Kristus je zjavené tajomstvo Božie



Boh sa dáva poznať v jednoduchosti a skrze zjavenie Ježiša Krista tej najnegramotnejšej osobe. Rozumiete? Nie skrze vašu teológiu. To je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. "Na tej skale zbudujem Svoju Cirkev." Nebude to na žiadnych iných skalách, na ničom inom, na žiadnej Rímskej skale, na žiadnej Protestantskej skale, na žiadnej škole, na ničom inom, ale jedine na zjavení Ježiša Krista skrze Znovuzrodenie. On sa rodí vo vás a vštepuje vám Svoj Vlastný Život a váš život pošiel preč. A Život Kristov, s Jeho prednosťami, Sa sám cez vás premietne ľuďom, tak že oni vidia ten istý život, tie isté skutky, znamenia a zázraky, ktoré On činil, to isté sa deje cez vás. Všetko ostatné čo je pomimo toho nestojí ani za zmienku. Dávajte pozor na odhalenie veľkého Božieho zjavenia!

Pre nedostatok toho zjavenia máme tak mnoho rôznych rozdelení medzi nami, a tak mnoho výsmechu. Tak mnoho rozdelení medzi nami je preto, že ľuďom chýba to zjavenie. Vidíte, im chýba to zjavenie, tým učiteľom.

Pavel, po obdržaní svojho veľkého zjavenia Krista, povedal, v prvom liste do Korintu v druhej kapitole. Zapíšte si to, aby ste si to mohli prečítať. Dávajte pozor! On povedal, "Neprišiel som ku vám s múdrosťou." Pozrite sa na toho muža ktorý mal múdrosť, pozrite sa na toho muža ktorý mal to vzdelanie, "Neprišiel som vo vznešenosti slova." Prvá Korinťanom, druhá kalitola.

1Ďakujem ti brat Neville. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Zostaňme ešte chvíľu stáť, kým skloníme naše hlavy k modlitbe.

2Milostivý Nebeský Otče, znovu toto ráno prichádzame ku Tebe pre milosrdenstvo a pre vedenie Ducha Svätého na dnes, keď nám svitlo na nový deň, aby sme sa mohli spolu stretnúť a učiť Tvoje Slovo, aby sme tak mohli vedieť ako máme žiť v tomto dni a poznať ktorá je hodina dňa v ktorom žijeme. Prosíme aby Tvoje sväté vedenie viedlo naše mysle a naše srdcia, aby si nás Ty mohol nasmerovať do každého Slova, ktoré je pre nás potrebné aby sme ho poznali; aby si Ty mohol slobodne otvoriť naše ústa a tiež naše srdcia, prijímať to čo Ty budeš ku nám hovoriť, a aby si zavrel naše ústa pre veci ktoré nie sú pravé, lebo vieme, že len Ty môžeš zjavovať Slovo Božie.

3A teraz, keď musím opustiť tento malý zbor, kvôli iným častiam sveta, zverujem ich Tebe, Pane. Oni sú časťou, plodom môjho srdca, keď tak poviem. To sú tí ktorí boli zrodení pre Teba, skrze Ducha a skrze Slovo Pravdy. Prosím, aby si ich žehnal, Pane a zachovával ich pevne spolu spojených putami lásky Kristovej.

4Žehnaj nášho drahého milovaného pastora, pastiera. Prosíme, aby si ho pomazával Svätým Duchom, Tvojho Slova, aby im ho mohol zjavovať a pásť stádo.

5A teraz, nie je tomu tak dávno, ako si ukázal to videnie, túto malú modlitebňu tu, ako uskladňuje Potravu, že príde čas, keď to bude všetko potrebné. Keď vidíme brata Sothmana a brata Woodsa ktorí sú hotoví prejsť až do iného kraju, aby ... Ty si povedal, "Uskladňujte tu túto potravu na ten čas." Pane, snažím sa to robiť so všetkou vážnosťou.

6A teraz, toto ráno, v tejto lekcii ktorú máme pred sebou, prosím, aby si To všetko odkryl, Pane, aby si ukázal že Ty si Boh a toto je Tvoje Slovo a tvoja Pravda. Udeľ to, Pane, aby sa títo ľudia mohli na tom najesť a stučnieť, ako to bolo, v milosti Božej, aby mohli vidieť, že toto je pre nás veľké Božie milosrdenstvo v tento deň. Požehnaj všetkých prítomných, i tých ktorí by radi boli prítomní, Otče. Prosíme to ku Tvojej chvále v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Nech Pán teraz žehná každého jedného i všetkých vás.

7Myslím, že skôr ako začneme, máme tu malé dieťatko, Collinsa. Pred malou chvíľou som stretol toho otca, ktorý tu má to malé dieťatko a chce ho dať posvätiť. Chceme to urobiť teraz, ak brat alebo sestra Collinsová, niekto z nich, prinesie to maličké tu dopredu, a tak sa môžeme modliť za posvätenie toho maličkého.

8Odkladajúc to, viete prečo, to spôsobuje ... ako toto sú verní členovia či ... Tela Kristovho. Všimnite si, nepovedal som "tohoto zboru." "Údy Krista," toto telo tu je časťou Jeho Tela.

9Oni tu majú to maličké, ktoré chcú dať posvätiť. A-a toto je vždy taká práca, tak si myslím, ktorú mi moja - moja manželka závidí, držať tie nemluvniatka. Oh-joj. Brat Neville, poď, prosím ťa,sem dopredu, ak chceš.

10Ako sa nazývaš, brat? [Otec odpovedá, "Clyde." – pozn.prekl] Toto je brat a sestra Clyde Collins, to je brat nášho vzácneho brata, kazateľa Collinsa, Wilbura. Collinsoví tu vzrástli do počtu, ako vidím, veľmi roztomilý maličký.

11Koľko mu je, sestra Collinsová? [Matka odpovedá, "Skoro štyri mesiace." – pozn.prekl.] Skoro štyri mesiace. Ako sa volá? ["Marek Dávid Colins."] Marek Dávid. To je veľmi pekné meno. Vyzerá na veľmi fajn chlapca. Tiež je dosť veľký.

12Viem, že maminky ktoré sú tu môžu pochváliť tu tohoto maličkého. Či nie je ako bábika? [brat Branham drží Marka Dávida pred zhromaždením. – pozn.prekl.]

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy.

13Nebeský Otče, tento mladý otec a matka prichádzajú so svojím malým, vzácnym kúskom ľudského tela, ktoré obdržali vo svojom manželstve, ktoré bolo dané do ich rúk na opateru pre Pána Boha. Oni sem úctivo prinášajú tohoto maličkého Marka Dávida ku posväteniu pre Všemohúceho, ktorý im dal tohoto vzácneho chlapčeka, zdravého a pekného chlapca, do ich opatery, aby ho vychovali na slávu Božiu.

14Pane, žehnaj tohoto otca a matku. Nech sa tá geleta nikdy nevyprázdni v ich dome a tá nádoba nech nikdy nevyschne. Nech otec bude zdravý a schopný, Pane, aby mohol pracovať a zaobstarávať potravu pre tohoto maličkého; nech matka bude zdravá a schopná pripravovať to; a ich srdcia pripravené, Pane, aby vyučovali tohoto malého, vychovávali ho v napomínaní Božom. Udeľ toho, Pane.

15Teraz z ich rúk prechádza do mojich, to roztomilé dieťa, malý Marek Dávid. A ja ho so staršími tu tohoto zboru predkladám Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista, do životnej služby. Udeľ toho, Pane. Nech sa tebe dostane chvály z jeho života. Nech by žil dlhý život, až do príchodu Pána Ježiša, ak sa to Tebe bude ľúbiť. A ak áno, nech je naplnený Posolstvom Pána Boha, v tom veku ktorý má prísť. Udeľ toho. Zachovávaj ho zdravého, šťastného a nech je jeho srdce vždy hotové robiť to čo je dobré pred Bohom. V Mene Ježiša Krista, oddávame to dieťa Tebe, do posvätenia. Amen.

16Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech Boh žehná teba, sestra Collinsová i toho pekného chlapca i teba brat Collins. Boh nech je s vami.

" Prineste ich," Všetci spolu.

Prineste ich, prineste ich;

Prineste ich z polí hriechu;

Prineste ich, prineste ich;

Prineste tých maličkých k Ježišovi.

17Mám to rád. Vidíte, prineste ich ku Kristovi, prv ešte ako diabol má šancu. Oni sú už potom darované Jemu do služby.

18Vie niekto či prišli dnes Dauchovci, niekto z nich, sestra Dauchová? Brat Brown, si tu brat Brown? To som rád. A ... brat Dauch je stále s nami? To je nádherné! [brat Tom Brown predstavuje zdravotný stav brata Williama Daucha – pozn.prekl.] Brat Dauch nás skoro opustil. Viete, my tu už nemôžeme príliš mnoho hovoriť či príliš mnoho žiadať, on je už dvadsať jeden rokov za hranicou času o ktorom mu Boh povedal. Je to priemerná hranica ľudského veku a on tú hranicu žitia o ktorej Boh povedal, už prekročil.

19Ale, raz ráno nám telefonovali že zomiera a ponáhľali sme sa tam. A Pán Boh bol ku nemu skutočne dobrotivý a ušetril ho. Myslím, že on je pripravený a očakáva len Príchod Pánov. Ale viete, my ľpíme jeden na druhom. My len ... Ten starý muž tu je mi ako - ako otec.

20Pamätám sa na neho ako sedel v pravo dole tu v starej modlitebni, v tej starej časti, keď on ... keď zablysklo to Svetlo a osvietilo vodný krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, rovno z tade sem prišiel. A okolo osemdesiat sedem alebo osemdesiat osem ročný, o palici, prišiel rovno sem a povedal, "Hneď tam chcem vojsť a dať sa pokrstiť." Niekto išiel priniesť pre neho oblečenie. Nemohol čakať na ďalšiu príležitosť; on musel hneď potom prísť, ihneď. Tak sa mi to páči.

21Na druhý deň, keď som sa s ním rozprával povedal, "brat Branham, myslíš že som teraz v poriadku?"

22Povedal som, "Išiel si niekedy k doktorovi na vyšetrenie?"

Riekol, "Samozrejme."

23Povedal som, "Doktor si založí do uší stereoskop a priloží to na tvoje srdce, aby zistil či ti srdce správne bije, urobí elektronický kardiogram, zmeria krvný tlak, preskúma moč, a tak ďalej, vybavený inštrumentami, aby zistil ako to s tebou je. Nuž, tak to on robí, nazrie do knihy, kde špecialisti zaznamenali tie rôzne prípady, 'Ak sa to javí takto, nemocné je toto.'"

24A ja som povedal, "Nuž, ten jediný stereoskop ktorý ja mám je táto Biblia, rozumieš, pre dušu." Povedal som, "Vyšetrím ťa." Povedal som, "Ev. svätého Jána 5:24 hovorí,`Ten kto čuje Moje Slová`." Riekol som, "To neznamená len sedieť a počúvať To. To znamená prijímať To, rozumieš, prijímať To, veriť Tomu. Niečo vo vnútri v tebe ti hovorí, že To je pravda. Ty si To prijal, veríš Tomu, je To tvoje. 'Ten kto počul,' to si ty už urobil, 'Moje Slová a verí Tomu, ktorý Ma poslal'. Veríš tomu?"

On riekol, "Verím."

25Povedal som, "Tak teda ti poviem čo povedal ten Najvyšší Doktor, 'Ten prešiel zo smrti do života, a nepríde už viacej na zatratenie alebo na súd.'" Povedal som, "Pokiaľ viem, podľa týchto Kníh, prešiel si vyšetrením."

26Tento starý muž, skoro storočný, ktorý nebol členom vôbec žiadnej cirkvi, ale len čo mu prvý krát zablysklo to Svetlo cez cestu, on Ho prijal. Či vidíte to predurčené semeno ktoré tam ležalo? Oh-joj. Tak veru. Vidíte, akonáhle ho zasiahlo to Svetlo hneď povstáva do Života.

27Nuž, viem, dnes je horúco a je to ťažko pre mňa zvolávať vás na zhromaždenie, kde sedíte takto natlačení. No predsa len myslím, že z milosti Božej by sme mohli mať ešte jedno zhromaždenie, prv ako vás budem musieť všetkých opustiť, dúfam že na krátky čas.

28Zajtra večer musím ísť do Chicaga, aby som v stredu začal. Chcel by som sa tam dostať o niečo skorej, ak to bude možné a trochu si oddýchnuť, prv ako začnú série zhromaždení. Verím, že to majú ... Aha, práve som sa tu na to díval. Bolo to oznámené. Nazýva sa to Marengo... [Niekto hovorí, "Marigold." – pozn.prekl.] ... areál, áno Marigold, Marigold, áno, areál aréna. Marigold Aréna, tam to má byť, začiatok v stredu večer a až do nedeli. Taktiež Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia majú raňajky v - v sobotu ráno. A neviem presne kde majú oznámené že to bude. Nie. Majú to potom v sobotu večer v Lane Tech. Aha je to tu napísané.

29Nuž, ak sa budete nachádzať niekde na blízku, alebo priamo tam, bude to normálna, úplne normálna evanjelizácia akú väčšinou mávame. Väčšina z tých kázaní bude v prvom rade z niečoho z toho čo už tu bolo vyučované, pretože tu my nahrávame naše pásky, rozumiete. Tam sa môžu zbytočne prieť. Ale ak sa im dostane páska, ktorá bola tu nahratá, záleží to na nich či si budú chcieť nejakú vypočuť. Oni pochádzajú rovno z tadiaľto. Toto je naša vlastná kazateľňa.

30Tam vonku sa obvykle snažím zvoliť niečo nie príliš hlboké, pretože mnohí z ných sú plytkí vo svojom prežití a v poznaní toho čo nadchádza. Ale tu cítim, že mám právo, aby som povedal to čokoľvek Boh položí na moje srdce, aby som to povedal práve z tadiaľto. Rozumiete? A oni sú teraz tam v tej miestnosti, môžete im vidieť hlavy ponad to zaclonené sklo, kde sedia pri magnetofónoch.

31Nuž, ak chcete prísť na to zhromaždenie, budeme veľmi radi. Ak sa tam dostanete a nebudete vedieť kde ísť, spojte sa len s niekým z ľudí z Plného Evanjelia, alebo s bratom Carlsonom a on vám povie ... On vám môže poradiť, alebo Philadelfská cirkev, alebo niekto z nich. Oni vám môžu povedať ako sa dostanete priamo na to miesto.

32Potom sa vrátim na budúci pondelok, niekedy popoludní alebo večer. A v utorok pôjdeme späť do Arizony, aby sme dali deti do školy a tak ďalej. A potom, neviem presne kedy, sa sem znovu vrátim, lebo to záleží od Pána, chcem aby ma On viedol do toho čo robiť.

33Stala sa veľmi zvláštna vec. Možno by som tiež ... Viem že sa to nahráva a možno by som to tiež tu povedal. A hneď zatiaľ čo videnia a vedenie Ducha Svätého je v pohybe, rád by som sa vypovedal hneď teraz zatiaľ kým je To v pohybe. To je ... Nuž, v uplynulom roku to bolo pre mňa obdobie, pokiaľ ide o videnia, vrcholom v celej mojej doterajšej službe. Stali sa veci o ktorých viete, že boli predpovedané predtým ako sa stali a plnili sa presne tak ako to bolo povedané.

34Teraz sem zvykneme prichádzať na návštevu. Podnebie v týchto miestach mi jednako nevyhovuje, pretože len čo sem prídem onemocniem. Len čo ... Môžem prejsť cez tie kopce, a keď zídem dole do tohoto údolia, stačí že som tu iba okolo desať minút a už mám vyrážky, onemocniem, točí sa mi hlava, všetko vyzerá odstrašujúco, nejasne a nezostáva mi nič, len z tade odísť. Jedného dňa som sa rozprával s manželkou ...

35Ale v prvom rade čo ma priťahuje, čo ma sem priťahuje to ste vy ľudia, tento zbor. Hovorím vám, že zo všetkých miest ktoré som vo svojom živote navštívil, toto je moje obľúbené miesto kde prichádzam kázať Evanjelium. Som rád že tu môžeme nahrávať naše pásky, je to desať krát lepšie než kdekoľvek inde. Rozumiete? To je ten dôvod prečo som povedal, "Zostávaj tam kde Boh niečo robí." Ale myslím si, že to hlavné je v tom, že to bola moja chyba že som neišiel hneď na prvý krát keď ma Boh volal, a preto to On pre mňa urobil také drsné keď sem prídem. Poslušnosť je lepšia ako obeť.

36A teda, budem tu sem tam prichádzať, po celý čas a kázať v tejto modlitebni. A vy, ktorí bývate pomimo mesta budete o tom informovaní. Billy Paul bude tu v kancelárii a kedykoľvek sa s ním môžete spojiť. A my sem znovu prídeme aby sme mali ... A potom príde hneď na rad tých Sedem Trúb, ak dá Pán, Sedem posledných Pliag a tie Čaše, a tak ďalej. Len aby bolo trochu chladnejšie počasie, no všetko závisí od toho ako to Pán zariadi.

37Jedného dňa, keď som prišiel, bola tu nadnesená otázka o niečom, o niekom kto mi dal šek, na ktorom stálo, "Osobne," menovite vystavený na mňa, jedine na mňa, "nezdaniteľný," teda všetko. Odišli sme a Billy vedel, že som teraz ten šek tak nejak potreboval.

38On odišiel a opýtal sa právnych zástupcov či by sme to mohli vybrať. On povedal, "Prečo nie, on je Americký občan, prečo by ho nemohol vybrať? Vidíš, je to oslobodené od dani i všetkého iného. Každý obyvateľ to môže urobiť."

39No, on, Billy sa s tým nemohol nejako uspokojiť a tak išiel k verejnému účtovníkovi. Ten povedal, "Prečo nie, samozrejme že to môže vybrať." Povedal, "On je občanom Spojených štátov."

40Nuž ale on stále tomu nemohol porozumieť, a tak zavolal Merle Millerovi, to je predstavený tej daňovej spoločnosti v Indiánopolis, ktorý bol naším právnym zástupcom, a tak Ice a Miller. "Samozrejme, to je v poriadku. Rozumieš? Samozrejme že on môže mať ten šek. Je to vystavené na neho, len podpísať." Len ja to môžem podpísať, nestačí aby to bolo orazítkované našim ...

41Vy viete, že ja nevyberám žiadne šeky. To je to za čo ma vtedy postihovali. Niekto priniesol do zhromaždenia balíček šekov a povedal, "Tu to podpíš, brat Branham." Podpísal som, "William Branham, William Branham, ..." No, vláda sa o to všetko stále zaujímala. A ja som ich podpísal svojím menom a platil som z toho tie dlhy tam vonku, ale oni povedali že na tom všetkom dlhujem, či tak, či tak, 300 tisíc dolárov. Tak potom z toho povstal ten rozruch.

42A tak potom, akonáhle som predložil ten šek, o-jój, ten agent sa hneď vrátil a hovorí, "Znovu teraz prešetríme ten jeho prípad." Tak to spôsobilo takú nepríjemnosť.

43A brat Lee Vayle, ktorý tu sedí, myslím že je to v poriadku keď to poviem, práve sme ... On zostúpil, a tento fajný vyškolený Baptista bol ... Pokrstil som ho vo Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, tu vtedy v tomto bazéne, brata Lee Vayle. On je skutočne fajn človek, brat v Kristu. On nám tu predtým kázal, vysoko vzdelaný a okrem toho vedený Duchom. Keď ho osvietilo to Svetlo on povedal, že sa snažil odísť ale nemohol to jednoducho urobiť, tak som ho tu hneď v to ráno pokrstil. Nemohol to už dlhšie vydržať, a tak sme len zišli tu dole, prezliekli sme si šaty, vstúpili sme do vody a bol pokrstený vo Meno Ježiša Krista.

44Nuž, myslel som, že keď sa stalo že on prijal ten dobrý duchovný pokrm, že by sme sa mohli trochu porozprávať a zjesť nejaký telesný pokrm. A tak sme zišli do Blue Boar, sadli sme si a rozprávajúc sa dostali sme sa k tomu prípadu, "Ako takto necháš ľudí hovoriť o tebe?"

45Nuž, brat Vayle je jeden z najznamenitejších ľudí akých som kedy poznal, ale je "tak trochu za moc rýchly stlačiť spúšť," vy viete že som mu to stále hovoril. A tak, on, tak som povedal ... Dúfam že je to v poriadku, brat Vayle. Tak on ... Povedal som, "Nestrieľaj hneď do všetkého. Seď potichu. To je Boh, ktorý to činí."

46On riekol, "No, pre teba by to malo byť dobre." Nuž, on-on ... Verím, že on-on je tak chytrý, to je to s čím sa on stretáva, s tými chytrými, vzdelanými ľuďmi, a tak on vie ako s nimi jednať, že nevedia kde sa majú podieť. To je všetko.

47A tak som povedal, "Pozri sa, brat Vayle." Sedeli sme v Blue Boar. Povedal som, "Dávid jedného dňa, potom ako bol zvrhnutý z trónu svojím vlastným synom, opúšťa trón, nastala vzbura, Izrael sa rozdelil a Dávid bol zosadený z trónu svojim vlastným synom a plačúc opúšťal mesto. A nejaký chlap, ktorý nemal rád jeho posolstvo posledného času, poznáte to, nestaral sa o neho, malý starý človek, krívajúci, ktorý prechádzal tam okolo, robil si z Dávida posmech a pľul na neho. A ten zbrojnoš vytiahol meč a povedal, "Či nezotnem hlavu toho psa ktorý napľul na môjho kráľa?" Dávid povedal, "Nechaj ho tak, Pán mu povedal aby tak robil." Vidíš? Pľuj na neho, rob si z neho posmech a potom napľuj na neho. Riekol, "Pán mu to povedal aby to robil." Nuž, poznáme ten príbeh, ako sa to obrátilo naspäť. Brat Vayle si myslel, že tým učiní veľké milosrdenstvo.

48A len čo sme sa vrátili späť a vošli do kancelárii, ten účtovník zavolal Billy Paula a povedal mu o tom. Brat Vayle išiel so mnou domov. Keď som prišiel domov povedal som žene, "Moja drahá,chcem ti niečo povedať."

49Rozprávali sme sa predtým ako som odišiel. Ona vravela, "Billy, ja viem že Boh ťa tam poslal, všetci to vieme, ale On ti nikdy nepovedal aby si sa vracal späť. Vieš, trápi ma to teraz."

50Povedal som, "Myslím že to platí

pre teba a pre deti. Mňa sa to netýka. Ja budem slúžiť Jemu kdekoľvek pôjdem, pokiaľ to bude vôľa Pánova." A tak keď som sa vrátil späť povedal som jej tak o tom. Potom som sa otočil a vzal som si klobúk.

51A niekto povedal niečo, v tom zmysle, "Och, tento vyberač daní! My by sme mali ísť ..." Také vyrývanie, niečo ako tamto.

52Nemysliac na to čo som sa rozprával s bratom Vayle, povedal som "Nechajte ho tak. Možno že mu Pán povedal aby to robil."

53Len čo som to povedal, Svetlo zablysklo na stenu a napísalo tam, brat Vayle a moja žena tam sedeli, "Vráť sa do Arizony." Napísané písmenami po stene. , "Vráť sa do Arizony." Je to pravda. A tak idem, amen, naspäť do Arizony.

54Nuž, tento týždeň bol týždňom veľkých požehnaní. Mali sme osobné rozhovory s ľuďmi, tento týždeň, ktorí očakávali na to už od času Siedmich Pečatí. Nepochybujem, ale je isté že niektorí z nich boli zavolaní z pomimo tohoto mesta, z celého kraju. To ráno, predtým ako začali tie rozhovory, bol som vo svojej izbe a Duch Svätý mi dal napísať presne všetko čo oni chceli vedieť, všetko na čo sa chceli opýtať, presne v tom poradí ako sa chceli pýtať. Bolo mi dané, že som im mohol povedať ich sny a vyložiť im ich, ešte skôr ako mi ich oni mohli vyrozprávať.

55Tí ľudia boli tam v tej miestnosti. Keby som tam prišiel a nechal ich hovoriť, oni by začali, "brat Branham, ja som prišiel z toho a toho dôvodu."

56Povedal som, "Pamätajte, že sme sa tu nezhromaždili preto aby sme mali obecenstvo. Neprišli sme tu preto aby sme mali obecenstvo jeden s druhým. Vo vašich mysliach a vo vašich srdciach sú otázky, na ktoré ste narazili a neviete čo s tým. Možno budem môcť na ne, s pomocou Božou, odpovedať."

57Povedal som, "Spomeňte si, keď kráľovná juhu prišla ku Šalamúnovi, tiež mala nejaké otázky. A Biblia hovorí, že nebolo veci ktorá by bola skrytá pred ním, na ktorú by nevedel dať odpoveď." A riekol som, "Väčší ako Šalamún je tu. Vidíte? Je to tak. Pán Ježiš zasľúbil, `Kdekoľvek sa zhromaždia dvaja alebo traja v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja v ich strede. A o čomkoľvek oni myslia, alebo túžia a budú o to prosiť, bude im to dané.` Nuž, vy máte otázky ktoré si neviete zodpovedať, niečo s čím si neviete dať rady, neviete ako sa pri tom zachovať."

58Povedal som, "Písmo ďalej hovorí toto, že `Anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorý sa Ho boja,` to je iný svet, kde nám týchto päť zmyslov nič nehovorí."

59Tých päť zmyslov má kontakt len s týmto svetom. Ak by ste nemali hmat, nemohli by ste nič nahmatať. Potom hmat by pre vás nič neznamenal, to by bol iný svet. Ak by ste nemali zrak, potom to na čo sa teraz dívate by bol pre vás iný svet, nič by ste o tom nevedeli. Tak týchto päť zmyslov je práve to do čoho nás Boh vpustil.

60Existuje potom ešte iný zmysel, ktorý sa nazýva viera. Vierou vystupujete hore po rebríku, až sa nakoniec môžete dostať tak vysoko, že sa preboríte do iného sveta, a to je videnie. Tam môžete vidieť.

61Je to práve tak, ako keby ste nikdy nevedeli čo je toto čo ste cítili svojím zmyslom - hmatom, nikdy ste to nevideli, potom sa vaše oči otvorili a vy ste to mohli vidieť. To by bolo tajomstvo pre toho, kto by nikdy nemohol vidieť. Bolo by to pre neho tajomstvo, ale jednako to existuje.

62A tam, Pán ... Prv ako sme sa sem dostali, dal odpoveď tým ľuďom, ktorí sem prišli z celej krajiny, zovšadiaľ, zo severu, z juhu, západu, kvôli tým rozhovorom. A len čo sa prestali rozprávať, práve vtedy keď sa chceli pýtať na tie otázky, na tie veci na ktoré sa chceli pýtať, povedal som, "Pozrite sa sem," a zodvihol som kus papieru na ktorom bola napísaná každá otázka, presne po poradí, práve tak ako by sa boli pýtali, tie odpovede na ich otázky boli tu takýmto spôsobom zodpovedané. Pán je veľký. On všetko vie. Ale jednako mi to zabralo asi tri dni, aby som v to popoludnie mohol tam vystúpiť, bolo to tak vysiľujúce. Nuž, myslel som, aby som to všetko zvládol prv ako odídeme.

63Najlepšie by bolo keby som sa mohol rozprávať jednotlivo s každým zvlášť. No, sú veci ktoré môžu byť povedané verejne.

64No keby tu tí ľudia poznali tie tajomstvá sŕdc ktoré boli zjavené, to by bolo absolútne ... Bolo by to hrozné; mohlo by to zapríčiniť zločin, mohlo by to zapríčiniť, že by strieľal jeden na druhého, alebo niečo podobné. Keby to tu na pódiu bolo verejne, pred publikom zjavené. Mohlo by to spôsobiť priestupok za ktorý sa sedí, a ktovie čo ešte.

65Je to celkom inak, keď v takej veci, pri pôsobení Svätého Ducha sedíme iba dvaja. Rozumieme si v tom, že keď sa ma na niečo pýtajú súkromne, tak o tom verejne nič nehovorím. A to čo im poviem, to záleží potom na nich či to chcú niekomu povedať alebo nie. Rozumiete? Ten rozhovor zostane len medzi nami. To je potrebné brať jednu osobu za druhou a posadiť sa s ňou v súkromí, kým by skrze Ducha Svätého nebolo všetko urovnané.

66A tak len pomyslite o tej milosti, že Duch Svätý mi všetko o tom povedal, pre každého jedného v celom tom rade, ešte prv ako sem prišli. Boli to ľudia z celej krajiny ktorých som nikdy v živote nevidel. A napísal som to tak, aby to mohli vedieť, presne zaradom podľa otázok na ktoré chceli mať odpoveď.

67Jeden brat mal otázky ohľadne semena hada, na ktoré som už nestačil presne odpovedať, pretože tá ich krátka polhodina skončila. Dúfam, že má všetky tie otázky na papieri správne zodpovedané. Ja ... On ich mal napísané a nebolo mu na všetky z nich odpovedané, ja som mu dal tie odpovede napísané len na papieri. Ak ich zatiaľ ešte nemá, sú u Billy Paula. Viem, že ten muž tu niekde sedí. Pred chvíľou som ho tu videl. Tak, ak chce nájsť tie odpovede na svoje otázky, sú napísané na tom papieri.

68Ó, vidíte aký dobrý je Pán. Dúfam, že sa každý cíti dobre.

69Pamätajme teraz, teraz keď sa modlím nad tými vreckovkami, pamätajme na brata Daucha. Je to vzácny brat a chceme pamätať na neho v modlitbe.

70Vidím brata Ungrena, ale nikde nemôžem zazrieť sestru Ungren, či je už teraz v poriadku. Aha, sedí hneď pri ňom. Je to ona. Ó, to som rád. Pretože raz v noci nám telefonovali, že sa nachádza v naliehavom stave aj so svojou dcérou, sestrou Dowing. Mali na ceste haváriu a bola to len milosť Božia, že ich to tam nerozmliaždilo. A oni potom pokračovali v ceste rovno do zhromaždenia, nasadli do vlaku a pokračovali v ceste.

71Nikdy nezabudnem ani na jedného z vás. Milujem vás. Boh to vie. Milujem vás. Ako, prichádzate cez celý kraj, po klzkých cestách.

72Keď sa tu dívam na nejakého brata z Georgie a z Alabamy a z rôznych iných miest, z Tennessee a z okolia, pričom oni prichádzajú na autách po klzkých, zľadovatených cestách, len aby tu boli na jednom zhromaždení.

73Keď som bol jedného dňa volaný v naliehavej potrebe ku bratovi Dauchovi, ani som si neuvedomoval, že Lima, Ohio je tak ďaleko. Myslel som si, že je to len na skok. Ó, ale, vyrazil som zavčasu ráno a ledva som tam dorazil o jednej hodine popoludní, a pritom som išiel najvyššou dovolenou rýchlosťou aká je na diaľnici. Myslel som si, že ako je to blízko cestou dole na juh, odkiaľ sem prišli niektorí ľudia, a tiež na sever a na západ kde odchádzajú.

74Milujem vás a preto sa tu snažím byť ku vám naprosto úprimný.

75I tých starých veteránov! Vidím tam v zadu sedieť brata Creecha i tých ostatných, ktorí boli so mnou vo všetkom po celé tie roky ako sme spolu vyrastali. Díval som sa na fotografiu Mary Jo, zdá sa mi ako keby to bolo len nedávno. Bola len taká maličká, keď sme sa prvý krát stretli a myslím že teraz je už vydatá a má deti. Brat Creech a sestra Creechová boli mladí, čiernovlasí, a tak isto Méda a ja, a teraz tu sme už šediví a zhrbení. Vidíte, existuje niečo takéto v ľuďoch a to vás spája. Vidíte, vy-vy-vy chcete zostať s nimi. Rozumiete? Existuje ešte niečo čo spôsobuje, že sa v mysli stále vraciate späť. Hovorím to len ako príklady pre ostatných ktorí sú tu, pre mladých i starých. My očakávame na Príchod Pánov.

76Dnes ráno mám na srdci ... Verím, že mi to Boh položil na srdce, aby sme dnes ráno, keď Pán dovolí, mali lekciu nedeľnej školy, ktorá potrvá trošku dlhšie. Pokiaľ viem, je to moje posledné zhromaždenie na dáky čas.

77Chcem aby ste pamätali, že tu brat Neville, ktorý zostáva tu v zbore, má na starosti túto modlitebňu, pod vedením Svätého Ducha, on je tu stále a verí tomu Posolstvu a učí ho tak ako ja. Kedykoľvek by ste chceli môžete prísť a počúvať brata Neville. Som si istý, že vám dobre poslúži. On je mocným sluhom Ježiša Krista.

78Poznal som Ormana Neville už ako malý chlapec a on sa ani trochu nezmenil, len čo sa viacej priblížil k Bohu. Pamätám sa keď som ho prvý krát videl na ... Bol som pozvaný kázať do jeho metodistického zboru. Keď som sa potom vrátil sem do zhromaždenia povedal som, "Jedného dňa ho pokrstím vo Meno Ježiša Krista." A on je teraz tu pri tom Posolstve, napredujúc, opravdivý chrabrý služobník.

79Brat Neville prechádza cez mnoho napätí a námah, ktoré on tu na sebe nedáva znať. Ale skrze to že Pán mi dovolí nazrieť do ľudského života, viem cez čo všetko on prechádza, mnoho z toho viem, rozumiete. On znáša mnoho námahy a napätia a ešte iných vecí. A vy, vy ktorí ste tu, podopierajte ho, tak ako Jozue a Káleb podopierali ruky Mojžiša, keď on prinášal Slovo.

80Milujte jeden druhého ponad všetko. Milujte sa navzájom. Nezáleží na tom čo sa diabol snaží hovoriť! Nuž, vy všetci ste teraz jednou veľkou milou skupinou, ale pamätajte na moje varovanie, Satan nenechá aby to tak zostalo. Nie veru. On vystrieľa všetko, ak má niekoho koho by priviedol aby dosiahol svoj cieľ. Privedie nejakého kritika, alebo neveriaceho, posadí ho ku vám a spôsobí aby mal s vami obecenstvo, v pokoji a vo všetkom, a potom zasiahne takého človeka nejakým jedom a on s tým vyrazí na celý zbor. Nestojte za tým. Nemajte s niečím takým nič spoločného. Zostaňte naďalej milujúci, vľúdni a láskaví jeden naproti druhému. Modlite sa za takého človeka, aby on tiež bol spasený, ktokoľvek to je, či muž alebo žena, modlite sa len za nich. A stojte jeden pri druhom.

81A stojte so svojím pastorom. On je pastier, vážte si ho. On vás cez to prevedie, pretože on je ustanovený do toho od Boha.

82Zapamätáte si to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nepriateľ príde. A keď on príde, priľnite len tesnejšie ku sebe. A ten, ktorého si diabol používa ako nepriateľa, buď odpadne alebo príde a bude jedným z vás. To je všetko.

83Nikdy nerobte medzi sebou skupinky, alebo reči. My sme jedno. Nemôžem povedať, "Ľavá ruka, ja sa pri tebe zbláznim, dám ťa preč, pretože ty nie si pravá ruka." Ona je mojou ľavou rukou. Ja chcem aby tam zostala. Ešte aj ten malý konček môjho prsta chcem aby zostal presne tam kde je, každá malá čiastka môjho tela chcem aby zostala tam kde je. A Boh chce aby sme my, ako telo veriacich, zostali dopasovaní presne jeden ku druhému, presne jeden s druhým.

84Nuž, máte pásky o tom. Máte pásky o tom čomu veríme. Máte pásky o poriadku v zbore, ako sa máme správať v cirkvi Božej, ako sem máme spoločne prichádzať a sedieť spolu v Ponebeských miestach. Nezostávajte doma. Ak je Boh vo vašom srdci, vy sa nebudete môcť dočkať, kedy sa otvoria dvere aby ste sa sem dostali a mali obecenstvo so svojimi bratmi. Ak to tak necítite, tak vám hovorím, že je načase aby ste sa modlili.

85Pretože sme v posledných dňoch, kde Biblia zdôrazňuje ... či napomína nás aby - aby, "Čím viac vidíme že sa približuje ten deň," aby sme milovali jeden druhého kresťanskou láskou a Božskou láskou, "Aby sme sa spolu zhromaždili v Ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi," a milovali jeden druhého. "Po tom poznajú všetci že ste moji učeníci, keď budete mať lásku medzi sebou." To je práve ono. Stojte tesne spolu.

86Ak si myslíte, že určitý brat alebo sestra nemá v niečom pravdu, povedzte, "Pane, nedovoľ aby vo mne vyrástol nejaký koreň horkosti, pretože to by sa ho mohlo dotknúť a odsunie to Krista preč z môjho života." Ten jedovatý kvas zlomyseľnosti, závisti, hnevu, odníme od vás Svätého Ducha. Vyženie Ho zo zhromaždenia. Zabije to Ducha Božie- ho, alebo Ho vypudí preč z tadiaľto, zraní vášho pastora. Urobí všetko. Vidíte? Nerobte to.

87Ale tým viacej sa zbližujte jeden s druhým. Pritiahnite ... Zapnite pracku, ako nám to jedného večera svedčil ten brat, ktorý tu kázal, o zapínaní, ako to videl vo videní. Tie pracky sú na zbroji Božej na všetkom. Len si ju oblečte, pritiahnite, zblížte sa len tesnejšie jeden s druhým. Milujte jeden druhého, nech sa deje čokoľvek. Hovorte pekne jeden o druhom, hovorte dobré veci jeden o druhom, a potom vám Boh bude žehnať.

88Nuž, toto ráno, keď dá Pán, s Jeho pomocou a skrze Jeho milosť, mám tu celý rad otázok, či skôr miest z Písma. A tak, prv ako pristúpime ku Tomu ... Myslím, že som počul ako tam zapli nahrávanie. Chystáme sa teraz priniesť Posolstvo, z milosti Božej.

Najprv sa pomodlime.

89Pane Ježišu, hovorím ku tomuto telu Cirkvi, aby sa oni držali spolu pri Božej nemennej ruke, pri ich absolute, pri Slove. Varujem ich, tak ako Pavel varoval svoje stádo, že, "Vojdú medzi nich vlci." Ty si dnes ten istý Boh, aký si bol aj vtedy, a ten nepriateľ je taký istý. Nech toto obecenstvo a putá lásky stále existujú medzi týmito ľuďmi v Kristu Ježišovi.

90Pomôž nám toto ráno, Pane, keď čítame to Slovo. Nech nám Ho Duch Svätý zjavi, aby Cirkev mohla byť plne založená na "Viere raz ta danej svätým," aby ich zachovala. A nech, tak ako si dal to videnie, pred nejakými dvomi rokmi, "nahromadiť Potravu," peknú, zdravú zeleninu, ako som to videl vo videní, ktorá bola nahromadená tu v tejto modlitebni, daj nech obdržíme dnes z Toho plný sud. Udeľ to, Pane. Ten náklad vo forme magnetofónovej pásky, aby nám to mohlo zjaviť Ježiša Krista v tejto hodine v ktorej žijeme, aby nám to dalo posilnenie, duchovnú silu do práce ktorá leží pred nami. Udeľ to, Otče.

91Požehnaj týchto, Tvoje deti. Oni sem prišli dnes ráno z rôznych strán tohoto národa. Je horúce dusné ráno, ale i tak pri tom všetkom cítime prítomnosť Svätého Ducha.

92Myslíme na Johna Wesleya, Calvína, Sankeya, Knoxa, Finneya a na mnohých ďalších, dokonca v tých sálach kde sedeli ľudia neboli ani elektrické ventilátory a pot stekal dole po ich tvári. Ženy, náležite prikryté a oblečené, sedeli v tých zhromaždeniach a potili sa, tak že až ich šaty boli presiaknuté od potu, počúvali Božie Slovo, kŕmili svoje duše. No, my cítime, Pane, že oni sú niekde na odpočinku očakávajúci Príchod Pánov.

93Zachovávaj nás spolu, Otče. Nech nás Duch Svätý vedie a usmerňuje. Daj nám dlhý život v službe pre Teba. Daj nám dnes ráno to veľké Posolstvo, na ktoré očakávame z Tvojho Slova, aby ono mohlo vojsť do každého srdca. Učiň Pane, aby tie rty ktoré hovoria, hovorili Pravdu. Učiň, aby to srdce ktoré počúva bolo úrodné do prijatia Pravdy, a nech z Toho narastú veľké stromy Večného Života, aby boli svietiacimi svetlami a čítanými epištolami od všetkých ľudí, aby mohli vedieť, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a žije medzi nami. Učiň nás tak plných lásky a ovocia Ducha, až by iný mužovia i ženy, chlapci i dievčatá mohli vidieť výsledok Kristovho Života, ktorý stále v nás žije, po dvoch tisícoch rokoch od tej veľkej udalosti. Udeľ to Otče, ku Tvojej chvále. My to prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

94Teraz chcem čítať niečo z Písma. Dúfam, že ste si už pripravili tužky a papier i všetko čo potrebujete.

95Brat Neville, zostaň sedieť, ja si len vyzliekam kabát, ak je to .. [brat Neville hovorí, "To je v poriadku." – pozn.prekl.] Prepáčte mi, že som si vyzliekol kabát, ale tu hore je strašne horúco.

96Chcel by som aby ste si otvorili List Kološanom, prvú kapitolu. A potom keď budeme čítať, začneme od ... Chcel by som, keď prídete domov, aby ste si prečítali celú tú kapitolu. Dnes ráno však chcem aby ste čítali so mnou od 15. až do 29. verša.

97Buďte teraz trpezliví tak ako len môžete, lebo cítim že tu v tomto, ak mi Boh pomôže, budú vám zjavené a pripomenuté všetky tie ďalšie veci o ktorých som hovoril v tejto modlitebni po celý ten čas. Prečo som povedal to čo som povedal a prečo som urobil to čo som urobil. Tak pre toto.

98Tak od 15. verša.

Ktorý je obrazom neviditeľného Boha, prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva:

Lebo v ňom je stvorené všetko, všetko, čo je v nebesiach i čo je na zemi, viditeľné i neviditeľné, buď tróny buď panstvá buď kniežatstvá buď vrchnosti, to všetko je stvorené skrze neho a cieľom neho:

A on je predo všetkým, a všetko v ňom povstalo a stojí,

A on je hlavou tela, cirkvi, ktorý je počiatkom, prvorodený z mŕtvych, aby on bol vo všetkom prvý.

Lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi, aby v ňom prebývala všetka plnosť - aby v ňom prebývala všetka plnosť.

99Dovoľte mi ešte raz zdôrazniť ten 19. verš.

Lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi, aby v ňom prebývala všetka plnosť,

A aby skrze neho smieril všetko cieľom neho urobiac pokoj skrze krv jeho kríža, skrze neho, buď to čo je na zemi, buď to čo je v nebesiach.

(Hľaďte kde až zašlo to zmierenie.)

I vás, ktorí ste boli kedysi odcudzení a nepriateľmi mysľou v zlých skutkoch, ale teraz vás smieril.

V jeho ľudskom tele skrze smrť, aby vás postavil svätých .. bezvadných ... bezúhonných pred ním.

Akže trváte založený na viere a pevní a neuchyľujúci sa od nádeje evanjelia, ktoré ste počuli, a ktoré sa zvestuje každému stvoreniu, ktoré je pod nebom, ktorého evanjelia som sa ja Pavel stal služobníkom,

Ktorý sa teraz radujem vo svojich utrpeniach za vás a doplňujem nedostatky súžení Kristových na svojom ľudskom tele za jeho telo, ktorým je cirkev.

Ktorej som sa ja stal služobníkom podľa domosprávy Božej, ktorá mi je daná cieľom vás naplniť slovo Božie,

Tajomstvo, skryté od vekov a od dávnych pokolení, ale teraz je zjavené jeho svätým,

100Ešte raz chcem prečítať ten verš.

Tajomstvo, skryté od vekov a od dávnych pokolení, ale teraz je zjavené jeho svätým,

Ktorým Boh ráčil oznámiť, čo a jaké je bohatstvo slávy tohoto tajomstva medzi pohanmi, ktorým je Kristus vo vás, nádeja slávy,

Ktorého my zvestujeme upravujúc každého človeka k rozumnosti a učiac každého človeka vo všetkej múdrosti, aby sme predstavili každého človeka dokonalého v Kristu Ježišovi,

A tým cieľom aj úsilne pracujem zápasiac podľa jeho pôsobenia, ktoré pôsobí vo mne v moci.

101Nuž, toto chcem vybrať ako text, opierajúc to o celú Bibliu a chcem tomu dať názov: KRISTUS JE ZJAVENÉ TAJOMSTVO BOŽIE! Vzal som to tak po poriadku ako pri lekcii nedeľnej školy, aby sme si všetko spolu mohli čítať a mali spolu obecenstvo.

102Tak Božie skryté tajomstvo, ktoré On mal pred založením sveta. Ďaleko v zadu v Božej mysli bolo niečo, čo sa On snažil a chystal dosiahnuť, a ku tomu On mal Svoj motív, za tým účelom, aby mohol vyjadriť Seba Samého. Pretože ešte skôr ako bol mesiac, alebo nejaká hviezda, atóm či molekula alebo čokoľvek iné. On bol Boh. Ale presnejšie povedané, v tom čase nebol Bohom, pretože Boh je objektom uctievania a v tedy tam ešte nebolo ničoho čo by Ho uctievalo.

103Tak, vo Svojej veľkej mysli On chcel aby tieto atribúty boli vyjadrené. A v Ňom bola láska, v Ňom bolo aby bol Otcom, v Ňom bolo aby bol Synom, v Ňom bolo aby bol Spasiteľom, v Ňom bolo aby bol Uzdravovateľom. A všetky tie nádherné atribúty, ktoré vidíme už vyjadrené, oni boli v Bohu.

104Podľa mojej mienky, prvú vec ktorú On učinil boli anjeli. A oni Ho potom uctievali a to Ho učinilo Bohom. A On odtade začal. Ako som sa to snažil vyložiť v predchádzajúcich posolstvách, rozoberajúc to. A tak, potom, keď Ho anjeli začali uctievať, to bolo ešte predtým ako vôbec existovali nejaké molekuly na svete. Nebolo ničoho. Všade bola tma. Nebolo žiadneho slnka ani žiadneho mesiaca, žiadnych hviezd ani ničoho, tak On bol Boh. Ako sa opýtal Jóba, "Kde si bol keď som kládol základy sveta, vidíte, keď spolu plesali hviezdy rána, a keď jasali všetci synovia Boží?" Vidíte, nuž, kde si bol? Vidíte? To bolo oveľa skôr ako bol svet.

105Nuž, Boh mal určitý zámer a skryté tajomstvo. A to je to o čom chcem ku Cirkvi dnes ráno hovoriť, skryté tajomstvo Božie, ktoré On mal vo Svojej mysli ešte predtým ako vôbec započal svet, a ako sa to rozvinulo až do tohoto času v ktorom žijeme. Rozumiete? Verím, že potom jasne porozumiete a budete vedieť čo sa deje.

106Veľké Božie tajomstvo, to je tajnosť. On to držal v tajnosti. Nikto o tom nič nevedel. Dokonca ani anjeli tomu nerozumeli. Vidíte, On to nezjavil. Z toho dôvodu, pod naším siedmym tajomstvom, keď bola otvorená siedma pečať, bolo ticho. Keď bol Ježiš na zemi, oni chceli vedieť kedy príde. On povedal, "To nie je ... Dokonca ani sám Syn nevie kedy sa to stane." Vidíte, Boh si to nechal všetko pre Seba. To je tajnosť. A z toho dôvodu v nebi nastalo mlčanie ako za pol hodiny, a sedem hromov prehovorilo svoje hlasy a Jánovi bolo zakázané aby to napísal, vidíte, Príchod Pánov. To je to čo On ešte nezjavil, to ako On príde a kedy On príde. To je dobre že to nezjavil. Nie.

107On to ukázal či odhalil v každom symbolickom obraze, ktorý je v Biblii. Preto tedy celá Biblia je zjavenie Božieho tajomstva v Kristovi. Rozumiete? Celá Biblia je určité vyjadrenie jedného cieľu, ktorý Boh mal, jedného zámeru ktorý chcel dosiahnuť v celej Biblii. A všetky skutky veriacich v Biblii boli predobrazom a vyjadrujú, čo je to ten Boží veľký cieľ, a teraz v posledných dňoch to On zjavil a ukázal. A s Božou pomocou to uvidíte práve tu dnes ráno, čo mal Pán po celý ten čas vo Svojej mysli a ako to vyjadril.

108Preto, môžete vidieť aký to má veľký význam, poznať čo to je a snažiť sa priniesť to ľuďom. Rozumiete? Vy potom ne ... Ešte som nevošiel do detailov, aby som sa to pokúsil vyložiť tak, ako mi to Boh zjavil.

109Nuž, ak si chcete robiť poznámky. Mám mnoho miest z Písma, ktoré chcem čítať. A teraz, nájdime si Ev. Sv. Lukáša 24. kapitola, to je ... To je o tých dvoch apoštoloch na ceste do Emaus. A Ježiš sa priblížil ku nim, po Svojom zmŕtvychvstaní, a oni boli na ceste do Emaus, idúc cestou rozmýšľali, rozprávali sa a plakali z dôvodu Jeho smrti, a ako Ho videli trpieť, čo podľa ich mienky nemalo vôbec žiadnu cenu: vzali ich Pána a ukrižovali Ho. Oni išli tak cestou a plakali.

110A On pristúpil ku nim z boku a začal im rozprávať o Kristovi. Povedal, "Ó, hlúpi a leniví rozumieť. Neviete že všetci proroci i žalmy ..." Vidíte, čo On urobil? Identifikoval sa pred tými apoštolmi, že všetci proroci i všetky žalmy i všetko znázorňovalo Jeho. Vidíte?

111Nuž a dôvod, prečo som to dnes ráno nechcel vyhlásiť ako kázanie, je ten, že si myslím, že formou vyučovania to lepšie porozumieme, ako len vziať text a prebehnúť cezeň. Budeme to vyučovať.

112Nuž, On povedal, že všetky Žalmy a všetci proroci hovorili o Ňom. Nuž teda, to ukazuje, že celý Starý Zákon, celý Nový Zákon i všetky Žalmy, tie piesne ktoré boli spievané, boli spievané o Ňom.

113Vezmime 22. Žalm a spievajte ho a porovnajte to s tým ránom ukrižovania. Vidíte, "Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Počítam všetky svoje kosti, a oni hľadia a dívajú sa na mňa. Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy." Zatiaľ čo to všetko tam spievali, oni tam dole v chráme spievali ten Žalm a ukrižovali práve Toho o Ktorom to spievali. Vidíte? Vidíte tých veľkých náboženských vodcov, tých veľkých mužov, tých veľkých učiteľov, a predsa tak zaslepených, že hoci čítali tie proroctvá a spievali tie Žalmy, učinili ten zločin o ktorom bolo povedané že ho učinia.

To isté sa deje dnes ráno!

114Počúvajte pozorne, pretože ... Teraz nebudem už dávať pozor na to čo hovoria hodiny. Chcem aby ste to zrozumeli. Chápete? Nedbám na to. V poriadku? [Zhromaždenie s radosťou volá, "Amen" – pozn.prekl.]

115Tak tu v podstate môžete vidieť, že Boh skryl ten skutočný úmysel, ktorý mal na počiatku vo Svojej mysli, pred všetkými tými učenými. A len niekoľko, vybraný predurčený počet, predurčení ľudia, oni boli tí jediní ktorí to počuli. Nuž preskúmajte Písmo, späť až do času prorokov a vidzte, či to nebolo to isté. Vidíte?

116A Ježiš ich tu odkazuje do prorokov a do Žalmov, povedal že oni všetci hovorili o Ňom. Vidíte? A tu tí židovskí učitelia, rabíni, doktori Zákona, profesori, urobili presne to isté, ako to urobili tí pred nimi.

117Všimnite si, On znovu povedal, "Skúmajte Písma, pretože oni sú to ktoré svedčia o Mne." Skúmajte Písma, Písma, celé Písmo. Čo sa snažím urobiť? Ukázať vám že táto Biblia, to je to čo má pravdu.

118Jedného dňa, keď som bol v nemocnici a rozprával som sa tam na izbe s nejakými ľuďmi, ktorí patrili do denominácií, prosila ma jedna sestra, aby som jej vysvetlil to o tých denomináciách, prečo sme proti denomináciám.

119Hľaďte, to sa musí navrátiť späť do Slova, pretože Slovo je Boh. Rozumiete? A Ježiš tu odkazuje na to isté, že to Slovo,to je On. Nemôžete spôsobiť aby si Písmo Samo Sebe protirečilo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo Telom!" Vidíte?

120Nuž tu On hovorí, "Skúmajte Písma, Ony svedčia o Mne. Vy si myslíte že v Nich máte Večný Život," a to je pravda, "a Ony sú to ktoré svedčia o Mne. A Ja skladám o Nich svedectvo. Ak Ja nečiním skutky, ktoré boli zasľúbené že budem činiť, vtedy Ma nepočúvajte. Ale ak Ja činím tie skutky a vy Mi nemôžete veriť, verte tým skutkom, pretože ony svedčia že On je to Slovo." Ó, je to tak jasné, že jasnejšie to ani nemôže byť. Vidíte? Nuž, "Skúmajte Písma." On povedal, že Mojžiš a celý Zákon, a tak ďalej, Proroci i Žalmy hovorili o Ňom. A znovu povedal, že tie Písma svedčia o Ňom.

121On je hlavnou témou celej Biblii. Ak ste čítali Bibliu a nevideli ste tam v každom verši Krista, vráťte sa a čítajte to znovu. Ak v Biblii, v každom verši nemôžete vidieť Krista, tak čítajte odznovu, pretože vám niečo uniklo. Biblia je Kristus. On je Slovo. Keď čítate, "Na počiatku Boh stvoril ..", tam je Kristus. Vidíte? Všetko... Od tade až do toho "Amen" v Zjavení, každé Slovo svedčí o Ježišovi Kristovi.

122Preto tie pridané knihy, ktoré nazývajú "Druhá kniha Danielova a Kniha Makabejcov a Kniha o Očistci," a tomu podobné, vidíte, v Písme o nich nie je hovorené. Ich téma sa nezhoduje s Tými ostatnými. Tam nieto miesto kde by sa dal vložiť očistec, tam nieto miesto kde by sa dala vložiť prímluva svätých a tomu podobné veci, na to tam nie je miesto. Tam nie je miesto pre nejaké denominácie. Tam nie je miesto pre vierovyznania, okrem Biblii. Tak keď vidíte tie veci, oni sa jednoducho nemôžu spratať do toho obrazu. A preto, že to tam ľudia majú popridávané, majú svoje obrazy [jigsaw puzle - obrazová skladačka z rozstrihaných kúskov. – pozn.prekl.] celé domiešané. Nemôžu ku tomu správne priložiť, "Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky!"

123Ale keď sa tie veci zložia správne, vytvoria úplný obraz stvorenia a celý plán Boží odhalený v Ježišovi Kristovi. Amen! To je úplný obraz zložený dokopy, každé malé zaoblenie i každá hrana. Je to práve ako ... Nuž, nemyslím že by sa tým stala svätokrádež, ale je to práve tak ako skladanie dokopy toho rozstrihaného obrazu (jigsaw puzzle).

124Preto máme dnes obrazy, ktoré vyzerajú hrozne. Oni hovoria, "My sme veriaci" a krava žere trávu hore na vrcholku stromu. To nefunguje. To je keď oni hovoria, "Áno, On je všetkým, ale len v určitom ... On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ale len v určitom význame." Vidíte? Tak ruinujete svoj obraz.

125Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý! Ev. Sv. Jána 5, alebo 14,12., On povedal, "ten," ten - ktokoľvek. "Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť."

"Dobre, ale to bolo pre iný vek."

126Tam zase máte špatný svoj obraz. Máte tam muža, ktorý loví ryby na púšti v kope horúceho piesku, kde nieto vôbec žiadnych rýb. Rozumiete? Vy ho musíte dostať späť, tam kde loví ryby, do Galilei, tam kde je mnoho rýb, vidíte.

127Musíte skladať ten obraz tak aby vyzeral správne. To je veľký Boží obraz. A je len jedna možnosť ako ho môžete uvidieť, a to tak, že uvidíte Ježiša Krista. Na tom je založená celá Biblia. On je hlavnou témou Biblii.

128Ste si vedomí toho, že ktorékoľvek z týchto miest by ste mohli vziať ako text, a kazateľ len s námahou môže zostať potichu. Vyzerá ako by chcel s tým vybehnúť, ale musíte sa dostať späť k tomu čo vyučujeme.

129On je hlavnou témou Biblii. On bol v prorokoch. On bol v Žalmoch. On bol v histórii Biblii. Biblia je prorocká Kniha. Historická Kniha. Kniha lásky. Kniha piesní. Kniha Života. A v tom nachádzame Krista. On bol v prorokoch. On bol v Žalmoch. On bol v histórii. A On je tiež v Biblii v tých veciach ktoré sa majú stať. Tak, On bol pred tým a tiež potom. Aký On teda je? "Ten istý včera ,dnes i naveky."

130A vy tam niečo vštepíte, čo Ho nečiní "tým istým včera, dnes i naveky," brat Lee, kde vás to vedie? Máte tam hrozný obraz. Pretože, On bol históriou, vidíte, a On je Prorok. On je tými Žalmami. On je všetko. Ak Ho nemôžete učiniť všetkým, a tým istým, nuž aký je potom váš obraz? Či to vidíte? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku.

131To je On. Proroci, to bol On. On bol v nich. On bol v Žalmoch. On bol v histórii, a On je vo všetkom čo má nadísť, "ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Židom 13,8., ak si to zapisujete. On má tedy byť hlavnou myšlienkou, ak to je to čo On je. A my tomu veríme, však? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teda, ak to On je, potom On má byť hlavnou témou našich rozhovorov, nášho myslenia, nášho spievania, nášho chodenia. ["Amen."] On má byť tou hlavnou témou nášho života. Ak On je tou hlavnou témou Biblii, a Biblia je v nás, potom On má byť hlavnou témou všetkého čo robíme, hovoríme, alebo myslíme: to má byť Kristus. Súhlasí to? ["Amen."] V poriadku.

132Od vtedy, čo takto rozmýšľame, On sa stal pre nás Hlavou "všetkých vecí." Tak to tu stojí v Liste Kološanom. On je pre nás Hlavou "všetkého." Pretože On bol učinený ... Pre nás, ktorí sme zahrnutí do toho "všetkého." Vy poviete, "A čo hriešnik?" On sa stal sudcom pre hriešnika, ak To on neprijíma. On sa stal slávou pre veriaceho, ktorý To prijíma. Tak v tom, to, "všetky veci boli stvorené skrze Neho a pre Neho."

133Je potrebná noc, aby bola vyjadrená sláva dňa. Je potrebná hanebná nádoba, aby bola vyjadrená láska a starostlivosť cnostnej nádobe. Je potrebná zlá žena ktorá nosí nemorálne oblečenie a predáva svoju cnosť, aby boli vyjadrené cnosti pravej dámy. Rozumiete? Je potrebný darebák a zlodej, aby mohla byť vyjadrená rýdzosť opravdivého veriaceho, opravdivého kresťana. Je zapotreby pokrytca, aby sa mohol ukázať veriaci, čím on je.

134Tak, "Všetko bolo stvorené skrze Neho." A od vtedy ako On sa stal všetkým... pre nás všetkých, všetko bolo učinené pre, skrze Neho. Potom, nakoľko je to pravda, natoľko budeme s Ním stotožnení. My sa máme stotožniť s Ním, pretože On sa stotožnil s nami. My sa máme stotožniť s Ním. Ako? Tým že budeme žiť pre Neho, nie len tým že budeme niečo vyznávať.

135Tak mnoho ľudí prijíma nejaké vyznanie, hovoria... Dnes to zašlo už tak ďaleko. Si Kresťan? "Ja som Metodista." Nuž to je ďaleko od toho aby ste sa dali poznať ako Kresťan. Nuž, hľaďte čo robia Metodisti. "Ja som Baptista." Nuž, hľaďte čo robia Baptisti. "Ja som Katolík." Hľaďte čo oni robia. Vidíte?

136Ale ten jediný spôsob, aby ste sa vy skutočne mohli stať Kresťanom je, že by Kristus Seba Samého zidentifikoval vo vás. To sme ale získali niečo čo nás do toho popicháva. Dúfam, že každý to na tej páske tiež dostáva. Vidíte? Vidíte?

Vy hovoríte, "Ja som Letničný." To nič neznamená.

137To je Kristus zidentifikovaný vo vás. To je vtedy keď On dal najavo že vás pozná.

Hovoríte, "Hovoril som v jazykoch." Diabli to tiež robia.

138"Vykrikoval som." Mohamedáni, Budhisti i všetci vykrikujú. Indiáni kričia počas hadieho tanca. Vidíte? Samozrejme. Oni všetci vykrikujú. Kulty, klany a všetci ostatní kričia a vykrikujú. Ľudia jasajú a vykrikujú pri basketbale.

139 Ale keď je Kristus zidentifikovaný vo vás, identifikujúci Seba Samého, vtedy vy ste ako Kristus. To je to čo slovo Kresťan znamená, aby byť "ako Kristus." Vtedy ste s Ním zidentifikovaní. V poriadku. Nuž a keď je On preukazom našej totožnosti, potom my sa máme Ním preukazovať, životom pre Neho.

140Všimnite si, Boh mal trojaký zámer v tom veľkom skrytom tajomstve. Boh, vo Svojom veľkom skrytom tajomstve, ktoré mal pred založením sveta, On v ňom mal trojaký zámer. A teraz to, do čoho chceme vojsť dnes ráno je, čo je to ten trojaký zámer? Vidíte? Nuž, verím, že s pomocou Božou, ktorý je tu prítomný, a On-On nám to ukáže. Nuž, ak On mal ten trojaký zámer, my chceme zistiť čo je to ten trojaký zámer.

141Prvá vec bola to, že Boh chcel zjaviť ľuďom Seba Samého.

142On to nemohol učiniť ako veľký Jehovah, Boh ktorý pokrýva všetok priestor, čas i Večnosť. On by to nebol mohol. On je príliš veľký, aby vôbec mohol byť zjavený ľuďom, pretože to by bolo príliš tajomné. Ako by tá veľká Existencia, ktorá nemala nikdy počiatku... keby ste prekročili okruh vzdialený stovky biliónov a triliónov svetelných rokov a ďalej v nekonečnosť do Večnosti, a tá veľká Bytosť bola tým všetkým a stále ešte je.

143Ale čo On chcel urobiť, On miloval otcovstvo, pretože On bol Otcom. A jediný spôsob ako by to On mohol vyjadriť bolo, že sa stal Synom človeka. To je ten dôvod prečo Ježiš používal označenie, "Syn človeka." Vidíte, oni nevedeli o čom On hovorí, mnohí z nich. Ale teraz to rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? On chcel vyjadriť Samého Seba. To bolo Jeho, jeden z Jeho veľkých troch zámerov, aby vyjadril Seba Samého, aby sa zidentifikoval s ľuďmi, aby sa zjavil v Kristovi.

144Po druhé, aby mal to prvenstvo vo Svojom Tele veriacich, ktorým je Jeho Nevesta, aby tak mohol žiť v ľuďoch.

145Nuž, On by to bol mohol v Adamovi a v Eve, ale hriech ich oddelil, a tak musela existovať nejaká cesta ako ich dostať znovu späť. Ó! Ó, je mi to drahé, keď si na to len pomyslím. Vidíte? Vidíte aký bol Boží zámer? Nuž, prečo On nezachoval Adama a Evu v takom stave? Potom by On nebol mohol nikdy vyjadriť Svoju plnosť, v plnosti Svoje atribúty. Pretože, On by tak mohol byť Otcom, to je pravda, ale On je tiež Spasiteľ. Vy poviete, "Ako vieš, že On ním je?" Je, pretože som mal to prežitie. Vidíte? Vidíte? On je Spasiteľ a On to musel vyjadriť. A ako to mohol urobiť? Jedine skrze Krista. Vidíte, všetky tie veci sú zahrnuté v tej jednej Osobe, v Ježišovi Kristovi. Ó. Keď - keď...

146Keď o tom premýšľam, vidím denominácie miznúť z dejiska i všetko ostatné sa jednoducho stráca, vidíte, keď vidím ten veľký Boží zámer, ako sa On Sám zjavuje. A tak, prv, aby zjavil Seba Samého v Kristovi, "plnosť Božstva telesne." A potom, aby priniesol tú "plnosť Božstva telesne" do ľudí, aby On mohol mať to prvenstvo, dohľad, vedenie.

147Ešte niečo, ten večer, ak ste nedostali tú pásku, kázal som raz večer na tému Väzeň Ježiša Krista. Pavel, väzeň! Vidíte? Keď Boh dosiahne to, že sa stanete Jeho väzňom, potom nemôžete robiť nič, len to čo vám Duch povie aby ste robili. Pavel, so všetkými svojimi schopnosťami, on bol vyučený od Gamaliela, aby sa jedného dňa stal veľkým kňazom, alebo rabínom. On mal vysoké ambície. Bol vzdelaným mužom, veľkou autoritou, veľkým mužom v národe. Ale on to všetko musel obetovať, vidíte aby sa stal časťou Slova, aby stvárnil Ježiša Krista. On vedel čo to znamenalo povedať ...

148Zaumienil si, že pôjde na určité miesto, nejakí bratia ho volali, ale mu bolo zabránené od Ducha, učiniť podľa jeho vlastnej vôli. Ó, keby sa toho mohli uchytiť ľudia napoly duchovní! Vidíte? Jemu bolo zabránené aby učinil podľa svojej vlastnej vôli. On mohol urobiť jedine ... "Duch mi zabránil." Vidíte? On bol Kristov väzeň.

149Potom, tá veštica jedného dňa, Pavel vedel, že má moc aby vyhnal toho démona, ale on to mohol urobiť jedine tak ako si to Boh prial. Deň čo deň chodila za ním a vykrikovala na neho, ale jedného dňa mu Duch dal povolenie. Vtedy ju pokarhal, toho ducha ktorý bol v nej. Vidíte? On vedel čo to znamená byť väzňom.

150Mojžiš, jeho vedomosti, on sa ich musel zbaviť, aby mohol nájsť Krista, aby sa stal väzňom. Potom, keď Boh z neho vytĺkol celý svet a všetku jeho veľkosť, to čo on bol, a keď zastal v prítomnosti toho Ohnivého Stĺpu, v ten deň bol nájdený ako taký ktorý nevie hovoriť. On povedal, že by nevedel ani hovoriť. Potom Boh mal väzňa. Vidíte? Potom sa to už nebudete snažiť robiť na základe svojho vlastného preskúmania Potom Boh musel vystrojiť tohoto muža, vystrojiť ho mocou ktorá bola dostatočná nato, aby tam mohol ísť.

151A on povedal, "Pane, povedal som faraónovi to čo si mi Ty kázal a on to nechce urobiť."

152On povedal, "Tak vezmi svoju palicu," To hovorí Boh, to je Božie Slovo, "choď tam, pozdvihni ju smerom na východ a zavolaj muchy." A muchy zostali stvorené, pretože On tam mal väzňa ktorého Faraón nemohol ničím podplatiť. Už nikto ho nemohol nasmerovať na žiadnu inú cestu. On bol kompletným väzňom v reťaziach Božieho Slova, zaviazaný jedine do toho TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

153Ó, keby Boh mohol pre Seba získať takýchto väzňov! Nuž to vtedy On bude môcť stvárniť tie prednosti (Svoje prvenstvo). Rozumiete? On musí toho muža, či tú osobu, dostať do takého stavu, že ten už viacej nepozná nič okrem Krista. Rozumiete čo myslím? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku. To je po druhé.

154Po prvé, aby vyjadril kompletne Samého Seba, Boh v Kristovi.

155Po druhé, aby mal tie prednosti, skrze to, vo Svojej Cirkvi, ktorá je Jeho Telom, Nevestou, až kým by v nich mohol mať to prvenstvo, aby cez nich vyjadril Samého Seba. V poriadku.

156A zatretie, aby uviedol Kráľovstvo do pôvodného stavu, do jeho patričného postavenia, ktoré skrze hriech prvého Adama upadlo, aby ho uviedol späť tam, kde sa On prechádzal vo večernom chládku so Svojimi ľuďmi, rozprával sa s nimi a mal s nimi obecenstvo.

157A teraz hriech a smrť ich oddelili od Jeho prítomnosti a od Jeho úplného stvárnenia sa. Čítate to? Pred založením sveta, aby vyjadril všetky Svoje atribúty, čo On bol.

158Preto teda, ak ty, ktorý veríš v trojicu, keď by si sa nechal tu na chvíľu z toho uvolniť, môžeš vidieť, že Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch nie sú traja bohovia, ale to sú tri atribúty toho istého Boha. Vidíte? To je stvárnenie. Otec, On bol, chcel byť Otcom. On bol Otec, On bol Syn a On je Svätý Duch. A Otec a Duch Svätý, to je ten istý Duch. Či to vidíte? Rozumiete tomu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nie traja bohovia. To vám diabli nahovorili také veci, aby urobili z vás modlárov. Vidíte? To je jeden Boh, ktorý sa prejavuje v troch atribútoch. Ako Otec, ako Spasiteľ, ako Syn, ako Uzdravovateľ, vidíte, to sú Jeho stvárnenia.

159Chcel by som to ešte trochu prebrať, aby aj tí ľudia ktorí počúvajú tie pásky mohli porozumieť tú myšlienku a vidieť to. Ale zabralo by mi to veľa času, každá jedna téma. No dúfam že som to predstavil dosť jasne aby ste mohli vidieť čo tým chcem ukázať. Rozumiete?

160Boh, stvárnený v Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý bol oboje, Otec, Syn i Duch Svätý, "plnosť Božstva telesne."

161Teraz, "kompletná plnosť Božstva telesne" prebýva v Jeho Cirkvi, tie prednosti. Všetko čo bol Boh, prelial do Krista, a všetko čo bol Kristus, bolo preliate do Cirkvi, do veriacich.

162Nie do denominácií! Za niekoľko minút sa ku tomu dostaneme, a potom to z vašej mysli naveky odníme niečo také, uvidíte, ukážem vám čo je tomu príčinou, s pomocou Božou, ak nám to len On dovolí.

163Aký je teraz Jeho zámer? Stvárniť Sa ako Syn, vidíte, a teraz, aby v Ňom mohla prebývať "plnosť Božstva telesne." Leží to tu v Liste Kološanom, rovno predo mnou. Vidíte? To bol Boží zámer cez celé Písmo. Nuž, a cez ten Život toho Syna, skrze Jeho kríž, "Krv," tak to tu stojí, "Krv Jeho kríža," aby si Sám pre Seba mohol zmieriť Telo, Nevestu, ktorou je Eva, druhá Eva. A Boh nám to dal ako predobraz, tak ako dal Mojžiša a všetko ostatné. To isté On učinil pri Adamovi a Eve, dávajúc tým predobraz, že oni boli Kristus a Nevesta. On je druhý Adam, Cirkev je druhá Eva.

164Ale tak dlho ako tá druhá Eva robí kompromisy voči Slovu, či ona nerobí to isté čo urobila tá prvá Eva? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Pri čom sa snaží povedať, "Dobre, ale to bolo na iný čas." Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme, či On povedal že to platilo na iný čas. Ako to môže byť na iný čas, keď On je "ten istý včera, dnes i naveky?"

165Ale Boh si to tak predsavzal a "skryl to pred očami múdrych a rozumných a zjavil to tým predurčeným nemluvňatám," ktoré boli predurčené do toho aby to prijali.

166To je ten dôvod, že sledujeme po celý ten čas, kedykoľvek to Svetlo niečo osvietilo, oni to odstrčili a zavrhli. Veľkí učenci a tí veľkí kňazi, ktorí tam stáli, rabíni od veľkých učiteľov a autorít, takí ako Nikodém a iní, muž vyhladeného vzdelania a vôbec Tomu nemohol porozumieť.

167Stáli tam tí veľkí kňazi a rabíni, ktorí boli vyučení v tom Slove. Och, oni to vedeli, z intelektuálneho hľadiska! A On povedal, "Vy ste z vášho otca diabla a činíte Jeho účinky." Rozmýšľajte o tom, svätí ľudia, nemohli by ste prstom ukázať na nič v ich živote, alebo na živote ich otcov, alebo na živote ich starých otcov, alebo na živote ich pra- pra- pra- pra- pra-starých otcov. Ak by to tak bolo, boli by zomreli v hanbe, ukameňovali by ich k smrti. A Ježiš tu stojí a nazýva tú skupinu "bandou diablov," tých nábožných mužov.

168Ó, aké veľké zjavenie! Že On chce uviesť späť do pôvodného stavu Svoju rodinu, priviesť to späť. Nuž, On ich musel nechať stratiť sa. Rozumiete tomu? On ich musel nechať hrešiť, pretože im dal slobodnú morálnu... On, On nemohol spôsobiť aby oni hrešili a pritom zostať Bohom, a potom ich trestať za niečo čo On spôsobil aby to robili.

169Ale keď On človeka uviedol do Svojho spoločenstva, tak ho nechal jednať na základe slobodného morálneho rozhodnutia, vidíte, On tak isto postupuje dnes s vami. Vidíte? Vidíte? V každom prípade jednáte tak ako chcete, máte slobodné morálne rozhodnutie. Tak, teda, ak On tak uspôsobil toho prvého človeka, On musí uspôsobiť tak i toho druhého, On každého jedného tak musí uspôsobiť, v opačnom prípade by to znamenalo, že On učinil zle hneď na počiatku. Vidíte? Ale každý stojí na tom istom základe.

170Nuž, všimnite si Ho, ako to navracia späť, necháva to toho človeka robiť, vediac že on tak bude robiť, On vedel že on to urobí. Ale čo to spravilo? To vyviedlo najavo Jeho atribút, že je Spasiteľ. A celý ten zámer je potom zložený v Ježišovi Kristovi, aby sa stal ... Aby Sám Boh vzal na Seba trest Svojho vlastného zákonu, smrť, aby zomrel, aby Si vykúpil ženu ktorá sa bola stratila, tým že Ho odmietla.

171Keď Eva odišla preč od Slova, odišla preč od svojho druha. A keď cirkev ide preč od Slova, do nejakej denominácii, ona Ho odmieta a pácha smilstvo so svetom ľudskej múdrosti, odmietajúc autoritu Božieho Slova. Zneje to jasne? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Biblia hovorí, "Duchovne smilnili." Ktorékoľvek Slovo v Biblii, ktoré je odmietnuté, alebo ak mu je daný nejaký vlastný výklad, znamená to úplné odmietnutie a páchanie cudzoložstva voči Bohu, ktorý je náš Manžel. A my vieme, že cudzoložníci nikdy nevojdú do Kráľovstva Nebeského. Vidíte? Nuž, vidíte, to je to čo urobila Eva, v prvom rade.

172Nuž, všimnite si znovu, teraz, čo je Jeho trojaký zámer? Zamanifestovať Sa v Ježišovi Kristovi, prísť do Tela, skrze Ježiša Krista, mať prednosti, (aby čo?) navrátil späť do pôvodného stavu Eden, aby priviedol späť to čo bolo zahynulo. To bola tá jediná vec ktorá nefungovala. Všetky ostatné Jeho veci fungovali.

173Ale On musel nechať človeka, dajúc mu slobodu v morálnom jednaní, aby upadol, tak že On mohol byť Spasiteľom, mohol sa ukázať že čo je v Ňom, vidíte, Jeho atribút Spasiteľa. Niečo muselo byť stratené. A práve tým, že človek upadol a bol stratený, On sa stal jeho Spasiteľom, podľa Svojho vlastného zákona. A On by to nemohol urobiť ako ten veľký Jehovah, ktorý pokrýva všetok priestor i čas. Vidíte, On by to nemohol tak urobiť. On sa musel stať Človekom. Stal sa príbuzným človekovi ktorý bol stratený, a stal sa Človekom. Boh si učinil telo!

174Haleluja! Myslíte si že som vzrušený, to ale nie ja. To niečo vo vnútri!

175Boh, z podstaty Boha, stal sa takým ako som ja, aby vzal na Seba môj hriech, aby On mňa mohol učiniť takým akým je On, amen, aby dokonal Svoj veľký zámer o synoch a dcérach Božích, pretože On je večným Otcom. Ten atribút bol v Ňom, vidíte, a on musel vyjsť najavo.

176Vidíte teraz celý ten trojaký zámer? Vidíte, aby vyjadril Samého Seba, On sa chce stať... Nuž, svet je stratený, a tak On musel Seba Samého stvárniť v Človeku, aby sa stal Spasiteľom, skrze zmierenie Krvi z Jeho kríža. On sa ním musel stať, musel zomrieť, aby vykonal spasenie a aby vniesol Seba Samého späť do Cirkvi, aby vo Svojej Cirkvi mal tie prednosti.

177Nuž zapamätajte si, to nemôže a nebude a nikdy sa to nestane a nikdy to nebolo nejakou denomináciou! On musí mať tie prednosti, ["aby On bol vo všetkom prvý" – pozn.prekl.] a On je Slovo. Amen! Ako do Toho môže byť vtisnuté nejaké vyznanie? To... to by uviedlo cirkev do prostitúcii, prijať akékoľvek ľudské slová nejakého vyznania, alebo nejakej denominácii. Živo je to zaznamenané v Zjavení 17., ako veľká smilnica a pobehlice: Rímsko-katolícka cirkev je tá veľká smilnica a Protestantské sú pobehlice. Je to tak jasné že ktokoľvek si to môže prečítať. Prešli sme cez Cirkevné veky a môžete si to vypočuť na tých páskach, ak máte záujem. Je to presne tak. Teda čokoľvek čo sa spája s nejakým vyznaním, okrem Biblii, je smilstvom v Božích očiach. A robí sa tým to isté čo urobila Eva: dostala sa preč od Slova, ktorým je Kristus. Och! Tak to je.

178Teraz vidíme Jeho tajomstvo ktoré mal skryté vo Svojej mysli pred založením sveta. Chceli by ste aby sme si o tom niečo prečítali? Tak si prečítajme. Máte dosť času? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Tak to prečítame. Otvorme si všetci, aby sme si to mohli prečítať, List Efežanom a začnime čítať od prvej kapitoly. Pokračujeme v lekcii nedeľnej školy, v tom trojakom zamanifestovaní sa Krista, čítajme.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou, ...

179Všimnite si teraz, nie je to adresované do sveta, ale:

...svätým, ktorí sú v Efeze a verným v Kristu Ježišovi:

180Ako sa dostanete do Krista Ježiša? Pripojením sa k cirkvi? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Nie." – pozn.prekl.] Skrze narodenie sa! "Skrze jedného ducha," Prvá Korinťanom 12., "sme my všetci pokrstení v jedno Telo." Vidíte?

181V poriadku, to sú teda tí ku ktorým to on hovorí. Nie je to adresované tomu vonkajšiemu svetu. Nemôže o tom hovoriť hriešnikovi, pretože on o tom nič nevie. Pavel to neadresoval žiadnym hriešnikom. On povedal, "Toto je tam pre tú skupinu, ktorá je v Kristu Ježišovi."

Milosť vám a pokoj od Boha nášho Otca, a od Pána Ježiša Krista.

Požehnaný Boh a Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovným


v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi:

182"Ponebeské miesta." Ó, ako si prajem, aby som mal čas! Práve tu som si to poznačil vo svojej Biblii, o Ponebeských miestach. Čo je to ponebeské miesta. Ponebeské miesta, len na okamžik, to je, "pozícia veriaceho v Kristovi," vidíte, "kde veriaci stojí v Kristovi," v Ponebeských miestach.

Tak, ako si nás v ňom vyvolil ...

(dobre počúvajte)

ako si nás v ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta ...

183Kedy si nás vyvolil? "Pred založením sveta," keď Svoje veľké ukryté tajomstvo, Svoju veľkú tajnosť.

Vyvolil nás v Kristovi

...pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred ním v



Predurčiac nás

(k čomu?)

k synovstvu skrze Ježiša Krista cieľom neho podľa ľúbosti svojej vôle

185Či vidíte teraz to Jeho tajomstvo? Čo On tým chcel dosiahnuť? Navrátiť späť upadnutú Evu, pretože ona bola predobrazom Cirkvi. A všimnite si teraz, ako Boh otvoril bok Adama a z jeho vlastného tela a krvi vybral Evu a rozdelil jeho ducha na mužského a ženského, a toho ženského vložil do Evy. Vybral rebro z jeho boku a učinil z neho Evu. Tak Boh urobil to isté, vezmúc z boku Kristovho Krv a vodu. A Kristus je Slovo, vzal to Slovo a učinil Svoju Cirkev, Evu, vidíte, znovu späť pre Seba Samého, vykúpenú Krvou, ktorá pochádzala z Jeho Tela. Vidíte to teraz? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

186Teraz to veľké Božie tajomstvo zostalo odhalené, to ktoré bolo skryté od založenia sveta, ale bolo znázornené v predobrazoch po celý ten čas. Nuž, sledujte to, našli sme že On to učinil. A tu v Liste Efežanom, a na mnohých iných miestach, ale to vám bude stačiť, aby... Nuž, cez tie veky On pomaly odhaľoval toto tajomstvo. Môžete to teraz vidieť? Nuž, cez tie ...

187Ako to On učinil? Čo sa teraz stalo tu v tom predobraze? On otvoril Adamov bok a vzal časť z jeho tela, ktorá bola Adamom, aby učinil Evu. Nevesta musí byť Slovom, pretože On je Slovom. Ona nemôže stáť na vyznaniach. Ona nemôže stáť na denominácii. Ona nemôže stáť na dobrom správaní. Ona musí stáť jedine na Slove, pretože ona je Jeho časťou. Ona bola vzatá z Krista. Vidíte?

188A buďme si istí toho, že celé Vytrhnutie teraz: Luther bol časťou, Wesley bol časťou, proroci boli časťou. Ak oni nie sú časťou ... Práve v tom zjavení, ktoré oni dávali do kopy, to bolo telo, nohy, prsty ramená, a tak ďalej, až ku Hlave (za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme), vidíte, to predstavuje celé Vytrhnutie. To je Telo Slova, ktorým je Kristus. Amen!

189Pomimo toho ste stratení. Nestarám sa o to akí ste dobrí, alebo aká je vaša rodina, alebo aké je vaše obecenstvo, alebo aká je vaša organizácia, ak sa nachádzate pomimo toho Slova ste stratení, Ono musí prebývať vo vás.

190"Ak zostanete vo Mne, v Slove, a Moje Slová ak zostanú vo vás, vtedy si proste čokoľvek chcete," pretože vy a to Slovo, to je to isté. On má vo vás prvenstvo. On má vo vás panovanie. Vy ste ... vy ste Jeho väzňom. Svet je pre vás mŕtvy. Vy už nemáte nič viac... Vidíte, že tí ostatní ľudia si žijú svojím vlastným spôsobom, ale vy už tak nežijete. Vy ste väzeň. On vás ujarmil. "Moje jarmo je ľahké." Ujarmený Kristom, Jeho Slovom. "Ja robím len to čo sa páči Otcovi. A ak nemôžete uveriť, že Ja som On, potom verte Slovu." Tak dokonalé!

191Všimnite si teraz, cez všetky tie veky, On to tajomstvo postupne dával najavo a pomaly ho odhaľoval cez prorokov a cez tie predobrazy. A teraz my v tom môžeme len pokračovať a stvárňovať Jeho Samého.

192On sa stvárnil v Mojžišovi. Pozrime sa na Mojžiša. Narodil sa v čase prenasledovania detí. Narodil sa aby bol vysloboditeľom. Bol ukrytý v rákosí, práve tak ako Ježiš bol vzatý dole do Egyptu. Vystúpil. Vyšiel na horu, vrátil sa naspäť s prikázaniami.

193Ježiš vyšiel na horu, Jeho prvá kázeň, kázeň na hore, vrátil sa s prikázaniami. "Počuli ste, že bolo povedané starým, nescudzoložíš. Ale Ja vám hovorím, že každý, kto by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci." Zákonodarca, Kňaz, Kráľ, Vodca, presne tak isto!

194On sa stvárnil v Jozefovi, ktorý sa narodil medzi denomináciou, svojimi bratmi. Ktorí ho nenávideli bez príčiny pretože bol duchovný. Videl videnia. Boh bol s ním. Mohol vykladať sny. A jeho bratia ho nenávideli. Bol predaný za... svojimi bratmi takmer za tridsať strieborných. Presne tak isto ako On bol predaný od Judáša Iškariotského, ktorý bol jeden z Jeho bratov, za tridsať strieborných. Bol uvrhnutý do jamy a považovaný za mŕtveho. Pasuje to. Otcovi i iným hovorili že je mŕtvy. Bol uvrhnutý do jamy, vzatý a postavený po pravici faraónovej.

195V žalári, v tom ako tam trpel, boli tam dvaja spasení... Čašník a pekár, vlastne jeden z nich bol zatratený a druhý spasený. Presne tak ako na kríži, keď On bol v dome Svojho vezenia pribitý na kríž za naše hriechy, keď sa stal väzňom, jeden lotor bol zatratený a druhý spasený. Vidíte, presne to pasuje.

196Potom bol Jozef postavený po pravici faraóna, kráľa, čo sa mu snívalo, čo videl vo videní, že bude sedieť pri nohách kráľa a všetká autorita v Egypte mu bola daná. Jeho videnie sa muselo vyplniť. Možno že mnohokrát nad tým premýšľal zatiaľ čo bol tam dole v tom vezení. Jeho brada bola čoraz dlhšia, ale on to skúmal. Jedného dňa sa jeho videnie muselo vyplniť.

197Hoci to dalo na seba dlho čakať, muselo sa to stať! Ako som hovoril minulý večer, alebo ešte predtým, v stredu večer tu na zhromaždení. Vidíte, muselo sa to stať. Keď Boh niečo povie, musí sa to stať. To je potvrdený prorok, a to sa musí stať, preto že to je Božie Slovo.

198A Slovo prichádza jedine ku prorokovi. Slovo prorok znamená - zjavovateľ Božieho napísaného Slova, tak isto to znamená predpovedateľ, rozumiete, alebo vidiaci. Všimnite si. Vidiaci, ako viete on predpovedá, a skrze to že sa stane to čo on predpovie je Bohom potvrdený. "Ak vystúpi nejaký prorok a bude ku vám hovoriť a povie vám určitú vec ktorá sa má stať, a ak sa tak nestane, nepočúvajte ho. Ale ak sa tak stane, vtedy Ja som s ním." Radšej sa ho bojte, pretože vidíte, že Ja som s ním." Presne to pasuje. To je potvrdenie, podľa toho budete vedieť či je to pravda alebo nie.

199Boh znovu hovorí cez Svoje Slovo, do Svojich ľudí skrze ľudí. Vidíte, Boh hovorí jedine cez človeka. "Ja som vinič, vy ste letorasty." Vinič nenesie ovocie. Letorasty hovoria, nesú ovocie Viniča. Všimnite si, že vždy to tak bolo.

200Nachádzame teraz Jozefa, že žiadny človek by sa nemohol dostať, alebo prísť k faraónovi bez toho aby prv uvidel Jozefa. "Nikto nemôže prísť k Otcovi, jedine skrze Syna." A keď Jozef opustil trón, trúbili na trúbach, "Nech sa skloní každé koleno! Jozef prichádza!"

201Sláva! Jedného dňa sa skloní každé koleno a každý jazyk bude vyznávať, keď On opustí trón Svojho Otca, vidíte, aby sa priblížil. Každý zloží svedectvo, že On je Syn Boží. Vy tiež ... Ale potom bude príliš neskoro. Urobte to teraz.

202Nuž, vidíte to v tých predobrazoch. Môžeme vziať tiež Dávida, ako som o tom nedávno hovoril, ako opustil svoj trón, jeho vlastný ľud ho odmietol. Ako vychádza hore na tú istú horu, na Olivový Vrch, ako odchádza do svojho vezenia. On išiel do domu svojho vezenia, pretože bol odmietnutý svojimi bratmi a svojím vlastným ľudom. Išiel hore a plakal. To bol v ňom Duch Kristov, kedy súc odmietnutý hľadel na Jeruzalem a zaplakal a povedal, "Jeruzalem, ako často som..." Odmietnutý kráľ. Osemsto rokov neskoršie, Syn Dávidov zastal nad Jeruzalemom, odmietnutý, zaplakal nad Jeruzalemom a povedal, "Teraz prišla tvoja hodina." Súhlasí to. Vidíte?

203Všetky tie veci znázorňovali Jeho, len v predobraze, ale to tajomstvo bolo ešte ukryté. Tí Ľudia nevedeli čo robia. Oni len vedeli, že sú vedení Duchom aby to robili. Nuž, zachovával to do tých posledných dní, na to veľké zjavenie. Ale vyjadroval to, stvárnil Sa v Mojžišovi, Dávidovi, Jozefovi, Eliášovi a tak ďalej. Môžeme zobrať každého jedného z tých prorokov a premietnuť si ich život a zbadáme že to perfektne vyjadruje Ježiša Krista, ale pomimo toho On nedal poznať Svoje tajomstvo v plnosti. Čakal na to, že to dá poznať v tých posledných dňoch, tak ako to zasľúbil, čakal na to aby tomu úplne porozumeli, vidíte, predtým ako by to mohol vyjadriť, keď povie celú tú vec.

204Pretože, Biblia je napísaná v tajomstvách. Ježiš ďakoval za to Otcovi, vidíte, že je To napísané v tajomstvách.

205Teda, Príchod Pánov je v tajnosti. My nevieme kedy On príde, ako príde, ale vieme že On prichádza. Vidíte? A tak to bolo so všetkými tajomstvami Božími, že čakali na ten posledný deň. Potom, keď On už bol kompletne stvárnený, potom On zjavuje a ukazuje čo učinil. Ó! On nikdy Svoje tajomstvo neodkryl úplne.

206Je to tak isto, keď to porovnávame so Siedmymi Pečaťami. Keď Boh použil Martina Luthera na to aby bol vyvedený najavo pre tú prvú cirkev, či ten cirkevný vek, a potom použil Johna Wesleya, a On ich postupne viedol ďalej do svetla a zjavoval sa v nich v danom cirkevnom veku, keď my ... keď to teraz dozadu cez Bibliu sledujeme a vidíme to odkryté. Ale v tých posledných dňoch, z toho dôvodu že to bola taká ohromná vec, že On to tu povedal a ukázal tých Sedem Hromov. A v časopisoch Look a Life ...

207Časopis Life priniesol potom ten Kruh Chmúry a Svetla, a oni tomu nemôžu rozumieť a stále nevedia čo to je. Ale On tu povedal, "Choď tam a čakaj lebo tie tajomstvá majú byť zjavené," a to bolo povedané pár mesiacov pred tým ako sa to stalo, a potom sa to stalo presne tak ako to On povedal, že sa to má stať. Všimli ste si na tom obrázku? Ten Anjel ešte, ktorý bol na pravej strane, keď sa práve zhmotňoval, ako zostupoval dole, krídla mal v zadu a hlavu mal obrátenú do boku, presne tak je to tam práve na tom obrázku. Niekoľko mesiacov predtým ako sa to stalo tu povedal, že "On zhromaždí Telo veriacich dokopy, zjavi im, pospája im tie stratené konce."

208Tu vystúpil Luther, on kázal len ospravedlnenie, neustále udieral práve na to v tom veku. On nevedel čo to bol za vek. Tu vystúpil Wesley, a on udieral posolstvom na svoj vek. Vidíte? Vyšlo z toho mnoho vybočení, povstali ďalšie cirkvi. Potom tu prichádzajú Letniční, tiež udierajúc svojím, a oni sa zorganizovali a znovu odišli späť rovno do smrti, za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme, rovno späť do "smrti."

209A potom prichádza zjavenie toho tajomstva, aby bolo zjavené čo to všetko bolo. Kde, tieto malé doktríny, ako Luther vydal katechizmus a mnoho iného. Wesley priniesol toto, tamto a iné, i všetko to ďalšie. A Letniční potom práve tak isto priniesli organizáciu a niesli krst v "Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha" a všetko iné, nepoznajúc žiadny rozdiel, pretože ... Potom prichádza naspäť v týchto posledných dňoch a berie všetky tie tajomstvá a jasne to vysvetľuje, zjavuje to. Prečo? To všetko sa deje v tých posledných dňoch, keď zostáva zjavené to veľké tajomstvo ktoré Boh mal vo Svojom srdci.

210Či tomu rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Ak vám to uniklo, navráťte sa znovu ku tejto páske. Ja neviem ako dlho budem ešte s vami. Zapamätajte si, toto je Pravda, to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Pravda. To je Písmo.

211Tak ako tých sedem tajomstiev tých siedmich posledných Pečatí, tie ich tajomstvá. Pečate zostali zlámané, a každý vek už pominul a oni tam nechali mnoho roztrúsených vecí. A Boh nechcel aby to bolo roztrúsené. On prichádza späť a berie tie veci, tie doktríny ktorými oni rozpočali, dal to do svetla a zjavil celú vec. To isté robí teraz, zjavujúc tajomstvo Krista, ako On bol trojakým Božím zámerom pre Cirkev! Ó! Dáva Ho najavo, zjavuje!

212Zjaviť, podľa slovníka Webstera znamená, "Urobiť známym. Dať poznať, a hlavne v Božej Pravde," to je to čo slovo zjavenie znamená. Zjavenie, to je Kristov spôsob ako sa On dáva poznávať Svojej Cirkvi.

213Teraz povieme, "Ale, brat Branham, to len ty tak hovoríš." Nuž, my to nechceme hovoriť len tak.

214Všimnite si, On sa dal poznať Petrovi. Ak si to chcete poznačiť a ... Ak si to chcete prečítať, budeme... Prečítame to ak chcete, je to v Ev. Sv. Matúša 16., 15 a 17. Budem to citovať. Vtedy, keď išli z vrchu Premenenia, On povedal, "Čo hovoria o Mne ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

216On povedal, "Čo vy teraz myslíte, že kto som Ja?" Teraz On hovorí ku Cirkvi. Vidíte?

217Dnes hovoria, "On je filozof, to je sociálne náboženstvo. On bol dobrý človek. Veríme že Jeho učenie je správne. Je to niečo podľa čoho by sa malo žiť. Myslím, že by nás to všetkých učinilo lepšími, keby sme podľa toho žili. Máme mať svoje cirkvi, a tak ďalej." Takéto reči to je ako Ježiško či Mikuláš, je to ako rozprávka o Ježiškovi či Mikulášovi ktorý roznáša na vianoce darčeky [Po anglicky Santa Claus – pozn.prekl.]

218To nie je to, že budeme robiť niečo čo hovorí nejaká cirkev. To je život, ktorý vy nežijete sami od seba, ale On Sám vstupuje do vás a žije, a vy sa stávate väzňom, ale nie nejakej ľudskej intelektuálnej bytosti. Ste vedení Duchom. A ako to viete?

219Nuž, vy hovoríte, "Mohol som to poznávať na sebe ako som sa zbavoval svojej mysli. Snáď človek ktorý odkladá nabok svoju myseľ to vie."

220Ale ak máte myseľ Kristovu, Kristus sa Sám cez vás predstavuje, ukazuje že to je On a nie ... vy ste sa nezbavili svojej mysli.

221Niektorí ľudia, pod vplyvom falošných predstáv vecí, odchádzajú a stávajú sa bláznami. Vieme, že to nie je v poriadku. To je diabol, ktorý sa snaží napodobniť tú skutočnú vec, prv ako sa tu ona dostaví. Vidíte? Také niečo je vždy falošné. Vidíte?

222Ale opravdivý muž, sa má zbaviť svojich vlastných predstáv a svojho vlastného domýšľania! Nepristupovať však ku tomu takto naslepo. Nie veru. Vy ku tomu pristupujete na základe svojich zdravých zmyslov a Kristus prevezme vládu nad vami a predstavuje Sa cez vás. A potom sa stanete bláznom pre ten svet.

223A tak, ak ste blázon, ste skutočne blázon, potom tam nie je nič, diabol vás nemôže vziať pod úplnú kontrolu. On vás bude nútiť aby ste robili všetko proti tomu Slovu.

224Ale keď Kristus prevezme vládu nad vami, On bude vyjadrovať to Slovo priamo cez vás, pretože to je On. On je Slovo! Vidíte? A potom môžete vidieť stvárnenie Krista. Nie nejakú falošnú predstavu akéhosi druhu, ale skutočného opravdivého Krista, vyjadrujúceho Sa rovno cez vás. Ó aké nádherné!

225Nuž, hľaďte. On povedal, "Čo vy hovoríte, že kto som Ja?" On sa to pýta Cirkvi, Svojich dvanástych. Z tých miliónov ktorí žili v tom čase, On sa opýtal tých dvanástych, Svojej Cirkvi.

Z tých miliónov vo dňoch Noeho, On sa opýtal ôsmych. Och. Vidíte?

226A On povedal, "Tak ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, vidíte, kde bolo zachránených osem duší."

227Ja nehovorím, že teraz bude zachránených len osem. Nerozumejte to všetko špatne. Ja som to tak nikdy nepovedal. Ja neviem koľko ich bude, koľko ich bude spasených v tom, v tom poslednom momente, keď bude vytrhnutá tá malá skupina. Ale hovorím vám, to bude malá skupina. "Lebo je tesná brána a úzka cesta, a málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú."

228Ale keď predstúpi to veľké vykúpené Telo zo všetkých vekov, potom to tam bude veľký zástup! Zjavenie 7 o tom hovorí, "veľký zástup, ktorý nemohol nikto spočítať," to sú tí zo všetkých vekov, ktorí chodia vo svetle tej Biblii, nakoľko im to bolo zjavené. A my teraz vieme, že Wesley mal viacej svetla ako mal Luther. Vieme, že Letniční mali viacej svetla ako Wesley. Vidíte? Skutočne to tak bolo.

229Pretože to len postupne bolo dávané najavo, tak isto ako to išlo cez prorokov, a tak ďalej, až sa to dalo úplne poznať, "plnosť Božstva telesne v Kristovi."

230A teraz sa Kristus dáva poznávať Cirkvi. Celá tá vec je Božím zjavením, aby Eva bola znovu privedená späť do jej správneho postavenia so svojím Mužom. Všimnite si, Boh je Manželom Cirkvi a Cirkev je Jeho Nevesta.

231A Peter, keď sa ho opýtal, on povedal, "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

232Dávajte teraz pozor. "Blahoslavený si Šimon, syn Jonášov." Vidíte? "Blahoslavený si, lebo telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Nenaučil si sa To v nejakej škole. Ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v Nebesiach ti To zjavil." Všimnite si čo mu On povedal, "Na tej skale..." To je Peter, to predurčené Božie Semeno, ktorý prijal to Svetlo, a boli mu dané kľúče Kráľovstva. "Na skale toho zjavenia, kto je Ježiš Kristus," On je plnosť, zamanifestovaný Boh. "Na tej skale..." Nie Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, a On že je druhou Osobou. "Na tej skale Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev a brány pekelné To nikdy neotrasú, nikdy To nepremôžu." Vidíte? "Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev na tej skale," na zjavení Ježiša Krista.

233Hľaďte, Kristus vo vás, to činí Jeho centrom Života zjavenia. Vidíte? Kristov Život vo vás činí Jeho centrom zjavenia. Kristus v Biblii, činí Bibliu úplným zjavením Krista. Kristus vo vás činí vás úplným zjavením všetkého, vidíte, čo sa snaží Boh urobiť.

234Čo je tedy Znovuzrodenie? Poviete, "brat Branham, čo je Znovuzrodenie?" To je osobné zjavenie sa ti Ježiša Krista. Amen! Vidíte? Nie to, že si sa pripojil k nejakej cirkvi, nie to že si si s niekým potriasol rukou, nie to že robíš niečo inakšie, nie to že si vyriekol vyznanie, nie to že si sľúbil že budeš žiť podľa nejakých právnych zásad. Ale Kristus, Biblia, On je Slovo ktoré ti bolo zjavené. A nezáleží na tom čo ktokoľvek hovorí, alebo čokoľvek sa deje, to je Kristus. Či pastor, alebo kňaz niečo hovorí, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť. To je Kristus v tebe, to je to zjavenie na ktorom bola vybudovaná Cirkev.

235Vy hovoríte, "Dobre, ja som luterán. Ja som baptista. Ja som presbyterián." To nemá žiadny význam, to pred Bohom nemá žiadny význam, [brat Branham pukol na prstoch – pozn.prekl.] nič, ani ako puknutie na prstoch.

236Čo to je? To je zjavený Kristus, a On je Slovo. A Slovo keď je zjavené, Ono vyjadruje Seba. Vidíte? To bol Boží zámer s Ježišom Kristom, aby vyjadril Seba, aby vzal Svoje vlastné zákony a žil podľa Svojich zákonov, od... a vyplnil Svoj zákon, skrze smrť. A Kristus, Boh, zomrel v tele, za tým účelom aby odsúdil hriech v tele, aby Si mohol priviesť pre Seba slávnu Nevestu, späť vykúpenú, ktorá bude veriť jedine v Božie Slovo, a nezamení Ho, ako to urobila Eva, za ľudské intelektuálne názory. Vidíte to? To je Kristova idea. To je Božia idea. Znovuzrodenie toto zjavuje.

237A ak nejaký človek hovorí, že je znovuzrodený a snaží sa umiestniť tieto Kristove zasľúbenia, na tieto posledné dni, do niektorého iného veku, čím Ho robí Kristom na včera ale nie na dnes, potom taký človek, či tá osoba je oklamaná od satana. A ak taký človek hovorí že on Tomu verí, a to sa cez neho nemanifestuje?

238Ježiš povedal v Markovi 16., "A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia, po celom svete a v každom veku." Vyháňanie démonov, a hovorenie v jazykoch, a - a všetky tie veľké manifestácie darov ktoré budú nasledovať, to, "oni budú!" Nie, "oni by mali, oni môžu." "Oni budú!" A nebo a zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nepominie.

239Tak to je Kristus, ktorý Sa stvárňuje v jednotlivcovi, či je to človek učený, alebo či nepozná abecedu. Polovica apoštolov ju nepoznala, vidíte, ale oni poznali Krista. Oni si vôbec nevšimli Petra a Jána kvôli tomu, že by boli vedeli, že vyšli z nejakého semináru. Oni povedali, "Oni spozorovali a poznali, že oni bývali s Kristom," keď oni uzdravili toho chromého pri bráne, vidíte, oni poznali, že oni boli s Kristom.

240Znovuzrodenie to je Kristus, to je zjavenie. Boh ti zjavil to veľké tajomstvo, a to je Znovuzrodenie. A tak čo budete robiť keď dostanete celú tú skupinu dokopy, kde to zjavenie je v dokonalej harmónii a Boh to vyjadruje skrze Svoje Slovo tými istými skutkami, to isté čo On činil, keď manifestoval to Slovo! Ó, keby len Cirkev poznala svoju pozíciu! Jedného dňa sa to stane. Potom, Vytrhnutie nastane keď ona spozná čo to je. A tak, buďte pozorní.

241Vy vravíte, "brat Branham, ale to - to nie je..." Ó, áno, to je, tiež. To je Pravda.

242Všimli ste si? Pavel nikdy nepoznal Ježiša, telesne. Pavel Ho vôbec nepoznal. Ten jediný spôsob ako Ho Pavel poznal, to bolo skrze zjavenie, skrze videnie. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Pavel poznal Ježiša jedine skrze zjavenie, tak isto ako Peter.

243Peter Ho videl v tele, ale nepoznal Ho skrze telo, pretože Ježiš tak povedal. "Telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Dokonca ani Môj vlastný život ti to nezjavil. Ale Môj Otec ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil, že On je Slovo Božie, a na tej skale Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev." Peter Ho nepoznal pomocou tela. Ľudia chodili s Ním a dotýkali sa Ho i robili všetko možné.

244Pavel mal niečo väčšie, ako ktorýkoľvek z tých apoštolov. Vidíte?

245Oni povedali, "Dobre, ja mám viacej zjavenia ako máš ty, Pavel, pretože, vieš, ja som s Ním chodil. Jedného dňa som s Ním išiel chytať ryby. Počul som Ho ako hovoril. Sedel so mnou v člne a vtedy mi tak povedal, `Poďme tam na to miesto a spusti tam siete k lovu a ulovíme množstvo rýb.` A urobili sme tak." Vidíš? Vidíš? "My sme Ho videli robiť tie skutky."

246Ale Pavel Ho videl potom ako On zomrel, bol pochovaný, a opäť vstal, a stvárnil Sa v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove. Vediac ... Pavel, súc žid, nikdy by Ho nenazval "Pane" až keď uvidel ten jav, že On je tam ako prv, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On povedal, "Pavel" inými slovami, "Ja som ten istý Boh dnes aký som bol včera. Tu som, v tom istom Svetle, v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý hovoril s Mojžišom v horiacom kríku." Nie divu, že on mohol oddeliť zákon od milosti, v Liste Židom; on stretol ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp. On povedal, "Ja som Ježiš, ktorého ty prenasleduješ."

247A dnes je On tu, tak isto, skrze ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, stvárňujúci Sa, ako ten istý, odhaľujúci tajomstvo Božie, ktoré bolo skryté od založenia sveta. Vidíte to?

248Pavel Ho poznal jedine skrze - poznal Ho skrze zjavenie. Peter Ho poznal skrze zjavenie.

249On s Ním chodil, rozprával sa s Ním. A tak teda, vy sa môžete postaviť na toto Slovo. Nuž, nejaký učený človek sa môže posadiť a čítať to Slovo, až celkom vo všetkom vás dokáže usadiť, ak bude chcieť, pretože je chytrý, brilantný. Vezmime katolíckeho kňaza, alebo ani nie tak toho, ako ozaj dobre v Biblii vytrénovaného teológa. Bratku, nejaký baptista, alebo presbyterián, alebo niekto iný, on učiní na vás dojem, že si budete myslieť že nič neviete, vidíte, keď s ním prídete do reči. Prečo? Pretože on poznal Jeho, Slovo, za pomoci tela. [brat Branham poklepal po svojej Biblii – pozn.prekl.]

250Ale jediný spôsob ako vy môžete byť spasený, to je poznať Ho skrze zjavenie!

251Keď by som dokázal vziať, môžem vziať náuku Presbyteriánov a usadiť vás letničných, že ani nebudete vedieť ako. Môžem vziať náuku Baptistov a ukázať vám letničným milión vecí o ktorých nič neviete. Je to tak, ale to nie je to. To nie je Jeho Cirkev. To nie je Jeho Cirkev.

252Jeho Cirkev, to je On Sám zjavený, (Amen! Vidíte to?) a vyjadrený skrze Samo Slovo, že On je Boh. Vidíte?

253Ako vy potom môžete povedať, "Otec, Syna a Svätý Duch," a byť v to pokrstený? Pohania! Veru! Ako môžete povedať že poznáte Ježiša Krista, On je Slovo, keď neexistuje také miesto Písma v Biblii, nie je takého miesta kde by bol niekto niekedy pokrstený vo meno "Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha?"

254A vy - a vy ľudia Jesus-Only, ktorý používate len meno "Ježiš" pri krste! Sám sa osobne poznám so štyrmi alebo piatymi ľuďmi, ktorí majú meno Ježiš. Tak vidíte, do čoho vás vedú vaše denominácie? To je temnosť, to čo urobil Kain, ktorý priniesol ovocie namiesto krvi. Vidíte?

255Ale zjavenie prichádza skrze Krv, vidíte, skrze Ježiša Krista, Ktorý je Božou Krvou, tvorivou Krvou v lone Márii. A Pavel Ho poznal skrze zjavenie. Tak ako Ho aj my poznáme dnes. Je len jedna cesta ako Ho môžete poznať. Nie hovoriť, "Ja som metodista." To nič neznamená. "Ja som baptista." To nič neznamená. "Ja som katolík." To nič neznamená. Ale skrze zjavenie, tak vám Boh zjavil Slovo! On je Slovo. A Slovo, ako viete, keď je Ono zjavené, Ono žije Samo Sebou a stvárňuje Jeho Samého cez vás. Ó!

256Cirkvi už dávno zabudli na to veľké zjavenie. Je to tak. Zjavenie Pravdy, oni na to zabudli. Oni odišli za...

257Nuž, keď povstal Luther, on bol veľkým mužom. On mal zjavenie na ten deň. Ale čo sa stalo? Dostala sa ku tomu banda Rikiovcov, pozastrihované a vyčesané vlasy, ako by sme to dnes nazvali, a Rikity, a všetci takí, oni sa tam ku tomu dostali. A-a, ako viete to je to prvé.

258Ten výraz. Keby ste len poznali Biblickú numerológiu, dozviete sa čo mená, Elvis alebo Riky, znamenajú, podľa Písma. Och. Práve ako, prečo Ježiš ... Vy poviete, "Vaše meno nemá s tým nič spoločného." Myslíte že nie? Také meno sa mohlo objaviť jedine v týchto posledných dňoch, pre ľudí týchto posledných dní.

259Prečo Ježiš zmenil Abramove meno na Abrahám, potom Sáraj na Sára? Prečo On zmenil Saula na Paula? Prečo On zmenil Šimona na Petra, a tak ďalej? Vidíte, určite to niečo znamená.

260Také meno nemohlo byť vypovedané až do tohoto času. To je dôvod, že máme dnes na zemi túto pekelnú situáciu, kvôli takýmto veciam. Celá ľudská rasa je skorumpovaná. Zahla, vidíte, a preto je to tak.

261Všimnite si teraz, Luther, on vo svojich dňoch, on bol v poriadku, on mal zjavenie, ale len čo sa pominul, hľaďte čo oni urobili. Wesley mal posolstvo, hľaďte čo sa stalo. Letniční vo svojich počiatkoch mali posolstvo, hľaďte čo oni urobili. Dali dokopy bandu ľudí, presne tak isto ako ...

262Boh z milosti poslal Izraelovi Ohnivý Stĺp, proroka, obeť, a Sám sa medzi nimi ukázal, a vyviedol ich z Egyptu, cez Červené more. A oni chceli zákon, aby tak mohli mať veľkých hodnostárov, aby tak mohli mať v ňom niečo do robenia. A čo oni urobili? Boli ponechaní na púšti štyridsať rokov, aby putovali, a ani jeden z tej organizácii nikdy cez to neprešiel.

263Kálef a Jozue, jedine tí dvaja ktorí povstali a riekli, "My sme schopní zabrať to, hľadieť na Slovo Božie."

264Každý jeden z nich zomrel na púšti. A Ježiš povedal, že oni sú naveky mŕtvi, tak veru, potom, ako im On ukázal Svoje požehnanie a moc v ich časoch. Tak ako pri Lutherovi, Wesleyovi a tak ďalej. Či im to On neukázal?

Riekli, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti."

265A On povedal, "A oni sú všetci mŕtvi." To je, Naveky oddelení od Boha. Ich telá zahynuli na púšti. Vidíte? Oni sú mŕtvi. Ale Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý zostúpil od Boha z Neba." Oni to nemohli vidieť. Oni to jednoducho nemohli uvidieť.

266Tak veru, cirkev už na to dávno zabudla. Oni prijali intelektuálne posolstvo, vzdelaných ľudí, členstvo, vedomosti, namiesto zjavenia Pravdy Slova.

267Pozrite sa sem, oni dnes hovoria. Veríš, že Boh nás poveril aby sme išli do celého sveta a uzdravovali nemocných, kázali Evanjelium a vyháňali démonov? "Ó, ó, áno, pripúšťame, že je to tak, ale .." Vidíte?

268Jedna pani mi raz povedala, riekla, "Ale veď všetky cirkvi sú v súlade."

269Odpovedal som, "Ani jedna z nich nie je v súlade s druhou." Stáli tam nejaký katolíci. Povedal som, "Čo ty na to? Ty si metodistka a toto je katolík, či ste v súlade jeden s druhým?" Povedal som, "Tento pápež prichádza s tým aby ich spolu zjednotil, to je dobrá vec pre všetkých ľudí tohoto druhu."

270Ale Cirkev Božia s tým nemá nič spoločného, ani trochu. Ona stojí preč pomimo celej tej partii. Ó. Skutočne. Tak veru.

271Chcete ich zjednotiť a jeden verí v toto a druhý v tamto. Metodista prijíma pofŕkanie, baptista prijíma ponorenie a obidvaja zapierajú Svätého Ducha v Jeho plnej moci. Oni hovoria, "My sme prijali Ducha Svätého keď sme uverili."

272Biblia hovorí, "Prijali ste Ducha Svätého potom čo ste uverili?" To je rozdiel, vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte?

273A oni hovoria, "My sme katolícka cirkev. My sme povstali na začiatku. My sme robili toto." Metodisti hovoria, "My máme svoj základ v Biblii."

274Ježiš povedal, "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia." Nuž, kde to je? Ó-ó. Vidíte? "Skutky ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť," každé stvorenie, každý jeden kto verí v Neho. Nuž, kde to je? To je Jeho Slovo. "Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nepominú." Nuž, kde to je? Vidíte? Ó, to práve ukazuje na to!

275Čo to je? To je skrížený stav. Pozrite sa sem, vezmite si pekné veľké obilné zrno ktoré je skrížené, vezmite to skrížené zrno, ono vyzerá pekne. Ale zasaďte ho, čo vám narastie? Vyrastie malé steblo, zožltne a zvädne. Tak sa to deje s každou denomináciou, keď je skrížená, ľudské slová zmiešané s Božími Slovami. Príde to až do znamení a zázrakov, do toho čo Ježiš povedal o viere v Slovo, a zožltne to a oni povedia, "My to nemôžeme prijať," a vracajú sa späť.

276Práve tak ako to urobili všetci tí ostatní špehovia, ktorí vyšli a obzreli si Kanaán. Navrátili sa, prejdúc cezeň a povedali, "Ó, my vyzeráme ako kobylky v porovnaní s nimi! Nebudeme ich môcť premôcť! Tí Amalechiti, všetci títo, čo si oni počnú!" A odišli naspäť.

277A Kálef a Jozue, ktorí boli z neskríženého rodu, amen, rodení z Božieho Slova, vedeli že Boh povedal, "Ja vám dám tú zem." Oni povedali, "My sme viac ako schopní zabrať ju!"

278To záleží na tom z čoho ste sa narodili. Ak ste sa narodili z Božieho Slova, Božie Slovo má stále prvenstvo vo Svojej Cirkvi. To je to kvôli čomu On zomrel. To je Jeho zámer, aby mohol dosiahnuť to, aby mal Svoje prvenstvo pôsobiace vo Svojej Cirkvi. Nechajte v prvom rade svietiť Slovo Božie, a nestarajte sa o to ako sa javí všetko ostatné. Nestarám sa o to či tí vzdelaní hovoria toto alebo tamto, to s Tým nemá nič spoločného. Božie Slovo hovorí takto, a my sme viac ako schopní obdržať to.

279"Ak by som to kázal vo svojom zbore," povedal mi jeden kazateľ, "kázal by som to tým štyrom stenám."

280Povedal som, "Ja by som im to kázal." Tak veru. Takto hovorí Božie Slovo. Môžeme to kázať. Boh povedal aby sme to kázali. Amen!

281Ó, jej, oni sa tým ospravedlňujú. Vidíte? Preto sú slepí a nemôžu vidieť Posolstvo posledného času, týchto posledných dní, keď Sa Sám Boh potvrdzuje. Oni sa snažia zaradiť To ako nejaký druh špiritizmu, alebo nejaký, och, (ako by som to nazval?) nejaký duševný prelud, alebo niečo také. Vidíte, oni sa snažia urobiť z Toho niečo čo To nie je.

282Práve tak ako vtedy keď tu bol On, keď tu bol Ježiš, oni Ho nazvali "Belzebúb, veštec," teraz hovoria, že to je niečo ako telepatia. Vidíte? Keď, oni vedia že On by tam mohol stáť a hľadieť na ľudí a rozpoznať presne to o čom premýšľajú vo svojom srdci. Tak hovorí Biblia.

283Či to nestojí tak v Liste Židom vo štvrtej kapitoly, "Božie Slovo je prenikajúce a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, schopné posúdiť dokonale myšlienky a mysle srdca?" A On bol to Slovo. A keď to Slovo môže v človeku zjaviť Svoje vlastnosti, znovu sa dejú tie isté veci, pretože to je Slovo! Amen! ...vidíte ako by ste sa ešte teraz mohli na tom potknúť. Je to tam predsa také jasné. Vidíte? V poriadku.

284Preto sú oni slepí, je to tak isto ako to bolo vtedy keď bol na zemi Kristus. Oj! Oni sa mocú tak isto. Oni povedali, "On je Belzebúb. Bel..." Oni videli že On to mohol činiť, ale hovorili, "On je len ... Narodil sa ako nemanželské dieťa, je taký podivín. Posadnutý je nejakým démonom. On je Samaritán a má v sebe diabla. Preto činí také veci."

285Ježiš povedal, "Ja vám to odpustím," vidíte, oni Slovo Božie, tie skutky Božie, nazývali zlým duchom. On povedal, "Ja vám to odpustím. Ale jedného dňa príde Duch Svätý a ani jedno slovo povedané proti Nemu nebude nikdy odpustené, ani v tomto svete, ani v tom budúcom, ani v ten veľký deň. To nebude odpustené." Tak, vidíte, v Písme je to jasne napísané.

286Tak keď ľudia prídu ku tomu dňu, bez ohľadu na ich vzdelanie, bez ohľadu na to do akej veľkej denominácii oni patrili, budú odsúdení. Musia byť! Rúhali sa Duchu Svätému, nazývajúc To "svätý povalenec" i rôznymi inými nechutnými menami, alebo niečím podobným. A Božia Cirkev to musela niesť po celý ten čas.

287Dokonca Pavel, pred Agripom, povedal, "Podľa tej cesty ktorú nazývajú sektou," čo znamená herézia, bláznovstvo, "svätoslúžim Bohu svojich otcov." Ten veľký učenec musel prísť do toho stupňa, "podľa tej cesty, ktorú nazývajú sektou, bludárstvom."

288Prečo? Jemu to bolo zjavené. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp visiaci pred ním povedal, "Ja som Ježiš, ten veľký Boh, ktorý bol na púšti tam s Mojžišom. To som Ja, tvrdo ti bude proti ostňu sa vspečovať."

289Potom, keď tam Pavel stál, vedel že jeho život bol v stávke, povedal, "Podľa tej cesty ktorú nazývajú sektou, svätoslúžim Bohu svojich otcov." Tak to tam zvolal, pretože mu bola zjavená tá veľká Pravda o Kristovi, čo to je.

A dnes ľudia hovoria, "To je denominácia."

290To je Ježiš Kristus, nové Narodenie, ktoré je v tebe zjavené, že On má u teba vo všetkom prednosť, že On cez teba môže vyjadrovať Svoje Slovo. A všetko čo zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, On môže vyplniť, cez Svoje Telo, pôsobiac v Ňom. Amen! To je vlastne v skutočnosti zamanifestované Božie Slovo. Všimnite si to. V poriadku.

291Je to tak isto ako to bolo vo dňoch Krista, Boh drží kľúč do tohoto Kristovho zjavenia, On sám. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teologické školy To nikdy nemôžu nájsť. Ježiš to tak povedal. Ak si to chcete teraz prečítať, je to v Ev. Sv. Matúša 11, 25 a 27. "Ďakujem Ti Otče, Bože neba i zeme, že si skryl tieto veci pred očami múdrych a rozumných a zjavil si to nemluvňatám, ktorým to bude dané poznať." Vidíte? Vidíte? Nestarám sa ...

292Hľaďte na tých učených v tom čase, na tých Židov, veľmi dobrí ľudia, hľaďte na ich organizácie farizejov, sadúceov a herodiánov i rôzne iné ktoré vtedy tam boli. Vidíte? Na všetky tie ich veľké organizácie, a Ježiš o nich povedal, "Vy ste slepí vodcovia slepých. Dobre o vás hovoril Izaiáš, `Máte uši a nepočujete, máte oči a nevidíte.` Pretože, Izaiáš to povedal v Duchu, preto Boh neba zaslepil vaše oči. Robíte to tak ako to urobila Eva, tým že prijímate tú rozumovú stránku a neviete nič o Duchu Božom. Či takto preto nepadnú všetci do jamy, tak isto vodca ako aj tí slepí?" Ten vodca tam spadne spolu s tými slepými, pretože on je tak isto slepý. Ten vodca spadne, on je slepý a vedie slepého, oni obidvaja spadnú do jamy.

293A jedine Boh drží ten kľúč! On to isté povedal v tom predchádzajúcom verši Písma, ktorý som pred chvíľou čítal, kde On povedal, "Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

294A Peter povedal, "Ty si Kristus Syn Živého Boha."

295On povedal, "Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov. Telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec ktorý je v nebesiach! Tu na tom zjavení, jedine na ňom samotnom, Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev. Brány pekelné Ju nikdy nepremôžu." Vidíte? Vidíte to teraz?

296Preto neexistuje žiadna škola, žiadni teológovia, žiadne Biblické učenie v niktorej z pomedzi tých škôl, ktoré by o Tom niečo vedeli. Oni o Tom nemôžu nič vedieť. Je to nemožné aby oni o Tom niečo vedeli. Boh skryl tie zmysly ku poznaniu Toho, pred tými exkluzívnymi učiteľmi i všetkými ďalšími.

297To je osobná, individuálna záležitosť s tou danou osobou, že Kristus je im zjavený.

298A ak vy hovoríte, "On mi bol zjavený," a potom ten Život, ktorý Kristus predviedol tu v Biblii, ten istý Život je v Ňom, ak sa On nepredvádza vo vás, potom máte špatné zjavenie.

299Ak by som vložil život dyni do života hrušky, ona by rodila dyne. "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Je to presne tak. A ak to prvé ovocie ktoré narástlo na kmeni bolo hrozno, na tom kmeni viniča, tie ratolesti ktoré vypučali priniesli hrozno, tie ďalšie priniesli citróny, a ďalšie priniesli hrušky, ďalšie priniesli jablká, to záleží na tom aký druh ovocia tam bol zaštepený, ono nesie svoj vlastný život. Každá denominácia bude niesť svoj vlastný život. Ale ak ten opravdivý vinič vypustí znovu svoj vlastný letorast, on ponesie hrozno, tak ako to bolo prvý krát.

300A ak Život - Život Ježiša Krista vypustí kedy ďalšie telo veriacich, ono bude niesť ovocie, ktoré nieslo to prvé telo. Oni budú potom písať Knihu Skutkov, pretože to bude ten istý Život. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Nemôžete sa z toho len tak dostať. To je Život Kristov vo vás, ktorý bol do vás zaštepený samotným Duchom Svätým, ktorý žije cez vás Svoj vlastný Život.

301"Slepí vodcovia slepých!" Uvedomte si, že jedine Boh sám drží ten kľúč. Žiadna teológia vám to nemôže povedať, nie je jej to dané. Je to skryté pred nimi. Oni nič o Tom nevedia.

302Tak tie školy, keď hovoríte, "Ja mám doktorát teológii, filozofii," vy sa len ... Pre mňa, a verím, že pre Boha a pre každého opravdivého veriaceho to znamená, že ste sa len viacej oddialili. Boha nemožno poznať skrze vzdelanie. Nebudeme Ho poznať ani skrze to keď budeme vedieť ako si To vysvetliť.

303Boh sa dáva poznať v jednoduchosti a skrze zjavenie Ježiša Krista tej najnegramotnejšej osobe. Rozumiete? Nie skrze vašu teológiu. To je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. "Na tej skale zbudujem Svoju Cirkev." Nebude to na žiadnych iných skalách, na ničom inom, na žiadnej Rímskej skale, na žiadnej Protestantskej skale, na žiadnej škole, na ničom inom, ale jedine na zjavení Ježiša Krista skrze Znovuzrodenie. On sa rodí vo vás a vštepuje vám Svoj Vlastný Život a váš život pošiel preč. A Život Kristov, s Jeho prednosťami, Sa sám cez vás premietne ľuďom, tak že oni vidia ten istý život, tie isté skutky, znamenia a zázraky, ktoré On činil, to isté sa deje cez vás. Všetko ostatné čo je pomimo toho nestojí ani za zmienku. Dávajte pozor na odhalenie veľkého Božieho zjavenia!

304Pre nedostatok toho zjavenia máme tak mnoho rôznych rozdelení medzi nami, a tak mnoho výsmechu. Tak mnoho rozdelení medzi nami je preto, že ľuďom chýba to zjavenie. Vidíte, im chýba to zjavenie, tým učiteľom.

305Pavel, po obdržaní svojho veľkého zjavenia Krista, povedal, v prvom liste do Korintu v druhej kapitole. Zapíšte si to, aby ste si to mohli prečítať. Dávajte pozor! On povedal, "Neprišiel som ku vám s múdrosťou." Pozrite sa na toho muža ktorý mal múdrosť, pozrite sa na toho muža ktorý mal to vzdelanie, "Neprišiel som vo vznešenosti slova." Prvá Korinťanom, druhá kapitola. Oh, prajem si...

306No, prečítajme to len. Môžete povstať na chvíľu a prečítame jeden alebo dva verše? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Rád by som to prečítal, aby ste tak neboli ... Aby aj tí, ktorí počúvajú tie pásky mali možnosť to počuť.

307Prvá Korinťanom, druhá kapitola. Počúvajte čo tu hovorí ten veľký apoštol, Pavel, ten vzdelaný služobník Boží. Pozrime sa sem.

...A ja

(Pavel), k

eď som k vám prišiel, neprišiel som vo vznešenosti slova ...alebo múdrosti zvestujúc vám svedectvo Božie.

(Nepovedal som, "Ja som Doktor taký a taký." Vidíte?)

Lebo som nebol usúdil vedieť niečo iné medzi vami krome Ježiša Krista, a to toho ukrižovaného.

A ja som bol u vás v slabosti a v bázni a triasol som sa mnoho.

A moja reč a moja kázeň nezáležala v presviedčavých ľudskej múdrosti slovách, ale v dôkaze Ducha a moci - v moci.

308Vidíte? To je Evanjelium. Ježiš povedal, "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium." On nepovedal, "Choďte vyučovať." On povedal, Choďte kázať." Inými slovami, "Demonštrujte moc, a tieto znamenia ich budú sprevádzať." Samotné učenie to neurobí. Ku tomu je naozaj potrebné Ducha Samého, ktorý demonštruje tie znamenia. Rozumiete? Počúvajte ďalej.

Aby vaša viera nebola v ľudskej múdrosti, ale v moci Božej.

309Ó! Vidíte, aby to zmenilo človeka! To nie je v tom že to dokážem vyhovoriť a poviem, "On nie je ten istý," keď On pritom je ten istý. Ak to tak robím, to ukazuje, na mňa, to-to... Samozrejme, že ak mi to niekto tak povie, dáva mi tým najavo, že nemá zjavenie, to trojnásobné Božie zjavenie. Vidíte. Nuž, a ...

Avšak v slabostiach ... medzi dokonalými, ale nie múdrosť tohoto sveta ani kniežat tohoto sveta, ktoré hynú:

Ale hovoríme múdrosť Božiu v tajomstve,

(vidíte, trojnásobné tajomstvo Božie)

skrytú múdrosť, ktorú predurčil Boh pred veky na našu slávu,

Ktorej neznal nikto z kniežat tohoto sveta:

(žiadny z kňazov, rabínov ... prepáčte ... ani nikto iný nič o tom nevedel):

lebo keby boli poznali, neboli by Pána slávy ukrižovali.

310Povedali ste, "Mýliš sa tam ohľadne tých rabínov a kazateľov." Kto Ho ukrižoval? Och.

311Och, a tak ďalej a ďalej by sme mohli ísť. Čítať to, ale to by nám zabralo veľa času, pretože máme ešte len ... Nie je ešte tak neskoro, ale máme tu ešte mnoho do povedania, ak nám Pán teraz pomôže. Nedostatok toho teraz ...

312A Pavel, ten veľký vzdelaný človek, on sa nikdy nesnažil predstaviť ľuďom svoje vlastné teologické termíny. On pokorne prijal Slovo Pánovo, a tak žil tým Slovom, že Ono cez neho bolo dané najavo. On žil tak-tak pobožne, že až v ňom videli Ježiša Krista, až tak že si žiadali od neho ručníčky, aby ich položili na chorých. To je Život Kristov.

313Nuž aha, niekto hovorí, "Ó, áno, vieš, Eliáš robil také niečo, voľakedy dávno, kládol svoju palicu: ale ó, to bolo za časov Eliáša." Tak rozmýšľal ten svet. Tí vzdelaní kňazi i všetci im podobní, tak rozmýšľali v tom čase cirkvi.

314Ale čo sa týka veriacich, oni mali iné poznanie. Oni videli zjavenie Ježiša Krista ktoré bolo v Eliášovi, že to isté bolo v Pavlovi, ktoré vyjadrovalo ten istý druh Života, pretože on bol prorok. Vidíte? On predpovedal veci, ktoré sa stali presne tak ako povedal, a oni vedeli že to bolo Božie potvrdenie proroka. A oni poznali, že on bol Božím potvrdeným prorokom. Nemohli by ste im to vyhovoriť nijakým spôsobom. Tak isto, keď videli Petra predpovedať tie veci, ktoré sa majú stať, oni povedali, "Nech len jeho tieň prejde po mne." Amen! To je Cirkev. To sú tí, ktorí tomu veria. Tak veru. To bolo zjavené skrze ...

315 Či Pavel povedal, "Pretože mám doktorát PH., LL.D., a tak ďalej, či preto mi oni veria?" Nie. On povedal, "Ja som to všetko zabudol, tú ľudskú múdrosť." On povedal, "Musel som zomrieť a Jeho poznám v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. A to je to s čím som prišiel ku vám, s demonštráciou Božej moci."

316Čo to bolo? Ježiš Kristus, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Tie isté skutky ktoré robil Ježiš, to isté robil Pavel. A Oni videli Boha, toho veľkého Otca, ktorý Sa demonštroval v Horiacom kríku, zademonštroval To pred Pavlom, i tu To bolo zademonštrované.

317A On je v každom veku ten istý. Boží trojaký spôsob, "včera, dnes i naveky." Čo? Vykupiteľ: vo Svojej Cirkvi: majúci vo všetkom prvenstvo v prichádzajúcom Kráľovstve. Amen! Vidíte to? Je to tak dokonalé ako to len môže byť.

318Ó, uvedomte si! Duch Svätý je jediný zjavovateľ Božského zjavenia Krista. Neexistuje žiadna škola, ktorá by to mohla urobiť. Nemôže to urobiť žiadny učenec. Žiadny človek, akokoľvek vzdelaný, akokoľvek pobožný, alebo čokoľvek iné by mohol byť, nie je takého človeka ktorý by to mohol urobiť.

319Mohol som s tým tu niekoho raniť. Koľko je tu Kresťanov, znovuzrodených, zodvihnite ruky, naplnených Svätým Duchom? V poriadku. Hneď ku tomu prídeme. V poriadku. Všimnite si.

320A On to zjavi jedine tým predurčeným. Tak veru. "Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu ku Mne, a nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, keby mu to prv nebolo dané od Môjho Otca." Vidíte?

321Pozrite sa na tých kňazov, oni hovorili, "Tento človek je Belzebúb. On je veštec. On je diabol."

322A tá obyčajná žena, ktorá nemala dobrú povesť, ona žila so šiestymi mužmi. S piatymi a potom mala šiesteho. A Ježiš jej povedal, "Choď a priveď sem svojho muža."

Ona povedala, "Nemám muža."

323A On povedal, "Áno, máš ich šesť. Mala si piatych, a ten s ktorým teraz žiješ nie je tvoj muž."

Ona povedala, "Pane! "Čo to? To Svetlo zasiahlo to semeno.

324Keď Ono zasiahlo tých kňazov, oni povedali, "Tento človek je veštec." Vidíte, tam nebol žiadny Život. Iba nejaký kríženec, ktorý vyrástol až na organizáciu, ale tam na tom zomrel.

325Ale táto žena nebola žiadny kríženec. Ona povedala, "Pane, ja vidím!" Môžem vidieť, ako sa rozsvietili jej pekné veľké oči, slzy sa jej skotúľali po lícach. Ona povedala, "Pane, vidím že Ty si prorok. Ja očakávam na Mesiáša. A keď ten Mesiáš príde, On bude robiť presne toto isté. On nám povie tieto veci."

On povedal, "To som Ja."

326Ó, Pane! Ona tam nechala svoje vedro. "On je tu! Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko." Čo to bolo? To Svetlo zasiahlo to Semeno. Tam bol ten Život. A On vyrástol. Tak isto je to dnes!

327Ale teológ povie, "Počkaj chvíľu. Pohľadám či Ten a ten, Pastor Moody, čo on povedal, alebo ..."

328 Čo teraz má s tým spoločného pastor Moody? Pastor Moody žil vo svojom čase, ale nie teraz. Tak to je. Luther žil vo svojom čase, ale nie v čase Wesleya. Wesley žil vo svojom čase, ale nie v čase Letničných. Letniční žili vo svojom čase, ale oni sú ďaleko od Tohoto čo sa deje v tejto hodine. My sa nachádzame v tej poslednej hodine. Tak veru.

329Ich organizácie a ich pochybnosti dokazujú, že To tam nie je. To Slovo tam nebolo nikdy správne potvrdené. Jedine len v ich vlastnej sile, semená, denominácie. A oni by urobili denomináciu, vložia tam potom tie staré neplodné semená buriny s tou opravdivou pšenicou. V tej chvíli zomreli. Ukázala sa úroda neplodnej buriny, veru, zelené tŕnie a pŕhľava, och, vidíte, navrátilo sa to späť do toho. Hneď to vymrelo. Potom oni podrúzgotali to pole a znovu na tom začali. Zasadili niekoľko skutočných Semien a niektoré z nich vzišli, ale to Ich udusilo.

330Ale potom, Boh povedal, že v týchto posledných dňoch On vyvedie ľudí obmytých v Jeho Krvi, a oni boli ku tomu predurčení aby tam boli. Oni tam musia byť. Boh to tak povedal. A To zjavi... A práve ten znak, "Ja vám po..." Malachiáš 4, a čo on urobí, "znovu prinavráti," privedie späť, v týchto posledných dňoch, tie veľké veci ktoré On zasľúbil, to prinesie zjavenie. Čo má urobiť Malachiáš 4.? Má priniesť späť vieru otcov, pre synov. Vidíte? To je ono, priniesť to isté, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, priniesť na scénu. Tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, toho istého Ježiša: on predstaví znovu toho istého Ježiša, tak isto Ho bude kázať, potvrdzujúc, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

331"Ja prinavrátim," hovorí Pán, "všetky tie roky ktoré obžral ten metodistický červ a húsenica, a baptisti a katolíci, a všetko čo zožrali tie červy, tú Vieru, až sa z toho stal len denominačný pahýľ, kde nezostalo žiadneho semena. "Ale Ja znovu prinavrátim," hovorí Pán, "všetky tie roky." Čo? "Všetky znamenia a zázraky ktoré stratili. Ja to znovu privediem späť do toho originálneho Stromu a Ja To obnovím," hovorí Pán. Ten prorok bol potvrdeným prorokom. Jeho slová sa musia vyplniť. Amen.

332Duch Svätý, On jediný je zjavovateľ Božského zjavenia Krista, a bol ním vo všetkých vekoch. Zapamätajte si, vo všetkých vekoch! Ku komu prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo? Jedine ku prorokovi. Tak to je. Či je to tak? A ten prorok musel byť najprv potvrdený. Nie preto, že on povedal že je prorok. Ale preto že on sa narodil ako prorok, a bol dokázaný ako prorok, a čokoľvek čo on povedal bolo postavené presne na Slove a stalo sa, potom všetko ostatné išlo nabok. Vidíte? Tak to bolo, Slovo Pánovo prichádza jedine skrze Ducha Svätého. Tak hovorí Biblia. "Tí dávni mužovia boli vedení Duchom Svätým, a tak napísali to Slovo."

333Pozrite sa. Ján Krstiteľ by nikdy nebol poznal Ježiša, ak by mu Duch Svätý nebol ukázal na Neho. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

334Ján Krstiteľ, ten veľký prorok ktorý vystúpil a povedal, "On stojí práve teraz medzi vami. Obyčajný Človek, ktorý tu niekde stojí, to je ten Baránok Boží." Ján povedal, "Potom som vydal svedectvo. Svedčím. Videl som Ducha Božieho, Ducha Svätého zostupovať z neba ako holubicu, a On zostúpil na Neho. A Hlas povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo."

Čo to bolo? Duch Svätý mu povedal, "Ja ti Ho ukážem."

335Je len jedna možnosť ako Ho budete môcť dnes poznať, len jediná cesta ako budete môcť obdržať to trojaké zjavenie Božie, a to je skrze Ducha Svätého. A môže sa to stať jedine tak, že ste ku tomu boli predurčení aby ste to videli. Ak ste neboli, nikdy to neuvidíte. Ak ste nie predurčení ku tomu aby ste to videli, nikdy to neuvidíte. Pretože to Svetlo môže zablysknúť a vy pôjdete preč od toho a budete si robiť z toho žarty, a budete sa to snažiť vyhovoriť nejakými učenými vecami. Práve keď Boh, On Sám Sa manifestuje a potvrdzuje to, vidíte, ale, ak vám je to nie dané aby ste to videli, tak to neuvidíte.

336Boh to nikdy nepovedal len tak, "Ja vyberiem tohoto, vyberiem tohoto," ale On poznal skrze Svoje ... Dôvod, prečo On mohol niekoho predurčiť je ten, že On je nekonečný a každého pozná ... On je nekonečný, tak preto On vedel všetko. On poznal koniec, a už na začiatku by mohol povedať aký bude koniec. On je Boh. Ak by to On nemohol urobiť, nebol by Bohom. Tak veru. On je nekonečný. Tak veru.

337Ján by Ho nikdy nebol poznal, nie veru, ak by mu Duch Svätý nebol ukázal. Vidíte ako Boh skryl Svoje tajomstvo pred tými veľkými, vzdelanými ľuďmi, i pred všetkými inými? Pozrite sa, každý jeden z tých ľudí ...?... A v jednoduchosti to zjavuje tým, ktorých On predurčil aby to videli. Hľaďte na to! Iní tam vedľa stáli a vôbec nevideli tú holubicu, nepočuli žiadny Hlas, pretože to bolo poslané len tomu predurčenému Semenu. Predurčené! Samozrejme, že bolo predurčené!

338Prečo, Izaiáš, 712 rokov pred tým ako sa On narodil, pozdvihol sa v Duchu z tých ľudských zmyslov a povedal, hlas volajúceho na púšti, prihotovte cestu Pánovu, čiňte priame Jeho chodníky."

339Nuž, ak to mohol Izaiáš vidieť, či nemohol Malachiáš vidieť to isté, ohľadne toho posledného predurčeného proroka, ktorý odpečaťuje všetkých prorokov Starého Zákonu, toho hlavného ... toho veľkého proroka ktorý stojí tam na konci veku? Vidíte? On hovorí, že to je predurčené. Samozrejme, že on bol predurčený. Malachiáš ho tiež videl.

340Ježiš povedal, "Ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten o ktorom je napísané: Hľa Ja posielam Svojho anjela pred Svojou tvárou, Malachiáš 3, aby upravil cestu predo Mnou." Vidíte? Samozrejme, že on bol predurčený aby videl to posolstvo. Nie divu, že sa tam mohol pozrieť a videl zostupovať tú holubicu, to Svetlo ktoré bolo s Izraelom na púšti, ako prichádza, ako sa znižuje dole.

341Boh Sám hovorí, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Boh a človek sa stávajú Jedno.

342"Ja vydávam svedectvo," povedal Ján, "Videl som Ho, toho jednorodeného od Otca. Som toho svedkom." Amen!

343Tu to máte. Jednoduchosť! S nejakým starým kazateľom, jeho otcom. Jeho otec bol veľký teológ, ako viete, vychodil nejakú školu. Vyzeralo by to, že on pôjde do denominácii svojho otca. Ale to by nebola Božia vôľa.

344Boh sa ho dotkol ešte pred jeho narodením, a on prijal Ducha Svätého tri mesiace pred tým ako sa narodil. Tak veru. Keď tam hore prišla Mária, a malý Ján mal šesť mesiacov, v lone svojej matky, a ešte sa vôbec ... Tie malé svaly sa zatiaľ ešte vôbec nepohýbali. A Mária sa obávala ... Tie malé svaly rástli, ale ona necítila žiadny život (pohyby), vlastne Alžbeta, jeho matka. A keď tam prišla Mária a uchopila ju a objala, položila na ňu svoje ruky. Vidíte? A povedala, "Boh prehovoril ku mne, ja tiež budem mať dieťa."

346A akonáhle vyslovila to slovo "Ježiš", malý Ján začal skákať a jasať, poskakujúc v lone svojej matky.

347Ona povedala, "Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh! Kde sa to vzalo, že prichádza ku mne matka môjho Pána? Matka môjho Pána!" Ó! "Kde sa tu berie matka môjho Pána? Pretože len čo prišiel tvoj pozdrav do mojich uší, moje dieťa od radosti podskočilo v mojom lone."

348Nie divu, že on nepotreboval žiadny seminár, nič takého čo by mu vštepovalo tú alebo tamtú náuku. On mal vykonať dôležitú vec. On bol človek pustatiny, vyšiel na pustatinu a čakal. Boh tam ku nemu prehovoril a dal mu zjavenie! "Ja ti ukážem Ktorý je On. Ty si prorok. Pre teba platí to Slovo. Ty vieš kto si. Ty si musel prísť na scénu." To je odpoveď na otázku z minulej nedeli. Vidíte? "Ján, ty vieš kto si. Ale buď potichu, nič nehovor. Vyjdi tam. A keď uvidíš Jeho, tam bude znak prichádzajúci z neba, ako Svetlo, holubica zostúpi. To bude On, keď Ho uvidíš."

349Preto, keď Ježiš prišiel ku vode, Ján pozrel hore a uvidel ako tá holubica zostupuje dole a povedal, "Ajhľa, Baránok Boží! Tam je! To je On ktorý sníma hriech sveta."

350Ježiš kráčal rovno ku nemu do vody. Oči Jána sa stretli s očami Ježiša. Oni podľa tela boli bratrancami druhého stupňa. Mária a Alžbeta boli sesternice. Ich oči sa stretli. Tam stál Boh a Jeho prorok, amen.

351Ján povedal, "Ja sa potrebujem dať pokrstiť od Teba. A Ty prichádzaš ku mne?"

352Ježiš mu riekol, "Nechaj teraz, ale pamätaj, že tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť."

353Prečo to Ján urobil? Pretože On bol Obeť. Ján bol prorok, on to vedel, Obeť musela byť umytá pred Svojím obetovaním. Ó! A on urobil tak a pokrstil Ho.

354A keď to urobil, hľa, Nebesia sa otvorili, ó, a tá holubica zostúpila na Neho a Hlas prehovoril, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Preklad Kráľa Jakuba to má, "v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Nuž akokoľvek to otočíte je to to isté, "prebývať," alebo ... "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo bývať," alebo, "prebývať," kto čo chce, je to to isté. V poriadku.

355Vidíte teda, že mu to bolo zjavené. Iní tam stáli a nič z toho nepočuli. To zjavuje jedine Duch Svätý.

356Tak isto ako keď Sa zjavil Pavlovi, ďalšiemu predurčenému Semenu.

357Pavel obchádzal tam tie kraje a mohol si vravieť, "Keď pochytám tú bandu, roztrhám ich na kusy, pretože ja som Doktor Saul. Vychovaný pri nohách Gamaliela. Pochádzam z Moodyho Biblic..." alebo z niektorej inej, vidíte. "Ja mám školy. Viem o čom hovorím. Roztrhám tú bandu tých svätých povalencov na kusy. Daj mi len povolenie, velebný svätý otče, aby som tam mohol ísť a uväzním každého jedného z tých hulákajúcich tam. Učiním koniec celému tomu Božskému uzdravovaniu."

Dal si to do vačku a povedal, "Už aj idem."

358A v ten deň, oh, okolo jedenástej hodine, Svetlo mu zasvietilo do tvári a on padol na zem.

359Prečo? On bol predurčeným Semenom. Boh povedal, "Ja som ho vybral. Tak veru. A Ja mu ukážem koľko mnoho on musí vytrpieť za Moje Meno. Pošlem ho ku pohanom, a vo všetkom prepadne v nemilosť, ale cez to všetko on bude niesť Moje Meno."

360Pavel potom odišiel tam dozadu na púšť do ústrania, na tri a pol roka, až kým nebol obrezaný od všetkých svojich cirkevných nezmyslov. Bol tam dole v Arábii, až kým sa nenaučil Slovo, a to Slovo sa stalo ním. A on sa stal väzňom, a potom sa vracia späť v reťaziach lásky! "Všetky moje seminárne poznatky pominuli! Som väzňom Ježiša Krista. Amen! Filemon, brat môj, som väzňom Ježiša Krista. Môžem hovoriť len to čo mi On povie."

361Boh potrebuje dnes väzňov, ktorí sa poddajú Jeho vôli, Jeho Slovu.

362Taký bol Pavel. Nezáležalo mu na tom čomu všetkému bol vyučený, on poznal Boha skrze zjavenie. Tak veru. To vzdelanie vypadlo z celej tej záležitosti, potom keď prišlo zjavenie, ktoré je skalou na ktorej je vybudovaná Cirkev. Tak veru. Všimnite si. On bol predurčeným Semenom.

363Jedine Duch Svätý vám ukáže kto On je. Žiadny človek. Oni vám z toho urobia "Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha," a všetko možné. Vidíte? Ale Duch Svätý Ho zjavi ako zamanifestovaného Pána Boha Neba, že to je On!

364Nuž, všimnite si. Nie v prorokoch, nie v kráľoch ani v nikom inom, ale tu, po prvý krát, Boh v plnosti bol zjavený v Kristovi, v plnosti Božstva telesne, v ľudskom tele. To je zjavenie. Ó! Zaspievam vám teraz jeden verš.

Národy sa zmietajú, Izrael sa budí; (či to nie je tak?)

Znaky ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Pohanská cirkev je v denominácii;

Ich dni sú zrátané, hrôzou obťažené;

364" Vyhnanci, vráťte sa domov." (
Ste od nich vykopnutí.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia sa trasú od strachu.

365 Nemôžu to zamaskovať ani všetky ich Hollywoodské žarty. Je to práve tak ako s malým chlapcom, ktorý si píska keď prechádza v noci cez cintorín. Vidíte?

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy čisté;

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo!

Falošní proroci klamú; Božie Slovo zapierajú,

že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh, (to je pravda)

Táto generácia pohŕda Božím zjavením,

ale my ideme tam kde kráčali apoštolovia.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia sa trasú od strachu;

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy čisté;

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo!

366Uchyť sa toho zjavenia, brat. Táto generácia pohŕda Božím zjavením! Vidíte? To robia falošní proroci. "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Oni sú - oni sú kríženci. Narodili sa do organizácií, namiesto toho aby sa narodili do Slova Božieho, zjavenie Božie zjavuje Boha skrze Krista, a On je Slovo. Ó!

367Mohli by sme sa tu zastaviť, ale keď ... keď budete chcieť, znovu v tom môžeme pokračovať, keď sa vrátim. Či chcete aby sme pokračovali? [Zhromaždenie, Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Záleží to na vás, ak chcete, rozumiete. Poponáhľam sa, tak aby som nezabral priveľa času, aby ste ... Aby ste mali čas odpočinúť si, keď skončíme. V poriadku.

Sledujte to predurčené Semeno!

368Jedine Duch Svätý vám môže ukázať kto On je. Nie v prorokoch ani v Jeho kráľoch. Ale tu je Boh zamanifestovaný v tele. Tu je plnosť. On sa úplne zjavil a dal sa poznať svetu. Ó!

369Pozrite sa na vrch premenenia, kde Sám Boh vydal svedectvo, "Toto je môj milovaný Syn. Jeho počúvajte!" Stál tam Mojžiš, ktorý reprezentoval zákon. Stál tam Eliáš, ktorý reprezentoval prorokov. Ale On ... Oni zmizli a On povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn. Jeho počúvajte!" Bolo tam reprezentované troje, zákon, proroci a Kristus. A On povedal, "Toto je Ono". Boh, On nebol v plnosti zamanifestovaný v prorokoch, ani skrze zákon, ale v Kristovi sa v plnosti zamanifestoval.

370Kristus má milosrdenstvo. Zákon vás uvrhol do vezenia, ale nemohol vás z tadiaľ dostať. Proroci boli Božou spravodlivosťou, aby vás kvôli nej odsúdili a zabili. Je to tak. Ale Ježiš bol Božou láskou a zjavením, aby dal poznať, tomu predurčenému Semenu, že On vás povolal. Toto je On. Jeho počúvajte!"

371Vedzte! Plnosť Božstva sa dala poznať. To záhadné tajomstvo je teraz zjavené, že Boh je zamanifestovaný. Boh a človek sa stali Jedno, pomazaný človek, Kristus! Čo znamená, Kristus? "Ten pomazaný," Pomazaný, ktorý bol pomazaný plnosťou Božstva telesne. Ó! Ako o tom ľudia môžu pochybovať?

372Kedysi, čiastočne Ho raz mal Mojžiš, čiastočne Ho mal Dávid, ale tu je on zamanifestovaný v plnosti, Samotné Božstvo stojace na zemi. Boh vo Svojej plnosti, aby zomrel za hriech ľudí, aby do Svojej Cirkvi mohol priniesť posvätený Život, aby mohol mať prvenstvo, v plnosti, vo Svojej Cirkvi, aby zamanifestoval každé zasľúbenie v týchto posledných dňoch. Vidíte? Čo bolo ...

373Počúvajte teraz. Počúvajte? Preberte sa teraz trošku. Rozumiete? Dávajte pozor.

374Prečo sa Ježiš zamanifestoval? Aby ukázal Boha. On bol Boh. Musel Ním byť, žiadny človek by nemohol zomrieť, žiadny prorok by nemohol zomrieť. On bol Boh. On bol Boh prorokov. On bol v prorokoch, On bol v kráľoch. On bol v histórii. On bol Ten, ktorý mal prísť. Ten ktorý bol, Ten ktorý je a Ten ktorý bude v tom poslednom čase. Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Za tým účelom On bol zamanifestovaný.

375A za tým účelom On vydobyl Cirkev, aby On, plnosť Božia, mohol vyplniť každé zaľúbené Slovo Božie v týchto posledných dňoch. Keď On obdrží prvenstvo, prvenstvo v Cirkvi, tú pozíciu, Svoje miesto v Cirkvi. Ježiš povedal, "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť, ešte väčšie ako tie, lebo Ja idem k Svojmu Otcovi." Vidíte, to bol Jeho zámer. To sa manifestovalo. A teraz, dnes, On chce dostať niekoho, kto by to tak mohol vidieť, takých ktorí dovolia Slovu ...

376Vidíte, Ježiš to tak videl, bol tak dokonale narodený pre ten deň, že až Boh stvárnil každý pohyb ktorý On urobil. On bol Božím zjavením. Boh, zjavený.

377A teraz On Svojím Duchom a Krvou posvätil Cirkev, aby mohol v týchto posledných dňoch zjaviť každé zasľúbenie. Nuž, vidíte, On mohol ísť naspäť a pozbierať to čo tí ostatní tam zanechali, v týchto posledných dňoch, a skrze Svojho Svätého Ducha zjaviť celé tajomstvo Siedmich Pečatí. Vidíte, On stvárňuje Seba Samého. To je Jeho zámer. Preto On zomrel. To je druhá časť Jeho trojakej manifestácii. Po prvé, aby stvárnil Seba samého v Kristovi, potom aby sa stvárnil v Cirkvi. To isté. Kristus bol Slovo, a Cirkev sa stane Slovom, keď oni nechajú prechádzať to Slovo cez seba.

378Ale keď oni prijímajú skríženú denomináciu, ako cez to môže prechádzať to Slovo? To je uzemnené, a potom to spôsobí skrat a vypáli poistky. Vidíte?

379Ale keď prúd volne preteká, Slovo Božie, Ono sa samé vyjadruje. "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť." A stane sa v posledných dňoch. "Hľa Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on obráti srdcia detí späť do viery otcov."

380A potom príde čas, keď On bude môcť vyjadriť Samého Seba v plnosti Svojho Božstva, Božstvo, skrze Svoju Cirkev, keď bude mať všetky prednosti v tejto Cirkvi. Ó! Čo? Ten pomazaný Človek, a teraz pomazaní ľudia. Ó, aby bola privedená pomazaná Nevesta a Ženích. Pomazaní skrze (čo?) prijatie toho čo odstrčila Eva, i Adam. Vracajúci sa späť pomazaní Slovom, pretože On povedal, "Moje Slovo je Duch." Vidíte, pomazaní Slovom. Ktoré Eva odstrčila, On prichádza naspäť a my to prijímame.

381Vidíte ako vzniká ten skrížený stav, znovu, je to presne to čo on urobil Eve.

382On povedal Eve, "Nerob toto a nerob tamto, a môžeš robiť toto a tamto."

383A satan povedal, "Och! Vieš ... " A ona sa otočila a počúvala ho.

384Ale tá Eva v tých posledných dňoch to neurobí, pretože ona je predurčená k tomu aby to neurobila. Tak veru. Boh to tak učiní. On vie. On to bude mať. On povedal, že Jeho "Cirkev tam bude stáť bez vrásky a bez poškvrny." Ona tam bude stáť v Jeho nádhere, Jeho zamanifestované Slovo.

385Ona bude znakom pre ten svet. Ona bude prí... Ona bude niečím pre ten svet, na čo sa ten svet bude môcť pozrieť a povie, teda, ten zbytok sveta povie, "Ách, ona je svätou vrtieľkou. Ona je druhoradou sesternicou. Nepatrí do našej skupiny." Viem o tom. To je dobrá správa, vidíte. Ona patrí do tej Skupiny tam hore.

386Niekto mi raz povedal, ako sme stáli a rozprávali sa, riekol, "Nuž, do akej denominácii to ty patríš?"

Povedal som, "Do žiadnej."

"Do žiadnej." Povedal som, "Ja patrím do Kráľovstva."

"Dobre, a ako si sa tam pripojil?"

"Tam sa nepripojíš. Narodíš sa tam." Oh-joj.

"Čo je to za kráľovstvo?"

Povedal som, "To je tajomné Telo Ježiša Krista."

"Skrze jedného Ducha sme pokrstení v to Telo," zrodení z Jeho Ducha, potom patríme do Kráľovstva. A náš život, nie sme už Američania, nie sme Nemci, ani nič také, sme Kresťania. Sme usadení a chodíme v Duchu, uväznení láskou, preč od vecí tohoto sveta. Predali sme naše práva na tento svet a kúpili sme tú Perlu Nesmiernej Ceny, a ideme napred a necháme aby Sa Duch Svätý sám manifestoval. To je Jeho opravdivá Cirkev. To ste vy alebo ja, ak sa vydáme a slúžime Bohu podľa Jeho Slova, a nie podľa toho čo hovorí nejaké vyznanie.

388Všimnite si, pomazaný Človek, Kristus, On Sám, Boh sa tu dal poznať. Ale teraz ... Hľaďte! Ale, ale teraz, (čo?) On má všetky prednosti. Boh plne zamanifestovaný v Ježišovi Kristovi, veľké Božie tajomstvo Jeho zjavenia.

389To veľké Svetlo zjavenia vždy zaslepovalo múdrosť tohoto sveta.

390V čase Ježiša Krista, keď On tu bol na zemi, oni-oni boli tým zaslepení. Oni povedali, "Ako to, veď ty sa robíš Bohom!"On nie že len bol rovný s Bohom, On bol sám Boh. Vidíte? Vidíte, oni to nepochopili. A mimochodom, niekto z vás by smel ...

391Počul som neveriacich ktorí mi raz povedali, že vraj Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, že On je Syn Boží. On to určite povedal. Samozrejme. Vy len nepoznáte svoju Bibliu. Čo On povedal tej žene pri studni? Vidíte? Čo jej povedal?

392"Ja viem že Mesiáš príde. A keď On príde, On bude robiť tieto veci."

On jej povedal, "Ja som To, ktorý s tebou hovorím."

A Pavlovi to tiež povedal, a rôznym iným.

Vidíte to. Ale teraz Cirkev má to prvenstvo.

393Veľké Božie tajomstvo vždy zaslepovalo múdrosť sveta. Oni to nemohli porozumieť. Oni to jednoducho nerozumeli. Satan to nerozumie. Žiadny z nich to nerozumie, len tí, ktorí sú predurčení do toho aby to rozumeli, ako Boh a Kristus sú Jedno. Oni stále budú z Neho robiť troch. Vidíte? Skutočne to tak budú robiť.

394Všimnite si, poďalšie, zadruhé, Kristus zamanifestovaný vo vás, nádeja slávy. Ten veľký, zamanifestovaný Boh v Kristovi, teraz Kristus zamanifestovaný vo vás.

Budeme sa ponáhľať.

395Hľaďte! To čo voľakedy bolo veľkým Božím tajomstvom, veľkým tajomstvom ukrytým v Jeho mysli, to je teraz vložené do sŕdc veriacich, ktorí sú, Telom Kristovým. To, čo voľakedy bolo veľkým Božím tajomstvom, ktoré bolo v Jeho mysli, pred založením sveta, je teraz zamanifestované. Pomyslite na to! Vidíte? Ó jej!

396Som si istý, že to nechápeme. Nemôžem to vidieť tak ako by som to mal, a-a som si istý, že vy tak isto. Rozumiete ma?

397Ale veľké tajomstvo Božie, to čo Večný Boh držal v tajnosti, bolo teraz v Ježišovi Kristovi odhalené, a potom to bolo dané rovno do Jeho Cirkvi. To čo sa raz nachádzalo v Božej mysli je teraz v Tele Kristovom. Ježiš prejavujúc lásku k Cirkvi, Svojej Neveste, šepká Jej tie tajomstvá.

398Tak ako keď vy rozprávate svojej žene svoje tajomstvá, poznáte to, tomu dievčaťu ktoré si chcete vziať za ženu. Až tak ju milujete, že jej proste hovoríte tie tajomstvá. Vezmete si ju vedľa seba, milujete ju. Viete ako to je.

399To je to čo Boh, Kristus robí so Svojou Cirkvou. Vidíte? On jej dáva poznať tie tajomstvá, práve tie tajomstvá. Nie tým koketám. Mám na mysli Jeho Ženu. Rozumiete? V poriadku. Nuž pozrite sa. Nie. Majúc zjavenie Jeho tajomstva ktoré im bolo dané, z Jeho milosti! Ó, čo za milosť Božia! Ľudia, ja viem že to ...Dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že to zneje tak osobne do nejakej skupiny ľudí, tej alebo tamtej. Ale Boh sa zdieľa s tým tajomstvom s celou Cirkvou, ak to len oni prijímajú. Rozumiete? To neznamená, že je to len pre mňa, alebo len pre vás. Tým je myslená Cirkev, ktorej sa to On snaží dať.

400A vy vravíte, "Nuž, prečo to oni neprijímajú?" Oni to nemôžu prijať. On znovu povedal, On o tom hovoril. "A ako by oni mohli?" Pretože Izaiáš povedal, že oni to nemôžu vidieť. Vidíte? A On tiež povedal ...

401Prorok Pavel povedal, "V posledných dňoch budú ľudia chytrí, vysokomyseľní, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, zradní, falošní, nezdržanliví, pohŕdajúci tými ktorí sú dobrí, tvrdohlaví, vysokomyseľní. Vidíte? Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, od takých sa vzdiaľ. Lebo to sú takí, ktorí chodia z domu do domu a vedú hlúpe ženy, obťažené rozličnými žiadosťami, a pritom hovoria, "To je v poriadku. Oh, tam tí, to sú blázni. Nevšímajte si ..." Vidíte? "Nikdy nie sú schopní prísť k poznaniu Pravdy. A takýto ľudia sa tomu stavajú na odpor, tak ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi," schopní založiť nejakú cirkev, nejakú skupinu ľudí. Tak veru.

402"Ale ich nerozum bude zrejmý," keď Ježiš vezme Svoju Nevestu, postaví Ju tu a povie, "Toto je Ona," a odíde s Ňou preč. Tak to je. A ich nerozum bude zrejmý.

403Hľaďte, mať zjavenie tohoto tajomstva, ktoré môžu poznať, to je dané skrze Jeho milosť! Hľaďte! Keď vám je dané poznať to veľké zjavenie, to zjavené tajomstvo, potom vy opovrhnete všetkými vecami tohoto sveta.

404Nuž, ešte raz sa ku tomu vrátim. Mohol som to tu už hovoriť. Poukazujem na to. Kvôli tým páskam, ktoré idú ďalej. Tie pásky idú do celého sveta. Rozumiete?

405Vy ženy, ktoré tvrdíte, že ste pokrstené Duchom Svätým a nemáte odvahu, aby ste si nechali narásť vlasy. Keď Biblia to odsudzuje a hovorí, že žena je ... muž má právo rozviesť sa so svojou ženou, ak si ona strihá vlasy. Pred Bohom je to uznané, ak by tak urobil. Biblia hovorí, že ak si ona strihá vlasy, hanobí svoju hlavu. A to je bežná vec, ako viete, pre niektorú ženu je to stará bežná vec, že sa dokonca modlí s ostrihanými vlasmi. Vidíte?

406Nosenie šortiek, a takých tých voľných nohavíc, i všetko iné! Biblia hovorí, "Každá žena," (oh vy hovoríte ...) "ktorá oblieka na seba mužský odev, je to ohavnosťou pred Bohom," špina, nečistota, ako niekde nejaká stará smradľavá kúpelňa. Vidíte? Och! V Božích nozdrách je to špinavosť! A potom sa snažíte modliť, alebo prinášať modlitby, a pritom činíte niečo takéto? Boh to odmieta, odstrkuje to preč. Je to tak.

408On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To je úplné zjavenie Božie. Ak Boh niekedy niečo povie, On to nikdy nemôže zmeniť. On to zveličuje, ale nemení. Zákon bol zveličený, nie zmenený. Zveličený!

409"Ktokoľvek spácha cudzoložstvo bude vinný smrti." "Ale ktokoľvek," teraz je to zveličené, "by pozrel na ženu žiadostivý po nej!" On to prikázanie vôbec nezmenil. On ho zveličil.

410"Pamätaj ne deň sabatu, aby si ho svätil," jeden deň v týždni. Teraz to On zveličil, ten odpočinok to je zotrvávanie v Duchu Božom. "Predpis na predpis a riadok za riadkom, trochu tu a trochu tam. Držte sa pevne toho čo je dobré. Preto že s koktavými rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu. A to je ten odpočinok. To je občerstvenie z prítomnosti Pánovej."

411A aj tak to oni nechceli počúvať, potriasali hlavami a odchádzali preč do svojich denominácií. Och-joj. "To je občerstvenie," vidíte, zveličený deň sabatu. Vy Sabatisti i všetci ostatní. Ó! On to nezmenil. On to zveličil. "Peklo rozšírilo svoje brány, aby ich prijalo."

412Nuž, môžete to teraz vidieť, to Posolstvo posledného času, prečo je Ono odmietnuté? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nuž, nie denominácia, ale zjavenie Jeho tajomstva. Vidíte, nie denominácia. Zjavenie! Boha nemožno poznať skrze denomináciu. On sa môže dať poznať len skrze zjavenie.

413Hľaďte! Boh vo Svojom Tele, Kristus. A Kristus vo Svojom Tele, Nevesta. Ó-ó-ó! Boh sa zamanifestoval v Kristovi. Kristus sa zamanifestoval v Neveste! A tak ako Boh vzal z Adamovho tela ženu, a ona upadla. Potom Boh vzal z Tela Kristovho, Jeho mäso, Jeho Telo, a tým je Jeho Slovo, a privádza Nevestu, ktorá neupadne na denominácii alebo vyznaní. Nie veru. Ale Ona prichádza naspäť s čistým, nesfalšovaným Božím Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo.

414Dúfam, že každý muž, ktorý počúva túto pásku, i každá žena, bude tomu rozumieť. Vidíte?

415Ona je druhá Eva, ale Ona neničí a-a nekazí šaty svojej cudnosti a svätosti voči svojmu Mužovi. Ona zostane pri Jeho Slove bez ohľadu na to čo niekto iný hovorí. Môžete si mať všetky tie ekumenické hnutia aké len chcete, i všetky tie príbuzenstvá.

416A oni zanedlho začnú s prenasledovaním a pozatvárajú všetky zbory. Vidíte to. A také zbor ako je tento, ktoré nie sú denomináciou, oni tie priestory použijú ako skladištia. A ak by niekto išiel a modlil sa za nie- koho iného, ktorý nepatrí do ekumenického hnutia, bude na mieste zastrelený. Už to tu je. Ten luteránsky kňaz, ktorý je tomu hlavou, on to tak povedal. A už to tu máme. Môžete si to práve prečítať v novinách. Je to pravda.

417Nezáleží na tom čo oni hovoria, tá Cirkev bude stáť verne v tomto Svetle. Ona to už predtým dokázala a znovu to dokáže, tvárou v tvár čohokoľvek. To je Božie Slovo. A oni, všetky tie ekumenické hnutia i všetko iné, to pominie. Ona tam bude stáť bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. To je pravda. Ona tam bude stáť.

418Všimnite si, Boh Sa zamanifestoval vo Svojom tele, v Kristovi. Vidíte teraz tú trojnásobnú nádhernú vec?

419Kristus vo Svojom Tele, v Cirkvi, potvrdzuje Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, tak ako to robil Boh skrze Krista.

420"Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Ak nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, tak potom kde som sklamal? Teraz vy kamaráti hovoríte, že vy to robíte, vy denominácie, ukážte Mi teraz. No. Ukážte Mi kde som sklamal v tom aby byť Mesiášom. Ukážte Mi kde som sklamal, ukážte jeden znak, čo Boh povedal, že Mesiáš to bude robiť a Ja by som to nebol vyplnil." Vidíte? Boh vo Svojom tele.

421A teraz Kristus, "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť." Vidíte, vidíte, to je ten istý Boh. Vidíte? "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť, väčšie ako tie, lebo Ja idem ku Svojmu Otcovi." Cirkev bude o nie- čo dlhšie vo Svetle, vidíte, potvrdzujúc Jeho zasľúbené Slovo. Ako Boh vyplnil Svoje zasľúbenia v Kristovom tele, tak Kristus vyplňuje Svoje vlastné skutky v Kristovom Tele, v Neveste, vidíte, On teraz oznamuje Svoje tajomstvo Stromu Svojej Nevesty v tomto poslednom čase, ktorý rodí ovocie, ktoré bolo na tom Strome na začiatku.

422Hľaďte, ten strom vypustil haluz, Luteráni. A čo tá haluz urobila? Keď ten strom začal rásť, tu s ním spolu rastie i ovocie. A čo sa stalo? Oni z toho urobili denomináciu. A tak prišiel orezávač, Otec, Hospodár a odsekol tú...?... "Je to mŕtve."

423Povstali Wesleyovci. Pekne to vzrastalo. A čo sa s tým stalo? To ovocie znovu odišlo späť do toho stromu, a tak On odsekol ten vinič, to vyschnuté.

424Ukážte mi jednu, jednu cirkev ... Chcel by som ju poznať. Mám za sebou tridsať tri rokov cirkevnej histórii. Ukážte mi jedno miesto, kde aspoň raz, keď sa zorganizovala niekedy nejaká cirkev, kde by ona práve v tej chvíli nebola zomrela. Ukážte mi jedno miesto kde by oni boli znovu povstali, navonok sú početní i tak ďalej, ale nie je tam prebudenie. To tam nie je. Nie veru. Taká cirkev je načisto mŕtva.

425Tak čo urobil jej Hospodár? Prišiel a odrezal to. Vodíte? To rodilo denominačné ovocie. Citróny na pomarančovníku, a tak to 0n odrezal, vidíte. To rodilo, držalo sa.

426Ale kde sa nachádza srdce stromu? Rovno v jeho strede. A On tie haluze všetky obrezal, až kým rovno na vrcholci ...

427On má Semeno tu dole v koreni. Tak ako strom, ktorý je zasadený nad potokmi vody, on ktorý prijíma Božie zákony a lásku do svojho srdca. "A bude ako strom," to je prvý žalm, "zasadený nad potokmi vody, jeho lístie nevedne, ktorý vydáva svoje ovocie svojím časom." A tu je to práve...

428A kde dozrieva ovocie najrýchlejšie? Na vrcholci stromu. Prečo? Lebo má svetlo. Amen! Tak to je. A rovno na vrcholci stromu, v týchto posledných dňoch, On rodí Strom Nevesty.

429Pamätajte, On je Strom Života, opak "hadieho semena," rozumiete. On je to Semeno, "Semeno ženy," Strom Života v záhrade Eden. "A tak teraz aby nevystrel svojej ruky a nevzal ešte aj zo Stromu Života a nejedol, a žil by potom naveky." On je ten jediný Strom, z ktorého môžete vziať, aby ste mohli žiť naveky. Jeho Slovo je Život. Je to teda Slovo, Slovo Božie, ktoré Eva odstrčila v záhrade Eden. Potom je tu Kristus, zamanifestované Slovo.

430 A keď On prišiel na zem, On bol Strom Života. Či veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] A Rím, čo oni urobili? On musel byť zoťatý. A bol pribitý na strom hanby, "prekliaty je ten kto visí na dreve (strome)," stal sa zlorečenstvom za ľudskú rasu.

431A teraz skrze to, On rodí Strom Nevesty, ktorý bude Stromom Života, znovu uvedený do pôvodného stavu pre Neho, ako Muž a Žena v záhrade Eden, (ó, sláva Bohu), skrze to isté Slovo a toho istého Boha, ktorý sa manifestuje v Mužovi a Žene, znovu je tu ten istý Strom Nevesty.

432Všimnite si, dáva to poznať! Ó, je tu toho toľko, že by sme v tom mohli ešte pokračovať. Všimnite si, Strom Kristovho Tela v záhrade, dáva teraz poznávať Svoje tajomstvo Stromu Nevesty.

433Hľaďte, vykúpená Kristom, tým druhým Adamom! Či veríte že On ním bol? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Prichádza naspäť Domov, do Edenu, so Svojou upadnutou ženou, ktorú vykúpil (aby mohla ísť) znovu naspäť Domov. To je Kristus a Cirkev dnes, On vedie naspäť Svoju Ženu. Vidíte teraz to trojnásobné tajomstvo? ["Amen."] Boh zamanifestovaný v Kristovi, Kristus zamanifestovaný v Cirkvi. Všetko spolu, aby znovu bol privedený naspäť originálny Adam a Eva, muž a žena, ktorí sú jedno, učinení z tej istej Krvi a toho istého Ducha.

434Cirkev je Krvou Kristovou, skrze Ducha, pretože Život je v Krvi. To je krst Ducha Svätého, ktorý nás krstí do Jeho Tela, to uznáva Jedine Jeho Telo, Jeho mäso, Jeho Slovo. [brat Branham viacej krát poklepal po svojej Biblii. – pozn.prekl.]

435Denominácia sa toho nikdy nedotkne. To je zjavenie. Ona to vie. Tak ako to vedela Eva, ale ona upadla. Ale táto (Eva) to pozná a neupadne. Ona je ustanovená! Haleluja! Ó! Ona je ustanovená aby neupadla. Ona neupadne. Ona je do toho predurčená. "Blahoslavený človek, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriechov." Vy kazatelia viete čo hovorím, sedí vás tu dosť veľa. Rozumiete? "Blahoslavený človek, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriechov," hovorí Dávid.

436Všimnite si, naspäť vykúpená, ide s Ním Domov, späť do Večného Života v ľudskom tele, budú jesť, piť a žiť naveky. Izaiáš povedal, "Postavia domy a budú v nich bývať, vysadia vinice a budú jesť ich ovocie. Postavia a nevezme im to iný." Deti to nezaberú, ale oni tam budú so svojimi potomkami. Postavia a zostanú tam. Amen. "Nebude sadiť, že by z toho jedol iný, zasadí a sám bude z toho jesť." Amen! Čo to je? Jeho Nevesta, ktorá sa s Ním navracia späť, vykúpená naspäť, znovu originálny Adam a Eva, pretože smrť pominula. Oni hľadia späť na kríž a vidia, že smrť bola splatená.

437A teraz skrze vieru, sme vzkriesení s Ním, sedíme práve teraz v Ponebeských miestach, hľadíme späť na to čo nás vykúpilo, čakáme na príchod Manžela, aby sme s Ním mašírovali Domov.

438Trojnásobný zámer Boží, zamanifestovaný v Adamovi a Eve, a v každom prorokovi, cez všetky tie veky, a v Ňom, ktorý má prísť. V Ňom ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý má prísť. Úplná manifestácia, zjavenie Slova Božieho, Adam a Eva, ktorí idú znovu späť Domov, vykúpení, Boh Sa dáva poznávať.

439Tam On zasadne na trón Dávidov, ten pravý, a bude vládnuť nad všetkými národmi železným prútom. Bude tam strom na každej strane. A každý národ ktorý tam vojde, bude mu to na uzdravenie. Tie listy budú na uzdravenie národov. Králi tam vnesú svoju slávu. Nebude tam nič čo by mohlo poškvrniť, ani nič takého tam nikdy nevojde. A Vrch Sion bude vo Svetle po celý deň i noc, a vykúpení budú chodiť v tom Svetle. Ó, haleluja!

440Uvažujte, to nie je žiadna mystická poviedka, nie je to nejaký teologický výplod. To je zjavenie Ježiša Krista, skrze Jeho Slovo, ktoré svie- ti. Bolo to pravdou vo všetkých vekoch, a je to pravdou i v tomto veku. Je to pravdou i teraz tu. Je to pravdou pri mne, je to pravdou pri vás, i pri každom mužovi i žene ktorí sa držia tohoto zjavenia. Amen.

441A vidíte Boha, ktorý Sa Sám dáva poznávať, a On Sám pulzuje cez život, keď vy ste teraz Jeho väzňom. Ste väzňom Jeho lásky. Svet sa môže smiať, robiť si žarty a hovoriť, "No tak z toho vyjdite." vy by ste mohli ísť, ale vy ste väzeň. Vidíte? Iné ženy môžu odohrávať Hollywood, ale vy nie. Vy ste väzňom. Amen. Vy ste väzeň pre Krista. Iní ľudia môžu fajčiť a piť a robiť všetko čo sa im zachce, a nazývať sa pritom kresťania, diakoni, a dokonca kazatelia, ale vy nie. Vy ste väzeň, väzeň toho Slova. Tak veru. Tak veru.

442On Svoje tajomstvo dáva poznávať Svojmu Stromu Nevesty, vykúpeným skrze Krista, toho druhého Adama, ktorí idú naspäť Domov, aby boli navrátení späť do toho originálneho Edenu, oslobodení od smrti, nemoci, smútku, hanby, idúci naspäť s Večným Životom.

443Tak, počúvajte, tak mnoho ľudí má falošné predstavy. Navracať ľudí do Kresťanstva a pod jeho panovanie, to vôbec nie je Božím úmyslom. Vy hovoríte, "Obraciame ľudí do Kresťanstva skrze Jeho vládu." To nie je to. Nuž, nemali by piť, nemali by klamať." Viete že Mohamedáni vás môžu zahanbiť. Viete že pohania v Afrike, tí černosi, a oni majú vo svojich kmeňoch zákony, ktorými vás zahanbia v čomkoľvek čo vy v Kresťanstve môžete vyprodukovať.

444Raz som tam zašiel do kmeňu Shungai. Ak sa mladé dievča nevydá do určitého veku, ona musí opustiť kmeň, odložiť svoje kmeňové pomaľovanie. Ide do mesta, kde vykonáva nejakú prácu. A ak sa ... Prv ako sa vydá, musí byť vyšetrená či je panna. Ak by bolo zistené, že spáchala cudzoložstvo s nejakým mužom, musí povedať kto to je, a potom ich obidvoch spolu zabijú. Ó-ha. Oni môžu zahanbiť tých tak-zvaných...

445Čo ak by ste to tak robili s tými tak-zvanými Kresťanmi? Deväťdesiat- deväť percent z nich by do svitania zomrelo. Je to tak. Tak je to, oboji, muži i ženy. Vy viete že je to pravda.

446"Čo? Vy poviete, "Nuž ja som čistá (čistý)!"

447"Ktokoľvek pozrie žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." Nuž čo teraz poviete na to? A čo vy sestry, ktoré sa tak predvádzate pred mužmi? Vy ste práve tak isto vinné ako keby ste to spáchali. Vidíte?

"Ó, ale to je v poriadku." Pastor nemá odvahu aby vám to povedal, prečo? Ak by on na to začal poukazovať, jeho denominačné ústredie ho vykopne. Oni sú kríženci. Oni neprijímajú Slovo. Hoci Slovo hovorí, že je to pravda. Ježiš povedal, že je to pravda. A On je Hlavou.

448Nuž, všimnite si, Boh sa dáva poznávať. Neočakáva sa od nás, aby sme navracali ľudí do Kresťanstva nejakým vedením, ale skrze zjavenie. Kristus vo vás, tak ako Boh v Kristovi. Tak ako Boh v Kristovi, tak Kristus vo vás! Tie znamenia, ktoré Boh činil v Kristovi, Kristus činí vo vás! Ó, či nie je to nádherné? Ó, tak to mám rád.

449Ježiš povedal, "V ten deň," to je tento deň. "V ten deň," keď toto zjavenie je dané na známosť, "poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi a Otec vo mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." Keď sa zamanifestuje toto zjavenie, "V ten deň poznáte, že Ja a Otec sme Jedno. Ja som v Otcovi a Otec je vo Mne." Potom keď to zjavenie vystúpi do popredia, to je potom, "Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." No vidíte. Vidíte to mnohonásobné, trojnásobné zama... Prečo? Aby prinavrátiť späť. To my musíme byť.

Tak ako Ježiš bol Slovo Božie. On to tak isto potvrdzoval, keď On - keď On bol to Slovo.

450On by nebol zamanifestoval to Slovo, keby bol býval nejakým veľkým teológom. To by bol potom ozaj taký mesiáš, na ktorého očakával svet. Rozumiete? Tak veru, to by bol on.

451Na takého oni aj dnes očakávajú. Na niekoho-niekoho kto by dokázal prevýšiť Billyho Grahama, alebo niekoho, kto by pevne držal s ich organizáciou, ktorý by povstal a ukázal tým Baptistom, že nevedia kde stoja. Tak veru. Na takého oni očakávajú. Ale Cirkev očakáva na pokoru a na znamenie živého Boha, Krista. Vidíte?

452Ježiš nebol veľkým teológom. On bol obyčajný sedliak, tesárov syn, tak-zvaný. Vidíte? On chodil okolo, ale Boh ... On povedal, "Ukážte Mi, niekto z vás, čo Biblia hovorí, že to budem robiť, a Ja by som to nebol zamanifestoval."

453Tak i Cirkev môže robiť tie isté veci dnes. To čo robil Kristus, tak to teraz robí Cirkev. "V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, a Otec je vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." No? Tam idete, pochodujúc na Sion, (kde?) do Kráľovstva! "V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som vo vás."

454A dávajte teraz pozor! Tu je to nádherné. Nechcem aby vám to uniklo. Počúvajte teraz všetci, aj vy ktorí počúvate tú pásku, niekde vonku v džungli, alebo kdekoľvek To počúvate, počúvajte teraz.

455"A tak ako Mňa poslal Otec, tak Ja posielam vás," povedal Ježiš. Vidíte? Dávajte teraz pozor. Otec, ktorý Ho poslal, išiel v Ňom, aby správne potvrdil Seba Samého, pretože On bol Slovo. A tak isto Ježiš, ktorý vás posiela, ide s vami a vo vás, aby potvrdil toho istého Boha. "Tak ako Mňa poslal Otec, a Ja žijem skrze Otca, tak Ja pošlem vás, a vy žijete skrze Mňa." A čo je On? On je Slovo. Vy žijete skrze Slovo. Ó, ako rád by som vzal na to nejaký text a kázal o tom celé hodiny, rozumiete, o tom, ako to my ... o tom. Všimnite si. Všimnite si, "A Otec, ktorý Ma poslal," On išiel s Ním, Otec, ktorý posiela.

456Ježiš, ktorý posiela nás, ide v nás. "Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja," osobné zámeno, "Ja," Osoba, Ježiš, "budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do skončenia sveta. . Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť." Nuž poďme späť a pozrime sa čo On činil, potom sa pozrite čo vy činíte, a potom to porovnajte.

457"A tak ako bolo za dní Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. A ako bolo za dní Lota," keď nejaký moderný Billy Graham, Oral Roberts zišli dole do Sodomy a kázali tým Sodomitom, a zaslepili ich oči, vidíte, s Evanjeliom. Jeden Anjel, Posol, zostal tam s Abrahámom a s tou Vyvolenou skupinou, a čo za znak tam On urobil? Vidíte? A ako Ho nazval Abrahám? Elohim, Boh zamanifestovaný v tele. Ježiš tu ukazuje, že On Sám, Boh v Ňom, bude zamanifestovaný vo Svojej Neveste v tých posledných dňoch! Ó, ó! To proste nemá konca, to je proste zjavenie Božie! Je to Večné, stále sa to posúva ďalej a ďalej a ďalej.

458Hľaďte, potom to je ako prvý Adam a Eva, predtým ako ich hriech oddelil do smrti. Teraz Kristus, ten druhý Adam vykupuje Svoju Nevestu zo smrti do Života, a teraz na Svojej ceste späť do pôvodného Edenu, privracia naspäť Svoju Nevestu do obecenstva s Bohom, ako Manžel a Manželka, v Záhrade Eden, tak veru, Kristus a Jeho Nevesta.

459A Boh, v ten deň, "Kráľovstvo bude odovzdané Otcovi, aby On mohol byť všetko vo všetkom. "Kým ešte len bude hovoriť, Ja vyslyším." Dávid, Kristus, Dávid sediaci na Tróne. Kráľ nad celou ľudskosťou. "A kým budú ešte len myslieť, Ja budem vedieť o čom oni myslia. Skôr ako to povedia, Ja im odpoviem. Vlk a baránok sa budú spolu pásť. Lev bude žrať slamu ako vôl a budú sa spolu pásť a ležať. Neuškodia ani nezahubia na celom Mojom svätom Vrchu," znovu rovno späť, rovno do Edenu. Je to tak isté ako to len môže byť!

460To je Jeho trojnásobný zámer. Ó Bože, pomôž nám aby sme to poznali! Pomôž nám aby sme to poznali!

461Počúvajte teraz znovu pozorne, pokračujeme, navraciame sa späť do pôvodného Edenu.

462Potom, keď sme sa z Neho narodili, naplnení sme Ním. Vidíte, váš život, Jeho Život je vo vás. Potom by každé vaše jednanie malo vyjadrovať Jeho.

463Je to tak, ako keby ste zobrali život z jedného stromu a vložili ho do druhého. Vezmite život z hrušky a vložte ho do jablone, ona bude rodiť hrušky. Musí, pretože je v nej tá miazga, život, zárodok hrušky. Je to tak.

Potom by každé vaše jednanie malo vyjadrovať Jeho.

464Máme Jeho Meno. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Máme nosiť Jeho Meno.

465A pamätajte, my sme teraz, ako Jeho Nevesta, tehotní Duchom Svätým. Ó! Cirkev, ktorá rodí deti, vidíte, ktorá je tehotná Jeho Menom skrze Jeho Ducha, ktorá nesie Jeho Meno, nesie Jeho Život. Cirkev ktorá nesie očividne znaky Jeho Života, s Jeho prednosťami, čo je očividným dôkazom Jeho zmŕtvychvstania, to ukazuje že On nie je mŕtvy, ale že žije naveky. To je Večný Život a potvrdenie, ktoré dokazuje svetu, že my sme živí v Ňom. Ó!

466Podľa čoho to poznáš, či podľa toho že si členom nejakého zboru? Podľa toho, že Kristus žije cez teba, a ty si tak tehotný Jeho Duchom, že si väzňom a nemôžeš vykonávať nič iné. Ó, ty si pripútaný do Evanjelia, si pripútaný ku Slovu a všetky deti, ktoré ty môžeš zrodiť sú také, pretože ty si väzeň.

467Ty nemôžeš spáchať cudzoložstvo, ty si už tehotný. Sláva! On sa nemôže uchytiť. Lono života je zavreté voči všetkému inému. Ty si už Jeho, skrze predurčenie. To Semeno prišlo do Života, žiadny svet sa tam nemôže dostať. Ó! Ó, ako radi by sme pri tom zostali aspoň za hodinu! Verím že mi rozumiete. Vidíte? Kristus, a jedine On sám, všetko iné skončilo. Tam bolo to Semeno. To Semeno tam už bolo. Kedy tam ono bolo vložené? "Pred založením sveta nás predurčil do Večného Života." A akonáhle ten Životodarný prúd, to Semeno, ktoré tam leží ... Iné semená, ktoré by chceli vojsť sa nebudú môcť uchytiť, jednoducho by to nešlo. Ale keď vojde to Semeno, ono rýchlo zablokuje lono. Každé iné semeno je takto zahnané preč.

468A vy sa stávate väzňom, uzamknutý v Kristovi. Kristus vo vás, Jeho Život nesie Svoje svedectvo, Svoje znamenia. Ó! Hľaďte, On nesie znamenia Svojho Života ako dôkaz Svojho vzkriesenia, ukazujúc pred svetom ten Večný Život, potvrdzuje tomu svetu, že my žijeme v Ňom. Predstavte si to len, živí s Bohom, naším Vykupiteľom, ktorý nás stvoril práve za tým účelom, Cirkev, a Jeho stvoriteľský Život v nás.

469To je to, čo Mojžiš mohol povedať skrze Slovo Božie, "Nech sa zjavia" a muchy sa zjavili. Boh, ktorý môže stvoriť muchy, môže tiež stvoriť veveričky. Vidíte?

470Tak On môže učiniť čokoľvek On chce. On môže stvoriť. On môže robiť čokoľvek. On je Boh. Ten istý Boh, ten stvoriteľský Život, vidíte, to je vo vás, môže... Vy ste väzeň, vy to nemôžete povedať, až keď On povie, povedz to. Ale, keď ste to potom povedali, to je Božie Slovo. On to potvrdil, že to tak je. Všetko to pasuje, a on vedel, že keď to povie, musí sa to tak stať. Vidíte?

471Mojžiš vzal svoju palicu a povedal, "Nech sa zjavia žaby," pretože Boh povedal, "Nech sa zjavia žaby." On to len preniesol ďalej navonok. Tak to je. A vo všetkom boli žaby, všade boli žaby. Odkiaľ sa oni vzali? Nikto nevie. Oni tam predtým neboli. Ale Stvoriteľ, Boh, ktorý pracuje cez človeka, to všetko stvoril, tie živé organizmy.

472Ten istý Boh, ktorý stvoril tú prvú žabu, môže stvoriť i tú druhú žabu. On je Stvoriteľom všetkých žiab. Ó! Či rozumiete čo myslím? On stvoril tú prvú veveričku, a On je Stvoriteľom i tej druhej veveričky, On je Stvoriteľom každej veveričky. On môže stvoriť veveričky i tam kde nijaké veveričky nieto. On môže robiť čokoľvek chce! On je Boh! Jeho Život! Ó! Trasiem sa keď o tom premýšľam! Ó-ó.

473Ó, žiť s Ním, ísť s Ním Domov, aby s Ním žiť! Ideme s Ním Domov, aby sme s Ním žili naveky, majúc Večný Život!

474Tu je vyjadrené veľké Božie tajomstvo lásky, že Boh a človek sa stávajú jedno. Vidíte? Tá konečná vec je, že Boh a človek sa stali jedno. Boh a človek boli jedno, tam. A Boh a človek sú jedno, tu. Vidíte? Čo je to? To znamená byť naplnený Jeho Duchom, keď On môže byť vo všetkom prvý. To chce Boh dosiahnuť, to bol Boží zámer aby to urobil: že On mohol byť v Kristovi, a Kristus v nás, a my všetci spolu byť jedno. To je Duch Svätý, tá istá vec. On to zjavil Kristovi, zjavuje to tu, tú nadprirodzenú tvorčiu moc. Ó!

475Ten istý Boh, ktorý mohol povedať Mojžišovi, "Nech sa zjavia žaby," ten istý Boh mohol zastať tam a povedať, "Nech sa voda premení na víno." Vidíte? Amen. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] On je ten istý Boh, ten istý Boh.

476On sa vôbec nemení. To je Boh v človeku. To je Jeho manifestácia. To je to čo On zjavuje. To je to čo sa On snaží robiť, a Jeho Vlastné Božie Slovo To zjavuje. Ukazuje, že človek nemôže nič stvoriť, Boh je stvoriteľ. A to už viac nie je človek, to je Boh stvoriteľ v človeku, a to je teraz Jeho Cirkev. Amen!

477Ideme Domov do Neba, žiť s Ním, stále. Boh vyjadruje Cirkvi Večnú lásku.

478Počúvajte, dobre teraz počúvajte. Chcem aby vám to neuniklo, aby ste to pochopili. Žiadna iná cirkev, žiadny iný znak, žiadne iné obecenstvo, žiadne iné vedenie, žiadne iné svedectvo, žiadna denominácia, nič takého nebude prijaté okrem Tohoto. Boh neprijíma nič iné ako to, "Kristus vo vás, nádeja Slávy," to je tá jediná vec ktorú Boh uzná. Žiadne obecenstvo, žiadna cirkev, žiadne vyznanie, žiadna denominácia, ani nič iné. Všetko okrem Toho je mŕtve. To sú úlomky, ktoré musia byť odseknuté, odrezané preč z toho, aby Kristus mohol žiť vo vás a mal vo všetkom prvenstvo.

479Neodvolávajte sa na to čo bolo! Sú takí, ktorí hovoria, "To je moja organizácia." To tiež musí byť odstránené. "Mám tu svoje, to a to. A to hovorí toto. Moja matka mi povie, že som náboženský fanatik." To tiež musí byť odstránené. Vidíte? "Ale ja viem, že môj muž chce aby som nosila šortky." To tiež musí byť odstránené. Vidíte? To musí byť odseknuté a obrezané, až kým tam nezostanete sami,len vy a Kristus. Vidíte?

480Uvažujte! Živou prítomnosťou živého Krista, živým Slovom. Ó, živý Kristus, živá Prítomnosť, živé Slovo! Hľaďte! On Svojím vlastným osobným potvrdením dokazuje Svoju Cirkev.

481Nie členov! On to nikdy nerobil vo dňoch Mojžiša. On nepotvrdzoval členstvo ani vo dňoch nikoho iného na konci sveta, keď to prišlo do takého stavu, že nadišlo zničenie. Vo dňoch Lota, to nebolo členstvo. To bolo osobné potvrdenie, Boh v tele, vidíte, osobné potvrdenie.

482Pamätajte! Predstavte si, že ľudia zrodení z Jeho Ducha, v čase ako je tento, v tomto veľkom denominačnom veku v ktorom žijeme, a ten živý Boh berie Svoje Slovo a-a potvrdzuje to, osobne, ten Život ktorý je v Slove, zárodok ktorý je v Semene! A Slovo je Semeno, ktoré rozsievač vyšiel rozsievať. A ten Život je Kristus, v Slove, osobne vo vás. On potvrdzuje niečo čo vy nemôžete činiť, potvrdzuje Seba Samého, že to nie ste vy, ale to je On. A vy ste sa stali jedno, stali ste sa otrokom Jeho lásky, aby ste boli Nevestou.

483Vďaka živému Bohu, ktorý stvoril nebesia i zem i všetko čo je v tom! Nie divu, že "On je Alfa i Omega, Počiatok i Koniec. Ten ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde. Koreň i Rod Dávidov, jasná a Ranná hviezda." On je všetko vo všetkom.

484Jeho prítomnosť, v jednotlivcovi, s Jeho osobným potvrdením vyjadruje Jeho Samého, živé Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené na ten deň, Ono Samé sa cez vás vyjadruje, potvrdenie veľkého Božieho zjavenia. Hľaďte, len v jednotlivcovi, nikdy nie v skupine! V jednotlivcovi, nie v nejakej skupine! On sa stotožní (zžije) s jednotlivcom. Rozumiete to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nie s Metodistami, nie s Baptistami, nie s Presbyteriánmi, nie s Luteránmi, nie s Letničnými, ale s jednotlivcami.

486To nie je skupina. To je osobné potvrdenie tehotného decka Božieho, naplneného Svätým Duchom, ktoré je tak oddané Bohu, že sa nestará o nič iné. A Duch Svätý žije Svoj vlastný Život, pulzujúc cez neho, potvrdzujúc tým osobne to Slovo a dáva Ho najavo pred ľuďmi i pred svetom.

487Ako môže svet tak slepo chodiť okolo niečoho takého? Práve tak ako katolíci chodili okolo svätého Patrika a neuznávali ho, až potom po jeho smrti. Tak isto ako chodili okolo svätého Martina, neuznávali ho. Tak isto to robili vo všetkých vekoch.

488To isté učinili Johane z Arcu. Katolícka cirkev ju upálila ako čarodejnicu, pretože bola duchovná. A asi po stopäťdesiatich rokoch, vykopali telá tých kňazov a vyhodili ich, aby učinili pokánie.

489Prechádza to rovno okolo nich a oni to neuznávajú, až kým nie je po tom. Rozpozná to jedine to predurčené Semeno, ktoré Boh predurčil pred založením sveta. To isté sa dialo vo dňoch Noeho, to isté sa dialo vo dňoch Mojžiša, vo dňoch Eliáša, vo dňoch prorokov, vo dňoch Ježiša, a tak ďalej až doteraz. Tehotná osoba so Semenom Božím, to Slovo v nej Samo Seba manifestuje, tak je odovzdaná do vôli Božej, že to Slovo, samotné to Slovo sa manifestuje v nej, v tom väzňovi, v tom jednotlivcovi.

490Nehovorte, "Moja cirkev ..." Nuž, "moja cirkev" nemá s tým nič dočinenia.

491To je jednotlivec, jednotlivá osoba! Celé peklo stojí proti tomuto učeniu. Celé peklo stojí proti tejto Pravde, ale je to Pravda.

492Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, "Nuž, Peter, ty a Ján, a všetci ostatní ľudia, vy máte to zjavenie, celá cirkev je teraz spasená."

493On to povedal jemu, osobne. "A Ja ti hovorím," nie im, "tebe hovorím, ty si Peter, na tej skale Ja postavím Svoju Cirkev." A slovo Peter, znamená "skala". Skala znamená, "ten ktorý vyznal", alebo, "ten oddelený."

494Na určitej skale, na určitej veci. Vidíte, vyvolaní, vyvolaná Cirkev. Na tej skale, na tom "zjavení." "Telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Ale na tom zjavení, na vyvolanej skupine, Ja v nich postavím Svoju Cirkev. A ani všetky brány pekla to nepremôžu."

496Ale Jeho tajomstvo je zjavené jedine Jeho milovanej Neveste. Ona je jediná, ktorá to môže vidieť.

497On povedal, "Dobre hovoril o vás Izaiáš, vy pokrytci, vy hady v tráve. Vy tu prichádzate a hovoríte, `Ó veľkí svätí proroci! Označili sme ich hroby, okrášlili sme ich.`" On povedal, "To ste vy, ktorí ste ich tam do tých hrobov doviedli." Či to nepovedal?

498To isté by mohol povedať katolíckym cirkvám v ich čase keď boli ku ním posielaní proroci toho starého-starého razenia (odkazu), predtým ako oni mali Niceu [Nicejský koncil, roku 325 – pozn.prekl.], tam povstal Rím. Tí starí proroci z tadiaľ odišli, a volili radšej jesť larvy a korienky, nemajúc si ani čo poriadne obliecť, opásaní ovčími kožami, a snažili sa stáť na tej Biblickej Pravde. Ale Katolícka cirkev chcela mať svoj vlastný intelektuálny výklad. Potom oni odstránili ... Prišiel tam svätý Ireneus, Polycarp, Martin, a všetci ostatní. A čo oni urobili? Doviedli ich do hrobu, Johanu z Arcu, Svätého Patrika i ďalších z nich. Oni ich tam doviedli, a teraz idú naspäť a bielia tie steny, tak ako to urobili pri Johane z Arcu. Čo oni urobili? Doviedli ich do hrobu!

499Hovorím potom, tak ako volá na vás Jeho Duch, "Obielené steny! Vy pokrytci, sami sa niečím nazývate, keď prijmete nejaký ľudský intelektuálny výklad, a Slovo nechávate stranou. Namiesto toho, aby ste otehotneli Semenom Božím, aby Slovo vošlo do vás, prijali ste všetky možné skríženia." Nie divu, že ona sedí ako "smilnica", pretože ona "pácha duchovné smilstvo, učí ľudí veci ľudské a nie veci Božie!

500Ale On povedal, "Neboj sa malé stádečko, lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi dať vám Kráľovstvo." Je to tak. Tak veru. Tu to máte.

501Biblia v Zjavení hovorí, že "to veľké mesto zavládlo nad všetkými kráľovstvami zeme." Hovorí, že ona je "smilnica." Čo to je? To je žena, ktorá tvrdí že je dáma a pácha smilstvo. "Vo svojej ruke mala pohár," prípitok so svetom, "naplnený nečistotami ohavností svojich smilstiev." Ona má dcéry, Protestantské cirkvi, z ktorých každá jedna vyšla z nej, so svojimi vlastnými, tak isto falošnými doktrínami, rovnaké krsty, potriasanie rúk, namiesto Krstu Duchom Svätým. A ich falošná náuka o "Otcovi, Synovi a Svätom Duchu," a všetko to, namiesto toho aby prijali Meno Ženícha, a tak ďalej.

Vy hovoríte, "Na tom predsa vôbec nezáleží." Ale záleží.

502Keby som na šek napísal namiesto svojho mena, "duchovný" alebo "kazateľ", alebo niečo také, to by nemalo žiadnej ceny. Je to tak. V banke to neprijmú. Och. Zapamätajte si to. Je to tak.

503Ale celé to tajomstvo je zjavené, ako to On zasľúbil, jedine Jeho Neveste. Peklo stojí proti tejto Pravde, proti Pravde zjavenia tohoto tajomstva. Ale Nevesta stojí na tom. To je Jej miesto.

504Prečo hladuješ, Cirkev, prečo si smädná? To je Otec, ktorý sa vám snaží zjaviť to ukryté tajomstvo. Ale vy dovolíte tak mnohým iným veciam aby vás tohoto pozbavili. Dovolíte to svojej práci, dovolíte to svojej žene, dovolíte to svojmu mužovi, dovolíte to svojim deťom, dovolíte to starostiam tohoto sveta, dovolíte to nejakému pastorovi, dovolíte to niekomu inému, aby vás tohoto pozbavili a pri tom viete, že tam vo vnútri svojho srdca ste smädný a hladný. To je Boh, ktorý sa vám to snaží zjaviť, rozumiete, zjavenie. Je tu posledný deň. A tak buďte pozorní.

505Pozrime sa znovu späť. Nedá sa mi to všetko prejsť. Rozumiete? Chcem len, aby ste sa tu ešte teraz na chvíľu pozreli a potom už za niekoľko minút zakončíme. Venujte mi ešte za chvíľu svoju nerušenú pozornosť.

506Hľaďte, Kološanom, tu ten osemnásty verš. V Liste Kološanom, osemnásty verš.

A On je hlavou cirkvi, tela: ktorý je počiatkom, prvorodeným z mŕtvych, aby On bol vo všetkom prvý.

509Čo usmrtilo Evu? Nevera. Je to tak? Ich nevera v čo? Skrze ne..., pre neveru v Boha? Nie. Ona mala vieru v Boha. Samozrejme. Či ona povedala, "Neexistuje Boh"? Vôbec nie. Ona nebola neveriaca. "Nuž", či ona povedala, "vieš, ja vôbec neverím v Jeho Slovo?" Ó, nie. Ona veri- la všetko, okrem jednej malej veci. Vidíte?

510Nuž, či nehovorí Biblia, na konci v Knihe Zjavenia, Ježiš Sám povedal, "Ja Ježiš som poslal Svojho anjela, aby vám svedčil tieto veci?" "Ktokoľvek by odobral z Toho jedno Slovo, alebo pridal jedno slovo do Toho." A ak všetky tieto zármutky a žiale museli prísť, pretože nejaká žena zapochybovala v jedno Božie Slovo, či On vám dovolí navrátiť sa, keď budete pochybovať o jednom Slove? On by potom bol nespravodlivý. Ó-ha. Vidíte? Vidíte, to by nebolo správne.

511Tu stojí jeden človek, on spôsobil všetok tento zármutok, pretože za- pochyboval o jednom Slove. Potom on ide ďalej a po celé tie roky to všetko (dôsledok tej pochybnosti) zakusuje vo svojom živote, v Biblii i tak ďalej, i iní, ktorí kvôli tomu oddali svoj život, a potom povie, "Oh, môžete ísť tak ďalej a jesť z toho. To je všetko v poriadku, Ja vám aj tak dovolím navrátiť sa späť?" Ó, nie. Boh nehľadí na osobu, ale ...?... Vidíte? Vidíte? Boh nie je prijímač osôb. Hľaďte.

512Všimnite si teraz. "On je Hlavou Tela," ktoré sa narodilo z hriechu, z nevery v Božie Slovo. To usvedčuje každú denomináciu, každé vyznanie, vidíte. Nevera v Božie Slovo, ktorým je On Sám, to Slovo Života. Vidíte? Jedine to Slovo má Život. Každé iné slovo je krížencom. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa podobá do Toho, to nie je Slovo.

513To Slovo produkuje Svoj Vlastný Život, to Eva vymenila za vlastné poznanie. Vidíte, ako to urobila cirkev dnes, skrze zrozumenie nejakých ľudí? Mojžiš mal veľké znalosti o Bohu až kým nestretol ten horiaci krík, potom on videl svoj nedostatok. Ten horiaci krík mal to, čo Mojžišovi chýbalo. To Slovo má to čo chýba denominácii.

"On, Hlava, je prvotinou vzkriesenia."

514Zakončíme to, "zjavenie", ešte chvíľu, ak dovolíte. [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Hľaďte. Čo potom On je? "On je Hlavou Tela, ktorým je Jeho Cirkev, Nevesta." Ó-ó.

515"On je prvotinou vzkriesenia." Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Hľaďte. Čo potom On je? "On je Hlavou Tela, ktorým je Jeho Cirkev, Nevesta." Ó-ó.

516Potom, Nevesta - Telo musí nasledovať Hlavu, pretože je Jeho časťou a časťou tajomstva. Je to nemožné pre to Telo nenasledovať Ho. Ó. Ono je časťou Božieho tajomstva, ako Boh tu zjavil Seba Samého a vzbudil to Slovom, tak On zjavuje Svoju Cirkev a pozdvihuje to tým istým Slovom. Je to časťou Jeho trojnásobného tajomstva.

517Tak ako Hlava bola vzatá z hrobu, tak Telo musí nasledovať Jeho späť do Edenu. Tam kde je Hlava rodiny, Muž, Ženích. Nevesta súc Telom Ženícha, musí ísť za Ním, Nevesta, pretože to je Hlava. A Hlava je zjavená a prichádza späť s Večným Životom, a Telo ju musí nasledovať, pretože to je znovu Manžel a Manželka. Amen! A pokiaľ ste tehotní s tým istým Slovom, ktoré je Jeho Telo, prijali ste Jeho Telo, dostali ste sa do Neho, keď ste prijali to Slovo. Nie vyznanie. Slovo! Ó!

518Či by nebol z toho text na celé toto popoludnie, pokračovať v tom? Ó. Nebolo by to nádherné? Vidíte? Pomyslite len teraz o tom, čo to je.

519Tak preto to Telo nemôže uznať ... Nech vám to neunikne. Telo, preto nemôže uznať žiadnu inú Vrchnosť, okrem Slova. Pretože Hlava ja spojená s Telom, a Hlava je Slovo, a tá Vrchnosť, to je to isté Slovo! Preto, denominácie, a svätí otcovia, i všetko ostatné, to je mŕtvy hnoj. Je jedna Vrchnosť a tou je Kristus. To Telo uznáva jedine jednu vec, Slovo!

520Ukážte mi, kde bol niekto pokrstený, v to Telo, v mene "Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého"? A čo uznávate vy? Vidíte, som si vedomý toho, že hovorím ku tisícom, skrze tie pásky, vy viete, tie pásky rozosielame po celom svete. V akom mene ste vy pokrstení? "Pretože nie je iného Mena daného pod Nebom," tak hovorí Slovo, "skrze ktoré človek môže byť spasený." Ak ste pokrstený, aby ste ukázali svoju vieru v Krista, a potom beriete na seba meno nejakého vyznania, potom ste kríženec. Ak nie ste presne takí ako tá cirkev a presne takí ako ich učenie ...

521Potom, vy katolíci, ako sa vy teraz môžete podriadiť pod právomoc nejakého pápeža, ktorý hovorí že je nástupcom, podľa apoštolskej postupnosti, od Kris... od Petra, a tento pápež a táto cirkev učí tak proti tomu pravému Slovu, ktoré Boh uznal, skrze znamenia a zázraky, že je to Jeho Cirkev? A vidieť, že to isté Slovo je dnes prinesené vo svojej čistote, ukazujúc to isté vzkriesenie, ktoré On mal tam, Boh žijúci medzi Svojimi ľuďmi, činiaci tie isté veci, a vy ešte potom uznávate nejakú vrchnosť v Ríme?

522Naša Vrchnosť je v Nebi. Ja nepôjdem do Ríma. Ja pôjdem do Neba keď zomriem. Vidíte? Vidíte? Vrchnosť je v Nebi.

523A Telo musí nasledovať Hlavu, tak ako žena nasleduje svojho muža. Hoci Adam nebol zvedený, on odišiel s Evou. Eva bola zvedená, ona bola v hriechu, inak by úplné vzkriesenie celého Tela nastalo v deň Pána Ježiša, keď On povstal z hrobu. Ale On Ju musel vykúpiť, ktorá je Jeho Telom. Ona musela byť vykúpená za tým účelom aby prišla ku Nemu. [brat Branham dvakrát tleskol rukami – pozn.prekl.] Vidíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen". – pozn.prekl.] Ó! Vidíte, to sa nemohlo stáť vtedy. Vykúpenie pokračuje.

524Vidíte teraz pečate? Vtedy, keď On bol, tam prv, vo Svojej práci ako prímluvca (prostredník), trvalo vykúpenie, ale jedného dňa On prichádza aby vzal tú Knihu, ktorú vykúpil. A všetci ktorí sú v tej Knihe budú Jeho, pretože to je ten veriaci, tie slová v tej Knihe, a to Slovo je On. A všetko to je v tom, On prichádza pre tú Knihu vykúpenia, pre tých ktorých mená sú zapísané v tej Knihe pred založením sveta, keď On bol zabitý ako Baránok.

525A On je tu dnes, vo Svojom Slove, manifestujúci tie isté veci ktoré On činil tam. Ona nemôže uznať inú vrchnosť. Nie veru. Žiadneho biskupa, ani nič. Ona uznáva jednu Vrchnosť, a tou je Kristus, a Kristus je Slovo. Ó! Ja to milujem. Ó! Tak veru.

526Tak ako Hlava bola vzatá z hrobu, tak isto musí Jeho Telo nasledovať Jeho do Edenu. Preto to Telo nemôže uznať žiadnu inú vrchnosť, jedine Vrchnosť Slova.

527Žiadna denominácia nemôže do Toho nič pridať. "Pretože ktokoľvek by z Toho odňal jedno Slovo, alebo pridal jedno slovo do Toho, buď vyňatý z Toho." V tej chvíli ste mŕtvy, kríženec. Ona je znovu tu a vo svojich rukách má to svedectvo, "špinavosť svojho smilstva, páchanie duchovného cudzoložstva," práve proti tomu Slovu, o ktorom tvrdí že Mu verí. Vidíte?

528A tak teda, buď je to Slovo, alebo to nie je nič. Tak to je. On, Slovo! Ako viete že to je pravda? Keď On, to Slovo, je potvrdené. Vidíte? On, to Slovo, náležite potvrdené, Ono je tou Vrchnosťou, Hlavou Cirkvi. On je Slovo, Vrchnosť. On náležite preukazuje Svoju totožnosť, je stotožnený, potvrdený, skrze Svojho Vlastného Ducha sa Sám osobe nachádza v Cirkvi. V tom potvrdení ukazuje Seba Samého, čo je priamym dôkazom pre celé Telo. Vy potom nepotrebujete vyznania. Denominácie zahynuli. Ale Vrchnosť Samotná, uznaná v Tele skrze osobné zidentifikovanie sa, vidíte, identifikuje Seba Samého, potvrdzuje Vrchnosť Tela. Potom sme zjednotení pod Jednou potvrdenou Vrchnosťou (Hlavou), ktorou je Kristus, Slovo Božie, nie pod nijakou cirkvou.

529Potom, naša Vrchnosť je Kráľovstvo. "Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás," hovorí Biblia, Ježiš. Kráľovstvo! Nie sme denominácia. My patríme do Kráľovstva, a to Kráľovstvo je Slovo Božie, ktoré sa stalo Duchom a Životom v našom vlastnom živote, ktoré teraz privádza do vyplnenia každé zasľúbenie, tak ako to bolo v tedy, keď to Slovo a Boh boli jedno. A to Slovo a Boh je dnes jedno vo Svojej Cirkvi, tým sa On stáva Vrchnosťou (Hlavou) Tela, ktoré je vykúpené, aby nieslo Posolstvo v poslednom čase, a povstalo z mŕtvych vo vzkriesení, aby sa znovu navrátilo späť a prišlo do pôvodného stavu, ako Adam a Eva, na počiatku v záhrade Eden. Trojnásobné tajomstvo Božie, Jeho Telo! Ó!

Dobre si teraz všimnite tie predobrazy starého Izraela.

530 Zaberám s tým príliš mnoho času? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Nie" – pozn.prekl.] Nenechajte ma, nenechajte ma ísť príliš ... Nuž počúvajte. Už nám teraz nezostáva iba okolo dvadsať strán. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale teraz... Teraz už len malú chvíľu, a potom - potom vás všetkých opustím, až do budúceho leta, alebo na nejaký čas, ak Pán dá. Rozumiete?

531Hľaďte teraz. Všimnite si, zjednotení spolu pod jednou Vrchnosťou (Hlavou), podobným spôsobom, ako to predstavuje starý Izrael. Rozumiete to teraz? Ako starý Izrael: jeden Boh, potvrdený ohnivým stĺpom, a On Seba Samého zjavil cez proroka, aby bol Slovom. Tak isto, ten istý Boh, ten istý Stĺp ohňa. On nemôže zmeniť Svoje spôsoby. Je to tak dokonalé ako to len môže byť. Či nie? Vidíte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen" – pozn.prekl.]

532Jeden Boh! Koľko Bohov mal Izrael? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Jedného." – pozn.prekl.] Koľko Bohov má Nevesta? ["Jedného"] Koľko ich tam vôbec bude? ["Jeden"] Samozrejme. Samozrejme.

533Vidíte, pod vedením Ducha Svätého, ktorý bol tým Stĺpom ohňa vo dňoch Mojžiša, toho veľkého proroka. On bol vedený Stĺpom Ohňa. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie - "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Tak je. Idúc do zasľúbenej zemi.

534A v Kresťanskom veku, to bol jeden Boh, ktorý sa zjavil vo forme Stĺpu ohňa, prorokovi menom Pavel, ktorý bol poslaný ku pohanom, aby vyviedol ľudí pre Jeho Meno. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie - "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

535A v posledných dňoch zostúpil podobným spôsobom, potvrdzujúc Samého Seba, vidíte, skrze ten istý znak, ten istý zázrak, ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, to isté Evanjelium, to isté Slovo, tá istá manifestácia.

536Jeho Telo bude robiť skutky ktoré On zasľúbil, ako v Markovi 16, a tak ďalej. Jeho telo nebolo držané v hrobe, ale On sa ku nemu priznal že ho pozná. Rozumiete to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Potom Telo Jeho veriacich detí nebude držané v hrobe keď On príde, ale On sa ku nemu prizná že Ho pozná, pretože On zomrel za tým účelom, aby vzkriesil Svoju Nevestu, Telo. Priznal sa ku Nej že Ju pozná, pretože to je Jeho Telo, pretože to je Slovo. Oddaná je Jemu, úplne oddelená od denominačných vecí, a On je Slovo. Vidíte? A On sa ku tomu priznal, že to pozná, pretože teraz máme prvotinu nášho vzkriesenia, skrze to že vieme, že sme prešli zo smrti do života, stali sme sa jeho väzňami. A Boh nám dokazuje, skrze Svoje vlastné Vedenie, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, tým že On skrze Cirkev robí tie isté veci, to čo On robil v tedy, "On vo mne a ja v Ňom," poznáte to, a tak ďalej. Je to tak.

537Jeho telo nebolo držané v hrobe. On sa priznal ku nemu že ho pozná, vo vzkriesení, tak isto ako to robí teraz, a to znamená toto, počúvajte. Jeho Slovo, ktorým je On, začalo povstávať. Slovo, Ono tam počas veku Luthera, Wesleya, vidíte, začalo povstávať do Svojej moci. Tam sa Ono začalo hýbať, potom sa pohlo trochu viacej, a teraz prichádza do zidentifikovania. Vidíte? Hľaďte. Nuž, čo sa týka Života v tom Tele, to je potvrdením, že vytrhnutie je nablízku. Keď uvidíte Hlavu a Telo, že sa stávajú jedno, a plnú mieru Jeho manifestácie, to ukazuje že Telo je pripravené prijať Hlavu (Vrchnosť).

Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí.

538Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? On do Svojho Tela začal dávať Život, (prečo?) do Toho ktoré vykúpil. Práca prostredníka (prímluvcu) je dokonaná, On do Tela privádza Svoj Život, ako potvrdenie ku Vytrhnutiu. Pamätajte, teraz, v posledných dňoch ...

539Ak dovolíte, zneste ma teraz ešte na chvíľu, bude to v poriadku. Nechcem, aby vám to uniklo. Musím - to čo som začal na tejto páske musím dokončiť. Chcem urobiť ešte jednu dôležitú poznámku, i keď musím z toho trochu vypustiť.

540Všimnite si teraz. Počúvajte čo teraz hovorím. Toto je veľká vec. Toto je to na čo chceme teraz dávať pozor. Pamätajte, v týchto posledných dňoch sa celkom navráti a potvrdí ten prvý deň. Vidíte, Adam a Eva, muž a žena, žiadny hriech, Život, potom prišlo upadnutie. Všimnite si, dobre si to všimnite.

Obracia ju späť. Ó-ó.

541Všimnite si čo to zapríčinilo. Lucifer! Lucifer postupuje teraz tak ako to robil prvý krát.

542Práve tak ako keď započalo pohanské kráľovstvo s kráľom Nabuchodonozorom, On bol potvrdený tej pohanskej rase skrze proroka, ktorý mohol vykladať neznáme jazyky, videnia, sny. A to (kráľovstvo) išlo ďalej cez pohanov, bez všetkého (žiadneho potvrdzovania), prosto Médo-Peržania, a železo , a tak ďalej, a v nohách ono končí znovu tak isto ako keď začalo - Pohanské kráľovstvo.

543Všimnite si, že Lucifer v týchto posledných dňoch postupuje tak ako postupoval v tých prvých. Čo tam Lucifer robil? Prvá vec, ktorú Lucifer urobil bolo to, že rozdelil obecenstvo Boha a človeka, on pre seba chcel vybudovať zjednotené kráľovstvo, väčšiu nádheru, na pohľad kultúrnejšie, väčšie kráľovstvo než ako mal Michael, Kristus.

544Pochopili ste to? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nuž, ak vám to uniklo, zodvihnite ruku, znovu to opakujem, vidíte. Vidíte?

545Lucifer, na počiatku, on vo svojom srdci mal zámer dosiahnuť niečo krajšie a väčšie v Nebi ako mal Kristus, je to tak, na pohľad kultúrnejšie (vzdelanejšie), nádhernejšie, skvelejšie, než ako Kristove Kráľovstvo. Myslíte že v Miléniu budeme mať autá, alebo lietadlá? Vidíte? Vidíte čo robí Lucifer?

546Teraz, tie nádherné intelektuálne denominácie robia presne to isté, dávajú sa dokopy aby urobili to isté. Vidíte? Zhromažďujú sa a robia zo seba denomináciu (tvoria svoje vyznania), každá jedna sa snaží predstihnúť druhú. A teraz majú toľko nádhery, že nevedia urobiť nič iné než ako spojiť to s Katolíckou cirkvou. Vidíte? Lucifer znovu buduje väčšie kráľovstvo, aby odstránil ľudí, ktorí neveria v denominácie, a zabral ešte aj ich chrámy (modlitebne) a urobil z nich skladištia, a takýto pastori nebudú mať vôbec žiadne práva.

547A človek, ktorý je Bohom-poslaný nezostane nikdy v nejakej denominácii potom čo Toto počuje, alebo To vidí, ak mal toho dosť aby vyšiel a pozrel sa na to. Tak veru. Vidíte? Nehovorím to s kritikou, hovorím to preto že je to pravda, vidíte, aby ste to videli zjavené.

548Všimnite si, v týchto posledných dňoch, Lucifer robí to isté. Či to vidíte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Diabol robí to isté, stavia skríženú cirkev, skríženú so skrížených členov, skríženú skrze poznanie, namiesto Slova, z intelektuálnych ľudí, namiesto zo zrodených ľudí, stavia intelektuálne kráľovstvo, ktoré zatieni Kristove malé stádečko. Vidíte? Kto to spôsobil? Padlí anjeli.

549Biblia hovorí, že to boli padlí anjeli, ktorí počúvali Lucifera namiesto Krista, Ktorému oni raz patrili. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

550Počúvajte dobre, "padlí anjeli." Čo sú to za anjeli? Luther, Wesley, Katolíci, Letniční, ktorí nezachovali svoj prvotný stav, ako to urobili tamtí Anieli, a upadli do organizácii, a to bol Luciferov hlavný chvat v Nicei. A čo oni urobili? Zorganizovali veľké ekumenické združenie duchovných, aby učinili "obraz šelmy", ako hovorí Biblia. A stavajú Kresťanskú ekonomiku, ktorá zavrie dvere tomuto zhromaždeniu i všetkým tomu podobným. Či vidíte Lucifera pri jeho práci?

551Snažím sa predstaviť vám to trojnásobné zjavenie, či tajomstvo Božie.

552Čo oni urobili? Zapredali sa rozumovým úvahám a vzdelaniu, tak ako to urobila Eva, tak to urobili padlí anjeli. Wesley bol muž Boží, ale čo nasledovalo za ním? Dostali sa do toho padlí anjeli. Čo boli anjeli prv? Stvorenia Božie, ale upadli na Luciferovej múdrosti, upadli na Luciferovej múdrosti. A vidíte čo sa z nich stalo? Padlí anjeli. A organizácie, od mužov Božích, ktorí vyšli aby na zemi ustanovili Pravdy, prv ako by tá Pravda mohla ďalej postúpiť a byť vyhlásená, kázaná, aby to došlo do skutočného zjavenia Krista, vošli tam padlí anjeli a premohli to a urobili z toho denominácie.

553Z toho dôvodu zjavenie tajomstva Siedmich Pečatí muselo byť otvorené.

554Vidíte to teraz? Och, čo oni opustili! Ak by bol Luther v tom pokračoval, bolo by to už tu. Ak by bol Wesley v tom pokračoval, ak by boli Letniční v tom pokračovali, čo by oni už boli urobili?

555A teraz je len jedno čo sa môže stať. V čase konca musí byť Posolstvo, za ktorým už potom nebude nič nasledovať. A teraz ten ekumenický svet nastolil taký režim, za ktorým už nebude môcť nasledovať žiadna ďalšia denominácia, ani nič iné. Alebo v tom ste, alebo v tom nie ste. To ovocie je na vrcholci stromu, a to Svetlo svieti na to predurčené ovocie. A ona dozrieva do takého ovocia aké niesol Kristus, nesúc tú istú šťavnatosť a sladkosť, a toho istého Ducha ktorého On mal v Ňom. Dúfam že tomu rozumiete! Vidíte?

556Snažím sa toho priniesť veľa na jeden deň. Unavujem vás. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Nie." – pozn.prekl.]

557Tak. hľaďte, oni sa zapredali mudrovaniam, zapredali sa denominačným mudrovaniam. "Keď len môžem patriť tam! Starosta chodí do tej cirkvi." Vidíte? "Keď môžem byť Metodistom, alebo Presbyteriánom." Pozrite sa len kde až zašli. Teraz pred chvíľou som to práve vysvetlil, tie haluze sú odrezané. Oni sú mŕtvi. Už nikdy viac nebudú spojení s Kristom. Boli by niesli ten istý Život. Oni nie sú s Tým spojení.

558Ale oni sú ako citrusové ovocie. Hocktoré citrusové ovocie bude rásť na hocktorom citrusovom strome, ale ono bude rodiť svoje vlastné ovocie. Zaštepte grapefruit do pomarančovníku, on bude žiť na tom pomarančovníku, ale bude rodiť grapefruit. Zaštepte tam citrón, to je citrusové ovocie, on bude rodiť starý kyslý citrón, ale on žije z toho života. A to je to čo robia denominácie pod menom cirkvi.

559Nevesta je ten originálny strom, originálny Duch. Zjavenie prichádza od Krista, nie z denominácie. Z Krista! Všimnite si.

560Čo sa snažia denominácie robiť? Povýšiť sa, ako Lucifer. Oni sa sa- mi nazývajú "Cirkev", "Nevesta". Oni, ktorí sú, ako to stojí v Zjavení 17. falošnou nevestou. Povyšujú sa nad Kristove malé stádečko, Nevestu. Lucifer si to myslí a povyšuje sa nad pokornú Pravdu Božieho Slova skrze poznanie zjavenia, a sám sa do toho ustanovil skrze seminárne vzdelanie a teológiu, až kým sa nedostanú navrch. A ak nepatríte do ich skupiny, potom ste pre nich nejaký výplach. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

561Tak ako to urobil Lucifer na začiatku, hovoria ľuďom presne to čo Lucifer povedal Eve, "Určite nás Boh prijme! Staráme sa o chudobných." To je dobre. "Určite nás On prijme. My sme veľká denominácia. My sme nádherná cirkev. Prečo, hľaďte na naše veľké budovy! Pozrite sa koľko máme členov. Sú nás milióny. Boh určite neodmietne takúto skupinu."

562To je to isté čo urobil Kain. Priniesol pekné plody zeme, ktoré vypestoval, s ktorými sa natrápil a upracoval a priniesol tie plody, a odmietol pokornú krv baránka.

563Bože, maj zľutovanie, aby si muži ani ženy nemysleli, že ja toto hovorím aby som niečo vyvýšil, nejaké vlastné zjavenie alebo niečo. Hovorím vám jedine Pravdu. Či nemôžete vidieť čo oni robia? Vidíte? Hovorím to nahlas a tvrdo, ale vy musíte klinec poriadne zatĺcť a zahnúť, ak to má byť na niečo užitočné, rozumiete, až kým to neuvidíte. Rozumiete?

564A tak hovoria ľuďom, "Určite! Či nám chceš povedať že naša veľká katolícka cirkev, ktorá trvá po celý ten čas, naša veľká metodistická, a to všetko? Pozri sa na našich predkov!" Vidíte? Ale oni porušili Slovo Pánovo. A Eva bola Božím, jedným z Jeho, a on ... ona bola vedľajším produktom Adama. A preto, že zapochybovala o jednom Slove Božieho Slova, to spôsobilo toto.

565A dnes je tu Lucifer znovu vo svojej robote. A pamätajte, antikrist, to nie je komunizmus. Antikrist je tak veľmi podobný tej skutočnej veci, že by to zviedlo aj tých Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, tak to povedal Ježiš v Ev. Matúša 24, "I Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Lucifer, znovu, Lucifer znovu narušuje Božiu jednotu s človekom, tým že ohraničuje Slovo Božie svojím mudrovaním. To čo si myslí považuje za správne, a tým čo si on myslí porušuje Božie Slovo.

566A to je tá istá vec ktorú on robil v čase Ježiša. A Ježiš povedal, "Vy, skrze svoje tradície ste zbavili Slovo Božie moci."

567A denominácie, skrze svoje organizované intelektuálne rozumovania, zbavili Slovo Božie moci, ktorú malo nad ľuďmi. Je to tak. Oni to jednoducho nemôžu vidieť. A potom hovoria, "Kde je Boh tej Biblii?" On je práve tu. On je tá Biblia, to je to čo On je.

568Všimnite si, teraz, Lucifer prichádza prefíkane a narušuje jednotu Božiu s človekom, práve tak ako to urobil v Edene, skrze veľké pokušenia, tým že sľubuje dosiahnutie vlastnej moci a povýšenia. "Prečo, ty by si sa mohol stať biskupom, ak len s nami zostaneš. Môžeš sa stať okresným presbyterom. Prečo by si mal ísť do niečoho Takého?" Vidíte, to sú Letniční, Katolíci, a tak ďalej. Vidíte, veľké falošné zasľúbenie, ľuďom, dosiahnuť moc pomimo Slova a zasľúbenia Božieho. Vy obdržíte Moc keď Duch Boží príde na vás, nie keď sa stanete biskupom, alebo diakonom, alebo čokoľvek. Vidíte? Ale Lucifer je znovu vo svojej robote.

569Či tu táto cirkev rozumie tomu? Zodvihnite ruky, aby som to mohol vidieť. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, nechcem sa s tým potom už dlhšie zdržovať.

Odtrhávanie, preč od Slova Božieho! Vidíte?

570On to isté urobil v Nicei, v Ríme. Viete čo im dal Konštantín? Prešli ste cez Cirkevné Veky. On im dal... Oni nemali nič, jedine Krista. Sedávali v malých starých budovách, kdekoľvek mohli, na tvrdej kamennej podlahe. Poznáte to, ak ste čítali Nicejský Koncil a Pred-Nicejský Koncil a Nicejských Otcov, a tak ďalej a históriu v cirkvi. Oni nemali nič. Ale keď mali ten koncil a voviedli do Kresťanstva trochu Rímskeho pohanstva a ustanovili svätého muža a biskupov a tak ďalej, a pápežov, a všetky takéto nezmysly, čo im dal Konštantín? Pýtam sa každého teológa, nech mi na to odpovie. On im dal majetok. On im dal slobodu a všetko to čo chceli.

571A oni zamenili Slovo Božie za ľudskú múdrosť a vzdelanie (kultúru)! A to je to isté čo Lucifer potom urobil, on to urobil v záhrade Eden, a oni v tej chvíli zomreli. Tá Letničná cirkev v Nicei zomrela, v Ríme, ale má byť vzkriesená v Strome Nevesty v tých posledných dňoch.

572Všimnite si, Lucifer prichádza prefíkane, tak ako vtedy, skrze pokúšania a s falošnými sľubmi o moci, pomimo Slova Božieho. On to isté urobil v Nicei, v Ríme. On robí to isté dnes vo Svetovej Ekumenickej Rade cirkví.

573"Zlúčme sa všetci dokopy," hovorí pápež, ""Chcem aby sa všetci moji ekumenickí bratia tam so mnou zjednotili. My sme jedno." To je pravda, vy v organizáciách, vy ste jedno. Ale to nemá nič dočinenia s Nevestou Kristovou. Nie bratku, ani trochu. Vy Ju nikdy nenamočíte do niečoho takého.

574Nuž, je to zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch bude deťom Božím navrátená tá istá originálna viera, v čase Stromu Nevesty. V Malachiášovi 4, Boh povedal, "Prv ako ten svet zhorí ohňom, hľa Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, a on prinavráti vieru deťom." Nuž, to nebol ten prvý Eliáš ktorý prišiel. Nie, nie.

575My tu teraz neučíme niečo o Eliášovom plášti, či Eliášových prikrývkach ani nič takého. My učíme len Božie Slovo. Rozumiete? To čo On povedal. Vidíte, mali sme už všetky možné druhy ako, tento Eliáša a tamten Eliáš, čo je nezmysel. To je-to je... Poznáme to. Ja nemyslím na to, a vy ktorí ste duchovní rozumiete. Vidíte, čas beží, je už dosť neskoro a nedá sa to všetko popratať na túto pásku, je to pochopiteľné.

Nuž, zasľúbenie v posledných dňoch. Nuž ak ...

576Ježiš povedal, v Matúšovi myslím že je to jedenásta kapitola, alebo šiesta kapitola a jedenásty ... Nie, je to jedenásta kapitola, okolo šiesteho verša. Keď Ján tam poslal svojich učeníkov, aby zistili či On je skutočne Ten, Ježiš povedal, "Koho ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre? Vyšli ste vidieť takého a takého (Dr.)?" Povedal, "Alebo ste vyšli aby ste videli proroka?" Riekol, "Viac ako proroka." Ján bol viac ako prorok, on bol posol Zmluvy. A On povedal, "Ak to môžete prijať, toto je on o ktorom je hovorené v prorokoch, Ja pošlem Svojho posla (anjela) pred Svojou tvárou."

577Nuž, to je v Malachiášovi 3, nie v Malachiášovi 4. Pretože Eliáš, ktorý mal prísť v Malachiášovi 4, to zem má byť spálená ohňom a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných do Milénia (Tisícročného Kráľovstva). Vidíte? Tak to nebol on. Vidíte?

578Teraz vidíme že to zasľúbenie sa vyplnilo. Kristus, tá opravdivá Hlava vstupuje, prichádza do Svojej Nevesty, činiac tie isté skutky, ktoré On činil tam na počiatku, uskutočňuje a vyplňuje Svoje Slovo, tak ako to robil prvý krát, v Jánovi 14.12, "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť." Potom Hlava a Telo sa stávajú Jedno, v skutkoch a v znamení a v Živote, potvrdení skrze Boha Samého, skrze Jeho zasľúbené Slovo na tie posledné dni. On toto zasľúbil na tie posledné dni. Nuž ak ste duchovní, porozumiete to.

579Potom, budeme môcť vidieť, že Svadobná večera je na blízku. Nuž, ak by som vás už nikdy viacej nevidel, pamätajte, Svadobná Večera je na blízku. A potom Kráľovstvo, podľa zasľúbenia je pripravené, aby sa prelialo v to veľké Milénium, aby nastalo vzatie Nevesty a zničenie bezbožných. A svet, pod šiestou Pečaťou, aby bol očistený skrze vulkán, aby bola odstránená všetká skazenosť a hriech sveta, a zem mohla byť znovu uformovaná, aby sa zrodilo nové žiarivé Milénium, pre ten vek ktorý má prísť.

580Keď toto všetko vidíme, toto veľké trojnásobné zjavenie: Boh v Kristovi, Kristus v Cirkvi, prichádzajúce Kráľovstvo. Adam a Eva vykúpení späť do záhrady Eden, reprezentovaný Kristom a Jeho Nevestou, a potom to Kráľovstvo bude privedené do pôvodného stavu, podľa Jeho zasľúbenia. Chvála Bohu! A to, skrze zjavenie trojnásobného tajomstva, tajnosti, a skrze osobné potvrdenie Slova Jeho originálnou Hlavou (Vrchnosťou)!

581Nie hovoriť, "Dobre, sláva Bohu, vykrikujeme, haleluja, spievame." To, to nie je to. Ja som misionár. Prakticky sedem krát som už prešiel okolo sveta. Vidíte? Videl som pohanov, diablov i rôznych iných, tancovať a vykrikovať. Videl som všetky možné druhy telesných manifestácií. To je telesné.

582Ale ja hovorím o Vrchnosti Krista. Všimnite si, keď sme sa osobne zidentifikovali s tou originálnou Hlavou (Vrchnosťou), máme odpoveď na diablovu otázku. Amen! Sláva! Máme odpoveď na diablovu otázku. On, Kristus, povstal a zaplatil cenu, a pozdvihuje to Telo.

583Diabol to nemôže zniesť. Z toho dôvodu sa zriaďujú tie ekumenické kráľovstvá. To je ten dôvod, že oni všetci vchádzajú do toho čo teraz robia. Diabol, to je ten dôvod, že on teraz tak vyje. Jeho bezbožnosť bola ... jeho plán bol odhalený skrze povstanie, vzkrieseného Krista do Vlády nad Svojím Telom. Sláva!

584Myslíte si že som bez seba? Nie som. My máme odpoveď na diablovu otázku. "Už nežijem ja, ale žije vo mne Kristus." To nie je moja predstava, to je Jeho Moc. Nie moja predstava, to je Jeho Slovo. On to zasľúbil, je to tu. On povedal, že to bude, a tu to je. Máme pre neho odpoveď.

585Kristus povstal a zaplatil cenu za naše vykúpenie. Čo Boh manifestoval v Kristovi, On dal to telo, to a Krv. To v tej Krvi mohol prísť Život, a to telo zostalo vykúpené, že Boh v tom vykúpenom tele mohol manifestovať Svoje Slovo na daný deň, tak ako to urobil v tamten deň. Ó! Sláva!

586Vidíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Ó! Kedy môžem skončiť? Všimnite si. ["Pokračuj."]

587Potom, stojíme ospravedlnení v prítomnosti Božej. Tak ako kvapka atramentu keď kvapne do kadi plnej bielidla, vy tú atramentovú škvrnu už nikdy viac nenájdete. Ona sa niekde podela. Už sa nikdy viac nevráti. A keď je človek opravdu vykúpený, to predurčené Semeno, ktoré To vidí a prijíma To, jeho hriechy sú zahladené. Pominulo to. Je to oddelené. Kvaplo to do atramentu - Krvi Ježiša Krista a nikdy viac to nebude spomenuté. Boh na to zabudol. A on stojí ako syn či dcéra Božia, v prítomnosti Božej. Amen a amen! "Teraz sme synovia Boží." Nie budeme, sme! Teraz sme vykúpení.

588My máme odpoveď pre Satana. Boh sa Sám potvrdil. Boh sa dokázal, podľa Svojho zasľúbenia na tento deň. Haleluja! Tá Vrchnosť (Hlava) je tu. Amen! Kristus, ten zmŕtvychvstalý Pán, je tu v tej istej Moci Svojho vzkriesenia, taký akým vždy bol, manifestujúci Seba Samého. To je odpoveď pre diabla.

589Preto, ten muž, ktorý tu sedí, keď jedného dňa tu padol mŕtvy, mohli sme povedať, "Život vráť sa späť!" Pretože Duch Svätý tak povedal.

590Preto sa mohlo stať aj to s tým malým deckom tam dole v Mexiku, ktoré bolo už mŕtve okolo pätnásť hodín, keď prišlo to videnie a bolo povedané, "Zavolaj ho naspäť do života." A povedal "Nech žije to dieťa." A to dieťa, ktorému doktori vypísali o deviatej hodine ráno úmrtný list, bolo ten večer o jedenástej hodine navrátené späť do života a dnes žije.

591Čo to je? To nie sú tí ľudia. Hlava a Telo sa stali jedným celkom. To je zamanifestovaný Boh vo Svojich Ľuďoch. Z toho dôvodu muž a žena už nie sú viacej dvaja. Sú jedno. Boh a Jeho Cirkev sú Jedno, "Kristus vo vás," veľké Božie zjavenie. Sláva Bohu! Dokonca nesú Jeho Meno. Jeho Meno je Ježiš, ten Pomazaný. To je Kristove pomazané Telo, v ktorom sa dokazuje, manifestuje Boh, tak ako to bolo v tamtom tele. A To telo vykúpilo všetky tieto, tieto telá, a cez ne Boh vykonáva Svoju trojnásobnú manifestáciu, idúc do Kráľovstva. Povstal, zaplatil cenu! Sme vykúpení. Boh to dokázal, potvrdil to. Vidíte?

592A my stojíme ospravedlnení v Kristovi, pred Ním. Pretože, On nemôže vyniesť súd, pretože On už odsúdil to Telo, ktorého som ja časťou. Čo, ako ja môžem byť jeho časťou? Tu To je. To je vo mne. "Ak Moje... vy zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás, potom čo poviete... O čokoľvek budete prosiť Otca v Mojom Mene stane sa, lebo To je tam." Ospravedlnení! Sláva Bohu!

593Ó, keby som mohol dostať svet do toho, aby to uvidel! Prečo? Tu to máte. Je tu Telo Kristovo, ktoré žije, stojí vykúpené. Vykúpení! Ó!

594Ospravedlnení v Jeho očiach. Prečo sme ospravedlnení? My sme Jeho víťazstvo. Cirkev je Jeho víťazstvo. Ideme ďalej v týchto posledných dňoch s tým slávnym Evanjeliom, ukazujúc Jeho víťazstvo. On zomrel za tým účelom, a my sme dôkazom Jeho víťazstva. Amen! Keď Ho vidíme ako zostupuje dole a žije v Cirkvi, to je Jeho víťazstvo. To ukazuje, že on Jeho nemohol zadržať v hrobe, a tak isto oni nemôžu zadržať nás. Je to tak. On...?... A my sme už, potenciálne, povstali, pretože sme povstali z mŕtvych, z nevery v Jeho Slovo, z denominačných vyznaní, do Večného Slova Večného Boha, ktorým je On, On Sám, pôsobiaci skrze nás, manifestujúci Seba Samého, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

595A potom sa to Slovo presúva z Hlavy dole do Tela. Čo to je? To isté Slovo. Nič do toho nemôže byť pridané alebo z Toho odňaté. Tak teda to isté Slovo sa presúva z Hlavy, čím viacej sa ten Deň približuje, dole do Tela, potvrdzujúc že oni sú Jedno. Oni sú Muž a Žena. Oni sú telom jeho tela, Slovom Jeho Slova, Životom Jeho Života, Duchom Jeho Ducha. Rozumiete? Amen! Ako to vieš? Nesú to isté svedectvo, to isté ovocie, to isté Slovo. Vidíte, manifestujú Krista. Ten istý Život, ten istý Boh, ten istý Duch, to isté Slovo, tá istá Kniha! Amen! Tie isté znamenia, "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť." Ó, haleluja! Ó!

596Všimnite si, to potvrdené Slovo v Jeho Tele, to je práve to Jeho víťazstvo a to kvôli čomu On zomrel. Vidíte, smrť, nie v Duchu. Keď On zomrel, On zomrel len v tele. Jeho duch išiel do pekla a kázal dušiam v žalári. Je to tak? Zomrelo len Jeho telo, potom On to znovu vzbudil a oživil. Oživiť, to znamená, "učiniť živým", Svoje mäso, čo je Jeho telo. A to je Slovo. Ono roky ležalo mŕtve, ale Ono postupne začalo prichádzať do reformácii, a teraz Ona stojí na Svojich nohách!

597Och, ako si prajem aby som mal čas vrátiť sa do Ezechiela a zobrať tie "suché kosti", a ukázať vám to. On povedal, "Môžu tieto kosti znovu ožiť?"

Povedal, "Prorokuj!"

598Ako môže prísť proroctvo? Jedine skrze proroka. To je Slovo Pánovo. "Počujte vy suché kosti Slovo Pánovo!" A prišlo na ne svalstvo, koža, a oni povstali ako mocná armáda a začali pochodovať smerom na Sion. Sláva Bohu! To je On. To je On, víťazstvo.

Vykúpení Pánovi prídu na Sion s radosťou, na celom Jeho svätom vrchu nič neublíži ani nezahubí.

599On dokazuje Svoj zmŕtvychvstalý Život tým, že sa Sám potvrdzuje. Ona, Nevesta, nie je viazaná na nikom inom. Ona je nezávislou Ženou, veľký pofŕkaný vták, ktorý je odlišný od všetkých ostatných. Či si pamätáte čo o tom hovorí Biblia, "Veľký pofŕkaný vták." Ale, Ona má Jeho Meno, Ona má Jeho Život.

600Ako toho vtáka pofŕkali? Oni boli oba biele, a potom oni jednému z nich odtrhli hlavu a jeho krv vypustili na toho druhého. A ten druhý vták bol pokropený tou červenou krvou, a on mával takto krídlami a tá krv volala, "svätý, svätý, svätý," keď fŕkala na zem.

601Tak Kristus, ten mŕtvy Partner, dal Svoju Krv, Svoju Krv zo Svojho Života, do nás, pofŕka... nesúc Jeho Krv, voláme, "Svätý, svätý, svätý, Pánovi!" Je to divne vyzerajúci vták. Opravdu je podivný. Ale Ona, Nevesta, je s Ním zidentifikovaná, a Ona je nezávislá od všetkých ostatných. "Zotrvávaj len pri nej až dotiaľ kým žije. Zotrvávaj len pri Ňom, pri Slove," nie, žiadne cudzoložstvo, ani jeden znak denominácie, ani jeden znak vyznania, vôbec žiadne cudzoložstvo. Slovo, a On sám!

602"Na Kristovi, na tej pevnej skale, stojím a všetky iné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom," povedal Eddie Perronet. Ó.

603To je ono, Kristus, to Slovo! On bol Slovo. On je Slovo. A Cirkev sa stáva Slovom, On Ju robí časťou Seba, a to je znovu Slovo. Osobne skrze Neho zidentifikované, jedine Jeho vlastníctvo! Jedine Jeho vlastníctvo! Ona je Ním vykúpená, skrze Neho, pre Neho, a jedine pre Neho. Tak to je. Nuž, prečo tak diabol vyvreskuje? Preto, že to bolo zjavené.

604Sme v nebezpečnom čase. Pamätajte, Písmo hovorí, že keď sa tieto veci začnú diať, "času viacej nebude." Ona odchádza, keď uvidíme tú manifestáciu.

606Povedal, "Strašné znamenia na nebi, stĺpy ohňa, vznášajúce sa ako lietajúce taniere. Oni nevedia čo to je. Vidíte? Nemajú o tom ani potuchy.

607Všimli ste si tých Anjelov čo zostúpili dole, preskúmali Sodomu prv ako bola zničená? Pamätáte to? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Bolo ich viacej, ktorí tam vtedy zostúpili, boli traja. Jeden z nich zostal pri Abrahámovi. Pamätáte si to? ["Amen"] Oni boli Svetlami z Neba, ktorí zostúpili na vyšetrovací súd.

608Pozrite sa kde to všetko spozorovali. Okolo Pentagonu a inde to bolo spozorované. To je súd sveta, Sodoma. Ale je Jeden, ktorý bude reprezentovaný medzi cirkvami, to bude sám Kristus, potvrdzujúci Seba Samého. Vidíte? "Znamenia hore na nebesiach a znamenia dole na zemi." Tak veru.

609Zidentifikovaní! Diabol proti tomu vyvreskuje, proti tej zamanifestovanej Pravde zasľúbeného Slova v Nej samej.

610Oni nemajú odpoveď. Keď prišiel Ježiš, prečo nemali odpoveď tí farizeovia? On povedal, "Ak Ja prstom božím vyháňam démonov, kým ich vyháňate vy?" Vidíte? On tam stál samotný.

611A Jeho Cirkev stojí samotná. Ona nie je do ničoho zapletená. Ale On bol zidentifikovaný s Bohom, súc telom v ktorom prebýval Boh. A Cirkev je zidentifikovaná s Jeho Telom, robiac tie isté veci. Ona je Jeho Telo, zamanifestovaná Pravda Jeho zasľúbeného Slova na posledné dni. A Ona, a jedine Ona samotná, stojí na Tom. Preto diabol vyvreskuje, tie veľké organizácie, snažia sa podniknúť niečo aby Ju zablokovali. Oni to nikdy neurobia. Ona bude vzatá, a nie zablokovaná. Ona teraz povstáva skrze moc potvrdeného Slova, ktoré Jej bolo zasľúbené. Amen!

612Tak ako Nevesta sa drží toho zasľúbenia! "On mi povedal, že príde pre mňa. Ja tomu budem veriť." Ó-ó. Vidíte? Tak veru. Aby stretla Svoju Hlavu, Svojho Vykupiteľa, Svojho Muža, Svojho Kráľa, Svojho Pána, Svojho Milého, Svojho Spasiteľa, na tom pripravenom mieste stretnutia!

613On už má miesto kde sa s Nimi stretne. Viete, On... Ženích nezabudol na nič. On má prsteň, zidentifikovanie. On má pre Ňu rúcho, Jej šaty. Vidíte? A On má pripravené miesto kde sa s Ňou stretne, to je tam na povetrí. Všetko je pripravené. On už má prestrené na Svadobnú hostinu. Hostia sú už pozvaní, už sú vybraní. Všetci anjeli stoja dookola, Jeho sluhovia, v pozore. Ó-ó-ó!

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Tam sa s vami stretnem v tom domove nad oblakmi.;

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

(plné zamanifestovanie Božie);

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi. Ó!

614Pozrite sa teraz na Jeho potvrdenia.

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o Mojžišovi v rákosí;

Počuli ste o nebojácnom Dávidovi a o jeho praku;

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o Jozefových snoch;

Často spievame o Danielovi medzi ľvami.

Ó, je mnoho, mnoho ďalších potvrdených v Biblii;

Ó, ako túžim stretnúť ich všetkých!

Zanedlho nám dá Pán aby sme ich stretli;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

Lebo bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam, v tom domove nad oblakmi.

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi. (Ó!)

615Či to nemilujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Ten trojnásobný zámer Jeho veľkého tajomstva zjavenia, je zjavený. On je ten Hlavný. To je On. Ó! Zaspievajme to. Ja jednoducho už nemôžem ďalej kázať. Tak dobre sa cítim, vidíte.

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam;

V tom Domove nad oblakmi;

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

616Idete Tam? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Amen! Skrze milosť Božiu, skrze milosť Božiu! Vidíte? Ó!

Počuli ste ten príbeh o malom Mojžišovi v rákosí;

Počuli ste o nebojácnom Dávidovi a o jeho praku;

(To všetko sú predobrazy.)

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o Jozefových snoch;

Často spievame o Danielovi medzi ľvami.

Ó, je mnoho, mnoho ďalších potvrdených v Biblii 
(ktorou je On);
Ó, ako túžim stretnúť ich všetkých!

Zanedlho nám dá Pán aby sme ich stretli;

V tom stretnutí ...

617Ale je Jeden ktorý je Hlavný!

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam v tom Domove nad oblakmi.

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

618Stretneme sa Tam jeden s druhým. Metodisti, baptisti, alebo čokoľvek ste, ktorí ste znovuzrodení z Ducha Božieho, potrasme si všetci ruky jeden s druhým zatiaľ čo to spievame.

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam v tom Domove nad oblakmi.
Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

619Ó-ó-ó! Ó to je nádherné, vidíte, vidíte čo On bude. Hľaďte teraz.

620Už končíme priatelia. Už sú skoro dve hodiny, vidíte, a budeme tu ešte na večeru. Mám toho ešte hodne strán, vidíte, ale budeme musieť na tom zakončiť. To nemá žiadneho konca.

621To je zjavenie. To je večné, ako je večné Božie Slovo. Pozrite sa, ale ten trojnásobný zámer veľkého Božieho tajomstva je zjavený! Boh zamanifestovaný v Kristovi, Kristus zamanifestovaný v Cirkvi, za tým účelom aby vykúpil stratenú Evu naspäť do jej pôvodného stavu v záhrade Eden. Ó!

622Ó, to bude nádherný čas v ten Deň! Áno. To je hneď. Veríme tomu. Či tomu veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Myslím o tej piesni, stále keď o tom premýšľam.

623On sa potvrdil v Danielovi, a v Mojžišovi, a v Jeremiášovi. Čo oni boli? To boli proroci ku ktorým prišlo Slovo, vidíte, tí veľkí mužovia. Vidíte, počuli ste ten príbeh, ktorý hovorí o Jozefových snoch, a o Danielovi v ľvej jame, a o všetkých tých ďalších. Oni, čo oni boli? Proroci. Vidíte? Ale Ten hlavný... Boh sa v nich len postupne zobrazoval.

624On sa zobrazil v Adamovi, ktorý vedel čo je správne, ale vyšiel von aby vykúpil svoju ženu, pretože ona učinila zle. Kristus sa nemusel stať hriechom, ale On vyšiel von a vzal hriech, aby vykúpil svoje stratené dieťa. Vidíte? Vidíte? On zobrazil Seba Samého.

a o Mojžišovi v rákosí;

Počuli ste o nebojácnom Dávidovi a o jeho praku.

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o snívajúcom Jozefovi;


A o Danielovi medzi ľvami často spievame.

Ó, je mnoho, mnoho ďalších v Biblii.

625Oni, oni sú Biblia. Predsa, oni všetci boli zamanifestovaní v Ňom. Vidíte? Bez Neho sú oni všetci mŕtvi. Vidíte? A ja sa musím stať časťou Toho, aby byť Ním. Amen! Vidíte?

A ja túžim stretnúť ich všetkých, hovorím vám. (Je to tak.)

Ale Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

626V liste Židom 11. je napísané, "Oni bez nás nemôžu byť dokonalí." Ruky a nohy nemôžu byť dokonalé bez rozumu, známosti, hlavy, a tak ďalej. Vidíte? A my sme všetci dokonalí v Ňom, "Tak skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení v jedno Telo," oslobodení od Súdu; prešli z hriechu, do smrti ... Amen! Sám Boží Syn bude tým Vedúcim v tom stretnutí nad oblakmi. Milujete Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Pretože ...

627Pane Ježišu, nech pomazanie Ducha Svätého zostúpi na tieto ručníčky, Pane, a uzdrav nemocných.

628[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ...práve teraz v nás. Ako to On robil, prečo sa On zjavil? Pretože On prv miloval mňa. Čo On urobil?

A zaplatil za moje spasenie na ...

629Sláva! Ten veľký Anjel Zmluvy, Ten ktorý bol s Mojžišom na púšti, Ten ktorý prišiel ku Pavlovi na ceste do Damašku, Ten istý dovolil aby bol odfotografovaný medzi nami. To je Ten istý, ktorého fotografia bola jedného dňa v časopise Life (Život). To isté Slovo, skrze toho istého Boha, cez tie isté kanály, tým istým spôsobom, skrze to isté zasľúbenie! "Kde sa dvaja alebo traja zídu v Mojom Mene, Ja som tam v ich strede." Teda On je tu. "Anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorí sa Ho boja," ktorí sa držia jedine Jeho Slova. Nikto nemôže mať vo vážnosti to Slovo, bez toho že by sa bál Boha. Vidíte? Potom, On je tu dnes ráno, s nami, keď ho vzývame v Duchu.

630Ó, po takom tvrdom Posolstve ako toto, myslím že Ho predsa len máme vzývať trochu v Duchu. Rozumiete, zavrite oči a znovu Mu spievajme, "Milujem Ho, milujem Ho," pozdvihnime ku Nemu ruky.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Pretože ... prv miloval mňa;

A zaplatil za moje spasenie

na kríži Golgoty.

(Ó, ako Ho len milujeme!)

Viera v Otca, viera v Syna;

Viera v Ducha Svätého, títo traja sú Jedno.

Démoni sa budú triasť, a hriešnici sa prebudia;

Viera v Jahveho zatrasie všetkým.

631Amen! Sláva Bohu! Ó, ako Ho milujeme! Vzývajte Ho teraz vo svojich srdciach, ctite Ho, pomyslite len čo vzácneho On učinil. Hľaďte čo On pre nás vykonal. Ani jedno z tých videní za všetky tie roky nikdy nesklamalo. Všetko čo On povedal sa stalo. Vyplnilo sa to presne tak ako to On povedal.

632Milujem vás. Nezabudnite na prikázania Božie ktoré sú pre vás, deťúrence, "Milujte jeden druhého." Milujte každého. Dobrého či zlého, hriešnika alebo svätého, milujte ich, aj tak. Ak ich nemilujete, modlite sa potom, aby vám v tom Boh pomohol, pretože Boh miluje hriešnika. A nátura Božia je vo vás. Ak je to človek zlý, aj tak ho milujte. Nezúčastňujte sa jeho hriechov. Rozumiete? Nezúčastňujte sa jeho hriechov, ale v nežnosti, nie v nevrlom káraní, v nežnosti mu povedzte o nádeji Života, ktorý spočíva vo vás skrze Ježiša Krista, ktorý vám bol zjavený skrze Ducha Svätého.

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš;

Dieťa bolestí a žiaľu;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj;

Ó, vezmi Ho... (nezabudni ani teraz, kdekoľvek ideš.)

633Ó, aké vzácne je to Meno! Ó, my máme Jeho Meno. Sme pomenovaní podľa Jeho Mena.

Nádej zeme a radosť Nebies;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Nebies.

634Poviem vám teraz jedno malé tajomstvo, až kým sa znovu nestretneme. Zapamätajte si to teraz. Zapamätajte si to.

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš;

Upadajúc na tvár ku Jeho nohám;

Kráľa kráľov v Nebesiach budeme korunovať;

(budeme Ho korunovať.)

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!


635Čo? Trojnásobné zjavenie! Nádej a radosť Nebies, zjavené v Ňom.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno; ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť ...

636Čoho? Nádej zeme a radosť Nebies, všetko je zamanifestované v Kristovi. Boh, Cirkev, i všetko iné je zamanifestované v Kristovi. Biblia, to je Kristus. Biblia je napísané Slovo. On je tým Slovom. Manifestácia toho Slova je dôkazom Života, ktorý prichádza do tela Slova, aby Ho zamanifestoval. Ó, či to nie je nádherné!

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš;

(Dobre teraz počúvajte.)

Ako štít (nezabudnite na to)... každej pasci;

Keď sú pokušenia okolo teba ...

(Čo musíš urobiť?)

Zašepkaj len to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno;

Ó aké sladké! Ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

637Nevedel som ... Samozrejme, ak ste duchovní, pozorujete duchovné veci. Nevedel som to. Boh to vie. Ale ak sa otočíte a pozriete sa na hodiny, sú presne dve hodiny. Koniec Druhého Potiahnutia. Tretie Potiahnutie sa priblížilo! Vidíte?

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš;

Upadajúc na tvár ku Jeho nohám;

Kráľa kráľov v Nebesiach budeme korunovať;

Keď sa zakončí naša púť.

Predrahé Meno ...

(Druhé Potiahnutie sa zamanifestovalo!)

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

638Všimli ste si že Duch vzal tú pieseň a zodvihol ju o oktávu vyššie? Ďalšie Potiahnutie je na blízku! Amen! Ó-ó.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

(Je pozdejšie ako si myslíte!)

...bolesti a žiaľu;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj;

Ó, vezmi Ho kdekoľvek ideš.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť ...

(Nuž, ak prichádzajú pokušenia, čo urobíš?)

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa pokušenia (niečo chce spôsobiť aby si teraz neveril) nahromadia;

Pamätaj len, zašepkaj to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno, Ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

639Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, každý jeden, v úcte. Pozrite sa.

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš ...

640[brat Branham si hmká ďalší verš piesne "Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš." Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Prázdne miesto na páske. Iný brat dáva výklad. – pozn.prekl.]

641Nuž, ak tomu rozumiete, Duch Pánov padol na zhromaždenie, v neznámych jazykoch, prehovoril ku človekovi, ktorý to nepozná, je to vyložené iným mužom, ktorý to nepozná. Slovo Pánovo! Pamätáte sa keď ten nepriateľ prichádzal a oni nevedeli čo majú robiť? Duch Pánov padol na jedného muža a zjavil čo má byť vykonané. Ó!

642 Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, v pokore. Nech vás Boh žehná.

Kým sa stretneme! Kým sa stretneme!

Až kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;

Až kým sa znovu stretneme!

V poriadku, pastor.

Boh nech je s vami až kým sa znovu nestretneme.

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you. Just remain standing a moment while we bow our heads for prayer.

2 Gracious Heavenly Father, we're approaching Thee again this morning for mercy and for guidance of the Holy Spirit today, as it's dawned upon us, that we should meet together this morning and to teach Thy Word, and that we might know how to live in this present day, and what is the time of day that we're living. We would ask Thy holy guidance to our thoughts, our hearts today, that You would direct us to every Word that is necessary for us to know; that You would open our mouths freely, and our hearts, also, to receive, and that which You would speak to us, and would close our mouths to the things that are not right, knowing that only You can reveal the Word of God.

3And now as I have to leave the little church right away now for the other parts of the world, I'm committing them to Thee, Lord. Which, they are a part, the apple of my heart, as to say. They are the--the ones that's been begotten to You, by the Spirit and by the Word of Truth. And I pray that You will bless them, Lord, and keep them closely knitted together by the bonds of the love of Christ.

4 Bless our dear beloved pastor, the shepherd. We pray that You'll anoint him with the Holy Spirit, of Thy Word, and reveal to them and feed the flock.

5And once, just a while ago, when You showed the vision, the little tabernacle here, about to store up the Food, that there would come a time when this would all be needed. When we seen Brother Sothmann and Brother Woods ready to cross over into another country, to... But You said, "Store up this Food here for the time." Lord, reverently I've tried to do that.

6And now, this morning, in this lesson that we have thought of, I pray that You will cap it all off, Lord, to show that You're God, and this is Your Word and Your Truth. Grant it, Lord, that the people might feed thereon and grow fat, as it was, in the grace of God, that they would see that it's God's great mercy to us in this day. Bless all that's present and those who would like to be present, Father. And get glory to Thyself, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

The Lord bless each and every one of you now.

7 And I believe, just before we start, we have a little baby here, a Collins. I met the father just a few moments ago, and--and he had a little baby he wanted dedicated. And we want to do that now, if Brother or Sister Collins, one, will bring the little one forward so we can have the dedicational service for this little fellow.

8 Leaving, you know, why, it causes... as these are loyal members or... of the Body of Christ. You notice, I never said "of the tabernacle." "Of the bodies of Christ," the... this body here, a part of His Body.

9And they got a little fellow here they want dedicated. And--and this is always a job I think my--my wife envies me of, to hold the babies. Uh-huh. And Brother Neville, if you'll come forward, if you will.

10 What is your first name, brother? [The father says, "Clyde."--Ed.] This is Brother and Sister Clyde Collins, is the brother to our precious brother here, Reverend Collins, Wilbur. And they've had an increase to the number of Collinses here, I see, and a very cute little fellow.

11How old is he, Sister Collins? [The mother says, "Almost four months."--Ed.] Almost four months. And what's his name? ["Mark David Collins."] Mark David. That's a very fine name. He looks like a very fine boy. Say, he's kind of a big boy, too.

12Now I know the mothers here can appreciate this little fellow here. Isn't that a doll? [Brother Branham holds Mark David up before the congregation--Ed.]

All right, as we bow our heads now.

13 Heavenly Father, as this young father and mother comes with this little, precious lump of human flesh that's been given to their union, placed into their hands for a keeping for the Lord God. They reverently bring this little Mark David here for dedication to the Almighty, Who has give this precious little boy, fine health and a fine boy, into their care, to be raised for the glory of God.

14Lord, bless the father and mother. May the barrel never be empty, at the house, or the cruse never run dry. May the father be well and able, Lord, to work and to make food for the little fellow; may the mother be well and able to prepare it; and their hearts prepared, Lord, to teach the little fellow, to raise him in the admonition of God. Grant it, Lord.

15 Now from their arms, to mine, comes this lovely child, little Mark David. And I present him, with the elder of the church here, to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for a life of service. Grant it, Lord. Get glory out of his life. May he live a long life, even to this Coming of the Lord Jesus, if that be pleasing to You. And, if so, may he come to pack the Message of the Lord God, in the age that is to come. Grant it. Keep him healthy, happy, and may his heart always be set on doing the things which is right, before God. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we offer the child to You, in dedication. Amen.

16God bless you. God bless you, Sister Collins, and this fine boy, and you Brother Collins. God be with you.

Bring Them In, all of us together.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

17I like that. See, bring them to Christ before the devil even has a chance. They're already presented to Him then for a life of service.

18 Does anybody know whether the Dauch family, any of them, got down today, or not, Sister Dauch? Brother Brown, are you here, Brother Brown? Yes, I'm glad. And the... Brother Dauch is still with us? Wonderful! [Brother Tom Brown comments about Brother William Dauch's condition--Ed.] Brother Dauch almost left us. See, we can't say too much or ask too much, he's already twenty-one years past the time that God told him to live. That's a ordinary lifetime, past the time that God told him he could live.

19 But we had a call the other morning, that he was--he was dying, and we rushed up there. And the Lord God was really good to him, has spared him. Just, I think he--he's ready and just waiting the Coming of the Lord. But, you know, we all hold on to one another. We just... The old fellow is like a--like a dad to me here.

20I remember him sitting right down here in the old tabernacle, the old part, when he... that Light flashed across, on that water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, right out of there he come. And about eighty-seven or eighty-eight years old, on a stick, come right up here and said, "I want to go right in there and be baptized." Somebody went and got him some clothes. He couldn't wait till the next time; he had to come right then, right then. So I--I like that.

21He said, the other day, I was talking to him; he said, "Do you think I'm all right now, Brother Branham?"

22I said, "Did you ever go to a doctor for a physical checkup?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

23I said, "The doctor will put stethoscopes in his ears, and put them on your heart, see if your heart is beating right; and an electrical cardiogram, and then blood pressure, urine test, and so forth, instruments, to find out where your physical being. Now, the way he does that, he looks back on a--a book here, where specialists on these different subjects writes down, 'If this takes place, this is what's wrong.'"

24 And I said, "Now, the only stethoscope that I have is the Bible, see, for the soul." And I said, "I'm going to give you the test." I said, "Saint John 5:24, said, 'He that heareth My Words.'" I said, "That isn't just sit and listening to It. That's receiving It, see, receiving It; you believe It. Something inside of you tells you It's right. You've accepted It, you believe It, It's yours. 'He that heareth,' It's already yours, 'My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me.' You believe that?"

He said, "I do."

25I said, "Then I'll tell you what the Chief Doctor said, 'He is passed from death unto Life, and shall no more come into condemnation or judgment.'" I said, "As far as I know, according to the Books, you've passed the examination."

26That old man, of nearly a hundred years old, not a churchman at all; but just the first time that Light flashed across his path, he received It. See that predestinated seed laying there? Uh-huh. Yes, sir. See, as soon as the Light strikes it, it comes to Life right quick.

27 Now, I know it's hot today, and I look like it's hard for me to call you people together for a service where you set jammed in like this. But yet I--I thought, by the grace of God, that I'd would have another service before I had to leave you all; for a short season, I trust.

28And I've got to go now tomorrow night, to Chicago, to begin Wednesday. I thought I would get there a little early, if possible, and rest up a little before beginning a series of service. And I believe they've got it... Here, I was looking at it right here. It's--it's advertised up there. It's called the Marengo... [Someone says, "Marigold."--Ed.]... area, yeah, Marigold, Marigold, yeah, area arena. Marigold Arena is where it to be held, beginning Wednesday night, through Sunday. And the Full Gospel Business Men has a breakfast, also, on--on Saturday morning. And I don't know just exactly where they got that advertised, where. No. Then Saturday evening is at the Lane Tech. I see here it's--it's advertised.

29 Now, if you're around in that area, or up there, it's be a regular, just a regular evangelistic service like we have at any time. Most of the Messages will be primarily on something that's been taught here, 'cause here is where we make our tapes, you see. Out there they can fuss. But if they get tapes made from here, that's up to them if they want to listen to any tape. It comes right from here. This is our own pulpit.

30So out there, usually I try to pick around on something not very deep, because many of them are shallow in experience and what comes in. But here I feel I have a right to say whatever God puts upon my heart, to say it from right here. So our tapes are all made from right here. See? And they're right in the room there now, you can see their heads up over the clouded glass in there, where they're sitting with their recorders.

31 Now, and if you want to come to the meeting, we'd be most happily to have you. Just, if you get there, don't know just where to go, why, just contact any of the Full Gospel people, or--or Brother Carlson, and he'll--he'll tell you that's... He can advise you, or the Philadelphia Church, or any of them, they can tell you right how to get to the place.

32 Then I come back next Monday evening, sometime, afternoon or evening. And Tuesday we go back to Arizona for--for put the children in school, and so forth. And then I don't know just exactly when to be back again, because, the Lord, I want Him to lead me just on what to do.

33A very strange thing happened. I might as well... I know this is taped, and I might as well place it on here. And right while visions and leadings of the Holy Spirit is moving, I like to strike just exactly while It's moving. That's... Now, in the last year it's been one, right along with one of the most highest time for visions that I've ever had, in all my ministry, has been this last year, of things that has taken place, that you people know that it's foretold before it happens, and it happened just the way it--it said.

34 Now, we come back here, and--and to visit. The climate in this place, I certainly don't like, 'cause I'm... just breaks me down as soon as I get here. And I just... I can cross the top of the knobs up there and come down in this valley, and I'm here about ten minutes and I got hives, get sick. Weather, swimmy-headed, everything looks spooky, dark, and I--I just have to get out of it. See? And the other day I was talking to the wife...

35 But what brings me in, first, what brings me in here, is you people, see, this church. I tell you, of all the places I ever went in my life, this is my favorite place to come preach the Gospel. And looks like that we can make a tape from here that's ten times better than anywhere else. See? See, that's the reason I say, "Where God is doing something, then stay right with that." But I think, where the great thing is, that was me failing to go out at the first time when He called me, and therefore He makes it kind of rough on me when I come in. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

36 And then I'll be coming back and forth, all the time, preaching in the tabernacle. And you people that's from out of town, you'll be notified. Billy Paul will be here, right in the office, and--and can be reached at any time, through him. And we'll be coming back here, hold... And then the Seven Trumpets is coming up right away, the Lord willing, Seven Last Plagues, and the Vials, and so forth, just as we can, get a little cooler weather, maybe, or something, however the Lord leads.

37 And now, the other day, coming in, there was a question brought up about something, about someone had given me a--a check, and it said "personally," exactly just to me, and me only, "tax paid, free," everything else. Well, we went, and Billy knew that I kind of had need of that check, now.

38He went and asked the attorneys if we could cash it. He said, "Why, he's an American citizen. Why can't he cash it? See, says, 'tax paid,' and everything else, 'free.' Any citizen can do that."

39 So then he couldn't be satisfied with that, Billy, so he goes to the public accountant. He said, "Why, certainly, he can cash that." Said, "He's a citizen of the United States."

40So, well, he couldn't think good about that, so he called Merle Miller, that's the head of the--the tax association at--at Indianapolis there, was our attorneys, and so Ice and Miller. So, "Sure, it's all right. See? Sure, he can have that check. It's--it's--it's made out to him, 'endorsee only.'" I can, only one can endorse it, so forth, and it couldn't be stamped with our...

41 See, I don't cash no checks. That's what they got me for the other time. Somebody bring in a bunch of checks, and say, "Here, Brother Branham," at the meeting. I'd say, "William Branham, William Branham..." Well, the government was taking care of all that, all the time. And I was signing them to myself and was paying the debts out there, but they said I owed delinquent taxes on all of it, anyhow, three hundred thousand dollars. So--so then that's where the fuss came.

42So then as soon as I put this check in, whammy, here come the agent right back, said, "We'll reopen the case for him now." So it made it kind of rough.

43 And Brother Lee Vayle sitting here, I guess it's all right to say it, we just... He had come down, and this fine scholared Baptist here had... I baptized him in the Name of Jesus Christ, here in the pool the other day, Brother Lee Vayle. And so he's really a fine man, a brother in Christ. He's preached for us here before, and highly intellectually educated, and, besides that, a Spirit-led man. When the Light flashed across him, he said he tried to get away, but just couldn't do it, so I baptized him right here the other morning. Couldn't stand it any longer, so we just come down here and put on our clothes and went in, and was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.

44 Well, I thought, being that he had taken that fine spiritual food, maybe to talk a little bit we would take some natural food. So we goes over to the Blue Boar, and sets down, was talking, and the subject come up, "How do you let people talk about you like that?"

45Now, Brother Vayle is one of the finest man I ever knowed, but he's "just a little too quick on the trigger," I always told him, you know. And so, he, so I said... I hope that's all right, Brother Vayle. So he... I said, "Don't fly loose all at once. Sit still. God is the One that's doing it."

46He said, "Ah, it might be all right for you," he said, he said. But, well, he--he... I believe he--he is so smart till that's what he's meeting, those smart intellectual people; so he just knows how to pour it in there, and they ain't got no place to stand. That's all.

47 So I said, "Look, Brother Vayle." We was sitting at the Blue Boar. I said, "David, one day, after being throwed from the throne by his own son, run off the throne, mutiny, Israel divided, and David took off the throne by his own son, and was going out of the city, weeping. And a guy that didn't like his last-day message, you know; he didn't care for him; little old fellow, kind of crippled up, going along there, making fun of him, and he spit on David. And that guard drew that sword, said, 'I'll let the head of that dog stay on him, that spit on my king?' David said, 'Let him alone. The Lord told him to do that.' See? Spit on him, making fun of him, and then spit on him. Said, 'The Lord told him to do that.'" Well, we know the story, how it returned back. Brother Vayle thought that took a whole lot of grace to do that.

48 So no more than coming back and entering the office, the public accountant called Billy Paul and told him about this. So Brother Vayle went up the house with me. When I walked in, I said to the wife... Long about sometime in the afternoon. We went in a room. I said, "I got something to tell you, Honey."

49We just been talking before I left. She said, "Bill, I know that God sent you out there; we all know that, but He never told you come back. He said... Now, that's where I'm worried about."

50 I said, "Well, I think it's for you and the children. Don't matter for me. I'm going to serve Him, Lord willing, wherever I go." And so walked back, and I told her about it like that. So I just turned around, laid my hat up.

51And somebody said something, about, "Oh, this tax collector! We ought to go out..." Just kind of raided out something like that.

52Not thinking of what I had told of Brother Vayle, I said, "Let him alone. Maybe the Lord told him to do that."

53I no more than said that, till a Light flashed on the wall and wrote across there, Brother Vayle and my wife sitting there, "Come on back to Arizona." With letters wrote across the wall, "Come on back to Arizona." That's right. So here I go, amen, back to Arizona.

54 Now, this week has been a week of great blessings. We had private interviews this week, of people who had been waiting since the Seven Seals. And I don't doubt but some of them, course, was called in from out of the town, across the nation. But the morning before the interviews started, sitting in the room, the Holy Spirit let me write out exactly everything they knew, everything they wanted to ask, rotate the questions just the way they wanted to, and tell them their dreams and interpretation before they ever told me.

55Now, the people are in the room here, there. And I'd go ahead and let them talk. They'd say, "Well, Brother Branham, I come such-and-such."

56 I said, "Now, remember, we have assembled here not for fellowship. We haven't come here to fellowship with one another. There is a question in your mind, in your heart, that--that you've stumbled into and you don't know what it is. And maybe I'll be able, by the help of God, to do it."

57I said, "Remember, the queen of the South had some questions, too, when she came to Solomon. And the Bible said there was nothing revealed or held back to what Solomon couldn't answer for." And I said, "A greater than Solomon is here. See? That's right. The Lord Jesus promised, 'Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them. And whatsoever thing they can think of, or desire, and--and shall ask, it shall be given to them.' And now your question is something you don't know about, something you don't know how to approach about, something you don't know what to do about."

58 And I said, "Again, the Scripture said this, that, 'the Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him,' so in another world where the five senses does not declare."

59The five senses only contacts this world. If you had no feeling, you couldn't feel nothing. Feeling wouldn't be nothing to you; that would be another world. If you had no sight, what you look at would be another world, you know nothing about it. So these five senses is the only thing that God let us loose to.

60Now there is another one called faith. But by faith you walk up a ladder, and finally you can get so high until you break into another world, which is vision. There you can see.

61Just like if you never knowed what this was you was feeling with your sense of feeling, never seen it; then your eyes come open, you could see it. It'd be all a mystery to that person who never could see. It'd be a mystery to him, but yet that's it.

62 And in there, the Lord... Before we got here, to people from across the country, everywhere, from north, south, west, come in for these interviews. And as soon as they'd get through talking, just exactly the questions they would ask, the thing that they would ask about, I would say, "Watch here," raise over, and there was a piece of paper with every question, and rotate just exactly the way they asked it, was going to ask it, their answer down here to the question just the way it was answered out. The Lord is great. He knows all things. But, yet, take me about three days to come out of that afternoon, what it was, such a tear-down. And now I thought to get it, though, before we left.

63 And there is the proper way, the real way of, to individuals. Now, there is things can be said.

64And if the people is here, that knows that secrets of hearts that was revealed, that would absolutely... It would be horrible; it would cause crime, it'd cause somebody to shoot another, or something, if that would be revealed right here at the platform like this, in a public, in before the public. It would cause penitentiary offenses, and everything else, that would.

65 But when you're sitting together like that, the Holy Spirit, just two of you together. But we understand this, that what they asked me is private. I say nothing about it. And what I say to them, it's up to them whether they want to say it or not. See? But it's to be known between us, the interview. That's taking the person, one by a time, and sitting there until everything is completely settled, see, the Holy Spirit.

66 And then to think of the grace, the Holy Spirit telling me all about it, to each one, a whole line of them, before they ever even got here; across the country, coming, people I never seen in life. And write it out so that they would know, just a routine according to the questions the way they would answer it.

67 One brother had questions on the serpent's seed, that I didn't get to answer just exactly, 'cause their little half hour was up. I hope that he got it all right, the answers to it, on the paper. I... He had it wrote out, and he didn't get to all of his answers, so I just give him the writing back, the answers on the paper. If he hasn't, Billy Paul has it. I know the man is sitting here; I just looked at him just a few moments ago. So if he--if he wants to find that, it's wrote out on a piece of paper, your answers to your question.

68 Now, oh, how good the Lord is! I hope everybody is feeling good. Uh-huh.

69And now let's us remember, and now when I pray for these handkerchiefs, to remember Brother Dauch. He is a precious brother, and we want to remember him in prayer.

70 And I--I see Brother Ungren, but I--I can't see Sister Ungren anywhere, whether she is all right now. Yes, sitting right out from him. Sure. Yeah. I'm glad. Cause we was called out the other night, in a... just a emergency case of her and her daughter, Sister... I... Downing, Downing. Run off the road, and just the grace of God, or they would both have been crushed to pieces right there. And here they come right on to church, got on a train and come on.

71 I'll never forget you all. I love you. God knows that. I--I love you. How, across the country, through slick weather!

72When I look at some brother here from Georgia, and Alabama, and different places, and Tennessee, and around, where they ride their car down the road, where the ice, sliding, and back and forth like that, to come here for one service.

73 When I had that emergency call to Brother Dauch the other day, I didn't realize that Lima, Ohio, was so far away. Just... I thought that was a little skip, hop, and a jump. But, my, I left here real early that morning, never got there till one o'clock that afternoon, driving every--everything the speed limit would allow, and on dual highway. And I think how close that is, to way down in the South where these other people come from, way out in the North and West, where they come.

74I love you, and that's the reason I try to be deadly sincere here.

75 And the old-timers! I see Brother Creech and them sitting back there now, and ones that's been with me all these years and things, and how we come up together. I was looking at Mary Jo's picture, I believe it was a couple nights ago. Just a little bitty tiny thing when we first met, and now she's married, I guess, and got children. Brother Creech and Sister Creech, young, black-headed, and Meda and I, and here we are gray and stooped over. See, there is something about people like that, that--that grips you. See, you--you--you want to stay with them. See? There is something another that--that always makes your mind pull back. Just giving them for examples to others that's here, young and old. We look forward for the Coming of the Lord.

76 So this morning I have put it... God, I believe, put it in my heart to teach a Sunday school lesson here this morning, God willing, for a lengthy time. I... And now, this being my last service for a little while, as far as I know, the...

77 And I want you to remember that Brother Neville here, left in the church, in the charge of this tabernacle, under the Holy Spirit, that he is left here, and he believes this Message and--and teaches It just the same as I do. Right. And any time that you'd want to, you can see fit to come to hear Brother Neville, he certainly would do you good, I'm sure. He's a great servant of Jesus Christ.

78I've knowed Orman Neville since I was a little boy, and he hasn't changed one speck, only got closer to God. I remember when I first saw him on a... I was invited to his Methodist platform. And when I come back here to the tabernacle, I said, "Someday, I'll baptize him in the Name of Jesus Christ." And here he is with the Message now, going on, a real gallant servant.

79 And Brother Neville goes through many strains and heartaches, that he doesn't show it here at the tabernacle. But being that the Lord lets me have a little sight into people's life, I know what he goes through; a whole lot of it, see. And he certainly goes under a lot of labor and strains, and things. And you, you people here, hold him up like Joshua and Caleb held up the hands of Moses, as he's bringing the Word.

80 Love one another, above everything. Love one another. Don't... No matter what the devil tries to say! Now you're all one great big sweet group now, but remember my warning, see, Satan won't let that stay that way. No, sir. He'll shoot everything, if he has to bring somebody in to make his target. He'll bring some critic or unbeliever in, and sit him down, and cause him to fellowship with you under the quietness and things, and then he'll shoot that guy with some kind of a poison stuff, and he'll start through the church with it. Don't you take sides with it. Don't you have nothing to do with anything else. You stay right loving and sweet and kind to one another. Pray for that man, that he'll be saved too, or that woman, or ever who it is, just pray for them. And stick one with another.

81And stay with your pastor. See, he's the shepherd, and you give him respects. He'll lead you through, and, 'cause he's ordained of God to do so.

82 Now do you remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The enemy will come. And when he does, just cling that much closer together. And the one that the devil is using for an enemy will either get out or come in and be one of you. That's all.

83Don't never clan among one, or--or talk and make yourself clannish. We are one. I couldn't say, "Left hand, I'm--I'm mad at you, I'm going to take you away 'cause you're not a right hand." He's my left hand. I want him to stay there. Even the little tip of my finger, I want to stay right there, every little part of my body stay right there. And God wants us, as a body of believers, to stay right exactly with one another, right at with one another.

84 And now you've got tapes on that. You've got tapes on what we believe. You've got tapes on discipline in the church, how we behave ourself in the church of God, how we got to come here together and sit together in Heavenly places. Don't stay home. If God is in your heart, you can't hardly wait for them doors to open out yonder, to get in here to fellowship with your brothers. If you don't, don't feel that way, then I tell you, it's time you got to praying.

85Cause, we're in the last days, where the Bible exalted... or exhorted us to--to, "Much more as we see that day approaching," to love one another with Christian love and Divine love, "to assemble ourselves together in Heavenly places and--and--and Christ Jesus," and love one another. "This will all man know you are My disciples, when you have love one for the other." That's right. Stay right together.

86 If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll--it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that.

87You just wax that much closer together. Draw up the... Take the buckle, as the brother testified, a minister here the other night, about having a buckle, seeing it in a vision. Just... That buckles on the whole armor of God. Just pull her on, tighten up, move right up close to one another. Love one another, anyhow. Talk nice about one another, say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you.

88 Now this morning, the Lord willing, by His help and grace, I got quite a bunch of questions here, of Scriptures, rather. And now before we approach It... I think I heard the recorders click on in there. We are going to bring the Message now, by God's grace.

First, a word of prayer.

89 Lord Jesus, speaking to this body of the Church, that they should hold together with God's unchanging hand, their absolute, the Word; warning them, as Paul warned his flock, that, "there would be wolves enter in." You're the same God today as You were then, and that enemy is the same. May this fellowship and bonds of love always exist amongst these people, in Christ Jesus.

90Help, this morning, Lord, as we read the Word. May the Holy Spirit reveal It to us, that the Church might be fully established in "the Faith that was once delivered to the saints," to hold them. And may, as You gave the vision some two years ago, "to store up the Food," fine, healthy-looking vegetables that I saw in the vision, being stored here in this tabernacle, may we today receive a whole barrel full of That (Grant it, Lord.), or, a tape load: that It might reveal Jesus Christ to us in the hour that we live, to give us sustaining strength, the spiritual strength for the task that lays ahead. Grant it, Father.

91 Bless these, Thy children. They're in here this morning from many different parts of the nation. A hot, sticky morning, but yet we feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit, in all this.

92We think of John Wesley, and Calvin, and Sankey, and Knox, Finney, and many of those, even without electric fan, where people sat in halls, and perspiration running down their faces. The women, well covered and dressed, sat in the audiences and perspired till their clothing was soaking wet, listening to the Word of God, feeding their souls. Now, we feel, Lord, that they are at rest somewhere yonder, waiting the Coming of the Lord.

93 Keep us together, Father. Let the Holy Spirit guide us and direct us. Give us long life of service for You. Give us this great Message this morning that we're expecting out of Thy Word, that It might go to each heart. Make the lips that speak, Lord, speak Truth. Make the heart that hears be fertile to receive Truth, and may It grow into great trees of Eternal Life, to be shining lights and read epistles of all men; they might know that Jesus Christ has raised from the dead and lives among us. Make us so full of love and the fruit of the Spirit until other men and women, boys and girls can see the results of the Life of Christ still living in us, after two thousand years from the great event. Grant it, Father, to honor Thee. We ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

94 Now I want to read some out of the Scriptures. And I trust now that you've got your pencils and papers, and everything, ready.

95And, Brother Neville, you're sitting still. I'm just going to take my coat off. That's... [Brother Neville says, "That's right."--Ed.] It's a... Excuse me for taking off my coat, but this--this is awfully warm up here.

96 Now I want you to turn to the Book of Colossians, the 1st chapter of Colossians. And then while we read this, beginning with... I want you, when you go home, to read the entire chapter of these Colossians. But I want you to read this morning, with me, from the 15th verse, 29th, inclusive.

97And now just be as patient as you can, for I feel that in this here, if God will help me, will reveal and bring into your mind all these other things that I have talked on all through the days of the tabernacle; why I have said what I've said, and why I have done what I have done. This is why.

98Now from the 15th verse.

Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible... invisible, whether they be thrones,... dominions,... principalities,... powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminences.

For it pleased the Father that in him should be all fulness dwelt--should all fulness dwell;

99Let me put a little emphasis on that again, this 19th verse.

For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

Watch where that reconciliation went.

And you, that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, you now has he reconciled.

In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy... unblameable... approvable in his sight:

If you continue in the faith grounded and settled, and not be moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is bound... behind of the affections of Christ in... flesh for his body's sake, which is the church:

Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;

Even the mystery which has been hidden from age and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

100And I want to read that verse again.

Even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we might present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:

Whereunto I also labour, striving according to the working, which worketh in me mightily.

101 Now for a text I want to take out of there, this for a text, basing it upon the entire Bible, but I want us title this: Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed. Christ being the mystery of God revealed! Now, I took it in order as a Sunday school lesson, so we could all read together and--and have this fellowship together.

102 Now, God's secret mystery, He had before the world began. Now, back in the back part of God's mind, there was something that He was trying and was going to achieve, and He had a motive in doing it, in order to let Himself be expressed. Because, first, there wasn't even a moon, star, atom, molecule, or anything. He was God. But He exactly wasn't God at that time, because God is an object of worship, and there wasn't nothing to worship Him.

103So, in His great mind, He wanted these attributes to be expressed. And in Him was love; in Him was to be Father; in Him was to be Son; in Him was to be a Saviour; in Him was to be a Healer. And all these great attributes that we see already expressed, they were in God.

104 So, my opinion, the first thing that He made was Angels. And then they worshiped Him, and that made Him God. And He started from there. As in previous Messages I have tried to explain it, break it down. And now, then, when Angels began to worship Him, that was before there was even a molecule in the earth. There was nothing. It was all darkness. There wasn't no sun, nor no moon, no stars, no nothing, then He was God. As He asked Job, "Where was you when I laid the foundations of the world, see, when the morning stars sang together, the sons of God shouted for joy? See, now, where were you?" See? That was way back before the earth.

105 Now, God had a purpose and a hidden mystery. And that's what I want to speak on to the Church this morning, the hidden mystery of God that He had in His mind before the world ever began, and how that it's unfolded itself right down to this present hour that we're living. See? Then you will understand clearly then, you see, on, I believe, what is being done.

106 God's great mystery of how, it's a secret. He kept it a secret. Nobody knowed nothing about it. Even the Angels didn't understand it. See, He didn't reveal it. That's the reason, under our seventh mystery, when the seventh seal was opened, there was silence. Jesus, when He was on earth, they wanted to know when He would come. He said, "It's not... Even the Son Himself don't know when it's going to happen." See, God has this all to Himself. It's a secret. And that's the reason there was silence in Heaven for a space of a half hour, and seven thunders utter their voices, and John was even forbidden to write it, see, the Coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed yet, of how He will come, and when He will come. It's a good thing that He doesn't. No.

107 He has showed or revealed it in every type that's in the Bible. Therefore, the entire Bible is the revelation of God's mystery in Christ. Hum! The entire Bible is an expression of one goal that God had, one purpose He wanted to achieve in the entire Bible. And all the acts of the--of the believers in the Bible has been in type, and expressing what God's great goal is, and now in this last day He has revealed it and shows it. And God's help, well, you'll see it right here this morning, what the Lord has had in His mind all along, and has expressed it.

108Therefore, you can see the great meaning of what it's been to know this, and then try to bring it to the people. See? And then you don't... I haven't went into details to try to explain It as God has revealed it to me.

109 Now, if you want to mark this down. I got so many places I want to read from. And now in--in the Book of Saint Luke, the 24th chapter of Saint Luke, we find out it's... It is the two of the apostles on the road to Emmaus. And Jesus stepped out, after His resurrection, and they were on their--their road to over to Emmaus, going along the road, thinking and talking, and weeping, on account of His--His death, and how they seen Him suffer for what they had thought was of no value at all; they took their Lord and crucified Him. And--and they were going along there, weeping.

110And He stepped out from the roadside and begin to talk to them about Christ. He said, "Oh, fools and slow to understand. Don't you know that all the prophets and the Psalms..." See, what was He doing? Identifying Himself to these apostles, that all of the prophets, and all of the Psalms, and everything, was Him, expressed. See?

111 And now the reason I never took to preach this morning, was because, I thought, in teaching, we would understand it better than just to take a text and skip over it. We would just teach it.

112 Now, He was saying that all the Psalms and all the prophets spoke of Him. Well, there, therefore, that shows that all of the Old Testament, all of the New Testament, and all of the Psalms, the singing, the songs that were sung, were sung of Him.

113Take the 22nd Psalm, and sing it, and compare it with the morning of the crucifixion. See, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me? All My bones, they stare at Me. They pierced My feet and My hands." Yet, all those things there, them singing that Psalm down there in the temple, and crucifying the very One. See? See, those great religious leaders, those great men, those great teachers, and yet so blinded, that was reading the prophets and was singing the songs, and doing the crime that they said they would do.

The same thing is taking place this morning!

114 Now listen close, 'cause... Now I ain't going to even pay any attention to what that clock says. I want you to get this. See? I don't care. See? [Congregation rejoices and says, "Amen."--Ed.]

115So you can see here, basically, in the beginning, the very thought that God had in His mind, He hid it from all of those scholars. And the... Just a number, a selected predestinated number, a predestinated people, was the only ones that heard it. And now search back the Scripture down through the age of the prophets, and see if it wasn't the same thing. See?

116Now, and Jesus here referring them to the prophets and the Psalms, He said they all spoke of Him. See? And here these Jewish teachers, rabbis, doctors of the law, professors, had did exactly like they had done before.

117 Now notice, again, He said, "Search the Scriptures, for They are They that testify of Me." Search the Scriptures, the Scriptures, the entire Scriptures. What am I trying to do? To show you that this Bible is the thing that's right.

118 The other day, standing in a hospital room, talking, a sister had asked me to explain about denominations, why we was--was against denominations, with some denominational people.

119You see, it's got to come back to the Word, because the Word is God. See? And Jesus declaring the same here, that the Word is Him. You can't make the Scripture contradict Itself. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And, the Word, made flesh!" See?

120 Now here He says, "Search the Scriptures, They testify of Me. In Them you think you have Eternal Life," and that's true, "and They are the One that bear record of Me. And I'm bearing record of Them. And if I do not the works that's promised that I would do, then don't hear Me. But if I do the works, and you can't believe Me, believe the works, because they testify that He is the Word." Oh, it looks like it couldn't be any plainer. See? All right. Now, "Search the Scriptures." He said Moses and all the laws, and so forth, and the prophets, and Psalms, spoke of Him. And, again, He said the Scriptures testify of Him.

121 He is the principle theme of the entire Bible. If you read the Bible, and don't see Christ in every verse of It, go back and read It again. See? If you can't see Christ in every verse of the Bible, then you read It again, because you've missed something. The Bible is Christ. He is the Word. When you read, "In the beginning God created," there is Christ. See? Every... From that, to the "Amen" in Revelations, is every Word testifying of Jesus Christ.

122That's why these added books that they call "the Second Book of Daniel, and the--the Book of the Maccabees, and Agges Purgatory," and stuff like that, see, it's not spoke of in the Scripture. See? It doesn't theme up with the rest of It. There's no place to place purgatory in there. There is no place to place intersection of saints, and things. There is no place in there for that. There is no place for a denomination. There is no place for--for a creeds outside of It, of the Bible. See? So when you see those things, they--they just don't come into the picture. And that's why people has added those, and got their--their--their jigsaw puzzle all mixed up. See? They can't make it right, "same yesterday, today, and forever!"

123 But, if the thing is put together right, there is the entire picture of the fall and regeneration. The whole picture of creation, and God's whole plan revealed right in Jesus Christ. Amen! That's the whole picture set together, every little crook and corner. It's just like... Now, I don't mean to be sacrilegious by this, but it's just like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.

124That's why we got pictures today that looks horrible. Say, "We are believers," and the cow picking grass up in top of the tree. Don't work. That's when they say, "Yeah, He's every way, but just of a certain... He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, all but a certain thing." See? Then you ruin your picture.

125 The Bible said He is the same! Saint John 5, or Saint John 14:12, He said, "he," he, anybody. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also."

"Well, that was for another age."

126There you got your picture wrong again. You got a man fishing out in the desert, for fish, in a bunch of hot sand where there is no fish at. See? See, you've got to bring him back to where he's fishing, at Galilee, where there's plenty of fish, you see. See?

127You--you got to make the picture look right. It's God's great picture. And there is only one way you'll see it, that when you see Jesus Christ. There is the entire Bible. He's the principle theme of the Bible.

128 Now you realize that any of these places here you could take a text, and it's just hard for a preacher to hold his peace. He look like he want to keep going with it, but you got to get back to what we're teaching on.

129He is the principle theme of the Bible. He was in the prophets. He was in the Psalms. He was in the history of the Bible. The Bible is a prophetic Book. It's a historical Book. It's a Book of love. It's a Book of--of songs. It's a Book of Life. And in there you find Christ. He was in the prophets. He was in the Psalms. He was in the history. And He also, in the Bible, is the things that is to come. So, He was before and till after. What does that make Him then? "The same yesterday, today, and forever."

130 And you inject something in There, that doesn't make Him "the same yesterday, today, and forever," Brother Lee, where do you go to? You got an awful picture there. For, He was the history, see, and He is the Prophet. He is the Psalms. He is everything. And if you can't make Him everything, and the same, where, what's your picture look like? Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.

131 He is the thing! He was the prophets. He was in them. He was in the Psalms. He was in the history, and He is the things to come, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8, if you're writing it down. He should be, then, He should be the principle, if that's what He is. And we believe it, don't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, if He is that, then He should be the principle theme of our talking, of our thinking, of our singing, of our walks. ["Amen."] He should be the principle theme of our life. If He's the principle theme of the Bible, and the Bible is in us, then He should be the principle theme of everything that we do, say, or think; should be Christ. Is that right? ["Amen."] All right.

132 Since, we think this, since He has been made--made the Head of "all things," to us. The Colossians said so here. He is the Head of "all things," to us. For He was made... For us, which we are considered "all things." You say, "What about the sinner?" He was made to be the Judge of the sinner if he don't accept It. He was made the glory for the believer who does accept It. So there, thing, "all things was made by Him, and for Him."

133And it takes the night, to express the glory of the day. It takes the vessel of dishonor, to express the--the love and care for the vessel of the honored. It takes an evil woman, that would wear immoral clothes and--and sell her morals, to express the virtue of a decent genuine lady. See? It takes a crook and a thief, in a man, to express the genuineness of a real believer, a real Christian. It takes the hypocrite, to show up the believer, what he is.

134 So, "All things was made by Him." And since He was made all things... made, for all of us, all things was made for, by Him. Then, since that is true, we should make our identification (should be) with Him. We should be identified, ourselves, with Him, because He has identified Himselves with us. We should be identified with Him. How? By living for Him; not just a confession.

135So many people take a confession, say... I say it's got to this place now. Are you a Christian? "I'm Methodist." Well, that's a long ways from being, making yourself known as a Christian. Well, look what the Methodists does. "I'm Baptist." Well, look what the Baptists does. "I'm Catholic." Look what they do. See?

136 But the only way that you can actually be a Christian is for Christ to identify Himself in you. How we got some, a stinger there! I hope everybody on the tape gets that, too. See? See? See?

You say, "I'm Pentecostal." That don't mean a thing.

137 It's Christ identified in you. That's when He has recognized you.

Say, "I spoke with tongues." Devils does, too.

138"I shouted." The Mohammedans, Buddhas, and everything shouts. The Indians scream at the snake dance. See? Sure. They all do. Cults, clans, and everything else, scream and holler. They holler and shout at a baseball game.

139But when Christ is identified in you, identifying Hisself, then you are Christ-like. Which, the word Christian means to be "Christ-like." There is your identification. All right. Now, and since He is our identification, then we should be identified with Him, by living for Him.

140 Notice, God has had a threefold purpose in this great mystery secret. God, in His great mystery secret that He had before the world began, He has got a threefold purpose in it. And now what we want to go upon, this morning, is, what is that threefold purpose? See? Now, I believe, by the help of the... of God, Who is present, and He--He'll show it to us. Now, if He had this threefold purpose, we want to find out what is this threefold purpose.

141 The first thing was, that, God wanted to reveal Himself to the people.

142He couldn't do it as a great Jehovah God Who covered all space, time, and Eternity. He could not. He is too great to ever be revealed to people, because it would be too mysterious. How could that great Being that never did begin... that after you went beyond the cycle of a hundreds of billions and trillions and trillions of years of light space, and on out into the infinite, into the Eternity, and a great Creature that was all that, and still is.

143 But what He wanted to do, He loved fatherhood, for He was a Father. And the only way that He could express it was to become a Son of man. That's the reason Jesus kept saying, "The Son of man." See, they didn't know what He was talking about, many of them. But now you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? He wanted to express Hisself. That was His, one of His great threefold purposes, was to express Himself, identify Himself with human beings, to reveal Hisself in Christ.

144 Secondly, to have the preeminence in His Body of believers, that is, His Bride, that He might live in people.

145 Now, He could do that in Adam and Eve, but sin separated them, so now there had to be some way to get it back again. Oh, my! Oh, when I... This, this is rich, to me, just to even think of it. See? See what God's purpose was? Now why didn't He just keep Adam and Eve like that? Then He would never been able to express His fullness, His full attribute. Because, He could have been a Father there, that's true, but also He's a Saviour. You say, "How do you know He was?" He is, 'cause I've had the experience. See? See? He is a Saviour, and He had to express that. And how could He do it? Only through Christ. How could He be a Son? Only through Christ. How could He be a Healer? Only through Christ. See, all things are wound up in that one Person, Jesus Christ. Oh, my! When I--when I...

146 When I think of it, I--I just see denominations pass off the scene, and everything else just going, see, when I see God's great purpose, revealing Himself. And having, first, to reveal Hisself in Christ, "the fullness of the Godhead bodily." And, then, to bring that "fullness of Godhead bodily" into a people, that He could have the preeminences, the oversight, the leading.

147 Another one, the night, if you didn't get the tape, I preached here one night, on "A prisoner of Jesus Christ." Paul, a prisoner! See? When God gets you to be His prisoner, then you can't do nothing but what the Spirit says do. Paul, with all of his great intellects, he taught... he was taught by Gamaliel to be a great priest or rabbi, someday. And he had high ambitions. He was intellectually a great man, great authority, great man in the nation. But he had to sacrifice every bit of it, see, to become part of the Word, to express Jesus Christ. He knowed what it was to say...

148He had a notion to go over some place, some brethren had called him, but he was forbidden by the Spirit to do his own will. Oh, if--if people half spiritual can pick that up! See? He was forbidden to do his own will. He only could do... "The Spirit forbid me." See? He was a prisoner to Christ.

149 Then, this little fortuneteller one day, who he knowed, Paul knowed he had power to cast that devil out, but he could only do it as God willed it. Day after day she followed him, crying out after him, but one day the Spirit give him permission. Then he rebuked her, the spirit that was in her. See? He knowed what it was to be a prisoner.

150 Moses, his intellectuals, he had to lose them in order to find Christ, to be a prisoner. Then when God got all the world beat out of him, and all of his mighty man that he was, and stand in the Presence of that Pillar of Fire that day, he was found just speechless. He didn't even, couldn't even talk, he said. God had a prisoner then. See? You won't try after your own searching. Then God had to endue this man, endow him with power enough that he could go down there.

151And he said, "Lord, I told Pharaoh what You said, and he wouldn't do it."

152He said, "Then take this, thy rod," God speaking, that's God's Word, "go out there and point it towards the East, and call for flies." And flies come into creation, because He had a prisoner that Pharaoh couldn't pay off with nothing. Nobody else could turn him no way. He was a complete prisoner in the chains of God's Word, bound up only to THUS SAITH THE LORD.

153 Oh, if God can get Him prisoners like that! Now, that's when He can express the preeminences, you see. He, He's got the man, or the person, so that he knows nothing but Christ. You get what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. That's secondly.

154First, to express Hisself completely, God in Christ.

155Second, to have the preeminences, by this, in His Church, which is His Body, the Bride, till He could have the preeminence to express Himself through them. All right.

156And, thirdly, to restore the Kingdom to its rightly position, that fell by sin by the first Adam, back to where He walked in the cool of the evening, with His people, talked with them, fellowshipped with them.

157And now sin and death had separated them from His Presence and His entire expression. Do you read it? Before the foundation of the world, to express all of His--His--His attributes, what He was.

158 Therefore, if any Trinitarian here would just let yourself loose a minute, you can see that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is not three Gods. It's three attributes of the same God. See, it's expression. Father, He was, wanted to be a Father. He was a Father, He was a Son, and He is the Holy Ghost. And the Father and the Holy Ghost is the same Spirit. Don't you see? You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not three gods. The devil has told you them things, to make an idolater out of you. See? It's one God expressed in three attributes. To be Father, to be Saviour, to be Son, to be Healer, see, is His expressions.

159 I want to coast just a little bit so that even people listening to the tape will get the idea, that can see. It would take me around, around that clock, just each one of those subjects. But I hope I'm making it clear enough that you can see what I'm coming to. See?

160God, expressed in Jesus Christ, Who was both Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, "the fullness of the Godhead bodily."

161Now "the complete fullness of the Godhead bodily" dwells in His Church, the preeminences. All that God was, He poured into Christ; and all Christ was, was poured into the Church, the believers.

162Not denomination! We'll get to that in a few minutes, and it'll take it out of your mind forever, see; show you what causes that, by the help of God, if He'll just permit it to us.

163 What's His purpose now? Express Himself as a Son, see, and, now, that in Him might dwell "the fullness of the Godhead bodily." I'm, I've got Colossians laying here, right before me. See? That, all through the Scripture, that's what God purpose was. Then, through this Life of this Son, His cross, "the Blood," it says here, "of His cross," that He might reconcile to Himself a Body, a Bride; which is Eve, second Eve. And God give it in a type, like He did Moses and all of them. The same thing He did in Adam and Eve, giving a type, that they were Christ and the Bride. He is the second Adam; the Church is the second Eve.

164And as long as the second Eve compromises against the Word, isn't she doing the same thing the first Eve did? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Trying to say, "Well, it was for some other age." And we'll get to that in a few minutes, whether He said that it was for another age. How can it be another age, when He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever"?

165But God has purposed that and "hid it from the eyes of the prudent and wise, and revealed it to the predestinated babes" who were predestinated to receive it.

166 That's the reason, watch down through the age, whenever that Light hit some, they'd turn It away, and flashed It away. And great intellectuals and them great priests standing there, there was rabbis from great teachers and authority, like different ones, like Nicodemus and them, the man polished in scholarship, and he couldn't even understand It.

167And there was those great priests stood out there, and rabbis who were taught in that Word. My, they knowed it, intellectually! And He said, "You are of your father, the devil, and his works you'll do." Think of it, holy men, you couldn't put your finger nowhere on their life, or their father's life, or their grandfather's life, or their great-great-great-great-great-grandfather's life. If they did, they died in shame, they was stoned to death. But here stands Jesus, calling that group, "a bunch of devils," religious people.

168 Now, oh, the great revelation now! Now to restore back His kinship, to bring back, now, He had to let them get lost. You understand it? He had to let them sin, put them on free moral... He, He could not make them sin, and remain God, and then punish them for something He made them do.

169But when He put man on partnership with Him, then let man act as a free moral agent, see, the same thing He's got you on today. See? See? You act any way you want to; you're a free moral agent. So, therefore, if He put the first like that, He has to put the second like that, He has to put everyone like that, or He acted wrong in the first place. See? But everybody is on that same basis.

170 Now noticing, in bringing that back; and letting that man do that, and knowing that he would do it, knowed he would do it. But what did it do? It displayed His attribute as Saviour. And the whole purpose then is left in Jesus Christ, to become... God Himself to take the penalty of His Own law, death, to die, to redeem the wife that was lost by rejecting Him.

171When Eve went away from the Word, she went away from her mate. And when the church goes away from the Word, to a denomination, she rejects and commits fornications with the world of man's wisdom, rejecting the authority of God's Word. That sound clear? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Bible said, "Committing spiritual fornications." Any Word in the Bible, that's rejected, or if any self-interpretation put to It, it's absolutely rejecting and committing adultery against the God that is your Husband. An adulteress never enters the Kingdom of Heaven, we know that. See? Now, see, that's what Eve done at the first place.

172 Now notice again, now, what's His threefold purpose? Manifest Hisself in Jesus Christ; to come into the Body, by Jesus Christ, to have the preeminences; to (what?) restore back Eden, bring back that which lost. That was the only thing out of order. All the rest of His things was in order.

173But He had to let, put man on free moral agency, to fall, so that He might be a Saviour, to display what's in Him, see, His attribute of Saviour. Something had to be lost. And the very thing, that man fell and become lost, He become the Saviour of that, taking His Own law. And He could not do it as that great Jehovah that covered all space, time; see, He couldn't do it. And He had to become a Man. And He took kinship with the man that was lost, amen, and become a Man: God, made flesh!

174Hallelujah! Think I'm excited; but I'm not. Something inside!

175 God became, from God, to become me, to take my sin upon Him, that He might make me Him, amen, back to His great purpose of sons and daughters of God, for He is the Eternal Father. That attribute was in Him, see, so that had to be displayed.

176Now see the whole threefold purpose? See, to express Himself, He wants to become... Now, the--the world is lost, now He has to express Himself in a Man, to become a Saviour, through the reconciliation of the Blood from His cross. Now, He had to become that, to die, in order to save and to bring Hisself back into the Church, to have the preeminences in His Church.

177 Now remember, it cannot, and will not, and never will be, and never has been, a denomination! He has to have the preeminences, and He is the Word. Amen! How can any creed be injected in There? It's a... it turns the church into a prostitute, to take any man's words of any creed or any denomination. It be quickly is marked, in Revelation 17, as a whore and harlots; the Roman Catholic Church being the whore, and the Protestants being the harlots. It's exactly as clear as any person could read it. We've come through the Church Ages, and you can see that in those--those tapes if you desire it. Exactly. Then, anything that joins itself with a creed outside of the Bible, is a whore in the sight of God. And done the same thing Eve did; got away from the Word, which is Christ. Oh, my! All right.

178 Now we see His mystery He had hid in His mind before the foundation of the world. Now would you just like to read a little of this? Let's just read it. Have you got plenty of time? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We'll--we'll read it. Now let's just all turn, just for one reading, anyhow, to the Book of Ephesians, and let's begin at the--the 1st chapter of the Ephesians, to read. And now as the Sunday school lesson goes on now, in this threefold manifestation of Christ, let's read.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,...

179Now watch, it's not addressed to the world, but:

... to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

180 How do you get into Christ Jesus? By joining church? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] By a Birth! "By one Spirit," First Corinthians 12, "we are all baptized into one Body." See?

181All right, that's the ones he's talking to. That ain't addressed to the outside world. We can't talk to the sinner on this, 'cause he knows nothing about it. Paul didn't address it to no sinners. He said, "This is to that--that--that Group there that's in Christ Jesus."

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings (whereabouts?) in heavenly places in Christ:

182 "Heavenly places." Oh, how I wish I had time! Here I've got it marked right here in my Bible, about Heavenly places, what is Heavenly places. Heavenly places, just for a moment, is "the believer's position in Christ," see, "where the believer stands in Christ," in Heavenly places.

According as he has chosen us... (listen close)... chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,...

183When did He choose us? "Before the foundation of the world," when His great hidden mystery, His great secret.

... He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in (what?) love:

Having (what?) predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

184 "Predestinated!" There's the mystery. He, before Christ or anything else was ever on earth, you see His great mystery, that He chose the Bride. Knowing Eve would fall, from disbelieving the Word, knowing that she would fall; but He would choose a Bride that would not fall, that would hold to that Word regardless of what all the rest of the world had to say about It. They would hold to that Word! They are predestinated to stand there, "the adoption of children by Jesus Christ," predestinated the Church to that great, glorious stand!

185 Now you see His secret? What to? To restore fallen Eve, as she was a prefigure of the Church. And now notice, as God opened up the side of Adam and took out Eve, by his own flesh and blood; and divided his spirit from masculine and feminish, to feminish, and put it in Eve. Took the rib from under his side, and made Eve out of it; so God did the same thing, taking out of the side of Christ, the Blood and the water. And Christ is the Word, and taking the Word and making up His Church, Eve; see, back to Himself again, redeemed by the Blood that was come from His Body. You see it now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

186God's great mystery now being unfolded, that's been hid since the foundation of the world, but prefigured it all the way down through. Now watch, we find that, that He--that He did that. And here in Ephesians, and many other places, but that will give you enough to... Now, down through the ages, He has been slowly unfolding this mystery. Can you see now? Now, down through the...

187 How did He? What happened in the prefigure now? He opened Adam's side and took part of his flesh, which was Adam, to make Eve. The Bride has to be the Word, for He is the Word. She cannot stand on creeds. She cannot stand on denomination. She cannot stand on good behavior. She has to stand alone on the Word, because She is part of It. She was taken from Christ. See?

188 And to be sure, that, the whole Rapture now; Luther was a part, Wesley was a part, the prophets was a part. If they're--aren't a part... Just in the revelation that they was making up, the body, feet, toes, arms, and so forth, until the Head (which we get to that in a few minutes), see, that makes the entire Rapture. It's the Body of the Word, which is Christ. Amen!

189Outside of That, you're lost. I don't care how good you are, or what your relationship is, or what your fellowship is, or what your organization is, you're lost, outside of that Word being in you.

190 "If ye abide in Me, the Word, My Word abide in you, then you ask what you will," because you and the Word are the same. He has the preeminences. He's got the rulership. You're a... you're a prisoner to Him. The world is dead. You have nothing more... You see the rest of the people living the way they do, but yet you do not do it. You're a prisoner. You're yoked with Him. "My yoke is easy." Yoked with Christ, with His Word. "I do that only which the... pleases the Father. And if you can't believe that I am He, then believe the Word." So perfect! Notice.

191 Notice now, down through the ages, He has been gradually letting this out, slowly unfolding the mystery, through the prophets and through the types. Now we can just go on to that, and, expressing Himself.

192He expressed Hisself in Moses. Look at Moses. Born in the time of persecution of the children. He was born to be a deliverer. He was hid in the bulrushes, just like Jesus was taken down into Egypt. He came out. He went up on the mountain, come back with the commandments.

193Jesus went up to the mountain, His first sermon, sermon on the mount, come back down with the commandments. "You heard them say, them of old times, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery.' I say to you, whoever look upon a woman, to lust after her, has committed adultery." Law-Giver, Priest, King, Leader, just exactly!

194 He expressed Hisself in Joseph, born amongst denomination, his brethren. They hated him, without a cause, because he was spiritual. He saw visions. God was with him. He could interpret dreams. And his brothers hated him. He was sold for al-... by his brethren, by almost thirty pieces of silver. Just exactly like He was sold by Judas Iscariot, one of His brethren, by thirty pieces of silver. He was throwed into a ditch and supposed to been dead. That's right. The father and them was told that he was dead. That he's throwed into this ditch; taken up, and went to the right hand of Pharaoh.

195In the dungeon, how he suffered there! And--and there was two saved... The butler and the baker, one of them lost and one was saved, rather. And the--the butler... One of them was lost and the other one saved. Just as on the cross, when He was in His prison house, of tacked to the cross for our sins, become a prisoner, one thief was lost and one was saved. See, just exactly.

196 Then he become at the right hand of Pharaoh, the king that he dreamed, that had the vision that he would set at the king's feet, and all authority in Egypt was given to him. His vision had to come to pass. He might have studied of it, many times, while he was in--in that prison down there. His whiskers growing out, and so forth, but he studied it. Someday his vision had to come to pass.

197Though it linger, it's got to happen! As I spoke last night, or night before, Wednesday night here at the service. See, it has to happen. When God says so, it's got to happen. It's a vindicated prophet, and it has to come to pass, 'cause it's God's Word.

198 And the Word comes only to the prophet. The word prophet means "a revealer of the Divine written Word," the same as it does a forthteller, see, or seer. Notice. And the seer, how, the one you know is telling forth, he is Divinely vindicated by foreseeing, and it comes to pass. "If there be one who is prophet, will speak to you and tell you certain things are going to happen. And if it don't happen, don't listen to him. But if it does happen, then I'm with him. You better fear him, because I am with him, you see." That's exactly. There is the vindication, there where you know whether it's the Truth or whether it isn't.

199God is speaking back through His Word, to His people, by people. See, God only speaks through man. "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." The Vine doesn't bear fruit. The branches talk, bears the fruit of the Vine. Notice, it's always been that way.

200 Now we find Joseph, then, that when no man could touch or come to Pharaoh without first seeing Joseph. "No man can come to the Father, only by the Son." And when Joseph left the throne, they sounded trumpets, "Every knee bowed! Joseph is coming forth!"

201Glory! And someday every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess, when He leaves the Throne of His Father, see, to come forth. Everybody will bear witness that He is the Son of God. You either... It's too late then. Do it now.

202 Now we notice that through the types. We could take even David, as I spoke of a while ago, going off his throne, rejected by his own people; going up the same mountain, Mount of Olives, as he's going over to his prison. He was going to his prison house because he was rejected of his brethren and of his own people. He went up, weeping. That was the Spirit of Christ in him, to be rejected as he looked up over Jerusalem and wept, and said, "Jerusalem, how oft would I..." A rejected king. Eight hundred years later, the Son of David stood on Jerusalem, up there above Jerusalem, and rejected, and wept over Jerusalem, and said, "Now your hour has come." That's right. See?

203 All those things typed Him, just in type, but yet the mystery was hid. Them men didn't know what they were doing. They only knew that they were led by the Spirit to do some. Now, holding it back in the last days, for the great revelation. But, expressing it, express Himself in Moses, and David, and Joseph, and Elijah, and on down through. You... we could take each one of those prophets, and bring their lives out and show it expressed Jesus Christ perfectly, exactly, yet never giving His secret in full; waiting for to make it known in the last days as He promised, waiting for it to be fully comprehended, see, before He could express it, if He told the whole thing.

204Because, the Bible is written in mysteries. Jesus thanked the Father for it, see, that It was wrote in mysteries.

205 Now, the Coming of the Lord is in mystery. We don't know when He's coming, how He's coming, but we know He is coming. See? And so was all the mysteries of God waiting for this last day. After He's already been completed, then He reveals and shows what He's done. Oh, my! Never gave His mystery in full.

206It's just like this, comparing the Seven Seals. Now, when God used Martin Luther for the coming out for that first church or that church age, and when He used John Wesley, and He gradually brought them out, and was revealing in them that church age, when we... when it goes back through the Bible now and find out. But in the last days, the reason that was such a tremendous thing, that He spoke of it here and showed those Seven Thunders. And Look and Life ma-...

207 Life magazine then packed that Circle of a Cloud and Light there that they could not understand, and don't know it yet. But here telling, "Go there and wait for these mysteries to be revealed," and here months before it happened, and then it happened at exactly the way He said it would do. Did you notice in that picture? Even that Angel on the right, when He was being materialized, coming down, with His wings back and His head setting sideways, there it is right there in the picture, just exactly. Months before it happened, told here, that, "He's going to bring the Body of believers together; to reveal, take up them lost ends."

208 Here come Luther through, he only preached justification, just pounded away in that age. He didn't know what the age was. Here come Wesley through, and he pounded his age through. See? A lot of outfalls come from it, the other churches raising up. Then here come Pentecost, pounding away, and they organized and went right back into death again; as we'll get to it in a few minutes, right back into "death."

209And then comes the revelation of the mystery, to reveal what it's all been about. Where, these little doctrines, like Luther brought out catechism and everything else; and Wesley brought this, that, and the other, and these other things; and then Pentecost brought organization just the same, and "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" baptism, and things; not knowing any different, 'cause... Then come back in the last days and pick up all these mysteries and clearly explain it, reveal it. Why? It's all the last days when this great mystery that God had in His heart is being revealed.

210 Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you fail, come back to this tape again. I don't know how much longer I'll be with you. Remember, this is the Truth, of THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's the Truth. It's the Scripture.

211Like the seven mysteries of the seven last Seals, the mysteries of them. The Seals had done been broke, and every age had come down, and there they had left a lot of scattering. And God, not willing that It should be scattered, He comes back and picks up those things, those doctrines they started, and brought it on out and revealed the whole thing. Same thing He's doing now in revealing the mystery of Christ, how He was God's threefold purpose for the Church! Oh, my! Letting Him out; reveal!

212 Reveal, Webster says, is to "Make known. Make known, and, especially," Webster says, "in Divine Truth," that revelation means. The revelation, it is Christ's way of making Himself known to His Church.

213Now we're going to say, "Now, Brother Branham, you're just saying this." Now, we won't say, just say this.

214Now notice, He made Hisself known to Peter. Now if you want to mark this down, and we... If you want to read it, we'll... We'll read it, if you want to, in Saint Matthew 16:15 and 17. I'll quote it. When they come from the Mount Transfiguration, He says, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

215 "Some says, oh, they think You're 'Elijah,' and some says You're 'one of the prophets,' 'Jeremiah,' or some of them." But that wasn't what He asked.

216He said, "Who do you think that I am now?" Now there is the Church He is talking to. See?

"What does man think I am?"

217Today, "He's a philosopher; this social religion. He was a good Man. We believe His teaching is right. It's a subject to be lived by. I think it'd make us all better, if we did. We ought to have our churches, our--our so forth." That's a Santa Claus, like a Santa Claus story.

218It's not expressions of some church that we should express something. It's a life that you don't live yourself, but He comes in you and lives by Hisself, and you become a prisoner; to any human intellectual being at all. You're led by the Spirit. And how do you know?

219 Now, you say, "I might know I was losing my mind. Maybe a man that loses his mind does that."

220But if you have the mind of Christ, Christ expresses Himself through you, shows that it's Him and not... you've not lost your mind.

221Some people, under illusions of things, goes out and becomes insane. Well, that, we know that's wrong. That's the devil trying to impersonate the real thing before it gets here. See? They're always a bogus. See?

222But a real man, and to lose his own thoughts and his own thinking! Not come up blindly like that. No, sir. You come up with your right senses, and Christ takes you over and expresses Hisself. And now, to the world, you're an insane person.

223Now, if you're insane, you're actually insane, then there's nothing, the devil can't take you in complete control. He'll make you do everything contrary to this Word.

224But when Christ takes you over, He'll express that Word right through you, because it's Him. He is the Word! See? And then you can see the expression of Christ. Not some illusion of some sort, but a real genuine Christ expressing Himself right through you. How beautiful!

225 Now watch. He said, "Who do you say I am?" He is asking the Church, His twelve. Out of the millions of that day, He asked twelve, His Church.

In the millions in the days of Noah, He asked eight. Uh-huh. See?

226And He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, see, where eight souls were saved."

227I don't say there going to be eight saved now. Now don't get that all wrong. I never said that. I don't know how many is be, going to be saved in that, that that's the... that last moment to--to Rapture that little group. It'll be a small group, I'll tell you that. "For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, but few there'll be that'll find it."

228 But when the great ransomed Body through all ages comes up, then that's going to be a great throne there! Revelation 7 express it, "Great number, which no man could number," through all the ages has come up, them that's walked in the Light of the Bible as far as It was revealed to them. And now we know that Wesley had more Light then Luther did. We know Pentecost outshined Wesley. See? Certainly, it does.

229Because, it just gradually let loose, as it did down through the prophets, and so forth, till it was perfectly made known, "the Godhead bodily in Christ."

230And now the Christ in the Church is just being made known. The whole thing is the revelation of God, to take Eve back to her right position again with her Husband. Notice, and God is the Husband of the Church, and the Church is His Bride.

231 Now, Peter, when he called, said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

232Now watch. "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona," says, which means, "son of Jona." See? "Blessed art thou, for flesh and blood never revealed this to you. You never learned It from some school. But My Father which is in Heaven has revealed It to you." Notice what He said to him, "Upon this rock..." That's Peter, the predestinated Seed of God that had received this Light, and given the keys to the Kingdom. "Upon this rock of revelation of Who Jesus Christ is," He is the full, manifested God. "Upon this rock..." Not a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; and Him being the second Person. "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell will never shake It down, never prevail against It." See? "I'll build My Church upon this rock," a revelation of Jesus Christ.

233 Look, Christ in you makes Him the center of Life of the revelation. See? Christ's Life in you makes Him the center of the revelation. Christ, in the Bible, makes the Bible the complete revelation of Christ. Christ in you makes you the complete revelation of the whole thing, see, what God is trying to do.

234What is the new Birth then? You'd say, "Well, Brother Branham, what is the new Birth?" It is the revelation of Jesus Christ personally to you. Amen! See? Not you joined a church, you shook a hand, you done something different, you said a creed, you promised to live by a--a code of rules. But Christ, the Bible, He is the Word that was revealed to you. And no matter what anybody says, what takes place, it's Christ; pastor, priest, whatever it might be. It's Christ in you, that is the revelation that the Church was built upon.

235 You say, "Well, I'm a Lutheran. I'm a Baptist. I'm Presbyterian." That don't mean one, don't mean [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] that to God, not a thing, not a snap of your finger.

236What is it? It's Christ being revealed, and He is the Word. And when the Word is revealed, It expresses Itself. See? That's God's purpose for Jesus Christ, was to express Himself, to take His Own laws and live by His laws, con-... and fulfill His law, by death. And Christ, God, died in flesh, in order to condemn sin in the flesh, that He might bring to Himself a glorious Bride, redeemed back, that will believe only in the Word of God; and not swap It, like Eve did, for intellectual conceptions of man. You see it? That's Christ's idea. That's God's idea. The new Birth reveals this.

237 And if a man says he is born again, and try to place these promises of Christ, in this last days, to some other age, making Him Christ yesterday but not today, then that man or that person has been in a--a delusion by Satan. And if that man says that he believes That, and it doesn't manifest itself through him?

238Jesus said, in Mark 16, "These signs shall follow them that believe; into all the world, and to every age." Casting out devils, and speaking with tongues, and--and all these great manifestations of gifts that would follow, that, "they shall!" Not, "they may be; they ought to." "They will!" And heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word won't.

239 So it's Christ expressing Himself in the individual, whether he's intellectual or whether he's--he don't know his ABC's. Half the apostles didn't know it, see, but they knowed Christ. They never taken heed to Peter and John, knowing that they had been out of some seminary. They said, "They taken heed and noticed that they had been with Christ," when they healed the lame man, see, at the gate. They knowed they--they had been with Christ.

240 The new Birth is Christ, is a revelation. God has revealed to you this great mystery, and that's a new Birth. Now what are you going to do when you get all that group together, where the revelation is perfectly in harmony, and God expressing it through His Word by the same actions, the same things that He did, making the Word manifest! Oh, if the Church only knew its position! It will, one day. Then, the Rapture will go when it knows what it is. Now notice.

241You say, "Brother Branham, but that--that ain't..." Oh, yes, it is, too. It is the Truth.

242 Did you notice? Paul never knew Jesus, physically. Paul never knew Him. The only way that Paul knew Him was by a revelation, by a vision. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Paul only knew Jesus by the revelation, just like Peter did.

243Peter had seen Him in flesh, but he didn't know Him by flesh, 'cause Jesus said so. "Flesh and blood didn't reveal it to you. Even My Own life didn't reveal it to you. But My Father which is in Heaven has revealed the thing to you, that He is the Word of God, and upon this rock I'll build My Church." Peter didn't know Him by flesh. Man walked, and handled Him, and everything else.

244 Paul had something greater than any of the apostles did. See?

245They said, "Well, I--I've got more of a revelation than you, Paul, because, you know, I walked with Him. I went fishing with Him, one day. I heard Him talk. He sat in a boat with me, and actually told me, 'Let's go over here and fish in this place, and we'll get more fish.' And we did it." See? See? "We seen Him do things."

246But Paul saw Him after He was dead, buried, rose again, and expressed Hisself in the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel. Knowing... Paul, being a Jew, would have never called that "Lord" unless he had seen the expression, He was back, the same yesterday and forever. He said, "Paul," in other words, "I'm the same God today that I was yesterday. Here I am, in the same Light, the Pillar of Fire that Moses talked to, in the burning bush." No wonder he could separate the law from grace, over in the Book of Hebrews; he met that same Pillar of Fire. He said, "I am Jesus, Whom you persecute."

247 And here He is today, in the same manner, by the same Pillar of Fire, expressing Himself and vindicating Himself the same, revealing the mystery of God that's been hid since the foundation of the world. See it?

248Paul only knewed Him by--knew Him by revelation. Peter knew Him by revelation.

249He walked with Him, talked with Him. Therefore, you can set this Word. Now, I've just said that He was the Word. Now, a scholar can sit down and read that Word till he can just tie your mind up in any way, see, if he wants to do it, 'cause he's smart, brilliant. Get a Catholic priest, or, not so much as that, as a real good trained theologian in the Bible. Brother, a Baptist, or a Presbyterian, or something, he'll make you think that you don't know nothing, see, when it comes to talk. What? See, because that he has knowed Him in the flesh, the Word. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.]

250 But the only way you're saved is by know Him by revelation!

251If I can take, I can take the Presbyterian doctrine and tie you Pentecostal till you won't know. I can take the Baptist doctrine and show you Pentecostals a million things that you know nothing of. That's right, but that's not it. That's not His Church. That's not His Church.

252His Church is Himself revealed, (Amen! Do you see it?) and expressed by the Word Itself, that He is God. See?

253 How can you say, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," then, and be baptized in it? Heathens! Right! How can you say you know Jesus Christ, He is the Word, when, there's not a Scripture in the Bible, there's not a place where anybody was ever baptized in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost"?

254And you--and you Jesus-only people, just using the name "Jesus" for baptism! I'm personally acquainted with four or five Jesuses, myself. So you see what your denominations lead you into? That's the darkness, the expression of Cain, who brought fruits in the stead of blood. See?

255 But the revelation come through the Blood, see, through Jesus Christ, Who is the Blood of God, creative Blood in the womb of Mary. And Paul knew Him by revelation. That's how we know Him today, is only the only way you could know Him. Not say, "I'm Methodist." That means nothing. "I'm Baptist." That means nothing. "I'm Catholic." That means nothing. But by the revelation, that God has revealed the Word to you! He is the Word. And the Word, how you know It's revealed, It lives Itself and expresses Hisself through you. Oh!

256Churches has long forgotten that great revelation. That's right. Revelation of the Truth, they have forgotten it. They went to...

257Now, when Luther raised up, he was a great man. He had the revelation of that day. But what happened? A bunch of rickies got in, flat-top's haircuts, as we'd call it today, and rickettas, and all of them, they got around there. And--and--and, the first thing you know, it's there.

258 That expression. If you only--only knew the numerology of the Bible, and know what Elvis or--or Ricky means, to the Scripture! Uh-huh. Just like, why did Jesus... You say, "There is nothing to that, your name." There isn't? That name could only come in this last days, for this last-days people.

259Why did Jesus change Abram's name to Abraham, then, Sarai to Sarah? Why did He change Saul to Paul? Why did He change Simon to Peter, and so forth? You see, certainly it means something.

260That name could not be spoken till this day. That's the reason we got this hellish thing we got in the earth today, because of such things. The whole human race is corrupted. It's--it's gone, see, and that's why it is.

261 Notice now, he was all right, he was in his days, Luther, and he had the revelation; but as soon as he left, look what they did. Wesley had a message; look what it did. The old early Pentecostals had a message; look what they did. They got a bunch of men together, just like exactly the same thing that...

262God, by grace, sent Israel a Pillar of Fire, a prophet, a sacrifice, and showed Hisself among them, and brought them out of Egypt, across the Red Seas. And they wanted a law, so they could have great dignitaries, they could have something to do into it. And what did they do? They was left in the wilderness for forty years, to wander, and not one of that organization ever went over.

263 Caleb and Joshua, the only two that stood out and said, "We're able to take it, to look at the Word of God."

264Every one of them died in the wilderness. And Jesus said they were Eternally gone, right, after He had showed His blessings and power in their ages; like Luther, Wesley, and so forth. Did He?

Said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness."

265He said, "And they're, every one, dead." That's, Eternal separated from God. Their carcasses perished in the wilderness. See? "They are dead. But I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven." They couldn't see it. They just couldn't see it.

266 All right, church has long forgotten it. They accepted intellectual message, intellectuals, membership, knowledge, instead of the revelation of the Truth of the Word.

267Now look here, they say today. Do you believe that God commissioned us to go into all the world, and heal the sick, and preach the Gospel, and cast out devils? "Oh, oh, yes, I suppose that right, but..." You see?

268 A lady, talking to me the other day, she said, "Well, all the churches are in harmony."

269I said, "There isn't one of them in harmony with the other." There's Catholics standing there. I said, "How about you? You're a Methodist and that's a Catholic, are you in harmony with one another?" I said, "This pope come to unite them together, that's a good thing for all that kind of people."

270But the Church of God has nothing to do with it, not a thing. It's out from the whole bunch. Uh-huh. Right. Yes, sir.

271You want to unite that together, and one believes in something and the other; Methodist takes sprinkling, the Baptist take immersion, and both of them denying the Holy Ghost in Its fullness of the power. They said, "We received the Holy Ghost when we believed."

272 The Bible said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" There is the difference. See? That's right. See?

273And they say, "We're the Catholic church. We started early. We did this." The Methodists say, "We are based upon the Bible."

274Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Now where is it at? Uh-huh. See? Yeah. "Works that I do shall you do also," every creature, every person that believes in Him. Now where is it at? That's His Words. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Now where is it at? See? Oh, it just shows!

275 What is it? It's a hybrid condition. Look here, you take a big fine grain of corn that's hybrid, and you take that hybrid corn, it's a pretty corn. But you plant it, what do you get? A little stalk comes up like this, and turns yellow and wilts down. That's the way every denomination is, when it's hybrid, with man's words mixed with God's Words. It'll come up to the signs and wonders, and what Jesus said about believing the Word, and it turns yellow, and say, "We can't accept It," and go back.

276 Just like all them other spies did that went over and looked at Canaan. They come over there and said, "Oh, we look like grasshoppers aside of them! We can't take them! The Amalekites will, all these, what they're going to do!" And they went back.

277And Caleb and Joshua, being thoroughbreds, amen, by the Word of God, knowed God said, "I give you that land." They said, "We are more than able to take it!"

278It depends on where you're born from. If you're born of the Word of God, God's Word has the preeminences in His Church. That's what He died for. That's His purpose, that He might be able to achieve, to have His preeminence working in His Church. Let the Word of God shine forth, first, no matter what anything else looks like. I don't care if the intellectuals says this, that, the other, it has nothing to do with It. God's Word said so, and we are more than able to take it!

279"If I preached that in my church," a minister told me, said, "I'd be preaching to four posts in the church."

280I said, "I'd preach to that." Yes, sir. God's Word said so. We can do it. God said do it. Amen!

281 Oh, yeah, they excuse themselves by this. See? That's why they're blind to the Message, of the end time, this last days when God is proving Himself. They try to class It as some kind of a spiritist, or some, oh, (what would I call it?) some mental, an illusion, or something on that order. See, they--they try to make It something that It isn't.

282Just like they did when He was here, when Jesus was here, they called Him "Beelzebub; a fortuneteller," now they say it's kind of like a mental telepathy. See? When, they know that He could stand there and look upon the people and discern the very thoughts that's in their heart. The Bible said so.

283Well, does not Hebrews the 4th chapter, says, "The Word of God is quicker and sharper than a two-edged sword, and can discern the very thoughts of the mind"? And He was that Word. And when that Word is preeminence in the man, the same thing takes place again, for it is the Word! Amen!... see how you can stumble over this from now on. There it's so perfectly plain. See? All right.

284 That's why they're blind, same as it was in the days Christ was on earth. Oh, my! They stagger the same way. They said, "He is Beelzebub. Beel-..." They seen He could do it, so they said, "He's just a... He was born an illegitimate child, and kind of a odd fellow. He's just got possessed with some devil. He's a--He's a Samaritan over there, and He's got a devil in Him. That's how He does that."

285 Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that," see, calling the Word of God, the works of God, an evil spirit. He said, "I'll forgive you for that. But someday the Holy Ghost will come, and one word against It will never be forgiven, neither in this world or the world that is to come, or that great Day. It will not be forgiven." So, you see, that's written plain in the Scripture.

286So when people come to that Day, no matter how intellectual, and how big a denomination they belong to, it's condemned. They have to be! They've blasphemed the Holy Ghost, calling It "holy-roller" and something another that had an untasty name, or something like that. And God's Church had to bear it all the time.

287 Even Paul, before Agrippa, said, "In the way that's called 'heresy,'" which means crazy, "that's the way I worship the God of our fathers." That great intellectual scholar had to come to that place, "in the way that's called 'heresy.'"

288Why? It was revealed to him. That Pillar of Fire hanging before him, said, "I am Jesus, the great God that was in the wilderness yonder with Moses. I am He, and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks."

289Then Paul standing there, know that the life was laying at stake, he said, "The way that's called 'heresy,' that's the way I worship the God of our fathers." It was called that because it was revealed to him what the great Truth of Christ was.

And today, people say, "It's a denomination."

290It's Jesus Christ, the new Birth, revealed in you, that He has the preeminences, that He might express His Words. And anything that He's promised in this last days, He can bring it to pass, through His Body as He's working. Amen! It's just exactly the Word of God made manifest. Notice. All right.

291 Same as in the days of Christ, God holds the key to this revelation of Christ, Himself. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Schools of theology can never find It. Jesus said so. If you want to read it now, in Saint Matthew 11:25 and 27. "I thank Thee, O Father, God of heavens and earth, that Thou hast hid this from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed it to babes such as would learn." See? See? I don't care...

292Look at them scholars of that day, those Jews, very fine men, their organizations of Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians, and whatever they might be. See? All their great organizations, and Jesus said, "You are blind; you lead the blind. Well did Isaiah speak of you, 'You have ears, and can't hear; and eyes, that you can't see.' Cause, Isaiah said this in the Spirit, therefore the God of Heaven has blinded your eyes. You're doing like Eve did, accepting the intellectual side, and know nothing of the Spirit of God. Therefore, won't they all fall in the ditch, both the leader and the blind, too?" The leader will fall with the blind, 'cause he's blind also. The leader fall, that's blind, leading the blind, they both fall in the ditch.

293 And God alone holds this key! He expressed the same thing in a previous Scripture there a while ago when I read it, when He said, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

294And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

295He said, "Blessed art thou Simon, a son of Jonas. Flesh and blood never revealed this to you. My Father which is in Heaven! Upon this revelation here, alone, I'll build My Church. The gates of hell will never prevail against it." See? Now you see?

296 So therefore there is no school, no theologians, no teachings of the Bible among any school, that knows anything about It. They cannot know nothing about It. It's impossible for them to know anything about it. God has hid the senses, of knowing It, from the very elected teachers and everything else.

297It's a personal, individual affair with the person, that Christ is revealed to them.

298And if you say, "He's been revealed to me," and then the Life that Christ produced here in the Bible, that same Life is in Him, does not produce Itself in you, then you've got the wrong revelation.

299 If I put a life of a pumpkin into the life of a pear tree, it would bear pumpkins. "By their fruits you shall know them." Exactly right. And if the first, you put out a tree, a grape vine, and it put out a bunch of grapes; the first shoot it put out, brought grapes, the next one brought out lemons, and the next one brought out pears, the next one brought out apples, there is some kind of a grafted affair in there, that's bearing its own life. Every denomination will bear life of itself. But if that original vine ever puts out another shoot, it will bear grapes like it did the first time.

300And if the Life--the Life of Jesus Christ ever puts out another body of believers, it'll bear the fruit that the first one did. They'll write a Book of Acts behind it, 'cause It'll be the same, same Life. See what I mean? You just can't get away from it. It's the Life of Christ in you, been injected in you, by the Holy Spirit Itself living Its Life through you.

301 "Blind leaders of the blind!" Notice, God holds this key, alone. No theologian can tell you; It's not known. It's hid from them. They know nothing about It.

302So the schools, when you say, "I got a Ph., LL.D.," you only make... To me, and, I believe, and to God and to any real true believer, that means you're just that much farther away, you just backed off. God is not known by education. He is not known by how to explain It.

303God is known by simplicity and of revelation of Jesus Christ to the most illiterate person. See? Not your theology. It's a revelation of Jesus Christ. "Upon this rock I'll build My Church." No other rocks accepted, no other things accepted, no other Roman rock, no other Protestant rock, no other school, no other nothing, but on exactly the revelation of Jesus Christ through the new Birth. He borns in there, and He injects His Own Life, and your life is gone. And the Life of Christ is projecting Itself through you, with the preeminences, to the people; that they see the very Life, and works, and signs, and wonders, that He did, is doing the same thing through you. Outside of that, the rest of it's not even called to, at all. Watch God's great revelation unfolding!

304 By lack of this revelation is why we have so many different divisions among us, and so much mockery. So much division among us, is because the people lack that revelation. See, they lack that revelation, the teachers.

305Paul, after his great revelation of Christ, said, in First Corinthians, the 2nd chapter. Be sure to read that as you write it down. Watch! Oh! He said, "I never come to you with wisdom." Look at that man who did have the wisdom, but look at that man who had the scholarship, "I never come to you with them kind of a words." First Corinthians, the 2nd chapter of First Corinthians. Oh, I wish...

306Well, let's just read it. How... Can you stand a minute and let's read just a verse or two? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I'd just like to read it so you--you wouldn't be con-... It'd get even the people on the tape to turn back to it, anyhow, give them a chance.

307First Corinthians, the 2nd chapter. Listen to this great apostle here, Paul, the intellectual servant of God. Let's look at here.

... I, Paul, when I come to you, came not with excellency of speech... of wisdom, declaring to you the testimony of God. I never said I--I'm Doctor So-and-so. See?

For I am determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.

... my speech and--and my beseeching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power... of the power.

308 There, see, there is the Gospel. See? Jesus said, "Go ye in all the world and preach the Gospel." Didn't say, "Go teach." He said, "Go preach." In other words, "Demonstrate the power, and these signs shall follow them." Just teaching doesn't do it. It takes the actual Spirit Itself demonstrating these signs. See? Listen to this.

That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

309Oh, my! See, to change the man! Not in what I can explain away, and say, "He's not the same," when He is the same. If I do that, it shows, to me, it--it... Surely, a man tell me that, would show to me he don't have the revelation, the threefold revelation of God. See? Now, and...

Howbeit in weakness... among you that are perfect: yet not with the wisdom of the world, but of the princes of this world, that come to nought:

But we speak the wisdom of God in... mystery, (see, the threefold mystery of God) even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:

Which none of the princes of this world knew: none of the priests, rebbi--rabbis... (pardon me)... or anything, knew anything about it; for had they known it, they would have not crucified the Lord of glory.

310You said, "You're wrong about rabbis and preachers there." Who crucified Him? Uh-huh.

311Oh, on and on and on, we could go. Read it, see, on, save time, 'cause we got just... Not getting late yet, but we just got plenty here to say if the Lord will help us now. Lack of this now...

312 And Paul, this great intellectual man, never tried to express his great theological terms upon the people. He humbly accepted the Word of the Lord, and he lived the Word so that It expressed through him. He lived so--so godly until they seen Jesus Christ in him, so much, till they wanted his handkerchief, to take it and lay it upon the sick. There is the Life of Christ.

313Now watch some say, "Oh, well, you see, Elijah done that, a long time ago, laid his stick; but, oh, that was the days of Elijah." Now, the world thought that. The intellectual priests and things, and churches of that day, thought that.

314 But to them believers, they knowed different. They seen the revelation of Christ that was in Elijah, same thing was in Paul, expressing the same kind of Life, 'cause he was a prophet. See? He foretold things that happened exactly the way it was, and they knowed that was God's identification of a prophet. And they knowed that he was God's prophet. You couldn't shake them from it, at all. Even when they seen Peter foretell those things that come to pass, they said, "Just let his shadow pass over me." Amen! That's the Church. That's the ones that believe it. Yes, sir. It was revealed by...

315Why, did Paul say, "Because I--I got a Ph., LL.D., so forth, they believe me"? No. He said, "I forgot all those things, the wisdom of man." Said, "Had to die, and I know Him in the power of His resurrection. That's what I come to you at, with a demonstration of God's power."

316 What was it? Making Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same works that Jesus did, Paul did the same. And they seen God, the great Father that had demonstrated in the burning bush, had demonstrated It to Paul, and here It was being demonstrated.

317And He's the same in every age. God's threefold manner, "yesterday, today, and forever." What? Redeemer; in His Church; preeminences in the coming Kingdom. Amen! You see it? Just as perfect as it can be!

318 Oh, notice! The Holy Ghost is the only revealer of the Divine revelation of Christ. There is no school can do it. No scholar can do it. No man, how well educated, how godly, or anything else, there is no man can do it.

319I could sting hard here. How many is Christians, born again; raise up your hands, filled with the Holy Ghost? All right. Here we go then. All right. Notice.

320And He will only do it to the predestinated. That's exactly. "All the Father has given Me will come, and no man can come except the Father has give him to Me first." See?

321 Look at them priests, saying, "This Man is Beelzebub. He's a fortuneteller. He's a devil."

322And that little old woman walking around there, living with six husbands; she was living with five, and had the sixth one then. And Jesus said, "Go get your husband, come here."

She said, "I have no husband."

323Said, "Yes, you've got six. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

She said, "Sir!" What? That Light struck that Seed.

324When it struck them priests, they said, "This Man is a fortuneteller." See, no Life there. A hybrid, to come up as far as organization, but died from there on.

325 But this woman was not a hybrid. Said, "Sir, I perceive!" I can see her big pretty eyes shine up like that, tears running down her cheeks. Said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. I'm looking for a Messiah. And when that Messiah comes, He'll do this very same thing. He'll tell us these things."

He said, "I am He."

326O Lord! She left her pot. "Here He is! Come, see a Man who has told me the things." What was it? That Light struck that Seed. That Life was there. It come forth.

Same thing today!

327 But the theologian will say, "Now wait just a minute. I'll find out if So-and-so, Pastor Moody said, or..."

328What's Pastor Moody got to do with this, this day? Pastor Moody lived in his day, but not now. Certainly. Luther lived in his day, but not in the day of Wesley. Wesley lived in his day, not in the day of Pentecost. Pentecost lived in their day, but they're a long ways from This in this hour. We're in the last hour. Sure.

329Their organizations, and scruples up, proves that It's not there. The Word has never been correctly vindicated; just only in its strength, seeds, denominations. And they'd make denomination, then put them old jimson weed seeds in with that genuine wheat; died right out. Crop went to jimson weed, right, greenbriers and nettles, uh-huh, see, went on back to that. It died right out. Then they broke the field up and started over again, planted some real Seeds, and some of them come up, it choked It out.

330 But then, God said, in this last days He would bring out a people washed in His Blood, and they were predestinated to be there. They've got to be there. God said so. And It would reveal... And the very sign, "I will se-..." Malachi 4, and what he would do, "restore back again," bring back, in the last days, these great things that He promised, it'd bring the revelation. What is to... What's he to do, Malachi 4? Was to bring back the Faith of the fathers, to the children. See? That's right, to bring that same thing, the same Pillar of Fire, in on the scene; the same signs, the same wonders, the same Jesus; making Him the same, preaching Him the same, vindicating Him the same yesterday, today, and forever.

331"I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years that the Methodist worm, and the caterpillar worm, and the Baptist, and the Catholic; and all them worms eat that, that Faith down, till it become a denominational stump where there's no seeds left in there. "But I will restore again," saith the Lord, "all the years." What? "All the signs and wonders that they've forsaken. I'll take it right back to that original Tree again, and I will restore It," saith the Lord. That prophet was a vindicated prophet. His words has to come to pass. Amen.

332 The Holy Ghost, alone, is the revealer of the Divine revelation of Christ, and has been in all ages. Remember, all ages! Who did the Word of the Lord come to? Prophet, alone. That's right. Is that right? And the prophet had to be vindicated, first. Not 'cause he said he was a prophet; because he was born a prophet, and proved to be a prophet, and everything he said was exactly on the Word and come to pass, then everything else let go. See? It was, the Word of the Lord came only by the Holy Ghost. The Bible said, "The men of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, see, wrote the Word."

333 Look. John the Baptist would never had known Jesus if it hadn't have been for the Holy Ghost pointing Him out. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

334John the Baptist, that great prophet that come forth, and said, "There is One standing among you right now. And an ordinary Man standing here somewhere, that's the Lamb of God." John said, "Then I bore record. I bare record. I saw the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, descending from Heaven like a dove, and It went upon Him. And a Voice said, 'This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased.'"

What was it? The Holy Ghost said, "I'll point Him out."

335 That's the only way you'll know Him today, only way you'll get the threefold revelation of God, is for the Holy Ghost. And the only way it can ever be, is you're predestinated to see it. If it don't, you'll never see it. If you're not predestinated to see it, you'll never see it; 'cause that Light can flash and you'll go away and make fun of it, and explain it away, by some intellectual conception. When the very God, Himself, manifesting Himself and proving it, see, but, if it ain't upon you to see it, you won't see it.

336 God never just said, "I'll choose this one, choose that one," but He knew by His... Reason He could predestinate, because He's infinite, and He--He knows every... He's infinite, so therefore He knowed everything. He knowed the end, and could tell the end from the beginning. He's God. If He can't do that, He's not God. Yes, sir. He's infinite. All right.

337 John would have never know Him, no, sir, had the Holy Ghost not pointed out. See how God hides His mystery to the high, educated and everything? Look, every one of them people...?... And simplicity reveals it to whom He has predestinated to see it. Look here! Others standing by and never even seen the dove, they never heard no Voice, for it was only sent to that predestinated Seed. Predestinated! Certainly, was predestinated!

338Why, Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before he was born, in the Spirit, raised up out of these human senses, and said, "There's a voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, and make His... '"

339Then, if Isaiah could see it, couldn't Malachi see the same thing for a predestinated last prophet, the sealing off all the prophets of the Old Testament, that main... that great prophet standing there at the end of the age? See? He's saying it's predestinated! Certainly, he was. Malachi saw him, too.

340 Jesus said, "If you can receive it, this is he who was spoken of, 'I send My messenger before My face,' Malachi 3, 'to prepare the way before Me.'" See? Sure, he was predestinated to see that message. No wonder he could look yonder and see that dove coming down, that Light that was in the wilderness with Israel, coming, moving down.

341The God Himself, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." God and man becoming One.

342"I bare witness," John said, "I beheld Him, the only begotten of the Father. I'm a witness of it." Amen!

343There you are. Simplicity! With an old preacher, his father; his father was a great theologian, you know, he come out of a school. Look like he'd have went back to his father's denomination. That wouldn't have been the will of God.

344 When God touched him at his birth back there, and he received the Holy Ghost three months before he was born. Yes, sir. When Mary went up there, and little John was six months old, in his mother's womb, and had never... Them little muscles had never moved yet. And Mary was afraid... The little muscles were growing, but she couldn't feel no life, Elisabeth, his mother, rather. And when Mary come up and grabbed her, and hugged her, put her arms, laid hands on her. See? And said, "God has spoke to me, and I'm going to have a baby, too."

"Are you and Joseph married?"


"Mary, how can this be?"

345"The Holy Ghost shall overshadow me, and there will be created in me. And I shall call His Name 'Jesus.' He'll be the Son of God."

346And as soon as that word 'Jesus' spoke, little John begin to leap, and shout, and jump around in his mother's womb.

347She said, "Blessed be the Lord God! For whence comes the mother of my Lord? The mother of my Lord!" Oh, my! "Whence comes the mother of my Lord? For, as soon as your salutation come into my ears, my baby leaped in the womb, for joy."

348 No wonder he didn't want no seminary, something to indoctrinate him with something, another. He had an important job. He was a man of the wilderness, went out into the wilderness and waited. God told him out there, said, now, and reveal to him. Oh, there is your revelation again! "And I'll tell you Who He is. You're a prophet. The Word is to you. You know who you are. You've got to come." That answers a question from last Sunday. See? "You know who you are, John. Keep yourself quiet; don't say nothing. Go on out there. And when you see this One, there'll be a sign coming from Heaven, like a Light, a dove will come down. That'll be Him when you see Him."

349 That's the reason, when Jesus walked out in the water, John looked over and he seen that dove coming down, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God! There He is! He's the One that will take away the sin of the world."

350Jesus walked right straight out in the water, to him. Them two eyes of John met them two eyes of Jesus. They were second cousins, by flesh. Mary and Elisabeth were first cousins. Their eyes met one another. There was God and His prophet, amen, standing there.

351John said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why come Thou to me?"

352Jesus said, "Suffer it to be so now, but, remember, thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness."

353 Why did John do it? Because He was the Sacrifice. John was a prophet, he knowed; and the Sacrifice has got to be washed before It's presented. Oh! Oh! And he suffered Him, and he baptized Him.

354And when he did, lo, the Heavens opened, oh, my, and that dove come down upon Him, and a Voice said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." King James puts it, "in Whom I'm pleased to dwell." So it's just any way you want to turn it around, same thing, "dwell in," or... "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell," or, "to dwell in," either one you want to put it, same thing. All right.

355We see then it was revealed to him. Others standing there didn't hear nothing about it. The Holy Ghost, alone, reveals it.

356 Same when He reveals Himself to Paul, another predestinated Seed.

357There was Paul going around, he might have said, "If I get a hold of that bunch, I'll tear them to pieces, because I'm Doctor Saul. I come up under Gamaliel. I come from the Moody Bible..." or some other one, see. "I, I'm a scholar. I know what I'm talking about. I'll tear that bunch of holy rollers to pieces. And I tell you, great holy father, you just give me the permission to go down there, and I'll arrest every one of them noisemakers down there. All this Divine healing stuff, we'll stop it."

Put it in his pocket, said, "I'm on my road down."

358And that day, my, about eleven o'clock in the day, a--a Light shone in his face, and he fell to the earth.

359 Why? He was a predestinated Seed. God said, "I have chose him. Yeah. And I'm going to show him what great things he'll suffer for My Name's sake. I'll send him to the Gentiles, and disgrace him in every way that they can be--be disgraced, but yet he'll bare My Name."

360Paul went down, then, till he got all of his ecclesiastical stuff cut off of him, down at the backside of the desert, for three years and a half. Down there in Arabia, until he learned the Word, and the Word become he. And he become a prisoner; here he come back in chains of love! "All my seminary experience is gone! I'm a prisoner to Jesus Christ. Amen! Philemon, my brother, I'm a prisoner of Jesus Christ. I only can speak and say what He tells me."

361 God needs prisoners today that will prison yourself to His will, to His Word.

362That's what Paul was. No matter how much intellectual he had learned, he had knowed God by revelation. Yes, sir. The intellectual went all the way out of the business then, when the revelation come; which, upon the rock the Church is built. Yes, sir. Notice, he was a predestinated Seed.

363The Holy Ghost, alone, shows you Who He is. There is no man; they'll make you "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," and everything else, out of it. See? But the Holy Ghost will reveal Him as the Lord God of Heaven made manifest, that that is, oh, Him!

364 Now notice. Not prophets, not kings, not nothing else; but here, for the first time, God was revealed in Christ, in the fullness of the Godhead bodily, in human flesh. That's the revelation. Oh, my! Going to sing you a verse now.

Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening, (are they?)

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile church in a denomination, their days are numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own." You're kicked out of them.

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

365All their Hollywood jokes ain't covering it up. Like a little boy whistling, going by the graveyard at night. See?

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, God's Word they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God; (that's right)

This generation spurns God's revelation,

But we're walking where the apostles have trod.

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

366 Get the revelation, brother. This generation, spurning God's revelation! See? False prophets are doing that. "By their fruits you shall know them." They are--they are hybrid. They are bred into a organization; instead of the Word of God, the revelation of God revealing Himself through Christ, Who is the Word. Oh, my!

367 We could stop here, but if... get again when I come back, if you want to. Now there's... You want to go ahead, that's up to you. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Just a little... I'll hurry, so, but take time enough that you'll... You got some time to rest, after this. All right.

Same, notice, that predestinated Seed!

368 The Holy Ghost, alone, shows you Who He is; no prophets or His kings. And here God is manifested in flesh. Here is the fullness. He is completely revealed and made known to the world. Oh, my!

369Look on Mount Transfiguration, when the testimony of God Himself, "This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him!" There stood Moses representing the law. There stood Elijah representing the prophets. But He... They passed away, and He said, "This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!" There was three represented there; the law, the prophets, and Mo-... and Christ. And He said, "This is Him." God, fully; not manifested in prophets, not manifested by law; but manifested in Christ, He is.

370 Christ has mercy. The law put you in jail, but couldn't get you out. The prophets is God's justice, to condemn you and kill you for it. That's right. But Jesus was God's love and revelation, to let know, to a predestinated Seed, that He had called you. "This is Him. Hear Him!"

371Know! The fullness of Godhead is made known. This secret of mystery is now revealed, that God is manifested. God and man become One, the anointed Man, Christ! What does Christ mean? "The anointed One," the Anointed that was anointed with the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Oh, my! How can people doubt it?

372 Where once, partly, Moses had Him; partly, David had Him; oh, my, but here He is manifested in the fullness, Deity Himself standing on earth. God, in His fullness, to die for the sin of the people, that He might bring to His Church a sanctified Life; that He might have the preeminence, in fullness, in His Church, to manifest every promise in these last days, that He promised for the last days. See? What was...

373Listen now. Are you? Now just pinch yourself a little now. See? Watch.

374 What was Jesus manifested for? To show God. He was God. He had to be; no man could die, no prophet could die. He was God. He was the God of the prophets. He was the prophets. He was the kings. He was the history. He was He that was to come. He that was, He that is, and He that's to be in this day; the same yesterday, today, and forever. He was manifested for that purpose.

375And through that purpose He achieved a Church, that He, the fullness of God, might bring to pass every promised Word of God in these last days; when He gets the preeminences, preeminence in the Church, the position, His place in the Church. Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also; even more than this shall he do, for I go to My Father." See, that was His purpose. There was the manifestation. And now, today, He wants to get somebody that can so see it, that they can let the Word...

376 See, Jesus so seen it so, was so perfectly born for the day, until God expressed every move that He made. He was God's revelation; God, revealed.

377 Now He sanctified, with His Spirit and Blood, a Church, that He might make every promise in this last day be revealed. Now, see, He could go back and pick up what these other fellows has left off here, in the last days, and by His Holy Spirit reveal all the mystery of the Seven Seals. See, He is expressing Himself. That's His purpose. That's why He died. That's the second fold of His threefold manifestation. First, to express Hisself in Christ, then express Hisself through the Church. And the same thing, Christ was the Word, and the Church becomes the Word when it lets the Word go through them.

378But when they accept a hybrid denomination, how can the Word go through it? It's grounded, then it causes a short and blows a fuse. See?

379But when the current is flowing freely, the Word of God, It expresses Itself. "The works that I do shall ye be also." And in the last days it shall come to pass. "Behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he shall turn the hearts of the--of the children back to the Faith of the fathers."

380 And in there, there would be a time come forth when He could express Himself in fullness of His Godhead, Deity, through His Church, have the preeminences in this Church. Oh, my! What? The anointed Man; now the anointed people; oh, my, to bring back the anointed Bride and the Bridegroom. Anointed by (why?) accepting what Eve turned down, and Adam; coming back with the anointing of the Word, because He said, "My Word is Spirit." See, anointed with the Word. What Eve turned down, He comes back and we accept.

381See how that hybrid condition, again, just exactly what he done Eve.

382He told Eve, "Don't you do this, and don't you do that; and you can do this, and that."

383 And Satan said, "Oh! You know..." But she turned around and listened to him.

384But the Eve in the last day is not going to do it, because She predestinated not to do it. Yes, sir. God's going to do it. He knows. He'll have it. He said His, spot... "Church would be there without spot or a wrinkle." She is going to stand there in the splendor of Him, His Word made manifest.

385She'll be a token to the world. She'll be an ex-... She'll be something to the world that the world can look and say, well, the rest of the world say, "Ah, She's a holy-roller. She's the second cousin. She don't belong to our group." I know. That's a good thing, see. She, She belongs to this Group up here.

386 A man said the other day, to me, standing and talking, he said, "Well, what denomination do you belong to?"

I said, "None."


"None." I said, "I belong to a Kingdom."

"Well, how do you join that?"

"You don't join it. You are born in it." Uh-huh.

"What Kingdom is that?"

I said, "The mystical Body of Jesus Christ."

387"By one Spirit we are baptized into this Body," born of His Spirit, then we belong to a Kingdom. And our lives are not Americans, we're not Germans, we're not nothing; we are Christians. We are settled, and walk in the Spirit, a love-slave, from the things of the world. And our rights to the world, we've sold out and bought this Pearl of Great Price, and walk and letting the Holy Spirit manifest Itself. That's what His real Church is. That's what you are, or what I am, if we'll let ourself go and serve God, and by His Word, and not by what some creed says.

388 Notice, the anointed Man, the Christ Himself here, O God, is made known. But now... Look! But, but now (why?) He has the preeminences. God fully manifested, in Jesus Christ, God's great secret of His revelation.

389This great Light of revelation has always blinded the wisdom of this world.

390In the days of Jesus Christ, when He was here on earth, they--they had blinded them. They said, "Why, you even make yourself God! You make yourself equal with God!" He was not only equal with God; He was God Himself. See, they don't get it. And by the way, some of you might...

391 I've heard infidels one time told me that Jesus never did say He was the Son of God. He sure did. He certainly did. You just don't know your Bible. What did He say to the woman at the well? See? What did He tell her?

392"I know Messiah cometh. And when He comes, He'll do these things."

He said, "I am He, and speaks to you."

And to Paul, also, and different ones.

Notice. But now the Church has the preeminence.

393 God's great secret has always blinded the wisdom of the world. They can't get it. They just don't understand it. Satan don't understand it. None of the rest of them understands it, but just those who are predestinated to understand it, how God and Christ are One. They'll make Him three every time. See? They certainly will.

394 Notice, next, secondly, the manifested Christ in you, the hope of glory. That great, manifested God in Christ; now Christ manifested in you.

We'll hurry.

395Look! What was once God's great secret, great mysterious secret in His mind, is now put in the hearts of the believer, that is, the Body of Christ. What was God's once great secret in His mind, before the foundation of the world, is now made manifest. Think of it! See? Oh, my! Oh, I'm...

396I'm sure we don't, we don't get it. Well, I--I can't see it the way I ought to, and--and I'm sure you don't. See?

397 But God's great mystery, what the Eternal God had as a mystery, has now been unfolded in Jesus Christ, then given right down to His Church. What was once in God's mind is now in the Body of Christ. Jesus making love to the Church, His Bride, whispering secrets to Her.

398You know how you tell your wife things, you know, the little girl you're going to marry. You love her so much, you just tell her the secrets, and get her up next to you, and love you and everything. You know how it is.

399 That's what God, Christ, is doing to the Church. See? He is letting Her know the secrets, just the secrets. Not these flirters; I mean His Wife. See? All right. Now look. No. By having the revelation of His secret made known to them, by His grace! How the grace of God! People, I know it... I hope you don't think this sounds personal, to a--a bunch of people, or this, that; but the secret that God is sharing with the whole Church, if they would just receive it. See? It doesn't mean just me or just you. It means the Church, that He--He is trying to get into it.

400And you say, "Well, why don't they receive it?" They can't receive it. He said, again, He said these things. "And how could they?" Because Isaiah said they can't see it. See? And He's always said...

401 The prophet Paul said, "In the last days the people would be heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good; heady, highminded, see; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away. For this is the kind that goes from house to house, and leads silly women, led away with divers lusts," with shorts, and bobbed hair, and everything else. "Led away with divers lust, and saying, 'It's all right. Oh, they're crazy out there. Don't pay no... '" See? "Never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. And these men resisted It, as Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses," able to produce a church, and produce a group of people. Yes, sir.

402"But their folly will be made manifest," when Jesus takes His Bride and sets Her up here, and said, "This is Her," and away He goes with Her. That's right. And their folly will be made known.

403 Look at having the revelation of this secret made known to them by His grace! Look! When this great revelation, revealed mystery, is made known to you, then you denounce all the things of the world.

404Now I'm going to come back once again. I just might as well say it. I'm pointing to it. The tape's sake, and those that are going across. This tape goes across the world. See?

405You women that claim you've got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and not the audacity to let your hair grow out; when the Bible condemns it and said a woman's... a man has got a right to put away his wife in divorce if she bobs her hair. Honored before God, to do so. The Bible said, if she cuts her hair, she dishonors her head. And it's a common; just, you know, what any old common thing is, for a woman to even pray with bobbed hair. See?

406Wearing shorts, and these slacks, and things! The Bible said, "Any woman that will," (oh, you say...) "that put on a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination to God," filthy, dirty, like an old stinking bathroom somewhere. See? Oh, my! The filth in God's nostrils! And then you try to pray or offer up prayers in such a thing as that? God refuses it, turns it away. That's right.

407 "Well," you say, "now wait a minute, Brother Branham, you are talking about the Old Testament."

408He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's the full revelation of God. God ever says anything, He can never change it. He always magnifies it, not change it. The law was magnified, not changed. Magnified!

409"'Whosoever commits adultery shall be guilty of death,' but whosoever," now magnified, "looketh upon a woman to lust after her!" He never changed the commandment. He magnified it.

410"'Remember the sabbath day; keep it holy,'" one day in the week; now He magnified it, the "rest" comes from keeping the Spirit of God. "Precept upon precept, and line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Hold fast that what's good. For with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And that is the rest. That's the refreshing from the Presence of the Lord."

411And yet they would not hear It, and wagged their heads and walked away, for their denominations. Uh-huh. "This is the refreshening," see, magnifying the sabbath day; to you Sabbatarians, and so forth. Oh, my! He don't change. He magnifies it. "Hell has spread her gates to receive them."

412 Now, you can see now, the end-time Message, why It's rejected. Can you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, no denomination, but the revelation of His mystery. See, no denomination. The revelation! God is not known by denomination. He is known by revelation.

413Look! God in His Body, Christ; and Christ in His Body, the Bride. Oh-oh-oh, my! God made manifest in Christ; Christ made manifest in the Bride! And as God took from the body of Adam, the woman, and she fell; then God has took from the Body of Christ, His flesh, His Body, which is His Word, and is bringing a Bride out that won't fall by denomination or creed. No, sir. But She is coming back with the pure, unadulterated Word of God being manifested.

414I hope every man that hears this tape, and every woman, will understand that. See?

415She is the second Eve, but She is not breaking and--and spoiling Her skirts of purity and holiness, to Her Husband. She'll stay with His Word regardless of what anybody says; you can have all the ecumenical moves you want to, and all the affiliations.

416 And they're going to bring a persecution on, pretty soon, and shut up all the churches. You see that. And churches like this, who is not denomination, they'll use them for a storehouse, anything. And if any man goes and offer a prayer for anybody else that don't belong to the economical movement, will be shot on the spot. It's already. That Lutheran minister, the head of it, said so. And it's right here, You can read it right here in your magazine. Right.

417Don't make any difference what they say, that Church will stand true in this Light. She's already proved it back yonder, and She'll do it again in the face of everything. It's the Word of God. And they, all ecumenical movements and everything else, will be gone. She is going to be There without spot or wrinkle. That's right. She'll stand there.

418 Notice, God manifested Himself in His body, Christ. Now you see the threefold, beautiful thing?

419Christ in His Body, the Church, vindicating His promised Word, like God did through Christ.

420"Who can condemn Me of sin? If I do not the works of the Father, then where have I--where have I failed? Now you fellows say that you are doing it, you denomination now, now show Me. Yeah. Show Me where I fail to be the Messiah. Show where I failed of, on one sign that God said the Messiah would do, that I haven't fulfilled it," He said. See? God in His body.

421 Now Christ, "The works that I do shall you do also." See, see, the same God. See? "The works that I do shall you do also; more than this, for I go unto My Father," the Church will be a little longer in Light, see, vindicating His promised Word. As God did His promises in Christ's body, so is Christ doing His same works in Christ's Body, the Church, see, now making His mystery known to His Bride Tree in the last day, bringing forth the fruits that was in the Tree at the beginning.

422 Watch, the tree puts forth a branch, a Lutheran. What did it do? When the tree started coming up, here come the fruit coming up with it. What happened? They denominate it. So the pruner come by, the Father, Husbandman, and cut the...?... "It's dead."

423Up come the Wesleyan; it done fine coming up. What did it do? The fruit went right back into the tree again, so He cut the vine off, it dead.

424Show me one, one church... I want to know. I've got thirty-three years of church history. Show me one time, one place, where any church ever organized that didn't die on the spot. Show me one place they ever rose again, outside of just numbers and things, not a revival. See? It's not there. No, sir. She's all gone.

425 So what did her Husbandman do? Come by and pruned it. See? It brought forth denominational fruit; lemons on an orange tree, so He pruned it off, see. Brought it forth, kept up.

426But where is the heart of the tree? Right in the middle. And He's pruned them all down, till right in the top...

427He's got a Seed down here in the root. Like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water, he that takes God's laws and love in his heart. "And he shall be like a tree," Psalms 1, "planted by the rivers of water; his leaves shall not wither; in his season he'll bear his fruit." And here it is right...

428And where does the fruit ripen at quickly? In top of the tree. Why? The light's on it. Amen! That's right. And right in the top of the tree, in this last days, He's bringing forth a Bride Tree.

429 Now remember, He is that Tree of Life, contrary to "the serpent's seed," you see. He's that Seed, "the woman's Seed," the Tree of Life in the garden. "And lest they put forth their hands and move this Tree, they'd eat that Tree and live forever." And He's the only Tree that can be taken, that you can live forever. His Word is Life. And that be the Word then, the Word of God which Eve turned down in the garden of Eden; then here is Christ, the Word, made manifest.

430And when He come on earth, He was the Tree of Life. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And Rome, what did they do? He had to be chopped down. And He was put on a tree of disgrace, "cursed is he that hang on a tree," become a curse for the human race.

431And now through that, He brings forth a Bride Tree, which will be the Tree of Life restored back to Him, as Husband and Wife in the garden of Eden, (oh, glory to God) by the same Word and the same God made manifest in Husband and Wife, the same Bride Tree back again.

432 Notice, making it known! How, my, there's just so much here, we could just keep on going. Notice, the Tree of Christ's Body in the garden, making... now making His mystery known to this Bride Tree.

433Watch, redeemed by Christ, the second Adam! You believe He was? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Going back Home, to Eden, with His fallen wife redeemed back Home again. That's Christ in the Church today, taking His Wife back. See the threefold mystery now? ["Amen."] God manifested in Christ; Christ manifested in the Church; all together, to bring back the original Adam and Eve again, man and woman, which are one, made out of the same Blood and same Spirit, and everything else.

434 The Church is the Blood of Christ, by the Spirit, because the--the Life is in the Blood. That's the baptism of the Holy Ghost that baptizes us into His Body, that recognizes only His Body, His flesh, His Word. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.]

435Denomination won't, never touch that. It's a revelation. She knows it. So did Eve know it, but she fell; but this one knows it, and won't fall. She is ordained! Hallelujah! Whew! She is ordained to not fall. She won't fail. She is predestinated to it. "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin." You ministers know what I'm speaking of, when there's a couple dozen of you sitting here. See? "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin," David.

436 Notice, redeeming back, with Him, going Home; back to Eternal Life in a human body, eating, drinking, living forever. Isaiah said, "They would build houses and inhabit them, plant vineyards and eat the fruit. They'll not build and another take it." The children won't take it, but they'll be there with their offsprings. He'll build it and stay there. Amen. "He don't build, and another eat; he builds and eats, himself." Amen! What is it? His Bride going back with Him, redeemed back to the original Adam and Eve again, for death is left behind. They look back at the cross and see the death has been paid.

437And now, by faith, we are resurrected with Him, sitting in Heavenly places right now, looking back to what redeemed us; waiting for the Husband to come, to march on Home with Him.

438 Threefold purpose of God, manifested in Adam and Eve, and every prophet, and down through the ages, and He that is to come; He that was, He which is, and He--He which is to come. The whole manifestation, the revelation of the Word of God, Adam and Eve going back Home again, redeemed, God making Hisself known!

439 There He'll sit upon the Throne of David, that right, and shall own, rule all nations with a rod of iron. There will be a--a tree on each side. And each nation that comes in, this healing will be for. These leaves will be for the healing of the nations. The kings shall bring their honor into it. There will be nothing that can defile, or anything ever enter in. And Mount Zion will have a Light on her, all day and night, and the redeemed shall walk in that Light. Oh, hallelujah!

440To think, it's not a mythical story, it's not some theological conception. It's a revelation of Jesus Christ, by His Word, which is outshining. It's been true in all ages, and it's true in this age. It's true here now. It's true with me, it's true with you, and every man and woman that holds this revelation. Amen.

441 And see God Himself making Himself known, and pulsating Himself through the life, that you're a prisoner to Him now. You are His love-prisoner. The world can laugh, make fun of them, say, "Come on out." You could go, but you're a prisoner. See? The other women can act Hollywood, but not you. You're a prisoner. Amen. See, you're a prisoner to Christ. Other men can smoke and drink and carry on, if they want to, and call themselves Christians, deacons, and even preachers, but not you. You're a prisoner, a prisoner to the Word. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

442 Making His mystery known to His Bride Tree; redeemed by Christ, the second Adam; going back Home, to be restored back to the original Eden, free from death, sickness, sorrow, shame, going back with Eternal Life.

443Then, listen, so many people has got the wrong conception. The--the... To convert people to Christianity, and to its government, is not God's thought at all. You say, "We made converts to Christianity by His government." That's not it. "Well, they're not supposed to drink. They're not supposed to lie." Do you know the Mohammedans can outshine you. You know the heathens in Africa, them black men, and they got laws among their tribes that outshine anything you can produce in Christianity.

444 Why I've went to that tribe of Shungai there. If a young girl isn't married by a certain age, she has to leave the--leave the tribe, take off her tribal paint. She goes into the city; she's just a roustabout. And if she... Before she's married, she has to be tested for her virgincy. She be found guilty of committing adultery with some man, he, she has to tell who it is, and they're both killed, together. Uh-huh. Oh, they can--they can outshine what these so-called...

445What if you did that in so-called Christians? Ninety-nine percent of them would die before daylight. That's right. That's right, both men and women. You know that's right.

"What?" You say, "Well, I'm pure!"

446 "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart already." Now what about that? What about you, sister, that presented yourself to that man like that? You're just as guilty as if you did it. See?

447"Oh, but it's all right." Pastor is afraid to say that, 'cause why? His denominational headquarters will kick him out if he gets straight on that. They're hybrid. They don't take the Word. The Word said that's true. Jesus said it's true, and He's the Head.

448 Now notice, God making Hisself known. Not, we're not suppose to make converts to Christianity by a government; but by the revelation, the Christ in you, as God was in Christ. As God was in Christ, Christ in you! When, what God did in Christ, Christ does in you! What signs did God in Christ, Christ does in you! Oh, isn't that beautiful? Uh! Oh, my! I like that.

449Jesus said, "At that day," that's this day. "At that day," when this revelation is made known, "you will know that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." When the revelation is made manifest, "At that day ye shall know that I and the Father are One; I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me." Then when the revelation comes forth, then it's, "I in you, and you in Me." There you are. See the manifold, threefold mani-... What for? To bring it back. We've got to be.

As Jesus was the Word of God. He vindicated the same, if He--if He wasn't Word.

450 He wouldn't have made manifest the Word, He'd have been some great theologian. That would have been the real messiah the world was looking for. See? Yes, sir, that would have been him.

451That's what they're looking for today, some--some--somebody can exceed Billy Graham, or somebody can smother down with their organization, come up and show them Baptists they don't know where they're standing. Sure. They're looking for that. But the Church is looking for the humility and the signs of the living God, Christ. See?

452 Jesus wasn't a great theologian. He was a common peasant, a carpenter's son, so-called. See? He walked around, but God... He said, "Some of you show Me what the Bible says that I will do, that I haven't manifest."

453So the Church can do the same thing today. What Christ did, so does the Church do now. "That day you'll know that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me; I in you, and you in Me." Yeah? There you go, marching on to Zion, to (where?) the Kingdom! "At that day you will know that I am in you."

454 And watch here! Here, it's beautiful. I don't want you to miss this. Now everybody, and you people on tape, out in the jungles and wherever you hear It, now listen.

455"And as the Father has sent Me, so send I you," Jesus said. See? Now watch. The Father that sent Him went in Him, to vindicate Himself right, for He was the Word. And the same Jesus that sends you, goes with you and in you, to vindicate the same God. "As the Father has sent Me, and I live by the Father; so I'll send you, and you live by Me." What is He? He's the Word. You live by the Word. Oh, how I'd like to take a text on that, and preach now for about a couple hours on it, see, on that, how he was... on that. Notice, notice, "And the Father that sent Me," went with Him, the Father that sends.

456 The Jesus, that sends us, goes in. "A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me, for I," personal pronoun, "I," the Person, Jesus, "will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. The works that I do shall you do also." Now go back and see what He done, then see what you do, then compare yourself.

457 "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. And as the days of Lot," when a modern Billy Graham, Oral Roberts went down into Sodom and preached to them Sodomites, and blinded their eyes, see, with the Gospel. One Angel stayed back, a Messenger with Abraham and the Elected group, and what kind of a sign did He do? See? And what did Abraham call Him? Elohim, God manifested in flesh. Jesus showing that He Himself, God in Him, will be manifested in His Bride in the last days! Oh, my, my! Just no end to it; just a revelation of God! It's Eternal, just keeps moving on and on and on.

458 Notice, then, One like the first Adam and Eve, before sin separated them in death; now Christ, the second Adam, in Life, redeems His Bride from death; and now on His way back to the original Eden, restoring back His Bride in fellowship, back with God, as Husband and Wife, in the Garden of Eden, sure, Christ and His Bride.

459 And God, at that day, "The Kingdom be given over to the Father; He might be all-and-all." "While he's yet speaking, I'll hear." David, Christ, David sitting on the Throne, the King over the whole human race. "And while they're yet thinking, I'll know what they're thinking about. Before they speak, I'll answer them. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together. The lion shall eat straw like a bullock, and they shall feed together and lay down. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy Mountain," right back exactly to Eden again, as hard as it can go!

460There is His threefold purpose. O God, help us to know it! Help us to know it!

461 Listen closely now again as we go on, going back to the original Eden.

462Then when we are born of Him, we are filled with Him. See, your life, His Life is in you. Then, all our actions should declare Him.

463Like taking--taking life out of one tree and putting it into another. Take a life out of a pear tree and put in an apple tree, it'll bear pears. It's got to, 'cause the sap, the life in it, the germ is pear tree. All right.

Then, all of our actions should declare Him.

464We have His Name. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We should bear His Name.

465 And remember, we are now, as His Bride, pregnated with His Spirit. Oh, my! The Church, bearing children, see, pregnated by His Spirit with His Name; bearing His Name, bearing His Life; bringing forth the signs of His Life, evident with the preeminences, evidence of His resurrection; showing that He is not dead, but alive forevermore. This is Eternal Life, and vindicated, vindicates to the world that we are alive in Him. Whew!

466 How do you know, 'cause you're a church member? Because, Christ is living through you, so pregnated with His Spirit that you--you're a prisoner to anything else. You're confined, oh, my, to the Gospel, confined to the Word, and all the children that you can bring forth is that, 'cause you're a prisoner.

467You can't commit adultery; you're already pregnated. Glory! He can't take a hold. The womb of life is closed to anything else. You're already His, by predestination. That Seed has come to Life; no world can get in. Oh! Oh, how we'd like to stay on this for about an hour! I'm sure you understand. See? Christ, and His alone, already finished. The Seed was there. The Seed was, already. When was it put there? "Before the foundation of the world, has predestinated us unto Eternal Life." And as soon as the Life-giving flow, that Seed laying there... Other seeds that just would come in, wouldn't take hold, just couldn't do it, like. But when that Seed come in, quickly it stopped up the womb; all the rest of the seed was drove out, see, like that.

468And you become a prisoner, surrounded, in Christ. Christ in you, His Life bringing forth His evidence, His signs. Oh, my, my, my! Look, bringing His signs of Life as a evident of His resurrection, proving to the world that Eternal Life, vindicates to the world that we're alive in Him. And think of it, alive with God, our Redeemer, Who created us for the very same purpose, the Church, and His creative Life in us.

469That is, Moses could said, by the Word of God, "Let there come," and there come flies. A God can make flies can make squirrels. See?

470 So He can do whatever He wants to. He can create. He can do anything. He's God. The very same God, that creative Life, you see, that's in you, can... You're a prisoner; you can't speak it till He says speak it. But, when you spoke, it's God's Word. He's vindicated it to be so. Everything else is right, and He knows, when that's spoke, it's got to be so. See?

471Moses took his rod, and said, "Let there come frogs," 'cause God said, "Let there come frogs." He just transmitted it on out. That's right. And frogs was in everything, everywhere was frogs. Where did they come from? Nobody knows. They wasn't there before. But the Creator, God, working through a man, created things, a living species.

472The very God that made the first frog can make the second frog. He makes all frogs. Oh, my! You see what I mean? Made the first squirrel, makes the second squirrel, make any squirrel; can make squirrels where there is no squirrels. He can do anything He wants to! He is God! He is God! His Life! Oh, my! When I think of it, makes me shiver! Uh-huh.

473 Oh, to live with Him, going Home with Him, to live with Him! Going Home with Him to live with Him forever, having Eternal Life!

474This is God's great mystery of love expressed, that God and man became one. See? The whole thing is God and man, one. God and man was one, there; and God and man is one, here. See? What is it? Being filled with His Spirit, Him having the preeminences. That was God's achievement, that's God purpose to do that: that He might be in Christ; and Christ in us; and all of us together, one. The Holy Spirit, same thing; It revealed it to Christ, reveals it here; the supernatural creative Power. Oh, my!

475 The same God that could--that could say that to Moses, "Let there come frogs," the same One could stand up there, "Let this water be turned to wine." See? Amen. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's the same God, the same One.

476He just don't change. It's God in man. That's His manifestation. That's what He's revealing. That's what He's trying to do, and God's Own Word revealing It. Shows that man cannot create; God is the Creator. And it ain't man no more; it's God the Creator, in man, which is His Church now. Amen!

477Going Home to Heaven, live with Him, ever. God expresses Eternal love to the Church.

478 Listen, listen close now. I want you not to fail to get this. No other church, no other sign, no other fellowship, no other government, no other testimony, no other creed, no denomination, is accepted outside of This. God accepts nothing else but that, "Christ in you, the hope of Glory," the only thing that God recognizes. No fellowship, no church, no creed, no denomination, no nothing; everything else is dead. It's fragments that has to be cut off, pruned off away from the thing, that Christ might live with preeminences in you.

479Not referring back! I got one limb here, that says, "It's my organization." That's got to be cut off, too. "I got my so-and-so here. This says this. My mother will tell me I'm a holy roller." That's got to be cut off, too. See? "Well, I know my husband wants me to wear these shorts." That's got to be cut off, too. See? It's got to be cut off and pruned till there's just you and Christ, alone. See? Uh!

480 Think! By the living Presence of the living Christ by the living Word; oh, living Christ, living Presence, living Word! Watch! By His Own personal, personal vindication proves His Church.

481Not members! He never done it in the days of Moses. He never done it in the days of anybody else at the end of the world, when it come to the place where it was the destruction. The days of Lot, it wasn't membership. It was personal vindication, God in flesh, see, personal vindication.

482 Remember! Think of it, that, people born of His Spirit, in a day like this, in this great denominational age that we live, and the living God takes His living Word and--and vindicates it, personally, this Life that's in the Word, the germ that's in the Seed! And the Word is a Seed that a sower went forth to sow. And the Life is Christ, in the Word, personally in you; vindicating something that you cannot do, proving Hisself that it's not you, but it's Him. And you've become one, a--a--a love-slave to Him, to be a Bride.

483 Thanks be to the living God Who created the heavens and the earth and all that's in the midst! No wonder, "He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; He that was, which is, and shall come; the Root, and Offspring of David; the bright and the Morning Star." He is all-in-all.

484 His Presence, in the individual, with a personal vindication of Himself expressing Himself, the living Word that's promised for the day, expressing Itself through you, a vindication of the great revelation of God. Look, only in an individual, never in a group! An individual; not in a group! His identification is with an individual. You get that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not with the Methodist, not with the Baptist, not the Presbyterian, not the Lutheran, not the Pentecostals, but as an individual!

485"I'll take one, and leave one; I'll separate them." That's right. "There'll be two in the field; I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in bed, and I'll take one and leave one."

486It's not a group. It is a personal vindication of a pregnated child of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, so surrendered to God that he don't care about anything else. And the Holy Spirit living Its Life, pulsating through him, showing the personal--personal vindication of the Word, Itself, expressing Itself to the people and to the world.

487 How can the world blindly walk by something like that? Just as the same as the Catholics walked by Saint Patrick and didn't recognize him till after he was dead. Same thing they done by Saint Martin, didn't recognize it. Same thing they've done in all ages.

488The same thing they done to Joan of Arc. The Catholic church burnt her, for a witch, because she was spiritual. About a hundred and fifty years later, dug up the body of those priests and throwed them in, to do penance.

489 It goes right by them, and they don't recognize it till it's gone. It only picks up the predestinated Seed that God predestinated before the foundation of the earth. The same thing come through in the days of Noah, same thing come through in the days of Moses, days of Elijah, days of the prophets, days of Jesus, on down through and to this very hour. The pregnated person with the Seed of God, the Word in there manifesting Itself, so surrendered to the will of God that the Word, and the Word alone, manifests Itself in this person, the prisoner, to an individual.

490 Not say, "My church..." Now, "my church" has nothing to do with it.

491It's an individual, one person! All hell is against this Teaching. All hell is against this Truth, but it is the Truth.

492Jesus never said, "Now, Peter, you and John, and all the rest the people, you've got the revelation, now the whole church is saved." No.

493It was to him, personally. "I say unto thee, thee," not to them, "to thee, thou art Peter; upon this rock I'll build My Church." And the word Peter, means "a stone." Stone means "the confessed one," or, "the separated one."

494Upon a certain stone, upon a certain thing; see, a called-out, the Church called out; upon this stone, upon this "revelation." "Flesh and blood never revealed it to you. But upon this revelation, called-out group, I'll build My Church in them. And all the gates of hell will never be able to withstand it."

495"Not one hair of your head shall perish. You are Mine! I'll raise you up in the last day, give unto him Eternal Life, and raise him up at the last days." There it is, the revelation. Not them; but "him," an individual! Not a group; an individual! All hell is against it.

496 But His mystery is only revealed to His beloved Bride. That's the only one could see it.

497He said, "Well did Isaiah speak of you, you hypocrites, you snake in the grass. You go out here and say, 'Oh, the great holy prophets! We mark their tombs. We polish them.'" He said, "You are the one that put them in there." Did He say it?

498Same thing He would say to the Catholic churches in their days, when they were sent the prophets of the old--the old testament before they had Nicaea, Rome up there, and elect. Them old prophets come out of there eating grubs and things out of the ground, with not even clothes on, with sheepskin wrapped around them, and tried to stand for that Truth of the Bible. But the Catholic church wanted their intellectual conception. Then they brought out... There come Saint Irenaeus, Polycarp, Martin, all the rest of them. And what did they do? They put them in the tomb, Joan of Arc, Saint Patrick, and the rest of them. They put them in there, now come back and whiten the walls like they did Joan of Arc. What did they do? They put them in there!

499 Then I say, as His Spirit calls onto you, "Whited walls! You hypocrites, calling yourself something, when you take the intellectual conception of man, and leave the Word go. Instead of come pregnated with the Seed of God, the Word in you, you've taken every other hybrid." No wonder she set as a "whore," because she "commits spiritual fornications," teaching the people things of man and not things of the God.

500But He said, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." That's right. Certainly. There we have it.

501 The Bible, in Revelation, said, "This great city reigned over all the kings of the earth." Said she was a "whore." What is that? A woman that claims to be a lady and commits fornication. "She had a cup in her hand," of toast, to the world, "of the... filled with the filthiness of the abominations of her fornications." And she had daughters, the Protestant churches, that every one come out of her with her same false doctrines, same baptisms, and by shaking hands, instead of the baptism of the Holy Ghost; and their false doctrine of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," and all that, instead of taking the Name of the Bride--Bridegroom, and so forth.

You say, "It don't make any difference." It does.

502If I put my name on a check, and say, "the reverend," to "minister," or so forth, that won't cash nothing. That's right. It's turned down at the bank. Uh-huh. Notice. All right.

503 But all this mystery is revealed only, as He promised, to His Bride. Hell is against this Truth, of the revelation of this mystery. But the Bride is standing on it. That's Her stand.

504Why do you hunger, Church, why do you thirst? It's the Father trying to reveal this hidden secret to you. But you let so many things get it out of you. You let your job, you let your wife, you let your husband, you let your children, you let the cares of the world, you let some pastor, you let somebody else get that out of you, when you know that way down in your heart you're thirsting, hungry. It's God trying to reveal it to you, see, the revelation. The last day is here. Notice now.

505 Let's look back again. I can't pass all this. See? I just want you look here just a minute now, and we'll close just in a few minutes. You'll be... Just give me your undivided attention for a minute.

506 Notice, Colossians, the 18th verse here. In the Book of Colossians, 18th verse.

Now he is the head of the church, the body: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in--that in all things he might have the preeminences.

507 "He is the Head of the Church, which is His Body, and He wants the preeminences." Listen now, listen close while we're going. What? He is to be the Head of the Body, His Bride's Body, which is taken from Him; flesh and bone, like in Adam, see, Bride.

508"Born from the dead," see, that's, born from the dead, sin of unbelief.

509What killed Eve? Unbelief. Is that right? Their unbelief in what? By, for the un-... the unbelief in God? No. She had faith in God. Sure. Did she say, "There is no God"? No, sir. She wasn't an infidel. "Well," she said, "you know, I don't believe His Word at all"? Oh, no. She believed all but one little thing. See?

510 Now didn't the Bible say, over in the Book of Revelation, Jesus said Himself, "I--I Jesus have sent My angel to testify of these things unto you"? "Whosoever shall take one Word from It, or add one word to It." And if all this heartache and sorrow had to come because a woman doubted one Word of God, will He let you back doubting one Word? He would be unjust. Uh-huh. See? See, that wouldn't be right. Condemned...

511Here is one man standing, and he caused all this heartache because of one word doubted; then he goes ahead and takes years of experience and everything, and the Bible and so forth, and others who have give their lives for it; then say, "Oh, you can go ahead and eat it. That's all right, I'll let you back, anyhow"? Oh! God is no respect of person, but...?... See? See? God is no respecter of person. Now notice.

512 Notice now. "He is the Head of the Body" that's born from the sin, of unbelief in God's Word. That exc-... that excuses every denomination, every creed, see. Unbelief in the Word; which is Himself, the Word of Life. See? The Word, only, has Life. Any other word is a hybrid. No matter how much it looks like It, it isn't the Word.

513The Word produces Its Own Life, that Eve swapped for personal knowledge. See how the church has, today, through some man's understanding? Moses had a great understanding of God till he met the burning bush, then he saw his failure. The burning bush had what Moses lacked. The Word has got what the denomination lacks.

"He, the Head, is the first fruits of the resurrection."

514 We'll go off this, "revelation"; just a little while longer, if you say so. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. All right, right, just a little bit now.

515"He is the first fruits of the resurrection." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Watch. Then, what is He? "He is the Head of the Body, which is His Church, Bride." Uh-huh.

516Then, the Bride-Body must follow the Head, for it is part of His resurrection and part of the mystery. It's impossible for it not to go. Oh, my! It's part of God's mystery, how God revealed Himself here and raised it up by the Word, so He reveals His Church and raising it up by the same Word. It's a part of His threefold mystery.

517 As the Head was took from the grave, so must the Body follow Him back to Eden. Where, the Head of the family, the Man, the Bridegroom; the Bride being the Body of the Bridegroom, must follow, the Bride, because that's the Head. And the Head is revealed, and come back with Eternal Life; and the Body must follow that, because it is Husband and Wife again. Amen! And as long as you're pregnated with the same Word, which is His Body; you've took His Body, become in Him, when you took the Word. Not the creed; the Word! Oh, my!

518Wouldn't that make a text for this afternoon, to go on? Huh? My, wouldn't that be wonderful? See? Just think of it now, what it is.

519Therefore, the Body cannot recognize... Don't you fail this. The Body, therefore, cannot recognize any other headship but the Word. Cause, the--the Head is connected with the Body, and the Head is the Word, and it's the same Word, one Headship! Therefore, denominations, and holy fathers, and everything else, is dead dung. There is one Headship, that's Christ. The Body only recognizes one thing, the Word!

520 Now show me where somebody was baptized, in the Body, in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost"? And what you recognizing? See, I realize I'm talking to thousands, on tape, you know, and we got a tape ministry around the world. What name are you baptized in? "For there's not another name given under Heaven," said the Word, "whereby man can be saved." If you're baptized, to show your belief in Christ, and then take on a creed name, then you're a hybrid. If you're not exactly like that church and exactly like their teaching...

521 Then, you Catholic people, see, how can you go under the jurisdiction of a pope now, saying that he is the successor by apostolic succession, from Chri-... from Peter, and this pope and this church teaches so contrary to this first Word which God recognized, by signs and wonders, to be His Church? And to see that same Word being brought forth today in its purity, showing the same resurrection that He had there, God living among His people, doing the same things, then you can recognize a headship in Rome?

522Our Headship is in Heaven. I'm not going to Rome; I'm going to Heaven when I die. See? See? The Headship is in Heaven.

523 And the Body must follow the Head, as the wife follows the husband. Being that Adam was not deceived, he walked out with Eve. Eve was deceived, she was in the transgression, or the entire resurrection of the whole Body would have come forth at the day of the Lord Jesus when He come forth from the grave. But He had to redeem Her, which is His Body. She has to be redeemed in order to come to Him. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh my! See, it couldn't have happened then. The redemption is going on.

524 Now you see the Seals? When He was in His mediatorial work back there, redeeming, but someday He comes forth to get this Book that He's redeemed. And all that's in this Book would be Him, for that's the believer, the words in the Book, and the Word is Him. And all that's in that, He come forth for this Book of Redemption, whose names are written on the Book before the foundation of the world, when He was slain as a Lamb.

525And here He is today, in His Word, manifesting the same thing He did there. She can't recognize another headship. No, sir. There's no bishop, no nothing. She recognizes one Headship, that's Christ, and Christ is the Word. Oh, my! Whew! I love that. Uh! Yes, sir.

526 As the Head was took up from the grave, so must His Body follow Him into Eden. Therefore, the Body cannot recognize any other headship, but the Headship of the Word.

527No denomination can put anything to It. "For whosoever shall take one Word away from It, or add one word to It, it took away from It." You're dead, hybrid, right there. She's back here, this testimony in her hands, "the filthiness of her fornications, committing in spiritual adultery," against the very Word that she claims to believe. See?

528 Therefore, it's the Word, or nothing. That's right. He, the Word! How do you know it's right? He, the Word, is vindicated. See? He, the Word, properly vindicated, is the Headship, the Head of the Church. He is the Word, the Headship. He is properly identificate, identified, vindicated, by His Own Spirit being in the Church Itself, the person. Showing forth Himself, in vindication, is the direct proof to the entire Body. You don't need creeds, then. Denominations has perished. But the Headship Itself, recognized in the Body by personal identifications, see, identifying Himself, proves the Headship to the Body. Then, we are united under One vindicated Headship, that is, Christ, the Word of God [] not under any church.

529 Then, our Headship is a Kingdom. "The Kingdom of God is within you," said the Bible, Jesus. The Kingdom! We are not a denomination. We belong to a Kingdom, and the Kingdom is the Word of God made Spirit and Life in our own life, bringing to pass every promise in this day, as it did in that day when the Word and God was one. And the Word and God is one in His Church today, making It the Headship of the Body that is redeemed, to bring the Message in the last day; and be taken up from the dead, in the resurrection, to go back and restore again, as Adam and Eve, in the beginning in the garden of Eden. The threefold mystery of God, His Body! Oh, my!

Notice closely now, like in types, Israel of old. []

530 Am I taking too much time on it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Don't let me, don't let me go too... Now listen. Now we ain't got but about twenty more pages. See? See? But now I... Just a little bit now, and then--then I'll leave you all go till next summer, or sometime, if the Lord willing. See?

531 Now look. Notice now, united together under one Headship, in a like manner, type of Israel of old. Now you getting it? Like Israel of old; one God, vindicated by a Pillar of Fire, and revealed Hisself through a prophet, to be the Word. The same God, same Pillar of Fire, same way; He cannot change His ways. Is that... Just perfect as it can be. Isn't it? See? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

532 One God! How many Gods did Israel have? [Congregation says, "One."--Ed.] How many has the Bride got? ["One."] How many will there ever be? ["One."] Sure. Sure.

533See, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, which was the Pillar of Fire in the days of Moses, the great prophet. He was directed by a Pillar of Fire. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Going to a promised land.

534 And in the Christian age, there was one God which appeared in a form of a Pillar of Fire, to a prophet called Paul, who was sent to the Gentiles, to take a people out for His Name's sake. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

535And in the last days, has come down in like manner, vindicating Himself, see, in the same sign, same wonder, same Pillar of Fire, same Gospel, same Word, same manifestation.

536 His Body will do the works that He promised, like in Mark 16, and so forth. His body was not held in the grave, but was recognized with Him in the resurrection. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, the Body of His believing children will not be held in the grave when He comes, but will be recognized with Him, because He died for the purpose to resurrect His Bride, the Body. Recognized, because it is His Body, because it's the Word. It's so completely yielded from denomination things, to Him, and He is the Word. See? And it's recognized with Him because now we have the first fruit of our resurrection, by know that we've passed from death unto Life, become prisoners of His. And God, proving to us by His personal Headship that He is the same yesterday and forever, by doing the same things through the Church that He did then, "He in me, and I in Him, in you," you know, so forth. That's right.

537 His body was not held in the grave. Recognized with Him in the resurrection, same as He is now, listen, which means this: His Word, which He is, has been begin to be risen. The Word, that down through the age of Luther, Wesley, see, has begin to raise up to Its power; there It begin to move, then It moved a little more, now It's coming up to identification. See? Watch. Now, to the Life in the Body, is a vindication of the Rapture is at hand. When you see the Headship and the Body becoming One, and the fullness of the measure of His manifestation, shows that the Body is about ready to be received to the Headship.

Nations are breaking. Israel is awakening.

538 See what I mean? He has begin to give Life unto His Body, (why?) the One that He has redeemed. The mediatorial work is done, He's bringing His Life to Body, in a vindication for the Rapture. Remember, now, in the last day...

539I--I, if you'll let, just bear me on this just a little bit now, now, it'll be all right. I don't want you to miss it. I--I, and I got... I got to take this tape now, being I started this far. One more great remark I want to make, if I have to move over a little of it.

540 Now notice. Listen to this. Now is the great thing. Now is where we want to watch. Remember, in the last days, will exactly go back and vindicate the first day; see, Adam and Eve, husband and wife, no sin, Life; then the fall. Notice, notice closely.

Twist her up. Uh-huh.

541Notice what caused it. Lucifer! Lucifer is doing now as he did at the first time.

542Just as the kingdom of the Gentiles was brought in, with King Nebuchadnezzar, vindicated the Gentile race by a prophet who could interpret unknown tongues, visions, dreams. And it's come down through the Gentiles, without anything, just Medo-Persians, and iron and so forth, and in the feet it goes out the same way again, the Gentile kingdom.

543 Notice Lucifer, in the last days, is doing as he did at first. What did Lucifer do? The first thing that Lucifer done to separate the fellowship of God and man, he wanted to build him a united kingdom, a greater splendor and seemingly more cultured, a greater kingdom than Michael, Christ had.

544You got it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, now if you miss it, just hold up your hand, I'll say it again, you see. See?

545Lucifer, at the beginning, his purpose in heart was to achieve a brighter and greater thing in Heaven than Christ had, is that right, by seemingly a more cultured, more beautiful, more splendor, than the Kingdom of Christ. Do you think we'll have automobiles in the Millennium, and airplanes? See? See what Lucifer is doing?

546 Now, the big fancy intellectual denominations are doing the very same thing, gathering themselves together to do the same thing. See? They are gathering and a denominating themselves, each one trying to beat the other one. And now they got so much splendor, they don't know what to do but to unite it with the Catholic church. See? Lucifer again building a bigger kingdom, to push out people that don't believe in denominations; and even take their church buildings and make storerooms, and the pastors of such has no rights at all.

547And a man that is a God-sent man would never stay in a denomination after hearing This or seeing It, if he--if he's got enough to go out and look at It. Certainly. See? I don't say that critically; I say that truthfully, see, to see that revealed.

548 Notice, in this last days, Lucifer is doing the same thing. Can you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The devil doing the same thing, building up a hybrid church, a hybrid by hybrid members, hybrid by knowledge instead of the Word, by intellectual men instead of born-again men, building an intellectual kingdom that will outshine Christ's little bitty flock. See? What is it that did that? Fallen angels.

549The Bible said it was fallen angels who listened to Lucifer instead of Christ, Who they once belonged to. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

550 Now listen close, "fallen angels." What kind of angels? Luther, Wesley, Catholic, Pentecostals, who kept not their first estate like the Angels did, and has fell into organization, like Lucifer's main hold at Nicaea. And what have they done? Organized a great ecumenical association of ministers, to make "an image unto the beast," as the Bible said. And building a Christian economy that'll close the doors of this church and others like it. See Lucifer at his work?

551I'm trying to bring you the threefold revelation, or mystery of God.

552 What did they do? Sold out to reasonings of wisdom and education, like Eve did, fallen angels did. Wesley was a man of God; but what followed him? Fallen angels got into it. What was the angels, first? Creative beings of God, but fell for Lucifer's wisdom, fell for Lucifer--Lucifer's wisdom. And you see what they become? Fallen angels. And organizations, from men of God who has went forth to establish Truths in the earth; before that Truth could go on and proclamate and get on to the real revelation of Christ, fallen angels come in and took it over and made denominations out of it.

553That's the reason the revelation of the Seven-Seal mystery had to be unfolded.

554Now you see it? What they left off! If Luther would have went on, it'd have been here. If Wesley would have went on, if Pentecost would have went on, what would they'd done?

555 Now there is only one thing can happen. There has to be a Message at the end time, when there is nothing else can follow It. And now the ecumenical world has set up such a regime that there can be no denomination and no not nothing else follow it; you're either in it or you're not in it. The fruit is in the top of the tree, and the Light is shining on that predestinated fruit. And she is ripening into Christ-like fruit, bringing forth the same mellowness and sweetness, and the same Spirit that He had in Him. Hope you see it! See?

556I--I try to put too much in one day. I wear you out. [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.]

557 So, look, they sold out to reasonings, sold out to reasonings of denomination. "If I can just belong to this! The--the mayor goes to this church." See? "If I can be a Methodist, or a Presbyterian." Just look where they've gone. Now, I've just explained, them limbs are pruned off. They're dead. They're not connected with Christ any more; they'd be bringing the same Life. They're not connected with It.

558But they're--they're like a citrus fruit. Any citrus fruit will live on a citrus tree, but it'll bring its own fruit. You put a grapefruit in a--in a orange tree, it'll live by the orange tree, but it'll bring forth grapefruit. You put a lemon in there, it's a citrus fruit, it'll bring forth an old sour lemon, but it's living off of the life. And that's what denominations are doing, by under the name of the church.

559It's the Bride that's the original Tree, the original Spirit. The revelation comes from Christ, not the denomination. Christ! Notice.

560 What's the denomination trying to do? Exalt itself, like Lucifer. They so-call themselves "the Church, the Bride." Which, they are in Revelation 17, as is spoke of, the false bride. Above Christ's little flock, the Bride; Lucifer thinks and exalts himself above the humble Word of God's Truth by the knowledge of the revelation, and has placed himself by a seminary education and theology until they have got themselves up. And if you don't belong in their group, then you are a out-wash.

561 Like Lucifer did in the beginning, to the people just exactly what Lucifer said to Eve, "Surely God will receive us! We feed the poor." That's good. "Surely He will receive us. We are a great denominational. We are a beautiful church. Why, look at our great buildings! Look at our great membership. We stand in the millions. Surely God will not turn that group down."

562The same thing that Cain did, brought in the pretty fruits from the ground that he had tilled, and toiled, and worked, and brought in the fruits, and rejected the humble blood of the lamb.

563 God have mercy, that men and women will not think I'm saying this to exalt something, or some personal revelation or something. I'm only telling you the Truth. Can't you see what they're doing? See? I speak it loud and harsh, but you got to drive a nail till it clinches, if it's going to do any good, see, till you'll see it. See?

564 Now, saying to the people, "Surely! You mean to tell me that our great Catholic church, that stood all this time, our great Methodist, and all? Look at our forefathers!" See? But they broke the Word of the Lord. And Eve was God's, one of His, and he... she was a by-product of Adam; and because she doubted one Word of God's Word, it did it.

565 And here is Lucifer at his job again, today. And, remember, the antichrist is not communism. The antichrist is so close like the real thing, till, "It'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible," Jesus said, Matthew 24, "the Elected if it was possible." Lucifer, again, Lucifer again is breaking God's unity in man, by his--his limiting the Word of God to his reasonings. What he thinks that's right, and what he thinks, he breaks the Word of God.

566And the same thing he did in the days of Jesus. And Jesus said, "You, by your traditions, has made the Word of God of no effect."

567And the denominations, by their organized intellectual reasonings, has made God's Word of no effect upon the people. That's right. They just can't see It. Then they say, "Where is the God of the Bible?" He's right here. He's the Bible, that's what He is.

568 Notice, now, Lucifer comes in the cunningness, and breaks the unity of God to man, just like he did in Eden, by great temptations of promises of self-power and exaltations. "Why, you might become a bishop if you'll just stay with us. You might come a district presbyter. Why would you go to something like That?" See, that's Pentecostal, the Catholic, and so forth; see, a great false promise, to men, to receive power outside the Word and promise of God. You receive Power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you, not when you become a bishop, or a deacon, or whatever he was. See? But Lucifer is at his job again.

569Does this church understand that? Raise your hand so I'll see that. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, I won't stay with it any longer, then.

Breaking from, apart from the Word of God! See?

570 He did the same at Nicaea, Rome. You know what Constantine give them? You went through the Church Ages. He give... They didn't have nothing, but just Christ. And they set in little old buildings anywhere they could, on hard rock floor. You know that, if you've took the Nicaea Council and the Pre-Nicaea Council and Nicaea Fathers, and so forth, and the history of the church. They had nothing. But when they had this council and inducted some of the Roman paganism into Christianity, and put holy men and bishops, and so forth, and popes, and all this kind of nonsense, what did Constantine give them? I ask any theologian to tell me. He gave them property. He give them freedom and all that they wanted.

571And they swapped the Word of God for the wisdom and culture of man! And that's the same thing Lucifer did then, he did in the garden of Eden, and they died right there. The pentecostal Church died at Nicaea, Rome, but to be resurrected in the Bride Tree in the last days.

572 Notice, Lucifer comes in, cunning, like he did then, and by temptations and false promises, of power outside, apart from the Word of God. He did the same at Nicaea, Rome. He's doing the same today at the World Council of Ecumenical churches.

573"Let's all unite together," the pope says. "I want all my ecumenical brethren out there to unite with me. We are one." That's right, in organizations you are one. But that has nothing to do with the Bride of Christ; not a thing, brother. You'll never wash Her in anything like that.

574 Now it is promised, in the last days, that the original Faith in the same, to be restored to the children of God at the time of the Bride Tree. Malachi 4, God said, "Before the world burns up with fire, behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the Faith of the children." Now, that wasn't the first Elijah that come. No, no.

575Now, we don't teach here Elijah's mantel and Elijah's blankets, and all those things like that. We just teach the Word of God. See? That's what He said. See, we got all kind of a Elijah this and Elijah that, which is nonsense. That's--that's... We know that. That's, I'm not talking about that, and you that's spiritual-minded understand. See, as the late, hour is getting late, and can't put it all on this tape, of course.

Now, the promise in the last days. Now if...

576 Jesus said, in--in Matthew, I believe, the 11th chapter or the 6th chapter, and the 11th... No, it's the 11th chapter and about the 6th verse. When John sent his disciples over there to see if He really was the One, Jesus said, "Who did you go out to see? A--a--a wind... a reed that's shaken by the winds? Did you go out to see such-and-such?" He said, "Or did you go to see a prophet?" He said, "More than a prophet." John was more than a prophet; he was the messenger of the Covenant. And He said, "If you can receive it, this is he which is spoke of by the prophets, 'I'll send My messenger before My face.'"

577Now, that's in Malachi 3, not Malachi 4. Cause, the Elisha that was to come in Malachi 4, the earth was to be burnt with a fervent heat, and the righteous was to walk out in the Millennium upon the ashes of the wicked. See? So it is not that one. See?

578 Now we see the promise being fulfilled. Christ, the true Headship going in, coming in His Bride, doing the same works that He did at the beginning, and making ready and fulfilling His Word as He did, at first, in John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me the works that I do shall he do also." Then, the Head and the Body are becoming One, in works and in sign and in Life, vindicated by God Hisself through His promised Word for the last days. He promised this in the last days. Now, if you're spiritual, you'll catch it.

579 Then, we can see that the Marriage Supper is at hand. Now, if I never see you again, remember, the Marriage Supper is at hand. And then the Kingdom according to the promise is ready to be issued in, the great Millennium, the taking up of the Church, and the destroying of the wicked. And the world, under the Sixth Seal, to be purified by volcanic, to take all the corruption and sin of the world and to mold her out again, and bring forth a bright new Millennium for the age that is to come.

580When, we see all these, great threefold revelation: God in Christ; Christ in the Church; the Kingdom coming. Adam and Eve redeemed back to the Garden of Eden, in the representation of Christ and His Bride, and then the Kingdom is going to be restored according to His promise. Praise be to God! Now, by the revelation of the threefold mystery, the secret, and by the personal vindicated Word by His original Headship!

581 Not say, "Well, glory to God, we shout; hallelujah, we sing." That, that ain't it. I'm a missionary. I've been seven times, practically, over the world. See? I've seen heathens, devils, and everything else, dance and shout. I've seen all kinds of fleshly manifestations. That's carnal.

582 But I'm talking about the Headship of Christ. Notice, being personally identified by the original Headship, we have the answer to the devil's question. Amen! Glory! We have the answer to the devil's question. He, Christ, is risen and has paid the price, and raising up the Head... or the Body.

583The devil can't stand it. That's the reason these ecumenical kingdoms are setting up. That's the reason they're all coming into what they're doing now. The devil, that's the reason he's howling the way he is. His wickedness has been... his scheme has been uncovered by the risen, resurrected Christ in the Headship over His Body. Glory!

584 You think I'm beside myself? I'm not. We've got the devil's answer. "Not me that liveth, but Christ the Word living in me." It's not my idea; it's His Power. Not my idea; it's His Word. He promised it; here it is. He said it would be here, and here it is. We got his answer.

585Christ is risen and has paid the price for our redemption. What God in Christ manifested, He gave that flesh, that and Blood; that in the Blood might come the Life, and the flesh be redeemed, that--that God in this redeemed flesh could manifest His Word for the day as He did in that day. Whew! Glory!

586You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, my! When can I stop? Notice it. ["Go on!"]

587 Then, we stand justified in the Presence of God. As a drop of ink dropping into a--a--a tub full of bleach, you'll never find the stain of the ink no more. It went somewhere. It'll never come back again. And when man is truly redeemed, that predestinated Seed that sees It and accepts It, his sins are demolished. It's gone. It's separated. It's dropped into the ink of the--of the Blood of Jesus Christ, and it's never to be remembered. God forgets it. And he stands as a son and daughter of God, in the Presence of God. Amen and amen! "Now we are the sons of God." Not we will be; we are! Now we are redeemed.

588 We have Satan's answer. God has vindicated Himself. God proves Himself, to His promise in this day. Hallelujah! The Headship is here. Amen! Christ, the risen Lord, is here in the same Power of His resurrection that He ever was, manifesting Himself. There's the devil's answer.

589 That's the reason when this man sitting here, dropped dead the other day, sitting here, we could say, "Come back, life!" Cause, the Holy Spirit said so.

590That's why it could do to that little baby yonder in Mexico, had been dead for about fifteen hours, when the vision come and said, "Call it back to," death, "life." And said, "Let the little baby live." And the baby that the doctors wrote a statement, died at nine o'clock that morning, and eleven o'clock that night come back to life; is living today.

591 What is it? Not them people. The Headship and the Body has become one unit. It's God manifested in His people. That's the reason the husband and wife is no longer twain; they're one. God and His Church is one, "Christ in you," God's great revelation. Glory to God! Even bearing His Name; His Name is Jesus, the Anointed. The reason He is called Jesus, He is the Anointed. It's the anointed Body of Christ, proving, manifested God like That body did. And That body redeemed every of this, these bodies, and through there God works His threefold manifestation, going to the Kingdom. Risen, paid the price! We're redeemed. God has proved it, vindicated it. See?

592 And we stand justified in Christ, before Him. Because, He cannot pass judgment, for He's already judged that Body, in which I am a part of. What, how am I a part of it? Here It is; It's in me. "If My... ye abide in Me, and My Words in you, then what you say... Ask the Father anything in My Name, it'll be done, because It's there." Justified! Glory to God!

593 Oh, if I could get the world to see that! Why? There you are. There is the Body of Christ living, standing redeemed. Redeemed! Oh, my!

594Justified in His sight! Why are we justified? We are His victory. The Church is His victory. We come forth in this last days with this glorious Gospel, showing His victory. He died for this purpose, and we are proof of His victory. Amen! When we see Him coming down and living among the Church, that's His victory. Shows that he couldn't keep Him in the grave, neither can they keep us. That's right. He...?... And we're already, potentially, arised, because we've raised from dead, unbelief in His Word, from denomination creeds, to an Eternal Word of the Eternal God; which is Him, Hisself, working through us, manifesting Himself that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

595 And then the Word moves on down into the Body, from the Head. What is it? This same Word. Nothing can be added or taken from It. So that same Word moves from the Head, as the Day comes close, down into the Body, down into the Body, vindicating that they are One. They are Husband and Wife. They're flesh of His flesh, Word of His Word; Life of His Life, Spirit of His Spirit. See? Amen! How do you know it? Bears the same record, same fruit, same Word. See, manifests Christ; same Life, same God, same Spirit, same Word, same Book! Amen! Same signs, "Things that I do shall you also." Oh, hallelujah! My!

596 Notice, the vindicated Word in His Body is His very victory and the reason of His death. See, the death, not in the Spirit; when He died, He only died in the flesh. His Spirit went to hell and preached to the souls in prison. That right? His flesh, only, died, then He raised it up again and quickened it. Quicken means "made alive," His flesh, which was His body. And that's the Word. It's been laying dead for years, but It gradually begin to come in the reformation, and now She is standing upon Her feet!

597 Oh, how I wish I had time to go back into Ezekiel, and pull out them "dry bones," and show you. He said, "Can these bones live again?"

He said, "Prophesy!"

598How can prophecy come? Only through the prophet. It's the Word of the Lord. "Hear ye, dry bones, the Word of the Lord!" And sinews, skin come upon them, and they stood up a mighty army, and begin to march towards Zion. Glory to God! That's Him. That's Him, the victory.

The ransomed of the Lord shall come to Zion then with joy,

All His holy mountains, nothing hurt or shall destroy. Yeah.

599 He proves His resurrection Life then as He a vindicates Himself. She, the Bride, is independent from all others. She's an independent Woman, a great speckled bird that's different from all others. You remember the Bible on that, "The great speckled bird." But, She had His Name, She had His Life. For the...

600How did they speckle the bird? They were both white, and then they pulled the head off of one bird and drained the blood out upon the other bird. And the other bird was speckled with the red blood, and it flopped its wings like this, and the blood cried, "holy, holy, holy," as it bathed the ground.

601So Christ, the dead Mate, put His Blood, His Blood from His Life, into us; sprink-... carrying His Blood, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord!" It's an odd-looking bird. Sure, it is. But She, the Bride, is--is identified by Him, and She is independent from all others. "Keep thee only unto her as long as you both live. Keep thee only to Him, the Word," no, no adultery, not one sign of denomination, not one sign of creed, no adultery at all. The Word, and Him alone!

602"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sands," said Eddie Perronet. Uh-huh.

603 That's it, Christ, the Word! He was the Word; He is the Word. And the Church becomes the Word, by Him making Her a part of Him, and that's the Word again. Personally identified by Him, His property alone! His property alone! She is redeemed by Him, through Him, for Him, and for Him alone. That's right. Then, what the devil is howling about, that it's being revealed.

604 We're in a dangerous time. Remember, the Scripture says, when these things begin to happen, "time is no more." She is fading away, when we see the manifestation.

605"Earthquakes." You see them thousand killed the other day? "Earthquakes in divers places."

606Said, "Fearful sights in the skies, pillars of fire," like, floating around like flying saucers. They don't know what it is. See? They don't have any idea.

607 Did you notice the Angels that come down, investigated Sodom before Sodom was destroyed? You remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There was a bunch of them come down, three of them. One of them stayed with Abraham. You remember that? ["Amen."] They were Lights from Heaven, that came down in the investigating judgment. One's...

608Look where they're all found. Around the Pentagon, and things, they find them. That's the world judgment, Sodom. And there is One represented, will be represented amongst the churches, will be Christ Himself, vindicating Himself. See? "Sights on the... in heavens above, and signs in the earth below." Certainly.

609 Identified! Oh, the devil is howling about this: the manifested Truth of the promise of the Word in Her alone.

610They don't have the answer. When Jesus come, why didn't those Pharisees? He said, "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, who do you cast them out by?" See? He stood alone.

611And His Church stands alone. She is not hooked with nothing. But He was identified by God, being the body that God dwelt in; and the Church is identified by His Body, doing the same thing. She is His Body, the manifested Truth of His promised Word for the last days. And She, and She alone, stands by It. That's why the devil is howling, these great organizations, to set up something to close Her up. They'll never do it. She'll be taken up, not closed up. She is now risen, and by the power of the vindicated Word promised to Her. Amen!

612 How a Bride holds that promise! "He told me He would return after me. I'll believe it." Uh-huh. See? Yes, sir. To meet Her Headship, Her Redeemer, Her Husband, Her King, Her Lord, Her Lover, Her Saviour, in the provided meeting place!

613He's got a place to meet Them. You know, He... Yeah, the Bridegroom, don't leave out nothing. He's got the ring, the identification. He's got the robe that She wears, Her clothing. See? And He's got the provided place to meet Her, that's in the air. Everything has been all provided. He's got the Wedding Supper already set; guests already invited, already chosen. All the Angels are standing around, His servants, at attention. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!

Oh, there is going to be a meeting in the air,

In that sweet, sweet by and by;

I'm going to meet you, going to meet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing ever heard, ever heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son, He will be the leading One, (full manifestation of God,)

At that meeting in the air. Oh, my!

614Watch His vindications now.

You've heard the--heard the story told of Moses in the bulrush,

You have heard of fearless David and his sling;

You heard the story told of dreaming Joseph,

Of Daniel and the lions we often sing.

Oh, there's many, many others vindicated in the Bible,

How I long to meet them all, I do declare!

By and by the Lord will let us meet them,

At that meeting in the air.

For there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In that sweet, sweet by and by;

And I'm going to meet you, greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky.

Such singing ever heard, has been heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son will be that leading One

At that meeting in the air. Oh, my!

615 Don't you love that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now the threefold purpose of His great mystery of revelation has been revealed. He is the main One. That's the One. Oh, my! Let's sing it. I just can't preach no more. I feel so good, see.

Oh, there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In the sweet, sweet by and by;

And I'm going to meet you, greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing ever heard, has been heard by mortal ear,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son, He'll be the leading One

At that meeting in the air.

616Are you going? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen! By the grace of God, by the grace of God! See? Oh, my!

You have heard of little Moses in the bulrush,

You have heard of fearless David and his sling; (them is all types)

You have heard the story told of dreaming Joseph,

And of Daniel and the lions we often sing.

Oh, there's many, many others in the Bible (which is Him),

And I long to meet them all, I do declare!

By and by the Lord will let us meet them

At that meeting in...

617But there is one main One!

Oh, there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In the sweet, sweet by and by;

I'm going to meet you, a greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing ever heard, has been heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son, He'll be that leading One

At that meeting in the air.

618 Now, we're going to meet one another over There. Let's all, the Methodists, and Baptists, and whatever you are, that's born again of the Spirit of God, shake one another's hands as we sing it.

Oh, there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In that sweet, sweet by and by;

I'm going to meet you, and greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing every heard, has been heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

For God's Own Son will be the leading One

At that meeting in the air.

619Oh-oh-oh! Oh, that's wonderful, see, see what He will be. Now look.

620We just got to close, friends. It's nearly two o'clock, see, and we'll--we'll be here at supper. I just got page after page of this yet, see, so we're just going to have to close on this. There is no end to it.

621 It's a revelation. It's as Eternal as God's Word is Eternal. Look, but the threefold purpose of God's great mystery is revealed! God manifested in Christ; Christ manifested in the Church; in order to redeem the lost Eve back to the original condition in the garden of Eden. Oh, my!

622Oh, there is going to be some great times on that Day! Yeah. It's right away. We believe it. Don't you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I just think of that song every time I think about it.

623 He vindicated Himself in Daniel, and in Moses, and in Jeremiah. What were they? The prophets which the Word came to, see, them great men. See, you've heard the story told of dreaming Joseph, you see, and Daniel in the lions' den, and all these other ones, you know. Them, that, what were they? Prophets. See? But the main One... God was just, temporarily, typing in them.

624He typed Himself in Adam, knowing what was right, but walked out to redeem his wife, because she was wrong. Christ didn't have to be sin, but He walked out and took sin, to redeem His lost child. See? See? He typed Hisself.

And Moses in the bulrush,

And you've heard of fearless David and his sling;

You've heard the story told of dreaming Joseph, (the prophet,)

And of Daniel and the lions we often sing.

Oh, there's many, many others in the Bible,

And I...

625They, they are the Bible. "And I..." They was all manifested in Him, though. See? Without Him, they're all gone. See? And I have to become part of That, to be Him. Amen! See?

And I long to meet them all, I do declare. That's right.

But God's Own Son, He'll be that leading One

At the meeting in the air.

626 Hebrews 11, said, "They could not be perfect without us." Hands and feet cannot be perfect without the brains, the knowledge, the head, and so forth. See? And we're all perfected in Him, "So by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body," free from Judgment; passed from sin, unto death... Amen! God's Own Son will be the leading One at that meeting in the air. Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I love Him, I love Him


627Lord Jesus, the anointing of the Holy Spirit come upon these handkerchiefs, Lord, and heal the sick. May it be so, as they set it upon it. I pray that You'd make it so, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

... calvary's tree

[Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him--Ed.]

628Just think, "Christ, revealed," right in us now, right now in us. How did He, how was He revealed? Because He first loved me. What did He do?

And purchased my salvation


629 Glory! That great Angel of the Covenant, that One Who was with Moses in the wilderness, that One Who come to Paul on the road to Damascus, that same One permitted His picture to be taken with us; the same One that was in the picture in the Life magazine the other day; the same Word, by the same God, through the same channels, by the same way, by the same promise! "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst." Then He is here. "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him," that hangs only to His Word. No man can respect that Word without fearing God. See? Then, here He is in here this morning, with us, as we worship Him in the Spirit.

630 Oh, since a hard Message like this, I think we just ought to worship Him a little bit in the Spirit. See, just close your eyes and let's sing that to Him again, "I love Him, I love Him," just as you--you raise your hands, like, to Him.

I love Him, I love Him

Because... first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Oh, my, how we love Him!

Faith in the Father, faith in the Son,

Faith in the Holy Ghost, these three are One;

Demons will tremble, and sinners awake;

Faith in Jehovah makes anything shake.

631 Amen! Glory to God! How we love Him! Just worship Him in your heart now, just adore Him, just--just think how beautiful He's done. Look what He's done for us. All these years of the visions, not one has ever failed. Everything that He said would come to pass, come just exactly the way He said it.

632 I love you. Don't forget the commandments of God to you, little children, "Love one another." Love everybody. Right or wrong, sinner or saint, love them, anyhow. If you don't, then pray God to help you, 'cause God loved the sinner. And the nature of God is in you. If the man is wrong, love him, anyhow. Don't partake of his sins. See? Don't partake of his sins. But in sweetness, not in sourness and rebuke, in sweetness tell him of the hope of Life that rests within you, through Jesus Christ being revealed to you by the Holy Ghost.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take It, (don't forget now,) everywhere you go.

633Oh, precious, that Name! Oh, we have His Name. We are called by His Name.

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

634 Now I'm going to give you a little secret, till I meet you again. Remember this, as we stand. Remember this.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him, we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

The hope of...

635What? The threefold revelation! Hope and joy of Heaven, revealed in Him.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of...

636 What? The hope of earth and joy of Heaven, everything is manifested in Christ. God, the Church, everything else, is manifested in Christ. The Bible is Christ. The Bible is the written Word. Which, He is the Word. Its manifestation is the evidence of the Life coming into the flesh of the Word, to manifest It. Oh, isn't it wonderful!

Take the Name of Jesus with...

Now listen close now.

As a shield (don't forget that now)... every snare;

When temptations round you gath-...

What must you do?

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet! O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

637 Not knowing... Of course, being spiritual, you watch spiritual things. Not knowing this; God knows it. But if you'll turn and look at the clock, it's on the dot, two o'clock, the end of the Second Pull. The Third Pull is at hand! See?

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name...

Second Pull has been made manifested!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

638 Did you notice the Spirit take the same song and picking it up an octave higher like that? The next Pull is at hand! Amen! Uh-huh.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

It's later than you think!

... sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take It everywhere you go.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy...

Now if temptations come, what do you do?

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations (something to make you disbelieve now) gather,

Just remember, breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

639 Let us bow our heads now, everybody, reverently. Look now.

At the Name of Jesus bowing...

640[Brother Branham hums another line of Take The Name of Jesus With You. A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

641Now if you understand, the Spirit of the Lord dropped in the meeting, upon unknown languages, speaking it to a man not knowing; to interpret it by another man not knowing. The Word of the Lord! You remember when the enemy was coming up and they didn't know what they would do? The Spirit of the Lord fell upon a man, and revealed what was to be done. Oh, my!

642Just bow our heads now, humbly. God bless you.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Until we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet!

All right, pastor.

God be with you till we meet.

1Ďakujem ti brat Neville. Nech ťa Pán žehná. Zostaňme ešte chvíľu stáť, kým skloníme naše hlavy k modlitbe.

2Milostivý Nebeský Otče, znovu toto ráno prichádzame ku Tebe pre milosrdenstvo a pre vedenie Ducha Svätého na dnes, keď nám svitlo na nový deň, aby sme sa mohli spolu stretnúť a učiť Tvoje Slovo, aby sme tak mohli vedieť ako máme žiť v tomto dni a poznať ktorá je hodina dňa v ktorom žijeme. Prosíme aby Tvoje sväté vedenie viedlo naše mysle a naše srdcia, aby si nás Ty mohol nasmerovať do každého Slova, ktoré je pre nás potrebné aby sme ho poznali; aby si Ty mohol slobodne otvoriť naše ústa a tiež naše srdcia, prijímať to čo Ty budeš ku nám hovoriť, a aby si zavrel naše ústa pre veci ktoré nie sú pravé, lebo vieme, že len Ty môžeš zjavovať Slovo Božie.

3A teraz, keď musím opustiť tento malý zbor, kvôli iným častiam sveta, zverujem ich Tebe, Pane. Oni sú časťou, plodom môjho srdca, keď tak poviem. To sú tí ktorí boli zrodení pre Teba, skrze Ducha a skrze Slovo Pravdy. Prosím, aby si ich žehnal, Pane a zachovával ich pevne spolu spojených putami lásky Kristovej.

4Žehnaj nášho drahého milovaného pastora, pastiera. Prosíme, aby si ho pomazával Svätým Duchom, Tvojho Slova, aby im ho mohol zjavovať a pásť stádo.

5A teraz, nie je tomu tak dávno, ako si ukázal to videnie, túto malú modlitebňu tu, ako uskladňuje Potravu, že príde čas, keď to bude všetko potrebné. Keď vidíme brata Sothmana a brata Woodsa ktorí sú hotoví prejsť až do iného kraju, aby ... Ty si povedal, "Uskladňujte tu túto potravu na ten čas." Pane, snažím sa to robiť so všetkou vážnosťou.

6A teraz, toto ráno, v tejto lekcii ktorú máme pred sebou, prosím, aby si To všetko odkryl, Pane, aby si ukázal že Ty si Boh a toto je Tvoje Slovo a tvoja Pravda. Udeľ to, Pane, aby sa títo ľudia mohli na tom najesť a stučnieť, ako to bolo, v milosti Božej, aby mohli vidieť, že toto je pre nás veľké Božie milosrdenstvo v tento deň. Požehnaj všetkých prítomných, i tých ktorí by radi boli prítomní, Otče. Prosíme to ku Tvojej chvále v Ježišovom Mene. Amen.

Nech Pán teraz žehná každého jedného i všetkých vás.

7Myslím, že skôr ako začneme, máme tu malé dieťatko, Collinsa. Pred malou chvíľou som stretol toho otca, ktorý tu má to malé dieťatko a chce ho dať posvätiť. Chceme to urobiť teraz, ak brat alebo sestra Collinsová, niekto z nich, prinesie to maličké tu dopredu, a tak sa môžeme modliť za posvätenie toho maličkého.

8Odkladajúc to, viete prečo, to spôsobuje ... ako toto sú verní členovia či ... Tela Kristovho. Všimnite si, nepovedal som "tohoto zboru." "Údy Krista," toto telo tu je časťou Jeho Tela.

9Oni tu majú to maličké, ktoré chcú dať posvätiť. A-a toto je vždy taká práca, tak si myslím, ktorú mi moja - moja manželka závidí, držať tie nemluvniatka. Oh-joj. Brat Neville, poď, prosím ťa,sem dopredu, ak chceš.

10Ako sa nazývaš, brat? [Otec odpovedá, "Clyde." – pozn.prekl] Toto je brat a sestra Clyde Collins, to je brat nášho vzácneho brata, kazateľa Collinsa, Wilbura. Collinsoví tu vzrástli do počtu, ako vidím, veľmi roztomilý maličký.

11Koľko mu je, sestra Collinsová? [Matka odpovedá, "Skoro štyri mesiace." – pozn.prekl.] Skoro štyri mesiace. Ako sa volá? ["Marek Dávid Colins."] Marek Dávid. To je veľmi pekné meno. Vyzerá na veľmi fajn chlapca. Tiež je dosť veľký.

12Viem, že maminky ktoré sú tu môžu pochváliť tu tohoto maličkého. Či nie je ako bábika? [brat Branham drží Marka Dávida pred zhromaždením. – pozn.prekl.]

Skloňme teraz naše hlavy.

13Nebeský Otče, tento mladý otec a matka prichádzajú so svojím malým, vzácnym kúskom ľudského tela, ktoré obdržali vo svojom manželstve, ktoré bolo dané do ich rúk na opateru pre Pána Boha. Oni sem úctivo prinášajú tohoto maličkého Marka Dávida ku posväteniu pre Všemohúceho, ktorý im dal tohoto vzácneho chlapčeka, zdravého a pekného chlapca, do ich opatery, aby ho vychovali na slávu Božiu.

14Pane, žehnaj tohoto otca a matku. Nech sa tá geleta nikdy nevyprázdni v ich dome a tá nádoba nech nikdy nevyschne. Nech otec bude zdravý a schopný, Pane, aby mohol pracovať a zaobstarávať potravu pre tohoto maličkého; nech matka bude zdravá a schopná pripravovať to; a ich srdcia pripravené, Pane, aby vyučovali tohoto malého, vychovávali ho v napomínaní Božom. Udeľ toho, Pane.

15Teraz z ich rúk prechádza do mojich, to roztomilé dieťa, malý Marek Dávid. A ja ho so staršími tu tohoto zboru predkladám Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista, do životnej služby. Udeľ toho, Pane. Nech sa tebe dostane chvály z jeho života. Nech by žil dlhý život, až do príchodu Pána Ježiša, ak sa to Tebe bude ľúbiť. A ak áno, nech je naplnený Posolstvom Pána Boha, v tom veku ktorý má prísť. Udeľ toho. Zachovávaj ho zdravého, šťastného a nech je jeho srdce vždy hotové robiť to čo je dobré pred Bohom. V Mene Ježiša Krista, oddávame to dieťa Tebe, do posvätenia. Amen.

16Nech ťa Boh žehná. Nech Boh žehná teba, sestra Collinsová i toho pekného chlapca i teba brat Collins. Boh nech je s vami.

" Prineste ich," Všetci spolu.

Prineste ich, prineste ich;

Prineste ich z polí hriechu;

Prineste ich, prineste ich;

Prineste tých maličkých k Ježišovi.

17Mám to rád. Vidíte, prineste ich ku Kristovi, prv ešte ako diabol má šancu. Oni sú už potom darované Jemu do služby.

18Vie niekto či prišli dnes Dauchovci, niekto z nich, sestra Dauchová? Brat Brown, si tu brat Brown? To som rád. A ... brat Dauch je stále s nami? To je nádherné! [brat Tom Brown predstavuje zdravotný stav brata Williama Daucha – pozn.prekl.] Brat Dauch nás skoro opustil. Viete, my tu už nemôžeme príliš mnoho hovoriť či príliš mnoho žiadať, on je už dvadsať jeden rokov za hranicou času o ktorom mu Boh povedal. Je to priemerná hranica ľudského veku a on tú hranicu žitia o ktorej Boh povedal, už prekročil.

19Ale, raz ráno nám telefonovali že zomiera a ponáhľali sme sa tam. A Pán Boh bol ku nemu skutočne dobrotivý a ušetril ho. Myslím, že on je pripravený a očakáva len Príchod Pánov. Ale viete, my ľpíme jeden na druhom. My len ... Ten starý muž tu je mi ako - ako otec.

20Pamätám sa na neho ako sedel v pravo dole tu v starej modlitebni, v tej starej časti, keď on ... keď zablysklo to Svetlo a osvietilo vodný krst v Mene Ježiša Krista, rovno z tade sem prišiel. A okolo osemdesiat sedem alebo osemdesiat osem ročný, o palici, prišiel rovno sem a povedal, "Hneď tam chcem vojsť a dať sa pokrstiť." Niekto išiel priniesť pre neho oblečenie. Nemohol čakať na ďalšiu príležitosť; on musel hneď potom prísť, ihneď. Tak sa mi to páči.

21Na druhý deň, keď som sa s ním rozprával povedal, "brat Branham, myslíš že som teraz v poriadku?"

22Povedal som, "Išiel si niekedy k doktorovi na vyšetrenie?"

Riekol, "Samozrejme."

23Povedal som, "Doktor si založí do uší stereoskop a priloží to na tvoje srdce, aby zistil či ti srdce správne bije, urobí elektronický kardiogram, zmeria krvný tlak, preskúma moč, a tak ďalej, vybavený inštrumentami, aby zistil ako to s tebou je. Nuž, tak to on robí, nazrie do knihy, kde špecialisti zaznamenali tie rôzne prípady, 'Ak sa to javí takto, nemocné je toto.'"

24A ja som povedal, "Nuž, ten jediný stereoskop ktorý ja mám je táto Biblia, rozumieš, pre dušu." Povedal som, "Vyšetrím ťa." Povedal som, "Ev. svätého Jána 5:24 hovorí,`Ten kto čuje Moje Slová`." Riekol som, "To neznamená len sedieť a počúvať To. To znamená prijímať To, rozumieš, prijímať To, veriť Tomu. Niečo vo vnútri v tebe ti hovorí, že To je pravda. Ty si To prijal, veríš Tomu, je To tvoje. 'Ten kto počul,' to si ty už urobil, 'Moje Slová a verí Tomu, ktorý Ma poslal'. Veríš tomu?"

On riekol, "Verím."

25Povedal som, "Tak teda ti poviem čo povedal ten Najvyšší Doktor, 'Ten prešiel zo smrti do života, a nepríde už viacej na zatratenie alebo na súd.'" Povedal som, "Pokiaľ viem, podľa týchto Kníh, prešiel si vyšetrením."

26Tento starý muž, skoro storočný, ktorý nebol členom vôbec žiadnej cirkvi, ale len čo mu prvý krát zablysklo to Svetlo cez cestu, on Ho prijal. Či vidíte to predurčené semeno ktoré tam ležalo? Oh-joj. Tak veru. Vidíte, akonáhle ho zasiahlo to Svetlo hneď povstáva do Života.

27Nuž, viem, dnes je horúco a je to ťažko pre mňa zvolávať vás na zhromaždenie, kde sedíte takto natlačení. No predsa len myslím, že z milosti Božej by sme mohli mať ešte jedno zhromaždenie, prv ako vás budem musieť všetkých opustiť, dúfam že na krátky čas.

28Zajtra večer musím ísť do Chicaga, aby som v stredu začal. Chcel by som sa tam dostať o niečo skorej, ak to bude možné a trochu si oddýchnuť, prv ako začnú série zhromaždení. Verím, že to majú ... Aha, práve som sa tu na to díval. Bolo to oznámené. Nazýva sa to Marengo... [Niekto hovorí, "Marigold." – pozn.prekl.] ... areál, áno Marigold, Marigold, áno, areál aréna. Marigold Aréna, tam to má byť, začiatok v stredu večer a až do nedeli. Taktiež Obchodníci Plného Evanjelia majú raňajky v - v sobotu ráno. A neviem presne kde majú oznámené že to bude. Nie. Majú to potom v sobotu večer v Lane Tech. Aha je to tu napísané.

29Nuž, ak sa budete nachádzať niekde na blízku, alebo priamo tam, bude to normálna, úplne normálna evanjelizácia akú väčšinou mávame. Väčšina z tých kázaní bude v prvom rade z niečoho z toho čo už tu bolo vyučované, pretože tu my nahrávame naše pásky, rozumiete. Tam sa môžu zbytočne prieť. Ale ak sa im dostane páska, ktorá bola tu nahratá, záleží to na nich či si budú chcieť nejakú vypočuť. Oni pochádzajú rovno z tadiaľto. Toto je naša vlastná kazateľňa.

30Tam vonku sa obvykle snažím zvoliť niečo nie príliš hlboké, pretože mnohí z ných sú plytkí vo svojom prežití a v poznaní toho čo nadchádza. Ale tu cítim, že mám právo, aby som povedal to čokoľvek Boh položí na moje srdce, aby som to povedal práve z tadiaľto. Rozumiete? A oni sú teraz tam v tej miestnosti, môžete im vidieť hlavy ponad to zaclonené sklo, kde sedia pri magnetofónoch.

31Nuž, ak chcete prísť na to zhromaždenie, budeme veľmi radi. Ak sa tam dostanete a nebudete vedieť kde ísť, spojte sa len s niekým z ľudí z Plného Evanjelia, alebo s bratom Carlsonom a on vám povie ... On vám môže poradiť, alebo Philadelfská cirkev, alebo niekto z nich. Oni vám môžu povedať ako sa dostanete priamo na to miesto.

32Potom sa vrátim na budúci pondelok, niekedy popoludní alebo večer. A v utorok pôjdeme späť do Arizony, aby sme dali deti do školy a tak ďalej. A potom, neviem presne kedy, sa sem znovu vrátim, lebo to záleží od Pána, chcem aby ma On viedol do toho čo robiť.

33Stala sa veľmi zvláštna vec. Možno by som tiež ... Viem že sa to nahráva a možno by som to tiež tu povedal. A hneď zatiaľ čo videnia a vedenie Ducha Svätého je v pohybe, rád by som sa vypovedal hneď teraz zatiaľ kým je To v pohybe. To je ... Nuž, v uplynulom roku to bolo pre mňa obdobie, pokiaľ ide o videnia, vrcholom v celej mojej doterajšej službe. Stali sa veci o ktorých viete, že boli predpovedané predtým ako sa stali a plnili sa presne tak ako to bolo povedané.

34Teraz sem zvykneme prichádzať na návštevu. Podnebie v týchto miestach mi jednako nevyhovuje, pretože len čo sem prídem onemocniem. Len čo ... Môžem prejsť cez tie kopce, a keď zídem dole do tohoto údolia, stačí že som tu iba okolo desať minút a už mám vyrážky, onemocniem, točí sa mi hlava, všetko vyzerá odstrašujúco, nejasne a nezostáva mi nič, len z tade odísť. Jedného dňa som sa rozprával s manželkou ...

35Ale v prvom rade čo ma priťahuje, čo ma sem priťahuje to ste vy ľudia, tento zbor. Hovorím vám, že zo všetkých miest ktoré som vo svojom živote navštívil, toto je moje obľúbené miesto kde prichádzam kázať Evanjelium. Som rád že tu môžeme nahrávať naše pásky, je to desať krát lepšie než kdekoľvek inde. Rozumiete? To je ten dôvod prečo som povedal, "Zostávaj tam kde Boh niečo robí." Ale myslím si, že to hlavné je v tom, že to bola moja chyba že som neišiel hneď na prvý krát keď ma Boh volal, a preto to On pre mňa urobil také drsné keď sem prídem. Poslušnosť je lepšia ako obeť.

36A teda, budem tu sem tam prichádzať, po celý čas a kázať v tejto modlitebni. A vy, ktorí bývate pomimo mesta budete o tom informovaní. Billy Paul bude tu v kancelárii a kedykoľvek sa s ním môžete spojiť. A my sem znovu prídeme aby sme mali ... A potom príde hneď na rad tých Sedem Trúb, ak dá Pán, Sedem posledných Pliag a tie Čaše, a tak ďalej. Len aby bolo trochu chladnejšie počasie, no všetko závisí od toho ako to Pán zariadi.

37Jedného dňa, keď som prišiel, bola tu nadnesená otázka o niečom, o niekom kto mi dal šek, na ktorom stálo, "Osobne," menovite vystavený na mňa, jedine na mňa, "nezdaniteľný," teda všetko. Odišli sme a Billy vedel, že som teraz ten šek tak nejak potreboval.

38On odišiel a opýtal sa právnych zástupcov či by sme to mohli vybrať. On povedal, "Prečo nie, on je Americký občan, prečo by ho nemohol vybrať? Vidíš, je to oslobodené od dani i všetkého iného. Každý obyvateľ to môže urobiť."

39No, on, Billy sa s tým nemohol nejako uspokojiť a tak išiel k verejnému účtovníkovi. Ten povedal, "Prečo nie, samozrejme že to môže vybrať." Povedal, "On je občanom Spojených štátov."

40Nuž ale on stále tomu nemohol porozumieť, a tak zavolal Merle Millerovi, to je predstavený tej daňovej spoločnosti v Indiánopolis, ktorý bol naším právnym zástupcom, a tak Ice a Miller. "Samozrejme, to je v poriadku. Rozumieš? Samozrejme že on môže mať ten šek. Je to vystavené na neho, len podpísať." Len ja to môžem podpísať, nestačí aby to bolo orazítkované našim ...

41Vy viete, že ja nevyberám žiadne šeky. To je to za čo ma vtedy postihovali. Niekto priniesol do zhromaždenia balíček šekov a povedal, "Tu to podpíš, brat Branham." Podpísal som, "William Branham, William Branham, ..." No, vláda sa o to všetko stále zaujímala. A ja som ich podpísal svojím menom a platil som z toho tie dlhy tam vonku, ale oni povedali že na tom všetkom dlhujem, či tak, či tak, 300 tisíc dolárov. Tak potom z toho povstal ten rozruch.

42A tak potom, akonáhle som predložil ten šek, o-jój, ten agent sa hneď vrátil a hovorí, "Znovu teraz prešetríme ten jeho prípad." Tak to spôsobilo takú nepríjemnosť.

43A brat Lee Vayle, ktorý tu sedí, myslím že je to v poriadku keď to poviem, práve sme ... On zostúpil, a tento fajný vyškolený Baptista bol ... Pokrstil som ho vo Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, tu vtedy v tomto bazéne, brata Lee Vayle. On je skutočne fajn človek, brat v Kristu. On nám tu predtým kázal, vysoko vzdelaný a okrem toho vedený Duchom. Keď ho osvietilo to Svetlo on povedal, že sa snažil odísť ale nemohol to jednoducho urobiť, tak som ho tu hneď v to ráno pokrstil. Nemohol to už dlhšie vydržať, a tak sme len zišli tu dole, prezliekli sme si šaty, vstúpili sme do vody a bol pokrstený vo Meno Ježiša Krista.

44Nuž, myslel som, že keď sa stalo že on prijal ten dobrý duchovný pokrm, že by sme sa mohli trochu porozprávať a zjesť nejaký telesný pokrm. A tak sme zišli do Blue Boar, sadli sme si a rozprávajúc sa dostali sme sa k tomu prípadu, "Ako takto necháš ľudí hovoriť o tebe?"

45Nuž, brat Vayle je jeden z najznamenitejších ľudí akých som kedy poznal, ale je "tak trochu za moc rýchly stlačiť spúšť," vy viete že som mu to stále hovoril. A tak, on, tak som povedal ... Dúfam že je to v poriadku, brat Vayle. Tak on ... Povedal som, "Nestrieľaj hneď do všetkého. Seď potichu. To je Boh, ktorý to činí."

46On riekol, "No, pre teba by to malo byť dobre." Nuž, on-on ... Verím, že on-on je tak chytrý, to je to s čím sa on stretáva, s tými chytrými, vzdelanými ľuďmi, a tak on vie ako s nimi jednať, že nevedia kde sa majú podieť. To je všetko.

47A tak som povedal, "Pozri sa, brat Vayle." Sedeli sme v Blue Boar. Povedal som, "Dávid jedného dňa, potom ako bol zvrhnutý z trónu svojím vlastným synom, opúšťa trón, nastala vzbura, Izrael sa rozdelil a Dávid bol zosadený z trónu svojim vlastným synom a plačúc opúšťal mesto. A nejaký chlap, ktorý nemal rád jeho posolstvo posledného času, poznáte to, nestaral sa o neho, malý starý človek, krívajúci, ktorý prechádzal tam okolo, robil si z Dávida posmech a pľul na neho. A ten zbrojnoš vytiahol meč a povedal, "Či nezotnem hlavu toho psa ktorý napľul na môjho kráľa?" Dávid povedal, "Nechaj ho tak, Pán mu povedal aby tak robil." Vidíš? Pľuj na neho, rob si z neho posmech a potom napľuj na neho. Riekol, "Pán mu to povedal aby to robil." Nuž, poznáme ten príbeh, ako sa to obrátilo naspäť. Brat Vayle si myslel, že tým učiní veľké milosrdenstvo.

48A len čo sme sa vrátili späť a vošli do kancelárii, ten účtovník zavolal Billy Paula a povedal mu o tom. Brat Vayle išiel so mnou domov. Keď som prišiel domov povedal som žene, "Moja drahá,chcem ti niečo povedať."

49Rozprávali sme sa predtým ako som odišiel. Ona vravela, "Billy, ja viem že Boh ťa tam poslal, všetci to vieme, ale On ti nikdy nepovedal aby si sa vracal späť. Vieš, trápi ma to teraz."

50Povedal som, "Myslím že to platí

pre teba a pre deti. Mňa sa to netýka. Ja budem slúžiť Jemu kdekoľvek pôjdem, pokiaľ to bude vôľa Pánova." A tak keď som sa vrátil späť povedal som jej tak o tom. Potom som sa otočil a vzal som si klobúk.

51A niekto povedal niečo, v tom zmysle, "Och, tento vyberač daní! My by sme mali ísť ..." Také vyrývanie, niečo ako tamto.

52Nemysliac na to čo som sa rozprával s bratom Vayle, povedal som "Nechajte ho tak. Možno že mu Pán povedal aby to robil."

53Len čo som to povedal, Svetlo zablysklo na stenu a napísalo tam, brat Vayle a moja žena tam sedeli, "Vráť sa do Arizony." Napísané písmenami po stene. , "Vráť sa do Arizony." Je to pravda. A tak idem, amen, naspäť do Arizony.

54Nuž, tento týždeň bol týždňom veľkých požehnaní. Mali sme osobné rozhovory s ľuďmi, tento týždeň, ktorí očakávali na to už od času Siedmich Pečatí. Nepochybujem, ale je isté že niektorí z nich boli zavolaní z pomimo tohoto mesta, z celého kraju. To ráno, predtým ako začali tie rozhovory, bol som vo svojej izbe a Duch Svätý mi dal napísať presne všetko čo oni chceli vedieť, všetko na čo sa chceli opýtať, presne v tom poradí ako sa chceli pýtať. Bolo mi dané, že som im mohol povedať ich sny a vyložiť im ich, ešte skôr ako mi ich oni mohli vyrozprávať.

55Tí ľudia boli tam v tej miestnosti. Keby som tam prišiel a nechal ich hovoriť, oni by začali, "brat Branham, ja som prišiel z toho a toho dôvodu."

56Povedal som, "Pamätajte, že sme sa tu nezhromaždili preto aby sme mali obecenstvo. Neprišli sme tu preto aby sme mali obecenstvo jeden s druhým. Vo vašich mysliach a vo vašich srdciach sú otázky, na ktoré ste narazili a neviete čo s tým. Možno budem môcť na ne, s pomocou Božou, odpovedať."

57Povedal som, "Spomeňte si, keď kráľovná juhu prišla ku Šalamúnovi, tiež mala nejaké otázky. A Biblia hovorí, že nebolo veci ktorá by bola skrytá pred ním, na ktorú by nevedel dať odpoveď." A riekol som, "Väčší ako Šalamún je tu. Vidíte? Je to tak. Pán Ježiš zasľúbil, `Kdekoľvek sa zhromaždia dvaja alebo traja v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja v ich strede. A o čomkoľvek oni myslia, alebo túžia a budú o to prosiť, bude im to dané.` Nuž, vy máte otázky ktoré si neviete zodpovedať, niečo s čím si neviete dať rady, neviete ako sa pri tom zachovať."

58Povedal som, "Písmo ďalej hovorí toto, že `Anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorý sa Ho boja,` to je iný svet, kde nám týchto päť zmyslov nič nehovorí."

59Tých päť zmyslov má kontakt len s týmto svetom. Ak by ste nemali hmat, nemohli by ste nič nahmatať. Potom hmat by pre vás nič neznamenal, to by bol iný svet. Ak by ste nemali zrak, potom to na čo sa teraz dívate by bol pre vás iný svet, nič by ste o tom nevedeli. Tak týchto päť zmyslov je práve to do čoho nás Boh vpustil.

60Existuje potom ešte iný zmysel, ktorý sa nazýva viera. Vierou vystupujete hore po rebríku, až sa nakoniec môžete dostať tak vysoko, že sa preboríte do iného sveta, a to je videnie. Tam môžete vidieť.

61Je to práve tak, ako keby ste nikdy nevedeli čo je toto čo ste cítili svojím zmyslom - hmatom, nikdy ste to nevideli, potom sa vaše oči otvorili a vy ste to mohli vidieť. To by bolo tajomstvo pre toho, kto by nikdy nemohol vidieť. Bolo by to pre neho tajomstvo, ale jednako to existuje.

62A tam, Pán ... Prv ako sme sa sem dostali, dal odpoveď tým ľuďom, ktorí sem prišli z celej krajiny, zovšadiaľ, zo severu, z juhu, západu, kvôli tým rozhovorom. A len čo sa prestali rozprávať, práve vtedy keď sa chceli pýtať na tie otázky, na tie veci na ktoré sa chceli pýtať, povedal som, "Pozrite sa sem," a zodvihol som kus papieru na ktorom bola napísaná každá otázka, presne po poradí, práve tak ako by sa boli pýtali, tie odpovede na ich otázky boli tu takýmto spôsobom zodpovedané. Pán je veľký. On všetko vie. Ale jednako mi to zabralo asi tri dni, aby som v to popoludnie mohol tam vystúpiť, bolo to tak vysiľujúce. Nuž, myslel som, aby som to všetko zvládol prv ako odídeme.

63Najlepšie by bolo keby som sa mohol rozprávať jednotlivo s každým zvlášť. No, sú veci ktoré môžu byť povedané verejne.

64No keby tu tí ľudia poznali tie tajomstvá sŕdc ktoré boli zjavené, to by bolo absolútne ... Bolo by to hrozné; mohlo by to zapríčiniť zločin, mohlo by to zapríčiniť, že by strieľal jeden na druhého, alebo niečo podobné. Keby to tu na pódiu bolo verejne, pred publikom zjavené. Mohlo by to spôsobiť priestupok za ktorý sa sedí, a ktovie čo ešte.

65Je to celkom inak, keď v takej veci, pri pôsobení Svätého Ducha sedíme iba dvaja. Rozumieme si v tom, že keď sa ma na niečo pýtajú súkromne, tak o tom verejne nič nehovorím. A to čo im poviem, to záleží potom na nich či to chcú niekomu povedať alebo nie. Rozumiete? Ten rozhovor zostane len medzi nami. To je potrebné brať jednu osobu za druhou a posadiť sa s ňou v súkromí, kým by skrze Ducha Svätého nebolo všetko urovnané.

66A tak len pomyslite o tej milosti, že Duch Svätý mi všetko o tom povedal, pre každého jedného v celom tom rade, ešte prv ako sem prišli. Boli to ľudia z celej krajiny ktorých som nikdy v živote nevidel. A napísal som to tak, aby to mohli vedieť, presne zaradom podľa otázok na ktoré chceli mať odpoveď.

67Jeden brat mal otázky ohľadne semena hada, na ktoré som už nestačil presne odpovedať, pretože tá ich krátka polhodina skončila. Dúfam, že má všetky tie otázky na papieri správne zodpovedané. Ja ... On ich mal napísané a nebolo mu na všetky z nich odpovedané, ja som mu dal tie odpovede napísané len na papieri. Ak ich zatiaľ ešte nemá, sú u Billy Paula. Viem, že ten muž tu niekde sedí. Pred chvíľou som ho tu videl. Tak, ak chce nájsť tie odpovede na svoje otázky, sú napísané na tom papieri.

68Ó, vidíte aký dobrý je Pán. Dúfam, že sa každý cíti dobre.

69Pamätajme teraz, teraz keď sa modlím nad tými vreckovkami, pamätajme na brata Daucha. Je to vzácny brat a chceme pamätať na neho v modlitbe.

70Vidím brata Ungrena, ale nikde nemôžem zazrieť sestru Ungren, či je už teraz v poriadku. Aha, sedí hneď pri ňom. Je to ona. Ó, to som rád. Pretože raz v noci nám telefonovali, že sa nachádza v naliehavom stave aj so svojou dcérou, sestrou Dowing. Mali na ceste haváriu a bola to len milosť Božia, že ich to tam nerozmliaždilo. A oni potom pokračovali v ceste rovno do zhromaždenia, nasadli do vlaku a pokračovali v ceste.

71Nikdy nezabudnem ani na jedného z vás. Milujem vás. Boh to vie. Milujem vás. Ako, prichádzate cez celý kraj, po klzkých cestách.

72Keď sa tu dívam na nejakého brata z Georgie a z Alabamy a z rôznych iných miest, z Tennessee a z okolia, pričom oni prichádzajú na autách po klzkých, zľadovatených cestách, len aby tu boli na jednom zhromaždení.

73Keď som bol jedného dňa volaný v naliehavej potrebe ku bratovi Dauchovi, ani som si neuvedomoval, že Lima, Ohio je tak ďaleko. Myslel som si, že je to len na skok. Ó, ale, vyrazil som zavčasu ráno a ledva som tam dorazil o jednej hodine popoludní, a pritom som išiel najvyššou dovolenou rýchlosťou aká je na diaľnici. Myslel som si, že ako je to blízko cestou dole na juh, odkiaľ sem prišli niektorí ľudia, a tiež na sever a na západ kde odchádzajú.

74Milujem vás a preto sa tu snažím byť ku vám naprosto úprimný.

75I tých starých veteránov! Vidím tam v zadu sedieť brata Creecha i tých ostatných, ktorí boli so mnou vo všetkom po celé tie roky ako sme spolu vyrastali. Díval som sa na fotografiu Mary Jo, zdá sa mi ako keby to bolo len nedávno. Bola len taká maličká, keď sme sa prvý krát stretli a myslím že teraz je už vydatá a má deti. Brat Creech a sestra Creechová boli mladí, čiernovlasí, a tak isto Méda a ja, a teraz tu sme už šediví a zhrbení. Vidíte, existuje niečo takéto v ľuďoch a to vás spája. Vidíte, vy-vy-vy chcete zostať s nimi. Rozumiete? Existuje ešte niečo čo spôsobuje, že sa v mysli stále vraciate späť. Hovorím to len ako príklady pre ostatných ktorí sú tu, pre mladých i starých. My očakávame na Príchod Pánov.

76Dnes ráno mám na srdci ... Verím, že mi to Boh položil na srdce, aby sme dnes ráno, keď Pán dovolí, mali lekciu nedeľnej školy, ktorá potrvá trošku dlhšie. Pokiaľ viem, je to moje posledné zhromaždenie na dáky čas.

77Chcem aby ste pamätali, že tu brat Neville, ktorý zostáva tu v zbore, má na starosti túto modlitebňu, pod vedením Svätého Ducha, on je tu stále a verí tomu Posolstvu a učí ho tak ako ja. Kedykoľvek by ste chceli môžete prísť a počúvať brata Neville. Som si istý, že vám dobre poslúži. On je mocným sluhom Ježiša Krista.

78Poznal som Ormana Neville už ako malý chlapec a on sa ani trochu nezmenil, len čo sa viacej priblížil k Bohu. Pamätám sa keď som ho prvý krát videl na ... Bol som pozvaný kázať do jeho metodistického zboru. Keď som sa potom vrátil sem do zhromaždenia povedal som, "Jedného dňa ho pokrstím vo Meno Ježiša Krista." A on je teraz tu pri tom Posolstve, napredujúc, opravdivý chrabrý služobník.

79Brat Neville prechádza cez mnoho napätí a námah, ktoré on tu na sebe nedáva znať. Ale skrze to že Pán mi dovolí nazrieť do ľudského života, viem cez čo všetko on prechádza, mnoho z toho viem, rozumiete. On znáša mnoho námahy a napätia a ešte iných vecí. A vy, vy ktorí ste tu, podopierajte ho, tak ako Jozue a Káleb podopierali ruky Mojžiša, keď on prinášal Slovo.

80Milujte jeden druhého ponad všetko. Milujte sa navzájom. Nezáleží na tom čo sa diabol snaží hovoriť! Nuž, vy všetci ste teraz jednou veľkou milou skupinou, ale pamätajte na moje varovanie, Satan nenechá aby to tak zostalo. Nie veru. On vystrieľa všetko, ak má niekoho koho by priviedol aby dosiahol svoj cieľ. Privedie nejakého kritika, alebo neveriaceho, posadí ho ku vám a spôsobí aby mal s vami obecenstvo, v pokoji a vo všetkom, a potom zasiahne takého človeka nejakým jedom a on s tým vyrazí na celý zbor. Nestojte za tým. Nemajte s niečím takým nič spoločného. Zostaňte naďalej milujúci, vľúdni a láskaví jeden naproti druhému. Modlite sa za takého človeka, aby on tiež bol spasený, ktokoľvek to je, či muž alebo žena, modlite sa len za nich. A stojte jeden pri druhom.

81A stojte so svojím pastorom. On je pastier, vážte si ho. On vás cez to prevedie, pretože on je ustanovený do toho od Boha.

82Zapamätáte si to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nepriateľ príde. A keď on príde, priľnite len tesnejšie ku sebe. A ten, ktorého si diabol používa ako nepriateľa, buď odpadne alebo príde a bude jedným z vás. To je všetko.

83Nikdy nerobte medzi sebou skupinky, alebo reči. My sme jedno. Nemôžem povedať, "Ľavá ruka, ja sa pri tebe zbláznim, dám ťa preč, pretože ty nie si pravá ruka." Ona je mojou ľavou rukou. Ja chcem aby tam zostala. Ešte aj ten malý konček môjho prsta chcem aby zostal presne tam kde je, každá malá čiastka môjho tela chcem aby zostala tam kde je. A Boh chce aby sme my, ako telo veriacich, zostali dopasovaní presne jeden ku druhému, presne jeden s druhým.

84Nuž, máte pásky o tom. Máte pásky o tom čomu veríme. Máte pásky o poriadku v zbore, ako sa máme správať v cirkvi Božej, ako sem máme spoločne prichádzať a sedieť spolu v Ponebeských miestach. Nezostávajte doma. Ak je Boh vo vašom srdci, vy sa nebudete môcť dočkať, kedy sa otvoria dvere aby ste sa sem dostali a mali obecenstvo so svojimi bratmi. Ak to tak necítite, tak vám hovorím, že je načase aby ste sa modlili.

85Pretože sme v posledných dňoch, kde Biblia zdôrazňuje ... či napomína nás aby - aby, "Čím viac vidíme že sa približuje ten deň," aby sme milovali jeden druhého kresťanskou láskou a Božskou láskou, "Aby sme sa spolu zhromaždili v Ponebeských miestach v Kristu Ježišovi," a milovali jeden druhého. "Po tom poznajú všetci že ste moji učeníci, keď budete mať lásku medzi sebou." To je práve ono. Stojte tesne spolu.

86Ak si myslíte, že určitý brat alebo sestra nemá v niečom pravdu, povedzte, "Pane, nedovoľ aby vo mne vyrástol nejaký koreň horkosti, pretože to by sa ho mohlo dotknúť a odsunie to Krista preč z môjho života." Ten jedovatý kvas zlomyseľnosti, závisti, hnevu, odníme od vás Svätého Ducha. Vyženie Ho zo zhromaždenia. Zabije to Ducha Božie- ho, alebo Ho vypudí preč z tadiaľto, zraní vášho pastora. Urobí všetko. Vidíte? Nerobte to.

87Ale tým viacej sa zbližujte jeden s druhým. Pritiahnite ... Zapnite pracku, ako nám to jedného večera svedčil ten brat, ktorý tu kázal, o zapínaní, ako to videl vo videní. Tie pracky sú na zbroji Božej na všetkom. Len si ju oblečte, pritiahnite, zblížte sa len tesnejšie jeden s druhým. Milujte jeden druhého, nech sa deje čokoľvek. Hovorte pekne jeden o druhom, hovorte dobré veci jeden o druhom, a potom vám Boh bude žehnať.

88Nuž, toto ráno, keď dá Pán, s Jeho pomocou a skrze Jeho milosť, mám tu celý rad otázok, či skôr miest z Písma. A tak, prv ako pristúpime ku Tomu ... Myslím, že som počul ako tam zapli nahrávanie. Chystáme sa teraz priniesť Posolstvo, z milosti Božej.

Najprv sa pomodlime.

89Pane Ježišu, hovorím ku tomuto telu Cirkvi, aby sa oni držali spolu pri Božej nemennej ruke, pri ich absolute, pri Slove. Varujem ich, tak ako Pavel varoval svoje stádo, že, "Vojdú medzi nich vlci." Ty si dnes ten istý Boh, aký si bol aj vtedy, a ten nepriateľ je taký istý. Nech toto obecenstvo a putá lásky stále existujú medzi týmito ľuďmi v Kristu Ježišovi.

90Pomôž nám toto ráno, Pane, keď čítame to Slovo. Nech nám Ho Duch Svätý zjavi, aby Cirkev mohla byť plne založená na "Viere raz ta danej svätým," aby ich zachovala. A nech, tak ako si dal to videnie, pred nejakými dvomi rokmi, "nahromadiť Potravu," peknú, zdravú zeleninu, ako som to videl vo videní, ktorá bola nahromadená tu v tejto modlitebni, daj nech obdržíme dnes z Toho plný sud. Udeľ to, Pane. Ten náklad vo forme magnetofónovej pásky, aby nám to mohlo zjaviť Ježiša Krista v tejto hodine v ktorej žijeme, aby nám to dalo posilnenie, duchovnú silu do práce ktorá leží pred nami. Udeľ to, Otče.

91Požehnaj týchto, Tvoje deti. Oni sem prišli dnes ráno z rôznych strán tohoto národa. Je horúce dusné ráno, ale i tak pri tom všetkom cítime prítomnosť Svätého Ducha.

92Myslíme na Johna Wesleya, Calvína, Sankeya, Knoxa, Finneya a na mnohých ďalších, dokonca v tých sálach kde sedeli ľudia neboli ani elektrické ventilátory a pot stekal dole po ich tvári. Ženy, náležite prikryté a oblečené, sedeli v tých zhromaždeniach a potili sa, tak že až ich šaty boli presiaknuté od potu, počúvali Božie Slovo, kŕmili svoje duše. No, my cítime, Pane, že oni sú niekde na odpočinku očakávajúci Príchod Pánov.

93Zachovávaj nás spolu, Otče. Nech nás Duch Svätý vedie a usmerňuje. Daj nám dlhý život v službe pre Teba. Daj nám dnes ráno to veľké Posolstvo, na ktoré očakávame z Tvojho Slova, aby ono mohlo vojsť do každého srdca. Učiň Pane, aby tie rty ktoré hovoria, hovorili Pravdu. Učiň, aby to srdce ktoré počúva bolo úrodné do prijatia Pravdy, a nech z Toho narastú veľké stromy Večného Života, aby boli svietiacimi svetlami a čítanými epištolami od všetkých ľudí, aby mohli vedieť, že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a žije medzi nami. Učiň nás tak plných lásky a ovocia Ducha, až by iný mužovia i ženy, chlapci i dievčatá mohli vidieť výsledok Kristovho Života, ktorý stále v nás žije, po dvoch tisícoch rokoch od tej veľkej udalosti. Udeľ to Otče, ku Tvojej chvále. My to prosíme v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

94Teraz chcem čítať niečo z Písma. Dúfam, že ste si už pripravili tužky a papier i všetko čo potrebujete.

95Brat Neville, zostaň sedieť, ja si len vyzliekam kabát, ak je to .. [brat Neville hovorí, "To je v poriadku." – pozn.prekl.] Prepáčte mi, že som si vyzliekol kabát, ale tu hore je strašne horúco.

96Chcel by som aby ste si otvorili List Kološanom, prvú kapitolu. A potom keď budeme čítať, začneme od ... Chcel by som, keď prídete domov, aby ste si prečítali celú tú kapitolu. Dnes ráno však chcem aby ste čítali so mnou od 15. až do 29. verša.

97Buďte teraz trpezliví tak ako len môžete, lebo cítim že tu v tomto, ak mi Boh pomôže, budú vám zjavené a pripomenuté všetky tie ďalšie veci o ktorých som hovoril v tejto modlitebni po celý ten čas. Prečo som povedal to čo som povedal a prečo som urobil to čo som urobil. Tak pre toto.

98Tak od 15. verša.

Ktorý je obrazom neviditeľného Boha, prvorodený všetkého stvorenstva:

Lebo v ňom je stvorené všetko, všetko, čo je v nebesiach i čo je na zemi, viditeľné i neviditeľné, buď tróny buď panstvá buď kniežatstvá buď vrchnosti, to všetko je stvorené skrze neho a cieľom neho:

A on je predo všetkým, a všetko v ňom povstalo a stojí,

A on je hlavou tela, cirkvi, ktorý je počiatkom, prvorodený z mŕtvych, aby on bol vo všetkom prvý.

Lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi, aby v ňom prebývala všetka plnosť - aby v ňom prebývala všetka plnosť.

99Dovoľte mi ešte raz zdôrazniť ten 19. verš.

Lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi, aby v ňom prebývala všetka plnosť,

A aby skrze neho smieril všetko cieľom neho urobiac pokoj skrze krv jeho kríža, skrze neho, buď to čo je na zemi, buď to čo je v nebesiach.

(Hľaďte kde až zašlo to zmierenie.)

I vás, ktorí ste boli kedysi odcudzení a nepriateľmi mysľou v zlých skutkoch, ale teraz vás smieril.

V jeho ľudskom tele skrze smrť, aby vás postavil svätých .. bezvadných ... bezúhonných pred ním.

Akže trváte založený na viere a pevní a neuchyľujúci sa od nádeje evanjelia, ktoré ste počuli, a ktoré sa zvestuje každému stvoreniu, ktoré je pod nebom, ktorého evanjelia som sa ja Pavel stal služobníkom,

Ktorý sa teraz radujem vo svojich utrpeniach za vás a doplňujem nedostatky súžení Kristových na svojom ľudskom tele za jeho telo, ktorým je cirkev.

Ktorej som sa ja stal služobníkom podľa domosprávy Božej, ktorá mi je daná cieľom vás naplniť slovo Božie,

Tajomstvo, skryté od vekov a od dávnych pokolení, ale teraz je zjavené jeho svätým,

100Ešte raz chcem prečítať ten verš.

Tajomstvo, skryté od vekov a od dávnych pokolení, ale teraz je zjavené jeho svätým,

Ktorým Boh ráčil oznámiť, čo a jaké je bohatstvo slávy tohoto tajomstva medzi pohanmi, ktorým je Kristus vo vás, nádeja slávy,

Ktorého my zvestujeme upravujúc každého človeka k rozumnosti a učiac každého človeka vo všetkej múdrosti, aby sme predstavili každého človeka dokonalého v Kristu Ježišovi,

A tým cieľom aj úsilne pracujem zápasiac podľa jeho pôsobenia, ktoré pôsobí vo mne v moci.

101Nuž, toto chcem vybrať ako text, opierajúc to o celú Bibliu a chcem tomu dať názov: KRISTUS JE ZJAVENÉ TAJOMSTVO BOŽIE! Vzal som to tak po poriadku ako pri lekcii nedeľnej školy, aby sme si všetko spolu mohli čítať a mali spolu obecenstvo.

102Tak Božie skryté tajomstvo, ktoré On mal pred založením sveta. Ďaleko v zadu v Božej mysli bolo niečo, čo sa On snažil a chystal dosiahnuť, a ku tomu On mal Svoj motív, za tým účelom, aby mohol vyjadriť Seba Samého. Pretože ešte skôr ako bol mesiac, alebo nejaká hviezda, atóm či molekula alebo čokoľvek iné. On bol Boh. Ale presnejšie povedané, v tom čase nebol Bohom, pretože Boh je objektom uctievania a v tedy tam ešte nebolo ničoho čo by Ho uctievalo.

103Tak, vo Svojej veľkej mysli On chcel aby tieto atribúty boli vyjadrené. A v Ňom bola láska, v Ňom bolo aby bol Otcom, v Ňom bolo aby bol Synom, v Ňom bolo aby bol Spasiteľom, v Ňom bolo aby bol Uzdravovateľom. A všetky tie nádherné atribúty, ktoré vidíme už vyjadrené, oni boli v Bohu.

104Podľa mojej mienky, prvú vec ktorú On učinil boli anjeli. A oni Ho potom uctievali a to Ho učinilo Bohom. A On odtade začal. Ako som sa to snažil vyložiť v predchádzajúcich posolstvách, rozoberajúc to. A tak, potom, keď Ho anjeli začali uctievať, to bolo ešte predtým ako vôbec existovali nejaké molekuly na svete. Nebolo ničoho. Všade bola tma. Nebolo žiadneho slnka ani žiadneho mesiaca, žiadnych hviezd ani ničoho, tak On bol Boh. Ako sa opýtal Jóba, "Kde si bol keď som kládol základy sveta, vidíte, keď spolu plesali hviezdy rána, a keď jasali všetci synovia Boží?" Vidíte, nuž, kde si bol? Vidíte? To bolo oveľa skôr ako bol svet.

105Nuž, Boh mal určitý zámer a skryté tajomstvo. A to je to o čom chcem ku Cirkvi dnes ráno hovoriť, skryté tajomstvo Božie, ktoré On mal vo Svojej mysli ešte predtým ako vôbec započal svet, a ako sa to rozvinulo až do tohoto času v ktorom žijeme. Rozumiete? Verím, že potom jasne porozumiete a budete vedieť čo sa deje.

106Veľké Božie tajomstvo, to je tajnosť. On to držal v tajnosti. Nikto o tom nič nevedel. Dokonca ani anjeli tomu nerozumeli. Vidíte, On to nezjavil. Z toho dôvodu, pod naším siedmym tajomstvom, keď bola otvorená siedma pečať, bolo ticho. Keď bol Ježiš na zemi, oni chceli vedieť kedy príde. On povedal, "To nie je ... Dokonca ani sám Syn nevie kedy sa to stane." Vidíte, Boh si to nechal všetko pre Seba. To je tajnosť. A z toho dôvodu v nebi nastalo mlčanie ako za pol hodiny, a sedem hromov prehovorilo svoje hlasy a Jánovi bolo zakázané aby to napísal, vidíte, Príchod Pánov. To je to čo On ešte nezjavil, to ako On príde a kedy On príde. To je dobre že to nezjavil. Nie.

107On to ukázal či odhalil v každom symbolickom obraze, ktorý je v Biblii. Preto tedy celá Biblia je zjavenie Božieho tajomstva v Kristovi. Rozumiete? Celá Biblia je určité vyjadrenie jedného cieľu, ktorý Boh mal, jedného zámeru ktorý chcel dosiahnuť v celej Biblii. A všetky skutky veriacich v Biblii boli predobrazom a vyjadrujú, čo je to ten Boží veľký cieľ, a teraz v posledných dňoch to On zjavil a ukázal. A s Božou pomocou to uvidíte práve tu dnes ráno, čo mal Pán po celý ten čas vo Svojej mysli a ako to vyjadril.

108Preto, môžete vidieť aký to má veľký význam, poznať čo to je a snažiť sa priniesť to ľuďom. Rozumiete? Vy potom ne ... Ešte som nevošiel do detailov, aby som sa to pokúsil vyložiť tak, ako mi to Boh zjavil.

109Nuž, ak si chcete robiť poznámky. Mám mnoho miest z Písma, ktoré chcem čítať. A teraz, nájdime si Ev. Sv. Lukáša 24. kapitola, to je ... To je o tých dvoch apoštoloch na ceste do Emaus. A Ježiš sa priblížil ku nim, po Svojom zmŕtvychvstaní, a oni boli na ceste do Emaus, idúc cestou rozmýšľali, rozprávali sa a plakali z dôvodu Jeho smrti, a ako Ho videli trpieť, čo podľa ich mienky nemalo vôbec žiadnu cenu: vzali ich Pána a ukrižovali Ho. Oni išli tak cestou a plakali.

110A On pristúpil ku nim z boku a začal im rozprávať o Kristovi. Povedal, "Ó, hlúpi a leniví rozumieť. Neviete že všetci proroci i žalmy ..." Vidíte, čo On urobil? Identifikoval sa pred tými apoštolmi, že všetci proroci i všetky žalmy i všetko znázorňovalo Jeho. Vidíte?

111Nuž a dôvod, prečo som to dnes ráno nechcel vyhlásiť ako kázanie, je ten, že si myslím, že formou vyučovania to lepšie porozumieme, ako len vziať text a prebehnúť cezeň. Budeme to vyučovať.

112Nuž, On povedal, že všetky Žalmy a všetci proroci hovorili o Ňom. Nuž teda, to ukazuje, že celý Starý Zákon, celý Nový Zákon i všetky Žalmy, tie piesne ktoré boli spievané, boli spievané o Ňom.

113Vezmime 22. Žalm a spievajte ho a porovnajte to s tým ránom ukrižovania. Vidíte, "Môj Bože, môj Bože, prečo si ma opustil? Počítam všetky svoje kosti, a oni hľadia a dívajú sa na mňa. Prebodli moje ruky i moje nohy." Zatiaľ čo to všetko tam spievali, oni tam dole v chráme spievali ten Žalm a ukrižovali práve Toho o Ktorom to spievali. Vidíte? Vidíte tých veľkých náboženských vodcov, tých veľkých mužov, tých veľkých učiteľov, a predsa tak zaslepených, že hoci čítali tie proroctvá a spievali tie Žalmy, učinili ten zločin o ktorom bolo povedané že ho učinia.

To isté sa deje dnes ráno!

114Počúvajte pozorne, pretože ... Teraz nebudem už dávať pozor na to čo hovoria hodiny. Chcem aby ste to zrozumeli. Chápete? Nedbám na to. V poriadku? [Zhromaždenie s radosťou volá, "Amen" – pozn.prekl.]

115Tak tu v podstate môžete vidieť, že Boh skryl ten skutočný úmysel, ktorý mal na počiatku vo Svojej mysli, pred všetkými tými učenými. A len niekoľko, vybraný predurčený počet, predurčení ľudia, oni boli tí jediní ktorí to počuli. Nuž preskúmajte Písmo, späť až do času prorokov a vidzte, či to nebolo to isté. Vidíte?

116A Ježiš ich tu odkazuje do prorokov a do Žalmov, povedal že oni všetci hovorili o Ňom. Vidíte? A tu tí židovskí učitelia, rabíni, doktori Zákona, profesori, urobili presne to isté, ako to urobili tí pred nimi.

117Všimnite si, On znovu povedal, "Skúmajte Písma, pretože oni sú to ktoré svedčia o Mne." Skúmajte Písma, Písma, celé Písmo. Čo sa snažím urobiť? Ukázať vám že táto Biblia, to je to čo má pravdu.

118Jedného dňa, keď som bol v nemocnici a rozprával som sa tam na izbe s nejakými ľuďmi, ktorí patrili do denominácií, prosila ma jedna sestra, aby som jej vysvetlil to o tých denomináciách, prečo sme proti denomináciám.

119Hľaďte, to sa musí navrátiť späť do Slova, pretože Slovo je Boh. Rozumiete? A Ježiš tu odkazuje na to isté, že to Slovo,to je On. Nemôžete spôsobiť aby si Písmo Samo Sebe protirečilo. "Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo Telom!" Vidíte?

120Nuž tu On hovorí, "Skúmajte Písma, Ony svedčia o Mne. Vy si myslíte že v Nich máte Večný Život," a to je pravda, "a Ony sú to ktoré svedčia o Mne. A Ja skladám o Nich svedectvo. Ak Ja nečiním skutky, ktoré boli zasľúbené že budem činiť, vtedy Ma nepočúvajte. Ale ak Ja činím tie skutky a vy Mi nemôžete veriť, verte tým skutkom, pretože ony svedčia že On je to Slovo." Ó, je to tak jasné, že jasnejšie to ani nemôže byť. Vidíte? Nuž, "Skúmajte Písma." On povedal, že Mojžiš a celý Zákon, a tak ďalej, Proroci i Žalmy hovorili o Ňom. A znovu povedal, že tie Písma svedčia o Ňom.

121On je hlavnou témou celej Biblii. Ak ste čítali Bibliu a nevideli ste tam v každom verši Krista, vráťte sa a čítajte to znovu. Ak v Biblii, v každom verši nemôžete vidieť Krista, tak čítajte odznovu, pretože vám niečo uniklo. Biblia je Kristus. On je Slovo. Keď čítate, "Na počiatku Boh stvoril ..", tam je Kristus. Vidíte? Všetko... Od tade až do toho "Amen" v Zjavení, každé Slovo svedčí o Ježišovi Kristovi.

122Preto tie pridané knihy, ktoré nazývajú "Druhá kniha Danielova a Kniha Makabejcov a Kniha o Očistci," a tomu podobné, vidíte, v Písme o nich nie je hovorené. Ich téma sa nezhoduje s Tými ostatnými. Tam nieto miesto kde by sa dal vložiť očistec, tam nieto miesto kde by sa dala vložiť prímluva svätých a tomu podobné veci, na to tam nie je miesto. Tam nie je miesto pre nejaké denominácie. Tam nie je miesto pre vierovyznania, okrem Biblii. Tak keď vidíte tie veci, oni sa jednoducho nemôžu spratať do toho obrazu. A preto, že to tam ľudia majú popridávané, majú svoje obrazy [jigsaw puzle - obrazová skladačka z rozstrihaných kúskov. – pozn.prekl.] celé domiešané. Nemôžu ku tomu správne priložiť, "Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky!"

123Ale keď sa tie veci zložia správne, vytvoria úplný obraz stvorenia a celý plán Boží odhalený v Ježišovi Kristovi. Amen! To je úplný obraz zložený dokopy, každé malé zaoblenie i každá hrana. Je to práve ako ... Nuž, nemyslím že by sa tým stala svätokrádež, ale je to práve tak ako skladanie dokopy toho rozstrihaného obrazu (jigsaw puzzle).

124Preto máme dnes obrazy, ktoré vyzerajú hrozne. Oni hovoria, "My sme veriaci" a krava žere trávu hore na vrcholku stromu. To nefunguje. To je keď oni hovoria, "Áno, On je všetkým, ale len v určitom ... On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, ale len v určitom význame." Vidíte? Tak ruinujete svoj obraz.

125Biblia hovorí, že On je ten istý! Ev. Sv. Jána 5, alebo 14,12., On povedal, "ten," ten - ktokoľvek. "Ten, kto verí vo Mňa, skutky, ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť."

"Dobre, ale to bolo pre iný vek."

126Tam zase máte špatný svoj obraz. Máte tam muža, ktorý loví ryby na púšti v kope horúceho piesku, kde nieto vôbec žiadnych rýb. Rozumiete? Vy ho musíte dostať späť, tam kde loví ryby, do Galilei, tam kde je mnoho rýb, vidíte.

127Musíte skladať ten obraz tak aby vyzeral správne. To je veľký Boží obraz. A je len jedna možnosť ako ho môžete uvidieť, a to tak, že uvidíte Ježiša Krista. Na tom je založená celá Biblia. On je hlavnou témou Biblii.

128Ste si vedomí toho, že ktorékoľvek z týchto miest by ste mohli vziať ako text, a kazateľ len s námahou môže zostať potichu. Vyzerá ako by chcel s tým vybehnúť, ale musíte sa dostať späť k tomu čo vyučujeme.

129On je hlavnou témou Biblii. On bol v prorokoch. On bol v Žalmoch. On bol v histórii Biblii. Biblia je prorocká Kniha. Historická Kniha. Kniha lásky. Kniha piesní. Kniha Života. A v tom nachádzame Krista. On bol v prorokoch. On bol v Žalmoch. On bol v histórii. A On je tiež v Biblii v tých veciach ktoré sa majú stať. Tak, On bol pred tým a tiež potom. Aký On teda je? "Ten istý včera ,dnes i naveky."

130A vy tam niečo vštepíte, čo Ho nečiní "tým istým včera, dnes i naveky," brat Lee, kde vás to vedie? Máte tam hrozný obraz. Pretože, On bol históriou, vidíte, a On je Prorok. On je tými Žalmami. On je všetko. Ak Ho nemôžete učiniť všetkým, a tým istým, nuž aký je potom váš obraz? Či to vidíte? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku.

131To je On. Proroci, to bol On. On bol v nich. On bol v Žalmoch. On bol v histórii, a On je vo všetkom čo má nadísť, "ten istý včera, dnes i naveky." Židom 13,8., ak si to zapisujete. On má tedy byť hlavnou myšlienkou, ak to je to čo On je. A my tomu veríme, však? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teda, ak to On je, potom On má byť hlavnou témou našich rozhovorov, nášho myslenia, nášho spievania, nášho chodenia. ["Amen."] On má byť tou hlavnou témou nášho života. Ak On je tou hlavnou témou Biblii, a Biblia je v nás, potom On má byť hlavnou témou všetkého čo robíme, hovoríme, alebo myslíme: to má byť Kristus. Súhlasí to? ["Amen."] V poriadku.

132Od vtedy, čo takto rozmýšľame, On sa stal pre nás Hlavou "všetkých vecí." Tak to tu stojí v Liste Kološanom. On je pre nás Hlavou "všetkého." Pretože On bol učinený ... Pre nás, ktorí sme zahrnutí do toho "všetkého." Vy poviete, "A čo hriešnik?" On sa stal sudcom pre hriešnika, ak To on neprijíma. On sa stal slávou pre veriaceho, ktorý To prijíma. Tak v tom, to, "všetky veci boli stvorené skrze Neho a pre Neho."

133Je potrebná noc, aby bola vyjadrená sláva dňa. Je potrebná hanebná nádoba, aby bola vyjadrená láska a starostlivosť cnostnej nádobe. Je potrebná zlá žena ktorá nosí nemorálne oblečenie a predáva svoju cnosť, aby boli vyjadrené cnosti pravej dámy. Rozumiete? Je potrebný darebák a zlodej, aby mohla byť vyjadrená rýdzosť opravdivého veriaceho, opravdivého kresťana. Je zapotreby pokrytca, aby sa mohol ukázať veriaci, čím on je.

134Tak, "Všetko bolo stvorené skrze Neho." A od vtedy ako On sa stal všetkým... pre nás všetkých, všetko bolo učinené pre, skrze Neho. Potom, nakoľko je to pravda, natoľko budeme s Ním stotožnení. My sa máme stotožniť s Ním, pretože On sa stotožnil s nami. My sa máme stotožniť s Ním. Ako? Tým že budeme žiť pre Neho, nie len tým že budeme niečo vyznávať.

135Tak mnoho ľudí prijíma nejaké vyznanie, hovoria... Dnes to zašlo už tak ďaleko. Si Kresťan? "Ja som Metodista." Nuž to je ďaleko od toho aby ste sa dali poznať ako Kresťan. Nuž, hľaďte čo robia Metodisti. "Ja som Baptista." Nuž, hľaďte čo robia Baptisti. "Ja som Katolík." Hľaďte čo oni robia. Vidíte?

136Ale ten jediný spôsob, aby ste sa vy skutočne mohli stať Kresťanom je, že by Kristus Seba Samého zidentifikoval vo vás. To sme ale získali niečo čo nás do toho popicháva. Dúfam, že každý to na tej páske tiež dostáva. Vidíte? Vidíte?

Vy hovoríte, "Ja som Letničný." To nič neznamená.

137To je Kristus zidentifikovaný vo vás. To je vtedy keď On dal najavo že vás pozná.

Hovoríte, "Hovoril som v jazykoch." Diabli to tiež robia.

138"Vykrikoval som." Mohamedáni, Budhisti i všetci vykrikujú. Indiáni kričia počas hadieho tanca. Vidíte? Samozrejme. Oni všetci vykrikujú. Kulty, klany a všetci ostatní kričia a vykrikujú. Ľudia jasajú a vykrikujú pri basketbale.

139 Ale keď je Kristus zidentifikovaný vo vás, identifikujúci Seba Samého, vtedy vy ste ako Kristus. To je to čo slovo Kresťan znamená, aby byť "ako Kristus." Vtedy ste s Ním zidentifikovaní. V poriadku. Nuž a keď je On preukazom našej totožnosti, potom my sa máme Ním preukazovať, životom pre Neho.

140Všimnite si, Boh mal trojaký zámer v tom veľkom skrytom tajomstve. Boh, vo Svojom veľkom skrytom tajomstve, ktoré mal pred založením sveta, On v ňom mal trojaký zámer. A teraz to, do čoho chceme vojsť dnes ráno je, čo je to ten trojaký zámer? Vidíte? Nuž, verím, že s pomocou Božou, ktorý je tu prítomný, a On-On nám to ukáže. Nuž, ak On mal ten trojaký zámer, my chceme zistiť čo je to ten trojaký zámer.

141Prvá vec bola to, že Boh chcel zjaviť ľuďom Seba Samého.

142On to nemohol učiniť ako veľký Jehovah, Boh ktorý pokrýva všetok priestor, čas i Večnosť. On by to nebol mohol. On je príliš veľký, aby vôbec mohol byť zjavený ľuďom, pretože to by bolo príliš tajomné. Ako by tá veľká Existencia, ktorá nemala nikdy počiatku... keby ste prekročili okruh vzdialený stovky biliónov a triliónov svetelných rokov a ďalej v nekonečnosť do Večnosti, a tá veľká Bytosť bola tým všetkým a stále ešte je.

143Ale čo On chcel urobiť, On miloval otcovstvo, pretože On bol Otcom. A jediný spôsob ako by to On mohol vyjadriť bolo, že sa stal Synom človeka. To je ten dôvod prečo Ježiš používal označenie, "Syn človeka." Vidíte, oni nevedeli o čom On hovorí, mnohí z nich. Ale teraz to rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Vidíte? On chcel vyjadriť Samého Seba. To bolo Jeho, jeden z Jeho veľkých troch zámerov, aby vyjadril Seba Samého, aby sa zidentifikoval s ľuďmi, aby sa zjavil v Kristovi.

144Po druhé, aby mal to prvenstvo vo Svojom Tele veriacich, ktorým je Jeho Nevesta, aby tak mohol žiť v ľuďoch.

145Nuž, On by to bol mohol v Adamovi a v Eve, ale hriech ich oddelil, a tak musela existovať nejaká cesta ako ich dostať znovu späť. Ó! Ó, je mi to drahé, keď si na to len pomyslím. Vidíte? Vidíte aký bol Boží zámer? Nuž, prečo On nezachoval Adama a Evu v takom stave? Potom by On nebol mohol nikdy vyjadriť Svoju plnosť, v plnosti Svoje atribúty. Pretože, On by tak mohol byť Otcom, to je pravda, ale On je tiež Spasiteľ. Vy poviete, "Ako vieš, že On ním je?" Je, pretože som mal to prežitie. Vidíte? Vidíte? On je Spasiteľ a On to musel vyjadriť. A ako to mohol urobiť? Jedine skrze Krista. Vidíte, všetky tie veci sú zahrnuté v tej jednej Osobe, v Ježišovi Kristovi. Ó. Keď - keď...

146Keď o tom premýšľam, vidím denominácie miznúť z dejiska i všetko ostatné sa jednoducho stráca, vidíte, keď vidím ten veľký Boží zámer, ako sa On Sám zjavuje. A tak, prv, aby zjavil Seba Samého v Kristovi, "plnosť Božstva telesne." A potom, aby priniesol tú "plnosť Božstva telesne" do ľudí, aby On mohol mať to prvenstvo, dohľad, vedenie.

147Ešte niečo, ten večer, ak ste nedostali tú pásku, kázal som raz večer na tému Väzeň Ježiša Krista. Pavel, väzeň! Vidíte? Keď Boh dosiahne to, že sa stanete Jeho väzňom, potom nemôžete robiť nič, len to čo vám Duch povie aby ste robili. Pavel, so všetkými svojimi schopnosťami, on bol vyučený od Gamaliela, aby sa jedného dňa stal veľkým kňazom, alebo rabínom. On mal vysoké ambície. Bol vzdelaným mužom, veľkou autoritou, veľkým mužom v národe. Ale on to všetko musel obetovať, vidíte aby sa stal časťou Slova, aby stvárnil Ježiša Krista. On vedel čo to znamenalo povedať ...

148Zaumienil si, že pôjde na určité miesto, nejakí bratia ho volali, ale mu bolo zabránené od Ducha, učiniť podľa jeho vlastnej vôli. Ó, keby sa toho mohli uchytiť ľudia napoly duchovní! Vidíte? Jemu bolo zabránené aby učinil podľa svojej vlastnej vôli. On mohol urobiť jedine ... "Duch mi zabránil." Vidíte? On bol Kristov väzeň.

149Potom, tá veštica jedného dňa, Pavel vedel, že má moc aby vyhnal toho démona, ale on to mohol urobiť jedine tak ako si to Boh prial. Deň čo deň chodila za ním a vykrikovala na neho, ale jedného dňa mu Duch dal povolenie. Vtedy ju pokarhal, toho ducha ktorý bol v nej. Vidíte? On vedel čo to znamená byť väzňom.

150Mojžiš, jeho vedomosti, on sa ich musel zbaviť, aby mohol nájsť Krista, aby sa stal väzňom. Potom, keď Boh z neho vytĺkol celý svet a všetku jeho veľkosť, to čo on bol, a keď zastal v prítomnosti toho Ohnivého Stĺpu, v ten deň bol nájdený ako taký ktorý nevie hovoriť. On povedal, že by nevedel ani hovoriť. Potom Boh mal väzňa. Vidíte? Potom sa to už nebudete snažiť robiť na základe svojho vlastného preskúmania Potom Boh musel vystrojiť tohoto muža, vystrojiť ho mocou ktorá bola dostatočná nato, aby tam mohol ísť.

151A on povedal, "Pane, povedal som faraónovi to čo si mi Ty kázal a on to nechce urobiť."

152On povedal, "Tak vezmi svoju palicu," To hovorí Boh, to je Božie Slovo, "choď tam, pozdvihni ju smerom na východ a zavolaj muchy." A muchy zostali stvorené, pretože On tam mal väzňa ktorého Faraón nemohol ničím podplatiť. Už nikto ho nemohol nasmerovať na žiadnu inú cestu. On bol kompletným väzňom v reťaziach Božieho Slova, zaviazaný jedine do toho TAK HOVORÍ PÁN.

153Ó, keby Boh mohol pre Seba získať takýchto väzňov! Nuž to vtedy On bude môcť stvárniť tie prednosti (Svoje prvenstvo). Rozumiete? On musí toho muža, či tú osobu, dostať do takého stavu, že ten už viacej nepozná nič okrem Krista. Rozumiete čo myslím? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku. To je po druhé.

154Po prvé, aby vyjadril kompletne Samého Seba, Boh v Kristovi.

155Po druhé, aby mal tie prednosti, skrze to, vo Svojej Cirkvi, ktorá je Jeho Telom, Nevestou, až kým by v nich mohol mať to prvenstvo, aby cez nich vyjadril Samého Seba. V poriadku.

156A zatretie, aby uviedol Kráľovstvo do pôvodného stavu, do jeho patričného postavenia, ktoré skrze hriech prvého Adama upadlo, aby ho uviedol späť tam, kde sa On prechádzal vo večernom chládku so Svojimi ľuďmi, rozprával sa s nimi a mal s nimi obecenstvo.

157A teraz hriech a smrť ich oddelili od Jeho prítomnosti a od Jeho úplného stvárnenia sa. Čítate to? Pred založením sveta, aby vyjadril všetky Svoje atribúty, čo On bol.

158Preto teda, ak ty, ktorý veríš v trojicu, keď by si sa nechal tu na chvíľu z toho uvolniť, môžeš vidieť, že Otec, Syn a Svätý Duch nie sú traja bohovia, ale to sú tri atribúty toho istého Boha. Vidíte? To je stvárnenie. Otec, On bol, chcel byť Otcom. On bol Otec, On bol Syn a On je Svätý Duch. A Otec a Duch Svätý, to je ten istý Duch. Či to vidíte? Rozumiete tomu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nie traja bohovia. To vám diabli nahovorili také veci, aby urobili z vás modlárov. Vidíte? To je jeden Boh, ktorý sa prejavuje v troch atribútoch. Ako Otec, ako Spasiteľ, ako Syn, ako Uzdravovateľ, vidíte, to sú Jeho stvárnenia.

159Chcel by som to ešte trochu prebrať, aby aj tí ľudia ktorí počúvajú tie pásky mohli porozumieť tú myšlienku a vidieť to. Ale zabralo by mi to veľa času, každá jedna téma. No dúfam že som to predstavil dosť jasne aby ste mohli vidieť čo tým chcem ukázať. Rozumiete?

160Boh, stvárnený v Ježišovi Kristovi, ktorý bol oboje, Otec, Syn i Duch Svätý, "plnosť Božstva telesne."

161Teraz, "kompletná plnosť Božstva telesne" prebýva v Jeho Cirkvi, tie prednosti. Všetko čo bol Boh, prelial do Krista, a všetko čo bol Kristus, bolo preliate do Cirkvi, do veriacich.

162Nie do denominácií! Za niekoľko minút sa ku tomu dostaneme, a potom to z vašej mysli naveky odníme niečo také, uvidíte, ukážem vám čo je tomu príčinou, s pomocou Božou, ak nám to len On dovolí.

163Aký je teraz Jeho zámer? Stvárniť Sa ako Syn, vidíte, a teraz, aby v Ňom mohla prebývať "plnosť Božstva telesne." Leží to tu v Liste Kološanom, rovno predo mnou. Vidíte? To bol Boží zámer cez celé Písmo. Nuž, a cez ten Život toho Syna, skrze Jeho kríž, "Krv," tak to tu stojí, "Krv Jeho kríža," aby si Sám pre Seba mohol zmieriť Telo, Nevestu, ktorou je Eva, druhá Eva. A Boh nám to dal ako predobraz, tak ako dal Mojžiša a všetko ostatné. To isté On učinil pri Adamovi a Eve, dávajúc tým predobraz, že oni boli Kristus a Nevesta. On je druhý Adam, Cirkev je druhá Eva.

164Ale tak dlho ako tá druhá Eva robí kompromisy voči Slovu, či ona nerobí to isté čo urobila tá prvá Eva? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Pri čom sa snaží povedať, "Dobre, ale to bolo na iný čas." Za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme, či On povedal že to platilo na iný čas. Ako to môže byť na iný čas, keď On je "ten istý včera, dnes i naveky?"

165Ale Boh si to tak predsavzal a "skryl to pred očami múdrych a rozumných a zjavil to tým predurčeným nemluvňatám," ktoré boli predurčené do toho aby to prijali.

166To je ten dôvod, že sledujeme po celý ten čas, kedykoľvek to Svetlo niečo osvietilo, oni to odstrčili a zavrhli. Veľkí učenci a tí veľkí kňazi, ktorí tam stáli, rabíni od veľkých učiteľov a autorít, takí ako Nikodém a iní, muž vyhladeného vzdelania a vôbec Tomu nemohol porozumieť.

167Stáli tam tí veľkí kňazi a rabíni, ktorí boli vyučení v tom Slove. Och, oni to vedeli, z intelektuálneho hľadiska! A On povedal, "Vy ste z vášho otca diabla a činíte Jeho účinky." Rozmýšľajte o tom, svätí ľudia, nemohli by ste prstom ukázať na nič v ich živote, alebo na živote ich otcov, alebo na živote ich starých otcov, alebo na živote ich pra- pra- pra- pra- pra-starých otcov. Ak by to tak bolo, boli by zomreli v hanbe, ukameňovali by ich k smrti. A Ježiš tu stojí a nazýva tú skupinu "bandou diablov," tých nábožných mužov.

168Ó, aké veľké zjavenie! Že On chce uviesť späť do pôvodného stavu Svoju rodinu, priviesť to späť. Nuž, On ich musel nechať stratiť sa. Rozumiete tomu? On ich musel nechať hrešiť, pretože im dal slobodnú morálnu... On, On nemohol spôsobiť aby oni hrešili a pritom zostať Bohom, a potom ich trestať za niečo čo On spôsobil aby to robili.

169Ale keď On človeka uviedol do Svojho spoločenstva, tak ho nechal jednať na základe slobodného morálneho rozhodnutia, vidíte, On tak isto postupuje dnes s vami. Vidíte? Vidíte? V každom prípade jednáte tak ako chcete, máte slobodné morálne rozhodnutie. Tak, teda, ak On tak uspôsobil toho prvého človeka, On musí uspôsobiť tak i toho druhého, On každého jedného tak musí uspôsobiť, v opačnom prípade by to znamenalo, že On učinil zle hneď na počiatku. Vidíte? Ale každý stojí na tom istom základe.

170Nuž, všimnite si Ho, ako to navracia späť, necháva to toho človeka robiť, vediac že on tak bude robiť, On vedel že on to urobí. Ale čo to spravilo? To vyviedlo najavo Jeho atribút, že je Spasiteľ. A celý ten zámer je potom zložený v Ježišovi Kristovi, aby sa stal ... Aby Sám Boh vzal na Seba trest Svojho vlastného zákonu, smrť, aby zomrel, aby Si vykúpil ženu ktorá sa bola stratila, tým že Ho odmietla.

171Keď Eva odišla preč od Slova, odišla preč od svojho druha. A keď cirkev ide preč od Slova, do nejakej denominácii, ona Ho odmieta a pácha smilstvo so svetom ľudskej múdrosti, odmietajúc autoritu Božieho Slova. Zneje to jasne? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Biblia hovorí, "Duchovne smilnili." Ktorékoľvek Slovo v Biblii, ktoré je odmietnuté, alebo ak mu je daný nejaký vlastný výklad, znamená to úplné odmietnutie a páchanie cudzoložstva voči Bohu, ktorý je náš Manžel. A my vieme, že cudzoložníci nikdy nevojdú do Kráľovstva Nebeského. Vidíte? Nuž, vidíte, to je to čo urobila Eva, v prvom rade.

172Nuž, všimnite si znovu, teraz, čo je Jeho trojaký zámer? Zamanifestovať Sa v Ježišovi Kristovi, prísť do Tela, skrze Ježiša Krista, mať prednosti, (aby čo?) navrátil späť do pôvodného stavu Eden, aby priviedol späť to čo bolo zahynulo. To bola tá jediná vec ktorá nefungovala. Všetky ostatné Jeho veci fungovali.

173Ale On musel nechať človeka, dajúc mu slobodu v morálnom jednaní, aby upadol, tak že On mohol byť Spasiteľom, mohol sa ukázať že čo je v Ňom, vidíte, Jeho atribút Spasiteľa. Niečo muselo byť stratené. A práve tým, že človek upadol a bol stratený, On sa stal jeho Spasiteľom, podľa Svojho vlastného zákona. A On by to nemohol urobiť ako ten veľký Jehovah, ktorý pokrýva všetok priestor i čas. Vidíte, On by to nemohol tak urobiť. On sa musel stať Človekom. Stal sa príbuzným človekovi ktorý bol stratený, a stal sa Človekom. Boh si učinil telo!

174Haleluja! Myslíte si že som vzrušený, to ale nie ja. To niečo vo vnútri!

175Boh, z podstaty Boha, stal sa takým ako som ja, aby vzal na Seba môj hriech, aby On mňa mohol učiniť takým akým je On, amen, aby dokonal Svoj veľký zámer o synoch a dcérach Božích, pretože On je večným Otcom. Ten atribút bol v Ňom, vidíte, a on musel vyjsť najavo.

176Vidíte teraz celý ten trojaký zámer? Vidíte, aby vyjadril Samého Seba, On sa chce stať... Nuž, svet je stratený, a tak On musel Seba Samého stvárniť v Človeku, aby sa stal Spasiteľom, skrze zmierenie Krvi z Jeho kríža. On sa ním musel stať, musel zomrieť, aby vykonal spasenie a aby vniesol Seba Samého späť do Cirkvi, aby vo Svojej Cirkvi mal tie prednosti.

177Nuž zapamätajte si, to nemôže a nebude a nikdy sa to nestane a nikdy to nebolo nejakou denomináciou! On musí mať tie prednosti, ["aby On bol vo všetkom prvý" – pozn.prekl.] a On je Slovo. Amen! Ako do Toho môže byť vtisnuté nejaké vyznanie? To... to by uviedlo cirkev do prostitúcii, prijať akékoľvek ľudské slová nejakého vyznania, alebo nejakej denominácii. Živo je to zaznamenané v Zjavení 17., ako veľká smilnica a pobehlice: Rímsko-katolícka cirkev je tá veľká smilnica a Protestantské sú pobehlice. Je to tak jasné že ktokoľvek si to môže prečítať. Prešli sme cez Cirkevné veky a môžete si to vypočuť na tých páskach, ak máte záujem. Je to presne tak. Teda čokoľvek čo sa spája s nejakým vyznaním, okrem Biblii, je smilstvom v Božích očiach. A robí sa tým to isté čo urobila Eva: dostala sa preč od Slova, ktorým je Kristus. Och! Tak to je.

178Teraz vidíme Jeho tajomstvo ktoré mal skryté vo Svojej mysli pred založením sveta. Chceli by ste aby sme si o tom niečo prečítali? Tak si prečítajme. Máte dosť času? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Tak to prečítame. Otvorme si všetci, aby sme si to mohli prečítať, List Efežanom a začnime čítať od prvej kapitoly. Pokračujeme v lekcii nedeľnej školy, v tom trojakom zamanifestovaní sa Krista, čítajme.

Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista, vôľou Božou, ...

179Všimnite si teraz, nie je to adresované do sveta, ale:

...svätým, ktorí sú v Efeze a verným v Kristu Ježišovi:

180Ako sa dostanete do Krista Ježiša? Pripojením sa k cirkvi? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Nie." – pozn.prekl.] Skrze narodenie sa! "Skrze jedného ducha," Prvá Korinťanom 12., "sme my všetci pokrstení v jedno Telo." Vidíte?

181V poriadku, to sú teda tí ku ktorým to on hovorí. Nie je to adresované tomu vonkajšiemu svetu. Nemôže o tom hovoriť hriešnikovi, pretože on o tom nič nevie. Pavel to neadresoval žiadnym hriešnikom. On povedal, "Toto je tam pre tú skupinu, ktorá je v Kristu Ježišovi."

Milosť vám a pokoj od Boha nášho Otca, a od Pána Ježiša Krista.

Požehnaný Boh a Otec nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, ktorý nás požehnal každým požehnaním duchovným


v ponebeských miestach v Kristovi:

182"Ponebeské miesta." Ó, ako si prajem, aby som mal čas! Práve tu som si to poznačil vo svojej Biblii, o Ponebeských miestach. Čo je to ponebeské miesta. Ponebeské miesta, len na okamžik, to je, "pozícia veriaceho v Kristovi," vidíte, "kde veriaci stojí v Kristovi," v Ponebeských miestach.

Tak, ako si nás v ňom vyvolil ...

(dobre počúvajte)

ako si nás v ňom vyvolil pred založením sveta ...

183Kedy si nás vyvolil? "Pred založením sveta," keď Svoje veľké ukryté tajomstvo, Svoju veľkú tajnosť.

Vyvolil nás v Kristovi

...pred založením sveta, aby sme boli svätí a bezvadní pred ním v



Predurčiac nás

(k čomu?)

k synovstvu skrze Ježiša Krista cieľom neho podľa ľúbosti svojej vôle

185Či vidíte teraz to Jeho tajomstvo? Čo On tým chcel dosiahnuť? Navrátiť späť upadnutú Evu, pretože ona bola predobrazom Cirkvi. A všimnite si teraz, ako Boh otvoril bok Adama a z jeho vlastného tela a krvi vybral Evu a rozdelil jeho ducha na mužského a ženského, a toho ženského vložil do Evy. Vybral rebro z jeho boku a učinil z neho Evu. Tak Boh urobil to isté, vezmúc z boku Kristovho Krv a vodu. A Kristus je Slovo, vzal to Slovo a učinil Svoju Cirkev, Evu, vidíte, znovu späť pre Seba Samého, vykúpenú Krvou, ktorá pochádzala z Jeho Tela. Vidíte to teraz? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

186Teraz to veľké Božie tajomstvo zostalo odhalené, to ktoré bolo skryté od založenia sveta, ale bolo znázornené v predobrazoch po celý ten čas. Nuž, sledujte to, našli sme že On to učinil. A tu v Liste Efežanom, a na mnohých iných miestach, ale to vám bude stačiť, aby... Nuž, cez tie veky On pomaly odhaľoval toto tajomstvo. Môžete to teraz vidieť? Nuž, cez tie ...

187Ako to On učinil? Čo sa teraz stalo tu v tom predobraze? On otvoril Adamov bok a vzal časť z jeho tela, ktorá bola Adamom, aby učinil Evu. Nevesta musí byť Slovom, pretože On je Slovom. Ona nemôže stáť na vyznaniach. Ona nemôže stáť na denominácii. Ona nemôže stáť na dobrom správaní. Ona musí stáť jedine na Slove, pretože ona je Jeho časťou. Ona bola vzatá z Krista. Vidíte?

188A buďme si istí toho, že celé Vytrhnutie teraz: Luther bol časťou, Wesley bol časťou, proroci boli časťou. Ak oni nie sú časťou ... Práve v tom zjavení, ktoré oni dávali do kopy, to bolo telo, nohy, prsty ramená, a tak ďalej, až ku Hlave (za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme), vidíte, to predstavuje celé Vytrhnutie. To je Telo Slova, ktorým je Kristus. Amen!

189Pomimo toho ste stratení. Nestarám sa o to akí ste dobrí, alebo aká je vaša rodina, alebo aké je vaše obecenstvo, alebo aká je vaša organizácia, ak sa nachádzate pomimo toho Slova ste stratení, Ono musí prebývať vo vás.

190"Ak zostanete vo Mne, v Slove, a Moje Slová ak zostanú vo vás, vtedy si proste čokoľvek chcete," pretože vy a to Slovo, to je to isté. On má vo vás prvenstvo. On má vo vás panovanie. Vy ste ... vy ste Jeho väzňom. Svet je pre vás mŕtvy. Vy už nemáte nič viac... Vidíte, že tí ostatní ľudia si žijú svojím vlastným spôsobom, ale vy už tak nežijete. Vy ste väzeň. On vás ujarmil. "Moje jarmo je ľahké." Ujarmený Kristom, Jeho Slovom. "Ja robím len to čo sa páči Otcovi. A ak nemôžete uveriť, že Ja som On, potom verte Slovu." Tak dokonalé!

191Všimnite si teraz, cez všetky tie veky, On to tajomstvo postupne dával najavo a pomaly ho odhaľoval cez prorokov a cez tie predobrazy. A teraz my v tom môžeme len pokračovať a stvárňovať Jeho Samého.

192On sa stvárnil v Mojžišovi. Pozrime sa na Mojžiša. Narodil sa v čase prenasledovania detí. Narodil sa aby bol vysloboditeľom. Bol ukrytý v rákosí, práve tak ako Ježiš bol vzatý dole do Egyptu. Vystúpil. Vyšiel na horu, vrátil sa naspäť s prikázaniami.

193Ježiš vyšiel na horu, Jeho prvá kázeň, kázeň na hore, vrátil sa s prikázaniami. "Počuli ste, že bolo povedané starým, nescudzoložíš. Ale Ja vám hovorím, že každý, kto by pozrel na ženu s myšlienkou požiadať ju, už aj scudzoložil s ňou vo svojom srdci." Zákonodarca, Kňaz, Kráľ, Vodca, presne tak isto!

194On sa stvárnil v Jozefovi, ktorý sa narodil medzi denomináciou, svojimi bratmi. Ktorí ho nenávideli bez príčiny pretože bol duchovný. Videl videnia. Boh bol s ním. Mohol vykladať sny. A jeho bratia ho nenávideli. Bol predaný za... svojimi bratmi takmer za tridsať strieborných. Presne tak isto ako On bol predaný od Judáša Iškariotského, ktorý bol jeden z Jeho bratov, za tridsať strieborných. Bol uvrhnutý do jamy a považovaný za mŕtveho. Pasuje to. Otcovi i iným hovorili že je mŕtvy. Bol uvrhnutý do jamy, vzatý a postavený po pravici faraónovej.

195V žalári, v tom ako tam trpel, boli tam dvaja spasení... Čašník a pekár, vlastne jeden z nich bol zatratený a druhý spasený. Presne tak ako na kríži, keď On bol v dome Svojho vezenia pribitý na kríž za naše hriechy, keď sa stal väzňom, jeden lotor bol zatratený a druhý spasený. Vidíte, presne to pasuje.

196Potom bol Jozef postavený po pravici faraóna, kráľa, čo sa mu snívalo, čo videl vo videní, že bude sedieť pri nohách kráľa a všetká autorita v Egypte mu bola daná. Jeho videnie sa muselo vyplniť. Možno že mnohokrát nad tým premýšľal zatiaľ čo bol tam dole v tom vezení. Jeho brada bola čoraz dlhšia, ale on to skúmal. Jedného dňa sa jeho videnie muselo vyplniť.

197Hoci to dalo na seba dlho čakať, muselo sa to stať! Ako som hovoril minulý večer, alebo ešte predtým, v stredu večer tu na zhromaždení. Vidíte, muselo sa to stať. Keď Boh niečo povie, musí sa to stať. To je potvrdený prorok, a to sa musí stať, preto že to je Božie Slovo.

198A Slovo prichádza jedine ku prorokovi. Slovo prorok znamená - zjavovateľ Božieho napísaného Slova, tak isto to znamená predpovedateľ, rozumiete, alebo vidiaci. Všimnite si. Vidiaci, ako viete on predpovedá, a skrze to že sa stane to čo on predpovie je Bohom potvrdený. "Ak vystúpi nejaký prorok a bude ku vám hovoriť a povie vám určitú vec ktorá sa má stať, a ak sa tak nestane, nepočúvajte ho. Ale ak sa tak stane, vtedy Ja som s ním." Radšej sa ho bojte, pretože vidíte, že Ja som s ním." Presne to pasuje. To je potvrdenie, podľa toho budete vedieť či je to pravda alebo nie.

199Boh znovu hovorí cez Svoje Slovo, do Svojich ľudí skrze ľudí. Vidíte, Boh hovorí jedine cez človeka. "Ja som vinič, vy ste letorasty." Vinič nenesie ovocie. Letorasty hovoria, nesú ovocie Viniča. Všimnite si, že vždy to tak bolo.

200Nachádzame teraz Jozefa, že žiadny človek by sa nemohol dostať, alebo prísť k faraónovi bez toho aby prv uvidel Jozefa. "Nikto nemôže prísť k Otcovi, jedine skrze Syna." A keď Jozef opustil trón, trúbili na trúbach, "Nech sa skloní každé koleno! Jozef prichádza!"

201Sláva! Jedného dňa sa skloní každé koleno a každý jazyk bude vyznávať, keď On opustí trón Svojho Otca, vidíte, aby sa priblížil. Každý zloží svedectvo, že On je Syn Boží. Vy tiež ... Ale potom bude príliš neskoro. Urobte to teraz.

202Nuž, vidíte to v tých predobrazoch. Môžeme vziať tiež Dávida, ako som o tom nedávno hovoril, ako opustil svoj trón, jeho vlastný ľud ho odmietol. Ako vychádza hore na tú istú horu, na Olivový Vrch, ako odchádza do svojho vezenia. On išiel do domu svojho vezenia, pretože bol odmietnutý svojimi bratmi a svojím vlastným ľudom. Išiel hore a plakal. To bol v ňom Duch Kristov, kedy súc odmietnutý hľadel na Jeruzalem a zaplakal a povedal, "Jeruzalem, ako často som..." Odmietnutý kráľ. Osemsto rokov neskoršie, Syn Dávidov zastal nad Jeruzalemom, odmietnutý, zaplakal nad Jeruzalemom a povedal, "Teraz prišla tvoja hodina." Súhlasí to. Vidíte?

203Všetky tie veci znázorňovali Jeho, len v predobraze, ale to tajomstvo bolo ešte ukryté. Tí Ľudia nevedeli čo robia. Oni len vedeli, že sú vedení Duchom aby to robili. Nuž, zachovával to do tých posledných dní, na to veľké zjavenie. Ale vyjadroval to, stvárnil Sa v Mojžišovi, Dávidovi, Jozefovi, Eliášovi a tak ďalej. Môžeme zobrať každého jedného z tých prorokov a premietnuť si ich život a zbadáme že to perfektne vyjadruje Ježiša Krista, ale pomimo toho On nedal poznať Svoje tajomstvo v plnosti. Čakal na to, že to dá poznať v tých posledných dňoch, tak ako to zasľúbil, čakal na to aby tomu úplne porozumeli, vidíte, predtým ako by to mohol vyjadriť, keď povie celú tú vec.

204Pretože, Biblia je napísaná v tajomstvách. Ježiš ďakoval za to Otcovi, vidíte, že je To napísané v tajomstvách.

205Teda, Príchod Pánov je v tajnosti. My nevieme kedy On príde, ako príde, ale vieme že On prichádza. Vidíte? A tak to bolo so všetkými tajomstvami Božími, že čakali na ten posledný deň. Potom, keď On už bol kompletne stvárnený, potom On zjavuje a ukazuje čo učinil. Ó! On nikdy Svoje tajomstvo neodkryl úplne.

206Je to tak isto, keď to porovnávame so Siedmymi Pečaťami. Keď Boh použil Martina Luthera na to aby bol vyvedený najavo pre tú prvú cirkev, či ten cirkevný vek, a potom použil Johna Wesleya, a On ich postupne viedol ďalej do svetla a zjavoval sa v nich v danom cirkevnom veku, keď my ... keď to teraz dozadu cez Bibliu sledujeme a vidíme to odkryté. Ale v tých posledných dňoch, z toho dôvodu že to bola taká ohromná vec, že On to tu povedal a ukázal tých Sedem Hromov. A v časopisoch Look a Life ...

207Časopis Life priniesol potom ten Kruh Chmúry a Svetla, a oni tomu nemôžu rozumieť a stále nevedia čo to je. Ale On tu povedal, "Choď tam a čakaj lebo tie tajomstvá majú byť zjavené," a to bolo povedané pár mesiacov pred tým ako sa to stalo, a potom sa to stalo presne tak ako to On povedal, že sa to má stať. Všimli ste si na tom obrázku? Ten Anjel ešte, ktorý bol na pravej strane, keď sa práve zhmotňoval, ako zostupoval dole, krídla mal v zadu a hlavu mal obrátenú do boku, presne tak je to tam práve na tom obrázku. Niekoľko mesiacov predtým ako sa to stalo tu povedal, že "On zhromaždí Telo veriacich dokopy, zjavi im, pospája im tie stratené konce."

208Tu vystúpil Luther, on kázal len ospravedlnenie, neustále udieral práve na to v tom veku. On nevedel čo to bol za vek. Tu vystúpil Wesley, a on udieral posolstvom na svoj vek. Vidíte? Vyšlo z toho mnoho vybočení, povstali ďalšie cirkvi. Potom tu prichádzajú Letniční, tiež udierajúc svojím, a oni sa zorganizovali a znovu odišli späť rovno do smrti, za chvíľu sa ku tomu dostaneme, rovno späť do "smrti."

209A potom prichádza zjavenie toho tajomstva, aby bolo zjavené čo to všetko bolo. Kde, tieto malé doktríny, ako Luther vydal katechizmus a mnoho iného. Wesley priniesol toto, tamto a iné, i všetko to ďalšie. A Letniční potom práve tak isto priniesli organizáciu a niesli krst v "Otca, Syna, Svätého Ducha" a všetko iné, nepoznajúc žiadny rozdiel, pretože ... Potom prichádza naspäť v týchto posledných dňoch a berie všetky tie tajomstvá a jasne to vysvetľuje, zjavuje to. Prečo? To všetko sa deje v tých posledných dňoch, keď zostáva zjavené to veľké tajomstvo ktoré Boh mal vo Svojom srdci.

210Či tomu rozumiete? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Ak vám to uniklo, navráťte sa znovu ku tejto páske. Ja neviem ako dlho budem ešte s vami. Zapamätajte si, toto je Pravda, to TAK HOVORÍ PÁN. To je Pravda. To je Písmo.

211Tak ako tých sedem tajomstiev tých siedmich posledných Pečatí, tie ich tajomstvá. Pečate zostali zlámané, a každý vek už pominul a oni tam nechali mnoho roztrúsených vecí. A Boh nechcel aby to bolo roztrúsené. On prichádza späť a berie tie veci, tie doktríny ktorými oni rozpočali, dal to do svetla a zjavil celú vec. To isté robí teraz, zjavujúc tajomstvo Krista, ako On bol trojakým Božím zámerom pre Cirkev! Ó! Dáva Ho najavo, zjavuje!

212Zjaviť, podľa slovníka Webstera znamená, "Urobiť známym. Dať poznať, a hlavne v Božej Pravde," to je to čo slovo zjavenie znamená. Zjavenie, to je Kristov spôsob ako sa On dáva poznávať Svojej Cirkvi.

213Teraz povieme, "Ale, brat Branham, to len ty tak hovoríš." Nuž, my to nechceme hovoriť len tak.

214Všimnite si, On sa dal poznať Petrovi. Ak si to chcete poznačiť a ... Ak si to chcete prečítať, budeme... Prečítame to ak chcete, je to v Ev. Sv. Matúša 16., 15 a 17. Budem to citovať. Vtedy, keď išli z vrchu Premenenia, On povedal, "Čo hovoria o Mne ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

216On povedal, "Čo vy teraz myslíte, že kto som Ja?" Teraz On hovorí ku Cirkvi. Vidíte?

217Dnes hovoria, "On je filozof, to je sociálne náboženstvo. On bol dobrý človek. Veríme že Jeho učenie je správne. Je to niečo podľa čoho by sa malo žiť. Myslím, že by nás to všetkých učinilo lepšími, keby sme podľa toho žili. Máme mať svoje cirkvi, a tak ďalej." Takéto reči to je ako Ježiško či Mikuláš, je to ako rozprávka o Ježiškovi či Mikulášovi ktorý roznáša na vianoce darčeky [Po anglicky Santa Claus – pozn.prekl.]

218To nie je to, že budeme robiť niečo čo hovorí nejaká cirkev. To je život, ktorý vy nežijete sami od seba, ale On Sám vstupuje do vás a žije, a vy sa stávate väzňom, ale nie nejakej ľudskej intelektuálnej bytosti. Ste vedení Duchom. A ako to viete?

219Nuž, vy hovoríte, "Mohol som to poznávať na sebe ako som sa zbavoval svojej mysli. Snáď človek ktorý odkladá nabok svoju myseľ to vie."

220Ale ak máte myseľ Kristovu, Kristus sa Sám cez vás predstavuje, ukazuje že to je On a nie ... vy ste sa nezbavili svojej mysli.

221Niektorí ľudia, pod vplyvom falošných predstáv vecí, odchádzajú a stávajú sa bláznami. Vieme, že to nie je v poriadku. To je diabol, ktorý sa snaží napodobniť tú skutočnú vec, prv ako sa tu ona dostaví. Vidíte? Také niečo je vždy falošné. Vidíte?

222Ale opravdivý muž, sa má zbaviť svojich vlastných predstáv a svojho vlastného domýšľania! Nepristupovať však ku tomu takto naslepo. Nie veru. Vy ku tomu pristupujete na základe svojich zdravých zmyslov a Kristus prevezme vládu nad vami a predstavuje Sa cez vás. A potom sa stanete bláznom pre ten svet.

223A tak, ak ste blázon, ste skutočne blázon, potom tam nie je nič, diabol vás nemôže vziať pod úplnú kontrolu. On vás bude nútiť aby ste robili všetko proti tomu Slovu.

224Ale keď Kristus prevezme vládu nad vami, On bude vyjadrovať to Slovo priamo cez vás, pretože to je On. On je Slovo! Vidíte? A potom môžete vidieť stvárnenie Krista. Nie nejakú falošnú predstavu akéhosi druhu, ale skutočného opravdivého Krista, vyjadrujúceho Sa rovno cez vás. Ó aké nádherné!

225Nuž, hľaďte. On povedal, "Čo vy hovoríte, že kto som Ja?" On sa to pýta Cirkvi, Svojich dvanástych. Z tých miliónov ktorí žili v tom čase, On sa opýtal tých dvanástych, Svojej Cirkvi.

Z tých miliónov vo dňoch Noeho, On sa opýtal ôsmych. Och. Vidíte?

226A On povedal, "Tak ako bolo vo dňoch Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka, vidíte, kde bolo zachránených osem duší."

227Ja nehovorím, že teraz bude zachránených len osem. Nerozumejte to všetko špatne. Ja som to tak nikdy nepovedal. Ja neviem koľko ich bude, koľko ich bude spasených v tom, v tom poslednom momente, keď bude vytrhnutá tá malá skupina. Ale hovorím vám, to bude malá skupina. "Lebo je tesná brána a úzka cesta, a málo je tých, ktorí ju nachádzajú."

228Ale keď predstúpi to veľké vykúpené Telo zo všetkých vekov, potom to tam bude veľký zástup! Zjavenie 7 o tom hovorí, "veľký zástup, ktorý nemohol nikto spočítať," to sú tí zo všetkých vekov, ktorí chodia vo svetle tej Biblii, nakoľko im to bolo zjavené. A my teraz vieme, že Wesley mal viacej svetla ako mal Luther. Vieme, že Letniční mali viacej svetla ako Wesley. Vidíte? Skutočne to tak bolo.

229Pretože to len postupne bolo dávané najavo, tak isto ako to išlo cez prorokov, a tak ďalej, až sa to dalo úplne poznať, "plnosť Božstva telesne v Kristovi."

230A teraz sa Kristus dáva poznávať Cirkvi. Celá tá vec je Božím zjavením, aby Eva bola znovu privedená späť do jej správneho postavenia so svojím Mužom. Všimnite si, Boh je Manželom Cirkvi a Cirkev je Jeho Nevesta.

231A Peter, keď sa ho opýtal, on povedal, "Ty si Kristus, Syn živého Boha."

232Dávajte teraz pozor. "Blahoslavený si Šimon, syn Jonášov." Vidíte? "Blahoslavený si, lebo telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Nenaučil si sa To v nejakej škole. Ale Môj Otec, ktorý je v Nebesiach ti To zjavil." Všimnite si čo mu On povedal, "Na tej skale..." To je Peter, to predurčené Božie Semeno, ktorý prijal to Svetlo, a boli mu dané kľúče Kráľovstva. "Na skale toho zjavenia, kto je Ježiš Kristus," On je plnosť, zamanifestovaný Boh. "Na tej skale..." Nie Otec, Syn a Duch Svätý, a On že je druhou Osobou. "Na tej skale Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev a brány pekelné To nikdy neotrasú, nikdy To nepremôžu." Vidíte? "Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev na tej skale," na zjavení Ježiša Krista.

233Hľaďte, Kristus vo vás, to činí Jeho centrom Života zjavenia. Vidíte? Kristov Život vo vás činí Jeho centrom zjavenia. Kristus v Biblii, činí Bibliu úplným zjavením Krista. Kristus vo vás činí vás úplným zjavením všetkého, vidíte, čo sa snaží Boh urobiť.

234Čo je tedy Znovuzrodenie? Poviete, "brat Branham, čo je Znovuzrodenie?" To je osobné zjavenie sa ti Ježiša Krista. Amen! Vidíte? Nie to, že si sa pripojil k nejakej cirkvi, nie to že si si s niekým potriasol rukou, nie to že robíš niečo inakšie, nie to že si vyriekol vyznanie, nie to že si sľúbil že budeš žiť podľa nejakých právnych zásad. Ale Kristus, Biblia, On je Slovo ktoré ti bolo zjavené. A nezáleží na tom čo ktokoľvek hovorí, alebo čokoľvek sa deje, to je Kristus. Či pastor, alebo kňaz niečo hovorí, alebo čokoľvek to môže byť. To je Kristus v tebe, to je to zjavenie na ktorom bola vybudovaná Cirkev.

235Vy hovoríte, "Dobre, ja som luterán. Ja som baptista. Ja som presbyterián." To nemá žiadny význam, to pred Bohom nemá žiadny význam, [brat Branham pukol na prstoch – pozn.prekl.] nič, ani ako puknutie na prstoch.

236Čo to je? To je zjavený Kristus, a On je Slovo. A Slovo keď je zjavené, Ono vyjadruje Seba. Vidíte? To bol Boží zámer s Ježišom Kristom, aby vyjadril Seba, aby vzal Svoje vlastné zákony a žil podľa Svojich zákonov, od... a vyplnil Svoj zákon, skrze smrť. A Kristus, Boh, zomrel v tele, za tým účelom aby odsúdil hriech v tele, aby Si mohol priviesť pre Seba slávnu Nevestu, späť vykúpenú, ktorá bude veriť jedine v Božie Slovo, a nezamení Ho, ako to urobila Eva, za ľudské intelektuálne názory. Vidíte to? To je Kristova idea. To je Božia idea. Znovuzrodenie toto zjavuje.

237A ak nejaký človek hovorí, že je znovuzrodený a snaží sa umiestniť tieto Kristove zasľúbenia, na tieto posledné dni, do niektorého iného veku, čím Ho robí Kristom na včera ale nie na dnes, potom taký človek, či tá osoba je oklamaná od satana. A ak taký človek hovorí že on Tomu verí, a to sa cez neho nemanifestuje?

238Ježiš povedal v Markovi 16., "A uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia, po celom svete a v každom veku." Vyháňanie démonov, a hovorenie v jazykoch, a - a všetky tie veľké manifestácie darov ktoré budú nasledovať, to, "oni budú!" Nie, "oni by mali, oni môžu." "Oni budú!" A nebo a zem pominú, ale Jeho Slovo nepominie.

239Tak to je Kristus, ktorý Sa stvárňuje v jednotlivcovi, či je to človek učený, alebo či nepozná abecedu. Polovica apoštolov ju nepoznala, vidíte, ale oni poznali Krista. Oni si vôbec nevšimli Petra a Jána kvôli tomu, že by boli vedeli, že vyšli z nejakého semináru. Oni povedali, "Oni spozorovali a poznali, že oni bývali s Kristom," keď oni uzdravili toho chromého pri bráne, vidíte, oni poznali, že oni boli s Kristom.

240Znovuzrodenie to je Kristus, to je zjavenie. Boh ti zjavil to veľké tajomstvo, a to je Znovuzrodenie. A tak čo budete robiť keď dostanete celú tú skupinu dokopy, kde to zjavenie je v dokonalej harmónii a Boh to vyjadruje skrze Svoje Slovo tými istými skutkami, to isté čo On činil, keď manifestoval to Slovo! Ó, keby len Cirkev poznala svoju pozíciu! Jedného dňa sa to stane. Potom, Vytrhnutie nastane keď ona spozná čo to je. A tak, buďte pozorní.

241Vy vravíte, "brat Branham, ale to - to nie je..." Ó, áno, to je, tiež. To je Pravda.

242Všimli ste si? Pavel nikdy nepoznal Ježiša, telesne. Pavel Ho vôbec nepoznal. Ten jediný spôsob ako Ho Pavel poznal, to bolo skrze zjavenie, skrze videnie. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Pavel poznal Ježiša jedine skrze zjavenie, tak isto ako Peter.

243Peter Ho videl v tele, ale nepoznal Ho skrze telo, pretože Ježiš tak povedal. "Telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Dokonca ani Môj vlastný život ti to nezjavil. Ale Môj Otec ktorý je v nebesiach ti to zjavil, že On je Slovo Božie, a na tej skale Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev." Peter Ho nepoznal pomocou tela. Ľudia chodili s Ním a dotýkali sa Ho i robili všetko možné.

244Pavel mal niečo väčšie, ako ktorýkoľvek z tých apoštolov. Vidíte?

245Oni povedali, "Dobre, ja mám viacej zjavenia ako máš ty, Pavel, pretože, vieš, ja som s Ním chodil. Jedného dňa som s Ním išiel chytať ryby. Počul som Ho ako hovoril. Sedel so mnou v člne a vtedy mi tak povedal, `Poďme tam na to miesto a spusti tam siete k lovu a ulovíme množstvo rýb.` A urobili sme tak." Vidíš? Vidíš? "My sme Ho videli robiť tie skutky."

246Ale Pavel Ho videl potom ako On zomrel, bol pochovaný, a opäť vstal, a stvárnil Sa v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý viedol deti Izraelove. Vediac ... Pavel, súc žid, nikdy by Ho nenazval "Pane" až keď uvidel ten jav, že On je tam ako prv, ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. On povedal, "Pavel" inými slovami, "Ja som ten istý Boh dnes aký som bol včera. Tu som, v tom istom Svetle, v tom Ohnivom Stĺpe, ktorý hovoril s Mojžišom v horiacom kríku." Nie divu, že on mohol oddeliť zákon od milosti, v Liste Židom; on stretol ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp. On povedal, "Ja som Ježiš, ktorého ty prenasleduješ."

247A dnes je On tu, tak isto, skrze ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, stvárňujúci Sa, ako ten istý, odhaľujúci tajomstvo Božie, ktoré bolo skryté od založenia sveta. Vidíte to?

248Pavel Ho poznal jedine skrze - poznal Ho skrze zjavenie. Peter Ho poznal skrze zjavenie.

249On s Ním chodil, rozprával sa s Ním. A tak teda, vy sa môžete postaviť na toto Slovo. Nuž, nejaký učený človek sa môže posadiť a čítať to Slovo, až celkom vo všetkom vás dokáže usadiť, ak bude chcieť, pretože je chytrý, brilantný. Vezmime katolíckeho kňaza, alebo ani nie tak toho, ako ozaj dobre v Biblii vytrénovaného teológa. Bratku, nejaký baptista, alebo presbyterián, alebo niekto iný, on učiní na vás dojem, že si budete myslieť že nič neviete, vidíte, keď s ním prídete do reči. Prečo? Pretože on poznal Jeho, Slovo, za pomoci tela. [brat Branham poklepal po svojej Biblii – pozn.prekl.]

250Ale jediný spôsob ako vy môžete byť spasený, to je poznať Ho skrze zjavenie!

251Keď by som dokázal vziať, môžem vziať náuku Presbyteriánov a usadiť vás letničných, že ani nebudete vedieť ako. Môžem vziať náuku Baptistov a ukázať vám letničným milión vecí o ktorých nič neviete. Je to tak, ale to nie je to. To nie je Jeho Cirkev. To nie je Jeho Cirkev.

252Jeho Cirkev, to je On Sám zjavený, (Amen! Vidíte to?) a vyjadrený skrze Samo Slovo, že On je Boh. Vidíte?

253Ako vy potom môžete povedať, "Otec, Syna a Svätý Duch," a byť v to pokrstený? Pohania! Veru! Ako môžete povedať že poznáte Ježiša Krista, On je Slovo, keď neexistuje také miesto Písma v Biblii, nie je takého miesta kde by bol niekto niekedy pokrstený vo meno "Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha?"

254A vy - a vy ľudia Jesus-Only, ktorý používate len meno "Ježiš" pri krste! Sám sa osobne poznám so štyrmi alebo piatymi ľuďmi, ktorí majú meno Ježiš. Tak vidíte, do čoho vás vedú vaše denominácie? To je temnosť, to čo urobil Kain, ktorý priniesol ovocie namiesto krvi. Vidíte?

255Ale zjavenie prichádza skrze Krv, vidíte, skrze Ježiša Krista, Ktorý je Božou Krvou, tvorivou Krvou v lone Márii. A Pavel Ho poznal skrze zjavenie. Tak ako Ho aj my poznáme dnes. Je len jedna cesta ako Ho môžete poznať. Nie hovoriť, "Ja som metodista." To nič neznamená. "Ja som baptista." To nič neznamená. "Ja som katolík." To nič neznamená. Ale skrze zjavenie, tak vám Boh zjavil Slovo! On je Slovo. A Slovo, ako viete, keď je Ono zjavené, Ono žije Samo Sebou a stvárňuje Jeho Samého cez vás. Ó!

256Cirkvi už dávno zabudli na to veľké zjavenie. Je to tak. Zjavenie Pravdy, oni na to zabudli. Oni odišli za...

257Nuž, keď povstal Luther, on bol veľkým mužom. On mal zjavenie na ten deň. Ale čo sa stalo? Dostala sa ku tomu banda Rikiovcov, pozastrihované a vyčesané vlasy, ako by sme to dnes nazvali, a Rikity, a všetci takí, oni sa tam ku tomu dostali. A-a, ako viete to je to prvé.

258Ten výraz. Keby ste len poznali Biblickú numerológiu, dozviete sa čo mená, Elvis alebo Riky, znamenajú, podľa Písma. Och. Práve ako, prečo Ježiš ... Vy poviete, "Vaše meno nemá s tým nič spoločného." Myslíte že nie? Také meno sa mohlo objaviť jedine v týchto posledných dňoch, pre ľudí týchto posledných dní.

259Prečo Ježiš zmenil Abramove meno na Abrahám, potom Sáraj na Sára? Prečo On zmenil Saula na Paula? Prečo On zmenil Šimona na Petra, a tak ďalej? Vidíte, určite to niečo znamená.

260Také meno nemohlo byť vypovedané až do tohoto času. To je dôvod, že máme dnes na zemi túto pekelnú situáciu, kvôli takýmto veciam. Celá ľudská rasa je skorumpovaná. Zahla, vidíte, a preto je to tak.

261Všimnite si teraz, Luther, on vo svojich dňoch, on bol v poriadku, on mal zjavenie, ale len čo sa pominul, hľaďte čo oni urobili. Wesley mal posolstvo, hľaďte čo sa stalo. Letniční vo svojich počiatkoch mali posolstvo, hľaďte čo oni urobili. Dali dokopy bandu ľudí, presne tak isto ako ...

262Boh z milosti poslal Izraelovi Ohnivý Stĺp, proroka, obeť, a Sám sa medzi nimi ukázal, a vyviedol ich z Egyptu, cez Červené more. A oni chceli zákon, aby tak mohli mať veľkých hodnostárov, aby tak mohli mať v ňom niečo do robenia. A čo oni urobili? Boli ponechaní na púšti štyridsať rokov, aby putovali, a ani jeden z tej organizácii nikdy cez to neprešiel.

263Kálef a Jozue, jedine tí dvaja ktorí povstali a riekli, "My sme schopní zabrať to, hľadieť na Slovo Božie."

264Každý jeden z nich zomrel na púšti. A Ježiš povedal, že oni sú naveky mŕtvi, tak veru, potom, ako im On ukázal Svoje požehnanie a moc v ich časoch. Tak ako pri Lutherovi, Wesleyovi a tak ďalej. Či im to On neukázal?

Riekli, "Naši otcovia jedli mannu na púšti."

265A On povedal, "A oni sú všetci mŕtvi." To je, Naveky oddelení od Boha. Ich telá zahynuli na púšti. Vidíte? Oni sú mŕtvi. Ale Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý zostúpil od Boha z Neba." Oni to nemohli vidieť. Oni to jednoducho nemohli uvidieť.

266Tak veru, cirkev už na to dávno zabudla. Oni prijali intelektuálne posolstvo, vzdelaných ľudí, členstvo, vedomosti, namiesto zjavenia Pravdy Slova.

267Pozrite sa sem, oni dnes hovoria. Veríš, že Boh nás poveril aby sme išli do celého sveta a uzdravovali nemocných, kázali Evanjelium a vyháňali démonov? "Ó, ó, áno, pripúšťame, že je to tak, ale .." Vidíte?

268Jedna pani mi raz povedala, riekla, "Ale veď všetky cirkvi sú v súlade."

269Odpovedal som, "Ani jedna z nich nie je v súlade s druhou." Stáli tam nejaký katolíci. Povedal som, "Čo ty na to? Ty si metodistka a toto je katolík, či ste v súlade jeden s druhým?" Povedal som, "Tento pápež prichádza s tým aby ich spolu zjednotil, to je dobrá vec pre všetkých ľudí tohoto druhu."

270Ale Cirkev Božia s tým nemá nič spoločného, ani trochu. Ona stojí preč pomimo celej tej partii. Ó. Skutočne. Tak veru.

271Chcete ich zjednotiť a jeden verí v toto a druhý v tamto. Metodista prijíma pofŕkanie, baptista prijíma ponorenie a obidvaja zapierajú Svätého Ducha v Jeho plnej moci. Oni hovoria, "My sme prijali Ducha Svätého keď sme uverili."

272Biblia hovorí, "Prijali ste Ducha Svätého potom čo ste uverili?" To je rozdiel, vidíte? Je to tak. Vidíte?

273A oni hovoria, "My sme katolícka cirkev. My sme povstali na začiatku. My sme robili toto." Metodisti hovoria, "My máme svoj základ v Biblii."

274Ježiš povedal, "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia." Nuž, kde to je? Ó-ó. Vidíte? "Skutky ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť," každé stvorenie, každý jeden kto verí v Neho. Nuž, kde to je? To je Jeho Slovo. "Nebo a zem pominú, ale Moje Slová nikdy nepominú." Nuž, kde to je? Vidíte? Ó, to práve ukazuje na to!

275Čo to je? To je skrížený stav. Pozrite sa sem, vezmite si pekné veľké obilné zrno ktoré je skrížené, vezmite to skrížené zrno, ono vyzerá pekne. Ale zasaďte ho, čo vám narastie? Vyrastie malé steblo, zožltne a zvädne. Tak sa to deje s každou denomináciou, keď je skrížená, ľudské slová zmiešané s Božími Slovami. Príde to až do znamení a zázrakov, do toho čo Ježiš povedal o viere v Slovo, a zožltne to a oni povedia, "My to nemôžeme prijať," a vracajú sa späť.

276Práve tak ako to urobili všetci tí ostatní špehovia, ktorí vyšli a obzreli si Kanaán. Navrátili sa, prejdúc cezeň a povedali, "Ó, my vyzeráme ako kobylky v porovnaní s nimi! Nebudeme ich môcť premôcť! Tí Amalechiti, všetci títo, čo si oni počnú!" A odišli naspäť.

277A Kálef a Jozue, ktorí boli z neskríženého rodu, amen, rodení z Božieho Slova, vedeli že Boh povedal, "Ja vám dám tú zem." Oni povedali, "My sme viac ako schopní zabrať ju!"

278To záleží na tom z čoho ste sa narodili. Ak ste sa narodili z Božieho Slova, Božie Slovo má stále prvenstvo vo Svojej Cirkvi. To je to kvôli čomu On zomrel. To je Jeho zámer, aby mohol dosiahnuť to, aby mal Svoje prvenstvo pôsobiace vo Svojej Cirkvi. Nechajte v prvom rade svietiť Slovo Božie, a nestarajte sa o to ako sa javí všetko ostatné. Nestarám sa o to či tí vzdelaní hovoria toto alebo tamto, to s Tým nemá nič spoločného. Božie Slovo hovorí takto, a my sme viac ako schopní obdržať to.

279"Ak by som to kázal vo svojom zbore," povedal mi jeden kazateľ, "kázal by som to tým štyrom stenám."

280Povedal som, "Ja by som im to kázal." Tak veru. Takto hovorí Božie Slovo. Môžeme to kázať. Boh povedal aby sme to kázali. Amen!

281Ó, jej, oni sa tým ospravedlňujú. Vidíte? Preto sú slepí a nemôžu vidieť Posolstvo posledného času, týchto posledných dní, keď Sa Sám Boh potvrdzuje. Oni sa snažia zaradiť To ako nejaký druh špiritizmu, alebo nejaký, och, (ako by som to nazval?) nejaký duševný prelud, alebo niečo také. Vidíte, oni sa snažia urobiť z Toho niečo čo To nie je.

282Práve tak ako vtedy keď tu bol On, keď tu bol Ježiš, oni Ho nazvali "Belzebúb, veštec," teraz hovoria, že to je niečo ako telepatia. Vidíte? Keď, oni vedia že On by tam mohol stáť a hľadieť na ľudí a rozpoznať presne to o čom premýšľajú vo svojom srdci. Tak hovorí Biblia.

283Či to nestojí tak v Liste Židom vo štvrtej kapitoly, "Božie Slovo je prenikajúce a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, schopné posúdiť dokonale myšlienky a mysle srdca?" A On bol to Slovo. A keď to Slovo môže v človeku zjaviť Svoje vlastnosti, znovu sa dejú tie isté veci, pretože to je Slovo! Amen! ...vidíte ako by ste sa ešte teraz mohli na tom potknúť. Je to tam predsa také jasné. Vidíte? V poriadku.

284Preto sú oni slepí, je to tak isto ako to bolo vtedy keď bol na zemi Kristus. Oj! Oni sa mocú tak isto. Oni povedali, "On je Belzebúb. Bel..." Oni videli že On to mohol činiť, ale hovorili, "On je len ... Narodil sa ako nemanželské dieťa, je taký podivín. Posadnutý je nejakým démonom. On je Samaritán a má v sebe diabla. Preto činí také veci."

285Ježiš povedal, "Ja vám to odpustím," vidíte, oni Slovo Božie, tie skutky Božie, nazývali zlým duchom. On povedal, "Ja vám to odpustím. Ale jedného dňa príde Duch Svätý a ani jedno slovo povedané proti Nemu nebude nikdy odpustené, ani v tomto svete, ani v tom budúcom, ani v ten veľký deň. To nebude odpustené." Tak, vidíte, v Písme je to jasne napísané.

286Tak keď ľudia prídu ku tomu dňu, bez ohľadu na ich vzdelanie, bez ohľadu na to do akej veľkej denominácii oni patrili, budú odsúdení. Musia byť! Rúhali sa Duchu Svätému, nazývajúc To "svätý povalenec" i rôznymi inými nechutnými menami, alebo niečím podobným. A Božia Cirkev to musela niesť po celý ten čas.

287Dokonca Pavel, pred Agripom, povedal, "Podľa tej cesty ktorú nazývajú sektou," čo znamená herézia, bláznovstvo, "svätoslúžim Bohu svojich otcov." Ten veľký učenec musel prísť do toho stupňa, "podľa tej cesty, ktorú nazývajú sektou, bludárstvom."

288Prečo? Jemu to bolo zjavené. Ten Ohnivý Stĺp visiaci pred ním povedal, "Ja som Ježiš, ten veľký Boh, ktorý bol na púšti tam s Mojžišom. To som Ja, tvrdo ti bude proti ostňu sa vspečovať."

289Potom, keď tam Pavel stál, vedel že jeho život bol v stávke, povedal, "Podľa tej cesty ktorú nazývajú sektou, svätoslúžim Bohu svojich otcov." Tak to tam zvolal, pretože mu bola zjavená tá veľká Pravda o Kristovi, čo to je.

A dnes ľudia hovoria, "To je denominácia."

290To je Ježiš Kristus, nové Narodenie, ktoré je v tebe zjavené, že On má u teba vo všetkom prednosť, že On cez teba môže vyjadrovať Svoje Slovo. A všetko čo zasľúbil v týchto posledných dňoch, On môže vyplniť, cez Svoje Telo, pôsobiac v Ňom. Amen! To je vlastne v skutočnosti zamanifestované Božie Slovo. Všimnite si to. V poriadku.

291Je to tak isto ako to bolo vo dňoch Krista, Boh drží kľúč do tohoto Kristovho zjavenia, On sám. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Teologické školy To nikdy nemôžu nájsť. Ježiš to tak povedal. Ak si to chcete teraz prečítať, je to v Ev. Sv. Matúša 11, 25 a 27. "Ďakujem Ti Otče, Bože neba i zeme, že si skryl tieto veci pred očami múdrych a rozumných a zjavil si to nemluvňatám, ktorým to bude dané poznať." Vidíte? Vidíte? Nestarám sa ...

292Hľaďte na tých učených v tom čase, na tých Židov, veľmi dobrí ľudia, hľaďte na ich organizácie farizejov, sadúceov a herodiánov i rôzne iné ktoré vtedy tam boli. Vidíte? Na všetky tie ich veľké organizácie, a Ježiš o nich povedal, "Vy ste slepí vodcovia slepých. Dobre o vás hovoril Izaiáš, `Máte uši a nepočujete, máte oči a nevidíte.` Pretože, Izaiáš to povedal v Duchu, preto Boh neba zaslepil vaše oči. Robíte to tak ako to urobila Eva, tým že prijímate tú rozumovú stránku a neviete nič o Duchu Božom. Či takto preto nepadnú všetci do jamy, tak isto vodca ako aj tí slepí?" Ten vodca tam spadne spolu s tými slepými, pretože on je tak isto slepý. Ten vodca spadne, on je slepý a vedie slepého, oni obidvaja spadnú do jamy.

293A jedine Boh drží ten kľúč! On to isté povedal v tom predchádzajúcom verši Písma, ktorý som pred chvíľou čítal, kde On povedal, "Čo hovoria ľudia, že kto som Ja, Syn človeka?"

294A Peter povedal, "Ty si Kristus Syn Živého Boha."

295On povedal, "Požehnaný si Šimon, syn Jonášov. Telo a krv ti to nezjavili, ale Môj Otec ktorý je v nebesiach! Tu na tom zjavení, jedine na ňom samotnom, Ja zbudujem Svoju Cirkev. Brány pekelné Ju nikdy nepremôžu." Vidíte? Vidíte to teraz?

296Preto neexistuje žiadna škola, žiadni teológovia, žiadne Biblické učenie v niktorej z pomedzi tých škôl, ktoré by o Tom niečo vedeli. Oni o Tom nemôžu nič vedieť. Je to nemožné aby oni o Tom niečo vedeli. Boh skryl tie zmysly ku poznaniu Toho, pred tými exkluzívnymi učiteľmi i všetkými ďalšími.

297To je osobná, individuálna záležitosť s tou danou osobou, že Kristus je im zjavený.

298A ak vy hovoríte, "On mi bol zjavený," a potom ten Život, ktorý Kristus predviedol tu v Biblii, ten istý Život je v Ňom, ak sa On nepredvádza vo vás, potom máte špatné zjavenie.

299Ak by som vložil život dyni do života hrušky, ona by rodila dyne. "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Je to presne tak. A ak to prvé ovocie ktoré narástlo na kmeni bolo hrozno, na tom kmeni viniča, tie ratolesti ktoré vypučali priniesli hrozno, tie ďalšie priniesli citróny, a ďalšie priniesli hrušky, ďalšie priniesli jablká, to záleží na tom aký druh ovocia tam bol zaštepený, ono nesie svoj vlastný život. Každá denominácia bude niesť svoj vlastný život. Ale ak ten opravdivý vinič vypustí znovu svoj vlastný letorast, on ponesie hrozno, tak ako to bolo prvý krát.

300A ak Život - Život Ježiša Krista vypustí kedy ďalšie telo veriacich, ono bude niesť ovocie, ktoré nieslo to prvé telo. Oni budú potom písať Knihu Skutkov, pretože to bude ten istý Život. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať? Nemôžete sa z toho len tak dostať. To je Život Kristov vo vás, ktorý bol do vás zaštepený samotným Duchom Svätým, ktorý žije cez vás Svoj vlastný Život.

301"Slepí vodcovia slepých!" Uvedomte si, že jedine Boh sám drží ten kľúč. Žiadna teológia vám to nemôže povedať, nie je jej to dané. Je to skryté pred nimi. Oni nič o Tom nevedia.

302Tak tie školy, keď hovoríte, "Ja mám doktorát teológii, filozofii," vy sa len ... Pre mňa, a verím, že pre Boha a pre každého opravdivého veriaceho to znamená, že ste sa len viacej oddialili. Boha nemožno poznať skrze vzdelanie. Nebudeme Ho poznať ani skrze to keď budeme vedieť ako si To vysvetliť.

303Boh sa dáva poznať v jednoduchosti a skrze zjavenie Ježiša Krista tej najnegramotnejšej osobe. Rozumiete? Nie skrze vašu teológiu. To je zjavenie Ježiša Krista. "Na tej skale zbudujem Svoju Cirkev." Nebude to na žiadnych iných skalách, na ničom inom, na žiadnej Rímskej skale, na žiadnej Protestantskej skale, na žiadnej škole, na ničom inom, ale jedine na zjavení Ježiša Krista skrze Znovuzrodenie. On sa rodí vo vás a vštepuje vám Svoj Vlastný Život a váš život pošiel preč. A Život Kristov, s Jeho prednosťami, Sa sám cez vás premietne ľuďom, tak že oni vidia ten istý život, tie isté skutky, znamenia a zázraky, ktoré On činil, to isté sa deje cez vás. Všetko ostatné čo je pomimo toho nestojí ani za zmienku. Dávajte pozor na odhalenie veľkého Božieho zjavenia!

304Pre nedostatok toho zjavenia máme tak mnoho rôznych rozdelení medzi nami, a tak mnoho výsmechu. Tak mnoho rozdelení medzi nami je preto, že ľuďom chýba to zjavenie. Vidíte, im chýba to zjavenie, tým učiteľom.

305Pavel, po obdržaní svojho veľkého zjavenia Krista, povedal, v prvom liste do Korintu v druhej kapitole. Zapíšte si to, aby ste si to mohli prečítať. Dávajte pozor! On povedal, "Neprišiel som ku vám s múdrosťou." Pozrite sa na toho muža ktorý mal múdrosť, pozrite sa na toho muža ktorý mal to vzdelanie, "Neprišiel som vo vznešenosti slova." Prvá Korinťanom, druhá kapitola. Oh, prajem si...

306No, prečítajme to len. Môžete povstať na chvíľu a prečítame jeden alebo dva verše? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Rád by som to prečítal, aby ste tak neboli ... Aby aj tí, ktorí počúvajú tie pásky mali možnosť to počuť.

307Prvá Korinťanom, druhá kapitola. Počúvajte čo tu hovorí ten veľký apoštol, Pavel, ten vzdelaný služobník Boží. Pozrime sa sem.

...A ja

(Pavel), k

eď som k vám prišiel, neprišiel som vo vznešenosti slova ...alebo múdrosti zvestujúc vám svedectvo Božie.

(Nepovedal som, "Ja som Doktor taký a taký." Vidíte?)

Lebo som nebol usúdil vedieť niečo iné medzi vami krome Ježiša Krista, a to toho ukrižovaného.

A ja som bol u vás v slabosti a v bázni a triasol som sa mnoho.

A moja reč a moja kázeň nezáležala v presviedčavých ľudskej múdrosti slovách, ale v dôkaze Ducha a moci - v moci.

308Vidíte? To je Evanjelium. Ježiš povedal, "Choďte do celého sveta a kážte evanjelium." On nepovedal, "Choďte vyučovať." On povedal, Choďte kázať." Inými slovami, "Demonštrujte moc, a tieto znamenia ich budú sprevádzať." Samotné učenie to neurobí. Ku tomu je naozaj potrebné Ducha Samého, ktorý demonštruje tie znamenia. Rozumiete? Počúvajte ďalej.

Aby vaša viera nebola v ľudskej múdrosti, ale v moci Božej.

309Ó! Vidíte, aby to zmenilo človeka! To nie je v tom že to dokážem vyhovoriť a poviem, "On nie je ten istý," keď On pritom je ten istý. Ak to tak robím, to ukazuje, na mňa, to-to... Samozrejme, že ak mi to niekto tak povie, dáva mi tým najavo, že nemá zjavenie, to trojnásobné Božie zjavenie. Vidíte. Nuž, a ...

Avšak v slabostiach ... medzi dokonalými, ale nie múdrosť tohoto sveta ani kniežat tohoto sveta, ktoré hynú:

Ale hovoríme múdrosť Božiu v tajomstve,

(vidíte, trojnásobné tajomstvo Božie)

skrytú múdrosť, ktorú predurčil Boh pred veky na našu slávu,

Ktorej neznal nikto z kniežat tohoto sveta:

(žiadny z kňazov, rabínov ... prepáčte ... ani nikto iný nič o tom nevedel):

lebo keby boli poznali, neboli by Pána slávy ukrižovali.

310Povedali ste, "Mýliš sa tam ohľadne tých rabínov a kazateľov." Kto Ho ukrižoval? Och.

311Och, a tak ďalej a ďalej by sme mohli ísť. Čítať to, ale to by nám zabralo veľa času, pretože máme ešte len ... Nie je ešte tak neskoro, ale máme tu ešte mnoho do povedania, ak nám Pán teraz pomôže. Nedostatok toho teraz ...

312A Pavel, ten veľký vzdelaný človek, on sa nikdy nesnažil predstaviť ľuďom svoje vlastné teologické termíny. On pokorne prijal Slovo Pánovo, a tak žil tým Slovom, že Ono cez neho bolo dané najavo. On žil tak-tak pobožne, že až v ňom videli Ježiša Krista, až tak že si žiadali od neho ručníčky, aby ich položili na chorých. To je Život Kristov.

313Nuž aha, niekto hovorí, "Ó, áno, vieš, Eliáš robil také niečo, voľakedy dávno, kládol svoju palicu: ale ó, to bolo za časov Eliáša." Tak rozmýšľal ten svet. Tí vzdelaní kňazi i všetci im podobní, tak rozmýšľali v tom čase cirkvi.

314Ale čo sa týka veriacich, oni mali iné poznanie. Oni videli zjavenie Ježiša Krista ktoré bolo v Eliášovi, že to isté bolo v Pavlovi, ktoré vyjadrovalo ten istý druh Života, pretože on bol prorok. Vidíte? On predpovedal veci, ktoré sa stali presne tak ako povedal, a oni vedeli že to bolo Božie potvrdenie proroka. A oni poznali, že on bol Božím potvrdeným prorokom. Nemohli by ste im to vyhovoriť nijakým spôsobom. Tak isto, keď videli Petra predpovedať tie veci, ktoré sa majú stať, oni povedali, "Nech len jeho tieň prejde po mne." Amen! To je Cirkev. To sú tí, ktorí tomu veria. Tak veru. To bolo zjavené skrze ...

315 Či Pavel povedal, "Pretože mám doktorát PH., LL.D., a tak ďalej, či preto mi oni veria?" Nie. On povedal, "Ja som to všetko zabudol, tú ľudskú múdrosť." On povedal, "Musel som zomrieť a Jeho poznám v moci Jeho zmŕtvychvstania. A to je to s čím som prišiel ku vám, s demonštráciou Božej moci."

316Čo to bolo? Ježiš Kristus, ktorý je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Tie isté skutky ktoré robil Ježiš, to isté robil Pavel. A Oni videli Boha, toho veľkého Otca, ktorý Sa demonštroval v Horiacom kríku, zademonštroval To pred Pavlom, i tu To bolo zademonštrované.

317A On je v každom veku ten istý. Boží trojaký spôsob, "včera, dnes i naveky." Čo? Vykupiteľ: vo Svojej Cirkvi: majúci vo všetkom prvenstvo v prichádzajúcom Kráľovstve. Amen! Vidíte to? Je to tak dokonalé ako to len môže byť.

318Ó, uvedomte si! Duch Svätý je jediný zjavovateľ Božského zjavenia Krista. Neexistuje žiadna škola, ktorá by to mohla urobiť. Nemôže to urobiť žiadny učenec. Žiadny človek, akokoľvek vzdelaný, akokoľvek pobožný, alebo čokoľvek iné by mohol byť, nie je takého človeka ktorý by to mohol urobiť.

319Mohol som s tým tu niekoho raniť. Koľko je tu Kresťanov, znovuzrodených, zodvihnite ruky, naplnených Svätým Duchom? V poriadku. Hneď ku tomu prídeme. V poriadku. Všimnite si.

320A On to zjavi jedine tým predurčeným. Tak veru. "Všetci, ktorých Mi dal Otec prídu ku Mne, a nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, keby mu to prv nebolo dané od Môjho Otca." Vidíte?

321Pozrite sa na tých kňazov, oni hovorili, "Tento človek je Belzebúb. On je veštec. On je diabol."

322A tá obyčajná žena, ktorá nemala dobrú povesť, ona žila so šiestymi mužmi. S piatymi a potom mala šiesteho. A Ježiš jej povedal, "Choď a priveď sem svojho muža."

Ona povedala, "Nemám muža."

323A On povedal, "Áno, máš ich šesť. Mala si piatych, a ten s ktorým teraz žiješ nie je tvoj muž."

Ona povedala, "Pane! "Čo to? To Svetlo zasiahlo to semeno.

324Keď Ono zasiahlo tých kňazov, oni povedali, "Tento človek je veštec." Vidíte, tam nebol žiadny Život. Iba nejaký kríženec, ktorý vyrástol až na organizáciu, ale tam na tom zomrel.

325Ale táto žena nebola žiadny kríženec. Ona povedala, "Pane, ja vidím!" Môžem vidieť, ako sa rozsvietili jej pekné veľké oči, slzy sa jej skotúľali po lícach. Ona povedala, "Pane, vidím že Ty si prorok. Ja očakávam na Mesiáša. A keď ten Mesiáš príde, On bude robiť presne toto isté. On nám povie tieto veci."

On povedal, "To som Ja."

326Ó, Pane! Ona tam nechala svoje vedro. "On je tu! Poďte a vidzte Človeka, ktorý mi povedal všetko." Čo to bolo? To Svetlo zasiahlo to Semeno. Tam bol ten Život. A On vyrástol. Tak isto je to dnes!

327Ale teológ povie, "Počkaj chvíľu. Pohľadám či Ten a ten, Pastor Moody, čo on povedal, alebo ..."

328 Čo teraz má s tým spoločného pastor Moody? Pastor Moody žil vo svojom čase, ale nie teraz. Tak to je. Luther žil vo svojom čase, ale nie v čase Wesleya. Wesley žil vo svojom čase, ale nie v čase Letničných. Letniční žili vo svojom čase, ale oni sú ďaleko od Tohoto čo sa deje v tejto hodine. My sa nachádzame v tej poslednej hodine. Tak veru.

329Ich organizácie a ich pochybnosti dokazujú, že To tam nie je. To Slovo tam nebolo nikdy správne potvrdené. Jedine len v ich vlastnej sile, semená, denominácie. A oni by urobili denomináciu, vložia tam potom tie staré neplodné semená buriny s tou opravdivou pšenicou. V tej chvíli zomreli. Ukázala sa úroda neplodnej buriny, veru, zelené tŕnie a pŕhľava, och, vidíte, navrátilo sa to späť do toho. Hneď to vymrelo. Potom oni podrúzgotali to pole a znovu na tom začali. Zasadili niekoľko skutočných Semien a niektoré z nich vzišli, ale to Ich udusilo.

330Ale potom, Boh povedal, že v týchto posledných dňoch On vyvedie ľudí obmytých v Jeho Krvi, a oni boli ku tomu predurčení aby tam boli. Oni tam musia byť. Boh to tak povedal. A To zjavi... A práve ten znak, "Ja vám po..." Malachiáš 4, a čo on urobí, "znovu prinavráti," privedie späť, v týchto posledných dňoch, tie veľké veci ktoré On zasľúbil, to prinesie zjavenie. Čo má urobiť Malachiáš 4.? Má priniesť späť vieru otcov, pre synov. Vidíte? To je ono, priniesť to isté, ten istý Ohnivý Stĺp, priniesť na scénu. Tie isté znamenia, tie isté zázraky, toho istého Ježiša: on predstaví znovu toho istého Ježiša, tak isto Ho bude kázať, potvrdzujúc, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

331"Ja prinavrátim," hovorí Pán, "všetky tie roky ktoré obžral ten metodistický červ a húsenica, a baptisti a katolíci, a všetko čo zožrali tie červy, tú Vieru, až sa z toho stal len denominačný pahýľ, kde nezostalo žiadneho semena. "Ale Ja znovu prinavrátim," hovorí Pán, "všetky tie roky." Čo? "Všetky znamenia a zázraky ktoré stratili. Ja to znovu privediem späť do toho originálneho Stromu a Ja To obnovím," hovorí Pán. Ten prorok bol potvrdeným prorokom. Jeho slová sa musia vyplniť. Amen.

332Duch Svätý, On jediný je zjavovateľ Božského zjavenia Krista, a bol ním vo všetkých vekoch. Zapamätajte si, vo všetkých vekoch! Ku komu prichádzalo Slovo Pánovo? Jedine ku prorokovi. Tak to je. Či je to tak? A ten prorok musel byť najprv potvrdený. Nie preto, že on povedal že je prorok. Ale preto že on sa narodil ako prorok, a bol dokázaný ako prorok, a čokoľvek čo on povedal bolo postavené presne na Slove a stalo sa, potom všetko ostatné išlo nabok. Vidíte? Tak to bolo, Slovo Pánovo prichádza jedine skrze Ducha Svätého. Tak hovorí Biblia. "Tí dávni mužovia boli vedení Duchom Svätým, a tak napísali to Slovo."

333Pozrite sa. Ján Krstiteľ by nikdy nebol poznal Ježiša, ak by mu Duch Svätý nebol ukázal na Neho. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

334Ján Krstiteľ, ten veľký prorok ktorý vystúpil a povedal, "On stojí práve teraz medzi vami. Obyčajný Človek, ktorý tu niekde stojí, to je ten Baránok Boží." Ján povedal, "Potom som vydal svedectvo. Svedčím. Videl som Ducha Božieho, Ducha Svätého zostupovať z neba ako holubicu, a On zostúpil na Neho. A Hlas povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo."

Čo to bolo? Duch Svätý mu povedal, "Ja ti Ho ukážem."

335Je len jedna možnosť ako Ho budete môcť dnes poznať, len jediná cesta ako budete môcť obdržať to trojaké zjavenie Božie, a to je skrze Ducha Svätého. A môže sa to stať jedine tak, že ste ku tomu boli predurčení aby ste to videli. Ak ste neboli, nikdy to neuvidíte. Ak ste nie predurčení ku tomu aby ste to videli, nikdy to neuvidíte. Pretože to Svetlo môže zablysknúť a vy pôjdete preč od toho a budete si robiť z toho žarty, a budete sa to snažiť vyhovoriť nejakými učenými vecami. Práve keď Boh, On Sám Sa manifestuje a potvrdzuje to, vidíte, ale, ak vám je to nie dané aby ste to videli, tak to neuvidíte.

336Boh to nikdy nepovedal len tak, "Ja vyberiem tohoto, vyberiem tohoto," ale On poznal skrze Svoje ... Dôvod, prečo On mohol niekoho predurčiť je ten, že On je nekonečný a každého pozná ... On je nekonečný, tak preto On vedel všetko. On poznal koniec, a už na začiatku by mohol povedať aký bude koniec. On je Boh. Ak by to On nemohol urobiť, nebol by Bohom. Tak veru. On je nekonečný. Tak veru.

337Ján by Ho nikdy nebol poznal, nie veru, ak by mu Duch Svätý nebol ukázal. Vidíte ako Boh skryl Svoje tajomstvo pred tými veľkými, vzdelanými ľuďmi, i pred všetkými inými? Pozrite sa, každý jeden z tých ľudí ...?... A v jednoduchosti to zjavuje tým, ktorých On predurčil aby to videli. Hľaďte na to! Iní tam vedľa stáli a vôbec nevideli tú holubicu, nepočuli žiadny Hlas, pretože to bolo poslané len tomu predurčenému Semenu. Predurčené! Samozrejme, že bolo predurčené!

338Prečo, Izaiáš, 712 rokov pred tým ako sa On narodil, pozdvihol sa v Duchu z tých ľudských zmyslov a povedal, hlas volajúceho na púšti, prihotovte cestu Pánovu, čiňte priame Jeho chodníky."

339Nuž, ak to mohol Izaiáš vidieť, či nemohol Malachiáš vidieť to isté, ohľadne toho posledného predurčeného proroka, ktorý odpečaťuje všetkých prorokov Starého Zákonu, toho hlavného ... toho veľkého proroka ktorý stojí tam na konci veku? Vidíte? On hovorí, že to je predurčené. Samozrejme, že on bol predurčený. Malachiáš ho tiež videl.

340Ježiš povedal, "Ak to môžete prijať, toto je ten o ktorom je napísané: Hľa Ja posielam Svojho anjela pred Svojou tvárou, Malachiáš 3, aby upravil cestu predo Mnou." Vidíte? Samozrejme, že on bol predurčený aby videl to posolstvo. Nie divu, že sa tam mohol pozrieť a videl zostupovať tú holubicu, to Svetlo ktoré bolo s Izraelom na púšti, ako prichádza, ako sa znižuje dole.

341Boh Sám hovorí, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Boh a človek sa stávajú Jedno.

342"Ja vydávam svedectvo," povedal Ján, "Videl som Ho, toho jednorodeného od Otca. Som toho svedkom." Amen!

343Tu to máte. Jednoduchosť! S nejakým starým kazateľom, jeho otcom. Jeho otec bol veľký teológ, ako viete, vychodil nejakú školu. Vyzeralo by to, že on pôjde do denominácii svojho otca. Ale to by nebola Božia vôľa.

344Boh sa ho dotkol ešte pred jeho narodením, a on prijal Ducha Svätého tri mesiace pred tým ako sa narodil. Tak veru. Keď tam hore prišla Mária, a malý Ján mal šesť mesiacov, v lone svojej matky, a ešte sa vôbec ... Tie malé svaly sa zatiaľ ešte vôbec nepohýbali. A Mária sa obávala ... Tie malé svaly rástli, ale ona necítila žiadny život (pohyby), vlastne Alžbeta, jeho matka. A keď tam prišla Mária a uchopila ju a objala, položila na ňu svoje ruky. Vidíte? A povedala, "Boh prehovoril ku mne, ja tiež budem mať dieťa."

346A akonáhle vyslovila to slovo "Ježiš", malý Ján začal skákať a jasať, poskakujúc v lone svojej matky.

347Ona povedala, "Nech je požehnaný Pán Boh! Kde sa to vzalo, že prichádza ku mne matka môjho Pána? Matka môjho Pána!" Ó! "Kde sa tu berie matka môjho Pána? Pretože len čo prišiel tvoj pozdrav do mojich uší, moje dieťa od radosti podskočilo v mojom lone."

348Nie divu, že on nepotreboval žiadny seminár, nič takého čo by mu vštepovalo tú alebo tamtú náuku. On mal vykonať dôležitú vec. On bol človek pustatiny, vyšiel na pustatinu a čakal. Boh tam ku nemu prehovoril a dal mu zjavenie! "Ja ti ukážem Ktorý je On. Ty si prorok. Pre teba platí to Slovo. Ty vieš kto si. Ty si musel prísť na scénu." To je odpoveď na otázku z minulej nedeli. Vidíte? "Ján, ty vieš kto si. Ale buď potichu, nič nehovor. Vyjdi tam. A keď uvidíš Jeho, tam bude znak prichádzajúci z neba, ako Svetlo, holubica zostúpi. To bude On, keď Ho uvidíš."

349Preto, keď Ježiš prišiel ku vode, Ján pozrel hore a uvidel ako tá holubica zostupuje dole a povedal, "Ajhľa, Baránok Boží! Tam je! To je On ktorý sníma hriech sveta."

350Ježiš kráčal rovno ku nemu do vody. Oči Jána sa stretli s očami Ježiša. Oni podľa tela boli bratrancami druhého stupňa. Mária a Alžbeta boli sesternice. Ich oči sa stretli. Tam stál Boh a Jeho prorok, amen.

351Ján povedal, "Ja sa potrebujem dať pokrstiť od Teba. A Ty prichádzaš ku mne?"

352Ježiš mu riekol, "Nechaj teraz, ale pamätaj, že tak nám sluší, aby sme naplnili všetku spravodlivosť."

353Prečo to Ján urobil? Pretože On bol Obeť. Ján bol prorok, on to vedel, Obeť musela byť umytá pred Svojím obetovaním. Ó! A on urobil tak a pokrstil Ho.

354A keď to urobil, hľa, Nebesia sa otvorili, ó, a tá holubica zostúpila na Neho a Hlas prehovoril, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Preklad Kráľa Jakuba to má, "v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať." Nuž akokoľvek to otočíte je to to isté, "prebývať," alebo ... "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo bývať," alebo, "prebývať," kto čo chce, je to to isté. V poriadku.

355Vidíte teda, že mu to bolo zjavené. Iní tam stáli a nič z toho nepočuli. To zjavuje jedine Duch Svätý.

356Tak isto ako keď Sa zjavil Pavlovi, ďalšiemu predurčenému Semenu.

357Pavel obchádzal tam tie kraje a mohol si vravieť, "Keď pochytám tú bandu, roztrhám ich na kusy, pretože ja som Doktor Saul. Vychovaný pri nohách Gamaliela. Pochádzam z Moodyho Biblic..." alebo z niektorej inej, vidíte. "Ja mám školy. Viem o čom hovorím. Roztrhám tú bandu tých svätých povalencov na kusy. Daj mi len povolenie, velebný svätý otče, aby som tam mohol ísť a uväzním každého jedného z tých hulákajúcich tam. Učiním koniec celému tomu Božskému uzdravovaniu."

Dal si to do vačku a povedal, "Už aj idem."

358A v ten deň, oh, okolo jedenástej hodine, Svetlo mu zasvietilo do tvári a on padol na zem.

359Prečo? On bol predurčeným Semenom. Boh povedal, "Ja som ho vybral. Tak veru. A Ja mu ukážem koľko mnoho on musí vytrpieť za Moje Meno. Pošlem ho ku pohanom, a vo všetkom prepadne v nemilosť, ale cez to všetko on bude niesť Moje Meno."

360Pavel potom odišiel tam dozadu na púšť do ústrania, na tri a pol roka, až kým nebol obrezaný od všetkých svojich cirkevných nezmyslov. Bol tam dole v Arábii, až kým sa nenaučil Slovo, a to Slovo sa stalo ním. A on sa stal väzňom, a potom sa vracia späť v reťaziach lásky! "Všetky moje seminárne poznatky pominuli! Som väzňom Ježiša Krista. Amen! Filemon, brat môj, som väzňom Ježiša Krista. Môžem hovoriť len to čo mi On povie."

361Boh potrebuje dnes väzňov, ktorí sa poddajú Jeho vôli, Jeho Slovu.

362Taký bol Pavel. Nezáležalo mu na tom čomu všetkému bol vyučený, on poznal Boha skrze zjavenie. Tak veru. To vzdelanie vypadlo z celej tej záležitosti, potom keď prišlo zjavenie, ktoré je skalou na ktorej je vybudovaná Cirkev. Tak veru. Všimnite si. On bol predurčeným Semenom.

363Jedine Duch Svätý vám ukáže kto On je. Žiadny človek. Oni vám z toho urobia "Otca, Syna a Svätého Ducha," a všetko možné. Vidíte? Ale Duch Svätý Ho zjavi ako zamanifestovaného Pána Boha Neba, že to je On!

364Nuž, všimnite si. Nie v prorokoch, nie v kráľoch ani v nikom inom, ale tu, po prvý krát, Boh v plnosti bol zjavený v Kristovi, v plnosti Božstva telesne, v ľudskom tele. To je zjavenie. Ó! Zaspievam vám teraz jeden verš.

Národy sa zmietajú, Izrael sa budí; (či to nie je tak?)

Znaky ktoré predpovedali proroci;

Pohanská cirkev je v denominácii;

Ich dni sú zrátané, hrôzou obťažené;

364" Vyhnanci, vráťte sa domov." (
Ste od nich vykopnutí.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia sa trasú od strachu.

365 Nemôžu to zamaskovať ani všetky ich Hollywoodské žarty. Je to práve tak ako s malým chlapcom, ktorý si píska keď prechádza v noci cez cintorín. Vidíte?

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy čisté;

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo!

Falošní proroci klamú; Božie Slovo zapierajú,

že Ježiš Kristus je náš Boh, (to je pravda)

Táto generácia pohŕda Božím zjavením,

ale my ideme tam kde kráčali apoštolovia.

Deň vykúpenia sa priblížil;

Ľudské srdcia sa trasú od strachu;

Buďte plní Ducha, majte lampy čisté;

Pozrite, vaše vykúpenie sa priblížilo!

366Uchyť sa toho zjavenia, brat. Táto generácia pohŕda Božím zjavením! Vidíte? To robia falošní proroci. "Podľa ich ovocia ich poznáte." Oni sú - oni sú kríženci. Narodili sa do organizácií, namiesto toho aby sa narodili do Slova Božieho, zjavenie Božie zjavuje Boha skrze Krista, a On je Slovo. Ó!

367Mohli by sme sa tu zastaviť, ale keď ... keď budete chcieť, znovu v tom môžeme pokračovať, keď sa vrátim. Či chcete aby sme pokračovali? [Zhromaždenie, Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Záleží to na vás, ak chcete, rozumiete. Poponáhľam sa, tak aby som nezabral priveľa času, aby ste ... Aby ste mali čas odpočinúť si, keď skončíme. V poriadku.

Sledujte to predurčené Semeno!

368Jedine Duch Svätý vám môže ukázať kto On je. Nie v prorokoch ani v Jeho kráľoch. Ale tu je Boh zamanifestovaný v tele. Tu je plnosť. On sa úplne zjavil a dal sa poznať svetu. Ó!

369Pozrite sa na vrch premenenia, kde Sám Boh vydal svedectvo, "Toto je môj milovaný Syn. Jeho počúvajte!" Stál tam Mojžiš, ktorý reprezentoval zákon. Stál tam Eliáš, ktorý reprezentoval prorokov. Ale On ... Oni zmizli a On povedal, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn. Jeho počúvajte!" Bolo tam reprezentované troje, zákon, proroci a Kristus. A On povedal, "Toto je Ono". Boh, On nebol v plnosti zamanifestovaný v prorokoch, ani skrze zákon, ale v Kristovi sa v plnosti zamanifestoval.

370Kristus má milosrdenstvo. Zákon vás uvrhol do vezenia, ale nemohol vás z tadiaľ dostať. Proroci boli Božou spravodlivosťou, aby vás kvôli nej odsúdili a zabili. Je to tak. Ale Ježiš bol Božou láskou a zjavením, aby dal poznať, tomu predurčenému Semenu, že On vás povolal. Toto je On. Jeho počúvajte!"

371Vedzte! Plnosť Božstva sa dala poznať. To záhadné tajomstvo je teraz zjavené, že Boh je zamanifestovaný. Boh a človek sa stali Jedno, pomazaný človek, Kristus! Čo znamená, Kristus? "Ten pomazaný," Pomazaný, ktorý bol pomazaný plnosťou Božstva telesne. Ó! Ako o tom ľudia môžu pochybovať?

372Kedysi, čiastočne Ho raz mal Mojžiš, čiastočne Ho mal Dávid, ale tu je on zamanifestovaný v plnosti, Samotné Božstvo stojace na zemi. Boh vo Svojej plnosti, aby zomrel za hriech ľudí, aby do Svojej Cirkvi mohol priniesť posvätený Život, aby mohol mať prvenstvo, v plnosti, vo Svojej Cirkvi, aby zamanifestoval každé zasľúbenie v týchto posledných dňoch. Vidíte? Čo bolo ...

373Počúvajte teraz. Počúvajte? Preberte sa teraz trošku. Rozumiete? Dávajte pozor.

374Prečo sa Ježiš zamanifestoval? Aby ukázal Boha. On bol Boh. Musel Ním byť, žiadny človek by nemohol zomrieť, žiadny prorok by nemohol zomrieť. On bol Boh. On bol Boh prorokov. On bol v prorokoch, On bol v kráľoch. On bol v histórii. On bol Ten, ktorý mal prísť. Ten ktorý bol, Ten ktorý je a Ten ktorý bude v tom poslednom čase. Ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Za tým účelom On bol zamanifestovaný.

375A za tým účelom On vydobyl Cirkev, aby On, plnosť Božia, mohol vyplniť každé zaľúbené Slovo Božie v týchto posledných dňoch. Keď On obdrží prvenstvo, prvenstvo v Cirkvi, tú pozíciu, Svoje miesto v Cirkvi. Ježiš povedal, "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť, ešte väčšie ako tie, lebo Ja idem k Svojmu Otcovi." Vidíte, to bol Jeho zámer. To sa manifestovalo. A teraz, dnes, On chce dostať niekoho, kto by to tak mohol vidieť, takých ktorí dovolia Slovu ...

376Vidíte, Ježiš to tak videl, bol tak dokonale narodený pre ten deň, že až Boh stvárnil každý pohyb ktorý On urobil. On bol Božím zjavením. Boh, zjavený.

377A teraz On Svojím Duchom a Krvou posvätil Cirkev, aby mohol v týchto posledných dňoch zjaviť každé zasľúbenie. Nuž, vidíte, On mohol ísť naspäť a pozbierať to čo tí ostatní tam zanechali, v týchto posledných dňoch, a skrze Svojho Svätého Ducha zjaviť celé tajomstvo Siedmich Pečatí. Vidíte, On stvárňuje Seba Samého. To je Jeho zámer. Preto On zomrel. To je druhá časť Jeho trojakej manifestácii. Po prvé, aby stvárnil Seba samého v Kristovi, potom aby sa stvárnil v Cirkvi. To isté. Kristus bol Slovo, a Cirkev sa stane Slovom, keď oni nechajú prechádzať to Slovo cez seba.

378Ale keď oni prijímajú skríženú denomináciu, ako cez to môže prechádzať to Slovo? To je uzemnené, a potom to spôsobí skrat a vypáli poistky. Vidíte?

379Ale keď prúd volne preteká, Slovo Božie, Ono sa samé vyjadruje. "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť." A stane sa v posledných dňoch. "Hľa Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša a on obráti srdcia detí späť do viery otcov."

380A potom príde čas, keď On bude môcť vyjadriť Samého Seba v plnosti Svojho Božstva, Božstvo, skrze Svoju Cirkev, keď bude mať všetky prednosti v tejto Cirkvi. Ó! Čo? Ten pomazaný Človek, a teraz pomazaní ľudia. Ó, aby bola privedená pomazaná Nevesta a Ženích. Pomazaní skrze (čo?) prijatie toho čo odstrčila Eva, i Adam. Vracajúci sa späť pomazaní Slovom, pretože On povedal, "Moje Slovo je Duch." Vidíte, pomazaní Slovom. Ktoré Eva odstrčila, On prichádza naspäť a my to prijímame.

381Vidíte ako vzniká ten skrížený stav, znovu, je to presne to čo on urobil Eve.

382On povedal Eve, "Nerob toto a nerob tamto, a môžeš robiť toto a tamto."

383A satan povedal, "Och! Vieš ... " A ona sa otočila a počúvala ho.

384Ale tá Eva v tých posledných dňoch to neurobí, pretože ona je predurčená k tomu aby to neurobila. Tak veru. Boh to tak učiní. On vie. On to bude mať. On povedal, že Jeho "Cirkev tam bude stáť bez vrásky a bez poškvrny." Ona tam bude stáť v Jeho nádhere, Jeho zamanifestované Slovo.

385Ona bude znakom pre ten svet. Ona bude prí... Ona bude niečím pre ten svet, na čo sa ten svet bude môcť pozrieť a povie, teda, ten zbytok sveta povie, "Ách, ona je svätou vrtieľkou. Ona je druhoradou sesternicou. Nepatrí do našej skupiny." Viem o tom. To je dobrá správa, vidíte. Ona patrí do tej Skupiny tam hore.

386Niekto mi raz povedal, ako sme stáli a rozprávali sa, riekol, "Nuž, do akej denominácii to ty patríš?"

Povedal som, "Do žiadnej."

"Do žiadnej." Povedal som, "Ja patrím do Kráľovstva."

"Dobre, a ako si sa tam pripojil?"

"Tam sa nepripojíš. Narodíš sa tam." Oh-joj.

"Čo je to za kráľovstvo?"

Povedal som, "To je tajomné Telo Ježiša Krista."

"Skrze jedného Ducha sme pokrstení v to Telo," zrodení z Jeho Ducha, potom patríme do Kráľovstva. A náš život, nie sme už Američania, nie sme Nemci, ani nič také, sme Kresťania. Sme usadení a chodíme v Duchu, uväznení láskou, preč od vecí tohoto sveta. Predali sme naše práva na tento svet a kúpili sme tú Perlu Nesmiernej Ceny, a ideme napred a necháme aby Sa Duch Svätý sám manifestoval. To je Jeho opravdivá Cirkev. To ste vy alebo ja, ak sa vydáme a slúžime Bohu podľa Jeho Slova, a nie podľa toho čo hovorí nejaké vyznanie.

388Všimnite si, pomazaný Človek, Kristus, On Sám, Boh sa tu dal poznať. Ale teraz ... Hľaďte! Ale, ale teraz, (čo?) On má všetky prednosti. Boh plne zamanifestovaný v Ježišovi Kristovi, veľké Božie tajomstvo Jeho zjavenia.

389To veľké Svetlo zjavenia vždy zaslepovalo múdrosť tohoto sveta.

390V čase Ježiša Krista, keď On tu bol na zemi, oni-oni boli tým zaslepení. Oni povedali, "Ako to, veď ty sa robíš Bohom!"On nie že len bol rovný s Bohom, On bol sám Boh. Vidíte? Vidíte, oni to nepochopili. A mimochodom, niekto z vás by smel ...

391Počul som neveriacich ktorí mi raz povedali, že vraj Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, že On je Syn Boží. On to určite povedal. Samozrejme. Vy len nepoznáte svoju Bibliu. Čo On povedal tej žene pri studni? Vidíte? Čo jej povedal?

392"Ja viem že Mesiáš príde. A keď On príde, On bude robiť tieto veci."

On jej povedal, "Ja som To, ktorý s tebou hovorím."

A Pavlovi to tiež povedal, a rôznym iným.

Vidíte to. Ale teraz Cirkev má to prvenstvo.

393Veľké Božie tajomstvo vždy zaslepovalo múdrosť sveta. Oni to nemohli porozumieť. Oni to jednoducho nerozumeli. Satan to nerozumie. Žiadny z nich to nerozumie, len tí, ktorí sú predurčení do toho aby to rozumeli, ako Boh a Kristus sú Jedno. Oni stále budú z Neho robiť troch. Vidíte? Skutočne to tak budú robiť.

394Všimnite si, poďalšie, zadruhé, Kristus zamanifestovaný vo vás, nádeja slávy. Ten veľký, zamanifestovaný Boh v Kristovi, teraz Kristus zamanifestovaný vo vás.

Budeme sa ponáhľať.

395Hľaďte! To čo voľakedy bolo veľkým Božím tajomstvom, veľkým tajomstvom ukrytým v Jeho mysli, to je teraz vložené do sŕdc veriacich, ktorí sú, Telom Kristovým. To, čo voľakedy bolo veľkým Božím tajomstvom, ktoré bolo v Jeho mysli, pred založením sveta, je teraz zamanifestované. Pomyslite na to! Vidíte? Ó jej!

396Som si istý, že to nechápeme. Nemôžem to vidieť tak ako by som to mal, a-a som si istý, že vy tak isto. Rozumiete ma?

397Ale veľké tajomstvo Božie, to čo Večný Boh držal v tajnosti, bolo teraz v Ježišovi Kristovi odhalené, a potom to bolo dané rovno do Jeho Cirkvi. To čo sa raz nachádzalo v Božej mysli je teraz v Tele Kristovom. Ježiš prejavujúc lásku k Cirkvi, Svojej Neveste, šepká Jej tie tajomstvá.

398Tak ako keď vy rozprávate svojej žene svoje tajomstvá, poznáte to, tomu dievčaťu ktoré si chcete vziať za ženu. Až tak ju milujete, že jej proste hovoríte tie tajomstvá. Vezmete si ju vedľa seba, milujete ju. Viete ako to je.

399To je to čo Boh, Kristus robí so Svojou Cirkvou. Vidíte? On jej dáva poznať tie tajomstvá, práve tie tajomstvá. Nie tým koketám. Mám na mysli Jeho Ženu. Rozumiete? V poriadku. Nuž pozrite sa. Nie. Majúc zjavenie Jeho tajomstva ktoré im bolo dané, z Jeho milosti! Ó, čo za milosť Božia! Ľudia, ja viem že to ...Dúfam, že si nemyslíte, že to zneje tak osobne do nejakej skupiny ľudí, tej alebo tamtej. Ale Boh sa zdieľa s tým tajomstvom s celou Cirkvou, ak to len oni prijímajú. Rozumiete? To neznamená, že je to len pre mňa, alebo len pre vás. Tým je myslená Cirkev, ktorej sa to On snaží dať.

400A vy vravíte, "Nuž, prečo to oni neprijímajú?" Oni to nemôžu prijať. On znovu povedal, On o tom hovoril. "A ako by oni mohli?" Pretože Izaiáš povedal, že oni to nemôžu vidieť. Vidíte? A On tiež povedal ...

401Prorok Pavel povedal, "V posledných dňoch budú ľudia chytrí, vysokomyseľní, viacej milujúci rozkoše ako milujúci Boha, zradní, falošní, nezdržanliví, pohŕdajúci tými ktorí sú dobrí, tvrdohlaví, vysokomyseľní. Vidíte? Majúci formu pobožnosti, ale zapierajúci jej moc, od takých sa vzdiaľ. Lebo to sú takí, ktorí chodia z domu do domu a vedú hlúpe ženy, obťažené rozličnými žiadosťami, a pritom hovoria, "To je v poriadku. Oh, tam tí, to sú blázni. Nevšímajte si ..." Vidíte? "Nikdy nie sú schopní prísť k poznaniu Pravdy. A takýto ľudia sa tomu stavajú na odpor, tak ako Janes a Jambres sa postavili proti Mojžišovi," schopní založiť nejakú cirkev, nejakú skupinu ľudí. Tak veru.

402"Ale ich nerozum bude zrejmý," keď Ježiš vezme Svoju Nevestu, postaví Ju tu a povie, "Toto je Ona," a odíde s Ňou preč. Tak to je. A ich nerozum bude zrejmý.

403Hľaďte, mať zjavenie tohoto tajomstva, ktoré môžu poznať, to je dané skrze Jeho milosť! Hľaďte! Keď vám je dané poznať to veľké zjavenie, to zjavené tajomstvo, potom vy opovrhnete všetkými vecami tohoto sveta.

404Nuž, ešte raz sa ku tomu vrátim. Mohol som to tu už hovoriť. Poukazujem na to. Kvôli tým páskam, ktoré idú ďalej. Tie pásky idú do celého sveta. Rozumiete?

405Vy ženy, ktoré tvrdíte, že ste pokrstené Duchom Svätým a nemáte odvahu, aby ste si nechali narásť vlasy. Keď Biblia to odsudzuje a hovorí, že žena je ... muž má právo rozviesť sa so svojou ženou, ak si ona strihá vlasy. Pred Bohom je to uznané, ak by tak urobil. Biblia hovorí, že ak si ona strihá vlasy, hanobí svoju hlavu. A to je bežná vec, ako viete, pre niektorú ženu je to stará bežná vec, že sa dokonca modlí s ostrihanými vlasmi. Vidíte?

406Nosenie šortiek, a takých tých voľných nohavíc, i všetko iné! Biblia hovorí, "Každá žena," (oh vy hovoríte ...) "ktorá oblieka na seba mužský odev, je to ohavnosťou pred Bohom," špina, nečistota, ako niekde nejaká stará smradľavá kúpelňa. Vidíte? Och! V Božích nozdrách je to špinavosť! A potom sa snažíte modliť, alebo prinášať modlitby, a pritom činíte niečo takéto? Boh to odmieta, odstrkuje to preč. Je to tak.

408On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. To je úplné zjavenie Božie. Ak Boh niekedy niečo povie, On to nikdy nemôže zmeniť. On to zveličuje, ale nemení. Zákon bol zveličený, nie zmenený. Zveličený!

409"Ktokoľvek spácha cudzoložstvo bude vinný smrti." "Ale ktokoľvek," teraz je to zveličené, "by pozrel na ženu žiadostivý po nej!" On to prikázanie vôbec nezmenil. On ho zveličil.

410"Pamätaj ne deň sabatu, aby si ho svätil," jeden deň v týždni. Teraz to On zveličil, ten odpočinok to je zotrvávanie v Duchu Božom. "Predpis na predpis a riadok za riadkom, trochu tu a trochu tam. Držte sa pevne toho čo je dobré. Preto že s koktavými rtami a inými jazykmi budem hovoriť ku tomuto ľudu. A to je ten odpočinok. To je občerstvenie z prítomnosti Pánovej."

411A aj tak to oni nechceli počúvať, potriasali hlavami a odchádzali preč do svojich denominácií. Och-joj. "To je občerstvenie," vidíte, zveličený deň sabatu. Vy Sabatisti i všetci ostatní. Ó! On to nezmenil. On to zveličil. "Peklo rozšírilo svoje brány, aby ich prijalo."

412Nuž, môžete to teraz vidieť, to Posolstvo posledného času, prečo je Ono odmietnuté? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nuž, nie denominácia, ale zjavenie Jeho tajomstva. Vidíte, nie denominácia. Zjavenie! Boha nemožno poznať skrze denomináciu. On sa môže dať poznať len skrze zjavenie.

413Hľaďte! Boh vo Svojom Tele, Kristus. A Kristus vo Svojom Tele, Nevesta. Ó-ó-ó! Boh sa zamanifestoval v Kristovi. Kristus sa zamanifestoval v Neveste! A tak ako Boh vzal z Adamovho tela ženu, a ona upadla. Potom Boh vzal z Tela Kristovho, Jeho mäso, Jeho Telo, a tým je Jeho Slovo, a privádza Nevestu, ktorá neupadne na denominácii alebo vyznaní. Nie veru. Ale Ona prichádza naspäť s čistým, nesfalšovaným Božím Slovom, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo.

414Dúfam, že každý muž, ktorý počúva túto pásku, i každá žena, bude tomu rozumieť. Vidíte?

415Ona je druhá Eva, ale Ona neničí a-a nekazí šaty svojej cudnosti a svätosti voči svojmu Mužovi. Ona zostane pri Jeho Slove bez ohľadu na to čo niekto iný hovorí. Môžete si mať všetky tie ekumenické hnutia aké len chcete, i všetky tie príbuzenstvá.

416A oni zanedlho začnú s prenasledovaním a pozatvárajú všetky zbory. Vidíte to. A také zbor ako je tento, ktoré nie sú denomináciou, oni tie priestory použijú ako skladištia. A ak by niekto išiel a modlil sa za nie- koho iného, ktorý nepatrí do ekumenického hnutia, bude na mieste zastrelený. Už to tu je. Ten luteránsky kňaz, ktorý je tomu hlavou, on to tak povedal. A už to tu máme. Môžete si to práve prečítať v novinách. Je to pravda.

417Nezáleží na tom čo oni hovoria, tá Cirkev bude stáť verne v tomto Svetle. Ona to už predtým dokázala a znovu to dokáže, tvárou v tvár čohokoľvek. To je Božie Slovo. A oni, všetky tie ekumenické hnutia i všetko iné, to pominie. Ona tam bude stáť bez vrásky a bez poškvrny. To je pravda. Ona tam bude stáť.

418Všimnite si, Boh Sa zamanifestoval vo Svojom tele, v Kristovi. Vidíte teraz tú trojnásobnú nádhernú vec?

419Kristus vo Svojom Tele, v Cirkvi, potvrdzuje Svoje zasľúbené Slovo, tak ako to robil Boh skrze Krista.

420"Kto Ma môže obviniť z hriechu? Ak nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, tak potom kde som sklamal? Teraz vy kamaráti hovoríte, že vy to robíte, vy denominácie, ukážte Mi teraz. No. Ukážte Mi kde som sklamal v tom aby byť Mesiášom. Ukážte Mi kde som sklamal, ukážte jeden znak, čo Boh povedal, že Mesiáš to bude robiť a Ja by som to nebol vyplnil." Vidíte? Boh vo Svojom tele.

421A teraz Kristus, "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť." Vidíte, vidíte, to je ten istý Boh. Vidíte? "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť, väčšie ako tie, lebo Ja idem ku Svojmu Otcovi." Cirkev bude o nie- čo dlhšie vo Svetle, vidíte, potvrdzujúc Jeho zasľúbené Slovo. Ako Boh vyplnil Svoje zasľúbenia v Kristovom tele, tak Kristus vyplňuje Svoje vlastné skutky v Kristovom Tele, v Neveste, vidíte, On teraz oznamuje Svoje tajomstvo Stromu Svojej Nevesty v tomto poslednom čase, ktorý rodí ovocie, ktoré bolo na tom Strome na začiatku.

422Hľaďte, ten strom vypustil haluz, Luteráni. A čo tá haluz urobila? Keď ten strom začal rásť, tu s ním spolu rastie i ovocie. A čo sa stalo? Oni z toho urobili denomináciu. A tak prišiel orezávač, Otec, Hospodár a odsekol tú...?... "Je to mŕtve."

423Povstali Wesleyovci. Pekne to vzrastalo. A čo sa s tým stalo? To ovocie znovu odišlo späť do toho stromu, a tak On odsekol ten vinič, to vyschnuté.

424Ukážte mi jednu, jednu cirkev ... Chcel by som ju poznať. Mám za sebou tridsať tri rokov cirkevnej histórii. Ukážte mi jedno miesto, kde aspoň raz, keď sa zorganizovala niekedy nejaká cirkev, kde by ona práve v tej chvíli nebola zomrela. Ukážte mi jedno miesto kde by oni boli znovu povstali, navonok sú početní i tak ďalej, ale nie je tam prebudenie. To tam nie je. Nie veru. Taká cirkev je načisto mŕtva.

425Tak čo urobil jej Hospodár? Prišiel a odrezal to. Vodíte? To rodilo denominačné ovocie. Citróny na pomarančovníku, a tak to 0n odrezal, vidíte. To rodilo, držalo sa.

426Ale kde sa nachádza srdce stromu? Rovno v jeho strede. A On tie haluze všetky obrezal, až kým rovno na vrcholci ...

427On má Semeno tu dole v koreni. Tak ako strom, ktorý je zasadený nad potokmi vody, on ktorý prijíma Božie zákony a lásku do svojho srdca. "A bude ako strom," to je prvý žalm, "zasadený nad potokmi vody, jeho lístie nevedne, ktorý vydáva svoje ovocie svojím časom." A tu je to práve...

428A kde dozrieva ovocie najrýchlejšie? Na vrcholci stromu. Prečo? Lebo má svetlo. Amen! Tak to je. A rovno na vrcholci stromu, v týchto posledných dňoch, On rodí Strom Nevesty.

429Pamätajte, On je Strom Života, opak "hadieho semena," rozumiete. On je to Semeno, "Semeno ženy," Strom Života v záhrade Eden. "A tak teraz aby nevystrel svojej ruky a nevzal ešte aj zo Stromu Života a nejedol, a žil by potom naveky." On je ten jediný Strom, z ktorého môžete vziať, aby ste mohli žiť naveky. Jeho Slovo je Život. Je to teda Slovo, Slovo Božie, ktoré Eva odstrčila v záhrade Eden. Potom je tu Kristus, zamanifestované Slovo.

430 A keď On prišiel na zem, On bol Strom Života. Či veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] A Rím, čo oni urobili? On musel byť zoťatý. A bol pribitý na strom hanby, "prekliaty je ten kto visí na dreve (strome)," stal sa zlorečenstvom za ľudskú rasu.

431A teraz skrze to, On rodí Strom Nevesty, ktorý bude Stromom Života, znovu uvedený do pôvodného stavu pre Neho, ako Muž a Žena v záhrade Eden, (ó, sláva Bohu), skrze to isté Slovo a toho istého Boha, ktorý sa manifestuje v Mužovi a Žene, znovu je tu ten istý Strom Nevesty.

432Všimnite si, dáva to poznať! Ó, je tu toho toľko, že by sme v tom mohli ešte pokračovať. Všimnite si, Strom Kristovho Tela v záhrade, dáva teraz poznávať Svoje tajomstvo Stromu Nevesty.

433Hľaďte, vykúpená Kristom, tým druhým Adamom! Či veríte že On ním bol? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Prichádza naspäť Domov, do Edenu, so Svojou upadnutou ženou, ktorú vykúpil (aby mohla ísť) znovu naspäť Domov. To je Kristus a Cirkev dnes, On vedie naspäť Svoju Ženu. Vidíte teraz to trojnásobné tajomstvo? ["Amen."] Boh zamanifestovaný v Kristovi, Kristus zamanifestovaný v Cirkvi. Všetko spolu, aby znovu bol privedený naspäť originálny Adam a Eva, muž a žena, ktorí sú jedno, učinení z tej istej Krvi a toho istého Ducha.

434Cirkev je Krvou Kristovou, skrze Ducha, pretože Život je v Krvi. To je krst Ducha Svätého, ktorý nás krstí do Jeho Tela, to uznáva Jedine Jeho Telo, Jeho mäso, Jeho Slovo. [brat Branham viacej krát poklepal po svojej Biblii. – pozn.prekl.]

435Denominácia sa toho nikdy nedotkne. To je zjavenie. Ona to vie. Tak ako to vedela Eva, ale ona upadla. Ale táto (Eva) to pozná a neupadne. Ona je ustanovená! Haleluja! Ó! Ona je ustanovená aby neupadla. Ona neupadne. Ona je do toho predurčená. "Blahoslavený človek, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriechov." Vy kazatelia viete čo hovorím, sedí vás tu dosť veľa. Rozumiete? "Blahoslavený človek, ktorému Boh nepočíta hriechov," hovorí Dávid.

436Všimnite si, naspäť vykúpená, ide s Ním Domov, späť do Večného Života v ľudskom tele, budú jesť, piť a žiť naveky. Izaiáš povedal, "Postavia domy a budú v nich bývať, vysadia vinice a budú jesť ich ovocie. Postavia a nevezme im to iný." Deti to nezaberú, ale oni tam budú so svojimi potomkami. Postavia a zostanú tam. Amen. "Nebude sadiť, že by z toho jedol iný, zasadí a sám bude z toho jesť." Amen! Čo to je? Jeho Nevesta, ktorá sa s Ním navracia späť, vykúpená naspäť, znovu originálny Adam a Eva, pretože smrť pominula. Oni hľadia späť na kríž a vidia, že smrť bola splatená.

437A teraz skrze vieru, sme vzkriesení s Ním, sedíme práve teraz v Ponebeských miestach, hľadíme späť na to čo nás vykúpilo, čakáme na príchod Manžela, aby sme s Ním mašírovali Domov.

438Trojnásobný zámer Boží, zamanifestovaný v Adamovi a Eve, a v každom prorokovi, cez všetky tie veky, a v Ňom, ktorý má prísť. V Ňom ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý má prísť. Úplná manifestácia, zjavenie Slova Božieho, Adam a Eva, ktorí idú znovu späť Domov, vykúpení, Boh Sa dáva poznávať.

439Tam On zasadne na trón Dávidov, ten pravý, a bude vládnuť nad všetkými národmi železným prútom. Bude tam strom na každej strane. A každý národ ktorý tam vojde, bude mu to na uzdravenie. Tie listy budú na uzdravenie národov. Králi tam vnesú svoju slávu. Nebude tam nič čo by mohlo poškvrniť, ani nič takého tam nikdy nevojde. A Vrch Sion bude vo Svetle po celý deň i noc, a vykúpení budú chodiť v tom Svetle. Ó, haleluja!

440Uvažujte, to nie je žiadna mystická poviedka, nie je to nejaký teologický výplod. To je zjavenie Ježiša Krista, skrze Jeho Slovo, ktoré svie- ti. Bolo to pravdou vo všetkých vekoch, a je to pravdou i v tomto veku. Je to pravdou i teraz tu. Je to pravdou pri mne, je to pravdou pri vás, i pri každom mužovi i žene ktorí sa držia tohoto zjavenia. Amen.

441A vidíte Boha, ktorý Sa Sám dáva poznávať, a On Sám pulzuje cez život, keď vy ste teraz Jeho väzňom. Ste väzňom Jeho lásky. Svet sa môže smiať, robiť si žarty a hovoriť, "No tak z toho vyjdite." vy by ste mohli ísť, ale vy ste väzeň. Vidíte? Iné ženy môžu odohrávať Hollywood, ale vy nie. Vy ste väzňom. Amen. Vy ste väzeň pre Krista. Iní ľudia môžu fajčiť a piť a robiť všetko čo sa im zachce, a nazývať sa pritom kresťania, diakoni, a dokonca kazatelia, ale vy nie. Vy ste väzeň, väzeň toho Slova. Tak veru. Tak veru.

442On Svoje tajomstvo dáva poznávať Svojmu Stromu Nevesty, vykúpeným skrze Krista, toho druhého Adama, ktorí idú naspäť Domov, aby boli navrátení späť do toho originálneho Edenu, oslobodení od smrti, nemoci, smútku, hanby, idúci naspäť s Večným Životom.

443Tak, počúvajte, tak mnoho ľudí má falošné predstavy. Navracať ľudí do Kresťanstva a pod jeho panovanie, to vôbec nie je Božím úmyslom. Vy hovoríte, "Obraciame ľudí do Kresťanstva skrze Jeho vládu." To nie je to. Nuž, nemali by piť, nemali by klamať." Viete že Mohamedáni vás môžu zahanbiť. Viete že pohania v Afrike, tí černosi, a oni majú vo svojich kmeňoch zákony, ktorými vás zahanbia v čomkoľvek čo vy v Kresťanstve môžete vyprodukovať.

444Raz som tam zašiel do kmeňu Shungai. Ak sa mladé dievča nevydá do určitého veku, ona musí opustiť kmeň, odložiť svoje kmeňové pomaľovanie. Ide do mesta, kde vykonáva nejakú prácu. A ak sa ... Prv ako sa vydá, musí byť vyšetrená či je panna. Ak by bolo zistené, že spáchala cudzoložstvo s nejakým mužom, musí povedať kto to je, a potom ich obidvoch spolu zabijú. Ó-ha. Oni môžu zahanbiť tých tak-zvaných...

445Čo ak by ste to tak robili s tými tak-zvanými Kresťanmi? Deväťdesiat- deväť percent z nich by do svitania zomrelo. Je to tak. Tak je to, oboji, muži i ženy. Vy viete že je to pravda.

446"Čo? Vy poviete, "Nuž ja som čistá (čistý)!"

447"Ktokoľvek pozrie žiadostivo na ženu, už s ňou spáchal cudzoložstvo vo svojom srdci." Nuž čo teraz poviete na to? A čo vy sestry, ktoré sa tak predvádzate pred mužmi? Vy ste práve tak isto vinné ako keby ste to spáchali. Vidíte?

"Ó, ale to je v poriadku." Pastor nemá odvahu aby vám to povedal, prečo? Ak by on na to začal poukazovať, jeho denominačné ústredie ho vykopne. Oni sú kríženci. Oni neprijímajú Slovo. Hoci Slovo hovorí, že je to pravda. Ježiš povedal, že je to pravda. A On je Hlavou.

448Nuž, všimnite si, Boh sa dáva poznávať. Neočakáva sa od nás, aby sme navracali ľudí do Kresťanstva nejakým vedením, ale skrze zjavenie. Kristus vo vás, tak ako Boh v Kristovi. Tak ako Boh v Kristovi, tak Kristus vo vás! Tie znamenia, ktoré Boh činil v Kristovi, Kristus činí vo vás! Ó, či nie je to nádherné? Ó, tak to mám rád.

449Ježiš povedal, "V ten deň," to je tento deň. "V ten deň," keď toto zjavenie je dané na známosť, "poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi a Otec vo mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." Keď sa zamanifestuje toto zjavenie, "V ten deň poznáte, že Ja a Otec sme Jedno. Ja som v Otcovi a Otec je vo Mne." Potom keď to zjavenie vystúpi do popredia, to je potom, "Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." No vidíte. Vidíte to mnohonásobné, trojnásobné zama... Prečo? Aby prinavrátiť späť. To my musíme byť.

Tak ako Ježiš bol Slovo Božie. On to tak isto potvrdzoval, keď On - keď On bol to Slovo.

450On by nebol zamanifestoval to Slovo, keby bol býval nejakým veľkým teológom. To by bol potom ozaj taký mesiáš, na ktorého očakával svet. Rozumiete? Tak veru, to by bol on.

451Na takého oni aj dnes očakávajú. Na niekoho-niekoho kto by dokázal prevýšiť Billyho Grahama, alebo niekoho, kto by pevne držal s ich organizáciou, ktorý by povstal a ukázal tým Baptistom, že nevedia kde stoja. Tak veru. Na takého oni očakávajú. Ale Cirkev očakáva na pokoru a na znamenie živého Boha, Krista. Vidíte?

452Ježiš nebol veľkým teológom. On bol obyčajný sedliak, tesárov syn, tak-zvaný. Vidíte? On chodil okolo, ale Boh ... On povedal, "Ukážte Mi, niekto z vás, čo Biblia hovorí, že to budem robiť, a Ja by som to nebol zamanifestoval."

453Tak i Cirkev môže robiť tie isté veci dnes. To čo robil Kristus, tak to teraz robí Cirkev. "V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, a Otec je vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." No? Tam idete, pochodujúc na Sion, (kde?) do Kráľovstva! "V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som vo vás."

454A dávajte teraz pozor! Tu je to nádherné. Nechcem aby vám to uniklo. Počúvajte teraz všetci, aj vy ktorí počúvate tú pásku, niekde vonku v džungli, alebo kdekoľvek To počúvate, počúvajte teraz.

455"A tak ako Mňa poslal Otec, tak Ja posielam vás," povedal Ježiš. Vidíte? Dávajte teraz pozor. Otec, ktorý Ho poslal, išiel v Ňom, aby správne potvrdil Seba Samého, pretože On bol Slovo. A tak isto Ježiš, ktorý vás posiela, ide s vami a vo vás, aby potvrdil toho istého Boha. "Tak ako Mňa poslal Otec, a Ja žijem skrze Otca, tak Ja pošlem vás, a vy žijete skrze Mňa." A čo je On? On je Slovo. Vy žijete skrze Slovo. Ó, ako rád by som vzal na to nejaký text a kázal o tom celé hodiny, rozumiete, o tom, ako to my ... o tom. Všimnite si. Všimnite si, "A Otec, ktorý Ma poslal," On išiel s Ním, Otec, ktorý posiela.

456Ježiš, ktorý posiela nás, ide v nás. "Ešte chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí, ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja," osobné zámeno, "Ja," Osoba, Ježiš, "budem s vami, dokonca vo vás, až do skončenia sveta. . Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, aj vy budete činiť." Nuž poďme späť a pozrime sa čo On činil, potom sa pozrite čo vy činíte, a potom to porovnajte.

457"A tak ako bolo za dní Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. A ako bolo za dní Lota," keď nejaký moderný Billy Graham, Oral Roberts zišli dole do Sodomy a kázali tým Sodomitom, a zaslepili ich oči, vidíte, s Evanjeliom. Jeden Anjel, Posol, zostal tam s Abrahámom a s tou Vyvolenou skupinou, a čo za znak tam On urobil? Vidíte? A ako Ho nazval Abrahám? Elohim, Boh zamanifestovaný v tele. Ježiš tu ukazuje, že On Sám, Boh v Ňom, bude zamanifestovaný vo Svojej Neveste v tých posledných dňoch! Ó, ó! To proste nemá konca, to je proste zjavenie Božie! Je to Večné, stále sa to posúva ďalej a ďalej a ďalej.

458Hľaďte, potom to je ako prvý Adam a Eva, predtým ako ich hriech oddelil do smrti. Teraz Kristus, ten druhý Adam vykupuje Svoju Nevestu zo smrti do Života, a teraz na Svojej ceste späť do pôvodného Edenu, privracia naspäť Svoju Nevestu do obecenstva s Bohom, ako Manžel a Manželka, v Záhrade Eden, tak veru, Kristus a Jeho Nevesta.

459A Boh, v ten deň, "Kráľovstvo bude odovzdané Otcovi, aby On mohol byť všetko vo všetkom. "Kým ešte len bude hovoriť, Ja vyslyším." Dávid, Kristus, Dávid sediaci na Tróne. Kráľ nad celou ľudskosťou. "A kým budú ešte len myslieť, Ja budem vedieť o čom oni myslia. Skôr ako to povedia, Ja im odpoviem. Vlk a baránok sa budú spolu pásť. Lev bude žrať slamu ako vôl a budú sa spolu pásť a ležať. Neuškodia ani nezahubia na celom Mojom svätom Vrchu," znovu rovno späť, rovno do Edenu. Je to tak isté ako to len môže byť!

460To je Jeho trojnásobný zámer. Ó Bože, pomôž nám aby sme to poznali! Pomôž nám aby sme to poznali!

461Počúvajte teraz znovu pozorne, pokračujeme, navraciame sa späť do pôvodného Edenu.

462Potom, keď sme sa z Neho narodili, naplnení sme Ním. Vidíte, váš život, Jeho Život je vo vás. Potom by každé vaše jednanie malo vyjadrovať Jeho.

463Je to tak, ako keby ste zobrali život z jedného stromu a vložili ho do druhého. Vezmite život z hrušky a vložte ho do jablone, ona bude rodiť hrušky. Musí, pretože je v nej tá miazga, život, zárodok hrušky. Je to tak.

Potom by každé vaše jednanie malo vyjadrovať Jeho.

464Máme Jeho Meno. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Máme nosiť Jeho Meno.

465A pamätajte, my sme teraz, ako Jeho Nevesta, tehotní Duchom Svätým. Ó! Cirkev, ktorá rodí deti, vidíte, ktorá je tehotná Jeho Menom skrze Jeho Ducha, ktorá nesie Jeho Meno, nesie Jeho Život. Cirkev ktorá nesie očividne znaky Jeho Života, s Jeho prednosťami, čo je očividným dôkazom Jeho zmŕtvychvstania, to ukazuje že On nie je mŕtvy, ale že žije naveky. To je Večný Život a potvrdenie, ktoré dokazuje svetu, že my sme živí v Ňom. Ó!

466Podľa čoho to poznáš, či podľa toho že si členom nejakého zboru? Podľa toho, že Kristus žije cez teba, a ty si tak tehotný Jeho Duchom, že si väzňom a nemôžeš vykonávať nič iné. Ó, ty si pripútaný do Evanjelia, si pripútaný ku Slovu a všetky deti, ktoré ty môžeš zrodiť sú také, pretože ty si väzeň.

467Ty nemôžeš spáchať cudzoložstvo, ty si už tehotný. Sláva! On sa nemôže uchytiť. Lono života je zavreté voči všetkému inému. Ty si už Jeho, skrze predurčenie. To Semeno prišlo do Života, žiadny svet sa tam nemôže dostať. Ó! Ó, ako radi by sme pri tom zostali aspoň za hodinu! Verím že mi rozumiete. Vidíte? Kristus, a jedine On sám, všetko iné skončilo. Tam bolo to Semeno. To Semeno tam už bolo. Kedy tam ono bolo vložené? "Pred založením sveta nás predurčil do Večného Života." A akonáhle ten Životodarný prúd, to Semeno, ktoré tam leží ... Iné semená, ktoré by chceli vojsť sa nebudú môcť uchytiť, jednoducho by to nešlo. Ale keď vojde to Semeno, ono rýchlo zablokuje lono. Každé iné semeno je takto zahnané preč.

468A vy sa stávate väzňom, uzamknutý v Kristovi. Kristus vo vás, Jeho Život nesie Svoje svedectvo, Svoje znamenia. Ó! Hľaďte, On nesie znamenia Svojho Života ako dôkaz Svojho vzkriesenia, ukazujúc pred svetom ten Večný Život, potvrdzuje tomu svetu, že my žijeme v Ňom. Predstavte si to len, živí s Bohom, naším Vykupiteľom, ktorý nás stvoril práve za tým účelom, Cirkev, a Jeho stvoriteľský Život v nás.

469To je to, čo Mojžiš mohol povedať skrze Slovo Božie, "Nech sa zjavia" a muchy sa zjavili. Boh, ktorý môže stvoriť muchy, môže tiež stvoriť veveričky. Vidíte?

470Tak On môže učiniť čokoľvek On chce. On môže stvoriť. On môže robiť čokoľvek. On je Boh. Ten istý Boh, ten stvoriteľský Život, vidíte, to je vo vás, môže... Vy ste väzeň, vy to nemôžete povedať, až keď On povie, povedz to. Ale, keď ste to potom povedali, to je Božie Slovo. On to potvrdil, že to tak je. Všetko to pasuje, a on vedel, že keď to povie, musí sa to tak stať. Vidíte?

471Mojžiš vzal svoju palicu a povedal, "Nech sa zjavia žaby," pretože Boh povedal, "Nech sa zjavia žaby." On to len preniesol ďalej navonok. Tak to je. A vo všetkom boli žaby, všade boli žaby. Odkiaľ sa oni vzali? Nikto nevie. Oni tam predtým neboli. Ale Stvoriteľ, Boh, ktorý pracuje cez človeka, to všetko stvoril, tie živé organizmy.

472Ten istý Boh, ktorý stvoril tú prvú žabu, môže stvoriť i tú druhú žabu. On je Stvoriteľom všetkých žiab. Ó! Či rozumiete čo myslím? On stvoril tú prvú veveričku, a On je Stvoriteľom i tej druhej veveričky, On je Stvoriteľom každej veveričky. On môže stvoriť veveričky i tam kde nijaké veveričky nieto. On môže robiť čokoľvek chce! On je Boh! Jeho Život! Ó! Trasiem sa keď o tom premýšľam! Ó-ó.

473Ó, žiť s Ním, ísť s Ním Domov, aby s Ním žiť! Ideme s Ním Domov, aby sme s Ním žili naveky, majúc Večný Život!

474Tu je vyjadrené veľké Božie tajomstvo lásky, že Boh a človek sa stávajú jedno. Vidíte? Tá konečná vec je, že Boh a človek sa stali jedno. Boh a človek boli jedno, tam. A Boh a človek sú jedno, tu. Vidíte? Čo je to? To znamená byť naplnený Jeho Duchom, keď On môže byť vo všetkom prvý. To chce Boh dosiahnuť, to bol Boží zámer aby to urobil: že On mohol byť v Kristovi, a Kristus v nás, a my všetci spolu byť jedno. To je Duch Svätý, tá istá vec. On to zjavil Kristovi, zjavuje to tu, tú nadprirodzenú tvorčiu moc. Ó!

475Ten istý Boh, ktorý mohol povedať Mojžišovi, "Nech sa zjavia žaby," ten istý Boh mohol zastať tam a povedať, "Nech sa voda premení na víno." Vidíte? Amen. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] On je ten istý Boh, ten istý Boh.

476On sa vôbec nemení. To je Boh v človeku. To je Jeho manifestácia. To je to čo On zjavuje. To je to čo sa On snaží robiť, a Jeho Vlastné Božie Slovo To zjavuje. Ukazuje, že človek nemôže nič stvoriť, Boh je stvoriteľ. A to už viac nie je človek, to je Boh stvoriteľ v človeku, a to je teraz Jeho Cirkev. Amen!

477Ideme Domov do Neba, žiť s Ním, stále. Boh vyjadruje Cirkvi Večnú lásku.

478Počúvajte, dobre teraz počúvajte. Chcem aby vám to neuniklo, aby ste to pochopili. Žiadna iná cirkev, žiadny iný znak, žiadne iné obecenstvo, žiadne iné vedenie, žiadne iné svedectvo, žiadna denominácia, nič takého nebude prijaté okrem Tohoto. Boh neprijíma nič iné ako to, "Kristus vo vás, nádeja Slávy," to je tá jediná vec ktorú Boh uzná. Žiadne obecenstvo, žiadna cirkev, žiadne vyznanie, žiadna denominácia, ani nič iné. Všetko okrem Toho je mŕtve. To sú úlomky, ktoré musia byť odseknuté, odrezané preč z toho, aby Kristus mohol žiť vo vás a mal vo všetkom prvenstvo.

479Neodvolávajte sa na to čo bolo! Sú takí, ktorí hovoria, "To je moja organizácia." To tiež musí byť odstránené. "Mám tu svoje, to a to. A to hovorí toto. Moja matka mi povie, že som náboženský fanatik." To tiež musí byť odstránené. Vidíte? "Ale ja viem, že môj muž chce aby som nosila šortky." To tiež musí byť odstránené. Vidíte? To musí byť odseknuté a obrezané, až kým tam nezostanete sami,len vy a Kristus. Vidíte?

480Uvažujte! Živou prítomnosťou živého Krista, živým Slovom. Ó, živý Kristus, živá Prítomnosť, živé Slovo! Hľaďte! On Svojím vlastným osobným potvrdením dokazuje Svoju Cirkev.

481Nie členov! On to nikdy nerobil vo dňoch Mojžiša. On nepotvrdzoval členstvo ani vo dňoch nikoho iného na konci sveta, keď to prišlo do takého stavu, že nadišlo zničenie. Vo dňoch Lota, to nebolo členstvo. To bolo osobné potvrdenie, Boh v tele, vidíte, osobné potvrdenie.

482Pamätajte! Predstavte si, že ľudia zrodení z Jeho Ducha, v čase ako je tento, v tomto veľkom denominačnom veku v ktorom žijeme, a ten živý Boh berie Svoje Slovo a-a potvrdzuje to, osobne, ten Život ktorý je v Slove, zárodok ktorý je v Semene! A Slovo je Semeno, ktoré rozsievač vyšiel rozsievať. A ten Život je Kristus, v Slove, osobne vo vás. On potvrdzuje niečo čo vy nemôžete činiť, potvrdzuje Seba Samého, že to nie ste vy, ale to je On. A vy ste sa stali jedno, stali ste sa otrokom Jeho lásky, aby ste boli Nevestou.

483Vďaka živému Bohu, ktorý stvoril nebesia i zem i všetko čo je v tom! Nie divu, že "On je Alfa i Omega, Počiatok i Koniec. Ten ktorý bol, ktorý je a ktorý príde. Koreň i Rod Dávidov, jasná a Ranná hviezda." On je všetko vo všetkom.

484Jeho prítomnosť, v jednotlivcovi, s Jeho osobným potvrdením vyjadruje Jeho Samého, živé Slovo, ktoré je zasľúbené na ten deň, Ono Samé sa cez vás vyjadruje, potvrdenie veľkého Božieho zjavenia. Hľaďte, len v jednotlivcovi, nikdy nie v skupine! V jednotlivcovi, nie v nejakej skupine! On sa stotožní (zžije) s jednotlivcom. Rozumiete to? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nie s Metodistami, nie s Baptistami, nie s Presbyteriánmi, nie s Luteránmi, nie s Letničnými, ale s jednotlivcami.

486To nie je skupina. To je osobné potvrdenie tehotného decka Božieho, naplneného Svätým Duchom, ktoré je tak oddané Bohu, že sa nestará o nič iné. A Duch Svätý žije Svoj vlastný Život, pulzujúc cez neho, potvrdzujúc tým osobne to Slovo a dáva Ho najavo pred ľuďmi i pred svetom.

487Ako môže svet tak slepo chodiť okolo niečoho takého? Práve tak ako katolíci chodili okolo svätého Patrika a neuznávali ho, až potom po jeho smrti. Tak isto ako chodili okolo svätého Martina, neuznávali ho. Tak isto to robili vo všetkých vekoch.

488To isté učinili Johane z Arcu. Katolícka cirkev ju upálila ako čarodejnicu, pretože bola duchovná. A asi po stopäťdesiatich rokoch, vykopali telá tých kňazov a vyhodili ich, aby učinili pokánie.

489Prechádza to rovno okolo nich a oni to neuznávajú, až kým nie je po tom. Rozpozná to jedine to predurčené Semeno, ktoré Boh predurčil pred založením sveta. To isté sa dialo vo dňoch Noeho, to isté sa dialo vo dňoch Mojžiša, vo dňoch Eliáša, vo dňoch prorokov, vo dňoch Ježiša, a tak ďalej až doteraz. Tehotná osoba so Semenom Božím, to Slovo v nej Samo Seba manifestuje, tak je odovzdaná do vôli Božej, že to Slovo, samotné to Slovo sa manifestuje v nej, v tom väzňovi, v tom jednotlivcovi.

490Nehovorte, "Moja cirkev ..." Nuž, "moja cirkev" nemá s tým nič dočinenia.

491To je jednotlivec, jednotlivá osoba! Celé peklo stojí proti tomuto učeniu. Celé peklo stojí proti tejto Pravde, ale je to Pravda.

492Ježiš nikdy nepovedal, "Nuž, Peter, ty a Ján, a všetci ostatní ľudia, vy máte to zjavenie, celá cirkev je teraz spasená."

493On to povedal jemu, osobne. "A Ja ti hovorím," nie im, "tebe hovorím, ty si Peter, na tej skale Ja postavím Svoju Cirkev." A slovo Peter, znamená "skala". Skala znamená, "ten ktorý vyznal", alebo, "ten oddelený."

494Na určitej skale, na určitej veci. Vidíte, vyvolaní, vyvolaná Cirkev. Na tej skale, na tom "zjavení." "Telo a krv ti to nezjavili. Ale na tom zjavení, na vyvolanej skupine, Ja v nich postavím Svoju Cirkev. A ani všetky brány pekla to nepremôžu."

496Ale Jeho tajomstvo je zjavené jedine Jeho milovanej Neveste. Ona je jediná, ktorá to môže vidieť.

497On povedal, "Dobre hovoril o vás Izaiáš, vy pokrytci, vy hady v tráve. Vy tu prichádzate a hovoríte, `Ó veľkí svätí proroci! Označili sme ich hroby, okrášlili sme ich.`" On povedal, "To ste vy, ktorí ste ich tam do tých hrobov doviedli." Či to nepovedal?

498To isté by mohol povedať katolíckym cirkvám v ich čase keď boli ku ním posielaní proroci toho starého-starého razenia (odkazu), predtým ako oni mali Niceu [Nicejský koncil, roku 325 – pozn.prekl.], tam povstal Rím. Tí starí proroci z tadiaľ odišli, a volili radšej jesť larvy a korienky, nemajúc si ani čo poriadne obliecť, opásaní ovčími kožami, a snažili sa stáť na tej Biblickej Pravde. Ale Katolícka cirkev chcela mať svoj vlastný intelektuálny výklad. Potom oni odstránili ... Prišiel tam svätý Ireneus, Polycarp, Martin, a všetci ostatní. A čo oni urobili? Doviedli ich do hrobu, Johanu z Arcu, Svätého Patrika i ďalších z nich. Oni ich tam doviedli, a teraz idú naspäť a bielia tie steny, tak ako to urobili pri Johane z Arcu. Čo oni urobili? Doviedli ich do hrobu!

499Hovorím potom, tak ako volá na vás Jeho Duch, "Obielené steny! Vy pokrytci, sami sa niečím nazývate, keď prijmete nejaký ľudský intelektuálny výklad, a Slovo nechávate stranou. Namiesto toho, aby ste otehotneli Semenom Božím, aby Slovo vošlo do vás, prijali ste všetky možné skríženia." Nie divu, že ona sedí ako "smilnica", pretože ona "pácha duchovné smilstvo, učí ľudí veci ľudské a nie veci Božie!

500Ale On povedal, "Neboj sa malé stádečko, lebo sa zaľúbilo Otcovi dať vám Kráľovstvo." Je to tak. Tak veru. Tu to máte.

501Biblia v Zjavení hovorí, že "to veľké mesto zavládlo nad všetkými kráľovstvami zeme." Hovorí, že ona je "smilnica." Čo to je? To je žena, ktorá tvrdí že je dáma a pácha smilstvo. "Vo svojej ruke mala pohár," prípitok so svetom, "naplnený nečistotami ohavností svojich smilstiev." Ona má dcéry, Protestantské cirkvi, z ktorých každá jedna vyšla z nej, so svojimi vlastnými, tak isto falošnými doktrínami, rovnaké krsty, potriasanie rúk, namiesto Krstu Duchom Svätým. A ich falošná náuka o "Otcovi, Synovi a Svätom Duchu," a všetko to, namiesto toho aby prijali Meno Ženícha, a tak ďalej.

Vy hovoríte, "Na tom predsa vôbec nezáleží." Ale záleží.

502Keby som na šek napísal namiesto svojho mena, "duchovný" alebo "kazateľ", alebo niečo také, to by nemalo žiadnej ceny. Je to tak. V banke to neprijmú. Och. Zapamätajte si to. Je to tak.

503Ale celé to tajomstvo je zjavené, ako to On zasľúbil, jedine Jeho Neveste. Peklo stojí proti tejto Pravde, proti Pravde zjavenia tohoto tajomstva. Ale Nevesta stojí na tom. To je Jej miesto.

504Prečo hladuješ, Cirkev, prečo si smädná? To je Otec, ktorý sa vám snaží zjaviť to ukryté tajomstvo. Ale vy dovolíte tak mnohým iným veciam aby vás tohoto pozbavili. Dovolíte to svojej práci, dovolíte to svojej žene, dovolíte to svojmu mužovi, dovolíte to svojim deťom, dovolíte to starostiam tohoto sveta, dovolíte to nejakému pastorovi, dovolíte to niekomu inému, aby vás tohoto pozbavili a pri tom viete, že tam vo vnútri svojho srdca ste smädný a hladný. To je Boh, ktorý sa vám to snaží zjaviť, rozumiete, zjavenie. Je tu posledný deň. A tak buďte pozorní.

505Pozrime sa znovu späť. Nedá sa mi to všetko prejsť. Rozumiete? Chcem len, aby ste sa tu ešte teraz na chvíľu pozreli a potom už za niekoľko minút zakončíme. Venujte mi ešte za chvíľu svoju nerušenú pozornosť.

506Hľaďte, Kološanom, tu ten osemnásty verš. V Liste Kološanom, osemnásty verš.

A On je hlavou cirkvi, tela: ktorý je počiatkom, prvorodeným z mŕtvych, aby On bol vo všetkom prvý.

509Čo usmrtilo Evu? Nevera. Je to tak? Ich nevera v čo? Skrze ne..., pre neveru v Boha? Nie. Ona mala vieru v Boha. Samozrejme. Či ona povedala, "Neexistuje Boh"? Vôbec nie. Ona nebola neveriaca. "Nuž", či ona povedala, "vieš, ja vôbec neverím v Jeho Slovo?" Ó, nie. Ona veri- la všetko, okrem jednej malej veci. Vidíte?

510Nuž, či nehovorí Biblia, na konci v Knihe Zjavenia, Ježiš Sám povedal, "Ja Ježiš som poslal Svojho anjela, aby vám svedčil tieto veci?" "Ktokoľvek by odobral z Toho jedno Slovo, alebo pridal jedno slovo do Toho." A ak všetky tieto zármutky a žiale museli prísť, pretože nejaká žena zapochybovala v jedno Božie Slovo, či On vám dovolí navrátiť sa, keď budete pochybovať o jednom Slove? On by potom bol nespravodlivý. Ó-ha. Vidíte? Vidíte, to by nebolo správne.

511Tu stojí jeden človek, on spôsobil všetok tento zármutok, pretože za- pochyboval o jednom Slove. Potom on ide ďalej a po celé tie roky to všetko (dôsledok tej pochybnosti) zakusuje vo svojom živote, v Biblii i tak ďalej, i iní, ktorí kvôli tomu oddali svoj život, a potom povie, "Oh, môžete ísť tak ďalej a jesť z toho. To je všetko v poriadku, Ja vám aj tak dovolím navrátiť sa späť?" Ó, nie. Boh nehľadí na osobu, ale ...?... Vidíte? Vidíte? Boh nie je prijímač osôb. Hľaďte.

512Všimnite si teraz. "On je Hlavou Tela," ktoré sa narodilo z hriechu, z nevery v Božie Slovo. To usvedčuje každú denomináciu, každé vyznanie, vidíte. Nevera v Božie Slovo, ktorým je On Sám, to Slovo Života. Vidíte? Jedine to Slovo má Život. Každé iné slovo je krížencom. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa podobá do Toho, to nie je Slovo.

513To Slovo produkuje Svoj Vlastný Život, to Eva vymenila za vlastné poznanie. Vidíte, ako to urobila cirkev dnes, skrze zrozumenie nejakých ľudí? Mojžiš mal veľké znalosti o Bohu až kým nestretol ten horiaci krík, potom on videl svoj nedostatok. Ten horiaci krík mal to, čo Mojžišovi chýbalo. To Slovo má to čo chýba denominácii.

"On, Hlava, je prvotinou vzkriesenia."

514Zakončíme to, "zjavenie", ešte chvíľu, ak dovolíte. [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Hľaďte. Čo potom On je? "On je Hlavou Tela, ktorým je Jeho Cirkev, Nevesta." Ó-ó.

515"On je prvotinou vzkriesenia." Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Hľaďte. Čo potom On je? "On je Hlavou Tela, ktorým je Jeho Cirkev, Nevesta." Ó-ó.

516Potom, Nevesta - Telo musí nasledovať Hlavu, pretože je Jeho časťou a časťou tajomstva. Je to nemožné pre to Telo nenasledovať Ho. Ó. Ono je časťou Božieho tajomstva, ako Boh tu zjavil Seba Samého a vzbudil to Slovom, tak On zjavuje Svoju Cirkev a pozdvihuje to tým istým Slovom. Je to časťou Jeho trojnásobného tajomstva.

517Tak ako Hlava bola vzatá z hrobu, tak Telo musí nasledovať Jeho späť do Edenu. Tam kde je Hlava rodiny, Muž, Ženích. Nevesta súc Telom Ženícha, musí ísť za Ním, Nevesta, pretože to je Hlava. A Hlava je zjavená a prichádza späť s Večným Životom, a Telo ju musí nasledovať, pretože to je znovu Manžel a Manželka. Amen! A pokiaľ ste tehotní s tým istým Slovom, ktoré je Jeho Telo, prijali ste Jeho Telo, dostali ste sa do Neho, keď ste prijali to Slovo. Nie vyznanie. Slovo! Ó!

518Či by nebol z toho text na celé toto popoludnie, pokračovať v tom? Ó. Nebolo by to nádherné? Vidíte? Pomyslite len teraz o tom, čo to je.

519Tak preto to Telo nemôže uznať ... Nech vám to neunikne. Telo, preto nemôže uznať žiadnu inú Vrchnosť, okrem Slova. Pretože Hlava ja spojená s Telom, a Hlava je Slovo, a tá Vrchnosť, to je to isté Slovo! Preto, denominácie, a svätí otcovia, i všetko ostatné, to je mŕtvy hnoj. Je jedna Vrchnosť a tou je Kristus. To Telo uznáva jedine jednu vec, Slovo!

520Ukážte mi, kde bol niekto pokrstený, v to Telo, v mene "Otca, Syna a Ducha Svätého"? A čo uznávate vy? Vidíte, som si vedomý toho, že hovorím ku tisícom, skrze tie pásky, vy viete, tie pásky rozosielame po celom svete. V akom mene ste vy pokrstení? "Pretože nie je iného Mena daného pod Nebom," tak hovorí Slovo, "skrze ktoré človek môže byť spasený." Ak ste pokrstený, aby ste ukázali svoju vieru v Krista, a potom beriete na seba meno nejakého vyznania, potom ste kríženec. Ak nie ste presne takí ako tá cirkev a presne takí ako ich učenie ...

521Potom, vy katolíci, ako sa vy teraz môžete podriadiť pod právomoc nejakého pápeža, ktorý hovorí že je nástupcom, podľa apoštolskej postupnosti, od Kris... od Petra, a tento pápež a táto cirkev učí tak proti tomu pravému Slovu, ktoré Boh uznal, skrze znamenia a zázraky, že je to Jeho Cirkev? A vidieť, že to isté Slovo je dnes prinesené vo svojej čistote, ukazujúc to isté vzkriesenie, ktoré On mal tam, Boh žijúci medzi Svojimi ľuďmi, činiaci tie isté veci, a vy ešte potom uznávate nejakú vrchnosť v Ríme?

522Naša Vrchnosť je v Nebi. Ja nepôjdem do Ríma. Ja pôjdem do Neba keď zomriem. Vidíte? Vidíte? Vrchnosť je v Nebi.

523A Telo musí nasledovať Hlavu, tak ako žena nasleduje svojho muža. Hoci Adam nebol zvedený, on odišiel s Evou. Eva bola zvedená, ona bola v hriechu, inak by úplné vzkriesenie celého Tela nastalo v deň Pána Ježiša, keď On povstal z hrobu. Ale On Ju musel vykúpiť, ktorá je Jeho Telom. Ona musela byť vykúpená za tým účelom aby prišla ku Nemu. [brat Branham dvakrát tleskol rukami – pozn.prekl.] Vidíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen". – pozn.prekl.] Ó! Vidíte, to sa nemohlo stáť vtedy. Vykúpenie pokračuje.

524Vidíte teraz pečate? Vtedy, keď On bol, tam prv, vo Svojej práci ako prímluvca (prostredník), trvalo vykúpenie, ale jedného dňa On prichádza aby vzal tú Knihu, ktorú vykúpil. A všetci ktorí sú v tej Knihe budú Jeho, pretože to je ten veriaci, tie slová v tej Knihe, a to Slovo je On. A všetko to je v tom, On prichádza pre tú Knihu vykúpenia, pre tých ktorých mená sú zapísané v tej Knihe pred založením sveta, keď On bol zabitý ako Baránok.

525A On je tu dnes, vo Svojom Slove, manifestujúci tie isté veci ktoré On činil tam. Ona nemôže uznať inú vrchnosť. Nie veru. Žiadneho biskupa, ani nič. Ona uznáva jednu Vrchnosť, a tou je Kristus, a Kristus je Slovo. Ó! Ja to milujem. Ó! Tak veru.

526Tak ako Hlava bola vzatá z hrobu, tak isto musí Jeho Telo nasledovať Jeho do Edenu. Preto to Telo nemôže uznať žiadnu inú vrchnosť, jedine Vrchnosť Slova.

527Žiadna denominácia nemôže do Toho nič pridať. "Pretože ktokoľvek by z Toho odňal jedno Slovo, alebo pridal jedno slovo do Toho, buď vyňatý z Toho." V tej chvíli ste mŕtvy, kríženec. Ona je znovu tu a vo svojich rukách má to svedectvo, "špinavosť svojho smilstva, páchanie duchovného cudzoložstva," práve proti tomu Slovu, o ktorom tvrdí že Mu verí. Vidíte?

528A tak teda, buď je to Slovo, alebo to nie je nič. Tak to je. On, Slovo! Ako viete že to je pravda? Keď On, to Slovo, je potvrdené. Vidíte? On, to Slovo, náležite potvrdené, Ono je tou Vrchnosťou, Hlavou Cirkvi. On je Slovo, Vrchnosť. On náležite preukazuje Svoju totožnosť, je stotožnený, potvrdený, skrze Svojho Vlastného Ducha sa Sám osobe nachádza v Cirkvi. V tom potvrdení ukazuje Seba Samého, čo je priamym dôkazom pre celé Telo. Vy potom nepotrebujete vyznania. Denominácie zahynuli. Ale Vrchnosť Samotná, uznaná v Tele skrze osobné zidentifikovanie sa, vidíte, identifikuje Seba Samého, potvrdzuje Vrchnosť Tela. Potom sme zjednotení pod Jednou potvrdenou Vrchnosťou (Hlavou), ktorou je Kristus, Slovo Božie, nie pod nijakou cirkvou.

529Potom, naša Vrchnosť je Kráľovstvo. "Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás," hovorí Biblia, Ježiš. Kráľovstvo! Nie sme denominácia. My patríme do Kráľovstva, a to Kráľovstvo je Slovo Božie, ktoré sa stalo Duchom a Životom v našom vlastnom živote, ktoré teraz privádza do vyplnenia každé zasľúbenie, tak ako to bolo v tedy, keď to Slovo a Boh boli jedno. A to Slovo a Boh je dnes jedno vo Svojej Cirkvi, tým sa On stáva Vrchnosťou (Hlavou) Tela, ktoré je vykúpené, aby nieslo Posolstvo v poslednom čase, a povstalo z mŕtvych vo vzkriesení, aby sa znovu navrátilo späť a prišlo do pôvodného stavu, ako Adam a Eva, na počiatku v záhrade Eden. Trojnásobné tajomstvo Božie, Jeho Telo! Ó!

Dobre si teraz všimnite tie predobrazy starého Izraela.

530 Zaberám s tým príliš mnoho času? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Nie" – pozn.prekl.] Nenechajte ma, nenechajte ma ísť príliš ... Nuž počúvajte. Už nám teraz nezostáva iba okolo dvadsať strán. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale teraz... Teraz už len malú chvíľu, a potom - potom vás všetkých opustím, až do budúceho leta, alebo na nejaký čas, ak Pán dá. Rozumiete?

531Hľaďte teraz. Všimnite si, zjednotení spolu pod jednou Vrchnosťou (Hlavou), podobným spôsobom, ako to predstavuje starý Izrael. Rozumiete to teraz? Ako starý Izrael: jeden Boh, potvrdený ohnivým stĺpom, a On Seba Samého zjavil cez proroka, aby bol Slovom. Tak isto, ten istý Boh, ten istý Stĺp ohňa. On nemôže zmeniť Svoje spôsoby. Je to tak dokonalé ako to len môže byť. Či nie? Vidíte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí "Amen" – pozn.prekl.]

532Jeden Boh! Koľko Bohov mal Izrael? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Jedného." – pozn.prekl.] Koľko Bohov má Nevesta? ["Jedného"] Koľko ich tam vôbec bude? ["Jeden"] Samozrejme. Samozrejme.

533Vidíte, pod vedením Ducha Svätého, ktorý bol tým Stĺpom ohňa vo dňoch Mojžiša, toho veľkého proroka. On bol vedený Stĺpom Ohňa. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie - "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Tak je. Idúc do zasľúbenej zemi.

534A v Kresťanskom veku, to bol jeden Boh, ktorý sa zjavil vo forme Stĺpu ohňa, prorokovi menom Pavel, ktorý bol poslaný ku pohanom, aby vyviedol ľudí pre Jeho Meno. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie - "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

535A v posledných dňoch zostúpil podobným spôsobom, potvrdzujúc Samého Seba, vidíte, skrze ten istý znak, ten istý zázrak, ten istý Stĺp Ohňa, to isté Evanjelium, to isté Slovo, tá istá manifestácia.

536Jeho Telo bude robiť skutky ktoré On zasľúbil, ako v Markovi 16, a tak ďalej. Jeho telo nebolo držané v hrobe, ale On sa ku nemu priznal že ho pozná. Rozumiete to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Potom Telo Jeho veriacich detí nebude držané v hrobe keď On príde, ale On sa ku nemu prizná že Ho pozná, pretože On zomrel za tým účelom, aby vzkriesil Svoju Nevestu, Telo. Priznal sa ku Nej že Ju pozná, pretože to je Jeho Telo, pretože to je Slovo. Oddaná je Jemu, úplne oddelená od denominačných vecí, a On je Slovo. Vidíte? A On sa ku tomu priznal, že to pozná, pretože teraz máme prvotinu nášho vzkriesenia, skrze to že vieme, že sme prešli zo smrti do života, stali sme sa jeho väzňami. A Boh nám dokazuje, skrze Svoje vlastné Vedenie, že On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky, tým že On skrze Cirkev robí tie isté veci, to čo On robil v tedy, "On vo mne a ja v Ňom," poznáte to, a tak ďalej. Je to tak.

537Jeho telo nebolo držané v hrobe. On sa priznal ku nemu že ho pozná, vo vzkriesení, tak isto ako to robí teraz, a to znamená toto, počúvajte. Jeho Slovo, ktorým je On, začalo povstávať. Slovo, Ono tam počas veku Luthera, Wesleya, vidíte, začalo povstávať do Svojej moci. Tam sa Ono začalo hýbať, potom sa pohlo trochu viacej, a teraz prichádza do zidentifikovania. Vidíte? Hľaďte. Nuž, čo sa týka Života v tom Tele, to je potvrdením, že vytrhnutie je nablízku. Keď uvidíte Hlavu a Telo, že sa stávajú jedno, a plnú mieru Jeho manifestácie, to ukazuje že Telo je pripravené prijať Hlavu (Vrchnosť).

Národy sa rúcajú, Izrael sa budí.

538Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? On do Svojho Tela začal dávať Život, (prečo?) do Toho ktoré vykúpil. Práca prostredníka (prímluvcu) je dokonaná, On do Tela privádza Svoj Život, ako potvrdenie ku Vytrhnutiu. Pamätajte, teraz, v posledných dňoch ...

539Ak dovolíte, zneste ma teraz ešte na chvíľu, bude to v poriadku. Nechcem, aby vám to uniklo. Musím - to čo som začal na tejto páske musím dokončiť. Chcem urobiť ešte jednu dôležitú poznámku, i keď musím z toho trochu vypustiť.

540Všimnite si teraz. Počúvajte čo teraz hovorím. Toto je veľká vec. Toto je to na čo chceme teraz dávať pozor. Pamätajte, v týchto posledných dňoch sa celkom navráti a potvrdí ten prvý deň. Vidíte, Adam a Eva, muž a žena, žiadny hriech, Život, potom prišlo upadnutie. Všimnite si, dobre si to všimnite.

Obracia ju späť. Ó-ó.

541Všimnite si čo to zapríčinilo. Lucifer! Lucifer postupuje teraz tak ako to robil prvý krát.

542Práve tak ako keď započalo pohanské kráľovstvo s kráľom Nabuchodonozorom, On bol potvrdený tej pohanskej rase skrze proroka, ktorý mohol vykladať neznáme jazyky, videnia, sny. A to (kráľovstvo) išlo ďalej cez pohanov, bez všetkého (žiadneho potvrdzovania), prosto Médo-Peržania, a železo , a tak ďalej, a v nohách ono končí znovu tak isto ako keď začalo - Pohanské kráľovstvo.

543Všimnite si, že Lucifer v týchto posledných dňoch postupuje tak ako postupoval v tých prvých. Čo tam Lucifer robil? Prvá vec, ktorú Lucifer urobil bolo to, že rozdelil obecenstvo Boha a človeka, on pre seba chcel vybudovať zjednotené kráľovstvo, väčšiu nádheru, na pohľad kultúrnejšie, väčšie kráľovstvo než ako mal Michael, Kristus.

544Pochopili ste to? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Nuž, ak vám to uniklo, zodvihnite ruku, znovu to opakujem, vidíte. Vidíte?

545Lucifer, na počiatku, on vo svojom srdci mal zámer dosiahnuť niečo krajšie a väčšie v Nebi ako mal Kristus, je to tak, na pohľad kultúrnejšie (vzdelanejšie), nádhernejšie, skvelejšie, než ako Kristove Kráľovstvo. Myslíte že v Miléniu budeme mať autá, alebo lietadlá? Vidíte? Vidíte čo robí Lucifer?

546Teraz, tie nádherné intelektuálne denominácie robia presne to isté, dávajú sa dokopy aby urobili to isté. Vidíte? Zhromažďujú sa a robia zo seba denomináciu (tvoria svoje vyznania), každá jedna sa snaží predstihnúť druhú. A teraz majú toľko nádhery, že nevedia urobiť nič iné než ako spojiť to s Katolíckou cirkvou. Vidíte? Lucifer znovu buduje väčšie kráľovstvo, aby odstránil ľudí, ktorí neveria v denominácie, a zabral ešte aj ich chrámy (modlitebne) a urobil z nich skladištia, a takýto pastori nebudú mať vôbec žiadne práva.

547A človek, ktorý je Bohom-poslaný nezostane nikdy v nejakej denominácii potom čo Toto počuje, alebo To vidí, ak mal toho dosť aby vyšiel a pozrel sa na to. Tak veru. Vidíte? Nehovorím to s kritikou, hovorím to preto že je to pravda, vidíte, aby ste to videli zjavené.

548Všimnite si, v týchto posledných dňoch, Lucifer robí to isté. Či to vidíte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Diabol robí to isté, stavia skríženú cirkev, skríženú so skrížených členov, skríženú skrze poznanie, namiesto Slova, z intelektuálnych ľudí, namiesto zo zrodených ľudí, stavia intelektuálne kráľovstvo, ktoré zatieni Kristove malé stádečko. Vidíte? Kto to spôsobil? Padlí anjeli.

549Biblia hovorí, že to boli padlí anjeli, ktorí počúvali Lucifera namiesto Krista, Ktorému oni raz patrili. Je to tak? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

550Počúvajte dobre, "padlí anjeli." Čo sú to za anjeli? Luther, Wesley, Katolíci, Letniční, ktorí nezachovali svoj prvotný stav, ako to urobili tamtí Anieli, a upadli do organizácii, a to bol Luciferov hlavný chvat v Nicei. A čo oni urobili? Zorganizovali veľké ekumenické združenie duchovných, aby učinili "obraz šelmy", ako hovorí Biblia. A stavajú Kresťanskú ekonomiku, ktorá zavrie dvere tomuto zhromaždeniu i všetkým tomu podobným. Či vidíte Lucifera pri jeho práci?

551Snažím sa predstaviť vám to trojnásobné zjavenie, či tajomstvo Božie.

552Čo oni urobili? Zapredali sa rozumovým úvahám a vzdelaniu, tak ako to urobila Eva, tak to urobili padlí anjeli. Wesley bol muž Boží, ale čo nasledovalo za ním? Dostali sa do toho padlí anjeli. Čo boli anjeli prv? Stvorenia Božie, ale upadli na Luciferovej múdrosti, upadli na Luciferovej múdrosti. A vidíte čo sa z nich stalo? Padlí anjeli. A organizácie, od mužov Božích, ktorí vyšli aby na zemi ustanovili Pravdy, prv ako by tá Pravda mohla ďalej postúpiť a byť vyhlásená, kázaná, aby to došlo do skutočného zjavenia Krista, vošli tam padlí anjeli a premohli to a urobili z toho denominácie.

553Z toho dôvodu zjavenie tajomstva Siedmich Pečatí muselo byť otvorené.

554Vidíte to teraz? Och, čo oni opustili! Ak by bol Luther v tom pokračoval, bolo by to už tu. Ak by bol Wesley v tom pokračoval, ak by boli Letniční v tom pokračovali, čo by oni už boli urobili?

555A teraz je len jedno čo sa môže stať. V čase konca musí byť Posolstvo, za ktorým už potom nebude nič nasledovať. A teraz ten ekumenický svet nastolil taký režim, za ktorým už nebude môcť nasledovať žiadna ďalšia denominácia, ani nič iné. Alebo v tom ste, alebo v tom nie ste. To ovocie je na vrcholci stromu, a to Svetlo svieti na to predurčené ovocie. A ona dozrieva do takého ovocia aké niesol Kristus, nesúc tú istú šťavnatosť a sladkosť, a toho istého Ducha ktorého On mal v Ňom. Dúfam že tomu rozumiete! Vidíte?

556Snažím sa toho priniesť veľa na jeden deň. Unavujem vás. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Nie." – pozn.prekl.]

557Tak. hľaďte, oni sa zapredali mudrovaniam, zapredali sa denominačným mudrovaniam. "Keď len môžem patriť tam! Starosta chodí do tej cirkvi." Vidíte? "Keď môžem byť Metodistom, alebo Presbyteriánom." Pozrite sa len kde až zašli. Teraz pred chvíľou som to práve vysvetlil, tie haluze sú odrezané. Oni sú mŕtvi. Už nikdy viac nebudú spojení s Kristom. Boli by niesli ten istý Život. Oni nie sú s Tým spojení.

558Ale oni sú ako citrusové ovocie. Hocktoré citrusové ovocie bude rásť na hocktorom citrusovom strome, ale ono bude rodiť svoje vlastné ovocie. Zaštepte grapefruit do pomarančovníku, on bude žiť na tom pomarančovníku, ale bude rodiť grapefruit. Zaštepte tam citrón, to je citrusové ovocie, on bude rodiť starý kyslý citrón, ale on žije z toho života. A to je to čo robia denominácie pod menom cirkvi.

559Nevesta je ten originálny strom, originálny Duch. Zjavenie prichádza od Krista, nie z denominácie. Z Krista! Všimnite si.

560Čo sa snažia denominácie robiť? Povýšiť sa, ako Lucifer. Oni sa sa- mi nazývajú "Cirkev", "Nevesta". Oni, ktorí sú, ako to stojí v Zjavení 17. falošnou nevestou. Povyšujú sa nad Kristove malé stádečko, Nevestu. Lucifer si to myslí a povyšuje sa nad pokornú Pravdu Božieho Slova skrze poznanie zjavenia, a sám sa do toho ustanovil skrze seminárne vzdelanie a teológiu, až kým sa nedostanú navrch. A ak nepatríte do ich skupiny, potom ste pre nich nejaký výplach. [Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.]

561Tak ako to urobil Lucifer na začiatku, hovoria ľuďom presne to čo Lucifer povedal Eve, "Určite nás Boh prijme! Staráme sa o chudobných." To je dobre. "Určite nás On prijme. My sme veľká denominácia. My sme nádherná cirkev. Prečo, hľaďte na naše veľké budovy! Pozrite sa koľko máme členov. Sú nás milióny. Boh určite neodmietne takúto skupinu."

562To je to isté čo urobil Kain. Priniesol pekné plody zeme, ktoré vypestoval, s ktorými sa natrápil a upracoval a priniesol tie plody, a odmietol pokornú krv baránka.

563Bože, maj zľutovanie, aby si muži ani ženy nemysleli, že ja toto hovorím aby som niečo vyvýšil, nejaké vlastné zjavenie alebo niečo. Hovorím vám jedine Pravdu. Či nemôžete vidieť čo oni robia? Vidíte? Hovorím to nahlas a tvrdo, ale vy musíte klinec poriadne zatĺcť a zahnúť, ak to má byť na niečo užitočné, rozumiete, až kým to neuvidíte. Rozumiete?

564A tak hovoria ľuďom, "Určite! Či nám chceš povedať že naša veľká katolícka cirkev, ktorá trvá po celý ten čas, naša veľká metodistická, a to všetko? Pozri sa na našich predkov!" Vidíte? Ale oni porušili Slovo Pánovo. A Eva bola Božím, jedným z Jeho, a on ... ona bola vedľajším produktom Adama. A preto, že zapochybovala o jednom Slove Božieho Slova, to spôsobilo toto.

565A dnes je tu Lucifer znovu vo svojej robote. A pamätajte, antikrist, to nie je komunizmus. Antikrist je tak veľmi podobný tej skutočnej veci, že by to zviedlo aj tých Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné, tak to povedal Ježiš v Ev. Matúša 24, "I Vyvolených, keby to bolo možné." Lucifer, znovu, Lucifer znovu narušuje Božiu jednotu s človekom, tým že ohraničuje Slovo Božie svojím mudrovaním. To čo si myslí považuje za správne, a tým čo si on myslí porušuje Božie Slovo.

566A to je tá istá vec ktorú on robil v čase Ježiša. A Ježiš povedal, "Vy, skrze svoje tradície ste zbavili Slovo Božie moci."

567A denominácie, skrze svoje organizované intelektuálne rozumovania, zbavili Slovo Božie moci, ktorú malo nad ľuďmi. Je to tak. Oni to jednoducho nemôžu vidieť. A potom hovoria, "Kde je Boh tej Biblii?" On je práve tu. On je tá Biblia, to je to čo On je.

568Všimnite si, teraz, Lucifer prichádza prefíkane a narušuje jednotu Božiu s človekom, práve tak ako to urobil v Edene, skrze veľké pokušenia, tým že sľubuje dosiahnutie vlastnej moci a povýšenia. "Prečo, ty by si sa mohol stať biskupom, ak len s nami zostaneš. Môžeš sa stať okresným presbyterom. Prečo by si mal ísť do niečoho Takého?" Vidíte, to sú Letniční, Katolíci, a tak ďalej. Vidíte, veľké falošné zasľúbenie, ľuďom, dosiahnuť moc pomimo Slova a zasľúbenia Božieho. Vy obdržíte Moc keď Duch Boží príde na vás, nie keď sa stanete biskupom, alebo diakonom, alebo čokoľvek. Vidíte? Ale Lucifer je znovu vo svojej robote.

569Či tu táto cirkev rozumie tomu? Zodvihnite ruky, aby som to mohol vidieť. [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] V poriadku, nechcem sa s tým potom už dlhšie zdržovať.

Odtrhávanie, preč od Slova Božieho! Vidíte?

570On to isté urobil v Nicei, v Ríme. Viete čo im dal Konštantín? Prešli ste cez Cirkevné Veky. On im dal... Oni nemali nič, jedine Krista. Sedávali v malých starých budovách, kdekoľvek mohli, na tvrdej kamennej podlahe. Poznáte to, ak ste čítali Nicejský Koncil a Pred-Nicejský Koncil a Nicejských Otcov, a tak ďalej a históriu v cirkvi. Oni nemali nič. Ale keď mali ten koncil a voviedli do Kresťanstva trochu Rímskeho pohanstva a ustanovili svätého muža a biskupov a tak ďalej, a pápežov, a všetky takéto nezmysly, čo im dal Konštantín? Pýtam sa každého teológa, nech mi na to odpovie. On im dal majetok. On im dal slobodu a všetko to čo chceli.

571A oni zamenili Slovo Božie za ľudskú múdrosť a vzdelanie (kultúru)! A to je to isté čo Lucifer potom urobil, on to urobil v záhrade Eden, a oni v tej chvíli zomreli. Tá Letničná cirkev v Nicei zomrela, v Ríme, ale má byť vzkriesená v Strome Nevesty v tých posledných dňoch.

572Všimnite si, Lucifer prichádza prefíkane, tak ako vtedy, skrze pokúšania a s falošnými sľubmi o moci, pomimo Slova Božieho. On to isté urobil v Nicei, v Ríme. On robí to isté dnes vo Svetovej Ekumenickej Rade cirkví.

573"Zlúčme sa všetci dokopy," hovorí pápež, ""Chcem aby sa všetci moji ekumenickí bratia tam so mnou zjednotili. My sme jedno." To je pravda, vy v organizáciách, vy ste jedno. Ale to nemá nič dočinenia s Nevestou Kristovou. Nie bratku, ani trochu. Vy Ju nikdy nenamočíte do niečoho takého.

574Nuž, je to zasľúbené, že v posledných dňoch bude deťom Božím navrátená tá istá originálna viera, v čase Stromu Nevesty. V Malachiášovi 4, Boh povedal, "Prv ako ten svet zhorí ohňom, hľa Ja vám pošlem proroka Eliáša, a on prinavráti vieru deťom." Nuž, to nebol ten prvý Eliáš ktorý prišiel. Nie, nie.

575My tu teraz neučíme niečo o Eliášovom plášti, či Eliášových prikrývkach ani nič takého. My učíme len Božie Slovo. Rozumiete? To čo On povedal. Vidíte, mali sme už všetky možné druhy ako, tento Eliáša a tamten Eliáš, čo je nezmysel. To je-to je... Poznáme to. Ja nemyslím na to, a vy ktorí ste duchovní rozumiete. Vidíte, čas beží, je už dosť neskoro a nedá sa to všetko popratať na túto pásku, je to pochopiteľné.

Nuž, zasľúbenie v posledných dňoch. Nuž ak ...

576Ježiš povedal, v Matúšovi myslím že je to jedenásta kapitola, alebo šiesta kapitola a jedenásty ... Nie, je to jedenásta kapitola, okolo šiesteho verša. Keď Ján tam poslal svojich učeníkov, aby zistili či On je skutočne Ten, Ježiš povedal, "Koho ste vyšli vidieť? Trstinu klátiacu sa vo vetre? Vyšli ste vidieť takého a takého (Dr.)?" Povedal, "Alebo ste vyšli aby ste videli proroka?" Riekol, "Viac ako proroka." Ján bol viac ako prorok, on bol posol Zmluvy. A On povedal, "Ak to môžete prijať, toto je on o ktorom je hovorené v prorokoch, Ja pošlem Svojho posla (anjela) pred Svojou tvárou."

577Nuž, to je v Malachiášovi 3, nie v Malachiášovi 4. Pretože Eliáš, ktorý mal prísť v Malachiášovi 4, to zem má byť spálená ohňom a spravodliví budú kráčať po popole bezbožných do Milénia (Tisícročného Kráľovstva). Vidíte? Tak to nebol on. Vidíte?

578Teraz vidíme že to zasľúbenie sa vyplnilo. Kristus, tá opravdivá Hlava vstupuje, prichádza do Svojej Nevesty, činiac tie isté skutky, ktoré On činil tam na počiatku, uskutočňuje a vyplňuje Svoje Slovo, tak ako to robil prvý krát, v Jánovi 14.12, "Ten kto verí vo Mňa, skutky ktoré Ja činím aj on bude činiť." Potom Hlava a Telo sa stávajú Jedno, v skutkoch a v znamení a v Živote, potvrdení skrze Boha Samého, skrze Jeho zasľúbené Slovo na tie posledné dni. On toto zasľúbil na tie posledné dni. Nuž ak ste duchovní, porozumiete to.

579Potom, budeme môcť vidieť, že Svadobná večera je na blízku. Nuž, ak by som vás už nikdy viacej nevidel, pamätajte, Svadobná Večera je na blízku. A potom Kráľovstvo, podľa zasľúbenia je pripravené, aby sa prelialo v to veľké Milénium, aby nastalo vzatie Nevesty a zničenie bezbožných. A svet, pod šiestou Pečaťou, aby bol očistený skrze vulkán, aby bola odstránená všetká skazenosť a hriech sveta, a zem mohla byť znovu uformovaná, aby sa zrodilo nové žiarivé Milénium, pre ten vek ktorý má prísť.

580Keď toto všetko vidíme, toto veľké trojnásobné zjavenie: Boh v Kristovi, Kristus v Cirkvi, prichádzajúce Kráľovstvo. Adam a Eva vykúpení späť do záhrady Eden, reprezentovaný Kristom a Jeho Nevestou, a potom to Kráľovstvo bude privedené do pôvodného stavu, podľa Jeho zasľúbenia. Chvála Bohu! A to, skrze zjavenie trojnásobného tajomstva, tajnosti, a skrze osobné potvrdenie Slova Jeho originálnou Hlavou (Vrchnosťou)!

581Nie hovoriť, "Dobre, sláva Bohu, vykrikujeme, haleluja, spievame." To, to nie je to. Ja som misionár. Prakticky sedem krát som už prešiel okolo sveta. Vidíte? Videl som pohanov, diablov i rôznych iných, tancovať a vykrikovať. Videl som všetky možné druhy telesných manifestácií. To je telesné.

582Ale ja hovorím o Vrchnosti Krista. Všimnite si, keď sme sa osobne zidentifikovali s tou originálnou Hlavou (Vrchnosťou), máme odpoveď na diablovu otázku. Amen! Sláva! Máme odpoveď na diablovu otázku. On, Kristus, povstal a zaplatil cenu, a pozdvihuje to Telo.

583Diabol to nemôže zniesť. Z toho dôvodu sa zriaďujú tie ekumenické kráľovstvá. To je ten dôvod, že oni všetci vchádzajú do toho čo teraz robia. Diabol, to je ten dôvod, že on teraz tak vyje. Jeho bezbožnosť bola ... jeho plán bol odhalený skrze povstanie, vzkrieseného Krista do Vlády nad Svojím Telom. Sláva!

584Myslíte si že som bez seba? Nie som. My máme odpoveď na diablovu otázku. "Už nežijem ja, ale žije vo mne Kristus." To nie je moja predstava, to je Jeho Moc. Nie moja predstava, to je Jeho Slovo. On to zasľúbil, je to tu. On povedal, že to bude, a tu to je. Máme pre neho odpoveď.

585Kristus povstal a zaplatil cenu za naše vykúpenie. Čo Boh manifestoval v Kristovi, On dal to telo, to a Krv. To v tej Krvi mohol prísť Život, a to telo zostalo vykúpené, že Boh v tom vykúpenom tele mohol manifestovať Svoje Slovo na daný deň, tak ako to urobil v tamten deň. Ó! Sláva!

586Vidíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Ó! Kedy môžem skončiť? Všimnite si. ["Pokračuj."]

587Potom, stojíme ospravedlnení v prítomnosti Božej. Tak ako kvapka atramentu keď kvapne do kadi plnej bielidla, vy tú atramentovú škvrnu už nikdy viac nenájdete. Ona sa niekde podela. Už sa nikdy viac nevráti. A keď je človek opravdu vykúpený, to predurčené Semeno, ktoré To vidí a prijíma To, jeho hriechy sú zahladené. Pominulo to. Je to oddelené. Kvaplo to do atramentu - Krvi Ježiša Krista a nikdy viac to nebude spomenuté. Boh na to zabudol. A on stojí ako syn či dcéra Božia, v prítomnosti Božej. Amen a amen! "Teraz sme synovia Boží." Nie budeme, sme! Teraz sme vykúpení.

588My máme odpoveď pre Satana. Boh sa Sám potvrdil. Boh sa dokázal, podľa Svojho zasľúbenia na tento deň. Haleluja! Tá Vrchnosť (Hlava) je tu. Amen! Kristus, ten zmŕtvychvstalý Pán, je tu v tej istej Moci Svojho vzkriesenia, taký akým vždy bol, manifestujúci Seba Samého. To je odpoveď pre diabla.

589Preto, ten muž, ktorý tu sedí, keď jedného dňa tu padol mŕtvy, mohli sme povedať, "Život vráť sa späť!" Pretože Duch Svätý tak povedal.

590Preto sa mohlo stať aj to s tým malým deckom tam dole v Mexiku, ktoré bolo už mŕtve okolo pätnásť hodín, keď prišlo to videnie a bolo povedané, "Zavolaj ho naspäť do života." A povedal "Nech žije to dieťa." A to dieťa, ktorému doktori vypísali o deviatej hodine ráno úmrtný list, bolo ten večer o jedenástej hodine navrátené späť do života a dnes žije.

591Čo to je? To nie sú tí ľudia. Hlava a Telo sa stali jedným celkom. To je zamanifestovaný Boh vo Svojich Ľuďoch. Z toho dôvodu muž a žena už nie sú viacej dvaja. Sú jedno. Boh a Jeho Cirkev sú Jedno, "Kristus vo vás," veľké Božie zjavenie. Sláva Bohu! Dokonca nesú Jeho Meno. Jeho Meno je Ježiš, ten Pomazaný. To je Kristove pomazané Telo, v ktorom sa dokazuje, manifestuje Boh, tak ako to bolo v tamtom tele. A To telo vykúpilo všetky tieto, tieto telá, a cez ne Boh vykonáva Svoju trojnásobnú manifestáciu, idúc do Kráľovstva. Povstal, zaplatil cenu! Sme vykúpení. Boh to dokázal, potvrdil to. Vidíte?

592A my stojíme ospravedlnení v Kristovi, pred Ním. Pretože, On nemôže vyniesť súd, pretože On už odsúdil to Telo, ktorého som ja časťou. Čo, ako ja môžem byť jeho časťou? Tu To je. To je vo mne. "Ak Moje... vy zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás, potom čo poviete... O čokoľvek budete prosiť Otca v Mojom Mene stane sa, lebo To je tam." Ospravedlnení! Sláva Bohu!

593Ó, keby som mohol dostať svet do toho, aby to uvidel! Prečo? Tu to máte. Je tu Telo Kristovo, ktoré žije, stojí vykúpené. Vykúpení! Ó!

594Ospravedlnení v Jeho očiach. Prečo sme ospravedlnení? My sme Jeho víťazstvo. Cirkev je Jeho víťazstvo. Ideme ďalej v týchto posledných dňoch s tým slávnym Evanjeliom, ukazujúc Jeho víťazstvo. On zomrel za tým účelom, a my sme dôkazom Jeho víťazstva. Amen! Keď Ho vidíme ako zostupuje dole a žije v Cirkvi, to je Jeho víťazstvo. To ukazuje, že on Jeho nemohol zadržať v hrobe, a tak isto oni nemôžu zadržať nás. Je to tak. On...?... A my sme už, potenciálne, povstali, pretože sme povstali z mŕtvych, z nevery v Jeho Slovo, z denominačných vyznaní, do Večného Slova Večného Boha, ktorým je On, On Sám, pôsobiaci skrze nás, manifestujúci Seba Samého, že On je ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

595A potom sa to Slovo presúva z Hlavy dole do Tela. Čo to je? To isté Slovo. Nič do toho nemôže byť pridané alebo z Toho odňaté. Tak teda to isté Slovo sa presúva z Hlavy, čím viacej sa ten Deň približuje, dole do Tela, potvrdzujúc že oni sú Jedno. Oni sú Muž a Žena. Oni sú telom jeho tela, Slovom Jeho Slova, Životom Jeho Života, Duchom Jeho Ducha. Rozumiete? Amen! Ako to vieš? Nesú to isté svedectvo, to isté ovocie, to isté Slovo. Vidíte, manifestujú Krista. Ten istý Život, ten istý Boh, ten istý Duch, to isté Slovo, tá istá Kniha! Amen! Tie isté znamenia, "Skutky ktoré Ja činím aj vy budete činiť." Ó, haleluja! Ó!

596Všimnite si, to potvrdené Slovo v Jeho Tele, to je práve to Jeho víťazstvo a to kvôli čomu On zomrel. Vidíte, smrť, nie v Duchu. Keď On zomrel, On zomrel len v tele. Jeho duch išiel do pekla a kázal dušiam v žalári. Je to tak? Zomrelo len Jeho telo, potom On to znovu vzbudil a oživil. Oživiť, to znamená, "učiniť živým", Svoje mäso, čo je Jeho telo. A to je Slovo. Ono roky ležalo mŕtve, ale Ono postupne začalo prichádzať do reformácii, a teraz Ona stojí na Svojich nohách!

597Och, ako si prajem aby som mal čas vrátiť sa do Ezechiela a zobrať tie "suché kosti", a ukázať vám to. On povedal, "Môžu tieto kosti znovu ožiť?"

Povedal, "Prorokuj!"

598Ako môže prísť proroctvo? Jedine skrze proroka. To je Slovo Pánovo. "Počujte vy suché kosti Slovo Pánovo!" A prišlo na ne svalstvo, koža, a oni povstali ako mocná armáda a začali pochodovať smerom na Sion. Sláva Bohu! To je On. To je On, víťazstvo.

Vykúpení Pánovi prídu na Sion s radosťou, na celom Jeho svätom vrchu nič neublíži ani nezahubí.

599On dokazuje Svoj zmŕtvychvstalý Život tým, že sa Sám potvrdzuje. Ona, Nevesta, nie je viazaná na nikom inom. Ona je nezávislou Ženou, veľký pofŕkaný vták, ktorý je odlišný od všetkých ostatných. Či si pamätáte čo o tom hovorí Biblia, "Veľký pofŕkaný vták." Ale, Ona má Jeho Meno, Ona má Jeho Život.

600Ako toho vtáka pofŕkali? Oni boli oba biele, a potom oni jednému z nich odtrhli hlavu a jeho krv vypustili na toho druhého. A ten druhý vták bol pokropený tou červenou krvou, a on mával takto krídlami a tá krv volala, "svätý, svätý, svätý," keď fŕkala na zem.

601Tak Kristus, ten mŕtvy Partner, dal Svoju Krv, Svoju Krv zo Svojho Života, do nás, pofŕka... nesúc Jeho Krv, voláme, "Svätý, svätý, svätý, Pánovi!" Je to divne vyzerajúci vták. Opravdu je podivný. Ale Ona, Nevesta, je s Ním zidentifikovaná, a Ona je nezávislá od všetkých ostatných. "Zotrvávaj len pri nej až dotiaľ kým žije. Zotrvávaj len pri Ňom, pri Slove," nie, žiadne cudzoložstvo, ani jeden znak denominácie, ani jeden znak vyznania, vôbec žiadne cudzoložstvo. Slovo, a On sám!

602"Na Kristovi, na tej pevnej skale, stojím a všetky iné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom," povedal Eddie Perronet. Ó.

603To je ono, Kristus, to Slovo! On bol Slovo. On je Slovo. A Cirkev sa stáva Slovom, On Ju robí časťou Seba, a to je znovu Slovo. Osobne skrze Neho zidentifikované, jedine Jeho vlastníctvo! Jedine Jeho vlastníctvo! Ona je Ním vykúpená, skrze Neho, pre Neho, a jedine pre Neho. Tak to je. Nuž, prečo tak diabol vyvreskuje? Preto, že to bolo zjavené.

604Sme v nebezpečnom čase. Pamätajte, Písmo hovorí, že keď sa tieto veci začnú diať, "času viacej nebude." Ona odchádza, keď uvidíme tú manifestáciu.

606Povedal, "Strašné znamenia na nebi, stĺpy ohňa, vznášajúce sa ako lietajúce taniere. Oni nevedia čo to je. Vidíte? Nemajú o tom ani potuchy.

607Všimli ste si tých Anjelov čo zostúpili dole, preskúmali Sodomu prv ako bola zničená? Pamätáte to? [Zhromaždenie, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Bolo ich viacej, ktorí tam vtedy zostúpili, boli traja. Jeden z nich zostal pri Abrahámovi. Pamätáte si to? ["Amen"] Oni boli Svetlami z Neba, ktorí zostúpili na vyšetrovací súd.

608Pozrite sa kde to všetko spozorovali. Okolo Pentagonu a inde to bolo spozorované. To je súd sveta, Sodoma. Ale je Jeden, ktorý bude reprezentovaný medzi cirkvami, to bude sám Kristus, potvrdzujúci Seba Samého. Vidíte? "Znamenia hore na nebesiach a znamenia dole na zemi." Tak veru.

609Zidentifikovaní! Diabol proti tomu vyvreskuje, proti tej zamanifestovanej Pravde zasľúbeného Slova v Nej samej.

610Oni nemajú odpoveď. Keď prišiel Ježiš, prečo nemali odpoveď tí farizeovia? On povedal, "Ak Ja prstom božím vyháňam démonov, kým ich vyháňate vy?" Vidíte? On tam stál samotný.

611A Jeho Cirkev stojí samotná. Ona nie je do ničoho zapletená. Ale On bol zidentifikovaný s Bohom, súc telom v ktorom prebýval Boh. A Cirkev je zidentifikovaná s Jeho Telom, robiac tie isté veci. Ona je Jeho Telo, zamanifestovaná Pravda Jeho zasľúbeného Slova na posledné dni. A Ona, a jedine Ona samotná, stojí na Tom. Preto diabol vyvreskuje, tie veľké organizácie, snažia sa podniknúť niečo aby Ju zablokovali. Oni to nikdy neurobia. Ona bude vzatá, a nie zablokovaná. Ona teraz povstáva skrze moc potvrdeného Slova, ktoré Jej bolo zasľúbené. Amen!

612Tak ako Nevesta sa drží toho zasľúbenia! "On mi povedal, že príde pre mňa. Ja tomu budem veriť." Ó-ó. Vidíte? Tak veru. Aby stretla Svoju Hlavu, Svojho Vykupiteľa, Svojho Muža, Svojho Kráľa, Svojho Pána, Svojho Milého, Svojho Spasiteľa, na tom pripravenom mieste stretnutia!

613On už má miesto kde sa s Nimi stretne. Viete, On... Ženích nezabudol na nič. On má prsteň, zidentifikovanie. On má pre Ňu rúcho, Jej šaty. Vidíte? A On má pripravené miesto kde sa s Ňou stretne, to je tam na povetrí. Všetko je pripravené. On už má prestrené na Svadobnú hostinu. Hostia sú už pozvaní, už sú vybraní. Všetci anjeli stoja dookola, Jeho sluhovia, v pozore. Ó-ó-ó!

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Tam sa s vami stretnem v tom domove nad oblakmi.;

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

(plné zamanifestovanie Božie);

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi. Ó!

614Pozrite sa teraz na Jeho potvrdenia.

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o Mojžišovi v rákosí;

Počuli ste o nebojácnom Dávidovi a o jeho praku;

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o Jozefových snoch;

Často spievame o Danielovi medzi ľvami.

Ó, je mnoho, mnoho ďalších potvrdených v Biblii;

Ó, ako túžim stretnúť ich všetkých!

Zanedlho nám dá Pán aby sme ich stretli;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

Lebo bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam, v tom domove nad oblakmi.

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi. (Ó!)

615Či to nemilujete? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Ten trojnásobný zámer Jeho veľkého tajomstva zjavenia, je zjavený. On je ten Hlavný. To je On. Ó! Zaspievajme to. Ja jednoducho už nemôžem ďalej kázať. Tak dobre sa cítim, vidíte.

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam;

V tom Domove nad oblakmi;

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

616Idete Tam? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Amen! Skrze milosť Božiu, skrze milosť Božiu! Vidíte? Ó!

Počuli ste ten príbeh o malom Mojžišovi v rákosí;

Počuli ste o nebojácnom Dávidovi a o jeho praku;

(To všetko sú predobrazy.)

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o Jozefových snoch;

Často spievame o Danielovi medzi ľvami.

Ó, je mnoho, mnoho ďalších potvrdených v Biblii 
(ktorou je On);
Ó, ako túžim stretnúť ich všetkých!

Zanedlho nám dá Pán aby sme ich stretli;

V tom stretnutí ...

617Ale je Jeden ktorý je Hlavný!

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam v tom Domove nad oblakmi.

Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

618Stretneme sa Tam jeden s druhým. Metodisti, baptisti, alebo čokoľvek ste, ktorí ste znovuzrodení z Ducha Božieho, potrasme si všetci ruky jeden s druhým zatiaľ čo to spievame.

Ó, bude stretnutie nad oblakmi;

V tom sladkom, sladkom "zanedlho;“

Stretnem vás, privítam vás Tam v tom Domove nad oblakmi.
Taký spev ešte nepočulo to smrteľné ucho;

Bude to nádherné, hovorím vám!

A Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

619Ó-ó-ó! Ó to je nádherné, vidíte, vidíte čo On bude. Hľaďte teraz.

620Už končíme priatelia. Už sú skoro dve hodiny, vidíte, a budeme tu ešte na večeru. Mám toho ešte hodne strán, vidíte, ale budeme musieť na tom zakončiť. To nemá žiadneho konca.

621To je zjavenie. To je večné, ako je večné Božie Slovo. Pozrite sa, ale ten trojnásobný zámer veľkého Božieho tajomstva je zjavený! Boh zamanifestovaný v Kristovi, Kristus zamanifestovaný v Cirkvi, za tým účelom aby vykúpil stratenú Evu naspäť do jej pôvodného stavu v záhrade Eden. Ó!

622Ó, to bude nádherný čas v ten Deň! Áno. To je hneď. Veríme tomu. Či tomu veríte? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.] Myslím o tej piesni, stále keď o tom premýšľam.

623On sa potvrdil v Danielovi, a v Mojžišovi, a v Jeremiášovi. Čo oni boli? To boli proroci ku ktorým prišlo Slovo, vidíte, tí veľkí mužovia. Vidíte, počuli ste ten príbeh, ktorý hovorí o Jozefových snoch, a o Danielovi v ľvej jame, a o všetkých tých ďalších. Oni, čo oni boli? Proroci. Vidíte? Ale Ten hlavný... Boh sa v nich len postupne zobrazoval.

624On sa zobrazil v Adamovi, ktorý vedel čo je správne, ale vyšiel von aby vykúpil svoju ženu, pretože ona učinila zle. Kristus sa nemusel stať hriechom, ale On vyšiel von a vzal hriech, aby vykúpil svoje stratené dieťa. Vidíte? Vidíte? On zobrazil Seba Samého.

a o Mojžišovi v rákosí;

Počuli ste o nebojácnom Dávidovi a o jeho praku.

Počuli ste ten príbeh ktorý hovorí o snívajúcom Jozefovi;


A o Danielovi medzi ľvami často spievame.

Ó, je mnoho, mnoho ďalších v Biblii.

625Oni, oni sú Biblia. Predsa, oni všetci boli zamanifestovaní v Ňom. Vidíte? Bez Neho sú oni všetci mŕtvi. Vidíte? A ja sa musím stať časťou Toho, aby byť Ním. Amen! Vidíte?

A ja túžim stretnúť ich všetkých, hovorím vám. (Je to tak.)

Ale Sám Boží Syn, On bude tým Vedúcim;

V tom stretnutí nad oblakmi.

626V liste Židom 11. je napísané, "Oni bez nás nemôžu byť dokonalí." Ruky a nohy nemôžu byť dokonalé bez rozumu, známosti, hlavy, a tak ďalej. Vidíte? A my sme všetci dokonalí v Ňom, "Tak skrze jedného Ducha sme všetci pokrstení v jedno Telo," oslobodení od Súdu; prešli z hriechu, do smrti ... Amen! Sám Boží Syn bude tým Vedúcim v tom stretnutí nad oblakmi. Milujete Ho? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, "Amen." – pozn.prekl.]

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Pretože ...

627Pane Ježišu, nech pomazanie Ducha Svätého zostúpi na tieto ručníčky, Pane, a uzdrav nemocných.

628[Prázdne miesto na páske. – pozn.prekl.] ...práve teraz v nás. Ako to On robil, prečo sa On zjavil? Pretože On prv miloval mňa. Čo On urobil?

A zaplatil za moje spasenie na ...

629Sláva! Ten veľký Anjel Zmluvy, Ten ktorý bol s Mojžišom na púšti, Ten ktorý prišiel ku Pavlovi na ceste do Damašku, Ten istý dovolil aby bol odfotografovaný medzi nami. To je Ten istý, ktorého fotografia bola jedného dňa v časopise Life (Život). To isté Slovo, skrze toho istého Boha, cez tie isté kanály, tým istým spôsobom, skrze to isté zasľúbenie! "Kde sa dvaja alebo traja zídu v Mojom Mene, Ja som tam v ich strede." Teda On je tu. "Anjeli Boží táboria okolo tých, ktorí sa Ho boja," ktorí sa držia jedine Jeho Slova. Nikto nemôže mať vo vážnosti to Slovo, bez toho že by sa bál Boha. Vidíte? Potom, On je tu dnes ráno, s nami, keď ho vzývame v Duchu.

630Ó, po takom tvrdom Posolstve ako toto, myslím že Ho predsa len máme vzývať trochu v Duchu. Rozumiete, zavrite oči a znovu Mu spievajme, "Milujem Ho, milujem Ho," pozdvihnime ku Nemu ruky.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho;

Pretože ... prv miloval mňa;

A zaplatil za moje spasenie

na kríži Golgoty.

(Ó, ako Ho len milujeme!)

Viera v Otca, viera v Syna;

Viera v Ducha Svätého, títo traja sú Jedno.

Démoni sa budú triasť, a hriešnici sa prebudia;

Viera v Jahveho zatrasie všetkým.

631Amen! Sláva Bohu! Ó, ako Ho milujeme! Vzývajte Ho teraz vo svojich srdciach, ctite Ho, pomyslite len čo vzácneho On učinil. Hľaďte čo On pre nás vykonal. Ani jedno z tých videní za všetky tie roky nikdy nesklamalo. Všetko čo On povedal sa stalo. Vyplnilo sa to presne tak ako to On povedal.

632Milujem vás. Nezabudnite na prikázania Božie ktoré sú pre vás, deťúrence, "Milujte jeden druhého." Milujte každého. Dobrého či zlého, hriešnika alebo svätého, milujte ich, aj tak. Ak ich nemilujete, modlite sa potom, aby vám v tom Boh pomohol, pretože Boh miluje hriešnika. A nátura Božia je vo vás. Ak je to človek zlý, aj tak ho milujte. Nezúčastňujte sa jeho hriechov. Rozumiete? Nezúčastňujte sa jeho hriechov, ale v nežnosti, nie v nevrlom káraní, v nežnosti mu povedzte o nádeji Života, ktorý spočíva vo vás skrze Ježiša Krista, ktorý vám bol zjavený skrze Ducha Svätého.

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš;

Dieťa bolestí a žiaľu;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj;

Ó, vezmi Ho... (nezabudni ani teraz, kdekoľvek ideš.)

633Ó, aké vzácne je to Meno! Ó, my máme Jeho Meno. Sme pomenovaní podľa Jeho Mena.

Nádej zeme a radosť Nebies;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Nebies.

634Poviem vám teraz jedno malé tajomstvo, až kým sa znovu nestretneme. Zapamätajte si to teraz. Zapamätajte si to.

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš;

Upadajúc na tvár ku Jeho nohám;

Kráľa kráľov v Nebesiach budeme korunovať;

(budeme Ho korunovať.)

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!


635Čo? Trojnásobné zjavenie! Nádej a radosť Nebies, zjavené v Ňom.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno; ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť ...

636Čoho? Nádej zeme a radosť Nebies, všetko je zamanifestované v Kristovi. Boh, Cirkev, i všetko iné je zamanifestované v Kristovi. Biblia, to je Kristus. Biblia je napísané Slovo. On je tým Slovom. Manifestácia toho Slova je dôkazom Života, ktorý prichádza do tela Slova, aby Ho zamanifestoval. Ó, či to nie je nádherné!

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš;

(Dobre teraz počúvajte.)

Ako štít (nezabudnite na to)... každej pasci;

Keď sú pokušenia okolo teba ...

(Čo musíš urobiť?)

Zašepkaj len to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno;

Ó aké sladké! Ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

637Nevedel som ... Samozrejme, ak ste duchovní, pozorujete duchovné veci. Nevedel som to. Boh to vie. Ale ak sa otočíte a pozriete sa na hodiny, sú presne dve hodiny. Koniec Druhého Potiahnutia. Tretie Potiahnutie sa priblížilo! Vidíte?

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš;

Upadajúc na tvár ku Jeho nohám;

Kráľa kráľov v Nebesiach budeme korunovať;

Keď sa zakončí naša púť.

Predrahé Meno ...

(Druhé Potiahnutie sa zamanifestovalo!)

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

638Všimli ste si že Duch vzal tú pieseň a zodvihol ju o oktávu vyššie? Ďalšie Potiahnutie je na blízku! Amen! Ó-ó.

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš,

(Je pozdejšie ako si myslíte!)

...bolesti a žiaľu;

Dá ti radosť a pokoj;

Ó, vezmi Ho kdekoľvek ideš.

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť ...

(Nuž, ak prichádzajú pokušenia, čo urobíš?)

Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš;

Ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa pokušenia (niečo chce spôsobiť aby si teraz neveril) nahromadia;

Pamätaj len, zašepkaj to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Predrahé Meno, Ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba;

Predrahé Meno, predrahé Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť Neba.

639Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, každý jeden, v úcte. Pozrite sa.

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš ...

640[brat Branham si hmká ďalší verš piesne "Ber so sebou Meno Ježiš." Nejaký brat hovorí v neznámom jazyku. Prázdne miesto na páske. Iný brat dáva výklad. – pozn.prekl.]

641Nuž, ak tomu rozumiete, Duch Pánov padol na zhromaždenie, v neznámych jazykoch, prehovoril ku človekovi, ktorý to nepozná, je to vyložené iným mužom, ktorý to nepozná. Slovo Pánovo! Pamätáte sa keď ten nepriateľ prichádzal a oni nevedeli čo majú robiť? Duch Pánov padol na jedného muža a zjavil čo má byť vykonané. Ó!

642 Skloňme teraz naše hlavy, v pokore. Nech vás Boh žehná.

Kým sa stretneme! Kým sa stretneme!

Až kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;

Až kým sa znovu stretneme!

V poriadku, pastor.

Boh nech je s vami až kým sa znovu nestretneme.

CHRIST IS THE MYSTERY OF GOD REVEALED, 63-0728, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 225 min

1 Thank you, Brother Neville. The Lord bless you. Just remain standing a moment while we bow our heads for prayer.

2 Gracious Heavenly Father, we're approaching Thee again this morning for mercy and for guidance of the Holy Spirit today, as it's dawned upon us, that we should meet together this morning and to teach Thy Word, and that we might know how to live in this present day, and what is the time of day that we're living. We would ask Thy holy guidance to our thoughts, our hearts today, that You would direct us to every Word that is necessary for us to know; that You would open our mouths freely, and our hearts, also, to receive, and that which You would speak to us, and would close our mouths to the things that are not right, knowing that only You can reveal the Word of God.

3And now as I have to leave the little church right away now for the other parts of the world, I'm committing them to Thee, Lord. Which, they are a part, the apple of my heart, as to say. They are the--the ones that's been begotten to You, by the Spirit and by the Word of Truth. And I pray that You will bless them, Lord, and keep them closely knitted together by the bonds of the love of Christ.

4 Bless our dear beloved pastor, the shepherd. We pray that You'll anoint him with the Holy Spirit, of Thy Word, and reveal to them and feed the flock.

5And once, just a while ago, when You showed the vision, the little tabernacle here, about to store up the Food, that there would come a time when this would all be needed. When we seen Brother Sothmann and Brother Woods ready to cross over into another country, to... But You said, "Store up this Food here for the time." Lord, reverently I've tried to do that.

6And now, this morning, in this lesson that we have thought of, I pray that You will cap it all off, Lord, to show that You're God, and this is Your Word and Your Truth. Grant it, Lord, that the people might feed thereon and grow fat, as it was, in the grace of God, that they would see that it's God's great mercy to us in this day. Bless all that's present and those who would like to be present, Father. And get glory to Thyself, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

The Lord bless each and every one of you now.

7 And I believe, just before we start, we have a little baby here, a Collins. I met the father just a few moments ago, and--and he had a little baby he wanted dedicated. And we want to do that now, if Brother or Sister Collins, one, will bring the little one forward so we can have the dedicational service for this little fellow.

8 Leaving, you know, why, it causes... as these are loyal members or... of the Body of Christ. You notice, I never said "of the tabernacle." "Of the bodies of Christ," the... this body here, a part of His Body.

9And they got a little fellow here they want dedicated. And--and this is always a job I think my--my wife envies me of, to hold the babies. Uh-huh. And Brother Neville, if you'll come forward, if you will.

10 What is your first name, brother? [The father says, "Clyde."--Ed.] This is Brother and Sister Clyde Collins, is the brother to our precious brother here, Reverend Collins, Wilbur. And they've had an increase to the number of Collinses here, I see, and a very cute little fellow.

11How old is he, Sister Collins? [The mother says, "Almost four months."--Ed.] Almost four months. And what's his name? ["Mark David Collins."] Mark David. That's a very fine name. He looks like a very fine boy. Say, he's kind of a big boy, too.

12Now I know the mothers here can appreciate this little fellow here. Isn't that a doll? [Brother Branham holds Mark David up before the congregation--Ed.]

All right, as we bow our heads now.

13 Heavenly Father, as this young father and mother comes with this little, precious lump of human flesh that's been given to their union, placed into their hands for a keeping for the Lord God. They reverently bring this little Mark David here for dedication to the Almighty, Who has give this precious little boy, fine health and a fine boy, into their care, to be raised for the glory of God.

14Lord, bless the father and mother. May the barrel never be empty, at the house, or the cruse never run dry. May the father be well and able, Lord, to work and to make food for the little fellow; may the mother be well and able to prepare it; and their hearts prepared, Lord, to teach the little fellow, to raise him in the admonition of God. Grant it, Lord.

15 Now from their arms, to mine, comes this lovely child, little Mark David. And I present him, with the elder of the church here, to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for a life of service. Grant it, Lord. Get glory out of his life. May he live a long life, even to this Coming of the Lord Jesus, if that be pleasing to You. And, if so, may he come to pack the Message of the Lord God, in the age that is to come. Grant it. Keep him healthy, happy, and may his heart always be set on doing the things which is right, before God. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we offer the child to You, in dedication. Amen.

16God bless you. God bless you, Sister Collins, and this fine boy, and you Brother Collins. God be with you.

Bring Them In, all of us together.

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring them in from the fields of sin;

Bring them in, bring them in,

Bring the little ones to Jesus.

17I like that. See, bring them to Christ before the devil even has a chance. They're already presented to Him then for a life of service.

18 Does anybody know whether the Dauch family, any of them, got down today, or not, Sister Dauch? Brother Brown, are you here, Brother Brown? Yes, I'm glad. And the... Brother Dauch is still with us? Wonderful! [Brother Tom Brown comments about Brother William Dauch's condition--Ed.] Brother Dauch almost left us. See, we can't say too much or ask too much, he's already twenty-one years past the time that God told him to live. That's a ordinary lifetime, past the time that God told him he could live.

19 But we had a call the other morning, that he was--he was dying, and we rushed up there. And the Lord God was really good to him, has spared him. Just, I think he--he's ready and just waiting the Coming of the Lord. But, you know, we all hold on to one another. We just... The old fellow is like a--like a dad to me here.

20I remember him sitting right down here in the old tabernacle, the old part, when he... that Light flashed across, on that water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, right out of there he come. And about eighty-seven or eighty-eight years old, on a stick, come right up here and said, "I want to go right in there and be baptized." Somebody went and got him some clothes. He couldn't wait till the next time; he had to come right then, right then. So I--I like that.

21He said, the other day, I was talking to him; he said, "Do you think I'm all right now, Brother Branham?"

22I said, "Did you ever go to a doctor for a physical checkup?"

He said, "Yes, sir."

23I said, "The doctor will put stethoscopes in his ears, and put them on your heart, see if your heart is beating right; and an electrical cardiogram, and then blood pressure, urine test, and so forth, instruments, to find out where your physical being. Now, the way he does that, he looks back on a--a book here, where specialists on these different subjects writes down, 'If this takes place, this is what's wrong.'"

24 And I said, "Now, the only stethoscope that I have is the Bible, see, for the soul." And I said, "I'm going to give you the test." I said, "Saint John 5:24, said, 'He that heareth My Words.'" I said, "That isn't just sit and listening to It. That's receiving It, see, receiving It; you believe It. Something inside of you tells you It's right. You've accepted It, you believe It, It's yours. 'He that heareth,' It's already yours, 'My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me.' You believe that?"

He said, "I do."

25I said, "Then I'll tell you what the Chief Doctor said, 'He is passed from death unto Life, and shall no more come into condemnation or judgment.'" I said, "As far as I know, according to the Books, you've passed the examination."

26That old man, of nearly a hundred years old, not a churchman at all; but just the first time that Light flashed across his path, he received It. See that predestinated seed laying there? Uh-huh. Yes, sir. See, as soon as the Light strikes it, it comes to Life right quick.

27 Now, I know it's hot today, and I look like it's hard for me to call you people together for a service where you set jammed in like this. But yet I--I thought, by the grace of God, that I'd would have another service before I had to leave you all; for a short season, I trust.

28And I've got to go now tomorrow night, to Chicago, to begin Wednesday. I thought I would get there a little early, if possible, and rest up a little before beginning a series of service. And I believe they've got it... Here, I was looking at it right here. It's--it's advertised up there. It's called the Marengo... [Someone says, "Marigold."--Ed.]... area, yeah, Marigold, Marigold, yeah, area arena. Marigold Arena is where it to be held, beginning Wednesday night, through Sunday. And the Full Gospel Business Men has a breakfast, also, on--on Saturday morning. And I don't know just exactly where they got that advertised, where. No. Then Saturday evening is at the Lane Tech. I see here it's--it's advertised.

29 Now, if you're around in that area, or up there, it's be a regular, just a regular evangelistic service like we have at any time. Most of the Messages will be primarily on something that's been taught here, 'cause here is where we make our tapes, you see. Out there they can fuss. But if they get tapes made from here, that's up to them if they want to listen to any tape. It comes right from here. This is our own pulpit.

30So out there, usually I try to pick around on something not very deep, because many of them are shallow in experience and what comes in. But here I feel I have a right to say whatever God puts upon my heart, to say it from right here. So our tapes are all made from right here. See? And they're right in the room there now, you can see their heads up over the clouded glass in there, where they're sitting with their recorders.

31 Now, and if you want to come to the meeting, we'd be most happily to have you. Just, if you get there, don't know just where to go, why, just contact any of the Full Gospel people, or--or Brother Carlson, and he'll--he'll tell you that's... He can advise you, or the Philadelphia Church, or any of them, they can tell you right how to get to the place.

32 Then I come back next Monday evening, sometime, afternoon or evening. And Tuesday we go back to Arizona for--for put the children in school, and so forth. And then I don't know just exactly when to be back again, because, the Lord, I want Him to lead me just on what to do.

33A very strange thing happened. I might as well... I know this is taped, and I might as well place it on here. And right while visions and leadings of the Holy Spirit is moving, I like to strike just exactly while It's moving. That's... Now, in the last year it's been one, right along with one of the most highest time for visions that I've ever had, in all my ministry, has been this last year, of things that has taken place, that you people know that it's foretold before it happens, and it happened just the way it--it said.

34 Now, we come back here, and--and to visit. The climate in this place, I certainly don't like, 'cause I'm... just breaks me down as soon as I get here. And I just... I can cross the top of the knobs up there and come down in this valley, and I'm here about ten minutes and I got hives, get sick. Weather, swimmy-headed, everything looks spooky, dark, and I--I just have to get out of it. See? And the other day I was talking to the wife...

35 But what brings me in, first, what brings me in here, is you people, see, this church. I tell you, of all the places I ever went in my life, this is my favorite place to come preach the Gospel. And looks like that we can make a tape from here that's ten times better than anywhere else. See? See, that's the reason I say, "Where God is doing something, then stay right with that." But I think, where the great thing is, that was me failing to go out at the first time when He called me, and therefore He makes it kind of rough on me when I come in. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

36 And then I'll be coming back and forth, all the time, preaching in the tabernacle. And you people that's from out of town, you'll be notified. Billy Paul will be here, right in the office, and--and can be reached at any time, through him. And we'll be coming back here, hold... And then the Seven Trumpets is coming up right away, the Lord willing, Seven Last Plagues, and the Vials, and so forth, just as we can, get a little cooler weather, maybe, or something, however the Lord leads.

37 And now, the other day, coming in, there was a question brought up about something, about someone had given me a--a check, and it said "personally," exactly just to me, and me only, "tax paid, free," everything else. Well, we went, and Billy knew that I kind of had need of that check, now.

38He went and asked the attorneys if we could cash it. He said, "Why, he's an American citizen. Why can't he cash it? See, says, 'tax paid,' and everything else, 'free.' Any citizen can do that."

39 So then he couldn't be satisfied with that, Billy, so he goes to the public accountant. He said, "Why, certainly, he can cash that." Said, "He's a citizen of the United States."

40So, well, he couldn't think good about that, so he called Merle Miller, that's the head of the--the tax association at--at Indianapolis there, was our attorneys, and so Ice and Miller. So, "Sure, it's all right. See? Sure, he can have that check. It's--it's--it's made out to him, 'endorsee only.'" I can, only one can endorse it, so forth, and it couldn't be stamped with our...

41 See, I don't cash no checks. That's what they got me for the other time. Somebody bring in a bunch of checks, and say, "Here, Brother Branham," at the meeting. I'd say, "William Branham, William Branham..." Well, the government was taking care of all that, all the time. And I was signing them to myself and was paying the debts out there, but they said I owed delinquent taxes on all of it, anyhow, three hundred thousand dollars. So--so then that's where the fuss came.

42So then as soon as I put this check in, whammy, here come the agent right back, said, "We'll reopen the case for him now." So it made it kind of rough.

43 And Brother Lee Vayle sitting here, I guess it's all right to say it, we just... He had come down, and this fine scholared Baptist here had... I baptized him in the Name of Jesus Christ, here in the pool the other day, Brother Lee Vayle. And so he's really a fine man, a brother in Christ. He's preached for us here before, and highly intellectually educated, and, besides that, a Spirit-led man. When the Light flashed across him, he said he tried to get away, but just couldn't do it, so I baptized him right here the other morning. Couldn't stand it any longer, so we just come down here and put on our clothes and went in, and was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.

44 Well, I thought, being that he had taken that fine spiritual food, maybe to talk a little bit we would take some natural food. So we goes over to the Blue Boar, and sets down, was talking, and the subject come up, "How do you let people talk about you like that?"

45Now, Brother Vayle is one of the finest man I ever knowed, but he's "just a little too quick on the trigger," I always told him, you know. And so, he, so I said... I hope that's all right, Brother Vayle. So he... I said, "Don't fly loose all at once. Sit still. God is the One that's doing it."

46He said, "Ah, it might be all right for you," he said, he said. But, well, he--he... I believe he--he is so smart till that's what he's meeting, those smart intellectual people; so he just knows how to pour it in there, and they ain't got no place to stand. That's all.

47 So I said, "Look, Brother Vayle." We was sitting at the Blue Boar. I said, "David, one day, after being throwed from the throne by his own son, run off the throne, mutiny, Israel divided, and David took off the throne by his own son, and was going out of the city, weeping. And a guy that didn't like his last-day message, you know; he didn't care for him; little old fellow, kind of crippled up, going along there, making fun of him, and he spit on David. And that guard drew that sword, said, 'I'll let the head of that dog stay on him, that spit on my king?' David said, 'Let him alone. The Lord told him to do that.' See? Spit on him, making fun of him, and then spit on him. Said, 'The Lord told him to do that.'" Well, we know the story, how it returned back. Brother Vayle thought that took a whole lot of grace to do that.

48 So no more than coming back and entering the office, the public accountant called Billy Paul and told him about this. So Brother Vayle went up the house with me. When I walked in, I said to the wife... Long about sometime in the afternoon. We went in a room. I said, "I got something to tell you, Honey."

49We just been talking before I left. She said, "Bill, I know that God sent you out there; we all know that, but He never told you come back. He said... Now, that's where I'm worried about."

50 I said, "Well, I think it's for you and the children. Don't matter for me. I'm going to serve Him, Lord willing, wherever I go." And so walked back, and I told her about it like that. So I just turned around, laid my hat up.

51And somebody said something, about, "Oh, this tax collector! We ought to go out..." Just kind of raided out something like that.

52Not thinking of what I had told of Brother Vayle, I said, "Let him alone. Maybe the Lord told him to do that."

53I no more than said that, till a Light flashed on the wall and wrote across there, Brother Vayle and my wife sitting there, "Come on back to Arizona." With letters wrote across the wall, "Come on back to Arizona." That's right. So here I go, amen, back to Arizona.

54 Now, this week has been a week of great blessings. We had private interviews this week, of people who had been waiting since the Seven Seals. And I don't doubt but some of them, course, was called in from out of the town, across the nation. But the morning before the interviews started, sitting in the room, the Holy Spirit let me write out exactly everything they knew, everything they wanted to ask, rotate the questions just the way they wanted to, and tell them their dreams and interpretation before they ever told me.

55Now, the people are in the room here, there. And I'd go ahead and let them talk. They'd say, "Well, Brother Branham, I come such-and-such."

56 I said, "Now, remember, we have assembled here not for fellowship. We haven't come here to fellowship with one another. There is a question in your mind, in your heart, that--that you've stumbled into and you don't know what it is. And maybe I'll be able, by the help of God, to do it."

57I said, "Remember, the queen of the South had some questions, too, when she came to Solomon. And the Bible said there was nothing revealed or held back to what Solomon couldn't answer for." And I said, "A greater than Solomon is here. See? That's right. The Lord Jesus promised, 'Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them. And whatsoever thing they can think of, or desire, and--and shall ask, it shall be given to them.' And now your question is something you don't know about, something you don't know how to approach about, something you don't know what to do about."

58 And I said, "Again, the Scripture said this, that, 'the Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him,' so in another world where the five senses does not declare."

59The five senses only contacts this world. If you had no feeling, you couldn't feel nothing. Feeling wouldn't be nothing to you; that would be another world. If you had no sight, what you look at would be another world, you know nothing about it. So these five senses is the only thing that God let us loose to.

60Now there is another one called faith. But by faith you walk up a ladder, and finally you can get so high until you break into another world, which is vision. There you can see.

61Just like if you never knowed what this was you was feeling with your sense of feeling, never seen it; then your eyes come open, you could see it. It'd be all a mystery to that person who never could see. It'd be a mystery to him, but yet that's it.

62 And in there, the Lord... Before we got here, to people from across the country, everywhere, from north, south, west, come in for these interviews. And as soon as they'd get through talking, just exactly the questions they would ask, the thing that they would ask about, I would say, "Watch here," raise over, and there was a piece of paper with every question, and rotate just exactly the way they asked it, was going to ask it, their answer down here to the question just the way it was answered out. The Lord is great. He knows all things. But, yet, take me about three days to come out of that afternoon, what it was, such a tear-down. And now I thought to get it, though, before we left.

63 And there is the proper way, the real way of, to individuals. Now, there is things can be said.

64And if the people is here, that knows that secrets of hearts that was revealed, that would absolutely... It would be horrible; it would cause crime, it'd cause somebody to shoot another, or something, if that would be revealed right here at the platform like this, in a public, in before the public. It would cause penitentiary offenses, and everything else, that would.

65 But when you're sitting together like that, the Holy Spirit, just two of you together. But we understand this, that what they asked me is private. I say nothing about it. And what I say to them, it's up to them whether they want to say it or not. See? But it's to be known between us, the interview. That's taking the person, one by a time, and sitting there until everything is completely settled, see, the Holy Spirit.

66 And then to think of the grace, the Holy Spirit telling me all about it, to each one, a whole line of them, before they ever even got here; across the country, coming, people I never seen in life. And write it out so that they would know, just a routine according to the questions the way they would answer it.

67 One brother had questions on the serpent's seed, that I didn't get to answer just exactly, 'cause their little half hour was up. I hope that he got it all right, the answers to it, on the paper. I... He had it wrote out, and he didn't get to all of his answers, so I just give him the writing back, the answers on the paper. If he hasn't, Billy Paul has it. I know the man is sitting here; I just looked at him just a few moments ago. So if he--if he wants to find that, it's wrote out on a piece of paper, your answers to your question.

68 Now, oh, how good the Lord is! I hope everybody is feeling good. Uh-huh.

69And now let's us remember, and now when I pray for these handkerchiefs, to remember Brother Dauch. He is a precious brother, and we want to remember him in prayer.

70 And I--I see Brother Ungren, but I--I can't see Sister Ungren anywhere, whether she is all right now. Yes, sitting right out from him. Sure. Yeah. I'm glad. Cause we was called out the other night, in a... just a emergency case of her and her daughter, Sister... I... Downing, Downing. Run off the road, and just the grace of God, or they would both have been crushed to pieces right there. And here they come right on to church, got on a train and come on.

71 I'll never forget you all. I love you. God knows that. I--I love you. How, across the country, through slick weather!

72When I look at some brother here from Georgia, and Alabama, and different places, and Tennessee, and around, where they ride their car down the road, where the ice, sliding, and back and forth like that, to come here for one service.

73 When I had that emergency call to Brother Dauch the other day, I didn't realize that Lima, Ohio, was so far away. Just... I thought that was a little skip, hop, and a jump. But, my, I left here real early that morning, never got there till one o'clock that afternoon, driving every--everything the speed limit would allow, and on dual highway. And I think how close that is, to way down in the South where these other people come from, way out in the North and West, where they come.

74I love you, and that's the reason I try to be deadly sincere here.

75 And the old-timers! I see Brother Creech and them sitting back there now, and ones that's been with me all these years and things, and how we come up together. I was looking at Mary Jo's picture, I believe it was a couple nights ago. Just a little bitty tiny thing when we first met, and now she's married, I guess, and got children. Brother Creech and Sister Creech, young, black-headed, and Meda and I, and here we are gray and stooped over. See, there is something about people like that, that--that grips you. See, you--you--you want to stay with them. See? There is something another that--that always makes your mind pull back. Just giving them for examples to others that's here, young and old. We look forward for the Coming of the Lord.

76 So this morning I have put it... God, I believe, put it in my heart to teach a Sunday school lesson here this morning, God willing, for a lengthy time. I... And now, this being my last service for a little while, as far as I know, the...

77 And I want you to remember that Brother Neville here, left in the church, in the charge of this tabernacle, under the Holy Spirit, that he is left here, and he believes this Message and--and teaches It just the same as I do. Right. And any time that you'd want to, you can see fit to come to hear Brother Neville, he certainly would do you good, I'm sure. He's a great servant of Jesus Christ.

78I've knowed Orman Neville since I was a little boy, and he hasn't changed one speck, only got closer to God. I remember when I first saw him on a... I was invited to his Methodist platform. And when I come back here to the tabernacle, I said, "Someday, I'll baptize him in the Name of Jesus Christ." And here he is with the Message now, going on, a real gallant servant.

79 And Brother Neville goes through many strains and heartaches, that he doesn't show it here at the tabernacle. But being that the Lord lets me have a little sight into people's life, I know what he goes through; a whole lot of it, see. And he certainly goes under a lot of labor and strains, and things. And you, you people here, hold him up like Joshua and Caleb held up the hands of Moses, as he's bringing the Word.

80 Love one another, above everything. Love one another. Don't... No matter what the devil tries to say! Now you're all one great big sweet group now, but remember my warning, see, Satan won't let that stay that way. No, sir. He'll shoot everything, if he has to bring somebody in to make his target. He'll bring some critic or unbeliever in, and sit him down, and cause him to fellowship with you under the quietness and things, and then he'll shoot that guy with some kind of a poison stuff, and he'll start through the church with it. Don't you take sides with it. Don't you have nothing to do with anything else. You stay right loving and sweet and kind to one another. Pray for that man, that he'll be saved too, or that woman, or ever who it is, just pray for them. And stick one with another.

81And stay with your pastor. See, he's the shepherd, and you give him respects. He'll lead you through, and, 'cause he's ordained of God to do so.

82 Now do you remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The enemy will come. And when he does, just cling that much closer together. And the one that the devil is using for an enemy will either get out or come in and be one of you. That's all.

83Don't never clan among one, or--or talk and make yourself clannish. We are one. I couldn't say, "Left hand, I'm--I'm mad at you, I'm going to take you away 'cause you're not a right hand." He's my left hand. I want him to stay there. Even the little tip of my finger, I want to stay right there, every little part of my body stay right there. And God wants us, as a body of believers, to stay right exactly with one another, right at with one another.

84 And now you've got tapes on that. You've got tapes on what we believe. You've got tapes on discipline in the church, how we behave ourself in the church of God, how we got to come here together and sit together in Heavenly places. Don't stay home. If God is in your heart, you can't hardly wait for them doors to open out yonder, to get in here to fellowship with your brothers. If you don't, don't feel that way, then I tell you, it's time you got to praying.

85Cause, we're in the last days, where the Bible exalted... or exhorted us to--to, "Much more as we see that day approaching," to love one another with Christian love and Divine love, "to assemble ourselves together in Heavenly places and--and--and Christ Jesus," and love one another. "This will all man know you are My disciples, when you have love one for the other." That's right. Stay right together.

86 If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll--it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that.

87You just wax that much closer together. Draw up the... Take the buckle, as the brother testified, a minister here the other night, about having a buckle, seeing it in a vision. Just... That buckles on the whole armor of God. Just pull her on, tighten up, move right up close to one another. Love one another, anyhow. Talk nice about one another, say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you.

88 Now this morning, the Lord willing, by His help and grace, I got quite a bunch of questions here, of Scriptures, rather. And now before we approach It... I think I heard the recorders click on in there. We are going to bring the Message now, by God's grace.

First, a word of prayer.

89 Lord Jesus, speaking to this body of the Church, that they should hold together with God's unchanging hand, their absolute, the Word; warning them, as Paul warned his flock, that, "there would be wolves enter in." You're the same God today as You were then, and that enemy is the same. May this fellowship and bonds of love always exist amongst these people, in Christ Jesus.

90Help, this morning, Lord, as we read the Word. May the Holy Spirit reveal It to us, that the Church might be fully established in "the Faith that was once delivered to the saints," to hold them. And may, as You gave the vision some two years ago, "to store up the Food," fine, healthy-looking vegetables that I saw in the vision, being stored here in this tabernacle, may we today receive a whole barrel full of That (Grant it, Lord.), or, a tape load: that It might reveal Jesus Christ to us in the hour that we live, to give us sustaining strength, the spiritual strength for the task that lays ahead. Grant it, Father.

91 Bless these, Thy children. They're in here this morning from many different parts of the nation. A hot, sticky morning, but yet we feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit, in all this.

92We think of John Wesley, and Calvin, and Sankey, and Knox, Finney, and many of those, even without electric fan, where people sat in halls, and perspiration running down their faces. The women, well covered and dressed, sat in the audiences and perspired till their clothing was soaking wet, listening to the Word of God, feeding their souls. Now, we feel, Lord, that they are at rest somewhere yonder, waiting the Coming of the Lord.

93 Keep us together, Father. Let the Holy Spirit guide us and direct us. Give us long life of service for You. Give us this great Message this morning that we're expecting out of Thy Word, that It might go to each heart. Make the lips that speak, Lord, speak Truth. Make the heart that hears be fertile to receive Truth, and may It grow into great trees of Eternal Life, to be shining lights and read epistles of all men; they might know that Jesus Christ has raised from the dead and lives among us. Make us so full of love and the fruit of the Spirit until other men and women, boys and girls can see the results of the Life of Christ still living in us, after two thousand years from the great event. Grant it, Father, to honor Thee. We ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

94 Now I want to read some out of the Scriptures. And I trust now that you've got your pencils and papers, and everything, ready.

95And, Brother Neville, you're sitting still. I'm just going to take my coat off. That's... [Brother Neville says, "That's right."--Ed.] It's a... Excuse me for taking off my coat, but this--this is awfully warm up here.

96 Now I want you to turn to the Book of Colossians, the 1st chapter of Colossians. And then while we read this, beginning with... I want you, when you go home, to read the entire chapter of these Colossians. But I want you to read this morning, with me, from the 15th verse, 29th, inclusive.

97And now just be as patient as you can, for I feel that in this here, if God will help me, will reveal and bring into your mind all these other things that I have talked on all through the days of the tabernacle; why I have said what I've said, and why I have done what I have done. This is why.

98Now from the 15th verse.

Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible... invisible, whether they be thrones,... dominions,... principalities,... powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminences.

For it pleased the Father that in him should be all fulness dwelt--should all fulness dwell;

99Let me put a little emphasis on that again, this 19th verse.

For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

Watch where that reconciliation went.

And you, that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, you now has he reconciled.

In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy... unblameable... approvable in his sight:

If you continue in the faith grounded and settled, and not be moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is bound... behind of the affections of Christ in... flesh for his body's sake, which is the church:

Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;

Even the mystery which has been hidden from age and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

100And I want to read that verse again.

Even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we might present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:

Whereunto I also labour, striving according to the working, which worketh in me mightily.

101 Now for a text I want to take out of there, this for a text, basing it upon the entire Bible, but I want us title this: Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed. Christ being the mystery of God revealed! Now, I took it in order as a Sunday school lesson, so we could all read together and--and have this fellowship together.

102 Now, God's secret mystery, He had before the world began. Now, back in the back part of God's mind, there was something that He was trying and was going to achieve, and He had a motive in doing it, in order to let Himself be expressed. Because, first, there wasn't even a moon, star, atom, molecule, or anything. He was God. But He exactly wasn't God at that time, because God is an object of worship, and there wasn't nothing to worship Him.

103So, in His great mind, He wanted these attributes to be expressed. And in Him was love; in Him was to be Father; in Him was to be Son; in Him was to be a Saviour; in Him was to be a Healer. And all these great attributes that we see already expressed, they were in God.

104 So, my opinion, the first thing that He made was Angels. And then they worshiped Him, and that made Him God. And He started from there. As in previous Messages I have tried to explain it, break it down. And now, then, when Angels began to worship Him, that was before there was even a molecule in the earth. There was nothing. It was all darkness. There wasn't no sun, nor no moon, no stars, no nothing, then He was God. As He asked Job, "Where was you when I laid the foundations of the world, see, when the morning stars sang together, the sons of God shouted for joy? See, now, where were you?" See? That was way back before the earth.

105 Now, God had a purpose and a hidden mystery. And that's what I want to speak on to the Church this morning, the hidden mystery of God that He had in His mind before the world ever began, and how that it's unfolded itself right down to this present hour that we're living. See? Then you will understand clearly then, you see, on, I believe, what is being done.

106 God's great mystery of how, it's a secret. He kept it a secret. Nobody knowed nothing about it. Even the Angels didn't understand it. See, He didn't reveal it. That's the reason, under our seventh mystery, when the seventh seal was opened, there was silence. Jesus, when He was on earth, they wanted to know when He would come. He said, "It's not... Even the Son Himself don't know when it's going to happen." See, God has this all to Himself. It's a secret. And that's the reason there was silence in Heaven for a space of a half hour, and seven thunders utter their voices, and John was even forbidden to write it, see, the Coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed yet, of how He will come, and when He will come. It's a good thing that He doesn't. No.

107 He has showed or revealed it in every type that's in the Bible. Therefore, the entire Bible is the revelation of God's mystery in Christ. Hum! The entire Bible is an expression of one goal that God had, one purpose He wanted to achieve in the entire Bible. And all the acts of the--of the believers in the Bible has been in type, and expressing what God's great goal is, and now in this last day He has revealed it and shows it. And God's help, well, you'll see it right here this morning, what the Lord has had in His mind all along, and has expressed it.

108Therefore, you can see the great meaning of what it's been to know this, and then try to bring it to the people. See? And then you don't... I haven't went into details to try to explain It as God has revealed it to me.

109 Now, if you want to mark this down. I got so many places I want to read from. And now in--in the Book of Saint Luke, the 24th chapter of Saint Luke, we find out it's... It is the two of the apostles on the road to Emmaus. And Jesus stepped out, after His resurrection, and they were on their--their road to over to Emmaus, going along the road, thinking and talking, and weeping, on account of His--His death, and how they seen Him suffer for what they had thought was of no value at all; they took their Lord and crucified Him. And--and they were going along there, weeping.

110And He stepped out from the roadside and begin to talk to them about Christ. He said, "Oh, fools and slow to understand. Don't you know that all the prophets and the Psalms..." See, what was He doing? Identifying Himself to these apostles, that all of the prophets, and all of the Psalms, and everything, was Him, expressed. See?

111 And now the reason I never took to preach this morning, was because, I thought, in teaching, we would understand it better than just to take a text and skip over it. We would just teach it.

112 Now, He was saying that all the Psalms and all the prophets spoke of Him. Well, there, therefore, that shows that all of the Old Testament, all of the New Testament, and all of the Psalms, the singing, the songs that were sung, were sung of Him.

113Take the 22nd Psalm, and sing it, and compare it with the morning of the crucifixion. See, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me? All My bones, they stare at Me. They pierced My feet and My hands." Yet, all those things there, them singing that Psalm down there in the temple, and crucifying the very One. See? See, those great religious leaders, those great men, those great teachers, and yet so blinded, that was reading the prophets and was singing the songs, and doing the crime that they said they would do.

The same thing is taking place this morning!

114 Now listen close, 'cause... Now I ain't going to even pay any attention to what that clock says. I want you to get this. See? I don't care. See? [Congregation rejoices and says, "Amen."--Ed.]

115So you can see here, basically, in the beginning, the very thought that God had in His mind, He hid it from all of those scholars. And the... Just a number, a selected predestinated number, a predestinated people, was the only ones that heard it. And now search back the Scripture down through the age of the prophets, and see if it wasn't the same thing. See?

116Now, and Jesus here referring them to the prophets and the Psalms, He said they all spoke of Him. See? And here these Jewish teachers, rabbis, doctors of the law, professors, had did exactly like they had done before.

117 Now notice, again, He said, "Search the Scriptures, for They are They that testify of Me." Search the Scriptures, the Scriptures, the entire Scriptures. What am I trying to do? To show you that this Bible is the thing that's right.

118 The other day, standing in a hospital room, talking, a sister had asked me to explain about denominations, why we was--was against denominations, with some denominational people.

119You see, it's got to come back to the Word, because the Word is God. See? And Jesus declaring the same here, that the Word is Him. You can't make the Scripture contradict Itself. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And, the Word, made flesh!" See?

120 Now here He says, "Search the Scriptures, They testify of Me. In Them you think you have Eternal Life," and that's true, "and They are the One that bear record of Me. And I'm bearing record of Them. And if I do not the works that's promised that I would do, then don't hear Me. But if I do the works, and you can't believe Me, believe the works, because they testify that He is the Word." Oh, it looks like it couldn't be any plainer. See? All right. Now, "Search the Scriptures." He said Moses and all the laws, and so forth, and the prophets, and Psalms, spoke of Him. And, again, He said the Scriptures testify of Him.

121 He is the principle theme of the entire Bible. If you read the Bible, and don't see Christ in every verse of It, go back and read It again. See? If you can't see Christ in every verse of the Bible, then you read It again, because you've missed something. The Bible is Christ. He is the Word. When you read, "In the beginning God created," there is Christ. See? Every... From that, to the "Amen" in Revelations, is every Word testifying of Jesus Christ.

122That's why these added books that they call "the Second Book of Daniel, and the--the Book of the Maccabees, and Agges Purgatory," and stuff like that, see, it's not spoke of in the Scripture. See? It doesn't theme up with the rest of It. There's no place to place purgatory in there. There is no place to place intersection of saints, and things. There is no place in there for that. There is no place for a denomination. There is no place for--for a creeds outside of It, of the Bible. See? So when you see those things, they--they just don't come into the picture. And that's why people has added those, and got their--their--their jigsaw puzzle all mixed up. See? They can't make it right, "same yesterday, today, and forever!"

123 But, if the thing is put together right, there is the entire picture of the fall and regeneration. The whole picture of creation, and God's whole plan revealed right in Jesus Christ. Amen! That's the whole picture set together, every little crook and corner. It's just like... Now, I don't mean to be sacrilegious by this, but it's just like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.

124That's why we got pictures today that looks horrible. Say, "We are believers," and the cow picking grass up in top of the tree. Don't work. That's when they say, "Yeah, He's every way, but just of a certain... He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, all but a certain thing." See? Then you ruin your picture.

125 The Bible said He is the same! Saint John 5, or Saint John 14:12, He said, "he," he, anybody. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also."

"Well, that was for another age."

126There you got your picture wrong again. You got a man fishing out in the desert, for fish, in a bunch of hot sand where there is no fish at. See? See, you've got to bring him back to where he's fishing, at Galilee, where there's plenty of fish, you see. See?

127You--you got to make the picture look right. It's God's great picture. And there is only one way you'll see it, that when you see Jesus Christ. There is the entire Bible. He's the principle theme of the Bible.

128 Now you realize that any of these places here you could take a text, and it's just hard for a preacher to hold his peace. He look like he want to keep going with it, but you got to get back to what we're teaching on.

129He is the principle theme of the Bible. He was in the prophets. He was in the Psalms. He was in the history of the Bible. The Bible is a prophetic Book. It's a historical Book. It's a Book of love. It's a Book of--of songs. It's a Book of Life. And in there you find Christ. He was in the prophets. He was in the Psalms. He was in the history. And He also, in the Bible, is the things that is to come. So, He was before and till after. What does that make Him then? "The same yesterday, today, and forever."

130 And you inject something in There, that doesn't make Him "the same yesterday, today, and forever," Brother Lee, where do you go to? You got an awful picture there. For, He was the history, see, and He is the Prophet. He is the Psalms. He is everything. And if you can't make Him everything, and the same, where, what's your picture look like? Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right.

131 He is the thing! He was the prophets. He was in them. He was in the Psalms. He was in the history, and He is the things to come, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8, if you're writing it down. He should be, then, He should be the principle, if that's what He is. And we believe it, don't we? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, if He is that, then He should be the principle theme of our talking, of our thinking, of our singing, of our walks. ["Amen."] He should be the principle theme of our life. If He's the principle theme of the Bible, and the Bible is in us, then He should be the principle theme of everything that we do, say, or think; should be Christ. Is that right? ["Amen."] All right.

132 Since, we think this, since He has been made--made the Head of "all things," to us. The Colossians said so here. He is the Head of "all things," to us. For He was made... For us, which we are considered "all things." You say, "What about the sinner?" He was made to be the Judge of the sinner if he don't accept It. He was made the glory for the believer who does accept It. So there, thing, "all things was made by Him, and for Him."

133And it takes the night, to express the glory of the day. It takes the vessel of dishonor, to express the--the love and care for the vessel of the honored. It takes an evil woman, that would wear immoral clothes and--and sell her morals, to express the virtue of a decent genuine lady. See? It takes a crook and a thief, in a man, to express the genuineness of a real believer, a real Christian. It takes the hypocrite, to show up the believer, what he is.

134 So, "All things was made by Him." And since He was made all things... made, for all of us, all things was made for, by Him. Then, since that is true, we should make our identification (should be) with Him. We should be identified, ourselves, with Him, because He has identified Himselves with us. We should be identified with Him. How? By living for Him; not just a confession.

135So many people take a confession, say... I say it's got to this place now. Are you a Christian? "I'm Methodist." Well, that's a long ways from being, making yourself known as a Christian. Well, look what the Methodists does. "I'm Baptist." Well, look what the Baptists does. "I'm Catholic." Look what they do. See?

136 But the only way that you can actually be a Christian is for Christ to identify Himself in you. How we got some, a stinger there! I hope everybody on the tape gets that, too. See? See? See?

You say, "I'm Pentecostal." That don't mean a thing.

137 It's Christ identified in you. That's when He has recognized you.

Say, "I spoke with tongues." Devils does, too.

138"I shouted." The Mohammedans, Buddhas, and everything shouts. The Indians scream at the snake dance. See? Sure. They all do. Cults, clans, and everything else, scream and holler. They holler and shout at a baseball game.

139But when Christ is identified in you, identifying Hisself, then you are Christ-like. Which, the word Christian means to be "Christ-like." There is your identification. All right. Now, and since He is our identification, then we should be identified with Him, by living for Him.

140 Notice, God has had a threefold purpose in this great mystery secret. God, in His great mystery secret that He had before the world began, He has got a threefold purpose in it. And now what we want to go upon, this morning, is, what is that threefold purpose? See? Now, I believe, by the help of the... of God, Who is present, and He--He'll show it to us. Now, if He had this threefold purpose, we want to find out what is this threefold purpose.

141 The first thing was, that, God wanted to reveal Himself to the people.

142He couldn't do it as a great Jehovah God Who covered all space, time, and Eternity. He could not. He is too great to ever be revealed to people, because it would be too mysterious. How could that great Being that never did begin... that after you went beyond the cycle of a hundreds of billions and trillions and trillions of years of light space, and on out into the infinite, into the Eternity, and a great Creature that was all that, and still is.

143 But what He wanted to do, He loved fatherhood, for He was a Father. And the only way that He could express it was to become a Son of man. That's the reason Jesus kept saying, "The Son of man." See, they didn't know what He was talking about, many of them. But now you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? He wanted to express Hisself. That was His, one of His great threefold purposes, was to express Himself, identify Himself with human beings, to reveal Hisself in Christ.

144 Secondly, to have the preeminence in His Body of believers, that is, His Bride, that He might live in people.

145 Now, He could do that in Adam and Eve, but sin separated them, so now there had to be some way to get it back again. Oh, my! Oh, when I... This, this is rich, to me, just to even think of it. See? See what God's purpose was? Now why didn't He just keep Adam and Eve like that? Then He would never been able to express His fullness, His full attribute. Because, He could have been a Father there, that's true, but also He's a Saviour. You say, "How do you know He was?" He is, 'cause I've had the experience. See? See? He is a Saviour, and He had to express that. And how could He do it? Only through Christ. How could He be a Son? Only through Christ. How could He be a Healer? Only through Christ. See, all things are wound up in that one Person, Jesus Christ. Oh, my! When I--when I...

146 When I think of it, I--I just see denominations pass off the scene, and everything else just going, see, when I see God's great purpose, revealing Himself. And having, first, to reveal Hisself in Christ, "the fullness of the Godhead bodily." And, then, to bring that "fullness of Godhead bodily" into a people, that He could have the preeminences, the oversight, the leading.

147 Another one, the night, if you didn't get the tape, I preached here one night, on "A prisoner of Jesus Christ." Paul, a prisoner! See? When God gets you to be His prisoner, then you can't do nothing but what the Spirit says do. Paul, with all of his great intellects, he taught... he was taught by Gamaliel to be a great priest or rabbi, someday. And he had high ambitions. He was intellectually a great man, great authority, great man in the nation. But he had to sacrifice every bit of it, see, to become part of the Word, to express Jesus Christ. He knowed what it was to say...

148He had a notion to go over some place, some brethren had called him, but he was forbidden by the Spirit to do his own will. Oh, if--if people half spiritual can pick that up! See? He was forbidden to do his own will. He only could do... "The Spirit forbid me." See? He was a prisoner to Christ.

149 Then, this little fortuneteller one day, who he knowed, Paul knowed he had power to cast that devil out, but he could only do it as God willed it. Day after day she followed him, crying out after him, but one day the Spirit give him permission. Then he rebuked her, the spirit that was in her. See? He knowed what it was to be a prisoner.

150 Moses, his intellectuals, he had to lose them in order to find Christ, to be a prisoner. Then when God got all the world beat out of him, and all of his mighty man that he was, and stand in the Presence of that Pillar of Fire that day, he was found just speechless. He didn't even, couldn't even talk, he said. God had a prisoner then. See? You won't try after your own searching. Then God had to endue this man, endow him with power enough that he could go down there.

151And he said, "Lord, I told Pharaoh what You said, and he wouldn't do it."

152He said, "Then take this, thy rod," God speaking, that's God's Word, "go out there and point it towards the East, and call for flies." And flies come into creation, because He had a prisoner that Pharaoh couldn't pay off with nothing. Nobody else could turn him no way. He was a complete prisoner in the chains of God's Word, bound up only to THUS SAITH THE LORD.

153 Oh, if God can get Him prisoners like that! Now, that's when He can express the preeminences, you see. He, He's got the man, or the person, so that he knows nothing but Christ. You get what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. That's secondly.

154First, to express Hisself completely, God in Christ.

155Second, to have the preeminences, by this, in His Church, which is His Body, the Bride, till He could have the preeminence to express Himself through them. All right.

156And, thirdly, to restore the Kingdom to its rightly position, that fell by sin by the first Adam, back to where He walked in the cool of the evening, with His people, talked with them, fellowshipped with them.

157And now sin and death had separated them from His Presence and His entire expression. Do you read it? Before the foundation of the world, to express all of His--His--His attributes, what He was.

158 Therefore, if any Trinitarian here would just let yourself loose a minute, you can see that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is not three Gods. It's three attributes of the same God. See, it's expression. Father, He was, wanted to be a Father. He was a Father, He was a Son, and He is the Holy Ghost. And the Father and the Holy Ghost is the same Spirit. Don't you see? You get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not three gods. The devil has told you them things, to make an idolater out of you. See? It's one God expressed in three attributes. To be Father, to be Saviour, to be Son, to be Healer, see, is His expressions.

159 I want to coast just a little bit so that even people listening to the tape will get the idea, that can see. It would take me around, around that clock, just each one of those subjects. But I hope I'm making it clear enough that you can see what I'm coming to. See?

160God, expressed in Jesus Christ, Who was both Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, "the fullness of the Godhead bodily."

161Now "the complete fullness of the Godhead bodily" dwells in His Church, the preeminences. All that God was, He poured into Christ; and all Christ was, was poured into the Church, the believers.

162Not denomination! We'll get to that in a few minutes, and it'll take it out of your mind forever, see; show you what causes that, by the help of God, if He'll just permit it to us.

163 What's His purpose now? Express Himself as a Son, see, and, now, that in Him might dwell "the fullness of the Godhead bodily." I'm, I've got Colossians laying here, right before me. See? That, all through the Scripture, that's what God purpose was. Then, through this Life of this Son, His cross, "the Blood," it says here, "of His cross," that He might reconcile to Himself a Body, a Bride; which is Eve, second Eve. And God give it in a type, like He did Moses and all of them. The same thing He did in Adam and Eve, giving a type, that they were Christ and the Bride. He is the second Adam; the Church is the second Eve.

164And as long as the second Eve compromises against the Word, isn't she doing the same thing the first Eve did? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Trying to say, "Well, it was for some other age." And we'll get to that in a few minutes, whether He said that it was for another age. How can it be another age, when He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever"?

165But God has purposed that and "hid it from the eyes of the prudent and wise, and revealed it to the predestinated babes" who were predestinated to receive it.

166 That's the reason, watch down through the age, whenever that Light hit some, they'd turn It away, and flashed It away. And great intellectuals and them great priests standing there, there was rabbis from great teachers and authority, like different ones, like Nicodemus and them, the man polished in scholarship, and he couldn't even understand It.

167And there was those great priests stood out there, and rabbis who were taught in that Word. My, they knowed it, intellectually! And He said, "You are of your father, the devil, and his works you'll do." Think of it, holy men, you couldn't put your finger nowhere on their life, or their father's life, or their grandfather's life, or their great-great-great-great-great-grandfather's life. If they did, they died in shame, they was stoned to death. But here stands Jesus, calling that group, "a bunch of devils," religious people.

168 Now, oh, the great revelation now! Now to restore back His kinship, to bring back, now, He had to let them get lost. You understand it? He had to let them sin, put them on free moral... He, He could not make them sin, and remain God, and then punish them for something He made them do.

169But when He put man on partnership with Him, then let man act as a free moral agent, see, the same thing He's got you on today. See? See? You act any way you want to; you're a free moral agent. So, therefore, if He put the first like that, He has to put the second like that, He has to put everyone like that, or He acted wrong in the first place. See? But everybody is on that same basis.

170 Now noticing, in bringing that back; and letting that man do that, and knowing that he would do it, knowed he would do it. But what did it do? It displayed His attribute as Saviour. And the whole purpose then is left in Jesus Christ, to become... God Himself to take the penalty of His Own law, death, to die, to redeem the wife that was lost by rejecting Him.

171When Eve went away from the Word, she went away from her mate. And when the church goes away from the Word, to a denomination, she rejects and commits fornications with the world of man's wisdom, rejecting the authority of God's Word. That sound clear? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Bible said, "Committing spiritual fornications." Any Word in the Bible, that's rejected, or if any self-interpretation put to It, it's absolutely rejecting and committing adultery against the God that is your Husband. An adulteress never enters the Kingdom of Heaven, we know that. See? Now, see, that's what Eve done at the first place.

172 Now notice again, now, what's His threefold purpose? Manifest Hisself in Jesus Christ; to come into the Body, by Jesus Christ, to have the preeminences; to (what?) restore back Eden, bring back that which lost. That was the only thing out of order. All the rest of His things was in order.

173But He had to let, put man on free moral agency, to fall, so that He might be a Saviour, to display what's in Him, see, His attribute of Saviour. Something had to be lost. And the very thing, that man fell and become lost, He become the Saviour of that, taking His Own law. And He could not do it as that great Jehovah that covered all space, time; see, He couldn't do it. And He had to become a Man. And He took kinship with the man that was lost, amen, and become a Man: God, made flesh!

174Hallelujah! Think I'm excited; but I'm not. Something inside!

175 God became, from God, to become me, to take my sin upon Him, that He might make me Him, amen, back to His great purpose of sons and daughters of God, for He is the Eternal Father. That attribute was in Him, see, so that had to be displayed.

176Now see the whole threefold purpose? See, to express Himself, He wants to become... Now, the--the world is lost, now He has to express Himself in a Man, to become a Saviour, through the reconciliation of the Blood from His cross. Now, He had to become that, to die, in order to save and to bring Hisself back into the Church, to have the preeminences in His Church.

177 Now remember, it cannot, and will not, and never will be, and never has been, a denomination! He has to have the preeminences, and He is the Word. Amen! How can any creed be injected in There? It's a... it turns the church into a prostitute, to take any man's words of any creed or any denomination. It be quickly is marked, in Revelation 17, as a whore and harlots; the Roman Catholic Church being the whore, and the Protestants being the harlots. It's exactly as clear as any person could read it. We've come through the Church Ages, and you can see that in those--those tapes if you desire it. Exactly. Then, anything that joins itself with a creed outside of the Bible, is a whore in the sight of God. And done the same thing Eve did; got away from the Word, which is Christ. Oh, my! All right.

178 Now we see His mystery He had hid in His mind before the foundation of the world. Now would you just like to read a little of this? Let's just read it. Have you got plenty of time? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We'll--we'll read it. Now let's just all turn, just for one reading, anyhow, to the Book of Ephesians, and let's begin at the--the 1st chapter of the Ephesians, to read. And now as the Sunday school lesson goes on now, in this threefold manifestation of Christ, let's read.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,...

179Now watch, it's not addressed to the world, but:

... to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

180 How do you get into Christ Jesus? By joining church? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] By a Birth! "By one Spirit," First Corinthians 12, "we are all baptized into one Body." See?

181All right, that's the ones he's talking to. That ain't addressed to the outside world. We can't talk to the sinner on this, 'cause he knows nothing about it. Paul didn't address it to no sinners. He said, "This is to that--that--that Group there that's in Christ Jesus."

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings (whereabouts?) in heavenly places in Christ:

182 "Heavenly places." Oh, how I wish I had time! Here I've got it marked right here in my Bible, about Heavenly places, what is Heavenly places. Heavenly places, just for a moment, is "the believer's position in Christ," see, "where the believer stands in Christ," in Heavenly places.

According as he has chosen us... (listen close)... chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,...

183When did He choose us? "Before the foundation of the world," when His great hidden mystery, His great secret.

... He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in (what?) love:

Having (what?) predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

184 "Predestinated!" There's the mystery. He, before Christ or anything else was ever on earth, you see His great mystery, that He chose the Bride. Knowing Eve would fall, from disbelieving the Word, knowing that she would fall; but He would choose a Bride that would not fall, that would hold to that Word regardless of what all the rest of the world had to say about It. They would hold to that Word! They are predestinated to stand there, "the adoption of children by Jesus Christ," predestinated the Church to that great, glorious stand!

185 Now you see His secret? What to? To restore fallen Eve, as she was a prefigure of the Church. And now notice, as God opened up the side of Adam and took out Eve, by his own flesh and blood; and divided his spirit from masculine and feminish, to feminish, and put it in Eve. Took the rib from under his side, and made Eve out of it; so God did the same thing, taking out of the side of Christ, the Blood and the water. And Christ is the Word, and taking the Word and making up His Church, Eve; see, back to Himself again, redeemed by the Blood that was come from His Body. You see it now? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

186God's great mystery now being unfolded, that's been hid since the foundation of the world, but prefigured it all the way down through. Now watch, we find that, that He--that He did that. And here in Ephesians, and many other places, but that will give you enough to... Now, down through the ages, He has been slowly unfolding this mystery. Can you see now? Now, down through the...

187 How did He? What happened in the prefigure now? He opened Adam's side and took part of his flesh, which was Adam, to make Eve. The Bride has to be the Word, for He is the Word. She cannot stand on creeds. She cannot stand on denomination. She cannot stand on good behavior. She has to stand alone on the Word, because She is part of It. She was taken from Christ. See?

188 And to be sure, that, the whole Rapture now; Luther was a part, Wesley was a part, the prophets was a part. If they're--aren't a part... Just in the revelation that they was making up, the body, feet, toes, arms, and so forth, until the Head (which we get to that in a few minutes), see, that makes the entire Rapture. It's the Body of the Word, which is Christ. Amen!

189Outside of That, you're lost. I don't care how good you are, or what your relationship is, or what your fellowship is, or what your organization is, you're lost, outside of that Word being in you.

190 "If ye abide in Me, the Word, My Word abide in you, then you ask what you will," because you and the Word are the same. He has the preeminences. He's got the rulership. You're a... you're a prisoner to Him. The world is dead. You have nothing more... You see the rest of the people living the way they do, but yet you do not do it. You're a prisoner. You're yoked with Him. "My yoke is easy." Yoked with Christ, with His Word. "I do that only which the... pleases the Father. And if you can't believe that I am He, then believe the Word." So perfect! Notice.

191 Notice now, down through the ages, He has been gradually letting this out, slowly unfolding the mystery, through the prophets and through the types. Now we can just go on to that, and, expressing Himself.

192He expressed Hisself in Moses. Look at Moses. Born in the time of persecution of the children. He was born to be a deliverer. He was hid in the bulrushes, just like Jesus was taken down into Egypt. He came out. He went up on the mountain, come back with the commandments.

193Jesus went up to the mountain, His first sermon, sermon on the mount, come back down with the commandments. "You heard them say, them of old times, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery.' I say to you, whoever look upon a woman, to lust after her, has committed adultery." Law-Giver, Priest, King, Leader, just exactly!

194 He expressed Hisself in Joseph, born amongst denomination, his brethren. They hated him, without a cause, because he was spiritual. He saw visions. God was with him. He could interpret dreams. And his brothers hated him. He was sold for al-... by his brethren, by almost thirty pieces of silver. Just exactly like He was sold by Judas Iscariot, one of His brethren, by thirty pieces of silver. He was throwed into a ditch and supposed to been dead. That's right. The father and them was told that he was dead. That he's throwed into this ditch; taken up, and went to the right hand of Pharaoh.

195In the dungeon, how he suffered there! And--and there was two saved... The butler and the baker, one of them lost and one was saved, rather. And the--the butler... One of them was lost and the other one saved. Just as on the cross, when He was in His prison house, of tacked to the cross for our sins, become a prisoner, one thief was lost and one was saved. See, just exactly.

196 Then he become at the right hand of Pharaoh, the king that he dreamed, that had the vision that he would set at the king's feet, and all authority in Egypt was given to him. His vision had to come to pass. He might have studied of it, many times, while he was in--in that prison down there. His whiskers growing out, and so forth, but he studied it. Someday his vision had to come to pass.

197Though it linger, it's got to happen! As I spoke last night, or night before, Wednesday night here at the service. See, it has to happen. When God says so, it's got to happen. It's a vindicated prophet, and it has to come to pass, 'cause it's God's Word.

198 And the Word comes only to the prophet. The word prophet means "a revealer of the Divine written Word," the same as it does a forthteller, see, or seer. Notice. And the seer, how, the one you know is telling forth, he is Divinely vindicated by foreseeing, and it comes to pass. "If there be one who is prophet, will speak to you and tell you certain things are going to happen. And if it don't happen, don't listen to him. But if it does happen, then I'm with him. You better fear him, because I am with him, you see." That's exactly. There is the vindication, there where you know whether it's the Truth or whether it isn't.

199God is speaking back through His Word, to His people, by people. See, God only speaks through man. "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." The Vine doesn't bear fruit. The branches talk, bears the fruit of the Vine. Notice, it's always been that way.

200 Now we find Joseph, then, that when no man could touch or come to Pharaoh without first seeing Joseph. "No man can come to the Father, only by the Son." And when Joseph left the throne, they sounded trumpets, "Every knee bowed! Joseph is coming forth!"

201Glory! And someday every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess, when He leaves the Throne of His Father, see, to come forth. Everybody will bear witness that He is the Son of God. You either... It's too late then. Do it now.

202 Now we notice that through the types. We could take even David, as I spoke of a while ago, going off his throne, rejected by his own people; going up the same mountain, Mount of Olives, as he's going over to his prison. He was going to his prison house because he was rejected of his brethren and of his own people. He went up, weeping. That was the Spirit of Christ in him, to be rejected as he looked up over Jerusalem and wept, and said, "Jerusalem, how oft would I..." A rejected king. Eight hundred years later, the Son of David stood on Jerusalem, up there above Jerusalem, and rejected, and wept over Jerusalem, and said, "Now your hour has come." That's right. See?

203 All those things typed Him, just in type, but yet the mystery was hid. Them men didn't know what they were doing. They only knew that they were led by the Spirit to do some. Now, holding it back in the last days, for the great revelation. But, expressing it, express Himself in Moses, and David, and Joseph, and Elijah, and on down through. You... we could take each one of those prophets, and bring their lives out and show it expressed Jesus Christ perfectly, exactly, yet never giving His secret in full; waiting for to make it known in the last days as He promised, waiting for it to be fully comprehended, see, before He could express it, if He told the whole thing.

204Because, the Bible is written in mysteries. Jesus thanked the Father for it, see, that It was wrote in mysteries.

205 Now, the Coming of the Lord is in mystery. We don't know when He's coming, how He's coming, but we know He is coming. See? And so was all the mysteries of God waiting for this last day. After He's already been completed, then He reveals and shows what He's done. Oh, my! Never gave His mystery in full.

206It's just like this, comparing the Seven Seals. Now, when God used Martin Luther for the coming out for that first church or that church age, and when He used John Wesley, and He gradually brought them out, and was revealing in them that church age, when we... when it goes back through the Bible now and find out. But in the last days, the reason that was such a tremendous thing, that He spoke of it here and showed those Seven Thunders. And Look and Life ma-...

207 Life magazine then packed that Circle of a Cloud and Light there that they could not understand, and don't know it yet. But here telling, "Go there and wait for these mysteries to be revealed," and here months before it happened, and then it happened at exactly the way He said it would do. Did you notice in that picture? Even that Angel on the right, when He was being materialized, coming down, with His wings back and His head setting sideways, there it is right there in the picture, just exactly. Months before it happened, told here, that, "He's going to bring the Body of believers together; to reveal, take up them lost ends."

208 Here come Luther through, he only preached justification, just pounded away in that age. He didn't know what the age was. Here come Wesley through, and he pounded his age through. See? A lot of outfalls come from it, the other churches raising up. Then here come Pentecost, pounding away, and they organized and went right back into death again; as we'll get to it in a few minutes, right back into "death."

209And then comes the revelation of the mystery, to reveal what it's all been about. Where, these little doctrines, like Luther brought out catechism and everything else; and Wesley brought this, that, and the other, and these other things; and then Pentecost brought organization just the same, and "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" baptism, and things; not knowing any different, 'cause... Then come back in the last days and pick up all these mysteries and clearly explain it, reveal it. Why? It's all the last days when this great mystery that God had in His heart is being revealed.

210 Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If you fail, come back to this tape again. I don't know how much longer I'll be with you. Remember, this is the Truth, of THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's the Truth. It's the Scripture.

211Like the seven mysteries of the seven last Seals, the mysteries of them. The Seals had done been broke, and every age had come down, and there they had left a lot of scattering. And God, not willing that It should be scattered, He comes back and picks up those things, those doctrines they started, and brought it on out and revealed the whole thing. Same thing He's doing now in revealing the mystery of Christ, how He was God's threefold purpose for the Church! Oh, my! Letting Him out; reveal!

212 Reveal, Webster says, is to "Make known. Make known, and, especially," Webster says, "in Divine Truth," that revelation means. The revelation, it is Christ's way of making Himself known to His Church.

213Now we're going to say, "Now, Brother Branham, you're just saying this." Now, we won't say, just say this.

214Now notice, He made Hisself known to Peter. Now if you want to mark this down, and we... If you want to read it, we'll... We'll read it, if you want to, in Saint Matthew 16:15 and 17. I'll quote it. When they come from the Mount Transfiguration, He says, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

215 "Some says, oh, they think You're 'Elijah,' and some says You're 'one of the prophets,' 'Jeremiah,' or some of them." But that wasn't what He asked.

216He said, "Who do you think that I am now?" Now there is the Church He is talking to. See?

"What does man think I am?"

217Today, "He's a philosopher; this social religion. He was a good Man. We believe His teaching is right. It's a subject to be lived by. I think it'd make us all better, if we did. We ought to have our churches, our--our so forth." That's a Santa Claus, like a Santa Claus story.

218It's not expressions of some church that we should express something. It's a life that you don't live yourself, but He comes in you and lives by Hisself, and you become a prisoner; to any human intellectual being at all. You're led by the Spirit. And how do you know?

219 Now, you say, "I might know I was losing my mind. Maybe a man that loses his mind does that."

220But if you have the mind of Christ, Christ expresses Himself through you, shows that it's Him and not... you've not lost your mind.

221Some people, under illusions of things, goes out and becomes insane. Well, that, we know that's wrong. That's the devil trying to impersonate the real thing before it gets here. See? They're always a bogus. See?

222But a real man, and to lose his own thoughts and his own thinking! Not come up blindly like that. No, sir. You come up with your right senses, and Christ takes you over and expresses Hisself. And now, to the world, you're an insane person.

223Now, if you're insane, you're actually insane, then there's nothing, the devil can't take you in complete control. He'll make you do everything contrary to this Word.

224But when Christ takes you over, He'll express that Word right through you, because it's Him. He is the Word! See? And then you can see the expression of Christ. Not some illusion of some sort, but a real genuine Christ expressing Himself right through you. How beautiful!

225 Now watch. He said, "Who do you say I am?" He is asking the Church, His twelve. Out of the millions of that day, He asked twelve, His Church.

In the millions in the days of Noah, He asked eight. Uh-huh. See?

226And He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, see, where eight souls were saved."

227I don't say there going to be eight saved now. Now don't get that all wrong. I never said that. I don't know how many is be, going to be saved in that, that that's the... that last moment to--to Rapture that little group. It'll be a small group, I'll tell you that. "For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, but few there'll be that'll find it."

228 But when the great ransomed Body through all ages comes up, then that's going to be a great throne there! Revelation 7 express it, "Great number, which no man could number," through all the ages has come up, them that's walked in the Light of the Bible as far as It was revealed to them. And now we know that Wesley had more Light then Luther did. We know Pentecost outshined Wesley. See? Certainly, it does.

229Because, it just gradually let loose, as it did down through the prophets, and so forth, till it was perfectly made known, "the Godhead bodily in Christ."

230And now the Christ in the Church is just being made known. The whole thing is the revelation of God, to take Eve back to her right position again with her Husband. Notice, and God is the Husband of the Church, and the Church is His Bride.

231 Now, Peter, when he called, said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

232Now watch. "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona," says, which means, "son of Jona." See? "Blessed art thou, for flesh and blood never revealed this to you. You never learned It from some school. But My Father which is in Heaven has revealed It to you." Notice what He said to him, "Upon this rock..." That's Peter, the predestinated Seed of God that had received this Light, and given the keys to the Kingdom. "Upon this rock of revelation of Who Jesus Christ is," He is the full, manifested God. "Upon this rock..." Not a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; and Him being the second Person. "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell will never shake It down, never prevail against It." See? "I'll build My Church upon this rock," a revelation of Jesus Christ.

233 Look, Christ in you makes Him the center of Life of the revelation. See? Christ's Life in you makes Him the center of the revelation. Christ, in the Bible, makes the Bible the complete revelation of Christ. Christ in you makes you the complete revelation of the whole thing, see, what God is trying to do.

234What is the new Birth then? You'd say, "Well, Brother Branham, what is the new Birth?" It is the revelation of Jesus Christ personally to you. Amen! See? Not you joined a church, you shook a hand, you done something different, you said a creed, you promised to live by a--a code of rules. But Christ, the Bible, He is the Word that was revealed to you. And no matter what anybody says, what takes place, it's Christ; pastor, priest, whatever it might be. It's Christ in you, that is the revelation that the Church was built upon.

235 You say, "Well, I'm a Lutheran. I'm a Baptist. I'm Presbyterian." That don't mean one, don't mean [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] that to God, not a thing, not a snap of your finger.

236What is it? It's Christ being revealed, and He is the Word. And when the Word is revealed, It expresses Itself. See? That's God's purpose for Jesus Christ, was to express Himself, to take His Own laws and live by His laws, con-... and fulfill His law, by death. And Christ, God, died in flesh, in order to condemn sin in the flesh, that He might bring to Himself a glorious Bride, redeemed back, that will believe only in the Word of God; and not swap It, like Eve did, for intellectual conceptions of man. You see it? That's Christ's idea. That's God's idea. The new Birth reveals this.

237 And if a man says he is born again, and try to place these promises of Christ, in this last days, to some other age, making Him Christ yesterday but not today, then that man or that person has been in a--a delusion by Satan. And if that man says that he believes That, and it doesn't manifest itself through him?

238Jesus said, in Mark 16, "These signs shall follow them that believe; into all the world, and to every age." Casting out devils, and speaking with tongues, and--and all these great manifestations of gifts that would follow, that, "they shall!" Not, "they may be; they ought to." "They will!" And heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word won't.

239 So it's Christ expressing Himself in the individual, whether he's intellectual or whether he's--he don't know his ABC's. Half the apostles didn't know it, see, but they knowed Christ. They never taken heed to Peter and John, knowing that they had been out of some seminary. They said, "They taken heed and noticed that they had been with Christ," when they healed the lame man, see, at the gate. They knowed they--they had been with Christ.

240 The new Birth is Christ, is a revelation. God has revealed to you this great mystery, and that's a new Birth. Now what are you going to do when you get all that group together, where the revelation is perfectly in harmony, and God expressing it through His Word by the same actions, the same things that He did, making the Word manifest! Oh, if the Church only knew its position! It will, one day. Then, the Rapture will go when it knows what it is. Now notice.

241You say, "Brother Branham, but that--that ain't..." Oh, yes, it is, too. It is the Truth.

242 Did you notice? Paul never knew Jesus, physically. Paul never knew Him. The only way that Paul knew Him was by a revelation, by a vision. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Paul only knew Jesus by the revelation, just like Peter did.

243Peter had seen Him in flesh, but he didn't know Him by flesh, 'cause Jesus said so. "Flesh and blood didn't reveal it to you. Even My Own life didn't reveal it to you. But My Father which is in Heaven has revealed the thing to you, that He is the Word of God, and upon this rock I'll build My Church." Peter didn't know Him by flesh. Man walked, and handled Him, and everything else.

244 Paul had something greater than any of the apostles did. See?

245They said, "Well, I--I've got more of a revelation than you, Paul, because, you know, I walked with Him. I went fishing with Him, one day. I heard Him talk. He sat in a boat with me, and actually told me, 'Let's go over here and fish in this place, and we'll get more fish.' And we did it." See? See? "We seen Him do things."

246But Paul saw Him after He was dead, buried, rose again, and expressed Hisself in the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel. Knowing... Paul, being a Jew, would have never called that "Lord" unless he had seen the expression, He was back, the same yesterday and forever. He said, "Paul," in other words, "I'm the same God today that I was yesterday. Here I am, in the same Light, the Pillar of Fire that Moses talked to, in the burning bush." No wonder he could separate the law from grace, over in the Book of Hebrews; he met that same Pillar of Fire. He said, "I am Jesus, Whom you persecute."

247 And here He is today, in the same manner, by the same Pillar of Fire, expressing Himself and vindicating Himself the same, revealing the mystery of God that's been hid since the foundation of the world. See it?

248Paul only knewed Him by--knew Him by revelation. Peter knew Him by revelation.

249He walked with Him, talked with Him. Therefore, you can set this Word. Now, I've just said that He was the Word. Now, a scholar can sit down and read that Word till he can just tie your mind up in any way, see, if he wants to do it, 'cause he's smart, brilliant. Get a Catholic priest, or, not so much as that, as a real good trained theologian in the Bible. Brother, a Baptist, or a Presbyterian, or something, he'll make you think that you don't know nothing, see, when it comes to talk. What? See, because that he has knowed Him in the flesh, the Word. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.]

250 But the only way you're saved is by know Him by revelation!

251If I can take, I can take the Presbyterian doctrine and tie you Pentecostal till you won't know. I can take the Baptist doctrine and show you Pentecostals a million things that you know nothing of. That's right, but that's not it. That's not His Church. That's not His Church.

252His Church is Himself revealed, (Amen! Do you see it?) and expressed by the Word Itself, that He is God. See?

253 How can you say, "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," then, and be baptized in it? Heathens! Right! How can you say you know Jesus Christ, He is the Word, when, there's not a Scripture in the Bible, there's not a place where anybody was ever baptized in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost"?

254And you--and you Jesus-only people, just using the name "Jesus" for baptism! I'm personally acquainted with four or five Jesuses, myself. So you see what your denominations lead you into? That's the darkness, the expression of Cain, who brought fruits in the stead of blood. See?

255 But the revelation come through the Blood, see, through Jesus Christ, Who is the Blood of God, creative Blood in the womb of Mary. And Paul knew Him by revelation. That's how we know Him today, is only the only way you could know Him. Not say, "I'm Methodist." That means nothing. "I'm Baptist." That means nothing. "I'm Catholic." That means nothing. But by the revelation, that God has revealed the Word to you! He is the Word. And the Word, how you know It's revealed, It lives Itself and expresses Hisself through you. Oh!

256Churches has long forgotten that great revelation. That's right. Revelation of the Truth, they have forgotten it. They went to...

257Now, when Luther raised up, he was a great man. He had the revelation of that day. But what happened? A bunch of rickies got in, flat-top's haircuts, as we'd call it today, and rickettas, and all of them, they got around there. And--and--and, the first thing you know, it's there.

258 That expression. If you only--only knew the numerology of the Bible, and know what Elvis or--or Ricky means, to the Scripture! Uh-huh. Just like, why did Jesus... You say, "There is nothing to that, your name." There isn't? That name could only come in this last days, for this last-days people.

259Why did Jesus change Abram's name to Abraham, then, Sarai to Sarah? Why did He change Saul to Paul? Why did He change Simon to Peter, and so forth? You see, certainly it means something.

260That name could not be spoken till this day. That's the reason we got this hellish thing we got in the earth today, because of such things. The whole human race is corrupted. It's--it's gone, see, and that's why it is.

261 Notice now, he was all right, he was in his days, Luther, and he had the revelation; but as soon as he left, look what they did. Wesley had a message; look what it did. The old early Pentecostals had a message; look what they did. They got a bunch of men together, just like exactly the same thing that...

262God, by grace, sent Israel a Pillar of Fire, a prophet, a sacrifice, and showed Hisself among them, and brought them out of Egypt, across the Red Seas. And they wanted a law, so they could have great dignitaries, they could have something to do into it. And what did they do? They was left in the wilderness for forty years, to wander, and not one of that organization ever went over.

263 Caleb and Joshua, the only two that stood out and said, "We're able to take it, to look at the Word of God."

264Every one of them died in the wilderness. And Jesus said they were Eternally gone, right, after He had showed His blessings and power in their ages; like Luther, Wesley, and so forth. Did He?

Said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness."

265He said, "And they're, every one, dead." That's, Eternal separated from God. Their carcasses perished in the wilderness. See? "They are dead. But I'm the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven." They couldn't see it. They just couldn't see it.

266 All right, church has long forgotten it. They accepted intellectual message, intellectuals, membership, knowledge, instead of the revelation of the Truth of the Word.

267Now look here, they say today. Do you believe that God commissioned us to go into all the world, and heal the sick, and preach the Gospel, and cast out devils? "Oh, oh, yes, I suppose that right, but..." You see?

268 A lady, talking to me the other day, she said, "Well, all the churches are in harmony."

269I said, "There isn't one of them in harmony with the other." There's Catholics standing there. I said, "How about you? You're a Methodist and that's a Catholic, are you in harmony with one another?" I said, "This pope come to unite them together, that's a good thing for all that kind of people."

270But the Church of God has nothing to do with it, not a thing. It's out from the whole bunch. Uh-huh. Right. Yes, sir.

271You want to unite that together, and one believes in something and the other; Methodist takes sprinkling, the Baptist take immersion, and both of them denying the Holy Ghost in Its fullness of the power. They said, "We received the Holy Ghost when we believed."

272 The Bible said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" There is the difference. See? That's right. See?

273And they say, "We're the Catholic church. We started early. We did this." The Methodists say, "We are based upon the Bible."

274Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Now where is it at? Uh-huh. See? Yeah. "Works that I do shall you do also," every creature, every person that believes in Him. Now where is it at? That's His Words. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Now where is it at? See? Oh, it just shows!

275 What is it? It's a hybrid condition. Look here, you take a big fine grain of corn that's hybrid, and you take that hybrid corn, it's a pretty corn. But you plant it, what do you get? A little stalk comes up like this, and turns yellow and wilts down. That's the way every denomination is, when it's hybrid, with man's words mixed with God's Words. It'll come up to the signs and wonders, and what Jesus said about believing the Word, and it turns yellow, and say, "We can't accept It," and go back.

276 Just like all them other spies did that went over and looked at Canaan. They come over there and said, "Oh, we look like grasshoppers aside of them! We can't take them! The Amalekites will, all these, what they're going to do!" And they went back.

277And Caleb and Joshua, being thoroughbreds, amen, by the Word of God, knowed God said, "I give you that land." They said, "We are more than able to take it!"

278It depends on where you're born from. If you're born of the Word of God, God's Word has the preeminences in His Church. That's what He died for. That's His purpose, that He might be able to achieve, to have His preeminence working in His Church. Let the Word of God shine forth, first, no matter what anything else looks like. I don't care if the intellectuals says this, that, the other, it has nothing to do with It. God's Word said so, and we are more than able to take it!

279"If I preached that in my church," a minister told me, said, "I'd be preaching to four posts in the church."

280I said, "I'd preach to that." Yes, sir. God's Word said so. We can do it. God said do it. Amen!

281 Oh, yeah, they excuse themselves by this. See? That's why they're blind to the Message, of the end time, this last days when God is proving Himself. They try to class It as some kind of a spiritist, or some, oh, (what would I call it?) some mental, an illusion, or something on that order. See, they--they try to make It something that It isn't.

282Just like they did when He was here, when Jesus was here, they called Him "Beelzebub; a fortuneteller," now they say it's kind of like a mental telepathy. See? When, they know that He could stand there and look upon the people and discern the very thoughts that's in their heart. The Bible said so.

283Well, does not Hebrews the 4th chapter, says, "The Word of God is quicker and sharper than a two-edged sword, and can discern the very thoughts of the mind"? And He was that Word. And when that Word is preeminence in the man, the same thing takes place again, for it is the Word! Amen!... see how you can stumble over this from now on. There it's so perfectly plain. See? All right.

284 That's why they're blind, same as it was in the days Christ was on earth. Oh, my! They stagger the same way. They said, "He is Beelzebub. Beel-..." They seen He could do it, so they said, "He's just a... He was born an illegitimate child, and kind of a odd fellow. He's just got possessed with some devil. He's a--He's a Samaritan over there, and He's got a devil in Him. That's how He does that."

285 Jesus said, "I'll forgive you for that," see, calling the Word of God, the works of God, an evil spirit. He said, "I'll forgive you for that. But someday the Holy Ghost will come, and one word against It will never be forgiven, neither in this world or the world that is to come, or that great Day. It will not be forgiven." So, you see, that's written plain in the Scripture.

286So when people come to that Day, no matter how intellectual, and how big a denomination they belong to, it's condemned. They have to be! They've blasphemed the Holy Ghost, calling It "holy-roller" and something another that had an untasty name, or something like that. And God's Church had to bear it all the time.

287 Even Paul, before Agrippa, said, "In the way that's called 'heresy,'" which means crazy, "that's the way I worship the God of our fathers." That great intellectual scholar had to come to that place, "in the way that's called 'heresy.'"

288Why? It was revealed to him. That Pillar of Fire hanging before him, said, "I am Jesus, the great God that was in the wilderness yonder with Moses. I am He, and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks."

289Then Paul standing there, know that the life was laying at stake, he said, "The way that's called 'heresy,' that's the way I worship the God of our fathers." It was called that because it was revealed to him what the great Truth of Christ was.

And today, people say, "It's a denomination."

290It's Jesus Christ, the new Birth, revealed in you, that He has the preeminences, that He might express His Words. And anything that He's promised in this last days, He can bring it to pass, through His Body as He's working. Amen! It's just exactly the Word of God made manifest. Notice. All right.

291 Same as in the days of Christ, God holds the key to this revelation of Christ, Himself. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Schools of theology can never find It. Jesus said so. If you want to read it now, in Saint Matthew 11:25 and 27. "I thank Thee, O Father, God of heavens and earth, that Thou hast hid this from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed it to babes such as would learn." See? See? I don't care...

292Look at them scholars of that day, those Jews, very fine men, their organizations of Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians, and whatever they might be. See? All their great organizations, and Jesus said, "You are blind; you lead the blind. Well did Isaiah speak of you, 'You have ears, and can't hear; and eyes, that you can't see.' Cause, Isaiah said this in the Spirit, therefore the God of Heaven has blinded your eyes. You're doing like Eve did, accepting the intellectual side, and know nothing of the Spirit of God. Therefore, won't they all fall in the ditch, both the leader and the blind, too?" The leader will fall with the blind, 'cause he's blind also. The leader fall, that's blind, leading the blind, they both fall in the ditch.

293 And God alone holds this key! He expressed the same thing in a previous Scripture there a while ago when I read it, when He said, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

294And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

295He said, "Blessed art thou Simon, a son of Jonas. Flesh and blood never revealed this to you. My Father which is in Heaven! Upon this revelation here, alone, I'll build My Church. The gates of hell will never prevail against it." See? Now you see?

296 So therefore there is no school, no theologians, no teachings of the Bible among any school, that knows anything about It. They cannot know nothing about It. It's impossible for them to know anything about it. God has hid the senses, of knowing It, from the very elected teachers and everything else.

297It's a personal, individual affair with the person, that Christ is revealed to them.

298And if you say, "He's been revealed to me," and then the Life that Christ produced here in the Bible, that same Life is in Him, does not produce Itself in you, then you've got the wrong revelation.

299 If I put a life of a pumpkin into the life of a pear tree, it would bear pumpkins. "By their fruits you shall know them." Exactly right. And if the first, you put out a tree, a grape vine, and it put out a bunch of grapes; the first shoot it put out, brought grapes, the next one brought out lemons, and the next one brought out pears, the next one brought out apples, there is some kind of a grafted affair in there, that's bearing its own life. Every denomination will bear life of itself. But if that original vine ever puts out another shoot, it will bear grapes like it did the first time.

300And if the Life--the Life of Jesus Christ ever puts out another body of believers, it'll bear the fruit that the first one did. They'll write a Book of Acts behind it, 'cause It'll be the same, same Life. See what I mean? You just can't get away from it. It's the Life of Christ in you, been injected in you, by the Holy Spirit Itself living Its Life through you.

301 "Blind leaders of the blind!" Notice, God holds this key, alone. No theologian can tell you; It's not known. It's hid from them. They know nothing about It.

302So the schools, when you say, "I got a Ph., LL.D.," you only make... To me, and, I believe, and to God and to any real true believer, that means you're just that much farther away, you just backed off. God is not known by education. He is not known by how to explain It.

303God is known by simplicity and of revelation of Jesus Christ to the most illiterate person. See? Not your theology. It's a revelation of Jesus Christ. "Upon this rock I'll build My Church." No other rocks accepted, no other things accepted, no other Roman rock, no other Protestant rock, no other school, no other nothing, but on exactly the revelation of Jesus Christ through the new Birth. He borns in there, and He injects His Own Life, and your life is gone. And the Life of Christ is projecting Itself through you, with the preeminences, to the people; that they see the very Life, and works, and signs, and wonders, that He did, is doing the same thing through you. Outside of that, the rest of it's not even called to, at all. Watch God's great revelation unfolding!

304 By lack of this revelation is why we have so many different divisions among us, and so much mockery. So much division among us, is because the people lack that revelation. See, they lack that revelation, the teachers.

305Paul, after his great revelation of Christ, said, in First Corinthians, the 2nd chapter. Be sure to read that as you write it down. Watch! Oh! He said, "I never come to you with wisdom." Look at that man who did have the wisdom, but look at that man who had the scholarship, "I never come to you with them kind of a words." First Corinthians, the 2nd chapter of First Corinthians. Oh, I wish...

306Well, let's just read it. How... Can you stand a minute and let's read just a verse or two? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I'd just like to read it so you--you wouldn't be con-... It'd get even the people on the tape to turn back to it, anyhow, give them a chance.

307First Corinthians, the 2nd chapter. Listen to this great apostle here, Paul, the intellectual servant of God. Let's look at here.

... I, Paul, when I come to you, came not with excellency of speech... of wisdom, declaring to you the testimony of God. I never said I--I'm Doctor So-and-so. See?

For I am determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.

... my speech and--and my beseeching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power... of the power.

308 There, see, there is the Gospel. See? Jesus said, "Go ye in all the world and preach the Gospel." Didn't say, "Go teach." He said, "Go preach." In other words, "Demonstrate the power, and these signs shall follow them." Just teaching doesn't do it. It takes the actual Spirit Itself demonstrating these signs. See? Listen to this.

That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

309Oh, my! See, to change the man! Not in what I can explain away, and say, "He's not the same," when He is the same. If I do that, it shows, to me, it--it... Surely, a man tell me that, would show to me he don't have the revelation, the threefold revelation of God. See? Now, and...

Howbeit in weakness... among you that are perfect: yet not with the wisdom of the world, but of the princes of this world, that come to nought:

But we speak the wisdom of God in... mystery, (see, the threefold mystery of God) even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:

Which none of the princes of this world knew: none of the priests, rebbi--rabbis... (pardon me)... or anything, knew anything about it; for had they known it, they would have not crucified the Lord of glory.

310You said, "You're wrong about rabbis and preachers there." Who crucified Him? Uh-huh.

311Oh, on and on and on, we could go. Read it, see, on, save time, 'cause we got just... Not getting late yet, but we just got plenty here to say if the Lord will help us now. Lack of this now...

312 And Paul, this great intellectual man, never tried to express his great theological terms upon the people. He humbly accepted the Word of the Lord, and he lived the Word so that It expressed through him. He lived so--so godly until they seen Jesus Christ in him, so much, till they wanted his handkerchief, to take it and lay it upon the sick. There is the Life of Christ.

313Now watch some say, "Oh, well, you see, Elijah done that, a long time ago, laid his stick; but, oh, that was the days of Elijah." Now, the world thought that. The intellectual priests and things, and churches of that day, thought that.

314 But to them believers, they knowed different. They seen the revelation of Christ that was in Elijah, same thing was in Paul, expressing the same kind of Life, 'cause he was a prophet. See? He foretold things that happened exactly the way it was, and they knowed that was God's identification of a prophet. And they knowed that he was God's prophet. You couldn't shake them from it, at all. Even when they seen Peter foretell those things that come to pass, they said, "Just let his shadow pass over me." Amen! That's the Church. That's the ones that believe it. Yes, sir. It was revealed by...

315Why, did Paul say, "Because I--I got a Ph., LL.D., so forth, they believe me"? No. He said, "I forgot all those things, the wisdom of man." Said, "Had to die, and I know Him in the power of His resurrection. That's what I come to you at, with a demonstration of God's power."

316 What was it? Making Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same works that Jesus did, Paul did the same. And they seen God, the great Father that had demonstrated in the burning bush, had demonstrated It to Paul, and here It was being demonstrated.

317And He's the same in every age. God's threefold manner, "yesterday, today, and forever." What? Redeemer; in His Church; preeminences in the coming Kingdom. Amen! You see it? Just as perfect as it can be!

318 Oh, notice! The Holy Ghost is the only revealer of the Divine revelation of Christ. There is no school can do it. No scholar can do it. No man, how well educated, how godly, or anything else, there is no man can do it.

319I could sting hard here. How many is Christians, born again; raise up your hands, filled with the Holy Ghost? All right. Here we go then. All right. Notice.

320And He will only do it to the predestinated. That's exactly. "All the Father has given Me will come, and no man can come except the Father has give him to Me first." See?

321 Look at them priests, saying, "This Man is Beelzebub. He's a fortuneteller. He's a devil."

322And that little old woman walking around there, living with six husbands; she was living with five, and had the sixth one then. And Jesus said, "Go get your husband, come here."

She said, "I have no husband."

323Said, "Yes, you've got six. You've had five, and the one you're living with now is not your husband."

She said, "Sir!" What? That Light struck that Seed.

324When it struck them priests, they said, "This Man is a fortuneteller." See, no Life there. A hybrid, to come up as far as organization, but died from there on.

325 But this woman was not a hybrid. Said, "Sir, I perceive!" I can see her big pretty eyes shine up like that, tears running down her cheeks. Said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. I'm looking for a Messiah. And when that Messiah comes, He'll do this very same thing. He'll tell us these things."

He said, "I am He."

326O Lord! She left her pot. "Here He is! Come, see a Man who has told me the things." What was it? That Light struck that Seed. That Life was there. It come forth.

Same thing today!

327 But the theologian will say, "Now wait just a minute. I'll find out if So-and-so, Pastor Moody said, or..."

328What's Pastor Moody got to do with this, this day? Pastor Moody lived in his day, but not now. Certainly. Luther lived in his day, but not in the day of Wesley. Wesley lived in his day, not in the day of Pentecost. Pentecost lived in their day, but they're a long ways from This in this hour. We're in the last hour. Sure.

329Their organizations, and scruples up, proves that It's not there. The Word has never been correctly vindicated; just only in its strength, seeds, denominations. And they'd make denomination, then put them old jimson weed seeds in with that genuine wheat; died right out. Crop went to jimson weed, right, greenbriers and nettles, uh-huh, see, went on back to that. It died right out. Then they broke the field up and started over again, planted some real Seeds, and some of them come up, it choked It out.

330 But then, God said, in this last days He would bring out a people washed in His Blood, and they were predestinated to be there. They've got to be there. God said so. And It would reveal... And the very sign, "I will se-..." Malachi 4, and what he would do, "restore back again," bring back, in the last days, these great things that He promised, it'd bring the revelation. What is to... What's he to do, Malachi 4? Was to bring back the Faith of the fathers, to the children. See? That's right, to bring that same thing, the same Pillar of Fire, in on the scene; the same signs, the same wonders, the same Jesus; making Him the same, preaching Him the same, vindicating Him the same yesterday, today, and forever.

331"I will restore," saith the Lord, "all the years that the Methodist worm, and the caterpillar worm, and the Baptist, and the Catholic; and all them worms eat that, that Faith down, till it become a denominational stump where there's no seeds left in there. "But I will restore again," saith the Lord, "all the years." What? "All the signs and wonders that they've forsaken. I'll take it right back to that original Tree again, and I will restore It," saith the Lord. That prophet was a vindicated prophet. His words has to come to pass. Amen.

332 The Holy Ghost, alone, is the revealer of the Divine revelation of Christ, and has been in all ages. Remember, all ages! Who did the Word of the Lord come to? Prophet, alone. That's right. Is that right? And the prophet had to be vindicated, first. Not 'cause he said he was a prophet; because he was born a prophet, and proved to be a prophet, and everything he said was exactly on the Word and come to pass, then everything else let go. See? It was, the Word of the Lord came only by the Holy Ghost. The Bible said, "The men of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, see, wrote the Word."

333 Look. John the Baptist would never had known Jesus if it hadn't have been for the Holy Ghost pointing Him out. That right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

334John the Baptist, that great prophet that come forth, and said, "There is One standing among you right now. And an ordinary Man standing here somewhere, that's the Lamb of God." John said, "Then I bore record. I bare record. I saw the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, descending from Heaven like a dove, and It went upon Him. And a Voice said, 'This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased.'"

What was it? The Holy Ghost said, "I'll point Him out."

335 That's the only way you'll know Him today, only way you'll get the threefold revelation of God, is for the Holy Ghost. And the only way it can ever be, is you're predestinated to see it. If it don't, you'll never see it. If you're not predestinated to see it, you'll never see it; 'cause that Light can flash and you'll go away and make fun of it, and explain it away, by some intellectual conception. When the very God, Himself, manifesting Himself and proving it, see, but, if it ain't upon you to see it, you won't see it.

336 God never just said, "I'll choose this one, choose that one," but He knew by His... Reason He could predestinate, because He's infinite, and He--He knows every... He's infinite, so therefore He knowed everything. He knowed the end, and could tell the end from the beginning. He's God. If He can't do that, He's not God. Yes, sir. He's infinite. All right.

337 John would have never know Him, no, sir, had the Holy Ghost not pointed out. See how God hides His mystery to the high, educated and everything? Look, every one of them people...?... And simplicity reveals it to whom He has predestinated to see it. Look here! Others standing by and never even seen the dove, they never heard no Voice, for it was only sent to that predestinated Seed. Predestinated! Certainly, was predestinated!

338Why, Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before he was born, in the Spirit, raised up out of these human senses, and said, "There's a voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, and make His... '"

339Then, if Isaiah could see it, couldn't Malachi see the same thing for a predestinated last prophet, the sealing off all the prophets of the Old Testament, that main... that great prophet standing there at the end of the age? See? He's saying it's predestinated! Certainly, he was. Malachi saw him, too.

340 Jesus said, "If you can receive it, this is he who was spoken of, 'I send My messenger before My face,' Malachi 3, 'to prepare the way before Me.'" See? Sure, he was predestinated to see that message. No wonder he could look yonder and see that dove coming down, that Light that was in the wilderness with Israel, coming, moving down.

341The God Himself, saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." God and man becoming One.

342"I bare witness," John said, "I beheld Him, the only begotten of the Father. I'm a witness of it." Amen!

343There you are. Simplicity! With an old preacher, his father; his father was a great theologian, you know, he come out of a school. Look like he'd have went back to his father's denomination. That wouldn't have been the will of God.

344 When God touched him at his birth back there, and he received the Holy Ghost three months before he was born. Yes, sir. When Mary went up there, and little John was six months old, in his mother's womb, and had never... Them little muscles had never moved yet. And Mary was afraid... The little muscles were growing, but she couldn't feel no life, Elisabeth, his mother, rather. And when Mary come up and grabbed her, and hugged her, put her arms, laid hands on her. See? And said, "God has spoke to me, and I'm going to have a baby, too."

"Are you and Joseph married?"


"Mary, how can this be?"

345"The Holy Ghost shall overshadow me, and there will be created in me. And I shall call His Name 'Jesus.' He'll be the Son of God."

346And as soon as that word 'Jesus' spoke, little John begin to leap, and shout, and jump around in his mother's womb.

347She said, "Blessed be the Lord God! For whence comes the mother of my Lord? The mother of my Lord!" Oh, my! "Whence comes the mother of my Lord? For, as soon as your salutation come into my ears, my baby leaped in the womb, for joy."

348 No wonder he didn't want no seminary, something to indoctrinate him with something, another. He had an important job. He was a man of the wilderness, went out into the wilderness and waited. God told him out there, said, now, and reveal to him. Oh, there is your revelation again! "And I'll tell you Who He is. You're a prophet. The Word is to you. You know who you are. You've got to come." That answers a question from last Sunday. See? "You know who you are, John. Keep yourself quiet; don't say nothing. Go on out there. And when you see this One, there'll be a sign coming from Heaven, like a Light, a dove will come down. That'll be Him when you see Him."

349 That's the reason, when Jesus walked out in the water, John looked over and he seen that dove coming down, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God! There He is! He's the One that will take away the sin of the world."

350Jesus walked right straight out in the water, to him. Them two eyes of John met them two eyes of Jesus. They were second cousins, by flesh. Mary and Elisabeth were first cousins. Their eyes met one another. There was God and His prophet, amen, standing there.

351John said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why come Thou to me?"

352Jesus said, "Suffer it to be so now, but, remember, thus it behooveth us to fulfill all righteousness."

353 Why did John do it? Because He was the Sacrifice. John was a prophet, he knowed; and the Sacrifice has got to be washed before It's presented. Oh! Oh! And he suffered Him, and he baptized Him.

354And when he did, lo, the Heavens opened, oh, my, and that dove come down upon Him, and a Voice said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." King James puts it, "in Whom I'm pleased to dwell." So it's just any way you want to turn it around, same thing, "dwell in," or... "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell," or, "to dwell in," either one you want to put it, same thing. All right.

355We see then it was revealed to him. Others standing there didn't hear nothing about it. The Holy Ghost, alone, reveals it.

356 Same when He reveals Himself to Paul, another predestinated Seed.

357There was Paul going around, he might have said, "If I get a hold of that bunch, I'll tear them to pieces, because I'm Doctor Saul. I come up under Gamaliel. I come from the Moody Bible..." or some other one, see. "I, I'm a scholar. I know what I'm talking about. I'll tear that bunch of holy rollers to pieces. And I tell you, great holy father, you just give me the permission to go down there, and I'll arrest every one of them noisemakers down there. All this Divine healing stuff, we'll stop it."

Put it in his pocket, said, "I'm on my road down."

358And that day, my, about eleven o'clock in the day, a--a Light shone in his face, and he fell to the earth.

359 Why? He was a predestinated Seed. God said, "I have chose him. Yeah. And I'm going to show him what great things he'll suffer for My Name's sake. I'll send him to the Gentiles, and disgrace him in every way that they can be--be disgraced, but yet he'll bare My Name."

360Paul went down, then, till he got all of his ecclesiastical stuff cut off of him, down at the backside of the desert, for three years and a half. Down there in Arabia, until he learned the Word, and the Word become he. And he become a prisoner; here he come back in chains of love! "All my seminary experience is gone! I'm a prisoner to Jesus Christ. Amen! Philemon, my brother, I'm a prisoner of Jesus Christ. I only can speak and say what He tells me."

361 God needs prisoners today that will prison yourself to His will, to His Word.

362That's what Paul was. No matter how much intellectual he had learned, he had knowed God by revelation. Yes, sir. The intellectual went all the way out of the business then, when the revelation come; which, upon the rock the Church is built. Yes, sir. Notice, he was a predestinated Seed.

363The Holy Ghost, alone, shows you Who He is. There is no man; they'll make you "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," and everything else, out of it. See? But the Holy Ghost will reveal Him as the Lord God of Heaven made manifest, that that is, oh, Him!

364 Now notice. Not prophets, not kings, not nothing else; but here, for the first time, God was revealed in Christ, in the fullness of the Godhead bodily, in human flesh. That's the revelation. Oh, my! Going to sing you a verse now.

Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening, (are they?)

The signs that the prophets foretold;

The Gentile church in a denomination, their days are numbered, with horrors encumbered;

"Return, O dispersed, to your own." You're kicked out of them.

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

365All their Hollywood jokes ain't covering it up. Like a little boy whistling, going by the graveyard at night. See?

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

False prophets are lying, God's Word they're denying,

That Jesus the Christ is our God; (that's right)

This generation spurns God's revelation,

But we're walking where the apostles have trod.

The day of redemption is near,

Men's hearts are failing for fear;

Be filled with the Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,

Look up, your redemption is near!

366 Get the revelation, brother. This generation, spurning God's revelation! See? False prophets are doing that. "By their fruits you shall know them." They are--they are hybrid. They are bred into a organization; instead of the Word of God, the revelation of God revealing Himself through Christ, Who is the Word. Oh, my!

367 We could stop here, but if... get again when I come back, if you want to. Now there's... You want to go ahead, that's up to you. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Just a little... I'll hurry, so, but take time enough that you'll... You got some time to rest, after this. All right.

Same, notice, that predestinated Seed!

368 The Holy Ghost, alone, shows you Who He is; no prophets or His kings. And here God is manifested in flesh. Here is the fullness. He is completely revealed and made known to the world. Oh, my!

369Look on Mount Transfiguration, when the testimony of God Himself, "This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him!" There stood Moses representing the law. There stood Elijah representing the prophets. But He... They passed away, and He said, "This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!" There was three represented there; the law, the prophets, and Mo-... and Christ. And He said, "This is Him." God, fully; not manifested in prophets, not manifested by law; but manifested in Christ, He is.

370 Christ has mercy. The law put you in jail, but couldn't get you out. The prophets is God's justice, to condemn you and kill you for it. That's right. But Jesus was God's love and revelation, to let know, to a predestinated Seed, that He had called you. "This is Him. Hear Him!"

371Know! The fullness of Godhead is made known. This secret of mystery is now revealed, that God is manifested. God and man become One, the anointed Man, Christ! What does Christ mean? "The anointed One," the Anointed that was anointed with the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Oh, my! How can people doubt it?

372 Where once, partly, Moses had Him; partly, David had Him; oh, my, but here He is manifested in the fullness, Deity Himself standing on earth. God, in His fullness, to die for the sin of the people, that He might bring to His Church a sanctified Life; that He might have the preeminence, in fullness, in His Church, to manifest every promise in these last days, that He promised for the last days. See? What was...

373Listen now. Are you? Now just pinch yourself a little now. See? Watch.

374 What was Jesus manifested for? To show God. He was God. He had to be; no man could die, no prophet could die. He was God. He was the God of the prophets. He was the prophets. He was the kings. He was the history. He was He that was to come. He that was, He that is, and He that's to be in this day; the same yesterday, today, and forever. He was manifested for that purpose.

375And through that purpose He achieved a Church, that He, the fullness of God, might bring to pass every promised Word of God in these last days; when He gets the preeminences, preeminence in the Church, the position, His place in the Church. Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also; even more than this shall he do, for I go to My Father." See, that was His purpose. There was the manifestation. And now, today, He wants to get somebody that can so see it, that they can let the Word...

376 See, Jesus so seen it so, was so perfectly born for the day, until God expressed every move that He made. He was God's revelation; God, revealed.

377 Now He sanctified, with His Spirit and Blood, a Church, that He might make every promise in this last day be revealed. Now, see, He could go back and pick up what these other fellows has left off here, in the last days, and by His Holy Spirit reveal all the mystery of the Seven Seals. See, He is expressing Himself. That's His purpose. That's why He died. That's the second fold of His threefold manifestation. First, to express Hisself in Christ, then express Hisself through the Church. And the same thing, Christ was the Word, and the Church becomes the Word when it lets the Word go through them.

378But when they accept a hybrid denomination, how can the Word go through it? It's grounded, then it causes a short and blows a fuse. See?

379But when the current is flowing freely, the Word of God, It expresses Itself. "The works that I do shall ye be also." And in the last days it shall come to pass. "Behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he shall turn the hearts of the--of the children back to the Faith of the fathers."

380 And in there, there would be a time come forth when He could express Himself in fullness of His Godhead, Deity, through His Church, have the preeminences in this Church. Oh, my! What? The anointed Man; now the anointed people; oh, my, to bring back the anointed Bride and the Bridegroom. Anointed by (why?) accepting what Eve turned down, and Adam; coming back with the anointing of the Word, because He said, "My Word is Spirit." See, anointed with the Word. What Eve turned down, He comes back and we accept.

381See how that hybrid condition, again, just exactly what he done Eve.

382He told Eve, "Don't you do this, and don't you do that; and you can do this, and that."

383 And Satan said, "Oh! You know..." But she turned around and listened to him.

384But the Eve in the last day is not going to do it, because She predestinated not to do it. Yes, sir. God's going to do it. He knows. He'll have it. He said His, spot... "Church would be there without spot or a wrinkle." She is going to stand there in the splendor of Him, His Word made manifest.

385She'll be a token to the world. She'll be an ex-... She'll be something to the world that the world can look and say, well, the rest of the world say, "Ah, She's a holy-roller. She's the second cousin. She don't belong to our group." I know. That's a good thing, see. She, She belongs to this Group up here.

386 A man said the other day, to me, standing and talking, he said, "Well, what denomination do you belong to?"

I said, "None."


"None." I said, "I belong to a Kingdom."

"Well, how do you join that?"

"You don't join it. You are born in it." Uh-huh.

"What Kingdom is that?"

I said, "The mystical Body of Jesus Christ."

387"By one Spirit we are baptized into this Body," born of His Spirit, then we belong to a Kingdom. And our lives are not Americans, we're not Germans, we're not nothing; we are Christians. We are settled, and walk in the Spirit, a love-slave, from the things of the world. And our rights to the world, we've sold out and bought this Pearl of Great Price, and walk and letting the Holy Spirit manifest Itself. That's what His real Church is. That's what you are, or what I am, if we'll let ourself go and serve God, and by His Word, and not by what some creed says.

388 Notice, the anointed Man, the Christ Himself here, O God, is made known. But now... Look! But, but now (why?) He has the preeminences. God fully manifested, in Jesus Christ, God's great secret of His revelation.

389This great Light of revelation has always blinded the wisdom of this world.

390In the days of Jesus Christ, when He was here on earth, they--they had blinded them. They said, "Why, you even make yourself God! You make yourself equal with God!" He was not only equal with God; He was God Himself. See, they don't get it. And by the way, some of you might...

391 I've heard infidels one time told me that Jesus never did say He was the Son of God. He sure did. He certainly did. You just don't know your Bible. What did He say to the woman at the well? See? What did He tell her?

392"I know Messiah cometh. And when He comes, He'll do these things."

He said, "I am He, and speaks to you."

And to Paul, also, and different ones.

Notice. But now the Church has the preeminence.

393 God's great secret has always blinded the wisdom of the world. They can't get it. They just don't understand it. Satan don't understand it. None of the rest of them understands it, but just those who are predestinated to understand it, how God and Christ are One. They'll make Him three every time. See? They certainly will.

394 Notice, next, secondly, the manifested Christ in you, the hope of glory. That great, manifested God in Christ; now Christ manifested in you.

We'll hurry.

395Look! What was once God's great secret, great mysterious secret in His mind, is now put in the hearts of the believer, that is, the Body of Christ. What was God's once great secret in His mind, before the foundation of the world, is now made manifest. Think of it! See? Oh, my! Oh, I'm...

396I'm sure we don't, we don't get it. Well, I--I can't see it the way I ought to, and--and I'm sure you don't. See?

397 But God's great mystery, what the Eternal God had as a mystery, has now been unfolded in Jesus Christ, then given right down to His Church. What was once in God's mind is now in the Body of Christ. Jesus making love to the Church, His Bride, whispering secrets to Her.

398You know how you tell your wife things, you know, the little girl you're going to marry. You love her so much, you just tell her the secrets, and get her up next to you, and love you and everything. You know how it is.

399 That's what God, Christ, is doing to the Church. See? He is letting Her know the secrets, just the secrets. Not these flirters; I mean His Wife. See? All right. Now look. No. By having the revelation of His secret made known to them, by His grace! How the grace of God! People, I know it... I hope you don't think this sounds personal, to a--a bunch of people, or this, that; but the secret that God is sharing with the whole Church, if they would just receive it. See? It doesn't mean just me or just you. It means the Church, that He--He is trying to get into it.

400And you say, "Well, why don't they receive it?" They can't receive it. He said, again, He said these things. "And how could they?" Because Isaiah said they can't see it. See? And He's always said...

401 The prophet Paul said, "In the last days the people would be heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are good; heady, highminded, see; having a form of godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such turn away. For this is the kind that goes from house to house, and leads silly women, led away with divers lusts," with shorts, and bobbed hair, and everything else. "Led away with divers lust, and saying, 'It's all right. Oh, they're crazy out there. Don't pay no... '" See? "Never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. And these men resisted It, as Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses," able to produce a church, and produce a group of people. Yes, sir.

402"But their folly will be made manifest," when Jesus takes His Bride and sets Her up here, and said, "This is Her," and away He goes with Her. That's right. And their folly will be made known.

403 Look at having the revelation of this secret made known to them by His grace! Look! When this great revelation, revealed mystery, is made known to you, then you denounce all the things of the world.

404Now I'm going to come back once again. I just might as well say it. I'm pointing to it. The tape's sake, and those that are going across. This tape goes across the world. See?

405You women that claim you've got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and not the audacity to let your hair grow out; when the Bible condemns it and said a woman's... a man has got a right to put away his wife in divorce if she bobs her hair. Honored before God, to do so. The Bible said, if she cuts her hair, she dishonors her head. And it's a common; just, you know, what any old common thing is, for a woman to even pray with bobbed hair. See?

406Wearing shorts, and these slacks, and things! The Bible said, "Any woman that will," (oh, you say...) "that put on a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination to God," filthy, dirty, like an old stinking bathroom somewhere. See? Oh, my! The filth in God's nostrils! And then you try to pray or offer up prayers in such a thing as that? God refuses it, turns it away. That's right.

407 "Well," you say, "now wait a minute, Brother Branham, you are talking about the Old Testament."

408He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's the full revelation of God. God ever says anything, He can never change it. He always magnifies it, not change it. The law was magnified, not changed. Magnified!

409"'Whosoever commits adultery shall be guilty of death,' but whosoever," now magnified, "looketh upon a woman to lust after her!" He never changed the commandment. He magnified it.

410"'Remember the sabbath day; keep it holy,'" one day in the week; now He magnified it, the "rest" comes from keeping the Spirit of God. "Precept upon precept, and line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Hold fast that what's good. For with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And that is the rest. That's the refreshing from the Presence of the Lord."

411And yet they would not hear It, and wagged their heads and walked away, for their denominations. Uh-huh. "This is the refreshening," see, magnifying the sabbath day; to you Sabbatarians, and so forth. Oh, my! He don't change. He magnifies it. "Hell has spread her gates to receive them."

412 Now, you can see now, the end-time Message, why It's rejected. Can you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, no denomination, but the revelation of His mystery. See, no denomination. The revelation! God is not known by denomination. He is known by revelation.

413Look! God in His Body, Christ; and Christ in His Body, the Bride. Oh-oh-oh, my! God made manifest in Christ; Christ made manifest in the Bride! And as God took from the body of Adam, the woman, and she fell; then God has took from the Body of Christ, His flesh, His Body, which is His Word, and is bringing a Bride out that won't fall by denomination or creed. No, sir. But She is coming back with the pure, unadulterated Word of God being manifested.

414I hope every man that hears this tape, and every woman, will understand that. See?

415She is the second Eve, but She is not breaking and--and spoiling Her skirts of purity and holiness, to Her Husband. She'll stay with His Word regardless of what anybody says; you can have all the ecumenical moves you want to, and all the affiliations.

416 And they're going to bring a persecution on, pretty soon, and shut up all the churches. You see that. And churches like this, who is not denomination, they'll use them for a storehouse, anything. And if any man goes and offer a prayer for anybody else that don't belong to the economical movement, will be shot on the spot. It's already. That Lutheran minister, the head of it, said so. And it's right here, You can read it right here in your magazine. Right.

417Don't make any difference what they say, that Church will stand true in this Light. She's already proved it back yonder, and She'll do it again in the face of everything. It's the Word of God. And they, all ecumenical movements and everything else, will be gone. She is going to be There without spot or wrinkle. That's right. She'll stand there.

418 Notice, God manifested Himself in His body, Christ. Now you see the threefold, beautiful thing?

419Christ in His Body, the Church, vindicating His promised Word, like God did through Christ.

420"Who can condemn Me of sin? If I do not the works of the Father, then where have I--where have I failed? Now you fellows say that you are doing it, you denomination now, now show Me. Yeah. Show Me where I fail to be the Messiah. Show where I failed of, on one sign that God said the Messiah would do, that I haven't fulfilled it," He said. See? God in His body.

421 Now Christ, "The works that I do shall you do also." See, see, the same God. See? "The works that I do shall you do also; more than this, for I go unto My Father," the Church will be a little longer in Light, see, vindicating His promised Word. As God did His promises in Christ's body, so is Christ doing His same works in Christ's Body, the Church, see, now making His mystery known to His Bride Tree in the last day, bringing forth the fruits that was in the Tree at the beginning.

422 Watch, the tree puts forth a branch, a Lutheran. What did it do? When the tree started coming up, here come the fruit coming up with it. What happened? They denominate it. So the pruner come by, the Father, Husbandman, and cut the...?... "It's dead."

423Up come the Wesleyan; it done fine coming up. What did it do? The fruit went right back into the tree again, so He cut the vine off, it dead.

424Show me one, one church... I want to know. I've got thirty-three years of church history. Show me one time, one place, where any church ever organized that didn't die on the spot. Show me one place they ever rose again, outside of just numbers and things, not a revival. See? It's not there. No, sir. She's all gone.

425 So what did her Husbandman do? Come by and pruned it. See? It brought forth denominational fruit; lemons on an orange tree, so He pruned it off, see. Brought it forth, kept up.

426But where is the heart of the tree? Right in the middle. And He's pruned them all down, till right in the top...

427He's got a Seed down here in the root. Like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water, he that takes God's laws and love in his heart. "And he shall be like a tree," Psalms 1, "planted by the rivers of water; his leaves shall not wither; in his season he'll bear his fruit." And here it is right...

428And where does the fruit ripen at quickly? In top of the tree. Why? The light's on it. Amen! That's right. And right in the top of the tree, in this last days, He's bringing forth a Bride Tree.

429 Now remember, He is that Tree of Life, contrary to "the serpent's seed," you see. He's that Seed, "the woman's Seed," the Tree of Life in the garden. "And lest they put forth their hands and move this Tree, they'd eat that Tree and live forever." And He's the only Tree that can be taken, that you can live forever. His Word is Life. And that be the Word then, the Word of God which Eve turned down in the garden of Eden; then here is Christ, the Word, made manifest.

430And when He come on earth, He was the Tree of Life. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And Rome, what did they do? He had to be chopped down. And He was put on a tree of disgrace, "cursed is he that hang on a tree," become a curse for the human race.

431And now through that, He brings forth a Bride Tree, which will be the Tree of Life restored back to Him, as Husband and Wife in the garden of Eden, (oh, glory to God) by the same Word and the same God made manifest in Husband and Wife, the same Bride Tree back again.

432 Notice, making it known! How, my, there's just so much here, we could just keep on going. Notice, the Tree of Christ's Body in the garden, making... now making His mystery known to this Bride Tree.

433Watch, redeemed by Christ, the second Adam! You believe He was? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Going back Home, to Eden, with His fallen wife redeemed back Home again. That's Christ in the Church today, taking His Wife back. See the threefold mystery now? ["Amen."] God manifested in Christ; Christ manifested in the Church; all together, to bring back the original Adam and Eve again, man and woman, which are one, made out of the same Blood and same Spirit, and everything else.

434 The Church is the Blood of Christ, by the Spirit, because the--the Life is in the Blood. That's the baptism of the Holy Ghost that baptizes us into His Body, that recognizes only His Body, His flesh, His Word. [Brother Branham pats his Bible--Ed.]

435Denomination won't, never touch that. It's a revelation. She knows it. So did Eve know it, but she fell; but this one knows it, and won't fall. She is ordained! Hallelujah! Whew! She is ordained to not fall. She won't fail. She is predestinated to it. "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin." You ministers know what I'm speaking of, when there's a couple dozen of you sitting here. See? "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin," David.

436 Notice, redeeming back, with Him, going Home; back to Eternal Life in a human body, eating, drinking, living forever. Isaiah said, "They would build houses and inhabit them, plant vineyards and eat the fruit. They'll not build and another take it." The children won't take it, but they'll be there with their offsprings. He'll build it and stay there. Amen. "He don't build, and another eat; he builds and eats, himself." Amen! What is it? His Bride going back with Him, redeemed back to the original Adam and Eve again, for death is left behind. They look back at the cross and see the death has been paid.

437And now, by faith, we are resurrected with Him, sitting in Heavenly places right now, looking back to what redeemed us; waiting for the Husband to come, to march on Home with Him.

438 Threefold purpose of God, manifested in Adam and Eve, and every prophet, and down through the ages, and He that is to come; He that was, He which is, and He--He which is to come. The whole manifestation, the revelation of the Word of God, Adam and Eve going back Home again, redeemed, God making Hisself known!

439 There He'll sit upon the Throne of David, that right, and shall own, rule all nations with a rod of iron. There will be a--a tree on each side. And each nation that comes in, this healing will be for. These leaves will be for the healing of the nations. The kings shall bring their honor into it. There will be nothing that can defile, or anything ever enter in. And Mount Zion will have a Light on her, all day and night, and the redeemed shall walk in that Light. Oh, hallelujah!

440To think, it's not a mythical story, it's not some theological conception. It's a revelation of Jesus Christ, by His Word, which is outshining. It's been true in all ages, and it's true in this age. It's true here now. It's true with me, it's true with you, and every man and woman that holds this revelation. Amen.

441 And see God Himself making Himself known, and pulsating Himself through the life, that you're a prisoner to Him now. You are His love-prisoner. The world can laugh, make fun of them, say, "Come on out." You could go, but you're a prisoner. See? The other women can act Hollywood, but not you. You're a prisoner. Amen. See, you're a prisoner to Christ. Other men can smoke and drink and carry on, if they want to, and call themselves Christians, deacons, and even preachers, but not you. You're a prisoner, a prisoner to the Word. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

442 Making His mystery known to His Bride Tree; redeemed by Christ, the second Adam; going back Home, to be restored back to the original Eden, free from death, sickness, sorrow, shame, going back with Eternal Life.

443Then, listen, so many people has got the wrong conception. The--the... To convert people to Christianity, and to its government, is not God's thought at all. You say, "We made converts to Christianity by His government." That's not it. "Well, they're not supposed to drink. They're not supposed to lie." Do you know the Mohammedans can outshine you. You know the heathens in Africa, them black men, and they got laws among their tribes that outshine anything you can produce in Christianity.

444 Why I've went to that tribe of Shungai there. If a young girl isn't married by a certain age, she has to leave the--leave the tribe, take off her tribal paint. She goes into the city; she's just a roustabout. And if she... Before she's married, she has to be tested for her virgincy. She be found guilty of committing adultery with some man, he, she has to tell who it is, and they're both killed, together. Uh-huh. Oh, they can--they can outshine what these so-called...

445What if you did that in so-called Christians? Ninety-nine percent of them would die before daylight. That's right. That's right, both men and women. You know that's right.

"What?" You say, "Well, I'm pure!"

446 "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart already." Now what about that? What about you, sister, that presented yourself to that man like that? You're just as guilty as if you did it. See?

447"Oh, but it's all right." Pastor is afraid to say that, 'cause why? His denominational headquarters will kick him out if he gets straight on that. They're hybrid. They don't take the Word. The Word said that's true. Jesus said it's true, and He's the Head.

448 Now notice, God making Hisself known. Not, we're not suppose to make converts to Christianity by a government; but by the revelation, the Christ in you, as God was in Christ. As God was in Christ, Christ in you! When, what God did in Christ, Christ does in you! What signs did God in Christ, Christ does in you! Oh, isn't that beautiful? Uh! Oh, my! I like that.

449Jesus said, "At that day," that's this day. "At that day," when this revelation is made known, "you will know that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." When the revelation is made manifest, "At that day ye shall know that I and the Father are One; I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me." Then when the revelation comes forth, then it's, "I in you, and you in Me." There you are. See the manifold, threefold mani-... What for? To bring it back. We've got to be.

As Jesus was the Word of God. He vindicated the same, if He--if He wasn't Word.

450 He wouldn't have made manifest the Word, He'd have been some great theologian. That would have been the real messiah the world was looking for. See? Yes, sir, that would have been him.

451That's what they're looking for today, some--some--somebody can exceed Billy Graham, or somebody can smother down with their organization, come up and show them Baptists they don't know where they're standing. Sure. They're looking for that. But the Church is looking for the humility and the signs of the living God, Christ. See?

452 Jesus wasn't a great theologian. He was a common peasant, a carpenter's son, so-called. See? He walked around, but God... He said, "Some of you show Me what the Bible says that I will do, that I haven't manifest."

453So the Church can do the same thing today. What Christ did, so does the Church do now. "That day you'll know that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me; I in you, and you in Me." Yeah? There you go, marching on to Zion, to (where?) the Kingdom! "At that day you will know that I am in you."

454 And watch here! Here, it's beautiful. I don't want you to miss this. Now everybody, and you people on tape, out in the jungles and wherever you hear It, now listen.

455"And as the Father has sent Me, so send I you," Jesus said. See? Now watch. The Father that sent Him went in Him, to vindicate Himself right, for He was the Word. And the same Jesus that sends you, goes with you and in you, to vindicate the same God. "As the Father has sent Me, and I live by the Father; so I'll send you, and you live by Me." What is He? He's the Word. You live by the Word. Oh, how I'd like to take a text on that, and preach now for about a couple hours on it, see, on that, how he was... on that. Notice, notice, "And the Father that sent Me," went with Him, the Father that sends.

456 The Jesus, that sends us, goes in. "A little while and the world won't see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me, for I," personal pronoun, "I," the Person, Jesus, "will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. The works that I do shall you do also." Now go back and see what He done, then see what you do, then compare yourself.

457 "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. And as the days of Lot," when a modern Billy Graham, Oral Roberts went down into Sodom and preached to them Sodomites, and blinded their eyes, see, with the Gospel. One Angel stayed back, a Messenger with Abraham and the Elected group, and what kind of a sign did He do? See? And what did Abraham call Him? Elohim, God manifested in flesh. Jesus showing that He Himself, God in Him, will be manifested in His Bride in the last days! Oh, my, my! Just no end to it; just a revelation of God! It's Eternal, just keeps moving on and on and on.

458 Notice, then, One like the first Adam and Eve, before sin separated them in death; now Christ, the second Adam, in Life, redeems His Bride from death; and now on His way back to the original Eden, restoring back His Bride in fellowship, back with God, as Husband and Wife, in the Garden of Eden, sure, Christ and His Bride.

459 And God, at that day, "The Kingdom be given over to the Father; He might be all-and-all." "While he's yet speaking, I'll hear." David, Christ, David sitting on the Throne, the King over the whole human race. "And while they're yet thinking, I'll know what they're thinking about. Before they speak, I'll answer them. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together. The lion shall eat straw like a bullock, and they shall feed together and lay down. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy Mountain," right back exactly to Eden again, as hard as it can go!

460There is His threefold purpose. O God, help us to know it! Help us to know it!

461 Listen closely now again as we go on, going back to the original Eden.

462Then when we are born of Him, we are filled with Him. See, your life, His Life is in you. Then, all our actions should declare Him.

463Like taking--taking life out of one tree and putting it into another. Take a life out of a pear tree and put in an apple tree, it'll bear pears. It's got to, 'cause the sap, the life in it, the germ is pear tree. All right.

Then, all of our actions should declare Him.

464We have His Name. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] We should bear His Name.

465 And remember, we are now, as His Bride, pregnated with His Spirit. Oh, my! The Church, bearing children, see, pregnated by His Spirit with His Name; bearing His Name, bearing His Life; bringing forth the signs of His Life, evident with the preeminences, evidence of His resurrection; showing that He is not dead, but alive forevermore. This is Eternal Life, and vindicated, vindicates to the world that we are alive in Him. Whew!

466 How do you know, 'cause you're a church member? Because, Christ is living through you, so pregnated with His Spirit that you--you're a prisoner to anything else. You're confined, oh, my, to the Gospel, confined to the Word, and all the children that you can bring forth is that, 'cause you're a prisoner.

467You can't commit adultery; you're already pregnated. Glory! He can't take a hold. The womb of life is closed to anything else. You're already His, by predestination. That Seed has come to Life; no world can get in. Oh! Oh, how we'd like to stay on this for about an hour! I'm sure you understand. See? Christ, and His alone, already finished. The Seed was there. The Seed was, already. When was it put there? "Before the foundation of the world, has predestinated us unto Eternal Life." And as soon as the Life-giving flow, that Seed laying there... Other seeds that just would come in, wouldn't take hold, just couldn't do it, like. But when that Seed come in, quickly it stopped up the womb; all the rest of the seed was drove out, see, like that.

468And you become a prisoner, surrounded, in Christ. Christ in you, His Life bringing forth His evidence, His signs. Oh, my, my, my! Look, bringing His signs of Life as a evident of His resurrection, proving to the world that Eternal Life, vindicates to the world that we're alive in Him. And think of it, alive with God, our Redeemer, Who created us for the very same purpose, the Church, and His creative Life in us.

469That is, Moses could said, by the Word of God, "Let there come," and there come flies. A God can make flies can make squirrels. See?

470 So He can do whatever He wants to. He can create. He can do anything. He's God. The very same God, that creative Life, you see, that's in you, can... You're a prisoner; you can't speak it till He says speak it. But, when you spoke, it's God's Word. He's vindicated it to be so. Everything else is right, and He knows, when that's spoke, it's got to be so. See?

471Moses took his rod, and said, "Let there come frogs," 'cause God said, "Let there come frogs." He just transmitted it on out. That's right. And frogs was in everything, everywhere was frogs. Where did they come from? Nobody knows. They wasn't there before. But the Creator, God, working through a man, created things, a living species.

472The very God that made the first frog can make the second frog. He makes all frogs. Oh, my! You see what I mean? Made the first squirrel, makes the second squirrel, make any squirrel; can make squirrels where there is no squirrels. He can do anything He wants to! He is God! He is God! His Life! Oh, my! When I think of it, makes me shiver! Uh-huh.

473 Oh, to live with Him, going Home with Him, to live with Him! Going Home with Him to live with Him forever, having Eternal Life!

474This is God's great mystery of love expressed, that God and man became one. See? The whole thing is God and man, one. God and man was one, there; and God and man is one, here. See? What is it? Being filled with His Spirit, Him having the preeminences. That was God's achievement, that's God purpose to do that: that He might be in Christ; and Christ in us; and all of us together, one. The Holy Spirit, same thing; It revealed it to Christ, reveals it here; the supernatural creative Power. Oh, my!

475 The same God that could--that could say that to Moses, "Let there come frogs," the same One could stand up there, "Let this water be turned to wine." See? Amen. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's the same God, the same One.

476He just don't change. It's God in man. That's His manifestation. That's what He's revealing. That's what He's trying to do, and God's Own Word revealing It. Shows that man cannot create; God is the Creator. And it ain't man no more; it's God the Creator, in man, which is His Church now. Amen!

477Going Home to Heaven, live with Him, ever. God expresses Eternal love to the Church.

478 Listen, listen close now. I want you not to fail to get this. No other church, no other sign, no other fellowship, no other government, no other testimony, no other creed, no denomination, is accepted outside of This. God accepts nothing else but that, "Christ in you, the hope of Glory," the only thing that God recognizes. No fellowship, no church, no creed, no denomination, no nothing; everything else is dead. It's fragments that has to be cut off, pruned off away from the thing, that Christ might live with preeminences in you.

479Not referring back! I got one limb here, that says, "It's my organization." That's got to be cut off, too. "I got my so-and-so here. This says this. My mother will tell me I'm a holy roller." That's got to be cut off, too. See? "Well, I know my husband wants me to wear these shorts." That's got to be cut off, too. See? It's got to be cut off and pruned till there's just you and Christ, alone. See? Uh!

480 Think! By the living Presence of the living Christ by the living Word; oh, living Christ, living Presence, living Word! Watch! By His Own personal, personal vindication proves His Church.

481Not members! He never done it in the days of Moses. He never done it in the days of anybody else at the end of the world, when it come to the place where it was the destruction. The days of Lot, it wasn't membership. It was personal vindication, God in flesh, see, personal vindication.

482 Remember! Think of it, that, people born of His Spirit, in a day like this, in this great denominational age that we live, and the living God takes His living Word and--and vindicates it, personally, this Life that's in the Word, the germ that's in the Seed! And the Word is a Seed that a sower went forth to sow. And the Life is Christ, in the Word, personally in you; vindicating something that you cannot do, proving Hisself that it's not you, but it's Him. And you've become one, a--a--a love-slave to Him, to be a Bride.

483 Thanks be to the living God Who created the heavens and the earth and all that's in the midst! No wonder, "He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; He that was, which is, and shall come; the Root, and Offspring of David; the bright and the Morning Star." He is all-in-all.

484 His Presence, in the individual, with a personal vindication of Himself expressing Himself, the living Word that's promised for the day, expressing Itself through you, a vindication of the great revelation of God. Look, only in an individual, never in a group! An individual; not in a group! His identification is with an individual. You get that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Not with the Methodist, not with the Baptist, not the Presbyterian, not the Lutheran, not the Pentecostals, but as an individual!

485"I'll take one, and leave one; I'll separate them." That's right. "There'll be two in the field; I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in bed, and I'll take one and leave one."

486It's not a group. It is a personal vindication of a pregnated child of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, so surrendered to God that he don't care about anything else. And the Holy Spirit living Its Life, pulsating through him, showing the personal--personal vindication of the Word, Itself, expressing Itself to the people and to the world.

487 How can the world blindly walk by something like that? Just as the same as the Catholics walked by Saint Patrick and didn't recognize him till after he was dead. Same thing they done by Saint Martin, didn't recognize it. Same thing they've done in all ages.

488The same thing they done to Joan of Arc. The Catholic church burnt her, for a witch, because she was spiritual. About a hundred and fifty years later, dug up the body of those priests and throwed them in, to do penance.

489 It goes right by them, and they don't recognize it till it's gone. It only picks up the predestinated Seed that God predestinated before the foundation of the earth. The same thing come through in the days of Noah, same thing come through in the days of Moses, days of Elijah, days of the prophets, days of Jesus, on down through and to this very hour. The pregnated person with the Seed of God, the Word in there manifesting Itself, so surrendered to the will of God that the Word, and the Word alone, manifests Itself in this person, the prisoner, to an individual.

490 Not say, "My church..." Now, "my church" has nothing to do with it.

491It's an individual, one person! All hell is against this Teaching. All hell is against this Truth, but it is the Truth.

492Jesus never said, "Now, Peter, you and John, and all the rest the people, you've got the revelation, now the whole church is saved." No.

493It was to him, personally. "I say unto thee, thee," not to them, "to thee, thou art Peter; upon this rock I'll build My Church." And the word Peter, means "a stone." Stone means "the confessed one," or, "the separated one."

494Upon a certain stone, upon a certain thing; see, a called-out, the Church called out; upon this stone, upon this "revelation." "Flesh and blood never revealed it to you. But upon this revelation, called-out group, I'll build My Church in them. And all the gates of hell will never be able to withstand it."

495"Not one hair of your head shall perish. You are Mine! I'll raise you up in the last day, give unto him Eternal Life, and raise him up at the last days." There it is, the revelation. Not them; but "him," an individual! Not a group; an individual! All hell is against it.

496 But His mystery is only revealed to His beloved Bride. That's the only one could see it.

497He said, "Well did Isaiah speak of you, you hypocrites, you snake in the grass. You go out here and say, 'Oh, the great holy prophets! We mark their tombs. We polish them.'" He said, "You are the one that put them in there." Did He say it?

498Same thing He would say to the Catholic churches in their days, when they were sent the prophets of the old--the old testament before they had Nicaea, Rome up there, and elect. Them old prophets come out of there eating grubs and things out of the ground, with not even clothes on, with sheepskin wrapped around them, and tried to stand for that Truth of the Bible. But the Catholic church wanted their intellectual conception. Then they brought out... There come Saint Irenaeus, Polycarp, Martin, all the rest of them. And what did they do? They put them in the tomb, Joan of Arc, Saint Patrick, and the rest of them. They put them in there, now come back and whiten the walls like they did Joan of Arc. What did they do? They put them in there!

499 Then I say, as His Spirit calls onto you, "Whited walls! You hypocrites, calling yourself something, when you take the intellectual conception of man, and leave the Word go. Instead of come pregnated with the Seed of God, the Word in you, you've taken every other hybrid." No wonder she set as a "whore," because she "commits spiritual fornications," teaching the people things of man and not things of the God.

500But He said, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." That's right. Certainly. There we have it.

501 The Bible, in Revelation, said, "This great city reigned over all the kings of the earth." Said she was a "whore." What is that? A woman that claims to be a lady and commits fornication. "She had a cup in her hand," of toast, to the world, "of the... filled with the filthiness of the abominations of her fornications." And she had daughters, the Protestant churches, that every one come out of her with her same false doctrines, same baptisms, and by shaking hands, instead of the baptism of the Holy Ghost; and their false doctrine of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost," and all that, instead of taking the Name of the Bride--Bridegroom, and so forth.

You say, "It don't make any difference." It does.

502If I put my name on a check, and say, "the reverend," to "minister," or so forth, that won't cash nothing. That's right. It's turned down at the bank. Uh-huh. Notice. All right.

503 But all this mystery is revealed only, as He promised, to His Bride. Hell is against this Truth, of the revelation of this mystery. But the Bride is standing on it. That's Her stand.

504Why do you hunger, Church, why do you thirst? It's the Father trying to reveal this hidden secret to you. But you let so many things get it out of you. You let your job, you let your wife, you let your husband, you let your children, you let the cares of the world, you let some pastor, you let somebody else get that out of you, when you know that way down in your heart you're thirsting, hungry. It's God trying to reveal it to you, see, the revelation. The last day is here. Notice now.

505 Let's look back again. I can't pass all this. See? I just want you look here just a minute now, and we'll close just in a few minutes. You'll be... Just give me your undivided attention for a minute.

506 Notice, Colossians, the 18th verse here. In the Book of Colossians, 18th verse.

Now he is the head of the church, the body: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in--that in all things he might have the preeminences.

507 "He is the Head of the Church, which is His Body, and He wants the preeminences." Listen now, listen close while we're going. What? He is to be the Head of the Body, His Bride's Body, which is taken from Him; flesh and bone, like in Adam, see, Bride.

508"Born from the dead," see, that's, born from the dead, sin of unbelief.

509What killed Eve? Unbelief. Is that right? Their unbelief in what? By, for the un-... the unbelief in God? No. She had faith in God. Sure. Did she say, "There is no God"? No, sir. She wasn't an infidel. "Well," she said, "you know, I don't believe His Word at all"? Oh, no. She believed all but one little thing. See?

510 Now didn't the Bible say, over in the Book of Revelation, Jesus said Himself, "I--I Jesus have sent My angel to testify of these things unto you"? "Whosoever shall take one Word from It, or add one word to It." And if all this heartache and sorrow had to come because a woman doubted one Word of God, will He let you back doubting one Word? He would be unjust. Uh-huh. See? See, that wouldn't be right. Condemned...

511Here is one man standing, and he caused all this heartache because of one word doubted; then he goes ahead and takes years of experience and everything, and the Bible and so forth, and others who have give their lives for it; then say, "Oh, you can go ahead and eat it. That's all right, I'll let you back, anyhow"? Oh! God is no respect of person, but...?... See? See? God is no respecter of person. Now notice.

512 Notice now. "He is the Head of the Body" that's born from the sin, of unbelief in God's Word. That exc-... that excuses every denomination, every creed, see. Unbelief in the Word; which is Himself, the Word of Life. See? The Word, only, has Life. Any other word is a hybrid. No matter how much it looks like It, it isn't the Word.

513The Word produces Its Own Life, that Eve swapped for personal knowledge. See how the church has, today, through some man's understanding? Moses had a great understanding of God till he met the burning bush, then he saw his failure. The burning bush had what Moses lacked. The Word has got what the denomination lacks.

"He, the Head, is the first fruits of the resurrection."

514 We'll go off this, "revelation"; just a little while longer, if you say so. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. All right, right, just a little bit now.

515"He is the first fruits of the resurrection." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Watch. Then, what is He? "He is the Head of the Body, which is His Church, Bride." Uh-huh.

516Then, the Bride-Body must follow the Head, for it is part of His resurrection and part of the mystery. It's impossible for it not to go. Oh, my! It's part of God's mystery, how God revealed Himself here and raised it up by the Word, so He reveals His Church and raising it up by the same Word. It's a part of His threefold mystery.

517 As the Head was took from the grave, so must the Body follow Him back to Eden. Where, the Head of the family, the Man, the Bridegroom; the Bride being the Body of the Bridegroom, must follow, the Bride, because that's the Head. And the Head is revealed, and come back with Eternal Life; and the Body must follow that, because it is Husband and Wife again. Amen! And as long as you're pregnated with the same Word, which is His Body; you've took His Body, become in Him, when you took the Word. Not the creed; the Word! Oh, my!

518Wouldn't that make a text for this afternoon, to go on? Huh? My, wouldn't that be wonderful? See? Just think of it now, what it is.

519Therefore, the Body cannot recognize... Don't you fail this. The Body, therefore, cannot recognize any other headship but the Word. Cause, the--the Head is connected with the Body, and the Head is the Word, and it's the same Word, one Headship! Therefore, denominations, and holy fathers, and everything else, is dead dung. There is one Headship, that's Christ. The Body only recognizes one thing, the Word!

520 Now show me where somebody was baptized, in the Body, in the name of "Father, Son, Holy Ghost"? And what you recognizing? See, I realize I'm talking to thousands, on tape, you know, and we got a tape ministry around the world. What name are you baptized in? "For there's not another name given under Heaven," said the Word, "whereby man can be saved." If you're baptized, to show your belief in Christ, and then take on a creed name, then you're a hybrid. If you're not exactly like that church and exactly like their teaching...

521 Then, you Catholic people, see, how can you go under the jurisdiction of a pope now, saying that he is the successor by apostolic succession, from Chri-... from Peter, and this pope and this church teaches so contrary to this first Word which God recognized, by signs and wonders, to be His Church? And to see that same Word being brought forth today in its purity, showing the same resurrection that He had there, God living among His people, doing the same things, then you can recognize a headship in Rome?

522Our Headship is in Heaven. I'm not going to Rome; I'm going to Heaven when I die. See? See? The Headship is in Heaven.

523 And the Body must follow the Head, as the wife follows the husband. Being that Adam was not deceived, he walked out with Eve. Eve was deceived, she was in the transgression, or the entire resurrection of the whole Body would have come forth at the day of the Lord Jesus when He come forth from the grave. But He had to redeem Her, which is His Body. She has to be redeemed in order to come to Him. Do you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh my! See, it couldn't have happened then. The redemption is going on.

524 Now you see the Seals? When He was in His mediatorial work back there, redeeming, but someday He comes forth to get this Book that He's redeemed. And all that's in this Book would be Him, for that's the believer, the words in the Book, and the Word is Him. And all that's in that, He come forth for this Book of Redemption, whose names are written on the Book before the foundation of the world, when He was slain as a Lamb.

525And here He is today, in His Word, manifesting the same thing He did there. She can't recognize another headship. No, sir. There's no bishop, no nothing. She recognizes one Headship, that's Christ, and Christ is the Word. Oh, my! Whew! I love that. Uh! Yes, sir.

526 As the Head was took up from the grave, so must His Body follow Him into Eden. Therefore, the Body cannot recognize any other headship, but the Headship of the Word.

527No denomination can put anything to It. "For whosoever shall take one Word away from It, or add one word to It, it took away from It." You're dead, hybrid, right there. She's back here, this testimony in her hands, "the filthiness of her fornications, committing in spiritual adultery," against the very Word that she claims to believe. See?

528 Therefore, it's the Word, or nothing. That's right. He, the Word! How do you know it's right? He, the Word, is vindicated. See? He, the Word, properly vindicated, is the Headship, the Head of the Church. He is the Word, the Headship. He is properly identificate, identified, vindicated, by His Own Spirit being in the Church Itself, the person. Showing forth Himself, in vindication, is the direct proof to the entire Body. You don't need creeds, then. Denominations has perished. But the Headship Itself, recognized in the Body by personal identifications, see, identifying Himself, proves the Headship to the Body. Then, we are united under One vindicated Headship, that is, Christ, the Word of God [] not under any church.

529 Then, our Headship is a Kingdom. "The Kingdom of God is within you," said the Bible, Jesus. The Kingdom! We are not a denomination. We belong to a Kingdom, and the Kingdom is the Word of God made Spirit and Life in our own life, bringing to pass every promise in this day, as it did in that day when the Word and God was one. And the Word and God is one in His Church today, making It the Headship of the Body that is redeemed, to bring the Message in the last day; and be taken up from the dead, in the resurrection, to go back and restore again, as Adam and Eve, in the beginning in the garden of Eden. The threefold mystery of God, His Body! Oh, my!

Notice closely now, like in types, Israel of old. []

530 Am I taking too much time on it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] Don't let me, don't let me go too... Now listen. Now we ain't got but about twenty more pages. See? See? But now I... Just a little bit now, and then--then I'll leave you all go till next summer, or sometime, if the Lord willing. See?

531 Now look. Notice now, united together under one Headship, in a like manner, type of Israel of old. Now you getting it? Like Israel of old; one God, vindicated by a Pillar of Fire, and revealed Hisself through a prophet, to be the Word. The same God, same Pillar of Fire, same way; He cannot change His ways. Is that... Just perfect as it can be. Isn't it? See? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

532 One God! How many Gods did Israel have? [Congregation says, "One."--Ed.] How many has the Bride got? ["One."] How many will there ever be? ["One."] Sure. Sure.

533See, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, which was the Pillar of Fire in the days of Moses, the great prophet. He was directed by a Pillar of Fire. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. Going to a promised land.

534 And in the Christian age, there was one God which appeared in a form of a Pillar of Fire, to a prophet called Paul, who was sent to the Gentiles, to take a people out for His Name's sake. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

535And in the last days, has come down in like manner, vindicating Himself, see, in the same sign, same wonder, same Pillar of Fire, same Gospel, same Word, same manifestation.

536 His Body will do the works that He promised, like in Mark 16, and so forth. His body was not held in the grave, but was recognized with Him in the resurrection. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then, the Body of His believing children will not be held in the grave when He comes, but will be recognized with Him, because He died for the purpose to resurrect His Bride, the Body. Recognized, because it is His Body, because it's the Word. It's so completely yielded from denomination things, to Him, and He is the Word. See? And it's recognized with Him because now we have the first fruit of our resurrection, by know that we've passed from death unto Life, become prisoners of His. And God, proving to us by His personal Headship that He is the same yesterday and forever, by doing the same things through the Church that He did then, "He in me, and I in Him, in you," you know, so forth. That's right.

537 His body was not held in the grave. Recognized with Him in the resurrection, same as He is now, listen, which means this: His Word, which He is, has been begin to be risen. The Word, that down through the age of Luther, Wesley, see, has begin to raise up to Its power; there It begin to move, then It moved a little more, now It's coming up to identification. See? Watch. Now, to the Life in the Body, is a vindication of the Rapture is at hand. When you see the Headship and the Body becoming One, and the fullness of the measure of His manifestation, shows that the Body is about ready to be received to the Headship.

Nations are breaking. Israel is awakening.

538 See what I mean? He has begin to give Life unto His Body, (why?) the One that He has redeemed. The mediatorial work is done, He's bringing His Life to Body, in a vindication for the Rapture. Remember, now, in the last day...

539I--I, if you'll let, just bear me on this just a little bit now, now, it'll be all right. I don't want you to miss it. I--I, and I got... I got to take this tape now, being I started this far. One more great remark I want to make, if I have to move over a little of it.

540 Now notice. Listen to this. Now is the great thing. Now is where we want to watch. Remember, in the last days, will exactly go back and vindicate the first day; see, Adam and Eve, husband and wife, no sin, Life; then the fall. Notice, notice closely.

Twist her up. Uh-huh.

541Notice what caused it. Lucifer! Lucifer is doing now as he did at the first time.

542Just as the kingdom of the Gentiles was brought in, with King Nebuchadnezzar, vindicated the Gentile race by a prophet who could interpret unknown tongues, visions, dreams. And it's come down through the Gentiles, without anything, just Medo-Persians, and iron and so forth, and in the feet it goes out the same way again, the Gentile kingdom.

543 Notice Lucifer, in the last days, is doing as he did at first. What did Lucifer do? The first thing that Lucifer done to separate the fellowship of God and man, he wanted to build him a united kingdom, a greater splendor and seemingly more cultured, a greater kingdom than Michael, Christ had.

544You got it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, now if you miss it, just hold up your hand, I'll say it again, you see. See?

545Lucifer, at the beginning, his purpose in heart was to achieve a brighter and greater thing in Heaven than Christ had, is that right, by seemingly a more cultured, more beautiful, more splendor, than the Kingdom of Christ. Do you think we'll have automobiles in the Millennium, and airplanes? See? See what Lucifer is doing?

546 Now, the big fancy intellectual denominations are doing the very same thing, gathering themselves together to do the same thing. See? They are gathering and a denominating themselves, each one trying to beat the other one. And now they got so much splendor, they don't know what to do but to unite it with the Catholic church. See? Lucifer again building a bigger kingdom, to push out people that don't believe in denominations; and even take their church buildings and make storerooms, and the pastors of such has no rights at all.

547And a man that is a God-sent man would never stay in a denomination after hearing This or seeing It, if he--if he's got enough to go out and look at It. Certainly. See? I don't say that critically; I say that truthfully, see, to see that revealed.

548 Notice, in this last days, Lucifer is doing the same thing. Can you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The devil doing the same thing, building up a hybrid church, a hybrid by hybrid members, hybrid by knowledge instead of the Word, by intellectual men instead of born-again men, building an intellectual kingdom that will outshine Christ's little bitty flock. See? What is it that did that? Fallen angels.

549The Bible said it was fallen angels who listened to Lucifer instead of Christ, Who they once belonged to. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

550 Now listen close, "fallen angels." What kind of angels? Luther, Wesley, Catholic, Pentecostals, who kept not their first estate like the Angels did, and has fell into organization, like Lucifer's main hold at Nicaea. And what have they done? Organized a great ecumenical association of ministers, to make "an image unto the beast," as the Bible said. And building a Christian economy that'll close the doors of this church and others like it. See Lucifer at his work?

551I'm trying to bring you the threefold revelation, or mystery of God.

552 What did they do? Sold out to reasonings of wisdom and education, like Eve did, fallen angels did. Wesley was a man of God; but what followed him? Fallen angels got into it. What was the angels, first? Creative beings of God, but fell for Lucifer's wisdom, fell for Lucifer--Lucifer's wisdom. And you see what they become? Fallen angels. And organizations, from men of God who has went forth to establish Truths in the earth; before that Truth could go on and proclamate and get on to the real revelation of Christ, fallen angels come in and took it over and made denominations out of it.

553That's the reason the revelation of the Seven-Seal mystery had to be unfolded.

554Now you see it? What they left off! If Luther would have went on, it'd have been here. If Wesley would have went on, if Pentecost would have went on, what would they'd done?

555 Now there is only one thing can happen. There has to be a Message at the end time, when there is nothing else can follow It. And now the ecumenical world has set up such a regime that there can be no denomination and no not nothing else follow it; you're either in it or you're not in it. The fruit is in the top of the tree, and the Light is shining on that predestinated fruit. And she is ripening into Christ-like fruit, bringing forth the same mellowness and sweetness, and the same Spirit that He had in Him. Hope you see it! See?

556I--I try to put too much in one day. I wear you out. [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.]

557 So, look, they sold out to reasonings, sold out to reasonings of denomination. "If I can just belong to this! The--the mayor goes to this church." See? "If I can be a Methodist, or a Presbyterian." Just look where they've gone. Now, I've just explained, them limbs are pruned off. They're dead. They're not connected with Christ any more; they'd be bringing the same Life. They're not connected with It.

558But they're--they're like a citrus fruit. Any citrus fruit will live on a citrus tree, but it'll bring its own fruit. You put a grapefruit in a--in a orange tree, it'll live by the orange tree, but it'll bring forth grapefruit. You put a lemon in there, it's a citrus fruit, it'll bring forth an old sour lemon, but it's living off of the life. And that's what denominations are doing, by under the name of the church.

559It's the Bride that's the original Tree, the original Spirit. The revelation comes from Christ, not the denomination. Christ! Notice.

560 What's the denomination trying to do? Exalt itself, like Lucifer. They so-call themselves "the Church, the Bride." Which, they are in Revelation 17, as is spoke of, the false bride. Above Christ's little flock, the Bride; Lucifer thinks and exalts himself above the humble Word of God's Truth by the knowledge of the revelation, and has placed himself by a seminary education and theology until they have got themselves up. And if you don't belong in their group, then you are a out-wash.

561 Like Lucifer did in the beginning, to the people just exactly what Lucifer said to Eve, "Surely God will receive us! We feed the poor." That's good. "Surely He will receive us. We are a great denominational. We are a beautiful church. Why, look at our great buildings! Look at our great membership. We stand in the millions. Surely God will not turn that group down."

562The same thing that Cain did, brought in the pretty fruits from the ground that he had tilled, and toiled, and worked, and brought in the fruits, and rejected the humble blood of the lamb.

563 God have mercy, that men and women will not think I'm saying this to exalt something, or some personal revelation or something. I'm only telling you the Truth. Can't you see what they're doing? See? I speak it loud and harsh, but you got to drive a nail till it clinches, if it's going to do any good, see, till you'll see it. See?

564 Now, saying to the people, "Surely! You mean to tell me that our great Catholic church, that stood all this time, our great Methodist, and all? Look at our forefathers!" See? But they broke the Word of the Lord. And Eve was God's, one of His, and he... she was a by-product of Adam; and because she doubted one Word of God's Word, it did it.

565 And here is Lucifer at his job again, today. And, remember, the antichrist is not communism. The antichrist is so close like the real thing, till, "It'd deceive the very Elected if it was possible," Jesus said, Matthew 24, "the Elected if it was possible." Lucifer, again, Lucifer again is breaking God's unity in man, by his--his limiting the Word of God to his reasonings. What he thinks that's right, and what he thinks, he breaks the Word of God.

566And the same thing he did in the days of Jesus. And Jesus said, "You, by your traditions, has made the Word of God of no effect."

567And the denominations, by their organized intellectual reasonings, has made God's Word of no effect upon the people. That's right. They just can't see It. Then they say, "Where is the God of the Bible?" He's right here. He's the Bible, that's what He is.

568 Notice, now, Lucifer comes in the cunningness, and breaks the unity of God to man, just like he did in Eden, by great temptations of promises of self-power and exaltations. "Why, you might become a bishop if you'll just stay with us. You might come a district presbyter. Why would you go to something like That?" See, that's Pentecostal, the Catholic, and so forth; see, a great false promise, to men, to receive power outside the Word and promise of God. You receive Power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you, not when you become a bishop, or a deacon, or whatever he was. See? But Lucifer is at his job again.

569Does this church understand that? Raise your hand so I'll see that. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, I won't stay with it any longer, then.

Breaking from, apart from the Word of God! See?

570 He did the same at Nicaea, Rome. You know what Constantine give them? You went through the Church Ages. He give... They didn't have nothing, but just Christ. And they set in little old buildings anywhere they could, on hard rock floor. You know that, if you've took the Nicaea Council and the Pre-Nicaea Council and Nicaea Fathers, and so forth, and the history of the church. They had nothing. But when they had this council and inducted some of the Roman paganism into Christianity, and put holy men and bishops, and so forth, and popes, and all this kind of nonsense, what did Constantine give them? I ask any theologian to tell me. He gave them property. He give them freedom and all that they wanted.

571And they swapped the Word of God for the wisdom and culture of man! And that's the same thing Lucifer did then, he did in the garden of Eden, and they died right there. The pentecostal Church died at Nicaea, Rome, but to be resurrected in the Bride Tree in the last days.

572 Notice, Lucifer comes in, cunning, like he did then, and by temptations and false promises, of power outside, apart from the Word of God. He did the same at Nicaea, Rome. He's doing the same today at the World Council of Ecumenical churches.

573"Let's all unite together," the pope says. "I want all my ecumenical brethren out there to unite with me. We are one." That's right, in organizations you are one. But that has nothing to do with the Bride of Christ; not a thing, brother. You'll never wash Her in anything like that.

574 Now it is promised, in the last days, that the original Faith in the same, to be restored to the children of God at the time of the Bride Tree. Malachi 4, God said, "Before the world burns up with fire, behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the Faith of the children." Now, that wasn't the first Elijah that come. No, no.

575Now, we don't teach here Elijah's mantel and Elijah's blankets, and all those things like that. We just teach the Word of God. See? That's what He said. See, we got all kind of a Elijah this and Elijah that, which is nonsense. That's--that's... We know that. That's, I'm not talking about that, and you that's spiritual-minded understand. See, as the late, hour is getting late, and can't put it all on this tape, of course.

Now, the promise in the last days. Now if...

576 Jesus said, in--in Matthew, I believe, the 11th chapter or the 6th chapter, and the 11th... No, it's the 11th chapter and about the 6th verse. When John sent his disciples over there to see if He really was the One, Jesus said, "Who did you go out to see? A--a--a wind... a reed that's shaken by the winds? Did you go out to see such-and-such?" He said, "Or did you go to see a prophet?" He said, "More than a prophet." John was more than a prophet; he was the messenger of the Covenant. And He said, "If you can receive it, this is he which is spoke of by the prophets, 'I'll send My messenger before My face.'"

577Now, that's in Malachi 3, not Malachi 4. Cause, the Elisha that was to come in Malachi 4, the earth was to be burnt with a fervent heat, and the righteous was to walk out in the Millennium upon the ashes of the wicked. See? So it is not that one. See?

578 Now we see the promise being fulfilled. Christ, the true Headship going in, coming in His Bride, doing the same works that He did at the beginning, and making ready and fulfilling His Word as He did, at first, in John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me the works that I do shall he do also." Then, the Head and the Body are becoming One, in works and in sign and in Life, vindicated by God Hisself through His promised Word for the last days. He promised this in the last days. Now, if you're spiritual, you'll catch it.

579 Then, we can see that the Marriage Supper is at hand. Now, if I never see you again, remember, the Marriage Supper is at hand. And then the Kingdom according to the promise is ready to be issued in, the great Millennium, the taking up of the Church, and the destroying of the wicked. And the world, under the Sixth Seal, to be purified by volcanic, to take all the corruption and sin of the world and to mold her out again, and bring forth a bright new Millennium for the age that is to come.

580When, we see all these, great threefold revelation: God in Christ; Christ in the Church; the Kingdom coming. Adam and Eve redeemed back to the Garden of Eden, in the representation of Christ and His Bride, and then the Kingdom is going to be restored according to His promise. Praise be to God! Now, by the revelation of the threefold mystery, the secret, and by the personal vindicated Word by His original Headship!

581 Not say, "Well, glory to God, we shout; hallelujah, we sing." That, that ain't it. I'm a missionary. I've been seven times, practically, over the world. See? I've seen heathens, devils, and everything else, dance and shout. I've seen all kinds of fleshly manifestations. That's carnal.

582 But I'm talking about the Headship of Christ. Notice, being personally identified by the original Headship, we have the answer to the devil's question. Amen! Glory! We have the answer to the devil's question. He, Christ, is risen and has paid the price, and raising up the Head... or the Body.

583The devil can't stand it. That's the reason these ecumenical kingdoms are setting up. That's the reason they're all coming into what they're doing now. The devil, that's the reason he's howling the way he is. His wickedness has been... his scheme has been uncovered by the risen, resurrected Christ in the Headship over His Body. Glory!

584 You think I'm beside myself? I'm not. We've got the devil's answer. "Not me that liveth, but Christ the Word living in me." It's not my idea; it's His Power. Not my idea; it's His Word. He promised it; here it is. He said it would be here, and here it is. We got his answer.

585Christ is risen and has paid the price for our redemption. What God in Christ manifested, He gave that flesh, that and Blood; that in the Blood might come the Life, and the flesh be redeemed, that--that God in this redeemed flesh could manifest His Word for the day as He did in that day. Whew! Glory!

586You see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, my! When can I stop? Notice it. ["Go on!"]

587 Then, we stand justified in the Presence of God. As a drop of ink dropping into a--a--a tub full of bleach, you'll never find the stain of the ink no more. It went somewhere. It'll never come back again. And when man is truly redeemed, that predestinated Seed that sees It and accepts It, his sins are demolished. It's gone. It's separated. It's dropped into the ink of the--of the Blood of Jesus Christ, and it's never to be remembered. God forgets it. And he stands as a son and daughter of God, in the Presence of God. Amen and amen! "Now we are the sons of God." Not we will be; we are! Now we are redeemed.

588 We have Satan's answer. God has vindicated Himself. God proves Himself, to His promise in this day. Hallelujah! The Headship is here. Amen! Christ, the risen Lord, is here in the same Power of His resurrection that He ever was, manifesting Himself. There's the devil's answer.

589 That's the reason when this man sitting here, dropped dead the other day, sitting here, we could say, "Come back, life!" Cause, the Holy Spirit said so.

590That's why it could do to that little baby yonder in Mexico, had been dead for about fifteen hours, when the vision come and said, "Call it back to," death, "life." And said, "Let the little baby live." And the baby that the doctors wrote a statement, died at nine o'clock that morning, and eleven o'clock that night come back to life; is living today.

591 What is it? Not them people. The Headship and the Body has become one unit. It's God manifested in His people. That's the reason the husband and wife is no longer twain; they're one. God and His Church is one, "Christ in you," God's great revelation. Glory to God! Even bearing His Name; His Name is Jesus, the Anointed. The reason He is called Jesus, He is the Anointed. It's the anointed Body of Christ, proving, manifested God like That body did. And That body redeemed every of this, these bodies, and through there God works His threefold manifestation, going to the Kingdom. Risen, paid the price! We're redeemed. God has proved it, vindicated it. See?

592 And we stand justified in Christ, before Him. Because, He cannot pass judgment, for He's already judged that Body, in which I am a part of. What, how am I a part of it? Here It is; It's in me. "If My... ye abide in Me, and My Words in you, then what you say... Ask the Father anything in My Name, it'll be done, because It's there." Justified! Glory to God!

593 Oh, if I could get the world to see that! Why? There you are. There is the Body of Christ living, standing redeemed. Redeemed! Oh, my!

594Justified in His sight! Why are we justified? We are His victory. The Church is His victory. We come forth in this last days with this glorious Gospel, showing His victory. He died for this purpose, and we are proof of His victory. Amen! When we see Him coming down and living among the Church, that's His victory. Shows that he couldn't keep Him in the grave, neither can they keep us. That's right. He...?... And we're already, potentially, arised, because we've raised from dead, unbelief in His Word, from denomination creeds, to an Eternal Word of the Eternal God; which is Him, Hisself, working through us, manifesting Himself that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

595 And then the Word moves on down into the Body, from the Head. What is it? This same Word. Nothing can be added or taken from It. So that same Word moves from the Head, as the Day comes close, down into the Body, down into the Body, vindicating that they are One. They are Husband and Wife. They're flesh of His flesh, Word of His Word; Life of His Life, Spirit of His Spirit. See? Amen! How do you know it? Bears the same record, same fruit, same Word. See, manifests Christ; same Life, same God, same Spirit, same Word, same Book! Amen! Same signs, "Things that I do shall you also." Oh, hallelujah! My!

596 Notice, the vindicated Word in His Body is His very victory and the reason of His death. See, the death, not in the Spirit; when He died, He only died in the flesh. His Spirit went to hell and preached to the souls in prison. That right? His flesh, only, died, then He raised it up again and quickened it. Quicken means "made alive," His flesh, which was His body. And that's the Word. It's been laying dead for years, but It gradually begin to come in the reformation, and now She is standing upon Her feet!

597 Oh, how I wish I had time to go back into Ezekiel, and pull out them "dry bones," and show you. He said, "Can these bones live again?"

He said, "Prophesy!"

598How can prophecy come? Only through the prophet. It's the Word of the Lord. "Hear ye, dry bones, the Word of the Lord!" And sinews, skin come upon them, and they stood up a mighty army, and begin to march towards Zion. Glory to God! That's Him. That's Him, the victory.

The ransomed of the Lord shall come to Zion then with joy,

All His holy mountains, nothing hurt or shall destroy. Yeah.

599 He proves His resurrection Life then as He a vindicates Himself. She, the Bride, is independent from all others. She's an independent Woman, a great speckled bird that's different from all others. You remember the Bible on that, "The great speckled bird." But, She had His Name, She had His Life. For the...

600How did they speckle the bird? They were both white, and then they pulled the head off of one bird and drained the blood out upon the other bird. And the other bird was speckled with the red blood, and it flopped its wings like this, and the blood cried, "holy, holy, holy," as it bathed the ground.

601So Christ, the dead Mate, put His Blood, His Blood from His Life, into us; sprink-... carrying His Blood, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord!" It's an odd-looking bird. Sure, it is. But She, the Bride, is--is identified by Him, and She is independent from all others. "Keep thee only unto her as long as you both live. Keep thee only to Him, the Word," no, no adultery, not one sign of denomination, not one sign of creed, no adultery at all. The Word, and Him alone!

602"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sands," said Eddie Perronet. Uh-huh.

603 That's it, Christ, the Word! He was the Word; He is the Word. And the Church becomes the Word, by Him making Her a part of Him, and that's the Word again. Personally identified by Him, His property alone! His property alone! She is redeemed by Him, through Him, for Him, and for Him alone. That's right. Then, what the devil is howling about, that it's being revealed.

604 We're in a dangerous time. Remember, the Scripture says, when these things begin to happen, "time is no more." She is fading away, when we see the manifestation.

605"Earthquakes." You see them thousand killed the other day? "Earthquakes in divers places."

606Said, "Fearful sights in the skies, pillars of fire," like, floating around like flying saucers. They don't know what it is. See? They don't have any idea.

607 Did you notice the Angels that come down, investigated Sodom before Sodom was destroyed? You remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] There was a bunch of them come down, three of them. One of them stayed with Abraham. You remember that? ["Amen."] They were Lights from Heaven, that came down in the investigating judgment. One's...

608Look where they're all found. Around the Pentagon, and things, they find them. That's the world judgment, Sodom. And there is One represented, will be represented amongst the churches, will be Christ Himself, vindicating Himself. See? "Sights on the... in heavens above, and signs in the earth below." Certainly.

609 Identified! Oh, the devil is howling about this: the manifested Truth of the promise of the Word in Her alone.

610They don't have the answer. When Jesus come, why didn't those Pharisees? He said, "If I cast out devils by the finger of God, who do you cast them out by?" See? He stood alone.

611And His Church stands alone. She is not hooked with nothing. But He was identified by God, being the body that God dwelt in; and the Church is identified by His Body, doing the same thing. She is His Body, the manifested Truth of His promised Word for the last days. And She, and She alone, stands by It. That's why the devil is howling, these great organizations, to set up something to close Her up. They'll never do it. She'll be taken up, not closed up. She is now risen, and by the power of the vindicated Word promised to Her. Amen!

612 How a Bride holds that promise! "He told me He would return after me. I'll believe it." Uh-huh. See? Yes, sir. To meet Her Headship, Her Redeemer, Her Husband, Her King, Her Lord, Her Lover, Her Saviour, in the provided meeting place!

613He's got a place to meet Them. You know, He... Yeah, the Bridegroom, don't leave out nothing. He's got the ring, the identification. He's got the robe that She wears, Her clothing. See? And He's got the provided place to meet Her, that's in the air. Everything has been all provided. He's got the Wedding Supper already set; guests already invited, already chosen. All the Angels are standing around, His servants, at attention. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!

Oh, there is going to be a meeting in the air,

In that sweet, sweet by and by;

I'm going to meet you, going to meet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing ever heard, ever heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son, He will be the leading One, (full manifestation of God,)

At that meeting in the air. Oh, my!

614Watch His vindications now.

You've heard the--heard the story told of Moses in the bulrush,

You have heard of fearless David and his sling;

You heard the story told of dreaming Joseph,

Of Daniel and the lions we often sing.

Oh, there's many, many others vindicated in the Bible,

How I long to meet them all, I do declare!

By and by the Lord will let us meet them,

At that meeting in the air.

For there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In that sweet, sweet by and by;

And I'm going to meet you, greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky.

Such singing ever heard, has been heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son will be that leading One

At that meeting in the air. Oh, my!

615 Don't you love that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now the threefold purpose of His great mystery of revelation has been revealed. He is the main One. That's the One. Oh, my! Let's sing it. I just can't preach no more. I feel so good, see.

Oh, there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In the sweet, sweet by and by;

And I'm going to meet you, greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing ever heard, has been heard by mortal ear,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son, He'll be the leading One

At that meeting in the air.

616Are you going? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen! By the grace of God, by the grace of God! See? Oh, my!

You have heard of little Moses in the bulrush,

You have heard of fearless David and his sling; (them is all types)

You have heard the story told of dreaming Joseph,

And of Daniel and the lions we often sing.

Oh, there's many, many others in the Bible (which is Him),

And I long to meet them all, I do declare!

By and by the Lord will let us meet them

At that meeting in...

617But there is one main One!

Oh, there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In the sweet, sweet by and by;

I'm going to meet you, a greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing ever heard, has been heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

And God's Own Son, He'll be that leading One

At that meeting in the air.

618 Now, we're going to meet one another over There. Let's all, the Methodists, and Baptists, and whatever you are, that's born again of the Spirit of God, shake one another's hands as we sing it.

Oh, there's going to be a meeting in the air,

In that sweet, sweet by and by;

I'm going to meet you, and greet you over There

In that Home beyond the sky;

Such singing every heard, has been heard by mortal ears,

It'll be glorious, I do declare!

For God's Own Son will be the leading One

At that meeting in the air.

619Oh-oh-oh! Oh, that's wonderful, see, see what He will be. Now look.

620We just got to close, friends. It's nearly two o'clock, see, and we'll--we'll be here at supper. I just got page after page of this yet, see, so we're just going to have to close on this. There is no end to it.

621 It's a revelation. It's as Eternal as God's Word is Eternal. Look, but the threefold purpose of God's great mystery is revealed! God manifested in Christ; Christ manifested in the Church; in order to redeem the lost Eve back to the original condition in the garden of Eden. Oh, my!

622Oh, there is going to be some great times on that Day! Yeah. It's right away. We believe it. Don't you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I just think of that song every time I think about it.

623 He vindicated Himself in Daniel, and in Moses, and in Jeremiah. What were they? The prophets which the Word came to, see, them great men. See, you've heard the story told of dreaming Joseph, you see, and Daniel in the lions' den, and all these other ones, you know. Them, that, what were they? Prophets. See? But the main One... God was just, temporarily, typing in them.

624He typed Himself in Adam, knowing what was right, but walked out to redeem his wife, because she was wrong. Christ didn't have to be sin, but He walked out and took sin, to redeem His lost child. See? See? He typed Hisself.

And Moses in the bulrush,

And you've heard of fearless David and his sling;

You've heard the story told of dreaming Joseph, (the prophet,)

And of Daniel and the lions we often sing.

Oh, there's many, many others in the Bible,

And I...

625They, they are the Bible. "And I..." They was all manifested in Him, though. See? Without Him, they're all gone. See? And I have to become part of That, to be Him. Amen! See?

And I long to meet them all, I do declare. That's right.

But God's Own Son, He'll be that leading One

At the meeting in the air.

626 Hebrews 11, said, "They could not be perfect without us." Hands and feet cannot be perfect without the brains, the knowledge, the head, and so forth. See? And we're all perfected in Him, "So by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body," free from Judgment; passed from sin, unto death... Amen! God's Own Son will be the leading One at that meeting in the air. Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

I love Him, I love Him


627Lord Jesus, the anointing of the Holy Spirit come upon these handkerchiefs, Lord, and heal the sick. May it be so, as they set it upon it. I pray that You'd make it so, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

... calvary's tree

[Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him--Ed.]

628Just think, "Christ, revealed," right in us now, right now in us. How did He, how was He revealed? Because He first loved me. What did He do?

And purchased my salvation


629 Glory! That great Angel of the Covenant, that One Who was with Moses in the wilderness, that One Who come to Paul on the road to Damascus, that same One permitted His picture to be taken with us; the same One that was in the picture in the Life magazine the other day; the same Word, by the same God, through the same channels, by the same way, by the same promise! "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst." Then He is here. "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him," that hangs only to His Word. No man can respect that Word without fearing God. See? Then, here He is in here this morning, with us, as we worship Him in the Spirit.

630 Oh, since a hard Message like this, I think we just ought to worship Him a little bit in the Spirit. See, just close your eyes and let's sing that to Him again, "I love Him, I love Him," just as you--you raise your hands, like, to Him.

I love Him, I love Him

Because... first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

Oh, my, how we love Him!

Faith in the Father, faith in the Son,

Faith in the Holy Ghost, these three are One;

Demons will tremble, and sinners awake;

Faith in Jehovah makes anything shake.

631 Amen! Glory to God! How we love Him! Just worship Him in your heart now, just adore Him, just--just think how beautiful He's done. Look what He's done for us. All these years of the visions, not one has ever failed. Everything that He said would come to pass, come just exactly the way He said it.

632 I love you. Don't forget the commandments of God to you, little children, "Love one another." Love everybody. Right or wrong, sinner or saint, love them, anyhow. If you don't, then pray God to help you, 'cause God loved the sinner. And the nature of God is in you. If the man is wrong, love him, anyhow. Don't partake of his sins. See? Don't partake of his sins. But in sweetness, not in sourness and rebuke, in sweetness tell him of the hope of Life that rests within you, through Jesus Christ being revealed to you by the Holy Ghost.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take It, (don't forget now,) everywhere you go.

633Oh, precious, that Name! Oh, we have His Name. We are called by His Name.

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

634 Now I'm going to give you a little secret, till I meet you again. Remember this, as we stand. Remember this.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him, we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

The hope of...

635What? The threefold revelation! Hope and joy of Heaven, revealed in Him.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of...

636 What? The hope of earth and joy of Heaven, everything is manifested in Christ. God, the Church, everything else, is manifested in Christ. The Bible is Christ. The Bible is the written Word. Which, He is the Word. Its manifestation is the evidence of the Life coming into the flesh of the Word, to manifest It. Oh, isn't it wonderful!

Take the Name of Jesus with...

Now listen close now.

As a shield (don't forget that now)... every snare;

When temptations round you gath-...

What must you do?

Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet! O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

637 Not knowing... Of course, being spiritual, you watch spiritual things. Not knowing this; God knows it. But if you'll turn and look at the clock, it's on the dot, two o'clock, the end of the Second Pull. The Third Pull is at hand! See?

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,

When our journey is complete.

Precious Name...

Second Pull has been made manifested!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

638 Did you notice the Spirit take the same song and picking it up an octave higher like that? The next Pull is at hand! Amen! Uh-huh.

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

It's later than you think!

... sorrow and of woe;

It will joy and comfort give you,

Oh, take It everywhere you go.

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy...

Now if temptations come, what do you do?

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every snare;

When temptations (something to make you disbelieve now) gather,

Just remember, breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

639 Let us bow our heads now, everybody, reverently. Look now.

At the Name of Jesus bowing...

640[Brother Branham hums another line of Take The Name of Jesus With You. A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

641Now if you understand, the Spirit of the Lord dropped in the meeting, upon unknown languages, speaking it to a man not knowing; to interpret it by another man not knowing. The Word of the Lord! You remember when the enemy was coming up and they didn't know what they would do? The Spirit of the Lord fell upon a man, and revealed what was to be done. Oh, my!

642Just bow our heads now, humbly. God bless you.

Till we meet! till we meet!

Until we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet!

All right, pastor.

God be with you till we meet.