


Keď sa ten kráľ stal povzneseným a cítil sa bezpečný, povzniesol sa v pýche. Všímame si mnoho krát, nachádzame dokonca ľudí, evanjelistov, že sa dostávajú do položenia, kde mnohí z nich sú obvinení z veci, a možno niečo z toho je pravda, pitie, a tak ďalej. Čo to je, ja myslím, že oni vybudovali okolo seba malé kráľovstvo a myslia si, že ľudia ich tak veľmi milujú, že vôbec nie je možné že... Ti ľudia, oni môžu robiť čokoľvek chcú a „Títo ľudia to prehliadnu.“ Ti ľudia možno, ale čo Boh? To je to čo si neuvedomujeme. To Boh je Ten, ktorý sa díva. Rozumiete? Boh to vie. Keď vy vidíte Pravdu a Svetlo, a odmietate To, Boh vie čo ste urobili. Nebudete nikdy môcť isť ďalej, až kým sa nevrátite znovu presne na to miesto. Nemôžete to obísť. Musíte sa navrátiť presne tam skadiaľ ste vypadli.

On sa stal tak povýšeným vo svojej mysli, a  stal sa až tak sebaistým, že sa snažil zaujať kňazské miesto. Snažil sa vojsť a obetovať kadidlo, ako to poznáme z Biblie, aby zapálil kadidlo, čo náležalo robiť jedine Levitom, kňazovi ktorý bol pomazaný do tej práci. On sa snažil zaujať jeho miesto.

A tu máme vplyv toho kráľa, aby ľudia mohli poznať, že toto telesné napodobňovanie jeden druhého dnes, nie je od Pána. Vy nie ste ustanovení do takých veci. Nikdy nebudete zastávať miesto iného muža, a iný nemôže zastávať vaše miesto. Zistite kde je vaše miesto a zostávajte tam. Vidíte?

1Náš Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne vďační, že toto popoludnie máme znovu príležitosť stáť za kazateľňou a hlásať to nevystihnuteľné bohatstvo Ježiša Krista, zomierajúcemu svetu, ktorý je bez Boha, bez Krista, bez nádeji, bez nádeji na to že pôjde s Ježišom keď On príde. A my sa snažíme, Pane, predstaviť Ježiša Krista týmto národom. A zatiaľ, čo sme zhromaždení tu toto popoludnie, nech Svätý Duch hovorí a zohreje naše srdcia a povzbudí nás na tej Ceste, nech nemocní môžu byť uzdravení a hriešnici spasení, a tí ktorí sú znechutení aby boli povzbudení. A nech Boh prijme všetku slávu a česť, a nech je daná Jeho Menu, lebo to je naším cieľom. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

2Som šťastný, že toto popoludnie môžem znovu tu stáť, v Beamont. Obvykle som vyčerpaný. Už od Vianoc cestujem. Nevyčerpáva ma tých mnoho kázaní, ktoré kážem. Sú to videnia ktoré ma vyčerpávajú. Tak to bolo aj s našim Pánom, jedno videnie zapríčinilo, že On sa obzrel dookola a povedal, že Jeho sila Ho opustila. Jedno videnie u proroka Daniela spôsobilo, on povedal, že ochorel z toho a bol nemocný niekoľko dní. Nuž my – my nemôžeme vysvetliť tieto veci. My len vieme, že je to tak a nikto to nevie lepšie než ti ktorým sa to prihodilo. A cez to všetko my sme aj tak vďační. To čo sa snažím robiť je použiť prorocký dar na evanjelizačnú prácu, a to skutočne inak nefunguje. Je to príliš ťažko.

3No, ale ja chcem povedať, že keď prídem na koniec cesty, a keď toto mesto tu povstane, a keď táto generácia v posledných dňoch, ja – ja nechcem byť zodpovedný za krv žiadneho človeka. Chcem byť voľný od všetkej tej krvi. A snažil som sa ako najlepšie som len mohol aby som to predložil podľa Písma, túto službu ktorú mi dal Pán, vo všetkom ako len viem. A ja viem že Duch Svätý, skrze Jeho milosť mi dáva tak žiť, že myslím že tam neboli žiadne škvrny.

4Som vďačný bratovi Pearry Greenovi a týmto bratom tu ktorí vynaložili svoju námahu aby tieto zhromaždenia boli úspešné. Ak bude niekto zatratený, v tomto meste, v tejto generácii, títo bratia určite nebudú toho vinní, pretože oni otočili každý kameň, snažiac sa učiniť to úspešným. Stravujúc ľudí postarali sa im o miesto na spanie, a – a v televízii, všadiaľ, vynakladajúc na to peniaze zo svojich vlastných vreciek, zariaďujúc to, aby... Oni vedeli, že tie zástupy, ktoré tu máme, nebudú schopné aby sa postarali sami o seba, a tak oni na to zobrali prostriedky zo svojich vlastných vreciek, aby to zabezpečili.

5Ja myslím, že je to nádherné keď to niekto takto vidí. Myslím, že to bolo povedané v Liste Židom v 11.-tej kapitole, „Ktorých svet nebol hoden.“ Nastaviť svoje krky v čase keď táto služba je tak nepopulárna medzi tak mnohými ľuďmi, ktorí by mali tomu veriť. Tí ktorí...

6Bolo o tom hovorené, ale keď sa niečo stane oni to prehliadnu. Ale to musí byť práve tak. Musíte len posilniť svoje ramená a kráčať dopredu, aby ste to poznali. Pamätajte, pred vami to bolo tak isto. Oni pochodujú dole tou cestou tak isto. Ľudia nikdy nepoznali hodinu svojho navštívenia. Žiaden z prorokov nebol nikdy poznaný.

7Ježiš povedal: „Vy ste ich doviedli do hrobu. Teraz ozdobujete ich hroby: Vy ste tí, ktorí ste ich tam dostali. Ktorého že z tých, ktorých Boh poslal, ste vy neprenasledovali a nezabili?“

8Vezmime to od vtedy až do teraz. Poďme dole cez Martina Luthera, a tak ďalej cez Ireneusa a Martina. A tak ďalej, cez všetky veky to bolo tak isto, dokonca s Johannou z Arcu, prorokyňou Pánovou.

9A vy Katolíci. Keď tá žena videla videnia a rozprávala im ich a oni sa presne tak vyplnili ako povedala. Čo ste vy urobili? Upálili ste ju na hranici ako čarodejnicu. Potom asi po dvesto rokoch ste sa prebudili a zistili ste, čo ste urobili. Pochopiteľne, oni učinili pokánie, vykopali telá tých kňazov, čo ju dali spáliť a hodili ich do rieky. Kvôli tomu aby učinili pokánie. Oni sklamali.

10Oni povedali že sv. Patrik bol rímsky katolík. Každý kto pozná históriu vie že to nie je pravda. On absolútne, rozhodne, nesúhlasil s pápežom. Nikdy by nešiel aby si sadol... On by v to vôbec nikdy neveril. Jeho meno bolo Succat; nebolo to sv. Patrik. Ale potom keď bol mŕtvy a nebolo ho, vy ste zabili tisíce z jeho detí. Jeho školy, on by nedovolil, aby krucifix alebo niečo také bolo umiestené v jeho školách, hore v Severnom írsku dnes tie isté veci stále pretrvávajú. On by nedovolil aby to vstúpilo do jeho škôl. Povedal: „Ľudia by sa dívali na obrazy, namiesto toho čo on chce aby videli.“ On mal moc Ducha Svätého. Hovoril v jazykoch. Mal veľké zázraky a znamenia. Prečo to tá cirkev nekáže dnes? Vidíte?

11A všetci tí ľudia, oni ich nikdy nepoznali, až potom keď zomreli, pominuli sa, potom sa snažíme postaviť im hroby. Je to pravda že žijeme...

12Cirkev stále žije v žiare svetla z predchádzajúceho dňa. A potom tá žiara je falošným svetlom. Čo je to tá žiara? To je ako nejaká fatamorgána na ceste. Slnko svieti dole a vytvára fatamorgánu. Vyzerá to ako voda, ale to, nikdy sa nemôžete ku tomu dostať; nie je to tam. Dnes ľudia postupujú tak isto. Oni zasľubujú niečo čo bude veľmi ďaleko, alebo niečo čo už dávno bolo tam, alebo niekde tu, ale oni sa nikdy ku tomu nedostanú.

13Ja som tak vďačný, že náš Boh nie je taký Boh. „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ My sa ku tomu dostávame, keď v to veríme. Je to presne tam, všetko čo je zasľúbené na ten vek. Ide to ťažko, ale zatiaľ tak isto vo viere musíme isť ďalej.

14A ja si zaiste cením spoluprácu všetkých vás teraz tu v meste.

15Už sú to roky, čo som tu bol so svojim starým priateľom, bratom Bosworthom a Raymondom Richeyom a s mnohými bratmi, ktorí tu prišli. Ja stále verím to isté Evanjelium. Ani trochu som to nezmenil; je to stále presne to isté. Ale vy viete, že to prebudenie vtedy pokračovalo. A kde nie je prebudenie, vy sotva môžete urobiť tieto veci.

16Tá služba pokročila oveľa ďalej. To vám len hovorilo vtedy, že to príde. Koľkí si na to pamätáte? Určite si pamätáte. A to prišlo presne tak ako to bolo povedané.

17Vtedy som bral ľudí a kládol som na nich ruky. Hovoril som vám čo mi On povedal a presne tak sa to dialo. Je to presne tak. Nikdy to nesklamalo že by to nebola pravda, každé a vždy, tak to musí pochádzať od Boha. Nikto by o tom nemohol pochybovať. Ale vidíte, to prebudenie nie je.

18Len vaša prítomnosť, byť s ľuďmi, prečo, tí ľudia mohli povstávať z lôžok a nosidiel a chodiť. Len ste položili na nich ruky, a, ó, už to s nimi hýbalo. Videl som zástup kde bolo štyristo alebo päťsto ľudí, ktorí prešli cez modlitebnú radu, hluchí, nemí, slepí, škuľaví, a nebolo ani jedného ktorý by nebol uzdravený, každý jeden z nich bol uzdravený.

19Skúste to dnes? Vidíte, nie je viac ohňa. V Ríme, keď tie ohne vzišli v chráme Vista, ľudia odišli domov. Vidíte? Teraz nie je ohňa prebudenia, ktorý by za tým stál, vidíte, to je, to je práve ono.

20Zanedlho, ak bude trvať svet, oni začnú žiť znovu v žiare. Vidíte? A tak sa to vždy deje, prešlo to ponad nich a minulo ich to, a táto generácia má byť súdená podľa toho, čo prešlo ponad ňu, oni to prehliadli.

21Ježiš Kristus je živý toto popoludnie. On sa tu teraz s nami prechádza. On je všade prítomný. „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja v ich strede.“ Veríte tomu, však? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

22Dúfam, ak Pán pozhovie, že zase ku vám prídem. A budem s vami nejaký čas. Ak by som vás už viac nevidel; keď vás tam stretnem pred súdnou stolicou Kristovou, kde sa všetci stretneme, pamätajte, že ja som vám povedal Pravdu. Ja to budem stále hovoriť keď vás stretnem Tam. Až dovtedy, nech vás Pán bohato žehná.

23Modlite sa za mňa. Ja potrebujem vaše modlitby. A nie som taký mladý, ako som bol vtedy. To bolo pred dvanástimi, štrnástimi rokmi.

24Niekto sa ma spýtal jedného dňa, riekol: „Koľko máš rokov, brat Branham?“

25Povedal som, „Práve mi minulo dvadsať päť.“ Povedal som, „Pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi mi to minulo.“ A ja... vy ne... posúďte si to sami. Človek len...

26Keď sa narodíte začnete rásť, ako sviečka začnete dohárať. Ste zapálený, ale rastiete do dvadsiateho druhého alebo až do dvadsiateho tretieho roku. Nestarám sa o to ako dobre dbáte na seba, práve tam začínate zomierať a stávate sa chatrnejší a chatrnejší až to dohorí.

27Spýtal som sa v Kiwanis jedného dňa, keď som hovoril, povedal som, „Chcem niekoho...“

28Nejaký doktor mi povedal, riekol: „Ja nemôžem uveriť tú historku o Kristovi, pretože ja neverím že panna počne.“ Povedal: „Ja neverím že také niečo existuje.“

29Ja som riekol: „Prirodzené narodenie je pre mňa viac tajomné ako narodenie z panny.“

30Pozorovať prirodzené narodenie, ako sa to deje a ako je o tom rozhodnuté, keď dôjde k oplodneniu, ktoré z tých vajíčok, keď je tam tisíce zárodkov a tisíce vajíčok. Nerozhodnú o tom tie prvé dva ktoré sa stretnú, ale možno... Vy poviete: „Nuž, tie dva vpredu.“ Ó nie. Vidíte, to bude stáť. Možno povstane jeden zárodok úplne zozadu spermii, na tejto strane a jedno vajíčko v strede a to rozhodne či to bude dievča alebo chlapec, čiernovlasý, alebo červenovlasý, modrooký, alebo čokoľvek to bude. Niečo spôsobí to rozhodnutie. Tie ostatné z nich zahynú.

31Je to tak tajomné vidieť prácu Božiu, a potom vidieť ľudí s tou malou obmedzenou mysľou, ako sme my, ktorí sa snažia zapierať Jeho veľké diela!

32Ten dotyčný mi povedal, nuž on, „nemohol by som veriť nič čo by nebolo vedecky potvrdené.“

Povedal som, „Veríš že máš dušu?“

Riekol, „Samozrejme.“

33Povedal som, „Tak mi dokáž vedecky že ju máš.“ Povedal som, „Veríš, že je niečo také ako láska?“

Riekol, „Samozrejme.“

Povedal som, „Miluješ svoju ženu?“


34Povedal som, „Tak mi ukáž vedecky, ktorá časť z teba je láska. Chcem si trochu kúpiť. Pôjdem do lekárni, kdekoľvek to predávajú. Potrebujem toho veľa. Rád by som si kúpil trochu lásky.“ Vidíte?

35Celá zbroj Božia je nadprirodzená. Láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, zdržanlivosť, pokora, trpezlivosť a Duch Svätý. Vidíte? Celá zbroj veriaceho sa nadeje na Neviditeľného, verí to čo bolo povedané. Vidíte? Vy nevidíte to, čo veríte. Rozumiete? Nevidíte. Vy to vôbec nevidíte. Dívate sa na to svojimi očami, ale vidíte to svojím srdcom. Je to tak? Dívate sa na niečo a hovoríte: „Ja to prosto nevidím,“ vy tým chcete povedať, že tomu nerozumiete. Vidíte?

36Tak som sa ho spýtal toto, povedal som: „Keby som mal krčah s vodou a tu by som postavil pohár. A budem vylievať vodu z toho krčaha do pohára a to sa do polovičky naplní a potom len ďalej lejem vodu a ona začne klesať. Povedzte mi vedecky kde sa tá voda podieva.“ Vidíte?

37Riekol som: „Keď som bol malý chlapec, keď som mal šestnásť rokov, jedol som také isté jedlo ako jem aj teraz, fazuľu chlieb, zemiaky, mäso.“ Povedal som: „stále keď som jedol, čo spôsoboval ten pokrm? On budoval krvné bunky. Ja som sa stával väčším a silnejším po celý ten čas, až som dorástol na okolo dvadsať dva rokov. Teraz jem viac a lepšie ako som jedol vtedy, nuž a stávam sa starším a slabším. A jednako tá strava buduje krvné bunky. Po celý čas dodávam nový život, a po celý čas ma ubúda.“ Taký je poriadok. My ho budeme dodržiavať, to je poriadok s Bohom. Je to tak. Budeme.

38Vy vedecky Boha nemôžete dokázať. Vy jednoducho v Boha veríte a veríte v Neho podľa Jeho Slova.

39 Nuž, chcem vám toto popoludnie všetkým a každému jednému poďakovať. Tej milej sestre tam za pianom, tu tej sestre. Všetkým vám ľudom, kazateľom, každému jednému z vás, nech vás Pán žehná.

40Noc sa nestane takou tmavou, a dážď nebude až taký, aby som vám nepomohol ak budem môcť. Zvykol som hovoriť, že prídem ku vám, ale teraz je toho príliš mnoho. Ja, prešiel som okolo celého sveta a je to všade. Ale len mi zavolajte, alebo mi napíšte; pošlem vám vreckovku s modlitbou, čokoľvek môžem urobiť, všetko úplne zadarmo. Nie sú v tom žiadne peniaze. Rozumiete?

41Dodržoval som to vo svojich zhromaždeniach, a tak som mohol prísť aj tam kde nemajú žiadne peniaze. Mal som zhromaždenie, nie tak dávno, tu v nejakej modlitebni, kde bolo len dvadsať ľudí, dvojdňové zhromaždenie. Bolo to strašné, asi desať stupňov pod nulou, ale Pán ma tam poslal a stali sa veľké veci.

42Ja nemám – Ja nemám žiadne veľké programy, rádio, televízia, nič z toho. Iní bratia to majú. Oni sú možno inteligentní, vzdelaní ľudia. Oni vedia čo robiť a Pán im to povoľuje. Ako Oral Roberts a ľudia ako on, ktorí musia mať tisíce dolárov na deň, inak nemôžu pracovať; a to je na dobrú vec. Ale to nie je môj spôsob.

43Ja chcem, aby som zostal malý a pokorný, mohol ísť kdekoľvek, kdekoľvek ma volá Boh. Nemám nič čo by ma potom zdržiavalo. Vezmem sa len a idem, kdekoľvek to je. To je moja služba.

44Modlite sa za mňa, aby mi Pán pomohol držať Vieru, a ne obzerať sa dozadu; hľadieť dopredu tam kde idem. Nie hľadieť tam kde som bol; hľadieť tam kde idem. „Na to čo je za mnou, zabúdajúc a po tom čo je predo mnou, sa vystierajúc ženiem sa za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi.“

45Chcem prečítať niečo z Božej Biblii, dnes. Vybral som len krátky text, pretože som vám povedal, že prídem a budem sa modliť toto popoludnie za chorých. Za všetkých, ktorí majú modlitebné karty a za tých, ktorí chcú aby sa za nich modlilo. On to bude robiť. A ja sa tiež budem snažiť dodržať svoj sľub.

46Niekto, keď tak hovoríte, povie: „Dobre, ty si sľúbil že budeš na určitom mieste.“

47Nepochyboval by som, ale čo, práve teraz je v Spojených štátoch štyri alebo päť miest, kde predpokladajú že dnes budem, lebo niekto povedal, že ja tam budem. Ja som to vôbec nepovedal, že tam budem. Ale oni to povedali, rozumiete, dali to do novín. A volajú mi domov po celý ten čas, „Nuž, čo sa deje?“ Hovoria manželke, alebo niekomu v kancelárii: „Nuž, my rátame s tým že tu bude. Oni to tu oznámili. Je to napísané v novinách.“ Ja som o tom nevedel vôbec nič. Nemôžem tomu pomôcť. Ja som zodpovedný len za to, čo sám poviem.

48Tak teraz, toto popoludnie, chcem aby sme všetci, znovu, ak sme ochotní, stáli pri čítaní Slova.

49A budeme sa snažiť ukončiť tak asi za hodinu, podľa vôli Pánovej, a tak môžete byť čerství a ísť dnes večer do zhromaždenia. Z toho dôvodu máme tieto zhromaždenia v nedeľu popoludní, aby sme nikoho neokradli o jeho vlastné zhromaždenie. Tí ľudia, ktorí chcú aby sme sa tu za nich modlili, nemocní a postihnutí, dobre, vždy sa budeme za nich modliť, aby to potom nenarušovalo vaše zhromaždenia.

50To nevadí, sú tu ľudia s ktorými ne... Ja nesúhlasím s nimi a oni nesúhlasia so mnou. Ale ak to nemôže byť v tolerancii a za účelom lepšieho spoločenstva a tak ďalej, potom sa ku tomu nebudem vyjadrovať. Ak sa s niekým nemôžem zhodnúť až tak veľmi, že by som ho zo srdca nemohol objať, vediac že on je môj brat, potom by som mu nemal nič hovoriť. Je to tak. Musíme to tak robiť.

51A teraz vy, ktorí si chcete otvoriť vaše Biblie otvorte si Izaiáša 6. kapitolu. Chceme z tade čítať toto popoludnie a vziať si z tade text na zakončovacie zhromaždenie.

Roku, ktorého zomrel... Uziáš, videl som Pána sedieť na vysokom tróne a povznesenom a podolok jeho rúcha naplňoval chrám.

Serafíni stáli nad ním. Každý... mal šesť krídel; dvoma zakrýval svoju tvár, dvoma zakrýval svoje nohy, a dvoma lietal.

A volali jeden druhému a hovorili: Svätý, svätý, svätý Hospodin zástupov, celá zem je plná jeho slávy.

A pohli sa základy prahov od hlasu volajúceho, a dom sa naplnil dymom.

Vtedy som povedal: Beda mne, lebo zahyniem pretože som človek nečistých rtov a bývam prostred ľudu nečistých rtov; beda mne, lebo moje oči videli Kráľa Hospodina Zástupov!

Tu priletel ku mne jeden zo serafínov majúc v ruke žeravý uhoľ, ktorý vzal kliešťami z oltára. A dotkol sa mojich ústa riekol: Hľa, tento uhoľ sa dotkol tvojich rtov, a tak odišla tvoja neprávosť, a tvoj hriech je prikrytý.

Potom som počul hlas Pánov, ktorý hovoril:

Koho pošlem, a kto nám pôjde? Vtedy som povedal: Hľa, tu som, pošli mňa.

52Skloňme naše hlavy.

53Najmilostivejší Pane, vezmi tieto slová, a nech premýšľanie nášho srdca je prijateľné pre Teba.

Nech veľký Duch Svätý prechádza do úst rečníka a do uší poslucháčov, aby to dokopy mohlo priniesť chválu Tvojmu Menu, cez Tvoje Slovo, preto že my to prosíme na slávu Božiu. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

54Budem dávať pozor, aby nám zostalo dosť času na modlitebnú bohoslužbu. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, keď budem hovoriť a snažiť sa podať vám tých niekoľko miest Písma, s tými poznámkami ktoré som si tu urobil. Niekedy, nie som unavený á vyčerpaný, nikdy som si nezapisoval miesta z Písma, vediac že si to môžem zapamätať. Ale neskoršie sa stalo tak, že niekedy som sa... Nemôžem si to spomenúť. A tak si robím poznámky, niečo málo akoby určité miesta Písma, ja viem čo to znamená a podľa toho môžem postupovať.

55Chcem hovoriť na tému: Vplyv.

56Nuž, viete, je niekto koho vy ovplyvňujete. Váš život je napísanou epištolou, ktorú čítajú všetci ľudia. Preto teda, ak život nie je zhodný s vašim svedectvom, alebo svedectvo nie je zhodné s vašim životom, tým skôr, potom je... vy niekomu kladiete do cesty kameň úrazu, preto že niekto vás pozoruje. Nejaké malé decko pozoruje svoju matku, svojho otca.

57Pred pár rokmi som čítal taký malý článok o Vianociach, bolo to... opodstatnené zahriatie môjho srdca, bolo to na zármutok. Keď nejaký človek bol preč z domu, on bol dobrý človek, on v skutočnosti nepil. Ale on si vyšiel, aby ponavštevoval svojich kolegov, a každý mu povedal, „Jano, vypi si trošku. len máličko,“ A z domu do domu mal toho až dosť. A musel sa vracať domov. Išiel cez park a bol s nim jeho malý chlapec a on toho malého chlapca stratil. Otočil sa a hľadel, a ten malý chlapec chodil z jednej strany cesty na druhú. Ten otec čakal až kým chlapec prišiel k nemu.

58Povedal mu, „Prečo chodíš krížom krážom po celom Parku, synku? Čo ťa ku tomu vedie že tak chodíš?“

59On odpovedal, „Ocko, ja sa snažím kráčať v tvojich šľapajach.“ A to je ono. Vidíte? Ten malý...

60Ten muž pozdvihol toho chlapca a posadil sa, vzal toho malého na svoje ramená. Riekol, „Bože, odpusť mi. Ja chcem chodiť rovno, tak aby aj môj syn za mnou chodil rovno.“

61 A to je to, čo my ako Kresťania chceme robiť. Chceme chodiť ako Kresťania, žiť ako Kresťania, hovoriť ako Kresťania.

62Pred mnohými rokmi, keď ešte na juhu bolo otroctvo dole v Kentucky a v Alabame a tam z kade ja pochádzam. Zvykli brať tých farebných a predávať ich na dražbe, práve tak ako vy ste zvyknutí predávať autá, alebo čokoľvek iné. Ja verím , že žiadny človek nemá byť otrokom. „Boh učinil človeka a človek učinil otrokov.“ A oni prichádzali a kupovali ich, práve tak ako by ste si vy kúpili použité auto, dostanete kúpnu zmluvu, a tak ďalej. To bola hrozná vec.

63Tak oni, jedného dňa prišiel nejaký kupec aby... nejaký priekupník prišiel na starú plantáž, na ktorej mali veľa otrokov. Opýtal sa: „Koľko tu máte otrokov?“

„Oh,“ dostal odpoveď, „Myslím, že ich je tam okolo sto päťdesiat.“

Povedal, „Mohol by som tam ísť a obzrieť si ich?“

On riekol, „Samozrejme, nech sa páči.“

64Tak išiel aby si obzrel tých otrokov. A keď sa díval dookola, všimol si tých ľudí, boli vždy smutní. Oni, tí Búri, ich dovážali z Afriky a vyloďovali ich na Kube a rozosielali tu na juh a predávali za otrokov. A tí vedeli, že sa nikdy nevrátia domov. Vedeli, že nikdy neuvidia svojho otca a matku, nikdy viac, alebo svoje deti, muža, ženy a tak ďalej. Oni boli obeťou okolností, ktorých sami neboli príčinou. A tu boli preč zo svojho domu a smutní. A niekedy brali na nich bič a museli ich biť, práve tak ako bijú zvieratá, dobytok a voly, kone a všetko, a tak ich nútili pracovať.

65A všimol si, ten mladý priekupník si všimol, že tam bol jeden z tých mladých otrokov, ktorého nemuseli biť. Ó, mal hore hlavu, vystreté ramená, a po celý ten čas bol skutočne bezvadný, na jedničku. Nemuseli s ním nič robiť. [Brat Branham pukol na prstoch – pozn.prekl.] On mal prácu urobenú. Tak ten majiteľ otrokov povedal... Ten priekupník povedal tomu majiteľovi, riekol: „Toho otroka by som chcel kúpiť.“ Tamten povedal, „Ó, nie.“ Riekol, „On nie je na predaj.“

66On riekol, „Ale prečo nie je na predaj?“ Riekol, „Čo ty,“ riekol, „čo robíš... Prečo je taký?“ Riekol, „Je on predák nad tými ostatnými?“

Povedal, „Ó, nie, on je otrok.“

Povedal, „Dávaš mu jesť niečo iné ako dávaš tým ostatným?“

67On riekol: „Nie, oni všetci jedia spoločne v otrockej kuchyni.“ Riekol: „On je len otrok.“

68On povedal: „Nuž, čo ho vedie k tomu že sa správa inak ako všetci ostatní?“

69Riekol, „Vieš, tiež ma to často zaujímalo, až kým som nezistil, že tam v jeho domovine, v Afrike z kadiaľ on pochádza, jeho otec je kráľom kmeňu. A on, hoci je aj cudzincom, ďaleko od svojho domu, ale vie že je synom kráľa a podľa toho sa správa.“

70Čo majú Kresťania robiť? My sme synovia a dcéry Kráľa. Hoci sme cudzinci, správajme sa ako synovia a dcéry. Ženy, nechajte si rásť vlasy. Prestaňte nosiť tie nemorálne šaty, ktoré nosíte, a iné veci. Mužovia, navráťte sa tam, kde je vaše miesto. Ne... Správajte sa ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Vy ste tu cudzincami, ale pamätajte, vy ste synovia Kráľa.

71Vidíte ten vplyv, aký mal ten muž na všetkých ostatných, jeho morálka držala vysoko nádej ostatných.

72My nachádzame že tento kráľ Uziáš, bol pastierom za dní Izaiáša proroka. Izaiáš bol prorok.

73Proroci sa rodia. Oni sa nestávajú prorokmi tým, že na nich vkladajú ruky. Oni sa rodia predurčením Božím. „Boh neželie darov svojej milosti a svojho povolania.“ Existuje dar proroctva v cirkvi, a on musí byť posudzovaný skrze troch ľudí, prv ako by to mohlo byť prednesené v zhromaždení, ale to je len dar proroctva. Ale prorok je dokonale ustanovený tým TAK HOVORI PÁN, počúvajúc od detstva.

74A Izaiáš bol prorok Pánov, bol vzatý do chrámu. A mal... Tento Uziáš, ten mladý pastier, mal veľký vplyv na tohto mladého proroka. Pretože, Uziáš, v Druhej Kroník 26 stojí, že on sa stal kráľom Izraela, keď mal len šestnásť rokov. Jeho otec Amaziáš zomrel, a on zaujal jeho miesto, aby vládol, ako to bolo vo zvyku, že syn sa stával nástupcom kráľa. A tak sa stal kráľom keď mal len šestnásť rokov. A jeho otec Amaziáš bol veľkým mužom. On bol zbožný človek. Majúc takých zbožných rodičov, nuž to ho viedlo k tomu, že robil veci, ktoré boli dobré, pretože bol ovplyvnený svojím otcom. Vidíte?

75Dnes, ako môžete očakávať, že nebudete mať viacej Oswaldov a Jack Ruby-sov. Hľaďte na... Opustil som svoj hotel, pred chvíľou, a tam vonku sa povaľuje taká napitá zberba, banda Kaliforňanov, donaha povyzliekané ženy, len s takým prúžkom okolo seba, tam vonku. A chlapi pijú whisky s ľadom a tamto, vyvádzajúc, váľajúc sa okolo vody. Ako vy môžete očakávať, že ich deti, tí mladí ktorí sa tam dookola na dvore hrajú, že budú niečo iné ako nejaký Oswald, alebo niečo také? To je vplyv ktorý je pred nich kladený.

76Ó, Amerika je prehnitá až do špiku. Ona bude žať to čo siala. Spravodlivý Boh ju bez toho nemôže nechať prejsť.

Vy poviete, „Si ty?...“

77Ja, samozrejme, ja som Američan. Na poliach, v Nemecku a v Japonsku, sú označené Americké hroby, všade tam, môj ľud, Branhamovci. A keby som musel ísť, dal by som za to svoj život.

78Ale dovoľte mi, aby som vám niečo povedal. My potrebujeme rozhýbanie, tento národ to potrebuje. Všetko, čo sme raz mali, sme stratili a snažíme sa žiť na dobrom mene z toho čo urobil niekto iný. My za to budeme žať. Boh učinil Izraela, ľud podľa Svojho vlastného srdca; on ich nechal žať. A my tiež budeme žať, za to čo robíme. Už nič ďalšie nemáme pred sebou, len žatvu. Prešli sme za hranicu milosti a milosrdenstva, a už nezostáva nič iné iba žatva. Poznačte si to vo svojich Bibliách. Ja som starý človek. Ale vy si to poznamenajte a zistíte, či je to pravda alebo nie. Možno, že keď ja tu už nebudem, potom ďalej a ďalej, vy zistíte, že tieto slová sú pravda. Dostane sa nám toho. Zvážení sme na vážkach a nájdení sme ľahkí a nie je z toho východisko. Je to tak. Prešli sme za túto hranicu. Musíte žať čo ste siali, každého času.

79Tak tento mladý muž mal taký vplyv, ten mladý kráľ vplýval na mladého proroka, pretože vedel že to bol prorok. A po celý ten čas on ho mal pri sebe a čerpal od Boha z pod vplyvu jeho videní, a tak ďalej, aby vedel ako spravovať svoje kráľovstvo.

80A to ho učinilo veľkým mužom. On ignoroval politikov tých dní, a tie populárne názory, a slúžil Bohu s pravdivým srdcom. Takého prezidenta potrebujeme. Takých vodcov potrebujeme nad ľuďmi v každom národe, všadiaľ. Jeho kráľovstvo stálo hneď za Šalamúnovým. Nebolo ničoho... Boh ho len žehnal a nezadržal od neho žiadneho požehnania, pretože on Mu slúžil.

81A to bolo veľkou pomocou pre mladého Izaiáša, pretože videl, ako Boh žehná tých ktorí sú verní Jeho Slovu. Nezáležalo na tom, aké to bolo ťažké, zostali verní tomu Slovu. A to je tiež príklad pre nás dnes, aby sme stáli verne pri tom Slove. A to malo na neho veľký vplyv.

82Nuž on vysádzal vinice, bol majiteľom stád, mal všetky druhy stáda a viníc. Ak si to chcete prečítať, je to v Druhej Knihe Kroník 26, a na iných miestach Písma, ktoré hovoria o Uziášovi. On bol veľkým mužom. Miloval prírodu, taký fajn chlapík. Boh žehnal všetko čo robil, všetko len prospievalo a vzrastalo. A nijaké národy ho neobťažovali. Báli sa ho, preto že slúžil Pánu Bohu, ktorý bol s ním. Nie že by sa ho báli kôl i jeho vojenskej sile, ale oni sa ho báli kvôli Bohu ktorému slúžil.

83To má byť naše memorandum. „Náš Boh na ktorého sa spoliehame,“ tak to stojí na našich dolároch, ale ja niekedy pochybujem či je to tak.

84Nuž ale to všetko sa stalo a ukazuje nám to tu príklad. Rád by som toto popoludnie niečo z toho vytiahol, aby som vám ukázal ako Boh môže žehnať človeka a robiť ho veľkým. Ale viete, keď tento kráľ mal... cítil bezpečie, cítil miesto kde bol absolútne zakotvený, tam nikdy nijako neupadol, povýšil sa v pýche. Vtedy si zapríčinil svoj pád. Vtedy si každý človek zapríčiní svoj pád.

85Ja myslím, že to je to, čo sa deje s tak mnohými našimi ľuďmi dnes, povýšili sme sa. Myslím, že to je to čo spôsobujú organizácie tým že robia to čo robia. Dosahujú lepšiu úroveň, ako to oni nazývajú, „vzdelanejší, lepšia trieda ľudí,“ myslia si: Ľudia, ich školy... všetci ich kazatelia majú vysokú školu a univerzitné vzdelanie, dva alebo tri roky psychológie, prechádzajú cez psychiatrické testy, skúšky inteligencie a všetko možné, aby zistili či sú do toho schopní, a niekedy nevedia o Bohu viac, ako zajac o snežniciach. Je to presne tak. Tá inteligencia nemá s tým nič spoločného. To je moc Ducha Svätého. To nie je vo vašom rozume; to je vo vašom srdci. Áno, ale vidíte my... Potom sa oni povyšujú. „Naša, my chodíme do najlepšej cirkvi v meste. My patríme do tej prvej cirkvi. My patríme tam kde chodí starosta. My patríme do toho.“

86 A všetko toto, vidíte čo to je, potom tí ľudia jednoducho nedokážu vystáť, aby To vypočuli. Oni si myslia, že vy ste hrozný človek. Ale čo to je, tam nie je miesto na zapustenie Semena. Tam nie je nič na čom by Ono mohlo spočinúť; iba skala. Tam sa to nikdy neuchytí. „Prileteli vtáci vyzobali To.“ Tak hovorí Biblia.

87Ale keď sa ten kráľ stal povzneseným a cítil sa bezpečný, povzniesol sa v pýche.

88Všímame si mnoho krát, nachádzame dokonca ľudí, evanjelistov, že sa dostávajú do položenia, kde mnohí z nich sú obvinení z veci, a možno niečo z toho je pravda, pitie, a tak ďalej. Čo to je, ja myslím, že oni vybudovali okolo seba malé kráľovstvo a myslia si, že ľudia ich tak veľmi milujú, že vôbec nie je možné že... Ti ľudia, oni môžu robiť čokoľvek chcú a „Títo ľudia to prehliadnu.“

89Ti ľudia možno, ale čo Boh? To je to čo si neuvedomujeme. To Boh je Ten, ktorý sa díva. Rozumiete? Boh to vie. Keď vy vidíte Pravdu a Svetlo, a odmietate To, Boh vie čo ste urobili. Nebudete nikdy môcť isť ďalej, až kým sa nevrátite znovu presne na to miesto. Nemôžete to obísť. Musíte sa navrátiť presne tam skadiaľ ste vypadli.

90On sa stal tak povýšeným vo svojej mysli, a stal sa až tak sebaistým, že sa snažil zaujať kňazské miesto. Snažil sa vojsť a obetovať kadidlo, ako to poznáme z Biblie, aby zapálil kadidlo, čo náležalo robiť jedine Levitom, kňazovi ktorý bol pomazaný do tej práci. On sa snažil zaujať jeho miesto.

91A tu máme vplyv toho kráľa, aby ľudia mohli poznať, že toto telesné napodobňovanie jeden druhého dnes, nie je od Pána. Vy nie ste ustanovení do takých veci. Nikdy nebudete zastávať miesto iného muža, a iný nemôže zastávať vaše miesto. Zistite kde je vaše miesto a zostávajte tam. Vidíte?

92On si myslel: „Nuž, ja teraz... Chvála Bohu, Ja som kráľ a Pán je ku mne dobrý. Ja to môžem robiť. Ja to mám. To je moja služba.“ A nachádzame, že v takomto svojom postupovaní a snahe isť ďalej, vystupuje z tade, kde ho Boh žehnal.

Ak ste dobrým prostým údom, buďte dobrým, prostým údom.

93Ak si dobrou gazdinou, ak ťa Boh žehná ako gazdinú a učinil ťa vernou a pravdivou, sestra, ty len v tom zotrvávaj. Nemysli si, že ťa Boh povolal aby si bola kazateľka, alebo diakon, alebo niečo iné.

94A – a vy muži robte to isté. Kdekoľvek vás Boh žehnal, tam zostávajte, pretože to je to, kde vás On postavil. Robte len to, čo vám on povedal aby ste robili a hľaďte kde On vás žehná.

95Ale nikdy sa nesnažte zastupovať, to je – to je podstata letničných. Keď pani McPherson... Keď som čítal jej knihu, ja som ne... Ja som vtedy, v jej čase nebol kazateľom. Hovorí sa: „Keď ona vyšla na pódium s tým, ako krídla, viete,“ alebo, poznáte taký druh šiat, „každá kazateľka nosila to isté. Každá jedna z nich nosila Bibliu tak isto ako pani McPherson.“

96Počuli ste niekedy tie programy v rádiu? Každý muž, „Pán vás žehnaj, skutoční dobrí muži,“ Billy Graham. To je telesné napodobňovanie.

97Čítal som históriu Martina Luthera. A história hovorí: „To nebolo takým veľkým tajomstvom, že Martin Luther mohol protestovať proti Katolíckej cirkvi a obstáť s tým, ale držať hlavu ponad všetok fanatizmus, ktorý nasledoval jeho prebudenie.“ Tak to je.

98Zachovávajte sa čistý a bezúhonný do svojho povolania. Zotrvávajte s Božím Slovom a neposúvajte sa za ničím. A zostávajte, trvajte vo svojom povolaní. Ak vám On dá prácu tam vonku, ako poľnohospodárovi, hospodárte dobre. Boh vás žehnaj pri tom, a plaťte svoje desiatky a čokoľvek to je, svoje ofery, aby ste pomáhali službe v napredovaní.

Ak On z vás učinil mechanika a požehnal vás v tej práci zotrvávajte v tom a ďakujte Mu za to. Rozumiete? Zostávajte len tam, kde vás Boh povolal.

99Nachádzame tu vplyv. A potom, keď sa ho pokúšali napraviť, ten kňaz bežal za nim a riekol: „Hej! Počkaj chvíľu! Ty si do toho nebol povolaný“ Oh, on sa rozhneval! Prečo, on bol hotový dať mu sťať hlavu.

100Vidíte, tu je ďalšia vec, ktorú musíme vidieť. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi vás Boh žehnal, vy nemáte žiadne právo, aby ste pokarhali pomazaných Pánových, alebo niečo proti nim povedali. Je to tak. Boh je ten jediný, aby sa o to postaral. Oni nepotrebujú žiadne karhania, to sú Jeho deti, nechajte ich tak. Neočakáva sa od vás, aby ste to robili. Rozumiete?

101A keď poviete ľudom o ich hriechoch a poviete im , že robia zle, „Vyjdite! Nepokúšajte sa dostať do neba nejaký organizovaný systém, alebo niečo také.“ Ó, pre pána Jána oni, oni budú... Ide ich rozhodiť. Rozčúlia sa. Chcú nájsť na vás chybu; nebudú – nebudú ani sedieť a počúvať vás; vstanú a odídu a nevychovane, hocijako sa správajú. Vidíte, to za prvé ukazuje biednu výchovu, domácke maniere. Zaiste.

102Ale my zisťujeme, že tento chlap zaujal takýto postoj v tom čo vykonal. Čo sa mu stalo? Pán ho zasiahol malomocenstvom rovno tam na mieste. A čo predstavuje malomocenstvo? Hriech, neveru. Nie je iného hriechu ako nevera. „Ten kto neverí je už odsúdený.“ A hriech to je jedine nevera.

103Raz som kázal v Metodistickom kostole a povedal som: „Fajčenie nie je hriech. Cudzoložiť nie je hriech. Brať Meno Pánovo nie je hriech.“

104To bolo príliš mnoho na jednu sestru; ona vstala a povedala, „Prosím, povedzte mi, Reverend Branham, čo je hriech?“

Odvetil som, "Nevera."

105Vy tieto veci robíte preto že neveríte. Je to presne tak. Dôvod, prečo odmietate chodiť vo svetle Slova je ten, že neveríte Slovu. To vás robí neveriacimi.

106Jeden človek mi povedal: „Nestarám sa koľko prípadov by si mohol ukázať, alebo koľko prípadov by mohol ukázať doktor, o rôznych uzdraveniach,“ povedal, „Ja v uzdravenie neverím. To neexistuje.“

107Odvetil som, „Samozrejme, to nebolo poslané neveriacim. To bolo poslané len tým ktorí veria.“

108To je len pre veriacich. On povedal, „Všetko je možné tomu kto verí,“ nie tomu kto neverí.

109A jedna smietka nevery voči Božiemu Slovu, a nájdete sa von z Kráľovstva Nebeského. To dostalo von Evu. To spôsobilo všetky tieto trápenia, len raz prekrútiť Slovo, len o trošku. Vy musíte stáť rovno s Ním, čo Ono hovorí.

110Nuž nachádzame, že ten muž sa povzniesol a nafúkal a jeho tvár sčervenela a otočil sa dookola a povedal tým kňazom, prvé čo poznáte je, že on prepukol v malomocenstvo. Práve tam vo svojom hneve on zostal ranený. Nikdy sa z toho nedostal. Čo? Nevera v Božie Slovo ktoré sa mu snažili povedať.

111V tom je opravdivý príklad. Všimnite si. On bol... On neveril a vo svojom hneve bol ranený malomocenstvom a zomrel, vonku zo svojho vlastného domu, nikdy viac mu nebolo dovolené navrátiť sa do kráľovstva, na kráľovské miesto. Jeho syn musel zaujať jeho miesto a – a pomáhali mu ako len mohli a on bol zanechaný v takom stave, kým nezomrel. Nuž vidíte, on sa nikdy neuzdravil.

112Ježiš povedal, „Jedno slovo povedané proti Tomu, nebude nikdy odpustené,“ To je Slovo, „Ani v tomto ani v budúcom veku.“ To je neodpustiteľné. Tak vidíte prečo je svet pripravený pre súd? Veľkí evanjelisti a všetci, ktorí pokryli svet Evanjeliom sa z Toho smiali, robili si žarty a všetko možné. Nič nezostalo. Nie je možné, aby to kedy bolo rehabilitované. Rúhali sa Svätému Duchu a robili si z Toho žarty a všetko možné. A oni... A, oni, Nie je možné aby to kedy bolo rehabilitované. Za to musí byť zaplatené. Nedá sa tomu uniknúť. Boh je spravodlivý; to by bolo proti Jeho spravodlivosti, proti Jeho - Jeho Existencii, toho čo On je. A teraz za to musí byť zaplatené.

113Tak ten kráľ, nezáleží na tom ako ho Boh veľmi miloval, akým veľkým mužom on bol, koľko mal hodnosti, jednako len urobil zle a musel zožať to čo zasial. A každý človek to bude musieť urobiť.

114To vtedy bola lekcia pre mladého proroka. Vtedy to bola skutočná lekcia! Cez to sa Izaiáš naučil, že Boh sám ustanovuje Svojich ľudí na ich miesta. Nie to, čo niekto iný ustanoví. Boh ustanovuje Svojho človeka do práce, ustanovuje ho na jeho miesto. On sa nestará zaujať miesto iného.

115To videnie, tá vec bola taká veľká, až to doviedla tohto proroka do chrámu, aby sa modlil.

116Som zvedavý dnes, keď by sme my videli smrť cirkví, videli vymieranie ľudí z Ducha, ktorí idú späť a slúžia svojim vyznaniam, či to nemá viesť veriacich na kolená.

117To viedlo opravdivého veriaceho, ustanoveného veriaceho, Izaiáša proroka na jeho kolená. On išiel do chrámu a tam sa začal modliť.

118A v chráme on videl Boha na Jeho tróne, vysoko povzneseného. Boh mu chcel ukázať na čo sa má dívať. Nie hľadieť jeden na druhého; hľadieť tam hore na to čo On je, On je vysoko povznesený na Svojom tróne.

119 Všimni si Nebeských Serafínov s pokrytím na svojich tvárach. Nuž, Serafín je spaľovač obeti, ktorý Je jedným z najvyšších ustanovení Anjelov. Oni sú vedľa Cherubínov. To boli Anjeli a potom Serafíni a potom Cherubíni. A Serafín je v podstate spaľovač obeti, robiaci cestu pre prístup hriešnikov, skutočne vysoký stupeň svätosti v chráme Božom.

120A on videl, keď bol sklonený na podlahe pri oltári, modliac sa, „Pane, som človek nečistých rtov a prebývam medzi nečistými ľuďmi.“ A on činil svoje vyznanie.

121A keď to urobil, pozrel hore a uvidel tých Serafinov. Oni mali dvomi krídlami zakrytú svoju tvár a dvomi krídlami zakryté svoje nohy a dvomi krídlami lietali volajúc: „Svätý, svätý, svätý je Pán Boh všemohúci! Svätý, svätý, svätý, celý Boh je svätý! Svätý, svätý, svätý je Pán Boh Všemohúci!“

122Pozrime sa na to videnie ktoré videl prorok a rozoberme si ho. Dve krídla prikrývali ich tváre. Rozmýšľajte o tom, dokonca svätý anjeli museli zakryť svoje bezhriešne tváre, stojac v prítomnosti Božej. Boli im dané krídla aby prikryli svoju tvár v prítomnosti svätého Boha! Ako sa vy, alebo ja tam postavíme, keď tí Serafíni museli použiť krídla, Bohom zaopatrenú cestu na zakrytie svojich tvári, aby stáli v Jeho prítomnosti a spievali, „Svätý, svätý, svätý je Pán Boh všemohúci?“ Úcta, v Jeho prítomnosti!

123Nuž my nemáme žiadnej úcty k Bohu. Každý si len myslí že si je tak bezpečný, až oni – Oni si nevážia Boha tak ako by mali. Prečo? Prečo to oni nerobia? Preto, že nie sú si vedomí Jeho prítomnosti. To je ten dôvod, že ľudia sa tak správajú. Oni To nepoznajú. Oni nemôžu, oni nemôžu pochopiť, že sú v prítomnosti Božej. Ich mysle sa stali také zvrátené a zaneprázdnené vecami tohoto sveta, až tak, že Tomu ani nevenujú žiadnu pozornosť. Oni chodia do kostola, samozrejme. Ale uvedomte si, že ste v prítomnosti Božej! Nie len v zhromaždení; kdekoľvek sa nachádzate, ste v prítomnosti Božej.

124Keby si to oni mohli uvedomiť, tak ako to Dávid povedal, „Vždy si predstavujem Pána pred sebou a preto nebudem pohnutý.“ Pokiaľ bol pred ním Pán nemohol byť pohnutý.

125A títo Nebeskí spaľovači obetí prikrývali krídlami svoje tváre a volali, „Svätý, svätý, svätý,“ stojac v prítomnosti Božej, čo sa stane hriešnym ľudom, ktorí nectia Boha?

126Vy poviete, „Dobre, brat Branham, ty si práve povedal, že oni boli zaopatrení dvomi krídlami.“

127A vy ste tiež niečím zaopatrení, Krvou Ježiša Krista. To je vaše prikrytie. To, vy nestojíte ako Serafín, vy nestojíte ako Cherubín, vy nestojíte ako Anjel.. Ale stojíte ako vykúpený syn alebo dcéra Božia, skrze tú Krv. Vy nemusíte mať tie krídla ktoré mali oni. To je pre nich zvláštnym prikrytím v Tej prítomnosti. Ale vy máte Krv Ježiša Krista na pokrytie, aby ste Tam mohli stáť. Nuž ako... Teraz vy, ak máte tú Krv, potom ctíte Boha, rešpektujete Boha. A Boh je Slovo.

128Všimnite si teraz, za druhé, dvomi krídlami mali prikryté svoje nohy. Čo to znamenalo? Pokora pred Bohom, v Jeho prítomnosti.

129Tak ako Mojžiš pri horiacom kriku, zobul svoju obuv keď Ho počul povedať, „JA SOM, KTORÝ SOM“. Pavol na svojej ceste do Damašku, on padol na svoju tvár.

130Tu je dobrý príklad. Stále si byť vedomí svojej nepatrnosti a nie svojej veľkosti.

131Ján, keď videl Ducha Božieho nad Ježišom, on riekol: „Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od teba a ty prichádzaš ku mne?“

132Dnes, my Američania, zašlo to tak ďaleko, že sa domnievame, že sme niekým veľkým, „My patríme do niečoho veľkého, do nejakej veľkej organizácie, niečoho veľkolepého, niečoho čo má... Ó, veľkolepé, veľké, veľké, veľké, to je všetko čo vidíme.

133 A to potom... Raz, v Biblii máme na to príklad. Tam bol prorok, ktorý vošiel do jaskyne a... Eliáš. A Boh sa snažil upútať jeho pozornosť, aby vyšiel von. A tam prichádza oheň a dym a burácajúce vetry cez vrchy, hromy a zemetrasenia a chvenie a všetko ďalšie. Prorok sa vôbec ani nepohol. Boh v tom vôbec nebol. Ale keď prehovoril ten Tichý jemný Hlas, on zakryl svoju tvár a vyšiel von. Keď ten tichý jemný Boží Hlas hovorí, nie rámus, nie naše veľké denominácie nie niečo naše veľké, ale ten tichý jemný Hlas Slova, to je na pohliadnutie. To bude volať ľudí do pokánia. Boh vo svojom Slove!

134Ešte zakrýval svoje nohy a bol si vedomí Jeho... A naša poníženosť pred Bohom.

135Za tretie, ďalšími dvomi krídlami lietal.

136Nuž pamätajte, dvoma zakrýval svoju tvár v prítomnosti Božej, čo je úcta. Za druhé, dvomi krídlami zakrýval svoje nohy, čo znamenalo pokoru pred Bohom. A tretím párom krídel sa vrhal v činnosť. S tými dvomi krídlami mohol lietať, vidíte? Dvoma zakrýval svoju tvár, dvoma zakrýval svoje nohy a dvoma lietal, nuž čo to bolo? Úcta, pokora v činnosti.

137Boh ukázal prorokovi aký musí byť Jeho pripravený služobník; v úcte, v pokore a v činnosti. Nuž on u Uziáša videl predvedené niečo iné. On ukazoval prorokovi aký musí byť, nie ako Uziáš, ale ako tí Nebeskí Cherubíni. A keď sa chceš dívať na kráľa, zemského kráľa... Pozri sa na toho Nebeského, vyvýšeného nad všetky Nebesia a Jeho rúcho naplňovalo Nebesia.

138Tu vidíme, že On sa mu dal pozrieť na niečo, aby ho to ovplyvnilo inak, než ako bol ovplyvnení, z toho na čo sa díval predtým, mysliac si: „Človek, ktorý slúži Bohu a prosperuje a tak ďalej, je v poriadku.“ Ale Izaiáš mal svoju myseľ opretú na človeku.

139A človek sklamal hneď na začiatku. Nestarám sa o to kým on je. „Narodený je v hriechu, sformovaný v neprávosti prichádza na svet hovoriac klamstvo,“ tak on je totálnym sklamaním. Nestarám sa o to či je to biskup, pápež, presbyter, alebo čokoľvek viac on môže byť. On je predovšetkým sklamaním, nikdy nehľaďte ani na jedného. Nestarám sa o to, „hoci vierou vrchy prenáša, a hoci dáva všetko svoje imanie aby nakŕmil biednych.“ Hľaďte stále na Ježiša Krista. On je ten Jediný. Hľaďte na Neho, nie na nejakého človeka.

140Teraz nachádzame, že On mu tu ukazuje, aký musí byť Boží služobník, aký musí byť pokorný a úctivý a v činnosti.

141Vojdite do činu! Mnohí z nás môžu byť pokorní, mnohí z nás môžu byť úctiví, ale je ťažko dostať ich do činnosti.

142Ale teraz si všímame, že Boh mu ukazoval ako si on pripravoval Svojho služobníka, aký on musí byť. Títo Cherubíni, či vlastne Serafíni, boli Božími služobníkmi.

143Všimnite si, ako tá žena pri studni, keď očakávala na vyplnenie sa Písma. Hovorili sme o tom, dva alebo tri razy tento týždeň. Keď ona očakávala na to vyplnenie. To dievča, pokiaľ my vieme, nechodilo do zhromaždenia. Ona pravdepodobne... Oni boli tak ďaleko od Slova a od všetkého toho, oni... a vzývali svoje vyznania a všetko možné. Ako Ježiš povedal: „Vy ste vzali svoje ustanovenia a zbavili ste Slovo Božie moci.“

144Dnes to je to isté. Tie vyznania, ktoré my učíme všetko iné, vyradili Slovo Božie z činnosti. Slovo nemôže ísť ďalej. Všetko iné hovorilo; pravda; oni sú tak zaneprázdnení s niečím iným, že To oni nemôžu vidieť.

145Pamätajte, ten Hlas bude vyhľadávať nie len vás tu. Tieto pásky idú okolo celého sveta. Ja nehovorím práve len do vás všetkých tu. Ale ak je niekto tu, kto to potrebuje, dobre, je to potom pre teba. Rozumiete? Ale pamätajte, že ten Hlas vás bude vyhľadávať kým budete žiť. V ten deň, keď budete zomierať, vás to vyhľadá. Ostrihajte To! Navráťte sa späť!

146Naše tradície vzali Slovo Božie a zbavili Ho moci. Slovo Božie sa manifestuje a ľudia stoja okolo a hovoria: „Tak. Myslím, že je to celkom dobre.“ Vidíte? To má zapáliť vašu dušu. To má niečo urobiť, ale nerobí. Nerobí to. Nachádzame že Boh...

147Keď tá žena... Ich kňazi i ďalší, pravdepodobne ona nechodila do zhromaždenia, pretože nevidela dôvod aby tam chodila, alebo niečo také. Ale ona čítala Písmo. Lebo, všimnite si, ona vedela hneď, keď jej on povedal aké sú jej problémy, prečo, ona riekla, „Nuž, my vieme že ty musíš byť prorok, my to vieme.“ Nuž vidíte, ja myslím, že ona študovala...

148Ak by ste si všimli to čo sa píše tam na okraji a prečítali si to vo svojej Biblii, to ukazuje na „Toho Proroka“ ktorým je Kristus.

149Ona riekla, „my vieme, my... Ty musíš byť prorok. My vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, on bude robiť túto vec On cez to bude zidentifikovaný.“

150On začal jednať. Ona to už dlhšie nemohla vydržať. Tá vec na ktorú oni akurát očakávali, bola práve vtedy na zemi a ona To videla. Nezáležalo jej na tom akú mala zlú povesť, prostitútka alebo taká nejaká žena nemohla by to... Ľudia na ulici by ju vôbec nepočúvali. Tak isto dnes. Ale zastavte ju, ako by ste to urobili? Bolo to niečo ako dom v ohni za veľkého vetra. Nemôžete ho uhasiť.

Oheň horel v jej srdci.

151Ona riekla, „Poďte, vidzte muža, ktorý mi povedal veci ktoré som urobila. Nie je to práve Mesiáš?“ A to zabralo. Ježiš to nemusel viac urobiť.

Ľudia jej verili pretože... verili Ježišovi cez jej svedectvo. Vidíte? Čo to spôsobilo? Ona bola pokorná, úctivá a v činnosti. Ona začala jednať, keď videla že sa stala tá vec.

152Jeho znamenia majú mať vplyv, dnes. Znamenia, ktoré sú zasľúbené na dnes, Slovo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené na dnes, vidieť Božie vypĺňanie sa toho, čo On povedal že sa bude diať, to má na nás niečo urobiť. Ale nerobí.

153Je to práve tak ako to bolo so židmi. Oni boli tak nábožní, že oni nemysleli že by To potrebovali. Oni, oni si mysleli, že všetko majú.

154 A so svetom je to dnes tak isto. On má hojnosť jedenia, hojnosť oblečenia, pekné kostoly, vznešené miesta, dobrých vzdelaných kazateľov a tak oni už nič iné nepotrebujú. „Ale ty nevieš,“ hovorí Písmo „že si nahý, mizerný, slepý a nevieš o tom.“ „Nevieš o tom,“ a vy im nič iného nemôžete povedať. Oni sa neustále brodia ďalej týmto smerom a zanedbali toho, aby sa nechali ovplyvniť Božím Slovom, aby verili že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a žije dnes, ten istý včera, dnes i na veky, ukazujúc sa živý. Oni sú jednoducho mŕtvi. Všade, všade kde idete vyzerá to tak isto. Musí to tak byť, veď viete. On musí byť vystrčený von z cirkvi. Nie je vôbec žiadnej možnosti zabrániť tomu, aby sa to tak stalo. Boh riekol že sa to tak stane. Ale ak – ak...

155Nech to s vami zatrasie, nech to s vami poriadne zatrasie. Nezáleží na tom, v ktorom národe sa nachádzate, kdekoľvek ste, ktokoľvek ste, nech vás to prebudí.

156Čas plynie. To prvé bude, že budete hovoriť, „Ale ja som myslel, že toto sa malo stať pred vytrhnutím.“

157Možno zaznie taký Hlas, ako sa to raz stalo, „To sa už stalo a nepoznali ste to.“

158Budete cele zakotvení niekde v nejakej cirkvi, hovoriac, „Ja som si tak bezpečný ako len môžem byť,“ a prvé čo poznáte, že Vytrhnutie je za vami. To bude tajomstvo, náhly odchod, nikto nič o tom nevie. Svet bude bežať ďalej.

159Podobne ako Noach vošiel do korábu. Pamätáte a, potom ako Noach vošiel do korábu, on tam sedel sedem dní potom ako Boh zavrel dvere. Boh zavrel dvere a Noach sedel v korábe sedem dní prv ako sa niečo stalo.

160 A dvere milosti budú zatvorené pred vašimi očami a možno už sú. Pomyslite len o tom, ľudia budú ďalej kázať, budú si myslieť, že sú spasení, zapisujúc svoje mená do kníh, pripájajúc sa k cirkvi, vykrikujúc, poskakujúc hore dole.

161Nuž, videl som Mohamedánov vykrikovať. Počul som... ľudia pili krv z ľudskej lepky, hovorili v jazykoch a robili všetky tie veci. To nie je žiadny znak, že vy ste spasený. Ó, nie.

162„Majúc formu pobožnosti.“ Čo je teda „jej Moc,“ o ktorej hovoria?

163Vidíte, tieto veci sa môžu stať a bude to minulosťou a vy to nepoznáte. Nemôžete si nechať vziať takú príležitosť. Nerobte to priatelia. Vchádzajte kým môžete. Nebuďte ovplyvnení nejakými veľkými významnými budovami, nejakou veľkou organizáciou, nejakým veľkým uhladeným učencom. Vás ovplyvní Božie Slovo. To je presne to, čo zapôsobilo na tých apoštolov. Keď oni videli manifestovať sa to Slovo, to ich ovplyvnilo. „Sme si istí!“

164Mohli by sme znovu citovať, Ježiš s veľkými zástupmi tisícov ktorí Ho nasledovali, riekol: „To je príliš mnoho. Hľaďte, hľaďte, tu je niečo zvláštne, mnoho je povolaných, málo je vyvolených.“

165Potom, keď on videl tie veľké zástupy, povedal, „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nemáte v sebe Života.“ On to nikdy nevysvetlil.

166Ja som zvedavý, ak by to dnes povedal v Beaumont, nezáležalo na tom aký bol populárny, čo si myslíte že čo by povedali doktori a fajní vzdelaní ľudia a vedci? „Ten muž je vampír. Nuž, On chce aby sme pili Jeho Krv? Nuž, čo je to zač... Ty si sa zbláznil.“

167Ježiš to nikdy nevysvetlil. On chcel zo Seba striasť parazitov. To je ono. Potom oni sa zodvihli a odišli.

168On sa potom pozrel dookola na tých apoštolov, ktorí neboli určení do Života, ale On ich vybral. Oni neboli určení. On povedal: „Čo poviete, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore do Neba, tam skade On prišiel?“ Zaskočilo im z toho v krku. Čo On...

169Tí kazatelia riekli, „Vystupovať do Neba?“ Veď tento človek sa narodil tu v Galilei. On sa narodil v Nazarete. Poznáme jeho matku, Jeho bratov, videli sme tú kolísku, v ktorej ho kolísali. Videli sme jeho detské oblečenie. Rozprávame sa s Jeho matkou. A tento človek tu hovorí, že pôjde naspäť tam z kadiaľ prišiel? On prišiel z Nazaretu. Čo On hovorí, do Neba?

170On to nikdy nevysvetlil. Ešte príliš mnoho parazitov. „Oni vstali a viacej s ním nechodili.“ To hovorí Biblia.

171Potom sa On otočil a riekol, „Ja... Vy všetci chcete odísť tiež?“ tým dvanástym.

172Pamätajte, On to nikdy nevysvetlil, ale oni to poznali. Oni poznali kto On bol, a tak oni Mu povedali. On ich ovplyvnil Svojimi od Boha potvrdenými znameniami. Hľaďte. On povedal tým dvanástym, „Vy chcete tiež odísť?“

173Peter povedal, „Pane, ku komu by sme išli? My sme si istí...“ Nuž to, pozrite, študujte to. Čo to je? „My vieme čo Slovo na dnes hovorí. My vieme čo sa očakáva od Mesiáša, že bude robiť, keby dnes prišiel. Videli sme tie veci od Boha.“

174On riekol neskoršie na Letnice. Povedal, „Ježiša Nazaretského, muža potvrdeného od Boha medzi vami, skrze veci ktoré On činil. A vy ste vzali Knieža Života a ukrižovali ste Ho, a Boh Ho vzkriesil, čoho sme my svedkami.“

Všimnite si tu, vidíte, on povedal, „Kde by sme išli?“

175Ježiš povedal, „Ja som si vás vyvolil dvanástych a jeden z vás je diabol.“

176A stálo ich tam len jedenásť, z tisíc krát tisícov. Bolo ich tam len jedenásť. Ó! Ovplyvnených! Tak veru.

177Táto malá žena, keď ona bola ovplyvnená, začala konať. Ona s tým niečo musela robiť. Ona to musela povedať niekomu ďalšiemu.

178A každá opravdivo verná duša, ktorá narazila na Krista, vy musíte o Tom niekomu povedať.

179Peter, keď vzal Jeho za Slovo, tej noci na jazere, videl Ho tam, bol... alebo to bolo vtedy. Oni celú noc lovili a nič nemohli uloviť, zaťahujúc siete vpredu i vzadu. To je odrádzajúci čas, keď je niekto rybárom. Celú noc lovil, a on bol rybár. Jeho otec bol rybár. On na tom jazere bol celý svoj život, a jeho rodičia i starí rodičia pochádzali z toho jazera. On vedel, kedy bol mesiac priaznivý a z kade vanuli vetry a všetky tie znaky on lovil aby mohol žiť. Tak lovil celú noc a nič neulovil.

180Potom oni zbadali, nasledujúci deň, že sa hovorilo, že ten Prorok prišiel a bude kázať tam dole pri brehu. A ja si predstavujem ako z ich malých chatrči prichádzajú drobné ženičky, a tak ďalej, prichádzajú dole aby Ho počuli. Ten zástup okolo brehu tak vzrástol že on si musel požičať čln, Petrov čln. Oni vyšli a prali svoje siete, boli bezradní.

181A vo chvíli bezradnosti, ak budete dávať pozor, vtedy On prechádza okolo. Ale nebuďte slepí, aby ste to neminuli. Rozumiete? Keď vidíte, že všetko sa takto deje dnes v tomto svete, nebojte sa. Rozumiete? Nebojte sa. Len – len pamätajte, On zasľúbil, že príde ku vám.

182A všimnite si keď On prišiel, povedal Petrovi, povedal: „Teraz spusti na hlbinu k lovu.“

183Peter povedal, „Ale veď. Nič také som pred tým nevidel. Ja neviem. Ja tu lovím ryby celý svoj život. Tie znaky, práve teraz sme prišli z lovu, celú noc sme lovili, na tejto istej vode. A predsa tam nič nie je. Nič sme nechytili. Ale na tvoje Slovo Pane,“ tu to je. „Spustím sieť, na Tvoje Slovo!“

184Ty si mohol prejsť cez každú nemocnicu. Brat King, oni ti mohli povedať, že zomrieš. Oni ti mohli povedať, sestra, toto, tamto alebo hocičo iné. Ja sa nestarám čo oni povedali. „Na Tvoje Slovo Pane, ja spustím sieť!“

185Vtedy videl to Slovo potvrdené, keď mu Ježiš niečo povedal a on tomu uveril a spustil sieť do vody, kde nebolo žiadnych rýb. Ale keď to Boh tak povedal, On tam tie ryby môže vložiť, tak isto ako mohol vložiť vodu do oblakov.

186On môže vložiť uzdravenie do tvojho tela, ja sa nestarám či tam niečo je. Vy Mu máte dôverovať, že On to vzbudí v posledných dňoch. „Na Tvoje Slovo Pane ja spustím sieť.“

187To tak ovplyvnilo toho rybára, že zanechal ryby a všetko a nasledoval Ježiša. To bol vplyv, keď on Ho vzal za Slovo. Čo on potom urobil, „Dobre,“ povedal, „ďakujem ti Pane za tú krásnu porciu rýb?“ Povedal, „Zanechaj svoje siete. Odteraz budeš loviť ľudí.“ Tí apoštolovia začali konať!

188Na koniec, na konci cesty, keď Ho išli ukrižovať, zabiť Ho a on utekal preč z mesta. A na tej ceste, ako nám hovorí história, on utekal aby zachránil svoj život, odchádzajúc z mesta stretol Ježiša idúceho do mesta. On riekol „Kde ideš?“ Šimon, vlastne Šimon riekol Jemu, „Kde ideš Pane?“

189On odpovedal, „Idem naspäť do mesta aby Som bol znovu ukrižovaný.“

190Simon sa otočil a vrátil sa naspäť. A keď ho chytili riekol, ne... Oni ho položili na kríž. On riekol, „Nezaveste ma takto. Dajte ma hlavou dole a nohami hore!“

191On bol ovplyvnený, keď videl Ježiša vzkrieseného z mŕtvych; ovplyvnený až na smrť, bol ovplyvnený ponad všetko. On začal konať. Dokonca ani smrť ho nemohla zastaviť. Ukrižovanie ho nemohlo zastaviť. On bol ovplyvnený Ježišom.

192Ten uzdravený slepý muž. Oni mu povedali, aby bol ticho, ale on všade rozširoval Jeho povesť. Jeho ľudia riekli, nuž, kňazi povedali, „Ak niekto pôjde a bude navštevovať to prebudenie, oni jednoducho prídu a vezmú jeho cirkevný preukaz, a hotovo.“ A jeho otec a matka sa toho poľakali. Vidíte? Tak oni povedali...

Oni prišli a povedali, „Ako tento chlapec obdržal svoj zrak?“

Povedali, „On – on má svoje roky, opýtajte sa jeho.“ Oni sa báli.

Ale on, ten uzdravený, bol ovplyvnený. Amen.

193On povedal, „Ten človek je hriešnik. Daj Bohu chválu! My nevieme skadiaľ ten Muž pochádza. On nemá žiadne poverovacie listiny. My s Nim nespolupracujeme. My s Ním nemáme nič spoločného. Nevieme skadiaľ On prišiel. Vieme, že On je hriešnik a – a z diabla.“

194Tento človek mal pre nich dobrú odpoveď. On povedal, „Nuž to je skutočne divná vec.“ Povedal, „Vy sa pokladáte za vodcov tejto zemi. A tento Muž mi navrátil zrak a vy cez to neviete skadiaľ on prišiel.“ On povedal: „Nuž či je On hriešnik alebo nie, ja vám to nemôžem povedať. Ale to jedno viem, že som prv bol slepý a teraz môžem vidieť.“

125On bol ovplyvnený. On sa nebál zastať pred kňazmi alebo pred kýmkoľvek. On bol ovplyvnený. Jeho rodičia, dokonca zázrak na ich vlastnom synovi ich neovplyvnil, ale jeho to ovplyvnilo.

196Tí ľudia v čase Letníc, ako som hovoril minulý večer, s ich poistkou Večného Života, keď oni išli aby si vybrali svoj podiel na Tom. Všimnite si, keď oni boli ovplyvnení. Boli svätí, mali vážnosť pred Bohom. Mali zakryté svoje tváre od veci tohoto sveta a svoje nohy v pokore. A keď oni pocítili, že prišla Moc Božia, ako bolo zasľúbené skrze Joela, ako bolo zasľúbené skrze prorokov, ako bolo zasľúbené skrze Ježiša! „Čakajte v meste Jeruzaleme až kým nebudete odiati Mocou z výsosti.“ Ako náhle ten Boh, v Osobe Svätého Ducha zostúpil na nich, oni boli ovplyvnení. Nestarali sa koľko ľudí sa z nich vysmieva. Vyšli von do ulíc, potácajúc sa ako opití. Oni boli ovplyvnení Duchom Svätým. Vy môžete byť tiež ovplyvnení. Oni sa postavili rovno...

197Pozorujme ho. On nerobil okľuky a nehovoril nejaké vyznania viery. On išiel hneď rovno do Slova a povedal, „Vy mužovia Jeruzalema, vy, ktorí bývate v Judei, nech vám je toto známe a počúvajte na moje slová. Títo nie sú opití, ako sa vy domnievate, lebo veď viete že je ešte len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je To čo bolo povedané skrze proroka Joela, 'A stane sa v posledných dňoch,' hovorí Boh, 'že vylejem zo Svojho Ducha na každé telo.“ Oni boli ovplyvnení Slovom, do Slova. Na nás to má vplývať tak isto.

198Oni začali konať, áno, keď sa vyplnilo Jeho zasľúbenie. Keď videli, že Ježiš im zasľúbil že im pošle zasľúbenie Otcovo, Lukáš 24:49, „A hľa Ja posielam na vás zasľúbenie Svojho Otca; ale očakávajte.“ Očakávať neznamená modliť sa, to jednoducho znamená čakať. Očakávať znamená čakať. „Čakajte v meste Jeruzaleme, až kým nebudete odiati Mocou z Výsosti.“ A keď ten vplyv Ducha Svätého prišiel na nich, To ich naplnilo. Oni videli, že sa vyplnilo Slovo, ktoré im Ježiš zasľúbil.

199Nuž, ja som zvedavý či to bude mať na nás taký istý vplyv toto popoludnie? Keď budeme vidieť, že sa vyplnilo to čo On zasľúbil, že sa má diať v týchto posledných dňoch, aký vplyv to učiní na nás? Čo? Všetko čo sme videli, že sa stalo v týchto posledných dňoch nás má uviesť do činnosti. To určite má, s vážnosťou a s pokorou.

200Bez každého tieňa pochybnosti, potvrdenie ktoré bolo vykonané pred tridsiatymi rokmi, ohľadne Ohnivého Stĺpu, ktorý zachytili kamery. Váš Texaský fotoaparát to zachytil pred nedávnom. Vedecký výskum to previedol cez všetky druhy bádania ktoré oni mohli vynájsť, skrze FBI. A... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Vzaté v Texase pre texasana. Keď vidíte ten znak, to nemôže byť vyvrátené. To je pravda. Ale budete veriť tomu Hlasu ktorý ide za tým znakom? Ten znak je vedecky dokázaný. Nuž, jedného dňa keď sa Ježiš vráti a zastihne ľudí tak ako sú, tiež sa to stane známym.

201Všimnite si, Ohnivý Stĺp by nás mal uviesť do činnosti, pretože Ohnivý Stĺp potvrdzuje Svoje zasľúbenie posledných dní. Ježiš povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu,“ a čo On bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch. A On je tu, zároveň vedecky aj duchovne, dokazujúc to v Slove, že on prichádza od Boha a zostáva stále ten istý. On je stále bohom, pre toto zasľúbenie v posledných dňoch. To by nás malo uviesť do činnosti.

202Znamenia Príchodu sú tu. Ježiš povedal: „Ako to bolo v Sodome, tesne pred tým ako svet bol spálený, ten pohanský svet,“ to sa zopakuje. To by nás malo tiež ovplyvniť a uviesť do činnosti. Keď vidíme vyplnené to Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil, to by nás malo uviesť do činnosti.

203My, tak ako prorok sme videli výsledok toho ako sa denominácie sami povýšili a stratili svoje miesto. Chcem aby to vsiaklo do vás skutočne hlboko, pretože vám to už možno nebudem viacej hovoriť. Ale, mužovia i ženy, smiem to povedať a hovorím vám to jasne dnes popoludní, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Ľudia, ktorí rozumne rozmýšľajú a nie sú nadutí, tak ďaleko od Boha skrze tradície; to, oni videli Letničnú cirkev, videli ste Baptistov, Metodistov, Presbyteriánov, videli ste Katolícku cirkev, ako stratili svoju pozíciu v Bohu, prestali sa držať Slova, keď prijali vierovyznania.

204Mal som rozhovor s jedným kňazom, nie je tomu dávno, a on mi povedal, riekol, „Prečo, ja ...“ Pýtal sa ma na určitú vec a tieto veci. On povedal: „Nuž, Katolícka cirkev to robievala.“

205Povedal som: „Kedy? Katolícka cirkev nebola zorganizovaná, až tristo rokov po smrti posledného apoštola.“

On povedal: „Ty sa snažíš dokázať svoju vec Bibliou.“

Povedal som: „To je Slovo.“

On povedal, „Boh je vo Svojej cirkvi.“

206Odpovedal som: „Boh je vo Svojom Slove. Všetko ostatné je klamstvo a Jeho Slovo je Pravda.“

207A on povedal: „Nuž to je len kniha, ktorú - ktorú napísali prvotní Katolíci.“

208Povedal som: „Potom ja som prvotný katolík. Ja verím len to čo Ona hovorí.“ Ja ne... Povedal som potom...

On povedal: „Nuž, vidíš, my sme teraz najväčšou cirkvou.“

209Povedal som: „Tak kde ste (To) stratili? Čo sa stalo? Keď prvotná cirkev vyháňala démonov a dokazovala, že Ježiš žije na zemi, skrze duchovné znamenia a zázraky, a vy tu máte tisíc prostredníkov, všelijakých zomretých žien a mužov a všetko možné, prímluvcov. V Biblii prvý pápež povedal: že, „Nie je iný prostredník medzi Bohom a ľuďmi ako Človek Ježiš Kristus.“

210Prestali sa držať Slova a prijímajú vierovyznania a sami sa povyšujú nabádaní ľuďmi, videli sme, že stratili svoje spojenie s Duchom Svätým. Videli sme, že Letniční robia to isté. A vidíte to. Keď sa zorganizujú, zomierajú. Nieto cesty späť; nikdy nebola a nikdy nebude. Boh je proti tomu. To je skutočne hriech. Riekol, v posledných dňoch on riekol, „Vyjdite z pomedzi nich , ľudu Môj, nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí; a Ja vás prijmem.“

211Ako Uziáš, čo sa on pokúšal urobiť? On sa snažil zaujať miesto pomazanej služby, Božiu pomazanú službu. Uziáš sa snažil prisvojiť si tú autoritu, pretože bol veľkým mužom.

212Videli sme tie svojské organizácie vytláčať všetko čo je Božie a snažiac sa zaujať službu Cirkvi, tej pomazanej cirkvi. A skrze vyznania, my sme našli, že oni sú mŕtvi v nevere a nikdy viac nepovstanú. Zomrú v tábore malomocných spolu s ostatnými.

213Vidíte to? Ľudia, mysliaci ľudia, ľudia ktorí veria v Písmo to vidia. Ak ste z Boha zrodení, vidíte to. Boh tak jasne identifikuje tú vec, aby vás ovplyvnil. Ako sme kázali celý týždeň, o všetkom, čo to má robiť, upútať pozornosť. To vás ovplyvňuje, aby ste videli kde oni išli a čo sa im stalo, každému jednému z nich.

214Ak zorganizujú to ďalšie, stane sa to isté. Ale už ich viac nebude. Nie. Ono, to už skončilo. Už je príliš neskoro.

215Pustili sa Slova, tým že prijali vierovyznania a ľudské doktríny. Oni sú poľakaní, keby mali prísť a stáť iba s Tým. Vidíte?

216Tak ako Uziáš sa snažil zaujať to miesto pomazanej služby, pretože bol veľkým mužom, veľkým mužom. A medzi Božím ľudom nie sú veľkí mužovia. My sme všetci deti Božie. Boh dáva jedným z nás robiť jednu vec, a iným robiť inú vec, to nás nerobí lepšími od iných. Iba že Boh požaduje viac z vašej ruky, to je všetko.

217Teraz ešte dojmi z takéhoto videnia a budeme končiť. Začneme sa modliť za chorých, za niekoľko minút. Nuž dojmy z takého videnia. Aké dojmy to urobilo na toho proroka? Som zvedavý (čo to urobilo) na kazateľa, som zvedavý na evanjelistu alebo pastora? Hľaďte čo spôsobilo Toto videnie, a čo on videl, čo sa stalo Uziášovi ktorý jednal na vlastnú päsť. A potom i keď bol veľký muž a Boh ho honoroval, toho veľkého muža, oni videli ako to zomrelo. Aký dojem to malo na proroka?

218Hľa, čo to urobilo. To spôsobilo, že on vyznal že je hriešnik stýkajúci sa s hriešnikmi. On vyznal, „Som človek nečistých rtov a bývam medzi ľuďmi nečistých rtov.“ Spôsobilo to že on vy... prorok, nie kazateľ. Prorok vyznal, že je hriešny človek, pretože sa spolčuje s takými.

219Čo potom? Keď on vyznal svoje hriechy, potom prišlo očistenie. Oh, vy nemôžete byť očistený od svojich hriechov, až kým nevyznáte že to je hriech, až kým nerozpoznáte, že to je hriech. Potom prichádza očistenie, ako náhle to on povedal, „Beda mi, pretože moje oči videli potvrdenie sa veľkého Boha. Anjeli, Spaľovači, Obetovatelia sú tu a základy prahov sa hýbu pri ich hlase, a Oni sú tu v tom videní, lietajúc tam a späť.“ on videl niečo skutočné. Videnie zostúpilo. On povedal, „Som človek nečistých rtov a bývam medzi nečistými ľuďmi.“ Povedal, on zvolal o milosrdenstvo a nazval sa hriešnikom.

220Čo sa potom stalo? Jeden z tých Cherubínov išiel k oltáru, vzal kliešte a zodvihol žeravý uhoľ a vzal ho do svojej ruky. Neniesol ho teraz v kliešťoch; zodvihol uhoľ, položil ho na svoju ruku a prišiel a dal ho na pery proroka a riekol, „Tvoja neprávosť ...“

221Neprávosť, čo je neprávosť? Neprávosť je niečo o čom vy viete že je to zlé a stále sa toho držíte. Keď viete že vaše vierovyznania sú zlé a vy sa toho stále držíte, to je neprávosť.

222Ale keď on vyznal, že je zlý, tam bola očisťujúca moc. On vzal žeravý uhoľ. Všimli ste si ako Boh...

223Vidíme ako Boh ustanovuje Svojich služobníkov do úradu a čím ich On zaopatril; ako on môže byť pokorný, úctivý a sám vstupuje do činu.

224Hľaďte, keď On očistil tohoto služobníka, On to nikdy neurobil skrze nejaký seminár. On to neurobil skrze nejaký zväzok kníh. My tu nachádzame, že Boh očistil Svojho služobníka ohňom. Žeravý uhoľ sa dotkol proroka, očistil jeho pery. Boh očisťuje Svojich služobníkov skrze Svoj Svätý oheň. Nie skrze knihy, nie skrze vzdelanie teológiu; ale on očistil Svojho služobníka ohňom.

225Potom ako náhle on vyznal a bol očistený, potom nasledovalo poverenie. Prv on musel vyznať, potom musel byť očistený, a teraz tu je poverenie. To bolo vtedy, keď očistený Izaiáš zvolal... Keď on počul Hlas Boží, ktorý riekol, „Kto pôjde za nás?“

226Pozrite sa späť do histórie, keď to budete čítať, keď prídete domov, čo sa stalo Izraelovi. On sa dostal na to isté miesto kde sme my. Oni volali... Všetky ich obete a všetko sa pre nich stalo tradíciou. Nebolo tam úprimnosti. Nevážili si Slovo Božie. Vtedy Boh pozdvihol Izaiáša aby mu povedal, že ich obete smrdia v Jeho nose. On ich nechce. Oni boli pre Neho rúhaním, potom on nechce mať s tým viacej nič. A keď... Tento Izaiáš bol očistený a pripravený ísť kázať potom Evanjelium.

227A Hlas Boží povedal, „Hľa, je potreba, Tieto veci musia byť povedané.“ A jeden Hlas hovoril druhému, Anjeli lietajúc, povedali, „Kto pôjde za nás?“

228Vtedy Izaiáš, s čistým srdcom; očistený, vyznal, očistený a poverený, to videnie; riekol: „Tu som Pane pošli mňa. Pošli mňa. Tu som, pošli mňa.“

229Bože pošli znovu dnes Svojich Svätých Anjelov. Nájdi niekde Svojho Izaiáša, o to sa modlím. Ja – ja ne... Ja to hovorím len preto že viem, že On je tu.

Keď žeravý uhoľ dotkol sa proroka,

Činiac ho čistým ako len mohol byť,

Keď Hlas Boží riekol: „Kto pôjde za nás?“

Potom on odpovedal: „Majstre, tu som, pošli mňa.“

230On potom s tým Slovom nemal obavy. On bol prorok; Slovo prišlo ku nemu. On bol... Všetka jeho nevera a tradície pominuli. On mohlo zastať pred tým vekom, ktorý zakladal na tradíciách a povedať im, „Vaše obete smrdia v nose Božom. A práve ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdíte že Mu slúžite, práve Ten vás zničí.“ To je to čo on povedal. „Boh o ktorom tvrdíte, že Mu slúžite, Ten vás zničí,“ a On to urobil.

Oni povedali, „Znamenie!“

On riekol, „Ja vám dám super znamenie; panna počne.“

231Izaiáš napísal 66 kapitol vo svojej knihe a v Biblii je 66 kníh. On začal s počiatkom stvorenia a zakončil v Miléniu, tak ako celá Biblia.

232Ten veľký prorok Boží, ktorý bol ochotný vyznať, že všetky ich tradície sú zlé; a upadol tam a bol očistený, a tak Slovo Božie mohlo prísť ku nemu. Potom on povedal, „Som pripravený ísť, Pane. Som pripravený. Budem hovoriť to čo mi Ty povieš aby som hovoril. Poviem, čo mi Ty povieš aby som povedal.“ On bol pripravený isť.

233Bože, pošli znovu tých Anjelov, toto popoludnie, Ducha Svätého a Oheň a očisti srdcia mojich bratov, kdekoľvek sa nachádzajú. Nech by boli tak ovplyvnení, žeby to druhí uvideli a tiež zatúžili nasledovať.

234Skloňme svoje hlavy. V tichosti:

Keď žeravý uhoľ dotkol sa proroka,

Činiac ho tak čistým ako len mohol byť,

Keď Hlas Boží riekol,

„Kto pôjde za nás?“

Vtedy on povedal,

„Majstre, tu som, pošli mňa.“

Potichu teraz, všetci spolu.

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja sa poponáhľam odpovedať Ti;

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: „Pane pošli mňa.“

Milióny teraz v hriechu a hanbe mrú;

Počúvaj na ich smútok a horký plač;

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc

Rýchlo odpovedz: „Majstre tu som.“

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja sa poponáhľam odpovedať Ti;

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: "Pane pošli mňa."

235Hmkajme si to potichu. [Brat Branham začína nôtiť – Hovor môj Pane - pozn.prekl.] Poďme teraz do chrámu.

Počúvaj na ich smutný a horký plač;

(Och brat, poď so mnou, či pôjdeš?)

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc

(Oni nevedia do ktorej denominácii patriť alebo nepatriť.)

Rýchlo povedz, „Pane tu som.“

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane, (Izaiášovia, ste tu?)

... a ja sa poponáhľam odpovedať Ti,

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: „Pane pošli mňa.“

236Rád by som vedel, zatiaľ čo máte sklonené hlavy i sklonené srdcia, Izaiáš, kde si? Zodvihneš svoju ruku a povieš: „Pane tu som, pošli mňa, som pripravený?“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ber to vážne. Deväťdesiat percent zhromaždenia.

Hovor, môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: „Pane pošli mňa.“

237Hľaďte, kazatelia, vy ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky. Hľaďte na naše ženy, na naše sestry, čo za hanba! [Brat Branham vydáva hlasitý zvuk nesúhlasu - pozn.prekl.] Hľaďte na našich mužov, myslia si viac o nejakej organizácii ako o Slove Božom. Ježiš Kristus sa pohybuje medzi nimi a Písmo je tak jasne oznámené, a predsa oni budú na tom visieť. Brat!

238Niekto hovorí: „Vieš, nič mi nezostáva. Ja – ja... že oni... Nemal by som kde ísť.“

239Brat, ak by som mal jesť sucháre a piť vodu z potoka, zostal by som s mojim Pánom. On je môj Život. On je môj chlieb. Vy si myslíte, že ja to robím preto aby som sa líšil. Robím to preto, že Ho milujem, preto, že to je moje poverenie. Stáť bok po boku s Ním, s Tým Slovom!

240Nebeský Otče, kým tá melódia jemne znie, nech každý kto je v Božskej Prítomnosti, Pane, nech vidí, že toto je čas volania. To je – to je čas oddelenia, keď pleva a pšenica majú byť oddelené. Hoci pšenica bola obalená plevou, ale teraz je čas vyvolania von. To je ďalší exodus.

241Prosím, Bože, tak ako to veľké Svetlo Syna spôsobovalo dozrievanie zrna v každej etape jeho života, od času... Tak ako teraz v Kanade, keď pšenica práve len vychádza, to horúce júlové slnko by ju teraz zabilo, ale ona musí zrieť v súlade s tým ako ju príroda osvecuje slnkom. To isté robí ten horúci Syn s Lutherovou doktrínou, Wesleyom i tými ostatnými, On to spáli, ale to má doviesť pšenicu do zrelosti. Ona má dozrieť, Pane, tak isto ako To vzišlo.

242Ale pamätajte, všetky ratolesti boli vylomené a Strom Nevesty vyrástol zo stredu. „Ja vám nahradím roky ktoré požrala kobylka, pažravá chrobač,“ ten istý hmyz len v rôznych štádiách, „čo požrala, Ja to prinavrátim,“ POVEDAL PÁN. A Ty to urobíš, Pane. Ty si to zasľúbil. Prosím aby si to urobil v každom srdci, toto popoludnie.

243Oni sú tvoji, Pane. Ja ich teraz porúčam Tebe. A možno, že ich už viac neuvidím. Ak by som sa za rok navrátil, mnohí z tých ktorí tu teraz sedia, keby som aj žil, oni nebudú. Niet pochýb, tento veľký zástup, nabudúce keď ich stretnem, to bude na Súde. Nech oni vidia, Pane. Nech sa otvoria ich oči, ak je ... a vidia.

244Všetko toto na páskach, Pane, je ku počutiu. Hlasu na tento čas, v rôznych jazykoch, dokonca i preložené, aby to bolo zrozumiteľné. Mnoho mužov i žien v maličkých domoch, vonku niekde v džungli Afriky s tými malými prístrojmi so slúchadlami v ušiach, aby mohli počuť, Pane, vypočuj. Daj to. Misionár mal pravdu v tom čo povedal, ale toto je väčšie svedectvo ako čo mal on. On je teraz pripravený. Počuj nás Otče. My to porúčame všetko Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna a pre vyvolanie Jeho Nevesty. Amen.

245Nuž, môj brat, sestra, budeme sa modliť za chorých, za každého z vás ktorý zodvihol svoju ruku. Ja - ja to nemôžem dať. Ak by som vám to ja mohol dať, urobil by som to. Samozrejme. Prišiel by som rovno tam a povedal, „Prosím, chceš to? Ja – ja to budem mať.“ To nie je moje, aby som to mohol dať. To je Boh, a Boh vám to dá, ak je hlad vo vašom srdci.

246Prv ako môže existovať volanie do hlbiny, musí existovať hlbina, ktorá odpovie na to volanie. Prv ako môže existovať stvorenie, musí existovať Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril to stvorenie.

247Vy viete, že tam je niečo po čom siahate; musí tam niečo byť čo odpovie na to volanie. Či to chcete teraz prijať? Nenechajte to zomrieť. Nenechajte, prosím. Ak vás neuvidím už viacej po tejto strane Súdu, chcel by som vás vidieť Tam, umytých a pripravených. To je moja modlitba!

248Boh Abraháma, Izáka a Jákoba, ktorý sa zjavil na zemi v podobe človeka, Syn Boží, Ježiš Kristus; Ktorý trpel pod Pontským Pilátom, bol ukrižovaný, pochovaný vstal na tretí deň; a vystúpil na Nebesia, kde On teraz sedí po pravici Majestátu; poslal späť Ducha, ktorý bol na Ňom, nazvaný Duch Svätý, Boh, aby prišiel na ľudstvo, aby mal obecenstvo, aby niesol ďalej tú službu, ktorá bola nesená v tom slávnom tele Krista. Predpokladajúc... deje sa to takto ako bola formovaná pyramída, ten Štítový kameň nikdy nebol na to položený. Prečo?

On bol odmietnutý.

249Nuž, v priebehu času, Cirkev stále prechádzala do menšiny, stúpala hore, až všetky cirkevné veky dobehli konca. To musí byť vybrúsené. Ten kameň musí presne zapasovať. Služba, ktorá bola v Ježišovi Kristovi musí byť v Jeho Cirkvi, aby to pohlo Krista prísť pre Cirkev, aby bol vzbudený každý vek, aby on bol privedený, aby to bolo ukázané.

250Práve tak ako pšenica. Pšenica musí dôjsť presne naspäť, v tom ako ona začína dozrievať, zo zrna ktoré tam zhnilo, zomrelo, postupuje ďalej a prechádza v raste z trávy do niečoho iného. Nemôžete ísť naspäť do trávy. Nemajte namierené späť do trávy. Nemajte namierené späť do tohto. Nemajte namierené späť do snopu. Pokračujte ďalej až sa dostanete do pšenice. A tá pšenica musí byť tou samou odrodou pšenice, ktorá išla do zeme, keď ona dozrie. Ježiš je vzkriesený z mŕtvych. On je teraz dozretý. A On je dozretý vo svojej Cirkvi, cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; cez tých reformátorov v prvotných dňoch, teraz tu je On dnes na zemi vo Svojom ľude . Verte Mu. On je tu.

251Len keby ste Ho mohli vidieť, (možno ste cudzí) nech by Boh Nebies poctil, čo som o Ňom povedal. Chcem teraz, aby ste vy v publiku, prosím, nech nikto viacej nevychádza. Buďte úctivejší pred Nebeským Bohom, seďte ešte na chvíľu. Nepremávajte sa teraz. Nech každá osoba tu, kto je chorý alebo v potrebe, zodvihne svoju ruku. Alebo... Dobre. Ďakujem. No, neviem...

252Poznám brata Kinga, ktorý tu sedí. Práve som ho spoznal, len pred niekoľkými minútami. Zaiste. Myslím, že ten ktorý tam sedí je brat King. on tu podporoval moje posledné zhromaždenie. Brat King, nemôžem povedať to čo chcem, ale viem že ty vieš, čo chcem povedať. Ty si prešiel cez mlyn, môj malý brat. Nech ti je Boh milostivý.

253Ostatných nepoznám. Stále tu vidím sedieť Patta Tylera. Myslím, že ten jediný muž v tejto budove, alebo žena, ten jediný o ktorom niečo viem je tento muž, Pat Tayler, ktorý tu sedí.

254Verte teraz. A ak ja som sluha Boží, a ak Boh je tu a ja som zidentifikoval Jeho Slovo že je pravda; potom nech Nebeský Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Svojho Syna Ježiša Krista, Ktorý dal tieto zasľúbenia, zidentifikuje to s vami, že ja som povedal Pravdu.

255Ako to On urobí? Nie tak, že by prišiel v rúchu a s bradou. Ale Jeho Život, „Ja som vinič a vy ste letorasty.“ Život, Ktorý je vo Viniči, je v letorastoch. „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, tiež budete činiť,“ a to je zasľúbené na tento deň, keď vyrastie ďalšia letorast. Máme mnoho naštepených letorastov, tak je, oni nesú ovocie, ale nie tento druh ovocia. Ó, nie.

256Videl som vo Phonixe strom, pred nedávnom, on mal na sebe okolo osem alebo deväť druhov ovocia. Vlastní ho brat John Sharit. Opýtal som sa: „Čo je toto za strom?“

On povedal: „To je pomarančovník, brat Branham.“

257„Ó,“ Riekol som: „sú na ňom citróny, grapefruit a – a tangelo a tangarine.“

258A on povedal: „Áno, to je všetko citrusové ovocie.“ Povedal: „Ja som ich tam naštepil.“

259„Ó,“ riekol som: „Rozumiem, nuž na budúci rok to budú všetko pomaranče?“

260On povedal: „Ó nie! Nie. Na budúci rok citrón bude citrón, grapefruit bude grapefruit.“

261Spýtal som sa: „Z toho samého kmeňa (viniča)? Z toho – z toho samého pomarančového stromu?“

262On povedal: „Áno. To je všetko citrusové ovocie, brat Branham. To bude žiť cez citrusové ovocie.“

263Potom som pocítil ako sa mi slzy kotúľajú po lícach. Povedal som, „Pane Ježišu, viem čo teraz myslíš. Tu to je. Tieto denominácie sa do toho naštepili, ale oni nesú denominačné ovocie.“

264Počúvajte. Ak vyženie tá pravá letorast, pravý Vinič vypustí ďalšiu letorast, to bude originálne. Verte tomu.

265[Nejaká sestra hovorí teraz v neznámych jazykoch – pozn.prekl.] Pst, pst, pst, pst! [Ona pokračuje a končí. Nejaký brat dáva výklad - pozn.prekl.] Vďaka Pánovi. Tak ako to On zasľúbil!

266Nuž, správajte sa všetci skutočne úctivo. Budem tu stáť a prosiť Pána Ježiša.

267To je dar. Čo je dar? Ak môžem odsunúť svoje vlastné mysle, ak svoj vlastný život môžem odsunúť od seba, môj – môj prirodzený život, moju dušu, to je William Branham, keby som ho mohol dostať preč z cesty, Boh použije ducha, telo ku hovoreniu.

268Nech príde teraz Duch Svätý, Pane, aby oni mohli vidieť, cez ľudské bytosti, že identifikácia Ducha Svätého je tu. Dar dostať vás cestou... Buďte všetci skutočne úctiví. Seďte potichu.

269Sedí tu nejaký muž. Chcem aby ste teraz všetci zodvihli svoje hlavy a pozreli sa na minútku. Môžete To vidieť, práve tu na tom mužovi? Svetlo jantárové Svetlo, horiace a krúžiace. Koľkí ste To videli na obrázku. Bolo to odfotené tu v Hustone. Vidíte? Je to vo Washingtone, D.C., po celom svete. Jediná nadprirodzená Bytosť, ktorá bola kedy odfotografovaná, na celom svete. Tu To je, práve teraz.

270Beriem tu každého ducha pod svoju kontrolu, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

271Tento muž trpí na žľazové poruchy vo svojom hrdle. Ja ho nepoznám, nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, ale to je pravda. Či to nie je tak, pane? Veríš teraz? Ten muž tam vzadu, veríš že mi Boh môže dať vedieť o tebe? Ty si pán Hall. To je tvoje meno, však? V poriadku, pane. Už je to preč. Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.

272Mohol by som vyvolať modlitebnú radu a dostať ich sem hore na pódium. Nie je to potrebné. Vezmime jednu z týchto rád niekde tu. Tu, začnime rovno tu. Tu je malé dievča, ktoré tu sedí. Pozri sa sem miláčik. Možno že tebe nie je nič, ja neviem. Ale povedzme, že namiesto modlitebnej rady, ktorá by prišla sem, zoberieme to tam.

273Pozri sa sem, moja maličká. Pozri sa na brata Branhama. Vo dňoch keď Pán Ježiš bol tu na zemi... Áno, ona je nemocná. Ona je vážne nemocná, to decko tam. Tak veru. Ak by Ježiš bol tu, on by ti mohol povedať čo ťa trápi, však by to mohol. Veríš, že Ježiš poslal brata Branhama aby to urobil? Ak ti poviem čo ťa trápi, budeš veriť že on ťa uzdraví? Je to cukrovka, to malé decko. Nie je spôsob na tomto svete aby to bolo uzdravené, okrem Boha. Veríš, miláčik?

274Teraz tá pani sediaca vedľa, ktorá zodvihla ruku, to je matka toho dieťaťa. Je to pravda. Polož svoju ruku na ňu, sestra. Ver teraz. Boh priniesol toto dieťa pre teba. Nech jej Pán udelí uzdravenie.

275Tá ďalšia pani, ktorá sedí vedľa tej matky tam. Pozri sa sem na mňa, pani. Veríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? Boží sluha? Ak mi Boh povie niečo z tvojho života, alebo tvoju túžbu, ak si chorá alebo nie si chorá alebo čokoľvek to je; ak mi Boh povie tvoje túžby, budeš veriť? Vieš, to by musel byť Ježiš Kristus.

276Ti si odo mňa ďaleko. Nemohla by si sa ma dotknúť, keby si musela; pretože, ak by si sa ma dotkla, to by muselo byť telesné. Ty sa musíš dotknúť Ducha. Duch je Kristus. „On je teraz Najvyšší Kňaz,“ tak hovorí Biblia, „ktorý dokáže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami.“

277Ty si tiež chorá. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať aké sú tvoje problémy? Trpíš na bolesti chrbta a vysoký krvní tlak a máš ťažkosti so srdcom. To je úplná pravda. Ak je to pravda zodvihni svoju ruku. Je to pravda. Veríš teraz?

278Čo je s tebou, ty ktorá ju objímaš svojím ramenom? Ty pani, pozri sa sem. Ja som ti cudzí. Veríš že som Jeho služobník? Veríš mi, že to čo som povedal je pravda, že som ti povedal Pravdu. Veríš že mi Boh môže zjaviť tvoje problémy? Čokoľvek, Čokoľvek to je, veríš, že on to môže zjaviť? To skutočne nie je nič, za čo by si sa chcela modliť. Ty máš modlitebnú kartu, vidím ju vo tvojej ruke; ty si prvá s modlitebnou kartou. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať načo máš tú modlitebnú kartu? To je kvôli tvojmu mužovi. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať čo zlého je s tvojím mužom? Ak sa ho Boh nedotkne on zomrie. [Tá sestra hovorí: „To je pravda“ - pozn.prekl.] On má rakovinu a nemocné pľúca. Či je to tak? [„To je pravda.“] Uh – uhh. Zodvihni ruku, ak je to pravda. Ak budeš veriť, ostatní z nich budú veriť, on môže byť uzdravený.

279 Ten muž, ktorý sedí tam vedľa, veríš mi že som Jeho služobník, pane? Ak mi Boh môže zjaviť aké sú tvoje ťažkosti, budeš potom veriť z celého svojho srdca? Ty trpíš na ťažkosti so srdcom. Je to tak. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Uh – uhh. V poriadku.

280 Tá pani, ktorá práve potriasla hlavou i telom, takto, sedí vedľa teba. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať aké je tvoje srdce? Alebo niečo po čom túžiš vo svojom srdci, alebo niečo, alebo niečo, či sa modlíš za niekoho iného? Veríš, že Boh mi to môže zjaviť, pokým to pomazanie je tu a my To môžeme vidieť a vidíme, že To musí byť niečo skutočné? To zjavuje tajomstvá sŕdc hovorí čo je, presne tak ako Ježiš povedal tej žene pri studni. Teraz si ty tiež nemocná. Ty, ty trpíš na bolesti v chrbte. Zodvihni ruku ak je to tak. Uh – uhh.

281Teraz tá pani vedľa nej, ktoré plače a má peňaženku vo vrecku a na sebe modré šaty, tmavé vlasy zavalitá. Pozri sa na mňa. Hľaď, ty si v prvej rade, môžem sa s tebou ľahko skontaktovať, s pomocou Božou. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať aké sú tvoje ťažkosti, tak ako keby si bola v modlitebnej rade? Veríš, že by to tak mohlo byť z tadiaľto?

Veríš? Ty máš vysoký krvní tlak na ktorý trpíš. Je to tak, zodvihni ruku. V poriadku. Ver a môžeš byť uzdravená.

282Pani vedľa nej. Čo si myslíš sestra? Pozri sa sem na mňa. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok, alebo Jeho služobník? Veríš to z celého srdca? Veríš, že Boh mi môže opísať, tak ako tú ženu pri studni, keď Ježiš a tá žena sa stretli, že by mi mohol povedať aké sú tvoje ťažkosti? Veríš? Pomohlo by ti to, pomohlo by ti to veriť? Hľaď. Oh, ty máš vážnu vec. To je syn, chlapec. Oh – uhh. A ten chlapec má duševnú nervozitu. On je doma. To je pravda. Ak je to pravda zodvihni ruku. Ver z celého svojho srdca, chlapec bude uzdravený, ver.

283Ďalšia pani tam. Veríš, sestra, z celého srdca? Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok, Jeho služobník? Veríš, že je to Ježiš Kristus skrze dar ktorý práve...

284Proroctvo je dar. Viete, dar Boží, to bolo stanovené ďaleko vzadu prv ako začal svet. To muselo byť ustanovené na tento deň. Nemáte žiadnej cesty poznania, čo je čo. Boh to identifikuje a vykladá Svoje Slovo.

285Veríte, že je to tak, čo ste počuli? Veríte, ja by som nemohol... Ak by som vám mohol povedať, čo vám je, viete, to by som nemohol byť ja. To by musel byť Iný; len môj hlas, ale niekto Iný ho používa. Práve tak ako tento mikrofón, on je nemý, až kým niekto cezeň nehovorí. My sme si cudzí. Vidíte? Stratil som kon...

286Tu je. Tak veru. Pani trpí na anémiu. Je to v jej krvi. Ak je to pravda zodvihni ruku, pani.

Je to pravda. Ty, ty sa tiež modlíš za toho malého chlapca na konci. To je tvoj malý syn, ktorý tam sedí na konci. Ak je to pravda zamávaj rukou. Ak mi Boh môže povedať čo je tvojmu synkovi, budeš veriť z celého srdca, že Boh ku mne hovorí a je to pravda? On trpí na extrémny stav nervozity. Je to pravda. Či je to tak? Potom polož na neho svoju ruku a ver z celého srdca a on bude uzdravený.

287Vyzývam vás aby ste verili tomu! TAK HOVORÍ PÁN BOH. Texas, ak ty zomrieš v hriechu, sám si si vinný. Pamätaj, tvoja krv nie je na mne. Je Pravda!

To je Ježiš Kristus, zidentifikovaný, v modlitebných radách alebo kdekoľvek to je. Verte v Pána Ježiša Krista! Robíte to? Ste presvedčení, ste úplne presvedčení, že to musí byť Ježiš Kristus podľa Slova zasľúbeného na tento deň? Zodvihnite ruky, každý jeden kto je úplne presvedčený, že to je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Amen. Boh vás žehnaj.

288Viem, že ste boli naučení. Boli ste učení, každý jeden z vás niečo. A ja vidím, to je to je...

také pomazanie, môže to teraz prejsť kdekoľvek, vidíte. Vy ste boli učení, že musíte klásť ruky na nemocných. To je tradícia. Je to v poriadku. Ježiš to potvrdil.

289Ale ten Riman, to je to čo sa snažím aby ste pochopili, tento týždeň. „Ja nie som hodný,“ povedal ten Riman, „aby si Ty vošiel pod moju strechu. Povedz len Slovo!“ Vidíte?

290Ak niekto kladie na teba ruku, potom, „Brat ten a ten polož na mňa ruku, chvála Bohu!“

291Ja – ja - ja chcem požiadať kazateľov, veriacich kazateľov aby sem prišli, tak aby to neboli len moje ruky. To je – to je práve to čo Ježiš povedal, „Na chorých budú klásť ruky.“

292Budeme sa modliť za chorých, každý jeden.

Koľkí tu v budove majú modlitebné karty, nech vidím vaše ruky. My sme vám sľúbili a teraz máme pol hodiny na to aby sme to splnili. Chcem sa opýtať...

293Ako by sme to urobili, brat Perry. Máš nejaký nápad? Tu z tejto strany?

294Nech tento rad tu vonku, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, nech sa postavia oproti stene, nech vychádzajú takto a postavia sa oproti stene. (Nejaký brat hovorí s bratom Branhamom ohľadne modlitebnej rady – vyd.) V poriadku, pane. To je fajn. Zastaňte si tam po tejto strane.

295Všetci tu zo stredu, z... teraz stojte v tej uličky. Zostaňte len v tej uličky, títo z tejto uličky, stojte tu uprostred.

296Vy na tejto strane, zostaňte na tejto strane. Vy tu, stojte tu v strede na tej strane. A vy na tej strane stojte tam. A nasledujte len svoju radu ako oni prichádzajú. To je dobre. Oni vám tam dole povedia čo máte robiť.

297Pýtam sa. Je to v poriadku, brat Perry? [Brat Perry odpovedá, „samozrejme“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím kazateľov, ktorí veria v Krista, že Kristus uzdraví týchto chorých ľudí, skrze položenie rúk a nasledovanie Jeho prikázaní. Prosím vás aby ste prišli sem a zastali si tu so mnou, ak veríte že to je pravda. Každý služobník Evanjelia, či si ty Metodista, Baptista, Presbyterián, Luterán, katolícky kňaz, čokoľvek si ty, ak veríš, že Ježiš Kristus uzdravuje nemocných a poveril svojich učeníkov aby skladali ruky na nemocných, aby boli uzdravení, prídeš sem?

298[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Povedz každému aby išiel dozadu.“ Brat Perry Green hovorí, „Každý kto chce aby sa za neho modlilo nech ide dozadu.“ - pozn.prekl.]

299Choďte dozadu a postupujte dookola. Všetci v týchto radoch teraz, choďte rovno dozadu a zaujmite svoje miesto, postupujte takto rovno dookola a potom znovu pôjdete späť na svoje miesto, tak po poriadku ako to len môže byť.

300Pozastavujem sa bratia, či sme nemali radšej ísť tam? Myslím, že to je dobrý nápad. Nuž, bude lepšie opustiť tu tento mikrofón. Nech ... Roy, zastaň si tu ku mikrofónu. Ó, áno, ty poď radšej so mnou dole. Áno. Alebo ak chceš zostať tu. V poriadku, Roy, ty tu potom zostaň. Dobre.

301Teraz pôjdete. Chcem aby teraz nikto neodchádzal, prosím vás. Vidíte, práve sa modlíme!

302Teraz mi poviete, „Brat Branham, prečo si sem zavolal všetkých tých kazateľov?“ Ja pôjdem spolu s nimi. Ale ja...

303Hľaďte, čo to je, oni majú také isté právo modliť sa za chorých ako ja alebo ktokoľvek iný, ako Oral Roberts alebo – alebo každá hierarchia, nezáleží na tom kto to je. Oni majú také isté právo modliť sa za chorých ako Peter, Jakob, Ján, Matúš, Marek, Lukáš, ako mali všetci ostatní z nich. Oni sú služobníci povolaní Bohom. Som rád, že tam môžem vidieť dvoch či troch bratov, ktorých osobne poznám, ktorí majú službu modliť sa za chorých.

304Nuž ako tu stojíte dookola v rade, chcem... koľkí z vás v tomto zhromaždení sú úplne presvedčení, z celého svojho srdca ktorí veria že to je vôľa Božia uzdraviť týchto ľudí. [Zhromaždenie radostne hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Určite je. Samozrejme, že je to vôľa Božia aby ich uzdravil.

305Nuž ako oni dostanú uzdravenie? Nuž, keby on bol tu, on sám, potom on by nemohol urobiť viac od tohto On už práve teraz urobil. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Len to čo on už teraz urobil, to je to čo by On robil, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

306Koľkí viete, že Svätý Ján 5:19. hovorí toto, „Syn nemôže robiť nič sám od seba“? Koľkí to poznajú? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen“ – pozn.prekl.] „Ale to čo videl robiť Otca, to robí syn.“ Veríte tomu? [„Amen.“] Teda Ježiš neurobil nikdy žiadny zázrak, až kým Mu to Otec neukázal vo videní čo má robiť. To je Jeho vlastné Slovo. Ak to nie je tak, potom my sme všetci stratení, nevieme kde sa nachádzame. No prosím. Vidíte, Jeho Slovo je neomylné.

307Hľaďte na Neho ako prechádza popri rybníku Bethesda, niekoľko hodín... asi hodinu pred tým. Tam ležal veľký zástup chromých, slepých, porazených, vyschnutých. Koľkí viete, že je to pravda? A On sa vôbec nedotkol ani jedného z nich, hoci On bol súcitným Bohom. Veríte že on mal súcit? [Zhromaždenie, „Amen“ – pozn.prekl.] Zanechajúc tam tú matku s detskom chorým na vodnateľnú hlavu, toho biedneho starého slepého otca, ktorý volá na niekoho, aby ho keď sa pobúri voda tam položil. Boh súcitu! Vidíte?

308Ľudia nevedia čo je to súcit. Oni si miešajú lásku ‘phileo‘ s láskou ‘agapé‘, to sú dve rozdielne lásky, koniec koncov. So súcitom je to to isté; túžba a súcit, to je rozdiel.

309Ale hľaďte, on išiel k mužovi, ktorý bol nemocný možno na prostatu alebo to bola tuberkulóza. To pretrvávalo, on to už mal... to bolo – to bolo tridsať osem rokov čo to on už mal. To by ho nebolo usmrtilo. A on prišiel k tomu mužovi a povedal, „Či chceš byť zdravý?“ Koľkí to poznáte, že je to pravda? A zvyšok zhromaždených nechal tam ležať.

310Čo ak by to on urobil dnes v Beaumont? Ó! „Teda z Božského uzdravenia nie je nič, vidíte.“

311Vidíte, oni nerozumeli. Ježiš je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. „Ja nerobím nič, až kým mi to prv Otec neukáže.“

312Ale mnohí ľudia len ležali v Jeho tieni a boli uzdravení skrze svoju vlastnú vieru. Nejaká malá žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a bola uzdravená. Koľkí to vedia? Uzdravenie je založené na vašej viere. Božie identifikovanie sa je založené na zasľúbení v Jeho Slove, ale vaša viera v Jeho identifikovanie sa, to je to čo vás uzdravuje. Ak vy neveríte, nezáleží na tom, hoci by najsvätejší muž na svete tu mohol zastať a modliť sa za vás celý deň, ani trochu by vám to nepomohlo, až kým by ste tomu neuverili, dôrazne, vy sami. Sám Ježiš by tu mohol zastať, v tom vtelenom tele, klásť na vás ruky a aj tak by ste neboli uzdravení. Koľkí to vedia? „A nemohol tam urobiť nijaký div kvôli ich nevere.“ To je Písmo.

313Tak, vidíte, vy v modlitebnej rade, to musí byť vaša viera v Slovo. Teraz, keď vidíte Boha robiť. To čo On urobil... Hľaďte, dovoľte mi povedať vám jedno krátke svedectvo, zatiaľ čo sa pripravujete. Počúvajte pozorne. V noci pred...

314Ten prostý kazateľ je niekde tu. Videl som ho tu pred chvíľou. Volá sa Martin. Zabudol som... On je jeden z usporiadateľov. Tu je.

315Okolo polnoci ma niekto zobudil v mojej izbe. Nejaký plačúci mladík, prostý kazateľ, jeho decko práve zomrelo. Slzy sa kotúľali po jeho lícach.

316On je rovno hore niekde v... Ako sa nazýva to mesto kde oni bývajú? Niekto hovorí: [„Missouri.“ - pozn.prekl.] Missouri. Kde tam? [„Wardell Missouri.“ - pozn.prekl.] Wardell Missouri. Poznám toho chlapca. Viem, jeho brat je tiež tu. Oni sú moji priatelia.

317Tento brat tam vošiel, slzy sa kotúľali po jeho lícach, povedal, „Brat Branham, práve som zavolal... Moja žena ma práve zavolala. Moje malé decko práve dodýchalo.“ Položil na mňa svoje ruky, povedal, „Brat Branham, ja verím že Slovo Pánovo je s tebou.“ Oh, akoby Boh mohol... Práve tak ako, „Ale aj teraz viem Pane! Keby si tu bol býval môj brat by nebol zomrel.“ Vidíte, on nevyznával mňa. on vyznával Slovo Božie, vidíte! že ja som kázal Pravdu. On povedal, „Ja verím, že Slovo Pánovo je s tebou. Len Ho pros, moje dieťa bude žiť.“ Za desať minút potom, jeho dieťa dýchalo normálne, teraz je zdravé.

318Môj syn, niekde tu stojí, Billy Paul, on vyšiel von aby sa s ním porozprával. A ja som tam bol v pyžame. A za niekoľko minút sa vrátil späť, povedal, „Tato, tato, pozri sa sem!“ A jeho hrdlo celé zapuchlo a sčervenelo, taká veľká opuchlina dookola. Povedal: „Veľký čierny pavúk s červenou škvrnou! Stál som tam, rozprával som sa s Jánom a on ma tu uštipol. A pozri, to zapuchá.“

319Riekol som, „Ó, Billy, to je asi čierna vdova.“ A povedal som, „Pozri sa na svoje hrdlo ako to zapuchlo.“

320Položil som tam svoju ruku a povedal, „Pane Ježišu,“ desať minút potom tam nebolo ani... nemohli by ste ani ukázať kde to vôbec bolo. Vidíte? Čo to je? Vidíte?

321Niekto prišiel jedného dňa do kancelárie a povedal. A jeden z úradníkov vyšiel. A povedal, „Povedz bratovi Branhamovi, nech povie aby moje dieťa...“ Ale vidíte, ja nemôžem nič povedať, až kým mi to On nepovie.

322Ale tu mám Slovo ktoré hovorí, „Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia. Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni vyzdravejú.“ Nuž, Boh nemôže robiť tieto veci a nechať vás v tom. Vy musíte. Vy veríte v to isté a to sa vám stane. Ale vy tomu musíte veriť, nie len oklamať to. Musíte veriť. Modlime sa teraz, prv všetci spolu.

323Chcem aby každý jeden z vás... zatiaľ čo bratia stoja tu pri mikrofóne. Ja idem tam dole, aby som tak tiež mohol klásť na nich ruky. Oni sú mojim ľudom, oni sú moji... Oni sú hviezdami v mojej korune, tak isto vo vašej korune, moji spolu slúžiaci bratia. Idem tam, preto že my ich milujeme a oni sú Božie deti. Ideme im pomôcť.

Modlime sa teraz.

324Pane Ježišu, taký človek, ktorý by chcel povedať, že tu nie je Tvoja Prítomnosť, on by bol duševne chorý. Práve tak ako človek, ktorý by odmietol prijať slnečné svetlo niekto by mu povedal, že svieti slnko a on by bežal dole do pivnici a zavrel by dvere a povedal, „Ja tomu odmietam veriť.“ „Odmietam tomu veriť!“ Nuž, my by sme poznali, Pane, že s takým človekom nie je niečo v poriadku. A tak je to s človekom, ktorý by zavrel svoje vnútro súcitu, v Svetle Slova Ježiša, Krista, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo a povedal by, „Ja tomu neverím,“ taký človek nie je duchovne v poriadku.

325Tak my vieme, že Ty si tu Otče. Bez pochýb, my to veríme. My Ťa vidíme – Tvoje stopy. Vidíme Tvoje znamenia. Vidíme Tvoje Slovo.

326Stovky ich tu stojí v modlitebnej rade. A stoja tu skvelí mužovia Boží, veľkí bojovníci Viery; Ja idem dole, Pane, aby som spojil s nimi svoje rameno. Keď títo nemocní ľudia budú prechádzať cez modlitebný rad, nech by každý jeden z nich mohol vedieť, že to neprechádzajú okolo nejakých ľudí.

Oni prichádzajú pod kríž zasľúbenia. Nech môžu ísť z tadiaľto uzdravení, radujúci sa, aby boli v poriadku; vyrozprávali to svojmu pastorovi. Nech to spôsobí, aby prepuklo to starodávne prebudenie, tu v týchto krajinách, Pane, priveď ku Sebe mnoho duší. Pane, oni sú Tvoji. Pomôž im. Uzdrav ich, prosím, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

327A chcem, tak ako ste ... Počúvajte teraz modlitebný rad. Keď budete prechádzať, práve tak ako by ste boli pod Krížom verte so všetkým čo je vo vás. Odchádzajte z tadiaľto radujúci sa, šťastní, hovoriac: „Ďakujem Ti Pane. Verím vo svoje uzdravenie.“ A ak tomu neveríte, potom by bolo lepšie aby ste zostali sedieť, pretože to vám nič nepomôže.

328Chcem, aby celé zhromaždenie, každý jeden, učinil útok na Nebo, takto v Prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, „Pane Ježišu, teraz sa nám daj poznať! Uzdrav týchto nemocných!“ Urobíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Brat Borders, spievajte zatiaľ, Len Mu ver.

329Nechaj to tu. Nepotrebujeme to. [Nejaký brat sa pýta ohľadom mikrofónu, „Necháš to tu?“ – pozn.prekl.]

330[Brat Branham a kazatelia idú teraz dole a modlia sa za každého, kto prechádza modlitebným radom, zatiaľ čo brat Roy Borders vedie zhromaždenie a spievajú Len Mu ver. Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

331 Len Mu ver! Pozdvihnime teraz svoje ruky.

Všetko je možné, len Mu ver.

Nuž povedzme to takto:

Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

Všetko je možné, teraz verím,

Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

Všetko je možné, ó, teraz verím.

332Až kým vás znovu nestretnem, chcem opustiť Texas vidiac vás volať na chválu Božiu. Zodvihnite svoje ruky a oddajte Bohu chválu, každý jeden z vás. [Zhromaždenie plné radosti vykrikuje a chváli Boha – pozn.prekl.]

333Pane Ježišu, ďakujem Ti za Tvoje Slovo, ktoré si nám dal. Ďakujem Ti, že som mohol hovoriť k týmto báječným ľudom a vidieť Tvoju moc a požehnania na nich. Žehnaj ich Pane. Aby mohli porozumieť. A nech Duch Svätý uzdraví každého jedného a spasí každého jedného, v týchto posledných dňoch. Skrze Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, darujem ich Tebe na materiál pre Nevestu, pretože oni veria z milosti Božej.

1 Our Heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful this afternoon for this, another privilege to stand in the pulpit, to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, to a dying world that's without God, without Christ, without hope, and no hope of going with Jesus when He comes. And we are trying, Lord, to present Jesus Christ to the nations. And while we're assembled here this afternoon, may the Holy Spirit speak and warm our hearts, and encourage us in the Way, may the sick be healed and the sinners be saved, and those who are discouraged be encouraged. And may God receive all the glory and the honor, and may it be given to His Name, for that's our purpose. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Be seated.

2 I am happy this afternoon to stand here again, and at Beaumont. And I'm usually tired. I've been going since Christmas, straight. It isn't so much of the preaching that I do, that makes me tired. It's the visions that make me tired. Our Lord, one caused Him to turn around, and say His strength had left Him. One vision upon the prophet, Daniel, he said he was troubled at his head for many days. And so we--we can't explain those things. We just know they're so, and no one knows any better than those it happened to. And so we are happy, though. What I'm trying to do is use a prophetic gift for an evangelistic work, and it just doesn't work that way, right. It's too hard.

3So, but I want to say this, when I come to the end of the road, and when this city here arises up, and if the... this generation in the last days, I--I don't want any man's blood upon me. I want to be free from all the blood. And I've tried my best to--to present it in a Scriptural way, this ministry that the Lord has given me, in every way that I know how. And I know the Holy Spirit, by His grace, lets me live so, that I don't think there's been any marks.

4 I'm grateful to Brother Pearry Green and to these brethren here that's put forth their efforts to make this a meeting of success. If there's anybody lost, in this city, in this generation, it certainly won't be upon them fellows, because they have turned every stone to try to make it a--a success. Feeding the people, getting them places to sleep, and--and on television, everywhere, just taking the money right out of their own pockets and placing it right out, so that... They knowed that the--the--the crowds that we have wouldn't be able to support such as that, and so they took it out of their own pockets, to do it.

5So I think that's wonderful, like somebody with a vision like that. I believe it was said over in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, "Of whom the world is not worthy." And to stick their neck out, in the time that when the--the ministry is so unpopular amongst too many of the people that should believe it. Those who...

6 It's been talked about, but, when something happens, then they fail to see it. But it's just got to be that way. You--you have to just straighten up your shoulders and walk on, to know that. Remember, before you, it was the same thing. They march right down the road the same way. The people has never knowed their hour of visitation. None of the prophets was ever known.

7Jesus said, "You put them in the tombs. You garnish their tombs now. You're the ones that put them in there. Which one did God send that you didn't persecute and slay?"

8Let's take it from then on out. Come down through Martin Luther, and down through, well, Irenaeus, and Saint Martin. And all down through the ages it's been the same way, even to Jona... Joan of Arc, a prophetess of the Lord.

9And you Catholic people. When that woman would see visions, and so forth, and tell them, they'd come to pass just as she said. What did you do? You burnt her to the stake, for a witch. About two hundred years later, you woke up and found out what you had done. Course, they done penance, they dug up the bodies of those priests that had her burned, and throwed them in the river. That's a great penitence to do. They failed.

10 They said Saint Patrick was a Roman Catholic. Anybody that knows history knows that's wrong. He absolutely, firmly, disagreed with the pope. Never would go to sit... He--he wouldn't believe it at all. Succat was his name; it wasn't Saint Patrick. But after he was dead and gone, and you kill thousands of his children. His schools, he wouldn't permit a crucifix or nothing to be in his schools, and still stands, up in Northern Ireland today, the same thing. He--he wouldn't let that enter into his schools. Said, "The people would be looking at images, instead of what he wants them to see." He had the power of the Holy Ghost. He spoke with tongues. He had great miracles and signs. Why don't the church preach that today? See?

11And all those people, they never know them till they're gone, passed on, then we try to build their tombs. It's truly that we're living in...

12 The church is always living in a glare of a light of another day. And, then, a glare is a false light. What is a glare? It's like a mirage on the road. The sun shines down and makes a mirage. It looks like water, but, it, you never can get to it; it's not there. That's the way the people does today. They're promising something that's going to be way off, or something that's way back there, or way up here, but they never get to it.

13I'm so thankful that our God is not a God like that. "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." We get to it when we believe it. It's right there, everything that's promised for the age. Makes it hard, but yet as we must go right on just the same, believing.

14 And I certainly appreciate you all's fine cooperation while here in the city.

15I was here many years ago with my old friend, Brother Bosworth, and Raymond Richey, and many of the brethren come over here. I still believe the same Gospel. I haven't changed one bit; just still the same thing. But, you see, the revival was going on then. And where there is no revival, you just can't get things done.

16The ministry is far more advanced. It was only telling you, then, this would come. How many remembers that? Sure, you do. And it come just exactly like it said it would.

17Then I'd take the people and lay my hands upon them; I told you what He told me, and that's just the way it happened. It's just exactly. It's never failed to be the truth, each and every time, so it has to come from God. No one could doubt that. But, you see, the revival is not on.

18 Just your presence, to walk in with the people, why, the people would get up out of cots and stretchers, and walk around. Just lay your hands upon them, and, my, that just sent them whirling. I've seen lines where there be four and five hundred people come through the lines, deaf, dumb, blind, cross-eyed, and not one of them fail but what was healed, every one of them.

19Try it today? See, there is no fire. In Rome, when the--the fires went out in the temple at Vista, the people went home. See? Now there is no revival fire to back it up, see, it's, that's just it.

20After a while, if the world stands, they'll start living in the glare again. See? And that's the way it always has done, passed over and missed them; and that generation is to be judged for what passed over them, they fail to see it.

21Jesus Christ is alive this afternoon. He is walking around here with us now. He is ever present. "Wherever two or three are assembled in My Name, I am in their midst." Believe that, won't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

22 I hope, if the Lord tarries, I get to come back and be with you sometime, again. If I never see you again; when I meet you there at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where we'll all meet, remember, I have told you the Truth. I'll still be saying that when I meet you There. Until then, may the Lord bless you, richly.

23Pray for me. I need your prayers. I'm not as young as I was then. That's about twelve, fourteen years ago.

24And somebody asked me the other day, said, "How old are you, Brother Branham?"

25I said, "Just past twenty-five." I said, "Twenty-five years ago I--I passed it." And I... you don't... You--you can tell it. A man only...

26When you are born, you start growing, like a candle, or burned. You are lit, but you grow until you're about twenty-two to twenty-three. I don't care how well you take of yourself, you start dying right there, and you keep getting lower and lower till it burns out.

27I asked, in a Kiwanis one day when I was speaking, I said, "I want somebody..."

28A doctor told me, said, "I cannot believe the story of Christ, because I can't believe the virgin birth." He said, "I don't believe there is such a thing.'"

29I said, "The natural birth is more mysterious to me than the virgin birth."

30The natural birth, to see how it happens, and how it's decided, when that's pollened, which egg, when there is thousands of germs and thousands of eggs. Not the first two meets, that settles it, but maybe... You say, "Well, if two in front." Oh, no. See, it'll stand. One maybe will raise up, the germ from the very back of the sperm, on this side, and the middle one of the egg it decides whether it's going to be a girl or a boy, black-headed, red-headed, blue eyes, or whatever it's going to be. Something makes that decision. The rest of them is done away with.

31 It's so mysterious to see the work of God, and then to see people with the little finite mind, like we are, try to deny His great works!

32This fellow said to me, well, he "couldn't believe anything that couldn't be scientifically proved."

I said, "Do you believe you've got a soul?"

He said, "Sure."

33I said, "Then scientifically prove me you got one." I said, "You--you believe that there is such a thing as love?"

He said, "Sure."

I said, "You love your wife?"


34I said, "Then you show me, scientifically, of what part of you is love. I want to buy some. I'll go to the drugstore, wherever they sell it. I need a whole lot of it. I'd like to buy some love." See? The...

35All the whole armor of God is supernatural. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, patience, and the Holy Ghost. See? Every armor of the believer is looking at the Unseen, believing what is said. See? You don't see what you believe. See? You don't. You don't see it, anyhow. You look it, with your eyes; you see with your heart. See? You look at anything, say, "I just don't see it," you mean you don't understand it. See?

36 So I asked him this, I said, "If I had a jug of water, and I set a glass here. And I'm pouring water out of this jug, into the glass, and it gets half full; and then I just keep pouring water, and then it starts going down. Scientifically tell me where the water is going." See?

37I said, "When I was a little boy, sixteen years old, I eat the same food I eat right now, beans, bread, potatoes, meat." I said, "Every time I eat, what did it do? It built blood cells. I got bigger and stronger, all the time, and when I got about twenty-two. I eat more and better now than I did then, 'cause I didn't have it then to eat. But I eat more and better than I did, now I'm getting older and weaker. And, yet, that food builds blood cells. I'm adding new life all the time, and going down all the time." It's an appointment. We're going to keep it, that's with God. That's right. We're going to.

38You can't scientifically prove God. You just believe God, and you believe Him according to His Word.

39 Now, this afternoon, I want to thank each and every one of you. The nice little sister there on the--on the piano, this one over here. And all you people, ministers, every one of you, the Lord bless you.

40The night won't get too dark, the rain wouldn't fall too hard, but what I'd help you if I could. I used to say I could come to you, but there's too many now. It's, I been over the world, you see, and it's everywhere. But just give me a ring, or write me a letter; I'll send you a prayer cloth, anything I can do, everything absolutely free. There is no money in this. See? The...

41I kept my meetings like this so I could come where they haven't got any money. I held a meeting, here not long ago, in a--a tabernacle that only held twenty people, a two nights meetings. It was awful, down about ten below zero, but the Lord sent me there and great things happened.

42I don't have--I don't have no big programs, radio, television, all this other stuff. Other brothers have that. They are maybe intelligent, intellectual man. They know what to do, and the Lord is granting it. Like, Oral Roberts, and man like that who have to have thousands of dollars a day, he can't operate no other way; and that's for a good cause. And that isn't mine.

43I wanted mine to stay little and humble, wherever I can go, and wherever God calls me. I have nothing to hold me then. I just take off and go wherever it is. That's my ministry.

44Pray for me, that the Lord will help me to keep the Faith, and not look back; look forward to where I'm going. Not look where I've been; look where I'm going. "Forgetting those things are in the past, we press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ."

45 I want to read some out of God's Bible, today. Chose just a little text, 'cause I told you I'd come down and pray for the sick this afternoon. All those holding prayer cards, and those who want to be prayed for, will be. We'll do that. And I always try to keep my promise.

46Now, somebody, when you say that, say, "Well, you promised to be in a certain place."

47I wouldn't doubt but what there is four or five places in the United States right here, I'm supposed to be today, where somebody said I'd be there. I never said I'd be there. But they say it, you see, put it in the paper. And they call home, all the time, "Well, what's the matter?" Say to the wife, or some of the office force, "Well, he was supposed to be here. They advertised him here. Well, the advertisement is in the paper." I didn't even know nothing about it. I can't help that. I'm only responsible for what I say, myself.

48 So now, this afternoon, I want us all, again, if we will, stand for the reading of the Word.

49And we're going to try to get out within about one more hour, the Lord willing, so you can be fresh to go to church tonight. And the reason we have these meetings on Sunday afternoon, so we won't rob anybody from your churches. The people that wants to be prayed for here, the sick and the afflicted, well, we always get to pray for them, then it don't interrupt your service.

50No matter, there is many times there is man I don't dis-... I disagree with, and they disagree with me. But if it can't be upon tolerance, and upon the thoughts of better fellowship and things, then I--I won't say nothing about it. If I can disagree with a man, ever so much, if I can't put my arm around him and, from my heart, know he's my brother, then I oughtn't to be talking to him. That's right. We've got to do that.

51 Now you that wants to turn in your Bibles, turn to Isaiah, the 6th chapter. I want to read from there this afternoon, for the closing service, take a text.

In the year that... Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

Above it stood the seraphims: each... had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.

And one cried unto the other, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD God of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.

And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.

Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.

Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:

And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this has touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is purged.

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and whom will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

52 Let us bow our heads.

53Most Gracious Lord, take these words, and may the meditation of our heart now be acceptable unto Thee. May the great Holy Spirit move into the lips of the speaker and the ears of the hearer, that together it might bring honor to Thy Name, through Thy Word, for we ask it for the glory of God. Amen.

You may be seated.

54 I'm going to watch now, what, so we can have plenty of time for the prayer service. Now listen close as I try, with these few Scriptures and notes that I have wrote down here, to speak it. Sometimes, I'm not tired and wore out, I never (where) write down a Scripture, knowed I can remember it. But lately it's just been so I just sometimes I for-... I can't think of it. So I just jot it down here, a--a little something like a certain Scripture, I know what that means, and I just go from there on.

55I want to speak on the subject of: Influence.

56Now, you know, there is somebody that you are influencing. Your life is a written epistle read of all man. Therefore, if your life isn't according to your testimony, or your testimony according to your life, rather, then there is... you are putting a stumbling block in somebody's way, for somebody is watching you. Some little child is watching his mother, watching his dad.

57 Here some years ago, I read a little article, around Christmas, that was... sure did warm my heart, was grief. When a--a--a fellow had been out, and was a good man, he didn't--he didn't drink, really. But he--he had been out, around Christmas, and visiting his colleagues, and they all said to him, said, "John, have a little, just a little drink," and from house to house he--he got too much. And he had to go back home. And crossing the park, his little boy was with him, and he--he missed the little boy. And turned around and looked, and the little boy was just going from one side to another. And the dad waited till the little boy got to him.

58He said, "Why are you going all over the park, son? What makes you walk like that?"

59He said, "Daddy, I'm trying to walk in your footsteps." And that's right. See? The little...

60The man picked up the little boy, and sit down, took the little fellow in his arms. He said, "God, You forgive me. I want to walk straight, so my son behind me will walk straight."

61And that's what we want to do, as Christians. We want to walk like Christians, live like Christians, talk like Christians.

62 Many years ago, when they used to have slavery in the South, they down in Kentucky and Alabama, and down where I come from. They used to take the colored and auction them off, at the--at the auction block, just like if you'd have used cars or something. I believe no man is to be a slave. "God made man, and man made slaves." And they used to come by and buy them, just like you would buy a used car, get a bill of sales, and so forth. That was a terrible thing.

63So they, one day, there was a buyer come by to... a broker, to an old plantation that had many slaves. And he said, "How many slaves you got?"

"Oh," said, "around a hundred and fifty out there, I guess."

Said, "Could I go out and look over them?"

He said, "Sure, help yourself."

64So he went out to look over the--the slaves. And when he looked around, he noticed them fellows, always they were sad. They, the Boers, brought them over from Africa and unloaded them in Cuba out there, and then sent them over here in the South and sold them for slaves. And they knowed they'd never go back home. They know that they'd never see their father and mother, no more, or their children, husband, wives, and so forth. They were--they were a victim of circumstance that they didn't make themselves. And here they was, away from home, and sad. And sometimes they'd have to take whips and whip them, just like they do a beast, cattle, and oxen, horses, and things, and then they--they make them work.

65 And this they noticed, this young broker noticed there was one of those young slaves they didn't have to whip him. My, he had his chin up, his shoulders back, and he was really right on the mark all the time. They didn't have to be doing anything to him. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] He had the job done. So the owner of the slaves said... The broker said to this owner, said, "I'd like to buy that slave."

He said, "Oh, no." Said, "He's not for sale."

66He said, "Well, why ain't he for sale?" Said, "What you," said, "what do you... What makes him that way?" Said, "Is he the boss over the rest of them?"

Said, "Oh, no. He's a slave."

Said, "Do you feed him different than you do the rest of them?"

67He said, "No, they all ate out in the galley, together." Said, "He's just a slave."

68He said, "Well, what makes him act different than the rest of them?"

69Said, "You know, I often wondered that, too, till I found out that over in the homeland, in Africa where they come from, his father is the king of a tribe. And, yet, he's an alien, far from home, but he knows he's the son of a king, and he acts like it." Oh, my!

70What ought Christians to do? We're sons and daughters of the King. Though we're an aliens, let's act like sons and daughters. Women, let your hair grow out. Quit wearing them clothes that you wear, immoral and things. Man, get back to where a man ought to be. Don't... Act like sons and daughters of God. You're an alien here, but, remember, we are sons of the King.

71See the influence that the man had upon the rest of them, his moral kept the rest of them's hopes high.

72 We find out that this king, Uzziah, was a shepherd boy in the days of Isaiah, the prophet. Isaiah was a prophet.

73Prophets are born. They just not laying their hands on them, and making them prophets. They are born, foreordained of God. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." There is a--a gift of prophesy in the church, and it must be judged by three people before the voice should ever be heard amongst the congregation, but that's just a gift of prophesy. But a prophet is absolutely ordained with THUS SAITH THE LORD, from childhood up.

74And Isaiah was a prophet of the Lord, and he had been taken to the temple. And he had... This Uzziah, this young shepherd boy, was a--a great influence upon this young prophet. Because, Uzziah, in Second Chronicles 26, tells us that he had became king of Israel when he was just sixteen years old. His father Amaziah died, and he took his place, to rule, as it was the custom that the--the son succeeded the--the king. And they took and made him king when he was just sixteen years old. And had his father, Uzziah... Amaziah was a--was a great man. He was a--a--a godly man. And having this godly parent, well, it made him do the thing that was right, because he was influenced by his father. See?

75 Today, how can you expect but what we ain't going to have more Oswalds and Jack Ruby's. Look at... I left my motel, a while ago, and such a drunken mess of a bunch of Californians out there, laying out there, them women stripped naked out on that, out there with just a little bit of strap around them, or something another, out there. And man drinking whiskey on--on ice and stuff, and carrying on, falling around the pools. How can you expect their children, young ones there in the yard, playing around, be anything but an Oswald or something like that? It's the influence that's put before them.

76Oh, America is rotten to the core. She is going to reap what she sowed. A just God cannot let her get by with anything else.

You say, "Are you Am-..."

77I, certainly, I'm American. On the fields, in Germany and Japan, there is American graves marked all--all through there, my people, Branhams. And if I had to go, I'd give my life for it.

78 But let me tell you something. We need a stirring, this nation does. The things that we once had, we've lost, and we're trying to live upon a reputation of what somebody else done. We'll reap for it. God made Israel, a people after His own heart; He made them reap. And we'll reap, too, for what we are doing. We have nothing else in front of us, but reaping. We've crossed the line of grace and mercy, and nothing else left but a reaping. Mark that in your Bibles. I'm an old man. But you mark that down and find out whether that isn't true or not. Maybe when I'm gone, and on and on, you'll find out that those words are true. We're going to get it. We are weighed in the balance and found wanting, and there is no way out. That's right. We've done crossed that line. You've got to reap what you sow, every time.

79 So this young fellow was such an influence upon this, the young king was an influence on--on the young prophet. And he leaned upon the arm of this prophet, because that he--he knowed he was a prophet. And he had him right with him all the time, and to--to draw his influence from his visions, and so forth, from God, to know how to conduct his kingdom.

80And it made him a great man. He ignored the politics of that day, and the popular opinions, and served God with a true heart. That's the kind of a president we need. That's the kind of a--a leader we need over the people of any nation, anywhere. His kingdom was next to Solomon's. There was nothing... God just blessed him and held back no blessing, because he served Him.

81And this was a great help to young Isaiah, because that he seen how God would bless them that was true to His Word. No matter how difficult it was, stay true to that Word. And it's an example today, also, to us, to stay true to the Word. And it had a great influence upon him.

82 Now, he planted vineyards, and he was a herdsman, and he had all kinds of herds and vineyards. If you want to read, in Second Chronicles 26 there, and different places of the Scripture, that speaks of--of Uzziah. He was a great man. He--he loved the outdoors, and, such a fine fellow! God blessed everything he done. It just prospered and went right on. And no nations bothered him. They was afraid of him, and because he served the Lord God that was with him; not because they was afraid of his military force, but they was afraid of the God that he served.

83That's ought to be our memorial. "Our God we trust," it says on our dollars, but I wonder sometimes.

84Now, but this all happened, and it shows here an example. I'd like to draw from this, this afternoon, to show that how God can bless a man and--and make him a great man. But, you know, when this king got... felt secure, felt to a place that--that he was just absolutely anchored, and there was no way for him to ever fall, got lifted up in pride. That's when he took his tumble. That's when any man will take his tumble.

85 I think that's what's the matter with a lot of our peoples today, we get lifted up. I think that's what causes organizations to do what they do. They get a better class, of what they call, "a more intellectual, better class of people," they think. Man, their sch-... all their ministers with high school and college education, two or three years of psychology, give them mental tests and brain waves, and everything, to see if they fit the case, and sometimes know no more about God than a rabbit does about snowshoes. That's right. Right. That mental has nothing to do with it. It's the power of the Holy Ghost. It's not in your mind; it's in your heart. Right. But, see, we get... Then they get lifted up, "Our, we go to the best church in town. We belong to the first church. We belong to where the mayor goes. We belong to this."

86And all these things there, see, what it is, then the people just simply can't stand to hear That. They just think that you're just--just a terrible person. But, what it is, there is no place for the Seed to anchor. There is nothing for It to lay on; just rock. It'll never take hold. "The birds fly around and pick It up," the Bible said.

87 But when this king got lifted up, and felt secure, he got lifted up in pride.

88I notice, a lot of times, we find even people, evangelists, get to a spot where many of them has been accused of things, and maybe some of it is true, of drinking, and so forth. What it is, I think they build a little kingdom around them, and think them people love them so well, there is no way at all for the... Them people, they can just do anything they want to, and, "Those people will overlook it."

89The people might, but what about God? That's where we fail to see. It's God is the One doing the looking. See? God knows it. When you see Truth and Light, and reject It, God knows what you've done. You'll never go no further till you come right back to that spot again. You can't cross over that. You've got to come right back to where you left off.

90 He got so lifted up into his mind, and--and got so self-secure and everything, so much, that he tried to take a minister's place. He tried to go in and offer incense, as we know in the Bible, to burn incense, which was only for a Levite to do it, a priest that was anointed for that job. He tried to take his place.

91And here we have an influence of this king, to let people know that this carnal impersonation of each other, today, it's not of the Lord. You're not ordained to such things. You'll never take another man's place, and another man can't take your place. Find where your place is and abide there. See?

92He thought, "Well, now I... Bless God, I'm a king, and the Lord has been good to me. I can do this. I've got this. This is my ministry." And come to find out, that, in his going on like that, and tried to go over, and step over what God was blessing him at.

If you're a good laymember, be a good laymember.

93 If you're a good housewife, if God has blessed you as a housewife and made you loyal and true, sister, you just continue to be that. Don't get thinking, you, God called you to be a preacher, or--or a deacon, or something else.

94And--and you do the same, man. Wherever God has blessed you, there abide, 'cause that's where He has set you at. You do just what He tells you to do, and see where He blesses you.

95But, don't never try to step in, that's--that's a grass roots of Pentecost. When Mrs. McPherson... As I was reading her book, I didn't... I wasn't a minister in her days. And they said, "When she would walk out on the platform with these, like wings, you know," or, you know, kind of a robe like that, "every lady preacher wore the same thing. Every one of them carried a Bible the same way Mrs. McPherson."

96Did you ever listen to these radio programs? Every fellow, "Lord bless you, real good, fellow," a Billy Graham. It's carnal impersonations.

97 I was reading the--the history of Martin Luther. And the history said, "It wasn't so much of a mystery that Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it, but to hold his head above all the fanaticism that followed his revival." That's right.

98Hold yourself clean and clear, to your calling. Stay with God's Word and don't move for nothing. And stay, abide in your calling. If He give you a job out there, as a farmer, farm good. God bless you at it, and pay your tithes and whatever it is, your offerings, to help the ministry go on. If He made a mechanic out of you, and blessed you in that work, stay with it and thank Him for it. See? You just abide where God calls you.

99 We find here an influence. And then when he was tried to be corrected, the minister run after him, and said, "Say! Wait a minute! You wasn't called for that." Oh, did he get angry! Why, he was ready to have his head cut off.

100See, there is another thing we have to know. No matter how much God has blessed you, you haven't got no right to rebuke the anointed of the Lord, or say anything against them. That's right. God is the one to take care of that. They need any rebuking, that's His children, you let them alone. You're not supposed to do that. See?

101And when you--you tell people of their sins, and tell them they're doing wrong, "Come out! Don't just try to get to Heaven on an organizational system or something." My, goodness, they would, they'll... They want to blow up. They will. They want to find fault with you; they won't--they won't even sit and listen at you; get up and go out, and ill-mannered, and just act any way. You see, that goes to show, the first place, poor raising, home manners. Certainly does.

102 But we find out that this guy had taken this attitude in doing the thing he did. What happened to him? The Lord struck him with leprosy, right there in the building. And what is leprosy the type of? Sin, unbelief. There is no other sin but unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already." And sin is the only unbelief there is.

103I was preaching one time in a Methodist church, and I said, "Smoking cigarettes is not a sin. Committing adultery is not a sin. Taking the Lord's Name is not sin."

104It's too much for one sister; she raised up, said, "Pray tell me, Reverend Branham, what is sin?"

I said, "Unbelief."

105You do those things because you do not believe. That's exactly. The reason you refuse to walk in the Light of the Word is because you disbelieve the Word. That makes you an unbeliever.

106 A fellow said to me, said, "I wouldn't care how many cases you could show, and how many cases the doctor could show, of different healings," said, "I do not believe in healing. It's not so."

107I said, "Certainly, it wasn't sent to unbelievers. It was only sent to those who believe."

108It's only for believers. He said, "He that believeth, all things are possible," not him that unbelieveth.

109And one speck of unbelief against the Word of God, and you'll stay out of the Kingdom of Heaven. It took Eve out. It caused all this trouble, once just to pervert the Word just a little bit. You've got to stay straight with It, what It says.

110 Now we find out, this man got all haughty and puffed up, and his face got red, and he turned around and tell them priests, and, the first thing you know, he broke out with leprosy. Right there in his rage, he was smitten. He never did get over it. What? Disbelieving the Word of God that was trying to be told to him.

111There is a real example in that. Notice. He was... He disbelieved, and, in his anger, he was smitten with leprosy; and died, out in his own home, was never permitted to the kingdom anymore, the king's place. His son had to take his place and--and help the best they could, and he was left like that until he died. Now, you see, he never did recover.

112 Jesus said, "One word against It will never be forgiven," the Word, "neither in this world or the world that is to come." It's unpardonable. So you see why the world is ready for judgment? The great evangelists and things that's covered the earth with the Gospel, been laughed at, made fun of, everything else. There is nothing left. There is no way for it to ever come back. They've blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and made fun of It, and everything else. And they've... And, they, there is no way for it to ever come back. It's got to be paid for. There is no way out of it. God is just; it would be against His justice, be against His--His--His Being, what He is. And now it's got to be paid for.

113 So this king, no matter how much God loved him, what a great man he was, how much degrees he had, yet he done wrong and he had to reap what he sowed. And every man will have to do it.

114Then was a lesson to the young prophet. Then was a real lesson! By this, Isaiah learned that God orders His man to his place, Himself. Not what somebody else orders. God orders His man to the job, now, orders him to his place. He is not try to take another's place.

115The vision, the thing was so great until it drove this prophet to the temple, to pray.

116I wonder, today, if we would see the death of the churches, to see the--the dying out of the people, from the Spirit, going on back and serving their creeds, if it oughtn't to drive believers to their knees.

117It made a real believer, an ordained believer, Isaiah the prophet, go to his knees. He went to the temple, and there he begin to pray.

118And, in the temple, he saw God on His throne, lifted way up high. God was going to show him what to look at. Not look at one another; look up there to what He is, what, He lifted up high on His throne.

119 Note the Heavenly Seraphims with coverings over Their faces. Now, the Seraphims is the burners of the sacrifice, which is one of highest orders of Angels. They're next to the Cherubims. There it was Angels, and then Seraphims, and then Cherubims. And Seraphims is actually the burner of the sacrifice, making the way for the sinners' approach, a real high order of holiness in the temple of God.

120And he saw, when he was down on the floor at the altar, praying, "Lord, I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among unclean people." And he was making his confession.

121And when he did, he looked up and he saw these Seraphims. They had two wings over Their faces, and two wings over Their feet, and were flying with two wings, crying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty! Holy, holy, holy, all of God is holy! Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!"

122 Let's look at the vision the prophet saw, and break it down. Two wings covered Their faces. Think of it, even holy Angels had to hide Their sinless faces, to stand in the Presence of God. Was given wings to hide Their face, in the Presence of the holy God! How are you and I going to stand There, if the Seraphims had to use wings, God's provided way to hide Their face, to stand in His Presence, to sing, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty"? Reverence in His Presence!

123Now we don't have any reverence to God. Everybody just thinks he is so secured, till they--they don't--they don't reverent God like they should. Why? Why do they do this? Because they're not conscious of His Presence. That's the reason people do that. They, they don't recognize It. They can't, they can't comprehend that they're in the Presence of God. Their minds become so perverted and taken up in the things of the world, till they don't even pay any attention to It. They go to church, sure. But to realize that you're in the Presence of God! Not only in a church; wherever you are, you're in the Presence of God.

124If they could do as David said, "I put the Lord always before my face, therefore I shall not be moved." As long as the Lord was before him, he could not be moved.

125And these Heavenly sacrifice burners with wings over Their faces, and crying, "Holy, holy, holy," to stand in the Presence of God, what will happen to a sinful people that won't reverence God?

126 You say, "Well, Brother Branham, you just said They were provided with two wings."

127And you are provided with something, too, the Blood of Jesus Christ. That's your covering. That, you don't stand as a Seraphim, you don't stand as a Cherubim, you don't stand as an Angel. But, you stand as a redeemed son or daughter of God, by this Blood. You don't have to have these wings that They had. They're a special covering for Them in that Presence. But you've got the Blood of Jesus Christ for a covering, to stand There. Now how... Now, you, if you've got that Blood, then you honor God, you love God, you respect God; and God is the Word.

128Now notice, secondly, with two wings They covered Their feet. What did that mean? Humility before God, in His Presence.

129Like Moses at the burning bush, took off his shoes, when he heard Him say, "I AM THAT I AM."

Paul, on his road down to Damascus, he--he fell on his face.

130John, when he saw the--the Spirit of God above Jesus, he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why comest Thou unto me?"

131 Here is a good example. Always be conscious of your littleness, not your bigness.

132Today, we--we Americans, so much, that we try to think that we're big somebody, "We belong to something big, some big organization, some great big something that's got..." Oh, great big, big, big is all we see.

133And that when... One time, in the Bible, we have an example of that. There was a--a prophet went back in the cave and... Elijah. And God was trying to attract his attention, to come out. And there come the fire, and smoke, and--and blusterous winds across the mountains, and thunder, and earthquakes, and shakings, and everything else. The prophet never even moved. God wasn't even in it. But when that still, small Voice spoke, he covered his face and come forward. When the still, small Voice of God's Word speaks, not a racket, not our big denominations, not our big something, but that still, small Voice, of the Word, that's looked over. That should call a man to repentance. God in His Word!

134Yet, He covered His feet; and become conscious of He... our littleness before God.

135 Thirdly, He could fly by the other two.

136Now remember, two, He covered His face, in the Presence of God, and to be reverent. Secondly, the two wings over His feet meant humility, before God. And third set of wings, now, He put Hisself into action. He could fly with them two wings, see. Two over His face, two over His feet, and flying with two, now what was it? Reverence, humility, and in action.

137God showed the prophet how His prepared servant must be; reverent, humble, and in action. Now he seen something different from Uzziah produced. He was showing the prophet what he must be, not like Uzziah, but to be like these Heavenly Cherubims. And if you want to look at a king, a earthly king... Look at a Heavenly One, exalted above all the Heavens, and His train filled the Heavens.

138 There we see that He was giving him something to look at, to influence him different from what he had been looking at, thinking, "A man that served God and prospered, and everything, was fine." But Isaiah got his--his mind upon a man.

139And a man is a failure, to begin with. I don't care who he is. "He is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies," so he's a total failure. I don't care if he's a bishop, pope, presbyter, or whatevermore he might be. He is a failure, to begin with, and don't never look to one. I don't care, "Though he moves mountains with faith, and though he gives all of his goods to feed the poor." Still, look at Jesus Christ. He is the One. Look to Him, not at some man.

140Find now that He was showing here what a servant of God must be, how he must be humble and reverent and in action.

141Go into action! Many of us can be humble, many of us can be reverent, but it's hard to get them in action.

142But now we notice that God was showing how He was preparing His servant, what he must be. Those Cherubims were, or--or Seraphims, was God's servants.

143 Notice, like the woman at the well, when she was looking for a Scripture to be fulfilled. That we spoke on, two or three times this week. When, she was looking for that to be fulfilled. The--the girl, as far as we know, didn't go to church. She probably... They was so far away from the Word, and things like that, they... and calling their creeds and things. As Jesus said, "You've took your traditions, and made the--the Word of God of no effect."

144It's about the same thing today. The creeds that we're taught, and things, has put the Word of God out of action. The Word can't come forth. And the things said, true; they're so in-documated with something else, they can't see It.

145Remember, that Voice will haunt not only you here. This tape goes all over the world. I'm not exactly speaking to you all here. But if there is somebody here needs it, well, that, it's for you then. See? But, remember that that Voice will haunt you as long as you live. In the day of your dying, it'll haunt you. Obey It! Come back!

146 Our traditions has took the Word of God and made It of no effect. The Word of God being made manifest, and the people stand around and say, "Well, I guess that's pretty good. See? My, oh, my! It ought to set your soul on fire. It ought to do something, but it doesn't. It doesn't do it. We find God...

147When this woman... Them priests and things, probably she didn't go to church 'cause she see no reason to go, of something like that. But she had read the Scriptures. For notice, she knowed, quickly, when He's told her what her trouble was, why, she said, "Why, we know that You must be a prophet. We haven't had one for the hundreds of years. But You must be a prophet, we know." Now, see, my opinion, she thought...

148If you'll take that marginal reading there, and read it in your Scripture, it goes back to "the Prophet," which was Christ.

149Said, "We know we... You must be a prophet. We know that the Messiah, when He comes, this will the thing that He'll do. He'll be identified by this."

And Jesus said, "I am He that speaks to you."

150She went into action. She couldn't stand it no longer. The very thing that they was looking for, was on earth right then, and she saw It. No matter how much she was in a bad shape, a prostitute, or a woman like that, could not... The man on the street wouldn't even listen to her. They wouldn't today. But stop her, how could you do it? It was like a house on fire, in a high wind. You couldn't put it out. A fire got burning in her heart.

151She said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" And it stuck, too. When, Jesus didn't have to do that one more time. The people believed her because... believed Jesus because of her testimony. See? What did it do? She was humble, reverent, and in action. She went to action when she seen the thing happen.

152 His signs ought to influence, today. The promised signs of today, the promised Word that's laid out for this today, to see God fulfilling what He said He would do, it ought to do something to us. But it doesn't.

153Just like it did to the Jews. They were so religious that they--they didn't think they needed It. They, they thought they had everything.

154And that's the way with the world today. It's got plenty to eat, plenty to wear, fine churches, big places, fine educated ministers, and so they don't need nothing else. "But you don't know," the Scripture said, "you are naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it." "Don't know it," and you can't tell them no different. They continually wade right on down that line, and fail to let the Word of God influence them to believe Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and alive today, the same yesterday, today, and forever, showing Himself alive. They just simply dead. Everywhere, everywhere you go, seems to be the same thing. It had to be that way, though, you know. He has to be put out of the church. There is no way at all for it to keep from being this a way. God said it would be this a way. But if--if...

155 Let it shake you, let it shake you good. No matter what nation you're in, wherever you're at, whoever you are, let it wake you up.

156The hours come and go. The first thing you know, you'll be saying, "Well, I--I thought there was supposed to be this happen before the Rapture."

157There might be a Voice come back like it did one time, "It's already happened and you didn't know it."

158You'll be all anchored off in a church somewhere, saying, "I'm just as secure as I can be," and, the first thing you know, the Rapture will be gone. It's going to be a secret, sudden going, nobody know nothing about it. The world will keep right on going.

159Like Noah went into the ark. You remember, after Noah went into the ark, he set there seven days after God closed the door. God closed the door, and Noah set in the ark for seven days before anything happened.

160And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be. And just think of it, the people will go ahead preaching, people think they're getting saved, putting their names on books, joining church, shouting, jumping up-and-down.

161 Why, I've seen Mohammedans shout. I've heard... people drink blood out of a human skull, and speak in tongues, and do all those things. That ain't no sign you're saved. Oh, no.

162"Having the form of godliness." What is "the Power thereof" they're speaking of?

163See, those things could happen, and it'll be a past time and you won't know it. You can't afford to take that kind of a chance. Don't do it, friends. Come in while you can. Don't be influenced by some great big building, some great big organization, some great high-polished scholar. Let the Word of God influence you. That's exactly what caused those apostles. When they seen that Word made manifest, that influenced them, "We are sure!"

164 Might stand quoting again. Jesus, with great crowds of thousands a following Him, He said, "That's too many. Look, look, something strange here, there is few are called... Yeah, many are called, few are chosen."

165So then He seen the great congregations, He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." He never explained it.

166I wonder if He would say that in Beaumont, today, no matter how popular He was, what do you think doctors, and fine cultured people, and scientists, would say? "That man is a vampire. Well, He wants you to drink His Blood? Well, what kind of a... You are going off on a tantrum."

167Jesus never explained it. He wanted to shake them parasites off of Him. That's right. Then they all got up and left.

168 Then He looked around to those apostles which was not ordained to Life, but He had chosen them. They wasn't ordained. He said, "What will you say when you see the Son of man ascending up into Heaven from whence He come?" Oh, that was a choker. What did He...

169Them--them ministers said, "Ascend up into Heaven? Well, this Man was born right here in Galilee. He was born in Nazareth. We know his mother, His--His brothers. We know the cradle He was rocked in. We seen His baby clothes. We speak to His mother. And then say this Man come, go back up where He come from? He come from Nazareth. What does He say, 'Heaven'?"

170He never explained it. Too many parasites yet. "They got up, and they walked with Him no more." That's what the Bible said.

171 Then He turned around and said, "I... You all want to go, too?" to the twelve.

172Remember, they couldn't explain it, but they knowed it. They knowed He was, so they said to Him. He had influenced them by His a vindicated signs from God. Watch.

He said, "Do you want to go, also?" to the twelve.

173Peter said, "Lord, who would we go to? For we are sure..." Now, that, look, study that. What is it? "We know what the Word says for today. We know what the Messiah is supposed to do if He comes today. We have seen this thing being met of God."

174He said it later on, at Pentecost. He said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you, by the things that He is supposed to do. And you've taken the Prince of Life and crucified Him, and--and God raised Him up, which you're witnesses of it."

Notice here, see, he said, "Where would we go?"

175Jesus said, "I chose twelve of you, and one of you is the devil."

176And there's only eleven standing there, out of a thousands times thousands. Eleven standing there. Oh, my! Influenced! Sure.

177 This little woman, when she was influenced, she went into action. She had to do something about it. She had to tell somebody else.

178And every real true soul that strikes Christ, you got to tell somebody about It.

179Peter, when he took Him at His Word, that night on the sea, saw Him out there, had been... or that day, it was. They had been fishing all night, and they hadn't caught nothing, seined back and forth. That's a discouraged time, if anybody is a fisherman. Seined all night, and he was a fisherman, too. His father was a fisherman. He had been on that lake all of his life, and his parents and his grandparents come from that lake. And he knowed when the moon was right, and which way the wind was blowing, and all the signs. And he fished for a living. So he had fished all night, and had taken nothing.

180Then they found out, the next day, that--that they said this Prophet was going to speak, down on the bank. And I imagine, out of their little huts come the little women, and so forth, coming down to hear Him. The crowds got so great, around the bank, He had to borrow this boat, and Peter's boat. To come out and wash their nets, and not even one fish, and throwed them up on there; was discouraged.

181 And sometimes at that discouraging moment, if you'll watch, that's when He comes around. But don't be blind enough to miss it. See? When you see everything happening the way it is in the world today, don't be afraid. See? Don't be afraid. Just--just remember, He promised to come to you.

182And now notice when He come, He told Peter, said, "Now launch out into the deep and let down for the draught."

183Peter said, "Perhaps. I never seen this done before. I--I don't know. I fished, all my life, here. The--the signs, we just got through fishing, all night, through that same water. And, yet, but there isn't nothing. We haven't took a thing. But at Thy Word, Lord," there it is, "I'll let down the net. Your Word!"

184 You might have went through every hospital. Brother King, they might be saying that you're going to die. They might be saying, sister, this, that, or the other. I don't care what they said. "At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net!"

185When he seen that Word vindicated, when Jesus told him something, he believed it, and he let down that net into the water where there was no fish. But, if God said so, He could put fish there, the same as He put water in the skies.

186He can put healing in your body, I don't care if there is nothing there. You're trust Him to raise it up in the last days. "At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net."

187It so influenced that fisherman, till he left the fish and all, and followed Jesus. It was an influence, when he took Him at His Word. Then what did He do, "Well," he said, "thank You, Lord, for a nice mess of fish"? Said, "Leave your net alone. From henceforth you'll catch man." The apostle went into action!

188 Finally, at the end of the road, when they were going to crucify Him, kill Him, and he run out of the city. And on the road out, as the history tells us, he was running for his life, getting out of the city, and he meet Jesus coming back. He said, "Where goest thou?" Simon, or Simon said to Him, "Where goest Thou, Lord?"

189He said, "I'm going back in the city to be crucified again."

190Simon turned and went back. And when they got him, said, don't... They put him on a cross. Said, "Don't hang me like that. Put my head down, and my feet up!"

191He had been influenced when he seen Jesus resurrected from the dead; influenced for his death, he was influenced for anything. He went into action. Death couldn't even stop it. The crucifixion couldn't stop it. He was influenced by Jesus.

192 The blind man healed. They told him hold his peace, but he scattered His fame everywhere. His people said, now, the priests said, "Now if anybody goes and attends that revival, they'll just come get their church papers, that's all." And the father and mother were scared of that. See? So they said...

They come, said, "How did this boy get his sight?"

Said, "He's--He's of age; ask him." They were afraid.

But he that had been healed was influenced. Amen.

193He said, "This Man is a sinner. Give praise to God! We don't know where this Man comes from. He has no--He has no credentials. We're not cooperating with Him. We have nothing to do with Him. We don't know where He comes from. We know He's a sinner and--and from the devil."

194This man had a good answer for them. He said, "Now this is really a strange thing." Said, "Now, you are supposed to be the leaders of the land. And that Man give me my sight, and yet you don't where He come from." He said, "Now, whether He's a sinner, or not, I can't tell you that. But this one thing I do know, wherein I was once blind, I can now see."

195He had been influenced. He didn't care to stand before priests or anything. He had been influenced. His parents, even the miracle on their own son didn't influence them, but it influenced him.

196 The people at Pentecost, as I said last night, with their Eternal Life policy, when they went up to draw their... the dividends on It. Notice when they were influenced. They had been holy, been reverent before God. They had covered their faces from the things of the world, and their feet in humility. And when they felt the Power of God come, as was promised by Joel, as was promised by the prophets, as was promised by Jesus! "Wait up there at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with Power from on High." As soon as that God, in the Person of the Holy Ghost, came down upon them, they were influenced. They didn't care how many people laughed at them. Out into the street they went, staggering like drunk man. They were influenced by the Holy Ghost. You can be influenced, too. They stood right...

197Watch him. He didn't go around and say some kind of a creed. He went right straight back to the Word, and said, "You men of Jerusalem, you that dwell in Judaea, let this be known unto you, and hearken to my words. These are not drunk as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day. But this is That that was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days,' saith God, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" They were influenced by the Word, to the Word. It ought to do us the same way.

198 They got in actions, yes, when His promise was fulfilled. When, they seen that Jesus promised them that He would send the promise of the Father upon them, Luke 24:49, "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you; but tarry ye." Tarry don't mean pray, it just means wait. Tarry means "wait." "Wait up there at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with Power from on High." And when this influence of the Holy Ghost struck them, It filled them. They seen the Word, that Jesus promised, fulfilled.

199Now, I wonder if it would take the same influence on us this afternoon? If we seen what He promised to do in the last days, fulfilled, what kind of an influence would It give us? What? All we have seen done in these last days ought to put us in action. It sure ought to, with reverence and humility.

200 Beyond any shadow of doubt, the claim that was made thirty years ago, about a Pillar of Fire, that the cameras caught. Your Texas camera caught it not long ago. Scientific research, throwed it through all kinds of research that they could find, by the FBI. And... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... Took in Texas, for a Texan. When you see the sign, it cannot be disproved. It's the truth. But will you believe the Voice that follows the sign? The sign is scientifically proved. Now, someday when Jesus returns and catches the people, all the way they are, it'll be made known, too.

201 Notice, the Pillar of Fire should put us in action, as the Pillar of Fire vindicates Its promise of the last days. Jesus said, "I come from God, and I go to God," and what He would do in the last days. And here He is, both scientific and spiritually, in the Word proving it, that He come from God and still remains the same. He is still God, for the promise in the last days. It should put us in actions.

202Signs of the Coming is at hand. Jesus said, "As it was at Sodom, just before the world was burnt, the Gentile world," this would return. It should influence us and put us in action, too. When we see the Word fulfilled, that He promised, it should put us in action.

203 We, like the prophet, have seen the outcome of self-exalted denominations, lose their place. I want that to soak real deep, 'cause I may never talk to you again. But, men and women, may I say this, and speak to you freely, this afternoon, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Man who are sensible thinkers, man who are not so stuffed shirt, so far away from God by traditions; that, they have seen the Pentecostal church, you seen the Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian, you seen the Catholic church, lose its position in God, lose their hold on the Word, when they accepted creeds.

204 I--I was interviewed by a priest, not long ago, and he said to me, he said, "Why, I..." He asked me about a certain thing, and these things. He said, "Well, the Catholic church used to do that."

205I said, "When? The Catholic church wasn't organized for three hundred years after the death of the last apostle."

He said, he said, "You are trying to try your case by a Bible."

I said, "That's the Word."

He said, "God is in His church."

206I said, "God is in His Word. Everything else be a lie, and His true."

207And he said, "Well, that's just a Book that--that the early Catholics wrote."

208I said, "Then I'm an early Catholic. I believe just what It said." I don't... I said then...

He said, "Well, see, we're a greater church now."

209I said, "Then where have you lost? What's happened? If the early church cast out devils, and proved Jesus alive upon the earth, by spiritual signs and wonders; and here you got thousands of intercessors, of all kinds of dead women and dead men, and everything, making intercessors. In the Bible, the first pope said, that, 'There is no other mediator between God and man but the Man Christ Jesus.'"

210 Losing your hold on the Word, and accepting creeds and self-exaltation by man's exhortation, we have seen them lose their hold with the great Holy Spirit. We've seen the Pentecostals do the same thing. And you see it. When they organize, they die. There is no way back; there never has been, and there never will be. God is against the thing. It's really sin. Said, in the last days He'd say, "Come out from among them, My people, that you touch not their unclean things; and I'll receive you."

211 Like the Uzziah, what did he try to do? He tried to take the place of an anointed office, God's anointed office. Uzziah tried to usurp that authority, because he was a great man.

212We've seen these self-styled organizations crowd out everything that is God, and trying to take the office of the Church, the anointed Church. And by creeds, we've found that they're dead in unbelief, and they'll never rise again. They'll die in the leper camp with the rest of them.

213See there? Man, thinking man, Scripture-believing man see that. If you're born of God, you see it. God so clearly identifying the thing, to influence you. As we've preached all week, and things, what it's to do, attract the attention. It influences you, to see where they've went and what's happened, every one of them.

214If they organize another one, it'll do the same thing. But there'll be no more of them. No. They, it's over now. It's too late now.

215Lose their hold, by accepting creeds and man-made doctrines. They're scared, just come and stand by It. See?

216 Like Uzziah trying to usurp the place of a--a anointed office, because he was a big fellow, big fellow. And among God's people there is no big fellows. We're all children of God. God gives one of us one thing to do, and another thing to do, that don't make us any better than anybody else. Just makes God require more at your hand, is all.

217 Now the effects of such a vision, and we're closing. Start praying for the sick, in a few minutes. Now the effects of such a vision. What did the effects do to this prophet? I wonder about a preacher, I wonder about an evangelist, or a pastor? Look what a vision of This done, and what he seen, what had happened to self-styled Uzziah. And then, though a great man that God had honored, the great thing, they seen it dead. What effects did it have on the prophet?

218Here is what it did. It caused him to confess himself to be a sinner for associating with such. He confessed, "I'm a man of unclean lips, and I've been dwelling among people with unclean lips." Making him con-... a prophet, not a preacher. A prophet confessed that he was a sinful man, because he had been associating with such.

219 Then what? When he confessed his sins, then come the cleansing. Oh, you cannot be clean from your sin until you confessed it's sin, till you recognize it's sin. Then come the cleansing, as soon as he said, "Woe is me, for my eyes have seen the vindication of a great God. The Angels, the Burners, the Sacrificers are here, and the posts is moving at Their Voice, and here They are in this vision, flying back and forth." He had saw something real. A vision had come down. He said, "I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among unclean people." Said, he cried out for mercy and called himself a sinner.

220Then what happened? One of the Cherubims went over to the altar, and took the tongs and picked up a live coal, and put it on His hand. Not carry it in a tong now; picked up the coal, put it on His hand, and come and laid it upon the prophet's lips, and said, "Thy iniquity..."

221Iniquity, what is iniquity? Iniquity is something that you know it's wrong, and still holding to it. When you know your creeds are wrong, and you still hold to it, that's iniquity.

222 But when he confessed that he was wrong, there was a cleansing power. He took a coal of Fire. Did you notice how God...

223We see how God set His servants in order, and what He fixed Him with; how He could, being humble, reverent, and put Hisself in action.

224Watch, when He cleansed the servant, He never done it by a seminary. He never done it by a bunch of books. We find here that God cleanse His servants by Fire. A coal of Fire touched the prophet, cleaned his lips. God cleans His servants by His Holy Fire. Not by books, not by education, theology; but He cleaned His servant by Fire.

225Then as soon as he was confessed and cleansed, then followed the commission. First he had to confess, then he had to be cleansed, and now it's the commission. It was then that the cleansed Isaiah cried... When he heard the Voice of God, said, "Who will go for Us?"

226 Look at back in history, when you're reading this, when you go home, what had happened to Israel. She had got the same (where) place we are. They had called... All their sacrifices and things had become a tradition to them. There was no sincerity. They didn't honor the Word of God. That's when God raised up Isaiah, to tell him them sacrifices stunk in His nose. He didn't want them. They were blasphemy to Him, then He didn't want no more to do with them. And when... This Isaiah was cleaned and ready to go preach the Gospel then.

227 And the Voice of God said, "Now there is a need. These things has got to be told." And one Voice said to the other, the Angels flying, said, "Who will go for Us?"

228Then Isaiah, with a clean heart; cleansed, confessed, cleansed and commissioned, the vision; said, "Here am I, Lord, send me. Send me. Here am I, send me."

229God, send Your holy Angels again today. Find Your Isaiah somewhere, my prayer. I--I'm not... I'm just saying this 'cause I know He's here.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as clean as clean could be,

When the Voice of God said, "Who will go for Us?"

Then he answered, "Master, here am I, send me."

230He wasn't afraid then with the Word. He was a prophet; the Word could come to him. He was... All of his unbelief and traditions was gone. He could stand before that traditional age, and tell them, "Your sacrifices stinks in the nose of God. And the very God that you claim to serve, will destroy you." That's what He said. "The God that you claim you're serving, will destroy you," and He did it.

They said, "A sign!"

He said, "I'll give you a super sign; a virgin shall conceive."

231 Isaiah wrote sixty-six chapters in his Book, and there is sixty-six Books in the Bible. He starts off with the beginning of creation, and ends up in the Millennium just like the entire Bible does.

232That great prophet of God, who was willing to confess that all their traditions was wrong; and get down there and get cleansed, and so the Word of God could come to him. Then he said, "I'm ready to go, Lord. I'm ready. I'll speak what You say speak. I'll say what You say say." He was ready to go.

233God, bring the Angels again, this afternoon, the Holy Ghost and Fire, and cleanse my brothers' hearts, everywhere. May they be such influences till others will see and want to follow, too.

234 Let us bow our heads. Quietly:

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure could be,

When the Voice of God said, "Who will go for Us?"

Then he answered, "Master, here, send me."

Quietly now, all together.

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Millions now in sin and shame are dying;

Listen to their sad and bitter cry;

Hasten, brother, hasten to their rescue;

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

235Let us hum it, quietly. [Brother Branham begins humming Speak, My Lord--Ed.] Let's go down to the temple now.

Listen to their sad and bitter cry; (Oh, brother, come with me, won't you?)

Hasten, brother, hasten to their rescue; (They don't know what denomination, belong to, or nothing)

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, (Isaiahs, are you here?)

... and I'll be quick to answer Thee,

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

236 I wonder, with your heads bowed and your hearts bowed, Isaiah, where are you? Will you raise up your hand, and say, "Lord, here am I, send me. I'm ready"? God bless you. Now really mean it. Ninety percent of the audience.

Speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

237Look, ministers, you that raised your hand. Look at our women, our sisters, what a disgrace! [Brother Branham makes sounds of disapproval--Ed.] Look at our man, think more of an organization than they do of the Word of God. Jesus Christ proving Himself among them, and just exactly the Scripture so plainly and made known, and yet they'll hang right to it. Brother!

238Someone say, "Well, I wouldn't have nothing. I--I... that they... I wouldn't have no place to go."

239Brother, if I had to eat soda crackers and drink branch water, I'd stay with my Lord. He is my life. He is my bread. You think I do this to be different? I do this because I love Him, because it's my commission. Stand side by side, with Him, with that Word!

Oh, speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

240 Heavenly Father, as the music is sweetly playing, may everyone that's in Divine Presence, Lord, see that this is the calling time. It's a--it's a separating time, when the chaff and--and wheat is to be separated. Although the--the wheat has been wrapped in the chaff, but now it's a calling out time. It's another exodus.

241I pray, God, as the great Son Light has ripened the grain for every stage of its Life, from the time... Like in Canada now, when the wheat is just coming up, that hot sun of July would kill it right now, but it has to ripen according to the way that nature brings the sun upon it. So does the hot Son upon Luther's doctrine, Wesley and the rest of them, It scorches it down, but it's to ripen the wheat. It should have matured, Lord, just as It come up.

242But, remember, all the branches was pruned off, and the Bride tree come right out of the center. "I will restore, again, all the years that the palmerworm, caterpillar," the same insect, only in different stages, "has eaten away. I will restore it," SAITH THE LORD. And You'll do it, Lord. You promised it. I pray that You will do it in every heart this afternoon.

243They're Yours, Lord. I commit them to You now. And I may never see them. If I'd come back, a year from today, there is many sitting here, if I'm living, they won't be. No doubt, this size crowd, next time I meet them will be at the Judgment. Let them see, Lord. Let them open their eyes, if there's... and see.

244All these on tape, Lord, that's listened to the Voice of this time, many different languages, even be translated, may they understand. Many men and women, in little houses, and out in little jungles in Africa, with those little machines with the tubes in their ears, may they hear, Lord, hear. Grant it. The missionary was right in what he said, but this is a greater witness than what he had. He is ready now. Hear us, Father. We commit it all to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, and for the calling of His Bride. Amen.

245 Now, my brother, sister, we're going to pray for the sick, each one of you that raise your hand. I--I can't give it. If I could give it to you, I'd do it. Certainly, I--I'd come right down there and say, "Here, you want it? I--I'll have it." It isn't mine to give. It's God, and God will give it to you if there's a hunger in your heart.

246Before there can be a calling to the deep there has got to be a deep to respond to that call. Before there can be a creation, there has to be a Creator to create that creation.

247You know there is something there you're reaching for; there's got to be something out there to respond to that call. Won't you receive It now? Don't let it die. Please don't. If I never see you no more this side the Judgment, may I see you There, washed and ready. My prayer!

248 Now the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Who appeared on the earth in the form of a Man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ; Who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, buried, rose the third day; and ascended into Heaven, where He now sits at the right hand of the Majesty; sending back the Spirit that was upon Him, called the Holy Spirit, God, upon, to come upon mankind, to fellowship, to carry on the ministry that was carried on in that glorious body of Christ. Supposingly... to come as the pyramid is shaped up, like that, the Headstone never was put on it. Why? It was rejected.

249Now, way down, the Church has constantly come to minority, has come on up now till all the church ages has run out. It's got to be honed. That stone has to fit straight in. The ministry that was in Jesus Christ has to be in His Church, to make Christ come for the Church, to raise up every age, to bring Him, to bring it out.

250 Just like the wheat. The wheat has to come plumb back, as it starts maturing, from the grain where it rotted, died, and come forth and kept coming up from grass into something else. You can't go back to grass. Don't point back to grass. Don't point back to this. Don't point back to the sheaf. Come on till you get to the wheat. And the wheat has to be the same kind of a wheat that went into the ground, when it's matured. Jesus is raised from the dead. He is matured now. And He is matured in His Church, through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; through these reformers in the early days, now here He is on earth today in His people. Believe Him. He is here.

251 Just that you might see Him, (might be strangers), may the God of Heaven honor what I've said about Him. Now I want you in the audience, please, don't nobody go out no more. Just give the God of Heaven this much respect, just to sit a moment. Now don't move. Let every person in here, that's sick or needy, raise up your hand. Or be... All right. Thank you. Now, I don't know...

252I know Brother King, sitting right here. I just recognized him, just a few minutes ago. I'm sure. I think that's who that is, is Brother King sitting there. He sponsored my last meeting here. Brother King, I can't say what I want to say, but you know I know what I want to say. You have been through the mill, my little brother. God be merciful to you.

253Others, I don't know. I still see Pat Tyler sitting here. I think that's the only man in the building, or only woman, anything that I know anything, is this man, Pat Tyler, sitting here.

254 Believe now. And if I be the servant of God, and if God be here, and I've identified His Word to be the truth; then let the God of Heaven, Who raised up His Son, Jesus Christ, Who made these promises, identify it with you, that I've told the Truth.

255How would He do it? Not by coming with a robe on, and beard. But His Life, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." The Life that's in the Vine is in the branch. "The works that I do shall you also," and promised it in this day, when the next branch comes forth. We've got a lot of grafted branches; sure, it'll bear fruit, but not this kind of fruit. Oh, no.

256I seen a tree in Phoenix, not long ago, it had about eight or nine different fruits on it. Brother John Sharrit owned it. I said, "What kind of a tree is that?"

He said, "It is a orange tree, Brother Branham."

257"Why," I said, "there is lemons and grapefruit and--and tangelos, and tangerines."

258And he said, "Yes, it's all citrus fruits." Said, "I grafted them in there."

259"Oh," I said, "I see. Now, next year, they'll all be oranges?"

260He said, "Oh, no. Huh-uh! No. Next year the--the lemon will be a lemon, the--the grapefruit will be a grapefruit."

261I said, "Off of that same vine? Off that same, off of--off of an orange tree?"

262He said, "Yes. They're all citrus fruit, Brother Branham. It'll live by the citrus fruit."

263Then I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I said, "Lord Jesus, I know what You mean now." There it is. These denominations has grafted theirself in, but they're bearing denominational fruit.

264Listen. If that real branch ever brings forth, a real Vine brings forth another branch, it'll be of the original. Believe it.

265[A sister begins speaking in another tongue--Ed.] Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh! [She continues and finishes. A brother gives an interpretation.] Thank the Lord. How He has promised it!

266 Now everybody real reverent. I'm going to just stand here and ask the Lord Jesus.

267This is a gift. What is a gift? To if I can move my own thinking, I can move my own life from me, my--my natural life, my soul, that's William Branham; if I can get him out of the way, God will use the spirit, the body to speak.

268Let the Holy Spirit come now, Lord, that they might see, by human beings, that the identified Holy Spirit is here. A gift to get yourself the way...

Everybody real reverent. Sit still.

269 Just a man sitting out here. Now I want you all to raise your heads and look just a minute. Can you see That right here on this man? A Light, amber Light, burning, a circling this. How many seen the picture of It? It was taken here at Houston. You see? It's in the Washington, D.C., all over the world. Only supernatural Being was ever photographed, in all the world. Here It is right here now.

270I take every spirit in here under my control, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

271This man is suffering from a gland trouble in his throat. I don't know him, never seen him in my life, but that's the truth. Isn't that right, sir? Do you believe now? The man in the back there, do you believe that God will make known to me about you? You're Mr. Hall. That's your name, isn't it? All right, sir. It's over now. Your faith makes you well.

272 I could call a prayer line, and get them up here on the platform. There is no need of it. Let's take one of these rows here, somewhere. Here, start right here. Here is a little girl sitting here. Look this a way, honey. Might not have nothing wrong with you, I don't know. But just say, instead of a prayer line coming up here, let's get it down here.

273Look here, sweetheart. Look at Brother Branham. In the days when Jesus was here on earth... Yes, she is sick. She is seriously sick, that child there. Yes, sir. If Jesus was here, He could tell you what was wrong with you, wouldn't He? Do you believe that Jesus sent Brother Branham to do it? If I tell you what's wrong with you, you believe that He'll heal you? It's sugar diabetes, that little child. No way in the world for it to be healed outside of God. Do you believe, honey?

274Now the lady sitting next, that raised a hand up, that's the mother to the child. That is right. Lay your hand over on her, sister. Believe now. God brought that child to you. May the Lord grant her healing.

275 This next lady, sitting next to the mother there. Look here at me, lady. Do you believe me to be His servant, God's servant? If God will tell me something in your life, or what you're wanting, if you're sick, or you're not sick, or whatever it is; if God will tell me your desires, will you believe? Or something like that, I don't know what He will do, would you believe it? You know it would have to be Jesus Christ.

276You're way away from me. You couldn't touch me if you had to; 'cause, if you touched me, it'd have to be physical. You have to touch Spirit. The Spirit is Christ. "He's the High Priest now," the Bible says, "that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities."

277You are suffering, also. Do you believe that God can tell me what your trouble is? You are suffering with a back trouble, and high blood, and you--you have high blood pressure, and you have heart trouble. That's exactly right. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. Do you believe now?

278 What about you with your arm around her there? The lady this way, look here. Do you... I'm a stranger to you. Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe me, that what I've said is the Truth, that I have told you the Truth. Do you believe that God can reveal to me your trouble? Whatever, whatever it is, you believe He could reveal it? It really isn't anything that you're wanting prayed for. You have a prayer card, I see in your hand; you're the first one with a prayer card. Do you believe God can tell me what you got the prayer card for? It's for your husband. Do you believe that God can tell me what's wrong with your husband? If God doesn't touch him, he's going to die. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] He has got cancer and he's got lung trouble. That's right, isn't it? ["That's true."] Uh-huh. Raise up your hand if that's so. If you'll believe, the rest of them will believe, he can be healed.

279 That man sitting next to you, do you believe me to be His servant, sir? If God can reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe then with all your heart? You're suffering with a heart trouble. That's right. If that's right, raise up your hand. Uh-huh. All right.

280The lady just shook her head and herself, like that, sitting next to you. Do you believe that God can tell me what's your heart, or something you desire in your heart, or something, or something, you're praying for somebody else? You believe God could reveal it to me while the anointing is here, and we can see It and see It's got to be something real? It's revealing the secrets of the heart, telling what, just like Jesus told the woman at the well. Now you are also suffering. You, you suffer with a back trouble. Yours is in your back. Raise up your hand if that's so. Uh-huh.

281 Now the lady next to her, that's a weeping, with your purse laying in your pocket, with a blue dress on, dark hair, heavyset. Look to me. Do you believe me to be God's servant? Look here. See, you're on the front row, I can contact you easy, by the help of God. Do you believe that God can tell me what your trouble is, just like you was in the prayer line? Do you believe that that could be so, from here? You do? You have a high blood pressure that you're suffering with. That's right, raise up your hand. All right. You believe, and you can be healed.

282The lady next to her. What do you think, sister? Look this a way, to me. You believe me to be God's prophet, or His servant? You do that, with all your heart? You believe God can describe to me, like the woman at the well, when Jesus and the woman come together, that could tell me what your trouble is? Do you believe? Would it help you, would it help you to believe? Look. Oh, you have a serious thing. It's a son, a boy. Uh-huh. And that boy has got a mental nervousness. He's at home. That's right. If that's right, raise up your hand. Believe with all your heart, the boy will get well. You believe.

283 The next lady to there. Do you believe, sister, with all your heart? Do you believe me to be His prophet, His servant? Do you believe it's Jesus Christ, just by a gift that...

284Prophesy is a gift. You know, a gift of God, it's ordained way back before the world started. It had to be ordained for this day. You have no way of knowing what's what. God just identifies it and interprets His Word.

285Do you believe that to be so, what you've heard? Do you believe I could... If I could tell you what was wrong, you know it wouldn't be me. It'd have to be Another; just my voice, but Somebody else using it. Just like this microphone, it's a mute till something speaks through it. We're strangers. See? I lost cont-...

286Here she is. Yes, sir. The lady is suffering with anemia condition. It's in her blood. If that's right, raise up your hand, lady. That's right. You, you're also praying for this little fellow on the end. That's your little son sitting there on the end. If that's right, wave your hand. If God can tell me what's wrong with your little son, will you believe with all your heart that God speaks to me, and that's right? He is suffering with an extreme nervous condition. That is right. Isn't that right? Then lay your hand over on him, and believe with all your heart, and he'll get well.

287 I challenge you to believe it! THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD. Texas, if you die in sin, you die without my blood on you. Remember, your blood is not on me. There is the Truth! That's Jesus Christ identified, prayer lines, wherever it is. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Do you do it? Are you convinced, are you thoroughly convinced that it has to be Jesus Christ according to the Word of promise this day? Raise up your hands, everybody that's thoroughly convinced that it's the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you.

288 I know you been taught. You've been taught, each one of you, something. And I see it's the--it's the... so anointing, can just sway it everywhere now, see. You've been taught that you must lay hands on the sick. That's a tradition. It's all right. Jesus endorsed it.

289But that Roman, that's what I been trying to get you, this week. "I'm not worthy," said the Roman, "that You come under my roof. Just say the word!" See?

290If somebody lays hands on you, then, "Brother So-and-so laid hands on me, glory to God!"

291I--I--I'm going to ask ministers, believing ministers to come here, so it just it ain't my hands. It's--it's just what Jesus said, "They shall lay hands on the sick."

292We're going to pray for the sick, every one. How many has got prayer cards, out through the building, there let's see your hands. Yeah, we promised you, now we've got a half hour to make that right. I'm going to ask...

293How would we run this, Brother Pearry. Have you got any suggestions? From this side over here?

294Let this row here on the outside, that's got prayer cards, stand up against the wall, go out that way and stand up against the wall. [A brother speaks to Brother Branham about the prayer line--Ed.] All right, sir. That's fine. Stand over on that side.

295All from this middle here, from... now you stand in the aisle, see. You just stand in the aisle, the ones in this aisle, this middle here, stand out in the aisle.

296Ones on that side, stand on that side. The ones in here, stand up here in the middle, on this side. And the ones on that side, stand in there. And just follow your lines through as they come. That's right. They'll be down there instructing you on what to do.

297 I'm asking. This is all right, Brother Pearry? [Brother Pearry Green says, "Sure."--Ed.] I'm asking for ministers who believe in Christ, that Christ will heal these sick people by laying on of hands and following His commandments, I'm asking you to come here and stand with me if you believe this to be the Truth. Any Gospel minister, if you're a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic priest, whatever you are; if you believe Jesus Christ heals the sick, and has commissioned His disciples to lay hands on the sick, for their healing, will you come here?

298[A brother says, "Tell everybody to go to the back." Brother Pearry Green says, "Would everybody that wants to be prayed for, go to the back."--Ed.]

299Now go to the back and follow around, see. All in these lines now, go right back and take your place, follow right around that way, and then you go right back to your place again, just as orderly as it can be.

300I wonder, brethren, if we had better get down there? I think that's a good idea. Now, better leave this microphone here. Let... Roy, you stand here by the microphone. Or, yes, you better come down with me, you see. Yes. Or, 'less you want to stand here. All right, Roy, you stand here then. All right.

301 Now you're going. Now I want, don't nobody leave, please. See, the very thing that we been praying for!

302Now you say, "Brother Branham, why'd you bring all these ministers up here?" I'm going to come right with them. But I...

303See, what it is, they have as much right to pray for the sick as I do, or anybody does, as much as Oral Roberts or--or any hierarchy, no matter who he is. They have as much right to pray for the sick as Peter, James, John, Matthew, Mark, Luke, any of the rest of them had. They are ministers, called of God. I happen to see two or three brothers in there that I know, personally, that has a ministry of praying for the sick.

304 Now as you are lining yourselves up over here, I want... How many in this congregation is thoroughly convinced, with all your heart, that you believe it's God's will to heal them people. [Congregation rejoices and says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, it is. Certainly, it's God's will to heal them.

305Now how do they get healed? Now, if He was here, Hisself, He could do no more than what He's done right now. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just what He's done now, that's what He would do, 'cause He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

306How many knows that Saint John 5:19 says this, "The Son can do nothing in Himself"? How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son." Believe that? ["Amen."] Then, Jesus never performed one miracle until the Father showed Him, by a vision, what to do. That's His Own Word. If that isn't so, then we're all lost, we don't know where we're at. There you are. See, His Words are infallible.

307 Look at Him going through, the Pool of Bethesda, a few hour... about an hour before that. There laid great multitudes of lame, blind, halt, withered. How many knows that's true? And He never touched a one of them, yet He was a God of compassion. Do you believe He had compassion? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Leaving that mother, with a water-head baby; that poor old blind daddy, calling somebody, put him in the water when it's troubled. God of compassion! See?

308People don't know what compassion is. They mix a phileo love with Agapao love; it's two different loves, altogether. Compassion is the same thing; desires, and compassion, is different.

309But, look, He went to a man that had maybe a prostate trouble, or maybe it was a tuberculosis. It was retarded; he had had it for... it was--it was thirty-eight years he had had it. It wasn't going to kill him. And He went to that man, and He said, "Will thou be made whole?" How many knows that's true? And left the rest of the audience lay there.

310What if He done that in Beaumont, today? "Oh, my! There is nothing to Divine healing, then, you see."

311See, they don't understand. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "I do nothing till the Father shows Me first."

312 But many people just laid in the shadow of Him, and was healed by their own faith. A little woman touched His garment and was made whole. How many knows that? Healing is based upon your faith. God's identification is based upon the promise of His Word, but your faith in His identification is what heals you. If you don't, no matter, the holiest man in all the world could stand here and pray all day long, it wouldn't do one bit of good until you believe it, emphatically, yourself. Jesus might be standing here Himself, in the incarnate body, lay hands upon you, and still you would not get healed. How many knows that? "Many mighty works He could not do because of their unbelief." That's Scripture.

313 So, you see, you in the prayer line, it's got to be your faith in the Word. Now if you see God doing what He's done... Look, let me just give one little testimony while you're getting ready. Listen close. Night before last...

314There is a little minister here somewhere. I seen him here, a while ago. Martin was his name. I forget... He is one of the sponsors. Right here.

315About midnight, close to it, someone woke me up in my room. A little fellow crying, a little minister, his baby had just passed away. The tears running down his face.

316He's plumb up in somewhere in... What's the name of that town they live in? [Someone says, "Missouri." --Ed.] Missouri. Up at where? ["Wardell, Missouri."] Wardell, Missouri. I know the boy. I know his brother here, too. They're friends of mine.

317This brother walked in there with tears running down his cheeks, said, "Brother Branham, I just called... My wife just called me. My little baby just quit breathing." He laid his hands upon me, said, "Brother Branham, I believe the Word of the Lord is with you." Oh, how could God... Just like, "Even now, Lord! If You had been here, my brother would not have died." See, he wasn't confessing to me. He was confessing the Word of the Lord, you see, that I was preaching the Truth. He said, "I believe the Word of the Lord is with you. Just ask Him; my baby will live." In ten minutes from then, his baby was breathing normal, is well now.

318 My son standing here somewhere, Billy Paul, he had went out to talk to him. And I was there in my pajamas. And about a few minutes later he come back, said, "Daddy, Daddy, look at here!" And his throat all swelled out, and red, and a great big whelp, whelp about that big around. Said, "A big black-looking spider with a red spot on it! I was standing there, I was talking to John, and he bit me there. And look there, it's swelling out."

319I said, "Oh, Billy, a black widow, maybe." And I said, "Look at your throat, how it's swelled."

320I put my hand there, I said, "Lord Jesus," in ten minutes from then there wasn't even... you couldn't even tell the spot had ever been there. See? What is it? See?

321 Someone come in, the other day, and said, to the office. And one of the offices come out. And said, "Tell Brother Branham just to say that my child..." He said, "I believe if... what you'd say." But, see, I can't say it till He tells me.

322But here I got the Word says this, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, God can't do those things and leave you stand there. You've got to. You believe the same thing, it'll happen to you. But you've got to believe it, not just bluff it. You got to believe it.

Now let us pray, first, all together.

323 I want each one of you all... while the brethren stand here at this microphone. I'm going down there so I can lay hands on them, too. They're my people, they're my... They're the stars in my crown, the same they are in your crown, my minister brothers. I'm coming there because we love them, and they're God's children. We're coming to help them.

Now let us pray.

324 Lord Jesus, the man that could say that Your Presence isn't here, would... there would be something mentally wrong. Just like a man who would refuse to accept the sunlight; somebody tell him the sun is shining, he would run down in the basement and shut the door, and say, "I just refuse to believe it! I refuse to believe it!" Well, we would know, Lord, that something mentally was wrong with the man. And so does the man that would shut up his bowels of compassion, in the Light of the Word of Jesus Christ being made manifest, would say, "I don't believe It," there is something spiritually wrong with the man.

325So we know that You're here, Father. Without a doubt, we believe it. We see Your--Your footprints. We see Your marks. We see Your Word.

326There is hundreds standing here in this prayer line. And fine man of God standing here, great warriors of the Faith; I'm walking down to put my shoulder with theirs, Lord. When these sick people pass through this prayer line, may each one of them know that it's just not passing through by some man. They are coming under the Cross of the promise. May they go away from here healed, go away rejoicing, get well; tell their pastor. May that cause an old-fashion revival to break out, down around in this countries, Lord, bring many souls to You. Lord, they're Yours. Help them. Heal them, I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name.

I want everyone now with your heads bowed, praying.

327 And I want, as you... Listen, the prayer line now. When you pass through, just like you was under the Cross, believe with everything that's in you. Go away from here rejoicing, happy, saying, "Thank You, Lord. I believe my healing." And if you don't believe that, then you'd be just as well to take your seat, because it won't do one bit of good.

328I want all the congregation, everybody, to just storm up to Heaven, like that, in the Presence of Christ, "Lord Jesus, make Yourself known to us now! Heal these sick!" Will you do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Brother Borders, while you sing, Only Believe.

329Leave that here. We don't need it. [A brother asks about the microphone, "You're going to leave it here?"--Ed.] Yeah.

330[Brother Branham and the ministers go down now and pray for everyone that come through the prayer line, while Brother Roy Borders leads the congregation in singing Only Believe. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

331Only believe! Let's raise our hands now.

All things are possible, only believe.

Now let's say it like this:

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, now I believe,

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, oh, now I believe.

332Till I meet you again, I want to leave Texas seeing them shout the praises of God. Let's just raise up our hands and give God praise, every one of us. [Congregation joyfully shouts and praises God--Ed.]

333 Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your Word, what You've done for us. I thank You, for being able to speak to these fine people, and to see Your power and blessings upon them. Bless them, Lord. May they understand. And may the Holy Ghost heal every one and save every one, in this last days. Through Jesus Christ's Name, Lord, I present them to You for material for the Bride, for they are believing through the grace of God.

1Náš Nebeský Otče, sme skutočne vďační, že toto popoludnie máme znovu príležitosť stáť za kazateľňou a hlásať to nevystihnuteľné bohatstvo Ježiša Krista, zomierajúcemu svetu, ktorý je bez Boha, bez Krista, bez nádeji, bez nádeji na to že pôjde s Ježišom keď On príde. A my sa snažíme, Pane, predstaviť Ježiša Krista týmto národom. A zatiaľ, čo sme zhromaždení tu toto popoludnie, nech Svätý Duch hovorí a zohreje naše srdcia a povzbudí nás na tej Ceste, nech nemocní môžu byť uzdravení a hriešnici spasení, a tí ktorí sú znechutení aby boli povzbudení. A nech Boh prijme všetku slávu a česť, a nech je daná Jeho Menu, lebo to je naším cieľom. Prosíme o to v Ježišovom Mene. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

2Som šťastný, že toto popoludnie môžem znovu tu stáť, v Beamont. Obvykle som vyčerpaný. Už od Vianoc cestujem. Nevyčerpáva ma tých mnoho kázaní, ktoré kážem. Sú to videnia ktoré ma vyčerpávajú. Tak to bolo aj s našim Pánom, jedno videnie zapríčinilo, že On sa obzrel dookola a povedal, že Jeho sila Ho opustila. Jedno videnie u proroka Daniela spôsobilo, on povedal, že ochorel z toho a bol nemocný niekoľko dní. Nuž my – my nemôžeme vysvetliť tieto veci. My len vieme, že je to tak a nikto to nevie lepšie než ti ktorým sa to prihodilo. A cez to všetko my sme aj tak vďační. To čo sa snažím robiť je použiť prorocký dar na evanjelizačnú prácu, a to skutočne inak nefunguje. Je to príliš ťažko.

3No, ale ja chcem povedať, že keď prídem na koniec cesty, a keď toto mesto tu povstane, a keď táto generácia v posledných dňoch, ja – ja nechcem byť zodpovedný za krv žiadneho človeka. Chcem byť voľný od všetkej tej krvi. A snažil som sa ako najlepšie som len mohol aby som to predložil podľa Písma, túto službu ktorú mi dal Pán, vo všetkom ako len viem. A ja viem že Duch Svätý, skrze Jeho milosť mi dáva tak žiť, že myslím že tam neboli žiadne škvrny.

4Som vďačný bratovi Pearry Greenovi a týmto bratom tu ktorí vynaložili svoju námahu aby tieto zhromaždenia boli úspešné. Ak bude niekto zatratený, v tomto meste, v tejto generácii, títo bratia určite nebudú toho vinní, pretože oni otočili každý kameň, snažiac sa učiniť to úspešným. Stravujúc ľudí postarali sa im o miesto na spanie, a – a v televízii, všadiaľ, vynakladajúc na to peniaze zo svojich vlastných vreciek, zariaďujúc to, aby... Oni vedeli, že tie zástupy, ktoré tu máme, nebudú schopné aby sa postarali sami o seba, a tak oni na to zobrali prostriedky zo svojich vlastných vreciek, aby to zabezpečili.

5Ja myslím, že je to nádherné keď to niekto takto vidí. Myslím, že to bolo povedané v Liste Židom v 11.-tej kapitole, „Ktorých svet nebol hoden.“ Nastaviť svoje krky v čase keď táto služba je tak nepopulárna medzi tak mnohými ľuďmi, ktorí by mali tomu veriť. Tí ktorí...

6Bolo o tom hovorené, ale keď sa niečo stane oni to prehliadnu. Ale to musí byť práve tak. Musíte len posilniť svoje ramená a kráčať dopredu, aby ste to poznali. Pamätajte, pred vami to bolo tak isto. Oni pochodujú dole tou cestou tak isto. Ľudia nikdy nepoznali hodinu svojho navštívenia. Žiaden z prorokov nebol nikdy poznaný.

7Ježiš povedal: „Vy ste ich doviedli do hrobu. Teraz ozdobujete ich hroby: Vy ste tí, ktorí ste ich tam dostali. Ktorého že z tých, ktorých Boh poslal, ste vy neprenasledovali a nezabili?“

8Vezmime to od vtedy až do teraz. Poďme dole cez Martina Luthera, a tak ďalej cez Ireneusa a Martina. A tak ďalej, cez všetky veky to bolo tak isto, dokonca s Johannou z Arcu, prorokyňou Pánovou.

9A vy Katolíci. Keď tá žena videla videnia a rozprávala im ich a oni sa presne tak vyplnili ako povedala. Čo ste vy urobili? Upálili ste ju na hranici ako čarodejnicu. Potom asi po dvesto rokoch ste sa prebudili a zistili ste, čo ste urobili. Pochopiteľne, oni učinili pokánie, vykopali telá tých kňazov, čo ju dali spáliť a hodili ich do rieky. Kvôli tomu aby učinili pokánie. Oni sklamali.

10Oni povedali že sv. Patrik bol rímsky katolík. Každý kto pozná históriu vie že to nie je pravda. On absolútne, rozhodne, nesúhlasil s pápežom. Nikdy by nešiel aby si sadol... On by v to vôbec nikdy neveril. Jeho meno bolo Succat; nebolo to sv. Patrik. Ale potom keď bol mŕtvy a nebolo ho, vy ste zabili tisíce z jeho detí. Jeho školy, on by nedovolil, aby krucifix alebo niečo také bolo umiestené v jeho školách, hore v Severnom írsku dnes tie isté veci stále pretrvávajú. On by nedovolil aby to vstúpilo do jeho škôl. Povedal: „Ľudia by sa dívali na obrazy, namiesto toho čo on chce aby videli.“ On mal moc Ducha Svätého. Hovoril v jazykoch. Mal veľké zázraky a znamenia. Prečo to tá cirkev nekáže dnes? Vidíte?

11A všetci tí ľudia, oni ich nikdy nepoznali, až potom keď zomreli, pominuli sa, potom sa snažíme postaviť im hroby. Je to pravda že žijeme...

12Cirkev stále žije v žiare svetla z predchádzajúceho dňa. A potom tá žiara je falošným svetlom. Čo je to tá žiara? To je ako nejaká fatamorgána na ceste. Slnko svieti dole a vytvára fatamorgánu. Vyzerá to ako voda, ale to, nikdy sa nemôžete ku tomu dostať; nie je to tam. Dnes ľudia postupujú tak isto. Oni zasľubujú niečo čo bude veľmi ďaleko, alebo niečo čo už dávno bolo tam, alebo niekde tu, ale oni sa nikdy ku tomu nedostanú.

13Ja som tak vďačný, že náš Boh nie je taký Boh. „On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.“ My sa ku tomu dostávame, keď v to veríme. Je to presne tam, všetko čo je zasľúbené na ten vek. Ide to ťažko, ale zatiaľ tak isto vo viere musíme isť ďalej.

14A ja si zaiste cením spoluprácu všetkých vás teraz tu v meste.

15Už sú to roky, čo som tu bol so svojim starým priateľom, bratom Bosworthom a Raymondom Richeyom a s mnohými bratmi, ktorí tu prišli. Ja stále verím to isté Evanjelium. Ani trochu som to nezmenil; je to stále presne to isté. Ale vy viete, že to prebudenie vtedy pokračovalo. A kde nie je prebudenie, vy sotva môžete urobiť tieto veci.

16Tá služba pokročila oveľa ďalej. To vám len hovorilo vtedy, že to príde. Koľkí si na to pamätáte? Určite si pamätáte. A to prišlo presne tak ako to bolo povedané.

17Vtedy som bral ľudí a kládol som na nich ruky. Hovoril som vám čo mi On povedal a presne tak sa to dialo. Je to presne tak. Nikdy to nesklamalo že by to nebola pravda, každé a vždy, tak to musí pochádzať od Boha. Nikto by o tom nemohol pochybovať. Ale vidíte, to prebudenie nie je.

18Len vaša prítomnosť, byť s ľuďmi, prečo, tí ľudia mohli povstávať z lôžok a nosidiel a chodiť. Len ste položili na nich ruky, a, ó, už to s nimi hýbalo. Videl som zástup kde bolo štyristo alebo päťsto ľudí, ktorí prešli cez modlitebnú radu, hluchí, nemí, slepí, škuľaví, a nebolo ani jedného ktorý by nebol uzdravený, každý jeden z nich bol uzdravený.

19Skúste to dnes? Vidíte, nie je viac ohňa. V Ríme, keď tie ohne vzišli v chráme Vista, ľudia odišli domov. Vidíte? Teraz nie je ohňa prebudenia, ktorý by za tým stál, vidíte, to je, to je práve ono.

20Zanedlho, ak bude trvať svet, oni začnú žiť znovu v žiare. Vidíte? A tak sa to vždy deje, prešlo to ponad nich a minulo ich to, a táto generácia má byť súdená podľa toho, čo prešlo ponad ňu, oni to prehliadli.

21Ježiš Kristus je živý toto popoludnie. On sa tu teraz s nami prechádza. On je všade prítomný. „Kdekoľvek sa dvaja alebo traja zhromaždia v Mojom Mene, tam som Ja v ich strede.“ Veríte tomu, však? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.]

22Dúfam, ak Pán pozhovie, že zase ku vám prídem. A budem s vami nejaký čas. Ak by som vás už viac nevidel; keď vás tam stretnem pred súdnou stolicou Kristovou, kde sa všetci stretneme, pamätajte, že ja som vám povedal Pravdu. Ja to budem stále hovoriť keď vás stretnem Tam. Až dovtedy, nech vás Pán bohato žehná.

23Modlite sa za mňa. Ja potrebujem vaše modlitby. A nie som taký mladý, ako som bol vtedy. To bolo pred dvanástimi, štrnástimi rokmi.

24Niekto sa ma spýtal jedného dňa, riekol: „Koľko máš rokov, brat Branham?“

25Povedal som, „Práve mi minulo dvadsať päť.“ Povedal som, „Pred dvadsiatimi piatimi rokmi mi to minulo.“ A ja... vy ne... posúďte si to sami. Človek len...

26Keď sa narodíte začnete rásť, ako sviečka začnete dohárať. Ste zapálený, ale rastiete do dvadsiateho druhého alebo až do dvadsiateho tretieho roku. Nestarám sa o to ako dobre dbáte na seba, práve tam začínate zomierať a stávate sa chatrnejší a chatrnejší až to dohorí.

27Spýtal som sa v Kiwanis jedného dňa, keď som hovoril, povedal som, „Chcem niekoho...“

28Nejaký doktor mi povedal, riekol: „Ja nemôžem uveriť tú historku o Kristovi, pretože ja neverím že panna počne.“ Povedal: „Ja neverím že také niečo existuje.“

29Ja som riekol: „Prirodzené narodenie je pre mňa viac tajomné ako narodenie z panny.“

30Pozorovať prirodzené narodenie, ako sa to deje a ako je o tom rozhodnuté, keď dôjde k oplodneniu, ktoré z tých vajíčok, keď je tam tisíce zárodkov a tisíce vajíčok. Nerozhodnú o tom tie prvé dva ktoré sa stretnú, ale možno... Vy poviete: „Nuž, tie dva vpredu.“ Ó nie. Vidíte, to bude stáť. Možno povstane jeden zárodok úplne zozadu spermii, na tejto strane a jedno vajíčko v strede a to rozhodne či to bude dievča alebo chlapec, čiernovlasý, alebo červenovlasý, modrooký, alebo čokoľvek to bude. Niečo spôsobí to rozhodnutie. Tie ostatné z nich zahynú.

31Je to tak tajomné vidieť prácu Božiu, a potom vidieť ľudí s tou malou obmedzenou mysľou, ako sme my, ktorí sa snažia zapierať Jeho veľké diela!

32Ten dotyčný mi povedal, nuž on, „nemohol by som veriť nič čo by nebolo vedecky potvrdené.“

Povedal som, „Veríš že máš dušu?“

Riekol, „Samozrejme.“

33Povedal som, „Tak mi dokáž vedecky že ju máš.“ Povedal som, „Veríš, že je niečo také ako láska?“

Riekol, „Samozrejme.“

Povedal som, „Miluješ svoju ženu?“


34Povedal som, „Tak mi ukáž vedecky, ktorá časť z teba je láska. Chcem si trochu kúpiť. Pôjdem do lekárni, kdekoľvek to predávajú. Potrebujem toho veľa. Rád by som si kúpil trochu lásky.“ Vidíte?

35Celá zbroj Božia je nadprirodzená. Láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, zdržanlivosť, pokora, trpezlivosť a Duch Svätý. Vidíte? Celá zbroj veriaceho sa nadeje na Neviditeľného, verí to čo bolo povedané. Vidíte? Vy nevidíte to, čo veríte. Rozumiete? Nevidíte. Vy to vôbec nevidíte. Dívate sa na to svojimi očami, ale vidíte to svojím srdcom. Je to tak? Dívate sa na niečo a hovoríte: „Ja to prosto nevidím,“ vy tým chcete povedať, že tomu nerozumiete. Vidíte?

36Tak som sa ho spýtal toto, povedal som: „Keby som mal krčah s vodou a tu by som postavil pohár. A budem vylievať vodu z toho krčaha do pohára a to sa do polovičky naplní a potom len ďalej lejem vodu a ona začne klesať. Povedzte mi vedecky kde sa tá voda podieva.“ Vidíte?

37Riekol som: „Keď som bol malý chlapec, keď som mal šestnásť rokov, jedol som také isté jedlo ako jem aj teraz, fazuľu chlieb, zemiaky, mäso.“ Povedal som: „stále keď som jedol, čo spôsoboval ten pokrm? On budoval krvné bunky. Ja som sa stával väčším a silnejším po celý ten čas, až som dorástol na okolo dvadsať dva rokov. Teraz jem viac a lepšie ako som jedol vtedy, nuž a stávam sa starším a slabším. A jednako tá strava buduje krvné bunky. Po celý čas dodávam nový život, a po celý čas ma ubúda.“ Taký je poriadok. My ho budeme dodržiavať, to je poriadok s Bohom. Je to tak. Budeme.

38Vy vedecky Boha nemôžete dokázať. Vy jednoducho v Boha veríte a veríte v Neho podľa Jeho Slova.

39 Nuž, chcem vám toto popoludnie všetkým a každému jednému poďakovať. Tej milej sestre tam za pianom, tu tej sestre. Všetkým vám ľudom, kazateľom, každému jednému z vás, nech vás Pán žehná.

40Noc sa nestane takou tmavou, a dážď nebude až taký, aby som vám nepomohol ak budem môcť. Zvykol som hovoriť, že prídem ku vám, ale teraz je toho príliš mnoho. Ja, prešiel som okolo celého sveta a je to všade. Ale len mi zavolajte, alebo mi napíšte; pošlem vám vreckovku s modlitbou, čokoľvek môžem urobiť, všetko úplne zadarmo. Nie sú v tom žiadne peniaze. Rozumiete?

41Dodržoval som to vo svojich zhromaždeniach, a tak som mohol prísť aj tam kde nemajú žiadne peniaze. Mal som zhromaždenie, nie tak dávno, tu v nejakej modlitebni, kde bolo len dvadsať ľudí, dvojdňové zhromaždenie. Bolo to strašné, asi desať stupňov pod nulou, ale Pán ma tam poslal a stali sa veľké veci.

42Ja nemám – Ja nemám žiadne veľké programy, rádio, televízia, nič z toho. Iní bratia to majú. Oni sú možno inteligentní, vzdelaní ľudia. Oni vedia čo robiť a Pán im to povoľuje. Ako Oral Roberts a ľudia ako on, ktorí musia mať tisíce dolárov na deň, inak nemôžu pracovať; a to je na dobrú vec. Ale to nie je môj spôsob.

43Ja chcem, aby som zostal malý a pokorný, mohol ísť kdekoľvek, kdekoľvek ma volá Boh. Nemám nič čo by ma potom zdržiavalo. Vezmem sa len a idem, kdekoľvek to je. To je moja služba.

44Modlite sa za mňa, aby mi Pán pomohol držať Vieru, a ne obzerať sa dozadu; hľadieť dopredu tam kde idem. Nie hľadieť tam kde som bol; hľadieť tam kde idem. „Na to čo je za mnou, zabúdajúc a po tom čo je predo mnou, sa vystierajúc ženiem sa za cieľom horného povolania v Kristovi.“

45Chcem prečítať niečo z Božej Biblii, dnes. Vybral som len krátky text, pretože som vám povedal, že prídem a budem sa modliť toto popoludnie za chorých. Za všetkých, ktorí majú modlitebné karty a za tých, ktorí chcú aby sa za nich modlilo. On to bude robiť. A ja sa tiež budem snažiť dodržať svoj sľub.

46Niekto, keď tak hovoríte, povie: „Dobre, ty si sľúbil že budeš na určitom mieste.“

47Nepochyboval by som, ale čo, práve teraz je v Spojených štátoch štyri alebo päť miest, kde predpokladajú že dnes budem, lebo niekto povedal, že ja tam budem. Ja som to vôbec nepovedal, že tam budem. Ale oni to povedali, rozumiete, dali to do novín. A volajú mi domov po celý ten čas, „Nuž, čo sa deje?“ Hovoria manželke, alebo niekomu v kancelárii: „Nuž, my rátame s tým že tu bude. Oni to tu oznámili. Je to napísané v novinách.“ Ja som o tom nevedel vôbec nič. Nemôžem tomu pomôcť. Ja som zodpovedný len za to, čo sám poviem.

48Tak teraz, toto popoludnie, chcem aby sme všetci, znovu, ak sme ochotní, stáli pri čítaní Slova.

49A budeme sa snažiť ukončiť tak asi za hodinu, podľa vôli Pánovej, a tak môžete byť čerství a ísť dnes večer do zhromaždenia. Z toho dôvodu máme tieto zhromaždenia v nedeľu popoludní, aby sme nikoho neokradli o jeho vlastné zhromaždenie. Tí ľudia, ktorí chcú aby sme sa tu za nich modlili, nemocní a postihnutí, dobre, vždy sa budeme za nich modliť, aby to potom nenarušovalo vaše zhromaždenia.

50To nevadí, sú tu ľudia s ktorými ne... Ja nesúhlasím s nimi a oni nesúhlasia so mnou. Ale ak to nemôže byť v tolerancii a za účelom lepšieho spoločenstva a tak ďalej, potom sa ku tomu nebudem vyjadrovať. Ak sa s niekým nemôžem zhodnúť až tak veľmi, že by som ho zo srdca nemohol objať, vediac že on je môj brat, potom by som mu nemal nič hovoriť. Je to tak. Musíme to tak robiť.

51A teraz vy, ktorí si chcete otvoriť vaše Biblie otvorte si Izaiáša 6. kapitolu. Chceme z tade čítať toto popoludnie a vziať si z tade text na zakončovacie zhromaždenie.

Roku, ktorého zomrel... Uziáš, videl som Pána sedieť na vysokom tróne a povznesenom a podolok jeho rúcha naplňoval chrám.

Serafíni stáli nad ním. Každý... mal šesť krídel; dvoma zakrýval svoju tvár, dvoma zakrýval svoje nohy, a dvoma lietal.

A volali jeden druhému a hovorili: Svätý, svätý, svätý Hospodin zástupov, celá zem je plná jeho slávy.

A pohli sa základy prahov od hlasu volajúceho, a dom sa naplnil dymom.

Vtedy som povedal: Beda mne, lebo zahyniem pretože som človek nečistých rtov a bývam prostred ľudu nečistých rtov; beda mne, lebo moje oči videli Kráľa Hospodina Zástupov!

Tu priletel ku mne jeden zo serafínov majúc v ruke žeravý uhoľ, ktorý vzal kliešťami z oltára. A dotkol sa mojich ústa riekol: Hľa, tento uhoľ sa dotkol tvojich rtov, a tak odišla tvoja neprávosť, a tvoj hriech je prikrytý.

Potom som počul hlas Pánov, ktorý hovoril:

Koho pošlem, a kto nám pôjde? Vtedy som povedal: Hľa, tu som, pošli mňa.

52Skloňme naše hlavy.

53Najmilostivejší Pane, vezmi tieto slová, a nech premýšľanie nášho srdca je prijateľné pre Teba.

Nech veľký Duch Svätý prechádza do úst rečníka a do uší poslucháčov, aby to dokopy mohlo priniesť chválu Tvojmu Menu, cez Tvoje Slovo, preto že my to prosíme na slávu Božiu. Amen.

Môžete si sadnúť.

54Budem dávať pozor, aby nám zostalo dosť času na modlitebnú bohoslužbu. Počúvajte teraz pozorne, keď budem hovoriť a snažiť sa podať vám tých niekoľko miest Písma, s tými poznámkami ktoré som si tu urobil. Niekedy, nie som unavený á vyčerpaný, nikdy som si nezapisoval miesta z Písma, vediac že si to môžem zapamätať. Ale neskoršie sa stalo tak, že niekedy som sa... Nemôžem si to spomenúť. A tak si robím poznámky, niečo málo akoby určité miesta Písma, ja viem čo to znamená a podľa toho môžem postupovať.

55Chcem hovoriť na tému: Vplyv.

56Nuž, viete, je niekto koho vy ovplyvňujete. Váš život je napísanou epištolou, ktorú čítajú všetci ľudia. Preto teda, ak život nie je zhodný s vašim svedectvom, alebo svedectvo nie je zhodné s vašim životom, tým skôr, potom je... vy niekomu kladiete do cesty kameň úrazu, preto že niekto vás pozoruje. Nejaké malé decko pozoruje svoju matku, svojho otca.

57Pred pár rokmi som čítal taký malý článok o Vianociach, bolo to... opodstatnené zahriatie môjho srdca, bolo to na zármutok. Keď nejaký človek bol preč z domu, on bol dobrý človek, on v skutočnosti nepil. Ale on si vyšiel, aby ponavštevoval svojich kolegov, a každý mu povedal, „Jano, vypi si trošku. len máličko,“ A z domu do domu mal toho až dosť. A musel sa vracať domov. Išiel cez park a bol s nim jeho malý chlapec a on toho malého chlapca stratil. Otočil sa a hľadel, a ten malý chlapec chodil z jednej strany cesty na druhú. Ten otec čakal až kým chlapec prišiel k nemu.

58Povedal mu, „Prečo chodíš krížom krážom po celom Parku, synku? Čo ťa ku tomu vedie že tak chodíš?“

59On odpovedal, „Ocko, ja sa snažím kráčať v tvojich šľapajach.“ A to je ono. Vidíte? Ten malý...

60Ten muž pozdvihol toho chlapca a posadil sa, vzal toho malého na svoje ramená. Riekol, „Bože, odpusť mi. Ja chcem chodiť rovno, tak aby aj môj syn za mnou chodil rovno.“

61 A to je to, čo my ako Kresťania chceme robiť. Chceme chodiť ako Kresťania, žiť ako Kresťania, hovoriť ako Kresťania.

62Pred mnohými rokmi, keď ešte na juhu bolo otroctvo dole v Kentucky a v Alabame a tam z kade ja pochádzam. Zvykli brať tých farebných a predávať ich na dražbe, práve tak ako vy ste zvyknutí predávať autá, alebo čokoľvek iné. Ja verím , že žiadny človek nemá byť otrokom. „Boh učinil človeka a človek učinil otrokov.“ A oni prichádzali a kupovali ich, práve tak ako by ste si vy kúpili použité auto, dostanete kúpnu zmluvu, a tak ďalej. To bola hrozná vec.

63Tak oni, jedného dňa prišiel nejaký kupec aby... nejaký priekupník prišiel na starú plantáž, na ktorej mali veľa otrokov. Opýtal sa: „Koľko tu máte otrokov?“

„Oh,“ dostal odpoveď, „Myslím, že ich je tam okolo sto päťdesiat.“

Povedal, „Mohol by som tam ísť a obzrieť si ich?“

On riekol, „Samozrejme, nech sa páči.“

64Tak išiel aby si obzrel tých otrokov. A keď sa díval dookola, všimol si tých ľudí, boli vždy smutní. Oni, tí Búri, ich dovážali z Afriky a vyloďovali ich na Kube a rozosielali tu na juh a predávali za otrokov. A tí vedeli, že sa nikdy nevrátia domov. Vedeli, že nikdy neuvidia svojho otca a matku, nikdy viac, alebo svoje deti, muža, ženy a tak ďalej. Oni boli obeťou okolností, ktorých sami neboli príčinou. A tu boli preč zo svojho domu a smutní. A niekedy brali na nich bič a museli ich biť, práve tak ako bijú zvieratá, dobytok a voly, kone a všetko, a tak ich nútili pracovať.

65A všimol si, ten mladý priekupník si všimol, že tam bol jeden z tých mladých otrokov, ktorého nemuseli biť. Ó, mal hore hlavu, vystreté ramená, a po celý ten čas bol skutočne bezvadný, na jedničku. Nemuseli s ním nič robiť. [Brat Branham pukol na prstoch – pozn.prekl.] On mal prácu urobenú. Tak ten majiteľ otrokov povedal... Ten priekupník povedal tomu majiteľovi, riekol: „Toho otroka by som chcel kúpiť.“ Tamten povedal, „Ó, nie.“ Riekol, „On nie je na predaj.“

66On riekol, „Ale prečo nie je na predaj?“ Riekol, „Čo ty,“ riekol, „čo robíš... Prečo je taký?“ Riekol, „Je on predák nad tými ostatnými?“

Povedal, „Ó, nie, on je otrok.“

Povedal, „Dávaš mu jesť niečo iné ako dávaš tým ostatným?“

67On riekol: „Nie, oni všetci jedia spoločne v otrockej kuchyni.“ Riekol: „On je len otrok.“

68On povedal: „Nuž, čo ho vedie k tomu že sa správa inak ako všetci ostatní?“

69Riekol, „Vieš, tiež ma to často zaujímalo, až kým som nezistil, že tam v jeho domovine, v Afrike z kadiaľ on pochádza, jeho otec je kráľom kmeňu. A on, hoci je aj cudzincom, ďaleko od svojho domu, ale vie že je synom kráľa a podľa toho sa správa.“

70Čo majú Kresťania robiť? My sme synovia a dcéry Kráľa. Hoci sme cudzinci, správajme sa ako synovia a dcéry. Ženy, nechajte si rásť vlasy. Prestaňte nosiť tie nemorálne šaty, ktoré nosíte, a iné veci. Mužovia, navráťte sa tam, kde je vaše miesto. Ne... Správajte sa ako synovia a dcéry Božie. Vy ste tu cudzincami, ale pamätajte, vy ste synovia Kráľa.

71Vidíte ten vplyv, aký mal ten muž na všetkých ostatných, jeho morálka držala vysoko nádej ostatných.

72My nachádzame že tento kráľ Uziáš, bol pastierom za dní Izaiáša proroka. Izaiáš bol prorok.

73Proroci sa rodia. Oni sa nestávajú prorokmi tým, že na nich vkladajú ruky. Oni sa rodia predurčením Božím. „Boh neželie darov svojej milosti a svojho povolania.“ Existuje dar proroctva v cirkvi, a on musí byť posudzovaný skrze troch ľudí, prv ako by to mohlo byť prednesené v zhromaždení, ale to je len dar proroctva. Ale prorok je dokonale ustanovený tým TAK HOVORI PÁN, počúvajúc od detstva.

74A Izaiáš bol prorok Pánov, bol vzatý do chrámu. A mal... Tento Uziáš, ten mladý pastier, mal veľký vplyv na tohto mladého proroka. Pretože, Uziáš, v Druhej Kroník 26 stojí, že on sa stal kráľom Izraela, keď mal len šestnásť rokov. Jeho otec Amaziáš zomrel, a on zaujal jeho miesto, aby vládol, ako to bolo vo zvyku, že syn sa stával nástupcom kráľa. A tak sa stal kráľom keď mal len šestnásť rokov. A jeho otec Amaziáš bol veľkým mužom. On bol zbožný človek. Majúc takých zbožných rodičov, nuž to ho viedlo k tomu, že robil veci, ktoré boli dobré, pretože bol ovplyvnený svojím otcom. Vidíte?

75Dnes, ako môžete očakávať, že nebudete mať viacej Oswaldov a Jack Ruby-sov. Hľaďte na... Opustil som svoj hotel, pred chvíľou, a tam vonku sa povaľuje taká napitá zberba, banda Kaliforňanov, donaha povyzliekané ženy, len s takým prúžkom okolo seba, tam vonku. A chlapi pijú whisky s ľadom a tamto, vyvádzajúc, váľajúc sa okolo vody. Ako vy môžete očakávať, že ich deti, tí mladí ktorí sa tam dookola na dvore hrajú, že budú niečo iné ako nejaký Oswald, alebo niečo také? To je vplyv ktorý je pred nich kladený.

76Ó, Amerika je prehnitá až do špiku. Ona bude žať to čo siala. Spravodlivý Boh ju bez toho nemôže nechať prejsť.

Vy poviete, „Si ty?...“

77Ja, samozrejme, ja som Američan. Na poliach, v Nemecku a v Japonsku, sú označené Americké hroby, všade tam, môj ľud, Branhamovci. A keby som musel ísť, dal by som za to svoj život.

78Ale dovoľte mi, aby som vám niečo povedal. My potrebujeme rozhýbanie, tento národ to potrebuje. Všetko, čo sme raz mali, sme stratili a snažíme sa žiť na dobrom mene z toho čo urobil niekto iný. My za to budeme žať. Boh učinil Izraela, ľud podľa Svojho vlastného srdca; on ich nechal žať. A my tiež budeme žať, za to čo robíme. Už nič ďalšie nemáme pred sebou, len žatvu. Prešli sme za hranicu milosti a milosrdenstva, a už nezostáva nič iné iba žatva. Poznačte si to vo svojich Bibliách. Ja som starý človek. Ale vy si to poznamenajte a zistíte, či je to pravda alebo nie. Možno, že keď ja tu už nebudem, potom ďalej a ďalej, vy zistíte, že tieto slová sú pravda. Dostane sa nám toho. Zvážení sme na vážkach a nájdení sme ľahkí a nie je z toho východisko. Je to tak. Prešli sme za túto hranicu. Musíte žať čo ste siali, každého času.

79Tak tento mladý muž mal taký vplyv, ten mladý kráľ vplýval na mladého proroka, pretože vedel že to bol prorok. A po celý ten čas on ho mal pri sebe a čerpal od Boha z pod vplyvu jeho videní, a tak ďalej, aby vedel ako spravovať svoje kráľovstvo.

80A to ho učinilo veľkým mužom. On ignoroval politikov tých dní, a tie populárne názory, a slúžil Bohu s pravdivým srdcom. Takého prezidenta potrebujeme. Takých vodcov potrebujeme nad ľuďmi v každom národe, všadiaľ. Jeho kráľovstvo stálo hneď za Šalamúnovým. Nebolo ničoho... Boh ho len žehnal a nezadržal od neho žiadneho požehnania, pretože on Mu slúžil.

81A to bolo veľkou pomocou pre mladého Izaiáša, pretože videl, ako Boh žehná tých ktorí sú verní Jeho Slovu. Nezáležalo na tom, aké to bolo ťažké, zostali verní tomu Slovu. A to je tiež príklad pre nás dnes, aby sme stáli verne pri tom Slove. A to malo na neho veľký vplyv.

82Nuž on vysádzal vinice, bol majiteľom stád, mal všetky druhy stáda a viníc. Ak si to chcete prečítať, je to v Druhej Knihe Kroník 26, a na iných miestach Písma, ktoré hovoria o Uziášovi. On bol veľkým mužom. Miloval prírodu, taký fajn chlapík. Boh žehnal všetko čo robil, všetko len prospievalo a vzrastalo. A nijaké národy ho neobťažovali. Báli sa ho, preto že slúžil Pánu Bohu, ktorý bol s ním. Nie že by sa ho báli kôl i jeho vojenskej sile, ale oni sa ho báli kvôli Bohu ktorému slúžil.

83To má byť naše memorandum. „Náš Boh na ktorého sa spoliehame,“ tak to stojí na našich dolároch, ale ja niekedy pochybujem či je to tak.

84Nuž ale to všetko sa stalo a ukazuje nám to tu príklad. Rád by som toto popoludnie niečo z toho vytiahol, aby som vám ukázal ako Boh môže žehnať človeka a robiť ho veľkým. Ale viete, keď tento kráľ mal... cítil bezpečie, cítil miesto kde bol absolútne zakotvený, tam nikdy nijako neupadol, povýšil sa v pýche. Vtedy si zapríčinil svoj pád. Vtedy si každý človek zapríčiní svoj pád.

85Ja myslím, že to je to, čo sa deje s tak mnohými našimi ľuďmi dnes, povýšili sme sa. Myslím, že to je to čo spôsobujú organizácie tým že robia to čo robia. Dosahujú lepšiu úroveň, ako to oni nazývajú, „vzdelanejší, lepšia trieda ľudí,“ myslia si: Ľudia, ich školy... všetci ich kazatelia majú vysokú školu a univerzitné vzdelanie, dva alebo tri roky psychológie, prechádzajú cez psychiatrické testy, skúšky inteligencie a všetko možné, aby zistili či sú do toho schopní, a niekedy nevedia o Bohu viac, ako zajac o snežniciach. Je to presne tak. Tá inteligencia nemá s tým nič spoločného. To je moc Ducha Svätého. To nie je vo vašom rozume; to je vo vašom srdci. Áno, ale vidíte my... Potom sa oni povyšujú. „Naša, my chodíme do najlepšej cirkvi v meste. My patríme do tej prvej cirkvi. My patríme tam kde chodí starosta. My patríme do toho.“

86 A všetko toto, vidíte čo to je, potom tí ľudia jednoducho nedokážu vystáť, aby To vypočuli. Oni si myslia, že vy ste hrozný človek. Ale čo to je, tam nie je miesto na zapustenie Semena. Tam nie je nič na čom by Ono mohlo spočinúť; iba skala. Tam sa to nikdy neuchytí. „Prileteli vtáci vyzobali To.“ Tak hovorí Biblia.

87Ale keď sa ten kráľ stal povzneseným a cítil sa bezpečný, povzniesol sa v pýche.

88Všímame si mnoho krát, nachádzame dokonca ľudí, evanjelistov, že sa dostávajú do položenia, kde mnohí z nich sú obvinení z veci, a možno niečo z toho je pravda, pitie, a tak ďalej. Čo to je, ja myslím, že oni vybudovali okolo seba malé kráľovstvo a myslia si, že ľudia ich tak veľmi milujú, že vôbec nie je možné že... Ti ľudia, oni môžu robiť čokoľvek chcú a „Títo ľudia to prehliadnu.“

89Ti ľudia možno, ale čo Boh? To je to čo si neuvedomujeme. To Boh je Ten, ktorý sa díva. Rozumiete? Boh to vie. Keď vy vidíte Pravdu a Svetlo, a odmietate To, Boh vie čo ste urobili. Nebudete nikdy môcť isť ďalej, až kým sa nevrátite znovu presne na to miesto. Nemôžete to obísť. Musíte sa navrátiť presne tam skadiaľ ste vypadli.

90On sa stal tak povýšeným vo svojej mysli, a stal sa až tak sebaistým, že sa snažil zaujať kňazské miesto. Snažil sa vojsť a obetovať kadidlo, ako to poznáme z Biblie, aby zapálil kadidlo, čo náležalo robiť jedine Levitom, kňazovi ktorý bol pomazaný do tej práci. On sa snažil zaujať jeho miesto.

91A tu máme vplyv toho kráľa, aby ľudia mohli poznať, že toto telesné napodobňovanie jeden druhého dnes, nie je od Pána. Vy nie ste ustanovení do takých veci. Nikdy nebudete zastávať miesto iného muža, a iný nemôže zastávať vaše miesto. Zistite kde je vaše miesto a zostávajte tam. Vidíte?

92On si myslel: „Nuž, ja teraz... Chvála Bohu, Ja som kráľ a Pán je ku mne dobrý. Ja to môžem robiť. Ja to mám. To je moja služba.“ A nachádzame, že v takomto svojom postupovaní a snahe isť ďalej, vystupuje z tade, kde ho Boh žehnal.

Ak ste dobrým prostým údom, buďte dobrým, prostým údom.

93Ak si dobrou gazdinou, ak ťa Boh žehná ako gazdinú a učinil ťa vernou a pravdivou, sestra, ty len v tom zotrvávaj. Nemysli si, že ťa Boh povolal aby si bola kazateľka, alebo diakon, alebo niečo iné.

94A – a vy muži robte to isté. Kdekoľvek vás Boh žehnal, tam zostávajte, pretože to je to, kde vás On postavil. Robte len to, čo vám on povedal aby ste robili a hľaďte kde On vás žehná.

95Ale nikdy sa nesnažte zastupovať, to je – to je podstata letničných. Keď pani McPherson... Keď som čítal jej knihu, ja som ne... Ja som vtedy, v jej čase nebol kazateľom. Hovorí sa: „Keď ona vyšla na pódium s tým, ako krídla, viete,“ alebo, poznáte taký druh šiat, „každá kazateľka nosila to isté. Každá jedna z nich nosila Bibliu tak isto ako pani McPherson.“

96Počuli ste niekedy tie programy v rádiu? Každý muž, „Pán vás žehnaj, skutoční dobrí muži,“ Billy Graham. To je telesné napodobňovanie.

97Čítal som históriu Martina Luthera. A história hovorí: „To nebolo takým veľkým tajomstvom, že Martin Luther mohol protestovať proti Katolíckej cirkvi a obstáť s tým, ale držať hlavu ponad všetok fanatizmus, ktorý nasledoval jeho prebudenie.“ Tak to je.

98Zachovávajte sa čistý a bezúhonný do svojho povolania. Zotrvávajte s Božím Slovom a neposúvajte sa za ničím. A zostávajte, trvajte vo svojom povolaní. Ak vám On dá prácu tam vonku, ako poľnohospodárovi, hospodárte dobre. Boh vás žehnaj pri tom, a plaťte svoje desiatky a čokoľvek to je, svoje ofery, aby ste pomáhali službe v napredovaní.

Ak On z vás učinil mechanika a požehnal vás v tej práci zotrvávajte v tom a ďakujte Mu za to. Rozumiete? Zostávajte len tam, kde vás Boh povolal.

99Nachádzame tu vplyv. A potom, keď sa ho pokúšali napraviť, ten kňaz bežal za nim a riekol: „Hej! Počkaj chvíľu! Ty si do toho nebol povolaný“ Oh, on sa rozhneval! Prečo, on bol hotový dať mu sťať hlavu.

100Vidíte, tu je ďalšia vec, ktorú musíme vidieť. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi vás Boh žehnal, vy nemáte žiadne právo, aby ste pokarhali pomazaných Pánových, alebo niečo proti nim povedali. Je to tak. Boh je ten jediný, aby sa o to postaral. Oni nepotrebujú žiadne karhania, to sú Jeho deti, nechajte ich tak. Neočakáva sa od vás, aby ste to robili. Rozumiete?

101A keď poviete ľudom o ich hriechoch a poviete im , že robia zle, „Vyjdite! Nepokúšajte sa dostať do neba nejaký organizovaný systém, alebo niečo také.“ Ó, pre pána Jána oni, oni budú... Ide ich rozhodiť. Rozčúlia sa. Chcú nájsť na vás chybu; nebudú – nebudú ani sedieť a počúvať vás; vstanú a odídu a nevychovane, hocijako sa správajú. Vidíte, to za prvé ukazuje biednu výchovu, domácke maniere. Zaiste.

102Ale my zisťujeme, že tento chlap zaujal takýto postoj v tom čo vykonal. Čo sa mu stalo? Pán ho zasiahol malomocenstvom rovno tam na mieste. A čo predstavuje malomocenstvo? Hriech, neveru. Nie je iného hriechu ako nevera. „Ten kto neverí je už odsúdený.“ A hriech to je jedine nevera.

103Raz som kázal v Metodistickom kostole a povedal som: „Fajčenie nie je hriech. Cudzoložiť nie je hriech. Brať Meno Pánovo nie je hriech.“

104To bolo príliš mnoho na jednu sestru; ona vstala a povedala, „Prosím, povedzte mi, Reverend Branham, čo je hriech?“

Odvetil som, "Nevera."

105Vy tieto veci robíte preto že neveríte. Je to presne tak. Dôvod, prečo odmietate chodiť vo svetle Slova je ten, že neveríte Slovu. To vás robí neveriacimi.

106Jeden človek mi povedal: „Nestarám sa koľko prípadov by si mohol ukázať, alebo koľko prípadov by mohol ukázať doktor, o rôznych uzdraveniach,“ povedal, „Ja v uzdravenie neverím. To neexistuje.“

107Odvetil som, „Samozrejme, to nebolo poslané neveriacim. To bolo poslané len tým ktorí veria.“

108To je len pre veriacich. On povedal, „Všetko je možné tomu kto verí,“ nie tomu kto neverí.

109A jedna smietka nevery voči Božiemu Slovu, a nájdete sa von z Kráľovstva Nebeského. To dostalo von Evu. To spôsobilo všetky tieto trápenia, len raz prekrútiť Slovo, len o trošku. Vy musíte stáť rovno s Ním, čo Ono hovorí.

110Nuž nachádzame, že ten muž sa povzniesol a nafúkal a jeho tvár sčervenela a otočil sa dookola a povedal tým kňazom, prvé čo poznáte je, že on prepukol v malomocenstvo. Práve tam vo svojom hneve on zostal ranený. Nikdy sa z toho nedostal. Čo? Nevera v Božie Slovo ktoré sa mu snažili povedať.

111V tom je opravdivý príklad. Všimnite si. On bol... On neveril a vo svojom hneve bol ranený malomocenstvom a zomrel, vonku zo svojho vlastného domu, nikdy viac mu nebolo dovolené navrátiť sa do kráľovstva, na kráľovské miesto. Jeho syn musel zaujať jeho miesto a – a pomáhali mu ako len mohli a on bol zanechaný v takom stave, kým nezomrel. Nuž vidíte, on sa nikdy neuzdravil.

112Ježiš povedal, „Jedno slovo povedané proti Tomu, nebude nikdy odpustené,“ To je Slovo, „Ani v tomto ani v budúcom veku.“ To je neodpustiteľné. Tak vidíte prečo je svet pripravený pre súd? Veľkí evanjelisti a všetci, ktorí pokryli svet Evanjeliom sa z Toho smiali, robili si žarty a všetko možné. Nič nezostalo. Nie je možné, aby to kedy bolo rehabilitované. Rúhali sa Svätému Duchu a robili si z Toho žarty a všetko možné. A oni... A, oni, Nie je možné aby to kedy bolo rehabilitované. Za to musí byť zaplatené. Nedá sa tomu uniknúť. Boh je spravodlivý; to by bolo proti Jeho spravodlivosti, proti Jeho - Jeho Existencii, toho čo On je. A teraz za to musí byť zaplatené.

113Tak ten kráľ, nezáleží na tom ako ho Boh veľmi miloval, akým veľkým mužom on bol, koľko mal hodnosti, jednako len urobil zle a musel zožať to čo zasial. A každý človek to bude musieť urobiť.

114To vtedy bola lekcia pre mladého proroka. Vtedy to bola skutočná lekcia! Cez to sa Izaiáš naučil, že Boh sám ustanovuje Svojich ľudí na ich miesta. Nie to, čo niekto iný ustanoví. Boh ustanovuje Svojho človeka do práce, ustanovuje ho na jeho miesto. On sa nestará zaujať miesto iného.

115To videnie, tá vec bola taká veľká, až to doviedla tohto proroka do chrámu, aby sa modlil.

116Som zvedavý dnes, keď by sme my videli smrť cirkví, videli vymieranie ľudí z Ducha, ktorí idú späť a slúžia svojim vyznaniam, či to nemá viesť veriacich na kolená.

117To viedlo opravdivého veriaceho, ustanoveného veriaceho, Izaiáša proroka na jeho kolená. On išiel do chrámu a tam sa začal modliť.

118A v chráme on videl Boha na Jeho tróne, vysoko povzneseného. Boh mu chcel ukázať na čo sa má dívať. Nie hľadieť jeden na druhého; hľadieť tam hore na to čo On je, On je vysoko povznesený na Svojom tróne.

119 Všimni si Nebeských Serafínov s pokrytím na svojich tvárach. Nuž, Serafín je spaľovač obeti, ktorý Je jedným z najvyšších ustanovení Anjelov. Oni sú vedľa Cherubínov. To boli Anjeli a potom Serafíni a potom Cherubíni. A Serafín je v podstate spaľovač obeti, robiaci cestu pre prístup hriešnikov, skutočne vysoký stupeň svätosti v chráme Božom.

120A on videl, keď bol sklonený na podlahe pri oltári, modliac sa, „Pane, som človek nečistých rtov a prebývam medzi nečistými ľuďmi.“ A on činil svoje vyznanie.

121A keď to urobil, pozrel hore a uvidel tých Serafinov. Oni mali dvomi krídlami zakrytú svoju tvár a dvomi krídlami zakryté svoje nohy a dvomi krídlami lietali volajúc: „Svätý, svätý, svätý je Pán Boh všemohúci! Svätý, svätý, svätý, celý Boh je svätý! Svätý, svätý, svätý je Pán Boh Všemohúci!“

122Pozrime sa na to videnie ktoré videl prorok a rozoberme si ho. Dve krídla prikrývali ich tváre. Rozmýšľajte o tom, dokonca svätý anjeli museli zakryť svoje bezhriešne tváre, stojac v prítomnosti Božej. Boli im dané krídla aby prikryli svoju tvár v prítomnosti svätého Boha! Ako sa vy, alebo ja tam postavíme, keď tí Serafíni museli použiť krídla, Bohom zaopatrenú cestu na zakrytie svojich tvári, aby stáli v Jeho prítomnosti a spievali, „Svätý, svätý, svätý je Pán Boh všemohúci?“ Úcta, v Jeho prítomnosti!

123Nuž my nemáme žiadnej úcty k Bohu. Každý si len myslí že si je tak bezpečný, až oni – Oni si nevážia Boha tak ako by mali. Prečo? Prečo to oni nerobia? Preto, že nie sú si vedomí Jeho prítomnosti. To je ten dôvod, že ľudia sa tak správajú. Oni To nepoznajú. Oni nemôžu, oni nemôžu pochopiť, že sú v prítomnosti Božej. Ich mysle sa stali také zvrátené a zaneprázdnené vecami tohoto sveta, až tak, že Tomu ani nevenujú žiadnu pozornosť. Oni chodia do kostola, samozrejme. Ale uvedomte si, že ste v prítomnosti Božej! Nie len v zhromaždení; kdekoľvek sa nachádzate, ste v prítomnosti Božej.

124Keby si to oni mohli uvedomiť, tak ako to Dávid povedal, „Vždy si predstavujem Pána pred sebou a preto nebudem pohnutý.“ Pokiaľ bol pred ním Pán nemohol byť pohnutý.

125A títo Nebeskí spaľovači obetí prikrývali krídlami svoje tváre a volali, „Svätý, svätý, svätý,“ stojac v prítomnosti Božej, čo sa stane hriešnym ľudom, ktorí nectia Boha?

126Vy poviete, „Dobre, brat Branham, ty si práve povedal, že oni boli zaopatrení dvomi krídlami.“

127A vy ste tiež niečím zaopatrení, Krvou Ježiša Krista. To je vaše prikrytie. To, vy nestojíte ako Serafín, vy nestojíte ako Cherubín, vy nestojíte ako Anjel.. Ale stojíte ako vykúpený syn alebo dcéra Božia, skrze tú Krv. Vy nemusíte mať tie krídla ktoré mali oni. To je pre nich zvláštnym prikrytím v Tej prítomnosti. Ale vy máte Krv Ježiša Krista na pokrytie, aby ste Tam mohli stáť. Nuž ako... Teraz vy, ak máte tú Krv, potom ctíte Boha, rešpektujete Boha. A Boh je Slovo.

128Všimnite si teraz, za druhé, dvomi krídlami mali prikryté svoje nohy. Čo to znamenalo? Pokora pred Bohom, v Jeho prítomnosti.

129Tak ako Mojžiš pri horiacom kriku, zobul svoju obuv keď Ho počul povedať, „JA SOM, KTORÝ SOM“. Pavol na svojej ceste do Damašku, on padol na svoju tvár.

130Tu je dobrý príklad. Stále si byť vedomí svojej nepatrnosti a nie svojej veľkosti.

131Ján, keď videl Ducha Božieho nad Ježišom, on riekol: „Ja potrebujem byť pokrstený od teba a ty prichádzaš ku mne?“

132Dnes, my Američania, zašlo to tak ďaleko, že sa domnievame, že sme niekým veľkým, „My patríme do niečoho veľkého, do nejakej veľkej organizácie, niečoho veľkolepého, niečoho čo má... Ó, veľkolepé, veľké, veľké, veľké, to je všetko čo vidíme.

133 A to potom... Raz, v Biblii máme na to príklad. Tam bol prorok, ktorý vošiel do jaskyne a... Eliáš. A Boh sa snažil upútať jeho pozornosť, aby vyšiel von. A tam prichádza oheň a dym a burácajúce vetry cez vrchy, hromy a zemetrasenia a chvenie a všetko ďalšie. Prorok sa vôbec ani nepohol. Boh v tom vôbec nebol. Ale keď prehovoril ten Tichý jemný Hlas, on zakryl svoju tvár a vyšiel von. Keď ten tichý jemný Boží Hlas hovorí, nie rámus, nie naše veľké denominácie nie niečo naše veľké, ale ten tichý jemný Hlas Slova, to je na pohliadnutie. To bude volať ľudí do pokánia. Boh vo svojom Slove!

134Ešte zakrýval svoje nohy a bol si vedomí Jeho... A naša poníženosť pred Bohom.

135Za tretie, ďalšími dvomi krídlami lietal.

136Nuž pamätajte, dvoma zakrýval svoju tvár v prítomnosti Božej, čo je úcta. Za druhé, dvomi krídlami zakrýval svoje nohy, čo znamenalo pokoru pred Bohom. A tretím párom krídel sa vrhal v činnosť. S tými dvomi krídlami mohol lietať, vidíte? Dvoma zakrýval svoju tvár, dvoma zakrýval svoje nohy a dvoma lietal, nuž čo to bolo? Úcta, pokora v činnosti.

137Boh ukázal prorokovi aký musí byť Jeho pripravený služobník; v úcte, v pokore a v činnosti. Nuž on u Uziáša videl predvedené niečo iné. On ukazoval prorokovi aký musí byť, nie ako Uziáš, ale ako tí Nebeskí Cherubíni. A keď sa chceš dívať na kráľa, zemského kráľa... Pozri sa na toho Nebeského, vyvýšeného nad všetky Nebesia a Jeho rúcho naplňovalo Nebesia.

138Tu vidíme, že On sa mu dal pozrieť na niečo, aby ho to ovplyvnilo inak, než ako bol ovplyvnení, z toho na čo sa díval predtým, mysliac si: „Človek, ktorý slúži Bohu a prosperuje a tak ďalej, je v poriadku.“ Ale Izaiáš mal svoju myseľ opretú na človeku.

139A človek sklamal hneď na začiatku. Nestarám sa o to kým on je. „Narodený je v hriechu, sformovaný v neprávosti prichádza na svet hovoriac klamstvo,“ tak on je totálnym sklamaním. Nestarám sa o to či je to biskup, pápež, presbyter, alebo čokoľvek viac on môže byť. On je predovšetkým sklamaním, nikdy nehľaďte ani na jedného. Nestarám sa o to, „hoci vierou vrchy prenáša, a hoci dáva všetko svoje imanie aby nakŕmil biednych.“ Hľaďte stále na Ježiša Krista. On je ten Jediný. Hľaďte na Neho, nie na nejakého človeka.

140Teraz nachádzame, že On mu tu ukazuje, aký musí byť Boží služobník, aký musí byť pokorný a úctivý a v činnosti.

141Vojdite do činu! Mnohí z nás môžu byť pokorní, mnohí z nás môžu byť úctiví, ale je ťažko dostať ich do činnosti.

142Ale teraz si všímame, že Boh mu ukazoval ako si on pripravoval Svojho služobníka, aký on musí byť. Títo Cherubíni, či vlastne Serafíni, boli Božími služobníkmi.

143Všimnite si, ako tá žena pri studni, keď očakávala na vyplnenie sa Písma. Hovorili sme o tom, dva alebo tri razy tento týždeň. Keď ona očakávala na to vyplnenie. To dievča, pokiaľ my vieme, nechodilo do zhromaždenia. Ona pravdepodobne... Oni boli tak ďaleko od Slova a od všetkého toho, oni... a vzývali svoje vyznania a všetko možné. Ako Ježiš povedal: „Vy ste vzali svoje ustanovenia a zbavili ste Slovo Božie moci.“

144Dnes to je to isté. Tie vyznania, ktoré my učíme všetko iné, vyradili Slovo Božie z činnosti. Slovo nemôže ísť ďalej. Všetko iné hovorilo; pravda; oni sú tak zaneprázdnení s niečím iným, že To oni nemôžu vidieť.

145Pamätajte, ten Hlas bude vyhľadávať nie len vás tu. Tieto pásky idú okolo celého sveta. Ja nehovorím práve len do vás všetkých tu. Ale ak je niekto tu, kto to potrebuje, dobre, je to potom pre teba. Rozumiete? Ale pamätajte, že ten Hlas vás bude vyhľadávať kým budete žiť. V ten deň, keď budete zomierať, vás to vyhľadá. Ostrihajte To! Navráťte sa späť!

146Naše tradície vzali Slovo Božie a zbavili Ho moci. Slovo Božie sa manifestuje a ľudia stoja okolo a hovoria: „Tak. Myslím, že je to celkom dobre.“ Vidíte? To má zapáliť vašu dušu. To má niečo urobiť, ale nerobí. Nerobí to. Nachádzame že Boh...

147Keď tá žena... Ich kňazi i ďalší, pravdepodobne ona nechodila do zhromaždenia, pretože nevidela dôvod aby tam chodila, alebo niečo také. Ale ona čítala Písmo. Lebo, všimnite si, ona vedela hneď, keď jej on povedal aké sú jej problémy, prečo, ona riekla, „Nuž, my vieme že ty musíš byť prorok, my to vieme.“ Nuž vidíte, ja myslím, že ona študovala...

148Ak by ste si všimli to čo sa píše tam na okraji a prečítali si to vo svojej Biblii, to ukazuje na „Toho Proroka“ ktorým je Kristus.

149Ona riekla, „my vieme, my... Ty musíš byť prorok. My vieme, že keď príde Mesiáš, on bude robiť túto vec On cez to bude zidentifikovaný.“

150On začal jednať. Ona to už dlhšie nemohla vydržať. Tá vec na ktorú oni akurát očakávali, bola práve vtedy na zemi a ona To videla. Nezáležalo jej na tom akú mala zlú povesť, prostitútka alebo taká nejaká žena nemohla by to... Ľudia na ulici by ju vôbec nepočúvali. Tak isto dnes. Ale zastavte ju, ako by ste to urobili? Bolo to niečo ako dom v ohni za veľkého vetra. Nemôžete ho uhasiť.

Oheň horel v jej srdci.

151Ona riekla, „Poďte, vidzte muža, ktorý mi povedal veci ktoré som urobila. Nie je to práve Mesiáš?“ A to zabralo. Ježiš to nemusel viac urobiť.

Ľudia jej verili pretože... verili Ježišovi cez jej svedectvo. Vidíte? Čo to spôsobilo? Ona bola pokorná, úctivá a v činnosti. Ona začala jednať, keď videla že sa stala tá vec.

152Jeho znamenia majú mať vplyv, dnes. Znamenia, ktoré sú zasľúbené na dnes, Slovo, ktoré bolo zasľúbené na dnes, vidieť Božie vypĺňanie sa toho, čo On povedal že sa bude diať, to má na nás niečo urobiť. Ale nerobí.

153Je to práve tak ako to bolo so židmi. Oni boli tak nábožní, že oni nemysleli že by To potrebovali. Oni, oni si mysleli, že všetko majú.

154 A so svetom je to dnes tak isto. On má hojnosť jedenia, hojnosť oblečenia, pekné kostoly, vznešené miesta, dobrých vzdelaných kazateľov a tak oni už nič iné nepotrebujú. „Ale ty nevieš,“ hovorí Písmo „že si nahý, mizerný, slepý a nevieš o tom.“ „Nevieš o tom,“ a vy im nič iného nemôžete povedať. Oni sa neustále brodia ďalej týmto smerom a zanedbali toho, aby sa nechali ovplyvniť Božím Slovom, aby verili že Ježiš Kristus vstal z mŕtvych a žije dnes, ten istý včera, dnes i na veky, ukazujúc sa živý. Oni sú jednoducho mŕtvi. Všade, všade kde idete vyzerá to tak isto. Musí to tak byť, veď viete. On musí byť vystrčený von z cirkvi. Nie je vôbec žiadnej možnosti zabrániť tomu, aby sa to tak stalo. Boh riekol že sa to tak stane. Ale ak – ak...

155Nech to s vami zatrasie, nech to s vami poriadne zatrasie. Nezáleží na tom, v ktorom národe sa nachádzate, kdekoľvek ste, ktokoľvek ste, nech vás to prebudí.

156Čas plynie. To prvé bude, že budete hovoriť, „Ale ja som myslel, že toto sa malo stať pred vytrhnutím.“

157Možno zaznie taký Hlas, ako sa to raz stalo, „To sa už stalo a nepoznali ste to.“

158Budete cele zakotvení niekde v nejakej cirkvi, hovoriac, „Ja som si tak bezpečný ako len môžem byť,“ a prvé čo poznáte, že Vytrhnutie je za vami. To bude tajomstvo, náhly odchod, nikto nič o tom nevie. Svet bude bežať ďalej.

159Podobne ako Noach vošiel do korábu. Pamätáte a, potom ako Noach vošiel do korábu, on tam sedel sedem dní potom ako Boh zavrel dvere. Boh zavrel dvere a Noach sedel v korábe sedem dní prv ako sa niečo stalo.

160 A dvere milosti budú zatvorené pred vašimi očami a možno už sú. Pomyslite len o tom, ľudia budú ďalej kázať, budú si myslieť, že sú spasení, zapisujúc svoje mená do kníh, pripájajúc sa k cirkvi, vykrikujúc, poskakujúc hore dole.

161Nuž, videl som Mohamedánov vykrikovať. Počul som... ľudia pili krv z ľudskej lepky, hovorili v jazykoch a robili všetky tie veci. To nie je žiadny znak, že vy ste spasený. Ó, nie.

162„Majúc formu pobožnosti.“ Čo je teda „jej Moc,“ o ktorej hovoria?

163Vidíte, tieto veci sa môžu stať a bude to minulosťou a vy to nepoznáte. Nemôžete si nechať vziať takú príležitosť. Nerobte to priatelia. Vchádzajte kým môžete. Nebuďte ovplyvnení nejakými veľkými významnými budovami, nejakou veľkou organizáciou, nejakým veľkým uhladeným učencom. Vás ovplyvní Božie Slovo. To je presne to, čo zapôsobilo na tých apoštolov. Keď oni videli manifestovať sa to Slovo, to ich ovplyvnilo. „Sme si istí!“

164Mohli by sme znovu citovať, Ježiš s veľkými zástupmi tisícov ktorí Ho nasledovali, riekol: „To je príliš mnoho. Hľaďte, hľaďte, tu je niečo zvláštne, mnoho je povolaných, málo je vyvolených.“

165Potom, keď on videl tie veľké zástupy, povedal, „Ak nebudete jesť telo Syna človeka a piť Jeho Krv, nemáte v sebe Života.“ On to nikdy nevysvetlil.

166Ja som zvedavý, ak by to dnes povedal v Beaumont, nezáležalo na tom aký bol populárny, čo si myslíte že čo by povedali doktori a fajní vzdelaní ľudia a vedci? „Ten muž je vampír. Nuž, On chce aby sme pili Jeho Krv? Nuž, čo je to zač... Ty si sa zbláznil.“

167Ježiš to nikdy nevysvetlil. On chcel zo Seba striasť parazitov. To je ono. Potom oni sa zodvihli a odišli.

168On sa potom pozrel dookola na tých apoštolov, ktorí neboli určení do Života, ale On ich vybral. Oni neboli určení. On povedal: „Čo poviete, keď uvidíte Syna človeka vystupovať hore do Neba, tam skade On prišiel?“ Zaskočilo im z toho v krku. Čo On...

169Tí kazatelia riekli, „Vystupovať do Neba?“ Veď tento človek sa narodil tu v Galilei. On sa narodil v Nazarete. Poznáme jeho matku, Jeho bratov, videli sme tú kolísku, v ktorej ho kolísali. Videli sme jeho detské oblečenie. Rozprávame sa s Jeho matkou. A tento človek tu hovorí, že pôjde naspäť tam z kadiaľ prišiel? On prišiel z Nazaretu. Čo On hovorí, do Neba?

170On to nikdy nevysvetlil. Ešte príliš mnoho parazitov. „Oni vstali a viacej s ním nechodili.“ To hovorí Biblia.

171Potom sa On otočil a riekol, „Ja... Vy všetci chcete odísť tiež?“ tým dvanástym.

172Pamätajte, On to nikdy nevysvetlil, ale oni to poznali. Oni poznali kto On bol, a tak oni Mu povedali. On ich ovplyvnil Svojimi od Boha potvrdenými znameniami. Hľaďte. On povedal tým dvanástym, „Vy chcete tiež odísť?“

173Peter povedal, „Pane, ku komu by sme išli? My sme si istí...“ Nuž to, pozrite, študujte to. Čo to je? „My vieme čo Slovo na dnes hovorí. My vieme čo sa očakáva od Mesiáša, že bude robiť, keby dnes prišiel. Videli sme tie veci od Boha.“

174On riekol neskoršie na Letnice. Povedal, „Ježiša Nazaretského, muža potvrdeného od Boha medzi vami, skrze veci ktoré On činil. A vy ste vzali Knieža Života a ukrižovali ste Ho, a Boh Ho vzkriesil, čoho sme my svedkami.“

Všimnite si tu, vidíte, on povedal, „Kde by sme išli?“

175Ježiš povedal, „Ja som si vás vyvolil dvanástych a jeden z vás je diabol.“

176A stálo ich tam len jedenásť, z tisíc krát tisícov. Bolo ich tam len jedenásť. Ó! Ovplyvnených! Tak veru.

177Táto malá žena, keď ona bola ovplyvnená, začala konať. Ona s tým niečo musela robiť. Ona to musela povedať niekomu ďalšiemu.

178A každá opravdivo verná duša, ktorá narazila na Krista, vy musíte o Tom niekomu povedať.

179Peter, keď vzal Jeho za Slovo, tej noci na jazere, videl Ho tam, bol... alebo to bolo vtedy. Oni celú noc lovili a nič nemohli uloviť, zaťahujúc siete vpredu i vzadu. To je odrádzajúci čas, keď je niekto rybárom. Celú noc lovil, a on bol rybár. Jeho otec bol rybár. On na tom jazere bol celý svoj život, a jeho rodičia i starí rodičia pochádzali z toho jazera. On vedel, kedy bol mesiac priaznivý a z kade vanuli vetry a všetky tie znaky on lovil aby mohol žiť. Tak lovil celú noc a nič neulovil.

180Potom oni zbadali, nasledujúci deň, že sa hovorilo, že ten Prorok prišiel a bude kázať tam dole pri brehu. A ja si predstavujem ako z ich malých chatrči prichádzajú drobné ženičky, a tak ďalej, prichádzajú dole aby Ho počuli. Ten zástup okolo brehu tak vzrástol že on si musel požičať čln, Petrov čln. Oni vyšli a prali svoje siete, boli bezradní.

181A vo chvíli bezradnosti, ak budete dávať pozor, vtedy On prechádza okolo. Ale nebuďte slepí, aby ste to neminuli. Rozumiete? Keď vidíte, že všetko sa takto deje dnes v tomto svete, nebojte sa. Rozumiete? Nebojte sa. Len – len pamätajte, On zasľúbil, že príde ku vám.

182A všimnite si keď On prišiel, povedal Petrovi, povedal: „Teraz spusti na hlbinu k lovu.“

183Peter povedal, „Ale veď. Nič také som pred tým nevidel. Ja neviem. Ja tu lovím ryby celý svoj život. Tie znaky, práve teraz sme prišli z lovu, celú noc sme lovili, na tejto istej vode. A predsa tam nič nie je. Nič sme nechytili. Ale na tvoje Slovo Pane,“ tu to je. „Spustím sieť, na Tvoje Slovo!“

184Ty si mohol prejsť cez každú nemocnicu. Brat King, oni ti mohli povedať, že zomrieš. Oni ti mohli povedať, sestra, toto, tamto alebo hocičo iné. Ja sa nestarám čo oni povedali. „Na Tvoje Slovo Pane, ja spustím sieť!“

185Vtedy videl to Slovo potvrdené, keď mu Ježiš niečo povedal a on tomu uveril a spustil sieť do vody, kde nebolo žiadnych rýb. Ale keď to Boh tak povedal, On tam tie ryby môže vložiť, tak isto ako mohol vložiť vodu do oblakov.

186On môže vložiť uzdravenie do tvojho tela, ja sa nestarám či tam niečo je. Vy Mu máte dôverovať, že On to vzbudí v posledných dňoch. „Na Tvoje Slovo Pane ja spustím sieť.“

187To tak ovplyvnilo toho rybára, že zanechal ryby a všetko a nasledoval Ježiša. To bol vplyv, keď on Ho vzal za Slovo. Čo on potom urobil, „Dobre,“ povedal, „ďakujem ti Pane za tú krásnu porciu rýb?“ Povedal, „Zanechaj svoje siete. Odteraz budeš loviť ľudí.“ Tí apoštolovia začali konať!

188Na koniec, na konci cesty, keď Ho išli ukrižovať, zabiť Ho a on utekal preč z mesta. A na tej ceste, ako nám hovorí história, on utekal aby zachránil svoj život, odchádzajúc z mesta stretol Ježiša idúceho do mesta. On riekol „Kde ideš?“ Šimon, vlastne Šimon riekol Jemu, „Kde ideš Pane?“

189On odpovedal, „Idem naspäť do mesta aby Som bol znovu ukrižovaný.“

190Simon sa otočil a vrátil sa naspäť. A keď ho chytili riekol, ne... Oni ho položili na kríž. On riekol, „Nezaveste ma takto. Dajte ma hlavou dole a nohami hore!“

191On bol ovplyvnený, keď videl Ježiša vzkrieseného z mŕtvych; ovplyvnený až na smrť, bol ovplyvnený ponad všetko. On začal konať. Dokonca ani smrť ho nemohla zastaviť. Ukrižovanie ho nemohlo zastaviť. On bol ovplyvnený Ježišom.

192Ten uzdravený slepý muž. Oni mu povedali, aby bol ticho, ale on všade rozširoval Jeho povesť. Jeho ľudia riekli, nuž, kňazi povedali, „Ak niekto pôjde a bude navštevovať to prebudenie, oni jednoducho prídu a vezmú jeho cirkevný preukaz, a hotovo.“ A jeho otec a matka sa toho poľakali. Vidíte? Tak oni povedali...

Oni prišli a povedali, „Ako tento chlapec obdržal svoj zrak?“

Povedali, „On – on má svoje roky, opýtajte sa jeho.“ Oni sa báli.

Ale on, ten uzdravený, bol ovplyvnený. Amen.

193On povedal, „Ten človek je hriešnik. Daj Bohu chválu! My nevieme skadiaľ ten Muž pochádza. On nemá žiadne poverovacie listiny. My s Nim nespolupracujeme. My s Ním nemáme nič spoločného. Nevieme skadiaľ On prišiel. Vieme, že On je hriešnik a – a z diabla.“

194Tento človek mal pre nich dobrú odpoveď. On povedal, „Nuž to je skutočne divná vec.“ Povedal, „Vy sa pokladáte za vodcov tejto zemi. A tento Muž mi navrátil zrak a vy cez to neviete skadiaľ on prišiel.“ On povedal: „Nuž či je On hriešnik alebo nie, ja vám to nemôžem povedať. Ale to jedno viem, že som prv bol slepý a teraz môžem vidieť.“

125On bol ovplyvnený. On sa nebál zastať pred kňazmi alebo pred kýmkoľvek. On bol ovplyvnený. Jeho rodičia, dokonca zázrak na ich vlastnom synovi ich neovplyvnil, ale jeho to ovplyvnilo.

196Tí ľudia v čase Letníc, ako som hovoril minulý večer, s ich poistkou Večného Života, keď oni išli aby si vybrali svoj podiel na Tom. Všimnite si, keď oni boli ovplyvnení. Boli svätí, mali vážnosť pred Bohom. Mali zakryté svoje tváre od veci tohoto sveta a svoje nohy v pokore. A keď oni pocítili, že prišla Moc Božia, ako bolo zasľúbené skrze Joela, ako bolo zasľúbené skrze prorokov, ako bolo zasľúbené skrze Ježiša! „Čakajte v meste Jeruzaleme až kým nebudete odiati Mocou z výsosti.“ Ako náhle ten Boh, v Osobe Svätého Ducha zostúpil na nich, oni boli ovplyvnení. Nestarali sa koľko ľudí sa z nich vysmieva. Vyšli von do ulíc, potácajúc sa ako opití. Oni boli ovplyvnení Duchom Svätým. Vy môžete byť tiež ovplyvnení. Oni sa postavili rovno...

197Pozorujme ho. On nerobil okľuky a nehovoril nejaké vyznania viery. On išiel hneď rovno do Slova a povedal, „Vy mužovia Jeruzalema, vy, ktorí bývate v Judei, nech vám je toto známe a počúvajte na moje slová. Títo nie sú opití, ako sa vy domnievate, lebo veď viete že je ešte len tretia hodina dňa. Ale toto je To čo bolo povedané skrze proroka Joela, 'A stane sa v posledných dňoch,' hovorí Boh, 'že vylejem zo Svojho Ducha na každé telo.“ Oni boli ovplyvnení Slovom, do Slova. Na nás to má vplývať tak isto.

198Oni začali konať, áno, keď sa vyplnilo Jeho zasľúbenie. Keď videli, že Ježiš im zasľúbil že im pošle zasľúbenie Otcovo, Lukáš 24:49, „A hľa Ja posielam na vás zasľúbenie Svojho Otca; ale očakávajte.“ Očakávať neznamená modliť sa, to jednoducho znamená čakať. Očakávať znamená čakať. „Čakajte v meste Jeruzaleme, až kým nebudete odiati Mocou z Výsosti.“ A keď ten vplyv Ducha Svätého prišiel na nich, To ich naplnilo. Oni videli, že sa vyplnilo Slovo, ktoré im Ježiš zasľúbil.

199Nuž, ja som zvedavý či to bude mať na nás taký istý vplyv toto popoludnie? Keď budeme vidieť, že sa vyplnilo to čo On zasľúbil, že sa má diať v týchto posledných dňoch, aký vplyv to učiní na nás? Čo? Všetko čo sme videli, že sa stalo v týchto posledných dňoch nás má uviesť do činnosti. To určite má, s vážnosťou a s pokorou.

200Bez každého tieňa pochybnosti, potvrdenie ktoré bolo vykonané pred tridsiatymi rokmi, ohľadne Ohnivého Stĺpu, ktorý zachytili kamery. Váš Texaský fotoaparát to zachytil pred nedávnom. Vedecký výskum to previedol cez všetky druhy bádania ktoré oni mohli vynájsť, skrze FBI. A... [Prázdne miesto na páske - pozn.prekl.] Vzaté v Texase pre texasana. Keď vidíte ten znak, to nemôže byť vyvrátené. To je pravda. Ale budete veriť tomu Hlasu ktorý ide za tým znakom? Ten znak je vedecky dokázaný. Nuž, jedného dňa keď sa Ježiš vráti a zastihne ľudí tak ako sú, tiež sa to stane známym.

201Všimnite si, Ohnivý Stĺp by nás mal uviesť do činnosti, pretože Ohnivý Stĺp potvrdzuje Svoje zasľúbenie posledných dní. Ježiš povedal: „Prišiel som od Boha a idem k Bohu,“ a čo On bude robiť v týchto posledných dňoch. A On je tu, zároveň vedecky aj duchovne, dokazujúc to v Slove, že on prichádza od Boha a zostáva stále ten istý. On je stále bohom, pre toto zasľúbenie v posledných dňoch. To by nás malo uviesť do činnosti.

202Znamenia Príchodu sú tu. Ježiš povedal: „Ako to bolo v Sodome, tesne pred tým ako svet bol spálený, ten pohanský svet,“ to sa zopakuje. To by nás malo tiež ovplyvniť a uviesť do činnosti. Keď vidíme vyplnené to Slovo, ktoré On zasľúbil, to by nás malo uviesť do činnosti.

203My, tak ako prorok sme videli výsledok toho ako sa denominácie sami povýšili a stratili svoje miesto. Chcem aby to vsiaklo do vás skutočne hlboko, pretože vám to už možno nebudem viacej hovoriť. Ale, mužovia i ženy, smiem to povedať a hovorím vám to jasne dnes popoludní, v Mene Ježiša Krista. Ľudia, ktorí rozumne rozmýšľajú a nie sú nadutí, tak ďaleko od Boha skrze tradície; to, oni videli Letničnú cirkev, videli ste Baptistov, Metodistov, Presbyteriánov, videli ste Katolícku cirkev, ako stratili svoju pozíciu v Bohu, prestali sa držať Slova, keď prijali vierovyznania.

204Mal som rozhovor s jedným kňazom, nie je tomu dávno, a on mi povedal, riekol, „Prečo, ja ...“ Pýtal sa ma na určitú vec a tieto veci. On povedal: „Nuž, Katolícka cirkev to robievala.“

205Povedal som: „Kedy? Katolícka cirkev nebola zorganizovaná, až tristo rokov po smrti posledného apoštola.“

On povedal: „Ty sa snažíš dokázať svoju vec Bibliou.“

Povedal som: „To je Slovo.“

On povedal, „Boh je vo Svojej cirkvi.“

206Odpovedal som: „Boh je vo Svojom Slove. Všetko ostatné je klamstvo a Jeho Slovo je Pravda.“

207A on povedal: „Nuž to je len kniha, ktorú - ktorú napísali prvotní Katolíci.“

208Povedal som: „Potom ja som prvotný katolík. Ja verím len to čo Ona hovorí.“ Ja ne... Povedal som potom...

On povedal: „Nuž, vidíš, my sme teraz najväčšou cirkvou.“

209Povedal som: „Tak kde ste (To) stratili? Čo sa stalo? Keď prvotná cirkev vyháňala démonov a dokazovala, že Ježiš žije na zemi, skrze duchovné znamenia a zázraky, a vy tu máte tisíc prostredníkov, všelijakých zomretých žien a mužov a všetko možné, prímluvcov. V Biblii prvý pápež povedal: že, „Nie je iný prostredník medzi Bohom a ľuďmi ako Človek Ježiš Kristus.“

210Prestali sa držať Slova a prijímajú vierovyznania a sami sa povyšujú nabádaní ľuďmi, videli sme, že stratili svoje spojenie s Duchom Svätým. Videli sme, že Letniční robia to isté. A vidíte to. Keď sa zorganizujú, zomierajú. Nieto cesty späť; nikdy nebola a nikdy nebude. Boh je proti tomu. To je skutočne hriech. Riekol, v posledných dňoch on riekol, „Vyjdite z pomedzi nich , ľudu Môj, nedotýkajte sa ich nečistých vecí; a Ja vás prijmem.“

211Ako Uziáš, čo sa on pokúšal urobiť? On sa snažil zaujať miesto pomazanej služby, Božiu pomazanú službu. Uziáš sa snažil prisvojiť si tú autoritu, pretože bol veľkým mužom.

212Videli sme tie svojské organizácie vytláčať všetko čo je Božie a snažiac sa zaujať službu Cirkvi, tej pomazanej cirkvi. A skrze vyznania, my sme našli, že oni sú mŕtvi v nevere a nikdy viac nepovstanú. Zomrú v tábore malomocných spolu s ostatnými.

213Vidíte to? Ľudia, mysliaci ľudia, ľudia ktorí veria v Písmo to vidia. Ak ste z Boha zrodení, vidíte to. Boh tak jasne identifikuje tú vec, aby vás ovplyvnil. Ako sme kázali celý týždeň, o všetkom, čo to má robiť, upútať pozornosť. To vás ovplyvňuje, aby ste videli kde oni išli a čo sa im stalo, každému jednému z nich.

214Ak zorganizujú to ďalšie, stane sa to isté. Ale už ich viac nebude. Nie. Ono, to už skončilo. Už je príliš neskoro.

215Pustili sa Slova, tým že prijali vierovyznania a ľudské doktríny. Oni sú poľakaní, keby mali prísť a stáť iba s Tým. Vidíte?

216Tak ako Uziáš sa snažil zaujať to miesto pomazanej služby, pretože bol veľkým mužom, veľkým mužom. A medzi Božím ľudom nie sú veľkí mužovia. My sme všetci deti Božie. Boh dáva jedným z nás robiť jednu vec, a iným robiť inú vec, to nás nerobí lepšími od iných. Iba že Boh požaduje viac z vašej ruky, to je všetko.

217Teraz ešte dojmi z takéhoto videnia a budeme končiť. Začneme sa modliť za chorých, za niekoľko minút. Nuž dojmy z takého videnia. Aké dojmy to urobilo na toho proroka? Som zvedavý (čo to urobilo) na kazateľa, som zvedavý na evanjelistu alebo pastora? Hľaďte čo spôsobilo Toto videnie, a čo on videl, čo sa stalo Uziášovi ktorý jednal na vlastnú päsť. A potom i keď bol veľký muž a Boh ho honoroval, toho veľkého muža, oni videli ako to zomrelo. Aký dojem to malo na proroka?

218Hľa, čo to urobilo. To spôsobilo, že on vyznal že je hriešnik stýkajúci sa s hriešnikmi. On vyznal, „Som človek nečistých rtov a bývam medzi ľuďmi nečistých rtov.“ Spôsobilo to že on vy... prorok, nie kazateľ. Prorok vyznal, že je hriešny človek, pretože sa spolčuje s takými.

219Čo potom? Keď on vyznal svoje hriechy, potom prišlo očistenie. Oh, vy nemôžete byť očistený od svojich hriechov, až kým nevyznáte že to je hriech, až kým nerozpoznáte, že to je hriech. Potom prichádza očistenie, ako náhle to on povedal, „Beda mi, pretože moje oči videli potvrdenie sa veľkého Boha. Anjeli, Spaľovači, Obetovatelia sú tu a základy prahov sa hýbu pri ich hlase, a Oni sú tu v tom videní, lietajúc tam a späť.“ on videl niečo skutočné. Videnie zostúpilo. On povedal, „Som človek nečistých rtov a bývam medzi nečistými ľuďmi.“ Povedal, on zvolal o milosrdenstvo a nazval sa hriešnikom.

220Čo sa potom stalo? Jeden z tých Cherubínov išiel k oltáru, vzal kliešte a zodvihol žeravý uhoľ a vzal ho do svojej ruky. Neniesol ho teraz v kliešťoch; zodvihol uhoľ, položil ho na svoju ruku a prišiel a dal ho na pery proroka a riekol, „Tvoja neprávosť ...“

221Neprávosť, čo je neprávosť? Neprávosť je niečo o čom vy viete že je to zlé a stále sa toho držíte. Keď viete že vaše vierovyznania sú zlé a vy sa toho stále držíte, to je neprávosť.

222Ale keď on vyznal, že je zlý, tam bola očisťujúca moc. On vzal žeravý uhoľ. Všimli ste si ako Boh...

223Vidíme ako Boh ustanovuje Svojich služobníkov do úradu a čím ich On zaopatril; ako on môže byť pokorný, úctivý a sám vstupuje do činu.

224Hľaďte, keď On očistil tohoto služobníka, On to nikdy neurobil skrze nejaký seminár. On to neurobil skrze nejaký zväzok kníh. My tu nachádzame, že Boh očistil Svojho služobníka ohňom. Žeravý uhoľ sa dotkol proroka, očistil jeho pery. Boh očisťuje Svojich služobníkov skrze Svoj Svätý oheň. Nie skrze knihy, nie skrze vzdelanie teológiu; ale on očistil Svojho služobníka ohňom.

225Potom ako náhle on vyznal a bol očistený, potom nasledovalo poverenie. Prv on musel vyznať, potom musel byť očistený, a teraz tu je poverenie. To bolo vtedy, keď očistený Izaiáš zvolal... Keď on počul Hlas Boží, ktorý riekol, „Kto pôjde za nás?“

226Pozrite sa späť do histórie, keď to budete čítať, keď prídete domov, čo sa stalo Izraelovi. On sa dostal na to isté miesto kde sme my. Oni volali... Všetky ich obete a všetko sa pre nich stalo tradíciou. Nebolo tam úprimnosti. Nevážili si Slovo Božie. Vtedy Boh pozdvihol Izaiáša aby mu povedal, že ich obete smrdia v Jeho nose. On ich nechce. Oni boli pre Neho rúhaním, potom on nechce mať s tým viacej nič. A keď... Tento Izaiáš bol očistený a pripravený ísť kázať potom Evanjelium.

227A Hlas Boží povedal, „Hľa, je potreba, Tieto veci musia byť povedané.“ A jeden Hlas hovoril druhému, Anjeli lietajúc, povedali, „Kto pôjde za nás?“

228Vtedy Izaiáš, s čistým srdcom; očistený, vyznal, očistený a poverený, to videnie; riekol: „Tu som Pane pošli mňa. Pošli mňa. Tu som, pošli mňa.“

229Bože pošli znovu dnes Svojich Svätých Anjelov. Nájdi niekde Svojho Izaiáša, o to sa modlím. Ja – ja ne... Ja to hovorím len preto že viem, že On je tu.

Keď žeravý uhoľ dotkol sa proroka,

Činiac ho čistým ako len mohol byť,

Keď Hlas Boží riekol: „Kto pôjde za nás?“

Potom on odpovedal: „Majstre, tu som, pošli mňa.“

230On potom s tým Slovom nemal obavy. On bol prorok; Slovo prišlo ku nemu. On bol... Všetka jeho nevera a tradície pominuli. On mohlo zastať pred tým vekom, ktorý zakladal na tradíciách a povedať im, „Vaše obete smrdia v nose Božom. A práve ten Boh, o ktorom tvrdíte že Mu slúžite, práve Ten vás zničí.“ To je to čo on povedal. „Boh o ktorom tvrdíte, že Mu slúžite, Ten vás zničí,“ a On to urobil.

Oni povedali, „Znamenie!“

On riekol, „Ja vám dám super znamenie; panna počne.“

231Izaiáš napísal 66 kapitol vo svojej knihe a v Biblii je 66 kníh. On začal s počiatkom stvorenia a zakončil v Miléniu, tak ako celá Biblia.

232Ten veľký prorok Boží, ktorý bol ochotný vyznať, že všetky ich tradície sú zlé; a upadol tam a bol očistený, a tak Slovo Božie mohlo prísť ku nemu. Potom on povedal, „Som pripravený ísť, Pane. Som pripravený. Budem hovoriť to čo mi Ty povieš aby som hovoril. Poviem, čo mi Ty povieš aby som povedal.“ On bol pripravený isť.

233Bože, pošli znovu tých Anjelov, toto popoludnie, Ducha Svätého a Oheň a očisti srdcia mojich bratov, kdekoľvek sa nachádzajú. Nech by boli tak ovplyvnení, žeby to druhí uvideli a tiež zatúžili nasledovať.

234Skloňme svoje hlavy. V tichosti:

Keď žeravý uhoľ dotkol sa proroka,

Činiac ho tak čistým ako len mohol byť,

Keď Hlas Boží riekol,

„Kto pôjde za nás?“

Vtedy on povedal,

„Majstre, tu som, pošli mňa.“

Potichu teraz, všetci spolu.

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja sa poponáhľam odpovedať Ti;

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: „Pane pošli mňa.“

Milióny teraz v hriechu a hanbe mrú;

Počúvaj na ich smútok a horký plač;

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc

Rýchlo odpovedz: „Majstre tu som.“

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja sa poponáhľam odpovedať Ti;

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: "Pane pošli mňa."

235Hmkajme si to potichu. [Brat Branham začína nôtiť – Hovor môj Pane - pozn.prekl.] Poďme teraz do chrámu.

Počúvaj na ich smutný a horký plač;

(Och brat, poď so mnou, či pôjdeš?)

Ponáhľaj sa brat, ponáhľaj sa im na pomoc

(Oni nevedia do ktorej denominácii patriť alebo nepatriť.)

Rýchlo povedz, „Pane tu som.“

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane, (Izaiášovia, ste tu?)

... a ja sa poponáhľam odpovedať Ti,

Hovor môj Pane, hovor môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: „Pane pošli mňa.“

236Rád by som vedel, zatiaľ čo máte sklonené hlavy i sklonené srdcia, Izaiáš, kde si? Zodvihneš svoju ruku a povieš: „Pane tu som, pošli mňa, som pripravený?“ Nech ťa Boh žehná. Ber to vážne. Deväťdesiat percent zhromaždenia.

Hovor, môj Pane,

Hovor a ja odpoviem: „Pane pošli mňa.“

237Hľaďte, kazatelia, vy ktorí ste zodvihli svoje ruky. Hľaďte na naše ženy, na naše sestry, čo za hanba! [Brat Branham vydáva hlasitý zvuk nesúhlasu - pozn.prekl.] Hľaďte na našich mužov, myslia si viac o nejakej organizácii ako o Slove Božom. Ježiš Kristus sa pohybuje medzi nimi a Písmo je tak jasne oznámené, a predsa oni budú na tom visieť. Brat!

238Niekto hovorí: „Vieš, nič mi nezostáva. Ja – ja... že oni... Nemal by som kde ísť.“

239Brat, ak by som mal jesť sucháre a piť vodu z potoka, zostal by som s mojim Pánom. On je môj Život. On je môj chlieb. Vy si myslíte, že ja to robím preto aby som sa líšil. Robím to preto, že Ho milujem, preto, že to je moje poverenie. Stáť bok po boku s Ním, s Tým Slovom!

240Nebeský Otče, kým tá melódia jemne znie, nech každý kto je v Božskej Prítomnosti, Pane, nech vidí, že toto je čas volania. To je – to je čas oddelenia, keď pleva a pšenica majú byť oddelené. Hoci pšenica bola obalená plevou, ale teraz je čas vyvolania von. To je ďalší exodus.

241Prosím, Bože, tak ako to veľké Svetlo Syna spôsobovalo dozrievanie zrna v každej etape jeho života, od času... Tak ako teraz v Kanade, keď pšenica práve len vychádza, to horúce júlové slnko by ju teraz zabilo, ale ona musí zrieť v súlade s tým ako ju príroda osvecuje slnkom. To isté robí ten horúci Syn s Lutherovou doktrínou, Wesleyom i tými ostatnými, On to spáli, ale to má doviesť pšenicu do zrelosti. Ona má dozrieť, Pane, tak isto ako To vzišlo.

242Ale pamätajte, všetky ratolesti boli vylomené a Strom Nevesty vyrástol zo stredu. „Ja vám nahradím roky ktoré požrala kobylka, pažravá chrobač,“ ten istý hmyz len v rôznych štádiách, „čo požrala, Ja to prinavrátim,“ POVEDAL PÁN. A Ty to urobíš, Pane. Ty si to zasľúbil. Prosím aby si to urobil v každom srdci, toto popoludnie.

243Oni sú tvoji, Pane. Ja ich teraz porúčam Tebe. A možno, že ich už viac neuvidím. Ak by som sa za rok navrátil, mnohí z tých ktorí tu teraz sedia, keby som aj žil, oni nebudú. Niet pochýb, tento veľký zástup, nabudúce keď ich stretnem, to bude na Súde. Nech oni vidia, Pane. Nech sa otvoria ich oči, ak je ... a vidia.

244Všetko toto na páskach, Pane, je ku počutiu. Hlasu na tento čas, v rôznych jazykoch, dokonca i preložené, aby to bolo zrozumiteľné. Mnoho mužov i žien v maličkých domoch, vonku niekde v džungli Afriky s tými malými prístrojmi so slúchadlami v ušiach, aby mohli počuť, Pane, vypočuj. Daj to. Misionár mal pravdu v tom čo povedal, ale toto je väčšie svedectvo ako čo mal on. On je teraz pripravený. Počuj nás Otče. My to porúčame všetko Tebe, v Mene Ježiša Krista, Tvojho Syna a pre vyvolanie Jeho Nevesty. Amen.

245Nuž, môj brat, sestra, budeme sa modliť za chorých, za každého z vás ktorý zodvihol svoju ruku. Ja - ja to nemôžem dať. Ak by som vám to ja mohol dať, urobil by som to. Samozrejme. Prišiel by som rovno tam a povedal, „Prosím, chceš to? Ja – ja to budem mať.“ To nie je moje, aby som to mohol dať. To je Boh, a Boh vám to dá, ak je hlad vo vašom srdci.

246Prv ako môže existovať volanie do hlbiny, musí existovať hlbina, ktorá odpovie na to volanie. Prv ako môže existovať stvorenie, musí existovať Stvoriteľ, ktorý stvoril to stvorenie.

247Vy viete, že tam je niečo po čom siahate; musí tam niečo byť čo odpovie na to volanie. Či to chcete teraz prijať? Nenechajte to zomrieť. Nenechajte, prosím. Ak vás neuvidím už viacej po tejto strane Súdu, chcel by som vás vidieť Tam, umytých a pripravených. To je moja modlitba!

248Boh Abraháma, Izáka a Jákoba, ktorý sa zjavil na zemi v podobe človeka, Syn Boží, Ježiš Kristus; Ktorý trpel pod Pontským Pilátom, bol ukrižovaný, pochovaný vstal na tretí deň; a vystúpil na Nebesia, kde On teraz sedí po pravici Majestátu; poslal späť Ducha, ktorý bol na Ňom, nazvaný Duch Svätý, Boh, aby prišiel na ľudstvo, aby mal obecenstvo, aby niesol ďalej tú službu, ktorá bola nesená v tom slávnom tele Krista. Predpokladajúc... deje sa to takto ako bola formovaná pyramída, ten Štítový kameň nikdy nebol na to položený. Prečo?

On bol odmietnutý.

249Nuž, v priebehu času, Cirkev stále prechádzala do menšiny, stúpala hore, až všetky cirkevné veky dobehli konca. To musí byť vybrúsené. Ten kameň musí presne zapasovať. Služba, ktorá bola v Ježišovi Kristovi musí byť v Jeho Cirkvi, aby to pohlo Krista prísť pre Cirkev, aby bol vzbudený každý vek, aby on bol privedený, aby to bolo ukázané.

250Práve tak ako pšenica. Pšenica musí dôjsť presne naspäť, v tom ako ona začína dozrievať, zo zrna ktoré tam zhnilo, zomrelo, postupuje ďalej a prechádza v raste z trávy do niečoho iného. Nemôžete ísť naspäť do trávy. Nemajte namierené späť do trávy. Nemajte namierené späť do tohto. Nemajte namierené späť do snopu. Pokračujte ďalej až sa dostanete do pšenice. A tá pšenica musí byť tou samou odrodou pšenice, ktorá išla do zeme, keď ona dozrie. Ježiš je vzkriesený z mŕtvych. On je teraz dozretý. A On je dozretý vo svojej Cirkvi, cez ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým; cez tých reformátorov v prvotných dňoch, teraz tu je On dnes na zemi vo Svojom ľude . Verte Mu. On je tu.

251Len keby ste Ho mohli vidieť, (možno ste cudzí) nech by Boh Nebies poctil, čo som o Ňom povedal. Chcem teraz, aby ste vy v publiku, prosím, nech nikto viacej nevychádza. Buďte úctivejší pred Nebeským Bohom, seďte ešte na chvíľu. Nepremávajte sa teraz. Nech každá osoba tu, kto je chorý alebo v potrebe, zodvihne svoju ruku. Alebo... Dobre. Ďakujem. No, neviem...

252Poznám brata Kinga, ktorý tu sedí. Práve som ho spoznal, len pred niekoľkými minútami. Zaiste. Myslím, že ten ktorý tam sedí je brat King. on tu podporoval moje posledné zhromaždenie. Brat King, nemôžem povedať to čo chcem, ale viem že ty vieš, čo chcem povedať. Ty si prešiel cez mlyn, môj malý brat. Nech ti je Boh milostivý.

253Ostatných nepoznám. Stále tu vidím sedieť Patta Tylera. Myslím, že ten jediný muž v tejto budove, alebo žena, ten jediný o ktorom niečo viem je tento muž, Pat Tayler, ktorý tu sedí.

254Verte teraz. A ak ja som sluha Boží, a ak Boh je tu a ja som zidentifikoval Jeho Slovo že je pravda; potom nech Nebeský Boh, ktorý vzkriesil Svojho Syna Ježiša Krista, Ktorý dal tieto zasľúbenia, zidentifikuje to s vami, že ja som povedal Pravdu.

255Ako to On urobí? Nie tak, že by prišiel v rúchu a s bradou. Ale Jeho Život, „Ja som vinič a vy ste letorasty.“ Život, Ktorý je vo Viniči, je v letorastoch. „Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, tiež budete činiť,“ a to je zasľúbené na tento deň, keď vyrastie ďalšia letorast. Máme mnoho naštepených letorastov, tak je, oni nesú ovocie, ale nie tento druh ovocia. Ó, nie.

256Videl som vo Phonixe strom, pred nedávnom, on mal na sebe okolo osem alebo deväť druhov ovocia. Vlastní ho brat John Sharit. Opýtal som sa: „Čo je toto za strom?“

On povedal: „To je pomarančovník, brat Branham.“

257„Ó,“ Riekol som: „sú na ňom citróny, grapefruit a – a tangelo a tangarine.“

258A on povedal: „Áno, to je všetko citrusové ovocie.“ Povedal: „Ja som ich tam naštepil.“

259„Ó,“ riekol som: „Rozumiem, nuž na budúci rok to budú všetko pomaranče?“

260On povedal: „Ó nie! Nie. Na budúci rok citrón bude citrón, grapefruit bude grapefruit.“

261Spýtal som sa: „Z toho samého kmeňa (viniča)? Z toho – z toho samého pomarančového stromu?“

262On povedal: „Áno. To je všetko citrusové ovocie, brat Branham. To bude žiť cez citrusové ovocie.“

263Potom som pocítil ako sa mi slzy kotúľajú po lícach. Povedal som, „Pane Ježišu, viem čo teraz myslíš. Tu to je. Tieto denominácie sa do toho naštepili, ale oni nesú denominačné ovocie.“

264Počúvajte. Ak vyženie tá pravá letorast, pravý Vinič vypustí ďalšiu letorast, to bude originálne. Verte tomu.

265[Nejaká sestra hovorí teraz v neznámych jazykoch – pozn.prekl.] Pst, pst, pst, pst! [Ona pokračuje a končí. Nejaký brat dáva výklad - pozn.prekl.] Vďaka Pánovi. Tak ako to On zasľúbil!

266Nuž, správajte sa všetci skutočne úctivo. Budem tu stáť a prosiť Pána Ježiša.

267To je dar. Čo je dar? Ak môžem odsunúť svoje vlastné mysle, ak svoj vlastný život môžem odsunúť od seba, môj – môj prirodzený život, moju dušu, to je William Branham, keby som ho mohol dostať preč z cesty, Boh použije ducha, telo ku hovoreniu.

268Nech príde teraz Duch Svätý, Pane, aby oni mohli vidieť, cez ľudské bytosti, že identifikácia Ducha Svätého je tu. Dar dostať vás cestou... Buďte všetci skutočne úctiví. Seďte potichu.

269Sedí tu nejaký muž. Chcem aby ste teraz všetci zodvihli svoje hlavy a pozreli sa na minútku. Môžete To vidieť, práve tu na tom mužovi? Svetlo jantárové Svetlo, horiace a krúžiace. Koľkí ste To videli na obrázku. Bolo to odfotené tu v Hustone. Vidíte? Je to vo Washingtone, D.C., po celom svete. Jediná nadprirodzená Bytosť, ktorá bola kedy odfotografovaná, na celom svete. Tu To je, práve teraz.

270Beriem tu každého ducha pod svoju kontrolu, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

271Tento muž trpí na žľazové poruchy vo svojom hrdle. Ja ho nepoznám, nikdy v živote som ho nevidel, ale to je pravda. Či to nie je tak, pane? Veríš teraz? Ten muž tam vzadu, veríš že mi Boh môže dať vedieť o tebe? Ty si pán Hall. To je tvoje meno, však? V poriadku, pane. Už je to preč. Tvoja viera ťa uzdravila.

272Mohol by som vyvolať modlitebnú radu a dostať ich sem hore na pódium. Nie je to potrebné. Vezmime jednu z týchto rád niekde tu. Tu, začnime rovno tu. Tu je malé dievča, ktoré tu sedí. Pozri sa sem miláčik. Možno že tebe nie je nič, ja neviem. Ale povedzme, že namiesto modlitebnej rady, ktorá by prišla sem, zoberieme to tam.

273Pozri sa sem, moja maličká. Pozri sa na brata Branhama. Vo dňoch keď Pán Ježiš bol tu na zemi... Áno, ona je nemocná. Ona je vážne nemocná, to decko tam. Tak veru. Ak by Ježiš bol tu, on by ti mohol povedať čo ťa trápi, však by to mohol. Veríš, že Ježiš poslal brata Branhama aby to urobil? Ak ti poviem čo ťa trápi, budeš veriť že on ťa uzdraví? Je to cukrovka, to malé decko. Nie je spôsob na tomto svete aby to bolo uzdravené, okrem Boha. Veríš, miláčik?

274Teraz tá pani sediaca vedľa, ktorá zodvihla ruku, to je matka toho dieťaťa. Je to pravda. Polož svoju ruku na ňu, sestra. Ver teraz. Boh priniesol toto dieťa pre teba. Nech jej Pán udelí uzdravenie.

275Tá ďalšia pani, ktorá sedí vedľa tej matky tam. Pozri sa sem na mňa, pani. Veríš mi, že som Jeho služobník? Boží sluha? Ak mi Boh povie niečo z tvojho života, alebo tvoju túžbu, ak si chorá alebo nie si chorá alebo čokoľvek to je; ak mi Boh povie tvoje túžby, budeš veriť? Vieš, to by musel byť Ježiš Kristus.

276Ti si odo mňa ďaleko. Nemohla by si sa ma dotknúť, keby si musela; pretože, ak by si sa ma dotkla, to by muselo byť telesné. Ty sa musíš dotknúť Ducha. Duch je Kristus. „On je teraz Najvyšší Kňaz,“ tak hovorí Biblia, „ktorý dokáže súcitiť s našimi slabosťami.“

277Ty si tiež chorá. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať aké sú tvoje problémy? Trpíš na bolesti chrbta a vysoký krvní tlak a máš ťažkosti so srdcom. To je úplná pravda. Ak je to pravda zodvihni svoju ruku. Je to pravda. Veríš teraz?

278Čo je s tebou, ty ktorá ju objímaš svojím ramenom? Ty pani, pozri sa sem. Ja som ti cudzí. Veríš že som Jeho služobník? Veríš mi, že to čo som povedal je pravda, že som ti povedal Pravdu. Veríš že mi Boh môže zjaviť tvoje problémy? Čokoľvek, Čokoľvek to je, veríš, že on to môže zjaviť? To skutočne nie je nič, za čo by si sa chcela modliť. Ty máš modlitebnú kartu, vidím ju vo tvojej ruke; ty si prvá s modlitebnou kartou. Veríš, že mi Boh môže povedať načo máš tú modlitebnú kartu? To je kvôli tvojmu mužovi. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať čo zlého je s tvojím mužom? Ak sa ho Boh nedotkne on zomrie. [Tá sestra hovorí: „To je pravda“ - pozn.prekl.] On má rakovinu a nemocné pľúca. Či je to tak? [„To je pravda.“] Uh – uhh. Zodvihni ruku, ak je to pravda. Ak budeš veriť, ostatní z nich budú veriť, on môže byť uzdravený.

279 Ten muž, ktorý sedí tam vedľa, veríš mi že som Jeho služobník, pane? Ak mi Boh môže zjaviť aké sú tvoje ťažkosti, budeš potom veriť z celého svojho srdca? Ty trpíš na ťažkosti so srdcom. Je to tak. Ak je to pravda, zodvihni ruku. Uh – uhh. V poriadku.

280 Tá pani, ktorá práve potriasla hlavou i telom, takto, sedí vedľa teba. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať aké je tvoje srdce? Alebo niečo po čom túžiš vo svojom srdci, alebo niečo, alebo niečo, či sa modlíš za niekoho iného? Veríš, že Boh mi to môže zjaviť, pokým to pomazanie je tu a my To môžeme vidieť a vidíme, že To musí byť niečo skutočné? To zjavuje tajomstvá sŕdc hovorí čo je, presne tak ako Ježiš povedal tej žene pri studni. Teraz si ty tiež nemocná. Ty, ty trpíš na bolesti v chrbte. Zodvihni ruku ak je to tak. Uh – uhh.

281Teraz tá pani vedľa nej, ktoré plače a má peňaženku vo vrecku a na sebe modré šaty, tmavé vlasy zavalitá. Pozri sa na mňa. Hľaď, ty si v prvej rade, môžem sa s tebou ľahko skontaktovať, s pomocou Božou. Veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať aké sú tvoje ťažkosti, tak ako keby si bola v modlitebnej rade? Veríš, že by to tak mohlo byť z tadiaľto?

Veríš? Ty máš vysoký krvní tlak na ktorý trpíš. Je to tak, zodvihni ruku. V poriadku. Ver a môžeš byť uzdravená.

282Pani vedľa nej. Čo si myslíš sestra? Pozri sa sem na mňa. Veríš mi, že som Boží prorok, alebo Jeho služobník? Veríš to z celého srdca? Veríš, že Boh mi môže opísať, tak ako tú ženu pri studni, keď Ježiš a tá žena sa stretli, že by mi mohol povedať aké sú tvoje ťažkosti? Veríš? Pomohlo by ti to, pomohlo by ti to veriť? Hľaď. Oh, ty máš vážnu vec. To je syn, chlapec. Oh – uhh. A ten chlapec má duševnú nervozitu. On je doma. To je pravda. Ak je to pravda zodvihni ruku. Ver z celého svojho srdca, chlapec bude uzdravený, ver.

283Ďalšia pani tam. Veríš, sestra, z celého srdca? Veríš mi, že som Jeho prorok, Jeho služobník? Veríš, že je to Ježiš Kristus skrze dar ktorý práve...

284Proroctvo je dar. Viete, dar Boží, to bolo stanovené ďaleko vzadu prv ako začal svet. To muselo byť ustanovené na tento deň. Nemáte žiadnej cesty poznania, čo je čo. Boh to identifikuje a vykladá Svoje Slovo.

285Veríte, že je to tak, čo ste počuli? Veríte, ja by som nemohol... Ak by som vám mohol povedať, čo vám je, viete, to by som nemohol byť ja. To by musel byť Iný; len môj hlas, ale niekto Iný ho používa. Práve tak ako tento mikrofón, on je nemý, až kým niekto cezeň nehovorí. My sme si cudzí. Vidíte? Stratil som kon...

286Tu je. Tak veru. Pani trpí na anémiu. Je to v jej krvi. Ak je to pravda zodvihni ruku, pani.

Je to pravda. Ty, ty sa tiež modlíš za toho malého chlapca na konci. To je tvoj malý syn, ktorý tam sedí na konci. Ak je to pravda zamávaj rukou. Ak mi Boh môže povedať čo je tvojmu synkovi, budeš veriť z celého srdca, že Boh ku mne hovorí a je to pravda? On trpí na extrémny stav nervozity. Je to pravda. Či je to tak? Potom polož na neho svoju ruku a ver z celého srdca a on bude uzdravený.

287Vyzývam vás aby ste verili tomu! TAK HOVORÍ PÁN BOH. Texas, ak ty zomrieš v hriechu, sám si si vinný. Pamätaj, tvoja krv nie je na mne. Je Pravda!

To je Ježiš Kristus, zidentifikovaný, v modlitebných radách alebo kdekoľvek to je. Verte v Pána Ježiša Krista! Robíte to? Ste presvedčení, ste úplne presvedčení, že to musí byť Ježiš Kristus podľa Slova zasľúbeného na tento deň? Zodvihnite ruky, každý jeden kto je úplne presvedčený, že to je Pán Ježiš Kristus. Amen. Boh vás žehnaj.

288Viem, že ste boli naučení. Boli ste učení, každý jeden z vás niečo. A ja vidím, to je to je...

také pomazanie, môže to teraz prejsť kdekoľvek, vidíte. Vy ste boli učení, že musíte klásť ruky na nemocných. To je tradícia. Je to v poriadku. Ježiš to potvrdil.

289Ale ten Riman, to je to čo sa snažím aby ste pochopili, tento týždeň. „Ja nie som hodný,“ povedal ten Riman, „aby si Ty vošiel pod moju strechu. Povedz len Slovo!“ Vidíte?

290Ak niekto kladie na teba ruku, potom, „Brat ten a ten polož na mňa ruku, chvála Bohu!“

291Ja – ja - ja chcem požiadať kazateľov, veriacich kazateľov aby sem prišli, tak aby to neboli len moje ruky. To je – to je práve to čo Ježiš povedal, „Na chorých budú klásť ruky.“

292Budeme sa modliť za chorých, každý jeden.

Koľkí tu v budove majú modlitebné karty, nech vidím vaše ruky. My sme vám sľúbili a teraz máme pol hodiny na to aby sme to splnili. Chcem sa opýtať...

293Ako by sme to urobili, brat Perry. Máš nejaký nápad? Tu z tejto strany?

294Nech tento rad tu vonku, ktorí majú modlitebné karty, nech sa postavia oproti stene, nech vychádzajú takto a postavia sa oproti stene. (Nejaký brat hovorí s bratom Branhamom ohľadne modlitebnej rady – vyd.) V poriadku, pane. To je fajn. Zastaňte si tam po tejto strane.

295Všetci tu zo stredu, z... teraz stojte v tej uličky. Zostaňte len v tej uličky, títo z tejto uličky, stojte tu uprostred.

296Vy na tejto strane, zostaňte na tejto strane. Vy tu, stojte tu v strede na tej strane. A vy na tej strane stojte tam. A nasledujte len svoju radu ako oni prichádzajú. To je dobre. Oni vám tam dole povedia čo máte robiť.

297Pýtam sa. Je to v poriadku, brat Perry? [Brat Perry odpovedá, „samozrejme“ – pozn.prekl.] Prosím kazateľov, ktorí veria v Krista, že Kristus uzdraví týchto chorých ľudí, skrze položenie rúk a nasledovanie Jeho prikázaní. Prosím vás aby ste prišli sem a zastali si tu so mnou, ak veríte že to je pravda. Každý služobník Evanjelia, či si ty Metodista, Baptista, Presbyterián, Luterán, katolícky kňaz, čokoľvek si ty, ak veríš, že Ježiš Kristus uzdravuje nemocných a poveril svojich učeníkov aby skladali ruky na nemocných, aby boli uzdravení, prídeš sem?

298[Nejaký brat hovorí, „Povedz každému aby išiel dozadu.“ Brat Perry Green hovorí, „Každý kto chce aby sa za neho modlilo nech ide dozadu.“ - pozn.prekl.]

299Choďte dozadu a postupujte dookola. Všetci v týchto radoch teraz, choďte rovno dozadu a zaujmite svoje miesto, postupujte takto rovno dookola a potom znovu pôjdete späť na svoje miesto, tak po poriadku ako to len môže byť.

300Pozastavujem sa bratia, či sme nemali radšej ísť tam? Myslím, že to je dobrý nápad. Nuž, bude lepšie opustiť tu tento mikrofón. Nech ... Roy, zastaň si tu ku mikrofónu. Ó, áno, ty poď radšej so mnou dole. Áno. Alebo ak chceš zostať tu. V poriadku, Roy, ty tu potom zostaň. Dobre.

301Teraz pôjdete. Chcem aby teraz nikto neodchádzal, prosím vás. Vidíte, práve sa modlíme!

302Teraz mi poviete, „Brat Branham, prečo si sem zavolal všetkých tých kazateľov?“ Ja pôjdem spolu s nimi. Ale ja...

303Hľaďte, čo to je, oni majú také isté právo modliť sa za chorých ako ja alebo ktokoľvek iný, ako Oral Roberts alebo – alebo každá hierarchia, nezáleží na tom kto to je. Oni majú také isté právo modliť sa za chorých ako Peter, Jakob, Ján, Matúš, Marek, Lukáš, ako mali všetci ostatní z nich. Oni sú služobníci povolaní Bohom. Som rád, že tam môžem vidieť dvoch či troch bratov, ktorých osobne poznám, ktorí majú službu modliť sa za chorých.

304Nuž ako tu stojíte dookola v rade, chcem... koľkí z vás v tomto zhromaždení sú úplne presvedčení, z celého svojho srdca ktorí veria že to je vôľa Božia uzdraviť týchto ľudí. [Zhromaždenie radostne hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Určite je. Samozrejme, že je to vôľa Božia aby ich uzdravil.

305Nuž ako oni dostanú uzdravenie? Nuž, keby on bol tu, on sám, potom on by nemohol urobiť viac od tohto On už práve teraz urobil. Veríte tomu? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Len to čo on už teraz urobil, to je to čo by On robil, pretože On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky.

306Koľkí viete, že Svätý Ján 5:19. hovorí toto, „Syn nemôže robiť nič sám od seba“? Koľkí to poznajú? [Zhromaždenie odpovedá, „Amen“ – pozn.prekl.] „Ale to čo videl robiť Otca, to robí syn.“ Veríte tomu? [„Amen.“] Teda Ježiš neurobil nikdy žiadny zázrak, až kým Mu to Otec neukázal vo videní čo má robiť. To je Jeho vlastné Slovo. Ak to nie je tak, potom my sme všetci stratení, nevieme kde sa nachádzame. No prosím. Vidíte, Jeho Slovo je neomylné.

307Hľaďte na Neho ako prechádza popri rybníku Bethesda, niekoľko hodín... asi hodinu pred tým. Tam ležal veľký zástup chromých, slepých, porazených, vyschnutých. Koľkí viete, že je to pravda? A On sa vôbec nedotkol ani jedného z nich, hoci On bol súcitným Bohom. Veríte že on mal súcit? [Zhromaždenie, „Amen“ – pozn.prekl.] Zanechajúc tam tú matku s detskom chorým na vodnateľnú hlavu, toho biedneho starého slepého otca, ktorý volá na niekoho, aby ho keď sa pobúri voda tam položil. Boh súcitu! Vidíte?

308Ľudia nevedia čo je to súcit. Oni si miešajú lásku ‘phileo‘ s láskou ‘agapé‘, to sú dve rozdielne lásky, koniec koncov. So súcitom je to to isté; túžba a súcit, to je rozdiel.

309Ale hľaďte, on išiel k mužovi, ktorý bol nemocný možno na prostatu alebo to bola tuberkulóza. To pretrvávalo, on to už mal... to bolo – to bolo tridsať osem rokov čo to on už mal. To by ho nebolo usmrtilo. A on prišiel k tomu mužovi a povedal, „Či chceš byť zdravý?“ Koľkí to poznáte, že je to pravda? A zvyšok zhromaždených nechal tam ležať.

310Čo ak by to on urobil dnes v Beaumont? Ó! „Teda z Božského uzdravenia nie je nič, vidíte.“

311Vidíte, oni nerozumeli. Ježiš je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. „Ja nerobím nič, až kým mi to prv Otec neukáže.“

312Ale mnohí ľudia len ležali v Jeho tieni a boli uzdravení skrze svoju vlastnú vieru. Nejaká malá žena sa dotkla Jeho rúcha a bola uzdravená. Koľkí to vedia? Uzdravenie je založené na vašej viere. Božie identifikovanie sa je založené na zasľúbení v Jeho Slove, ale vaša viera v Jeho identifikovanie sa, to je to čo vás uzdravuje. Ak vy neveríte, nezáleží na tom, hoci by najsvätejší muž na svete tu mohol zastať a modliť sa za vás celý deň, ani trochu by vám to nepomohlo, až kým by ste tomu neuverili, dôrazne, vy sami. Sám Ježiš by tu mohol zastať, v tom vtelenom tele, klásť na vás ruky a aj tak by ste neboli uzdravení. Koľkí to vedia? „A nemohol tam urobiť nijaký div kvôli ich nevere.“ To je Písmo.

313Tak, vidíte, vy v modlitebnej rade, to musí byť vaša viera v Slovo. Teraz, keď vidíte Boha robiť. To čo On urobil... Hľaďte, dovoľte mi povedať vám jedno krátke svedectvo, zatiaľ čo sa pripravujete. Počúvajte pozorne. V noci pred...

314Ten prostý kazateľ je niekde tu. Videl som ho tu pred chvíľou. Volá sa Martin. Zabudol som... On je jeden z usporiadateľov. Tu je.

315Okolo polnoci ma niekto zobudil v mojej izbe. Nejaký plačúci mladík, prostý kazateľ, jeho decko práve zomrelo. Slzy sa kotúľali po jeho lícach.

316On je rovno hore niekde v... Ako sa nazýva to mesto kde oni bývajú? Niekto hovorí: [„Missouri.“ - pozn.prekl.] Missouri. Kde tam? [„Wardell Missouri.“ - pozn.prekl.] Wardell Missouri. Poznám toho chlapca. Viem, jeho brat je tiež tu. Oni sú moji priatelia.

317Tento brat tam vošiel, slzy sa kotúľali po jeho lícach, povedal, „Brat Branham, práve som zavolal... Moja žena ma práve zavolala. Moje malé decko práve dodýchalo.“ Položil na mňa svoje ruky, povedal, „Brat Branham, ja verím že Slovo Pánovo je s tebou.“ Oh, akoby Boh mohol... Práve tak ako, „Ale aj teraz viem Pane! Keby si tu bol býval môj brat by nebol zomrel.“ Vidíte, on nevyznával mňa. on vyznával Slovo Božie, vidíte! že ja som kázal Pravdu. On povedal, „Ja verím, že Slovo Pánovo je s tebou. Len Ho pros, moje dieťa bude žiť.“ Za desať minút potom, jeho dieťa dýchalo normálne, teraz je zdravé.

318Môj syn, niekde tu stojí, Billy Paul, on vyšiel von aby sa s ním porozprával. A ja som tam bol v pyžame. A za niekoľko minút sa vrátil späť, povedal, „Tato, tato, pozri sa sem!“ A jeho hrdlo celé zapuchlo a sčervenelo, taká veľká opuchlina dookola. Povedal: „Veľký čierny pavúk s červenou škvrnou! Stál som tam, rozprával som sa s Jánom a on ma tu uštipol. A pozri, to zapuchá.“

319Riekol som, „Ó, Billy, to je asi čierna vdova.“ A povedal som, „Pozri sa na svoje hrdlo ako to zapuchlo.“

320Položil som tam svoju ruku a povedal, „Pane Ježišu,“ desať minút potom tam nebolo ani... nemohli by ste ani ukázať kde to vôbec bolo. Vidíte? Čo to je? Vidíte?

321Niekto prišiel jedného dňa do kancelárie a povedal. A jeden z úradníkov vyšiel. A povedal, „Povedz bratovi Branhamovi, nech povie aby moje dieťa...“ Ale vidíte, ja nemôžem nič povedať, až kým mi to On nepovie.

322Ale tu mám Slovo ktoré hovorí, „Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia. Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni vyzdravejú.“ Nuž, Boh nemôže robiť tieto veci a nechať vás v tom. Vy musíte. Vy veríte v to isté a to sa vám stane. Ale vy tomu musíte veriť, nie len oklamať to. Musíte veriť. Modlime sa teraz, prv všetci spolu.

323Chcem aby každý jeden z vás... zatiaľ čo bratia stoja tu pri mikrofóne. Ja idem tam dole, aby som tak tiež mohol klásť na nich ruky. Oni sú mojim ľudom, oni sú moji... Oni sú hviezdami v mojej korune, tak isto vo vašej korune, moji spolu slúžiaci bratia. Idem tam, preto že my ich milujeme a oni sú Božie deti. Ideme im pomôcť.

Modlime sa teraz.

324Pane Ježišu, taký človek, ktorý by chcel povedať, že tu nie je Tvoja Prítomnosť, on by bol duševne chorý. Práve tak ako človek, ktorý by odmietol prijať slnečné svetlo niekto by mu povedal, že svieti slnko a on by bežal dole do pivnici a zavrel by dvere a povedal, „Ja tomu odmietam veriť.“ „Odmietam tomu veriť!“ Nuž, my by sme poznali, Pane, že s takým človekom nie je niečo v poriadku. A tak je to s človekom, ktorý by zavrel svoje vnútro súcitu, v Svetle Slova Ježiša, Krista, ktoré sa zamanifestovalo a povedal by, „Ja tomu neverím,“ taký človek nie je duchovne v poriadku.

325Tak my vieme, že Ty si tu Otče. Bez pochýb, my to veríme. My Ťa vidíme – Tvoje stopy. Vidíme Tvoje znamenia. Vidíme Tvoje Slovo.

326Stovky ich tu stojí v modlitebnej rade. A stoja tu skvelí mužovia Boží, veľkí bojovníci Viery; Ja idem dole, Pane, aby som spojil s nimi svoje rameno. Keď títo nemocní ľudia budú prechádzať cez modlitebný rad, nech by každý jeden z nich mohol vedieť, že to neprechádzajú okolo nejakých ľudí.

Oni prichádzajú pod kríž zasľúbenia. Nech môžu ísť z tadiaľto uzdravení, radujúci sa, aby boli v poriadku; vyrozprávali to svojmu pastorovi. Nech to spôsobí, aby prepuklo to starodávne prebudenie, tu v týchto krajinách, Pane, priveď ku Sebe mnoho duší. Pane, oni sú Tvoji. Pomôž im. Uzdrav ich, prosím, v Mene Ježiša Krista.

327A chcem, tak ako ste ... Počúvajte teraz modlitebný rad. Keď budete prechádzať, práve tak ako by ste boli pod Krížom verte so všetkým čo je vo vás. Odchádzajte z tadiaľto radujúci sa, šťastní, hovoriac: „Ďakujem Ti Pane. Verím vo svoje uzdravenie.“ A ak tomu neveríte, potom by bolo lepšie aby ste zostali sedieť, pretože to vám nič nepomôže.

328Chcem, aby celé zhromaždenie, každý jeden, učinil útok na Nebo, takto v Prítomnosti Ježiša Krista, „Pane Ježišu, teraz sa nám daj poznať! Uzdrav týchto nemocných!“ Urobíte to? [Zhromaždenie hovorí, „Amen.“ – pozn.prekl.] Brat Borders, spievajte zatiaľ, Len Mu ver.

329Nechaj to tu. Nepotrebujeme to. [Nejaký brat sa pýta ohľadom mikrofónu, „Necháš to tu?“ – pozn.prekl.]

330[Brat Branham a kazatelia idú teraz dole a modlia sa za každého, kto prechádza modlitebným radom, zatiaľ čo brat Roy Borders vedie zhromaždenie a spievajú Len Mu ver. Prázdne miesto na páske. - pozn.prekl.]

331 Len Mu ver! Pozdvihnime teraz svoje ruky.

Všetko je možné, len Mu ver.

Nuž povedzme to takto:

Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

Všetko je možné, teraz verím,

Teraz verím, ó, teraz verím,

Všetko je možné, ó, teraz verím.

332Až kým vás znovu nestretnem, chcem opustiť Texas vidiac vás volať na chválu Božiu. Zodvihnite svoje ruky a oddajte Bohu chválu, každý jeden z vás. [Zhromaždenie plné radosti vykrikuje a chváli Boha – pozn.prekl.]

333Pane Ježišu, ďakujem Ti za Tvoje Slovo, ktoré si nám dal. Ďakujem Ti, že som mohol hovoriť k týmto báječným ľudom a vidieť Tvoju moc a požehnania na nich. Žehnaj ich Pane. Aby mohli porozumieť. A nech Duch Svätý uzdraví každého jedného a spasí každého jedného, v týchto posledných dňoch. Skrze Meno Pána Ježiša Krista, darujem ich Tebe na materiál pre Nevestu, pretože oni veria z milosti Božej.

INFLUENCE, 64-0315, Municipal Auditorium, Municipal Auditorium, Beaumont, TX, 103 min

1 Our Heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful this afternoon for this, another privilege to stand in the pulpit, to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, to a dying world that's without God, without Christ, without hope, and no hope of going with Jesus when He comes. And we are trying, Lord, to present Jesus Christ to the nations. And while we're assembled here this afternoon, may the Holy Spirit speak and warm our hearts, and encourage us in the Way, may the sick be healed and the sinners be saved, and those who are discouraged be encouraged. And may God receive all the glory and the honor, and may it be given to His Name, for that's our purpose. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Be seated.

2 I am happy this afternoon to stand here again, and at Beaumont. And I'm usually tired. I've been going since Christmas, straight. It isn't so much of the preaching that I do, that makes me tired. It's the visions that make me tired. Our Lord, one caused Him to turn around, and say His strength had left Him. One vision upon the prophet, Daniel, he said he was troubled at his head for many days. And so we--we can't explain those things. We just know they're so, and no one knows any better than those it happened to. And so we are happy, though. What I'm trying to do is use a prophetic gift for an evangelistic work, and it just doesn't work that way, right. It's too hard.

3So, but I want to say this, when I come to the end of the road, and when this city here arises up, and if the... this generation in the last days, I--I don't want any man's blood upon me. I want to be free from all the blood. And I've tried my best to--to present it in a Scriptural way, this ministry that the Lord has given me, in every way that I know how. And I know the Holy Spirit, by His grace, lets me live so, that I don't think there's been any marks.

4 I'm grateful to Brother Pearry Green and to these brethren here that's put forth their efforts to make this a meeting of success. If there's anybody lost, in this city, in this generation, it certainly won't be upon them fellows, because they have turned every stone to try to make it a--a success. Feeding the people, getting them places to sleep, and--and on television, everywhere, just taking the money right out of their own pockets and placing it right out, so that... They knowed that the--the--the crowds that we have wouldn't be able to support such as that, and so they took it out of their own pockets, to do it.

5So I think that's wonderful, like somebody with a vision like that. I believe it was said over in Hebrews, the 11th chapter, "Of whom the world is not worthy." And to stick their neck out, in the time that when the--the ministry is so unpopular amongst too many of the people that should believe it. Those who...

6 It's been talked about, but, when something happens, then they fail to see it. But it's just got to be that way. You--you have to just straighten up your shoulders and walk on, to know that. Remember, before you, it was the same thing. They march right down the road the same way. The people has never knowed their hour of visitation. None of the prophets was ever known.

7Jesus said, "You put them in the tombs. You garnish their tombs now. You're the ones that put them in there. Which one did God send that you didn't persecute and slay?"

8Let's take it from then on out. Come down through Martin Luther, and down through, well, Irenaeus, and Saint Martin. And all down through the ages it's been the same way, even to Jona... Joan of Arc, a prophetess of the Lord.

9And you Catholic people. When that woman would see visions, and so forth, and tell them, they'd come to pass just as she said. What did you do? You burnt her to the stake, for a witch. About two hundred years later, you woke up and found out what you had done. Course, they done penance, they dug up the bodies of those priests that had her burned, and throwed them in the river. That's a great penitence to do. They failed.

10 They said Saint Patrick was a Roman Catholic. Anybody that knows history knows that's wrong. He absolutely, firmly, disagreed with the pope. Never would go to sit... He--he wouldn't believe it at all. Succat was his name; it wasn't Saint Patrick. But after he was dead and gone, and you kill thousands of his children. His schools, he wouldn't permit a crucifix or nothing to be in his schools, and still stands, up in Northern Ireland today, the same thing. He--he wouldn't let that enter into his schools. Said, "The people would be looking at images, instead of what he wants them to see." He had the power of the Holy Ghost. He spoke with tongues. He had great miracles and signs. Why don't the church preach that today? See?

11And all those people, they never know them till they're gone, passed on, then we try to build their tombs. It's truly that we're living in...

12 The church is always living in a glare of a light of another day. And, then, a glare is a false light. What is a glare? It's like a mirage on the road. The sun shines down and makes a mirage. It looks like water, but, it, you never can get to it; it's not there. That's the way the people does today. They're promising something that's going to be way off, or something that's way back there, or way up here, but they never get to it.

13I'm so thankful that our God is not a God like that. "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." We get to it when we believe it. It's right there, everything that's promised for the age. Makes it hard, but yet as we must go right on just the same, believing.

14 And I certainly appreciate you all's fine cooperation while here in the city.

15I was here many years ago with my old friend, Brother Bosworth, and Raymond Richey, and many of the brethren come over here. I still believe the same Gospel. I haven't changed one bit; just still the same thing. But, you see, the revival was going on then. And where there is no revival, you just can't get things done.

16The ministry is far more advanced. It was only telling you, then, this would come. How many remembers that? Sure, you do. And it come just exactly like it said it would.

17Then I'd take the people and lay my hands upon them; I told you what He told me, and that's just the way it happened. It's just exactly. It's never failed to be the truth, each and every time, so it has to come from God. No one could doubt that. But, you see, the revival is not on.

18 Just your presence, to walk in with the people, why, the people would get up out of cots and stretchers, and walk around. Just lay your hands upon them, and, my, that just sent them whirling. I've seen lines where there be four and five hundred people come through the lines, deaf, dumb, blind, cross-eyed, and not one of them fail but what was healed, every one of them.

19Try it today? See, there is no fire. In Rome, when the--the fires went out in the temple at Vista, the people went home. See? Now there is no revival fire to back it up, see, it's, that's just it.

20After a while, if the world stands, they'll start living in the glare again. See? And that's the way it always has done, passed over and missed them; and that generation is to be judged for what passed over them, they fail to see it.

21Jesus Christ is alive this afternoon. He is walking around here with us now. He is ever present. "Wherever two or three are assembled in My Name, I am in their midst." Believe that, won't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

22 I hope, if the Lord tarries, I get to come back and be with you sometime, again. If I never see you again; when I meet you there at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where we'll all meet, remember, I have told you the Truth. I'll still be saying that when I meet you There. Until then, may the Lord bless you, richly.

23Pray for me. I need your prayers. I'm not as young as I was then. That's about twelve, fourteen years ago.

24And somebody asked me the other day, said, "How old are you, Brother Branham?"

25I said, "Just past twenty-five." I said, "Twenty-five years ago I--I passed it." And I... you don't... You--you can tell it. A man only...

26When you are born, you start growing, like a candle, or burned. You are lit, but you grow until you're about twenty-two to twenty-three. I don't care how well you take of yourself, you start dying right there, and you keep getting lower and lower till it burns out.

27I asked, in a Kiwanis one day when I was speaking, I said, "I want somebody..."

28A doctor told me, said, "I cannot believe the story of Christ, because I can't believe the virgin birth." He said, "I don't believe there is such a thing.'"

29I said, "The natural birth is more mysterious to me than the virgin birth."

30The natural birth, to see how it happens, and how it's decided, when that's pollened, which egg, when there is thousands of germs and thousands of eggs. Not the first two meets, that settles it, but maybe... You say, "Well, if two in front." Oh, no. See, it'll stand. One maybe will raise up, the germ from the very back of the sperm, on this side, and the middle one of the egg it decides whether it's going to be a girl or a boy, black-headed, red-headed, blue eyes, or whatever it's going to be. Something makes that decision. The rest of them is done away with.

31 It's so mysterious to see the work of God, and then to see people with the little finite mind, like we are, try to deny His great works!

32This fellow said to me, well, he "couldn't believe anything that couldn't be scientifically proved."

I said, "Do you believe you've got a soul?"

He said, "Sure."

33I said, "Then scientifically prove me you got one." I said, "You--you believe that there is such a thing as love?"

He said, "Sure."

I said, "You love your wife?"


34I said, "Then you show me, scientifically, of what part of you is love. I want to buy some. I'll go to the drugstore, wherever they sell it. I need a whole lot of it. I'd like to buy some love." See? The...

35All the whole armor of God is supernatural. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, patience, and the Holy Ghost. See? Every armor of the believer is looking at the Unseen, believing what is said. See? You don't see what you believe. See? You don't. You don't see it, anyhow. You look it, with your eyes; you see with your heart. See? You look at anything, say, "I just don't see it," you mean you don't understand it. See?

36 So I asked him this, I said, "If I had a jug of water, and I set a glass here. And I'm pouring water out of this jug, into the glass, and it gets half full; and then I just keep pouring water, and then it starts going down. Scientifically tell me where the water is going." See?

37I said, "When I was a little boy, sixteen years old, I eat the same food I eat right now, beans, bread, potatoes, meat." I said, "Every time I eat, what did it do? It built blood cells. I got bigger and stronger, all the time, and when I got about twenty-two. I eat more and better now than I did then, 'cause I didn't have it then to eat. But I eat more and better than I did, now I'm getting older and weaker. And, yet, that food builds blood cells. I'm adding new life all the time, and going down all the time." It's an appointment. We're going to keep it, that's with God. That's right. We're going to.

38You can't scientifically prove God. You just believe God, and you believe Him according to His Word.

39 Now, this afternoon, I want to thank each and every one of you. The nice little sister there on the--on the piano, this one over here. And all you people, ministers, every one of you, the Lord bless you.

40The night won't get too dark, the rain wouldn't fall too hard, but what I'd help you if I could. I used to say I could come to you, but there's too many now. It's, I been over the world, you see, and it's everywhere. But just give me a ring, or write me a letter; I'll send you a prayer cloth, anything I can do, everything absolutely free. There is no money in this. See? The...

41I kept my meetings like this so I could come where they haven't got any money. I held a meeting, here not long ago, in a--a tabernacle that only held twenty people, a two nights meetings. It was awful, down about ten below zero, but the Lord sent me there and great things happened.

42I don't have--I don't have no big programs, radio, television, all this other stuff. Other brothers have that. They are maybe intelligent, intellectual man. They know what to do, and the Lord is granting it. Like, Oral Roberts, and man like that who have to have thousands of dollars a day, he can't operate no other way; and that's for a good cause. And that isn't mine.

43I wanted mine to stay little and humble, wherever I can go, and wherever God calls me. I have nothing to hold me then. I just take off and go wherever it is. That's my ministry.

44Pray for me, that the Lord will help me to keep the Faith, and not look back; look forward to where I'm going. Not look where I've been; look where I'm going. "Forgetting those things are in the past, we press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ."

45 I want to read some out of God's Bible, today. Chose just a little text, 'cause I told you I'd come down and pray for the sick this afternoon. All those holding prayer cards, and those who want to be prayed for, will be. We'll do that. And I always try to keep my promise.

46Now, somebody, when you say that, say, "Well, you promised to be in a certain place."

47I wouldn't doubt but what there is four or five places in the United States right here, I'm supposed to be today, where somebody said I'd be there. I never said I'd be there. But they say it, you see, put it in the paper. And they call home, all the time, "Well, what's the matter?" Say to the wife, or some of the office force, "Well, he was supposed to be here. They advertised him here. Well, the advertisement is in the paper." I didn't even know nothing about it. I can't help that. I'm only responsible for what I say, myself.

48 So now, this afternoon, I want us all, again, if we will, stand for the reading of the Word.

49And we're going to try to get out within about one more hour, the Lord willing, so you can be fresh to go to church tonight. And the reason we have these meetings on Sunday afternoon, so we won't rob anybody from your churches. The people that wants to be prayed for here, the sick and the afflicted, well, we always get to pray for them, then it don't interrupt your service.

50No matter, there is many times there is man I don't dis-... I disagree with, and they disagree with me. But if it can't be upon tolerance, and upon the thoughts of better fellowship and things, then I--I won't say nothing about it. If I can disagree with a man, ever so much, if I can't put my arm around him and, from my heart, know he's my brother, then I oughtn't to be talking to him. That's right. We've got to do that.

51 Now you that wants to turn in your Bibles, turn to Isaiah, the 6th chapter. I want to read from there this afternoon, for the closing service, take a text.

In the year that... Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

Above it stood the seraphims: each... had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.

And one cried unto the other, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD God of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.

And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.

Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.

Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:

And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this has touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is purged.

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and whom will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

52 Let us bow our heads.

53Most Gracious Lord, take these words, and may the meditation of our heart now be acceptable unto Thee. May the great Holy Spirit move into the lips of the speaker and the ears of the hearer, that together it might bring honor to Thy Name, through Thy Word, for we ask it for the glory of God. Amen.

You may be seated.

54 I'm going to watch now, what, so we can have plenty of time for the prayer service. Now listen close as I try, with these few Scriptures and notes that I have wrote down here, to speak it. Sometimes, I'm not tired and wore out, I never (where) write down a Scripture, knowed I can remember it. But lately it's just been so I just sometimes I for-... I can't think of it. So I just jot it down here, a--a little something like a certain Scripture, I know what that means, and I just go from there on.

55I want to speak on the subject of: Influence.

56Now, you know, there is somebody that you are influencing. Your life is a written epistle read of all man. Therefore, if your life isn't according to your testimony, or your testimony according to your life, rather, then there is... you are putting a stumbling block in somebody's way, for somebody is watching you. Some little child is watching his mother, watching his dad.

57 Here some years ago, I read a little article, around Christmas, that was... sure did warm my heart, was grief. When a--a--a fellow had been out, and was a good man, he didn't--he didn't drink, really. But he--he had been out, around Christmas, and visiting his colleagues, and they all said to him, said, "John, have a little, just a little drink," and from house to house he--he got too much. And he had to go back home. And crossing the park, his little boy was with him, and he--he missed the little boy. And turned around and looked, and the little boy was just going from one side to another. And the dad waited till the little boy got to him.

58He said, "Why are you going all over the park, son? What makes you walk like that?"

59He said, "Daddy, I'm trying to walk in your footsteps." And that's right. See? The little...

60The man picked up the little boy, and sit down, took the little fellow in his arms. He said, "God, You forgive me. I want to walk straight, so my son behind me will walk straight."

61And that's what we want to do, as Christians. We want to walk like Christians, live like Christians, talk like Christians.

62 Many years ago, when they used to have slavery in the South, they down in Kentucky and Alabama, and down where I come from. They used to take the colored and auction them off, at the--at the auction block, just like if you'd have used cars or something. I believe no man is to be a slave. "God made man, and man made slaves." And they used to come by and buy them, just like you would buy a used car, get a bill of sales, and so forth. That was a terrible thing.

63So they, one day, there was a buyer come by to... a broker, to an old plantation that had many slaves. And he said, "How many slaves you got?"

"Oh," said, "around a hundred and fifty out there, I guess."

Said, "Could I go out and look over them?"

He said, "Sure, help yourself."

64So he went out to look over the--the slaves. And when he looked around, he noticed them fellows, always they were sad. They, the Boers, brought them over from Africa and unloaded them in Cuba out there, and then sent them over here in the South and sold them for slaves. And they knowed they'd never go back home. They know that they'd never see their father and mother, no more, or their children, husband, wives, and so forth. They were--they were a victim of circumstance that they didn't make themselves. And here they was, away from home, and sad. And sometimes they'd have to take whips and whip them, just like they do a beast, cattle, and oxen, horses, and things, and then they--they make them work.

65 And this they noticed, this young broker noticed there was one of those young slaves they didn't have to whip him. My, he had his chin up, his shoulders back, and he was really right on the mark all the time. They didn't have to be doing anything to him. [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] He had the job done. So the owner of the slaves said... The broker said to this owner, said, "I'd like to buy that slave."

He said, "Oh, no." Said, "He's not for sale."

66He said, "Well, why ain't he for sale?" Said, "What you," said, "what do you... What makes him that way?" Said, "Is he the boss over the rest of them?"

Said, "Oh, no. He's a slave."

Said, "Do you feed him different than you do the rest of them?"

67He said, "No, they all ate out in the galley, together." Said, "He's just a slave."

68He said, "Well, what makes him act different than the rest of them?"

69Said, "You know, I often wondered that, too, till I found out that over in the homeland, in Africa where they come from, his father is the king of a tribe. And, yet, he's an alien, far from home, but he knows he's the son of a king, and he acts like it." Oh, my!

70What ought Christians to do? We're sons and daughters of the King. Though we're an aliens, let's act like sons and daughters. Women, let your hair grow out. Quit wearing them clothes that you wear, immoral and things. Man, get back to where a man ought to be. Don't... Act like sons and daughters of God. You're an alien here, but, remember, we are sons of the King.

71See the influence that the man had upon the rest of them, his moral kept the rest of them's hopes high.

72 We find out that this king, Uzziah, was a shepherd boy in the days of Isaiah, the prophet. Isaiah was a prophet.

73Prophets are born. They just not laying their hands on them, and making them prophets. They are born, foreordained of God. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." There is a--a gift of prophesy in the church, and it must be judged by three people before the voice should ever be heard amongst the congregation, but that's just a gift of prophesy. But a prophet is absolutely ordained with THUS SAITH THE LORD, from childhood up.

74And Isaiah was a prophet of the Lord, and he had been taken to the temple. And he had... This Uzziah, this young shepherd boy, was a--a great influence upon this young prophet. Because, Uzziah, in Second Chronicles 26, tells us that he had became king of Israel when he was just sixteen years old. His father Amaziah died, and he took his place, to rule, as it was the custom that the--the son succeeded the--the king. And they took and made him king when he was just sixteen years old. And had his father, Uzziah... Amaziah was a--was a great man. He was a--a--a godly man. And having this godly parent, well, it made him do the thing that was right, because he was influenced by his father. See?

75 Today, how can you expect but what we ain't going to have more Oswalds and Jack Ruby's. Look at... I left my motel, a while ago, and such a drunken mess of a bunch of Californians out there, laying out there, them women stripped naked out on that, out there with just a little bit of strap around them, or something another, out there. And man drinking whiskey on--on ice and stuff, and carrying on, falling around the pools. How can you expect their children, young ones there in the yard, playing around, be anything but an Oswald or something like that? It's the influence that's put before them.

76Oh, America is rotten to the core. She is going to reap what she sowed. A just God cannot let her get by with anything else.

You say, "Are you Am-..."

77I, certainly, I'm American. On the fields, in Germany and Japan, there is American graves marked all--all through there, my people, Branhams. And if I had to go, I'd give my life for it.

78 But let me tell you something. We need a stirring, this nation does. The things that we once had, we've lost, and we're trying to live upon a reputation of what somebody else done. We'll reap for it. God made Israel, a people after His own heart; He made them reap. And we'll reap, too, for what we are doing. We have nothing else in front of us, but reaping. We've crossed the line of grace and mercy, and nothing else left but a reaping. Mark that in your Bibles. I'm an old man. But you mark that down and find out whether that isn't true or not. Maybe when I'm gone, and on and on, you'll find out that those words are true. We're going to get it. We are weighed in the balance and found wanting, and there is no way out. That's right. We've done crossed that line. You've got to reap what you sow, every time.

79 So this young fellow was such an influence upon this, the young king was an influence on--on the young prophet. And he leaned upon the arm of this prophet, because that he--he knowed he was a prophet. And he had him right with him all the time, and to--to draw his influence from his visions, and so forth, from God, to know how to conduct his kingdom.

80And it made him a great man. He ignored the politics of that day, and the popular opinions, and served God with a true heart. That's the kind of a president we need. That's the kind of a--a leader we need over the people of any nation, anywhere. His kingdom was next to Solomon's. There was nothing... God just blessed him and held back no blessing, because he served Him.

81And this was a great help to young Isaiah, because that he seen how God would bless them that was true to His Word. No matter how difficult it was, stay true to that Word. And it's an example today, also, to us, to stay true to the Word. And it had a great influence upon him.

82 Now, he planted vineyards, and he was a herdsman, and he had all kinds of herds and vineyards. If you want to read, in Second Chronicles 26 there, and different places of the Scripture, that speaks of--of Uzziah. He was a great man. He--he loved the outdoors, and, such a fine fellow! God blessed everything he done. It just prospered and went right on. And no nations bothered him. They was afraid of him, and because he served the Lord God that was with him; not because they was afraid of his military force, but they was afraid of the God that he served.

83That's ought to be our memorial. "Our God we trust," it says on our dollars, but I wonder sometimes.

84Now, but this all happened, and it shows here an example. I'd like to draw from this, this afternoon, to show that how God can bless a man and--and make him a great man. But, you know, when this king got... felt secure, felt to a place that--that he was just absolutely anchored, and there was no way for him to ever fall, got lifted up in pride. That's when he took his tumble. That's when any man will take his tumble.

85 I think that's what's the matter with a lot of our peoples today, we get lifted up. I think that's what causes organizations to do what they do. They get a better class, of what they call, "a more intellectual, better class of people," they think. Man, their sch-... all their ministers with high school and college education, two or three years of psychology, give them mental tests and brain waves, and everything, to see if they fit the case, and sometimes know no more about God than a rabbit does about snowshoes. That's right. Right. That mental has nothing to do with it. It's the power of the Holy Ghost. It's not in your mind; it's in your heart. Right. But, see, we get... Then they get lifted up, "Our, we go to the best church in town. We belong to the first church. We belong to where the mayor goes. We belong to this."

86And all these things there, see, what it is, then the people just simply can't stand to hear That. They just think that you're just--just a terrible person. But, what it is, there is no place for the Seed to anchor. There is nothing for It to lay on; just rock. It'll never take hold. "The birds fly around and pick It up," the Bible said.

87 But when this king got lifted up, and felt secure, he got lifted up in pride.

88I notice, a lot of times, we find even people, evangelists, get to a spot where many of them has been accused of things, and maybe some of it is true, of drinking, and so forth. What it is, I think they build a little kingdom around them, and think them people love them so well, there is no way at all for the... Them people, they can just do anything they want to, and, "Those people will overlook it."

89The people might, but what about God? That's where we fail to see. It's God is the One doing the looking. See? God knows it. When you see Truth and Light, and reject It, God knows what you've done. You'll never go no further till you come right back to that spot again. You can't cross over that. You've got to come right back to where you left off.

90 He got so lifted up into his mind, and--and got so self-secure and everything, so much, that he tried to take a minister's place. He tried to go in and offer incense, as we know in the Bible, to burn incense, which was only for a Levite to do it, a priest that was anointed for that job. He tried to take his place.

91And here we have an influence of this king, to let people know that this carnal impersonation of each other, today, it's not of the Lord. You're not ordained to such things. You'll never take another man's place, and another man can't take your place. Find where your place is and abide there. See?

92He thought, "Well, now I... Bless God, I'm a king, and the Lord has been good to me. I can do this. I've got this. This is my ministry." And come to find out, that, in his going on like that, and tried to go over, and step over what God was blessing him at.

If you're a good laymember, be a good laymember.

93 If you're a good housewife, if God has blessed you as a housewife and made you loyal and true, sister, you just continue to be that. Don't get thinking, you, God called you to be a preacher, or--or a deacon, or something else.

94And--and you do the same, man. Wherever God has blessed you, there abide, 'cause that's where He has set you at. You do just what He tells you to do, and see where He blesses you.

95But, don't never try to step in, that's--that's a grass roots of Pentecost. When Mrs. McPherson... As I was reading her book, I didn't... I wasn't a minister in her days. And they said, "When she would walk out on the platform with these, like wings, you know," or, you know, kind of a robe like that, "every lady preacher wore the same thing. Every one of them carried a Bible the same way Mrs. McPherson."

96Did you ever listen to these radio programs? Every fellow, "Lord bless you, real good, fellow," a Billy Graham. It's carnal impersonations.

97 I was reading the--the history of Martin Luther. And the history said, "It wasn't so much of a mystery that Martin Luther could protest the Catholic church and get by with it, but to hold his head above all the fanaticism that followed his revival." That's right.

98Hold yourself clean and clear, to your calling. Stay with God's Word and don't move for nothing. And stay, abide in your calling. If He give you a job out there, as a farmer, farm good. God bless you at it, and pay your tithes and whatever it is, your offerings, to help the ministry go on. If He made a mechanic out of you, and blessed you in that work, stay with it and thank Him for it. See? You just abide where God calls you.

99 We find here an influence. And then when he was tried to be corrected, the minister run after him, and said, "Say! Wait a minute! You wasn't called for that." Oh, did he get angry! Why, he was ready to have his head cut off.

100See, there is another thing we have to know. No matter how much God has blessed you, you haven't got no right to rebuke the anointed of the Lord, or say anything against them. That's right. God is the one to take care of that. They need any rebuking, that's His children, you let them alone. You're not supposed to do that. See?

101And when you--you tell people of their sins, and tell them they're doing wrong, "Come out! Don't just try to get to Heaven on an organizational system or something." My, goodness, they would, they'll... They want to blow up. They will. They want to find fault with you; they won't--they won't even sit and listen at you; get up and go out, and ill-mannered, and just act any way. You see, that goes to show, the first place, poor raising, home manners. Certainly does.

102 But we find out that this guy had taken this attitude in doing the thing he did. What happened to him? The Lord struck him with leprosy, right there in the building. And what is leprosy the type of? Sin, unbelief. There is no other sin but unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already." And sin is the only unbelief there is.

103I was preaching one time in a Methodist church, and I said, "Smoking cigarettes is not a sin. Committing adultery is not a sin. Taking the Lord's Name is not sin."

104It's too much for one sister; she raised up, said, "Pray tell me, Reverend Branham, what is sin?"

I said, "Unbelief."

105You do those things because you do not believe. That's exactly. The reason you refuse to walk in the Light of the Word is because you disbelieve the Word. That makes you an unbeliever.

106 A fellow said to me, said, "I wouldn't care how many cases you could show, and how many cases the doctor could show, of different healings," said, "I do not believe in healing. It's not so."

107I said, "Certainly, it wasn't sent to unbelievers. It was only sent to those who believe."

108It's only for believers. He said, "He that believeth, all things are possible," not him that unbelieveth.

109And one speck of unbelief against the Word of God, and you'll stay out of the Kingdom of Heaven. It took Eve out. It caused all this trouble, once just to pervert the Word just a little bit. You've got to stay straight with It, what It says.

110 Now we find out, this man got all haughty and puffed up, and his face got red, and he turned around and tell them priests, and, the first thing you know, he broke out with leprosy. Right there in his rage, he was smitten. He never did get over it. What? Disbelieving the Word of God that was trying to be told to him.

111There is a real example in that. Notice. He was... He disbelieved, and, in his anger, he was smitten with leprosy; and died, out in his own home, was never permitted to the kingdom anymore, the king's place. His son had to take his place and--and help the best they could, and he was left like that until he died. Now, you see, he never did recover.

112 Jesus said, "One word against It will never be forgiven," the Word, "neither in this world or the world that is to come." It's unpardonable. So you see why the world is ready for judgment? The great evangelists and things that's covered the earth with the Gospel, been laughed at, made fun of, everything else. There is nothing left. There is no way for it to ever come back. They've blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and made fun of It, and everything else. And they've... And, they, there is no way for it to ever come back. It's got to be paid for. There is no way out of it. God is just; it would be against His justice, be against His--His--His Being, what He is. And now it's got to be paid for.

113 So this king, no matter how much God loved him, what a great man he was, how much degrees he had, yet he done wrong and he had to reap what he sowed. And every man will have to do it.

114Then was a lesson to the young prophet. Then was a real lesson! By this, Isaiah learned that God orders His man to his place, Himself. Not what somebody else orders. God orders His man to the job, now, orders him to his place. He is not try to take another's place.

115The vision, the thing was so great until it drove this prophet to the temple, to pray.

116I wonder, today, if we would see the death of the churches, to see the--the dying out of the people, from the Spirit, going on back and serving their creeds, if it oughtn't to drive believers to their knees.

117It made a real believer, an ordained believer, Isaiah the prophet, go to his knees. He went to the temple, and there he begin to pray.

118And, in the temple, he saw God on His throne, lifted way up high. God was going to show him what to look at. Not look at one another; look up there to what He is, what, He lifted up high on His throne.

119 Note the Heavenly Seraphims with coverings over Their faces. Now, the Seraphims is the burners of the sacrifice, which is one of highest orders of Angels. They're next to the Cherubims. There it was Angels, and then Seraphims, and then Cherubims. And Seraphims is actually the burner of the sacrifice, making the way for the sinners' approach, a real high order of holiness in the temple of God.

120And he saw, when he was down on the floor at the altar, praying, "Lord, I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among unclean people." And he was making his confession.

121And when he did, he looked up and he saw these Seraphims. They had two wings over Their faces, and two wings over Their feet, and were flying with two wings, crying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty! Holy, holy, holy, all of God is holy! Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!"

122 Let's look at the vision the prophet saw, and break it down. Two wings covered Their faces. Think of it, even holy Angels had to hide Their sinless faces, to stand in the Presence of God. Was given wings to hide Their face, in the Presence of the holy God! How are you and I going to stand There, if the Seraphims had to use wings, God's provided way to hide Their face, to stand in His Presence, to sing, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty"? Reverence in His Presence!

123Now we don't have any reverence to God. Everybody just thinks he is so secured, till they--they don't--they don't reverent God like they should. Why? Why do they do this? Because they're not conscious of His Presence. That's the reason people do that. They, they don't recognize It. They can't, they can't comprehend that they're in the Presence of God. Their minds become so perverted and taken up in the things of the world, till they don't even pay any attention to It. They go to church, sure. But to realize that you're in the Presence of God! Not only in a church; wherever you are, you're in the Presence of God.

124If they could do as David said, "I put the Lord always before my face, therefore I shall not be moved." As long as the Lord was before him, he could not be moved.

125And these Heavenly sacrifice burners with wings over Their faces, and crying, "Holy, holy, holy," to stand in the Presence of God, what will happen to a sinful people that won't reverence God?

126 You say, "Well, Brother Branham, you just said They were provided with two wings."

127And you are provided with something, too, the Blood of Jesus Christ. That's your covering. That, you don't stand as a Seraphim, you don't stand as a Cherubim, you don't stand as an Angel. But, you stand as a redeemed son or daughter of God, by this Blood. You don't have to have these wings that They had. They're a special covering for Them in that Presence. But you've got the Blood of Jesus Christ for a covering, to stand There. Now how... Now, you, if you've got that Blood, then you honor God, you love God, you respect God; and God is the Word.

128Now notice, secondly, with two wings They covered Their feet. What did that mean? Humility before God, in His Presence.

129Like Moses at the burning bush, took off his shoes, when he heard Him say, "I AM THAT I AM."

Paul, on his road down to Damascus, he--he fell on his face.

130John, when he saw the--the Spirit of God above Jesus, he said, "I have need to be baptized of Thee, and why comest Thou unto me?"

131 Here is a good example. Always be conscious of your littleness, not your bigness.

132Today, we--we Americans, so much, that we try to think that we're big somebody, "We belong to something big, some big organization, some great big something that's got..." Oh, great big, big, big is all we see.

133And that when... One time, in the Bible, we have an example of that. There was a--a prophet went back in the cave and... Elijah. And God was trying to attract his attention, to come out. And there come the fire, and smoke, and--and blusterous winds across the mountains, and thunder, and earthquakes, and shakings, and everything else. The prophet never even moved. God wasn't even in it. But when that still, small Voice spoke, he covered his face and come forward. When the still, small Voice of God's Word speaks, not a racket, not our big denominations, not our big something, but that still, small Voice, of the Word, that's looked over. That should call a man to repentance. God in His Word!

134Yet, He covered His feet; and become conscious of He... our littleness before God.

135 Thirdly, He could fly by the other two.

136Now remember, two, He covered His face, in the Presence of God, and to be reverent. Secondly, the two wings over His feet meant humility, before God. And third set of wings, now, He put Hisself into action. He could fly with them two wings, see. Two over His face, two over His feet, and flying with two, now what was it? Reverence, humility, and in action.

137God showed the prophet how His prepared servant must be; reverent, humble, and in action. Now he seen something different from Uzziah produced. He was showing the prophet what he must be, not like Uzziah, but to be like these Heavenly Cherubims. And if you want to look at a king, a earthly king... Look at a Heavenly One, exalted above all the Heavens, and His train filled the Heavens.

138 There we see that He was giving him something to look at, to influence him different from what he had been looking at, thinking, "A man that served God and prospered, and everything, was fine." But Isaiah got his--his mind upon a man.

139And a man is a failure, to begin with. I don't care who he is. "He is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies," so he's a total failure. I don't care if he's a bishop, pope, presbyter, or whatevermore he might be. He is a failure, to begin with, and don't never look to one. I don't care, "Though he moves mountains with faith, and though he gives all of his goods to feed the poor." Still, look at Jesus Christ. He is the One. Look to Him, not at some man.

140Find now that He was showing here what a servant of God must be, how he must be humble and reverent and in action.

141Go into action! Many of us can be humble, many of us can be reverent, but it's hard to get them in action.

142But now we notice that God was showing how He was preparing His servant, what he must be. Those Cherubims were, or--or Seraphims, was God's servants.

143 Notice, like the woman at the well, when she was looking for a Scripture to be fulfilled. That we spoke on, two or three times this week. When, she was looking for that to be fulfilled. The--the girl, as far as we know, didn't go to church. She probably... They was so far away from the Word, and things like that, they... and calling their creeds and things. As Jesus said, "You've took your traditions, and made the--the Word of God of no effect."

144It's about the same thing today. The creeds that we're taught, and things, has put the Word of God out of action. The Word can't come forth. And the things said, true; they're so in-documated with something else, they can't see It.

145Remember, that Voice will haunt not only you here. This tape goes all over the world. I'm not exactly speaking to you all here. But if there is somebody here needs it, well, that, it's for you then. See? But, remember that that Voice will haunt you as long as you live. In the day of your dying, it'll haunt you. Obey It! Come back!

146 Our traditions has took the Word of God and made It of no effect. The Word of God being made manifest, and the people stand around and say, "Well, I guess that's pretty good. See? My, oh, my! It ought to set your soul on fire. It ought to do something, but it doesn't. It doesn't do it. We find God...

147When this woman... Them priests and things, probably she didn't go to church 'cause she see no reason to go, of something like that. But she had read the Scriptures. For notice, she knowed, quickly, when He's told her what her trouble was, why, she said, "Why, we know that You must be a prophet. We haven't had one for the hundreds of years. But You must be a prophet, we know." Now, see, my opinion, she thought...

148If you'll take that marginal reading there, and read it in your Scripture, it goes back to "the Prophet," which was Christ.

149Said, "We know we... You must be a prophet. We know that the Messiah, when He comes, this will the thing that He'll do. He'll be identified by this."

And Jesus said, "I am He that speaks to you."

150She went into action. She couldn't stand it no longer. The very thing that they was looking for, was on earth right then, and she saw It. No matter how much she was in a bad shape, a prostitute, or a woman like that, could not... The man on the street wouldn't even listen to her. They wouldn't today. But stop her, how could you do it? It was like a house on fire, in a high wind. You couldn't put it out. A fire got burning in her heart.

151She said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things I've done. Isn't this the very Messiah?" And it stuck, too. When, Jesus didn't have to do that one more time. The people believed her because... believed Jesus because of her testimony. See? What did it do? She was humble, reverent, and in action. She went to action when she seen the thing happen.

152 His signs ought to influence, today. The promised signs of today, the promised Word that's laid out for this today, to see God fulfilling what He said He would do, it ought to do something to us. But it doesn't.

153Just like it did to the Jews. They were so religious that they--they didn't think they needed It. They, they thought they had everything.

154And that's the way with the world today. It's got plenty to eat, plenty to wear, fine churches, big places, fine educated ministers, and so they don't need nothing else. "But you don't know," the Scripture said, "you are naked, miserable, blind, and don't know it." "Don't know it," and you can't tell them no different. They continually wade right on down that line, and fail to let the Word of God influence them to believe Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and alive today, the same yesterday, today, and forever, showing Himself alive. They just simply dead. Everywhere, everywhere you go, seems to be the same thing. It had to be that way, though, you know. He has to be put out of the church. There is no way at all for it to keep from being this a way. God said it would be this a way. But if--if...

155 Let it shake you, let it shake you good. No matter what nation you're in, wherever you're at, whoever you are, let it wake you up.

156The hours come and go. The first thing you know, you'll be saying, "Well, I--I thought there was supposed to be this happen before the Rapture."

157There might be a Voice come back like it did one time, "It's already happened and you didn't know it."

158You'll be all anchored off in a church somewhere, saying, "I'm just as secure as I can be," and, the first thing you know, the Rapture will be gone. It's going to be a secret, sudden going, nobody know nothing about it. The world will keep right on going.

159Like Noah went into the ark. You remember, after Noah went into the ark, he set there seven days after God closed the door. God closed the door, and Noah set in the ark for seven days before anything happened.

160And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be. And just think of it, the people will go ahead preaching, people think they're getting saved, putting their names on books, joining church, shouting, jumping up-and-down.

161 Why, I've seen Mohammedans shout. I've heard... people drink blood out of a human skull, and speak in tongues, and do all those things. That ain't no sign you're saved. Oh, no.

162"Having the form of godliness." What is "the Power thereof" they're speaking of?

163See, those things could happen, and it'll be a past time and you won't know it. You can't afford to take that kind of a chance. Don't do it, friends. Come in while you can. Don't be influenced by some great big building, some great big organization, some great high-polished scholar. Let the Word of God influence you. That's exactly what caused those apostles. When they seen that Word made manifest, that influenced them, "We are sure!"

164 Might stand quoting again. Jesus, with great crowds of thousands a following Him, He said, "That's too many. Look, look, something strange here, there is few are called... Yeah, many are called, few are chosen."

165So then He seen the great congregations, He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." He never explained it.

166I wonder if He would say that in Beaumont, today, no matter how popular He was, what do you think doctors, and fine cultured people, and scientists, would say? "That man is a vampire. Well, He wants you to drink His Blood? Well, what kind of a... You are going off on a tantrum."

167Jesus never explained it. He wanted to shake them parasites off of Him. That's right. Then they all got up and left.

168 Then He looked around to those apostles which was not ordained to Life, but He had chosen them. They wasn't ordained. He said, "What will you say when you see the Son of man ascending up into Heaven from whence He come?" Oh, that was a choker. What did He...

169Them--them ministers said, "Ascend up into Heaven? Well, this Man was born right here in Galilee. He was born in Nazareth. We know his mother, His--His brothers. We know the cradle He was rocked in. We seen His baby clothes. We speak to His mother. And then say this Man come, go back up where He come from? He come from Nazareth. What does He say, 'Heaven'?"

170He never explained it. Too many parasites yet. "They got up, and they walked with Him no more." That's what the Bible said.

171 Then He turned around and said, "I... You all want to go, too?" to the twelve.

172Remember, they couldn't explain it, but they knowed it. They knowed He was, so they said to Him. He had influenced them by His a vindicated signs from God. Watch.

He said, "Do you want to go, also?" to the twelve.

173Peter said, "Lord, who would we go to? For we are sure..." Now, that, look, study that. What is it? "We know what the Word says for today. We know what the Messiah is supposed to do if He comes today. We have seen this thing being met of God."

174He said it later on, at Pentecost. He said, "Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you, by the things that He is supposed to do. And you've taken the Prince of Life and crucified Him, and--and God raised Him up, which you're witnesses of it."

Notice here, see, he said, "Where would we go?"

175Jesus said, "I chose twelve of you, and one of you is the devil."

176And there's only eleven standing there, out of a thousands times thousands. Eleven standing there. Oh, my! Influenced! Sure.

177 This little woman, when she was influenced, she went into action. She had to do something about it. She had to tell somebody else.

178And every real true soul that strikes Christ, you got to tell somebody about It.

179Peter, when he took Him at His Word, that night on the sea, saw Him out there, had been... or that day, it was. They had been fishing all night, and they hadn't caught nothing, seined back and forth. That's a discouraged time, if anybody is a fisherman. Seined all night, and he was a fisherman, too. His father was a fisherman. He had been on that lake all of his life, and his parents and his grandparents come from that lake. And he knowed when the moon was right, and which way the wind was blowing, and all the signs. And he fished for a living. So he had fished all night, and had taken nothing.

180Then they found out, the next day, that--that they said this Prophet was going to speak, down on the bank. And I imagine, out of their little huts come the little women, and so forth, coming down to hear Him. The crowds got so great, around the bank, He had to borrow this boat, and Peter's boat. To come out and wash their nets, and not even one fish, and throwed them up on there; was discouraged.

181 And sometimes at that discouraging moment, if you'll watch, that's when He comes around. But don't be blind enough to miss it. See? When you see everything happening the way it is in the world today, don't be afraid. See? Don't be afraid. Just--just remember, He promised to come to you.

182And now notice when He come, He told Peter, said, "Now launch out into the deep and let down for the draught."

183Peter said, "Perhaps. I never seen this done before. I--I don't know. I fished, all my life, here. The--the signs, we just got through fishing, all night, through that same water. And, yet, but there isn't nothing. We haven't took a thing. But at Thy Word, Lord," there it is, "I'll let down the net. Your Word!"

184 You might have went through every hospital. Brother King, they might be saying that you're going to die. They might be saying, sister, this, that, or the other. I don't care what they said. "At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net!"

185When he seen that Word vindicated, when Jesus told him something, he believed it, and he let down that net into the water where there was no fish. But, if God said so, He could put fish there, the same as He put water in the skies.

186He can put healing in your body, I don't care if there is nothing there. You're trust Him to raise it up in the last days. "At Thy Word, Lord, I'll let down the net."

187It so influenced that fisherman, till he left the fish and all, and followed Jesus. It was an influence, when he took Him at His Word. Then what did He do, "Well," he said, "thank You, Lord, for a nice mess of fish"? Said, "Leave your net alone. From henceforth you'll catch man." The apostle went into action!

188 Finally, at the end of the road, when they were going to crucify Him, kill Him, and he run out of the city. And on the road out, as the history tells us, he was running for his life, getting out of the city, and he meet Jesus coming back. He said, "Where goest thou?" Simon, or Simon said to Him, "Where goest Thou, Lord?"

189He said, "I'm going back in the city to be crucified again."

190Simon turned and went back. And when they got him, said, don't... They put him on a cross. Said, "Don't hang me like that. Put my head down, and my feet up!"

191He had been influenced when he seen Jesus resurrected from the dead; influenced for his death, he was influenced for anything. He went into action. Death couldn't even stop it. The crucifixion couldn't stop it. He was influenced by Jesus.

192 The blind man healed. They told him hold his peace, but he scattered His fame everywhere. His people said, now, the priests said, "Now if anybody goes and attends that revival, they'll just come get their church papers, that's all." And the father and mother were scared of that. See? So they said...

They come, said, "How did this boy get his sight?"

Said, "He's--He's of age; ask him." They were afraid.

But he that had been healed was influenced. Amen.

193He said, "This Man is a sinner. Give praise to God! We don't know where this Man comes from. He has no--He has no credentials. We're not cooperating with Him. We have nothing to do with Him. We don't know where He comes from. We know He's a sinner and--and from the devil."

194This man had a good answer for them. He said, "Now this is really a strange thing." Said, "Now, you are supposed to be the leaders of the land. And that Man give me my sight, and yet you don't where He come from." He said, "Now, whether He's a sinner, or not, I can't tell you that. But this one thing I do know, wherein I was once blind, I can now see."

195He had been influenced. He didn't care to stand before priests or anything. He had been influenced. His parents, even the miracle on their own son didn't influence them, but it influenced him.

196 The people at Pentecost, as I said last night, with their Eternal Life policy, when they went up to draw their... the dividends on It. Notice when they were influenced. They had been holy, been reverent before God. They had covered their faces from the things of the world, and their feet in humility. And when they felt the Power of God come, as was promised by Joel, as was promised by the prophets, as was promised by Jesus! "Wait up there at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with Power from on High." As soon as that God, in the Person of the Holy Ghost, came down upon them, they were influenced. They didn't care how many people laughed at them. Out into the street they went, staggering like drunk man. They were influenced by the Holy Ghost. You can be influenced, too. They stood right...

197Watch him. He didn't go around and say some kind of a creed. He went right straight back to the Word, and said, "You men of Jerusalem, you that dwell in Judaea, let this be known unto you, and hearken to my words. These are not drunk as you suppose, seeing it's the third hour of the day. But this is That that was spoke of by the prophet Joel, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days,' saith God, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" They were influenced by the Word, to the Word. It ought to do us the same way.

198 They got in actions, yes, when His promise was fulfilled. When, they seen that Jesus promised them that He would send the promise of the Father upon them, Luke 24:49, "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you; but tarry ye." Tarry don't mean pray, it just means wait. Tarry means "wait." "Wait up there at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with Power from on High." And when this influence of the Holy Ghost struck them, It filled them. They seen the Word, that Jesus promised, fulfilled.

199Now, I wonder if it would take the same influence on us this afternoon? If we seen what He promised to do in the last days, fulfilled, what kind of an influence would It give us? What? All we have seen done in these last days ought to put us in action. It sure ought to, with reverence and humility.

200 Beyond any shadow of doubt, the claim that was made thirty years ago, about a Pillar of Fire, that the cameras caught. Your Texas camera caught it not long ago. Scientific research, throwed it through all kinds of research that they could find, by the FBI. And... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... Took in Texas, for a Texan. When you see the sign, it cannot be disproved. It's the truth. But will you believe the Voice that follows the sign? The sign is scientifically proved. Now, someday when Jesus returns and catches the people, all the way they are, it'll be made known, too.

201 Notice, the Pillar of Fire should put us in action, as the Pillar of Fire vindicates Its promise of the last days. Jesus said, "I come from God, and I go to God," and what He would do in the last days. And here He is, both scientific and spiritually, in the Word proving it, that He come from God and still remains the same. He is still God, for the promise in the last days. It should put us in actions.

202Signs of the Coming is at hand. Jesus said, "As it was at Sodom, just before the world was burnt, the Gentile world," this would return. It should influence us and put us in action, too. When we see the Word fulfilled, that He promised, it should put us in action.

203 We, like the prophet, have seen the outcome of self-exalted denominations, lose their place. I want that to soak real deep, 'cause I may never talk to you again. But, men and women, may I say this, and speak to you freely, this afternoon, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Man who are sensible thinkers, man who are not so stuffed shirt, so far away from God by traditions; that, they have seen the Pentecostal church, you seen the Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian, you seen the Catholic church, lose its position in God, lose their hold on the Word, when they accepted creeds.

204 I--I was interviewed by a priest, not long ago, and he said to me, he said, "Why, I..." He asked me about a certain thing, and these things. He said, "Well, the Catholic church used to do that."

205I said, "When? The Catholic church wasn't organized for three hundred years after the death of the last apostle."

He said, he said, "You are trying to try your case by a Bible."

I said, "That's the Word."

He said, "God is in His church."

206I said, "God is in His Word. Everything else be a lie, and His true."

207And he said, "Well, that's just a Book that--that the early Catholics wrote."

208I said, "Then I'm an early Catholic. I believe just what It said." I don't... I said then...

He said, "Well, see, we're a greater church now."

209I said, "Then where have you lost? What's happened? If the early church cast out devils, and proved Jesus alive upon the earth, by spiritual signs and wonders; and here you got thousands of intercessors, of all kinds of dead women and dead men, and everything, making intercessors. In the Bible, the first pope said, that, 'There is no other mediator between God and man but the Man Christ Jesus.'"

210 Losing your hold on the Word, and accepting creeds and self-exaltation by man's exhortation, we have seen them lose their hold with the great Holy Spirit. We've seen the Pentecostals do the same thing. And you see it. When they organize, they die. There is no way back; there never has been, and there never will be. God is against the thing. It's really sin. Said, in the last days He'd say, "Come out from among them, My people, that you touch not their unclean things; and I'll receive you."

211 Like the Uzziah, what did he try to do? He tried to take the place of an anointed office, God's anointed office. Uzziah tried to usurp that authority, because he was a great man.

212We've seen these self-styled organizations crowd out everything that is God, and trying to take the office of the Church, the anointed Church. And by creeds, we've found that they're dead in unbelief, and they'll never rise again. They'll die in the leper camp with the rest of them.

213See there? Man, thinking man, Scripture-believing man see that. If you're born of God, you see it. God so clearly identifying the thing, to influence you. As we've preached all week, and things, what it's to do, attract the attention. It influences you, to see where they've went and what's happened, every one of them.

214If they organize another one, it'll do the same thing. But there'll be no more of them. No. They, it's over now. It's too late now.

215Lose their hold, by accepting creeds and man-made doctrines. They're scared, just come and stand by It. See?

216 Like Uzziah trying to usurp the place of a--a anointed office, because he was a big fellow, big fellow. And among God's people there is no big fellows. We're all children of God. God gives one of us one thing to do, and another thing to do, that don't make us any better than anybody else. Just makes God require more at your hand, is all.

217 Now the effects of such a vision, and we're closing. Start praying for the sick, in a few minutes. Now the effects of such a vision. What did the effects do to this prophet? I wonder about a preacher, I wonder about an evangelist, or a pastor? Look what a vision of This done, and what he seen, what had happened to self-styled Uzziah. And then, though a great man that God had honored, the great thing, they seen it dead. What effects did it have on the prophet?

218Here is what it did. It caused him to confess himself to be a sinner for associating with such. He confessed, "I'm a man of unclean lips, and I've been dwelling among people with unclean lips." Making him con-... a prophet, not a preacher. A prophet confessed that he was a sinful man, because he had been associating with such.

219 Then what? When he confessed his sins, then come the cleansing. Oh, you cannot be clean from your sin until you confessed it's sin, till you recognize it's sin. Then come the cleansing, as soon as he said, "Woe is me, for my eyes have seen the vindication of a great God. The Angels, the Burners, the Sacrificers are here, and the posts is moving at Their Voice, and here They are in this vision, flying back and forth." He had saw something real. A vision had come down. He said, "I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among unclean people." Said, he cried out for mercy and called himself a sinner.

220Then what happened? One of the Cherubims went over to the altar, and took the tongs and picked up a live coal, and put it on His hand. Not carry it in a tong now; picked up the coal, put it on His hand, and come and laid it upon the prophet's lips, and said, "Thy iniquity..."

221Iniquity, what is iniquity? Iniquity is something that you know it's wrong, and still holding to it. When you know your creeds are wrong, and you still hold to it, that's iniquity.

222 But when he confessed that he was wrong, there was a cleansing power. He took a coal of Fire. Did you notice how God...

223We see how God set His servants in order, and what He fixed Him with; how He could, being humble, reverent, and put Hisself in action.

224Watch, when He cleansed the servant, He never done it by a seminary. He never done it by a bunch of books. We find here that God cleanse His servants by Fire. A coal of Fire touched the prophet, cleaned his lips. God cleans His servants by His Holy Fire. Not by books, not by education, theology; but He cleaned His servant by Fire.

225Then as soon as he was confessed and cleansed, then followed the commission. First he had to confess, then he had to be cleansed, and now it's the commission. It was then that the cleansed Isaiah cried... When he heard the Voice of God, said, "Who will go for Us?"

226 Look at back in history, when you're reading this, when you go home, what had happened to Israel. She had got the same (where) place we are. They had called... All their sacrifices and things had become a tradition to them. There was no sincerity. They didn't honor the Word of God. That's when God raised up Isaiah, to tell him them sacrifices stunk in His nose. He didn't want them. They were blasphemy to Him, then He didn't want no more to do with them. And when... This Isaiah was cleaned and ready to go preach the Gospel then.

227 And the Voice of God said, "Now there is a need. These things has got to be told." And one Voice said to the other, the Angels flying, said, "Who will go for Us?"

228Then Isaiah, with a clean heart; cleansed, confessed, cleansed and commissioned, the vision; said, "Here am I, Lord, send me. Send me. Here am I, send me."

229God, send Your holy Angels again today. Find Your Isaiah somewhere, my prayer. I--I'm not... I'm just saying this 'cause I know He's here.

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as clean as clean could be,

When the Voice of God said, "Who will go for Us?"

Then he answered, "Master, here am I, send me."

230He wasn't afraid then with the Word. He was a prophet; the Word could come to him. He was... All of his unbelief and traditions was gone. He could stand before that traditional age, and tell them, "Your sacrifices stinks in the nose of God. And the very God that you claim to serve, will destroy you." That's what He said. "The God that you claim you're serving, will destroy you," and He did it.

They said, "A sign!"

He said, "I'll give you a super sign; a virgin shall conceive."

231 Isaiah wrote sixty-six chapters in his Book, and there is sixty-six Books in the Bible. He starts off with the beginning of creation, and ends up in the Millennium just like the entire Bible does.

232That great prophet of God, who was willing to confess that all their traditions was wrong; and get down there and get cleansed, and so the Word of God could come to him. Then he said, "I'm ready to go, Lord. I'm ready. I'll speak what You say speak. I'll say what You say say." He was ready to go.

233God, bring the Angels again, this afternoon, the Holy Ghost and Fire, and cleanse my brothers' hearts, everywhere. May they be such influences till others will see and want to follow, too.

234 Let us bow our heads. Quietly:

When the coal of Fire had touched the prophet,

Making him as pure as pure could be,

When the Voice of God said, "Who will go for Us?"

Then he answered, "Master, here, send me."

Quietly now, all together.

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

Millions now in sin and shame are dying;

Listen to their sad and bitter cry;

Hasten, brother, hasten to their rescue;

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee;

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

235Let us hum it, quietly. [Brother Branham begins humming Speak, My Lord--Ed.] Let's go down to the temple now.

Listen to their sad and bitter cry; (Oh, brother, come with me, won't you?)

Hasten, brother, hasten to their rescue; (They don't know what denomination, belong to, or nothing)

Quickly answer, "Master, here am I."

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, (Isaiahs, are you here?)

... and I'll be quick to answer Thee,

Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

236 I wonder, with your heads bowed and your hearts bowed, Isaiah, where are you? Will you raise up your hand, and say, "Lord, here am I, send me. I'm ready"? God bless you. Now really mean it. Ninety percent of the audience.

Speak, my Lord,

Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

237Look, ministers, you that raised your hand. Look at our women, our sisters, what a disgrace! [Brother Branham makes sounds of disapproval--Ed.] Look at our man, think more of an organization than they do of the Word of God. Jesus Christ proving Himself among them, and just exactly the Scripture so plainly and made known, and yet they'll hang right to it. Brother!

238Someone say, "Well, I wouldn't have nothing. I--I... that they... I wouldn't have no place to go."

239Brother, if I had to eat soda crackers and drink branch water, I'd stay with my Lord. He is my life. He is my bread. You think I do this to be different? I do this because I love Him, because it's my commission. Stand side by side, with Him, with that Word!

Oh, speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me."

240 Heavenly Father, as the music is sweetly playing, may everyone that's in Divine Presence, Lord, see that this is the calling time. It's a--it's a separating time, when the chaff and--and wheat is to be separated. Although the--the wheat has been wrapped in the chaff, but now it's a calling out time. It's another exodus.

241I pray, God, as the great Son Light has ripened the grain for every stage of its Life, from the time... Like in Canada now, when the wheat is just coming up, that hot sun of July would kill it right now, but it has to ripen according to the way that nature brings the sun upon it. So does the hot Son upon Luther's doctrine, Wesley and the rest of them, It scorches it down, but it's to ripen the wheat. It should have matured, Lord, just as It come up.

242But, remember, all the branches was pruned off, and the Bride tree come right out of the center. "I will restore, again, all the years that the palmerworm, caterpillar," the same insect, only in different stages, "has eaten away. I will restore it," SAITH THE LORD. And You'll do it, Lord. You promised it. I pray that You will do it in every heart this afternoon.

243They're Yours, Lord. I commit them to You now. And I may never see them. If I'd come back, a year from today, there is many sitting here, if I'm living, they won't be. No doubt, this size crowd, next time I meet them will be at the Judgment. Let them see, Lord. Let them open their eyes, if there's... and see.

244All these on tape, Lord, that's listened to the Voice of this time, many different languages, even be translated, may they understand. Many men and women, in little houses, and out in little jungles in Africa, with those little machines with the tubes in their ears, may they hear, Lord, hear. Grant it. The missionary was right in what he said, but this is a greater witness than what he had. He is ready now. Hear us, Father. We commit it all to You, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, and for the calling of His Bride. Amen.

245 Now, my brother, sister, we're going to pray for the sick, each one of you that raise your hand. I--I can't give it. If I could give it to you, I'd do it. Certainly, I--I'd come right down there and say, "Here, you want it? I--I'll have it." It isn't mine to give. It's God, and God will give it to you if there's a hunger in your heart.

246Before there can be a calling to the deep there has got to be a deep to respond to that call. Before there can be a creation, there has to be a Creator to create that creation.

247You know there is something there you're reaching for; there's got to be something out there to respond to that call. Won't you receive It now? Don't let it die. Please don't. If I never see you no more this side the Judgment, may I see you There, washed and ready. My prayer!

248 Now the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Who appeared on the earth in the form of a Man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ; Who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, buried, rose the third day; and ascended into Heaven, where He now sits at the right hand of the Majesty; sending back the Spirit that was upon Him, called the Holy Spirit, God, upon, to come upon mankind, to fellowship, to carry on the ministry that was carried on in that glorious body of Christ. Supposingly... to come as the pyramid is shaped up, like that, the Headstone never was put on it. Why? It was rejected.

249Now, way down, the Church has constantly come to minority, has come on up now till all the church ages has run out. It's got to be honed. That stone has to fit straight in. The ministry that was in Jesus Christ has to be in His Church, to make Christ come for the Church, to raise up every age, to bring Him, to bring it out.

250 Just like the wheat. The wheat has to come plumb back, as it starts maturing, from the grain where it rotted, died, and come forth and kept coming up from grass into something else. You can't go back to grass. Don't point back to grass. Don't point back to this. Don't point back to the sheaf. Come on till you get to the wheat. And the wheat has to be the same kind of a wheat that went into the ground, when it's matured. Jesus is raised from the dead. He is matured now. And He is matured in His Church, through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; through these reformers in the early days, now here He is on earth today in His people. Believe Him. He is here.

251 Just that you might see Him, (might be strangers), may the God of Heaven honor what I've said about Him. Now I want you in the audience, please, don't nobody go out no more. Just give the God of Heaven this much respect, just to sit a moment. Now don't move. Let every person in here, that's sick or needy, raise up your hand. Or be... All right. Thank you. Now, I don't know...

252I know Brother King, sitting right here. I just recognized him, just a few minutes ago. I'm sure. I think that's who that is, is Brother King sitting there. He sponsored my last meeting here. Brother King, I can't say what I want to say, but you know I know what I want to say. You have been through the mill, my little brother. God be merciful to you.

253Others, I don't know. I still see Pat Tyler sitting here. I think that's the only man in the building, or only woman, anything that I know anything, is this man, Pat Tyler, sitting here.

254 Believe now. And if I be the servant of God, and if God be here, and I've identified His Word to be the truth; then let the God of Heaven, Who raised up His Son, Jesus Christ, Who made these promises, identify it with you, that I've told the Truth.

255How would He do it? Not by coming with a robe on, and beard. But His Life, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." The Life that's in the Vine is in the branch. "The works that I do shall you also," and promised it in this day, when the next branch comes forth. We've got a lot of grafted branches; sure, it'll bear fruit, but not this kind of fruit. Oh, no.

256I seen a tree in Phoenix, not long ago, it had about eight or nine different fruits on it. Brother John Sharrit owned it. I said, "What kind of a tree is that?"

He said, "It is a orange tree, Brother Branham."

257"Why," I said, "there is lemons and grapefruit and--and tangelos, and tangerines."

258And he said, "Yes, it's all citrus fruits." Said, "I grafted them in there."

259"Oh," I said, "I see. Now, next year, they'll all be oranges?"

260He said, "Oh, no. Huh-uh! No. Next year the--the lemon will be a lemon, the--the grapefruit will be a grapefruit."

261I said, "Off of that same vine? Off that same, off of--off of an orange tree?"

262He said, "Yes. They're all citrus fruit, Brother Branham. It'll live by the citrus fruit."

263Then I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I said, "Lord Jesus, I know what You mean now." There it is. These denominations has grafted theirself in, but they're bearing denominational fruit.

264Listen. If that real branch ever brings forth, a real Vine brings forth another branch, it'll be of the original. Believe it.

265[A sister begins speaking in another tongue--Ed.] Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh! [She continues and finishes. A brother gives an interpretation.] Thank the Lord. How He has promised it!

266 Now everybody real reverent. I'm going to just stand here and ask the Lord Jesus.

267This is a gift. What is a gift? To if I can move my own thinking, I can move my own life from me, my--my natural life, my soul, that's William Branham; if I can get him out of the way, God will use the spirit, the body to speak.

268Let the Holy Spirit come now, Lord, that they might see, by human beings, that the identified Holy Spirit is here. A gift to get yourself the way...

Everybody real reverent. Sit still.

269 Just a man sitting out here. Now I want you all to raise your heads and look just a minute. Can you see That right here on this man? A Light, amber Light, burning, a circling this. How many seen the picture of It? It was taken here at Houston. You see? It's in the Washington, D.C., all over the world. Only supernatural Being was ever photographed, in all the world. Here It is right here now.

270I take every spirit in here under my control, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

271This man is suffering from a gland trouble in his throat. I don't know him, never seen him in my life, but that's the truth. Isn't that right, sir? Do you believe now? The man in the back there, do you believe that God will make known to me about you? You're Mr. Hall. That's your name, isn't it? All right, sir. It's over now. Your faith makes you well.

272 I could call a prayer line, and get them up here on the platform. There is no need of it. Let's take one of these rows here, somewhere. Here, start right here. Here is a little girl sitting here. Look this a way, honey. Might not have nothing wrong with you, I don't know. But just say, instead of a prayer line coming up here, let's get it down here.

273Look here, sweetheart. Look at Brother Branham. In the days when Jesus was here on earth... Yes, she is sick. She is seriously sick, that child there. Yes, sir. If Jesus was here, He could tell you what was wrong with you, wouldn't He? Do you believe that Jesus sent Brother Branham to do it? If I tell you what's wrong with you, you believe that He'll heal you? It's sugar diabetes, that little child. No way in the world for it to be healed outside of God. Do you believe, honey?

274Now the lady sitting next, that raised a hand up, that's the mother to the child. That is right. Lay your hand over on her, sister. Believe now. God brought that child to you. May the Lord grant her healing.

275 This next lady, sitting next to the mother there. Look here at me, lady. Do you believe me to be His servant, God's servant? If God will tell me something in your life, or what you're wanting, if you're sick, or you're not sick, or whatever it is; if God will tell me your desires, will you believe? Or something like that, I don't know what He will do, would you believe it? You know it would have to be Jesus Christ.

276You're way away from me. You couldn't touch me if you had to; 'cause, if you touched me, it'd have to be physical. You have to touch Spirit. The Spirit is Christ. "He's the High Priest now," the Bible says, "that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities."

277You are suffering, also. Do you believe that God can tell me what your trouble is? You are suffering with a back trouble, and high blood, and you--you have high blood pressure, and you have heart trouble. That's exactly right. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. Do you believe now?

278 What about you with your arm around her there? The lady this way, look here. Do you... I'm a stranger to you. Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe me, that what I've said is the Truth, that I have told you the Truth. Do you believe that God can reveal to me your trouble? Whatever, whatever it is, you believe He could reveal it? It really isn't anything that you're wanting prayed for. You have a prayer card, I see in your hand; you're the first one with a prayer card. Do you believe God can tell me what you got the prayer card for? It's for your husband. Do you believe that God can tell me what's wrong with your husband? If God doesn't touch him, he's going to die. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] He has got cancer and he's got lung trouble. That's right, isn't it? ["That's true."] Uh-huh. Raise up your hand if that's so. If you'll believe, the rest of them will believe, he can be healed.

279 That man sitting next to you, do you believe me to be His servant, sir? If God can reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe then with all your heart? You're suffering with a heart trouble. That's right. If that's right, raise up your hand. Uh-huh. All right.

280The lady just shook her head and herself, like that, sitting next to you. Do you believe that God can tell me what's your heart, or something you desire in your heart, or something, or something, you're praying for somebody else? You believe God could reveal it to me while the anointing is here, and we can see It and see It's got to be something real? It's revealing the secrets of the heart, telling what, just like Jesus told the woman at the well. Now you are also suffering. You, you suffer with a back trouble. Yours is in your back. Raise up your hand if that's so. Uh-huh.

281 Now the lady next to her, that's a weeping, with your purse laying in your pocket, with a blue dress on, dark hair, heavyset. Look to me. Do you believe me to be God's servant? Look here. See, you're on the front row, I can contact you easy, by the help of God. Do you believe that God can tell me what your trouble is, just like you was in the prayer line? Do you believe that that could be so, from here? You do? You have a high blood pressure that you're suffering with. That's right, raise up your hand. All right. You believe, and you can be healed.

282The lady next to her. What do you think, sister? Look this a way, to me. You believe me to be God's prophet, or His servant? You do that, with all your heart? You believe God can describe to me, like the woman at the well, when Jesus and the woman come together, that could tell me what your trouble is? Do you believe? Would it help you, would it help you to believe? Look. Oh, you have a serious thing. It's a son, a boy. Uh-huh. And that boy has got a mental nervousness. He's at home. That's right. If that's right, raise up your hand. Believe with all your heart, the boy will get well. You believe.

283 The next lady to there. Do you believe, sister, with all your heart? Do you believe me to be His prophet, His servant? Do you believe it's Jesus Christ, just by a gift that...

284Prophesy is a gift. You know, a gift of God, it's ordained way back before the world started. It had to be ordained for this day. You have no way of knowing what's what. God just identifies it and interprets His Word.

285Do you believe that to be so, what you've heard? Do you believe I could... If I could tell you what was wrong, you know it wouldn't be me. It'd have to be Another; just my voice, but Somebody else using it. Just like this microphone, it's a mute till something speaks through it. We're strangers. See? I lost cont-...

286Here she is. Yes, sir. The lady is suffering with anemia condition. It's in her blood. If that's right, raise up your hand, lady. That's right. You, you're also praying for this little fellow on the end. That's your little son sitting there on the end. If that's right, wave your hand. If God can tell me what's wrong with your little son, will you believe with all your heart that God speaks to me, and that's right? He is suffering with an extreme nervous condition. That is right. Isn't that right? Then lay your hand over on him, and believe with all your heart, and he'll get well.

287 I challenge you to believe it! THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD. Texas, if you die in sin, you die without my blood on you. Remember, your blood is not on me. There is the Truth! That's Jesus Christ identified, prayer lines, wherever it is. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Do you do it? Are you convinced, are you thoroughly convinced that it has to be Jesus Christ according to the Word of promise this day? Raise up your hands, everybody that's thoroughly convinced that it's the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you.

288 I know you been taught. You've been taught, each one of you, something. And I see it's the--it's the... so anointing, can just sway it everywhere now, see. You've been taught that you must lay hands on the sick. That's a tradition. It's all right. Jesus endorsed it.

289But that Roman, that's what I been trying to get you, this week. "I'm not worthy," said the Roman, "that You come under my roof. Just say the word!" See?

290If somebody lays hands on you, then, "Brother So-and-so laid hands on me, glory to God!"

291I--I--I'm going to ask ministers, believing ministers to come here, so it just it ain't my hands. It's--it's just what Jesus said, "They shall lay hands on the sick."

292We're going to pray for the sick, every one. How many has got prayer cards, out through the building, there let's see your hands. Yeah, we promised you, now we've got a half hour to make that right. I'm going to ask...

293How would we run this, Brother Pearry. Have you got any suggestions? From this side over here?

294Let this row here on the outside, that's got prayer cards, stand up against the wall, go out that way and stand up against the wall. [A brother speaks to Brother Branham about the prayer line--Ed.] All right, sir. That's fine. Stand over on that side.

295All from this middle here, from... now you stand in the aisle, see. You just stand in the aisle, the ones in this aisle, this middle here, stand out in the aisle.

296Ones on that side, stand on that side. The ones in here, stand up here in the middle, on this side. And the ones on that side, stand in there. And just follow your lines through as they come. That's right. They'll be down there instructing you on what to do.

297 I'm asking. This is all right, Brother Pearry? [Brother Pearry Green says, "Sure."--Ed.] I'm asking for ministers who believe in Christ, that Christ will heal these sick people by laying on of hands and following His commandments, I'm asking you to come here and stand with me if you believe this to be the Truth. Any Gospel minister, if you're a Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic priest, whatever you are; if you believe Jesus Christ heals the sick, and has commissioned His disciples to lay hands on the sick, for their healing, will you come here?

298[A brother says, "Tell everybody to go to the back." Brother Pearry Green says, "Would everybody that wants to be prayed for, go to the back."--Ed.]

299Now go to the back and follow around, see. All in these lines now, go right back and take your place, follow right around that way, and then you go right back to your place again, just as orderly as it can be.

300I wonder, brethren, if we had better get down there? I think that's a good idea. Now, better leave this microphone here. Let... Roy, you stand here by the microphone. Or, yes, you better come down with me, you see. Yes. Or, 'less you want to stand here. All right, Roy, you stand here then. All right.

301 Now you're going. Now I want, don't nobody leave, please. See, the very thing that we been praying for!

302Now you say, "Brother Branham, why'd you bring all these ministers up here?" I'm going to come right with them. But I...

303See, what it is, they have as much right to pray for the sick as I do, or anybody does, as much as Oral Roberts or--or any hierarchy, no matter who he is. They have as much right to pray for the sick as Peter, James, John, Matthew, Mark, Luke, any of the rest of them had. They are ministers, called of God. I happen to see two or three brothers in there that I know, personally, that has a ministry of praying for the sick.

304 Now as you are lining yourselves up over here, I want... How many in this congregation is thoroughly convinced, with all your heart, that you believe it's God's will to heal them people. [Congregation rejoices and says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, it is. Certainly, it's God's will to heal them.

305Now how do they get healed? Now, if He was here, Hisself, He could do no more than what He's done right now. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Just what He's done now, that's what He would do, 'cause He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

306How many knows that Saint John 5:19 says this, "The Son can do nothing in Himself"? How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] But what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son." Believe that? ["Amen."] Then, Jesus never performed one miracle until the Father showed Him, by a vision, what to do. That's His Own Word. If that isn't so, then we're all lost, we don't know where we're at. There you are. See, His Words are infallible.

307 Look at Him going through, the Pool of Bethesda, a few hour... about an hour before that. There laid great multitudes of lame, blind, halt, withered. How many knows that's true? And He never touched a one of them, yet He was a God of compassion. Do you believe He had compassion? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Leaving that mother, with a water-head baby; that poor old blind daddy, calling somebody, put him in the water when it's troubled. God of compassion! See?

308People don't know what compassion is. They mix a phileo love with Agapao love; it's two different loves, altogether. Compassion is the same thing; desires, and compassion, is different.

309But, look, He went to a man that had maybe a prostate trouble, or maybe it was a tuberculosis. It was retarded; he had had it for... it was--it was thirty-eight years he had had it. It wasn't going to kill him. And He went to that man, and He said, "Will thou be made whole?" How many knows that's true? And left the rest of the audience lay there.

310What if He done that in Beaumont, today? "Oh, my! There is nothing to Divine healing, then, you see."

311See, they don't understand. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "I do nothing till the Father shows Me first."

312 But many people just laid in the shadow of Him, and was healed by their own faith. A little woman touched His garment and was made whole. How many knows that? Healing is based upon your faith. God's identification is based upon the promise of His Word, but your faith in His identification is what heals you. If you don't, no matter, the holiest man in all the world could stand here and pray all day long, it wouldn't do one bit of good until you believe it, emphatically, yourself. Jesus might be standing here Himself, in the incarnate body, lay hands upon you, and still you would not get healed. How many knows that? "Many mighty works He could not do because of their unbelief." That's Scripture.

313 So, you see, you in the prayer line, it's got to be your faith in the Word. Now if you see God doing what He's done... Look, let me just give one little testimony while you're getting ready. Listen close. Night before last...

314There is a little minister here somewhere. I seen him here, a while ago. Martin was his name. I forget... He is one of the sponsors. Right here.

315About midnight, close to it, someone woke me up in my room. A little fellow crying, a little minister, his baby had just passed away. The tears running down his face.

316He's plumb up in somewhere in... What's the name of that town they live in? [Someone says, "Missouri." --Ed.] Missouri. Up at where? ["Wardell, Missouri."] Wardell, Missouri. I know the boy. I know his brother here, too. They're friends of mine.

317This brother walked in there with tears running down his cheeks, said, "Brother Branham, I just called... My wife just called me. My little baby just quit breathing." He laid his hands upon me, said, "Brother Branham, I believe the Word of the Lord is with you." Oh, how could God... Just like, "Even now, Lord! If You had been here, my brother would not have died." See, he wasn't confessing to me. He was confessing the Word of the Lord, you see, that I was preaching the Truth. He said, "I believe the Word of the Lord is with you. Just ask Him; my baby will live." In ten minutes from then, his baby was breathing normal, is well now.

318 My son standing here somewhere, Billy Paul, he had went out to talk to him. And I was there in my pajamas. And about a few minutes later he come back, said, "Daddy, Daddy, look at here!" And his throat all swelled out, and red, and a great big whelp, whelp about that big around. Said, "A big black-looking spider with a red spot on it! I was standing there, I was talking to John, and he bit me there. And look there, it's swelling out."

319I said, "Oh, Billy, a black widow, maybe." And I said, "Look at your throat, how it's swelled."

320I put my hand there, I said, "Lord Jesus," in ten minutes from then there wasn't even... you couldn't even tell the spot had ever been there. See? What is it? See?

321 Someone come in, the other day, and said, to the office. And one of the offices come out. And said, "Tell Brother Branham just to say that my child..." He said, "I believe if... what you'd say." But, see, I can't say it till He tells me.

322But here I got the Word says this, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Now, God can't do those things and leave you stand there. You've got to. You believe the same thing, it'll happen to you. But you've got to believe it, not just bluff it. You got to believe it.

Now let us pray, first, all together.

323 I want each one of you all... while the brethren stand here at this microphone. I'm going down there so I can lay hands on them, too. They're my people, they're my... They're the stars in my crown, the same they are in your crown, my minister brothers. I'm coming there because we love them, and they're God's children. We're coming to help them.

Now let us pray.

324 Lord Jesus, the man that could say that Your Presence isn't here, would... there would be something mentally wrong. Just like a man who would refuse to accept the sunlight; somebody tell him the sun is shining, he would run down in the basement and shut the door, and say, "I just refuse to believe it! I refuse to believe it!" Well, we would know, Lord, that something mentally was wrong with the man. And so does the man that would shut up his bowels of compassion, in the Light of the Word of Jesus Christ being made manifest, would say, "I don't believe It," there is something spiritually wrong with the man.

325So we know that You're here, Father. Without a doubt, we believe it. We see Your--Your footprints. We see Your marks. We see Your Word.

326There is hundreds standing here in this prayer line. And fine man of God standing here, great warriors of the Faith; I'm walking down to put my shoulder with theirs, Lord. When these sick people pass through this prayer line, may each one of them know that it's just not passing through by some man. They are coming under the Cross of the promise. May they go away from here healed, go away rejoicing, get well; tell their pastor. May that cause an old-fashion revival to break out, down around in this countries, Lord, bring many souls to You. Lord, they're Yours. Help them. Heal them, I pray, in Jesus Christ's Name.

I want everyone now with your heads bowed, praying.

327 And I want, as you... Listen, the prayer line now. When you pass through, just like you was under the Cross, believe with everything that's in you. Go away from here rejoicing, happy, saying, "Thank You, Lord. I believe my healing." And if you don't believe that, then you'd be just as well to take your seat, because it won't do one bit of good.

328I want all the congregation, everybody, to just storm up to Heaven, like that, in the Presence of Christ, "Lord Jesus, make Yourself known to us now! Heal these sick!" Will you do it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

Brother Borders, while you sing, Only Believe.

329Leave that here. We don't need it. [A brother asks about the microphone, "You're going to leave it here?"--Ed.] Yeah.

330[Brother Branham and the ministers go down now and pray for everyone that come through the prayer line, while Brother Roy Borders leads the congregation in singing Only Believe. Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

331Only believe! Let's raise our hands now.

All things are possible, only believe.

Now let's say it like this:

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, now I believe,

Now I believe, oh, now I believe,

All things are possible, oh, now I believe.

332Till I meet you again, I want to leave Texas seeing them shout the praises of God. Let's just raise up our hands and give God praise, every one of us. [Congregation joyfully shouts and praises God--Ed.]

333 Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your Word, what You've done for us. I thank You, for being able to speak to these fine people, and to see Your power and blessings upon them. Bless them, Lord. May they understand. And may the Holy Ghost heal every one and save every one, in this last days. Through Jesus Christ's Name, Lord, I present them to You for material for the Bride, for they are believing through the grace of God.