizmus nie je nič. To je nástroj v rukách Božích, aby za krv svätých priviedol na zem pomstu. Tak to je.

227A potom, keď Cirkev bude zabrané preč, Rím a Židia uzavrú jeden s druhým zmluvu. Biblia hovorí, že oni ju uzavrú so svätým ľudom. A teraz si všimnite, prečo to oni urobia? Tento národ zbankrotuje, a pozostalý svet, ktorého valuta je založená na zlate, zbankrotuje. Vy to viete. Ak žijeme z daní, z nezaplatených účtov, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov od teraz, kde sme? Je len jedno, čo sa môže stať. A to, stiahnuť menu a vyplatiť dlžobné úpisy. A my to nemôžeme urobiť. Vlastní ich Wall Street, a Wall Street je kontrolované Židmi. Zvyšok z toho je vo Vatikáne. A Židia majú ten zvyšok na Wall Street s obchodom sveta.

228My nemôžeme stiahnuť menu. A keby to oni mohli urobiť, myslíte si ... títo chlapi od whisky a všetci títo tabakoví ľudia s biliónmi a biliónmi dolárov ročne ... ? A odpisujú všetku svoju daň z príjmu na staré vulgárne obrazy a tomu podobné veci? A idú tam do Arizony a kupujú milióny akrov pôdy, alebo tisíce a kopú svoje veľké ropné studne, za päťdesiat miliónov dolárov a vyplácajú to daňou z príjmu?

229A vás dajú do vezenia, ak vy nezaplatíte svoju. Ale oni to odpisujú a stavajú ropné studne a posielajú tam buldozéry. A čo oni robia? Naplánujú tam bytovú výstavbu. A pri ďalšom obrate so svojimi peniazmi, ktoré nadobudli - musia niekde investovať. A stavajú domy, projektujú tam a predávajú ich za milióny dolárov. Myslíte si, že títo ľudia pristúpia na kompromis, zmeniť menu?

230Ako to urobil ten chlapík tu dole v ... Ako sa volá? Castro. On urobil najmúdrejšiu vec, akú kedy urobil, keď zlikvidoval dlžobné úpisy - vyplatil ich a zničil. Všimnite si, ale my to nemôžeme urobiť. Títo ľudia nám to nedovolia.

231Tí bohatí obchodníci sveta to držia. A potom možno urobiť len jedno: Katolícka cirkev to môže vyplatiť. Ona je tá jediná, ktorá má peniaze. A ona to môže urobiť a ona to urobí.

232A keď to bude robiť, aby to dostala, dohodne sa na kompromise so Židmi a uzavrie zmluvu. A keď uzavrie túto zmluvu so Židmi ... Teraz, zapamätajte si, ja to hovorím z Písma! A teraz, keď to ona robí a uzatvára túto zmluvu, vidíme v Danielovi 8: 23 a 25: "on spôsobí, že remeslo bude prospievať" - a remeslo to je priemysel - "v jeho ruke."

233A on uzatvára túto zmluvu so Židmi. A v polovici po tých tri a pol roku, on zruší svoju zmluvu, len čo sa mu podarí spakovať tú vec a zablokovať peniaze Židov. A keď to urobí ... Ó! Ó! On je nazvaný antikrist až do konca cirkevného veku, pretože on je ... on a jeho deti sú proti Kristovi a Slovu. Tento muž je nazvaný antikrist. Teraz, on uchopí tie peniaze. A myslím, že tam to príde. (Ešte minútku. Poviem toto, potom sa chcem do toho za chvíľu vrátiť.) On je nazvaný antikrist a v Božích očiach bude nazvaný antikristom až do času konca. No, ale potom on bude nazvaný inak.

234Teraz, keď on dostane všetky tie peniaze pod kontrolu, potom on zruší túto zmluvu so Židmi, ako tu povedal Daniel, že to urobí - v strede poslednej polovici sedemdesiatych Danielových týždňov. A potom, brat, čo on urobí? On bude mať všetok svetový trh a obchod - pakt so svetom - pretože bude držať bohatstvo sveta. Kompletne!

235A v tom čase povstanú na scéne tí dvaja proroci a vyvolajú tých sto štyridsať štyri tisíc. Čo sa potom stane? Potom príde znamenie šelmy zo Zjavenia 13. Pretože on drží celý obchod, trh a všetko na svete. A čo sa potom stane? Príde znamenie šelmy, že nikto nemôže kupovať ani predávať, iba ten kto má znamenie šelmy. Vďaka Bohu, Cirkev bude zažívať veľkolepé tri a pol roky v Sláve. Nebudeme musieť ísť cez to.

236No, všimnite si, na konci času - na konci cirkevných vekov, teraz - on je nazvaný ... on a jeho deti sú nazvaní antikrist, pretože všetko, čo je proti Kristovi je anti-krist. A všetko, čo je proti Slovu je proti Kristovi, pretože Kristus je Slovo. Teraz je on antikrist. Potom, v Zjavení 12:7-9, keď je Satan vyvrhnutý von - ten žalobca. (Môžete si to zapísať, pretože chcem, aby ste si to prečítali. Nemáme teraz čas, pretože za dvadsať, pätnásť minút bude desať hodín.) Ale v Zjavení 12:7-9, Satan, ten duch, diabol, ktorý je teraz tam hore, žalobca našich bratov ... Je to tak? Cirkev je vzatá hore a Satan prichádza dole. Potom sa Satan stelesňuje v tom antikristovi a je nazvaný "šelma."

237Potom v Zjavení 13 on zavádza to znamenie. Vidíte? "Keď ten, ktorý zdržuje ..." Len teraz ... Kresťanstvo je nechané na zemi vo svojej čistote, z dôvodu toho, ktorý zdržuje. Pamätáte sa tam v liste Tesaloničanom, sedí v chráme Božom, nazýva sa Bohom, odpúšťa hriechy na zemi? A to pôjde ďalej: "a neprávosť sa rozmnoží" a ďalej. Pretože on nebude ešte daný najavo, až kým nenastane jeho čas, aby bol zjavený.

238Potom Cirkev bude vychvátená. A keď Ona bude vychvátená, potom sa on premieňa z antikrista, vtedy ... Ó! Cirkev, veľká cirkev a to ... Vtedy sa on stáva šelmou! Och joj! Prajem si, aby som mohol doviesť ľudí do toho, aby to videli!

239No, pamätajte, antikrist a šelma to je ten istý duch. Existuje trojica. Tak veru. To sú tri stupne tej istej diablovej moci. Pamätajte, Nikolaitizmus, vidíte, to muselo byť stelesnené prv, ako to mohlo byť korunované. Vidíte? Teraz sledujte toto, tri stupne. Prvý stupeň, on je nazvaný antikrist; druhý stupeň, on je nazvaný falošný prorok; tretí stupeň, on je nazvaný šelma.

240Všimnite si, Nikolaitizmus, antikristove učenie, ktoré začalo vo dňoch Pavla, proti Slovu Božiemu - antikrist. Potom je on ďalej nazvaný, falošný prorok. Ktorý, keď to učenie sa stalo človekom, on bol prorok tomu učeniu tej hierarchie, tej hierarchie Katolíckej cirkvi. Pápež bol prorokom falošnému slovu. A to ho činí falošným prorokom.

241Tretí stupeň je šelma. Muž, ktorý je korunovaný v posledných dňoch, so všetkou mocou, ktorú pohanský Rím kedy mal. Pretože, tá sedem hlavá šelma, drak, bol vyvrhnutý z neba a stelesnil sa vo falošnom prorokovi. Tu to máte, on mal sedem korún a bol vyvrhnutý a hodený na zem a na more. No dobre.

242Čo my hovoríme? Kto je tento jazdec, tento jazdec na koni? Viete čo to je? To je satanov nadčlovek.

243Išiel som raz večer s dvoma bratmi, ktorí tu teraz sedia v zhromaždení; s bratom Normanom, je tam vzadu, a myslím s bratom Fredom. Boli sme tam počúvať nejakého muža, ako učil o antikristovi. Dobre známy človek. Jeden z najlepších, akého majú v Zboroch Božích. Jeho výklad o antikristovi bol, že z človeka zoberú nejaký druh vitamínu a prenesú tento život z človeka do nejakej veľkej podoby, ktorá bude ... naraz prekročí celý panelák. A to ... Môžete si predstaviť človeka naplneného Duchom svätým, alebo tvrdí, že je naplnený Duchom Svätým, pod takouto falošnou predstavou? Keď tu je Biblia, ktorá hovorí, kto je antikrist. To nie je nejaký ... To je človek.

244Všimnite si, tento jazdec nie je nikto iný, ako Satanov nadčlovek, stelesnený diabol. On je nejaký vzdelaný génius. Nuž, dúfam, že máte otvorené uši. Oni nedávno v televíznom vysielaní skúšali jedno z jeho detí, aby zistili, či by nebol chytrejší než ten ďalší muž, aby mohol kandidovať na prezidenta. Vidíte? Jednako, on má mnoho múdrosti. Tak mnoho jej má Satan. On sa ju snaží predať. On ju predal Eve a on ju predal nám. Chceli sme nadčloveka. Máme ho. Tak veru. Celý svet chce nadčloveka. Oni ho budú mať. Len počkajte až Cirkev pôjde hore a Satan bude vyvrhnutý von On sa stelesní. Tak veru. Oni chcú niekoho, kto skutočne môže vykonávať tú robotu. On to bude robiť.

245Vzdelaný! To je Satanov nadčlovek, so vzdelaním, s múdrosťou, s cirkevnou teológiou založenou na jeho vlastných slovách, jeho vlastnej produkcii. A on ide na svojom bielom denominačnom koni, aby zviedol ľudí. A on dobije každé náboženstvo sveta, pretože oni všetci idú do konfederácii cirkví a do svetovej konfederácii cirkví. A oni už majú postavené svoje budovy a všetko sa ukladá presne podľa plánu. Nezabudnú ani na jednu vec. Každá denominácia sa napája rovno do toho - do federácii cirkví. A čo stojí za tým? Rím! A ten pápež teraz kričí: "My sme všetci jedno. Poďme spolu a kráčajme spolu."

246A títo ľudia, dokonca niektorí z ľudí z Plného Evanjelia, zapierajú ... musia zaprieť svoje učenie evanjelia, aby urobili takýto krok. Čo ste to urobili? Tak slepí na túto denominačnú vec, vy ste odmietli pravdu. A pravda bola postavená pred nich a oni odišli od nej preč a opustili ju. A teraz boli vydaní pod mocné pôsobenie bludu, aby uverili lži a boli s ňou zatratení. To je presne to. A antikrist to všetko berie. A Biblia hovorí, že on zvedie všetkých - všetkých na celej tvári zeme, ktorých mená neboli zapísané pod týmito Pečaťami od založenie sveta. Hm! Nuž, ak to Biblia povedala, že on to urobí, on to urobí.

Oni hovoria: "Dobre, ja patrím ..." No vidíte. Áno. To je presne to. To je tá istá prostitútska inštitúcia. To je ten istý systém, ktorý začal na počiatku, ktorým je antikrist, po celý čas. Napočúvam sa za to, ale to je ... To je Pravda. Očakávam na to. Amen.

247Nuž, všimnite si, on je víťaz. A už teraz to má takmer vo svojom zovretí zatiaľ, čo je stále len antikrist, prv ako sa stáva šelmou. Vy hovoríte o ukrutnom treste? Čakajte len. Hľaďte na tých, ktorí zostanú zanechaní tu na zemi. Cez čo budú musieť prejsť. Tam bude plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov. Pretože drak, Rím, vypustí vodu zo svojich úst, aby viedol vojnu s ostatkom ženinho semena, ktoré bolo zanechané na zemi, potom, čo Nevesta bola vybraná a vzatá hore. A drak viedol vojnu s tým zvyškom. Oni nechceli vojsť do toho, ale boli dochytení.

248A tá skutočná Cirkev by išla cez to, ak by to bolo možné. Ale vidíte, oni prešli pod touto Krvou skrze milosť Kristovu a nemôžu ísť cez žiadne súženie. Oni nemajú žiadne obdobie súženia. To ďalšie pre tú Cirkev je vytrhnutie! Amen a amen!

249Ó, ako to milujem! Dovoľte mi povedať vám. Je nám povedané, čo za víťazstvo on ide dosiahnuť a on skutočne ide zvíťaziť. On to už dosiahol! Už je to ušité, to stačí! Oni si to zaistia za peniaze - špinavý kšeft. Presne. Oni milujú viacej peniaze, ako Boha. Všetko, o čom oni teraz rozmýšľajú je: "koľko má peňazí?" Čo to je? Viete, mnohokrát bolo povedané: "Dajte cirkvi peniaze a ona urobí vo svete revolúciu. Dajte cirkvi peniaze a ona pošle evanjelistov do celého sveta." A čo ona bude robiť? "Ona dobije svet pre Krista."

250Dovoľ, aby som ti niečo povedal, môj biedny, slepý priateľ. Svet nebude premožený skrze peniaze, ale skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. Dajte Bohu ľudí, ktorí sú statoční, ktorí na život a na smrť budú stáť na tom Slove. To zvíťazí. Ó-ój. Bude len jedna vec, ktorá môže zvíťaziť; tí, ktorí majú svoje mená zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta. To je tá jediná vec, ktorá to bude počúvať. Peniaze nemajú s tým nič spoločného - posielajú ich ďalej do denominačných tradícií.

251Pozrime sa. Áno, on bude vzdelaný génius. On bude chytrý. Ó, ó, ó! A všetky jeho deti okolo neho budú chytré, Ph.D., LL.D., Q.S.D., A.B.C.D.E.F. a tak ďalej až do Z. Oni to všetko budú mať. Chytrí. Prečo? To je podľa Satanovho predpisu. Každá chytrosť, mazanosť proti Biblii je zo Satana. To je presne to, s čím on dostal Evu. Eva povedala: "Oh, je napísané, Boh nám povedal, aby sme to nerobili." On povedal: "Ale, počkaj. Boh to v skutočnosti neurobí. Ale ja ti otvorím oči a dám ti nejakú múdrosť." Ona to dostala. My sme to chceli a máme to tak isto, tento národ.

252Všimnite si, on dobije celý náboženský svet. On dobije ... uzavrie zmluvu s Danielovým ľudom. Tu to je dvojako v pohanoch i v ... Danielovým ľudom, Židmi za ten posledný týždeň. A tu to máme. Dokonca je to predstavené na pódiách. A dokonale to vidíte, že je to tam, kde to je. Vďaka Bohu. Tam on je. Ten organizovaný systém je z diabla. A nie sú ani vyrazené na tom žiadne punce. Vidíte? Presne.

253To je koreň diablov. To je ... Nuž, nie ľudia, nie tí ľudia tam. To sú Boží ľudia, mnohí z nich. Ale viete čo, keď sa dostaneme tu, až sa dostaneme ku ... zoberieme tieto trúbiace trúby. Nabudúce, keď tu budem prechádzať, zoberieme tieto trúbenia trúb. Pamätajte, keď oni, posledný anjel ... Ten tretí anjel preletel: "Vyjdite z nej, ľud Môj!" Keď tento anjel letí, v tom istom čase tu prichádza toto posolstvo pre tú poslednú trúbu, posolstvo posledného anjela, otvára sa posledná pečať. Všetko sa deje v tom, istom čase. Tak veru. To všetko uzatvára a ide do večnosti.

254Teraz dávajte pozor. V tom istom čase, keď tento chlapík víťazí ... (Potom skončím.), Boh tiež bude potom niečo robiť. Nedajme tu len satanovi všetku vážnosť, vidíte. Nehovorme len o ňom. Vidíte? Zatiaľ, čo táto veľká vec tu vychádza - tento veľký systém viažuci sa do týchto organizácií, do nejakej únii, tak sa oni môžu združiť spolu dokopy a postaviť sa proti komunizmu, a nevedia pritom, že Boh vzbudil komunizmus, aby ich porazil. Skutočne. Čo spôsobilo, že v Rusku povstal komunizmus? Kvôli nečistote Rímskej cirkvi i tých ostatných. Oni vzali všetky peniaze, ktoré boli v Rusku a vyhladovali ľudí na smrť a nedali im nič namiesto toho a žili presne tak, ako ten ostatný svet.

255Bol som v Mexiku, nie tak dávno, a videl som tie biedne malé deti. Žiadna katolícka krajina nie je sebestačná. Ani jedna! Ukážte mi kde sú. Žiadna Katolíkmi kontrolovaná krajina nedokáže podopierať ani samu seba. Francúzsko, Taliansko, a všetky, Mexiko, kdekoľvek idete, oni nie sú sebestační. Prečo? Cirkev vzala všetko, čo majú. Preto ju Rusko vykoplo.

256Hľaďte, čo sa deje. Viem to sám. Stál som tam dole. A mysleli by ste si, že prebieha zlaté jubileum, bolo počuť zvoniť zvony. A tu dole ulicou ide biedna ženička, ledva vlečie svoje nohy. A otec nesie nemluvňa a dve alebo tri plakali - ona znášala trest na znak kajania sa, tam pred nejakou mŕtvou ženou. Mala svoju ... Mysliac si, že skrze to sa dostane do neba. Ó, čo za žalostná vec!

257Potom som videl, ako som tam stál ... Tu prichádza ... Ich ekonomika je tak biedne vyvážená! Cirkev zaberá všetko, čo majú. Tu prichádza mladý Pančo, možno Pančo znamená Frank. On vchádza; a on je murár. On zarába dvadsať pesos na týždeň. Ale na to, aby si kúpil pár topánok mu bude treba celých dvadsať pesos. To je ich ekonomika.

Ale teraz tu, čo potom, ak on, keď je murár a obkladač a zarába a zarába dvadsať pesos na týždeň ... To len tak hovorím - Ja neviem koľko on zarába, ale hovorím taký druh ekonomiky, tak je to tam vyvážené.

258Všimnite si teraz, ak on zarobí dvadsať pesos na týždeň. Tu prichádza Chico, vidíte, (čo znamená, "ten malý,") a on tam pracuje za okolo päť pesos na týždeň. A on má desať detí, ktoré musí nachovať. Ale niekto tam zaklepe na jeho dvere, aby zobral okolo päť z tých pesos, alebo štyri, aby zaplatiť za nejakú voskovú sviečku, ktorá sa bude páliť za jeho hriechy na zlatom oltári, ktorý má cenu milión dolárov. Tu to máte. To je rovnováha ekonomiky. Tak je to v tých krajinách. Tá vec to všetko berie. Cirkev to všetko berie.

259Ona to proste má vo svojich rukách. To je všetko. Ona s peniazmi Židov a s tou zmluvou - Biblia povedala, že oni to všetko dostanú do svojich rúk. A potom sa on stáva šelmou. On ruší svoju zmluvu a násilím uchvacuje a trhá ten ostatok semena ženy. A vypustí vodu zo svojich úst; bude viesť vojnu. A tam bude plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov. A v tom istom čase sa Nevesta v sláve vydáva. Nech ti to neutečie, priateľu. Bože pomôž mi! Ja tam chcem byť. Nestarám sa o to, čo to stojí. Ja tam chcem byť.

260Nuž, všimnite si. V tom istom čase prebieha toto - alebo lepšie povedané, tesne pred tým, ako sa toto stane na zemi - Boh zasľúbil ... Zatiaľ, čo všetky denominácie sa dohadujú ohľadne svojich rozdielov, ohľadne svojich vyznaní, Boh zasľúbil, že nám pošle pravdivého proroka pravdivého Slova s posolstvom; aby nás navrátil do originálneho Slova Božieho a do viery otcov, aby priniesol medzi ľudí moc Ducha Svätého a moc, ktorá ju pozdvihne ponad tieto veci a vezme ju tam s tým istým Slovom.

261To isté Slovo ... bude potvrdené od Ježiša Krista, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. "Hľa, Ja som stále s vami až do skončenia sveta. A skutky, ktoré Ja činím vy tiež budete činiť. Ja budem priamo s vami. Ešte chvíľu a oni Ma viacej neuvidia," pretože oni sa zorganizujú a rozletia. "Ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože budem s vami. Dokonca vo vás, až do skončenia sveta." A On povedal, že jeho rozhorčenie bude vyliate až po skončení sveta. Tu to máte.

262Ó, Bože! Kto je ten jazdec na bielom koni? Vy nie ste slepí. Vy vidíte, kto to je. To je ten antikrist a ten zvoditeľský duch, ktorý prešiel ďalej a vplazil sa dovnútra. Boh to stále opakuje. On to ukazuje ako muža, ktorý vyšiel na bielom koni so svojim lukom a nemal žiadnych šípov. On je podvodník. On nemá žiadnu moc.

263Vy hovoríte: "Moc cirkvi ..." V čom to je? Čo oni robia? Oni hovoria: "My sme tá originálna cirkev." Tá originálna cirkev vyháňala démonov, uzdravovala nemocných, kriesila mŕtvych, vídala videnia a všetko ďalšie. Kde je to teraz? Vidíte ten podfuk - luk bez šípov. Och! Je to tak.

264Ale vidíte, keď prichádza Kristus, z Jeho úst vychádzal meč, ako ohnivý blesk. On vyšiel a strávil Jeho nepriateľov a vyhnal diabla. On odsekol všetko ďalšie. A prichádza, Jeho rúcho je namočené v krvi a na Jeho bedre bolo napísané: "Slovo Božie." Amen. Tu On prichádza so Svojou armádou, prichádza z Neba.

265Tento jazdec na bielom koni bol po celý čas na zemi. On sa z antikrista bude premieňať. On to robí a stáva sa falošným prorokom. Vidíte, on začal najprv ako antikrist, duch. Potom sa stal falošným prorokom. Potom neskoršie, keď je diabol vyvrhnutý von, on je potom stelesnený s diablom. Tri stupne: za prvé, on je diabol - od začiatku - duch diablov; potom sa stáva falošným prorokom, učiteľom falošnej náuky; za ďalšie, on sa stáva samotným diablom, stelesneným. Vidíte? Tam on je. A v tom istom čase, keď tento diabol padá z neba a stelesňuje sa v človeku, Duch Svätý ide hore a prichádza dole stelesnený v ľuďoch. Amen. Ó! Čo za čas!

Zajtra večer, keď bude vôľa Božia - Druhá Pečať. Milujete Ho? No, veríte tomu? (Práve vypínam pásku.) Napočúvam sa ešte veľa o tom. Poznáte to. Ale očakávam na to. Dovoľ, aby som ti niečo povedal, brat. Práve teraz viem, prvý krát vo svojom živote, prečo ma ten Duch stále varoval pred tými organizáciami.

Som vďačný Pánu Bohu, že mi ukázal tieto veci. Viem, že to je pravda. Tu to je, zjavené rovno tu. Tu on ide rovno cez ten vek a prichádza rovno tu von a ukazuje sa rovno tu, tak dokonale, ako len môže byť. Vidíte, to je on. Nuž my nie sme tým zvedení. Teraz máte otvorené oči. Stojte preč od takýchto vecí. A milujte Pána z celého svojho srdca a stojte pri Ňom. Tak veru. Vyjdite z Babylonu!

1 Let us bow our heads now for prayer. Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for this another opportunity to come to worship You. We are thankful to be alive and to have this great revelation of Eternal Life dwelling within us. And we've come tonight, Father, to study Thy Word together: these great hidden mysteries that's been hid since the foundation of the world; and the Lamb is the only One that can reveal it to us. I pray that He will come among us tonight, and will take of His Word, and reveal It to us, that we might know how to be better servants to Him in this end time.

O God, as we see that we are now in the end time, help us to know our place, Lord, and our frail being and the certainty of the coming of the Lord soon. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

I believe it was David said, "I was happy when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord." It's always a great privilege to come; and in the studying of the Word together gives us this great hope.

3 Now there's many standing, and I'm just going to hurry as quick as possible. But I trust that you have enjoyed the Presence of the Holy Spirit like I have in these last couple of times. And today I had something to happen that I haven't had for a long time. I was studying on this--on this revelation here, on the opening of the Seal.

Years ago I run through it here, about some twenty years ago I guess, or something like that, but somehow or another I never was just exactly satisfied. It seemed like there was some things especially in these Seals, because those Seals are the entire Book. See? It's the Book. The whole Book is one Book sealed. It starts...

6 For instance if I had something here--I'd show you what I mean. Here is one seal. That's one... And you roll it up like this--the way it was rolled. And you roll it up in this manner, and at the end there is a little piece sticking out like that. That's the First Seal. All right. Then that's the first part of the Book. Then the next seal is rolled in this manner, right by the side of it, and it's rolled up in this manner like here and then at the end, right here, there's another sticking out, means two seals. And that's the way the whole Bible was wrote, in scroll. And so to break these Seals, it opens the mysteries of the Book.

8 Did you get to study in Jeremiah, how he wrote that, many of you taken it down last night? How them Seals were wrote and placed away for keeping until he returned after seventy years of the captivity. He was to return back and claimed his possession. And I certainly like to study it. You can't... There's no way to express it all, because it's an eternal Word. It's an eternal Book.

And therefore, we just have to kindly hit the high places. And today in studying, I have written down many Scriptures so you can study it. And also in the tapes will reveal much of it as you study. And...

10 There are so many things. If I could just stand here at the platform and reveal it to you the way it's revealed to me in the room, my, it would be marvelous. But when you get here, you're pressed, and you just kind of jump over the things and try to just get the main part to the people that they might see it.

11 I certainly appreciate that song Brother Ungren just sang: "Down From His Glory." If He hadn't have come from His glory, where would we all be tonight? So we're thankful that He come down to help us.

12 Now, with many standing, we'll just hurry right through in here to the best we can. I don't say, we're going to hurry right through, but I mean we're going to get started as quick as possible.

And now, let us turn now, after the... We've had the 1st chapter, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and 5th last night, and tonight we're starting on the 6th chapter of Revelation.

Now, as we study this chapter we are referring different places even to Old and New Testament alike, because the entire Book is the revelation of Jesus Christ. See? That's altogether the revelation of--of the Lord Jesus: the revelation of Jesus Christ. It's God revealing Himself in the Book, revealing Himself through Christ in the Book. And Christ is the revelation of God. He come to reveal God, because He and God were the same. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.

In other wise, you'd never knowed just what God was until He revealed Himself through Christ; then you can see.

I used to think years ago that maybe God was angry with me, but Christ loved me. Come to find out, it's the same Person. See? And Christ is the very heart of God.

16 And now as we study this; you're comparing it now... The first three books of the Bible of Revelations (which we have pretty thoroughly combed that) is the church ages, the--the Seven Church Ages. Now, there's seven church ages, seven seals, seven trumpets, and vials, and--and unclean spirits like frogs, and all this goes together. My, how I'd like to have a--a great big map and draw it all across the way I see it, you know; just how that each one takes its place. I drawed it out on a little sheet of paper, but I--you know... And everything so far hit just exactly right. And with the time and the ages as they have come and gone and everything has blended in just perfectly right. So it may not altogether be right, but it's the best that I know about it anyhow. And... I know if--if I do my best, and I make a mistake in trying to do my best, and the best that I know of, God surely will forgive me for doing--for the error if I have done wrong. But...

18 Now, those first three books is the first seven church ages, and then we find out in the 4th chapter of Revelations John is caught up. See? We see the churches... There's not too much said about the church ages. There's where I think that people are going to be so surprised. They're--they're--they're applying the church way over into the tribulation to those things that's a-happened. And as I said Sunday (yesterday), "The first thing you know those tribulations will break in, and you'll wonder why was not the--the first coming was the rapture. And it'll be as it has been; it's passed and you didn't know it." See?

Now, there's not too much promised to that Church, that Gentile Church, the Bride.

19 Now, I want you to bear in mind, there is a church and a Bride. See? You always have to make it run in threes. Fours is wrong: threes: threes, sevens, tens, twelves, twenty-fours, and forties, and fifties, in those unbroken numbers. The Bible is... And God runs His messages in--in num--in num--numerals of the Bible in those numbers. And you get something that flies off of one of those numbers, you'd better watch. It won't come out right on the next things. You got to bring it back here to where you start from.

21 Brother Vayle, Brother Lee Vayle, he--he... I think he's here. We were talking the other day about people who, getting off the track. It is just like shooting a target. If that gun is perfectly balanced, perfectly trained and sighted, it's got to hit the target unless that barrel moves, or twists, or vibrations throws it off and wherever--or a wind puff. Wherever it starts off at, there's only one way to do, is come back to where it left the track and start again, if it's going to hit the target. If it doesn't, why, it just doesn't hit the target.

22 And that's the way in studying Scripture, I believe. If we find out we start something here, and it doesn't come out right, you see it isn't--we--we've made a mistake somewhere; you got to come back. You'll never figure it with your mind. It just isn't... We just found out by the Scriptures that there's no man in heaven or in earth, or beneath the earth, or ever was, or ever will be that can do it. The Lamb alone can do it. So seminary explanation, whatever it might be, is just nothing. See? It takes the Lamb to reveal it. That's all. So we trust that He will help us.

24 John caught up in the 4th chapter to see things which was, which is, and which is to come. But the Church finishes at the 4th chapter, and Christ takes up the Church, caught up in the air to meet Him, and does not appear again until the 19th chapter when He comes back with--as King of king and Lord of lords with the Church. And now... Oh, I hope someday that we can get through it all, maybe before He comes. If we don't, we'll see it anyhow; so it doesn't matter.

25 Now, in this 5th chapter, the breaking of these Seals... And now, the seven-sealed Book... First we want to read the First Seal. Last evening (to background just a little more) we find out that when John looked and seen that Book still in the hands of the original Owner, God... You remember how it was lost? By Adam. He forfeited the Book of Life for the knowledge of Satan and lost his inheritance, lost everything, and no way for redemption.

Then God, made in the likeness of men, came down and become a Redeemer to us to redeem us. And now, we find out that in days passed by, these things which was mysterious is to be opened up to us in the last days.

28 Now, we find out also in this, that as soon as John heard this announcement for the--the Kinsman Redeemer to come forth and to make His claims, there was no man that could do it. No man in heaven, no man in earth, no man beneath the earth, and no one was worthy even to look at the Book. Just think of that: no person at all worthy even look at it. And John just started weeping.

He knowed that all... There was no chance for redemption then. Everything was failed, and quickly we find his weeping stopping quickly, because it was announced by one of the four beasts--or the elders, rather. One of the--the elders said, "Don't weep, John, for the Lion of the tribe of Juda has prevailed," in other words, "overcome and has conquered."

31 John turning, he saw a Lamb coming out. It must've been bloody and cut and wounded. It had been slain, the--said--it--a Lamb that had been slain, and 'course it was still bloody. If you'd have cut the lamb and--and killed it the way that Lamb was anyhow, it was hacked to pieces on a cross, spears in the side, and nails in the hands and feet, and thorns over the brow. He was in an awful condition. And this Lamb come forth and went over to Him that set upon the Throne that held the complete Title Deed of Redemption; and the Lamb goes and takes the Book out of the hand of Him that set upon the Throne and was--took and opened the Seals and opened the Book.

And then when that happened, we found out that it must have been a great a--a something took place in heaven, for the elders and the four and twenty elders, and the beasts, and--and everything in heaven begin to cry out, "Worthy." And here come the Angels and poured out the vials of the prayers of saints. The saints under the altar screamed out, "Worthy art Thou, O Lamb, for You have redeemed us, and now You have made us kings and priests, and we shall rule on the earth." Oh, my. And that soul was... He... to open that Book...

33 You see the Book actually was planned and written before the foundation of the world. This Book, the Bible was really written before the foundation of the world. And Christ, being the Lamb, was slain before the foundation of the world. And the--the members of His Bride, their names were put in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, but it's been sealed up. And now it's being revealed whose names were in there, all about it. What a great thing. And John, when he saw it, he--he said, "Everything in heaven, everything underneath the earth, everything heard him saying, 'Amen, and blessings and honor.'" He just really was having a great time, and--for the Lamb was worthy.

35 And now, the Lamb is standing now tonight as we enter into this 6th chapter; He's got the Book in His hand and starting to reveal it. And, oh, I would've absolutely today... And I hope that people are spiritual. I would've had a horrible mistake on that if it hadn't been about twelve o'clock today when the Holy Spirit came in the room and corrected me on something that I was writing down to say.

I was taking it from an old context. I had nothing on it. I don't know what the Second Seal is no more than nothing, but I'd got some old contexts of something that I'd spoke on several years ago and wrote it down, and I'd gathered this context--context... And Dr. Smith, many great outstanding teachers that I--I'd gathered, and all of them believed that, so I'd wrote it down. And I was fixing to say, "Well, now I'll study it from that standpoint." And there about twelve o'clock in the day the Holy Spirit just swept right down into the room, and the whole thing just opened up to me, and there it was...?... of this--of this First Seal being opened.

39 I'm as positive as I'm standing here tonight that this is the Gospel Truth that I'm going to tell you about. I just know it is. Because if a revelation's contrary to the Word, then it isn't revelation. And you know, there's some of the stuff can look so absolutely true, and yet isn't truth. See? It looks like it is, but it isn't.

40 Now, we find the Lamb with the Book now. And now, in the 6th chapter we read.

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that set on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

41 Now, that's the First Seal, the one we're going to try by the grace of God to explain it tonight by the very best... And I realize that a man trying to explain that is walking on dangerous grounds, if you don't know what you're doing. See?

So if it comes to me by revelation, I'll tell you so. If I just have to take it through my own mind, then I--I'll tell you it's that before I talk about it.

But I'm just as positive as I'm standing here tonight, that it come afresh to me today from the Almighty. I'm not prone to just saying things like that when it comes to this part of the Scripture. I--I--I'm--I hope you know what I'm talking about now. See?

Now, you know, you can't say things if something's supposed to be laying over here before it happens. You--you can't say it till something lays it over there. See? But are you reading; are you listening to something? See?

43 Now, the seven-seal, roll Book is now being released by the Lamb. We approach that place tonight. God help us. As the Seals are broken and released, the mysteries of the Book are revealed. Now, you see, this is a sealed Book. Now, we believe that, do we not? We believe that it is a sealed Book. Now, we never knowed this before, but it is. It's sealed with Seven Seals; that is, on the back of the Book the Book is sealed with Seven Seals.

45 If we was talking about this kind of book, it would be like putting a strap across it, seven straps. But it isn't this kind of a book; it's a scroll. And then when the scroll is unwound, that's one; then laying right in the scroll is number two, and right here it says what it is, but it's a mystery. But yet we have probed in it; but remember, the Book is sealed, and the Book is a Book of mystery of revelation. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ (See?), a Book of revelation. And now, you know down through the age, man has probed and tried to get into that. We all have.

47 And yet, one time I remember... If--if Mr. Bohanon happened to be present, or--or some of his people, I--I don't mean it by any insult. Mr. Bohanon is a bosom friend, and he was the superintendent of the Public Service when I was working there. When I first got saved, I was telling him about reading on the Book of Revelations, and he said, "I tried to read that thing," he said. And Mr. Bohanon was a fine man, and he--he was a member of the church. And--and I don't know what all he belonged to, but he said, "I think that John must've had a red pepper supper that night and went to bed on a full stomach."

48 I said to him (although it could've cost my job), I said, "Aren't you ashamed to say that?" And I was just a boy, but I said, "Aren't you ashamed to say that about the Word of God?" See? Yet, I was just a kid no more than my early, maybe twenty-one, twenty-two years old, and work scarce, and the depression on, but yet there was a fear in there when I slanted--heard any slant toward God's Word. It is Truth, all Truth.

So it was not even a dream or a nightmare; it wasn't John eat. He was on the Isle of Patmos because he tried to put the Word of God into a book form and was exiled there by the Roman government, and was on the island on the day of the Lord, and he heard behind him a voice of many waters and turned to look, and he saw seven golden candlesticks. And there stood the Son of God in between them.

50 Now, and then the Book is a revelation. So "a revelation" is "something that's made known of something--something that's been revealed." And now, notice, so you won't forget it: It is closed up until the latter time. See? The whole mystery of it is closed up until the latter times; we find that in the Scripture here.

51 Now, the mystery of the Book are revealed when the Seals are broken. And when the Seals completely are broken, the time of redemption is over, because the Lamb left the intercession post to walk out to take His claims. He was a Mediator between that, but when the real revelation happens on the Seals as they begin to break, the Lamb is coming forth from the sanctuary. It's according to the Word. We read it last night. He come from the--out of the midst and took the Book. So He's no more Mediator, because even they called Him a Lion, and that's the--that's the King, and He's not a Mediator then.

52 Although the actors of these Seals begin at the first church age... Now, remember, so you'll--you'll--we'll get the background of it thoroughly if we can, or as thoroughly as possible. The actors... I'll place it like that, because an--an actor is a man who changes masks. See?

And in this act tonight, we're going to see that it's Satan changing his mask. And all actors... Christ, acting the part as He did when He become from a Spirit to man, He only put on an actor's garment, human flesh, and came down in the form of a man in order to be a Kinsman Redeemer.

55 Now, now, you see, it's only an actor's form. That's the reason they are all in parables and sym--and the way they are here like beasts, and animals, so forth; it's in a act. And these actors begin in the first church age, because it was Christ revealing Himself to the seven church ages. Now, you understand it? All right. See? Christ revealing Himself to the seven church ages, then through these church ages, there's a great mess-up comes along. Then at the end of the church age, the seventh angel's message is to pick up these lost mysteries and to give it to the Church. See? Now, we'll notice that.

57 But the--not then revealed in their true state. Now, in the Bible times, the mysteries were there, and they seen these things happen the way John saw it here. Now, he said, "There is a white horse rider." But what the mystery of it is, there's a mystery that goes with that rider. Now, what it was, they didn't know; but it's to be revealed. But it is to be revealed after the Lamb leaves the Father's throne of His intercessory as Kinsman Redeemer.

58 I'm going to drop a little something in here. Now, if anybody gets these tapes... Any man can speak whatever he wants to. He has a right to--to anything of his conviction. But if, you know, if a minister doesn't want this amongst his people, then tell them not to take it. But I--I... This is amongst the people that I have been sent to speak to; therefore, I must reveal what is the Truth. See?

59 Now, the Lamb in the time of intercessory back here, He knew that there were names in there that was put in there from the foundation of the world, and as long as them names have never been manifested on earth as yet, He had to stay there as Intercessor. Do you get it? Perfectly predestination... See?

All right, He had to stay there, because He came to die for those that God had ordained to Eternal Life. See, see? By His foreknowledge He saw them, not by His own will. His will was that none should perish, but by His foreknowledge He knew who would and who would not.

Therefore as long as there was one name hadn't never yet been clared--declared in earth, Christ had to stay there as an Intercessor to take care of that name. But as soon as that final name had been splashed in that Clorox or bleach, then His intercessory days was over. "Let him that's filthy be filthy still. Let him that's holy, he's holy still." See? And He leaves the sanctuary, and then it becomes a judgment seat. Woe unto those outside of Christ then.

61 Now, notice: But it's to be revealed when the Lamb leaves His intercessory place from the Father. (Now, that's Revelation 5). Now, He takes the Book of Seals, the Book of Seals or a Book sealed with Seals, breaks them and shows them (look) at the end of the age now, after the intercessory is over; the church ages has done finished up. He come in the first age, the Ephesian Age, revealed, sent the messenger. Notice what happened as we go along.

Here's the plan of it: The first thing happens, there is a--a--an announcement in the heavens first. What happened? A Seal is opened. What is that? A mystery is unfolded. See? And when a mystery unfolds, then a trumpet sounds. It declares a war. Or a plague falls, and a church age opened. See? What is the war part? The angel of the Church catches the mystery of God, not fully yet revealed, but when he does, he catches this mystery of God, and then he goes forth to the people (after the mystery has been given to him), goes forth to the people. What does he do out there? He begins to proclaim that message, and what does it start? A war, a spiritual war.

65 And then God takes His messenger with the elect of that age, and lays them away asleep, and then He drops a plague upon them who rejected it: a temporary judgment. And then, after that is over, then he goes on, and they denominate, and bring in denominations, and start off with that man's work like of--of Wesley and all the rest of them, and then it gets all in a scrapple again; and then another mystery comes forth. Then what happens? Another messenger arrives on earth for a church age. See?

Then when he arrives, he--the--the trumpet sounds. He declares war. See? And then what happens? Finally then he's caught away. And then when he's laid away, then plague falls, destroys them. Spiritual death hits the church and she's gone, that group. Then He goes on to another one.

Oh, it's a great plan until it comes to that last angel. Now, he has no certain mystery, but he gathers up all that's been lost in them other ages, all the truths that wasn't truly revealed yet (See?), as the revelation come. Then he reveals those things in his day. If you want to read it, there it is: A Revelations 10:1 to--1 to about 4. You'll get it. All right. See?

68 Takes the Book and... of Seals and breaks them and shows the seventh angel, for this alone, the mysteries of God, is the ministry of the seventh angel. Now, we just come through the church ages with even history and prove that. See? It is the--the angel's message of the seventh church.

All right, reveals all the mysteries that's been in the past, all the things in the past: Revelations 10:1-7. That's to be.

69 Now, remember, in the days of the seventh angel, his sounding forth, blasting forth the Gospel Trumpet, he is to finish all the mysteries of God. Just like here come forth in the early church ages (We'll get it after while.), a doctrine, then it become a saying first, then a doctrine, and then become a statute, then become a church, and through the dark ages, and out of the dark ages come the first Reformation--Luther. And he brought with him all kinds of mysterious things that happened during that church age, all back in there, then... But he never finished it up.

Then along come Wesley with sanctification, got some more of it, but still never finished it, left loose ends everywhere, such as sprinkling instead of baptism, and Luther took "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" instead of the "Lord Jesus Christ," all these different things.

72 Then along come the Pentecostal age with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and they cabbaged down on that. Now, there cannot be no more ages. That's all of it; that's the Philadelphia, or the--not--the Laodicea Age. But then the... We found in the studying of the Scripture that the messenger to the age come right at the end of the age every time. Paul come at the end of the age. We find out that Irenaeus come at the end of the age. Martin, end of the age. Luther, the end of the Catholic age; and what?--Wesley, at the end of the Lutheran age; and Pentecost, at the end of the age of sanctification through the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

And at the end of the Pentecostal age we are supposed to receive, according to the Word, as God help me tonight to show you through here, that we are to see--receive a messenger that will take all those loose ends out there and reveal the whole secret of God for the rapturing of the Church.

75 And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. That's right. And I believe that through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith; because what we got right now, we--we wouldn't be able to do it. There's something we've got to step farther; we--we can't have enough faith for Divine healing hardly. We've got to have enough faith to be changed in a moment and be swept up out of this earth, and we'll find that after a while, the Lord willing, find where it's written.

76 Then all the judgments of these evil doers... Now, see, down through the ages as these Seals has been breaking, until now the last Seal is broken. And now, as they--as they have been watching in on these Seals and just presu--presuming what they were doing, now at the end of the ages, of the church ages, all these evil doers will--will take place and head up in the tribulation.

All of these evil doers of the Seven Seals has been working mysterious in the church, and we'll find out in a minute, they even work in the name of a church. They call themselves the church. You just see if that isn't right. No wonder I have been so against denomination, not knowing why. See, see?

They end up... Now, it starts back here in a mild form, just keeps getting worse and worse, on down until... And people go right into it, saying, "Oh, yes, this is just fine." But in the last days these things are made known. And they finally go so bad until they go plumb into the tribulation period.

79 And how can a man say that the Bride of Christ goes into the tribulation? I can't understand it. See? She's took away from the tribulation. If--if the Church has been judged, and they have judged themselves, and have accepted the Blood, how can God judge a man that's perfectly, totally sinless? You say, "There's no such a person." Every borned again believer, true believer, is perfectly, absolutely sinless before God. He's not trusting in his works. In the Blood of Jesus that his confession's dropped into...

The Bible says so. See? "He that--that is borned of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin." How can you make a man a sinner when the bleach of the Blood of Jesus Christ is between him and God, that would scatter sin till there'd be nothing left of it. See? How can that pure Blood of Christ ever let a sin pass there? He cannot.

Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And how could we even start the thought of being perfect, but Jesus required it. And if Jesus required it, He's got to make a way for it; and He has: His own Blood.

82 Now, all--reveals all the mysteries that's gone on in the past. Now, the thought is here at the end time that the mysteries that begin way back long ago and has come down through the church ages is to be revealed here at the breaking of the Seals here at the last days, after the time of intercession is just about finished at that time.

Then the judgments wait for those who are in the back. They go on out into that. That is after the Bride has been taken from the scene.

84 Oh, let's just read a Scripture. You all like to put down some of the Scriptures? Let's take II Thessalonians just a moment and--and look here just a minute. It--it's such a beautiful picture here. I like it. And let's see. Yes, II Thessalonians, and I want the 2nd chapter of II Thessalonians and the--the 7th verse. Let's see. II Thessalonians 2:7. I think that's right. Now, I was writing this down, quivering and shaking.

.. the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who... letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

Who? He that letteth. See? See, a mystery... The mystery of iniquity way back in that very first church age here, here's Paul writing, saying that the mystery of iniquity... What is iniquity? Iniquity is something that you know you ought not to do, and you do it anyhow. And Paul said there's such in the earth today, workers of iniquity.

86 Oh, if you... We're going to get to the... Let's just read that piece--start up a little farther--the 3rd verse.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that... (m-a-n)... man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (That's right.)

Who opposeth and exalts himself above all that's called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God setteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (remitting sin)

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?... (I'd like to set under some of his teaching. Wouldn't you?)... And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

Not then (See?), not then, but in his time... See, at the breaking of that Seal we know exactly what it was. Who is this man of iniquity? Who is this man of sin, this fellow that's a working iniquity, would he be revealed in his time?

87 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:... (deceivers, you see, deceiving the people off into something. See?)... only he... (God)... that... letteth will let, until he... (the Church--Christ, the Bride)... be taken out of the way.

And then shall the Wicked one be revealed... (at the breaking of the Seal, at his time. Paul said, "Not in my time, but in the time when he'll be revealed. See?)... whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth... (We're going to get to that after while.)... the spirit of his mouth... (Watch what that is.)... and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan... (him, him, a man)... whose working is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. (See?)

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness... (deceiving people by unrighteousness)... in them that perish;... (not this Bride, in them that's looking for such a thing)... because they received not the love of the truth... (And Christ is the Truth, and Christ is the Word, but they'd rather have a creed.),... that they might be saved.

And for this cause God has sent them strong delusion, that they should believe a--a lie:... (It should be translated there, as I looked in the Lexicon, "the lie," not "a lie"; "the lie," same one he told Eve.)

That they... might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

93 What a statement. My. After the Bride is taken away, then this man of sin will reveal himself. She, the true Bride of Christ has been elected out of every church age.

Now, the other day I made a statement: The Bride could go home and you'd never know nothing about it. That's true. Somebody said, "Well, Brother Branham, that would be a mighty small group."

Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah (Now, you talk to Him about it. See?) wherein eight souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

97 If there was eight hundred went in the rapture tonight, you'd never hear a word about it tomorrow, or the next day, or no other time. They'd be gone and you'd know nothing about it. See? It'd just be the same thing.

What am I trying to say? I'm not trying to scare you, worry you. I'm--I want you to be on your toes. Be ready, watching, every minute. Quit your nonsense. Just get down to business with God, 'cause it's later than you think.

99 Now, you remember, the true Bride... Now, there is a false bride. We get that in Revelations 17. She said, "I am a widow and have no need of nothing," (You see?), setting upon the scarlet clothed beast, and so forth (the beast, rather).

Now, but the true Bride will be made up of thousands times thousands of people, but it will be the elect out of every church age. Every time a message went forth and the people believed it and accepted it in all the Light it was, when they were sealed away until that day of redemption...

Don't Jesus speak the same thing when He said the--the sound come in the--the seventh watch? That's the last church age. See? And said, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go out to meet Him."

And then the sleeping virgin come, rubbed her eyes, and said, "Suppose I ought to have some of that oil too; so maybe we'd better have some."

And the real true Bride standing there said, "We have just got enough for ourself. We just got enough to get in ourself. We can't give you nothing. If you want some, you go pray up."

104 And while she was gone, the Bridegroom come (See?), and in went the Bride. And then them remnant there, the ones that were absolutely virtuous, the church was left outside. And He said, "There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." See? Now, that's the elect.

And when the sound come, "The Bridegroom cometh," then every one of those that slept down through those ages awakened, every one.

105 See, it isn't God, as we'd think, just going to hunt Him out a few thousand people of this age and take them. It's the very elected out of every age. And that's the reason Christ has to stay on the mediatorial seat back there as an Intercessor until that last one comes in at the last age. And these revelations then of what it has been breaks forth upon the people, and they see what's happened. See? You get it now?

106 All right. Notice, the rest of the dead, church members, lived not again until one thousand years was passed. The church members, the--the Christians, the church lived not again until the end of the thousand years, and then they come forth to stand before the Bride (That's right.), stand before the King and the Queen. Glory.

Some church today calls herself "The Queen of heaven." The Queen of heaven is the selected Bride of Christ, and she comes with Him.

Daniel saw it and said: "Ten thousands times ten thousands ministered to Him." Now, if you'll watch the Scripture there in Daniel. Judgment was set, and the books were opened.

107 Now, remember, when He come, He come with His Bride. The wife ministers to her husband. And ten thousands times ten thousands of thousands ministered to Him. Judgment was set, and the books were opened, and another book was opened which is the Book of Life. Not the Bride at all, she's done gone up and come back and standing there in judgment of those generations that refused the Gospel message.

Didn't Jesus say the queen of the south shall rise with this generation in her days of the judgment and will condemn this generation, for she came from the utmost parts of the world to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and a greater than Solomon is here.

109 There stood the--the judgment, the queen of--of Sheba of the south stood there in the judgment, and her own testimony... Not even a Jew came up with that generation that was Jews, and they were blind and missed Him, because they were looking for Him; but He come so simple that they went plumb over the top of it, like that. And there that great queen humbled herself, and come and accepted the message. "And she'll stand in the judgment," He said, "and condemn that generation."

111 Now, you see the three classes always? The book, the dead were judged out; another book, the Book of Life: them who had their names in the Book of Life...

You say, "If your name's in the Book of Life, it's all right, huh?" No, sir. Look, Judas Iscariot had his name in the Book of Life. Now, say that's wrong. Jesus in Matthew 10 gave them power to cast out devils and sent them forth to heal the sick, and to cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead. And they went out and returned back, Judas right with them; and they cast out devils and done all kinds of miracles, and returned back, and said, "Even the devils is subject unto us."

Jesus said, "Don't rejoice that the devils is subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven," and Judas was with them. But what happened? When it come down to the elected group to go up there at Pentecost and really receive the Holy Spirit, Judas showed his colors. He'll be there in the judgment. So the books was opened and the Book of Life was opened, and every man was judged thus. Now, the Bride's standing there with Christ to judge the world.

115 Don't the... Paul say, "Dare you (talking to the Bride) having a--any matter or grievance against each other that you'd go to the unjust law. Don't you know the saints shall judge the earth?" There you are. The saints is going to judge the earth and take it over. That's right. You say, "How in the world is a little group like that..." I don't know how it's going to be done, but He said it's going to be done; so that just settles it as far as I know. Now, look.

117 Now, notice the rest of the dead (the church members, dead church members) lived not again until the thousand years, and then at the thousand years, they were gathered... Another resurrection come, which is second resurrection, and they were gathered, and Christ and the church, the Bride (not the church, the Bride) Christ and the Queen (not the church)... Chur... Christ and the Bride stood there.

And they were separated like the sheep from the goats. That's right. There's the church members come up. And if they heard the Truth and rejected the Truth, then what's going to be said when the big thing's spread across the canvas when even your own thoughts will be there, what you thought about it. How you going to escape, and it right there on the canvas of the skies; and God's great television and there's your own thoughts rebelling right... Your own thoughts will speak against you in that hour.

So if you speak one thing and think another, you better stop that. Get your thoughts on God. Keep them pure, and stay right there with it, and speak the same thing all the time. See? Don't say, "Well, I'll say I'll believe it; but I'll go find out." You believe it. Amen.

120 Notice, these type, the reason they die out, they go through the purging of trial of the tribulation; because they're not actually under the Blood. They claim they are, but they're not. How can they go through a trial to purify them when the--when the bleach Blood of Jesus Christ takes every symptom of sin and stuff away from you. And you're already dead, and your life is hid in Him through God and sealed in there by the Holy Ghost; what are you going to be judged for? Where you going to get your purification? What do you have to be purified from when you're perfectly in Christ, sinless? How... What's the judgment for? But it's this sleeping bunch that them people can't make out.

121 Now, they haven't done it for years (See?), but this is the hour of revelation (See, see?) being revealed, just at the coming of the Bride... The last winding up, the last things are coming... It's coming to an end, friend, I believe. When? I don't know. I--I can't tell you, but anything... I want to live tonight like if it was tonight, I'd be ready. See? He might come tonight yet, and He might not come for twenty years. I don't know when He'll come, but whenever it is, I... My life might be over tonight, and then whatever I've done here is finished at that hour; I--I've got to meet Him in the judgment the way I went down here. The way the tree leans; that's the way it falls.

122 Remember, when they went to buy oil, they... "Oh," you say, "now, wait a minute, Brother Branham. I don't know about that." When they went to buy oil, when they come back, the Bride was done gone, and the door was shut; and they knocked and said, "Let us in; let us in," but they were out in outer darkness.

Now, if you want a type of that, now look: "In the time of Noah..." Jesus said--referred to it. Now, in Noah's time, they went into the ark, but they were carried over the--during the time of the judgment. But that--that didn't type Christ's Bride; Enoch typed the Bride.

Enoch... Noah went over through... The Bride... Went over through the tribulation period, and suffered, and become a drunk, and died. But Enoch walked before God for five hundred years and had a testimony he pleased God with raptured faith, and just started walking right out, and went up through the skies, and went home without even tasting death, never died at all.

125 That's a type of we which are alive and remain shall not prevent, or hinder, those same type of people that are asleep, that fell asleep on account of the human age and the--and the state of human age. They died back there, but they're not dead. They are sleeping. Amen. They are asleep, not dead. And the only thing it needs is the Bridegroom to wake them. And we which are alive and remain shall not hinder those that's already fell asleep, for the trumpet of God shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them and will meet the Lord in the air. And the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years. There you are. They went through the tribulation period. What was it? Like Enoch.

127 You know, Noah watched Enoch, for when Enoch come up missing, he knowed judgment was at hand. He got to hanging around the ark, but Noah didn't go up. He just lifted a little piece off and rode over the tribulations. He was carried through the tribulation period to die the death. See? But Noah was carried through; Enoch was translated without death: a type of the Church being caught up with those who are asleep to meet the Lord in the air, and the rest of the church is carried over into the tribulation period. Can't make nothing else out of it myself. Enoch raptured, no death...

130 Now, let's start studying a little now, get down to our lesson. I'll just keep on that we never will get into these--this Seal. Now, notice. Let's take now, because we're going to have a long (maybe tomorrow night or the next night) hit a trumpet now and then, because the trumpet sounds at the same time the Seals. It's just the same thing, the church age opens, it's just the same thing.

131 Now, a trumpet always denotes war or otherwise political disturbance: the trumpet does, a political disturbance, and that causes war. When you go to get messing in politics, you get them all messed up, like we got it now, look out, war is at hand.

But, see, the kingdom still belongs to Satan. He's still got this part in his hand because why? It is redeemed by Christ, but He's doing the part of the Kinsman Redeemer taking His subjects, until the last one name is put on that Book, has already received it and been sealed away. Now, do you got it? Then He comes from His throne, His Father's throne, walks forward, takes the Book out of God's hand from the throne and claims His rights. The first thing He does is call for His Bride. Amen. Then what does He take? He takes His opponent, Satan, and binds him, and casts him into the fire out there with all that followed him.

Now, remember, it wasn't Russia. No, the antichrist is a smooth fellow. Just watch how smooth he is. He's smart. Yes, sir. Just takes the Holy Spirit, only thing can outdo him.

135 Notice, trumpets means political disturbance: wars. Matthew 24, Jesus spoke of it. He said, "You'll hear of wars and rumors of war..." See, all the way down through. You remember the--Jesus speaking that. Wars, rumors, and wars, and rumors and wars, and plumb on down to the end. Now, that's a trumpet sounding.

Now, when we get on the trumpets, we'll go back there and pick up each one of them wars and show you that they followed them churches, show you they follow these Seals. Wars and rumors of wars... But trumpet denotes political disturbance, whereas seals deals with a religious disturbance. See?

A Seal is opened; a message is dropped. And then the church is always so set up in its own political ways, and whatevermore, and all of its dignitary; and when that real message drops down, that messenger goes forth, and he shakes them to pieces. That's right. It's religious disturbance when a Seal's opened. That's what's happened. See? Yes.

138 They get all at ease in Zion. The church gets all settled down and... "We've got it all made." Just like the church of England, they was all settled down; the Catholic church, all settled down, and along come Luther. There was a religious disturbance. Yes, sir, sure was. Well, the church went on off by Zwingli, and from Zwingli come on down to different ones, and to Calvin; and after while the Anglican church settled down, and it was just at ease; and along come Wesley. There was a religious disturbance. That's right. See, it always denotes a religious disturbance.

139 Now, the Seal. Let's just read it a little bit now. I--I want to--to get this... Just we'll read it. I get to talking. I...

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals... (What happened?)... and I heard, as it was the noise of a thunder...

Oh, how I'd like to dwell on that just a few minutes. I hope now that all the people that know these things and are waiting for the consolation of the Lord will now study real close, and on the tapes also that you'll think of this. The first thing happened... When that Lamb broke that First Seal, a thunder roared.

Now, that's got a significance; it's got--it's--it's a--it's--it's got a meaning. It's a meaning. Nothing happens without a meaning. All right, a thunder, a thunder roared. Wonder what that thunder was?

142 Now, let's read a little bit. Let's turn to Matthew... No, let's take St. John first, St. John, 12th chapter and just hold it a minute: St. John, the 12th chapter, and now let's begin with the 23rd verse of St. John 12. Now, listen here now real close; then you won't have to wonder no more what it is.

And Jesus answering them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

See, you're at the end of an age there. His ministry is ending. See? "

.. The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

What about the hour has come that when His Bride must be taken away? What, that the hour has come that time shall be no more? The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him, with feet, and say, "Time's run out." And besides that, He raised up His hand and swore that time would be no more when this happened. How--how perfect it is, a sworn affidavit to the Church.

.. The hour has come that the Son of man should be glorified.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there... also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

Now, is my soul troubled;...

145 You say, "Well, Him coming to the end of the road and you got trouble? What does it make you think when some great spiritual something happens that troubles you? Oh, my.

Now, is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this--unto this hour.

Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

The people said... that stood by, that heard it, they said... it thundered:...

146 Then when the Lamb took the Book and broke that First Seal, God spoke from His eternal throne to say what that Seal was to be revealed. But when it's placed before John, it was in a symbol. When John saw it, it was still a mystery. Why? It wasn't even revealed right then. It cannot be revealed until what He said here at the end time. But it come in a symbol.

When the thunder... Remember, a loud clapping noise of a thunder is the voice of God. That's what the Bible said (See?), a clap of thunder. They thought it was a thunder, but it was God. He understood it, for it was revealed to Him. See? It was a thunder.

And notice, the First Seal opened--the First Seal when it was open in the symbol form it thundered. Now, what about when it's opened in its reality form?

148 It thundered as soon as the Lamb struck back the Seal. And what did it reveal? Not all of Itself. First it's with God; next It's in a symbol; then It's revealed: three things. See? It's coming forth from the throne. First It can't be seen, heard, or nothing. It's sealed up. The Lamb's Blood paid the price. It thundered when He spoke it out. And when He did, a white horse rider started out. And it still was a symbol.

150 Now, watch, He said it would be known in the last day, but it comes forth in a church symbol. Do you understand it, church? It comes forth in a--a symbol of a church that they know there is a Seal, but just what it is yet, they don't know, because it's a white horse rider.

And it only is to be revealed at the last day when this actual Seal is broken. Broken to who? Not to Christ, but to the Church. Notice, now. Oh, my, that just makes me tremble. I--I--I hope that the Church truly understands it (See what I mean?), you people. I'm going to call you Bride. (See?) That you'll understand it.

152 The voice is a thunder. The voice came from where? From the throne where the Lamb had just left as Intercessor. Now, He's standing here to take His position and His claims. But the thunder came from the inside of the throne, thundered out. And the Lamb was standing out here. The thunder, where the Lamb had left, left the Father's throne to go to take His own throne... Glory. Now, now, don't miss it, friends.

We all know as Christians that God swore to David that He would raise up Christ to set on His throne and give Him an everlasting Kingdom here on the earth. He did it. And Jesus said, "He that overcomes the antichrist and all the things of the world shall set with Me on My throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne." See?

155 Now, someday He rises from the Father's throne, and goes to take His own throne. Now He comes forth to call His subjects. How's He going to claim them? He's already got the Book of Redemption in His hand. Glory. Oh, I feel like singing a hymn.

Soon the Lamb will take His Bride

To be ever at His side,

All the hosts of heaven will assembled be; (To watch that.)

Oh, It will be a glorious sight,

All the saints in spotless white;

And with Jesus we shall feast eternally.

Oh, my. Talk about setting now in heavenly places, what will it be? If we can feel this way setting down here on earth before the rapture comes, in this condition that we're in now, and we can enjoy standing up around walls, and stand in the rain just to hear this, what will it be when we see Him setting there? Oh, my. Oh, it'll be a glorious time.

158 Left the Father's throne, came forth to, His son, to be the... He is the Son of David. That's what the--Israel thought He would do then. Remember the Syrophenician woman said, "Thou Son of David"? Remember blind Bartimaeus, "Thou Son of David"? See? And Jesus knowing what the plan was, yet they didn't know it; they tried to force Him to make Him take the throne, and even Pilate asked Him. But He said, "If My Kingdom was of this world, then My subjects would fight. My Kingdom is above." But He said, "When you pray, pray, 'Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done in earth, here like it is in heaven.'" Amen. How glorious this great thing.

160 Left the Father's throne to take His own throne... He now has come forth from His intercessory work to claim His own throne, His redeemed subjects. That's what He come forth from the throne to do. It is then that the Lion-like creature said to John, "Come, see." Watch. Now, you reading it?

.. one of the seals, and it..., as if it was the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts...

You know what the beasts were. We took them; one like a lion, one like a calf, and one like a man, and one like an eagle. Now, this first beast said... Watch; each time there's a different beast till them four horse riders pass. There's four beasts, and there's four horse riders.

Notice, each one of them beasts announce: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. We're going to get back in and prove which one Matthew; Mark; which one Mark--Mark; which one was John, each one as they went.

163 No...?... One of the beasts saying, "Come, see." He heard the noise of a thunder, and one of the beasts said, "Now, come, see." In other words, here stands the Lamb, and John standing out there watching it happen. And the Lamb come up from the throne like He'd been slain, blood all over Him. He was the One that was found worthy, and when He reached over and took the Book, then everything begin to shouting, and screaming, and carrying on (You see?), 'cause they know redemption was paid for.

165 Now, He's come to claim His Own. So He takes the Book, stands out there before John, and He pulls it back, and breaks the Seal, pulls the Seal down; and when He pulls the Seal down, a thunder clapped through the place. And when a thunder clapped, no doubt John might've jumped up in the air, when a thunder roared; and then one of the four beasts said, "Now, come and see what it is, what's revealed beneath here. (Oh, my.) John, write what you see."

So John goes to look, see what it was. John goes to see what the thunder said. It's then that this creature told John come and see what the mystery is under the First Seal. The thunder, the voice of the Creator has uttered it. Now, He ought to know what's there. Amen. Oh, my.

167 But think, now he wrote this, but when he started to write those other seven thunders, he said, "Don't write it." He'd been commissioned to write everything he seen. But when these seven thunders over in Revelations 10 uttered, he said, "Don't write them at all." They're mysteries. We don't know what they are yet; but my opinion they'll be revealed right away. And when it do, it'll give faith for that rapturing grace for that Church to move out. We just move through everything that we know of; through all the dispensations we've watched everything. We've seen the mysteries of God. We've seen the appearing of the--of the great gathering together of the Bride in the last days, but yet there's something in there that we just can't lighten ourself with. There's something another. But I imagine when them mysteries begins to come forth... God said, "Hold it back now. Wait a minute. I'll reveal it in that day. Don't write it at all, John, 'cause they'll stagger over it. Just let--let it go. (See?) But I'll reveal it in that day when it has need to done."

They never uttered for nothing. You remember, like the little drop of ink, everything is for a purpose. Everything's for a cause. But notice, the Creator uttered, and he had a--he heard this voice, and he went to see.

171 But now the Lamb is showing John in the symbol of s--of a--of a church Scripture like, for the church (you know) what to write. He just show him, said, "Now, don't--don't tell this, just what it is. Don't go down, John, and say, 'Now, this is just what this is.' Now, what's under this Seventh Seal, don't--don't go down and tell that, for if I tell John that, then all down through the age the whole plan will be broke: it's a secret." See? He just wants to...

His coming... He said, "I--I... Nobody's going to know when I'm coming; I'm just coming." See, see? That's all. It ain't for my business to know when, I'll just be ready. You see? So...

172 Then he said, "Now, John, went forth..." He thought, "I'm going to see it now," and what did he do? When John went forth; he, now what's he got to do? Now, he's got to write this to the church age. That's what he's supposed to do: write it to the church ages. "Write what you see of these seven golden candlesticks at the beginning, write to this Church and tell them."

173 All right, and a thunder went off. John knew it was the Voice of God. And then the--the lion-like creature said, "Come, see what it was," and John went forth now with his pen to write what he was going to see.

Now, he never seen exactly what it was. He never understood it, but what he saw was what God was sending to the Church for a time. Now, He's got... He will; He always does; He makes it plain when it's time to make it plain. But He didn't make it plain then. Why? Because He was going to keep it a secret until the last days, and the sounding of the last angel's message was to gather up these mysteries (See?); didn't make it clearer.

175 But what John saw he just seen a white horse go out with a rider on it; so that's what he wrote down. See? When he did... That's what he said, "Come, see." So John went to see what he could see to write to the Church, and when he did, he saw a white horse, and him that set on it had a bow, and he went forth conquering and to conquer. And there was given to him a crown. And now, that's all John saw, so he just write--wrote all that down.

Now, see, that's in symbol. That's the way the Church has received it, but with the promise that at the last day He'd reveal it, show what it is. God help us to understand.

177 Church ages... But is not made fully known till the seventh message of this last church age.

Notice, he starts--this messenger of the seventh church age, if you'll notice it, he doesn't start a denomination like the rest of them did. Remember if he doesn't start... No. All right. If you find out, he's against it. Was Elijah--was Elijah against it? Sure he was. Was John against it with Elijah's spirit? What kind of a spirit did Elijah have on when he was... Nobody knows much about him. He was just a man, but he was a prophet. He was hated. My. And what time did he rise? Right in the time of the popularity of Israel when they'd all went worldly, and he got her out there and he was a woman hater...?... Sure was. And he loved the wilderness. That was his nature.

180 Then them people ought to knowed when that fellow come out there with that same Spirit on him, come out there, this John, not dressed all up like the celebrity, as I said last night. They kiss the babies, and marry, and bury, and so forth, but this man come out as a wilderness man. What was he? He loved the wilderness. Another thing he done, he hated denomination. He said, "Now, don't you begin to say, 'We belong to this or that,' for I'll tell you God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." He was no compromiser. They couldn't...

Said, "Did you go to see a reed shaken with wind?" Not John. No, sir.

182 What did he do also? Just like Elijah that told Jezebel, he told Herodias. Walked right up to Herod's face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." He chopped his head off for it. See? She tried to get Elijah. That same spirit was in Jezebel was in that woman. And the same thing is in the Jezebel church today (See?), same thing. Now, notice it. What a great lesson we find here. And now, looks like those people would've knowed. John begin to bawl them people out; and standing there, looked like they'd have knowed that was that spirit of Elijah. They should've understood that. That's what it was.

185 Now, and we find out and have through the church ages, according to the Scripture, that we're promised a return of that spirit just before the end time. Is that true? Now, and notice, you'll notice the nature of it. Now, he will not start another church age like Luther, and Wesley, and all the rest of them did. He won't start another church, because there is no more church ages to come. See? There won't be any more, so he must be against it, because his spirit will be just exactly like they were back there: the same spirit. As I said last night, "It pleased God to use it three different times." That's His number, three, not two, three. He's already used it twice; now He's going to use it again. He said so. He promised it.

188 Now, notice, he... Notice now when He did. He's not going to start a denomination because the Laodicea Church Age is the last age, and the messenger of the seventh angel, which is the seventh messenger to the seventh church age, is the fellow that is going to reveal, by the Holy Spirit, all these mysterious things that is going to... How many was here last night? Let's see your hand. I guess I won't have to read it over then. You know just where it's at, the--the 10th chapter of--of... All right. All right.

189 The reformers came to reform the last fallen church age preceding them. And then after the reformers come and reform the--the church age from where it was and is went back into the world, then they start a new church age: always done it, always. Now, we went through that. See?

In other words, here'd been a Catholic church age, of the Roman Catholic church. Along come Luther, a reformer. He's called a reformer. And what does he do? He starts right out there a-hammering away, and when he does, he protests the church, and the first thing you know, what does he do? He builds the same thing that he come to drive out of: another church. Then they have another church age.

Then the first thing you know, here comes... The church age is in such a mess, along comes John Wesley, another reformer (See?), builds another church age. Get what I mean? Another church age is built up. They're all reformers.

192 Notice. This last message of the last church age is not a reformer; he is a prophet, not a reformer. Show me where one prophet ever started a church age. He's not a reformer; he is a prophet. Others was reformers but not prophets. If they would've been, the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet; that's the reason they continued on in the baptism in Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and all these other things, because they were reformers and not prophets. But yet they were great men of God and saw the need of the day that they lived in, and God anointed them, and they sent out there and tore those things to pieces. But the full Word of God never come to them, because they was not prophets. They were reformers.

194 But in the last days it'll have to be a prophet to take up the mysteries of God, bring it back, because the mysteries was only re--known by prophets. So it has to be this fellow come. See what I mean now? He can't be a reformer; it's got to be a prophet, because it's got to be somebody that's gifted and set there that catches the Word.

Now, them reformers knowed there was something wrong. Luther knowed that--that--that the bread wasn't the body of Christ, and so he preached, "The just shall live by faith," and that was his message.

And when John Wesley come along, he saw that there was sanctification, so he preached sanctification. That was his message. See?

The Pentecostals brought in the message of the Holy Ghost and so forth. But in the last days in this last age the messenger is not to start any reformation, but is to take all the mysteries that those reformers left off, and gather them together, and solve them to the people.

196 Let me just read it again. It sounds so good to me; I--I like to read it.

.. I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud:... a rainbow... upon his head, and his face was... the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

Now, we saw the same thing, which was Christ. And we know Christ is always the Messenger to the Church. All right. He's called a Pillar of Fire, the Angel of the covenant and so forth.

And he had in his hand a little book opened:... (Now, the Seals had done been broke here. We're breaking them now; but this, the thing's opened.)... and he set his right foot on the sea, and his left... on the earth,

And he cried... a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he... cried, seven thunders uttered their voices... (My, the complete)

.. when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I... (John)... was about to write:... (Write what? What they said.)... and I heard a voice from heaven... (God)... saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. (Don't write them. See?)

And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea... lifted up his hands to heaven,

And sware by him that lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens, and the things... in there they are, and the earth, and the things that are there--in there..., and the sea and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

199 Watch. Don't forget this now, as we go.

But in the days... (days)... of the voice of the seventh angel,... (That last angel, earthly angel.)

This Angel come down from heaven. Wasn't Him. He come from heaven, but He's speaking here the voice of the seventh angel. Which is a "angel" means "a messenger." Anybody knows that. And the messenger to the church age...

.. in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery... (Seven Seals, all--all the mysteries)... of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

201 The entire mystery is unfolded. That's the ministry of that angel. See? Be so simple people just drop off the top of it. But yet it'll be perfectly a-vindicated everywhere, just be perfectly normal. See? Everybody that--that wants to see it can see it. See? That's right. But those... Jesus said, as He said when He come, said, "You got eyes and can't see, Isaiah said you did. (See?) And you got ears and you can't hear." Now... So we find out that...

That scared me. I looked back there at that clock, and I thought it was ten o'clock. But it's a... I--I got... It ain't even nine yet. You see? All right. Oh, my. Let's get it now.

204 Notice. I love this. Others reformers, but by being great men of God, seeing the need of the day, and brought forth reformation... But Revelations 10 said his message was to reveal not reform, reveal the secrets, reveal secrets. It's the Word in the man. Hebrews 4 said that the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a piercing even to the sunder of bone, and a Revealer of the secrets of the heart. See? This man is not a reformer; he's a revealer, revealer of what? The mysteries of God. Where the church has got it all tied up and everything, he's to come forth with the Word of God and reveal the thing out, because he is to restore the faith of the children back to the fathers. The original Bible faith is to be restored by the seventh angel.

Now, oh, how I love this. All the mysteries of the Seals that the reformers never understood fully... See?

206 Now, look at Malachi 4 just a minute. Well, well, you just mark it down. He is a prophet and restores the original faith of the fathers. Now, we're looking for that person to appear on the scene. He'll be so humble, the ten millions times ten millions will... Well, there'll be a little group that'll understand it.

When... You remember the other day when John was supposed to come, prophesied a messenger before Christ come, a voice of one crying in the wilderness; Malachi saw him. Look, the 3rd chapter of Malachi is the coming of the Elijah that was to come and forerun the coming of Christ. You say, "Oh, no, no, Brother Branham. It's the 4th chapter." I beg your pardon. Jesus said it was the 3rd chapter.

209 Now, take Saint--you take St. Matthew the--the 11th chapter and the 6th verse. He'll--he'll say this (11th chapter, I believe it's the 6th verse; 4th, 5th, or 6th, right along there). He said, "If you can receive it (when He's talking about John) this is he who was spoken of, 'I'll send My messenger before My face.'" Now, read Malachi 3.

Some of them try to apply it to Malachi 4. No, sir. That's not it. Notice, Malachi 4, as soon as that messenger goes forth, the world is completely burned, and the righteous walk out in the Millennium on the ashes of them. So you see, if you put that being him back there, then--then the Bible told something that wasn't so. We've had two thousand years, and the world ain't burned up yet, and the righteous living in it. So it's got to be in the future.

Oh, my. If you get over here in Revelations and see what that messenger at the end of this age is supposed to do, then you'll see what it is. He must be a prophet. He's got to catch these ends that these reformers didn't see and place it in there.

212 How can Matthew 28:19 compare with Acts 2:38 without the spiritual revelation of God? How can these people say the days of miracles are past and so forth like that, and--without revelation of God? Why, only way they'll ever know it, know whether it's right or wrong. See? But they've come through seminaries... I hope we have time to get into them. I want to hurry, 'cause I don't want to keep you over a week (you know what I mean) in--in this--open these Seals. I've got one day, and I'd like to have prayer for the sick on that day if I could.

214 Now, look, Malachi 4. He's a prophet and restores the original faith of the fathers. At the end time, when the tribulation period comes... Now, here's a little thing; we're going to reverse back a minute, where the three and a half years or Daniel's seventy weeks (the last half of Daniel's seventy weeks which is three and one-half years.)... Now, we... How many remembers that from the church ages? Sure, you see? There's seventy weeks determined: look how perfect it was; said, "Messiah will come, and He'll be cut off for a Sacrifice in the midst of the week, and the obligation will cease."

216 Then there is still three and a half years waited for the Messiahic doctrine to the Jew, and God does not deal with the Jew and the Gentile at the same time. He deals with Israel as a nation, Gentile as an individual. He never taken the Gentiles for His Bride, He taken a people out of the Gentile. See? Now, He deals with Israel as a nation. And now, there she sets right there now as a nation.

I got a letter from Paul today, Paul Boyd, and he was telling me, said, "Brother Branham, how true it is; these Jews still have a funny feeling towards the Gentiles, no matter what's happened." Sure they will, and they ought to.

218 When Martin Luther made the proclamation that all Jews ought to be run off and their buildings burned down because they were antichrist... See? Martin Luther made that statement hisself in his writing.

Now, Hitler just fulfilled what Martin Luther said. Why did Martin Luther say that? Because he was a reformer, not a prophet. God that... My prophet blessed Israel. He said, "Whosoever blesses you will be blessed, and who curses you will be cursed." How can one prophet stand and deny what the other prophet said? He can't do it. It's got to be in harmony. See? But...

220 That is the reason they class... See, Germany is supposed to be a Christian nation, and they--the way they treated Israel, they still got a stick on their shoulder; and you can't blame them. But just remember, if there's a Jews setting here, don't you worry; the day's coming. God can never forget them. They were blinded for our sake.

You know He said to this prophet, He... The prophet cried out and said, "Will You forget Israel?"

He said, "Take that measuring stick, and how high is the sky? How deep is the sea?"

Now, he said, "I couldn't measure it."

He said, "Never can I forget Israel." That's His people, His servants. And the Gentile is only a few taken out of there for His Bride. It's exactly right. That's the Bride.

225 Now, just seventy weeks was determined, perfectly, as Daniel said that Messiah would come and would be cut off in the midst of the week. And Jesus prophesied three and a half years. Now, in the middle of this three and a half years of Daniel, in the middle of it He was cut off. And now the last part is the tribulation period where the Gentile church is... Oh, this is great. Now, don't...?... The Bride goes in with the Groom, then after the Millennium, walks out upon the ashes of the wicked.

226 Let me show you something here, just, while we've just got it in mind, let's just show you what it says, what the Bible says. And we can't deny this being the Word of God. If we do, then we're infidels. See, we got to believe. You say, "I don't understand it." Neither do I, but I'm looking for Him to reveal it. Look.

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud... (like the Americans and so forth)... yea,... all that do wickedly, shall be stubble:... (It's going to burn.)... and the day that cometh that shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts,... it shall leave them neither root or branch.

227 How you got a eternal hell in there then? See, it's the last days when these things are being revealed. There's no place in the Bible says hell's eternal. To--to have... To be in a eternal hell, you'd have to have Eternal Life to stay there. There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's what we're struggling for. Everything had a beginning has an end. Hell was created for the devil and his angels, and will be consumed and done away with. Right. See?

But when this takes place, it neither leaves them root or branch.

But unto them that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness rise with healing in his wings;... ye shall go forth, as a--grow up as calves of the stall.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in that day that I will do this, saith the LORD of hosts.

Where's the wicked going to be after the tribulation? Ashes.

Remember... the laws of Moses..., which I commanded... him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of that great and dreadful day of the Lord:

229 Amen. Here's the Old Testament closing out like that, and here's the New Testament closing out with the very same thing. How you going to keep it away? Then, look, "I will send to you Elijah the prophet before that day comes:"

And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

There you are. That's the Word of the Lord. He's promised it. It must come.

230 And now, if you'll notice how this happens, it's beautiful how God does it. The Bride goes forth and the--with the Groom; and--and then after that the wicked is burned with unquenchable fire. And after the world has been purified, reproduces itself... Everything has to do that, has to go through a state of purification. Volcanic will break forth in that great last time, and the world will burst, and belch, and go forth; and all these cesspools of sin and all that's upon the earth will be molded into nothing. It'll burn with such a fervent heat that it'll be like that bleach that sends the--the color of--of the ink back into its original creation; so will the fire from God be so hot that it'll turn every filthy thing back to its condition again, when Satan and all sin is burned up and everything. And then she'll come forth as beautiful as she was in the garden of Eden. That's right. Oh, that great hour laying just ahead of us.

232 During the tribulation period... Here's what I want you to notice now, a little thing I dropped in here. During this tribulation period, after the Bride has been called out, and the church goes through the tribulation period, the hundred and forty-four thousand is called by the two witnesses of Revelations 11. Now, look, they'll prophesy one thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth.

233 Now, we know this Roman calendar has... We got twenty-eight days and sometimes of thirty and thirty-one, but actual the calendar reads this: thirty days to every month. That's right. And take a hundred--a thousand, two-hundred and threescore days and put thirty to it, and see what you got: three and one-half years exactly on the dot. That's the time--that's allotted time for the Messiahic message to be preached to Israel like it was back there.

When He returns back and makes Hisself known in a symbol, that when He comes...

234 When Joseph was taken down into the country and was rejected by his brethren because he was a spiritual man... He could see visions and interpret dreams, and when he did, he was taken down into the country and was sold for almost thirty pieces of silver.

He portrayed Christ exactly, because it was Christ's Spirit in him. Notice what happened then. And notice that when he did this, he was put in the prison, and one man was saved and the other lost: exactly Jesus when He was in prison on the cross. One thief was saved and the other one was lost. Exactly. Throwed into the grave, supposed to be dead, and was took up and ascended to the right hand of Pharaoh, that nobody could see Pharaoh without seeing Joseph first. Jesus sets at the right hand of God, and no man can come to the Father except by the Son. That's right.

237 And notice, every time Joseph left, when Joseph rose up from that right hand of that throne... Watch? Glory. There set Joseph by the right hand of Pharaoh. And when Joseph raised up to leave that throne, the trumpet sounded. "Bow the knee, everybody. Joseph is coming."

When that Lamb leaves the throne yonder on His days of mediatorial work, when He leaves the throne up there and takes that Book of Redemption and walks forth, every knee will bow, every tongue...?... There He is.

239 Notice, and when Joseph, rejected by his brethren, he was given a Gentile wife. Potiphar give him... Or Pharaoh give him a Gentile wife, and he bore Gentile children: half Gentile and Jew. They give a great symbol that when Jacob was blessing them, Ephraim on one side, Manasseh on the other, he crossed his hands and give the younger child the blessing; and the two kids was added unto the twelve tribes, which was only ten at that time, and he blessed them in Jacob himself; and Joseph, his prophet son, standing there said, "Father, you've done wrong." Said, "You put your right hand blessing on the young child, where it ought to went on the old one."

He said, "I know my hands was crossed, but God has crossed them." Why? Israel, having the rights to be a Bride, rejected and sold their birthrights, and the--went from the old son, Israel, to the new, Gentile, and the blessings went from there through the cross to the Bride.

241 But notice, after that (See?), through that... When all... He'd took his bride. But when them boys came down to buy food... Oh, it's such a beautiful picture. I'm off of the Seal, but I just got to say it (See?), 'cause you'll get the picture better, I believe.

Notice. Now, when they come down to buy food, you know, Joseph recognized them right away. And Joseph was the son of prosperity; no matter where he went it always prospered. You wait till the--He comes to the earth again; wait till our Joseph comes. The desert shall blossom as a rose, and the Sun of righteousness rises with healing in His wings. Oh, my. All that cactus around Arizona will unfold into beautiful trees in there... It'll be beautiful.

245 Notice, here he comes forth, and he plays a little trick on them there. And he stands and he says, "Is my father still living?" See? He wanted to know if that boy's father was living.

He said, "Yes." (He knowed that was his brother.)

But did you notice. When he got ready to reveal himself to his brothers, and he found little Benjamin, which had been born since he had been gone. And that represents these Jews, this hundred and forty-four thousand that's gathering right there now, since He's been gone. And when he returned, he said... He looked at Benjamin; his heart was about to break.

And remember, they had--they didn't know that he could speak Hebrew. He was taken an interpreter; he act like he was an Egyptian. See?

247 And then when it was made known, he wanted to make himself known, he kept looking at little Benjamin. And--and remember, he dismissed his wife. She was in the palace when he made hisself known to his brethren. And the Gentile Bride, the wife, after Jesus being rejected by His own people, He has taken a Gentile Bride and will take Her from here to the palace to His Father's house in glory for the wedding supper and will slip back down to make Hisself known to His brethren, the hundred and forty-four thousand...?... See? There He stands. And remember, look at the symbols, perfectly.

249 And when he come back to where this was, he looked down to them and he said--he said--begin to look... And they begin to talk. They said, "Now, Reuben, you know that we're in for it now. See? Because, you know what we done? We've got this boy in this fix. Now, we oughtn't to have sold our brother." That was their brother standing there, that mighty prince, and they didn't know it.

That's the reason Israel can't understand Him today. It isn't the hour yet to know it. And then he--they thought he couldn't understand Hebrew, but he was listening right at them.

They said, "Now, we're in for it."

252 And Joseph, when he looked at them, he couldn't stand it no longer. Now, remember, his wife, his children was in the palace at the time: the saints gone out--out of their presence. And he said, "I'm Joseph, your brother."

And he run over and grabbed little Benjamin, fell on his neck, and begin to cry. And he made himself known.

And then they said, "Now, we know we got it coming, for we sold him. We was the one who sold him off. We was the one who tried to kill him, now we know he'll kill us."

He said, "No, don't be angry with yourself; you only done it to preserve life. That's why God sent me down here." And when He makes Hisself known, the Bible says (as we come to it), when He makes Hisself known to that hundred and forty-four thousand there, the little Benjamin of today and the remnant of those Jews left there; when He makes Himself known, they'll say, "Where did You get those scars? What are they doing in Your hands?"

He'll say, "Oh, I got them in the house of my friends." See?

257 Oh, then they'll realize that they have killed the Messiah. But what will He say? The same as Joseph did it: "You did it to serve life, don't--to save life. Don't be angry with yourself." Because that the Gentiles would not have been brought in, if the Jews hadn't have done that blindfolded trick. So He saved the life of the church by the things they done. So there you are. That's the reason today they can't understand this; it isn't the hour. No more we could understand these things until the time comes for it to be understood. Oh, my.

259 Seven thunders of revelation... May He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith. (Now, let's hurry up because we haven't got about fifteen or twenty minutes yet.)

Now, what does this white horse mean? Let me read this. I've been so far off. Excuse me for getting off my subject, but--but I'll read the verse again, the two verses.

And I saw when the Lamb had opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it was the noise of thunder, and one of the four beasts saying, Come... see.

And I saw, and behold a white horse:... (Now, we're going to the 2nd verse)... a white horse: and he that set on him had a bow; and a crown was given... him:... (He didn't have it then.)... unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. (That's all of that. That's the seal.)

262 Now, let us find the symbols. We found out what the thunder means. That's perfectly; we know that. See? The thunder was the Voice of God when the Seal opened.

Now, what does the white horse mean? Now, here's where the revelation comes. I'm just as positive of this as I'm standing here knowing this is the Word. I've read every book on it I could find. And with a... I... The last time that I was--tried to go through it, just teaching it, about thirty years ago, I took the book... Somebody had told me that the Adventists had more light on the second coming of Christ than any people that they knowed, so I found some of their good books to read them. I got Smith's book on "Daniel's Revelation." And he said this white horse that went forth was white, and it symbolized a conqueror, and in this conquering... Many of you Adventist brethren here knows the book, and many of you others also by reading it. And others, I read two or three of... I read when the... I can't call... There's two more books read, and both men agreed that that was right. That was fine teachers, supposed to be some of the best with the best light. So I thought, "Well, if I don't know, I'll just say what they said, try to teach it that way." And they give a very good explanation of it, what it really meant.

266 And they said, "Now, here's a white horse, and a white horse is a power, a charger." And said, "The man that set on that was the--the white horse was the Holy Spirit that went forth in the early age and conquered that age for the Kingdom of God. He had a bow in his hand which meant like Cupid. He shot the arrows of love into the hearts of the people, the love of God, and He conquered."

Now, that sounds very good, but it isn't the Truth. No, sir. That... It wasn't. "White" does mean "righteous." We--we realize that, that "white" means "righteous." The teachers taught it, that it was the Holy Spirit conquering in the first age. But my revelation of it by the Holy Spirit is not that way.

My revelation by the Holy Spirit is: Christ and the Holy Spirit is the selfsame Person (See?), only in a different form. So here stands Christ, the Lamb. We know He was the Lamb. He's standing here with the Books in His hand, and there goes the white horse rider. See? So it wasn't the Holy Spirit.

269 Now, that's one of the mysteries of the last days, how that Christ can be the three Persons in One. It's not three different people: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, being three gods as the trinitarians try to tell us it is. It's three--it's three manifestations of the same Person, or you might call it three offices. If you're talking to ministers, you wouldn't use office, 'cause I...?... just happened to think I'm on tape. So I'll tell you... 'Course Christ couldn't say, "I'll pray My office, and He'll send you another office." We know that. But if you want to make it: it's three attributes of the same God, and not three gods; three attributes of the same God. See? And so how could Christ be out there with a white horse conquering and standing here with a Book in His hand? It isn't so; it isn't Christ.

271 Notice. Now, the Holy Spirit and the revelation and Christ is... The Holy Spirit is Christ in another form. That's right. Notice, it is a Lamb that opened the Book, and the Lamb is Christ; and Christ is not seen any more from then, but He is seen in the Book of Revelations the 19th chapter, coming on a white horse. If you'd like to read it, let's turn to Revelations 19:11 to 6. Let's read it right quick now while we're--while we're--if we got enough time, I hope, so it'll make it just a little better to us: 19, 19:11, begin at the 11th verse and read down including the 16th.

And I saw heaven opened,... behold a white horse;... (not on the earth; in heaven. See?)... and he that set on him was called Faithful... True, and... righteous... does he judge and make war.

His eyes were... flames of fire, and on his head was many crowns;... (Look at the diadem.)... and he had a name written, that no man knowed, but... himself.

274 I wished I could stop on that just a minute. Oh, my. I got a good notion but maybe when I see that you... See, nobody knows it. Did you ever know that the Name of Jehovah is not correct? Anyone knows. Dr. Vayle, you know that's true. The translators could never translate it. It's spelled J-u-h-v--J-v-h-u, I mean. It isn't Jehovah. They couldn't touch it. They don't know what it is. Called it Jehovah, but it wasn't His Name. Look. Every time a victory's won or something goes on, a name is changed.

277 Look at the days of Abraham. He was first Abram, and never could have that baby until his name was changed to Abraham. And Sarra, S-a-r-r-a could not have nothing but a dead womb until her name was changed to S-a-r-a-h.

"Jacob" means "supplanter, deceiver," and that's what he did. He put sheepskin on hisself and deceived his prophet father to take the birthright. He put poplar sticks in the water, speckled them, and scared the cattle when they was pregnated with the--with their young, to make speckled cattle and sheep. Nothing but a deceiver, but one night he caught a hold of something real. And he knowed it was real, and he stayed with it and held on until he overcome, and his name was changed and called "Israel" meaning "a prince with power before God." Is that right? Every overcomer...

Simon was a fisherman; but when his faith caught and knowed that was Jesus, when He told him He was the Messiah and told him who his name was and what his father's name was, he was overcome and changed from Simon to Peter.

Saul, good name, Saul was a king one time in Israel, but Saul didn't fit an apostle. Might be all right for a king, but not an apostle. So Jesus changed his name from what? From Saul to Paul. Look at the sons of thunder and on down.

283 And Jesus, His Name on earth was Redeemer, Jesus. When He was on earth, He was the Redeemer; that's true. But when He conquered death and hell, and overcome them, and ascended on high, He received a new Name. That's the reason they holler the way they do and don't get nothing; it'll be revealed in the thunders. See?

284 Notice, the mystery. He's coming, riding... There's got to be something to change this Church, you know that. There's got to be something. Notice. No man knowed but Himself. Now, notice, no man knowed but Hisself.

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name was called The Word of God. (Oh, notice.)

And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

285 There comes the Messiah. There He is, not this fellow on this horse back here. Watch the different. Here He stands with the Book in His hand here. The redemptive work is just... He hasn't took His place yet.

So it was not the Christ that went forth, the Holy Spirit. Not disagreeing with them great men, no, sir, I don't do it. I wouldn't want to do that, but this is what my revelation of it is. See, if you got something different, well, that's all right, but it ain't all right with me. See, I--I believe it this way; you know--you know what. See?

287 And notice, Christ is not seen any more (See?) from the time there. But He is on a white horse; so if this guy is riding a white horse, he's only an impersonator of Christ. See? Get that? Notice, the rider on the white horse don't have any name. He might use two or three titles, but he hasn't got any name. But Christ has a Name. What is it? The Word of God. That's what it is. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And the Word made flesh. See?

289 The rider has no name, but Christ is called the Word of God. That's what He is. He's called that. Now, He's got a Name that no man knows, but He's called the Word of God. This guy isn't called nothing (See?), but he's on a white horse.

The rider has no arrows for his bow. Did you notice? He had a bow, but there's nothing said about having any arrows; so he must be a bluffer. That's right. Maybe he's got a lot of thunder and no lightning, but you find out Christ had both lightning and thunder; for out of His mouth goes a sharp two-edged Sword, and He smites the nations. And this guy can't smite nothing (See?), but he's playing the part of a hypocrite. He's going forth riding on a white horse, going out to conquer.

291 Christ has a sharp Sword, and watch. It comes from His mouth--the living Word. That's the Word of God revealed to His servants, like He said to Moses: "Go, stand there and hold that stick out yonder, call for flies," and there was flies. Sure. Whatever He said, He done it, and it come to pass. His living Word... God and His Word is the selfsame Person. God is the Word.

Who is this mysterious rider of the first church age then? Who is he? Let's think of it. Who is this mysterious rider that starts forth in the first church age and rides plumb on out into eternity, goes to the end.

293 The Second Seal comes forth and goes right on out into the end. The Third Seal comes forth and goes right on out into the end. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh; every one of them winds right up out here in the end.

And at the end time, these Books that's been rolled up all this time with these mysteries in them, is broken. Then out comes the mystery to see what it is. But actually they started forth at the first church age, because at the first church age received the message, like this.

A white horse rider went out. See? Who is he? He's mighty in his conquering power, is a great fellow in his conquering power. You want me to tell you who he is? He's the antichrist. That's exactly what he is.

Now, because, you see, if an antichrist... Jesus said that the two would be so close together until it would deceive the very elected, the Bride, if it was possible. Antichrist, it's the antichrist spirit.

295 Remember in the church ages when we opened the first church age back there, we found out that the Holy Spirit was against a certain thing that got started in that church age, and that was called "the deeds of the Nicolaitanes." You remember it? "Nico" means "to conquer." "Laity" means "the church, the laity." "Nicolaitanes" "to conquer the laity": take the Holy Spirit out of the church and give it all to one holy man, let him be the boss of all of it. You went through it (See?), Nicolaitane. Notice, Nicolaitia was a--a saying in one church; it become a doctrine in the next church age. And in the third church age it was a forcement; and they had the Nicaea Council. And it was then made a doctrine and a church.

296 And what was the first thing happened? An organization from it. Now, is that right? Tell me where the first organized church come from: Roman Catholic church. Tell me if Revelations don't say, in the Book of Revelations 17, that she was a whore, and her daughters were harlots. That's the same thing that organized with her: harlots. Taken the abomination, filthiness of their fornications for doctrine, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.

297 Notice. Look, he starts out to conquer. Notice, he has no crown. The white horse rider; I'm speaking of here. See? A bow and a crown was given him afterwards. See? He had no crown to start with, but a crown was given him. Notice, later he was given a crown: yeah, three of them, three on one. That was three hundred years later at the Nicaea Council when he started out a spirit of Nicolaitia to form an organization among the people, and then it kept on going on, going on; it become a saying, then it become a doctrine.

298 You remember Christ speaking back to the church, said, "Thou hatest the deeds of these Nicolaitanes which I hate too," trying to conquer, take the Holy Spirit: just on one holy man; he can forgive all the sins and everything. Have we just read it over there, Paul spoke of it: that thing would set in the last days, and he couldn't be revealed till the last days? Then He that letteth will take the Spirit of God out of there, and then he'll reveal himself.

Today he's under the disguisement of a white horse. Watch how he changes from that white horse in a few minutes. He don't only become a white horse; he becomes a beast with many heads and horns. See, see? The white horse, he's a deceiver now, and that's the reason the people hasn't known it all this time. They thought it, but here it is now; it's going to be revealed by the Scripture.

301 Notice, when Nicolaitia (See?), antichrist is finally... He's incarnate in a man; then he's crowned. When he starts off as a Nicolaitia spirit in the church, he's a spirit. You can't crown a spirit. But three hundred years later he become a pope. And then they crowned him. He had no crown to start with, but he got a crown later (See?), when that spirit become incarnate. See? He become a man. Nicolaitane doctrine become a man; then they could crown it. They couldn't do it because he was just a doctrine. Glory.

Notice, and when this Holy Spirit that we have, becomes incarnate to us, the One that's in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us in the Person of Jesus Christ, we'll crown Him King of king...?... That's right. See?

303 Now, remember, about the time Christ come on the throne, the antichrist come on the throne: Judas. About the time Christ went off the earth, Judas went off the earth. Just about the time the Holy Spirit come back, the antichrist come back.

You know, John said over here: "Little children, I would not have you ignorant, you know, about the antichrist, which he's already come and working in the children of disobedience." The antichrist then, there he was, begin to form in there the Nicolaitane spirit to make an organization.

No wonder I hated that thing. See, see? There you are. It wasn't me; it was something in here. There's the thing; it's come out. You see it? I was all around the sides of it; I couldn't see it till now; I--I know it now. There it is, that Nicolaitane spirit God hated, and now that spirit become incarnate, and they crowned it. And here it is right here what the Bible said they'd do with it: perfect. Oh, my.

307 Incarnate... He become a man and then they crowned him. Read, notice, or read, rather, how Daniel said he will take over the church kingdom. Would you like to read it? Let... We got time to do that, haven't we? All right. Listen. Let's go back to Daniel just a moment. Turn back to the Book of Daniel, and we'll read just a moment; and we won't be, maybe another fifteen, twenty minutes or thirty, or something. All right, let's get Daniel the 11th chapter, and let's take the 21st verse. Here's Daniel. Daniel's speaking now how this fellow is going to take over.

And in his state shall stand up a vile person... (Rome, talking)... to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom:... (Now, watch.)... but he shall come in a peaceable--come in peaceable, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

309 That's exactly what it done, what Daniel said this antichrist would do. He will fit the people's place. Yes, it'll fit their--their menu for this day for the churches. For in this church age they don't want the Word, Christ; but they want church. The first thing, they don't ask you if you're a Christian. "What church do you belong to?" "What church?" They don't want Christ, the Word. You go tell them about the Word and how to straighten up; they don't want that.

They want something, just live any way they want to and still belong to church and obtain their testimony. See, see? So, he fits the menu just exactly. And you remember, "he" was finally called "she" in the Bible. And she was a prostitute and had daughters. Just fits the bill of the day, what the people want. There it is.

310 God has promised it; when the Word is refused then they are turned to their desires. Let's read Thessalonians again. Let's... I want you to watch here just a minute. Say, "Well, we read it awhile ago." II Thessalonians 2:9-11, It said that they would, in turning down, rejecting the Truth, they would be given over to a reprobate mind and would believe a lie and would be damned by it. Now, that's what--that's what the Holy Spirit said.

Now, isn't that the desire of the church today? You try to tell people they have to do this, that, or the other; they'll let you know right quick they are Methodists, Presbyterian, or whatmore; they don't have to paddle in your boat. See? Certainly. They want it. And God said, "If they want it, I'll just let them have it. And I'll actually make them believe that that's the truth, 'cause I'll give them a reprobate mind concerning the truth."

312 Now, look here what the Bible says also. "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses..." so will these guys in the last days with a reprobate mind concerning the truth, and shall turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness, deny the Lord God. Now, you see where it's at. Not only Catholic, but Protestant, the whole thing, it's all the whole organized world.

That's that white horse rider under the--the way of a white, righteousness church (See?), but an antichrist. It's got to look like--on a horse even, just like Christ is coming on a horse. All anti--so close it'd deceive the very elect...

Here he is. He's the antichrist. He started riding in the first church age. Now, he rides on down, on down through every age. Now, watch him.

314 You say, "Way back--way back in the apostles time?" He was called Nicolaitia there. Then in the next church age, then he become a doctrine in the church. First he was just a saying, then he become a doctrine.

Swell, celebrity people, fine dressed, highly educated, polished didn't want all that carrying on in the church. No, they didn't want all that Holy Ghost stuff. Must be a church... "And we all go through the Nicaea Council and so forth at Rome." Then when they come there, they took the church, and took paganism, Roman Catholi--or paganism--pagan Rome and a few superstitions and took the--the Astarte the Queen of heaven, and turned it to be Mary, the mother; make intercessors out of dead people, and so forth, and took that round kosher wafer which is still puts round on there and called it the Body of Christ, because it represents the mother of heaven... When a Catholic passes by, he crosses himself because that light's burning in there is supposed to be the kosher which is turned to God by the power of the priest, when it is nothing in the world but just plain paganism. That's right.

316 I just don't understand it. Well, yes I do. (Excuse me.) Yes, sir. I understand by the grace of God. Sure. Now, notice. Oh, my, how they can do that. See? And they are given their desire. No, that's true. You don't have to do that. No, sir. If you don't want to do it, you're not forced to do it. If you don't want to tally up to God's way of living and things and worship, you don't have to do it. God don't make nobody do it. But let me tell you something. If your name was placed on that Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, you'd be so happy to do it, you can't wait for the minute to do it.

Look here. When you say, "I'll give you to understand; I'm just as religious..." Well, that might be true. Look it... Who could say them priests wasn't religious in the days of the Lord Jesus? Who could say Israel wasn't religious in the wilderness?

321 When they was even... "Why, God's blessed me so many times..." Yes, He did them too. They didn't even have to work for their living. He fed them out of the heavens, and Jesus said, "They're everyone lost and gone and perished."

"Our fathers," they said, "eat manna in the wilderness for forty years."

Jesus said, "And they're every one dead," eternally separated. See? He said, "But I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven. If a man eats this Bread, he'll never die." See? He's the Tree of Life.

324 Notice just how... And when Jesus come, those priests, they come up there, very religious. Boy, nobody could say they wasn't nice men. My, they walked to the line of that law. Everything that church said, they did it. If they didn't, they were stoned. And so they walked out, do you know what Jesus called them? John called them, "You bunch of snakes in the grass. Don't you think because you belong to that organization you got anything to do with God."

And Jesus said, "You are of your father the devil." He said, "Every time that God sent a prophet, what happened? You stoned him, and throwed him in the grave, and now you go out there and polish his grave."

325 Isn't that the same thing that Catholic church has done? Look at Joan of Arc, and Saint Patrick, and all the rest of them. They're the one who puts them in, and then dug Joan of Arc's body up, and throwed it in the river a couple of hundred years later, and burned her for a witch. "You are of your father the devil, and his works you do." That's exactly. Go all over the world... See?

That's right. That's what Jesus said; and you think it's all right. It looks pretty good, that white horse; but look what you got. That's exactly what's riding it.

328 Now, but He said they wanted it, so He would give them a strong delusion. Remember, this prostitute of Revelation 17, she is a mystery, Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots. And John admired her, just like this man... (Look, wait till we get here and watch him watching this horse here.) See, but you noticed he was... What happened was this: that he admired her with great admiration, but the mystery was that she drank the blood of the martyrs of Christ. A beautiful church, set there decked in purple and gold, and she had a cup in her hand of filthiness of her fornications.

329 What is "fornication?" Is "unrighteous living." That's her doctrine she was giving out, taking the Word of God and making it of none effect by some, "Hail, Marys," and all this other kind of stuff and giving it out, and the kings of the earth committed fornications with her.

Well, you say, "That's the Catholic church." But she was a mother of harlots, same thing that she was. There you are.

What happened? When the reformer died and his message died out, you--you organized it, and put a bunch of "Rickys" in there, and started the thing right back to live the way you wanted to. You didn't want to stay with the Word. Instead of moving right on with the Word, they stayed right there, and, "This is it." You don't do that. He... That's it, Him up there.

332 Notice. (That's one thing. We want to hit just a couple more places before closing.) He is the prince that was destroy; Daniel's people. You believe that? I'm going to make this if you just help and be lenient with me for a few minutes, I--I'll make it just as quick as I can, but I want to make it positive (See?); 'cause I--the Holy Spirit's give me this just as certain as I'm standing here. See, see?

334 Now, look, let's take--go back to Daniel again just a minute. I want to read something 'fore... Whether if you don't go back, it's all right. I want to read Daniel 9--Daniel 9, and I want to read the 26th and 27th verse of Daniel 9. And watch, if he isn't the one to destroy Daniel's people--what he's going to do.

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off... (See, that's the threescore and two weeks, He'd be cut off out of the seventy weeks.)... not for himself: but for the people and the prince... (That's the hierarchy here.)... that shall come--that shall come shall destroy the city and... sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with great flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

336 I want to ask you people something. After Christ was cut off from the earth in the three and a half years of His ministry, and what destroyed the temple? Who destroyed it? Rome. Sure. Constantine (Or, no, I beg your pardon.) Titus, the Roman general. He destroyed the prince. Now, notice. Watch this fellow come right on down just go on.

337 When Jesus was born, the red dragon in heaven stood at the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born. Is that right? Who was it tried to devour the child when it was born? [Congregation says, "Rome."--Ed.] See? There's the red dragon. Here's your prince. Here's your beast. See? There they are, every one of them, just the same. See? Devour the child... God caught it up into heaven to set on His throne. That's where Christ is now till the time appointed. See? Now, watch what he shall do.

338 Now, oh... Now, I believe I was talking to somebody here. It might've been Brother Roberson today, or somebody I was talking on about this (about not this here but just on the same thing.) I believe I preached on it here not long back, what will happen to this United States on this money situation. See? Well, we are now paying our debts on taxes that'll be paid forty years from today. That's how far we are behind.

Did you ever turn on "KAIR" up there or "Lifeline" and listen to it (See?) from the... Washington? Why, we are completely busted. That's all. What's the matter? The gold's all housed up, and the Jews holds the bond. It's going to be Rome.

Now, watch. We know who owns the big department stores, but Rome has the greatest part of the wealth of the world. The rest of it the Jews have. Now, watch this. Now, just listen to this how the Holy Spirit brought this out for me.

340 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:... (Now, watch.)... and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the obligations to cease,... for the overspreading of abomination he shall make it desolate, even unto the consummation, and that determined shall be poured out upon the desolate.

Watch. Oh, what a shrewd thing he is. Here he is. Now, we got our picture and know that he's Rome. We know that he's the white horse rider. We know that he went forth as a doctrine. And then what was pagan Rome? Converted into papal Rome and crowned.

341 Now, watch. In the end time, not in the early days when Christ was preaching, but in the end time, the last part of the week, where we just took the seventy weeks of Daniel; and Christ has prophesied for the three and a half years, and three and a half years are yet determined. Is that right? And this prince in that time is to make a covenant with Daniel's people, which is the Jews. That's when the Bride's taken out now. She won't see it.

342 Notice. In the last one-half of Daniel's week, the people makes a covenant--this prince makes a covenant with Rome; makes a covenant with them no doubt for the wealth, for Catholic and Jew holds the wealth of the world.

I was in the Vatican. I've seen the triple crown. Was supposed to have an interview with the Pope. Baron Von Blomberg got it for me on a--for a Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock.

And when they took me to the king, they took the cuffs out of my trousers. That's all right. Told me never to turn my back, walk away from him. That's all right. But I said, "What do I have to do before this guy?"

Said, "Well, just go in and kneel down on one knee and kiss his finger."

I said, "That's out. That's out. No, sir." I said, "I'll--I'll call any man a brother that wants to be a brother. I'll call him reverend, if he wants to have the title of that, but to worship a man, that all belongs to Jesus Christ." No, sir. Kissing no man's hand like that. No, indeed.

347 So I didn't do it, but I got to go all through the Vatican. Why, you couldn't buy it with a hundred billion billion dollars. Why, you... And just think, "The wealth of the world," the Bible said, "was found in her." All... Just think of the great places, the billions times... Why did Communism raise up over here in Russia? It just makes me sick at my stomach to hear so many preachers hollering about Communism, and they don't even know what they're crowing about. That's right. Communism ain't nothing. It's a tool in the hand of God to bring revenge upon the earth for the blood of the saints that... That's right.

349 And after the church is taken away, Rome and--and the Jews will make a covenant with one another. The Bible said they would, with the holy people. And now notice, they'll make it, because why? This nation is going to be busted, and the rest of the world that's on the gold standard is busted. You know that. If we're living off of taxes, due bills for forty years from now, where are we at? There's only one thing can happen. That's to call in the currency and pay off the bonds; and we can't do it. Wall Street owns them, and Wall Street's controlled by the Jews; the rest of it's in the Vatican, and the Jews has got the rest of it in Wall Street with the commerce of the world.

350 We can't call it in. And if we could do it, do you think these whiskey guys and--and all these tobacco people with billions times billions of dollars a year and write off all their income tax for old vulgar pictures and things like that--go out in Arizona there and buy millions of acres of land--or thousands--and dig them big wells at fifty thousand dollars and pay it off with income tax? And they'd put you in jail if you don't pay yours. But they write it off and throw up wells and send bulldozers in.

And what do they do? They put housing projects in there, and the next turn around with their money they made (they have got to make an investment) and put houses, projects in there and sell them for millions of dollars. Do you think them guys is going to compromise to change the currency?

352 Like this fellow down here in--in (What's his name?) Castro did. He done the only smart thing he ever did do then, when he destroyed the bonds: paid them off and destroyed them. Notice, but we can't do that. These guys won't let us.

The rich merchants of the earth hold it, and then there's only one thing to do: The Catholic church can pay it off. She's the only one that's got the money; she can do it, and she will do it.

And in doing this to get it, she'll compromise with the Jews and make a covenant, and when she makes this covenant with the Jews... Now, remember, I'm taking this from the Scriptures. And now, when she does this and makes this covenant, we notice in Daniel 8:23 and 25 he will cause craft to prosper (And craft is manufacturing.), in his hand.

355 And he makes this covenant with the Jews, and in the midst of this three and a half years, he breaks his covenant as soon as he gets the thing wrapped up and gets the money of the Jews tied up. And when he does that, oh, my, oh, my, he's called the antichrist until the end of the church age, for he is the--he and his children are against Christ and the Word. This man's called the antichrist. Now, he's going to hold the money. And that's where I think he'll come in. Just a minute, while I say this, then I want to go back to it in a minute.

He's called the antichrist and will be called the antichrist in the sight of God until the end time. Now, but then he'll be called something else.

359 Now, when he gets the money all under control, then he will break this covenant with the Jews, as Daniel here said he would do it, in the midst of the last half of the seventy weeks of Daniel. And then, brother, what will he do? He will have all of the world trade and the commerce, a pact with the world, 'cause he will hold the wealth of the world completely.

And during that time, them two prophets will rise on the scene and call that hundred and forty-four thousand. Then what will take place? Then the mark of the beast of Revelations 13 will set in, 'cause he holds all the commerce, trade and everything of the world. And what will take place then? The mark of the beast will come in that no man can buy or sell except him that has the mark of the beast. Thank God, the Church will be enjoying a great three and a half years in glory. Don't have to go through that.

361 Now, notice, at the end time--at the end of the church ages, now, he is called--he and his children are called the antichrist, 'cause anything that's against Christ is antichrist. And anything that's against the Word is against Christ, 'cause Christ is the Word. Now, he's antichrist.

Then in Revelations 12:7-9, when Satan is cast out, the accuser... You want to put that down, 'cause I want to read it; we haven't got time now, 'cause it's twent--fifteen till ten. See?

But in Revelations 12:7-9, Satan the spirit, the devil, which is up there now, accuser of our brethren, all right; the Church is taken up, and Satan is cast out. When the Church goes up, Satan comes down. Then Satan incarnates himself in the antichrist and is called the beast.

364 Then in Revelations 13, he sets the mark down. See, when He that letteth--only now Christianity is left on the earth in its purity is because Him that letteth. You remember back here in that--in Thessalonians? Setting upon the temple of God, calling himself God; forgiving sins on earth, and that'll go on, and iniquity shall abound and on, 'cause it won't be known yet until his time to be revealed is called. And then the Church will be caught away. And when it's caught away, then he changes hisself from an antichrist now. Oh, my, the church, the great church and... Now, he becomes the beast. Hm. I wished I could make people see that.

367 Now, remember, the antichrist and the beast is the same self spirit. There's the trinity. Yes, sir. It's three stages of the same devil power. Remember, Nicolaitia (See?), it had to be incarnate before it could be crowned. See? Now, watch this. Three stages: first stage he's called antichrist; second stage, he's called the false prophet; third stage, he's called the beast.

368 Notice, Nicolaitia, the antichrist teaching that started in the days of Paul against God's Word: antichrist... Then he's called again the false prophet, which when the teaching become a man, he was a prophet to the teaching of the hierarchy of the--the hierarchy of the Catholic church. The Pope was the prophet to the false word, and that made him a false prophet.

The third stage is a beast, a man that's crowned in the last days with every power that pagan Rome ever had, because the seven-headed beast, dragon, was cast out of heaven and come incarnate in the false prophet. Here it is; he had seven crowns, and he was cast out and throwed into the earth and the sea. All right.

What are we saying? Who is this rider, this horse rider? You know what it is? It's Satan's superman.

372 I went the other night... Two brothers setting in this church now (Brother Norman, back there, and, I believe, and Brother Fred); we was over to hear a man teach on the antichrist, a well known man, one of the best the Assemblies of God has got. And his interpretation of antichrist was, that they're going to take a vitamin of some sort out of a--of a man and transfer this life out of a man into a great image that's going to step a city block at a time. And that's going... Could you imagine a man filled with the Holy Ghost under such illusion as that, or claimed to be? When here's the Bible that says who the antichrist is. It's not a... It's a man.

373 Notice, this rider is nothing but Satan's superman, a incarnate devil. He's a educated genius. Now, I hope you got your ears open. They was trying one of his children out not long ago in a television cast to see if he wasn't smarter than the next man to run for presidency; but however, he's got a lot of wisdom; so has Satan. He tries to sell it. He sold it to Eve; he sold it to us. We've been wanting a superman; we got it. All right. The whole world's wanting a superman; they're going to get it. Just wait till the Church goes up, and Satan's cast out. He'll incarnate. That's right. They want somebody who can really do the job; he'll do it.

374 Educated... This is the Satan's superman with education, with wisdom, with church theology of his own word, of his own making, and he rides his white denominational horse to deceive the people. And he will conquer every religion of the world, 'cause they've all going into the confederation of--of the--of churches and the world confederation of churches. And they already got their buildings built and everything setting right in line. There ain't one thing left. Every denomination's stuck right into it, the federation of churches. And what's backing it? Rome. And the pope's now crying, "We're all one. Let's come together and walk together."

375 And these people, even some of you Full Gospel people, deny--have to deny your evangelical teaching to take such a step as that. What have you done? So blind to that denominational thing you've rejected Truth. And Truth was set before them, and they--they walked away from it and left it, and now they've been given over to a strong delusion to believe a lie and be damned with it. That's exactly what it is, and the antichrist takes it all. And the Bible said that he deceived all, a-double-l, all upon the face of the earth whose names were not written under those Seals from the foundation of the world. Now, if the Bible said he did it, he did it.

They say, "Well, I belong..." There you are. See? That's just exactly. It's the same prostitute institution. It's the same system that started in the beginning which is antichrist throughout. I'll hear from it, but that's--it's the Truth. I expect to. Amen.

379 Now, notice, he'll conquer and almost has in his grip right now, while he's still antichrist before he can becomes beast. You talk about cruel punishment. You just wait. Watch what them that's left here on earth will have to go through with. There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. For the dragon, Rome, spurted water out of his mouth to make war with the remnant of the woman's seed that was left upon the earth after the Bride had been selected and took out. And the dragon made war with the remnant that didn't want to come in, was hunted down. And the real Church will go through that if it was possible, but you see, they are done under this Blood by the grace of Christ, and is not going through...?... have no tribulation period. The next thing for the Church is rapture. Amen and amen. Praise be God.

381 Oh, how I love this. Let me tell you. We're telling what a conquer he's going to do, and he's really going to conquer; he's already done it. It's just already sewed up. That's all. Going to sew up with the money, filthy lucre. It's exactly. They love money more than God. Everything they think about now is how much money has he got. What is it? You know it's been said lots of times: "Give the church the money, and she'll revolutionize the world. Give the church the money, and she'll send evangelists all over the world. And what will she do? She will conquer the world for Christ."

Let me tell you something, my poor blind friend. The world's not won by money, but by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Give God men who's gallant men will stand on that Word, live or die, that'll conquer. There'll only be one thing that can conquer: those that's got their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world. That's the only thing will hear it. Money won't have nothing to do with it: send them farther into the denominational traditions.

384 Let's see. Yes, with educational genius, he'll be. He'll be smart. My, my, my, and all of his children around him will be smart: Ph.D., LL.D., double L.D., Q.S.D., A.B.C.D.E.F. on down to Z. They'll have it all. Smart. Why? It's after the order of Satan. Any shrewd craftiness against the Bible is of Satan. That's exactly what he took Eve with. Eve said, "Oh, it's written. God said for us not to do that."

He said, "But wait. Surely God won't do it, but I'll open your eyes and give you some wisdom." She got it. We've been wanting him; we got it too, this nation.

387 Notice, he'll conquer the whole religious world. He'll conquer--make a covenant with Daniel's people. Here it is, both in the Gentile and in the Daniel's people, the Jews to the last week, and here we are, even drawed out on boards, and you see it perfectly, there's where it is. Thank God. There he is. That organizational system is of the devil. And that's no punches pulled on it either. (See?) It's exactly. It's a root of the devil; it's a... And now, not people, not people in there, them are God's people, many of them. But you know what, when we get over here till where we get in these trumpets sounding; and the next time I come by, these trumpets sounding. You remember when them last angels, that third angel come across, "Come out of her my people."... When that angel flies at the same time that message drops here for the last trumpet, last angel's message, last Seal opens. All happens at the same time. Yes, sir. All seals up and goes over into eternity.

389 Now, watch, at the same time that this guy's a-conquering (Then I'll close.), God's going to do something then too. Let's not just give Satan all the credit here. See? Let's not talk about him altogether. See? While this great thing is going out there, this great system winding in these organizations in a union so they can pool themselves together and stand against Communism, and not knowing that God raised up Communism to conquer them. Sure. What--what--what made Communism rise in Russia? Because of the impurity of the Roman church and the rest of them. They took all the money there was in Russia and starved the people to death and give them nothing instead of live just like the rest of the world.

391 I was down in Mexico not long ago and see them poor little children. Any Catholic country is not even self-supporting; there's not a one of them. Ask me where... Show me where they're at. Any Catholic-controlled country can't even support its own self. France, Italy, and all them, Mexico, wherever you go, they're not self-supporting. Why? The church took everything they have. That's the reason Russia kicked it out.

392 Watch what taken place. I know this myself. I stand down there and you think the golden jubilee was on you hear the bells ringing. And here a poor little woman coming down the street, dragging her feet, and a father packing a baby, and two or three of them crying. She was doing penance to some dead woman up there, they had her, thought she'd get to go to heaven by it. Oh, what a pitiful thing.

Then I seen standing down there... Here comes... Their economics is so poorly balanced; the church takes everything they got. Here little Pancho, maybe--maybe Pancho Frank, he comes down, and he's a brick mason, and he maybe he makes twenty pesos a week, but it'll take the whole twenty pesos to buy him a pair of shoes. That's their economics. But now here, what about then if he being a mason and a bricklayer and make twenty pesos a week (just saying, I don't know what he makes, but say that kind of economics--the way it's balanced up).

394 Notice, now, if he makes twenty pesos a week, here comes Chico (See?), which means "little one," and he works out there for about five pesos a week, and he's got ten kids to feed; but there'll be somebody knocking on his door to take about five of those pesos or four of them anyhow to pay for some grease candle to burn on a million dollar gold altar for his sins. There you are. That's the balance of economics. That's the way their countries are. The thing takes it all. The church takes it all.

395 She's just got it in her hands. That's all. And her, with the money of the Jews in that covenant; the Bible said they'll take the whole thing, and then he becomes a beast; he breaks his covenant; he ravishes; he tears out the rest of that woman's seed like that, and spurts water out of his mouth, makes war; and there'll be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. And the Bride's getting married in glory (See?) same time. Don't miss it, friends. God help me; and I--I want to be there. I don't care what it costs. I--I want to be there.

398 Now, notice, in the same time this is going on, just before this takes place, rather, on the earth, God has promised, while all them scruples of denominations arguing their difference about their creed, God promised that He would send us a true prophet of the true Word with a message to return to the original Word of God and the faith of the fathers to bring down the power of the Holy Ghost amongst the people, with a power that will raise her above these things and take her in at the same time. Yes, sir.

398a Same Word be vindicated of Jesus Christ that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Lo, I am with you always, even to the consummation. And the works that I do shall you do also. I will be right with you. A little while and they won't see Me no more, 'cause they will organize themselves and scatter out, but ye will see Me, for I will be with you. I will even be in you unto the consummation." When He said... His indignation be poured out after the consummation. There you are. Oh, God. Who is that white horse rider? You're not blind. You see who it is. It's that antichrist and that deceitful spirit that's gone now and crept in, and made and then sh...

399 See, God just keeps repeating it. He showed there's a man going forth with a white horse and with his bow and no arrow. He's a bluff. He has no power. You say, "The power of the church..." Where's it at? What do they do? They say, "We're the original church." The original church cast out devils, healed the sick, and raised the dead, saw visions and everything else. Where is it now? See? He's a bluff: bow with no arrow. That's right.

400 But you see, when Christ come, a Sword went forth from His mouth like a lightning flash. It went forth and consumed His enemies and cast away the devil. It cut away everything else and He come, His vesture dipped in Blood and on His thigh was written "The Word of God." Amen. Here He come with His army, coming from heaven.

401 That white horse rider has been in the land all the time. He will change from antichrist. He does that and becomes to a false prophet. See, he first started an antichrist, the spirit; then he become a false prophet. Then later, when the devil is cast out, he's incarnate then with the devil. Three stages: the first he's a devil to begin with, a spirit of the devil; then he becomes a false prophet, teacher of a false doctrine; next thing he comes as the very devil himself incarnate. See? There he is.

And at the same time that this devil falls out of heaven and becomes incarnate in a man, the Holy Spirit goes up and comes down incarnate Man. Amen. Oh, my. What a time.

403 Tomorrow night, God willing, the Second Seal. You love Him? (All right, Brother Fred...?... the tapes, brother, keep...?...) Now, you--you believe it? (I just shut the tape off.) Now, I'm going to hear from that; you know that. See? But I expect to. Let me tell you something, brother. I just now know for one time in my life why that Spirit has always warned me against them, that organization.

405 I'm grateful to the Lord God for showing me these things. I know that it's the Truth. There it is, revealed right there. Here he rides right down through the age and comes right out here and displays himself right down here just as perfect as he can be. See? That's him. Now, we're not deceived on that. Now, you got your eyes opened. Stay away from that kind of stuff. Love the Lord with all your heart, and stay right with Him. Yes, sir. Come out of Babylon.

[] Three things: proved by the Word, shown by a picture, manifested by the works of the Spirit, vindicating that It is the Word.

Let the Word come upon these handkerchiefs, Lord. Heal the sick. Heal every sick person that's present, Lord, and those out there that writes in and calls in.

Father, at this hour, there's another healing that should be done right now, and we go on to healing service. But, Lord, it's that soul, we want that just in order, Lord. And these things must come.

We pray, God, that You'll take these words now that has been said, and make them real to the people. Let them see It, Lord. Being pinched for time, and, You know, Father, so I pray that enough has been said that the Holy Spirit will take It and reveal It into hearts. Those who are writing the Scriptures down, may they study Them. Those who are making tapes or--or--or hearing the tapes, may they study It; not put their own interpretation to It now, but just study the Word. Grant it, Father. In Jesus' Name, I commit it all to You, and for Your glory. Amen.

[A brother prophesies. Congregation rejoices--Ed.] Amen. Oh, thank You! [Congregation continues rejoicing.] Oh!

If there is somebody here that don't know Him, in pardon, do it now. Hear that straight, strong rebuke. If you ever expect to draw nigh, do it now, for days after this.

What if that was the breaking of that Seal? What if that was the Angel that sent forth there, that blasted (almost) me off of the ground, the other day, standing back there, when three witnesses are standing close. That I told you before I went, "There would be an explosion that would almost send me up." And I was caught up by seven Angels, and come eastward. The thing like to shook me from the ground.

Is that right, Brother Norman, Brother Fred Sothmann, who was standing with me when it happened, above Tucson? And the--the... Setting, picking the burrs off of my clothes, exactly what the vision said. And it was south of... towards Tucson. If that's right, raise up your hand, Brother Fred, Brother Norman. There they are. Stand up on your feet, so the people can see that you were there, a witness. I never heard anything like it, in my life.

And, immediately, they didn't hunt, the rest the day. I begged Fred, the next morning. He don't know this. I begged him to go out hunting, kept saying, "Do it. Do it."

But He said, He told me back there, "He won't do it. You're going East, right now."

And them seven Angels! The first blast, she opened. Yeah. What if it is? We're at the last hour. See?

I love...

Let's worship Him.

I love Him

Because He first loved me

Let's stand.

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Let's cleanse our hearts now, brothers, as we bow our heads. My sisters, I've talked awful to you, but I've done it in godly love. I've done it because I loved you; about wearing long hair, and dressing and acting right. I've done it because of godly love. Let's pure our conscience now while--while the Clorox of God.

In the morning, may be too late. He may step forth. These things coming forth like this, brethren, might be the end of the mediatorial office. Did you ever think of that? Well, I don't know it is. I don't say it is. But what if it is? What if it is? What about it? There's no more redemption; it's gone, at that time. I hope it's not, but there is a possibility that it is.

I love Him, I...

Cleanse us, Lord.

.. love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory to God! I love that sweet feeling. Don't you feel That? Just the Holy Spirit, like, bathing around you, walking around with It. Oh, how wonderful! Oh, think of His mercy!

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Don't forget It, friend. Don't forget It. Take It home with you. Stay with It. Hold It on your pillow. Don't forget It. Stay with It. God bless you now.

Brother Neville, your pastor.

1Skloňme teraz hlavy a pomodlime sa. Náš Nebeský Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes večer za túto ďalšiu možnosť prísť sem a velebiť Ťa. Sme vďační, že sme živí a že máme toto veľké zjavenie Večného Života, ktorý v nás prebýva.

A prišli sme dnes večer, Otče, aby sme spolu skúmali Tvoje Slovo. Tieto veľké ukryté tajomstvá, ktoré boli ukryté od založenia sveta. A Baránok je ten jediný, ktorý nám to môže zjaviť. Prosím, aby On dnes večer prišiel medzi nás, aby On vzal Svoje Slovo a zjavil nám ho, aby sme mohli vedieť, ako Mu byť lepšími služobníkmi v tomto poslednom čase. Ó Bože, pri tom čo vidíme, že sme teraz v poslednom čase, pomôž nám poznať naše miesto, Pane a naše slabé bytosti a istotu skorého príchodu Pánovho. Prosíme to v mene Ježiša. Amen.

Myslím, že to bol Dávid, ktorý povedal: "Bol som rád, keď mi povedali, poďme do domu Pánovho." Vždy je to pre mňa veľké privilégium prísť, a toto spoločné skúmanie Slova nám dáva túto veľkú nádej.

Mnohí stoja a ja sa budem ponáhľať, ako len budem môcť. Ale dúfam, že ste sa, tak ako ja, rozradovali prítomnosťou Svätého Ducha v týchto posledných dvoch zhromaždeniach. A dnes sa stalo niečo, čo som dlho neprežil. Premýšľal som nad týmto, nad týmto zjavením tu, nad otvorením tejto Pečati.

2Pred rokmi som tu cez to prebehol, asi pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, tak sa mi vidí, alebo tak nejako, ale tak či tak som s tým nebol celkom spokojný. Vyzeralo to, ako keby tam boli nejaké veci, zvlášť v týchto Pečatiach, pretože tieto Pečate sú tou kompletnou Knihou. Vidíte? To je Kniha. Celá Kniha v jednej Knihe, zapečatená. Ona začína ...

3Napríklad, ak by som tu niečo mal, ukážem vám čo myslím. [Brat Branham predstavuje zvíjanie a pečatenie zvitku, pomocou listu papiera. -- pozn.prekl.] Tu je jedna pečať. To je jedna ... A vy to takto rolujete - takto to bolo zrolované. A vy to takto rolujete a tam na konci je malý kúsok, ktorý takto vyčnieva. To je prvá pečať. No dobre. Potom, to je prvá časť knihy. Potom tá ďalšia pečať je zvinutá takýmto spôsobom, hneď vedľa toho. A to je zrolované takto, ako tu. A potom, na konci, rovno tu, tam vyčnieva ďalší kúsok a to znamená, dve pečate. A takým spôsobom bola napísaná celá Biblia, na zvitkoch. A tak, zlámať tieto Pečate, to otvára tajomstvá Knihy.

4Dostali ste sa ku tomu, aby ste si to preštudovali v Jeremiášovi, ako to on napísal, (mnohí z vás ste si to včera večer značili)? Ako tie pečate boli napísané a odložené, aby boli zachované, až kým sa on nevráti po sedemdesiatych rokoch zajatia. On sa vrátil naspäť a dožadoval sa svojho vlastníctva. A ja by som to skutočne rád vysvetlil, aby ste nemohli ... Nie je možnosť vyjadriť to všetko, pretože to je večné Slovo. To je večná Kniha. Preto sa dotkneme len tých dôležitých miest.

A dnes, pri skúmaní toho som si poznačil mnoho miest Písma, a tak to môžete skúmať. A tiež pri ... tie tieto pásky zjavia mnoho o tom, keď to budete skúmať. Tam je tak mnoho vecí. Keby som tu len mohol stáť na pódiu a zjaviť vám to, tak ako to bolo zjavené mne v tej izbe. Ó, bolo by to ohromné. Ale, keď sem prídete, ste tu stiesnení a preskočíte ponad tie veci a snažím sa predstaviť ľuďom len tú najhlavnejšiu časť, aby to mohli vidieť.

5Skutočne si cením tú pieseň, "Dole zo Svojej Slávy", ktorú práve spieval brat Ungren. Ak by On nebol prišiel zo Svojej Slávy, kde by sme dnes všetci boli? A tak sme vďační, že On prišiel dole, aby nám pomohol.

Nuž, pretože mnohí stoja, budeme sa ponáhľať prebrať to tu, najlepšie ako budem môcť. Nehovorím, že sa budeme ponáhľať prejsť cez to, ale mám na mysli, že začneme tak rýchlo, ako to len bude možné.

6A teraz, otvorme si teraz, po ... Mali sme prvú kapitolu, druhú, tretiu a štvrtú. A piatu minulý večer. A dnes večer začíname na šiestej kapitole Zjavenia. Nuž, pri tom, čo skúmame túto kapitolu, odvolávame sa na rôzne miesta Písma - na Starý a tak isto Nový Zákon, pretože celá Kniha je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. To všetko dokopy je zjavenie Pána Ježiša, zjavenie Ježiša Krista. To je Boh, zjavujúci sa v tej Knihe - zjavujúci sa v tej Knihe skrze Krista.

7A Kristus je zjavením Boha. On prišiel aby zjavil Boha, pretože On a Boh boli to isté. "Boh bol v Kristovi, mieriac so Sebou svet." Inými slovami, nikdy by ste nevedeli, čo bol Boh, až kým sa On nezjavil cez Krista. Potom môžete vidieť. Myslel som si, pred rokmi, že možno Boh sa na mňa hnevá, ale Kristus ma miluje. No prišiel som na to, že to tá istá Osoba, vidíte. A Kristus je samým srdcom Božím.

8A teraz pri tom čo to skúmame, porovnávame to teraz - tie prvé tri knihy (Biblii) Zjavenia, ktoré sme dosť dôkladne prebrali - sú cirkevné veky, Sedem Cirkevných Vekov. Nuž, je sedem cirkevných vekov, sedem Pečatí, sedem Trúb, a Čiaš, a nečistí duchovia podobní žabám. A všetko toto ide spolu. Ó, ako rád by som mal nejakú veľkú mapu a nakreslil to všetko na nej, tak ako to vidím, viete - ako každá jedna z tých vecí zaujíma svoje miesto. Nakreslil som to na malý kúsok papieru, ale viete ... A všetko, až tak presne pasuje, čo sa týka času, tých vekov - ako prišli a pominuli, a všetko spolu tak dokonale zapasovalo.

9Tak, pomimo všetkého možno, že to nie je celkom správne, ale jednako, to je to najlepšie, čo o tom viem. A viem, že ak robím to najlepšie, a keď urobím chybu, pri tom, čo sa to snažím robiť najlepšie, to najlepšie čo o tom viem, že Boh mi určite odpustí, ak robím ... tú chybu, ak som urobil niečo zle.

10Teraz, tieto prvé tri knihy je tých prvých sedem cirkevných vekov, a potom nachádzame v štvrtej kapitole Zjavenia, že Ján je zobraný hore. Vidíte? Vidíme tie cirkvi ... O tých cirkevných vekoch nie je povedané príliš mnoho. Myslím, že z toho budú ľudia tak zaskočení. Oni umiestňujú cirkev tam ďalej do súženia, do tých vecí, ktoré sa majú stať. A ako som povedal, v nedeľu - včera: "To prvé, čo zbadáte bude, že nastanú tie súženia a vy sa budete diviť prečo nebolo ...? Najprv prichádza Vytrhnutie. A to bude tak, ako to bolo: "ono pominulo a vy ste to nevedeli."

Nuž, nie je príliš mnoho zasľúbeného pre túto Cirkev - pre túto Cirkev z Pohanov - Nevestu.

11Chcem, aby ste si zapamätali, že existuje cirkev a Nevesta. Vidíte? Vy to stále musíte uložiť, aby to prebiehalo v trojkách; štvorky sú nesprávne. Trojky! Trojky, sedmičky, desiatky, dvanástky a dvadsať štvorky a štyridsiatky, päťdesiatky, tie nerozbitné čísla. Biblia je ... a Boh nesie Svoje Posolstvá v Biblických číslach, v týchto číslach. Ak dostanete niečo, čo prechádza pomimo niektorého z týchto čísel, radšej by ste mali dávať pozor. Pri tej ďalšej veci to nevyjde správne. Musíte to priniesť znovu tam, kde ste začali.

12Brat Vayle, brat Lee Vayle, on - on ... Myslím, že je tu. Rozprávali sme sa jedného dňa o ľuďoch ktorý ... dostávajú sa mimo toho chodníka. Je to práve tak, ako strieľanie do terču. Ak je puška poriadne nastavená, poriadne nasmerovaná a zacielená, musí trafiť terč; ak sa tá hlaveň nepohne, alebo nezvrtne, alebo ak to neodhodí vibrácia, a kdekoľvek ... alebo zavanie vietor. Kdekoľvek sa to odchýlilo, existuje len jediný spôsob, ako to napraviť, a to ísť naspäť tam, kde to opustilo dráhu a začať znovu, ak to má trafiť terč. Ak sa to neurobí, nuž, to proste netrafí do terča.

13A verím, že tak je to pri skúmaní Písma. Ak zistíme, že sme tu niečo začali a nevychádza to správne, vidíte, urobili sme niekde chybu. Musíte sa vrátiť naspäť. Nikdy neprídete na to svojím rozumom. To proste nie je ... Práve sme zistili, skrze Písma, že nie je žiadneho človeka na Nebi, ani na zemi, ani pod zemou, ani nikdy nebol, ani nikdy nebude, ktorý by to mohol urobiť. Jedine Baránok to môže urobiť. A tak seminárne výklady, keby boli akékoľvek, to je proste nič. Vidíte? Na to je potrebný Baránok, aby to zjavil. A to stačí. Tak dúfame, že On nám pomôže.

14Ján, zobraný hore, v štvrtej kapitoly, aby videl veci, "ktoré boli, ktoré sú, a ktoré majú prísť,"- zobrazuje, že Cirkev končí v štvrtej kapitoly. A Kristus berie hore Cirkev, zaberá ju hore do povetria, aby sa s Ním stretla, a nezjavuje sa viac, až do 19-tej kapitoly, kde On s Ňou prichádza naspäť, ako Kráľ kráľov a Pán pánov. A teraz ... Ó, dúfam, že jedného dňa to všetko preberieme, možno prv ako On príde. Ak nie, jednako to uvidíme, a tak to nevadí.

15Nuž, v tejto piatej kapitole, to lámanie týchto Pečatí ... Táto sedem krát zapečatená Kniha ... Najprv chceme čítať tú Prvú Pečať. Minulý večer - aby sme urobili tomu trochu pozadie - sme zistili, že keď sa Ján pozrel a videl tú Knihu stále v rukách toho originálneho Majiteľa - Boha .. Pamätáte sa ako zostala utratená? Skrze Adama. On kvôli Satanovým vedomostiam prišiel o Knihu Života a utratil svoje dedičstvo. Utratil všetko; a nebola možnosť na vykúpenie.

Potom Boh, uspôsobený na podobu človeka, prišiel dole a stal sa naším Vykupiteľom, aby nás vykúpil. A teraz sme zistili, že tieto veci, ktoré v tých uplynulých dňoch boli tajomstvami, nám majú byť v posledných dňoch otvorené.

16Tak isto sme v tomto našli, že len čo Ján počul toto ohlásenie, aby predstúpil Príbuzný Vykupiteľ a požiadal o Svoje práva, nebolo človeka, ktorý by to mohol urobiť. Nikto na Nebi, nikto na zemi, nikto pod zemou. Nikto nebol hodný ani len pozrieť na tú Knihu. Len si to predstavte. Vôbec žiadna osoba nebola hodná ani len pozrieť na ňu. A Ján začal plakať.

On vedel, že všetko ... Potom nebolo žiadnej šanci na vykúpenie. Všetko sklamalo. A zrazu ... Zistili sme, že zrazu jeho plač prestal, pretože jedna z tých štyroch Bytostí oznámila, či vlastne jeden z tých starších. Jeden z tých starších povedal: "Neplač, Ján, pretože zvíťazil Lev z pokolenia Júdovho," - inými slovami premohol a zvíťazil.

17Ján sa obrátil a videl vychádzať Baránka. Musel byť krvavý a dosekaný a dobitý. Bol zabitý - "Baránok, ktorý bol zabitý." A samozrejme, on bol stále krvavý. Ak ste podrezali baránka a zabili ho, tak ako bol zabitý ten Baránok, v každom prípade ... On bol na kríži rozsekaný na kusy, prepichnutý na boku, klince v rukách a v nohách, tŕne okolo čela. Bol v hroznom stave. A tento Baránok vystúpil a išiel ku Tomu, ktorý sedel na Tróne, ktorý držal kompletnú Právnu Listinu Vykúpenia. A Baránok išiel a vzal tú Knihu z ruky Toho, ktorý sedel na Tróne a vzal a otvoril tie Pečate a otvoril tú Knihu.

18Potom, keď sa to stalo, zistili sme, že v Nebi sa muselo odohrať niečo ohromné, pretože tí starší a ... tie štyri živé Bytosti a dvadsať štyri starších a všetci v Nebi, začali kričať: "Hodný!" A tu prichádzajú tí Anjeli a vylievajú čaše s modlitbami svätých. Svätí pod oltárom vykríkli: "Hodný si ó Baránok, pretože si nás vykúpil a teraz si nás učinil kráľmi a kňazmi, a budeme vládnuť na zemi." Ó! A to sa stalo, keď On otvoril tú Knihu.

19Viete, tá Kniha bola v skutočnosti naplánovaná a napísaná pred založením sveta. Táto Kniha - Biblia - bola skutočne napísaná pred založením sveta. A Kristus, ktorý je Baránkom, bol zabitý pred založením sveta. A tí, ktorí patria do Jeho Nevesty, ich mená boli zapísané do Baránkovej Knihy Života pred založením sveta. Ale to bolo zapečatené a teraz to zostalo zjavené - čie mená tam boli, všetko o tom. Čo za veľká vec! A Ján, keď to videl, on povedal, že všetci na Nebi, všetci pod zemou, všetci ho počuli ako hovorí, "Amen, požehnania, a sláva!" On skutočne prežíval nádherný čas, pretože "Baránok bol hodný."

20A tak Baránok teraz stojí, dnes večer, pri tom čo vchádzame do tejto šiestej kapitoly. On má tú Knihu vo Svojej ruke a začína ju zjavovať. A, och, bol by som dnes úplne ... Dúfam, že ľudia sú duchovní. Bol by som pri tom urobil strašnú chybu, ak by sa nestalo, že dnes okolo dvanástej vstúpil Duch Svätý do tej miestnosti a opravil ma v niečom, čo som si zapisoval, že poviem.

21Bral som to zo starých poznámok. Nemal som o tom nič. Neviem vôbec čím je Druhá Pečať. Ale mal som nejaké staré poznámky, z niečoho, čo som hovoril pred niekoľkými rokmi a zapísal som si to. A pozbieral som tieto poznámky. Poznámky od Dr. Smitha a od mnohých veľkých význačných učiteľov, ktoré som zohnal. A všetci z nich tomu verili, a tak som si to zapísal. A bol som rozhodnutý povedať: "Nuž, budem to teraz skúmať z tohoto hľadiska." A tam, dnes okolo dvanástej sa zrazu Duch Svätý zniesol dole do tej miestnosti a otvoril mi celú tú vec, a tam sa to stalo - táto Prvá Pečať bola otvorená.

22Tak ako tu stojím, tak som si istý, že to, čo sa vám tu chystám povedať je Pravda Evanjelia. Viem proste, že to tak je. Pretože ak nejaké zjavenie nie je zhodné s Písmom, potom to nie je zjavenie. A vy viete, že sú určité veci, ktoré môžu vyzerať, že sú úplne pravdivé a jednako to nie je pravda. Vidíte? Vyzerá, ako keby to bola, ale nie je.

23Nachádzame teraz Baránka s Knihou. A teraz v 6. kapitole čítame.

A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmych pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu: Poď a vidz!

A videl som a hľa, biely kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal lučište, a dala sa mu koruna, a vyšiel víťaziac, aj aby zvíťazil.

Nuž, toto je Prvá Pečať. Tá, ktorú sa s milosťou Božou budeme snažiť dnes večer vysvetliť. Podľa toho najlepšieho ... A uvedomujem si, že človek, ktorý sa to snaží vysvetliť, kráča po nebezpečnej pôde, ak neviete čo robíte.

24Tak, ak to ku mne prichádza skrze zjavenie, poviem vám to takým spôsobom. Ak to musím vziať len skrze svoj vlastný rozum, potom vám to povedal skôr, ako budem o tom hovoriť. Ale som si tak istý, ako tu stojím dnes večer, že to dnes čerstvo prišlo ku mne od Všemohúceho. Nemám sklon ku tomu, aby som len tak niečo hovoril, keď to prišlo na túto časť Písma. Dúfam, že rozumiete o čom teraz hovorím.

Viete, že nemôžete hovoriť niektoré veci, ak tu niečo má byť položené prv, ako sa to stane. Nemôžete to povedať, až kým to niečo tam neleží. Rozumiete? Či čítate o tom niečom? Či počúvate o tom niečom?

25Nuž, Baránok teraz otvára tú zrolovanú Knihu zapečatenú Siedmymi Pečaťami. Pristupujeme dnes večer ku tomu miestu. Nech nám Boh pomôže. Pri tom, čo sú tieto Pečate zlámané a uvoľnené, tie tajomstvá tej Knihy sú zjavené. Nuž, vidíte, toto je zapečatená Kniha. Nuž, veríme tomu. Či nie? Veríme, že to je zapečatená Kniha. No, nikdy predtým sme toto nepoznali, ale to existuje. Je to zapečatené Siedmymi Pečaťami. Je, na zadnej strane tej Knihy, tá Kniha je zapečatená Siedmymi Pečaťami.

26Keby sme hovorili o takomto type knihy, to by bolo tak, ako dať krížom cez to pásku - sedem pások. [Brat Branham na znázornenie toho ukazuje knihu. -- pozn.prekl.] Ale to nie je takýto druh knihy. To je zvitok. A potom, keď ten zvitok je rozvinutý, to je jeden zvitok. Potom rovno v tom zvitku leží zvitok číslo dva. A hneď tu v ňom je napísané, čo to je - ale to je tajomstvo. Ale my sme to jednako skúmali, ale pamätajte, tá Kniha je zapečatená. A tá Kniha je Knihou tajomstva zjavenia. To je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. Vidíte? Kniha zjavenia. A teraz viete, že po celý čas to ľudia skúmali a snažili sa dostať sa do toho. My všetci sme sa to snažili. A jednako ...

27Pamätám sa raz ... Ak je tu náhodou prítomný pán Bohannon, alebo niekto z jeho ľudí, nemienim ho tým nejako uraziť. Pán Bohannon je môj dôverný priateľ. On bol správcom Verejných Služieb, keď som tam bol zamestnaný. Hneď, ako som bol spasený som mu rozprával, že čítam Knihu Zjavenia. On povedal: "Snažil som sa to čítať." Povedal ... A pán Bohannon bol fajn človek a bol členom cirkvi a ... Neviem ku čomu všetkému on náležal, ale on povedal: "Myslím, že Ján musel mať vtedy na večeru štipľavú papriku a išiel spať s plným žalúdkom."

Povedal som mu, hoci ma to mohol stáť, že prídem o prácu, povedal som mu: "Nehanbíte sa tak hovoriť?" A ja som bol len chlapec. Ale povedal som: "Nehanbíte sa tak hovoriť o Slove Božom?" Bol som pritom len dieťa, nebolo mi viac ako nejakých ... možno dvadsať jedna, dvadsať dva rokov. A o robotu bola núdza, bola hospodárska kríza. Ale jednako som mal v sebe bázeň, keď som počul nejakú narážku voči Božiemu Slovu. Toto je Pravda! Všetko toto je Pravda!

28Tak to nebol ani nejaký sen, ani nočná múra. Ján nejedol ... On bol na ostrove Patmos, pretože sa snažil dať Slovo Božie do formy knihy a Rímska vláda ho tam dala do vyhnanstva. A bol na tom ostrove v Deň Pánov. A počul za sebou Hlas mnohých vôd a otočil sa, aby videl a videl Sedem Zlatých Svietnikov. Tam medzi nimi stál Syn Boží.

Tak potom tá Kniha je zjavenie. Tak, zjavenie, to je niečo, čo dáva niečo najavo, niečo, čo bolo zjavené. A teraz si všimnite, aby ste na to nezabudli! To je zavreté až do posledného času. Vidíte? Celé tajomstvo o tom je zavreté až do posledného času. Nachádzame to tu v Písme.

29Tajomstvá tej Knihy sú zjavené, keď sú zlámané tie Pečate. A keď sú tie Pečate celkom zlámané, čas vykúpenia sa skončil. Pretože Baránok opustil miesto Prostredníka, aby vystúpil a aby si vzal to, čo Mu patrí. On medzi tým bol Prímluvcom. Ale keď dochádza ku tomu skutočnému zjaveniu Pečatí, keď oni začínajú byť lámané, Baránok vychádza zo svätyni. To je podľa Slova. Čítali sme to minulý večer. On vyšiel von zo stredu a vzal Knihu. Tak On už viac nie je Prímluvcom. Pretože ešte aj oni Ho nazvali Levom - a to je Kráľ. A On už potom nie je Prímluvca.

30Hoci herci, ktorí účinkujú v týchto Pečatiach začali v prvom cirkevnom veku ... Zapamätajte si teraz, ak budeme môcť dostanete takto ku tomu úplné pozadie, alebo tak úplné, ako to bude možné. Herci ... Predstavím to takto, pretože herec je niekto, kto zamieňa masky.

A dnes večer v tejto roli budeme vidieť, že to je Satan, ktorý mení svoju masku. A všetci herci ... Kristus odohráva roľu, ktorú On mal, keď sa z Ducha stal človekom. On len vzal na seba herecký odev - ľudské telo a prišiel dole vo forme človeka, za tým účelom, aby bol Príbuzným Vykupiteľom.

31Nuž, vidíte, to je len nejaká herecká forma. Preto sú tu oni všetci znázornení v podobenstvách a takým spôsobom, ako bytosti, zvieratá a tak ďalej. To je v nejakej roli. A títo herci začali v prvom cirkevnom veku, pretože to bol Kristus zjavujúci sa v siedmych cirkevných vekoch. Rozumiete tomu? No dobre. Vidíte? Kristus sa zjavuje v siedmych cirkevných vekoch. Potom počas týchto cirkevných vekov dochádza do veľkého zamiešania. A potom na konci toho cirkevného veku, posolstvo toho siedmeho anjela má pozbierať tieto stratené tajomstvá a dať ich Cirkvi. Nuž, všimneme si to.

32Ale ... vtedy neboli zjavené vo svojom pravom stave. Nuž, v tom Biblickom čase, tie tajomstvá tam boli a oni videli diať sa tieto veci, takým spôsobom, ako to videl Ján. On povedal: "Tam je jazdec na bielom koni." Ale, aké tajomstvo sa skrýva za tým - tam je nejaké tajomstvo, ktoré ide s tým jazdcom. Nuž, čo to bolo, oni nevedeli, ale má to byť zjavené. Ale má to byť zjavené potom, keď Baránok opustí Otcov Trón, Trón Svojej prímluvy, kde bol ako Príbuzný Vykupiteľ.

Niečo tu poviem. Nuž, ak ktokoľvek, kto dostane tieto pásky ... Každý človek môže hovoriť, čo chce. Má právo robiť čokoľvek podľa svojho presvedčenia. Ale viete, ak nejaký kazateľ toto nechce medzi svojimi ľuďmi, potom mu povedzte, aby si to nebral. Ale toto je to, čo má byť povedané medzi ľuďmi, ku ktorým som bol poslaný, a tak musím zjaviť to, čo je Pravda.

33Baránok, tu predtým v čase prímluvy, On vedel, že tam boli mená, ktoré tam boli zapísané od založenia sveta. A dovtedy, kým sa ešte tie mená nezamanifestovali na zemi, On tam stále musel byť, ako Prímluvca. Rozumiete tomu? Dokonale, predurčené! Vidíte?

34No dobre. On tam stále musel byť, pretože On prišiel, aby zomrel za tých, ktorých Boh určil do Večného Života. Vidíte? Skrze Svoje predvedenie ich On videl. Nie skrze Svoju Vlastnú vôľu; Jeho vôľa bola, aby žiadny z nich nezahynul. Ale skrze Svoje predvedenie On vedel, kto zahynie a kto nie.

35A preto zatiaľ, kým tam bolo jedno meno, ktoré sa ešte nezjavilo na zemi, Kristus tam musel zotrvávať ako Prímluvca, aby sa staral o to meno. Ale akonáhle to posledné meno spadlo do toho Cloroxu, či bielidla, potom čas Jeho prímluvy sa skončil. "Nech ten, kto je špinavý zostane špinavý. Nech ten, kto je svätý, zostane svätý." Vidíte? A On opúšťa svätyňu a potom sa to stáva súdnou stolicou. Beda tým, ktorí sú potom pomimo Krista!

36No, všimnite si: Ale to má byť zjavené, keď Baránok opustí Svoje miesto prímluvy od Otca. No, to je Zjavenie 5. Teraz, On berie tú Knihu Pečatí - Knihu Pečatí, alebo Knihu zapečatenú Pečaťami, láme tie pečate a ukazuje ich ... Pozrite sa. Teraz na konci veku, potom, čo skončila prímluva, cirkevné veky sa zakončili. On prichádza v tom prvom veku, v Efezskom Veku; zjavil, poslal toho posla. Všimnite si, čo sa deje, ako ideme ďalej.

37Tu je plán toho. Prvé, čo sa deje - najprv tam v nebesiach je oznámenie. Čo sa stalo? Pečať je otvorená. Čo to je? Tajomstvo je odhalené. Vidíte? A keď sa odhaľuje tajomstvo, potom zneje trúba. Ona vyhlasuje vojnu. Padajú pliagy a otvára sa cirkevný vek. Vidíte? Kvôli čomu je tá vojna? Ten anjel Cirkvi porozumieva zjavenie Božie, ešte nie plne zjavené. Ale, keď to on porozumieva, on uchvacuje toto tajomstvo Božie, a potom ide ďalej ku ľuďom - potom, čo mu bolo dané to tajomstvo ide ďalej ku ľuďom! Čo on tam vonku robí? On začína vyhlasovať to posolstvo. A čo to začína spôsobovať? Vojnu! Duchovnú vojnu.

38A Boh potom berie Svojho posla s vyvolenými toho veku a spiacich ich odkladá nabok. A potom zosiela pliagu na tých, ktorí to odmietli; prechodný súd.

39A potom, keď to pominulo, potom on ide ďalej. A oni robia denomináciu a vstupujú do denominácií a začínajú s tou ľudskou robotou - ako v prípade Wesleya i všetkých ostatných. A potom sa z toho všetkého znovu stáva guláš. A potom vystupuje do popredia ďalšie tajomstvo. Čo sa potom deje? Na zemi povstáva ďalší posol pre ďalší cirkevný vek. Vidíte? Potom, keď on povstane - zneje trúba. On vyhlasuje vojnu. Vidíte? A čo sa potom deje? On je potom nakoniec zabratý preč. A potom, keď on už leží naboku, potom padajú pliagy - ničia ich. Duchovná smrť naráža na cirkev a ona je preč - tá skupina. Potom to ide ďalej ku ďalšiemu.

40Ó, to je veľký plán. Až kým to nepríde ku tomu poslednému anjelovi. Nuž, on nemá žiadne určité tajomstvo. Ale on zhromaždí všetky tie, ktoré boli stratené v tých iných vekoch. Všetky tie Pravdy, ktoré ešte neboli pravdivo zjavené, vidíte, keď prichádza to zjavenie. On potom vo svojom čase zjavuje tieto veci. Ak si to chcete prečítať, je to tu: Zjavenie 10, od 1 do asi 4, porozumiete to. No dobre.

41Vidíte? Berie tú Knihu Pečatí a láme ich a ukazuje to siedmemu anjelovi; práve kvôli tomuto - kvôli týmto tajomstvám Božím - je služba siedmeho anjela! Nuž, práve sme prešli cez tie cirkevné veky, dokonca s históriou, aby sme to dokázali. To je to anjelské posolstvo tej siedmej cirkvi. No dobre, zjavuje všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré boli v minulosti - všetky tie minulé veky. Zjavenie 10: 1-7. To je to, čo to má byť.

42Zapamätajte si teraz. Vo dňoch siedmeho anjela - jeho trúbenie sa bude rozliehať, trúbenie na trúbe Evanjelia - on má dokončiť všetky tajomstvá Božie. Práve tak ako ...Tu v tých ranných cirkevných vekoch povstáva náuka, potom ... Dostaneme sa za chvíľu ku tomu. To sa stalo najprv niečím o čom sa hovorilo, potom náukou a potom sa to stalo zákonom a potom sa to stalo cirkvou. A cez tie temné veky, a po tých temných vekoch prichádza prvá reformácia s Lutherom. A on prináša so sebou všetky rôzne tajomné veci, ktoré sa odohrali počas toho cirkevného veku, všetko tam predtým, ale on to nedoviedol do konca.

43Potom prichádza Wesley s posvätením. On mal toho trochu viac. Stále to nebolo dovedené do konca. Všade zostali voľné konce, ako fŕkanie namiesto krstu. A Luther vzal "Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého" namiesto "Pána Ježiša Krista." Všetky tieto rôzne veci.

44Potom prichádza Letničný vek s krstom Ducha Svätého a oni sa na tom uložili a skysli, ako kapusta v sude. No, nemôže byť už viacej vekov. To sú všetky. To je Laodicejský Vek. Ale potom sme našli pri skúmaní Písma, že posol na daný vek prišiel stále práve na konci toho veku. Pavol prišiel na konci veku. Zistili sme, že Ireneus prišiel na konci veku. Martin, na konci toho veku. Luther, na konci katolíckeho veku. A čo? - Wesley na konci Lutherovho veku. A Letniční na konci veku posvätenia, do krstu Duchom Svätým.

45A na konci Letničného veku máme prijať, podľa Slova, keď mi Boh pomôže ukázať vám to dnes cez toto tu, že máme prijať posla, ktorý tam vezme všetky tie stratené konce a zjaví celé tajomstvo Božie, na vytrhnutie Cirkvi.

46Potom prichádza sedem tajomných Hromov, čo nie je vôbec ani zapísané! Je to tak! A verím, že skrze tých Sedem Hromov, ktoré budú zjavené v tých posledných dňoch za tým účelom, aby zhromaždili spolu Nevestu pre vieru do vytrhnutia. Pretože to, čo máme práve teraz; neboli by sme to schopní urobiť. Je niečo, čo musí vystúpiť dopredu, pretože nemáme dostatok viery ani na Božské uzdravenie. Musíme mať dostatok viery, aby sme v jednej chvíli boli premenení a zabraní preč z tejto zemi. A zistíme to za chvíľu, ak Pán dá, nájdeme kde je to napísané.

47Potom všetky súdy s tými, ktorí činia zlo ... No, vidíte, cez tieto veky, ako boli lámané tieto pečate ... až do teraz, keď je zlámaná posledná Pečať. A teraz, pri tom, čo oni skúmali tieto Pečate a len sa domnievali čo znamenajú, teraz na konci vekov - cirkevných vekov, všetci tí, ktorí činia zlo budú mať svoj diel a zakončia v tom súžení.

48Všetky tieto záporné postavy v týchto Siedmych Pečatiach, ktoré v cirkvi tajomne pracovali ... A za chvíľu budeme vidieť, že pracovali dokonca v mene cirkvi. Oni sami seba nazývali cirkev! Môžete vidieť, že je to tak! Nie divu, že som bol tak proti denominácii, nevediac prečo.

Oni skončia ... Nuž, začalo to tam v jemnej forme a stávalo sa to ďalej horšie a horšie, až ... A ľudia išli rovno do toho, hovoriac: "Ó áno, toto je proste fajn." Ale v tých posledných dňoch sú tieto veci dané najavo. A oni nakoniec postupujú tak zle, až vojdú rovno do obdobia súženia.

49Ako niekto môže povedať, že Nevesta Kristova pôjde do súženia? Nemôžem to pochopiť! Ona je vzatá preč zo súženia. Ak Cirkev bola súdená a oni súdili sami seba a prijali Krv, ako môže Boh súdiť človeka, ktorý je dokonale, úplne bez hriechu? Vy hovoríte: "Neexistuje taká osoba." Každý znovu zrodený veriaci, skutočný veriaci, je dokonale, absolútne bez hriechu pred Bohom. On nespolieha na svoje skutky; na Krvi Ježiša do ktorej kvaplo jeho vyznanie. Biblia tak hovorí. Vidíte?

50"Ten, kto sa z Boha narodil nehreší, pretože nemôže hrešiť." Ako môžete robiť človeka hriešnikom, keď bielidlo Krvi Ježiša Krista je medzi ním a Bohom? To rozoženie hriech, až z neho nič nezostane. Vidíte? Ako môže tá čistá Kristova Krv dovoliť, aby tam kedy prešiel hriech? On nemôže.

51Ježiš povedal: "Buďte dokonalí, ako váš Otec v Nebesiach je dokonalý." A ako by sme mohli, čo len pomyslieť o tom byť dokonalí? Ale Ježiš to požadoval. A ak to Ježiš požadoval, On musel ku tomu urobiť cestu. A urobil - skrze Svoju vlastnú Krv!

52No, zjavuje všetky tie tajomstvá, ktoré sa odohrávali v minulosti. No, tu v čase konca je tá myšlienka, že tie tajomstvá, ktoré začali tam dávno a prešli cez tie cirkevné veky, majú tu byť zjavené pri lámaní týchto Pečatí - tu v týchto posledných dňoch, potom čo čas prímluvy je práve skoro zakončený - v tom čase.

53Potom na tých, ktorý sú poza tým, čakajú súdy. Oni idú ďalej do toho. To je potom, čo Nevesta bola vzatá zo scény. Ó, čítajme len Písmo. Či si chce všetci poznačiť niektoré z tých miest Písma? Vezmime ll. List Tesaloničanom, len na chvíľu, a pozrieme sa na chvíľu do neho. To je tu tak nádherný obraz. Páči sa mi to. Pozrime sa. Áno, ll. Tesaloničanom. A chcem čítať druhú kapitolu Druhého Listu Tesaloničanom a siedmy verš. Pozrime sa. Druhý Tesaloničanom 2:7. Myslím, že to je to. No, zapisoval som si to s chvením a s trasením.

Lebo tajomstvo bezzákonnosti už pôsobí, len až by ten, kto teraz zdržuje, bol odstránený zo stredu.

54Kto? "Ten kto zdržuje." Vidíte, tajomstvo ... tajomstvo neprávosti, vtedy hneď tu v tom prvom cirkevnom veku. Tu Pavol píše, hovorí, že tajomstvo neprávosti ... Čo je neprávosť? Neprávosť, to je niečo, čo viete, že nemáte robiť a jednako to robíte. A Pavol povedal, že niečo také je dnes na zemi, činitelia neprávosti. Ó, ak ... dostaneme sa do ... Čítajme len ten kúsok. Začnime trochu predtým - od tretieho verša.

Nech vás nikto nezvedie nijakým spôsobom, lebo deň Kristov nenastane, kým prv nepríde odpadnutie, a nebude zjavený


človek hriechu, syn zatratenia;

 (to je pravda)

Ktorý sa protiví a povyšuje nad všetko, čo sa nazýva Boh, alebo čomu sa dáva božská česť, takže sa posadí do chrámu Božieho ako Boh a bude sa vydávať za Boha

 (odpúšťajúc hriechy).

Či sa nepamätáte, že ešte keď som bol u vás, som vám to hovoril?

 (Rád by som sedel pri takom jeho vyučovaní. Či vy nie?)

A teraz to, čo zdržuje, viete, aby bol zjavený vo svojom čase.

Nie vtedy, vidíte! Nie vtedy, ale "vo svojom čase". Vidíte, pri lámaní tej Pečati. My budeme presne vedieť, čo to bolo. Kto je ten človek neprávosti? Kto je ten človek hriechu? Tento, ktorý činí neprávosť? "Ale on bude zjavený vo svojom čase."

Lebo tajomstvo neprávosti už pôsobí

 (zvoditelia, vidíte, zvádzajú ľudí do niečoho, vidíte): 

len až by ten,


kto ... len až by ten, kto teraz zdržuje

 (Cirkev, Kristus, Nevesta), 

bol odstránený zo stredu.

A potom bude zjavený ten bezzákonný bezbožník, ...

(Pri lámaní tej Pečati, vo svojom čase. Pavol povedal: "Nie v mojom čase, ale v čase, keď on bude zjavený." Vidíte?)...

ktorého Pán Ježiš zabije duchom svojich úst, ...

(Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme.)...

duchom svojich úst...

 (Dávajte pozor, čo to je.)...

a skazí zjavením svojho príchodu,

toho bezbožníka, ktorého príchod je podľa mocného pôsobenia satanovho.

(Jeho, jeho, človeka.)...

ktorého pôsobenie je podľa mocného pôsobenia satanovho so všetkou mocou a so znameniami a s lživými zázrakmi,

a s každým zvodom neprávosti,

(Zvádza ľudí skrze neprávosti.)

... medzi tými, ktorí hynú

... (Nie medzi touto Nevestou; medzi tým, ktorí hľadajú niečo také.) ...

pretože neprijali lásky pravdy, ...

 (A Kristus je Pravda, a Kristus je Slovo; ale oni majú radšej vierovyznanie. Och! Vidíte?) 

... aby boli spasení.

A preto im Boh pošle mocné pôsobenie bludu, aby uverili lži,

(To by malo byť tam preložené "tej lži", ako som sa díval do lexikónu. Nie len "lži". "Tej lži" - to je tá istá lož, ktorú on povedal Eve.)

aby boli odsúdení ... ktorí neuverili pravde, ale si obľúbili neprávosť.

Čo za výpoveď! Ó! Potom, čo Nevesta je vzatá preč, potom sa zjaví tento človek hriechu. Ona, tá skutočná Nevesta Kristova bola vyvolená z každého cirkevného veku.

55Nuž, jedného dňa som povedal, že Nevesta môže odísť domov a vy nebudete nič o tom vedieť. To je pravda. Niekto povedal: "No, brat Branham, to by bola veľmi malá skupina." Ježiš povedal: "Tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho," tak porozprávajte sa s Ním o tom, vidíte, "kde osem duší bolo zachránených vodou, tak to bude pri príchode Syna človeka."

56Keby dnes večer bolo osemsto, ktorí by odišli vo vytrhnutí, zajtra by ste sa nedopočuli ani slovo o tom, ani napozajtra, ani neskoršie. Oni by odišli a vy by ste nič o tom nevedeli. To by bolo to isté.

Čo sa snažím povedať? Nesnažím sa vás vystrašiť, či znepokojiť. Chcem, aby ste boli čulí. Pripravení, bdelí v každej minúte. Prestaňte so svojimi nezmyslami. Zahĺbte sa len do Božích vecí, pretože je neskoršie, ako si myslíte.

57Nuž, zapamätajte si, tá skutočná Nevesta ... Nuž, existuje falošná nevesta. Máme to v Zjavení 17. Ona hovorí: "Som vdova a v ničom nemám nedostatok," - sedí na šarlátovej šelme, a tak ďalej, či lepšie povedané na šelme. Nuž, ale tá skutočná Nevesta bude zložená z tisícov krát tisícov ľudí, ale to budú tí vyvolení z každého cirkevného veku. V každom čase vyšlo posolstvo a ľudia mu verili a prijali ho v plnom svetle, v akom ono bolo, keď boli zapečatení až do Dňa Vykúpenia.

58Či nehovoril Ježiš to isté, keď povedal: "Pri siedmej stráži sa rozľahol krik?" To je posledný cirkevný vek. Vidíte? A povedal: "Ajhľa, Ženích prichádza; vyjdite Mu naproti."

59A potom prišla tá spiaca panna, pretierala si oči a povedala: "Zdá sa mi, že by som tiež mala mať niečo z toho oleja. Tak vy by ste možno nejaký mali."

60Tá skutočná, opravdivá Nevesta, ktorá tam stála, povedala: "My máme akurát dosť pre seba. Och-hm. Máme akurát dosť pre seba, aby sme vošli. Nemôžeme vám nič dať. Ak chcete nejaký, choďte a premodlite sa."

61A zatiaľ, čo ona odišla, prišiel Ženích a Nevesta vošla. A potom tie pozostalé, ktoré boli skutočne panny - cirkev, ona bola zanechaná vonku! A On povedal: "Tam bude plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov." Vidíte?

62Nuž, to je tá vyvolená. A keď sa rozľahol ten krik: "Ženích prichádza," potom každá jedna z tých, ktoré spali cez tie veky sa prebudili. Každá jedna!

63Vidíte, to Boh nerobí tak, ako by sme si mysleli, že On ide, aby ulovil niekoľko tisícov ľudí v tomto veku a vzal ich. To sú tí vyvolení z každého veku. A preto Kristus musí pozostávať tu na stolici prímluvcu, ako Prostredník, až kým nevojde ten posledný v tom poslednom veku. A potom tieto zjavenia o tom, čo to bolo, sa prelamujú na ľudí a oni vidia, čo sa stalo. Rozumiete teraz tomu? No dobre.

64Všimnite si, tí ostatní mŕtvi - členovia cirkví - neožili, až kým sa nedokonalo tisíc rokov. Členovia cirkví, kresťania, cirkev, neožili, až kým neprešlo tých tisíc rokov. A potom oni prišli a postavili sa pred Nevestou. Je to tak. Postavili sa pred Kráľom a Kráľovnou. Sláva!

65Nejaká cirkev nazýva dnes samú seba, "Kráľovná Nebies." Kráľovná Nebies je tá vybraná Nevesta Kristova a Ona prichádza s Ním. Daniel to videl a povedal: "Desať tisíce krát desať tisícov Mu slúžili." Nuž ak tam v Danielovi budete pozorovať to Písmo: "Zasadol súd, a knihy sa otvorili."

66Nuž zapamätajte si, keď On príde, On príde so Svojou Nevestou. Žena slúži svojmu mužovi. "A desať tisíce krát desať tisíce tisícov Mu slúžilo." "Zasadol súd a knihy sa otvorili." "A iná kniha sa otvorila, ktorá je Kniha Života." Nie Nevesta, vôbec nie! Ona odišla a prišla naspäť a stojí tam pri súde tých generácií, ktoré odmietli Posolstvo Evanjelia.

67Či nepovedal Ježiš? "Kráľovná z juhu povstane vo svojich dňoch na súde s touto generáciou a odsúdi ju. Pretože ona prišla z ďalekých končín sveta, aby počula múdrosť Šalamúnovu a tu je väčší, ako Šalamún."

68Tam zasadol súd. Kráľovná z juhu, zo šeby povstala tam na tom súde a jej vlastné svedectvo ... nie ani židovka. Prišla s tou židovskou generáciou. A oni boli slepí a nerozpoznali Ho, pretože ... oni očakávali na Neho, ale On prišiel tak jednoducho, že oni prešli takto rovno okolo toho. A tam sa táto veľká kráľovná pokorila a prišla a prijala to posolstvo. "A ona povstane na súde." On povedal: "a odsúdi tú generáciu."

69Vždy vidíte tie tri skupiny. Kniha, podľa ktorej boli súdení tí mŕtvi. Ďalšia kniha, Kniha Života - pre tých, ktorí mali mená v knihe Života. Vy hovoríte: "Ak je tvoje meno zapísané v Knihe Života, je to v poriadku, či nie?" Nie veru!

70Pozrite sa, Judáš Iškariodský mal zapísané meno v Knihe Života. Vy teraz hovoríte, že to nie je pravda! Ježiš, v Matúšovi 10, im dal moc, aby vyháňali démonov a poslal ich, aby uzdravovali nemocných a očisťovali malomocných a kriesili mŕtvych. A oni odišli a vrátili sa naspäť, Judáš zarovno s nimi. A vyháňali démonov a dokonávali všetky druhy zázrakov. A oni sa vrátili a hovorili: "Aj démoni sa nám poddávali."

71Ježiš povedal: "Neradujte sa z toho, že sa vám démoni poddávajú, ale radujte sa, že sú vaše mená napísané v Nebesiach." A Judáš bol s nimi. Ale čo sa stalo? Keď prišlo ku tomu, aby tá vyvolená skupina išla tam do Letníc a skutočne prijala Ducha Svätého, Judáš ukázal svoje farby. On bude tam na súde.

72Tak knihy sa otvorili; a Kniha Života bola otvorená, a tak bol súdený každý človek. No Nevesta tam stojí s Kristom, aby súdila svet.

73Či Pavol nepovedal: "Či sa opovažujete," hovoriac ku Neveste, "kto má nejaký spor s iným, súdiť sa pred nespravodlivými. Alebo či neviete, že svätí budú súdiť svet?" Vidíte? No prosím. Svätí budú súdiť svet a zaujmú ho. Je to tak!

Vy hovoríte: "Ako vôbec taká malá skupina ... ?" Ja neviem, ako sa to stane. Ale On povedal, že sa to stane, a pokiaľ viem, tým je to urovnané.

74No, všimnite si tých ostatných mŕtvych (členov cirkví, mŕtvych členov cirkví) neožili, až kým sa dokoná tisíc rokov. A potom po tisícich rokoch, oni budú zhromaždení. Príde ďalšie vzkriesenie, ktorým je druhé vzkriesenie a oni boli zhromaždení. A Kristus a cirkev ... Nevesta, nie cirkev. Nevesta! Kristus a Kráľovná, (nie cirkev) Kristus a Nevesta sa tam postavili. A oni boli oddelení, ako ovce od kozlov. Je to tak. Tam prichádzajú členovia cirkví.

75A ak oni počuli Pravdu a odmietli ju, potom čo im bude povedané, keď tá veľká vec bude premietnutá na plátne, keď tam budú premietnuté ešte aj vaše vlastné myšlienky? Čo ste si o tom mysleli. Ako uniknete? Je to rovno tam na nebeských plátnach, tam v tom veľkom Božom televízore. Vaše vlastné rebelujúce myšlienky. Vaše vlastné myšlienky budú v tej hodine hovoriť proti vám!

76A tak ak hovoríte jedno a myslíte pritom niečo iné, bolo by lepšie, aby ste s tým prestali. Obráťte svoje myšlienky k Bohu. Zachovávajte ich čisté a zostávajte práve tam s nimi a hovorte stále to isté. Vidíte? Nehovorte: "No dobre, poviem, že tomu verím. Ale pôjdem to prekuknúť." Verte tomu! Amen.

77Všimnite si, tieto predobrazy - dôvod, že oni zomierajú, že idú cez očisťujúci súd súženia je ten, že nie sú skutočne pod Krvou! Oni tvrdia, že sú, ale nie sú. Ako oni môžu prechádzať cez nejaký súd, aby boli očistení, keď je, keď (bielidlo) Krv Ježiša Krista odníma od vás každý príznak hriechu a všetkého? Vy ste už mŕtvi a váš život je skrytý v Ňom, skrze Boha a je tam zapečatený Duchom Svätým.

78Kvôli čomu by ste mali byť súdení? Kde získate svoje očistenie? Od čoho musíte byť očistení, keď ste v Kristovi dokonale bezhriešni? Načo je súd?

79Ale toto je spiaca skupina, ktorú tí ľudia nemohli dohotoviť. Nuž, oni ju za tie roky nedohotovili, vidíte. Ale toto je hodina zjavenia, vidíte, zjavená práve pri príchode Nevesty; to posledné navinutie, tie posledné veci prichádzajú ... Prichádza to ku koncu, priatelia, verím.

80Kedy? Neviem. Nemôžem vám to povedať. Ale všetko ... Chcem žiť dnes tak, ako keby to bolo dnes, aby som bol pripravený. On môže prísť dnes večer. A tiež nemusí prísť za dvadsať rokov. Ja neviem, kedy príde. Ale kedykoľvek to bude ... A môj život môže dnes večer skončiť. Potom čokoľvek, čo som tu vykonal sa v tej hodine skončí. Musím Ho stretnúť na súde v takom stave, ako som tu chodil. Tam, kde sa strom nakláňa, tam spadne.

81Zapamätajte si, keď oni odišli kupovať olej, oni ... "Ó," vy poviete: "počkaj teraz za chvíľu, brat Branham. Ja o tom neviem." Keď oni odišli kupovať olej, keď sa vrátili, Nevesta bola preč a dvere boli zavreté. A oni klopali a hovorili: "Dovoľ nám vojsť! Dovoľ nám vojsť!" Ale oni boli vonku vo vonkajšej tme.

82Nuž, ak chcete ku tomu nejaký predobraz, no pozrite sa: "V čase Noeho," Ježiš povedal, poukazujúc na to. Nuž, v čase Noeho, oni vošli do korábu. Ale oni boli nesení cez ... kým trval súdu, ale to nebol predobraz Kristovej Nevesty. Enoch bol predobrazom Nevesty.

83Enoch ... Noe prešiel na druhú stranu cez obdobie súženia a trpel a opil sa a zomrel. Ale Enoch chodil pred Bohom päťsto rokov a mal svedectvo, že sa ľúbil Bohu s vierou do vytrhnutia; a len začal rovno kráčať a išiel hore cez oblaky a odišiel domov. Bez toho, že by čo len okúsil smrť. On vôbec nezomrel!

84To je predobraz: "My ktorí sme živí a ponechaní, nepredstihneme, ani nezabránime ľuďom tomu istému typu, ktorí spia," ktorí upadli do spánku z dôvodu ľudského veku a dožitia sa ľudského veku. Oni tam zomreli, ale oni nie sú mŕtvi. Oni spia. Amen. Oni spia, nie sú mŕtvi! A to jediné, čo ku tomu treba je Ženích, aby ich prebudil. Áno. A my ktorí sme živí a ponechaní, nepredstihneme tých ktorí zosnuli. Pretože trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú najprv; potom my, ktorí sme živí budeme vychvátení spolu s nimi a stretneme Pána na povetrí. A ostatní mŕtvi neožili, až kým sa nevyplnilo tisíc rokov. Tu to máte! Oni išli cez obdobie súženia. Čo to bolo? Ako Enoch.

85Viete, Noe pozoroval Enocha. Pretože, keď Enoch pôjde hore a nebude ho, on vedel, že súd je na blízku. On sa musel zvŕtať okolo korábu, ale Noe neišiel hore. On bol len trošku zodvihnutý a prechádzal cez súženia. On bol prenášaný cez obdobie súženia, aby zomrel smrťou. Vidíte? Ale Noe bol nesený cez to. Enoch bol prenesený bez smrti - predobraz Cirkvi, ktorá je vychvátená hore s tými, ktorí zosnuli, aby stretli Pána na povetrí. A ostatok cirkvi je prenesený do obdobia súženia. Ja sám z toho nemôžem dostať nič inšie. Enoch vytrhnutý - žiadna smrť.

86No, začnime to teraz trochu študovať. Poďme do našej lekcii. Stále som len tu pri tom, nemôžeme sa dostať ku tejto Pečati. No všimnite si. Vezmime teraz ... pretože budeme mať dlhú ... Možno zajtra večer alebo napozajtra narazíme sem tam na trúbu, pretože tá trúba trúbi v tom istom čase, ako Pečate. To je proste to isté - otvára sa cirkevní vek - to je proste to isté. Vidíte?

87Nuž, trúba stále oznamuje vojnu, alebo inak tiež, politický nepokoj. Trúba oznamuje politický nepokoj a to spôsobuje vojnu. Keď vchádzate do politického zamiešania, a oni všetci sa dostávajú do neporiadku, ako to máme teraz, dávajte pozor! Vojna je na blízku!

88Ale vidíte, kráľovstvo stále patrí Satanovi. On má stále tú časť vo svojej ruke, pretože ... Prečo? Kristus to vykúpil, ale On vykonáva úlohu Príbuzného Vykupiteľa, prijíma Svojich poddaných, až kým to ten posledný, ktorého meno je zapísané v tej Knihe, neprijme a nebude zapečatený. Nuž, rozumiete tomu? Potom On prichádza zo Svojho Trónu, z Trónu Svojho Otca, predstupuje, berie Knihu z Božej ruky, z Trónu a dožaduje sa Svojho práva. Tá prvá vec, ktorú On robí je, že sa dovoláva Svojej Nevesty. Amen! Čo On potom berie? Berie Svojho protivníka, Satana a zväzuje ho a vrhá ho tam do toho ohňa, so všetkými tými, ktorí ho nasledujú.

89Pamätajte teraz, to nebolo Rusko! Nie. Antikrist je uhladený chlapík. Len sledujte, aký je on uhladený. On je chytrý. Tak veru. Na to treba proste Ducha Svätého, to je jediné, čo ho môže premôcť.

90Všimnite si, trúby znamenajú politický nepokoj, vojny. V Matúšovi 24, Ježiš o tom hovoril. On povedal: "Budete počuť o vojnách a chýry o vojnách ..." Vidíte, po celý ten čas. Pamätáte, že Ježiš to hovorí: "Vojny, chýry a vojny a chýry a vojny, až do konca." Nuž, to je trúbenie trúby.

91Nuž, keď sa dostaneme ku tým trúbám, pôjdeme tam naspäť a vezmeme každú z tých vojen a ukážem vám, že oni nasledovali tie cirkvi. Ukážeme vám, že oni nasledujú tieto Pečate. "Vojny a chýry o vojne." Ale trúba označuje politický nepokoj; zatiaľ čo Pečate pojednávajú o náboženských nepokojoch. Vidíte?

92Pečať je otvorená, posolstvo je vypustené. A potom cirkev sa stále tak usadí na svojich vlastných politických spôsoboch a všetkom možnom a všetkých svojich hodnostároch. A keď prichádza dole to skutočné posolstvo, vystupuje ten posol a roztrasie ich na kusy. Tak to je! Keď je otvorená Pečať nastáva náboženský nepokoj. To je to, čo sa dialo.

93Áno. Oni sa dostávajú všetci pohodlne na Sion. Cirkev sa stáva celkom usadená a ... "My sme to už všetko urobili." Práve tak ako Anglická cirkev - oni boli všetci pevne usadení. Katolícka cirkev - všetko pevne usadené, a potom prichádza Luther. Nastalo náboženské znepokojenie. Tak veru! Skutočne nastalo!

94No, cirkev odchádzala s Cwinglim. A od Cwingliho išla ďalej ku ďalším a ku Calvínovi. A po nejakom čase sa Anglikánska cirkev usadila a to bolo celkom pohodlne. A potom prichádza Wesley! Nastali náboženské nepokoje. Tak to je! Vidíte, to stále označovalo náboženské nepokoje.

Nuž, táto Pečať. Čítajme to teraz trochu. Chcem, aby ste to porozumeli. Budeme čítať ... Začínam to príliš rozvádzať.

A videl som, keď Baránok otvoril jednu z pečatí

 (čo sa stalo?) 

a počul som ako hlasom hromu, ...

Ó, ako rád by som pri tom zostal aspoň niekoľko minút! A dúfam teraz, že všetci ľudia, ktorí poznajú tieto veci a očakávajú na potešenie Pánovo, budú študovať teraz skutočne dôkladne; a vy pri tých páskach tak isto, že budete myslieť o tomto.

95Tá prvá vec, ktorá sa stala ... Keď Baránok zlomil túto Prvú Pečať, zaburácal hrom. Nuž, to malo nejaký význam. To niečo znamenalo. To má nejaký význam.. Nič sa nedeje bez významu. No dobre, hrom, zahučal hrom. Ste zvedaví, čo to bol ten hrom?

96Čítajme trochu. Otvorme si Matúša ... Nie, zoberme najprv Ev. Jána. Ev. Ján 12. kapitola a zastavme sa pri tom na chvíľu. Ev. Jána 12. kapitola a začnime teraz od 23. verša sv. Jána 12. Počúvajte to tu teraz, skutočne pozorne, potom sa nebudete musieť viacej diviť, že čo to je.

A Ježiš im odpovedal a riekol: Prišla hodina aby bol oslávený Syn človeka.

97Vidíte, ste tam na konci nejakého veku. Jeho služba sa končí. Vidíte? "Prišla hodina, aby bol oslávený Syn človeka." A čo s tým: "Prišla hodina, keď musí byť vzatá Jeho Nevesta?" Čo? Prišla hodina, že "času viacej nebude." Ten Anjel je pripravený položiť jednu nohu na zem a druhú na more, s dúhou nad hlavou, s nohami ... a povie: "Čas dobehol do konca." A okrem toho, On zodvihol Svoju ruku a prisahal, že "času viacej nebude," keď sa toto stalo. Aké je to dokonalé - prehlásenie s prísahou pre Cirkev!

... Prišla hodina, aby bol oslávený Syn človeka.

Amen, amen vám hovorím, ak nezomrie pšeničné zrno, keď padne do zeme, zostane ono samotné; ale ak zomrie, donesie mnoho úžitku.

Kto má rád svoju dušu stratí ju; ... kto nenávidí svoju dušu na tomto svete, zachová ju do večného života.

Ak mne niekto slúži, nech mňa nasleduje; a kde som ja, tam ... bude aj môj služobník. A jestli mne niekto slúži, toho bude ctiť Otec.

Teraz je moja duša rozrušená; ...

Vy hovoríte, ohľadom Neho: "Dobre, prichádzaš do konca cesty a si rozrušený?" Prečo si myslíte, že keď sa deje niečo veľké duchovné, že vás to rozrušuje? Ó!

Teraz je moja duša rozrušená; a čo mám povedať: Otče, vyprosti ma z tejto hodiny? Ale veď preto som prišiel k tejto hodine.

Otče, osláv svoje meno! Vtedy prišiel hlas z neba: Aj som oslávil aj zase oslávim.

Vtedy zástup, ktorý tam stál a počul to, hovoril, že zahrmelo ...

98Potom, keď Baránok vzal tú Knihu a zlámal tú Prvú Pečať, Boh prehovoril zo svojho večného Trónu, aby povedal, čo bola tá Pečať, aby to bolo zjavené. Ale keď to bolo predložené pred Jána, bolo to v symbole. Keď to Ján videl stále to bolo tajomstvo. Prečo? To hneď vtedy ešte nebolo zjavené. To nemohlo byť zjavené, až do vtedy, ako On tu povedal, "v čase konca." Ale to prichádza v symbole.

99Keď, zahrmelo ... Pamätajte, silný tresknúci zvuk hromu je Hlas Boží. To je to, čo hovorí Biblia - úder hromu. Oni si mysleli, že to bol hrom, ale to bol Boh. On tomu rozumel, pretože Mu to bolo zjavené. Vidíte? To bol hrom.

100A všimnite si, Prvá Pečať otvorila ... Prvá Pečať, keď bola otvorená vo forme symbolu, zahrmelo! Nuž, čo potom, keď je otvorená vo svojej skutočnej forme?

101Len čo Baránok odstránil tú Pečať, zahrmelo. A čo to zjavilo? Nie všetko z nej. Prv je to u Boha, potom je to v symbole, potom je to zjavené. Tri veci. Vidíte? Vychádza to z Trónu. Prv sa to nedalo vidieť, ani počuť, ani nič. Je to zapečatené. Baránkova Krv zaplatila cenu. Keď to On vyslovil zahrmelo. A keď to On urobil, vyšiel jazdec na bielom koni a to bol stále symbol.

102Hľaďte teraz. On povedal, že to bude dané najavo v tých posledných dňoch. Ale to vychádza v cirkevnom symbole. Rozumiete tomu, cirkev? To vychádza v nejakom cirkevnom symbole, ktorý ... Oni vedia, že tam je Pečať. Ale čo to vlastne je oni ešte nevedia, pretože to je jazdec na bielom koni. A to má byť zjavené len v tom poslednom dni, keď bude zlomená táto skutočná Pečať. Zlomená pre koho? Nie pre Krista, ale pre Cirkev.

Všimnite si, teraz ... Ó, až sa z toho trasiem! Dúfam, že Cirkev skutočne rozumie to, čo myslím, vy ľudia - budem vás nazývať nevestou. Rozumiete tomu?

103Hlas je hrom. Odkiaľ prišiel ten Hlas? Z Trónu, ktorý Baránok, ako Prostredník, práve opustil. Teraz tu On stojí, aby zaujal Svoju pozíciu a uplatnil Svoje právo. Ale ten hrom vyšiel z vnútra Trónu - zahrmel von! A Baránok stál tu vonku. Hrom, tam keď Baránok opustil - opustil Otcov Trón, aby išiel a zaujal Svoj vlastný Trón. Sláva! Nuž, nech vám to neunikne, priatelia.

104My všetci vieme, ako Kresťania, že Boh prisahal Dávidovi, že On vzbudí Krista, aby zasadol na jeho trón a dá Mu večné kráľovstvo tu na zemi. On to urobil. A Ježiš povedal: "Ten kto zvíťazí nad antikristom a nad všetkými vecami toho sveta, bude sedieť so Mnou na Mojom Tróne, ako som Ja zvíťazil a zasadol som na Tróne Svojho Otca." Vidíte?

105Nuž, jedného dňa On vstane z Otcovho Trónu a ide aby zaujal Svoj vlastný Trón. Teraz On predstupuje, aby zavolal Svojich poddaných. Ako si ich On bude nárokovať? On už má Knihu Vykúpenia vo Svojej ruke. Sláva! Ó, cítim sa akoby som spieval pieseň.

Zakrátko Baránok vezme Svoju Nevestu,

aby bola stále po Jeho boku;

Všetci duchovia Nebies budú zhromaždení; (Aby to videli.)

Ó, to bude nádherný pohľad,

všetci svätý v bielych rúchach bez poškvrny;

S Ježišom sa budeme večne hostiť.

Ó! Hovoríme o tom, že teraz sedíme v ponebeských miestach? Čo to bude, keď to takto môžeme cítiť zatiaľ, čo sedíme tu dole na zemi, prv ako príde Vytrhnutie, v tomto stave v akom sme teraz; a môžeme sa radovať, stáť okolo stien, a stáť na daždi, len aby toto počuť. Čo to bude, keď uvidíme Jeho, ako tam sedí? Ó! To bude nádherný čas!

106Opustil Otcov Trón, vyšiel aby ... Jeho Syn, aby bol ... On je Syn Dávidov. To je to, čo si Izrael myslel, že On potom bude robiť. Pamätajte, tá žena Sýroféničanka povedala: "Synu Davidov!" Pamätáte sa na slepého Bartimeusa: "Synu Davidov!" Oj-joj! A Ježiš, poznal ten plán, zatiaľ čo oni to nepoznali. Oni sa Ho nasilu snažili priviesť do toho, aby zaujal trón. A dokonca Pilát sa Ho to opýtal. Ale On povedal: "Keby bolo Moje kráľovstvo z tohoto sveta, potom moji poddaní by bojovali. Moje kráľovstvo je Hore." Ale On povedal: "Keď sa modlíte, modlite sa, Príď Tvoje Kráľovstvo. Nech sa stane Tvoja vôľa tu na zemi, ako na Nebi." Amen. Ó! Aká slávna je táto veľká vec!

107Opustil Otcov Trón, aby zaujal Svoj vlastný Trón. On tu teraz vyšiel od Svojej práci prostredníka, aby uplatnil nárok na Svoj vlastný Trón, Svojich vykúpených poddaných. To je to kvôli čomu On opustil ten Trón. To je, keď tá Bytosť podobná levovi, povedala Jánovi: "Poď a vidz." Hľaďte! Čítate to?

... jednu z pečatí, a ... jako hlasom hromu, a jedna zo štyroch živých bytostí ...

108Viete čo to boli za Bytosti. Prebrali sme ich. "Jedna ako lev; jedna ako teľa; jedna ako človek a jedna ako orol." A teraz, táto prvá bytosť povedala ... Dávajte pozor, zakaždým je to iná Bytosť, zatiaľ, čo prechádzajú tí štyria jazdci na koňoch. Sú tam štyri Bytosti a sú štyria jazdci na koňoch.

109Všimnite si, každá jedna z tých Bytostí ohlasuje. Matúš, Marek, Lukáš a Ján. Vrátime sa do toho a dokážeme ktorá je Matúš, ktorá je Marek, ktorá je Ján, každú jednu, ako oni išli.

110No, všimnite si, jedna z tých Bytostí hovorí: "Poď a vidz." On počul ten hukot hromu a jedna z tých Bytostí povedala: "Teraz poď a vidz." Inými slovami, tu stojí Baránok a Ján stojí tam a díva sa, čo sa deje. Baránok vychádza z Trónu, akoby bol zabitý, celý zakrvavený. On bol ten Jediný, ktorý bol nájdený hodný. A keď sa On načiahol a vzal tú Knihu, vtedy všetko začalo kričať a volať a tak sa zachovávať, vidíte, pretože vedeli, že vykúpenie bolo zaplatené.

111A teraz On prišiel, aby si vyžiadal Svojich vlastných. Tak On berie tú Knihu, stojí tam pred Jánom, berie ju naspäť a láme Pečať. Strháva Pečať! A keď strháva tú Pečať, zahrmel hrom cez to miesto. A keď zahrmel hrom, bez pochyby Ján mohol podskočiť do vzduchu, keď zaburácal hrom. A potom jedna zo štyroch živých Bytostí povedala: "Poď teraz a pozri sa, čo to je, čo je tu pod tým zjavené. (Ó!) Ján, píš čo vidíš."

Tak Ján ide, aby sa pozrel, aby videl, čo to je. Ján ide, aby videl čo povedal ten hrom. To je potom, čo tá Bytosť povedala Jánovi: "Poď, vidz, čo za tajomstvo je pod touto Prvou Pečaťou." Hrom, Hlas Stvoriteľa to vyslovil. On by teraz mal vedieť, čo tam je. Vidíte? Ó!

Ale zamyslite sa, on teraz toto napísal. Ale keď začal písať to, čo hovorilo tých ďalších, sedem hromov, On povedal: "Nepíš to." On bol poverený, aby zapísal všetko, čo videl. Ale keď týchto sedem hromov v Zjavení 10. vypovedalo svoje hlasy, On povedal: "Toto vôbec nepíš." To sú tajomstvá.

112My ešte nevieme, čo oni sú. Ale podľa môjho názoru, oni budú zjavené, okamžite. A keď sa to stane, to dá pre tú Cirkev vieru do tej vytrhujúcej milosti, aby sa pohla preč. Vidíte? Práve sme prešli cez všetko, čo sme o tom vedeli, cez všetky tie rozdeľovania. Pozorovali sme všetko. Videli sme tajomstvá Božie. Videli sme to objavenie sa toho veľkého zhromažďovania sa spolu Nevesty v týchto posledných dňoch. Ale jednako je tam niečo, na čo sami od seba nemôžeme prísť. Tam je ešte niečo iné.

Ale predstavujem si, keď tieto tajomstvá začali vychádzať najavo - Boh povedal: "Zadrž to teraz. Počkaj chvíľu. Ja to zjavím v tom dni. Vôbec to nepíš, Ján, pretože by tým boli šokovaní. Nechaj to len tak, vidíte. Ale Ja to zjavím v tom dni, keď to bude potrebné."

113Oni to nevypovedali len tak. Pamätajte, ako tá maličká kvapka atramentu, všetko má určitý účel. Všetko je kvôli niečomu. Ale, všimnite si, Stvoriteľ to vypovedal. A on počul tento hlas, a išiel sa pozrieť.

Ale teraz Baránok ukazuje Jánovi, v symboloch ... cirkevného písma, ako - pre cirkev, aby vedel - čo písať. On mu len ukazuje, hovorí: "Teraz toto nepovedz, čo to proste je. Nechoď dole, Ján a nepovedz: 'toto je teraz práve to, čo to je. Čo je pod touto Siedmou Pečaťou ....' Nechoď to tam dole povedať. (Pretože, ak to Ja Jánovi poviem, potom cez celý ten vek, celý plán bude narušený.) To je tajomstvo!"

On len chce ... Jeho Príchod ... On povedal: "Nikto nebude vedieť, kedy prídem. Ja proste prídem." A hotovo. To nie je moja starosť vedieť kedy. Ja bude proste hotový, vidíte.

114Potom on povedal ... A Ján teraz išiel. On si myslel: "Teraz to budem vidieť." A čo uvidel? Keď Ján vystúpil dopredu, čo on mal robiť? On toto teraz mal písať pre ten cirkevný vek.. To bolo to, čo mal robiť - písať to pre tie cirkevné veky. "Píš na začiatku, čo vidíš o týchto siedmych zlatých svietnikoch. Píš to tejto cirkvi a povedz im o tom."

115No dobre, a zaznel hrom. Ján vedel, že to bol Boží Hlas. A potom tá Bytosť podobná levovi povedala: "Poď a vidz, čo to je." A Ján teraz vyšiel, s perom, aby napísal to, čo bude vidieť.

116Nuž, on nevidel presne, čo to bolo. On tomu nerozumel. Ale to, čo on videl bolo to, čo Boh posielal do cirkvi na "nejaký čas." On teraz mal ... On bude, On to vždy robí, On to jasne podáva, keď je čas, aby to bolo jasne podané. Ale On to vtedy nepredstavil jasne. Prečo? Pretože, On to držal ako tajomstvo až do posledného veku. A znenie Posolstva posledného anjela malo zhromaždiť tieto tajomstvá, vyjasniť to. Vidíte?

117Ale čo Ján videl, on len videl vyjsť bieleho koňa, s jazdcom. Tak to je to, čo on napísal, vidíte, keď písal. To je to, čo on povedal: "Poď a vidz." Tak Ján išiel, aby videl to, čo mohol vidieť, aby to napísal pre cirkev. A keď vyšiel, videl bieleho koňa, a ten, ktorý sedem na ňom mal luk, a vyšiel víťaziac a aby zvíťazil. A bola mu daná koruna. A teraz, to je všetko, čo Ján videl, tak on to len zapísal.

No vidíte, to je v symbole. Takým spôsobom to obdržala cirkev; ale so zasľúbením, že On to zjaví v tom poslednom dni, ukáže čo to je. Bože, pomôž nám porozumieť to.

118Cirkevné veky ... ale nie je to dané plne na známosť, až do toho siedmeho posolstva tohoto posledného cirkevného veku. Všimnite si, on začína ... Tento posol siedmeho cirkevného veku, ak si to všimnete, on nezačína nejakú denomináciu, ako to urobili tí ostatní. Pamätajte on nezačína ... Nie. Ak budete zisťovať, on je proti tomu (denominácii).

119Či bol Eliáš proti tomu? Skutočne, bol. Bol Ján proti tomu, s duchom Eliáša? Aký druh ducha mal Eliáš v sebe? On bol ... Nikto o ňom veľa nevie. On bol len obyčajný človek, ale bol prorok. Bol nenávidený. Ó! A v akom čase on povstal? Práve v čase popularity Izraela, keď oni všetci postupovali po svetsky. A on tam vystúpil. Nenávidel ženy. Och-joj. On skutočne taký bol. A miloval pustatinu. To bola jeho povaha.

120Potom tí ľudia mali vedieť, že keď tam vystúpi ten človek s tým istým duchom. Vystúpi tam, tento Ján, nebol vôbec oblečený ako tie slávne osobnosti, ako som to povedal minulý večer. Oni bozkávali deti, sobášili, pochovávali, a tak ďalej. Ale tento človek vystúpil, ako človek pustatiny. Čo on bol? On miloval pustatinu.

121Ďalšia vec ktorú robil, on nenávidel denomináciu. On povedal: "Nuž, nezačínajte hovoriť: 'My patríme do tej či do tamtej', pretože vám hovorím, že Boh môže z týchto kameňov vzbudiť deti Abrahámovi." On nebol žiadny kompromista. Oni nemohli ... Povedal: "Či ste vyšli vidieť trstinu chvejúcu sa vo vetre?" Ján taký nebol! Nie veru.

122Čo on ešte robil? Práve tak, ako Eliáš, ktorý povedal Jezábeli, on povedal Herodiade. Išiel rovno pred Herodesa a povedal: "Nepatrí sa ti ju mať." Ona mu za to odsekla hlavu. Vidíte? Tá sa snažila dostať Eliáša. Ten istý duch, ktorý bol v Jezábeli, bol v tej žene. A tá istá vec je v tej Jezábeľskej cirkvi dnes - to isté.

123Nuž všimnite si to. Čo za veľkú lekciu sme tu objavili! A teraz, vyzerá, akoby to tí ľudia mali vedieť. Ján začal vykrikovať na týchto ľudí a stál tam ... Vyzeralo, že by oni mali poznať, že to bol duch Eliáša. Oni to mali porozumieť, že to je to, čo to bolo.

124No, zisťujeme a našli sme cez tie cirkevné veky, podľa Písma, že je nám zasľúbené navrátenie sa toho Ducha, tesne pred časom konca. Je to pravda? Nuž a všimnite si, všimnete si tú povahu toho. Nuž, on nezačne ďalší cirkevný vek, ako to urobil Luther a Wesley a všetci ostatní. On nezačne ďalšiu cirkev, pretože už nemajú prísť žiadne cirkevné veky. Vidíte? Nebude už žiadny ďalší. Tak on musí byť proti tomu, pretože jeho duch bude presne taký, ako boli oni predtým - ten istý duch.

125Ako som povedal minulý večer: "Zaľúbilo sa Bohu použiť ho v troch rôznych prípadoch." To je Jeho číslo - tri. Nie dva; tri! On ho už dvakrát použil, teraz ho On znovu použije. On to tak povedal. On to zasľúbil.

Nuž, všimnite si. On ... Všimnite si teraz, keď to On urobil. On nebude začínať nejakú denomináciu, pretože Laodicejský cirkevný vek je tým posledným vekom. A tento posol, siedmy anjel, ktorý je siedmym poslom, pre siedmy cirkevný vek, to je ten, ktorý skrze Ducha Svätého zjaví všetky tieto tajomné veci. To bude ... Koľký z vás tu boli minulý večer? Nech vidím vaše ruky. Myslím, že to potom nemusím znovu čítať. Viete kde to je, desiata kapitola, vidíte. No dobre.

126No dobre. Reformátori prišli reformovať ten posledný upadnutý cirkevný vek, ktorý bol pred nimi. A potom, keď títo reformátori prišli a zreformovali daný cirkevný vek a dostali ho z toho stavu v akom sa nachádzal, on odišiel naspäť do sveta, potom oni začali nový cirkevný vek. Oni to vždy tak urobili. Vždy. Nuž, prešli sme cez to. Vidíte?

127Inými slovami, tu bol Katolícky cirkevný vek, Rímsko katolícka cirkev. Potom prichádza Luther, reformátor. On je nazvaný reformátor. A čo on robí? Začína tam udierať, a keď to robí, protestuje proti cirkvi. A prvé ako viete, čo robí? Buduje to isté, z čoho prišiel vyviesť - ďalšiu cirkev.

128Potom oni mali ďalší cirkevný vek. Potom prvé čo viete, prichádza ... Cirkevný vek sa nachádza v takom zamiešaní. Potom prichádza John Wesley, ďalší reformátor. Vidíte, buduje ďalší cirkevný vek. Rozumiete, čo myslím? Je vybudovaný ďalší cirkevný vek. To sú všetko reformátori.

129Všimnite si. Toto posledné posolstvo, tohoto posledného cirkevného veku, nie je reformátor. Ukážte mi, kde nejaký prorok rozpočal niekedy nejaký cirkevný vek. On nie je reformátor. On je prorok. Ostatní boli reformátori, ale nie proroci. Ak by oni boli ... Slovo Pánovo prichádza ku prorokovi. Preto oni pokračovali v krste v Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha a vo všetkých týchto ďalších veciach, pretože oni boli reformátori a nie proroci.

Ale jednako oni boli veľkí Boží mužovia a videli potrebu toho dňa v ktorom žili. A Boh ich pomazal a oni tam boli poslaní a roztrhali tie veci na kusy. Ale plné Slovo Božie nikdy ku ním neprišlo, pretože oni neboli proroci. Oni boli reformátori.

130Ale v tých posledných dňoch to bude musieť byť prorok, aby vzal tie tajomstvá Božie, aby oni ... pretože tajomstvá boli dané na známosť jedine skrze prorokov. A tak tento, ktorý príde musí byť prorok! Rozumiete, čo chcem teraz povedať? On nemôže byť reformátor. To musí byť prorok, pretože to musí byť niekto, kto je obdarený a postavený tam, ktorý chytá Slovo.

131Nuž, títo reformátori vedeli, že je niečo nie v poriadku. Luther to vedel, že ten chlieb nie je telo Kristovo. A tak on kázal: "Spravodlivý bude žiť z viery." A to bolo jeho posolstvo. A keď prišiel Ján Wesley, on videl, že existuje posvätenie, tak on kázal posvätenie. To bolo jeho posolstvo. Vidíte? Letniční priniesli posolstvo o Duchu Svätom, a tak ďalej. Ale v tých posledných dňoch, v tomto poslednom veku, ten posol nie je na to, aby začal nejakú reformáciu, ale aby vzal všetky tajomstvá, ktoré títo reformátori obišli a zhromaždil ich spolu a vylúštil ich pre ľudí.

Dovoľte, že to ešte znovu prečítam. Pre mňa to tak dobre zneje. Rád to čítam.

... videl som iného anjela silného, zostupujúceho z neba, odiateho oblakom, a na jeho hlave bola dúha, a jeho tvár bola ako slnce a jeho nohy, ako ohnivé stĺpy.

Teraz sme videli tú istú vec, ktorou bol Kristus. A vieme, že Kristus je vždy Poslom pre Cirkev. No dobre. On je nazvaný Ohnivý Stĺp, Anjel Zmluvy, a tak ďalej.

... a vo svojej ruka mal otvorenú knižku. ...

Teraz, tie Pečate tu boli zlámané! My ich teraz lámeme, ale v tomto je to otvorené.

... a svoju pravú nohu položil na more, a ľavú na zem

a skríkol ... veľkým hlasom, ako keď reve lev. a keď ... skríkol, prehovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy.

 (Ó! Úplnosť!)

A keď dohovorilo sedem hromov svoje hlasy, chcel som písať

 (písať čo?),

čo oni povedali: a počul som hlas z neba


ktorý mi hovoril: Zapečať to, čo hovorilo sedem hromov, a nepíš toho!


A anjel, ktorého som videl stáť na mori ... pozdvihol svoju pravú ruku k nebu,

a prisahal na živého na veky vekov, ktorý stvoril nebo i to, čo je v ňom, a zem i to, čo je na nej, a more i to, čo je v ňom, že už viac nebude času,

Hľaďte! Nezabudnite toto teraz, keď pôjdeme ďalej.

ale vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, ...

Toho posledného anjela, zemského anjela. Tento Anjel prišiel dole z Neba. To bol On; On prišiel z neba. Ale On tu hovorí o hlase siedmeho anjela, ktorým je ... Anjel znamená posol. Každý to vie. A posol pre ten cirkevný vek ...

... vo dňoch hlasu siedmeho anjela, keď bude trúbiť, dokoná sa tajomstvo

 (Sedem Pečatí, všetko, celé tajomstvo) 

Božie, ako to zvestoval svojim sluhom prorokom.

132Celé tajomstvo je rozvinuté. To je služba toho anjela. Vidíte? Tak jednoduché, že ľudia prejdú pomimo toho. Ale tu to bude všade dokonale potvrdené. To bude proste dokonale známe. Každý kto to chce vidieť, môže to vidieť. Je to pravda. Ale tí ... Ježiš povedal, ako On povedal, keď On príde, povedal: "Máte oči a nevidíte. Izaiáš povedal, že nevidíte. A máte uši a nepočujete."

Tak sme zistili, že ... To ma vystrašilo. Pozrel som sa tam dozadu na tie hodiny a myslel som si, že je desať hodín. Ale ja mám ... nie je ešte ani deväť. No dobre. Ó! Vezmime to teraz.

133Všimnite si, (mám to rád) ostatní boli reformátori, ale tým, že boli veľkí mužovia Boží, videli potrebu toho dňa a priniesli reformáciu. Ale Zjavenie 10 hovorí, že jeho posolstvo má zjaviť, nie reformovať; zjaví tie tajnosti. Zjaví tajnosti! To je Slovo v tom mužovi. Židom 4 hovorí, že Slovo Božie je ostrejšie než dvojsečný meč, prenikajúce až do rozdelenia kostí a zjavuje tajnosti srdca. Vidíte? Tento muž nie je reformátor. On je zjavovateľ. Zjavovateľ čoho? Tajomstiev Božích. Kde to cirkev má všetko pozväzované a tak ďalej, on má vystúpiť so Slovom Božím a zjaviť tú vec. Pretože, on má prinavrátiť vieru detí späť do viery otcov. Originálna Biblická viera má byť prinavrátená skrze siedmeho anjela. Nuž, ó, ako to milujem! Všetky tajomstvá Pečatí, ktoré tí reformátori nikdy plne neporozumeli! Vidíte?

134A teraz sa pozrime do Malachiáša 4, len na chvíľu. Len si to poznačte. On je prorok a prinavracia tú originálnu vieru otcov. Nuž očakávame na tú osobu, aby sa zjavila na scéne. On bude tak pokorný, že desať miliónov krát desať miliónov bude ... No, bude malá skupina, ktorá tomu bude rozumieť.

135Pamätáte si jedného dňa, keď mal Ján prísť, bolo prorokované, že pred Kristom príde posol, hlas volajúceho na púšti. Malachiáš ho videl. Pozrite, tretia kapitola Malachiáša je príchod Eliáša, ktorý mal prísť a predísť príchod Kristov. Vy hovoríte: "Ó, nie, nie, brat Branham. To je štvrtá kapitola." Prepáčte. Ježiš povedal, že je to tretia kapitola.

136No, vezmite Svätého Matúša, 11. kapitolu a 6. verš, On bude toto hovoriť. (11. kapitola, myslím, že je to 6. verš; 4., 5., alebo 6. rovno tam.) On povedal: "Ak to môžete prijať," keď On hovoril o Jánovi, "toto je ten o ktorom bolo povedané: 'Hľa Ja posielam Svojho anjela pred Svojou tvárou.'" A teraz čítajte Malachiáša 3.

137Niektorí sa to snažia aplikovať na Malachiáša 4. Nie, nie! To nie je to! Všimnite si, Malachiáš 4, akonáhle tento posol vystúpi, svet bude kompletne spálený a spravodliví budú kráčať do Milénia po ich popole. Tak, vidíte, ak pripisujete túto postavu jemu tam, potom Biblia hovorí niečo, čo nebolo tak. Už máme dvetisíc rokov a svet ešte nie je spálený, a spravodliví žijú na ňom. A tak to musí byť v budúcnosti.

138Ó! Ak sa dostanete tu do Zjavenia a budete vidieť, čo ten posol na konci tohoto veku má robiť, potom budete vidieť, čo to je. On musí byť prorok. On musí chytiť tieto konce, ktoré títo reformátori nevideli a dať ich na správne miesto.

139Ako môže byť Matúš 28. 19. porovnaný so Skutkami 2. 38., bez duchovného zjavenia Božieho? Ako títo ľudia môžu povedať, že dni zázrakov pominuli alebo niečo takéto, bez zjavenia Božieho? To je ten jediný spôsob, ako to kedy môžu poznať, vedieť, či je to pravda alebo nie! Vidíte? Ale oni prišli cez semináre ...

Dúfam, že máme čas dostať sa do toho. Chcem sa poponáhľať, pretože vás tu nechcem držať povyše týždňa. Rozumiete, čo myslím. Pri tomto otváraní týchto Pečatí. Mám jeden deň a rád by som sa modlil za chorých v ten deň, ak budem môcť.

140No pozrite sa, Malachiáš 4 - on je prorok a prinavracia originálnu vieru otcov. V čase konca, keď prichádza obdobie súženia (No tu je maličká vec, kde sa za chvíľku vrátime, na minútku.), kde tie tri a pol roka, alebo Danielových sedemdesiat týždňov ... tá posledná polovica Danielových sedemdesiatych týždňoch, čo je tri a pol roka ... No, my ... Koľkí si na to pamätajú z cirkevných vekov? Vymerané je sedemdesiat týždňov. Pozrite sa, aké je to dokonalé. Povedal, že Mesiáš príde a v polovici týždňa bude vyťatý na obeť a zmluva bude zrušená.

141Potom pre Židov ešte stále zostáva tri a pol roka na Mesiášsku náuku. A Boh nejedná so Židmi a s Pohanmi v tom istom čase. On jedná s Izraelom, ako s národom a s Pohanmi, ako s jednotlivcami. On nikdy nezobral Pohanov za Svoju Nevestu; On vzal ľudí z Pohanov. Vidíte? Nuž On jedná s Izraelom, ako s národom. A on teraz sedí rovno tam, ako národ.

142Dostal som dnes dopis od Pavla, Pavla Boyda. A on mi tam hovorí, povedal: "Brat Branham, aká je to pravda. Títo Židia majú stále taký zvláštny postoj voči pohanom, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stalo." Skutočne, oni ho budú mať. Oni majú.

Keď Martin Luther učinil vyhlásenie, že všetci Židia majú byť vyhnaní preč a ich budovy spálené, pretože oni sú antikrist. Vidíte? Sám Martin Luther učinil také tvrdenie vo svojich spisoch.

143Nuž, Hitler len vypĺňal to, čo povedal Martin Luther. Prečo to Martin Luther povedal? Pretože on bol reformátor, nie prorok. Boh jednal s tým prorokom - požehnal Izrael. On povedal: "Ktokoľvek ťa bude žehnať bude požehnaný a kto ťa bude preklínať bude prekliaty." Ako sa môže postaviť jeden prorok a zapierať to, čo povedal druhý prorok? On to môže robiť. To musí byť v harmónii.

144Preto oni triedia ... Vidíte, Nemci majú byť kresťanským národom. A oni tak zachádzali s Izraelom, oni stále majú na ich chrbte palicu; a vy ich nemôžete obviňovať. Ale pamätajte len, ak tu sedia nejakí Židia, nebojte sa. Váš deň prichádza! Boh nemôže na nich zabudnúť. Oni boli zaslepení kvôli nám.

145Vy viete, že On povedal prorokovi ... Prorok zvolal a riekol: "Či zabudneš na Izraela?"

On povedal: "Vezmi túto mernú trstinu; a ako vysoko sú nebesia? Aké je hlboké more?"

On povedal: "Nemohol som to zmerať."

146On povedal: "Ja tiež nemôžem zabudnúť Na Izrael." To je Jeho ľud, Jeho sluhovia. A Pohanov je vzatých len niekoľko za Jeho Nevestu. Je to presne tak! To je Nevesta.

147Nuž, sedemdesiat týždňov bolo vyznačených, dokonale, ako povedal Daniel, že Mesiáš príde a bude vyťatý v polovici týždňa. Ježiš prorokoval tri a pol roka. Nuž, v polovici týchto tri a pol rokov Daniela, v polovici toho, On bol vyťatý. Ale teraz tá posledná časť je obdobie súženia, kde cirkev z Pohanov ... Ó, to je veľké! Neprehliadnite to teraz. Nevesta odchádza so Ženíchom; potom, po Miléniu, kráča po popole bezbožných.

148Dovoľte, aby som vám tu niečo ukázal. Zatiaľ kým to máme na rozume, pozrime sa len, čo to hovorí, čo hovorí Biblia. A my toto nemôžeme zapierať, to je Slovo Božie. Ak to zapierame, potom sme neveriaci. Vidíte, my tomu musíme veriť. Vy hovoríte: "Ja tomu nerozumiem." Ja tiež nie. Ale ja očakávam na Neho, aby to zjavil. Pozrite sa.

Lebo hľa, prichádza deň, ktorý horí ako pec, v ktorom budú všetci pyšní

(ako Američania, a tak ďalej),

áno, ... všetci, ktorí páchajú bezbožnosť, budú slamou:

 (To bude horieť.) 

a spáli ich deň, ktorý príde, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov, takže im neponechá ani koreňa ani haluzi.

149Ako tam potom môžete mať večné peklo? Vidíte, to sú posledné dni, keď tieto veci budú zjavené. Nieto v Biblii miesto, ktoré by hovorilo, že peklo je večné. Aby mať ... byť vo večnom pekle, to by ste museli mať večný život, aby ste tam mohli byť. Je len jedna forma Večného Života a to je to, o čo zápasíme. Všetko, čo malo začiatok má koniec. Peklo bolo stvorené pre diabla a jeho anjelov a bude zničené a odstránené. Tak veru. Vidíte? Ale keď sa toto stane, to im nenechá ani koreňa ani haluzi.

Ale vám, ktorí sa bojíte môjho mena, vyjde slnce spravodlivosti, a lekárstvo bude na jeho krídlach; vyjdete a budete poskakovať, ako vykŕmené teľatá.

A pošliapete bezbožných, lebo budú popolom pod vašimi nohami toho dňa, ktorý ja učiním, hovorí Hospodin Zástupov.

150Kde bude ten bezbožný po tom súžení? Popolom!

Pamätajte na zákon Mojžiša, môjho služobníka, ktorému som prikázal na Hórebe o celom Izraelovi ustanovenia a súdy.

Hľa ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, prv ako príde ten deň Hospodinov, veľký a strašný.

151Amen! Takto sa tu končí Starý Zákon a Nový Zákon sa tu končí s tým istým. Ako to udržíte preč od seba? Nemôžete. Pozrite: "Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, prv ako príde ten deň."

A obráti srdce otcov na synov a srdce synov na ich otcov, aby som neprišiel a neranil zem kliatbou.

152No prosím. To je Slovo Pánovo. On to zasľúbil. To musí prísť. A teraz, ak si to všimnete, ako sa to deje - Je to nádherné, ako to Boh robí. Nevesta so Ženíchom odchádza. A potom, keď sa toto stane, bezbožní budú spálení neuhasiteľným ohňom. A potom, keď svet bude očistený, zreprodukuje sa ...

153Všetko to musí urobiť - musí to ísť cez obdobie očistenia. Vulkán vypukne v tomto veľkom poslednom čase a svet praskne a vybuchne, a tak ďalej. A všetky tieto žumpy hriechu a všetko, čo je na zemi, bude obrátené na nič. Bude to horieť v takej ohnivej žiare, že to bude, ako to bielenie, ktoré posiela farbu atramentu späť do jej originálneho stvorenia. Tak horúci bude ten Oheň od Boha, že obráti každú nečistú vec znovu späť do jej originálneho stavu, keď Satan a všetok jeho hriech bude spálený a všetko. A potom ona príde taká nádherná, aká bola v záhrade Eden. Tak veru. Ó, tá veľká hodina leží rovno pred nami!

154V priebehu obdobia súženia. Tu je to, čo chcem, aby ste si teraz všimli, maličkú vec, ktorú som tu utrúsil. V priebehu tohoto obdobia súženia, potom, čo Nevesta bola vyvolaná von a cirkev prechádza cez obdobie súženia, tých sto štyridsať štyri tisíc je zavolaných skrze dvoch svedkov zo Zjavenia 11. Dívajte sa teraz. Oni budú prorokovať, tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní, oblečení vo vrecovine.

155Nuž, my vieme, že tento Rímsky kalendár má ... My niekedy máme dvadsať osem dní a tridsať a tridsať jeden. Ale v skutočnosti kalendár ukazuje každý mesiac tridsať dní. Tak veru! A vezmite tisíc dvesto šesťdesiat dní a vložte do toho tridsať a budete vidieť, čo dostanete. Tri a pol roka, presne do bodky. To je ten čas. To je ten vyznačený čas, aby bolo pre Izrael kázané Mesiášske Posolstvo, ako to bolo tam v tedy. Keď sa On vracia späť a dáva sa poznávať, v symbole, že keď On príde ...

156Keď, Jozef bol vzatý tam dole do tej krajiny a jeho bratia ho odmietli, pretože bol duchovný človek. On mohol vídať videnia a vykladať sny. A keď to robil, bol vzatý dole do tej krajiny a bol predaný skoro za tridsať strieborných.

157On presne znázornil Krista, pretože bol v ňom Kristov Duch. Všimnite si, čo sa potom stalo. A všimnite si to, keď on toto urobil, bol daný do väzenia. A jeden muž bol zachránený a ten druhý zatratený - presne ako Ježiš, keď bol vo vezení na kríži. Jeden zločinec bol spasený a ten druhý zatratený. Presne! Uvrhnutý do hrobu, očakávali, že je mŕtvy, a bol vzatý hore, a zasadol po pravici faraóna, že nikto nemohol vidieť faraóna bez toho, že by videl prv Jozefa. Ježiš sedí po pravici Božej a nikto nemôže prísť, aby videl Otca, jedine skrze Syna! Tak veru!

158A všimnite si, zakaždým, keď Jozef opustil ... keď Jozef vstal z pravici trónu. Sledujte to! Sláva! Tam sedel Jozef po pravici faraónovej. A keď Jozef povstal, aby opustil trón, znela trúba: "Skláňajte kolená, každý! Jozef prichádza!"

159Keď ten Baránok opustí Trón, tam po Svojich dňoch práci Prostredníka, keď On tam opustí Trón a vezme tú Knihu Vykúpenia a vystupuje, skloní sa každé koleno! Tam On je!

160Všimnite si. A keď bol Jozef odmietnutý svojimi bratmi bola mu daná Pohanská žena. Putifár mu dal ... Či, faraón mu dal Pohanskú ženu a on splodil Pohanské deti - z polovici Pohania i Židia. Oni dali veľký symbol. Keď ich Jákob žehnal. Efraim na jednej strane a Manasses na druhej. On skrížil svoje ruky a tomu mladšiemu decku dal to požehnanie. A tieto dve deti boli pridané ku dvanástim kmeňom, ktorých v tom čase bolo len desať. A on sám ich požehnal v Jakobovi. A Jozef, jeho prorocký syn, ako tam stál, povedal: "Otče, urobil si chybu." Povedal: "Položil si svoju pravú ruku, žehnajúc, na mladšie dieťa, keď to malo ísť na staršieho."

161On povedal: "Ja viem, moje ruky sú skrížené, ale Boh ich skrížil." Prečo? Izrael, majúci práva byť nevestou to odmietol a predal svoje prvorodenstvá a to prešlo zo staršieho syna, Izraela, na toho nového - Pohanov. A tie požehnania vyšli z tade, cez kríž, na toho mladšieho.

Ale všimnite si. Potom, vidíte, cez to ... Keď všetko ... On zobral svoju nevestu. Keď tí chlapci prišli dole, aby kúpili potravu ... Ó, to je tak nádherný obraz! Som pomimo tej Pečati, ale musím to povedať, vidíte, pretože, obdržíte lepší obraz, verím.

162Všimnite si. Nuž, keď oni tam prišli, aby kúpili potravu, Jozef ich hneď spoznal. A Jozef bol synom zdaru. Nezáležalo na tom, kde išiel, stále sa mu darilo. Počkajte, keď On znovu príde na zem; počkajme keď príde náš Jozef! Púšť bude kvitnúť ako ruža a vyjde Slnko Spravodlivosti a lekárstvo bude na Jeho krídlach. Ó! Všetky tie kaktusy po Arizone sa rozvinú do nádherných stromov. To bude nádherné.

Všimnite si, tu on vystupuje, a on tam na nich odohral malý trik. A on stojí a hovorí: "Je môj otec stále živý?" Vidíte? On chcel vedieť, či žije otec toho chlapca.

Povedal: "Áno."

163On vedel, že to je jeho brat. Ale všimli ste si? Keď on bol pripravený dať sa poznať svojím bratom a našiel malého Benjamína, ktorý sa narodil zatiaľ, čo on bol preč ... A to predstavuje týchto Židov, týchto sto štyridsať štyri tisíc, ktorí sa tam práve teraz zhromažďujú, zatiaľ, čo je On preč. A keď sa On vrátil, On povedal ... On sa pozrel na Benjamína; jeho srdce skoro puklo. A pamätajte, oni mali ... on ... Oni nevedeli, že on vie po Hebrejsky. On používal tlmočníka. On sa správal, akoby bol Egypťan. Vidíte?

164A potom, keď to bolo dané najavo ... On sa chcel dať poznať. On sa stále díval na malého Benjamína. A pamätajte, on odoslal svoju ženu. Ona bola v paláci, keď sa on dal poznať svojím bratom. A tá Nevesta z Pohanov, tá žena ... Potom, čo bol Ježiš odmietnutý Svojim Vlastným ľudom, On si vzal Nevestu z Pohanov. A vezme Ju z tadiaľto do Paláca, do Domu Svojho Otca v Chvále, na Svadobnú Večeru. A skĺzne naspäť dole, aby sa dal poznať Svojim bratom - tím 144 000. Tam On stojí. A pamätajte, hľaďte na tie symboly. Presne.

165A keď on prichádza naspäť, tam kde toto bolo, on sa pozrel dole na nich a povedal ... začal sa dívať. A oni začali rozprávať. Oni povedali: "No Rúben, ty vieš, že my sme tu teraz kvôli tomu, vidíš. Pretože vieš, čo sme urobili? Dostali sme tohoto chlapca do tejto nepríjemnej situácii. Nemali sme predať nášho brata." To bol ich brat, ktorý tam stál, to mocné knieža a oni to nevedeli.

Preto Ho Izrael nemôže dnes porozumieť. Ešte nie je tá hodina, aby to vedeli. A potom on ... oni si mysleli, že nerozumie po Hebrejsky, ale on počúval priamo ich. Oni povedali: "Teraz sme tu kvôli tomu."

166A Jozef, keď sa pozeral na nich, on to už nemohol dlhšie vydržať. Pamätajte teraz, jeho žena a deti boli v tom čase v paláci. Svätí odišli z ich prítomnosti - a on povedal: "Ja som Jozef, váš brat." A bežal a objal malého Benjamína, padol okolo jeho krku a začal plakať. A dal sa im poznať.

Oni potom povedali: "Teraz vieme, že toto na nás muselo prísť, pretože my sme ho predali. My sme boli tí, ktorí ho predali. My sme boli tí, ktorí ho chceli zabiť, a teraz vieme, že on zabije nás."

167On povedal: "Nie, nehnevajte sa na seba. Vy ste to urobili len na zachovanie života. Kvôli tomu ma sem Boh poslal." A keď sa On dal poznať, Biblia hovorí (ako prichádzame do toho), keď sa On dá poznať tým sto štyridsať štyri tisícom tam - tomu dnešnému malému Benjamínovi a tým ostatným Židom, ktorí sú tam ponechaným - keď sa On dá poznať, oni povedia: "Odkiaľ máš tie jazvy? Čo oni robia na tvojich rukách?"

On povie: "Ó, utŕžil som ich v dome Mojich priateľov."

168Ó, potom si oni uvedomia, že zabili Mesiáša. Ale čo On povie? To isté, čo povedal Jozef. "Vy ste to urobili, aby ste prislúžili život. Ne ... zachovali život. Nehnevajte sa na seba." Pretože inak by Pohania neboli prinesení, ak by Židia neboli naleteli na ten trik, ktorý im zastrel oči. Tak On skrze to, čo oni urobili, zachránil život Cirkvi. Tak tu to máte. Preto to oni dnes nemôžu porozumieť. Ešte nie je tá hodina.

169Tak isto ako my nemôžeme porozumieť tieto veci, až kým nepríde ten čas, aby sme to porozumeli. Ó! Sedem Hromov zo Zjavenia - smie On ukázať Neveste, ako sa má pripraviť na tú veľkú vieru do prenesenia! Ponáhľajme sa teraz, pretože nemáme už len pätnásť, dvadsať minút.

170Nuž, čo znamená tento biely kôň? Dovoľte mi prečítať toto. Bol som tak ďaleko od toho. Prepáčte mi, že som opustil svoju tému. Ale znovu budem čítať ten verš, tie dva verše.

A videl som, keď otvoril Baránok jednu zo siedmych pečatí, a počul som jednu zo štyroch živých bytostí, ktorá hovorila ako hlasom hromu, Poď ... a vidz!

A videl som a hľa, biely kôň

... (Teraz ideme do druhého verša.) ...

biely kôň, a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, mal lučište, a dala sa mu koruna,

 (tak on ju pred tým nemal) ... 

a vyšiel víťaziac aj aby zvíťazil.

(To je všetko o tom. To je Pečať.)

Nájdime teraz tie symboly. Zistili sme, čo znamená Hrom. To je presne to, vieme to. Hrom bol Hlas Boží, keď sa otvára Pečať.

171Nuž, čo znamená ten biely kôň? Nuž, tu prichádza zjavenie. Som si toho tak istý, ako tu stojím a viem, že toto je Slovo. Čítal som o tom každú knihu, ktorú som mohol nájsť. A s ... Ja ... Naposledy, keď som ... snažil som sa cez to prejsť, len to učiac - asi pred tridsiatimi rokmi som vzal tú knihu ... Niekto mi povedal, že Adventisti majú viacej svetla na druhý príchod Kristov, než ktorýkoľvek iní, ktorých poznali, a tak som vyhľadal nejaké z ich dobrých kníh, aby som si ich prečítať. Mal som Smithovu knihu o Danielovom zjavení. On povedal, že tento biely kôň, ktorý vyšiel bol biely a to symbolizovalo víťaza. A v tomto víťazení ...

Mnohí z vás bratov Adventistov, ktorí ste tu, poznáte tú knihu a tak isto mnohí iní z vás ju čítali. A iné. Ja som čítal dve alebo tri. Čítal som ... Neviem názov ... Čítal som dve alebo tri ďalšie a obidvaja mužovia sa zhodovali, že je to tak. To boli dobrí učitelia, možno jedni z najlepších, s najlepším svetlom. A tak som si myslel: "Nuž, ak nebudem vedieť, poviem len to, čo oni povedali, skúsim to tak učiť." Oni dali veľmi dobré vysvetlenie o tom, čo to skutočne znamenalo.

172A on povedal: "Nuž, tu je biely kôň a biely kôň znamená moc - bojový tátoš." A povedal: "Ten muž, ktorý sedí na ňom, bol ... biely kôň bol Duch Svätý, ktorý vyšiel v tom včasnom veku a dobil ten vek pre Kráľovstvo Božie. On mal vo svojej ruke luk, čo znamenalo niečo, ako Amor. On strieľal do sŕdc ľudí šípy lásky, lásku Božiu, a On zvíťazil."

173Nuž, to znie veľmi dobre, ale nie je to pravda. Nie veru. Nie. To nebola pravda. Biela farba znamená spravodlivosť. Uvedomujeme si to. Biela znamená spravodlivosť. Tí učitelia to učili, že to bol Duch Svätý víťaziaci v tom prvom veku. Ale moje zjavenie, skrze Ducha Svätého nie je takéto.

174Moje zjavenie, skrze Ducha Svätého je: Kristus a Duch Svätý je tá istá Osoba, len v inej forme. Tak, tu stojí Kristus, Baránok. My vieme, že On bol Baránok. On tu stál s tou Knihou vo Svojej ruke; a tam ide jazdec na bielom koni. Vidíte? Tak to nebol Duch Svätý.

175Nuž, to je jedno z tajomstiev posledných dní, ako Kristus môže byť tromi osobami v Jednej. To nie sú traja rôzny ľudia - Otec, Syn, a Duch Svätý - existujúci ako traja bohovia, ako sa nám to vyznávači trojici snažia povedať. To sú tri manifestácie tej istej Osoby. Alebo to môžete nazvať tri úrady. Ak hovoríte ku kazateľom, nemali by ste používať slovo úrad; pretože ... uvedomil som si, že sa to nahráva. Tak poviem vám ... Samozrejme, Kristus nemohol povedať: "Budem sa modliť ku Svojmu úradu a On vám pošle iný úrad." To vieme. Ale ak to chcete ... To sú tri charakteristické znaky (atribúty) toho istého Boha. Vidíte? Nie traja Bohovia. Tri charakteristické znaky toho istého Boha! Vidíte? A tak, ako by mohol byť Kristus tam, na tom bielom koni, víťaziac a pri tom stáť tu s Knihou vo Svojej ruke? To tak nie je. To nie je Kristus.

176Všimnite si. Duch Svätý, podľa toho zjavenia ... A Kristus je ... Duch Svätý je Kristus v inej forme. Je to tak. Všimnite si, to Baránok otvoril tú Knihu a Baránok je Kristus. A Krista potom viacej nevidíme. Ale vidíme Ho v Knihe Zjavenia, v 19 kapitole, ako prichádza na bielom koni. Ak by ste si to chceli prečítať, otvorme si Zjavenie 19:11-16. A rýchlo to prečítajme, zatiaľ, čo sme ... máme dosť času, dúfam, tak to bude pre nás lepšie. (19: 11.) Začnime od 11. verša a čítajme až do 16.

A videl som nebo otvorené ... a hľa, zjavil sa biely kôň; 

(nie na zemi; v Nebi, vidíte) 

a ten, ktorý sedel na ňom, volal sa Verný ... Pravdivý, ... v spravodlivosti súdi i bojuje.

A jeho oči boli ... ako plameň ohňa, a na jeho hlave mnoho diadémov, 

(Pozrite na tie diadémy!); 

a mal napísané meno, ktoré nikto nevie, iba ... on sám.

177Prajem si, aby som sa pri tomto mohol na chvíľu zastaviť. Ó! Mám dobrý úmysel, ale možno by som mohol, ak vy ... [Zhromaždenie hovorí: "Pokračuj!" -- pozn.prekl.] Vidíte, nikto to nevie. Dozvedeli ste sa kedy, že Meno "Jehova" nie je správne? Všetci vedia. Dr. Vayle vie, že je to pravda. Prekladatelia to nikdy nemohli preložiť. Ono sa slabikovalo J-U-H-V. Chcem povedať J-V-H-U. To nie je "Jehova." Oni sa toho nemohli dotknúť. Oni nevedia, čo ono je. Nazvali to "Jehova," ale to nebolo Jeho Meno.

178Pozrite sa, stále keď je dobité víťazstvo, alebo niečo sa deje, je zmenené meno. Pozrite sa do času Abraháma. On bol prv Abram a nemohol mať to dieťa, až kým jeho meno nebolo zmenené na Abrahám. A Sára, S-a-r-a, nemohla mať nič okrem mŕtveho lona, až kým jej meno nebolo zmenené na Sárah.

179Jákob znamená pätár, podvodník. A to je to, čo on urobil. On navliekol na seba ovčiu kožu a oklamal svojho prorockého otca, aby získal práva prvorodenstva. On kládol topoľové prúty do vody, narobil na nich škvrny, postrašil dobytok, keď on počínal ... svoje mladé, aby získal škvrnitý dobytok a ovce. Nič iné ako podvodník! Ale jednej noci sa on uchytil Niečoho skutočného a on vedel, že to je skutočné. A on zostal s tým a držal sa, až kým nezvíťazil. A jeho meno bolo zmenené a nazýval sa Izrael, čo znamená knieža s mocou pred Bohom. Je to pravda? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." -- pozn.prekl.] Každý víťaz ...

180Šimon bol rybár. Ale keď sa jeho viera chytila a poznala, že to bol Ježiš, keď mu On povedal, že On je Mesiáš a povedal mu, aké je jeho meno, a aké je meno jeho otca, on zvíťazil a bol premenovaný zo Šimona na Petra.

181Saul, dobré meno. Saul bol raz Izraelským kráľom, ale meno Saul nepasovalo pre apoštola. Mohlo byť dobré pre kráľa, ale nie pre apoštola. A tak Ježiš zmenil jeho meno. Z čoho? Zo Saula na Paula. Pozrite sa na "synov hromu", a tak ďalej.

182A Ježiš, Jeho meno na zemi bolo Vykupiteľ - Ježiš. Keď On bol na zemi, On bol Vykupiteľ, to je pravda. Ale keď On premohol smrť a peklo a zvíťazil nad nimi a vystúpil na výsosť, On obdržal nové meno. Preto oni kričia tak, ako kričia a nič nedostávajú. To bude zjavené v tých hromoch.

Všimnite si, to je tajomstvo. On prichádza, jazdiac ... Musí byť niečo, čo premení túto Cirkev. Vy to viete. Tam musí byť niečo! Všimnite si: "Nikto nevedel, iba On sám." No, všimnite si: "Ktoré nikto nevedel, iba On sám."

A bol oblečený v rúchu, pokropenom krvou, a jeho meno sa zovie: Slovo Božie.

 (Ó! Všimnite si!)

A vojská, ktoré sú na nebi, išli za ním na bielych koňoch, odiati kmentom, bielym a čistým.

A z jeho úst vychádzal ostrý meč, aby nim bil národy. A on ich bude pásť železným prútom a on bude šliapať lis vína prchlivosti a hnevu všemohúceho Boha.

A na svojom rúchu a na svojich bedrách má napísané meno: Kráľ kráľov a Pán pánov.

183Tam prichádza Mesiáš! Tam On je; nie tento tu na tomto koni. Pozorujte ten rozdiel. Tu On stojí s tou Knihou vo Svojej ruke! Práca vykúpenia sa práve ... On ešte nezaujal Svoje miesto!

Tak, to nebol Kristus - Duch Svätý, ktorý tam vyšiel. Nechcem sa priečiť s tými veľkými mužmi. To nie. Ja to nerobím. Nechcel by som to robiť, ale toto je moje zjavenie ohľadne toho. Vidíte? Ak vy máte niečo iné, dobre, to je v poriadku. Ale pre mňa to nie je v poriadku. Vidíte, ja to verím takto.

184Všimnite si. Tam od toho času Krista už viacej nevidíme. Ale On je na bielom koni. A tak ak tento jazdí na bielom koni, on je len niekto, kto sa pretvaruje za Krista. Vidíte? Rozumiete tomu? Všimnite si, tento jazdec na tomto bielom koni nemá žiadne meno. On môže používať dva alebo tri tituly, vidíte, ale on nemá žiadne meno. Ale Kristus má meno! Čo to je? Slovo Božie! "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha, a to Slovo bol Boh. ... A to Slovo sa stalo telom." Vidíte?

185Tento jazdec nemá meno, ale Kristus je nazvaný: "Slovo Božie." To je to, čo On je. On je tak nazvaný. Nuž On má meno, ktoré nikto nevie; ale On je nazvaný: "Slovo Božie." Tento nie je nijako nazvaný, vidíte, ale je na bielom koni.

186Tento jazdec nemá šípy do svojho luku. Všimli ste si? On mal luk, ale nie je nič povedané o tom, že by mal šípy, a tak on musí byť podvodník. Tak veru. Možno, že on má množstvo hromov a žiadne blýskanie. Ale vy ste zistili, že Kristus mal oboje - zablysknutie i hrom. Pretože z Jeho úst vychádza ostrý dvojsečný Meč a On ním bije národy. A tento nemôže nič byť, vidíte, ale on odohráva roľu pokrytca. On ide, jazdiac na bielom koni, vychádzajúc aby zvíťazil.

187Kristus mal ostrý Meč, a dávajte pozor! On vychádzal z Jeho úst - Živé Slovo! To je Slovo Božie zjavované Jeho sluhom. Ako On povedal Mojžišovi: "Choď, postav sa tam a drž túto palicu tam; zavolaj na muchy," a tam boli muchy. Skutočne! Čokoľvek on povedal, On to urobil; a to sa stalo. Jeho živé Slovo. Boh a Jeho Slovo je tá istá Osoba. Boh je Slovo!

Kto je potom tento tajomný jazdec tohoto prvého cirkevného veku? Kto to je? Rozmýšľajme o tom. Kto je tento tajomný jazdec, ktorý vybehol v tomto prvom cirkevnom veku a cvála rovno ďalej do Večnosti, ide do konca?

Prichádza Druhá Pečať a ide rovno ďalej do konca. Prichádza Tretia Pečať a ide rovno ďalej do konca. Štvrtá, Piata, šiesta, Siedma, každá jedna z nich dochádza do zakončenia tu na konci.

A v poslednom čase, tieto Knihy, ktoré boli zrolované po celý tento čas majúce v sebe tieto tajomstvá - je to zlámané. Potom vychádzajú tie tajomstvá, aby bolo vidieť, čo to je. Ale v skutočnosti oni začali v prvom cirkevnom veku, pretože prvý cirkevný vek obdržal takéto posolstvo, ako toto.

188Vyšiel jazdec na bielom koni. Vidíte? Kto to je? On je mocný vo svojej víťaziacej moci. On je veľký chlap vo svojej víťaziacej moci. Chcete aby som vám povedal, kto to je? To je antikrist. To je presne to, čo on je!

189Nuž, pretože, vidíte, ak antikrist ... Ježiš povedal, že tí dvaja budú tak blízko pri sebe, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených, Nevestu, ak by to bolo možné. Antikrist! To je duch antikrista.

190Pamätáte sa, v cirkevných vekoch, keď sme tam otvorili prvý cirkevný vek, zistili sme, že Duch Svätý bol proti určitej veci, ktorú oni začali v tom cirkevnom veku. A to bolo nazvané "skutky Nikolaitov." [Mikulášencov - podľa slovenského prekladu Biblie. -- pozn.prekl.] Pamätáte sa na to? Nikao znamená "premáhať." Laity znamená cirkev, laikov. Niko-laites, premáhať laikov. Odoberá Ducha Svätého z cirkvi a dáva to všetko jednému svätému mužovi. Necháva ho byť vedúcim všetkého toho. Prešli ste cez to - Nikolaitizmus.

191Všimnite si, Nikolaitizmus bolo niečo, o čom sa hovorilo v prvej cirkvi. V ďalšom cirkevnom veku sa to stáva náukou. A v treťom cirkevnom veku to bolo násilie, a oni mali Nicejský Koncil. Potom v cirkvi bola z toho urobená náuka.

192A čo sa stalo ako prvé? Povstala z toho organizácia! No, je to tak? Povedzte mi z kadiaľ pochádza prvá organizovaná cirkev. - Rímsko Katolícka cirkev. Povedzte mi, či nie je povedané v Zjavení, v Knihe Zjavení 17, že ona bola smilnica, mater smilníc - jej dcéry boli smilnice. To sú tie isté, ktoré sa s ňou zorganizovali - smilnice berúce ohavnosti, špinavosti svojho smilstva za náuku. Učiac učenia, ktoré sú prikázaniami ľudí.

193Všimnite si. Pozrite sa, on vyšiel aby zvíťazil. Všimnite si, on nemal žiadnu korunu. Ten jazdec na bielom koni, o ktorom tu hovorím. Vidíte? Luk a bola mu daná koruna - potom. Vidíte? On keď začal nemal žiadnu korunu, ale mu bola daná koruna. Všimnite si, neskoršie mu bola daná koruna. Áno, tri - tri v jednej. To bolo o tristo rokov neskoršie, na Nicejskom Koncile, keď on vyrazil - duch Nikolaitov, aby medzi ľuďmi sformoval organizáciu. A potom to ďalej pretrvávalo, ide to ďalej, ide to ďalej a stáva sa to niečím, o čom sa hovorí. Potom sa to stáva náukou.

194Pamätáte sa, ako Kristus hovorí ku cirkvi, povedal: "Nenávidíš skutky Nikolaitov, ktoré Ja tiež nenávidím." Snaží sa víťaziť - berie Sväté Písma ... Len jeden svätý muž; on môže odpúšťať všetky hriechy a všetko. A my sme práve čítali, kde Pavol o tom hovoril. Táto vec nastane v týchto posledných dňoch. A on nebude môcť byť zjavený, až do posledných dní. Potom on, ktorý zdržoval, vezme Ducha Svätého preč z tade a potom sa on zjaví.

195Dnes je on pod maskou bieleho koňa. Dávajte za chvíľu pozor, ako sa on mení z toho bieleho koňa. On sa nestáva len bielym koňom; on sa stáva zvieraťom s mnohými hlavami a rohmi. Vidíte? Tento biely kôň, on je teraz zvodca, a preto to tí ľudia po celý tento čas nevedeli. Oni si to mysleli, ale teraz je to tu. Bude to zjavené skrze Písmo.

196Všimnite si, keď Nikolaitizmus, vidíte ... antikrist je nakoniec ... on je stelesnený v človeku; potom je korunovaný. Keď vyšiel, ako duch Nikolaitov v cirkvi, on je duch. Nemôžete korunovať ducha. Ale o tristo rokov neskoršie sa on stáva pápežom, a potom ho oni korunovali. On keď začal, nemal žiadnu korunu. Ale neskoršie mal korunu, vidíte, keď ten duch bol stelesnený. Vidíte? On sa stal človekom. Náuka Nikolaitov sa stala človekom, potom ho oni mohli korunovať. Oni to prv nemohli urobiť, pretože, on bol len náukou. Sláva!

197Všimnite si! A keď tento Duch Svätý, ktorého máme sa stelesňuje v nás, ten, ktorý je teraz v našom strede vo forme Ducha Svätého, vteľuje sa do nás v osobe Ježiša Krista, my budeme korunovať Jeho, Kráľa kráľov. Amen. Je to tak. Vidíte?

198Nuž pamätajte, v tom čase, keď Kristus prichádza na Trón, antikrist prichádza na trón - Judáš. V tom čase, keď Kristus odišiel zo zeme, Judáš odišiel zo zeme. Práve v tom čase, keď Duch Svätý prichádza späť, antikrist prichádza späť.

199Vy viete, Ján tu povedal: "Detičky, nechcem aby ste nevedeli, vy viete, o antikristovi, ktorý už prišiel a pôsobí v deťoch neposlušnosti." Antikrist potom - on tam bol, začal tam formovať ducha Nikolaitov, aby urobil organizáciu.

200Nie divu, že som nenávidel tú vec! Tu to máte. To som nebol ja; to bolo niečo tu vo vnútri. Tam je tá vec. To vychádza von. Vidíte to? Obzeral som to zo všetkých strán. Nemohol som to vidieť až doteraz. Teraz to viem. Tu to je - Boh nenávidí toho ducha Nikolaitov. A teraz sa tento duch stelesnil a oni ho korunovali. Tu to je - rovno tu. To, čo Biblia hovorí, že oni s tým urobia - presne. Ó!

201Stelesnený - on sa stal človekom, a potom ho oni korunovali. Čítajte, všimnite si ... Alebo čítajme radšej, ako Daniel povedal, že on prevezme do svojich rúk cirkevné kráľovstvo. Chceli by ste si to prečítať? Máme čas na to, či nie? No dobre. Počúvajte. Poďme na chvíľu späť do Daniela. Otvorme si Knihu Daniela a budeme čítať za chvíľu a nebudeme ... možno ešte pätnásť, dvadsať minút, alebo tridsať, alebo tak nejako. Dobre? Vezmime Daniela, 11. kapitolu a vezmime 21. verš. Tu je Daniel. Daniel teraz hovorí, ako tento chlapík prevezme.

A zase na jeho mieste povstane opovržený človek,

 (hovorí o Ríme),

na ktorého nedajú slávy kráľovstva: 

(teraz dávajte pozor) 

ale príde v pokoji ... príde v pokoji a zmocní sa kráľovstva úlisnosťou.

202Presne to čo on urobil - čo povedal Daniel, že tento antikrist urobí. On prispôsobí miesto pre ľudí. To bude vyhovovať ich - ich jedálnemu lístku na tento deň, pre cirkvi. Pretože v tomto cirkevnom veku oni nechcú Slovo, Krista, oni chcú cirkev. Prvé ... oni sa vás nepýtajú, či ste Kresťan. "Do akej cirkvi patríš? Aká cirkev?" Oni nechcú Krista, Slovo. Choďte a povedzte im o Slove, a ako sa napraviť, oni to nechcú.

Oni chcú niečo ... žiť si akokoľvek len chcú a stále patriť do cirkvi a udržať svoje svedectvo. Vidíte? Tak, on presne prispôsobuje jedálny lístok. A pamätajte, on bol nakoniec v Biblii nazvaný "ona". A ona bola prostitútka a mala dcéry. On proste prispôsobuje ten jedálny lístok na tento deň - to, čo ľudia chcú. Tu to máte.

203Boh to zasľúbil. Kaď odmietli Slovo, potom sa obrátili do svojich žiadostí. Čítajme znovu v liste Tesaloničanom. Chcem, aby ste to tu ešte chvíľu pozorovali. Čítali sme to pred chvíľou. Druhá Tesaloničanom 2:9-11. Tam stojí, že oni budú: "Odvracajúci sa, odmietajúci pravdu, budú vydaní do prevrátenej mysli, a budú veriť lži a skrze to budú odsúdení." To je to, čo povedal Duch Svätý.

204Nuž, či toto nie je dnes žiadosťou cirkvi? Vy sa snažíte povedať ľuďom, že musia robiť toto, to, či tamto, a oni vám hneď dajú najavo, že oni sú Metodisti, Presbyteriáni, či čokoľvek, že oni nemusia veslovať vo vašom člne. Vidíte? Skutočne! Oni to chcú. A Boh povedal: "Keď to oni chcú, nechám ich nech to majú. A Ja skutočne spôsobím, aby verili, že to je pravda, pretože im dám prevrátenú myseľ ohľadne pravdy."

205Nuž pozrite sa sem, čo tiež hovorí Biblia: "Ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžíšovi ...," tak budú robiť títo v tých posledných dňoch s prevrátenou mysľou ohľadne pravdy; a obrátia milosť nášho Boha na nestudatosť, zapierajúc Pána Boha. Teraz vidíte kde to je! Nie len Katolíci, ale Protestanti - všetci. To je celý ten zorganizovaný svet. To je jazdec na bielom koni, pod rúškom bielej, spravodlivej cirkvi. Vidíte? Ale antikrist - to musí vyzerať, ako ... dokonca na koni, práve tak, ako Kristus prichádza na koni. Vidíte? Všetko anti - tak blízke, že by to zviedlo aj vyvolených ...

Tu on je. On je antikrist. On začal cválať v prvom cirkevnom veku. Teraz on cvála ďalej, ďalej cez každý vek. Nuž pozorujte ho.

Vy hovoríte: "Či už vtedy v tom apoštolskom čase?" On tam bol nazvaní Nikolaitizmus. Potom v ďalšom cirkevnom veku, potom sa on v cirkvi stáva náukou. Prv on bol len niečím, o čom sa hovorilo, potom sa stal náukou.

206Nóbl, slávni ľudia, fajne oblečení, vysoko vzdelaní, uhladení, nechceli všetko to zachovávanie sa v cirkvi. Nie, oni nechceli tie všetky veci Ducha Svätého. Musí byť cirkev ... "A my všetci pôjdeme cez Nicejský koncil a tak ďalej, v Ríme." Potom, keď tam oni prišli, oni zobrali cirkev, zobrali pohanstvo, Rím a Katolicizmus či pohanstvo. Pohanský Rím a niekoľko povier. A zobrali Astartu, kráľovnú nebies a prerobili ju na Máriu, matku. Robia prostredníkov z mŕtvych ľudí, a tak ďalej. A zobrali tú okrúhlu oplátku, čo stále kladú tam dookola, a nazývajú to telo Kristovo, pretože to reprezentuje matku nebies. A katolíci prechádzajú okolo a prekrižúvajú sa. Pretože, tie svetlá tam horia, to má byť ten kóšer (nekvasený chlieb), ktorý je premenený na boha, skrze kňazovu moc. Zatiaľ, čo to nie je nič iné, ako jasné pohanstvo! Vidíte? Je to tak.

207Ja to proste nerozumiem! Nuž, áno, rozumiem. Rozumiem tomu, skrze milosť Božiu. Všimnite si teraz. Ó, ako to oni môžu robiť! A oni sú vydaní svojím žiadostiam. Nie, to je pravda. Vy to nemusíte robiť. Nie veru. Ak to nechcete robiť, nie ste nasilu nútení, aby ste to robili. Ak sa nechcete dať do poriadku podľa Božieho spôsobu žitia a všetkého, a bohoslužby, nemusíte to robiť. Boh nikoho nenúti, aby to robil. Ale dovoľte mi, aby som vám niečo povedal. Ak vaše meno bolo umiestené v tej Baránkovej Knihe Života pred založením sveta, budete to tak radi robiť, nebudete sa môcť dočkať na tú chvíľu, aby ste to robili.

Pozri sa sem. Hovoríte: "Dám ti porozumieť, že som práve tak nábožný ..." Dobre, to môže byť pravda. Pozrite sa, kto by mohol povedať tým kňazom vo dňoch Pána Ježiša, že neboli nábožní? Kto by mohol povedať, že Izrael na púšti nebol nábožný? Keď jedli ...

"Boh ma tak mnoho krát požehnal ..."

Áno, On tiež žehnal ich. Oni nemuseli ani pracovať na svoje živobytie. On ich kŕmil z neba. A Ježiš povedal: "Oni sú všetci stratení a pomreli a zahynuli."

"Naši otcovia," oni povedali, "jedli mannu na púšti, štyridsať rokov."

208Ježiš povedal: "A oni, každý jeden, sú mŕtvi - večne oddelení." Vidíte? On povedal: "Ale Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý zostupuje od Boha z Neba. Ten, kto je tento chlieb, nikdy nezomrie." Vidíte? On je ten Strom Života.

209Všimnite si len ako ... A keď prišiel Ježiš, povstali tam títo kňazi, veľmi nábožní. Chlapče, nikto by nemohol povedať, že to neboli dobrí ľudia. Ó! Oni kráčali podľa línii zákona. Všetko, čo cirkev povedala, oni to robili. Ak by to nerobili, boli by ukameňovaní. A tak, keď oni vystúpili, viete ako ich Ježiš nazval? Ján ich nazval: "Vy hromada hadov v tráve! Nemyslite si, pretože patríte do tej organizácii, že máte niečo dočinenia s Bohom."

210A Ježiš povedal: "Vy ste z vášho otca, diabla." Povedal: "Zakaždým, keď Boh poslal nejakého proroka, čo sa stalo? Ukameňovali ste ho a hodili ste ho do hrobu. A teraz tam idete a bielite jeho hrob."

211Či to nie je to isté, čo urobila Katolícka cirkev? Pozrite sa na Johanu z Arcu a Svätého Patrika a všetkých tých ostatných. Oni sú tí, ktorí ich doviedli do hrobu. A potom vykopali telo Johany z Arcu a hodili ho do rieky, o niekoľko sto rokov neskoršie. A upálili ju ako čarodejnicu. "Vy ste z vášho otca, diabla a konáte jeho skutky." Presne tak. Toto pôjde do celého sveta. Vidíte? Tak veru!

To je to, čo povedal Ježiš. A vy si myslíte, že to je v poriadku. Vyzerá to celkom pekne, ten biely kôň. Ale pozrite sa, čo máte. To je presne on, ktorý ide na ňom.

212Nuž, ale On povedal, že oni to chceli, a tak On im dal silné pôsobenie bludu. Pamätajte, táto prostitútka zo Zjavenia 17, ona je to Tajomstvo, Babylon, mater smilníc. A Ján ju obdivoval, práve tak, ako tohoto muža, napísal ... Počkajte ideme sem a sledujte ho, ako tu pozoruje toho koňa. Vidíte? Ale všimli ste si, že ona bola ... to, čo sa stalo bolo toto: že on ju obdivoval s veľkým údivom. Ale to tajomstvo bolo, že ona pila krv mučeníkov Kristových. Sedela tam nádherná cirkev, odiata v purpure a v zlate a vo svojej ruke mala pohár nečistoty svojho smilstva.

213Čo je to smilstvo? Nepočestný život. To je jej náuka, ktorú ona vydala - berie Slovo Božie a zbavuje ho moci; s nejakým "Zdravas Mária" a so všetkými týmito rôznymi inými vecami a podáva to ľuďom. A kráľovia zeme páchali s ňou smilstvo.

214"Dobre," vy hovoríte, "to je Katolícka cirkev." Ale ona bola "mater smilníc," vidíte, oni sú také isté, ako ona! Tu to máte! Čo sa stalo? Keď ten reformátor zomrel a jeho posolstvo zomrelo, vy ste to zorganizovali a dali do toho bandu zosvetštených ľudí (Rikys) a priviedli ste to znovu naspäť, aby ste si žili tak, ako sa vám zachce. Nechceli ste zostávať pri Slove. Namiesto toho, aby sa pohybovali ďalej dopredu podľa Slova, oni tam hneď začali: "Toto je to." Och! Nerobte to. To je to - Jeho tam hore!

215Všimnite si. To je jedna vec. Prv ako zakončíme chceme sa dotknúť ešte niekoľko ďalších vecí. On je ten vojvoda, ktorý mal zničiť Danielov ľud. Veríte tomu? Chcem to teraz predstaviť, ak mi len pomôžete a ešte niekoľko minút budete mať so mnou trpezlivosť. Predstavím to tak rýchlo, ako len budem môcť. Ale chcem to predstaviť jasne! Pretože mi to dal Duch Svätý viem to s takou istotou, ako tu stojím. Rozumiete?

216No pozrite sa, vezmime ... poďme znovu na chvíľu naspäť do Daniela. Chcem vám niečo prečítať. Samozrejme, ak nepôjdete naspäť, je to v poriadku. Chcem čítať Daniela 9. Daniel 9. A chcem čítať 26. a 27 verš z 9. kapitoly Daniela. Dávajte pozor, či to nie je ten, ktorý má zničiť Danielov ľud - čo on bude robiť.

A po šesťdesiatych a dvoch týždňoch bude vyťatý Pomazaný, ...

Vidíte, to je šesťdesiat dva týždňov. On bude vyťatý z tých sedemdesiatych týždňov.

... ale nie kvôli sebe: ale kvôli ľuďom - A mesto i svätyňu skazí ľud vojvodu 

(to je tu tá hierarchia),

ktorý prijde a jeho koniec bude ako záplava a vojna až do konca, určené pustošenia.

217Ľudia, chcem sa vás niečo opýtať. Potom, čo Kristus bol vyťatý zo zeme, po tri a pol rokoch Svojej služby, čo zničilo chrám? Kto ho zničil? Rím! Skutočne. Konštantín či ... Nie, prepáčte. Titus, Rímsky generál. On zničil toho vojvodu. Všimnite si teraz. Pozorujte tú osobu, ako hneď prichádza dole. Dávajte len na neho pozor.

218Keď sa Ježiš narodil, ten červený drak stál na nebi pri žene, aby zožral jej chlapca, akonáhle sa narodí. Je to tak? Kto to bol, ktorý sa snažil zožrať jej chlapca, keď sa On narodil? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, “Rím.“ -- pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? Tam je ten červený drak. Tu máte toho vojvodu. Tu máte tú šelmu. Vidíte? Tam oni sú, každý jeden z nich, práve tak isto - aby zožral to dieťa. Boh ho zobral do Neba a posadil na Svoj Trón. To je tam, kde je teraz Kristus až do toho vyznačeného času. Vidíte? Nuž, dávajte pozor, čo on bude robiť.

219Myslím, že som to tu niekomu hovoril. Možno to bol dnes brat Roberson, alebo niekto, komu som o tomto hovoril. O ... nie toto tu, ale práve o tom istom. Myslím, že som tu nedávno o tom kázal, čo sa stane týmto Spojeným štátom, o tejto peňažnej situácii. Vidíte? Dobre, my teraz platíme naše dlhy daniami, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov. Tak sme pozadu.

220Naladili ste si niekedy "KAIR", alebo "Lifeline" a počúvali ste správy z Washingtonu? No vidíte, sme úplne zbankrotovaný. To je všetko. O čo ide? Zlato je všetko uložené a Židia držia dlžobné úpisy. Prejde to do rúk Rímu.

221Dávajte teraz pozor. Vieme kto vlastní tie veľké obchodné domy, ale Rím má najväčšiu časť svetového bohatstva. Zbytok majú Židia. Sledujte teraz toto. Počúvate len teraz, ako mi to predstavil Duch Svätý.

A uzavrie pevnú zmluvu s mnohými za jeden týždeň: 

(teraz dávajte pozor) 

a v polovici toho týždňa urobí to, že prestane bitná obeť aj *obetný dar obilný, ...  a na krídle ohavností ponesie sa pustošiteľ, a to až sa dokoná úplná záhuba a to, čo je určené, vyleje sa na pustošiteľa.

[*Výraz - "obetný dar obilný" je v angličtine vyjadrený slovom "oblation". Brat Branham vyslovuje slovo "obligation", čo znamená - záväzná dohoda, alebo úpis, dlhopis. – pozn.prekl.]

Hľaďte! Och, čo je to za chytráka! Tu ho máte. Teraz sme obdržali svoj obraz a vieme, že to je Rím. Vieme, že on je ten jazdec na bielom koni. Vieme, že on vystúpil ako náuka. Čo sa potom stalo s pohanským Rímom? Zmenil sa na papežský Rím a bol korunovaný.

222Hľaďte teraz. V poslednom čase - nie v tých včasných dňoch, keď bol kázaný Kristus - ale v poslednom čase. V poslednej polovici toho týždňa, kde sme práve zobrali sedemdesiat Danielových týždňov ... A Kristus prorokoval tri a pol roka a tri a pol roka je ešte vymeraných. Je to tak? A tento vojvoda v tom čase má uzavrieť zmluvu s Danielovým ľudom, ktorým sú Židia. To sa deje, keď je Nevesta vzatá. Ona to nebude vidieť.

223Všimnite si. V poslednej polovici Danielovho týždňa, tí ľudia uzatvárajú zmluvu. Tento vojvoda uzatvára zmluvu s Rímom - uzatvára s nimi zmluvu. Niet pochýb, že kvôli bohatstvu. Pretože Katolíci a Židia držia bohatstvo sveta.

224Bol som vo Vatikáne. Videl som tú trojitú korunu. Myslel som, že budem mať rozhovor s pápežom. Baron Von Blomberg mi to vybavil na stredu popoludní o tretej. Keď ma vzali ku tomu kráľovi, odtrhli mi manžety na nohaviciach. To bolo v poriadku. Povedali mi, že sa mu nesmiem obrátiť chrbtom, keď budem od neho odchádzať. To bolo v poriadku. Ale ja som povedal: "Čo musím urobiť pred tou osobou?"

Povedali: "No, len tam vojdeš pokľakneš na jedno koleno a pobozkáš mu prst."

225Povedal som: "To je priveľa. To neurobím." Povedal som: "Nazvem každého človeka bratom, kto chce byť bratom. Nazvem ho Reverend, ak chce byť tak titulovaný. Ale uctievať človeka - to všetko patrí Ježišovi Kristovi." Vidíte? To neurobím. Nebudem nikomu takto bozkávať ruku. Nie, skutočne.

A tak, som to neurobil. Ale mal som možnosť prejsť cez celý Vatikán. No, nemohli by ste ho kúpiť za sto bilión, biliónov dolárov. Povedzme, vy ... A rozmýšľajte len: "Bohatstvo sveta," hovorí Biblia, "bolo nájdené v nej." Ó, predstavte si len tie vysoké miesta, bilión krát ...

226Prečo tu v Rusku povstal komunizmus? Bolí ma z toho žalúdok, keď počujem toľkých kazateľov, ako vyvreskujú o komunizme a vôbec ani nevedia, o čom kotkodákajú. Je to tak. Komunizmus nie je nič. To je nástroj v rukách Božích, aby za krv svätých priviedol na zem pomstu. Tak to je.

227A potom, keď Cirkev bude zabrané preč, Rím a Židia uzavrú jeden s druhým zmluvu. Biblia hovorí, že oni ju uzavrú so svätým ľudom. A teraz si všimnite, prečo to oni urobia? Tento národ zbankrotuje, a pozostalý svet, ktorého valuta je založená na zlate, zbankrotuje. Vy to viete. Ak žijeme z daní, z nezaplatených účtov, ktoré budú zaplatené za štyridsať rokov od teraz, kde sme? Je len jedno, čo sa môže stať. A to, stiahnuť menu a vyplatiť dlžobné úpisy. A my to nemôžeme urobiť. Vlastní ich Wall Street, a Wall Street je kontrolované Židmi. Zvyšok z toho je vo Vatikáne. A Židia majú ten zvyšok na Wall Street s obchodom sveta.

228My nemôžeme stiahnuť menu. A keby to oni mohli urobiť, myslíte si ... títo chlapi od whisky a všetci títo tabakoví ľudia s biliónmi a biliónmi dolárov ročne ... ? A odpisujú všetku svoju daň z príjmu na staré vulgárne obrazy a tomu podobné veci? A idú tam do Arizony a kupujú milióny akrov pôdy, alebo tisíce a kopú svoje veľké ropné studne, za päťdesiat miliónov dolárov a vyplácajú to daňou z príjmu?

229A vás dajú do vezenia, ak vy nezaplatíte svoju. Ale oni to odpisujú a stavajú ropné studne a posielajú tam buldozéry. A čo oni robia? Naplánujú tam bytovú výstavbu. A pri ďalšom obrate so svojimi peniazmi, ktoré nadobudli - musia niekde investovať. A stavajú domy, projektujú tam a predávajú ich za milióny dolárov. Myslíte si, že títo ľudia pristúpia na kompromis, zmeniť menu?

230Ako to urobil ten chlapík tu dole v ... Ako sa volá? Castro. On urobil najmúdrejšiu vec, akú kedy urobil, keď zlikvidoval dlžobné úpisy - vyplatil ich a zničil. Všimnite si, ale my to nemôžeme urobiť. Títo ľudia nám to nedovolia.

231Tí bohatí obchodníci sveta to držia. A potom možno urobiť len jedno: Katolícka cirkev to môže vyplatiť. Ona je tá jediná, ktorá má peniaze. A ona to môže urobiť a ona to urobí.

232A keď to bude robiť, aby to dostala, dohodne sa na kompromise so Židmi a uzavrie zmluvu. A keď uzavrie túto zmluvu so Židmi ... Teraz, zapamätajte si, ja to hovorím z Písma! A teraz, keď to ona robí a uzatvára túto zmluvu, vidíme v Danielovi 8: 23 a 25: "on spôsobí, že remeslo bude prospievať" - a remeslo to je priemysel - "v jeho ruke."

233A on uzatvára túto zmluvu so Židmi. A v polovici po tých tri a pol roku, on zruší svoju zmluvu, len čo sa mu podarí spakovať tú vec a zablokovať peniaze Židov. A keď to urobí ... Ó! Ó! On je nazvaný antikrist až do konca cirkevného veku, pretože on je ... on a jeho deti sú proti Kristovi a Slovu. Tento muž je nazvaný antikrist. Teraz, on uchopí tie peniaze. A myslím, že tam to príde. (Ešte minútku. Poviem toto, potom sa chcem do toho za chvíľu vrátiť.) On je nazvaný antikrist a v Božích očiach bude nazvaný antikristom až do času konca. No, ale potom on bude nazvaný inak.

234Teraz, keď on dostane všetky tie peniaze pod kontrolu, potom on zruší túto zmluvu so Židmi, ako tu povedal Daniel, že to urobí - v strede poslednej polovici sedemdesiatych Danielových týždňov. A potom, brat, čo on urobí? On bude mať všetok svetový trh a obchod - pakt so svetom - pretože bude držať bohatstvo sveta. Kompletne!

235A v tom čase povstanú na scéne tí dvaja proroci a vyvolajú tých sto štyridsať štyri tisíc. Čo sa potom stane? Potom príde znamenie šelmy zo Zjavenia 13. Pretože on drží celý obchod, trh a všetko na svete. A čo sa potom stane? Príde znamenie šelmy, že nikto nemôže kupovať ani predávať, iba ten kto má znamenie šelmy. Vďaka Bohu, Cirkev bude zažívať veľkolepé tri a pol roky v Sláve. Nebudeme musieť ísť cez to.

236No, všimnite si, na konci času - na konci cirkevných vekov, teraz - on je nazvaný ... on a jeho deti sú nazvaní antikrist, pretože všetko, čo je proti Kristovi je anti-krist. A všetko, čo je proti Slovu je proti Kristovi, pretože Kristus je Slovo. Teraz je on antikrist. Potom, v Zjavení 12:7-9, keď je Satan vyvrhnutý von - ten žalobca. (Môžete si to zapísať, pretože chcem, aby ste si to prečítali. Nemáme teraz čas, pretože za dvadsať, pätnásť minút bude desať hodín.) Ale v Zjavení 12:7-9, Satan, ten duch, diabol, ktorý je teraz tam hore, žalobca našich bratov ... Je to tak? Cirkev je vzatá hore a Satan prichádza dole. Potom sa Satan stelesňuje v tom antikristovi a je nazvaný "šelma."

237Potom v Zjavení 13 on zavádza to znamenie. Vidíte? "Keď ten, ktorý zdržuje ..." Len teraz ... Kresťanstvo je nechané na zemi vo svojej čistote, z dôvodu toho, ktorý zdržuje. Pamätáte sa tam v liste Tesaloničanom, sedí v chráme Božom, nazýva sa Bohom, odpúšťa hriechy na zemi? A to pôjde ďalej: "a neprávosť sa rozmnoží" a ďalej. Pretože on nebude ešte daný najavo, až kým nenastane jeho čas, aby bol zjavený.

238Potom Cirkev bude vychvátená. A keď Ona bude vychvátená, potom sa on premieňa z antikrista, vtedy ... Ó! Cirkev, veľká cirkev a to ... Vtedy sa on stáva šelmou! Och joj! Prajem si, aby som mohol doviesť ľudí do toho, aby to videli!

239No, pamätajte, antikrist a šelma to je ten istý duch. Existuje trojica. Tak veru. To sú tri stupne tej istej diablovej moci. Pamätajte, Nikolaitizmus, vidíte, to muselo byť stelesnené prv, ako to mohlo byť korunované. Vidíte? Teraz sledujte toto, tri stupne. Prvý stupeň, on je nazvaný antikrist; druhý stupeň, on je nazvaný falošný prorok; tretí stupeň, on je nazvaný šelma.

240Všimnite si, Nikolaitizmus, antikristove učenie, ktoré začalo vo dňoch Pavla, proti Slovu Božiemu - antikrist. Potom je on ďalej nazvaný, falošný prorok. Ktorý, keď to učenie sa stalo človekom, on bol prorok tomu učeniu tej hierarchie, tej hierarchie Katolíckej cirkvi. Pápež bol prorokom falošnému slovu. A to ho činí falošným prorokom.

241Tretí stupeň je šelma. Muž, ktorý je korunovaný v posledných dňoch, so všetkou mocou, ktorú pohanský Rím kedy mal. Pretože, tá sedem hlavá šelma, drak, bol vyvrhnutý z neba a stelesnil sa vo falošnom prorokovi. Tu to máte, on mal sedem korún a bol vyvrhnutý a hodený na zem a na more. No dobre.

242Čo my hovoríme? Kto je tento jazdec, tento jazdec na koni? Viete čo to je? To je satanov nadčlovek.

243Išiel som raz večer s dvoma bratmi, ktorí tu teraz sedia v zhromaždení; s bratom Normanom, je tam vzadu, a myslím s bratom Fredom. Boli sme tam počúvať nejakého muža, ako učil o antikristovi. Dobre známy človek. Jeden z najlepších, akého majú v Zboroch Božích. Jeho výklad o antikristovi bol, že z človeka zoberú nejaký druh vitamínu a prenesú tento život z človeka do nejakej veľkej podoby, ktorá bude ... naraz prekročí celý panelák. A to ... Môžete si predstaviť človeka naplneného Duchom svätým, alebo tvrdí, že je naplnený Duchom Svätým, pod takouto falošnou predstavou? Keď tu je Biblia, ktorá hovorí, kto je antikrist. To nie je nejaký ... To je človek.

244Všimnite si, tento jazdec nie je nikto iný, ako Satanov nadčlovek, stelesnený diabol. On je nejaký vzdelaný génius. Nuž, dúfam, že máte otvorené uši. Oni nedávno v televíznom vysielaní skúšali jedno z jeho detí, aby zistili, či by nebol chytrejší než ten ďalší muž, aby mohol kandidovať na prezidenta. Vidíte? Jednako, on má mnoho múdrosti. Tak mnoho jej má Satan. On sa ju snaží predať. On ju predal Eve a on ju predal nám. Chceli sme nadčloveka. Máme ho. Tak veru. Celý svet chce nadčloveka. Oni ho budú mať. Len počkajte až Cirkev pôjde hore a Satan bude vyvrhnutý von On sa stelesní. Tak veru. Oni chcú niekoho, kto skutočne môže vykonávať tú robotu. On to bude robiť.

245Vzdelaný! To je Satanov nadčlovek, so vzdelaním, s múdrosťou, s cirkevnou teológiou založenou na jeho vlastných slovách, jeho vlastnej produkcii. A on ide na svojom bielom denominačnom koni, aby zviedol ľudí. A on dobije každé náboženstvo sveta, pretože oni všetci idú do konfederácii cirkví a do svetovej konfederácii cirkví. A oni už majú postavené svoje budovy a všetko sa ukladá presne podľa plánu. Nezabudnú ani na jednu vec. Každá denominácia sa napája rovno do toho - do federácii cirkví. A čo stojí za tým? Rím! A ten pápež teraz kričí: "My sme všetci jedno. Poďme spolu a kráčajme spolu."

246A títo ľudia, dokonca niektorí z ľudí z Plného Evanjelia, zapierajú ... musia zaprieť svoje učenie evanjelia, aby urobili takýto krok. Čo ste to urobili? Tak slepí na túto denominačnú vec, vy ste odmietli pravdu. A pravda bola postavená pred nich a oni odišli od nej preč a opustili ju. A teraz boli vydaní pod mocné pôsobenie bludu, aby uverili lži a boli s ňou zatratení. To je presne to. A antikrist to všetko berie. A Biblia hovorí, že on zvedie všetkých - všetkých na celej tvári zeme, ktorých mená neboli zapísané pod týmito Pečaťami od založenie sveta. Hm! Nuž, ak to Biblia povedala, že on to urobí, on to urobí.

Oni hovoria: "Dobre, ja patrím ..." No vidíte. Áno. To je presne to. To je tá istá prostitútska inštitúcia. To je ten istý systém, ktorý začal na počiatku, ktorým je antikrist, po celý čas. Napočúvam sa za to, ale to je ... To je Pravda. Očakávam na to. Amen.

247Nuž, všimnite si, on je víťaz. A už teraz to má takmer vo svojom zovretí zatiaľ, čo je stále len antikrist, prv ako sa stáva šelmou. Vy hovoríte o ukrutnom treste? Čakajte len. Hľaďte na tých, ktorí zostanú zanechaní tu na zemi. Cez čo budú musieť prejsť. Tam bude plač, nárek a škrípanie zubov. Pretože drak, Rím, vypustí vodu zo svojich úst, aby viedol vojnu s ostatkom ženinho semena, ktoré bolo zanechané na zemi, potom, čo Nevesta bola vybraná a vzatá hore. A drak viedol vojnu s tým zvyškom. Oni nechceli vojsť do toho, ale boli dochytení.

248A tá skutočná Cirkev by išla cez to, ak by to bolo možné. Ale vidíte, oni prešli pod touto Krvou skrze milosť Kristovu a nemôžu ísť cez žiadne súženie. Oni nemajú žiadne obdobie súženia. To ďalšie pre tú Cirkev je vytrhnutie! Amen a amen!

249Ó, ako to milujem! Dovoľte mi povedať vám. Je nám povedané, čo za víťazstvo on ide dosiahnuť a on skutočne ide zvíťaziť. On to už dosiahol! Už je to ušité, to stačí! Oni si to zaistia za peniaze - špinavý kšeft. Presne. Oni milujú viacej peniaze, ako Boha. Všetko, o čom oni teraz rozmýšľajú je: "koľko má peňazí?" Čo to je? Viete, mnohokrát bolo povedané: "Dajte cirkvi peniaze a ona urobí vo svete revolúciu. Dajte cirkvi peniaze a ona pošle evanjelistov do celého sveta." A čo ona bude robiť? "Ona dobije svet pre Krista."

250Dovoľ, aby som ti niečo povedal, môj biedny, slepý priateľ. Svet nebude premožený skrze peniaze, ale skrze Krv Ježiša Krista. Dajte Bohu ľudí, ktorí sú statoční, ktorí na život a na smrť budú stáť na tom Slove. To zvíťazí. Ó-ój. Bude len jedna vec, ktorá môže zvíťaziť; tí, ktorí majú svoje mená zapísané v Baránkovej Knihe Života od založenia sveta. To je tá jediná vec, ktorá to bude počúvať. Peniaze nemajú s tým nič spoločného - posielajú ich ďalej do denominačných tradícií.

251Pozrime sa. Áno, on bude vzdelaný génius. On bude chytrý. Ó, ó, ó! A všetky jeho deti okolo neho budú chytré, Ph.D., LL.D., Q.S.D., A.B.C.D.E.F. a tak ďalej až do Z. Oni to všetko budú mať. Chytrí. Prečo? To je podľa Satanovho predpisu. Každá chytrosť, mazanosť proti Biblii je zo Satana. To je presne to, s čím on dostal Evu. Eva povedala: "Oh, je napísané, Boh nám povedal, aby sme to nerobili." On povedal: "Ale, počkaj. Boh to v skutočnosti neurobí. Ale ja ti otvorím oči a dám ti nejakú múdrosť." Ona to dostala. My sme to chceli a máme to tak isto, tento národ.

252Všimnite si, on dobije celý náboženský svet. On dobije ... uzavrie zmluvu s Danielovým ľudom. Tu to je dvojako v pohanoch i v ... Danielovým ľudom, Židmi za ten posledný týždeň. A tu to máme. Dokonca je to predstavené na pódiách. A dokonale to vidíte, že je to tam, kde to je. Vďaka Bohu. Tam on je. Ten organizovaný systém je z diabla. A nie sú ani vyrazené na tom žiadne punce. Vidíte? Presne.

253To je koreň diablov. To je ... Nuž, nie ľudia, nie tí ľudia tam. To sú Boží ľudia, mnohí z nich. Ale viete čo, keď sa dostaneme tu, až sa dostaneme ku ... zoberieme tieto trúbiace trúby. Nabudúce, keď tu budem prechádzať, zoberieme tieto trúbenia trúb. Pamätajte, keď oni, posledný anjel ... Ten tretí anjel preletel: "Vyjdite z nej, ľud Môj!" Keď tento anjel letí, v tom istom čase tu prichádza toto posolstvo pre tú poslednú trúbu, posolstvo posledného anjela, otvára sa posledná pečať. Všetko sa deje v tom, istom čase. Tak veru. To všetko uzatvára a ide do večnosti.

254Teraz dávajte pozor. V tom istom čase, keď tento chlapík víťazí ... (Potom skončím.), Boh tiež bude potom niečo robiť. Nedajme tu len satanovi všetku vážnosť, vidíte. Nehovorme len o ňom. Vidíte? Zatiaľ, čo táto veľká vec tu vychádza - tento veľký systém viažuci sa do týchto organizácií, do nejakej únii, tak sa oni môžu združiť spolu dokopy a postaviť sa proti komunizmu, a nevedia pritom, že Boh vzbudil komunizmus, aby ich porazil. Skutočne. Čo spôsobilo, že v Rusku povstal komunizmus? Kvôli nečistote Rímskej cirkvi i tých ostatných. Oni vzali všetky peniaze, ktoré boli v Rusku a vyhladovali ľudí na smrť a nedali im nič namiesto toho a žili presne tak, ako ten ostatný svet.

255Bol som v Mexiku, nie tak dávno, a videl som tie biedne malé deti. Žiadna katolícka krajina nie je sebestačná. Ani jedna! Ukážte mi kde sú. Žiadna Katolíkmi kontrolovaná krajina nedokáže podopierať ani samu seba. Francúzsko, Taliansko, a všetky, Mexiko, kdekoľvek idete, oni nie sú sebestační. Prečo? Cirkev vzala všetko, čo majú. Preto ju Rusko vykoplo.

256Hľaďte, čo sa deje. Viem to sám. Stál som tam dole. A mysleli by ste si, že prebieha zlaté jubileum, bolo počuť zvoniť zvony. A tu dole ulicou ide biedna ženička, ledva vlečie svoje nohy. A otec nesie nemluvňa a dve alebo tri plakali - ona znášala trest na znak kajania sa, tam pred nejakou mŕtvou ženou. Mala svoju ... Mysliac si, že skrze to sa dostane do neba. Ó, čo za žalostná vec!

257Potom som videl, ako som tam stál ... Tu prichádza ... Ich ekonomika je tak biedne vyvážená! Cirkev zaberá všetko, čo majú. Tu prichádza mladý Pančo, možno Pančo znamená Frank. On vchádza; a on je murár. On zarába dvadsať pesos na týždeň. Ale na to, aby si kúpil pár topánok mu bude treba celých dvadsať pesos. To je ich ekonomika.

Ale teraz tu, čo potom, ak on, keď je murár a obkladač a zarába a zarába dvadsať pesos na týždeň ... To len tak hovorím - Ja neviem koľko on zarába, ale hovorím taký druh ekonomiky, tak je to tam vyvážené.

258Všimnite si teraz, ak on zarobí dvadsať pesos na týždeň. Tu prichádza Chico, vidíte, (čo znamená, "ten malý,") a on tam pracuje za okolo päť pesos na týždeň. A on má desať detí, ktoré musí nachovať. Ale niekto tam zaklepe na jeho dvere, aby zobral okolo päť z tých pesos, alebo štyri, aby zaplatiť za nejakú voskovú sviečku, ktorá sa bude páliť za jeho hriechy na zlatom oltári, ktorý má cenu milión dolárov. Tu to máte. To je rovnováha ekonomiky. Tak je to v tých krajinách. Tá vec to všetko berie. Cirkev to všetko berie.

259Ona to proste má vo svojich rukách. To je všetko. Ona s peniazmi Židov a s tou zmluvou - Biblia povedala, že oni to všetko dostanú do svojich rúk. A potom sa on stáva šelmou. On ruší svoju zmluvu a násilím uchvacuje a trhá ten ostatok semena ženy. A vypustí vodu zo svojich úst; bude viesť vojnu. A tam bude plač a nárek a škrípanie zubov. A v tom istom čase sa Nevesta v sláve vydáva. Nech ti to neutečie, priateľu. Bože pomôž mi! Ja tam chcem byť. Nestarám sa o to, čo to stojí. Ja tam chcem byť.

260Nuž, všimnite si. V tom istom čase prebieha toto - alebo lepšie povedané, tesne pred tým, ako sa toto stane na zemi - Boh zasľúbil ... Zatiaľ, čo všetky denominácie sa dohadujú ohľadne svojich rozdielov, ohľadne svojich vyznaní, Boh zasľúbil, že nám pošle pravdivého proroka pravdivého Slova s posolstvom; aby nás navrátil do originálneho Slova Božieho a do viery otcov, aby priniesol medzi ľudí moc Ducha Svätého a moc, ktorá ju pozdvihne ponad tieto veci a vezme ju tam s tým istým Slovom.

261To isté Slovo ... bude potvrdené od Ježiša Krista, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. "Hľa, Ja som stále s vami až do skončenia sveta. A skutky, ktoré Ja činím vy tiež budete činiť. Ja budem priamo s vami. Ešte chvíľu a oni Ma viacej neuvidia," pretože oni sa zorganizujú a rozletia. "Ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože budem s vami. Dokonca vo vás, až do skončenia sveta." A On povedal, že jeho rozhorčenie bude vyliate až po skončení sveta. Tu to máte.

262Ó, Bože! Kto je ten jazdec na bielom koni? Vy nie ste slepí. Vy vidíte, kto to je. To je ten antikrist a ten zvoditeľský duch, ktorý prešiel ďalej a vplazil sa dovnútra. Boh to stále opakuje. On to ukazuje ako muža, ktorý vyšiel na bielom koni so svojim lukom a nemal žiadnych šípov. On je podvodník. On nemá žiadnu moc.

263Vy hovoríte: "Moc cirkvi ..." V čom to je? Čo oni robia? Oni hovoria: "My sme tá originálna cirkev." Tá originálna cirkev vyháňala démonov, uzdravovala nemocných, kriesila mŕtvych, vídala videnia a všetko ďalšie. Kde je to teraz? Vidíte ten podfuk - luk bez šípov. Och! Je to tak.

264Ale vidíte, keď prichádza Kristus, z Jeho úst vychádzal meč, ako ohnivý blesk. On vyšiel a strávil Jeho nepriateľov a vyhnal diabla. On odsekol všetko ďalšie. A prichádza, Jeho rúcho je namočené v krvi a na Jeho bedre bolo napísané: "Slovo Božie." Amen. Tu On prichádza so Svojou armádou, prichádza z Neba.

265Tento jazdec na bielom koni bol po celý čas na zemi. On sa z antikrista bude premieňať. On to robí a stáva sa falošným prorokom. Vidíte, on začal najprv ako antikrist, duch. Potom sa stal falošným prorokom. Potom neskoršie, keď je diabol vyvrhnutý von, on je potom stelesnený s diablom. Tri stupne: za prvé, on je diabol - od začiatku - duch diablov; potom sa stáva falošným prorokom, učiteľom falošnej náuky; za ďalšie, on sa stáva samotným diablom, stelesneným. Vidíte? Tam on je. A v tom istom čase, keď tento diabol padá z neba a stelesňuje sa v človeku, Duch Svätý ide hore a prichádza dole stelesnený v ľuďoch. Amen. Ó! Čo za čas!

Zajtra večer, keď bude vôľa Božia - Druhá Pečať. Milujete Ho? No, veríte tomu? (Práve vypínam pásku.) Napočúvam sa ešte veľa o tom. Poznáte to. Ale očakávam na to. Dovoľ, aby som ti niečo povedal, brat. Práve teraz viem, prvý krát vo svojom živote, prečo ma ten Duch stále varoval pred tými organizáciami.

Som vďačný Pánu Bohu, že mi ukázal tieto veci. Viem, že to je pravda. Tu to je, zjavené rovno tu. Tu on ide rovno cez ten vek a prichádza rovno tu von a ukazuje sa rovno tu, tak dokonale, ako len môže byť. Vidíte, to je on. Nuž my nie sme tým zvedení. Teraz máte otvorené oči. Stojte preč od takýchto vecí. A milujte Pána z celého svojho srdca a stojte pri Ňom. Tak veru. Vyjdite z Babylonu!

THE FIRST SEAL, 63-0318, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 161 min

1 Let us bow our heads now for prayer. Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight for this another opportunity to come to worship You. We are thankful to be alive and to have this great revelation of Eternal Life dwelling within us. And we've come tonight, Father, to study Thy Word together: these great hidden mysteries that's been hid since the foundation of the world; and the Lamb is the only One that can reveal it to us. I pray that He will come among us tonight, and will take of His Word, and reveal It to us, that we might know how to be better servants to Him in this end time.

O God, as we see that we are now in the end time, help us to know our place, Lord, and our frail being and the certainty of the coming of the Lord soon. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

I believe it was David said, "I was happy when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord." It's always a great privilege to come; and in the studying of the Word together gives us this great hope.

3 Now there's many standing, and I'm just going to hurry as quick as possible. But I trust that you have enjoyed the Presence of the Holy Spirit like I have in these last couple of times. And today I had something to happen that I haven't had for a long time. I was studying on this--on this revelation here, on the opening of the Seal.

Years ago I run through it here, about some twenty years ago I guess, or something like that, but somehow or another I never was just exactly satisfied. It seemed like there was some things especially in these Seals, because those Seals are the entire Book. See? It's the Book. The whole Book is one Book sealed. It starts...

6 For instance if I had something here--I'd show you what I mean. Here is one seal. That's one... And you roll it up like this--the way it was rolled. And you roll it up in this manner, and at the end there is a little piece sticking out like that. That's the First Seal. All right. Then that's the first part of the Book. Then the next seal is rolled in this manner, right by the side of it, and it's rolled up in this manner like here and then at the end, right here, there's another sticking out, means two seals. And that's the way the whole Bible was wrote, in scroll. And so to break these Seals, it opens the mysteries of the Book.

8 Did you get to study in Jeremiah, how he wrote that, many of you taken it down last night? How them Seals were wrote and placed away for keeping until he returned after seventy years of the captivity. He was to return back and claimed his possession. And I certainly like to study it. You can't... There's no way to express it all, because it's an eternal Word. It's an eternal Book.

And therefore, we just have to kindly hit the high places. And today in studying, I have written down many Scriptures so you can study it. And also in the tapes will reveal much of it as you study. And...

10 There are so many things. If I could just stand here at the platform and reveal it to you the way it's revealed to me in the room, my, it would be marvelous. But when you get here, you're pressed, and you just kind of jump over the things and try to just get the main part to the people that they might see it.

11 I certainly appreciate that song Brother Ungren just sang: "Down From His Glory." If He hadn't have come from His glory, where would we all be tonight? So we're thankful that He come down to help us.

12 Now, with many standing, we'll just hurry right through in here to the best we can. I don't say, we're going to hurry right through, but I mean we're going to get started as quick as possible.

And now, let us turn now, after the... We've had the 1st chapter, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and 5th last night, and tonight we're starting on the 6th chapter of Revelation.

Now, as we study this chapter we are referring different places even to Old and New Testament alike, because the entire Book is the revelation of Jesus Christ. See? That's altogether the revelation of--of the Lord Jesus: the revelation of Jesus Christ. It's God revealing Himself in the Book, revealing Himself through Christ in the Book. And Christ is the revelation of God. He come to reveal God, because He and God were the same. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.

In other wise, you'd never knowed just what God was until He revealed Himself through Christ; then you can see.

I used to think years ago that maybe God was angry with me, but Christ loved me. Come to find out, it's the same Person. See? And Christ is the very heart of God.

16 And now as we study this; you're comparing it now... The first three books of the Bible of Revelations (which we have pretty thoroughly combed that) is the church ages, the--the Seven Church Ages. Now, there's seven church ages, seven seals, seven trumpets, and vials, and--and unclean spirits like frogs, and all this goes together. My, how I'd like to have a--a great big map and draw it all across the way I see it, you know; just how that each one takes its place. I drawed it out on a little sheet of paper, but I--you know... And everything so far hit just exactly right. And with the time and the ages as they have come and gone and everything has blended in just perfectly right. So it may not altogether be right, but it's the best that I know about it anyhow. And... I know if--if I do my best, and I make a mistake in trying to do my best, and the best that I know of, God surely will forgive me for doing--for the error if I have done wrong. But...

18 Now, those first three books is the first seven church ages, and then we find out in the 4th chapter of Revelations John is caught up. See? We see the churches... There's not too much said about the church ages. There's where I think that people are going to be so surprised. They're--they're--they're applying the church way over into the tribulation to those things that's a-happened. And as I said Sunday (yesterday), "The first thing you know those tribulations will break in, and you'll wonder why was not the--the first coming was the rapture. And it'll be as it has been; it's passed and you didn't know it." See?

Now, there's not too much promised to that Church, that Gentile Church, the Bride.

19 Now, I want you to bear in mind, there is a church and a Bride. See? You always have to make it run in threes. Fours is wrong: threes: threes, sevens, tens, twelves, twenty-fours, and forties, and fifties, in those unbroken numbers. The Bible is... And God runs His messages in--in num--in num--numerals of the Bible in those numbers. And you get something that flies off of one of those numbers, you'd better watch. It won't come out right on the next things. You got to bring it back here to where you start from.

21 Brother Vayle, Brother Lee Vayle, he--he... I think he's here. We were talking the other day about people who, getting off the track. It is just like shooting a target. If that gun is perfectly balanced, perfectly trained and sighted, it's got to hit the target unless that barrel moves, or twists, or vibrations throws it off and wherever--or a wind puff. Wherever it starts off at, there's only one way to do, is come back to where it left the track and start again, if it's going to hit the target. If it doesn't, why, it just doesn't hit the target.

22 And that's the way in studying Scripture, I believe. If we find out we start something here, and it doesn't come out right, you see it isn't--we--we've made a mistake somewhere; you got to come back. You'll never figure it with your mind. It just isn't... We just found out by the Scriptures that there's no man in heaven or in earth, or beneath the earth, or ever was, or ever will be that can do it. The Lamb alone can do it. So seminary explanation, whatever it might be, is just nothing. See? It takes the Lamb to reveal it. That's all. So we trust that He will help us.

24 John caught up in the 4th chapter to see things which was, which is, and which is to come. But the Church finishes at the 4th chapter, and Christ takes up the Church, caught up in the air to meet Him, and does not appear again until the 19th chapter when He comes back with--as King of king and Lord of lords with the Church. And now... Oh, I hope someday that we can get through it all, maybe before He comes. If we don't, we'll see it anyhow; so it doesn't matter.

25 Now, in this 5th chapter, the breaking of these Seals... And now, the seven-sealed Book... First we want to read the First Seal. Last evening (to background just a little more) we find out that when John looked and seen that Book still in the hands of the original Owner, God... You remember how it was lost? By Adam. He forfeited the Book of Life for the knowledge of Satan and lost his inheritance, lost everything, and no way for redemption.

Then God, made in the likeness of men, came down and become a Redeemer to us to redeem us. And now, we find out that in days passed by, these things which was mysterious is to be opened up to us in the last days.

28 Now, we find out also in this, that as soon as John heard this announcement for the--the Kinsman Redeemer to come forth and to make His claims, there was no man that could do it. No man in heaven, no man in earth, no man beneath the earth, and no one was worthy even to look at the Book. Just think of that: no person at all worthy even look at it. And John just started weeping.

He knowed that all... There was no chance for redemption then. Everything was failed, and quickly we find his weeping stopping quickly, because it was announced by one of the four beasts--or the elders, rather. One of the--the elders said, "Don't weep, John, for the Lion of the tribe of Juda has prevailed," in other words, "overcome and has conquered."

31 John turning, he saw a Lamb coming out. It must've been bloody and cut and wounded. It had been slain, the--said--it--a Lamb that had been slain, and 'course it was still bloody. If you'd have cut the lamb and--and killed it the way that Lamb was anyhow, it was hacked to pieces on a cross, spears in the side, and nails in the hands and feet, and thorns over the brow. He was in an awful condition. And this Lamb come forth and went over to Him that set upon the Throne that held the complete Title Deed of Redemption; and the Lamb goes and takes the Book out of the hand of Him that set upon the Throne and was--took and opened the Seals and opened the Book.

And then when that happened, we found out that it must have been a great a--a something took place in heaven, for the elders and the four and twenty elders, and the beasts, and--and everything in heaven begin to cry out, "Worthy." And here come the Angels and poured out the vials of the prayers of saints. The saints under the altar screamed out, "Worthy art Thou, O Lamb, for You have redeemed us, and now You have made us kings and priests, and we shall rule on the earth." Oh, my. And that soul was... He... to open that Book...

33 You see the Book actually was planned and written before the foundation of the world. This Book, the Bible was really written before the foundation of the world. And Christ, being the Lamb, was slain before the foundation of the world. And the--the members of His Bride, their names were put in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, but it's been sealed up. And now it's being revealed whose names were in there, all about it. What a great thing. And John, when he saw it, he--he said, "Everything in heaven, everything underneath the earth, everything heard him saying, 'Amen, and blessings and honor.'" He just really was having a great time, and--for the Lamb was worthy.

35 And now, the Lamb is standing now tonight as we enter into this 6th chapter; He's got the Book in His hand and starting to reveal it. And, oh, I would've absolutely today... And I hope that people are spiritual. I would've had a horrible mistake on that if it hadn't been about twelve o'clock today when the Holy Spirit came in the room and corrected me on something that I was writing down to say.

I was taking it from an old context. I had nothing on it. I don't know what the Second Seal is no more than nothing, but I'd got some old contexts of something that I'd spoke on several years ago and wrote it down, and I'd gathered this context--context... And Dr. Smith, many great outstanding teachers that I--I'd gathered, and all of them believed that, so I'd wrote it down. And I was fixing to say, "Well, now I'll study it from that standpoint." And there about twelve o'clock in the day the Holy Spirit just swept right down into the room, and the whole thing just opened up to me, and there it was...?... of this--of this First Seal being opened.

39 I'm as positive as I'm standing here tonight that this is the Gospel Truth that I'm going to tell you about. I just know it is. Because if a revelation's contrary to the Word, then it isn't revelation. And you know, there's some of the stuff can look so absolutely true, and yet isn't truth. See? It looks like it is, but it isn't.

40 Now, we find the Lamb with the Book now. And now, in the 6th chapter we read.

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that set on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

41 Now, that's the First Seal, the one we're going to try by the grace of God to explain it tonight by the very best... And I realize that a man trying to explain that is walking on dangerous grounds, if you don't know what you're doing. See?

So if it comes to me by revelation, I'll tell you so. If I just have to take it through my own mind, then I--I'll tell you it's that before I talk about it.

But I'm just as positive as I'm standing here tonight, that it come afresh to me today from the Almighty. I'm not prone to just saying things like that when it comes to this part of the Scripture. I--I--I'm--I hope you know what I'm talking about now. See?

Now, you know, you can't say things if something's supposed to be laying over here before it happens. You--you can't say it till something lays it over there. See? But are you reading; are you listening to something? See?

43 Now, the seven-seal, roll Book is now being released by the Lamb. We approach that place tonight. God help us. As the Seals are broken and released, the mysteries of the Book are revealed. Now, you see, this is a sealed Book. Now, we believe that, do we not? We believe that it is a sealed Book. Now, we never knowed this before, but it is. It's sealed with Seven Seals; that is, on the back of the Book the Book is sealed with Seven Seals.

45 If we was talking about this kind of book, it would be like putting a strap across it, seven straps. But it isn't this kind of a book; it's a scroll. And then when the scroll is unwound, that's one; then laying right in the scroll is number two, and right here it says what it is, but it's a mystery. But yet we have probed in it; but remember, the Book is sealed, and the Book is a Book of mystery of revelation. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ (See?), a Book of revelation. And now, you know down through the age, man has probed and tried to get into that. We all have.

47 And yet, one time I remember... If--if Mr. Bohanon happened to be present, or--or some of his people, I--I don't mean it by any insult. Mr. Bohanon is a bosom friend, and he was the superintendent of the Public Service when I was working there. When I first got saved, I was telling him about reading on the Book of Revelations, and he said, "I tried to read that thing," he said. And Mr. Bohanon was a fine man, and he--he was a member of the church. And--and I don't know what all he belonged to, but he said, "I think that John must've had a red pepper supper that night and went to bed on a full stomach."

48 I said to him (although it could've cost my job), I said, "Aren't you ashamed to say that?" And I was just a boy, but I said, "Aren't you ashamed to say that about the Word of God?" See? Yet, I was just a kid no more than my early, maybe twenty-one, twenty-two years old, and work scarce, and the depression on, but yet there was a fear in there when I slanted--heard any slant toward God's Word. It is Truth, all Truth.

So it was not even a dream or a nightmare; it wasn't John eat. He was on the Isle of Patmos because he tried to put the Word of God into a book form and was exiled there by the Roman government, and was on the island on the day of the Lord, and he heard behind him a voice of many waters and turned to look, and he saw seven golden candlesticks. And there stood the Son of God in between them.

50 Now, and then the Book is a revelation. So "a revelation" is "something that's made known of something--something that's been revealed." And now, notice, so you won't forget it: It is closed up until the latter time. See? The whole mystery of it is closed up until the latter times; we find that in the Scripture here.

51 Now, the mystery of the Book are revealed when the Seals are broken. And when the Seals completely are broken, the time of redemption is over, because the Lamb left the intercession post to walk out to take His claims. He was a Mediator between that, but when the real revelation happens on the Seals as they begin to break, the Lamb is coming forth from the sanctuary. It's according to the Word. We read it last night. He come from the--out of the midst and took the Book. So He's no more Mediator, because even they called Him a Lion, and that's the--that's the King, and He's not a Mediator then.

52 Although the actors of these Seals begin at the first church age... Now, remember, so you'll--you'll--we'll get the background of it thoroughly if we can, or as thoroughly as possible. The actors... I'll place it like that, because an--an actor is a man who changes masks. See?

And in this act tonight, we're going to see that it's Satan changing his mask. And all actors... Christ, acting the part as He did when He become from a Spirit to man, He only put on an actor's garment, human flesh, and came down in the form of a man in order to be a Kinsman Redeemer.

55 Now, now, you see, it's only an actor's form. That's the reason they are all in parables and sym--and the way they are here like beasts, and animals, so forth; it's in a act. And these actors begin in the first church age, because it was Christ revealing Himself to the seven church ages. Now, you understand it? All right. See? Christ revealing Himself to the seven church ages, then through these church ages, there's a great mess-up comes along. Then at the end of the church age, the seventh angel's message is to pick up these lost mysteries and to give it to the Church. See? Now, we'll notice that.

57 But the--not then revealed in their true state. Now, in the Bible times, the mysteries were there, and they seen these things happen the way John saw it here. Now, he said, "There is a white horse rider." But what the mystery of it is, there's a mystery that goes with that rider. Now, what it was, they didn't know; but it's to be revealed. But it is to be revealed after the Lamb leaves the Father's throne of His intercessory as Kinsman Redeemer.

58 I'm going to drop a little something in here. Now, if anybody gets these tapes... Any man can speak whatever he wants to. He has a right to--to anything of his conviction. But if, you know, if a minister doesn't want this amongst his people, then tell them not to take it. But I--I... This is amongst the people that I have been sent to speak to; therefore, I must reveal what is the Truth. See?

59 Now, the Lamb in the time of intercessory back here, He knew that there were names in there that was put in there from the foundation of the world, and as long as them names have never been manifested on earth as yet, He had to stay there as Intercessor. Do you get it? Perfectly predestination... See?

All right, He had to stay there, because He came to die for those that God had ordained to Eternal Life. See, see? By His foreknowledge He saw them, not by His own will. His will was that none should perish, but by His foreknowledge He knew who would and who would not.

Therefore as long as there was one name hadn't never yet been clared--declared in earth, Christ had to stay there as an Intercessor to take care of that name. But as soon as that final name had been splashed in that Clorox or bleach, then His intercessory days was over. "Let him that's filthy be filthy still. Let him that's holy, he's holy still." See? And He leaves the sanctuary, and then it becomes a judgment seat. Woe unto those outside of Christ then.

61 Now, notice: But it's to be revealed when the Lamb leaves His intercessory place from the Father. (Now, that's Revelation 5). Now, He takes the Book of Seals, the Book of Seals or a Book sealed with Seals, breaks them and shows them (look) at the end of the age now, after the intercessory is over; the church ages has done finished up. He come in the first age, the Ephesian Age, revealed, sent the messenger. Notice what happened as we go along.

Here's the plan of it: The first thing happens, there is a--a--an announcement in the heavens first. What happened? A Seal is opened. What is that? A mystery is unfolded. See? And when a mystery unfolds, then a trumpet sounds. It declares a war. Or a plague falls, and a church age opened. See? What is the war part? The angel of the Church catches the mystery of God, not fully yet revealed, but when he does, he catches this mystery of God, and then he goes forth to the people (after the mystery has been given to him), goes forth to the people. What does he do out there? He begins to proclaim that message, and what does it start? A war, a spiritual war.

65 And then God takes His messenger with the elect of that age, and lays them away asleep, and then He drops a plague upon them who rejected it: a temporary judgment. And then, after that is over, then he goes on, and they denominate, and bring in denominations, and start off with that man's work like of--of Wesley and all the rest of them, and then it gets all in a scrapple again; and then another mystery comes forth. Then what happens? Another messenger arrives on earth for a church age. See?

Then when he arrives, he--the--the trumpet sounds. He declares war. See? And then what happens? Finally then he's caught away. And then when he's laid away, then plague falls, destroys them. Spiritual death hits the church and she's gone, that group. Then He goes on to another one.

Oh, it's a great plan until it comes to that last angel. Now, he has no certain mystery, but he gathers up all that's been lost in them other ages, all the truths that wasn't truly revealed yet (See?), as the revelation come. Then he reveals those things in his day. If you want to read it, there it is: A Revelations 10:1 to--1 to about 4. You'll get it. All right. See?

68 Takes the Book and... of Seals and breaks them and shows the seventh angel, for this alone, the mysteries of God, is the ministry of the seventh angel. Now, we just come through the church ages with even history and prove that. See? It is the--the angel's message of the seventh church.

All right, reveals all the mysteries that's been in the past, all the things in the past: Revelations 10:1-7. That's to be.

69 Now, remember, in the days of the seventh angel, his sounding forth, blasting forth the Gospel Trumpet, he is to finish all the mysteries of God. Just like here come forth in the early church ages (We'll get it after while.), a doctrine, then it become a saying first, then a doctrine, and then become a statute, then become a church, and through the dark ages, and out of the dark ages come the first Reformation--Luther. And he brought with him all kinds of mysterious things that happened during that church age, all back in there, then... But he never finished it up.

Then along come Wesley with sanctification, got some more of it, but still never finished it, left loose ends everywhere, such as sprinkling instead of baptism, and Luther took "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" instead of the "Lord Jesus Christ," all these different things.

72 Then along come the Pentecostal age with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and they cabbaged down on that. Now, there cannot be no more ages. That's all of it; that's the Philadelphia, or the--not--the Laodicea Age. But then the... We found in the studying of the Scripture that the messenger to the age come right at the end of the age every time. Paul come at the end of the age. We find out that Irenaeus come at the end of the age. Martin, end of the age. Luther, the end of the Catholic age; and what?--Wesley, at the end of the Lutheran age; and Pentecost, at the end of the age of sanctification through the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

And at the end of the Pentecostal age we are supposed to receive, according to the Word, as God help me tonight to show you through here, that we are to see--receive a messenger that will take all those loose ends out there and reveal the whole secret of God for the rapturing of the Church.

75 And then there's coming forth seven mysterious thunders that's not even written at all. That's right. And I believe that through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith; because what we got right now, we--we wouldn't be able to do it. There's something we've got to step farther; we--we can't have enough faith for Divine healing hardly. We've got to have enough faith to be changed in a moment and be swept up out of this earth, and we'll find that after a while, the Lord willing, find where it's written.

76 Then all the judgments of these evil doers... Now, see, down through the ages as these Seals has been breaking, until now the last Seal is broken. And now, as they--as they have been watching in on these Seals and just presu--presuming what they were doing, now at the end of the ages, of the church ages, all these evil doers will--will take place and head up in the tribulation.

All of these evil doers of the Seven Seals has been working mysterious in the church, and we'll find out in a minute, they even work in the name of a church. They call themselves the church. You just see if that isn't right. No wonder I have been so against denomination, not knowing why. See, see?

They end up... Now, it starts back here in a mild form, just keeps getting worse and worse, on down until... And people go right into it, saying, "Oh, yes, this is just fine." But in the last days these things are made known. And they finally go so bad until they go plumb into the tribulation period.

79 And how can a man say that the Bride of Christ goes into the tribulation? I can't understand it. See? She's took away from the tribulation. If--if the Church has been judged, and they have judged themselves, and have accepted the Blood, how can God judge a man that's perfectly, totally sinless? You say, "There's no such a person." Every borned again believer, true believer, is perfectly, absolutely sinless before God. He's not trusting in his works. In the Blood of Jesus that his confession's dropped into...

The Bible says so. See? "He that--that is borned of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin." How can you make a man a sinner when the bleach of the Blood of Jesus Christ is between him and God, that would scatter sin till there'd be nothing left of it. See? How can that pure Blood of Christ ever let a sin pass there? He cannot.

Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And how could we even start the thought of being perfect, but Jesus required it. And if Jesus required it, He's got to make a way for it; and He has: His own Blood.

82 Now, all--reveals all the mysteries that's gone on in the past. Now, the thought is here at the end time that the mysteries that begin way back long ago and has come down through the church ages is to be revealed here at the breaking of the Seals here at the last days, after the time of intercession is just about finished at that time.

Then the judgments wait for those who are in the back. They go on out into that. That is after the Bride has been taken from the scene.

84 Oh, let's just read a Scripture. You all like to put down some of the Scriptures? Let's take II Thessalonians just a moment and--and look here just a minute. It--it's such a beautiful picture here. I like it. And let's see. Yes, II Thessalonians, and I want the 2nd chapter of II Thessalonians and the--the 7th verse. Let's see. II Thessalonians 2:7. I think that's right. Now, I was writing this down, quivering and shaking.

.. the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who... letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

Who? He that letteth. See? See, a mystery... The mystery of iniquity way back in that very first church age here, here's Paul writing, saying that the mystery of iniquity... What is iniquity? Iniquity is something that you know you ought not to do, and you do it anyhow. And Paul said there's such in the earth today, workers of iniquity.

86 Oh, if you... We're going to get to the... Let's just read that piece--start up a little farther--the 3rd verse.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that... (m-a-n)... man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (That's right.)

Who opposeth and exalts himself above all that's called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God setteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (remitting sin)

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?... (I'd like to set under some of his teaching. Wouldn't you?)... And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

Not then (See?), not then, but in his time... See, at the breaking of that Seal we know exactly what it was. Who is this man of iniquity? Who is this man of sin, this fellow that's a working iniquity, would he be revealed in his time?

87 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:... (deceivers, you see, deceiving the people off into something. See?)... only he... (God)... that... letteth will let, until he... (the Church--Christ, the Bride)... be taken out of the way.

And then shall the Wicked one be revealed... (at the breaking of the Seal, at his time. Paul said, "Not in my time, but in the time when he'll be revealed. See?)... whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth... (We're going to get to that after while.)... the spirit of his mouth... (Watch what that is.)... and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan... (him, him, a man)... whose working is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. (See?)

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness... (deceiving people by unrighteousness)... in them that perish;... (not this Bride, in them that's looking for such a thing)... because they received not the love of the truth... (And Christ is the Truth, and Christ is the Word, but they'd rather have a creed.),... that they might be saved.

And for this cause God has sent them strong delusion, that they should believe a--a lie:... (It should be translated there, as I looked in the Lexicon, "the lie," not "a lie"; "the lie," same one he told Eve.)

That they... might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

93 What a statement. My. After the Bride is taken away, then this man of sin will reveal himself. She, the true Bride of Christ has been elected out of every church age.

Now, the other day I made a statement: The Bride could go home and you'd never know nothing about it. That's true. Somebody said, "Well, Brother Branham, that would be a mighty small group."

Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah (Now, you talk to Him about it. See?) wherein eight souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."

97 If there was eight hundred went in the rapture tonight, you'd never hear a word about it tomorrow, or the next day, or no other time. They'd be gone and you'd know nothing about it. See? It'd just be the same thing.

What am I trying to say? I'm not trying to scare you, worry you. I'm--I want you to be on your toes. Be ready, watching, every minute. Quit your nonsense. Just get down to business with God, 'cause it's later than you think.

99 Now, you remember, the true Bride... Now, there is a false bride. We get that in Revelations 17. She said, "I am a widow and have no need of nothing," (You see?), setting upon the scarlet clothed beast, and so forth (the beast, rather).

Now, but the true Bride will be made up of thousands times thousands of people, but it will be the elect out of every church age. Every time a message went forth and the people believed it and accepted it in all the Light it was, when they were sealed away until that day of redemption...

Don't Jesus speak the same thing when He said the--the sound come in the--the seventh watch? That's the last church age. See? And said, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go out to meet Him."

And then the sleeping virgin come, rubbed her eyes, and said, "Suppose I ought to have some of that oil too; so maybe we'd better have some."

And the real true Bride standing there said, "We have just got enough for ourself. We just got enough to get in ourself. We can't give you nothing. If you want some, you go pray up."

104 And while she was gone, the Bridegroom come (See?), and in went the Bride. And then them remnant there, the ones that were absolutely virtuous, the church was left outside. And He said, "There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." See? Now, that's the elect.

And when the sound come, "The Bridegroom cometh," then every one of those that slept down through those ages awakened, every one.

105 See, it isn't God, as we'd think, just going to hunt Him out a few thousand people of this age and take them. It's the very elected out of every age. And that's the reason Christ has to stay on the mediatorial seat back there as an Intercessor until that last one comes in at the last age. And these revelations then of what it has been breaks forth upon the people, and they see what's happened. See? You get it now?

106 All right. Notice, the rest of the dead, church members, lived not again until one thousand years was passed. The church members, the--the Christians, the church lived not again until the end of the thousand years, and then they come forth to stand before the Bride (That's right.), stand before the King and the Queen. Glory.

Some church today calls herself "The Queen of heaven." The Queen of heaven is the selected Bride of Christ, and she comes with Him.

Daniel saw it and said: "Ten thousands times ten thousands ministered to Him." Now, if you'll watch the Scripture there in Daniel. Judgment was set, and the books were opened.

107 Now, remember, when He come, He come with His Bride. The wife ministers to her husband. And ten thousands times ten thousands of thousands ministered to Him. Judgment was set, and the books were opened, and another book was opened which is the Book of Life. Not the Bride at all, she's done gone up and come back and standing there in judgment of those generations that refused the Gospel message.

Didn't Jesus say the queen of the south shall rise with this generation in her days of the judgment and will condemn this generation, for she came from the utmost parts of the world to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and a greater than Solomon is here.

109 There stood the--the judgment, the queen of--of Sheba of the south stood there in the judgment, and her own testimony... Not even a Jew came up with that generation that was Jews, and they were blind and missed Him, because they were looking for Him; but He come so simple that they went plumb over the top of it, like that. And there that great queen humbled herself, and come and accepted the message. "And she'll stand in the judgment," He said, "and condemn that generation."

111 Now, you see the three classes always? The book, the dead were judged out; another book, the Book of Life: them who had their names in the Book of Life...

You say, "If your name's in the Book of Life, it's all right, huh?" No, sir. Look, Judas Iscariot had his name in the Book of Life. Now, say that's wrong. Jesus in Matthew 10 gave them power to cast out devils and sent them forth to heal the sick, and to cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead. And they went out and returned back, Judas right with them; and they cast out devils and done all kinds of miracles, and returned back, and said, "Even the devils is subject unto us."

Jesus said, "Don't rejoice that the devils is subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven," and Judas was with them. But what happened? When it come down to the elected group to go up there at Pentecost and really receive the Holy Spirit, Judas showed his colors. He'll be there in the judgment. So the books was opened and the Book of Life was opened, and every man was judged thus. Now, the Bride's standing there with Christ to judge the world.

115 Don't the... Paul say, "Dare you (talking to the Bride) having a--any matter or grievance against each other that you'd go to the unjust law. Don't you know the saints shall judge the earth?" There you are. The saints is going to judge the earth and take it over. That's right. You say, "How in the world is a little group like that..." I don't know how it's going to be done, but He said it's going to be done; so that just settles it as far as I know. Now, look.

117 Now, notice the rest of the dead (the church members, dead church members) lived not again until the thousand years, and then at the thousand years, they were gathered... Another resurrection come, which is second resurrection, and they were gathered, and Christ and the church, the Bride (not the church, the Bride) Christ and the Queen (not the church)... Chur... Christ and the Bride stood there.

And they were separated like the sheep from the goats. That's right. There's the church members come up. And if they heard the Truth and rejected the Truth, then what's going to be said when the big thing's spread across the canvas when even your own thoughts will be there, what you thought about it. How you going to escape, and it right there on the canvas of the skies; and God's great television and there's your own thoughts rebelling right... Your own thoughts will speak against you in that hour.

So if you speak one thing and think another, you better stop that. Get your thoughts on God. Keep them pure, and stay right there with it, and speak the same thing all the time. See? Don't say, "Well, I'll say I'll believe it; but I'll go find out." You believe it. Amen.

120 Notice, these type, the reason they die out, they go through the purging of trial of the tribulation; because they're not actually under the Blood. They claim they are, but they're not. How can they go through a trial to purify them when the--when the bleach Blood of Jesus Christ takes every symptom of sin and stuff away from you. And you're already dead, and your life is hid in Him through God and sealed in there by the Holy Ghost; what are you going to be judged for? Where you going to get your purification? What do you have to be purified from when you're perfectly in Christ, sinless? How... What's the judgment for? But it's this sleeping bunch that them people can't make out.

121 Now, they haven't done it for years (See?), but this is the hour of revelation (See, see?) being revealed, just at the coming of the Bride... The last winding up, the last things are coming... It's coming to an end, friend, I believe. When? I don't know. I--I can't tell you, but anything... I want to live tonight like if it was tonight, I'd be ready. See? He might come tonight yet, and He might not come for twenty years. I don't know when He'll come, but whenever it is, I... My life might be over tonight, and then whatever I've done here is finished at that hour; I--I've got to meet Him in the judgment the way I went down here. The way the tree leans; that's the way it falls.

122 Remember, when they went to buy oil, they... "Oh," you say, "now, wait a minute, Brother Branham. I don't know about that." When they went to buy oil, when they come back, the Bride was done gone, and the door was shut; and they knocked and said, "Let us in; let us in," but they were out in outer darkness.

Now, if you want a type of that, now look: "In the time of Noah..." Jesus said--referred to it. Now, in Noah's time, they went into the ark, but they were carried over the--during the time of the judgment. But that--that didn't type Christ's Bride; Enoch typed the Bride.

Enoch... Noah went over through... The Bride... Went over through the tribulation period, and suffered, and become a drunk, and died. But Enoch walked before God for five hundred years and had a testimony he pleased God with raptured faith, and just started walking right out, and went up through the skies, and went home without even tasting death, never died at all.

125 That's a type of we which are alive and remain shall not prevent, or hinder, those same type of people that are asleep, that fell asleep on account of the human age and the--and the state of human age. They died back there, but they're not dead. They are sleeping. Amen. They are asleep, not dead. And the only thing it needs is the Bridegroom to wake them. And we which are alive and remain shall not hinder those that's already fell asleep, for the trumpet of God shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them and will meet the Lord in the air. And the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years. There you are. They went through the tribulation period. What was it? Like Enoch.

127 You know, Noah watched Enoch, for when Enoch come up missing, he knowed judgment was at hand. He got to hanging around the ark, but Noah didn't go up. He just lifted a little piece off and rode over the tribulations. He was carried through the tribulation period to die the death. See? But Noah was carried through; Enoch was translated without death: a type of the Church being caught up with those who are asleep to meet the Lord in the air, and the rest of the church is carried over into the tribulation period. Can't make nothing else out of it myself. Enoch raptured, no death...

130 Now, let's start studying a little now, get down to our lesson. I'll just keep on that we never will get into these--this Seal. Now, notice. Let's take now, because we're going to have a long (maybe tomorrow night or the next night) hit a trumpet now and then, because the trumpet sounds at the same time the Seals. It's just the same thing, the church age opens, it's just the same thing.

131 Now, a trumpet always denotes war or otherwise political disturbance: the trumpet does, a political disturbance, and that causes war. When you go to get messing in politics, you get them all messed up, like we got it now, look out, war is at hand.

But, see, the kingdom still belongs to Satan. He's still got this part in his hand because why? It is redeemed by Christ, but He's doing the part of the Kinsman Redeemer taking His subjects, until the last one name is put on that Book, has already received it and been sealed away. Now, do you got it? Then He comes from His throne, His Father's throne, walks forward, takes the Book out of God's hand from the throne and claims His rights. The first thing He does is call for His Bride. Amen. Then what does He take? He takes His opponent, Satan, and binds him, and casts him into the fire out there with all that followed him.

Now, remember, it wasn't Russia. No, the antichrist is a smooth fellow. Just watch how smooth he is. He's smart. Yes, sir. Just takes the Holy Spirit, only thing can outdo him.

135 Notice, trumpets means political disturbance: wars. Matthew 24, Jesus spoke of it. He said, "You'll hear of wars and rumors of war..." See, all the way down through. You remember the--Jesus speaking that. Wars, rumors, and wars, and rumors and wars, and plumb on down to the end. Now, that's a trumpet sounding.

Now, when we get on the trumpets, we'll go back there and pick up each one of them wars and show you that they followed them churches, show you they follow these Seals. Wars and rumors of wars... But trumpet denotes political disturbance, whereas seals deals with a religious disturbance. See?

A Seal is opened; a message is dropped. And then the church is always so set up in its own political ways, and whatevermore, and all of its dignitary; and when that real message drops down, that messenger goes forth, and he shakes them to pieces. That's right. It's religious disturbance when a Seal's opened. That's what's happened. See? Yes.

138 They get all at ease in Zion. The church gets all settled down and... "We've got it all made." Just like the church of England, they was all settled down; the Catholic church, all settled down, and along come Luther. There was a religious disturbance. Yes, sir, sure was. Well, the church went on off by Zwingli, and from Zwingli come on down to different ones, and to Calvin; and after while the Anglican church settled down, and it was just at ease; and along come Wesley. There was a religious disturbance. That's right. See, it always denotes a religious disturbance.

139 Now, the Seal. Let's just read it a little bit now. I--I want to--to get this... Just we'll read it. I get to talking. I...

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals... (What happened?)... and I heard, as it was the noise of a thunder...

Oh, how I'd like to dwell on that just a few minutes. I hope now that all the people that know these things and are waiting for the consolation of the Lord will now study real close, and on the tapes also that you'll think of this. The first thing happened... When that Lamb broke that First Seal, a thunder roared.

Now, that's got a significance; it's got--it's--it's a--it's--it's got a meaning. It's a meaning. Nothing happens without a meaning. All right, a thunder, a thunder roared. Wonder what that thunder was?

142 Now, let's read a little bit. Let's turn to Matthew... No, let's take St. John first, St. John, 12th chapter and just hold it a minute: St. John, the 12th chapter, and now let's begin with the 23rd verse of St. John 12. Now, listen here now real close; then you won't have to wonder no more what it is.

And Jesus answering them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

See, you're at the end of an age there. His ministry is ending. See? "

.. The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

What about the hour has come that when His Bride must be taken away? What, that the hour has come that time shall be no more? The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him, with feet, and say, "Time's run out." And besides that, He raised up His hand and swore that time would be no more when this happened. How--how perfect it is, a sworn affidavit to the Church.

.. The hour has come that the Son of man should be glorified.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there... also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

Now, is my soul troubled;...

145 You say, "Well, Him coming to the end of the road and you got trouble? What does it make you think when some great spiritual something happens that troubles you? Oh, my.

Now, is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this--unto this hour.

Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

The people said... that stood by, that heard it, they said... it thundered:...

146 Then when the Lamb took the Book and broke that First Seal, God spoke from His eternal throne to say what that Seal was to be revealed. But when it's placed before John, it was in a symbol. When John saw it, it was still a mystery. Why? It wasn't even revealed right then. It cannot be revealed until what He said here at the end time. But it come in a symbol.

When the thunder... Remember, a loud clapping noise of a thunder is the voice of God. That's what the Bible said (See?), a clap of thunder. They thought it was a thunder, but it was God. He understood it, for it was revealed to Him. See? It was a thunder.

And notice, the First Seal opened--the First Seal when it was open in the symbol form it thundered. Now, what about when it's opened in its reality form?

148 It thundered as soon as the Lamb struck back the Seal. And what did it reveal? Not all of Itself. First it's with God; next It's in a symbol; then It's revealed: three things. See? It's coming forth from the throne. First It can't be seen, heard, or nothing. It's sealed up. The Lamb's Blood paid the price. It thundered when He spoke it out. And when He did, a white horse rider started out. And it still was a symbol.

150 Now, watch, He said it would be known in the last day, but it comes forth in a church symbol. Do you understand it, church? It comes forth in a--a symbol of a church that they know there is a Seal, but just what it is yet, they don't know, because it's a white horse rider.

And it only is to be revealed at the last day when this actual Seal is broken. Broken to who? Not to Christ, but to the Church. Notice, now. Oh, my, that just makes me tremble. I--I--I hope that the Church truly understands it (See what I mean?), you people. I'm going to call you Bride. (See?) That you'll understand it.

152 The voice is a thunder. The voice came from where? From the throne where the Lamb had just left as Intercessor. Now, He's standing here to take His position and His claims. But the thunder came from the inside of the throne, thundered out. And the Lamb was standing out here. The thunder, where the Lamb had left, left the Father's throne to go to take His own throne... Glory. Now, now, don't miss it, friends.

We all know as Christians that God swore to David that He would raise up Christ to set on His throne and give Him an everlasting Kingdom here on the earth. He did it. And Jesus said, "He that overcomes the antichrist and all the things of the world shall set with Me on My throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne." See?

155 Now, someday He rises from the Father's throne, and goes to take His own throne. Now He comes forth to call His subjects. How's He going to claim them? He's already got the Book of Redemption in His hand. Glory. Oh, I feel like singing a hymn.

Soon the Lamb will take His Bride

To be ever at His side,

All the hosts of heaven will assembled be; (To watch that.)

Oh, It will be a glorious sight,

All the saints in spotless white;

And with Jesus we shall feast eternally.

Oh, my. Talk about setting now in heavenly places, what will it be? If we can feel this way setting down here on earth before the rapture comes, in this condition that we're in now, and we can enjoy standing up around walls, and stand in the rain just to hear this, what will it be when we see Him setting there? Oh, my. Oh, it'll be a glorious time.

158 Left the Father's throne, came forth to, His son, to be the... He is the Son of David. That's what the--Israel thought He would do then. Remember the Syrophenician woman said, "Thou Son of David"? Remember blind Bartimaeus, "Thou Son of David"? See? And Jesus knowing what the plan was, yet they didn't know it; they tried to force Him to make Him take the throne, and even Pilate asked Him. But He said, "If My Kingdom was of this world, then My subjects would fight. My Kingdom is above." But He said, "When you pray, pray, 'Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done in earth, here like it is in heaven.'" Amen. How glorious this great thing.

160 Left the Father's throne to take His own throne... He now has come forth from His intercessory work to claim His own throne, His redeemed subjects. That's what He come forth from the throne to do. It is then that the Lion-like creature said to John, "Come, see." Watch. Now, you reading it?

.. one of the seals, and it..., as if it was the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts...

You know what the beasts were. We took them; one like a lion, one like a calf, and one like a man, and one like an eagle. Now, this first beast said... Watch; each time there's a different beast till them four horse riders pass. There's four beasts, and there's four horse riders.

Notice, each one of them beasts announce: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. We're going to get back in and prove which one Matthew; Mark; which one Mark--Mark; which one was John, each one as they went.

163 No...?... One of the beasts saying, "Come, see." He heard the noise of a thunder, and one of the beasts said, "Now, come, see." In other words, here stands the Lamb, and John standing out there watching it happen. And the Lamb come up from the throne like He'd been slain, blood all over Him. He was the One that was found worthy, and when He reached over and took the Book, then everything begin to shouting, and screaming, and carrying on (You see?), 'cause they know redemption was paid for.

165 Now, He's come to claim His Own. So He takes the Book, stands out there before John, and He pulls it back, and breaks the Seal, pulls the Seal down; and when He pulls the Seal down, a thunder clapped through the place. And when a thunder clapped, no doubt John might've jumped up in the air, when a thunder roared; and then one of the four beasts said, "Now, come and see what it is, what's revealed beneath here. (Oh, my.) John, write what you see."

So John goes to look, see what it was. John goes to see what the thunder said. It's then that this creature told John come and see what the mystery is under the First Seal. The thunder, the voice of the Creator has uttered it. Now, He ought to know what's there. Amen. Oh, my.

167 But think, now he wrote this, but when he started to write those other seven thunders, he said, "Don't write it." He'd been commissioned to write everything he seen. But when these seven thunders over in Revelations 10 uttered, he said, "Don't write them at all." They're mysteries. We don't know what they are yet; but my opinion they'll be revealed right away. And when it do, it'll give faith for that rapturing grace for that Church to move out. We just move through everything that we know of; through all the dispensations we've watched everything. We've seen the mysteries of God. We've seen the appearing of the--of the great gathering together of the Bride in the last days, but yet there's something in there that we just can't lighten ourself with. There's something another. But I imagine when them mysteries begins to come forth... God said, "Hold it back now. Wait a minute. I'll reveal it in that day. Don't write it at all, John, 'cause they'll stagger over it. Just let--let it go. (See?) But I'll reveal it in that day when it has need to done."

They never uttered for nothing. You remember, like the little drop of ink, everything is for a purpose. Everything's for a cause. But notice, the Creator uttered, and he had a--he heard this voice, and he went to see.

171 But now the Lamb is showing John in the symbol of s--of a--of a church Scripture like, for the church (you know) what to write. He just show him, said, "Now, don't--don't tell this, just what it is. Don't go down, John, and say, 'Now, this is just what this is.' Now, what's under this Seventh Seal, don't--don't go down and tell that, for if I tell John that, then all down through the age the whole plan will be broke: it's a secret." See? He just wants to...

His coming... He said, "I--I... Nobody's going to know when I'm coming; I'm just coming." See, see? That's all. It ain't for my business to know when, I'll just be ready. You see? So...

172 Then he said, "Now, John, went forth..." He thought, "I'm going to see it now," and what did he do? When John went forth; he, now what's he got to do? Now, he's got to write this to the church age. That's what he's supposed to do: write it to the church ages. "Write what you see of these seven golden candlesticks at the beginning, write to this Church and tell them."

173 All right, and a thunder went off. John knew it was the Voice of God. And then the--the lion-like creature said, "Come, see what it was," and John went forth now with his pen to write what he was going to see.

Now, he never seen exactly what it was. He never understood it, but what he saw was what God was sending to the Church for a time. Now, He's got... He will; He always does; He makes it plain when it's time to make it plain. But He didn't make it plain then. Why? Because He was going to keep it a secret until the last days, and the sounding of the last angel's message was to gather up these mysteries (See?); didn't make it clearer.

175 But what John saw he just seen a white horse go out with a rider on it; so that's what he wrote down. See? When he did... That's what he said, "Come, see." So John went to see what he could see to write to the Church, and when he did, he saw a white horse, and him that set on it had a bow, and he went forth conquering and to conquer. And there was given to him a crown. And now, that's all John saw, so he just write--wrote all that down.

Now, see, that's in symbol. That's the way the Church has received it, but with the promise that at the last day He'd reveal it, show what it is. God help us to understand.

177 Church ages... But is not made fully known till the seventh message of this last church age.

Notice, he starts--this messenger of the seventh church age, if you'll notice it, he doesn't start a denomination like the rest of them did. Remember if he doesn't start... No. All right. If you find out, he's against it. Was Elijah--was Elijah against it? Sure he was. Was John against it with Elijah's spirit? What kind of a spirit did Elijah have on when he was... Nobody knows much about him. He was just a man, but he was a prophet. He was hated. My. And what time did he rise? Right in the time of the popularity of Israel when they'd all went worldly, and he got her out there and he was a woman hater...?... Sure was. And he loved the wilderness. That was his nature.

180 Then them people ought to knowed when that fellow come out there with that same Spirit on him, come out there, this John, not dressed all up like the celebrity, as I said last night. They kiss the babies, and marry, and bury, and so forth, but this man come out as a wilderness man. What was he? He loved the wilderness. Another thing he done, he hated denomination. He said, "Now, don't you begin to say, 'We belong to this or that,' for I'll tell you God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." He was no compromiser. They couldn't...

Said, "Did you go to see a reed shaken with wind?" Not John. No, sir.

182 What did he do also? Just like Elijah that told Jezebel, he told Herodias. Walked right up to Herod's face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." He chopped his head off for it. See? She tried to get Elijah. That same spirit was in Jezebel was in that woman. And the same thing is in the Jezebel church today (See?), same thing. Now, notice it. What a great lesson we find here. And now, looks like those people would've knowed. John begin to bawl them people out; and standing there, looked like they'd have knowed that was that spirit of Elijah. They should've understood that. That's what it was.

185 Now, and we find out and have through the church ages, according to the Scripture, that we're promised a return of that spirit just before the end time. Is that true? Now, and notice, you'll notice the nature of it. Now, he will not start another church age like Luther, and Wesley, and all the rest of them did. He won't start another church, because there is no more church ages to come. See? There won't be any more, so he must be against it, because his spirit will be just exactly like they were back there: the same spirit. As I said last night, "It pleased God to use it three different times." That's His number, three, not two, three. He's already used it twice; now He's going to use it again. He said so. He promised it.

188 Now, notice, he... Notice now when He did. He's not going to start a denomination because the Laodicea Church Age is the last age, and the messenger of the seventh angel, which is the seventh messenger to the seventh church age, is the fellow that is going to reveal, by the Holy Spirit, all these mysterious things that is going to... How many was here last night? Let's see your hand. I guess I won't have to read it over then. You know just where it's at, the--the 10th chapter of--of... All right. All right.

189 The reformers came to reform the last fallen church age preceding them. And then after the reformers come and reform the--the church age from where it was and is went back into the world, then they start a new church age: always done it, always. Now, we went through that. See?

In other words, here'd been a Catholic church age, of the Roman Catholic church. Along come Luther, a reformer. He's called a reformer. And what does he do? He starts right out there a-hammering away, and when he does, he protests the church, and the first thing you know, what does he do? He builds the same thing that he come to drive out of: another church. Then they have another church age.

Then the first thing you know, here comes... The church age is in such a mess, along comes John Wesley, another reformer (See?), builds another church age. Get what I mean? Another church age is built up. They're all reformers.

192 Notice. This last message of the last church age is not a reformer; he is a prophet, not a reformer. Show me where one prophet ever started a church age. He's not a reformer; he is a prophet. Others was reformers but not prophets. If they would've been, the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet; that's the reason they continued on in the baptism in Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and all these other things, because they were reformers and not prophets. But yet they were great men of God and saw the need of the day that they lived in, and God anointed them, and they sent out there and tore those things to pieces. But the full Word of God never come to them, because they was not prophets. They were reformers.

194 But in the last days it'll have to be a prophet to take up the mysteries of God, bring it back, because the mysteries was only re--known by prophets. So it has to be this fellow come. See what I mean now? He can't be a reformer; it's got to be a prophet, because it's got to be somebody that's gifted and set there that catches the Word.

Now, them reformers knowed there was something wrong. Luther knowed that--that--that the bread wasn't the body of Christ, and so he preached, "The just shall live by faith," and that was his message.

And when John Wesley come along, he saw that there was sanctification, so he preached sanctification. That was his message. See?

The Pentecostals brought in the message of the Holy Ghost and so forth. But in the last days in this last age the messenger is not to start any reformation, but is to take all the mysteries that those reformers left off, and gather them together, and solve them to the people.

196 Let me just read it again. It sounds so good to me; I--I like to read it.

.. I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud:... a rainbow... upon his head, and his face was... the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

Now, we saw the same thing, which was Christ. And we know Christ is always the Messenger to the Church. All right. He's called a Pillar of Fire, the Angel of the covenant and so forth.

And he had in his hand a little book opened:... (Now, the Seals had done been broke here. We're breaking them now; but this, the thing's opened.)... and he set his right foot on the sea, and his left... on the earth,

And he cried... a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he... cried, seven thunders uttered their voices... (My, the complete)

.. when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I... (John)... was about to write:... (Write what? What they said.)... and I heard a voice from heaven... (God)... saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. (Don't write them. See?)

And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea... lifted up his hands to heaven,

And sware by him that lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens, and the things... in there they are, and the earth, and the things that are there--in there..., and the sea and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

199 Watch. Don't forget this now, as we go.

But in the days... (days)... of the voice of the seventh angel,... (That last angel, earthly angel.)

This Angel come down from heaven. Wasn't Him. He come from heaven, but He's speaking here the voice of the seventh angel. Which is a "angel" means "a messenger." Anybody knows that. And the messenger to the church age...

.. in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery... (Seven Seals, all--all the mysteries)... of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

201 The entire mystery is unfolded. That's the ministry of that angel. See? Be so simple people just drop off the top of it. But yet it'll be perfectly a-vindicated everywhere, just be perfectly normal. See? Everybody that--that wants to see it can see it. See? That's right. But those... Jesus said, as He said when He come, said, "You got eyes and can't see, Isaiah said you did. (See?) And you got ears and you can't hear." Now... So we find out that...

That scared me. I looked back there at that clock, and I thought it was ten o'clock. But it's a... I--I got... It ain't even nine yet. You see? All right. Oh, my. Let's get it now.

204 Notice. I love this. Others reformers, but by being great men of God, seeing the need of the day, and brought forth reformation... But Revelations 10 said his message was to reveal not reform, reveal the secrets, reveal secrets. It's the Word in the man. Hebrews 4 said that the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, a piercing even to the sunder of bone, and a Revealer of the secrets of the heart. See? This man is not a reformer; he's a revealer, revealer of what? The mysteries of God. Where the church has got it all tied up and everything, he's to come forth with the Word of God and reveal the thing out, because he is to restore the faith of the children back to the fathers. The original Bible faith is to be restored by the seventh angel.

Now, oh, how I love this. All the mysteries of the Seals that the reformers never understood fully... See?

206 Now, look at Malachi 4 just a minute. Well, well, you just mark it down. He is a prophet and restores the original faith of the fathers. Now, we're looking for that person to appear on the scene. He'll be so humble, the ten millions times ten millions will... Well, there'll be a little group that'll understand it.

When... You remember the other day when John was supposed to come, prophesied a messenger before Christ come, a voice of one crying in the wilderness; Malachi saw him. Look, the 3rd chapter of Malachi is the coming of the Elijah that was to come and forerun the coming of Christ. You say, "Oh, no, no, Brother Branham. It's the 4th chapter." I beg your pardon. Jesus said it was the 3rd chapter.

209 Now, take Saint--you take St. Matthew the--the 11th chapter and the 6th verse. He'll--he'll say this (11th chapter, I believe it's the 6th verse; 4th, 5th, or 6th, right along there). He said, "If you can receive it (when He's talking about John) this is he who was spoken of, 'I'll send My messenger before My face.'" Now, read Malachi 3.

Some of them try to apply it to Malachi 4. No, sir. That's not it. Notice, Malachi 4, as soon as that messenger goes forth, the world is completely burned, and the righteous walk out in the Millennium on the ashes of them. So you see, if you put that being him back there, then--then the Bible told something that wasn't so. We've had two thousand years, and the world ain't burned up yet, and the righteous living in it. So it's got to be in the future.

Oh, my. If you get over here in Revelations and see what that messenger at the end of this age is supposed to do, then you'll see what it is. He must be a prophet. He's got to catch these ends that these reformers didn't see and place it in there.

212 How can Matthew 28:19 compare with Acts 2:38 without the spiritual revelation of God? How can these people say the days of miracles are past and so forth like that, and--without revelation of God? Why, only way they'll ever know it, know whether it's right or wrong. See? But they've come through seminaries... I hope we have time to get into them. I want to hurry, 'cause I don't want to keep you over a week (you know what I mean) in--in this--open these Seals. I've got one day, and I'd like to have prayer for the sick on that day if I could.

214 Now, look, Malachi 4. He's a prophet and restores the original faith of the fathers. At the end time, when the tribulation period comes... Now, here's a little thing; we're going to reverse back a minute, where the three and a half years or Daniel's seventy weeks (the last half of Daniel's seventy weeks which is three and one-half years.)... Now, we... How many remembers that from the church ages? Sure, you see? There's seventy weeks determined: look how perfect it was; said, "Messiah will come, and He'll be cut off for a Sacrifice in the midst of the week, and the obligation will cease."

216 Then there is still three and a half years waited for the Messiahic doctrine to the Jew, and God does not deal with the Jew and the Gentile at the same time. He deals with Israel as a nation, Gentile as an individual. He never taken the Gentiles for His Bride, He taken a people out of the Gentile. See? Now, He deals with Israel as a nation. And now, there she sets right there now as a nation.

I got a letter from Paul today, Paul Boyd, and he was telling me, said, "Brother Branham, how true it is; these Jews still have a funny feeling towards the Gentiles, no matter what's happened." Sure they will, and they ought to.

218 When Martin Luther made the proclamation that all Jews ought to be run off and their buildings burned down because they were antichrist... See? Martin Luther made that statement hisself in his writing.

Now, Hitler just fulfilled what Martin Luther said. Why did Martin Luther say that? Because he was a reformer, not a prophet. God that... My prophet blessed Israel. He said, "Whosoever blesses you will be blessed, and who curses you will be cursed." How can one prophet stand and deny what the other prophet said? He can't do it. It's got to be in harmony. See? But...

220 That is the reason they class... See, Germany is supposed to be a Christian nation, and they--the way they treated Israel, they still got a stick on their shoulder; and you can't blame them. But just remember, if there's a Jews setting here, don't you worry; the day's coming. God can never forget them. They were blinded for our sake.

You know He said to this prophet, He... The prophet cried out and said, "Will You forget Israel?"

He said, "Take that measuring stick, and how high is the sky? How deep is the sea?"

Now, he said, "I couldn't measure it."

He said, "Never can I forget Israel." That's His people, His servants. And the Gentile is only a few taken out of there for His Bride. It's exactly right. That's the Bride.

225 Now, just seventy weeks was determined, perfectly, as Daniel said that Messiah would come and would be cut off in the midst of the week. And Jesus prophesied three and a half years. Now, in the middle of this three and a half years of Daniel, in the middle of it He was cut off. And now the last part is the tribulation period where the Gentile church is... Oh, this is great. Now, don't...?... The Bride goes in with the Groom, then after the Millennium, walks out upon the ashes of the wicked.

226 Let me show you something here, just, while we've just got it in mind, let's just show you what it says, what the Bible says. And we can't deny this being the Word of God. If we do, then we're infidels. See, we got to believe. You say, "I don't understand it." Neither do I, but I'm looking for Him to reveal it. Look.

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud... (like the Americans and so forth)... yea,... all that do wickedly, shall be stubble:... (It's going to burn.)... and the day that cometh that shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts,... it shall leave them neither root or branch.

227 How you got a eternal hell in there then? See, it's the last days when these things are being revealed. There's no place in the Bible says hell's eternal. To--to have... To be in a eternal hell, you'd have to have Eternal Life to stay there. There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's what we're struggling for. Everything had a beginning has an end. Hell was created for the devil and his angels, and will be consumed and done away with. Right. See?

But when this takes place, it neither leaves them root or branch.

But unto them that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness rise with healing in his wings;... ye shall go forth, as a--grow up as calves of the stall.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in that day that I will do this, saith the LORD of hosts.

Where's the wicked going to be after the tribulation? Ashes.

Remember... the laws of Moses..., which I commanded... him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.

Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of that great and dreadful day of the Lord:

229 Amen. Here's the Old Testament closing out like that, and here's the New Testament closing out with the very same thing. How you going to keep it away? Then, look, "I will send to you Elijah the prophet before that day comes:"

And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

There you are. That's the Word of the Lord. He's promised it. It must come.

230 And now, if you'll notice how this happens, it's beautiful how God does it. The Bride goes forth and the--with the Groom; and--and then after that the wicked is burned with unquenchable fire. And after the world has been purified, reproduces itself... Everything has to do that, has to go through a state of purification. Volcanic will break forth in that great last time, and the world will burst, and belch, and go forth; and all these cesspools of sin and all that's upon the earth will be molded into nothing. It'll burn with such a fervent heat that it'll be like that bleach that sends the--the color of--of the ink back into its original creation; so will the fire from God be so hot that it'll turn every filthy thing back to its condition again, when Satan and all sin is burned up and everything. And then she'll come forth as beautiful as she was in the garden of Eden. That's right. Oh, that great hour laying just ahead of us.

232 During the tribulation period... Here's what I want you to notice now, a little thing I dropped in here. During this tribulation period, after the Bride has been called out, and the church goes through the tribulation period, the hundred and forty-four thousand is called by the two witnesses of Revelations 11. Now, look, they'll prophesy one thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth.

233 Now, we know this Roman calendar has... We got twenty-eight days and sometimes of thirty and thirty-one, but actual the calendar reads this: thirty days to every month. That's right. And take a hundred--a thousand, two-hundred and threescore days and put thirty to it, and see what you got: three and one-half years exactly on the dot. That's the time--that's allotted time for the Messiahic message to be preached to Israel like it was back there.

When He returns back and makes Hisself known in a symbol, that when He comes...

234 When Joseph was taken down into the country and was rejected by his brethren because he was a spiritual man... He could see visions and interpret dreams, and when he did, he was taken down into the country and was sold for almost thirty pieces of silver.

He portrayed Christ exactly, because it was Christ's Spirit in him. Notice what happened then. And notice that when he did this, he was put in the prison, and one man was saved and the other lost: exactly Jesus when He was in prison on the cross. One thief was saved and the other one was lost. Exactly. Throwed into the grave, supposed to be dead, and was took up and ascended to the right hand of Pharaoh, that nobody could see Pharaoh without seeing Joseph first. Jesus sets at the right hand of God, and no man can come to the Father except by the Son. That's right.

237 And notice, every time Joseph left, when Joseph rose up from that right hand of that throne... Watch? Glory. There set Joseph by the right hand of Pharaoh. And when Joseph raised up to leave that throne, the trumpet sounded. "Bow the knee, everybody. Joseph is coming."

When that Lamb leaves the throne yonder on His days of mediatorial work, when He leaves the throne up there and takes that Book of Redemption and walks forth, every knee will bow, every tongue...?... There He is.

239 Notice, and when Joseph, rejected by his brethren, he was given a Gentile wife. Potiphar give him... Or Pharaoh give him a Gentile wife, and he bore Gentile children: half Gentile and Jew. They give a great symbol that when Jacob was blessing them, Ephraim on one side, Manasseh on the other, he crossed his hands and give the younger child the blessing; and the two kids was added unto the twelve tribes, which was only ten at that time, and he blessed them in Jacob himself; and Joseph, his prophet son, standing there said, "Father, you've done wrong." Said, "You put your right hand blessing on the young child, where it ought to went on the old one."

He said, "I know my hands was crossed, but God has crossed them." Why? Israel, having the rights to be a Bride, rejected and sold their birthrights, and the--went from the old son, Israel, to the new, Gentile, and the blessings went from there through the cross to the Bride.

241 But notice, after that (See?), through that... When all... He'd took his bride. But when them boys came down to buy food... Oh, it's such a beautiful picture. I'm off of the Seal, but I just got to say it (See?), 'cause you'll get the picture better, I believe.

Notice. Now, when they come down to buy food, you know, Joseph recognized them right away. And Joseph was the son of prosperity; no matter where he went it always prospered. You wait till the--He comes to the earth again; wait till our Joseph comes. The desert shall blossom as a rose, and the Sun of righteousness rises with healing in His wings. Oh, my. All that cactus around Arizona will unfold into beautiful trees in there... It'll be beautiful.

245 Notice, here he comes forth, and he plays a little trick on them there. And he stands and he says, "Is my father still living?" See? He wanted to know if that boy's father was living.

He said, "Yes." (He knowed that was his brother.)

But did you notice. When he got ready to reveal himself to his brothers, and he found little Benjamin, which had been born since he had been gone. And that represents these Jews, this hundred and forty-four thousand that's gathering right there now, since He's been gone. And when he returned, he said... He looked at Benjamin; his heart was about to break.

And remember, they had--they didn't know that he could speak Hebrew. He was taken an interpreter; he act like he was an Egyptian. See?

247 And then when it was made known, he wanted to make himself known, he kept looking at little Benjamin. And--and remember, he dismissed his wife. She was in the palace when he made hisself known to his brethren. And the Gentile Bride, the wife, after Jesus being rejected by His own people, He has taken a Gentile Bride and will take Her from here to the palace to His Father's house in glory for the wedding supper and will slip back down to make Hisself known to His brethren, the hundred and forty-four thousand...?... See? There He stands. And remember, look at the symbols, perfectly.

249 And when he come back to where this was, he looked down to them and he said--he said--begin to look... And they begin to talk. They said, "Now, Reuben, you know that we're in for it now. See? Because, you know what we done? We've got this boy in this fix. Now, we oughtn't to have sold our brother." That was their brother standing there, that mighty prince, and they didn't know it.

That's the reason Israel can't understand Him today. It isn't the hour yet to know it. And then he--they thought he couldn't understand Hebrew, but he was listening right at them.

They said, "Now, we're in for it."

252 And Joseph, when he looked at them, he couldn't stand it no longer. Now, remember, his wife, his children was in the palace at the time: the saints gone out--out of their presence. And he said, "I'm Joseph, your brother."

And he run over and grabbed little Benjamin, fell on his neck, and begin to cry. And he made himself known.

And then they said, "Now, we know we got it coming, for we sold him. We was the one who sold him off. We was the one who tried to kill him, now we know he'll kill us."

He said, "No, don't be angry with yourself; you only done it to preserve life. That's why God sent me down here." And when He makes Hisself known, the Bible says (as we come to it), when He makes Hisself known to that hundred and forty-four thousand there, the little Benjamin of today and the remnant of those Jews left there; when He makes Himself known, they'll say, "Where did You get those scars? What are they doing in Your hands?"

He'll say, "Oh, I got them in the house of my friends." See?

257 Oh, then they'll realize that they have killed the Messiah. But what will He say? The same as Joseph did it: "You did it to serve life, don't--to save life. Don't be angry with yourself." Because that the Gentiles would not have been brought in, if the Jews hadn't have done that blindfolded trick. So He saved the life of the church by the things they done. So there you are. That's the reason today they can't understand this; it isn't the hour. No more we could understand these things until the time comes for it to be understood. Oh, my.

259 Seven thunders of revelation... May He show the Bride how to prepare for the great translation faith. (Now, let's hurry up because we haven't got about fifteen or twenty minutes yet.)

Now, what does this white horse mean? Let me read this. I've been so far off. Excuse me for getting off my subject, but--but I'll read the verse again, the two verses.

And I saw when the Lamb had opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it was the noise of thunder, and one of the four beasts saying, Come... see.

And I saw, and behold a white horse:... (Now, we're going to the 2nd verse)... a white horse: and he that set on him had a bow; and a crown was given... him:... (He didn't have it then.)... unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. (That's all of that. That's the seal.)

262 Now, let us find the symbols. We found out what the thunder means. That's perfectly; we know that. See? The thunder was the Voice of God when the Seal opened.

Now, what does the white horse mean? Now, here's where the revelation comes. I'm just as positive of this as I'm standing here knowing this is the Word. I've read every book on it I could find. And with a... I... The last time that I was--tried to go through it, just teaching it, about thirty years ago, I took the book... Somebody had told me that the Adventists had more light on the second coming of Christ than any people that they knowed, so I found some of their good books to read them. I got Smith's book on "Daniel's Revelation." And he said this white horse that went forth was white, and it symbolized a conqueror, and in this conquering... Many of you Adventist brethren here knows the book, and many of you others also by reading it. And others, I read two or three of... I read when the... I can't call... There's two more books read, and both men agreed that that was right. That was fine teachers, supposed to be some of the best with the best light. So I thought, "Well, if I don't know, I'll just say what they said, try to teach it that way." And they give a very good explanation of it, what it really meant.

266 And they said, "Now, here's a white horse, and a white horse is a power, a charger." And said, "The man that set on that was the--the white horse was the Holy Spirit that went forth in the early age and conquered that age for the Kingdom of God. He had a bow in his hand which meant like Cupid. He shot the arrows of love into the hearts of the people, the love of God, and He conquered."

Now, that sounds very good, but it isn't the Truth. No, sir. That... It wasn't. "White" does mean "righteous." We--we realize that, that "white" means "righteous." The teachers taught it, that it was the Holy Spirit conquering in the first age. But my revelation of it by the Holy Spirit is not that way.

My revelation by the Holy Spirit is: Christ and the Holy Spirit is the selfsame Person (See?), only in a different form. So here stands Christ, the Lamb. We know He was the Lamb. He's standing here with the Books in His hand, and there goes the white horse rider. See? So it wasn't the Holy Spirit.

269 Now, that's one of the mysteries of the last days, how that Christ can be the three Persons in One. It's not three different people: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, being three gods as the trinitarians try to tell us it is. It's three--it's three manifestations of the same Person, or you might call it three offices. If you're talking to ministers, you wouldn't use office, 'cause I...?... just happened to think I'm on tape. So I'll tell you... 'Course Christ couldn't say, "I'll pray My office, and He'll send you another office." We know that. But if you want to make it: it's three attributes of the same God, and not three gods; three attributes of the same God. See? And so how could Christ be out there with a white horse conquering and standing here with a Book in His hand? It isn't so; it isn't Christ.

271 Notice. Now, the Holy Spirit and the revelation and Christ is... The Holy Spirit is Christ in another form. That's right. Notice, it is a Lamb that opened the Book, and the Lamb is Christ; and Christ is not seen any more from then, but He is seen in the Book of Revelations the 19th chapter, coming on a white horse. If you'd like to read it, let's turn to Revelations 19:11 to 6. Let's read it right quick now while we're--while we're--if we got enough time, I hope, so it'll make it just a little better to us: 19, 19:11, begin at the 11th verse and read down including the 16th.

And I saw heaven opened,... behold a white horse;... (not on the earth; in heaven. See?)... and he that set on him was called Faithful... True, and... righteous... does he judge and make war.

His eyes were... flames of fire, and on his head was many crowns;... (Look at the diadem.)... and he had a name written, that no man knowed, but... himself.

274 I wished I could stop on that just a minute. Oh, my. I got a good notion but maybe when I see that you... See, nobody knows it. Did you ever know that the Name of Jehovah is not correct? Anyone knows. Dr. Vayle, you know that's true. The translators could never translate it. It's spelled J-u-h-v--J-v-h-u, I mean. It isn't Jehovah. They couldn't touch it. They don't know what it is. Called it Jehovah, but it wasn't His Name. Look. Every time a victory's won or something goes on, a name is changed.

277 Look at the days of Abraham. He was first Abram, and never could have that baby until his name was changed to Abraham. And Sarra, S-a-r-r-a could not have nothing but a dead womb until her name was changed to S-a-r-a-h.

"Jacob" means "supplanter, deceiver," and that's what he did. He put sheepskin on hisself and deceived his prophet father to take the birthright. He put poplar sticks in the water, speckled them, and scared the cattle when they was pregnated with the--with their young, to make speckled cattle and sheep. Nothing but a deceiver, but one night he caught a hold of something real. And he knowed it was real, and he stayed with it and held on until he overcome, and his name was changed and called "Israel" meaning "a prince with power before God." Is that right? Every overcomer...

Simon was a fisherman; but when his faith caught and knowed that was Jesus, when He told him He was the Messiah and told him who his name was and what his father's name was, he was overcome and changed from Simon to Peter.

Saul, good name, Saul was a king one time in Israel, but Saul didn't fit an apostle. Might be all right for a king, but not an apostle. So Jesus changed his name from what? From Saul to Paul. Look at the sons of thunder and on down.

283 And Jesus, His Name on earth was Redeemer, Jesus. When He was on earth, He was the Redeemer; that's true. But when He conquered death and hell, and overcome them, and ascended on high, He received a new Name. That's the reason they holler the way they do and don't get nothing; it'll be revealed in the thunders. See?

284 Notice, the mystery. He's coming, riding... There's got to be something to change this Church, you know that. There's got to be something. Notice. No man knowed but Himself. Now, notice, no man knowed but Hisself.

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name was called The Word of God. (Oh, notice.)

And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

285 There comes the Messiah. There He is, not this fellow on this horse back here. Watch the different. Here He stands with the Book in His hand here. The redemptive work is just... He hasn't took His place yet.

So it was not the Christ that went forth, the Holy Spirit. Not disagreeing with them great men, no, sir, I don't do it. I wouldn't want to do that, but this is what my revelation of it is. See, if you got something different, well, that's all right, but it ain't all right with me. See, I--I believe it this way; you know--you know what. See?

287 And notice, Christ is not seen any more (See?) from the time there. But He is on a white horse; so if this guy is riding a white horse, he's only an impersonator of Christ. See? Get that? Notice, the rider on the white horse don't have any name. He might use two or three titles, but he hasn't got any name. But Christ has a Name. What is it? The Word of God. That's what it is. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And the Word made flesh. See?

289 The rider has no name, but Christ is called the Word of God. That's what He is. He's called that. Now, He's got a Name that no man knows, but He's called the Word of God. This guy isn't called nothing (See?), but he's on a white horse.

The rider has no arrows for his bow. Did you notice? He had a bow, but there's nothing said about having any arrows; so he must be a bluffer. That's right. Maybe he's got a lot of thunder and no lightning, but you find out Christ had both lightning and thunder; for out of His mouth goes a sharp two-edged Sword, and He smites the nations. And this guy can't smite nothing (See?), but he's playing the part of a hypocrite. He's going forth riding on a white horse, going out to conquer.

291 Christ has a sharp Sword, and watch. It comes from His mouth--the living Word. That's the Word of God revealed to His servants, like He said to Moses: "Go, stand there and hold that stick out yonder, call for flies," and there was flies. Sure. Whatever He said, He done it, and it come to pass. His living Word... God and His Word is the selfsame Person. God is the Word.

Who is this mysterious rider of the first church age then? Who is he? Let's think of it. Who is this mysterious rider that starts forth in the first church age and rides plumb on out into eternity, goes to the end.

293 The Second Seal comes forth and goes right on out into the end. The Third Seal comes forth and goes right on out into the end. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh; every one of them winds right up out here in the end.

And at the end time, these Books that's been rolled up all this time with these mysteries in them, is broken. Then out comes the mystery to see what it is. But actually they started forth at the first church age, because at the first church age received the message, like this.

A white horse rider went out. See? Who is he? He's mighty in his conquering power, is a great fellow in his conquering power. You want me to tell you who he is? He's the antichrist. That's exactly what he is.

Now, because, you see, if an antichrist... Jesus said that the two would be so close together until it would deceive the very elected, the Bride, if it was possible. Antichrist, it's the antichrist spirit.

295 Remember in the church ages when we opened the first church age back there, we found out that the Holy Spirit was against a certain thing that got started in that church age, and that was called "the deeds of the Nicolaitanes." You remember it? "Nico" means "to conquer." "Laity" means "the church, the laity." "Nicolaitanes" "to conquer the laity": take the Holy Spirit out of the church and give it all to one holy man, let him be the boss of all of it. You went through it (See?), Nicolaitane. Notice, Nicolaitia was a--a saying in one church; it become a doctrine in the next church age. And in the third church age it was a forcement; and they had the Nicaea Council. And it was then made a doctrine and a church.

296 And what was the first thing happened? An organization from it. Now, is that right? Tell me where the first organized church come from: Roman Catholic church. Tell me if Revelations don't say, in the Book of Revelations 17, that she was a whore, and her daughters were harlots. That's the same thing that organized with her: harlots. Taken the abomination, filthiness of their fornications for doctrine, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.

297 Notice. Look, he starts out to conquer. Notice, he has no crown. The white horse rider; I'm speaking of here. See? A bow and a crown was given him afterwards. See? He had no crown to start with, but a crown was given him. Notice, later he was given a crown: yeah, three of them, three on one. That was three hundred years later at the Nicaea Council when he started out a spirit of Nicolaitia to form an organization among the people, and then it kept on going on, going on; it become a saying, then it become a doctrine.

298 You remember Christ speaking back to the church, said, "Thou hatest the deeds of these Nicolaitanes which I hate too," trying to conquer, take the Holy Spirit: just on one holy man; he can forgive all the sins and everything. Have we just read it over there, Paul spoke of it: that thing would set in the last days, and he couldn't be revealed till the last days? Then He that letteth will take the Spirit of God out of there, and then he'll reveal himself.

Today he's under the disguisement of a white horse. Watch how he changes from that white horse in a few minutes. He don't only become a white horse; he becomes a beast with many heads and horns. See, see? The white horse, he's a deceiver now, and that's the reason the people hasn't known it all this time. They thought it, but here it is now; it's going to be revealed by the Scripture.

301 Notice, when Nicolaitia (See?), antichrist is finally... He's incarnate in a man; then he's crowned. When he starts off as a Nicolaitia spirit in the church, he's a spirit. You can't crown a spirit. But three hundred years later he become a pope. And then they crowned him. He had no crown to start with, but he got a crown later (See?), when that spirit become incarnate. See? He become a man. Nicolaitane doctrine become a man; then they could crown it. They couldn't do it because he was just a doctrine. Glory.

Notice, and when this Holy Spirit that we have, becomes incarnate to us, the One that's in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us in the Person of Jesus Christ, we'll crown Him King of king...?... That's right. See?

303 Now, remember, about the time Christ come on the throne, the antichrist come on the throne: Judas. About the time Christ went off the earth, Judas went off the earth. Just about the time the Holy Spirit come back, the antichrist come back.

You know, John said over here: "Little children, I would not have you ignorant, you know, about the antichrist, which he's already come and working in the children of disobedience." The antichrist then, there he was, begin to form in there the Nicolaitane spirit to make an organization.

No wonder I hated that thing. See, see? There you are. It wasn't me; it was something in here. There's the thing; it's come out. You see it? I was all around the sides of it; I couldn't see it till now; I--I know it now. There it is, that Nicolaitane spirit God hated, and now that spirit become incarnate, and they crowned it. And here it is right here what the Bible said they'd do with it: perfect. Oh, my.

307 Incarnate... He become a man and then they crowned him. Read, notice, or read, rather, how Daniel said he will take over the church kingdom. Would you like to read it? Let... We got time to do that, haven't we? All right. Listen. Let's go back to Daniel just a moment. Turn back to the Book of Daniel, and we'll read just a moment; and we won't be, maybe another fifteen, twenty minutes or thirty, or something. All right, let's get Daniel the 11th chapter, and let's take the 21st verse. Here's Daniel. Daniel's speaking now how this fellow is going to take over.

And in his state shall stand up a vile person... (Rome, talking)... to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom:... (Now, watch.)... but he shall come in a peaceable--come in peaceable, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

309 That's exactly what it done, what Daniel said this antichrist would do. He will fit the people's place. Yes, it'll fit their--their menu for this day for the churches. For in this church age they don't want the Word, Christ; but they want church. The first thing, they don't ask you if you're a Christian. "What church do you belong to?" "What church?" They don't want Christ, the Word. You go tell them about the Word and how to straighten up; they don't want that.

They want something, just live any way they want to and still belong to church and obtain their testimony. See, see? So, he fits the menu just exactly. And you remember, "he" was finally called "she" in the Bible. And she was a prostitute and had daughters. Just fits the bill of the day, what the people want. There it is.

310 God has promised it; when the Word is refused then they are turned to their desires. Let's read Thessalonians again. Let's... I want you to watch here just a minute. Say, "Well, we read it awhile ago." II Thessalonians 2:9-11, It said that they would, in turning down, rejecting the Truth, they would be given over to a reprobate mind and would believe a lie and would be damned by it. Now, that's what--that's what the Holy Spirit said.

Now, isn't that the desire of the church today? You try to tell people they have to do this, that, or the other; they'll let you know right quick they are Methodists, Presbyterian, or whatmore; they don't have to paddle in your boat. See? Certainly. They want it. And God said, "If they want it, I'll just let them have it. And I'll actually make them believe that that's the truth, 'cause I'll give them a reprobate mind concerning the truth."

312 Now, look here what the Bible says also. "As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses..." so will these guys in the last days with a reprobate mind concerning the truth, and shall turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness, deny the Lord God. Now, you see where it's at. Not only Catholic, but Protestant, the whole thing, it's all the whole organized world.

That's that white horse rider under the--the way of a white, righteousness church (See?), but an antichrist. It's got to look like--on a horse even, just like Christ is coming on a horse. All anti--so close it'd deceive the very elect...

Here he is. He's the antichrist. He started riding in the first church age. Now, he rides on down, on down through every age. Now, watch him.

314 You say, "Way back--way back in the apostles time?" He was called Nicolaitia there. Then in the next church age, then he become a doctrine in the church. First he was just a saying, then he become a doctrine.

Swell, celebrity people, fine dressed, highly educated, polished didn't want all that carrying on in the church. No, they didn't want all that Holy Ghost stuff. Must be a church... "And we all go through the Nicaea Council and so forth at Rome." Then when they come there, they took the church, and took paganism, Roman Catholi--or paganism--pagan Rome and a few superstitions and took the--the Astarte the Queen of heaven, and turned it to be Mary, the mother; make intercessors out of dead people, and so forth, and took that round kosher wafer which is still puts round on there and called it the Body of Christ, because it represents the mother of heaven... When a Catholic passes by, he crosses himself because that light's burning in there is supposed to be the kosher which is turned to God by the power of the priest, when it is nothing in the world but just plain paganism. That's right.

316 I just don't understand it. Well, yes I do. (Excuse me.) Yes, sir. I understand by the grace of God. Sure. Now, notice. Oh, my, how they can do that. See? And they are given their desire. No, that's true. You don't have to do that. No, sir. If you don't want to do it, you're not forced to do it. If you don't want to tally up to God's way of living and things and worship, you don't have to do it. God don't make nobody do it. But let me tell you something. If your name was placed on that Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, you'd be so happy to do it, you can't wait for the minute to do it.

Look here. When you say, "I'll give you to understand; I'm just as religious..." Well, that might be true. Look it... Who could say them priests wasn't religious in the days of the Lord Jesus? Who could say Israel wasn't religious in the wilderness?

321 When they was even... "Why, God's blessed me so many times..." Yes, He did them too. They didn't even have to work for their living. He fed them out of the heavens, and Jesus said, "They're everyone lost and gone and perished."

"Our fathers," they said, "eat manna in the wilderness for forty years."

Jesus said, "And they're every one dead," eternally separated. See? He said, "But I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven. If a man eats this Bread, he'll never die." See? He's the Tree of Life.

324 Notice just how... And when Jesus come, those priests, they come up there, very religious. Boy, nobody could say they wasn't nice men. My, they walked to the line of that law. Everything that church said, they did it. If they didn't, they were stoned. And so they walked out, do you know what Jesus called them? John called them, "You bunch of snakes in the grass. Don't you think because you belong to that organization you got anything to do with God."

And Jesus said, "You are of your father the devil." He said, "Every time that God sent a prophet, what happened? You stoned him, and throwed him in the grave, and now you go out there and polish his grave."

325 Isn't that the same thing that Catholic church has done? Look at Joan of Arc, and Saint Patrick, and all the rest of them. They're the one who puts them in, and then dug Joan of Arc's body up, and throwed it in the river a couple of hundred years later, and burned her for a witch. "You are of your father the devil, and his works you do." That's exactly. Go all over the world... See?

That's right. That's what Jesus said; and you think it's all right. It looks pretty good, that white horse; but look what you got. That's exactly what's riding it.

328 Now, but He said they wanted it, so He would give them a strong delusion. Remember, this prostitute of Revelation 17, she is a mystery, Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots. And John admired her, just like this man... (Look, wait till we get here and watch him watching this horse here.) See, but you noticed he was... What happened was this: that he admired her with great admiration, but the mystery was that she drank the blood of the martyrs of Christ. A beautiful church, set there decked in purple and gold, and she had a cup in her hand of filthiness of her fornications.

329 What is "fornication?" Is "unrighteous living." That's her doctrine she was giving out, taking the Word of God and making it of none effect by some, "Hail, Marys," and all this other kind of stuff and giving it out, and the kings of the earth committed fornications with her.

Well, you say, "That's the Catholic church." But she was a mother of harlots, same thing that she was. There you are.

What happened? When the reformer died and his message died out, you--you organized it, and put a bunch of "Rickys" in there, and started the thing right back to live the way you wanted to. You didn't want to stay with the Word. Instead of moving right on with the Word, they stayed right there, and, "This is it." You don't do that. He... That's it, Him up there.

332 Notice. (That's one thing. We want to hit just a couple more places before closing.) He is the prince that was destroy; Daniel's people. You believe that? I'm going to make this if you just help and be lenient with me for a few minutes, I--I'll make it just as quick as I can, but I want to make it positive (See?); 'cause I--the Holy Spirit's give me this just as certain as I'm standing here. See, see?

334 Now, look, let's take--go back to Daniel again just a minute. I want to read something 'fore... Whether if you don't go back, it's all right. I want to read Daniel 9--Daniel 9, and I want to read the 26th and 27th verse of Daniel 9. And watch, if he isn't the one to destroy Daniel's people--what he's going to do.

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off... (See, that's the threescore and two weeks, He'd be cut off out of the seventy weeks.)... not for himself: but for the people and the prince... (That's the hierarchy here.)... that shall come--that shall come shall destroy the city and... sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with great flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

336 I want to ask you people something. After Christ was cut off from the earth in the three and a half years of His ministry, and what destroyed the temple? Who destroyed it? Rome. Sure. Constantine (Or, no, I beg your pardon.) Titus, the Roman general. He destroyed the prince. Now, notice. Watch this fellow come right on down just go on.

337 When Jesus was born, the red dragon in heaven stood at the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born. Is that right? Who was it tried to devour the child when it was born? [Congregation says, "Rome."--Ed.] See? There's the red dragon. Here's your prince. Here's your beast. See? There they are, every one of them, just the same. See? Devour the child... God caught it up into heaven to set on His throne. That's where Christ is now till the time appointed. See? Now, watch what he shall do.

338 Now, oh... Now, I believe I was talking to somebody here. It might've been Brother Roberson today, or somebody I was talking on about this (about not this here but just on the same thing.) I believe I preached on it here not long back, what will happen to this United States on this money situation. See? Well, we are now paying our debts on taxes that'll be paid forty years from today. That's how far we are behind.

Did you ever turn on "KAIR" up there or "Lifeline" and listen to it (See?) from the... Washington? Why, we are completely busted. That's all. What's the matter? The gold's all housed up, and the Jews holds the bond. It's going to be Rome.

Now, watch. We know who owns the big department stores, but Rome has the greatest part of the wealth of the world. The rest of it the Jews have. Now, watch this. Now, just listen to this how the Holy Spirit brought this out for me.

340 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:... (Now, watch.)... and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the obligations to cease,... for the overspreading of abomination he shall make it desolate, even unto the consummation, and that determined shall be poured out upon the desolate.

Watch. Oh, what a shrewd thing he is. Here he is. Now, we got our picture and know that he's Rome. We know that he's the white horse rider. We know that he went forth as a doctrine. And then what was pagan Rome? Converted into papal Rome and crowned.

341 Now, watch. In the end time, not in the early days when Christ was preaching, but in the end time, the last part of the week, where we just took the seventy weeks of Daniel; and Christ has prophesied for the three and a half years, and three and a half years are yet determined. Is that right? And this prince in that time is to make a covenant with Daniel's people, which is the Jews. That's when the Bride's taken out now. She won't see it.

342 Notice. In the last one-half of Daniel's week, the people makes a covenant--this prince makes a covenant with Rome; makes a covenant with them no doubt for the wealth, for Catholic and Jew holds the wealth of the world.

I was in the Vatican. I've seen the triple crown. Was supposed to have an interview with the Pope. Baron Von Blomberg got it for me on a--for a Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock.

And when they took me to the king, they took the cuffs out of my trousers. That's all right. Told me never to turn my back, walk away from him. That's all right. But I said, "What do I have to do before this guy?"

Said, "Well, just go in and kneel down on one knee and kiss his finger."

I said, "That's out. That's out. No, sir." I said, "I'll--I'll call any man a brother that wants to be a brother. I'll call him reverend, if he wants to have the title of that, but to worship a man, that all belongs to Jesus Christ." No, sir. Kissing no man's hand like that. No, indeed.

347 So I didn't do it, but I got to go all through the Vatican. Why, you couldn't buy it with a hundred billion billion dollars. Why, you... And just think, "The wealth of the world," the Bible said, "was found in her." All... Just think of the great places, the billions times... Why did Communism raise up over here in Russia? It just makes me sick at my stomach to hear so many preachers hollering about Communism, and they don't even know what they're crowing about. That's right. Communism ain't nothing. It's a tool in the hand of God to bring revenge upon the earth for the blood of the saints that... That's right.

349 And after the church is taken away, Rome and--and the Jews will make a covenant with one another. The Bible said they would, with the holy people. And now notice, they'll make it, because why? This nation is going to be busted, and the rest of the world that's on the gold standard is busted. You know that. If we're living off of taxes, due bills for forty years from now, where are we at? There's only one thing can happen. That's to call in the currency and pay off the bonds; and we can't do it. Wall Street owns them, and Wall Street's controlled by the Jews; the rest of it's in the Vatican, and the Jews has got the rest of it in Wall Street with the commerce of the world.

350 We can't call it in. And if we could do it, do you think these whiskey guys and--and all these tobacco people with billions times billions of dollars a year and write off all their income tax for old vulgar pictures and things like that--go out in Arizona there and buy millions of acres of land--or thousands--and dig them big wells at fifty thousand dollars and pay it off with income tax? And they'd put you in jail if you don't pay yours. But they write it off and throw up wells and send bulldozers in.

And what do they do? They put housing projects in there, and the next turn around with their money they made (they have got to make an investment) and put houses, projects in there and sell them for millions of dollars. Do you think them guys is going to compromise to change the currency?

352 Like this fellow down here in--in (What's his name?) Castro did. He done the only smart thing he ever did do then, when he destroyed the bonds: paid them off and destroyed them. Notice, but we can't do that. These guys won't let us.

The rich merchants of the earth hold it, and then there's only one thing to do: The Catholic church can pay it off. She's the only one that's got the money; she can do it, and she will do it.

And in doing this to get it, she'll compromise with the Jews and make a covenant, and when she makes this covenant with the Jews... Now, remember, I'm taking this from the Scriptures. And now, when she does this and makes this covenant, we notice in Daniel 8:23 and 25 he will cause craft to prosper (And craft is manufacturing.), in his hand.

355 And he makes this covenant with the Jews, and in the midst of this three and a half years, he breaks his covenant as soon as he gets the thing wrapped up and gets the money of the Jews tied up. And when he does that, oh, my, oh, my, he's called the antichrist until the end of the church age, for he is the--he and his children are against Christ and the Word. This man's called the antichrist. Now, he's going to hold the money. And that's where I think he'll come in. Just a minute, while I say this, then I want to go back to it in a minute.

He's called the antichrist and will be called the antichrist in the sight of God until the end time. Now, but then he'll be called something else.

359 Now, when he gets the money all under control, then he will break this covenant with the Jews, as Daniel here said he would do it, in the midst of the last half of the seventy weeks of Daniel. And then, brother, what will he do? He will have all of the world trade and the commerce, a pact with the world, 'cause he will hold the wealth of the world completely.

And during that time, them two prophets will rise on the scene and call that hundred and forty-four thousand. Then what will take place? Then the mark of the beast of Revelations 13 will set in, 'cause he holds all the commerce, trade and everything of the world. And what will take place then? The mark of the beast will come in that no man can buy or sell except him that has the mark of the beast. Thank God, the Church will be enjoying a great three and a half years in glory. Don't have to go through that.

361 Now, notice, at the end time--at the end of the church ages, now, he is called--he and his children are called the antichrist, 'cause anything that's against Christ is antichrist. And anything that's against the Word is against Christ, 'cause Christ is the Word. Now, he's antichrist.

Then in Revelations 12:7-9, when Satan is cast out, the accuser... You want to put that down, 'cause I want to read it; we haven't got time now, 'cause it's twent--fifteen till ten. See?

But in Revelations 12:7-9, Satan the spirit, the devil, which is up there now, accuser of our brethren, all right; the Church is taken up, and Satan is cast out. When the Church goes up, Satan comes down. Then Satan incarnates himself in the antichrist and is called the beast.

364 Then in Revelations 13, he sets the mark down. See, when He that letteth--only now Christianity is left on the earth in its purity is because Him that letteth. You remember back here in that--in Thessalonians? Setting upon the temple of God, calling himself God; forgiving sins on earth, and that'll go on, and iniquity shall abound and on, 'cause it won't be known yet until his time to be revealed is called. And then the Church will be caught away. And when it's caught away, then he changes hisself from an antichrist now. Oh, my, the church, the great church and... Now, he becomes the beast. Hm. I wished I could make people see that.

367 Now, remember, the antichrist and the beast is the same self spirit. There's the trinity. Yes, sir. It's three stages of the same devil power. Remember, Nicolaitia (See?), it had to be incarnate before it could be crowned. See? Now, watch this. Three stages: first stage he's called antichrist; second stage, he's called the false prophet; third stage, he's called the beast.

368 Notice, Nicolaitia, the antichrist teaching that started in the days of Paul against God's Word: antichrist... Then he's called again the false prophet, which when the teaching become a man, he was a prophet to the teaching of the hierarchy of the--the hierarchy of the Catholic church. The Pope was the prophet to the false word, and that made him a false prophet.

The third stage is a beast, a man that's crowned in the last days with every power that pagan Rome ever had, because the seven-headed beast, dragon, was cast out of heaven and come incarnate in the false prophet. Here it is; he had seven crowns, and he was cast out and throwed into the earth and the sea. All right.

What are we saying? Who is this rider, this horse rider? You know what it is? It's Satan's superman.

372 I went the other night... Two brothers setting in this church now (Brother Norman, back there, and, I believe, and Brother Fred); we was over to hear a man teach on the antichrist, a well known man, one of the best the Assemblies of God has got. And his interpretation of antichrist was, that they're going to take a vitamin of some sort out of a--of a man and transfer this life out of a man into a great image that's going to step a city block at a time. And that's going... Could you imagine a man filled with the Holy Ghost under such illusion as that, or claimed to be? When here's the Bible that says who the antichrist is. It's not a... It's a man.

373 Notice, this rider is nothing but Satan's superman, a incarnate devil. He's a educated genius. Now, I hope you got your ears open. They was trying one of his children out not long ago in a television cast to see if he wasn't smarter than the next man to run for presidency; but however, he's got a lot of wisdom; so has Satan. He tries to sell it. He sold it to Eve; he sold it to us. We've been wanting a superman; we got it. All right. The whole world's wanting a superman; they're going to get it. Just wait till the Church goes up, and Satan's cast out. He'll incarnate. That's right. They want somebody who can really do the job; he'll do it.

374 Educated... This is the Satan's superman with education, with wisdom, with church theology of his own word, of his own making, and he rides his white denominational horse to deceive the people. And he will conquer every religion of the world, 'cause they've all going into the confederation of--of the--of churches and the world confederation of churches. And they already got their buildings built and everything setting right in line. There ain't one thing left. Every denomination's stuck right into it, the federation of churches. And what's backing it? Rome. And the pope's now crying, "We're all one. Let's come together and walk together."

375 And these people, even some of you Full Gospel people, deny--have to deny your evangelical teaching to take such a step as that. What have you done? So blind to that denominational thing you've rejected Truth. And Truth was set before them, and they--they walked away from it and left it, and now they've been given over to a strong delusion to believe a lie and be damned with it. That's exactly what it is, and the antichrist takes it all. And the Bible said that he deceived all, a-double-l, all upon the face of the earth whose names were not written under those Seals from the foundation of the world. Now, if the Bible said he did it, he did it.

They say, "Well, I belong..." There you are. See? That's just exactly. It's the same prostitute institution. It's the same system that started in the beginning which is antichrist throughout. I'll hear from it, but that's--it's the Truth. I expect to. Amen.

379 Now, notice, he'll conquer and almost has in his grip right now, while he's still antichrist before he can becomes beast. You talk about cruel punishment. You just wait. Watch what them that's left here on earth will have to go through with. There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. For the dragon, Rome, spurted water out of his mouth to make war with the remnant of the woman's seed that was left upon the earth after the Bride had been selected and took out. And the dragon made war with the remnant that didn't want to come in, was hunted down. And the real Church will go through that if it was possible, but you see, they are done under this Blood by the grace of Christ, and is not going through...?... have no tribulation period. The next thing for the Church is rapture. Amen and amen. Praise be God.

381 Oh, how I love this. Let me tell you. We're telling what a conquer he's going to do, and he's really going to conquer; he's already done it. It's just already sewed up. That's all. Going to sew up with the money, filthy lucre. It's exactly. They love money more than God. Everything they think about now is how much money has he got. What is it? You know it's been said lots of times: "Give the church the money, and she'll revolutionize the world. Give the church the money, and she'll send evangelists all over the world. And what will she do? She will conquer the world for Christ."

Let me tell you something, my poor blind friend. The world's not won by money, but by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Give God men who's gallant men will stand on that Word, live or die, that'll conquer. There'll only be one thing that can conquer: those that's got their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world. That's the only thing will hear it. Money won't have nothing to do with it: send them farther into the denominational traditions.

384 Let's see. Yes, with educational genius, he'll be. He'll be smart. My, my, my, and all of his children around him will be smart: Ph.D., LL.D., double L.D., Q.S.D., A.B.C.D.E.F. on down to Z. They'll have it all. Smart. Why? It's after the order of Satan. Any shrewd craftiness against the Bible is of Satan. That's exactly what he took Eve with. Eve said, "Oh, it's written. God said for us not to do that."

He said, "But wait. Surely God won't do it, but I'll open your eyes and give you some wisdom." She got it. We've been wanting him; we got it too, this nation.

387 Notice, he'll conquer the whole religious world. He'll conquer--make a covenant with Daniel's people. Here it is, both in the Gentile and in the Daniel's people, the Jews to the last week, and here we are, even drawed out on boards, and you see it perfectly, there's where it is. Thank God. There he is. That organizational system is of the devil. And that's no punches pulled on it either. (See?) It's exactly. It's a root of the devil; it's a... And now, not people, not people in there, them are God's people, many of them. But you know what, when we get over here till where we get in these trumpets sounding; and the next time I come by, these trumpets sounding. You remember when them last angels, that third angel come across, "Come out of her my people."... When that angel flies at the same time that message drops here for the last trumpet, last angel's message, last Seal opens. All happens at the same time. Yes, sir. All seals up and goes over into eternity.

389 Now, watch, at the same time that this guy's a-conquering (Then I'll close.), God's going to do something then too. Let's not just give Satan all the credit here. See? Let's not talk about him altogether. See? While this great thing is going out there, this great system winding in these organizations in a union so they can pool themselves together and stand against Communism, and not knowing that God raised up Communism to conquer them. Sure. What--what--what made Communism rise in Russia? Because of the impurity of the Roman church and the rest of them. They took all the money there was in Russia and starved the people to death and give them nothing instead of live just like the rest of the world.

391 I was down in Mexico not long ago and see them poor little children. Any Catholic country is not even self-supporting; there's not a one of them. Ask me where... Show me where they're at. Any Catholic-controlled country can't even support its own self. France, Italy, and all them, Mexico, wherever you go, they're not self-supporting. Why? The church took everything they have. That's the reason Russia kicked it out.

392 Watch what taken place. I know this myself. I stand down there and you think the golden jubilee was on you hear the bells ringing. And here a poor little woman coming down the street, dragging her feet, and a father packing a baby, and two or three of them crying. She was doing penance to some dead woman up there, they had her, thought she'd get to go to heaven by it. Oh, what a pitiful thing.

Then I seen standing down there... Here comes... Their economics is so poorly balanced; the church takes everything they got. Here little Pancho, maybe--maybe Pancho Frank, he comes down, and he's a brick mason, and he maybe he makes twenty pesos a week, but it'll take the whole twenty pesos to buy him a pair of shoes. That's their economics. But now here, what about then if he being a mason and a bricklayer and make twenty pesos a week (just saying, I don't know what he makes, but say that kind of economics--the way it's balanced up).

394 Notice, now, if he makes twenty pesos a week, here comes Chico (See?), which means "little one," and he works out there for about five pesos a week, and he's got ten kids to feed; but there'll be somebody knocking on his door to take about five of those pesos or four of them anyhow to pay for some grease candle to burn on a million dollar gold altar for his sins. There you are. That's the balance of economics. That's the way their countries are. The thing takes it all. The church takes it all.

395 She's just got it in her hands. That's all. And her, with the money of the Jews in that covenant; the Bible said they'll take the whole thing, and then he becomes a beast; he breaks his covenant; he ravishes; he tears out the rest of that woman's seed like that, and spurts water out of his mouth, makes war; and there'll be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. And the Bride's getting married in glory (See?) same time. Don't miss it, friends. God help me; and I--I want to be there. I don't care what it costs. I--I want to be there.

398 Now, notice, in the same time this is going on, just before this takes place, rather, on the earth, God has promised, while all them scruples of denominations arguing their difference about their creed, God promised that He would send us a true prophet of the true Word with a message to return to the original Word of God and the faith of the fathers to bring down the power of the Holy Ghost amongst the people, with a power that will raise her above these things and take her in at the same time. Yes, sir.

398a Same Word be vindicated of Jesus Christ that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Lo, I am with you always, even to the consummation. And the works that I do shall you do also. I will be right with you. A little while and they won't see Me no more, 'cause they will organize themselves and scatter out, but ye will see Me, for I will be with you. I will even be in you unto the consummation." When He said... His indignation be poured out after the consummation. There you are. Oh, God. Who is that white horse rider? You're not blind. You see who it is. It's that antichrist and that deceitful spirit that's gone now and crept in, and made and then sh...

399 See, God just keeps repeating it. He showed there's a man going forth with a white horse and with his bow and no arrow. He's a bluff. He has no power. You say, "The power of the church..." Where's it at? What do they do? They say, "We're the original church." The original church cast out devils, healed the sick, and raised the dead, saw visions and everything else. Where is it now? See? He's a bluff: bow with no arrow. That's right.

400 But you see, when Christ come, a Sword went forth from His mouth like a lightning flash. It went forth and consumed His enemies and cast away the devil. It cut away everything else and He come, His vesture dipped in Blood and on His thigh was written "The Word of God." Amen. Here He come with His army, coming from heaven.

401 That white horse rider has been in the land all the time. He will change from antichrist. He does that and becomes to a false prophet. See, he first started an antichrist, the spirit; then he become a false prophet. Then later, when the devil is cast out, he's incarnate then with the devil. Three stages: the first he's a devil to begin with, a spirit of the devil; then he becomes a false prophet, teacher of a false doctrine; next thing he comes as the very devil himself incarnate. See? There he is.

And at the same time that this devil falls out of heaven and becomes incarnate in a man, the Holy Spirit goes up and comes down incarnate Man. Amen. Oh, my. What a time.

403 Tomorrow night, God willing, the Second Seal. You love Him? (All right, Brother Fred...?... the tapes, brother, keep...?...) Now, you--you believe it? (I just shut the tape off.) Now, I'm going to hear from that; you know that. See? But I expect to. Let me tell you something, brother. I just now know for one time in my life why that Spirit has always warned me against them, that organization.

405 I'm grateful to the Lord God for showing me these things. I know that it's the Truth. There it is, revealed right there. Here he rides right down through the age and comes right out here and displays himself right down here just as perfect as he can be. See? That's him. Now, we're not deceived on that. Now, you got your eyes opened. Stay away from that kind of stuff. Love the Lord with all your heart, and stay right with Him. Yes, sir. Come out of Babylon.

[] Three things: proved by the Word, shown by a picture, manifested by the works of the Spirit, vindicating that It is the Word.

Let the Word come upon these handkerchiefs, Lord. Heal the sick. Heal every sick person that's present, Lord, and those out there that writes in and calls in.

Father, at this hour, there's another healing that should be done right now, and we go on to healing service. But, Lord, it's that soul, we want that just in order, Lord. And these things must come.

We pray, God, that You'll take these words now that has been said, and make them real to the people. Let them see It, Lord. Being pinched for time, and, You know, Father, so I pray that enough has been said that the Holy Spirit will take It and reveal It into hearts. Those who are writing the Scriptures down, may they study Them. Those who are making tapes or--or--or hearing the tapes, may they study It; not put their own interpretation to It now, but just study the Word. Grant it, Father. In Jesus' Name, I commit it all to You, and for Your glory. Amen.

[A brother prophesies. Congregation rejoices--Ed.] Amen. Oh, thank You! [Congregation continues rejoicing.] Oh!

If there is somebody here that don't know Him, in pardon, do it now. Hear that straight, strong rebuke. If you ever expect to draw nigh, do it now, for days after this.

What if that was the breaking of that Seal? What if that was the Angel that sent forth there, that blasted (almost) me off of the ground, the other day, standing back there, when three witnesses are standing close. That I told you before I went, "There would be an explosion that would almost send me up." And I was caught up by seven Angels, and come eastward. The thing like to shook me from the ground.

Is that right, Brother Norman, Brother Fred Sothmann, who was standing with me when it happened, above Tucson? And the--the... Setting, picking the burrs off of my clothes, exactly what the vision said. And it was south of... towards Tucson. If that's right, raise up your hand, Brother Fred, Brother Norman. There they are. Stand up on your feet, so the people can see that you were there, a witness. I never heard anything like it, in my life.

And, immediately, they didn't hunt, the rest the day. I begged Fred, the next morning. He don't know this. I begged him to go out hunting, kept saying, "Do it. Do it."

But He said, He told me back there, "He won't do it. You're going East, right now."

And them seven Angels! The first blast, she opened. Yeah. What if it is? We're at the last hour. See?

I love...

Let's worship Him.

I love Him

Because He first loved me

Let's stand.

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Let's cleanse our hearts now, brothers, as we bow our heads. My sisters, I've talked awful to you, but I've done it in godly love. I've done it because I loved you; about wearing long hair, and dressing and acting right. I've done it because of godly love. Let's pure our conscience now while--while the Clorox of God.

In the morning, may be too late. He may step forth. These things coming forth like this, brethren, might be the end of the mediatorial office. Did you ever think of that? Well, I don't know it is. I don't say it is. But what if it is? What if it is? What about it? There's no more redemption; it's gone, at that time. I hope it's not, but there is a possibility that it is.

I love Him, I...

Cleanse us, Lord.

.. love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Glory to God! I love that sweet feeling. Don't you feel That? Just the Holy Spirit, like, bathing around you, walking around with It. Oh, how wonderful! Oh, think of His mercy!

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Don't forget It, friend. Don't forget It. Take It home with you. Stay with It. Hold It on your pillow. Don't forget It. Stay with It. God bless you now.

Brother Neville, your pastor.