Čas zjednocovania sa a jeho znak



Súčasne, kým prebiehajú všetky tieto zjednocovania v národe, tieto znaky, národné znaky, vidíme tu vo svete, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, rôzne veci sa zjednocujú, privádzajú svet dohromady, privádzajú ľudí dohromady, všetky cirkvi spolu, všetky tieto veci. A zatiaľ kým prebieha všetko toto zjednocovanie, prebieha tiež iné zjednocovanie. Amen! To je to, čo vám chcem teraz ukázať.

Boh zjednocuje svoju nevestu. Ona sa schádza z východu, zo západu, zo severu, z juhu. Je čas zjednocovania a ono prebieha práve teraz. Na čo sa ona zjednocuje? Na vytrhnutie! Amen! Boh ju pripravuje. Tak veru - zjednocuje! S čím sa ona zjednocuje? So Slovom! „Lebo nebo i zem pominú ale moje slová nikdy nepominú." Ona sa zjednocuje s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí ktorákoľvek denominácia alebo ktokoľvek iný. Ona sa zjednocuje. Pripravuje sa. Prečo? Ona je Nevesta. Je to tak. A ona sa zjednocuje so svojím Ženíchom. Vidíte? A Ženíchom je Slovo. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

A cirkev Nevesta a Slovo sa stávajú tak jedno, že až samo to Slovo činí skutky Ženícha. Amen! Vidíte to? Zjednocovanie! Už nie, „Vstúp do cirkvi"; už nie viacej niečo takéto, ale uteč od všetkého a priviaž sa ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Vidíte? To je čas zjednocovania. Boh zjednocuje spolu svoju nevestu, privádza naspäť; presne tak. Zjednocuje slová svojho zasľúbenia.

1Dobrý večer. Je to privilégium, že tu môžem byť dnes večer a stáť na tomto mieste.

2Dnes večer, ako som sem išiel ... Bol som sa modliť a očakával som na Pána. A ako som išiel autom, zapol som rádiovú službu, kázal brat Smith, farebný brat, (počúvali ste ho všetci dnes ráno? Všetci?) myslím, že to vysielajú hore z Ohio. Niekto mi hovoril, že bude kázať a povedal: „Mal by si si ho vypočuť."

3Povedal som: „Práve dnes ráno sa mi to podarilo." A on skutočne hovoril, ako sa dnes na svete rozmnožil hriech a on ... Preladil som to potom trochu ďalej a počúval som inú stanicu. Keď som sem dorazil, zdalo sa mi, či nie je príliš neskoro ísť do zboru, keď som sem dnes ráno prišiel. Tak naozaj máme privilégium, že sme tu dnes večer a slúžime Pánovi.

4Rozprával som o bratovi Neville a o tom posolstve, ktoré bolo vtedy povedané tej milej dáme, našej sestre, ktorá práve od nás odišla. To bolo ... Všetci vieme kto to bol, setra Weaver. A myslím na tohoto muža, ktorý tu bude dnes večer pokrstený. Ona ... Pokrstil som ju v tomto bazéne, keď som ... priviedli ju sem na invalidnom kresle. Zomierala, mala rakovinu a mala žiť už len tú noc, doktori sa jej vzdali, na druhý deň ráno mala zomrieť. Išiel som do jej domu a snažil som sa jej hovoriť o božskom uzdravovaní a ona stále opakovala: „Nie som hodná, aby si vošiel pod moju strechu." Vravela: „Nie som hodná, aby v mojom dome bol kazateľ." Povedala: „Som hriešnica." Ale povedala: „Pane, nechcem takto zomrieť." Zaviedla ma tam Grace Weber. Len som vošiel, unavený zo zhromaždení; a keď som sa za ňu modlil a čítal jej Písmo, dožila spasenie. Potom, ledva vládala zodvihnúť ruku, ale s každým si chcela potriasť ruky. Proste ... Niečo sa s ňou stalo.

5A kým si podávali ruky videl som ju vo videní, ako ide do kurína, ako prichádza naspäť. Povedal som: „Ó, teraz to bude v poriadku." A to bolo pred osemnástimi rokmi. Od toho času ju tá rakovina nemohla dobehnúť, ona jej utiekla. Nezomrela na žiadnu rakovinu, dostala srdcovú porážku a to ju zabilo. Dali ju pod kyslík; zomrela na srdcovú porážku.

6Potom som rozmýšľal, práve na konci keď ľudia vychádzali a spievali, Potom prišiel Ježiš. To je presne to, čo sa stalo. On prišiel a zachoval jej život za tých osemnásť rokov. A ja som rozmýšľal, aké to bolo potrebné, tá žena pravdepodobne nevedela, že to takto robí. Z druhej strany mohla. Ale to bolo práve to potrebné, mať tam tú časť, „Potom prišiel Ježiš."

7No, so mnou je to tak trochu pred začiatkom veľkých zhromaždení. Začínam byť dosť nervózny. Dnes ráno som bol taký vyžmýkaný, išiel som sa modliť. A som doma, znovu tu. Rodinu som práve zobral do Arizony a ja som ... deti pôjdu do školy. A ja som znovu tu, aby som sa tak trochu uvoľnil, išiel na poľovačku s bratom Woodom a s ostatnými bratmi, aby sme tento budúci týždeň išli na poľovačku. Pôjdeme dole do Kentucky. Bol som ... keď som bol ... Vyšlo to tak, že som prišiel práve vtedy, keď zomrela pani Weaverová a to je dobre, že som tu mohol byť a pomôcť bratovi Nevillemu s pohrebom.

8No, nechcem ... Nechcem o tom ďalej príliš veľa hovoriť, viete, ako sa ľudia okolo sťažujú, pretože si myslím, že jedna z najhorších vecí je vidieť muža alebo ženu, ktorí sa ustavične sťažujú. Stále som si myslel: „Bože, chráň ma od toho." Vidíte. To po celý čas oslabuje vieru. Viete. Vy len ... ak ... Viem, keď ľudia starnú, každý z nás, prihodí sa nám toto a prihodí sa nám tamto. A viem, keď starnete, tieto drobné veci sa budú hromadiť, oni sa proste hromadia. Ale zdá sa mi, že jedna z najhorších vecí je to, keď satan korunuje život nejakého človeka. Mrzutý starý muž alebo stará žena. viete. Dúfam, že nedôjdem do toho miesta. Dúfam, že to môžem zniesť, ako svoje bremená a prísť na to miesto, kde ... Chcem, aby môj život bol korunovaný slávou Božou, trpezlivosťou, vľúdnosťou, pokojom a naplnený Duchom Svätým.

9A ja ... Jedna z hlavných vecí, ktorá ma stále v živote trápila bola nervozita. Keď som sa unavil a bol som naozaj vyčerpaný, začal som mať taký pocit akoby sa nikto o mňa nestaral, (viete) a ste z toho celý ... Tiež to mávate. Stávalo sa mi, že som mal toho nadmieru, viete a niekedy to bolo veľmi zlé a sotva som mohol ... To je napätie, ono to spôsobuje. A dostal som sa mnohokrát do takého stavu, zvlášť pri tak mnohých videniach, viete, to sa mi proste stáva. Dívam sa na niekoho a rozmýšľam: „Toto je videnie. Nie, nie, nie. Nie je. Áno. Je alebo nie je?" Vidíte? Ľudia si proste neuvedomujú, čo to stojí. Tak potom uvažujete. Začnete rozmýšľať: „Dobre, vy ste ..." Potom sa z toho dostanete a myslíte si: „Dobre, no, čo som urobil? Mám päťdesiat rokov a nič som pre Pána neurobil a starnem a čo ...? Ó." Potom sa dostávate do toho čomu sa hovorí „blues" skľúčenosť. Niektorí z vás bratia v mojom veku sa pamätáte nazývali to „blues" - skľúčenosť. Otec zvykol o tom hovoriť a ja som bol zvedavý, čo to znamená a teraz už dobre viem, čo to znamenalo. Tak potom, keď sa začnete takto cítiť, nič z toho nie je pravda; to je len vaša predstava a vy to viete. Vidíte? Viete to si len sami robíte.

10A tak som sa snažil teraz trochu utíšiť a pripraviť sa na veľký nápor, ktorý dúfam zakrátko nastane. A potom cez ... Musím ísť hneď do New Yorku na zhromaždenie, na kampaň. Potom do Shreveportu, potom naspäť do Phoenixu. A potom idem okolo západného ... na severnú hranicu Spojených Štátov. Potom pripravujú cestu za more, aby sme vyrazili len čo budeme môcť po novom roku, možno v marci alebo v apríli niekedy v tom čase, začneme v Štokholme alebo v Oslo a pôjdeme okolo sveta ak budeme môcť na tejto ďalšej ceste.

11A teraz som doma, tak trochu odpočívam, aby som sa znovu spamätal. A ak bude vôľa Pánova prídem naspäť na budúcu nedeľu z Kentucky. A ak to bude v poriadku a ak dá Pán a brat Neville nebude mať nič proti tomu, budem sa snažiť slúžiť na budúcu nedeľu na zhromaždení, ak bude vôľa Pánova. A ak je Pán taký ochotný ako brat Neville, tak tu budem. Skutočne, ak je v tejto veci taký ochotný ako brat Neville. Dúfam, že je. No, vidím ... Potom viem že zanedlho, ak dá Pán, nakrátko vás opustím.

12A ja ... len krátke posolstvá, keď zoberiem trochu niečo z toho, čo mám na srdci, cítim sa akoby som vám to chcel povedať (viete?) a môžeme mať pri tom obecenstvo. No, mám ich niekoľko, päť alebo šesť, ktoré prišli práve ku mne v týchto niekoľkých posledných dňoch. Išiel som sem na pár dní, poľovať tu na veveričky. Prišiel som do lesov a zobral som si ceruzku a papier. Viete. A asi v tom čase keď už začína byť dobre a nastáva denné svetlo, opriem sa niekde o strom. Ak nezaspím, začínam sa modliť a potom ... Pán mi niečo dá. Začínam si robiť z toho krátke poznámky. Viete. Viete čo chcem povedať. Keď sa spamätáte a potom ... Potom idem sem, píšem si to všetko do poznámkového bloku. A potom keď ma zavolajú, vystupujem a beriem svoj poznámkový blok a dívam sa, prechádzam cez tie poznámky a dívam sa, čím by som mohol začať. Viete. To je to, čo sa stalo práve teraz.

13A tak teraz, chcem, ak Pán dá hovoriť len ... Chcem urobiť ... skrátiť tie veľké, dlhé posolstvá, viete, kde vás držím hodiny. Pán mi pri tom pomohol posledný večer tam v Chicagu urobiť celkom krátku prácu, okolo tridsať minút. A niekto ku mne prišiel a povedal: „Nemyslel som, že to bolo v tebe, ale si to urobil!" Tak tridsať minút z okolo dva a pol hodinového alebo tri hodinového kázania, viete. Tak možno sa budem môcť dnes večer poponáhľať a stanem sa trochu praktický a nebudem vás držať príliš dlho.

14Nech vás Boh žehná. Bez ohľadu na to kdekoľvek idem, nikde nebude také miesto, ako tu táto modlitebňa. To je domov, sladký domov. Mám súcit s rodinou Weaverových a s týmto milým farebným bratom, ktorý zomrel. Modlil som sa s ním krátko predtým ako odišiel, je to dobrý charakter. On je teraz doma s Bohom a všetko skončilo. Jednako musíme stadeto odísť, všetci to vieme. A tak sme ... nech Pán dá odpočinok ich dušiam v pokoji a jedného dňa očakávame, že vstúpime do zeme tam, kde nieto žiadna choroba, žiaľ ani smrť. Až dovtedy robme všetko, čo len môžeme pre evanjelium.

15Hovoril som o napätí, dnes ráno som sa za to modlil. Čo by ste robili, keby ste nemali napätie? Len sa nad tým zamyslite. Napätie je časťou života. To ma tak trochu povzbudilo, keď som nad tým rozmýšľal. Ak by ste nemali žiadne napätie boli by ste ako handrová bábika, nemali by ste žiadne pocity. Nebolo by nič na čom by ste mohli pracovať. Ako muž a žena, možno že keď ona chce niečo urobiť a oni sa snažia pracovať spolu (zvlášť kresťania) a ten druhý chce ... A potom keď sa zídete aby ste ... zistíte čo ona urobila; ona zistí ... Vidíte? Tie napätia vás v podstate viacej zbližujú. Niekto vám povie: „No len si predstav tú prostú ženu, ktorá prežívala také veľké napätie, keď si nebol taký dobrý. Alebo muž prežíval napätie, keď si ty nebola taká dobrá. Potom keď je to všetko odpustené pozri aký máš s ním súcit. Ó, proste ..." Vidíte? Musíte prechádzať cez napätia. Je to tak.

16A zamyslite sa len nad pocitmi. Čo keby ste nemali žiadne pocity, žiadne bolesti ani nič? Čo keby neboli vôbec žiadne bolesti? Nemali by ste vôbec žiadne pocity. Vidíte? A keby ste nemali pocity, potom by jeden z vašich zmyslov zanikol. Vidíte? Tak vidíte, jednako všetko je celkom na mieste. Tak, Boh nám proste dáva milosť aby sme v tom obstáli. To je to hlavné. Ak len stojím s tou milosťou a stojíme tam a hovoríme: „Vieme, že keď tento život skončí, pokračuje ten hlavný tam na druhej strane a očakávame, že do neho pôjdeme." A teraz, pamätáme, že všetky tieto veci, to napätie ...

17Niektorí ľudia sa snažia predstaviť kresťanstvo, že ste oslobodení od starostí, že ste ... Nie, nie ste. „Že ste voľní od napätia." Ó, nie! Keď sa staneš kresťanom pribudnú ti napätia, pretože si bol takým človeka plesknúť a ísť, bezstarostný, čokoľvek sa dialo, nestaral si sa o to čo robíš.

18Ale keď si sa stal skutočným kresťanom, v každej chvíli sa zamýšľaš a chceš vedieť: „Páčim sa svojmu Pánovi? Keby som mohol počuť od Neho ..." To ti spôsobuje napätie, spôsobuje že sa máš na pozore. To ťa robí tým, čím si. Tak nakoniec, napätie je požehnaním. Záleží len na tom, ako sa na to dívaš, proste ako sa na to dívaš. Vidíte? Ak sa pozrieš len na druhú stranu, tam je ... Nezáleží na tom ako tenko niečo krájaš, stále to má dve strany. Vidíte? Tak chcete vidieť obidve strany.

19Tak napätia ... Ja si myslím: „Ó, to je ... Čo je toto za napätie? Keby som sa bol narodil bez tohoto napätia." Dobre, keby som nemal toto napätie, nebol by som tým čím som. Nebol by som možno kresťanom. To bolo toto napätie, ktoré ma pritiahlo ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Vidíte? Tak to bolo pre mňa požehnaním.

20Tak potom, ako povedal Pavel, hoci mal vtedy nejaké napätie, či to alebo tamto, on sa tri krát radil Pána aby to od neho vzal. Pán povedal: „Saul ... Pavel, dosť ti je na mojej milosti."

21On povedal: „Potom sa budem chváliť svojimi slabosťami. Vtedy keď som slabý, som mocný." Vidíte? Pokiaľ je to vôľa Božia, v poriadku.

22No, radil som sa raz s Ním, keď ma to tak veľmi trápilo, vystrašilo ma to. A On mi povedal asi pred ôsmimi alebo desiatimi rokmi, On povedal: „Už ťa to viacej nevystraší." A viac sa to nestalo. Nie veru. Nerobím si s tým starosti. Ja to len cítim, viem že to tam je; ale si to proste nevšímam, pretože ma to už viacej nevystraší, tak som za to vďačný. No, On mohol povedať: „Už to viacej nebude," práve tak ako „Už ťa to viacej nevystraší."

23Tak to je Jeho vôľa aby sa to dialo, tak to jednoducho prijímam a hovorím: „Ďakujem Ti Pane, pôjdem touto cestou."

24No, skloňme na chvíľu hlavy a pomodlime sa. Je tu nejaká zvláštna prosba o modlitbu? Vidím tu ležať vreckovky. Zodvihnite ruku. Pane, požehnaj každé jedno z tvojich detí.

25Náš nebeský Otče, keď teraz pristupujeme ku tvojmu veľkému, majestátnemu trónu milosti, pretože sme boli požiadaní, aby sme prišli. Prichádzame na príkaz Ježiša Krista. A prichádzame so všetkými našimi starosťami a kladieme ich na Neho, pretože On sa stará o nás. Aké je to veľké potešenie, keď vieme, že On sa stará o nás. Ten veľký Boh neba, Stvoriteľ sa stará o nás, o svoje stvorenie. Tak sa z toho tešíme, Pane. Čo za potešenie v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme, keď sa zdá, že z ničoho nieto potešenie, jedine z tvojho Slova. Naša útecha je v tvojom zasľúbení. A v tvojom zasľúbení si povedal: „Nech sa naše žiadosti oznamujú," a „ak čokoľvek prosíte v mojom mene, ja to vykonám." A všetky tieto veľké zasľúbenia: „Proste a bude vám dané. Povedzte tejto hore - presuň sa, a nebudete pochybovať a ona sa presunie." Všetky tieto zasľúbenia a my môžeme z toho čerpať to, o čo prosíme.

26Zodvihli sa ruky, oni niečo potrebujú, Pane. Ty poznáš ich potrebu; uspokoj ju, Otče. Ja prikladám svoju modlitbu pred teba spolu s ich modlitbami, dvíham svoju ruku spolu s nimi. Tu na stole ležia vreckovky. Ó, ako ľudia s vierou, s chrabrou vierou, Pane ... Zdá sa, že to je len niečo čím si ma požehnal, aby som sa mohol modliť za chorých. Kdekoľvek, všade, kdekoľvek idem, je to spojené s modlením sa za chorých. Bože pomôž teraz. Prosím úprimne, aby si vypočul prosby, ktoré ležia za týmito vreckovkami, ktoré sú tu položené, to o čo ľudia prosia. Nech je na nich tvoja milosť.

27Pane, dozvedáme sa, že sestra Hicksová tu má nejakú ženu, ktorá obletela všetko, aby sa sem zniekade dostala, aby sme sa za ňu pomodlili; má rakovinu a chcela vedieť, či by ju mohla zobrať aby sa sem dostala. Prosím, Bože, aby si zachoval život tej osobe, sprav to. Môj malý synovec Mike, leží tam chorý a zvracia, vo vysokej horúčke; práve opustil dvere. Pane, verím že sme tam mali modlitbu viery, že Ty si to zastavil a ja som Ti vďačný, cítil som že tá horúčka odchádza od toho chlapca skôr ako som odišiel z tej izby.

28No, Pane, ďakujem Ti za všetky tieto veci. Teraz pripadol na mňa los, aby som hovoril tvoje Slovo. Daj nám tvoje Slovo, Pane. Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Požehnaj naše duše a daj nám milosť, ktorú potrebujeme, aby sme mohli čerpať dnes večer zo zasľúbení Božích, v Slove, aby nás to podopieralo do konca tohoto týždňa. Udeľ nám to. Požehnaj nášho pastora, túto statočnú dušu, jeho ženu, jeho deti, diakonov, starších a každú osobu, ktorá vchádza alebo vychádza z tejto budovy; udeľ to, Otče. Prosíme o tieto požehnania v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

29No, chcem čítať z dvoch miest písma Pánovho. Chcem prv čítať z knihy žalmov, 86. žalm. A potom chcem čítať z ev. Matúša, zo 16. kapitoly od 1. do 3. verša. A chcem čítať časť z tohoto žalmu, nie celý ale asi do 11. verša, to je asi trochu viac ako polovica.

30A chcem oznámiť toto, keď dám tomu textu názov, prv ako začnem o tom kázať: „Čas zjednocovania sa a znak." „Znak času zjednocovania." Znie to tak trochu skomplikovane. Zjednocovanie, vidíte? Čas, čas zjednocovania sa, to je to, čo sa deje teraz. A znak toho času zjednocovania.

31V žalme, modlitba Dávidova ... 86. žalm:

Nakloň Hospodine svoje ucho a vysliš ma, lebo som biedny a chudobný.

Ostríhaj moju dušu, lebo som svätý. Zachráň svojho služobníka, ty, môj Bože, toho, ktorý sa nadeje na teba.

Zmiluj sa nado mnou, Pane, lebo na teba volám každého dňa.

Rozveseľ dušu svojho služobníka, lebo k tebe, ó, Pane, pozdvihujem svoju dušu.

Lebo ty, Pane, si dobrotivý a hotový odpustiť a máš mnoho milosti pre všetkých, ktorí volajú na teba.

Počuj Hospodine moju modlitbu a pozoruj na hlas mojich pokorných prosieb.

V deň svojho súženia volám na teba, lebo ma vyslýchaš.

(Ó, nie je to nádherné? Ty ma vyslýchaš.)

Nieto takého medzi bohmi ako si ty, ó, Pane a niet skutkov, ako sú tvoje.

Všetky národy, ktoré si učinil, prijdú a budú sa klaňať pred tebou, Pane, a budú ctiť tvoje meno.

Lebo si veľký a činíš divy; ty sám jediný si Boh.

(Počúvajte teraz)

Vyuč ma Hospodine, svojej ceste, aby som chodil v tvojej pravde,


sústreď moje srdce na bázeň svojho mena.

(Jednota! Vidíte?)

zjednoť moje srdce na bázeň tvojho mena.

(* Poznámka prekladateľa: V anglickej Biblii je použité slovo unite -- zjednotiť, zlúčiť, spojiť.)

32 Hovorím teraz o zjednocovaní a o znaku času. A teraz, v 16. kapitole ev. Matúša.

A pristúpili ku nemu farizeovia a sadúceovia a pokúšajúc ho žiadali od neho, žeby im ukázal znamenie z neba.

A on odpovedal a riekol im: Keď je večer, hovorievate: Bude pekné počasie, lebo sa červenie nebo,

a za rána: Dnes bude nečas, lebo sa červená zachmúrené nebo. Pokrytci, tvárnosť neba znáte posúdiť a znamenia časov nemôžete?

Nech Pán pridá svoje milostivé požehnanie ku čítaniu jeho Slova.

33A teraz hovoríme o tomto zjednocovaní, o čase zjednocovania sa, o znaku času zjednocovania. Vidíte, Ježiš bol tu, v tomto poslednom mieste Písma, ktoré sme čítali, On karhal tých duchovných, že neboli schopní rozpoznať čas alebo znak času. No, to je stále veľká vec pre ľudí (Vidíte?), aby ste boli schopní rozpoznať znak času v ktorom žijete; pretože Boh to jasne píše, tak že to nikto nemôže prehliadnuť.

34No, obyčajne idem naspäť a sledujem ako to bolo v čase iných slúžiacich, alebo iných sluhov Pánových v Biblickom čase, ako znak v čase Noeho, znak v čase Daniela a tak ďalej, rôzne znaky, ale dnes večer to chcem obísť, aby som ušetril čas, aby som mohlo ... Ale Boh to stále tak robí, že dáva ľuďom prirodzený znak času, aby tak všetci vedeli, aký je práve čas. A títo farizeovia mali poznať svoj čas. Oni mali poznať, aký to bol čas. On povedal na inom mieste: „Keby ste poznali mňa, poznali by ste môj deň." Vidíte? To je práve ... To je veľká vec, že rozumieme. Vidíte? Bez porozumenia ...

35Preto sa ľudia stále obracali ku prorokom, vraveli: „On má porozumenie skrze videnie od Pána. A Slovo Pánovo prichádzalo za dávna ku prorokom." Vidíte? Ľudia mali porozumenie skrze Slovo Pánove, cez prorokov. A potom proroci dávali znak. Ako, jeden muž ležal tak dlho na svojom boku, potom sa obrátil a ležal na druhom boku. Jeden si musel vyzliecť šaty. A och, je mnoho vecí, ktoré oni robili, aby ukázali znak toho v čom žili. A teraz vieme, že Boh ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem a tak rozložil svoju prácu, že On predpisoval svoj čas skrze znaky, že ten istý Boh žije dnes. Tak my musíme byť, niečo ... Keď vidíme čas v ktorom žijeme, musí byť niečo, čo niekto niekde prehliada. Vidíte? Pretože Boh by nikdy nedal, aby sa stali tieto veci, bez toho aby nám dal jasný znak, aby sme porozumeli.

36Dnes tu máme to isté, že tí duchovní ... nečítame to správne. Je to presne tak ako to bolo vtedy, oni si nemysleli, že to je ten čas. Oni si vtedy mysleli, že žijú celkom pokojne a tak neočakávali na žiadneho Mesiáša. A Ježiš povedal, že Jeho príchod bude ako zlodej v noci, keď si ľudia nebudú uvedomovať Jeho príchod. Ale boli tam niektoré panny, ktoré vyšli aby sa s Ním stretli, polovica z nich mala olej vo svojich lampách a boli pripravené. Oni dávali pozor na ten znak. A to sú tí, ku ktorým hovorím dnes večer (Rozumiete?) ku tým, ktorí teraz dávajú pozor na ten znak, na znak Jeho príchodu.

37Tieto znaky, ktoré sú dané od Pána, sú dané len veriacim. Neveriaci to vôbec nevidia. Prechádza to rovno ponad ich hlavami a oni to nevidia. A teraz, presne s takou istotou ako to, že anjel Boží by mohol dnes večer zastať tu na tomto pódiu, presne tak skutočne ako sa dívam na vás, by som sa mohol dívať na to; alebo vy by ste sa mohli na to dívať a ja by som to nevidel, alebo ja by som sa mohol na to dívať a vy by ste to nevideli. No, viete že to je podľa Písma; presne tak. Oni videli ... Viete, keď Pavel spadom na zem, ale oni - nikto z tých ľudí nemohol vidieť to Svetlo.

38To Svetlo bolo rovno tam, keď Ján stál pred tými zástupmi ľudí a tisíce ľudí stálo tam na brehu, duchovní hodnostári a mudrci, veľkí ľudia. A Ján sám povedal, vydal svedectvo, že vidí Ducha Božieho zostupovať ako holubicu a prichádzal dole na Neho a hlas povedal: „Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." A nikto okrem Jána to nevidel. Vidíte? To bolo len pre neho.

39Všimli ste si aký jasný bol ten znak pre tých mudrcov? Oni sa dívali, tam bolo ... Oni boli Hebreji. To neboli v podstate indický astrológovia, oni boli Hebreji, pretože oni boli tam v tej krajine a študovali astronómiu, aby dokončili svoje vzdelanie. A keď sa pozreli smerom ku Jeruzalemu a vedeli, že keď videli tie tri hviezdy, z ktorých každá reprezentovala rodovú líniu, Chama, Sema a Jafeta, tie rasy z ktorých pochádzali všetci ľudia a oni videli tie hviezdy na ich rodovej línii. To bol pre nich znak, že keď tie hviezdy boli v jednej línii, Mesiáš je na zemi.

40Ó! Nie divu, že oni prišli: „Kde je? Kde je ten narodený Kráľ židovský? Videli sme jeho hviezdu na východe a prišli sme sa mu pokloniť. Kde je?" Oni vedeli, že nemluvňa Mesiáš niekde leží, pretože Boh im dal znak času, že Boh a človek sa spolu zjednocujú. Čo za zjednotenie - keď sa sám Boh zjednotil v ľudskom tele! Ten princíp, to najväčšie zo všetkých zjednotení, ktoré sa kedy stalo, bolo vtedy keď sa Boh zjednotil s človekom; a opustil svoju veľkú, jasnú Božskú podstatu a roztiahol svoj stan a zobral na seba ľudskosť a stal sa jedným z nich skrze Neho. Jednota - ktorá čo? Ktorá priniesla pokoj medzi Bohom a človekom naveky. Aký sme vďační.

41A znaky neboli poslané ... Zamyslite sa len teraz, každý človek, a všetci astronómovia, tí ľudia v tom čase, ich hodinami boli hviezdy. Vtedy býval pozorovateľ, ktorý vychádzal hore na vežu, vyšiel tam a pozoroval. On videl keď sa určité hviezdy dostali do určitej konštelácie, ako prechádzali, on vedel koľko je hodín. Pamätáte sa v Písme: „Koľko je hodín, strážca?" A ten strážca prišiel a povedal im, ktorá je hodina. Vidíte? Oni poznávali čas pomocou hviezd.

42No, nie je to divné, že tieto hviezdy boli presne v jednej línii pre troch mužov a nikto iný to nevidel? Vidíte? Jednoducho presne v línii. No, vy môžete byť tak v línii s Písmom. Vidíte? Keď sa tieto hviezdy dostali do jednoty, keď sa zjednotili spolu v tejto konštelácii, v tom istom čase boli tiež zjednotení traja muži. A vy môžete byť tak zjednotení s Bohom v jeho Slove, až sa tieto veci stanú skutočnými a vy ich môžete vidieť a vedieť, že to je pravda. Vidíte? Znak času! Môžete sa dívať rovno ponad to a poviete: „Ach, nezmysel!"

43Ale pre vás to nie je nezmysel. Pre vás, vy ste zjednotení so Slovom a tu to je. Potom je to úplne v poriadku, brat Pat, keď vidíš tento znak zlučuj sa s veriacim. A to je ten komu toto adresujem, veriacemu, lebo neveriaci to nikdy nebude vidieť. Keby On bol dnes na zemi, ako by boli pokarhaní dnes mnohí naši duchovní, ktorí nedokážu čítať tento znak. Znaky, ktoré každodenne čítame tu v zhromaždení a vidíme tie veci. Iní to čítajú a vidia nápis na stene a pri tom mnohí to proste ignorujú a ani to vôbec nevidia. Pre nich to vôbec nič nie je; oni si to nevšímajú.

44No všimnite si, že v tomto On ukázal národné znaky. Keď sa Ho o tomto opýtali, chceli znaky a On im dal znaky ktoré sa stali. Oni chceli vedieť kedy bude koniec sveta, čo bude znakom konca. A On im ukázal na mnohé miesta v Písme o národných znakoch, o nebeských znakoch na nebi a zemských znakoch; dal im znaky, znaky, znaky, proste stále znak. A keď ... On im tam povedal na jednom mieste o národnom znaku, povedal: „Keď uvidíte národy (vidíte?), že sa začínajú zhromažďovať okolo Jeruzalema (vidíte?), potom budeme vedieť, že čas ich problémov sa priblížil, keď uvidíte Jeruzalem obkolesený vojskom."

45No, prv ako mohli toto urobiť, Boh ... Svet sa musel zjednotiť ... Títus, tento veľký rímsky generál musel zlúčiť svoju armádu a obkľúčiť ich, potom keď títo židia odmietli znak času, ktorý im dal Boh. Potom nastal čas, že Titus spojil svoje armády a prišiel, aby zabral mesto. Prv muselo nastať zjednotenie Božieho ľudu (tak zvaného) proti Slovu Božiemu, skôr ako sa mohol ten národ zjednotiť proti Božiemu ľudu. Vidíte? Jednota, zlučovanie, spájanie sa dokopy ...

46Verím, že žijeme vo veľkom čase zjednocovania sa. Beriem tieto červené svetlá, svietiace signály a všetko čo sa týka žien, ako sa správajú a mužov ako sa oni správajú; a ako sa cirkvi správajú a z celého srdca ukazujem tejto malej skupine, že verím, že sa zoraďujeme podľa Božieho Slova v tejto veľkej prorockej hodine, tesne pred príchodom Pána Ježiša; zjednocujeme sa a pripravujeme.

47No, vidíte, prv ako Títus zjednotil tie národy ... zhromaždil svoju armádu, Izrael sa zjednotil a spikol sa, že nebudú veriť, že Ježiš je Mesiáš. Oni Ho odmietli a odstrčili a ukrižovali. A potom, keď odmietli spasenie, ktoré im bolo poslané ... Oni sa spolu zjednotili, aby to urobili. Zapamätajte si to: Zjednocujú sa spolu, aby odmietli posolstvo na tú hodinu! Oni to museli urobiť. A potom keď to urobili, potom prichádza národný znak.

48Národy sa začali spolu zjednocovať a Titus pritiahol túto veľkú armádu Rimanov a Grékov a obľahol múry Jeruzalema, obkľúčil tam potom tých ľudí a oni zomierali od hladu. Jedli kôru zo stromov. Jozefus, ten veľký historik nám o tom hovorí. A jedli trávu. Dokonca varili deti jeden druhého a jedli ich. Vidíte? Boli pomätení. A potom keď nakoniec Titus, on sedel tam hore na kopcoch okolo Jeruzalema a títo ľudia vo vnútri si mysleli, že konajú vôľu Božiu. Keď videli vpochodovať dovnútra tieto armády, oni predtým odmietli počúvať toho veľkého majstra, Pána Ježiša, ktorý im o tom hovoril.

49Nebol tam chytený ani jeden z tých kresťanov, pretože oni videli ten znak a odišli. Vidíte? Oni vraveli: „Nech tí, ktorí budú na postreší, nech nezostupujú, alebo kto na poli, nech sa nevracia naspäť, aby vzal svoje rúcho; ale utečte do Júdei a modlite sa, aby váš útek nebol v zime alebo v sobotu." Pretože v zime by na vrchoch bolo plno snehu a v sobotu boli brány zavreté a oni by tam boli chytení v takom stave. Vidíte? Chceme to rýchlo prebrať, ako Boh činí tieto veci, ak dá Pán.

50Všimnite si teraz, On ... Oni sa modlili aby to bolo ... aby to tak nebolo, Ježiš im povedal, aby sa za to modlili a ani jeden z nich tam nebol chytený. Oni odišli, pretože dávali pozor na ten znak a odišli; to bolo to, čo bolo treba robiť.

51Ó, ako majú cirkvi dnes vidieť ten znak času, v ktorom žijeme! Utečte na Golgotu tak rýchlo ako len môžete, aby ste si zachránili život; nie do nejakej cirkvi, ale ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Zjednoťte sa s Ním a nie s nejakou organizáciou alebo s nejakým cirkevným vyznaním. Zjednoťte sa s Kristom a buďte si istý, že to je On. Nemôžete proste prijať hocičo, musíte byť presvedčení, že to je On. Čo za čas zjednocovania!

52No, vidíme, že oni odmietli Mesiáša a potom sa zjednotili spolu a urobili spolok a dohodli sa medzi sebou, že ak by niekto prijal Ježiša ako proroka, že takí budú vylúčení z cirkvi. Pamätáte sa na toho slepého chlapca, ktorý sa narodil slepý? A učeníci sa pýtali: „Kto zhrešil? On alebo jeho otec, alebo matka?"

53A Ježiš povedal: „V tomto prípade, nikto; ale aby sa mohli stať skutky Božie, aby sa zjavili."

54Spomínate si, povedali, že otec a matka nemohli nič povedať. Oni vraveli, že vedia: „toto je náš syn, ale nevieme ako bol uzdravený." Pretože Židia povedali, že každý kto Ho vyzná, že je prorok, bude vylúčený.

55Ale, vidíte, tie skutky Božie boli to, že tento chlapec nepatril do tej skupiny. A on povedal: „No to je pre mňa divná vec, že vy neviete odkiaľ je tento človek a predsa On mi navrátil zrak." Vidíte? No, on to mohol povedať. Vidíte? To boli tie skutky Božie. On bol uzdravený a bol v poriadku a on to mohol povedať pretože nikde nebol ku ničomu priviazaný. On bol ten, na ktorom sa stal ten skutok a on skutočne videl, prvý krát vo svojom živote.

56No, Židia sa zjednotili proti Ježišovi a proti jeho Mesiášstvu a jeho Mesiášskemu posolstvu. Vidíme, že teraz sa deje to isté, presne to isté. Komunizmus sa zjednocuje, aby zničil cirkev a jediný spôsob ako to ... to sa deje potom, keď sa tiež sama cirkev zjednotila v Rade Cirkví, vo Svetovej Rade Cirkví, aby zaprela a zničila posolstvo, Slovo! Cirkvi, oni odmietli Slovo! Oni to nemôžu prijať, pretože to je proti ich denominačnému vyznaniu; bez ohľadu na to koľko Ohnivých Stĺpov bude visieť v našom ... v strede ľudí alebo koľko ľudí bude ... koľko vecí bude predpovedaných a stanú sa a všetky veľké znaky, ktoré On zasľúbil na posledné dni, oni to nemôžu prijať!

57A tak oni sa teraz zjednocujú a váš pastor tu a mnohí iní vám môžu povedať, píše sa o tom, že sú ... že majú svetové ekumenické hnutie. A nejaký luteránsky duchovný je tomu predstavený. Keby sa stala tu na okolí nejaká pohroma, ak nie sme spojení s týmto ekumenickým hnutím, potom náš zbor už viacej nemôže byť zborom a oni to tu môžu použiť ako skladište. Alebo ak by niekto z nás bratov videl niekoho zomierať alebo trpieť a snažil by sa mu poslúžiť nejakým duchovným požehnaním, mohli by nás za to zastreliť. Presne tak. Mohli by sme dostať desať rokov vo federálnom vezení za to, že niečím poslúžime, pretože nie sme členmi tohoto ekumenického hnutia. Či nevidíte znamenie šelmy? Vidíte?

58No, vidíme že tento čas zjednocovania nastáva. Vidíte? No dávajte pozor! Tak sama cirkev sa zjednotila proti posolstvu a potom keď to robí, národy sa zjednocujú do komunizmu, aby zase zničili cirkev; presne tak isto ako sa to stalo prvý krát. To sa znovu opakuje.

59Prv musel Izrael odmietnuť posolstvo. A keď oni odmietli posolstvo, potom tá armáda, ten národný život tých iných národov sa spolu zjednotil a prišli, aby zničili cirkev. A dnes, oni odmietli posolstvo Pána Ježiša, oni to odmietli. A teraz, prichádza čas, keď komunizmus zjednotí svet proti cirkvi. Vidíte? Musí to tak byť. No, ťažko sa to tak vraví.

60Tým Židom bolo ťažko veriť, oni vraveli: „No poďte, bratia, vidíme že náš Boh je s nami a tak vojdeme do chrámu. Budeme sa teraz modliť a nech svätý otec ten a ten ... Svätý otec ten a ten, nech vedie modlitbu. Zavrite bránu!" A Títus zaujal svoju pozíciu a stál rovno tam rok alebo aj viacej. Vidíte? Rovno na stráži a jednoducho ich vyhladoval. Ani jeden z nich sa nemohol dostať z mesta a zomierali od hladu. A keď tam vošiel a zvalil múry, krv tiekla ako rieky, kde zabíjal všetko, čo tam bolo.

61No, anjel Pánov to prorokoval, tam v Starom Zákone a povedal, že to sa stane. A tí duchovní, ktorí boli učení, ktorí mali stáť na stráži a povedať o tom ľuďom, namiesto toho, keď Ježiš stál medzi nimi, oni Ho ani nepoznali; a snažili sa z toho urobiť nejaký magický trik. „Sprav nejaký trik, nech vidíme ako sa to deje! Ukáž nám znak." Vidíte? A On povedal ... Prečo, On vykonal toľko vecí a jednako to nemohli vidieť. A potom, keď Ho odmietli ako svojho ... posolstvo na ten deň, oni odmietli posolstvo na ten deň.

62Oni prehliadli znak toho dňa. A znak Biblického proroctva sa odohral pred nimi a oni povedali: „Vojdime tam teraz!" To boli svätí ľudia. To boli ľudia, že by ste prstom nemohli ukázať na niečo v ich živote. Nemohli by byť takí a pritom byť kňazmi. Taký kňaz by bol zabitý, za akúkoľvek drobnú vec by bol ukameňovaný na smrť. Tak on musel žiť čistý, svätý život. On nemohol hocičo robiť, pretože za niečo také by bol proste ukameňovaný. Tak to boli veľkí ľudia a v očiach ľudí boli svätí a predsa tam vošli a povedali: „Teraz budeme ... Máme Boha, Boh je s nami po všetky tie veky. Vojdeme do jeho svätého chrámu." To bol Boží svätý chrám. Ale, vidíte, On bol vystrčený zo svojho svätého chrámu. Vidíte? „Vojdeme do domu Pánovho. Vy všetci Hebreji viete, že my sme vybraná rasa, my sme, tu. A Boh je náš Boh; Boh Abraháma, Izáka a Jákoba. On je s nami. On nás vyslobodí tam od tých neobrezaných Filištínov (ako to bolo), od tých Rimanov a Grékov. On nás z toho vyslobodí. Poďme do domu Pánovho!"

63To znie dobre; ale čo oni urobili? Ten Staviteľ toho domu tam bol, vo forme skromného Galilejského tesára a oni Ho odmietli; keď Ho Boh potvrdil, že je jeho poslom na tú hodinu, s potrebnou hodnosťou a oni to odmietli. Tak všetky tie modlitby, všetka tá úprimnosť, všetka tá obeť pred Bohom neznamenala nič. Oni to vykonali! A Boh nechal aby sa zjednotila táto veľká armáda a aby to zničila.

64A dnes vidíme ako cirkvi cez denominácie a tak ďalej, odmietajú Slovo Božie. Oni nechcú aby ste im hovorili o týchto veciach a veda to môže dokázať pomocou fotografií a rôznych iných vecí a jednako oni s tým nechcú mať nič spoločného. Tak komunizmus sa formuje, aby to zničil, presne tak ako to urobil Titus a Biblia povedala, že oni to urobia. Presne tak!

65No, vidíte kde žijeme? V čase zjednocovania. Keď vidíme, že sa tieto veci zjednocujú, ó ... prečo, prehliadame tieto veci. Môžete sa pozrieť sem do Písma a vidieť kde to On zasľúbil, čo bude robiť. Vidíme, že to sa deje. Vidíme čo zasľúbil, že sa bude diať v cirkvi. Vidíme, že to sa deje. Vidíme, že národy sa spolu zjednocujú. Vidíme, že izmy sa spolu zjednocujú. Vidíme, že cirkvi sa spolu zjednocujú. To je čas zjednocovania. To je hodina zjednocovania. To je duch tohoto veku: „Musíme sa zjednotiť." Všetko o čom hovoríte musí byť zorganizované; inak to vláda neprijme.

66Vy ako obyvateľ nemôžete ... Ja ako obyvateľ nemôžem, ako obyvateľ Spojených Štátov, jednako by som ... Keby ste mi dali šek na päť dolárov, neodvážil by som sa napísať naň svoje meno. Vidíte? Nemohol by som to urobiť. Vidíte? To je čas zjednocovania. To všetko musí prechádzať cez nejakú úniu niečoho a tá únia je práve to, čo privedie znamenie šelmy. Vidíte? To je čas zjednocovania a to sa rozvíja rovno ďalej do toho. Môžete to vidieť na svoje oči, ak sa budete na to dívať. To je čas zjednocovania, kde sa všetko spolu spája.

67Židia sa zjednotili proti Ježišovi, ako svojmu Mesiášovi. A tak vidíme, čo sa stalo. Teraz vidíme to isté. Komunizmus sa zjednocuje, aby zničil cirkev, potom keď sa cirkev zjednotila vo Svetovej rade cirkví a snaží sa zničiť posolstvo, Slovo Božie. Oni sa ho chcú zbaviť. Jediné čo môžu urobiť, je zostaviť si radu (koncil), pretože sú rozdelení. Tu je malá skupina metodistov a baptistov a luteránov a presbyteriánov, cirkev Kristova a tak ďalej. Nemôžu nič robiť, pretože tento bude proti tomuto, tento bude proti tam tomu, ich náuka sa tak od seba líšia ako východ od západu. Vidíte? Nemôžu to urobiť. Ale spolu, pod jednou veľkou hlavou, to dokážu. Potom to urobia.

68Tam sú katolíci tak v jednote, rímskokatolíci, pretože sú v jednote, oni sú ... väčšina je rímskokatolíkov; gréko a iných katolíkov nie je tak veľa ako rímskokatolíkov. A teraz oni sa zjednocujú spolu a preto stoja spolu. Bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, ten pápež je hlavou všetkého. Vidíte? A nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek hovorí: „On je neomylný; on je vicar (zástupca) Boha, to je všetko; on je ďalší po Bohu, on má sudcovskú právomoc nad peklom, nebom a očistcom." Vidíte? Tak v tomto prípade sa nedá nič urobiť; čokoľvek on povie, to sa musí diať.

69No, protestanti si robia presne takú hlavu. Či nehovorí Biblia: „Bol učinený obraz šelmy." Čo je to obraz? To je niečo, čo vyzerá ako to, čo je urobené na podobu toho. Vidíte, to je to isté. Čo to je? Tým že sa spolu zjednocujú. A toto je duch tohoto veku, zjednocovať sa.

70Jednotia sa spolu, snažia sa zničiť posolstvo. Ako to oni zničili? Ako mohli zničiť Slovo Božie? Oni ho mohli zbaviť moci, urobiť ho bezúčinným, tým že prijímali tradície ako to robili tam vtedy na začiatku a zbavovali Slovo Božie moci. Vidíte? Oni hovorili: „Ach, to ... Skutočne, nakoniec ..." Vidíte kde táto neveriaca žena, ktorá sa snaží aby ... ona ... Zabudol som teraz ako sa volá. Keby som si mohol spomenúť. Ona ... Snažím sa myslieť na veľa vecí.

71Rozmýšľal som raz o tejto pani Nations; prajem si aby povstala u nás ďalšia takáto. Ona chodila do barov a vyhadzovala whisky a vyhadzovala tie reklamy a všetko tomu podobné. Prečo nepovstane dnes takáto žena, aby sem prišla a strhala niektoré z týchto plagátov s nahými ženami, jej vlastnej rasy a takéto veci? Nemáme viacej takých.

72No ale táto žena, neveriaca, ktorá povedala, že čítať Bibliu vo verejných školách, že to je protiústavné. A takéto veci.

73A teraz oni tiež ... Všimli ste si znovu, oni sa teraz snažia povedať a sú to veľkí bádatelia Písma, hovoria, že veľká časť proroctiev, ktoré boli prorokované v Biblii, že sú úplne nesprávne a že sa nikdy nevy- plnili. A počuli ste to a čítali ste o tom. A oni sa snažili povedať všetko možné; vidíte, oni sa snažia zničiť účinok toho Slova. Ak to len môžu zničiť a dať za to náhradu, vyznanie alebo niečo také čo má človek, to v ich očiach vyzerá lepšie ako Slovo, potom to ničia svojimi tradíciami. A takto sa oni snažia ničiť Slovo Božie, skrze denominačnú politiku.

74No, každá cirkev má svoju vlastnú politiku. Cirkev Kristova má svoju, Kresťanská cirkev má svoju a baptisti a metodisti a presbyteriáni; oni všetci majú svoju rôznu politiku. No, oni sa dostávajú preč od toho pretože sú rozdelení. Vidíte? To sa nemohlo stať predtým, oni to musia urobiť teraz. Vidíte? Toto je čas zjednocovania a teraz to oni všetci dávajú dohromady a združujú to spolu a hľaďte s čím prichádzajú. Ó, to je ako piecť bochník chleba z konského mäsa a s odpadkami z koša a čokoľvek ešte dávajú dokopy a stláčajú to spolu a hádžu tam nejaké zhnité zemiaky a všetko možné spolu a vidíte, čo vám z toho vychádza. Ja z toho skutočne nič nechcem. Nie veru! To je spôsob ako to oni robia. Vidíte? Oni berú ľudí, ktorí veria, že Ježiš bol nejaký mýtus, cirkev, ktorá verí, že Ježiš bol mýtus. Iní veria, že bol prorok.

75Jeden hovorí: „Dni zázrakov pominuli."

76Iný: „Môže byť niečo také."

77A všetko toto spolu; a Biblia hovorí: „Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu ak sa nezhodnú?" Vidíte? To je ten druh jednoty, ktorú majú. Mať nejakého veľkého svätého otca, aby bol nad tým a tam máte obraz šelmy, presne to, čo hovorí Biblia. Teraz majú nejakého luteránskeho duchovného, ktorý je hlavou toho. No, vidíme jej čas zjednocovania. Tak isto teraz, komunizmus a všetko sa spolu zjednocuje. Vo svete a v cirkvi a tak ďalej, zjednocujú sa spolu.

78Pozorujte prírodu. Ó! Príroda, ak len budete pozorovať prírodu, tam sa deje to isté. Príroda je Božím kalendárom znakov. Vedeli ste to? Ježiš im povedal, aby pozorovali prírodu. More bude hučať (vidíte?) a budú sa diať rôzne veci a zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, národné konflikty, znaky na nebi, znaky na zemi, všade sa budú nachádzať znaky v tomto prichádzajúcom čase.

79Pozorujte oblaky. Prv ako môžu oblaky priniesť búrku, viete ako sa to deje? Niekoľko malých obláčkov sa zíde spolu a vytvoria jeden veľký oblak. Pri tomto je malý vietor, ktorý do neho fúka, pri tomto ďalšom je malý vietor, ktorý do neho fúka a oni sa všetky zídu spolu a potom je z toho hurikán. Vidíte? Oni sa zjednotia prv ako môže byť z toho búrka. Musia sa zjednotiť.

80Pozorujte kačice a husi ako sa spolu zjednocujú prv ako opustia svoju krajinu. Vidíte? Oni sa spolu zjednotia. Môžete ich vidieť lietať z tohoto rybníka ku tamtomu rybníku, z tadeto tam, oni sa všetky dávajú dokopy. Oni sa zjednocujú, pripravujú sa na svoj odchod. Vidíte? To je proste ... to je príroda. A Boh stvoril prírodu a príroda pracuje podľa Božieho plánu. To je zákon, nepísaný zákon Boží, že príroda pracuje podľa jeho zákona.

81Práve tak ako hovorievame na pohrabe, ako miazga odchádza dole do hrobu, na spodok do koreňa stromu, aby tam ležala až do vzkriesenia na jar. To je zákon Boží. Žiadna inteligencia nemôže spraviť, aby tá miazga išla tam dole; nedokážete ju vysušiť, nedokážete ju vysať. Nieto na to žiadny lepší spôsob, než ako to robí Boh. Boh má dokonalý spôsob. Tak keď padajú listy, vtedy On posiela tú miazgu dole do hrobu a skrýva ju. Ako povedal Jób: „Ukry ma v hrobe, až kým nepominie hnev." Vidíte? Ona ide tam dole, pretože to je zákon prírody, prv ako začne mrznúť. Dívajte sa na listy, teraz začínajú padať. Prečo? To je zákon prírody.

82Kačice sa dávajú dokopy, každá jedna z nich a zhromažďujú sa okolo vodcu. V tom oni nejako budú poznať, ja neviem ako to robia, ale oni vedia, že ten určitý malý káčer je vodca. A ten malý káčer, oni sa všetci dávajú spolu a zhromažďujú sa rovno okolo neho a vznášajú sa rovno do vzduchu. A on bude ... nikdy doteraz neopustil ten rybník, ale tak presne ako sa len dá, bude letieť na ryžové polia do Louisiany alebo do Texasu. Vidíte? Prv ako sa pustia do letu, aby opustili svoj dom, kde sa v tom roku narodili, oni sa spolu zjednotia. Amen! Tu to máte. Zhromažďujú sa okolo svojho vodcu.

83Problém s týmto je u človeka, on nepozná svojho vodcu. Tak veru. Oni sa budú zhromažďovať okolo denominácie, budú sa zhromažďovať okolo nejakého biskupa, alebo človeka, ale nebudú sa zhromažďovať okolo vodcu , okolo Ducha Svätého a Slova. Vidíte? Oni hovoria: „Ó, dobre, bojím sa, že by som sa stal trochu fanatikom; Bojím sa, že urobím nesprávny krok." Ó, tu to máte! Čo keby tá malá kačica povedala: „No, mne sa proste nepáči ako on nosí svoje perie. Nemyslím, že ho budem nasledovať." Taká by zamrzla a zomrela. Budete tam chytení, ak nepôjdete v tom lete, keď budú letieť. To sa spolu zjednocuje a to robí príroda.

84Husi sa spolu zjednocujú, zhromažďujú sa okolo svojho vodcu; oni robia to isté.

85Všimli ste si niekedy ako sa roja včely? Včely sa budú spolu zjednocovať, prv ako sa zroja, rovno okolo svojej kráľovnej. Je to tak. A kde ide ona, oni tam tiež pôjdu. Áno! Čo oni robia? Oni sa zjednocujú pred rojením. Presne; celá príroda ...

86Ryby sa zjednocujú spolu prv ako nastane jaro. Tam v oceáne, môžete ich nájsť, tie veľké ... nazývame to chumáče lososov. Keď idú tam hore, prv ako nastane ten beh, budete ich vidieť na desať tisíce, tam v mori ako sa zhromažďujú a zhromažďujú. V slanej vode, ale to je v skutočnosti sladkovodná ryba. A teraz idú rovno hore do tej čerstvej vody, aby sa tam dostali v období trenia. Oni tam idú a trú sa, asi každé štyri roky a zomierajú hneď po tom trení. A oni vedia, že tam idú zomrieť a ničím ich nemôžete zastaviť. Budú skákať po stupňových prietokoch a cez všetko možné, aby sa tam dostali a pri tom vedia, že idú na smrť. Ale ten zákon prírody ich vedie, oni vedia, tí starí, že tam idú aby sa treli a zomreli. A tí mladí prichádzajú z tade, niečo ich potom zjednocuje a idú do oceánu. To je zjednocovanie! To je zákon. Nemôžete proste narušiť Boží zákon.

87Národy sa rozlamujú, lebo toto je teraz čas, v ktorom vidím, že toto majú robiť. Sme v procese národného neporiadku. Vidíme, že národy rušia svoje vzájomné vzťahy. Rok za rokom, vidíme že tento národ je pohltený do komunizmu; tento je pohltený do komunizmu. A rovno tu v našom vlastnom národe sa to hemží komunizmom a to zvíťazí! Vidíte? On to vykoná, nie je možné to zastaviť. Prečo? Z toho istého dôvodu, ako nebolo možné zastaviť Titusa. Ľudia odmietli Boha a jeho Slovo. Tak veru, tak oni to vykonajú a my to vidíme práve v procese.

88Obyčajne zaberiem niekoľko hodín; už hovorím okolo tridsať minút, práve teraz. Ale aby som sa dostal ku tomu všetkému, práve sa to snažím. Študujte to keď prídete domov.

89Všimnite si, oni sa práve teraz zjednocujú. Pýtate sa: „brat Branham, je to pravda?" Oni prichádzajú do bitky Armageddon; to je presne to, čo urobia. Vidíte? A oni sa ku tomu práve teraz zjednocujú. Preto máme tie Spojené národy (U.N.) a všetko čo máme. Západný svet sa zjednocuje proti východnému svetu, komunizmu a tak ďalej, to sa všetko spolu zjednocuje. Cirkvi sa spolu zjednocujú. Vyzerá, že všetko sa zjednocuje. Zjednocujú sa, zjednocujú sa spolu. Vidíme to.

90Súčasne, kým prebiehajú všetky tieto zjednocovania v národe, tieto znaky, národné znaky, vidíme tu vo svete, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, rôzne veci sa zjednocujú, privádzajú svet dohromady, privádzajú ľudí dohromady, všetky cirkvi spolu, všetky tieto veci. A zatiaľ kým prebieha všetko toto zjednocovanie, prebieha tiež iné zjednocovanie. Amen! To je to, čo vám chcem teraz ukázať.

91Boh zjednocuje svoju nevestu. Ona sa schádza z východu, zo západu, zo severu, z juhu. Je čas zjednocovania a ono prebieha práve teraz. Na čo sa ona zjednocuje? Na vytrhnutie! Amen! Boh ju pripravuje. Tak veru - zjednocuje! S čím sa ona zjednocuje? So Slovom! „Lebo nebo i zem pominú ale moje slová nikdy nepominú." Ona sa zjednocuje s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí ktorákoľvek denominácia alebo ktokoľvek iný. Ona sa zjednocuje. Pripravuje sa. Prečo? Ona je nevesta. Je to tak. A ona sa zjednocuje so svojím ženíchom. Vidíte? A ženíchom je Slovo. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

92A cirkev a ... nevesta a Slovo sa stávajú tak jedno, že až samo to Slovo činí skutky ženícha. Amen! Vidíte to? Zjednocovanie! Už nie, „Vstúp do cirkvi"; už nie viacej niečo takéto, ale uteč od všetkého a priviaž sa ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Vidíte? To je čas zjednocovania. Boh zjednocuje spolu svoju nevestu, privádza naspäť; presne tak. Zjednocuje slová svojho zasľúbenia.

932. Tesaloničanom, 2. kapitola; tam je povedané, táto piata kapitola hovorí: Svätí, ktorí spia v prachu zeme sa zobudia. A my sa potom s nimi zjednotíme. Tí živí s tými, ktorí zomreli. Zjednotíme sa ešte predtým ako pôjdeme tam hore, pretože nevesta bude kompletná keď tam príde. Tí, ktorí sú nažive sa zjednocujú so Slovom a tí ktorí zosnuli to už urobili a to všetko prichádza spolu a tvorí jednu veľkú úniu zjednotenia, pred odchodom tam hore. Amen!

94Musel povstať komunizmus, museli povstať tieto ďalšie veci. Cirkev sa musí jednotiť tam v národoch pre Svetovú Radu Cirkví a nevesta sa musí jednotiť pod Slovo Božie. Aby sa to stalo Boh poslal dole nebeské znaky a rôzne veci, ktoré dokazujú cirkvi, že hodina ...?... Amen.

95Boh, čas zjednocovania. Tak veru. Ó! No pamätajte ... Je zjednocovanie Slova, zjednocuje sa znovu naspäť, privádza naspäť vieru, ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým. Privádza naspäť ... Tak toto sa mohlo stať len v tomto dni. Jediný čas, v ktorom sa to mohlo stať je práve teraz. To nebolo napádané nikde inde. Oni odišli na denominačné flámy. Ale teraz to nepatrí žiadnemu denominačnému flámu, pretože to je čas aby sa zjednotili muži a ženy každej rasy, každej farby pleti, každého vyznania, všetko aby sa zjednotilo pod Krista skrze krst Duchom Svätým a naspäť do Slova.

96Čas zjednocovania pre cirkev! Ó! Zjednocuje slovo, ktoré bolo roztrúsené všade pomimo skrze tieto organizácie od Nicei, Rímu, keď zorganizovali tú prvú cirkev. A zorganizovali Lutera, zorganizovali Wesleya, zorganizovali všetky ostatné cirkvi. A keď to robili museli prijať vyznanie a potom, keď Boh poslal niečo ďalšie, nemohli to prijať. A tak to nebolo možné až do teraz. A Boh zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch viera otcov bude znovu prinavrátená naspäť neveste, že sa to takto stane a to sa nemohlo stať v žiadnom inom čase jedine teraz. Pozrite aký máme znak z neba, Ohnivý Stĺp visí medzi nami a vidíme znaky a zázraky Pána Ježiša Krista. A odkedy ku nám hovorí, nikdy to nesklamalo ale vyplňuje sa to presne do bodky. Amen! Potom vidíme kde stojíme. Čas zjednocovania!

97Vidíme, že národy sa zjednocujú, vidíme, že svet sa zjednocuje, vidíme, že komunizmus sa zjednocuje, vidíme, že cirkev sa zjednocuje a vidíme, že Boh sa zjednocuje so svojou nevestou, že až On a cirkev sa stávajú jedno a to isté, ako pyramída ... Zjednocujú sa spolu; Božie zjednocovanie! Prečo? Nikdy predtým, od včasného cirkevného veku nebol ten Ohnivý Stĺp medzi ľuďmi. Nikdy predtým od včasného cirkevného veku, nevideli tie veci, ktoré my vidíme dnes. A toto sa stalo možným jedine vtedy keď Boh poslal tých sedem pečatí a skrze to nám dal znak a poslal dole z neba sedem anjelov; a prišiel aby priniesol naspäť to roztrúsené Slovo po tých denomináciách a znovu to priviazal naspäť do Slova Božieho, aby priviedol dole svojho Ducha Svätého.

98Ježiš povedal: „Ak zostanete vo mne a moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo chcete a stane sa vám." Znovu zjednocuje nevestu so Slovom, ktorým je Boh. Cirkev a Slovo, nie cirkev a vyznanie, cirkev a Slovo, nevesta a Slovo sa spolu zjednocujú. Ó! Čo za ... Prinavracia naspäť čo? Vieru originálnych letničných otcov (vidíte?), ktorá bola roztrúsená skrze Luterovu skupinu. Nie skrze samotného Lutera; nie Luter, nie Wesleya, nie skrze týchto veľkých zakladateľov. Ale potom, keď oni odišli, povstala cirkev a oni ... čo tí ľudia s tým potom urobili, urobili z toho organizáciu. Prijali vyznania a tak ďalej a odišli preč. A pozrite sa dnes na nich, teraz prišli do Svetovej Rady Cirkví.

99No, vidíte; ale v posledných dňoch, (Vidíte?) teraz vidíme, že sa dejú veci, ktoré sa nikdy predtým nestali. Vidíte? To je Boží znak a všetky tieto zjednocovania sú znakom času. No, chceme sa na to pozorne pozrieť, aby sme si boli istí, že to rozumieme. Opúšťajúc ... Oni kvôli denomináciám opúšťajú to pravé Slovo, aby prijali vyznania a názory rôznych ľudí namiesto toho, aby prijímali Slovo.

100Zjavenie 10 hovorí: „Posolstvo siedmeho anjela." Pamätajte teraz, to je rovno pri tých siedmich trúbach, a je sedem anjelov, ktorí trúbia na siedmich trúbach. To je to ďalšie ku čomu prichádzame. Ale pamätajte, je povedané veľmi presne: „Anjelske ..." nie trúba siedmeho anjela" ale „posolstvo siedmeho anjela." Pozrite, nie anjel s trúbou ale anjel s posolstvom! Vidíte? Ten anjel len zatrúbil na trúbe, ten siedmy anjel. Ten anjel s tou trúbou bol tento, že vo dňoch posolstva siedmeho anjela (vidíte?), keď sa dokoná jeho posolstvo. Vidíte? To je posolstvo cirkevného veku. V tomto čase, vtedy on bude ... to posolstvo, nie tá trúba ... A tajomstvo Božie, ktoré je napísané v Slove sa dokoná.

101No pozrite sa v akom dni žijeme! Pozrite sa na tieto pečate, ako to potiahlo to roztrúsené Slovo Božie, čo Luter a všetci tí ostatní, čo tí veľkí reformátori, ktorí vystúpili; prichádza rovno naspäť a ukázal to v Biblii, kde oni boli, každého človeka rovno na jeho mieste, čo on mal robiť a čo sa stalo cirkvi, čo on mal robiť a čo sa stalo cirkvi. Všetky tieto veci, ktoré on vynechal. A potom, v posledných dňoch, keď sme nič o tom nevedeli, predpovedal nám určitú vec, ktorá sa stane a ešte aj noviny a iné časopisy to zachytili a prichádza rovno dole a zjavuje to a viaže dokopy tie tajomstvá. Amen! Brat, pre mňa je to niečo úžasné! Mne to pasuje so Slovom. Amen. Nestarám sa o to, čo ... alebo je mi jedno, čo si myslia ľudia, (je to tak) ale pre mňa je to pravda.

102Ako tí mudrci, ktorí prichádzali dole z Babylonu, oni zvolali: „Kde je ten narodený Kráľ Židov? On je práve teraz na zemi. Prišli sme Ho nájsť." Je to tak. A ja verím, že Jeho príchod je už tak blízko, že môžem povedať: „Ajhľa, ženích prichádza! Počujem polnočný krik!" Amen! Sme práve v tom čase konca. Ó, to je hodina v ktorej žijeme. Všimnite si.

103Čo za deň! Čo za čas v ktorom žijeme, toto veľké tajomstvo Božie sa dokonalo; prináša Božstvo, ukazuje čo to je; ako tieto malé izmy vyšli z toho a urobili z neho toto a niekto z neho urobil toto a niekto z neho urobil tamto. Ale Anjel Pánov prichádza dole a berie všetky ich izmy a vyťahuje z toho tú pravdu a predstavuje to. A tu to je, tak dokonale ako to len môže byť. Nijako inak by ste nemohli ísť. Tu to je, to je to, čo On je. Vidíte? Semeno hada, všetky tieto rôzne veci, ktoré boli ľuďom také záhadné. Vidíte? Čo to je? On ... Toto je znak čoho? Zjednocovania!

104Čo On povedal v Malachiášovi 4? Prinavráti! Prinavráti naspäť originálnu letničnú vieru, naspäť ľuďom s tým istým letničným posolstvom, tým istým letničným znakom, tým istým letničným dôkazom, ten istý Boh, tá istá moc, to isté učenie, všetko presne, potvrdené tým istým Ohnivým Stĺpom, ktorý zrazil Pavla na zem na ceste do Damašku. Dnes medzi nami robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil v tom čase. Zjednocovanie!

105Vidíme, že národy sa zjednocujú, vidíme, že svet sa zjednocuje, vidíme, že cirkvi sa zjednocujú. Vidíme, že nevesta sa zjednocuje, zjednocuje sa so Slovom. Prečo? Slovo je Boh. A ako Slovo ... Ako ženích, ktorý je Slovom a nevesta, ktorá je poslucháčkou Slova, oni prichádzajú spolu do zjednotenia. Zjednocujú sa ako pri svadbe. Vidíte? Pripravujú sa na svadbu - stávajú sa jedno. Slovo sa stáva vami a vy sa stávate Slovom. Ježiš povedal: „V ten deň ... Poznáte, že všetko čím je Otec, som Ja a všetko čím som Ja ste vy; a všetko čo ste vy, som Ja. V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." Vidíte? V ten deň. V ktorý deň? V tento deň! Nachádzame, že tie veľké skryté tajomstvá Božie sú zjavené. Ó, ako to mám rád!

106Sledujte ako veda a Slovo sa nemohli porovnávať, ako to dnes robia. Predtým to nemohli. Len teraz je čas, že to môžu robiť.

107Všimnite si, On povedal: „nebeské znaky, nebeské znaky." Veda, a národné znaky ... Dnes majú na oblohe veľké znaky, majú astronautov a všetko možné. Ale čo prinášajú títo astronauti svetovej vede? Prinášajú im strach. Oni nevedia kedy tam môžu poslať niečo takéto a proste spustiť tieto bomby a viac by nás nebolo. Vidíte? No to sú znaky, ktoré majú, strašné znaky na nebi. Vidíte? Oni ich majú, atómové strely a všetko, všetky druhy znakov.

108Vidíte kde oni podpísali túto dohodu, toho dňa, že nebudú už viacej skúšať bomby na otvorenom priestranstve, ale teraz to robia pod vodou a dole v zemi, skúšajú to tak isto. Vidíte? Podpísali dohodu: „Nebudeme toto robiť, ak vy poviete, že to nebudete robiť (ale my pôjdeme tam domov a budeme to takto robiť; ach, vieme, že vy to budete robiť tam tak isto)," Vidíte? Nie je ani jedna vec, to je len ... nieto medzi nimi žiadna dôvera, nie je nič. Môžete ... Vidíte? A každý sa bojí toho druhého. To sú strašné znaky.

109Veda a ľudia a národy vyprodukovali strašné znaky na nebesiach. Je to presne tak. A teraz sa boja jeden druhého. A bol daný nebeský znak, ktorý ... Vidíte teraz, oni majú tiež na nebi znak, strašný znak, človeka astronauta; môže mať atómovú strelu, môže ju zhodiť a zničiť celý národ. Ide hore ako astronaut a ostáva tam. Nič ich od toho nemôže zadržať. Oni to skutočne dokážu urobiť, kedykoľvek chcú. Keby chceli, za pätnásť minút ju môžu rozbiť na prach. A to, čo dokáže jeden, to ten druhý tiež takto dokáže. Tak, vidíte, že oni majú znak, ale takýto druh znaku im naháňa strach.

110Oni sa spolu zjednocujú, dávajú dokopy svoje sily. Ten slobodný svet, oni dávajú dokopy svoje sily. Komunizmus dáva dokopy svoju moc s Ruskom. Každý; ale jeden sa bojí druhého. Vidíte? To je strašný znak. Je to tak. To sú národné znaky. Vidíte?

111Ale cirkev dostala nebeský znak: Astronauta! Amen! Ježiša Krista vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa; to bol On v Starom Zákone, to bol On, keď stretol Saula tam na ceste do Damašku, ten istý Ježiš Kristus je tu dnes! A čo to robí? Prináša to strach? To prináša lásku, ktorá spája jedného s druhým. Amen! Prináša súcit jedného ku druhému. To prináša lásku Božiu, ó, zjednocuje nás a prináša nás, telo Kristove, do jednoty ako nevestu. To je to, čo to teraz robí, toto veľké spojenie, ktoré Boh ...

112Oni sa zjednocujú. Tu je jedna skupina, aby bojovala proti druhej, tamto je jedna skupina, aby bojovala proti druhej. A tu medzi nimi stojí cirkev, sledujte čo sa deje, to sa s nimi zjednotí. Presne tak. Ale teraz nachádzame, že to prináša strach a sklamanie.

113Ale cirkev, nevesta je zjednotená skrze jedného Boha, pod jedného Ducha, Ducha Božieho, v jednom svätom zväzku Božom, aby bola jednou svätou nevestou pre Boha. Je to tak, všetko spolu, jednota tela. To telo čaká, ako nevesta; ako ... to je nevesta, ako aj my sa nazývame nevestou ... Lebo je čas zjednocovania nevesty, cirkev sa takto schádza. To má medzi nami stvoriť takú lásku, že sotva budeme môcť byť jeden bez druhého. Je to tak. My len môžeme ... nemusíte prosiť ľudí, aby sa modlili, nemusíte ich prosiť, aby ctili Boha, nemusíte ich prosiť, aby robili to, čo je správne. Oni sú tak zamilovaní do Neho, že nič iné pre nich neexistuje.

114Čo si myslíte o dievčati, o skutočne peknom dievčati, ktorá sa ide vydať za milého mladého muža, ona je tak bláznivo do neho zamilovaná, že to pre ňu znamená viac, ako jej vlastný život a ona jasne vie, že sa poberú. Ako sa približuje ten deň svadby, to dievča, hovorím vám, ona chodí okolo. Proste všetko pripravuje; ona sa cele vydáva jemu. Je to tak. Ona chce robiť všetko to, čo sa jemu páči. No, tak to má byť dnes s cirkvou, náš život má byť tak skrytý v Bohu skrze Krista, zapečatený tam Duchom Svätým.

115To čo vás tu učím, keď vám hovorím o týchto znameniach a rôznych veciach, ktoré sa dejú, nemám čas, aby som to teraz robil; urobím to v ďalšom posolstve, ak Pán bude chcieť. Ale je jedna malá vec, ktorá ešte v cirkvi chýba. A my to chceme, aby sme sa do toho dostali a ja som teraz rovno na okraji toho. Vidíte? Chceme sa do toho dostať, ak ... musíte to urobiť. Ak to neurobíte, to je proste všetko. Musíte to robiť. Lebo pozrite sa, čas zjednotenia je na blízku, lebo Boh dáva dohromady cirkev, aby bola vytrhnutá, aby išla na svadbu na to veľké zjednotenie: keď Boh a človek sa zjednotia na večnosť, keď stvorenia času sa zjednotia s večnosťou.

116To sa raz stalo vo forme Syna človeka na zemi. A On musel dať svoj život, aby priniesol moc, aby sa ďalší ľudia zjednotili s tou istou mocou, aby povstala nevesta Ježiša Krista. A teraz, cirkev sa zjednocuje, telo Kristovo. Ono sa oslobodilo, odseklo sa od každého drobného puta, pripravuje sa; dáva sa dohromady, zjednocuje sa medzi sebou. Ó, láska a radosť a Duch Svätý sa pohybuje medzi nimi. Ó, čo za čas!

117Keď vidíme, že kačice sa pripravujú. Vidíme, že včely sa pripravujú. Vidíme, že oblaky sa pripravujú na dážď. Vidíme všetko ako sa to spolu zjednocuje na svoj veľký úder. Vidíme Spoločnosť národov, národy pohromade, zjednocujúce sa do komunizmu. Vidíme ich, ako sa spolu zjednocujú tu v západnom svete. Vidíme cirkev, ako sa spolu zjednocuje a všetko to ostatné. Tak je úplne nemožné, nemohlo sa to takto diať v žiadnom inom čase, nemohlo sa to takto diať pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, nemohlo sa to takto diať. Nemohlo sa to takto diať pred desiatimi rokmi, musí sa to diať práve teraz. Vidíte, pretože tieto izmy a všetko neprišli ešte ku tomuto miestu.

118A teraz sa zobuďte! Zatraste sebou, veľmi rýchlo a pozrite sa sem, kde sa nachádzame! Kde sme? Ako tí mudrci, sme presne v línii so Slovom a svetlo Pánove svieti na náš chodník. Sláva Bohu na výsosti. A sláva Bohu, ktorý nám dáva Ježiša Krista, ktorého milujeme a priviedol nás na toto miesto. A keď .. My sme jeho ľud kúpení za cenu jeho krvi.

119Ó! Keď prichádza čas zjednocovania, dívame sa ako sa zjednocujeme jeden s druhým v putách jeho Ducha. Môže to byť jeho Duch? Samozrejme, to je jeho Duch. Čo to je? To je jeho Slovo a On je ... to je Duch Slova. A keď ten Duch zasľúbenia prichádza na vás a potvrdzuje a ukazuje sa rovno tu, je to ten istý Duch? To bol ten, ktorý bol s Mojžišom na púšti! To bol ten, ktorý bol na Ježišovi Kristovi! On je ten, ktorý stretol Saula na ceste do Damašku! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky! A On robí tie isté veci!

120Vidíme pohromade národy. Vidíme cirkev ísť spolu. Vidíme spolu komunizmus. Vidíme, že sa zjednocujú izmy. Vidíme všetky tieto veci. A teraz vidíme, že nevesta sa zjednocuje so Slovom. Ó! To je čas keď povstanú svätí, aby sa zjednotili s tými, ktorí sú nažive, aby išli a zjednotili sa s Ježišom Kristom na večnosť.

121Bože pomôž nám, každému jednému, aby sme sa dnes večer zjednotili s Kristom. Aby sme vydali naše všetko čo sme, všetko čo máme, našu celú dušu, telo a myseľ Ježišovi Kristovi a očakávali čas toho zjednotenia.

Keď zaznie trúba Božia a času viacej nebude

a to ráno sa preborí do večnosti, jasné a svetlé;

...keď mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú;

A zhromaždia sa tam na druhom brehu

(s tou nevestou, ktorá je živá),

aby boli spolu zobraní hore.

122Pozrite sa na to zjednocovanie! Boh zjednocuje cirkev so svojím Slovom, Slovo s cirkvou, aby oni obaja sa stali tým istým: „Povieš toto a to sa stane. Urobíš toto a to sa stane. Toto je to; toto som Ja pred vami, toto som Ja, ktorý to potvrdzujem; toto som Ja s vami."

123Dobre. Vidíme, že teraz prichádza čas, keď tá trúba zaznie a tí spiaci svätí tam, ktorí nemôžu byť bez nás dokonalí, sú závislí na nás, Židom 11, keď sa zídu spolu, zjednotia sa s tými živými. Slovo zjednocuje cirkev a potom cirkev a Slovo sa spolu zjednocujú, stávajú sa jedno. Spiaci svätí so živými svätými sa spolu zjednocujú, aby boli jedno; a všetci idú spolu, aby sa tam zjednotili s Kristom, na Baránkovej svadobnej večeri.

124To je čas zjednocovania a tie znaky lietajú všade. Znaky sú v národoch, znaky sú v komunizme, znaky sú v západnom svete, znaky sú v Rade Cirkví. A znak je tu dnes večer pod ochranou Ducha Svätého a Slovo Božie to potvrdzuje a ukazuje, že je to pravda. Amen! Čas zjednocovania! Znak času zjednocovania!

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

125Pane Ježišu, ako moje biedne srdce vyskakuje od radosti, keď vidím tie možnosti, pre mňa človeka stredného veku, ale predsa sú možnosti pre mňa vidieť Ťa prichádzať v tejto generácii; byť nažive a stáť tu a vidieť, keď zaznie tá trúba: „Ten kto je špinavý je ďalej špinavý. Ten, kto je spravodlivý je ďalej spravodlivý. Ten kto je svätý, je ďalej svätý." Ó Pane Bože!

126A pomyslieť si na to, stáť, v momente, v okamihu, keď svet nebude vedieť čo sa deje ale zrazu budete vidieť, ako sa pred vami zjavia vaši milovaní, ktorí zomreli a prišli, aby sa znovu s vami zjednotili. A v momente budeme premenení, v okamihu, a budeme vychvátení hore, spolu, aby sme stretli Pána na povetrí. A potom sa s Ním zjednotíme, aby sme tam boli naveky a aby sme nikdy viacej nemuseli odísť z jeho prítomnosti.

127Čo za veľká vec je to dnes, Pane, vedieť, že teraz sme zjednotení ako jeden Duch. Jeden Duch, Duch Svätý má vo svojom zovretí Slovo a vchádza do nás. A čo za veľká vec to je, čo za privilégium oslobodiť sa od celého sveta a zjednotiť sa v Ježišovi Kristovi. A pomyslite si, že jedného dňa, v telesnej forme, s telom ako je jeho oslávené telo, zasadneme za stôl na svadobnú večeru a tam budeme zjednotení a spojení v manželstve s Ním; aby sme žili ako nevesta a ženích po celý ten čas, ktorý má prísť, počas nekonečnej večnosti.

128Pane Bože, nech toto pre ľudí nie je len nejaká mýtická predstava, ale nech sa to stane takou skutočnosťou, že až v ľuďoch povstane taký hlad a smäd, že budú ... čítajúc noviny, dívajúc sa ... počúvajúc rádio a správy a budú vidieť, že je čas zjednocovania. Znaky svietia.

129Pane Bože, ako sme hovorili o ženách, čo budú robiť v týchto posledných dňoch, čo bude robiť cirkev v týchto posledných dňoch, a aké budú cirkevné veky, a čím budú pečate a všetky tieto ostatné veci. A vidíme ako to bolo, vo dňoch Noeho. Vidíme ako to bolo, vo dňoch Sodomy a Lota, keď ten anjel Boží sa dal poznať v ľudskom tele, jedol mäso z kravy a pil mlieko od kravy a jedol chlieb, stál tam a mohol povedať, čo sa deje za Ním. A Ježiš povedal, že tá istá vec sa stane pri príchode Syna človeka.

130Pane Bože, videli sme pyramídu, ako ju tam stavali a videli sme ako sme do toho dodávali tieto veci; a zisťujeme, že sa nachádzame v čase konca, čakáme na ten hlavný uholný kameň. Sláva Bohu! Prosíme, Pane, aby si teraz rýchlo zobudil ľudí a zhromaždi nás spolu aby sme mali božskú lásku a úctu ku Ježišovi Kristovi a ku každému jednému.

131Ak je tu niekto dnes večer, kto nemá tú nádej, ktorá by odpočívala v tebe, zodvihneš ruku ku Bohu a povieš: „Pane Bože, zjednoť ma s Tebou, zjednoť ma s Tebou?" Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná aj teba, teba. Áno. „Zjednoť ma s Tebou Pane." Áno! Ó!

Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí,

132 Pozrite sa tam na Izrael, zjednocuje sa spolu. Izrael, prišiel z celého sveta aby sa zjednotil, aby sa zjednotil a teraz sú národom. Sú zjednoteným národom: majú vlastnú zástavu, vlastné peniaze, vlastnú armádu. Teraz sú všetkým, čím boli voľakedy. Izrael sa zjednocuje, Rím sa zjednocuje, cirkev sa zjednocuje. A nevesta sa zjednocuje, amen. Prichádza to veľké zjednotenie. Čo to je? Všetko ide do toho znaku, do toho hlavného najvýznamnejšieho znaku, Ježiš a jeho nevesta spájajúci sa v jedno.

133 Otče, Bože, udeľ tieto požehnania, ktoré prosím pre týchto ľudí a nech by sme v srdci boli zjednotení s Tebou, v duchu, keď zodvihli ruky, túžiac po tom. Pane Bože, očisti nás a sprav, aby sme boli tvoji; udeľ nám to, Pane. To je všetko čo vieme a čo môžeme robiť, prosiť. A potom Ty si povedal, ak to prosíme a veríme tomu, že to dostaneme; ja na to očakávam, Pane. Ďakujeme Ti v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote. (Amen. Ó.)

Ajhľa, ženích prichádza!

Počujem polnočný krik!

Pôjdeme hore s pokrikovaním, ak všetci obstojíme,

aby sme Ho stretli na oblakoch. (Haleluja!)

Buď pozorný a modli sa, môj brat,

aby niekto nevzal tvoju korunu,

pretože vlažní a odpadlíci nebudú nosiť svadobné rúcho. (Je to tak.)

134 Pripravme sa na ten polnočný krik. Prichádza v hodine, v ktorej sa nenazdáte. Povstane krik, nie medzi tým neveriacim svetom; to bude tajomstvo. Ale medzi veriacimi, ktorí na toto očakávajú. Vidíte tie hviezdy ako prichádzajú do línii? Vidíte? Čo to vyprodukovalo? Presne to isté, čo prvý krát. Vidíte, tu sme, tie znaky prichádzajú.

Vidíme ako sa ukazujú znaky jeho požehnaného príchodu,

ajhľa, začínajú sa teraz zelenať figové listy.

Evanjelium kráľovstva zašlo do každého národa;

a my sme na blízku, dá sa vidieť koniec.

Potom s radosťou, budeme ohlasovať

posolstvo jeho požehnaného zjavenia.

135 Je to tak? Ó, ohlasujeme posolstvo jeho požehnaného zjavenia sa! To je to, čo máme robiť. Povedať každému: „Priprav sa, priprav sa stretnúť s Bohom." Amen! Milujem Ho. Ó, ako Ho milujem. No, povstaňme teraz. Keď sa navzájom zdravíme, načiahnime sa okolo a podajme si s niekým ruky a povedzme:

Kým sa stretneme! (podajme si teraz ruky),

kým sa stretneme!

Kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;

Kým sa stretneme ...

Pamätajte, môžete byť zavolaný! Naše ďalšie stretnutie môže byť pri Jeho nohách!

Nech je Boh s tebou až kým sa znovu stretneme!

136 A teraz, len si predstavte, prv ako sa znovu stretneme; prv ako sa stretneme v nedeľu ráno, alebo v stredu večer, môže sa stať, že prvé čo zistíte, že niekto chýba. Tento tu chýba, sú preč. Ó, predstav si, že by chýbal tvoj manžel, alebo by chýbala tvoja žena a Jánova žena by chýbala a tu tie deti by chýbali. Všetko sa stalo ... Čo sa stalo? Potom ste tu zostali!

Ó, čo za plač a nárek keď zatrateným je povedané čo ich čaká.

Budú kričať na skaly a na hory

(ako Izrael, ktorý išiel do mesta, do chrámu.)

Modlili sa ale na ich modlitby bolo príliš neskoro.

(Oni odmietli posolstvo.)

137 Ó, brat, nikdy to neurob. Čokoľvek robíš, stoj chrabro za tým! Tak veru!

138 A teraz, až kým sa stretneme, budeme robiť toto:

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš

ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa nahromadia okolo teba pokušenia (čo urobíš?)

Vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

139 Skloňme teraz hlavy a budeme to hmkať.

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš,

padajúc na tvár ku jeho nohám,

Kráľa kráľov v nebesiach Ho budeme korunovať;

Keď sa skončí naša púť. (Jedného dňa sa to stane.)

Vzácne meno, ó aké sladké!

(Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme.)

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!

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1 Good evening. Privilege to be here tonight, and stand in this place.

2I, this morning, coming down the road... I'd been off praying, waiting on the Lord. And coming down the road, I turned on a--a radio minister, Brother Smith, the colored brother, (did you all hear him this morning? Any of you?) up at, I believe it's Ohio. Someone was telling me about him preaching, and said, "You ought to turn him on, like that."

3I just happened to get him, this morning. And he was certainly telling about how that sin was abounding in the world today, and is... And I turned over a little farther, station from that, and come down and heard another. Time I got down here, I was about ready see if it wasn't too late to come to church, this morning when I got in. So, we're very indeed privileged to be here tonight, and to serve in the service of the Lord.

4 And talking about Brother Neville, and the message the other day, to this little lady, our sister that just went from us; left us, we all know who it was, it's Sister Weaver. And thinking about a man here, being baptized tonight; she... I baptized her in this pool when I... they had to bring her here in a wheel chair. She was dying, with cancer, and she just had that night to live; the doctors done give her up, she was going to die the next morning. And I went into her home and tried to speak to her about Divine healing, and she just kept repeating, "I'm not worthy that you come under my roof." She said, "I--I'm not worthy for a minister to be in my house." She said, "I'm a sinner." But she said, "Sir, I don't want to die like this." And so Grace Weber, up here, took me down there. I just come in, tired from the meetings; and there when I was praying for her, and read the Scripture to her, and she got saved. Then, she could hardly raise her hand up, but she wanted to shake hands with everybody. She just... something happened to her.

5And while they was shaking hands, I saw a vision of her going to a chicken coop, coming back. I said, "All right, it's going to be all right now"; and that's eighteen years ago. And she's been a jump ahead of that cancer, all along. If she died,... Never died with no cancer, she had a heart attack and killed her. They had her under oxygen; she died in a heart attack.

6 And then I was thinking, just at the last when the people were going out, and they sang, Then Jesus Came. That's exactly what happened, He came and spared her life for those eighteen years. And I thought, how appropriate. That woman probably didn't know she was doing it like that. Then, again, she might have. But just how appropriate it was to have that part there, Then Jesus Came.

7 Now it's a little bit before, I--I hope, my great set in for meetings. I get real nervous. This morning, I was so twisted up, I went up to--to pray. And I--I'm home, back here. The family, just took them to Arizona, and I'm... so the kiddies get in school. And I'm back here just to--to kind of relax, go hunting with Brother Wood and a bunch of the brethren here; to go out hunting, for this coming week. We're going down in Kentucky. And I was... been in... I just happened to come in the day that--that Mrs. Weaver died, and it's just right that I could be here and help Brother Neville in that funeral.

8 And I don't try to... I do not try to--to say too much about it on, you know, around people complaining. Because, I think, one of the horriblest things is to see a--a man or a woman that's constantly complaining. I've always thought, "God, keep me from it." See, that--that weakens faith all the time, you know. You just--you just... if you--if you... I know as they get older, each one of us, we're going to get something happen and something happen. And I know those little things are going to keep accumulating, that's as you get older, they just got to. But I think one of the most horrible things, is for Satan to crown some person's life: a crabbed old man or an old woman, you see. I--I hope that I don't get to that place. I hope that I can bear it, my burdens, and--and get to a spot to where... I want my life crowned with the Glory of God: His longsuffering, gentleness, peace, meekness, and filled with the Holy Spirit.

9 And I... one of my main things that's always hurt me through my life, has been a nervous condition. That when I get so worn, then I get real weary. I get... kind of feel like nobody cares for you, you know, and--and you're all... You have it, too. And I just happen to have a real overdose of it, you know, and it gets real bad sometime, and I can't hardly... It's tension, and that's what does it. And I get to a spot then that many times, especially with so many of those visions, you see, it just gets me. I look at a person, I think, "This is a vision. No, no, no, it isn't. Yes! Is it not?" You see? And you just don't realize what a price goes with that. So then--so then you--you wonder. Then you get to thinking, "Well, you're..." Then you get off your side and say, "Well, now, what--what have I done? Here I am, I'm--I'm fifty years old and I've done nothing for the Lord; and I--I'm getting old And what's...? Oh, my." Then you just get the... what we used to call "the blues." Some of you brethren about my age remember what they used to call "have the blues." Pop used to talk about it and I wondered what he meant, and I sure know now what he meant. So then, you get to feeling that way, which is none of it true; it's just you, you know it. See, you know it, it's just you doing that.

10 So I was trying to quieten myself a little bit now, and get ready for the--the big push that I hope coming soon. And then through... I've got to go to New York right away, and I... to a meeting up there, a campaign. And then down to Shreveport, then go back to Phoenix. And then come around the west... the south border of the United States. And then they're making arrangements for overseas now, to begin as soon as we can after the first of the year, maybe March, April, something like that; where you start in Stockholm or Oslo, and go around the world, if we can on this next tour.

11 And now I'm home, kind of resting up a little bit, to get kind of back to myself and kind of 'cuperated. And if the Lord's willing, I'll be back next Sunday, from down in Kentucky. And--and if it's all right, pleasing to the Lord, and Brother Neville don't mind; well, I'll just try to have the service next Sunday, if--if the Lord willing. And if He's just as willing as Brother Neville is, I--I'll be here. You see? Yes sir, if He's just as willing about it as Brother Neville. I hope He is. Now, see, then I know I'm soon, if the Lord willing, I'm going to be gone from you quite a while.

12 And I... just little messages, as I pick up a little something on my heart, then I--I--I feel like I want to express it to you, you see, and we can fellowship around it. Now, I've got quite a few of them, five or six that just come to me in the last few days. And I went, couple days here, squirrel hunting out here. And I get in the woods, and take me a pencil and paper. See? Now at about time it gets good and daylight, I back up against a tree somewhere. If I don't go to sleep, I start to pray, and then the Lord will give me something. I start writing down little notes of it, you see. You know what I mean; when you get to yourself, and then you... Then here I come in, write it all off on a tablet of paper. And then when I'm called on, I run out and get my tablet and go to looking through it and see what I can start, you see. That's what happened just now.

13 So now, I want to, if the Lord willing, to speak just... I'm trying to make... cut down them big, long messages, you see; where it takes you hours. And the Lord helped me do a pretty short job of it at Chicago, the last night there, about thirty minutes. And somebody come around, said, "I didn't think it was in you, but you did it!" So thirty minutes, from about two and a half hours, or three, you know. So maybe I can hurry up tonight and get a little practice, not hold you too long.

14 God bless you. No matter wherever go, there'll never be a place like this tabernacle here. It's home, sweet home. And I'm in sympathy with the Weaver family, and with this precious colored brother that died. I prayed with him a little while before he went, and a fine character. And he's at Home with God now, and it's all over. And you'd have to go anyhow, and we all know that. So we're... may the Lord rest their souls in peace, and someday we expect to join in a Land yonder, where there's no sickness, sorrow, or death. Until then, let's just do everything we can for the Gospel.

15 Speaking of tension, I was praying about it this morning. What would you do if you didn't have tension? Just think of it. Tension is part of living. That kind of encouraged me when I thought that. If you had no tension, you'd be like a rag doll, you wouldn't have no feelings. There'd be nothing you could work on. Like a husband and wife, maybe if she wants to do something, and they're trying to work together (especially Christians), and the other one wants... And then when you come together to... and find out what she's done; she finds out... See, the tension really brings you closer together. And somebody tells you that "Well," said, "just think of the little wife that went under a lot of tension when you wasn't so good, or the husband went under some tension when you wasn't so good. Then when it's all forgiven, look how you feeled about him. My, you just..." See, you got to have tension. That's all.

16 And just think, of feelings, what if you didn't have any feeling, no pains or nothing? What if there be no pain at all? You'd have no feelings at all. See? And if you had no feeling, then one of your senses would be gone. See? So, see, everything's just right anyhow. So, "God, just give us Grace to stand up to it," that's the thing. If I just stand up with that Grace, and stand there and say, "We know that when this life is over, the great one's on the other side where we're looking to go to." And now, we--we remember that all these things, that's a tension that...

17 Some people tries to introduce Christianity, that "you're free from worry. You're..." No, you're not. "You're free from tension." Oh, no! You add tension when you become a Christian, because you was kind of a slop--go, happy-go-lucky, whatever it was out there, not caring what you did.

18But when you've become a real Christian, every moment you're wondering, "Am I pleasing my Lord? If I could hear from Him!" It puts you on tension, puts you on guard. That's what makes you what you are. So after all, tension is a blessing. It's just the way you're looking at it. It's just the way you're looking at it. See? If you just look the other side, there's--there's... No matter how thin you slice anything, you still got two sides to it, you see. So you want to see both sides.

19So tension... I think, "Oh my, it's... What's this tension? If I could've been born without this tension." Well, if I wouldn't have had this tension, I wouldn't have been what I am. I wouldn't have been a Christian, perhaps. It was this tension that drove me to Jesus Christ. See? So, it's been a blessing thing to me.

20 So then as Paul said, as though when he had a tension or something or another, he had consulted the Lord to--to take it away from him three times. And the Lord said, "Saul... My Paul, My grace is sufficient."

21He said, "Then, I'll glory in my infirmities. Then when I'm weak, I'm strong." See? As long as it's to the will of God, all right.

22Now, I consulted Him one time when it used to bother me so bad, it scared me. And He told me, about eight or ten years ago, He said, "It'll never scare you again." And it never has did it. No, sir; don't--don't worry about it. I just feel it, but I know it's there; but I just go on because it don't scare me no more, so thankful for that. Now, He could have said, "It won't be no more," just as well as that "You won't be scared no more."

23So it's His will that it happened, so I just embrace it and say, "Thank You, Lord, I'll walk that way."

24 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment for a--for a prayer. Is there a special request for prayer? (I see handkerchiefs are laying here.) Raise your hand. Lord, bless each one of Your children.

25Our Heavenly Father, as we now approach Thy great, majestic Throne of Grace, because we've been asked to come. We're coming upon the bidding of Jesus Christ. And we come with all of our cares, and cast them upon Him because He cares for us. What a great comfort that is, to know that He cares for us. The great God of Heaven, the Creator; cares for us, His creation. We're so glad for that, Lord. What a comfort it is in these times that we're living, when there seems to be able to--to draw comfort from nothing but Your Word. That's our consolation, is Your Promise. And in Your Promise, You said make our requests known, and "If you'll ask anything in My Name, I'll do it." And all these great Promises: "Ask and you shall receive. Say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, and it'll be moved." All these Promises, and we can draw from That just what we are asking for.

26Hands went up, they need something, Lord. Thou knowest their need; supply it, Father. I place my prayer with theirs before Thee, my hand up with theirs. Here lays upon this desk here, handkerchiefs laying here. Oh, how the people with faith, gallant faith, Lord,... Seems to be just something that You've blessed me by, to be able to pray for sick people. Wherever, anywhere, wherever I go, it's something about praying for the sick. God help, now. I pray with sincerity that You will grant the requests of these handkerchiefs that's been placed here for people that's asked. Let Your mercy be upon them.

27 Lord, we understand that Sister Hicks has a woman here, that flew all the way in from somewhere to be prayed for; with cancer, and wanted to know if she could get her to get over here. I pray, God, that You spare the life of that person; grant it. My little nephew, Mikie, laying yonder sick and vomiting, with a high fever; just left the door. Lord, I--I believe we had the prayer of faith there that You've stopped it, and I--I--I'm grateful to You, feeling the fever going from the boy before I left the room.

28Now, Lord,... and thank You for all these things. Now it falls my lot to speak on Thy Word. Give us Thy Word, Lord. "Thy Word is Truth." Bless our souls and give us the--the grace that we need that we might draw from the Promises of God tonight, in the Word, to sustain us through the rest of this week; grant it. Bless our pastor, this gallant soul, his wife, his children, the deacons, the trustees, and every person that comes in or out of this building; grant it, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask these blessings. Amen.

29 Now, I want to read from two places of the writings of the Lord. I want to read first from the Book of the Psalms, the 86th Psalm. And then I want to read from Saint Matthew, the 16th chapter, 1 to 3. And I want to read portion of this Psalm, not all of it but down about to the 11th verse, which is a little over half of it.

30And I want to announce this, if I call a text, before I preach on it: The Uniting Time And Sign. "The uniting time Sign," that sounds kind of complicated. Uniting; see? Time; uniting time, that's what it is now. And the Sign of that uniting time.

31 In--in the Psalm, a prayer of David... the 86th Psalm.

Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy.

Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusts in thee.

Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.

Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer;... attend to the voice of my supplications.

In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou will answer me.

Oh, isn't that beautiful? "Thou wilt answer me."

Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works liken unto thy work.

All nations whom thou has made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; thou shall glorify thy name.

For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.

Listen now.

Teach me thy way, O LORD; I--I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. (Unity! See?)... unite my heart to fear thy name.

32 I'm talking now of uniting; and time sign. Now, in the 16th chapter of Saint Matthew.

The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came,... tempting him, desiring him that he would show them a sign from heaven.

And He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, you say, I... It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.

And in the morning, It will be lower... foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky; but ye cannot discern the signs of the time?

The Lord add His gracious blessings to the reading of this Word.

33 Now, we're talking of this uniting, uniting time; the sign of the uniting time. See, Jesus was here, in this last Scripture reading, He was rebuking the clergy for not being able to discern the time or the sign of the time. Now, that has always been a great thing to the people, see, to be able to discern the sign of the time that you're living; because God writes it plainly so nobody could escape it.

34 Now, ordinarily, I'd go back and pick up from other ministers, other servants of the Lord in the Bible time (like the sign in Noah's time, the sign of Daniel's time and--and so forth, the different signs), but I want to bypass that tonight to--to save time, to be able... But it's always been God's way, to give them a--a natural sign of the time, so that everyone would know just what time it--it was. And these Pharisees should have known their time. They should have knowed what the time was. He said in another place, "If you would've known Me, you would've known My day." See? It--it's very a--a great thing that we understand. See, "Without understanding!"

35 That's what they always referred to the prophets about, they said, "And he had understanding, by visions from the Lord. And the Word of the Lord came to the--the prophets of old." See, they had understanding through the Word of the Lord, by the prophets. And then--the prophets give a sign. Like, one man laid on his side for so long, then turned over and laid on the other side. One man had to strip his clothes. And oh, there's many things that they did to show the sign that they were living in. And now we know that the God that made the heavens and earth, and--and so laid out His work that He would describe His time by sign, that same God lives today. So we must be, something... As we see the--the time that we're living in, there must be something that somebody's overlooking, somewhere. See? Because God would never let these things happen without giving us a definite sign, that where... that--that we'd understand.

36 Now here is the same today, that the clergy, we don't read it right. It's just like it was then, they didn't think that it was time. They--they thought that they were living pretty peaceful then, and so they wasn't looking for no Messiah. And Jesus has said that His coming would be "as a thief in the night," when the--when the people would be unaware of His Coming. But there were some of the virgins that went to meet Him, half of them, had oil in their lamp and was ready; they were watching for that sign. And that's who I'm speaking to tonight, see, to those who are looking for the sign now, the sign of His Coming.

37 These signs given, by the Lord, is given only to believers. The unbelievers never see it. They go right over the top of them, and they don't see it. And now, just as sure as it is that an Angel of God could stand on this platform tonight, just as true as--as I'm looking at you, and I could be looking at it; or you could be looking at it and I couldn't see it, or I could look at it and you couldn't see it. Now, you know that's Scriptural; that's exactly the Truth. They saw... You know Paul fell down, but they... none of them could see that Light.

38 That Light was right there when John stood there before the multitudes, and thousands out on the bank there, of clergymen and--and sages, great men. And John said, himself, he bore record of seeing the Spirit of God descending like a dove and come down upon Him, and a Voice saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell." And nobody saw It but John. See? It was just for him.

39Did you notice how it did it, the sign for the wise men? They looked, there was... They were Hebrew. They wasn't really Indian astronomers, they were Hebrews; because they were up there in that country studying astronomy, to finish their education. And when they was... looked towards Jerusalem, and knowing that they saw those three stars from each one of their--their birth-path, of Ham, Shem, and Japheth, of which race they come from, each, and they seen them stars in their birth-path. That was a sign to them, that when those stars were in line, the Messiah was on earth.

40 Oh, my! No wonder they came, "Where is He? Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We've saw His Star in the East, and have come to worship Him. Where is He?" They knowed that that infant Messiah was laying somewhere, because God gave them a sign of the time, that God and man were uniting together. What a unity, when God united Himself in a human body! The principle, the greatest of all the unitings that ever was done, was when God united with man; and left His--His great strain of being God and stretched forth His tent and took in humanity, and become one of them through...?... unity. That what? That brought peace between God and man forever; how thankful we are.

41 And signs was not sent... Now just think, every man, and all the astronomers; people them days, their clocks was the stars. There was a watchman went on top of--of the tower, and he would get up there and watch. And he seen when certain stars was in a certain constellations, as they were passing, he knowed what time it was. Remember in the Scripture, "What time is it watchman?" And the watchman come back and told him in what hour it was. See, they kept time by the stars.

42Now, isn't it strange that these stars were exactly in line for three men and nobody else saw it? See? Just exactly in line. Now, you can be so in line with the Scripture. See? When those stars become in unity, united themselves together in this constellation, three men were also united at the same time. And you can be so united with God, in His Word, until these things become realities, and you can see them and know that they are true. See? The sign of the time! You might look right over top of it, say, "Ah, nonsense!"

43 But to you it isn't nonsense. To you, you're united with the Word, and here It is. Then it's--it's absolutely right, Brother Pat, when--when--when--when you see this sign unite with the believer. And that's who I'm addressing this to, is the believer, for the unbeliever never see it. And what a rebuke it would be if He was on earth today; to many of our clergy today, who cannot read this sign; the signs that we're reading daily here at the tabernacle, and seeing the things. And others are reading it and seeing the handwriting on the wall, and yet many just ignore it, and don't even see it at all. It's nothing to them at all; they don't notice it.

44 Now notice, that in this, that He--He pointed out national signs. Now, when they asked Him about this, they wanted signs; and He gave them signs that happened. And they wanted to know when would be the end of the world, what would be the sign at the end. And He pointed them many places through the Scripture about national signs, about heavenly sign in the heavens, and earthly sign; He gave them signs, sign, signs, just constantly a sign. And when He told them there in one place about a national sign, He said, "When you see the nations, see, begin to gather around Jerusalem, see, then we know that the time of their trouble was at hand, when you see Jerusalem compassed about with army."

45 Now, before that they could do this, God... The world had to unite. Titus, this great Roman general had to unite his armies together and come around, after these Jews had rejected the God-given sign of the time to them. That's the time that Titus united his armies together, and come to take the city. First there had to be a uniting of God's people (so-called) against the Word of God, before that the nation could unite itself against God's people. See, the--the--the unity, the uniting; uniting together.

46I believe that we're living in a great uniting time. I am taking these red lights down, and flash signals and everything (of the women, how they do; and the men, how they do; and the churches, how they do), showing to this little group, with all my heart, that I believe that we are lining in the line of God's Word in this great prophetic hour, just before the coming of the Lord Jesus; uniting together and getting ready.

47 Now, you see, before Titus united the nations of... his armies together, Israel united themselves together and banded themselves, that they would not believe Jesus to be the Messiah. They rejected Him, and turned Him out, and crucified Him. And then, when they rejected the salvation that was sent to them, they united themselves together to do it. Now, hold that in mind: uniting themselves together, to reject the Message of the hour! They had to do that. And then when they did that, then the national sign come in.

48The nations begin to unite themselves together, and Titus brought this great army of Romans and Greeks and compassed the walls of Jerusalem, penned those people in there now, and they starved to death. They eat the bark from the trees. Josephus, the great historian, tells us. And they eat the grass off the ground. They even boiled one anothers' children and eat it; see, as they were mad people. And then when, finally, Titus, he was setting back upon the hills and around Jerusalem there, and--and those people in there thought they were doing the will of God, when they saw these armies marching in. They had refused to hear that Great Master, Lord Jesus, tell them that.

49 There wasn't one of them Christians caught in there, for they saw the sign and moved. See? They said, "Let them that's on the housetop come not down, or him that's in the field go back, take not his coat; but flee into Judaea, and pray that your flight be not in the winter time or on the Sabbath." Because, in the winter time, the--the hills would be full of snow; and on the Sabbath day, the door--doors was closed the gate and they'd be caught in that condition. See? We want to get on that pretty soon about the... how God does those things, if the Lord willing.

50 Notice now, He... They prayed that it would be that... not be that way, Jesus told them to pray for that, and they never caught one of them in there. They were gone 'cause they looked at the sign, and they were gone; that's all there was to it.

51Oh, how the churches today ought to see the sign of the time that we're living in! Flee as hard as you can to Calvary, for Life; not in some church, but to Jesus Christ. Unite yourself with Him, and not with some organization or some church creed. Unite with Christ, and be sure that it's Him. You can't just take anything, you got to be positive that it's Him. What a time of union!

52 Now, we find out that they rejected the Messiah and then united themselves together and drawed themselves a league, and made a--a motion among them that if any persons received Jesus as a Prophet, that they would be excommunicated from the church. You remember the blind boy that was set with blinded eyes? And the disciples said, "Who sinned? Him, or his father, his mother?"

53And Jesus said, "In this case, neither; but that the works of God might be done, made known."

54And remember, they said that the father and mother could not say. They said, "They know this is our son, but we don't know how he was healed." Because the Jews had said that any person that confessed Him to being the Prophet, that they would be excommunicated.

55 But, you see, the works of God was that this boy didn't belong to that group. And he said, "Now, it's a strange thing to me that you don't know where this Man come from, and yet He give me eyesight." See? Now, he could say it. See, that was the works of God. He had been made healed, and well, and he could--he could tell it because he had no strings tied to him from anywhere. He was the one the works was done on, and he certainly saw his... for his first time in his life.

56 Now, the Jews united themselves against Jesus and--and against His Messiahship, and His Messiahic Message. We see the same thing now happening, just the same thing. Communism is uniting to destroy the church, and the only way that it... that is after the church has united itself too, in the Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches, to deny and to destroy the Message, the Word! They have turned down the Word, the churches have! They cannot accept It because It's against their denominational creed; no matter how many Pillars of Fire would hang in our... in the midst of the people, or how many people be... how many things would be foretold and happen, and all the great signs that He promised of the last day; they cannot do it.

57 Therefore, they are uniting themselves now, and your pastor here and many can tell you, that's reading, that they are... have the ecumenical movement of the--the--the world. And the... there's a Lutheran minister over it. That, if there comes a disaster, would happen in this neighborhood here; if we are not united with that ecumenical move, then our church can no more be church, and they can use it for a storeroom. Or if one of us brothers would see somebody dying or hurt, and try to minister to him any Spiritual blessing, we could be shot for it; exactly right. We can be given ten years in the federal prison for ministering anything, because we're not a member of this ecumenical move. Don't you see the mark of the beast? See? See?

58 Now, we see this uniting time coming. See? Now, watch! And then the church has united itself against the Message; and then when it does that, the nations are uniting themselves in Communism to destroy the church again; just exactly what it did in the first place. See? It repeats itself right back again.

59Israel had to turn down the Message first. And when they turned down the Message, then the military, the national life united itself together (of other nations), and come in and destroyed the church. And today, they have turned down the Message of the Lord Jesus, and they've turned It down. And now, the time is come to where Communism is uniting the world together against the church. See, it has to be that way. Now, it's hard to say that.

60 It was hard for them Jews to believe, they said, "Now come, brethren, we see that--that our--our God is with us, and so we'll--we'll go into the Temple. And now we will pray, and let holy father So-and-so... Holy father So-and-so, lead in prayer. Close the gate!" And Titus took his stand, and stood right there for about a year or more. See, right on guard, and starved them right out. There couldn't be a one of them even get outside the city; and they died, starved. And when he went in there and tore the walls down, the blood burst out and run like rivers down there where he slaughtered everything was in there.

61 Now, the Angel of the Lord prophesied that, back in the Old Testament, and told that that would happen. And them ministers who was clergy, who was supposed to be posted on that and to tell the people that; instead of that, when Jesus stood among them, they didn't even know Him; and try to make a--a--some kind of a--a rabbit foot, "Do us a trick, let us see how--how it's done! Show us a sign." See? And He said, "I..." Why, He said so many things, and yet they couldn't see it. See? And then when they rejected Him as their... the Message of that day, they rejected the Message of that day.

62They failed to see the sign of that day. And the sign of the--the Bible's prophecy was made before them, and they said, "Let's go in now!" Them were holy men. They were men that you couldn't lay your finger on their life. They couldn't be that, and then--and then be a--a--a priest. A priest would be killed, he would be stoned to death for any little thing. So he had to live a clean, holy life. He could not do it, because he was stoned for just anything. And now they were great men, and holy men in the sight of the people, and yet they went in and said, "Now, we will... We've got God, the God Who's been with us all through the ages. We will go into His Holy Temple." That was God's Holy Temple! But, you see, He had been turned down in His Holy Temple. See? "We'll go into the House of the Lord. Now all of you Hebrews know that we are the chosen race, we are, here. And God is our God; God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He's with us. He will deliver us from them uncircumcised Philistines out there (as it was), them Romans and Greeks. He'll deliver us from that. Let's go into the House of the Lord!"

63 That sound good; but what had they done? The Builder of the House was in there, in a form of a lowly Galilean carpenter, and they turned Him down; when God had vindicated Him of being His Messenger of the hour and of rank, and they turned It down. So all the praying, all the sincerity, all their sacrifices didn't mean nothing to God. They had done it! And God let this great army unite to destroy it.

64And we see today, as the churches through the denominations and so forth, turning down the Word of God. They don't want you tell them about these things, and science can prove it by pictures and everything else, and still they want nothing to do with It. So communism is forming to destroy it, just exactly like Titus did, and the Bible said they would. Exactly!

65 Now, you see where we're living? The uniting time. When we see these things being united, oh; why, we fail to see those things! You can--you can look in here in the Scripture and see where that He promised that, what He would do. Now, we see it coming to pass. We see in the church what He promised to do; we see it coming to pass. We see the nations uniting together. We see the isms uniting together. We see the churches uniting together. It's uniting time. It's the hour of uniting. That's the spirit of the age, "We've got to unite." Everything you talk about has got to be organized; even the government won't receive it.

66 You know, as a citizen... I can't as a citizen, as a citizen of the United States, yet I--I... you'd give me a check for five dollars and I'd be "daresn't" to put my name on it. See? See, I couldn't do it. See, it's a uniting time. It all has to go through some union of some sort, and that union is the very thing that brings the mark of the beast. See? It's a uniting time, and it's working right on up into that. You can see it just with your plain eyes, if you'd look at it. It's a uniting time, where everything is uniting together.

67 The Jew--Jews united themselves against Jesus, as their--as their Messiah. Therefore, we see what happened. We see the same thing now, communism uniting to destroy the church, after the church has united in the World Council of Churches and trying to destroy the Message, the Word of God. They tried to get rid of It. The only thing they can do is to draw themselves a council, because that they are separated; a little group here, the Methodists, and Baptists, and Lutherans, and Presbyterians, church of Christ, and so forth like that. They can't do nothing, 'cause this one will be against this one, this one be against the other one, their doctrine is just as much difference as the east is from the west. See, they can't do it. But once together, under one big head, they got it. They got it then.

68 That's where the Catholics are so in unity, the Roman Catholic, course they're in a unity, they're... the majority is the Roman Catholic; the Greek and other Catholics are--are not as much as the Roman Catholic. Now they unite together, and that's the reason they stand together. No matter what takes place, that pope is the head of everything. See? And no matter what anybody else says, "He's the infallible; he's--he's--he's a vicar of God, that's all; he's next to God; he has the jurisdiction over hell, Heaven, and purgatory." See? So there isn't a thing that can be done in that case; whatever he says, that's what has to go.

69 Now, the Protestants is making themselves a head just like that. And don't... The Bible said "There was a image made unto the beast." What is a image? It's something like it, made like it. There it is, the same thing. What is it? By uniting themselves together, and this is the spirit of the age, is uniting.

70Uniting together now, trying to destroy the Message. How did they destroy It? How could they destroy the Word of God? They can make it of none effect, noneffective, by taking traditions as they did back there in the beginning, and making the Word of God of no effect. See, they've, "Ah, that... Really, after all,..." You see where this infidel woman that's trying to... she... I forget what her name is now; if I could just call it. She... I'm trying to think of so many.

71 I thinking of this Miss Nations the other day; I wish we had another one like that to rise up. She was the one that went in the barrooms and tore out the whiskey, and throwed out the signs and everything like that. Why don't some woman rise up today like that, and go out here and tear some of these naked pictures down of these women of her own race, and things like that? That, they don't have it no more.

72 Now, but this woman, an infidel, who said that--that "the Bible's unconstitutional, to read it in public schools," and things like that.

73Now they've also... Have you noticed again, they're trying to say now, and great studiers of the Scripture, said that "much of the prophecy that was prophesied in the Bible was absolutely wrong, and never did come to pass." And you've heard of that and read it. And they were trying to say everything; you see, they're trying to destroy the effect of that Word. If they can only destroy and substitute for It a creed or something that men has, that seems in their eyes to be better than the Word, then they destroy It with their--with their tradition. And that's how they're trying to destroy the Word of God, is by denominational politics.

74 Now, each church has its own politics. The church of Christ has its, the Christian church has its, and the Baptists, and Methodists, and Presbyterian; they all have their different politics. Now, they're getting away from that because they're separated. See, it couldn't have done it before, they got to do it now. See, this is the uniting time, and now they're all putting it together and pooling it up and see what they come out with. My, it's like baking a loaf of bread out of horse meat, and garbage out of the can, and whatever more they had together; and wad it together, and throw some rotten potatoes and things together, and see what you come out with. I sure don't want any of it. No, sir! That's the way they're doing. See, they're taking people who believe that Jesus was a myth, a church that believes that Jesus was a myth; the other, some believes He was a Prophet.

75One says, "The days of miracles is past."

76The other said, "There might be such a thing."

77 And all this together; and the Bible said, "How can two walk together except they be agreed?" See? Now, that's the kind of a unity they got. And to have some great holy father to put above it, and there you got a image to the beast, just exactly what the Bible says. Now they got a Lutheran minister, the head of it. Well, we see it's uniting time. Same thing now, Communism and all uniting together; in the world, and in the church and so forth, uniting together.

78 Watch nature. Oh, my! Nature, if you'll just watch nature, it does the same thing. Nature is God's calendar of signs. Did you know that? Jesus told them to watch nature. The sea would be roaring, see, and there'd be different things, and earthquakes in divers places, national strife, signs in the heaven, signs on the earth, everywhere there'd be signs of these coming time.

79Watch the clouds. Before the clouds can bring up a rainstorm, you know how it's done? Several little clouds get together, make one big cloud. Well, this one's got a little bunch of wind blowing it, this other one's got a little bunch of wind blowing it, and they all blow together, and then they got a hurricane. See? They unite before they can have the storm; they have to.

80Watch ducks and geese unite themselves together before they leave their country. See? They unite together. You can see them flying from this pond to that pond, from here over to there, all of them getting together. They're uniting, getting ready for their take off. See, it's just... that's nature, and God created nature, and nature works by the plan of God. It's a law, an unwritten law of God, that nature works according to His law.

81 Just like speaking at a funeral service; of the sap that goes down into the grave, in the bottom of the tree root, to lay there until the resurrection in the spring. It's a law of God. There's no intelligence can make that sap go down there; you couldn't drain it out, you couldn't milk it out. There's no way of doing it any better than God does it. God's got the perfect way. So when the leaf drops off, then He sends the sap down into the grave and hides it. As Job said, "Hide me in the grave until Thy wrath be past." See? It goes down there because it's a law of nature, before frost. Look at the leaves now begin to fall. Why? It's a law of nature.

82 Ducks will get together, every one of them, and rally around a leader. In there they'll know somehow, I don't know how they do it, but they know that that certain little drake is a leader. And that little fellow, they all get together and rally right around him, and rise right up in the air. And he'll... never been off that pond now, but he'll go just as straight to Louisiana or Texas as he can go, to the rice field. See, before they take to their flight, to leave their home where they been born that year, they unite together. Amen! There you are; rallying around their leader.

83 The trouble of it is, with man, he don't know his leader. Yes, sir. They'll rally around a denomination, they'll rally around a bishop or a man, but they won't rally around the Leader, the Holy Spirit and the Word. See? They say, "Oh, well, I'm afraid I'll get a little fanatically; I'm afraid I'll get off on the wrong foot." Ohhhh, there you are! What if the little duck said, "I just don't like the way he keeps his feathers. I don't believe I'll follow him." He'll freeze to death. You'll be caught up there, if you don't take with the--with the flight as it goes. It unites itself together, and nature does that.

84Geese unites themselves together, rallies themselves around their leader; they do the same thing.

85 Did you ever notice bees swarming? Bees will unite themselves together, before they swarm, right around their queen. That's right. And where she goes, away they go too. Yes! What do they do? They unite before the swarm. Exactly; every nature!

86Fish unites themselves together before the spring run. Out in the ocean, you can find them; them big... what we call "humpys," the salmon. When they come up there, before that run comes in, you'll see them by the tens of thousands, out in that sea, coming around and around; salt water, but they're actually freshwater fish. And here they come right up that fresh water, to go up for spawning season. They go up there and spawn, about every four years, and die as soon as they spawn. And they know they're going there to die, and you couldn't stop them with nothing. They'll jump fish ladders and everything else, getting up there, knowing they're going to their death. But the law of nature makes them, knowing that they go up there and spawn in the old, and die. And the young ones come off, and something unites them together then, and out into the ocean they go. It's uniting! It's a law. You just can't beat God's law.

87 Nations are--are breaking, for the time now that we see that--that they're supposed to do this. We're in the process of national disturb. We see the nations are breaking relationship. Year by year, we find this nation being swallowed up in communism; this one being swallowed up in communism. And right here in our own nation, it's honeycombed with communism, and it will take over! See, it'll do it, no way of stopping it. Why? The same reason that you couldn't stop Titus. The people has rejected God and His Word. Yes, sir, so they're going to do it, and we see it right in process.

88I usually will take couple of hours; I've already been about thirty minutes, right now. See? But to get all this in, I'm just pushing. You study it when you get home.

89 Notice, they're right now uniting. You say, "Brother Branham, is that true?" They're coming to the Battle of Armageddon; exactly what they will do. See? And they're uniting for that right now. That's why we got the U.N. and everything we have. The Western World's uniting against the Eastern World, communism and so forth, it's all uniting together. The churches are uniting together. Everything seems to be uniting. Uniting, uniting themselves together, we see that.

90Also, while all this uniting of the nation, these signs, national signs, we see out here in the world, earthquakes in divers places, different things uniting; bringing the world together, bringing the people together, all the churches together, all these things. And while all this uniting's being going on, there is another uniting going on. Amen! That's what I want to point to you now.

91 God is uniting His Bride. She is coming together, from the East and the West, and the North and South. There is a uniting time, and that's on right now. What is She uniting for? The Rapture. Amen! God's getting Her ready. Yes sir, uniting! What is She uniting with? With the Word! "For all heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away." She's uniting Herself with THUS SAITH THE LORD regardless of what any denomination or anybody else says. She's uniting Herself. She's getting ready. Why? She is the Bride. That's right. And She's united Herself with Her Bridegroom, see, and the Bridegroom is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

92 And the Church and the Bride and the Word is becoming so one, until the very Word Itself is working out the work of the Bridegroom. Amen! You see it? A uniting! Not no more, "Join the church"; not more of this, but flee from everything and tied to Jesus Christ. See? It's the uniting time. God, uniting His Bride together, bringing It back; just exactly. Uniting the Words of His promise.

93Second Thessalonians, 2nd chapter; It says, this 5th chapter says, "The saints that are asleep in the dust of the earth will waken. And then we will unite with them (the living ones, with the ones that's been dead), will unite before we even get up There," 'cause the Bride will be complete when She gets There. The ones that's living, that's uniting themself with the Word, and those that are gone already did that; and It all comes together, make one great union of the uniting before going up There. Amen!

94 Communism has to rise, these other things has to rise, and the church has to unite itself out yonder for the... in the nations out there for the World Council of Churches; and the Bride has to unite Itself under the Word of God. In order to do that, God has sent down a Heavenly sign and things, that prove to the Church, that there is a Nation. Amen.

95 God; uniting time! Yes, sir. Oh, my! Now, remember now, there is a uniting of the Word (uniting back again), bringing back "the Faith that was once delivered to the saints." Bringing back! That--this could only be done in this day. The only time it could be done is right now. It never was attacked anywhere else; they went off on denominational sprees. But now, it don't belong to no denominational spree, because it's time for the uniting of men and women of every race, every color, every creed, everything under Christ by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and back to the Word.

96 Uniting time for the Church! Oh, my! Uniting every Word that's been scattered all abroad by these organizations: ever since at Nicaea, Rome, when they organized the first church, and they've organized Luther, they organized Wesley, they organized all the rest of the churches. And doing that, they had to adopt a creed, and then when God sent something else, they could not receive It. Therefore, it was not possible until now. And God promised, in the last days, that "the Faith of the fathers would be restored back to the Bride again," that it would be this way, and it couldn't be no other time but this time. Look what a sign from Heaven, as a Pillar of Fire hanging among us, and with signs and wonders of the Lord Jesus Christ. And while He speaks to us, It never fails to be perfectly on the dot. Amen! Then we see where we're standing. Uniting time!

97 We see nations uniting, we see the world uniting, we see communism uniting, we see the churches uniting; and we see God uniting Hisself with His Bride, until He and the Church is the same thing; like the family, together. Right! Uniting themselves together; God uniting! Why? Never before, since the early church age, was the Pillar of Fire ever among the people. Never before, since the early church age, did they ever see the things that we are seeing today. And this was only made possible when God sent the Seven Seals and give us a sign by It, and sent seven Angels down out of Heaven; and come to bring back that scattered Word in them denominations, and tie it back into the Word of God again, to bring down His Holy Spirit.

98 Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, then ask what you will, it shall be done unto you." Uniting the Bride back with the Word, which is God. The Church and the Word, not Church and the creed, Church and the Word; the Bride and the Word united together. Oh, my! What a... Restore back what? The Faith of the original pentecostal fathers, see, that had been scattered by Luther's group. Not Luther himself; not Luther, not Wesley, not those great founders. But after their going away, there was a church raised up, and they... what they did with that then, they made a organization out of it. They accepted creeds and so forth, and away they went. And look at them today, now they've come into that World Council of Churches.

99Now, you see; but in the last days, you see, we see things happening now that has never happened before. See, it's God's sign, and all this uniting is the time sign. Now, we want to look at that carefully and be real sure that we get it. Leaving the... they leave the true Word for denominations; to accept creed and opinions of different men instead of taking the Word.

100 Revelation 10 said, "The seventh angel's Message." Now remember, that's right at the Seven Trumpets, and there's seven angels blowing Seven Trumpets. That's what we're coming to next. But remember there, very specifically It said, "The angel's...," not the seventh angel's Trumpet, but the "seventh angel's Message." See, not the Trumpet angel, the Message angel! See, the angel only sounded the trumpet, that seventh angel. The Trumpet angel was this, that in the days of the Message of the seventh angel; see, when his Message is finished. See, that's the church age Message. And this time, then he would... the Message, not the Trumpet, and "the mystery of God (that's written in the Word) should be finished."

101 Now look what a day we're living in! Look at those Seals, how that drawed that scattered Word of God, what Luther and all the rest of them, that them great reformers that went forth; come right back and showed it in the Bible, where they'd be; every man right to his spot, what he would do and what would happen to the church; what would he do, and what would happen to the church; all these things he left off. And then, in the last day, when we knowed nothing about it, foretold us of a certain thing happening; and even the newspapers and things picked it up, and comes right down and reveals it and ties the mysteries together. Amen! Brother, that's sublime to me! That, to me, lines the Word up. I don't care what--what... or I do care what people said--thinks, that's right, but to me it's the Truth of the Bible.

102 Like the wise men, coming down from Babylon, they screamed, "Where is He, born King of the Jews? He's on earth, right now. We've got to find Him." That's right. And I believe He's so close to coming that I can say, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh! I hear the midnight cry!" Hallelujah! We're right at the time of the end. Oh, my, the hour we're living in. Notice... See?

103What a day! What a time that we're living, this great mystery of God being finished; bringing in the Godhead, showing what It is; how these little isms, and went off and made Him this, and somebody made Him this, and somebody made Him that. But the Angel of the Lord come down and brought up all their isms, and pulled out that Truth out of it, and presented It. And there It is, just as perfect as It can be, no other way you could go. There It is, that's what He is. See, serpent seed, all--all these different things that's been so mysteriously amongst the people. See? What is it? He had... This is the sign to what? Unite!

104 What did He say in Malachi 4? Would restore! Restore back the original pentecostal Faith, back to the people with the same pentecostal Message, the same pentecostal sign, the same pentecostal evidence, the same God, the same Power, the same teaching, everything exactly, with the vindication of the same Pillar of Fire that struck Paul down on the road, down to Damascus; amongst us today, doing the same things He did in that day. Uniting!

105We see the nations uniting, we see the world uniting, we see the churches uniting. We see the Bride uniting, uniting with the Word. Why? The Word is God. And as the Word... As the Bridegroom (being the Word), and the Bride (being the hearer of the Word), they come together in a Union. They unite like a wedding. See, they're getting ready for a wedding, and they--they become one. The Word becomes you, you become the Word. Jesus said, "At that day,... You know what? All the Father is, I am; and all I am, you are; and all you are, I am. In that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me." See? At "that day." What day? This day! We find out the great hidden mysteries of God being revealed. Oh, how I like that!

106 Oh, watch how science and the Word could not compare, as they do today. They couldn't do it before. It's just now that they could do it.

107Notice, He said, "heavenly signs, heavenly signs." Science, and national signs; now they have a great signs in the sky today, they have astronauts and everything. But what does these astronauts do to the world science? It brings them fear. They don't know what time they could send up something like that and just drop these bombs, and we'd be no more. See? Now that's the signs that they got, fearful sights in heaven. See? They got them, atomic missiles and everything, all kinds of signs.

108 You see where they signed this--this treaty, the other day, that they were going to not explode any more bombs out over, but now they're going under water and down in the ground, testing them just the same. See? They sign a treaty, "We won't do this, if you say you won't do it (but we'll go back over home and do it this way; oh, ah, we know you're doing the same way over there)." See? There's just not a thing, it's just... there's not no trust among them, there's no--there's no nothing. You can... See? And everyone's scared of the other one. That's a fearful sign.

109 Science and man and nations has produced a fearful sign in the skies. That's exactly right. Now, fearing one another. And there's been a heavenly sign give to the... See now, they got a sign in the heaven too, a fearful sign, a man in a astronaut; might have an atomic missile, and could drop and destroy the whole nation. Get up in an astronaut, and stand out there. There ain't nothing keeping them from doing it. They can sure do it, they... anytime they want to. They can bring her into dust if they wanted to, but... in fifteen minutes from now. And what one can do, the other one that way, too. So, you see that they got a sign, but that kind of sign makes them scared.

110They're uniting together, putting their powers together. The free world, they're putting its power together. The communism putting their power together with Russia. Everybody; but each one's scared of the other one. See, it's a fearful sign. That's right. That's national sign, see.

111 But the Church has received a Heavenly Sign: an Astronaut! Amen! Jesus Christ, in the form of a Pillar of Fire; that He was in the Old Testament, that He was then He met Saul on the road down there to Damascus, the same Jesus here today! And what does It do? Does It bring fear? It brings love that's uniting one another. Amen! A feeling for one another. It brings the Love of God, oh, uniting us and brings us (the Body of Christ) into unity as a Bride. That's what it's doing now, this great union that God...

112They're uniting themselves, one group here to fight the other one, one group over here to fight the other one. Here the church is standing between them; you watch what happens, it'll unite with them. That's exactly right. But, now, we find out that brings fear and flusterations.

113 But the Church (the Bride) is united by one God, under one Spirit (the Spirit of God), in one holy Union of God, to be one holy Bride to God. That's right, all together; unity of the Body. The Body waiting as a Bride; as--as it is the Bride, as we call ourselves the Bride. For the uniting time of the Bride, the Church is so coming together. It should create such a love among us that we could hardly be away from one another. That's right. We just... you don't have to beg people to pray, you don't have to beg them to worship God, you don't have to beg them to do what's right. They're just so in love with Him, till there's nothing else.

114 What do you think about a little girl, a real pretty little maid, that's going to marry some handsome young man that she's just so madly in love with, it means more to her than her own life, and she knows right away that they're going to get married. As that wedding day approaches, that little fellow, I'm telling you, she's all "walking around." See? She's just making everything ready; she surrenders completely to him. That's right. Everything that pleases him, that's just what she wants to do. Well, that should be the way of the Church today, that our life should be so hid in God through Christ, sealed in there by the Holy Spirit.

115 The thing I've been teaching to you here, is telling you these signs and different things happening, I haven't got time to do it now; will in another message, the Lord willing. But there's one little thing yet lacking in the Church. And we want that, to get to that, and I'm right on the edge of it now. See? We want to get to that, if... you got to do it. If you don't do it, that's just all. You must do it. For looky, the uniting time is at hand, for God is getting the Church together to be a--a Rapture to go to the wedding for the Great Union: when God and man will unite for Eternity, when creatures of time unite with the Eternal.

116It was once done in the form of the Son of man on earth. And He had to give His Life to bring about a power, to unite other men with this same Power, for the Bride of Jesus Christ. And now the Church is uniting Itself to the Body of Christ. It's got Itself free, cut away from every little fetter, getting Itself ready; getting together, union among them; oh, a love and joy, and the Holy Spirit moving among them. Oh, my, what a time!

117 As we see the ducks getting ready, we see the geese getting ready, we see the beast... bees getting ready, we see the clouds getting ready for rain, we see everything; how it unites itself together, for its great push. We see the League of Nations, of the nations together, uniting themselves in communism. We see them uniting themselves over here in the Western World. We see the church uniting itself together, all these others. So it's absolutely impossible, no other time could it be this way; it couldn't have been this way twenty years ago, couldn't been this way. Couldn't been this way ten years ago, has to be right now. See, because these isms and things hadn't come to this place.

118 Now wake up! Shake yourself, right quick, and look out here where we're at! Where are we? Like those wise men, we're right in line with His Word, and the Light of the Lord is shining upon our path. Glory be to God in the Highest. And Glory be to God Who give us Jesus Christ, Who we love, and has brought us to this place. And as we... We are His people, bought with the price of His Blood.

119Oh, my! When the uniting time comes, we're looking, like we united with one another in the bonds of His Spirit, we... Can it be His Spirit? Sure, It's His Spirit. Why is It? It's His Word, and He is... that is the Spirit of the Word. And when that Spirit of Promise comes upon you and vindicates and shows Itself right here, is It the same Spirit? It was the One that was with Moses in the wilderness! It was the One that... upon Jesus Christ! He's the One met Saul on his road to Damascus! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever! And He does the same thing!

120 And we see the nations together, we see the church heads together, we see communism together, we see the isms uniting, we see all these things; and now we see the Bride uniting with the Word. Oh, my! It's time that the saints shall arise to unite with those that are living, to go and unite with Jesus Christ for Eternity.

121May God help us, every one, to unite with Christ tonight, when... Surrender our everything that we are, everything that we have (our whole soul, body, and mind to Jesus Christ) and look for the time of that uniting.

When the trumpet of God shall sound, and time shall be no more,

And the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair;

When the dead in Christ shall rise and gather over on the other shore yonder (with the Bride that's alive), to be caught up together.

122Look at the uniting! God uniting the Church with His Word, the Word with the Church, that they both become the same, "Say this, and it'll happen. Do this, and it'll happen. This is it; this is Me before you, this is Me proving it; this is Me with you." All...

123 We find that now the time comes when the Trumpet sounds, and those sleeping saints back there that could not be made perfect without us; they're depending on us (Hebrews 11); and when they come together, they unite with the living ones. The Church uniting with the Word, then the Church and the Word uniting together, being coming one. The dead saints with the living saints uniting together to be one; and all going together to unite with Christ yonder, for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

124 It's uniting time, and the signs are flying everywhere. The signs are in the nations, the signs are in communism, the signs in the Western World, the signs in the Council of Churches. And the Sign is here tonight under the office of the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God confirming it and making it the Truth. Amen! Uniting time! The sign of the Uniting Time!

Let's bow our heads.

125 Lord Jesus, as my poor heart jumps for joy, as I see the possibilities, (of me a middle-aged man), but yet the possibilities of me seeing You come in this generation; to be alive and stand here, and see when that Trumpet sounds, "He that's filthy, is filthy still. He that's righteous, is righteous still. He that's holy, is holy still." O Lord God!

126And to think of us standing, (in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, when the world won't know what's going on), but all of a sudden, you'll see appear before you, your loved ones that's gone on, has come to unite with you again. And we'll be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and be caught up, together, to meet our Lord in the air. And then unite with Him, to be there forever, and never to have to be out of His Presence again.

127 What a great thing it is today, Lord, to know that now we are united with one Spirit. One Spirit, the Holy Spirit, has got the Word in His grip, comes in us. And what a great thing it is, what a privilege to cut loose from all the world, to unite ourself to Jesus Christ. And to think that someday, in a physical form, with a body like His own glorious body, we will set down at the table at the Wedding Supper and there be united and wed in marriage to Him; to live as Bride and Bridegroom through all times that is to come, through a ceaseless Eternity.

128Lord God, may this not be just a mythical thought to the people, but may it become such a reality till such hunger and thirst will set into the people that they'll... reading their newspapers, looking upon... listening at the radio and the news, and seeing it's uniting time. The signs are flashing.

129 Lord God, like we spoke of the women, what they have did in the last days; what the church would do in the last lays; and what the Church Ages would be, and what the Seals would be, all these other things. And we see as it was, in the days of Noah. We see as it was, in the days of Sodom and Lot, when the Angel of God made Hisself known in human flesh, that eat the flesh of a cow and drinking the milk from the cow, and eat bread; and stood there and could tell what was going on behind Him. And Jesus said the same thing will take place at the coming of the Son of man.

130Lord God, we seen the pyramid, how we build it up there, and seen how we added these things to it; and find that we're at the end-time, waiting for the Chief Cornerstone. Glory to God! We pray, Lord, that You'll wake people up, quickly now, and gather us together, with godly love and respect to Jesus Christ and to each other.

131 If there be some here tonight that doesn't have that hope resting within you, will you raise your hand to God and say, "Lord God, unite me with You, unite me with You"? God bless you, Brother. God bless you, and you, you; yes. "Unite me with You, Lord." Yes! Oh, my!

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

132Look at Israel over there, united together. Israel, from all over the world, has come to unite themselves; to unite themselves and now they are a nation. They are a united nation: with their own flag, own money, own army, everything; if they ever was, they are now. Israel united, Rome is united, the church is united. And the Bride is uniting, amen; and the coming of that Great Union. What is it? It's all moving up to that Sign, that main capital Sign, Jesus and His Bride uniting as one.

133 Father, God, grant these blessings that I ask for these people, and may we be united to You in heart, in spirit, as they raise their hands, desiring that. Lord God, cleanse us and make us Yours; grant it, Lord. That's all we know and we can do, is ask. And then You said if we asked it and believed it, we should receive it; I'm looking for it, Lord. I thank You in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him,

Because He first loved me,

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree. (Amen. Oh, my!)

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!

I hear the midnight cry!

We'll go up with a shout, if we all hold out,

And meet Him in the sky.

Watch and pray, my brother,

Lest someone takes your crown,

For the lukewarm and backslider

Won't wear the marriage gown.

134 That's right. Let's get ready for this midnight cry. It's coming in a hour when you think not. There'll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret. But the believers, who are looking for this, you see the stars coming in line? See? What did it produce? Just exactly like it did the first time. See, here we are, the signs are coming.

We see the signs appearing of His blessed Coming,

Lo, behold the fig leaves now becoming green;

The gospel of the kingdom has gone to every nation;

And we're near, the end can be seen.

Then gladly, away, we'll herald the Message of His blessed appearing,

135 Is that right? Oh, herald the Message of His blessed appearing! That's what we got to do. Tell everybody, "Get ready, prepare to meet God." Amen! I love Him. Oh, how I love Him. Now, let's stand up on our feet now. As we bid one another, reach around and shake hands with somebody, and say

Until we meet! (shake hands, now)... till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet!...

Remember, you might have a call. Our next meeting may be at His feet.

O God be with you till we meet again!

136 Now, just think, before we meet again; before we meet Sunday morning, or Wednesday night, it may be that... first thing you know, somebody's missing. This one's missing, and they're gone. Oh, to think of your husband missing, or your wife missing, and--and John's wife missing, and--and--and over here the kids are missing. All happened (what took place?), then you're left behind!

Oh, what a weeping and wailing when the lost are told of their fate,

They cried to the rocks and the mountains, (like Israel, on going back into the city, to the Temple)

They prayed but their prayers were too late. (They rejected the Message)

137Oh, brother, don't never do that. Whatever you do, stand gallant to the cause! Yes, sir!

138 Now, till we meet, we'll do this:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every care;

When temptations round you gather, (What do you do?)

Breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

139Let us bow our heads now, as we hum.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven... crown Him,

When our journey is complete. (It will be, someday.)

O precious Name, O how sweet!

Till we meet again, God be with you.

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

1Dobrý večer. Je to privilégium, že tu môžem byť dnes večer a stáť na tomto mieste.

2Dnes večer, ako som sem išiel ... Bol som sa modliť a očakával som na Pána. A ako som išiel autom, zapol som rádiovú službu, kázal brat Smith, farebný brat, (počúvali ste ho všetci dnes ráno? Všetci?) myslím, že to vysielajú hore z Ohio. Niekto mi hovoril, že bude kázať a povedal: „Mal by si si ho vypočuť."

3Povedal som: „Práve dnes ráno sa mi to podarilo." A on skutočne hovoril, ako sa dnes na svete rozmnožil hriech a on ... Preladil som to potom trochu ďalej a počúval som inú stanicu. Keď som sem dorazil, zdalo sa mi, či nie je príliš neskoro ísť do zboru, keď som sem dnes ráno prišiel. Tak naozaj máme privilégium, že sme tu dnes večer a slúžime Pánovi.

4Rozprával som o bratovi Neville a o tom posolstve, ktoré bolo vtedy povedané tej milej dáme, našej sestre, ktorá práve od nás odišla. To bolo ... Všetci vieme kto to bol, setra Weaver. A myslím na tohoto muža, ktorý tu bude dnes večer pokrstený. Ona ... Pokrstil som ju v tomto bazéne, keď som ... priviedli ju sem na invalidnom kresle. Zomierala, mala rakovinu a mala žiť už len tú noc, doktori sa jej vzdali, na druhý deň ráno mala zomrieť. Išiel som do jej domu a snažil som sa jej hovoriť o božskom uzdravovaní a ona stále opakovala: „Nie som hodná, aby si vošiel pod moju strechu." Vravela: „Nie som hodná, aby v mojom dome bol kazateľ." Povedala: „Som hriešnica." Ale povedala: „Pane, nechcem takto zomrieť." Zaviedla ma tam Grace Weber. Len som vošiel, unavený zo zhromaždení; a keď som sa za ňu modlil a čítal jej Písmo, dožila spasenie. Potom, ledva vládala zodvihnúť ruku, ale s každým si chcela potriasť ruky. Proste ... Niečo sa s ňou stalo.

5A kým si podávali ruky videl som ju vo videní, ako ide do kurína, ako prichádza naspäť. Povedal som: „Ó, teraz to bude v poriadku." A to bolo pred osemnástimi rokmi. Od toho času ju tá rakovina nemohla dobehnúť, ona jej utiekla. Nezomrela na žiadnu rakovinu, dostala srdcovú porážku a to ju zabilo. Dali ju pod kyslík; zomrela na srdcovú porážku.

6Potom som rozmýšľal, práve na konci keď ľudia vychádzali a spievali, Potom prišiel Ježiš. To je presne to, čo sa stalo. On prišiel a zachoval jej život za tých osemnásť rokov. A ja som rozmýšľal, aké to bolo potrebné, tá žena pravdepodobne nevedela, že to takto robí. Z druhej strany mohla. Ale to bolo práve to potrebné, mať tam tú časť, „Potom prišiel Ježiš."

7No, so mnou je to tak trochu pred začiatkom veľkých zhromaždení. Začínam byť dosť nervózny. Dnes ráno som bol taký vyžmýkaný, išiel som sa modliť. A som doma, znovu tu. Rodinu som práve zobral do Arizony a ja som ... deti pôjdu do školy. A ja som znovu tu, aby som sa tak trochu uvoľnil, išiel na poľovačku s bratom Woodom a s ostatnými bratmi, aby sme tento budúci týždeň išli na poľovačku. Pôjdeme dole do Kentucky. Bol som ... keď som bol ... Vyšlo to tak, že som prišiel práve vtedy, keď zomrela pani Weaverová a to je dobre, že som tu mohol byť a pomôcť bratovi Nevillemu s pohrebom.

8No, nechcem ... Nechcem o tom ďalej príliš veľa hovoriť, viete, ako sa ľudia okolo sťažujú, pretože si myslím, že jedna z najhorších vecí je vidieť muža alebo ženu, ktorí sa ustavične sťažujú. Stále som si myslel: „Bože, chráň ma od toho." Vidíte. To po celý čas oslabuje vieru. Viete. Vy len ... ak ... Viem, keď ľudia starnú, každý z nás, prihodí sa nám toto a prihodí sa nám tamto. A viem, keď starnete, tieto drobné veci sa budú hromadiť, oni sa proste hromadia. Ale zdá sa mi, že jedna z najhorších vecí je to, keď satan korunuje život nejakého človeka. Mrzutý starý muž alebo stará žena. viete. Dúfam, že nedôjdem do toho miesta. Dúfam, že to môžem zniesť, ako svoje bremená a prísť na to miesto, kde ... Chcem, aby môj život bol korunovaný slávou Božou, trpezlivosťou, vľúdnosťou, pokojom a naplnený Duchom Svätým.

9A ja ... Jedna z hlavných vecí, ktorá ma stále v živote trápila bola nervozita. Keď som sa unavil a bol som naozaj vyčerpaný, začal som mať taký pocit akoby sa nikto o mňa nestaral, (viete) a ste z toho celý ... Tiež to mávate. Stávalo sa mi, že som mal toho nadmieru, viete a niekedy to bolo veľmi zlé a sotva som mohol ... To je napätie, ono to spôsobuje. A dostal som sa mnohokrát do takého stavu, zvlášť pri tak mnohých videniach, viete, to sa mi proste stáva. Dívam sa na niekoho a rozmýšľam: „Toto je videnie. Nie, nie, nie. Nie je. Áno. Je alebo nie je?" Vidíte? Ľudia si proste neuvedomujú, čo to stojí. Tak potom uvažujete. Začnete rozmýšľať: „Dobre, vy ste ..." Potom sa z toho dostanete a myslíte si: „Dobre, no, čo som urobil? Mám päťdesiat rokov a nič som pre Pána neurobil a starnem a čo ...? Ó." Potom sa dostávate do toho čomu sa hovorí „blues" skľúčenosť. Niektorí z vás bratia v mojom veku sa pamätáte nazývali to „blues" - skľúčenosť. Otec zvykol o tom hovoriť a ja som bol zvedavý, čo to znamená a teraz už dobre viem, čo to znamenalo. Tak potom, keď sa začnete takto cítiť, nič z toho nie je pravda; to je len vaša predstava a vy to viete. Vidíte? Viete to si len sami robíte.

10A tak som sa snažil teraz trochu utíšiť a pripraviť sa na veľký nápor, ktorý dúfam zakrátko nastane. A potom cez ... Musím ísť hneď do New Yorku na zhromaždenie, na kampaň. Potom do Shreveportu, potom naspäť do Phoenixu. A potom idem okolo západného ... na severnú hranicu Spojených Štátov. Potom pripravujú cestu za more, aby sme vyrazili len čo budeme môcť po novom roku, možno v marci alebo v apríli niekedy v tom čase, začneme v Štokholme alebo v Oslo a pôjdeme okolo sveta ak budeme môcť na tejto ďalšej ceste.

11A teraz som doma, tak trochu odpočívam, aby som sa znovu spamätal. A ak bude vôľa Pánova prídem naspäť na budúcu nedeľu z Kentucky. A ak to bude v poriadku a ak dá Pán a brat Neville nebude mať nič proti tomu, budem sa snažiť slúžiť na budúcu nedeľu na zhromaždení, ak bude vôľa Pánova. A ak je Pán taký ochotný ako brat Neville, tak tu budem. Skutočne, ak je v tejto veci taký ochotný ako brat Neville. Dúfam, že je. No, vidím ... Potom viem že zanedlho, ak dá Pán, nakrátko vás opustím.

12A ja ... len krátke posolstvá, keď zoberiem trochu niečo z toho, čo mám na srdci, cítim sa akoby som vám to chcel povedať (viete?) a môžeme mať pri tom obecenstvo. No, mám ich niekoľko, päť alebo šesť, ktoré prišli práve ku mne v týchto niekoľkých posledných dňoch. Išiel som sem na pár dní, poľovať tu na veveričky. Prišiel som do lesov a zobral som si ceruzku a papier. Viete. A asi v tom čase keď už začína byť dobre a nastáva denné svetlo, opriem sa niekde o strom. Ak nezaspím, začínam sa modliť a potom ... Pán mi niečo dá. Začínam si robiť z toho krátke poznámky. Viete. Viete čo chcem povedať. Keď sa spamätáte a potom ... Potom idem sem, píšem si to všetko do poznámkového bloku. A potom keď ma zavolajú, vystupujem a beriem svoj poznámkový blok a dívam sa, prechádzam cez tie poznámky a dívam sa, čím by som mohol začať. Viete. To je to, čo sa stalo práve teraz.

13A tak teraz, chcem, ak Pán dá hovoriť len ... Chcem urobiť ... skrátiť tie veľké, dlhé posolstvá, viete, kde vás držím hodiny. Pán mi pri tom pomohol posledný večer tam v Chicagu urobiť celkom krátku prácu, okolo tridsať minút. A niekto ku mne prišiel a povedal: „Nemyslel som, že to bolo v tebe, ale si to urobil!" Tak tridsať minút z okolo dva a pol hodinového alebo tri hodinového kázania, viete. Tak možno sa budem môcť dnes večer poponáhľať a stanem sa trochu praktický a nebudem vás držať príliš dlho.

14Nech vás Boh žehná. Bez ohľadu na to kdekoľvek idem, nikde nebude také miesto, ako tu táto modlitebňa. To je domov, sladký domov. Mám súcit s rodinou Weaverových a s týmto milým farebným bratom, ktorý zomrel. Modlil som sa s ním krátko predtým ako odišiel, je to dobrý charakter. On je teraz doma s Bohom a všetko skončilo. Jednako musíme stadeto odísť, všetci to vieme. A tak sme ... nech Pán dá odpočinok ich dušiam v pokoji a jedného dňa očakávame, že vstúpime do zeme tam, kde nieto žiadna choroba, žiaľ ani smrť. Až dovtedy robme všetko, čo len môžeme pre evanjelium.

15Hovoril som o napätí, dnes ráno som sa za to modlil. Čo by ste robili, keby ste nemali napätie? Len sa nad tým zamyslite. Napätie je časťou života. To ma tak trochu povzbudilo, keď som nad tým rozmýšľal. Ak by ste nemali žiadne napätie boli by ste ako handrová bábika, nemali by ste žiadne pocity. Nebolo by nič na čom by ste mohli pracovať. Ako muž a žena, možno že keď ona chce niečo urobiť a oni sa snažia pracovať spolu (zvlášť kresťania) a ten druhý chce ... A potom keď sa zídete aby ste ... zistíte čo ona urobila; ona zistí ... Vidíte? Tie napätia vás v podstate viacej zbližujú. Niekto vám povie: „No len si predstav tú prostú ženu, ktorá prežívala také veľké napätie, keď si nebol taký dobrý. Alebo muž prežíval napätie, keď si ty nebola taká dobrá. Potom keď je to všetko odpustené pozri aký máš s ním súcit. Ó, proste ..." Vidíte? Musíte prechádzať cez napätia. Je to tak.

16A zamyslite sa len nad pocitmi. Čo keby ste nemali žiadne pocity, žiadne bolesti ani nič? Čo keby neboli vôbec žiadne bolesti? Nemali by ste vôbec žiadne pocity. Vidíte? A keby ste nemali pocity, potom by jeden z vašich zmyslov zanikol. Vidíte? Tak vidíte, jednako všetko je celkom na mieste. Tak, Boh nám proste dáva milosť aby sme v tom obstáli. To je to hlavné. Ak len stojím s tou milosťou a stojíme tam a hovoríme: „Vieme, že keď tento život skončí, pokračuje ten hlavný tam na druhej strane a očakávame, že do neho pôjdeme." A teraz, pamätáme, že všetky tieto veci, to napätie ...

17Niektorí ľudia sa snažia predstaviť kresťanstvo, že ste oslobodení od starostí, že ste ... Nie, nie ste. „Že ste voľní od napätia." Ó, nie! Keď sa staneš kresťanom pribudnú ti napätia, pretože si bol takým človeka plesknúť a ísť, bezstarostný, čokoľvek sa dialo, nestaral si sa o to čo robíš.

18Ale keď si sa stal skutočným kresťanom, v každej chvíli sa zamýšľaš a chceš vedieť: „Páčim sa svojmu Pánovi? Keby som mohol počuť od Neho ..." To ti spôsobuje napätie, spôsobuje že sa máš na pozore. To ťa robí tým, čím si. Tak nakoniec, napätie je požehnaním. Záleží len na tom, ako sa na to dívaš, proste ako sa na to dívaš. Vidíte? Ak sa pozrieš len na druhú stranu, tam je ... Nezáleží na tom ako tenko niečo krájaš, stále to má dve strany. Vidíte? Tak chcete vidieť obidve strany.

19Tak napätia ... Ja si myslím: „Ó, to je ... Čo je toto za napätie? Keby som sa bol narodil bez tohoto napätia." Dobre, keby som nemal toto napätie, nebol by som tým čím som. Nebol by som možno kresťanom. To bolo toto napätie, ktoré ma pritiahlo ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Vidíte? Tak to bolo pre mňa požehnaním.

20Tak potom, ako povedal Pavel, hoci mal vtedy nejaké napätie, či to alebo tamto, on sa tri krát radil Pána aby to od neho vzal. Pán povedal: „Saul ... Pavel, dosť ti je na mojej milosti."

21On povedal: „Potom sa budem chváliť svojimi slabosťami. Vtedy keď som slabý, som mocný." Vidíte? Pokiaľ je to vôľa Božia, v poriadku.

22No, radil som sa raz s Ním, keď ma to tak veľmi trápilo, vystrašilo ma to. A On mi povedal asi pred ôsmimi alebo desiatimi rokmi, On povedal: „Už ťa to viacej nevystraší." A viac sa to nestalo. Nie veru. Nerobím si s tým starosti. Ja to len cítim, viem že to tam je; ale si to proste nevšímam, pretože ma to už viacej nevystraší, tak som za to vďačný. No, On mohol povedať: „Už to viacej nebude," práve tak ako „Už ťa to viacej nevystraší."

23Tak to je Jeho vôľa aby sa to dialo, tak to jednoducho prijímam a hovorím: „Ďakujem Ti Pane, pôjdem touto cestou."

24No, skloňme na chvíľu hlavy a pomodlime sa. Je tu nejaká zvláštna prosba o modlitbu? Vidím tu ležať vreckovky. Zodvihnite ruku. Pane, požehnaj každé jedno z tvojich detí.

25Náš nebeský Otče, keď teraz pristupujeme ku tvojmu veľkému, majestátnemu trónu milosti, pretože sme boli požiadaní, aby sme prišli. Prichádzame na príkaz Ježiša Krista. A prichádzame so všetkými našimi starosťami a kladieme ich na Neho, pretože On sa stará o nás. Aké je to veľké potešenie, keď vieme, že On sa stará o nás. Ten veľký Boh neba, Stvoriteľ sa stará o nás, o svoje stvorenie. Tak sa z toho tešíme, Pane. Čo za potešenie v tomto čase, v ktorom žijeme, keď sa zdá, že z ničoho nieto potešenie, jedine z tvojho Slova. Naša útecha je v tvojom zasľúbení. A v tvojom zasľúbení si povedal: „Nech sa naše žiadosti oznamujú," a „ak čokoľvek prosíte v mojom mene, ja to vykonám." A všetky tieto veľké zasľúbenia: „Proste a bude vám dané. Povedzte tejto hore - presuň sa, a nebudete pochybovať a ona sa presunie." Všetky tieto zasľúbenia a my môžeme z toho čerpať to, o čo prosíme.

26Zodvihli sa ruky, oni niečo potrebujú, Pane. Ty poznáš ich potrebu; uspokoj ju, Otče. Ja prikladám svoju modlitbu pred teba spolu s ich modlitbami, dvíham svoju ruku spolu s nimi. Tu na stole ležia vreckovky. Ó, ako ľudia s vierou, s chrabrou vierou, Pane ... Zdá sa, že to je len niečo čím si ma požehnal, aby som sa mohol modliť za chorých. Kdekoľvek, všade, kdekoľvek idem, je to spojené s modlením sa za chorých. Bože pomôž teraz. Prosím úprimne, aby si vypočul prosby, ktoré ležia za týmito vreckovkami, ktoré sú tu položené, to o čo ľudia prosia. Nech je na nich tvoja milosť.

27Pane, dozvedáme sa, že sestra Hicksová tu má nejakú ženu, ktorá obletela všetko, aby sa sem zniekade dostala, aby sme sa za ňu pomodlili; má rakovinu a chcela vedieť, či by ju mohla zobrať aby sa sem dostala. Prosím, Bože, aby si zachoval život tej osobe, sprav to. Môj malý synovec Mike, leží tam chorý a zvracia, vo vysokej horúčke; práve opustil dvere. Pane, verím že sme tam mali modlitbu viery, že Ty si to zastavil a ja som Ti vďačný, cítil som že tá horúčka odchádza od toho chlapca skôr ako som odišiel z tej izby.

28No, Pane, ďakujem Ti za všetky tieto veci. Teraz pripadol na mňa los, aby som hovoril tvoje Slovo. Daj nám tvoje Slovo, Pane. Tvoje Slovo je pravda. Požehnaj naše duše a daj nám milosť, ktorú potrebujeme, aby sme mohli čerpať dnes večer zo zasľúbení Božích, v Slove, aby nás to podopieralo do konca tohoto týždňa. Udeľ nám to. Požehnaj nášho pastora, túto statočnú dušu, jeho ženu, jeho deti, diakonov, starších a každú osobu, ktorá vchádza alebo vychádza z tejto budovy; udeľ to, Otče. Prosíme o tieto požehnania v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

29No, chcem čítať z dvoch miest písma Pánovho. Chcem prv čítať z knihy žalmov, 86. žalm. A potom chcem čítať z ev. Matúša, zo 16. kapitoly od 1. do 3. verša. A chcem čítať časť z tohoto žalmu, nie celý ale asi do 11. verša, to je asi trochu viac ako polovica.

30A chcem oznámiť toto, keď dám tomu textu názov, prv ako začnem o tom kázať: „Čas zjednocovania sa a znak." „Znak času zjednocovania." Znie to tak trochu skomplikovane. Zjednocovanie, vidíte? Čas, čas zjednocovania sa, to je to, čo sa deje teraz. A znak toho času zjednocovania.

31V žalme, modlitba Dávidova ... 86. žalm:

Nakloň Hospodine svoje ucho a vysliš ma, lebo som biedny a chudobný.

Ostríhaj moju dušu, lebo som svätý. Zachráň svojho služobníka, ty, môj Bože, toho, ktorý sa nadeje na teba.

Zmiluj sa nado mnou, Pane, lebo na teba volám každého dňa.

Rozveseľ dušu svojho služobníka, lebo k tebe, ó, Pane, pozdvihujem svoju dušu.

Lebo ty, Pane, si dobrotivý a hotový odpustiť a máš mnoho milosti pre všetkých, ktorí volajú na teba.

Počuj Hospodine moju modlitbu a pozoruj na hlas mojich pokorných prosieb.

V deň svojho súženia volám na teba, lebo ma vyslýchaš.

(Ó, nie je to nádherné? Ty ma vyslýchaš.)

Nieto takého medzi bohmi ako si ty, ó, Pane a niet skutkov, ako sú tvoje.

Všetky národy, ktoré si učinil, prijdú a budú sa klaňať pred tebou, Pane, a budú ctiť tvoje meno.

Lebo si veľký a činíš divy; ty sám jediný si Boh.

(Počúvajte teraz)

Vyuč ma Hospodine, svojej ceste, aby som chodil v tvojej pravde,


sústreď moje srdce na bázeň svojho mena.

(Jednota! Vidíte?)

zjednoť moje srdce na bázeň tvojho mena.

(* Poznámka prekladateľa: V anglickej Biblii je použité slovo unite -- zjednotiť, zlúčiť, spojiť.)

32 Hovorím teraz o zjednocovaní a o znaku času. A teraz, v 16. kapitole ev. Matúša.

A pristúpili ku nemu farizeovia a sadúceovia a pokúšajúc ho žiadali od neho, žeby im ukázal znamenie z neba.

A on odpovedal a riekol im: Keď je večer, hovorievate: Bude pekné počasie, lebo sa červenie nebo,

a za rána: Dnes bude nečas, lebo sa červená zachmúrené nebo. Pokrytci, tvárnosť neba znáte posúdiť a znamenia časov nemôžete?

Nech Pán pridá svoje milostivé požehnanie ku čítaniu jeho Slova.

33A teraz hovoríme o tomto zjednocovaní, o čase zjednocovania sa, o znaku času zjednocovania. Vidíte, Ježiš bol tu, v tomto poslednom mieste Písma, ktoré sme čítali, On karhal tých duchovných, že neboli schopní rozpoznať čas alebo znak času. No, to je stále veľká vec pre ľudí (Vidíte?), aby ste boli schopní rozpoznať znak času v ktorom žijete; pretože Boh to jasne píše, tak že to nikto nemôže prehliadnuť.

34No, obyčajne idem naspäť a sledujem ako to bolo v čase iných slúžiacich, alebo iných sluhov Pánových v Biblickom čase, ako znak v čase Noeho, znak v čase Daniela a tak ďalej, rôzne znaky, ale dnes večer to chcem obísť, aby som ušetril čas, aby som mohlo ... Ale Boh to stále tak robí, že dáva ľuďom prirodzený znak času, aby tak všetci vedeli, aký je práve čas. A títo farizeovia mali poznať svoj čas. Oni mali poznať, aký to bol čas. On povedal na inom mieste: „Keby ste poznali mňa, poznali by ste môj deň." Vidíte? To je práve ... To je veľká vec, že rozumieme. Vidíte? Bez porozumenia ...

35Preto sa ľudia stále obracali ku prorokom, vraveli: „On má porozumenie skrze videnie od Pána. A Slovo Pánovo prichádzalo za dávna ku prorokom." Vidíte? Ľudia mali porozumenie skrze Slovo Pánove, cez prorokov. A potom proroci dávali znak. Ako, jeden muž ležal tak dlho na svojom boku, potom sa obrátil a ležal na druhom boku. Jeden si musel vyzliecť šaty. A och, je mnoho vecí, ktoré oni robili, aby ukázali znak toho v čom žili. A teraz vieme, že Boh ktorý stvoril nebesia a zem a tak rozložil svoju prácu, že On predpisoval svoj čas skrze znaky, že ten istý Boh žije dnes. Tak my musíme byť, niečo ... Keď vidíme čas v ktorom žijeme, musí byť niečo, čo niekto niekde prehliada. Vidíte? Pretože Boh by nikdy nedal, aby sa stali tieto veci, bez toho aby nám dal jasný znak, aby sme porozumeli.

36Dnes tu máme to isté, že tí duchovní ... nečítame to správne. Je to presne tak ako to bolo vtedy, oni si nemysleli, že to je ten čas. Oni si vtedy mysleli, že žijú celkom pokojne a tak neočakávali na žiadneho Mesiáša. A Ježiš povedal, že Jeho príchod bude ako zlodej v noci, keď si ľudia nebudú uvedomovať Jeho príchod. Ale boli tam niektoré panny, ktoré vyšli aby sa s Ním stretli, polovica z nich mala olej vo svojich lampách a boli pripravené. Oni dávali pozor na ten znak. A to sú tí, ku ktorým hovorím dnes večer (Rozumiete?) ku tým, ktorí teraz dávajú pozor na ten znak, na znak Jeho príchodu.

37Tieto znaky, ktoré sú dané od Pána, sú dané len veriacim. Neveriaci to vôbec nevidia. Prechádza to rovno ponad ich hlavami a oni to nevidia. A teraz, presne s takou istotou ako to, že anjel Boží by mohol dnes večer zastať tu na tomto pódiu, presne tak skutočne ako sa dívam na vás, by som sa mohol dívať na to; alebo vy by ste sa mohli na to dívať a ja by som to nevidel, alebo ja by som sa mohol na to dívať a vy by ste to nevideli. No, viete že to je podľa Písma; presne tak. Oni videli ... Viete, keď Pavel spadom na zem, ale oni - nikto z tých ľudí nemohol vidieť to Svetlo.

38To Svetlo bolo rovno tam, keď Ján stál pred tými zástupmi ľudí a tisíce ľudí stálo tam na brehu, duchovní hodnostári a mudrci, veľkí ľudia. A Ján sám povedal, vydal svedectvo, že vidí Ducha Božieho zostupovať ako holubicu a prichádzal dole na Neho a hlas povedal: „Toto je môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa mi zaľúbilo prebývať." A nikto okrem Jána to nevidel. Vidíte? To bolo len pre neho.

39Všimli ste si aký jasný bol ten znak pre tých mudrcov? Oni sa dívali, tam bolo ... Oni boli Hebreji. To neboli v podstate indický astrológovia, oni boli Hebreji, pretože oni boli tam v tej krajine a študovali astronómiu, aby dokončili svoje vzdelanie. A keď sa pozreli smerom ku Jeruzalemu a vedeli, že keď videli tie tri hviezdy, z ktorých každá reprezentovala rodovú líniu, Chama, Sema a Jafeta, tie rasy z ktorých pochádzali všetci ľudia a oni videli tie hviezdy na ich rodovej línii. To bol pre nich znak, že keď tie hviezdy boli v jednej línii, Mesiáš je na zemi.

40Ó! Nie divu, že oni prišli: „Kde je? Kde je ten narodený Kráľ židovský? Videli sme jeho hviezdu na východe a prišli sme sa mu pokloniť. Kde je?" Oni vedeli, že nemluvňa Mesiáš niekde leží, pretože Boh im dal znak času, že Boh a človek sa spolu zjednocujú. Čo za zjednotenie - keď sa sám Boh zjednotil v ľudskom tele! Ten princíp, to najväčšie zo všetkých zjednotení, ktoré sa kedy stalo, bolo vtedy keď sa Boh zjednotil s človekom; a opustil svoju veľkú, jasnú Božskú podstatu a roztiahol svoj stan a zobral na seba ľudskosť a stal sa jedným z nich skrze Neho. Jednota - ktorá čo? Ktorá priniesla pokoj medzi Bohom a človekom naveky. Aký sme vďační.

41A znaky neboli poslané ... Zamyslite sa len teraz, každý človek, a všetci astronómovia, tí ľudia v tom čase, ich hodinami boli hviezdy. Vtedy býval pozorovateľ, ktorý vychádzal hore na vežu, vyšiel tam a pozoroval. On videl keď sa určité hviezdy dostali do určitej konštelácie, ako prechádzali, on vedel koľko je hodín. Pamätáte sa v Písme: „Koľko je hodín, strážca?" A ten strážca prišiel a povedal im, ktorá je hodina. Vidíte? Oni poznávali čas pomocou hviezd.

42No, nie je to divné, že tieto hviezdy boli presne v jednej línii pre troch mužov a nikto iný to nevidel? Vidíte? Jednoducho presne v línii. No, vy môžete byť tak v línii s Písmom. Vidíte? Keď sa tieto hviezdy dostali do jednoty, keď sa zjednotili spolu v tejto konštelácii, v tom istom čase boli tiež zjednotení traja muži. A vy môžete byť tak zjednotení s Bohom v jeho Slove, až sa tieto veci stanú skutočnými a vy ich môžete vidieť a vedieť, že to je pravda. Vidíte? Znak času! Môžete sa dívať rovno ponad to a poviete: „Ach, nezmysel!"

43Ale pre vás to nie je nezmysel. Pre vás, vy ste zjednotení so Slovom a tu to je. Potom je to úplne v poriadku, brat Pat, keď vidíš tento znak zlučuj sa s veriacim. A to je ten komu toto adresujem, veriacemu, lebo neveriaci to nikdy nebude vidieť. Keby On bol dnes na zemi, ako by boli pokarhaní dnes mnohí naši duchovní, ktorí nedokážu čítať tento znak. Znaky, ktoré každodenne čítame tu v zhromaždení a vidíme tie veci. Iní to čítajú a vidia nápis na stene a pri tom mnohí to proste ignorujú a ani to vôbec nevidia. Pre nich to vôbec nič nie je; oni si to nevšímajú.

44No všimnite si, že v tomto On ukázal národné znaky. Keď sa Ho o tomto opýtali, chceli znaky a On im dal znaky ktoré sa stali. Oni chceli vedieť kedy bude koniec sveta, čo bude znakom konca. A On im ukázal na mnohé miesta v Písme o národných znakoch, o nebeských znakoch na nebi a zemských znakoch; dal im znaky, znaky, znaky, proste stále znak. A keď ... On im tam povedal na jednom mieste o národnom znaku, povedal: „Keď uvidíte národy (vidíte?), že sa začínajú zhromažďovať okolo Jeruzalema (vidíte?), potom budeme vedieť, že čas ich problémov sa priblížil, keď uvidíte Jeruzalem obkolesený vojskom."

45No, prv ako mohli toto urobiť, Boh ... Svet sa musel zjednotiť ... Títus, tento veľký rímsky generál musel zlúčiť svoju armádu a obkľúčiť ich, potom keď títo židia odmietli znak času, ktorý im dal Boh. Potom nastal čas, že Titus spojil svoje armády a prišiel, aby zabral mesto. Prv muselo nastať zjednotenie Božieho ľudu (tak zvaného) proti Slovu Božiemu, skôr ako sa mohol ten národ zjednotiť proti Božiemu ľudu. Vidíte? Jednota, zlučovanie, spájanie sa dokopy ...

46Verím, že žijeme vo veľkom čase zjednocovania sa. Beriem tieto červené svetlá, svietiace signály a všetko čo sa týka žien, ako sa správajú a mužov ako sa oni správajú; a ako sa cirkvi správajú a z celého srdca ukazujem tejto malej skupine, že verím, že sa zoraďujeme podľa Božieho Slova v tejto veľkej prorockej hodine, tesne pred príchodom Pána Ježiša; zjednocujeme sa a pripravujeme.

47No, vidíte, prv ako Títus zjednotil tie národy ... zhromaždil svoju armádu, Izrael sa zjednotil a spikol sa, že nebudú veriť, že Ježiš je Mesiáš. Oni Ho odmietli a odstrčili a ukrižovali. A potom, keď odmietli spasenie, ktoré im bolo poslané ... Oni sa spolu zjednotili, aby to urobili. Zapamätajte si to: Zjednocujú sa spolu, aby odmietli posolstvo na tú hodinu! Oni to museli urobiť. A potom keď to urobili, potom prichádza národný znak.

48Národy sa začali spolu zjednocovať a Titus pritiahol túto veľkú armádu Rimanov a Grékov a obľahol múry Jeruzalema, obkľúčil tam potom tých ľudí a oni zomierali od hladu. Jedli kôru zo stromov. Jozefus, ten veľký historik nám o tom hovorí. A jedli trávu. Dokonca varili deti jeden druhého a jedli ich. Vidíte? Boli pomätení. A potom keď nakoniec Titus, on sedel tam hore na kopcoch okolo Jeruzalema a títo ľudia vo vnútri si mysleli, že konajú vôľu Božiu. Keď videli vpochodovať dovnútra tieto armády, oni predtým odmietli počúvať toho veľkého majstra, Pána Ježiša, ktorý im o tom hovoril.

49Nebol tam chytený ani jeden z tých kresťanov, pretože oni videli ten znak a odišli. Vidíte? Oni vraveli: „Nech tí, ktorí budú na postreší, nech nezostupujú, alebo kto na poli, nech sa nevracia naspäť, aby vzal svoje rúcho; ale utečte do Júdei a modlite sa, aby váš útek nebol v zime alebo v sobotu." Pretože v zime by na vrchoch bolo plno snehu a v sobotu boli brány zavreté a oni by tam boli chytení v takom stave. Vidíte? Chceme to rýchlo prebrať, ako Boh činí tieto veci, ak dá Pán.

50Všimnite si teraz, On ... Oni sa modlili aby to bolo ... aby to tak nebolo, Ježiš im povedal, aby sa za to modlili a ani jeden z nich tam nebol chytený. Oni odišli, pretože dávali pozor na ten znak a odišli; to bolo to, čo bolo treba robiť.

51Ó, ako majú cirkvi dnes vidieť ten znak času, v ktorom žijeme! Utečte na Golgotu tak rýchlo ako len môžete, aby ste si zachránili život; nie do nejakej cirkvi, ale ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Zjednoťte sa s Ním a nie s nejakou organizáciou alebo s nejakým cirkevným vyznaním. Zjednoťte sa s Kristom a buďte si istý, že to je On. Nemôžete proste prijať hocičo, musíte byť presvedčení, že to je On. Čo za čas zjednocovania!

52No, vidíme, že oni odmietli Mesiáša a potom sa zjednotili spolu a urobili spolok a dohodli sa medzi sebou, že ak by niekto prijal Ježiša ako proroka, že takí budú vylúčení z cirkvi. Pamätáte sa na toho slepého chlapca, ktorý sa narodil slepý? A učeníci sa pýtali: „Kto zhrešil? On alebo jeho otec, alebo matka?"

53A Ježiš povedal: „V tomto prípade, nikto; ale aby sa mohli stať skutky Božie, aby sa zjavili."

54Spomínate si, povedali, že otec a matka nemohli nič povedať. Oni vraveli, že vedia: „toto je náš syn, ale nevieme ako bol uzdravený." Pretože Židia povedali, že každý kto Ho vyzná, že je prorok, bude vylúčený.

55Ale, vidíte, tie skutky Božie boli to, že tento chlapec nepatril do tej skupiny. A on povedal: „No to je pre mňa divná vec, že vy neviete odkiaľ je tento človek a predsa On mi navrátil zrak." Vidíte? No, on to mohol povedať. Vidíte? To boli tie skutky Božie. On bol uzdravený a bol v poriadku a on to mohol povedať pretože nikde nebol ku ničomu priviazaný. On bol ten, na ktorom sa stal ten skutok a on skutočne videl, prvý krát vo svojom živote.

56No, Židia sa zjednotili proti Ježišovi a proti jeho Mesiášstvu a jeho Mesiášskemu posolstvu. Vidíme, že teraz sa deje to isté, presne to isté. Komunizmus sa zjednocuje, aby zničil cirkev a jediný spôsob ako to ... to sa deje potom, keď sa tiež sama cirkev zjednotila v Rade Cirkví, vo Svetovej Rade Cirkví, aby zaprela a zničila posolstvo, Slovo! Cirkvi, oni odmietli Slovo! Oni to nemôžu prijať, pretože to je proti ich denominačnému vyznaniu; bez ohľadu na to koľko Ohnivých Stĺpov bude visieť v našom ... v strede ľudí alebo koľko ľudí bude ... koľko vecí bude predpovedaných a stanú sa a všetky veľké znaky, ktoré On zasľúbil na posledné dni, oni to nemôžu prijať!

57A tak oni sa teraz zjednocujú a váš pastor tu a mnohí iní vám môžu povedať, píše sa o tom, že sú ... že majú svetové ekumenické hnutie. A nejaký luteránsky duchovný je tomu predstavený. Keby sa stala tu na okolí nejaká pohroma, ak nie sme spojení s týmto ekumenickým hnutím, potom náš zbor už viacej nemôže byť zborom a oni to tu môžu použiť ako skladište. Alebo ak by niekto z nás bratov videl niekoho zomierať alebo trpieť a snažil by sa mu poslúžiť nejakým duchovným požehnaním, mohli by nás za to zastreliť. Presne tak. Mohli by sme dostať desať rokov vo federálnom vezení za to, že niečím poslúžime, pretože nie sme členmi tohoto ekumenického hnutia. Či nevidíte znamenie šelmy? Vidíte?

58No, vidíme že tento čas zjednocovania nastáva. Vidíte? No dávajte pozor! Tak sama cirkev sa zjednotila proti posolstvu a potom keď to robí, národy sa zjednocujú do komunizmu, aby zase zničili cirkev; presne tak isto ako sa to stalo prvý krát. To sa znovu opakuje.

59Prv musel Izrael odmietnuť posolstvo. A keď oni odmietli posolstvo, potom tá armáda, ten národný život tých iných národov sa spolu zjednotil a prišli, aby zničili cirkev. A dnes, oni odmietli posolstvo Pána Ježiša, oni to odmietli. A teraz, prichádza čas, keď komunizmus zjednotí svet proti cirkvi. Vidíte? Musí to tak byť. No, ťažko sa to tak vraví.

60Tým Židom bolo ťažko veriť, oni vraveli: „No poďte, bratia, vidíme že náš Boh je s nami a tak vojdeme do chrámu. Budeme sa teraz modliť a nech svätý otec ten a ten ... Svätý otec ten a ten, nech vedie modlitbu. Zavrite bránu!" A Títus zaujal svoju pozíciu a stál rovno tam rok alebo aj viacej. Vidíte? Rovno na stráži a jednoducho ich vyhladoval. Ani jeden z nich sa nemohol dostať z mesta a zomierali od hladu. A keď tam vošiel a zvalil múry, krv tiekla ako rieky, kde zabíjal všetko, čo tam bolo.

61No, anjel Pánov to prorokoval, tam v Starom Zákone a povedal, že to sa stane. A tí duchovní, ktorí boli učení, ktorí mali stáť na stráži a povedať o tom ľuďom, namiesto toho, keď Ježiš stál medzi nimi, oni Ho ani nepoznali; a snažili sa z toho urobiť nejaký magický trik. „Sprav nejaký trik, nech vidíme ako sa to deje! Ukáž nám znak." Vidíte? A On povedal ... Prečo, On vykonal toľko vecí a jednako to nemohli vidieť. A potom, keď Ho odmietli ako svojho ... posolstvo na ten deň, oni odmietli posolstvo na ten deň.

62Oni prehliadli znak toho dňa. A znak Biblického proroctva sa odohral pred nimi a oni povedali: „Vojdime tam teraz!" To boli svätí ľudia. To boli ľudia, že by ste prstom nemohli ukázať na niečo v ich živote. Nemohli by byť takí a pritom byť kňazmi. Taký kňaz by bol zabitý, za akúkoľvek drobnú vec by bol ukameňovaný na smrť. Tak on musel žiť čistý, svätý život. On nemohol hocičo robiť, pretože za niečo také by bol proste ukameňovaný. Tak to boli veľkí ľudia a v očiach ľudí boli svätí a predsa tam vošli a povedali: „Teraz budeme ... Máme Boha, Boh je s nami po všetky tie veky. Vojdeme do jeho svätého chrámu." To bol Boží svätý chrám. Ale, vidíte, On bol vystrčený zo svojho svätého chrámu. Vidíte? „Vojdeme do domu Pánovho. Vy všetci Hebreji viete, že my sme vybraná rasa, my sme, tu. A Boh je náš Boh; Boh Abraháma, Izáka a Jákoba. On je s nami. On nás vyslobodí tam od tých neobrezaných Filištínov (ako to bolo), od tých Rimanov a Grékov. On nás z toho vyslobodí. Poďme do domu Pánovho!"

63To znie dobre; ale čo oni urobili? Ten Staviteľ toho domu tam bol, vo forme skromného Galilejského tesára a oni Ho odmietli; keď Ho Boh potvrdil, že je jeho poslom na tú hodinu, s potrebnou hodnosťou a oni to odmietli. Tak všetky tie modlitby, všetka tá úprimnosť, všetka tá obeť pred Bohom neznamenala nič. Oni to vykonali! A Boh nechal aby sa zjednotila táto veľká armáda a aby to zničila.

64A dnes vidíme ako cirkvi cez denominácie a tak ďalej, odmietajú Slovo Božie. Oni nechcú aby ste im hovorili o týchto veciach a veda to môže dokázať pomocou fotografií a rôznych iných vecí a jednako oni s tým nechcú mať nič spoločného. Tak komunizmus sa formuje, aby to zničil, presne tak ako to urobil Titus a Biblia povedala, že oni to urobia. Presne tak!

65No, vidíte kde žijeme? V čase zjednocovania. Keď vidíme, že sa tieto veci zjednocujú, ó ... prečo, prehliadame tieto veci. Môžete sa pozrieť sem do Písma a vidieť kde to On zasľúbil, čo bude robiť. Vidíme, že to sa deje. Vidíme čo zasľúbil, že sa bude diať v cirkvi. Vidíme, že to sa deje. Vidíme, že národy sa spolu zjednocujú. Vidíme, že izmy sa spolu zjednocujú. Vidíme, že cirkvi sa spolu zjednocujú. To je čas zjednocovania. To je hodina zjednocovania. To je duch tohoto veku: „Musíme sa zjednotiť." Všetko o čom hovoríte musí byť zorganizované; inak to vláda neprijme.

66Vy ako obyvateľ nemôžete ... Ja ako obyvateľ nemôžem, ako obyvateľ Spojených Štátov, jednako by som ... Keby ste mi dali šek na päť dolárov, neodvážil by som sa napísať naň svoje meno. Vidíte? Nemohol by som to urobiť. Vidíte? To je čas zjednocovania. To všetko musí prechádzať cez nejakú úniu niečoho a tá únia je práve to, čo privedie znamenie šelmy. Vidíte? To je čas zjednocovania a to sa rozvíja rovno ďalej do toho. Môžete to vidieť na svoje oči, ak sa budete na to dívať. To je čas zjednocovania, kde sa všetko spolu spája.

67Židia sa zjednotili proti Ježišovi, ako svojmu Mesiášovi. A tak vidíme, čo sa stalo. Teraz vidíme to isté. Komunizmus sa zjednocuje, aby zničil cirkev, potom keď sa cirkev zjednotila vo Svetovej rade cirkví a snaží sa zničiť posolstvo, Slovo Božie. Oni sa ho chcú zbaviť. Jediné čo môžu urobiť, je zostaviť si radu (koncil), pretože sú rozdelení. Tu je malá skupina metodistov a baptistov a luteránov a presbyteriánov, cirkev Kristova a tak ďalej. Nemôžu nič robiť, pretože tento bude proti tomuto, tento bude proti tam tomu, ich náuka sa tak od seba líšia ako východ od západu. Vidíte? Nemôžu to urobiť. Ale spolu, pod jednou veľkou hlavou, to dokážu. Potom to urobia.

68Tam sú katolíci tak v jednote, rímskokatolíci, pretože sú v jednote, oni sú ... väčšina je rímskokatolíkov; gréko a iných katolíkov nie je tak veľa ako rímskokatolíkov. A teraz oni sa zjednocujú spolu a preto stoja spolu. Bez ohľadu na to čo sa deje, ten pápež je hlavou všetkého. Vidíte? A nezáleží na tom, čo ktokoľvek hovorí: „On je neomylný; on je vicar (zástupca) Boha, to je všetko; on je ďalší po Bohu, on má sudcovskú právomoc nad peklom, nebom a očistcom." Vidíte? Tak v tomto prípade sa nedá nič urobiť; čokoľvek on povie, to sa musí diať.

69No, protestanti si robia presne takú hlavu. Či nehovorí Biblia: „Bol učinený obraz šelmy." Čo je to obraz? To je niečo, čo vyzerá ako to, čo je urobené na podobu toho. Vidíte, to je to isté. Čo to je? Tým že sa spolu zjednocujú. A toto je duch tohoto veku, zjednocovať sa.

70Jednotia sa spolu, snažia sa zničiť posolstvo. Ako to oni zničili? Ako mohli zničiť Slovo Božie? Oni ho mohli zbaviť moci, urobiť ho bezúčinným, tým že prijímali tradície ako to robili tam vtedy na začiatku a zbavovali Slovo Božie moci. Vidíte? Oni hovorili: „Ach, to ... Skutočne, nakoniec ..." Vidíte kde táto neveriaca žena, ktorá sa snaží aby ... ona ... Zabudol som teraz ako sa volá. Keby som si mohol spomenúť. Ona ... Snažím sa myslieť na veľa vecí.

71Rozmýšľal som raz o tejto pani Nations; prajem si aby povstala u nás ďalšia takáto. Ona chodila do barov a vyhadzovala whisky a vyhadzovala tie reklamy a všetko tomu podobné. Prečo nepovstane dnes takáto žena, aby sem prišla a strhala niektoré z týchto plagátov s nahými ženami, jej vlastnej rasy a takéto veci? Nemáme viacej takých.

72No ale táto žena, neveriaca, ktorá povedala, že čítať Bibliu vo verejných školách, že to je protiústavné. A takéto veci.

73A teraz oni tiež ... Všimli ste si znovu, oni sa teraz snažia povedať a sú to veľkí bádatelia Písma, hovoria, že veľká časť proroctiev, ktoré boli prorokované v Biblii, že sú úplne nesprávne a že sa nikdy nevy- plnili. A počuli ste to a čítali ste o tom. A oni sa snažili povedať všetko možné; vidíte, oni sa snažia zničiť účinok toho Slova. Ak to len môžu zničiť a dať za to náhradu, vyznanie alebo niečo také čo má človek, to v ich očiach vyzerá lepšie ako Slovo, potom to ničia svojimi tradíciami. A takto sa oni snažia ničiť Slovo Božie, skrze denominačnú politiku.

74No, každá cirkev má svoju vlastnú politiku. Cirkev Kristova má svoju, Kresťanská cirkev má svoju a baptisti a metodisti a presbyteriáni; oni všetci majú svoju rôznu politiku. No, oni sa dostávajú preč od toho pretože sú rozdelení. Vidíte? To sa nemohlo stať predtým, oni to musia urobiť teraz. Vidíte? Toto je čas zjednocovania a teraz to oni všetci dávajú dohromady a združujú to spolu a hľaďte s čím prichádzajú. Ó, to je ako piecť bochník chleba z konského mäsa a s odpadkami z koša a čokoľvek ešte dávajú dokopy a stláčajú to spolu a hádžu tam nejaké zhnité zemiaky a všetko možné spolu a vidíte, čo vám z toho vychádza. Ja z toho skutočne nič nechcem. Nie veru! To je spôsob ako to oni robia. Vidíte? Oni berú ľudí, ktorí veria, že Ježiš bol nejaký mýtus, cirkev, ktorá verí, že Ježiš bol mýtus. Iní veria, že bol prorok.

75Jeden hovorí: „Dni zázrakov pominuli."

76Iný: „Môže byť niečo také."

77A všetko toto spolu; a Biblia hovorí: „Ako môžu ísť dvaja spolu ak sa nezhodnú?" Vidíte? To je ten druh jednoty, ktorú majú. Mať nejakého veľkého svätého otca, aby bol nad tým a tam máte obraz šelmy, presne to, čo hovorí Biblia. Teraz majú nejakého luteránskeho duchovného, ktorý je hlavou toho. No, vidíme jej čas zjednocovania. Tak isto teraz, komunizmus a všetko sa spolu zjednocuje. Vo svete a v cirkvi a tak ďalej, zjednocujú sa spolu.

78Pozorujte prírodu. Ó! Príroda, ak len budete pozorovať prírodu, tam sa deje to isté. Príroda je Božím kalendárom znakov. Vedeli ste to? Ježiš im povedal, aby pozorovali prírodu. More bude hučať (vidíte?) a budú sa diať rôzne veci a zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, národné konflikty, znaky na nebi, znaky na zemi, všade sa budú nachádzať znaky v tomto prichádzajúcom čase.

79Pozorujte oblaky. Prv ako môžu oblaky priniesť búrku, viete ako sa to deje? Niekoľko malých obláčkov sa zíde spolu a vytvoria jeden veľký oblak. Pri tomto je malý vietor, ktorý do neho fúka, pri tomto ďalšom je malý vietor, ktorý do neho fúka a oni sa všetky zídu spolu a potom je z toho hurikán. Vidíte? Oni sa zjednotia prv ako môže byť z toho búrka. Musia sa zjednotiť.

80Pozorujte kačice a husi ako sa spolu zjednocujú prv ako opustia svoju krajinu. Vidíte? Oni sa spolu zjednotia. Môžete ich vidieť lietať z tohoto rybníka ku tamtomu rybníku, z tadeto tam, oni sa všetky dávajú dokopy. Oni sa zjednocujú, pripravujú sa na svoj odchod. Vidíte? To je proste ... to je príroda. A Boh stvoril prírodu a príroda pracuje podľa Božieho plánu. To je zákon, nepísaný zákon Boží, že príroda pracuje podľa jeho zákona.

81Práve tak ako hovorievame na pohrabe, ako miazga odchádza dole do hrobu, na spodok do koreňa stromu, aby tam ležala až do vzkriesenia na jar. To je zákon Boží. Žiadna inteligencia nemôže spraviť, aby tá miazga išla tam dole; nedokážete ju vysušiť, nedokážete ju vysať. Nieto na to žiadny lepší spôsob, než ako to robí Boh. Boh má dokonalý spôsob. Tak keď padajú listy, vtedy On posiela tú miazgu dole do hrobu a skrýva ju. Ako povedal Jób: „Ukry ma v hrobe, až kým nepominie hnev." Vidíte? Ona ide tam dole, pretože to je zákon prírody, prv ako začne mrznúť. Dívajte sa na listy, teraz začínajú padať. Prečo? To je zákon prírody.

82Kačice sa dávajú dokopy, každá jedna z nich a zhromažďujú sa okolo vodcu. V tom oni nejako budú poznať, ja neviem ako to robia, ale oni vedia, že ten určitý malý káčer je vodca. A ten malý káčer, oni sa všetci dávajú spolu a zhromažďujú sa rovno okolo neho a vznášajú sa rovno do vzduchu. A on bude ... nikdy doteraz neopustil ten rybník, ale tak presne ako sa len dá, bude letieť na ryžové polia do Louisiany alebo do Texasu. Vidíte? Prv ako sa pustia do letu, aby opustili svoj dom, kde sa v tom roku narodili, oni sa spolu zjednotia. Amen! Tu to máte. Zhromažďujú sa okolo svojho vodcu.

83Problém s týmto je u človeka, on nepozná svojho vodcu. Tak veru. Oni sa budú zhromažďovať okolo denominácie, budú sa zhromažďovať okolo nejakého biskupa, alebo človeka, ale nebudú sa zhromažďovať okolo vodcu , okolo Ducha Svätého a Slova. Vidíte? Oni hovoria: „Ó, dobre, bojím sa, že by som sa stal trochu fanatikom; Bojím sa, že urobím nesprávny krok." Ó, tu to máte! Čo keby tá malá kačica povedala: „No, mne sa proste nepáči ako on nosí svoje perie. Nemyslím, že ho budem nasledovať." Taká by zamrzla a zomrela. Budete tam chytení, ak nepôjdete v tom lete, keď budú letieť. To sa spolu zjednocuje a to robí príroda.

84Husi sa spolu zjednocujú, zhromažďujú sa okolo svojho vodcu; oni robia to isté.

85Všimli ste si niekedy ako sa roja včely? Včely sa budú spolu zjednocovať, prv ako sa zroja, rovno okolo svojej kráľovnej. Je to tak. A kde ide ona, oni tam tiež pôjdu. Áno! Čo oni robia? Oni sa zjednocujú pred rojením. Presne; celá príroda ...

86Ryby sa zjednocujú spolu prv ako nastane jaro. Tam v oceáne, môžete ich nájsť, tie veľké ... nazývame to chumáče lososov. Keď idú tam hore, prv ako nastane ten beh, budete ich vidieť na desať tisíce, tam v mori ako sa zhromažďujú a zhromažďujú. V slanej vode, ale to je v skutočnosti sladkovodná ryba. A teraz idú rovno hore do tej čerstvej vody, aby sa tam dostali v období trenia. Oni tam idú a trú sa, asi každé štyri roky a zomierajú hneď po tom trení. A oni vedia, že tam idú zomrieť a ničím ich nemôžete zastaviť. Budú skákať po stupňových prietokoch a cez všetko možné, aby sa tam dostali a pri tom vedia, že idú na smrť. Ale ten zákon prírody ich vedie, oni vedia, tí starí, že tam idú aby sa treli a zomreli. A tí mladí prichádzajú z tade, niečo ich potom zjednocuje a idú do oceánu. To je zjednocovanie! To je zákon. Nemôžete proste narušiť Boží zákon.

87Národy sa rozlamujú, lebo toto je teraz čas, v ktorom vidím, že toto majú robiť. Sme v procese národného neporiadku. Vidíme, že národy rušia svoje vzájomné vzťahy. Rok za rokom, vidíme že tento národ je pohltený do komunizmu; tento je pohltený do komunizmu. A rovno tu v našom vlastnom národe sa to hemží komunizmom a to zvíťazí! Vidíte? On to vykoná, nie je možné to zastaviť. Prečo? Z toho istého dôvodu, ako nebolo možné zastaviť Titusa. Ľudia odmietli Boha a jeho Slovo. Tak veru, tak oni to vykonajú a my to vidíme práve v procese.

88Obyčajne zaberiem niekoľko hodín; už hovorím okolo tridsať minút, práve teraz. Ale aby som sa dostal ku tomu všetkému, práve sa to snažím. Študujte to keď prídete domov.

89Všimnite si, oni sa práve teraz zjednocujú. Pýtate sa: „brat Branham, je to pravda?" Oni prichádzajú do bitky Armageddon; to je presne to, čo urobia. Vidíte? A oni sa ku tomu práve teraz zjednocujú. Preto máme tie Spojené národy (U.N.) a všetko čo máme. Západný svet sa zjednocuje proti východnému svetu, komunizmu a tak ďalej, to sa všetko spolu zjednocuje. Cirkvi sa spolu zjednocujú. Vyzerá, že všetko sa zjednocuje. Zjednocujú sa, zjednocujú sa spolu. Vidíme to.

90Súčasne, kým prebiehajú všetky tieto zjednocovania v národe, tieto znaky, národné znaky, vidíme tu vo svete, zemetrasenia na rôznych miestach, rôzne veci sa zjednocujú, privádzajú svet dohromady, privádzajú ľudí dohromady, všetky cirkvi spolu, všetky tieto veci. A zatiaľ kým prebieha všetko toto zjednocovanie, prebieha tiež iné zjednocovanie. Amen! To je to, čo vám chcem teraz ukázať.

91Boh zjednocuje svoju nevestu. Ona sa schádza z východu, zo západu, zo severu, z juhu. Je čas zjednocovania a ono prebieha práve teraz. Na čo sa ona zjednocuje? Na vytrhnutie! Amen! Boh ju pripravuje. Tak veru - zjednocuje! S čím sa ona zjednocuje? So Slovom! „Lebo nebo i zem pominú ale moje slová nikdy nepominú." Ona sa zjednocuje s TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, bez ohľadu na to, čo hovorí ktorákoľvek denominácia alebo ktokoľvek iný. Ona sa zjednocuje. Pripravuje sa. Prečo? Ona je nevesta. Je to tak. A ona sa zjednocuje so svojím ženíchom. Vidíte? A ženíchom je Slovo. „Na počiatku bolo Slovo a to Slovo bolo u Boha a to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami."

92A cirkev a ... nevesta a Slovo sa stávajú tak jedno, že až samo to Slovo činí skutky ženícha. Amen! Vidíte to? Zjednocovanie! Už nie, „Vstúp do cirkvi"; už nie viacej niečo takéto, ale uteč od všetkého a priviaž sa ku Ježišovi Kristovi. Vidíte? To je čas zjednocovania. Boh zjednocuje spolu svoju nevestu, privádza naspäť; presne tak. Zjednocuje slová svojho zasľúbenia.

932. Tesaloničanom, 2. kapitola; tam je povedané, táto piata kapitola hovorí: Svätí, ktorí spia v prachu zeme sa zobudia. A my sa potom s nimi zjednotíme. Tí živí s tými, ktorí zomreli. Zjednotíme sa ešte predtým ako pôjdeme tam hore, pretože nevesta bude kompletná keď tam príde. Tí, ktorí sú nažive sa zjednocujú so Slovom a tí ktorí zosnuli to už urobili a to všetko prichádza spolu a tvorí jednu veľkú úniu zjednotenia, pred odchodom tam hore. Amen!

94Musel povstať komunizmus, museli povstať tieto ďalšie veci. Cirkev sa musí jednotiť tam v národoch pre Svetovú Radu Cirkví a nevesta sa musí jednotiť pod Slovo Božie. Aby sa to stalo Boh poslal dole nebeské znaky a rôzne veci, ktoré dokazujú cirkvi, že hodina ...?... Amen.

95Boh, čas zjednocovania. Tak veru. Ó! No pamätajte ... Je zjednocovanie Slova, zjednocuje sa znovu naspäť, privádza naspäť vieru, ktorá raz bola darovaná svätým. Privádza naspäť ... Tak toto sa mohlo stať len v tomto dni. Jediný čas, v ktorom sa to mohlo stať je práve teraz. To nebolo napádané nikde inde. Oni odišli na denominačné flámy. Ale teraz to nepatrí žiadnemu denominačnému flámu, pretože to je čas aby sa zjednotili muži a ženy každej rasy, každej farby pleti, každého vyznania, všetko aby sa zjednotilo pod Krista skrze krst Duchom Svätým a naspäť do Slova.

96Čas zjednocovania pre cirkev! Ó! Zjednocuje slovo, ktoré bolo roztrúsené všade pomimo skrze tieto organizácie od Nicei, Rímu, keď zorganizovali tú prvú cirkev. A zorganizovali Lutera, zorganizovali Wesleya, zorganizovali všetky ostatné cirkvi. A keď to robili museli prijať vyznanie a potom, keď Boh poslal niečo ďalšie, nemohli to prijať. A tak to nebolo možné až do teraz. A Boh zasľúbil, že v posledných dňoch viera otcov bude znovu prinavrátená naspäť neveste, že sa to takto stane a to sa nemohlo stať v žiadnom inom čase jedine teraz. Pozrite aký máme znak z neba, Ohnivý Stĺp visí medzi nami a vidíme znaky a zázraky Pána Ježiša Krista. A odkedy ku nám hovorí, nikdy to nesklamalo ale vyplňuje sa to presne do bodky. Amen! Potom vidíme kde stojíme. Čas zjednocovania!

97Vidíme, že národy sa zjednocujú, vidíme, že svet sa zjednocuje, vidíme, že komunizmus sa zjednocuje, vidíme, že cirkev sa zjednocuje a vidíme, že Boh sa zjednocuje so svojou nevestou, že až On a cirkev sa stávajú jedno a to isté, ako pyramída ... Zjednocujú sa spolu; Božie zjednocovanie! Prečo? Nikdy predtým, od včasného cirkevného veku nebol ten Ohnivý Stĺp medzi ľuďmi. Nikdy predtým od včasného cirkevného veku, nevideli tie veci, ktoré my vidíme dnes. A toto sa stalo možným jedine vtedy keď Boh poslal tých sedem pečatí a skrze to nám dal znak a poslal dole z neba sedem anjelov; a prišiel aby priniesol naspäť to roztrúsené Slovo po tých denomináciách a znovu to priviazal naspäť do Slova Božieho, aby priviedol dole svojho Ducha Svätého.

98Ježiš povedal: „Ak zostanete vo mne a moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo chcete a stane sa vám." Znovu zjednocuje nevestu so Slovom, ktorým je Boh. Cirkev a Slovo, nie cirkev a vyznanie, cirkev a Slovo, nevesta a Slovo sa spolu zjednocujú. Ó! Čo za ... Prinavracia naspäť čo? Vieru originálnych letničných otcov (vidíte?), ktorá bola roztrúsená skrze Luterovu skupinu. Nie skrze samotného Lutera; nie Luter, nie Wesleya, nie skrze týchto veľkých zakladateľov. Ale potom, keď oni odišli, povstala cirkev a oni ... čo tí ľudia s tým potom urobili, urobili z toho organizáciu. Prijali vyznania a tak ďalej a odišli preč. A pozrite sa dnes na nich, teraz prišli do Svetovej Rady Cirkví.

99No, vidíte; ale v posledných dňoch, (Vidíte?) teraz vidíme, že sa dejú veci, ktoré sa nikdy predtým nestali. Vidíte? To je Boží znak a všetky tieto zjednocovania sú znakom času. No, chceme sa na to pozorne pozrieť, aby sme si boli istí, že to rozumieme. Opúšťajúc ... Oni kvôli denomináciám opúšťajú to pravé Slovo, aby prijali vyznania a názory rôznych ľudí namiesto toho, aby prijímali Slovo.

100Zjavenie 10 hovorí: „Posolstvo siedmeho anjela." Pamätajte teraz, to je rovno pri tých siedmich trúbach, a je sedem anjelov, ktorí trúbia na siedmich trúbach. To je to ďalšie ku čomu prichádzame. Ale pamätajte, je povedané veľmi presne: „Anjelske ..." nie trúba siedmeho anjela" ale „posolstvo siedmeho anjela." Pozrite, nie anjel s trúbou ale anjel s posolstvom! Vidíte? Ten anjel len zatrúbil na trúbe, ten siedmy anjel. Ten anjel s tou trúbou bol tento, že vo dňoch posolstva siedmeho anjela (vidíte?), keď sa dokoná jeho posolstvo. Vidíte? To je posolstvo cirkevného veku. V tomto čase, vtedy on bude ... to posolstvo, nie tá trúba ... A tajomstvo Božie, ktoré je napísané v Slove sa dokoná.

101No pozrite sa v akom dni žijeme! Pozrite sa na tieto pečate, ako to potiahlo to roztrúsené Slovo Božie, čo Luter a všetci tí ostatní, čo tí veľkí reformátori, ktorí vystúpili; prichádza rovno naspäť a ukázal to v Biblii, kde oni boli, každého človeka rovno na jeho mieste, čo on mal robiť a čo sa stalo cirkvi, čo on mal robiť a čo sa stalo cirkvi. Všetky tieto veci, ktoré on vynechal. A potom, v posledných dňoch, keď sme nič o tom nevedeli, predpovedal nám určitú vec, ktorá sa stane a ešte aj noviny a iné časopisy to zachytili a prichádza rovno dole a zjavuje to a viaže dokopy tie tajomstvá. Amen! Brat, pre mňa je to niečo úžasné! Mne to pasuje so Slovom. Amen. Nestarám sa o to, čo ... alebo je mi jedno, čo si myslia ľudia, (je to tak) ale pre mňa je to pravda.

102Ako tí mudrci, ktorí prichádzali dole z Babylonu, oni zvolali: „Kde je ten narodený Kráľ Židov? On je práve teraz na zemi. Prišli sme Ho nájsť." Je to tak. A ja verím, že Jeho príchod je už tak blízko, že môžem povedať: „Ajhľa, ženích prichádza! Počujem polnočný krik!" Amen! Sme práve v tom čase konca. Ó, to je hodina v ktorej žijeme. Všimnite si.

103Čo za deň! Čo za čas v ktorom žijeme, toto veľké tajomstvo Božie sa dokonalo; prináša Božstvo, ukazuje čo to je; ako tieto malé izmy vyšli z toho a urobili z neho toto a niekto z neho urobil toto a niekto z neho urobil tamto. Ale Anjel Pánov prichádza dole a berie všetky ich izmy a vyťahuje z toho tú pravdu a predstavuje to. A tu to je, tak dokonale ako to len môže byť. Nijako inak by ste nemohli ísť. Tu to je, to je to, čo On je. Vidíte? Semeno hada, všetky tieto rôzne veci, ktoré boli ľuďom také záhadné. Vidíte? Čo to je? On ... Toto je znak čoho? Zjednocovania!

104Čo On povedal v Malachiášovi 4? Prinavráti! Prinavráti naspäť originálnu letničnú vieru, naspäť ľuďom s tým istým letničným posolstvom, tým istým letničným znakom, tým istým letničným dôkazom, ten istý Boh, tá istá moc, to isté učenie, všetko presne, potvrdené tým istým Ohnivým Stĺpom, ktorý zrazil Pavla na zem na ceste do Damašku. Dnes medzi nami robí tie isté veci, ktoré robil v tom čase. Zjednocovanie!

105Vidíme, že národy sa zjednocujú, vidíme, že svet sa zjednocuje, vidíme, že cirkvi sa zjednocujú. Vidíme, že nevesta sa zjednocuje, zjednocuje sa so Slovom. Prečo? Slovo je Boh. A ako Slovo ... Ako ženích, ktorý je Slovom a nevesta, ktorá je poslucháčkou Slova, oni prichádzajú spolu do zjednotenia. Zjednocujú sa ako pri svadbe. Vidíte? Pripravujú sa na svadbu - stávajú sa jedno. Slovo sa stáva vami a vy sa stávate Slovom. Ježiš povedal: „V ten deň ... Poznáte, že všetko čím je Otec, som Ja a všetko čím som Ja ste vy; a všetko čo ste vy, som Ja. V ten deň poznáte, že Ja som v Otcovi, Otec vo Mne, Ja vo vás a vy vo Mne." Vidíte? V ten deň. V ktorý deň? V tento deň! Nachádzame, že tie veľké skryté tajomstvá Božie sú zjavené. Ó, ako to mám rád!

106Sledujte ako veda a Slovo sa nemohli porovnávať, ako to dnes robia. Predtým to nemohli. Len teraz je čas, že to môžu robiť.

107Všimnite si, On povedal: „nebeské znaky, nebeské znaky." Veda, a národné znaky ... Dnes majú na oblohe veľké znaky, majú astronautov a všetko možné. Ale čo prinášajú títo astronauti svetovej vede? Prinášajú im strach. Oni nevedia kedy tam môžu poslať niečo takéto a proste spustiť tieto bomby a viac by nás nebolo. Vidíte? No to sú znaky, ktoré majú, strašné znaky na nebi. Vidíte? Oni ich majú, atómové strely a všetko, všetky druhy znakov.

108Vidíte kde oni podpísali túto dohodu, toho dňa, že nebudú už viacej skúšať bomby na otvorenom priestranstve, ale teraz to robia pod vodou a dole v zemi, skúšajú to tak isto. Vidíte? Podpísali dohodu: „Nebudeme toto robiť, ak vy poviete, že to nebudete robiť (ale my pôjdeme tam domov a budeme to takto robiť; ach, vieme, že vy to budete robiť tam tak isto)," Vidíte? Nie je ani jedna vec, to je len ... nieto medzi nimi žiadna dôvera, nie je nič. Môžete ... Vidíte? A každý sa bojí toho druhého. To sú strašné znaky.

109Veda a ľudia a národy vyprodukovali strašné znaky na nebesiach. Je to presne tak. A teraz sa boja jeden druhého. A bol daný nebeský znak, ktorý ... Vidíte teraz, oni majú tiež na nebi znak, strašný znak, človeka astronauta; môže mať atómovú strelu, môže ju zhodiť a zničiť celý národ. Ide hore ako astronaut a ostáva tam. Nič ich od toho nemôže zadržať. Oni to skutočne dokážu urobiť, kedykoľvek chcú. Keby chceli, za pätnásť minút ju môžu rozbiť na prach. A to, čo dokáže jeden, to ten druhý tiež takto dokáže. Tak, vidíte, že oni majú znak, ale takýto druh znaku im naháňa strach.

110Oni sa spolu zjednocujú, dávajú dokopy svoje sily. Ten slobodný svet, oni dávajú dokopy svoje sily. Komunizmus dáva dokopy svoju moc s Ruskom. Každý; ale jeden sa bojí druhého. Vidíte? To je strašný znak. Je to tak. To sú národné znaky. Vidíte?

111Ale cirkev dostala nebeský znak: Astronauta! Amen! Ježiša Krista vo forme Ohnivého Stĺpa; to bol On v Starom Zákone, to bol On, keď stretol Saula tam na ceste do Damašku, ten istý Ježiš Kristus je tu dnes! A čo to robí? Prináša to strach? To prináša lásku, ktorá spája jedného s druhým. Amen! Prináša súcit jedného ku druhému. To prináša lásku Božiu, ó, zjednocuje nás a prináša nás, telo Kristove, do jednoty ako nevestu. To je to, čo to teraz robí, toto veľké spojenie, ktoré Boh ...

112Oni sa zjednocujú. Tu je jedna skupina, aby bojovala proti druhej, tamto je jedna skupina, aby bojovala proti druhej. A tu medzi nimi stojí cirkev, sledujte čo sa deje, to sa s nimi zjednotí. Presne tak. Ale teraz nachádzame, že to prináša strach a sklamanie.

113Ale cirkev, nevesta je zjednotená skrze jedného Boha, pod jedného Ducha, Ducha Božieho, v jednom svätom zväzku Božom, aby bola jednou svätou nevestou pre Boha. Je to tak, všetko spolu, jednota tela. To telo čaká, ako nevesta; ako ... to je nevesta, ako aj my sa nazývame nevestou ... Lebo je čas zjednocovania nevesty, cirkev sa takto schádza. To má medzi nami stvoriť takú lásku, že sotva budeme môcť byť jeden bez druhého. Je to tak. My len môžeme ... nemusíte prosiť ľudí, aby sa modlili, nemusíte ich prosiť, aby ctili Boha, nemusíte ich prosiť, aby robili to, čo je správne. Oni sú tak zamilovaní do Neho, že nič iné pre nich neexistuje.

114Čo si myslíte o dievčati, o skutočne peknom dievčati, ktorá sa ide vydať za milého mladého muža, ona je tak bláznivo do neho zamilovaná, že to pre ňu znamená viac, ako jej vlastný život a ona jasne vie, že sa poberú. Ako sa približuje ten deň svadby, to dievča, hovorím vám, ona chodí okolo. Proste všetko pripravuje; ona sa cele vydáva jemu. Je to tak. Ona chce robiť všetko to, čo sa jemu páči. No, tak to má byť dnes s cirkvou, náš život má byť tak skrytý v Bohu skrze Krista, zapečatený tam Duchom Svätým.

115To čo vás tu učím, keď vám hovorím o týchto znameniach a rôznych veciach, ktoré sa dejú, nemám čas, aby som to teraz robil; urobím to v ďalšom posolstve, ak Pán bude chcieť. Ale je jedna malá vec, ktorá ešte v cirkvi chýba. A my to chceme, aby sme sa do toho dostali a ja som teraz rovno na okraji toho. Vidíte? Chceme sa do toho dostať, ak ... musíte to urobiť. Ak to neurobíte, to je proste všetko. Musíte to robiť. Lebo pozrite sa, čas zjednotenia je na blízku, lebo Boh dáva dohromady cirkev, aby bola vytrhnutá, aby išla na svadbu na to veľké zjednotenie: keď Boh a človek sa zjednotia na večnosť, keď stvorenia času sa zjednotia s večnosťou.

116To sa raz stalo vo forme Syna človeka na zemi. A On musel dať svoj život, aby priniesol moc, aby sa ďalší ľudia zjednotili s tou istou mocou, aby povstala nevesta Ježiša Krista. A teraz, cirkev sa zjednocuje, telo Kristovo. Ono sa oslobodilo, odseklo sa od každého drobného puta, pripravuje sa; dáva sa dohromady, zjednocuje sa medzi sebou. Ó, láska a radosť a Duch Svätý sa pohybuje medzi nimi. Ó, čo za čas!

117Keď vidíme, že kačice sa pripravujú. Vidíme, že včely sa pripravujú. Vidíme, že oblaky sa pripravujú na dážď. Vidíme všetko ako sa to spolu zjednocuje na svoj veľký úder. Vidíme Spoločnosť národov, národy pohromade, zjednocujúce sa do komunizmu. Vidíme ich, ako sa spolu zjednocujú tu v západnom svete. Vidíme cirkev, ako sa spolu zjednocuje a všetko to ostatné. Tak je úplne nemožné, nemohlo sa to takto diať v žiadnom inom čase, nemohlo sa to takto diať pred dvadsiatimi rokmi, nemohlo sa to takto diať. Nemohlo sa to takto diať pred desiatimi rokmi, musí sa to diať práve teraz. Vidíte, pretože tieto izmy a všetko neprišli ešte ku tomuto miestu.

118A teraz sa zobuďte! Zatraste sebou, veľmi rýchlo a pozrite sa sem, kde sa nachádzame! Kde sme? Ako tí mudrci, sme presne v línii so Slovom a svetlo Pánove svieti na náš chodník. Sláva Bohu na výsosti. A sláva Bohu, ktorý nám dáva Ježiša Krista, ktorého milujeme a priviedol nás na toto miesto. A keď .. My sme jeho ľud kúpení za cenu jeho krvi.

119Ó! Keď prichádza čas zjednocovania, dívame sa ako sa zjednocujeme jeden s druhým v putách jeho Ducha. Môže to byť jeho Duch? Samozrejme, to je jeho Duch. Čo to je? To je jeho Slovo a On je ... to je Duch Slova. A keď ten Duch zasľúbenia prichádza na vás a potvrdzuje a ukazuje sa rovno tu, je to ten istý Duch? To bol ten, ktorý bol s Mojžišom na púšti! To bol ten, ktorý bol na Ježišovi Kristovi! On je ten, ktorý stretol Saula na ceste do Damašku! On je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky! A On robí tie isté veci!

120Vidíme pohromade národy. Vidíme cirkev ísť spolu. Vidíme spolu komunizmus. Vidíme, že sa zjednocujú izmy. Vidíme všetky tieto veci. A teraz vidíme, že nevesta sa zjednocuje so Slovom. Ó! To je čas keď povstanú svätí, aby sa zjednotili s tými, ktorí sú nažive, aby išli a zjednotili sa s Ježišom Kristom na večnosť.

121Bože pomôž nám, každému jednému, aby sme sa dnes večer zjednotili s Kristom. Aby sme vydali naše všetko čo sme, všetko čo máme, našu celú dušu, telo a myseľ Ježišovi Kristovi a očakávali čas toho zjednotenia.

Keď zaznie trúba Božia a času viacej nebude

a to ráno sa preborí do večnosti, jasné a svetlé;

...keď mŕtvi v Kristovi vstanú;

A zhromaždia sa tam na druhom brehu

(s tou nevestou, ktorá je živá),

aby boli spolu zobraní hore.

122Pozrite sa na to zjednocovanie! Boh zjednocuje cirkev so svojím Slovom, Slovo s cirkvou, aby oni obaja sa stali tým istým: „Povieš toto a to sa stane. Urobíš toto a to sa stane. Toto je to; toto som Ja pred vami, toto som Ja, ktorý to potvrdzujem; toto som Ja s vami."

123Dobre. Vidíme, že teraz prichádza čas, keď tá trúba zaznie a tí spiaci svätí tam, ktorí nemôžu byť bez nás dokonalí, sú závislí na nás, Židom 11, keď sa zídu spolu, zjednotia sa s tými živými. Slovo zjednocuje cirkev a potom cirkev a Slovo sa spolu zjednocujú, stávajú sa jedno. Spiaci svätí so živými svätými sa spolu zjednocujú, aby boli jedno; a všetci idú spolu, aby sa tam zjednotili s Kristom, na Baránkovej svadobnej večeri.

124To je čas zjednocovania a tie znaky lietajú všade. Znaky sú v národoch, znaky sú v komunizme, znaky sú v západnom svete, znaky sú v Rade Cirkví. A znak je tu dnes večer pod ochranou Ducha Svätého a Slovo Božie to potvrdzuje a ukazuje, že je to pravda. Amen! Čas zjednocovania! Znak času zjednocovania!

Skloňme svoje hlavy.

125Pane Ježišu, ako moje biedne srdce vyskakuje od radosti, keď vidím tie možnosti, pre mňa človeka stredného veku, ale predsa sú možnosti pre mňa vidieť Ťa prichádzať v tejto generácii; byť nažive a stáť tu a vidieť, keď zaznie tá trúba: „Ten kto je špinavý je ďalej špinavý. Ten, kto je spravodlivý je ďalej spravodlivý. Ten kto je svätý, je ďalej svätý." Ó Pane Bože!

126A pomyslieť si na to, stáť, v momente, v okamihu, keď svet nebude vedieť čo sa deje ale zrazu budete vidieť, ako sa pred vami zjavia vaši milovaní, ktorí zomreli a prišli, aby sa znovu s vami zjednotili. A v momente budeme premenení, v okamihu, a budeme vychvátení hore, spolu, aby sme stretli Pána na povetrí. A potom sa s Ním zjednotíme, aby sme tam boli naveky a aby sme nikdy viacej nemuseli odísť z jeho prítomnosti.

127Čo za veľká vec je to dnes, Pane, vedieť, že teraz sme zjednotení ako jeden Duch. Jeden Duch, Duch Svätý má vo svojom zovretí Slovo a vchádza do nás. A čo za veľká vec to je, čo za privilégium oslobodiť sa od celého sveta a zjednotiť sa v Ježišovi Kristovi. A pomyslite si, že jedného dňa, v telesnej forme, s telom ako je jeho oslávené telo, zasadneme za stôl na svadobnú večeru a tam budeme zjednotení a spojení v manželstve s Ním; aby sme žili ako nevesta a ženích po celý ten čas, ktorý má prísť, počas nekonečnej večnosti.

128Pane Bože, nech toto pre ľudí nie je len nejaká mýtická predstava, ale nech sa to stane takou skutočnosťou, že až v ľuďoch povstane taký hlad a smäd, že budú ... čítajúc noviny, dívajúc sa ... počúvajúc rádio a správy a budú vidieť, že je čas zjednocovania. Znaky svietia.

129Pane Bože, ako sme hovorili o ženách, čo budú robiť v týchto posledných dňoch, čo bude robiť cirkev v týchto posledných dňoch, a aké budú cirkevné veky, a čím budú pečate a všetky tieto ostatné veci. A vidíme ako to bolo, vo dňoch Noeho. Vidíme ako to bolo, vo dňoch Sodomy a Lota, keď ten anjel Boží sa dal poznať v ľudskom tele, jedol mäso z kravy a pil mlieko od kravy a jedol chlieb, stál tam a mohol povedať, čo sa deje za Ním. A Ježiš povedal, že tá istá vec sa stane pri príchode Syna človeka.

130Pane Bože, videli sme pyramídu, ako ju tam stavali a videli sme ako sme do toho dodávali tieto veci; a zisťujeme, že sa nachádzame v čase konca, čakáme na ten hlavný uholný kameň. Sláva Bohu! Prosíme, Pane, aby si teraz rýchlo zobudil ľudí a zhromaždi nás spolu aby sme mali božskú lásku a úctu ku Ježišovi Kristovi a ku každému jednému.

131Ak je tu niekto dnes večer, kto nemá tú nádej, ktorá by odpočívala v tebe, zodvihneš ruku ku Bohu a povieš: „Pane Bože, zjednoť ma s Tebou, zjednoť ma s Tebou?" Nech ťa Boh žehná, brat. Nech ťa Boh žehná aj teba, teba. Áno. „Zjednoť ma s Tebou Pane." Áno! Ó!

Národy sa rozlamujú, Izrael sa budí,

132 Pozrite sa tam na Izrael, zjednocuje sa spolu. Izrael, prišiel z celého sveta aby sa zjednotil, aby sa zjednotil a teraz sú národom. Sú zjednoteným národom: majú vlastnú zástavu, vlastné peniaze, vlastnú armádu. Teraz sú všetkým, čím boli voľakedy. Izrael sa zjednocuje, Rím sa zjednocuje, cirkev sa zjednocuje. A nevesta sa zjednocuje, amen. Prichádza to veľké zjednotenie. Čo to je? Všetko ide do toho znaku, do toho hlavného najvýznamnejšieho znaku, Ježiš a jeho nevesta spájajúci sa v jedno.

133 Otče, Bože, udeľ tieto požehnania, ktoré prosím pre týchto ľudí a nech by sme v srdci boli zjednotení s Tebou, v duchu, keď zodvihli ruky, túžiac po tom. Pane Bože, očisti nás a sprav, aby sme boli tvoji; udeľ nám to, Pane. To je všetko čo vieme a čo môžeme robiť, prosiť. A potom Ty si povedal, ak to prosíme a veríme tomu, že to dostaneme; ja na to očakávam, Pane. Ďakujeme Ti v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Milujem Ho, milujem Ho,

pretože On prv miloval mňa

a vykúpil mi spasenie na Golgote. (Amen. Ó.)

Ajhľa, ženích prichádza!

Počujem polnočný krik!

Pôjdeme hore s pokrikovaním, ak všetci obstojíme,

aby sme Ho stretli na oblakoch. (Haleluja!)

Buď pozorný a modli sa, môj brat,

aby niekto nevzal tvoju korunu,

pretože vlažní a odpadlíci nebudú nosiť svadobné rúcho. (Je to tak.)

134 Pripravme sa na ten polnočný krik. Prichádza v hodine, v ktorej sa nenazdáte. Povstane krik, nie medzi tým neveriacim svetom; to bude tajomstvo. Ale medzi veriacimi, ktorí na toto očakávajú. Vidíte tie hviezdy ako prichádzajú do línii? Vidíte? Čo to vyprodukovalo? Presne to isté, čo prvý krát. Vidíte, tu sme, tie znaky prichádzajú.

Vidíme ako sa ukazujú znaky jeho požehnaného príchodu,

ajhľa, začínajú sa teraz zelenať figové listy.

Evanjelium kráľovstva zašlo do každého národa;

a my sme na blízku, dá sa vidieť koniec.

Potom s radosťou, budeme ohlasovať

posolstvo jeho požehnaného zjavenia.

135 Je to tak? Ó, ohlasujeme posolstvo jeho požehnaného zjavenia sa! To je to, čo máme robiť. Povedať každému: „Priprav sa, priprav sa stretnúť s Bohom." Amen! Milujem Ho. Ó, ako Ho milujem. No, povstaňme teraz. Keď sa navzájom zdravíme, načiahnime sa okolo a podajme si s niekým ruky a povedzme:

Kým sa stretneme! (podajme si teraz ruky),

kým sa stretneme!

Kým sa stretneme pri nohách Ježiša;

Kým sa stretneme ...

Pamätajte, môžete byť zavolaný! Naše ďalšie stretnutie môže byť pri Jeho nohách!

Nech je Boh s tebou až kým sa znovu stretneme!

136 A teraz, len si predstavte, prv ako sa znovu stretneme; prv ako sa stretneme v nedeľu ráno, alebo v stredu večer, môže sa stať, že prvé čo zistíte, že niekto chýba. Tento tu chýba, sú preč. Ó, predstav si, že by chýbal tvoj manžel, alebo by chýbala tvoja žena a Jánova žena by chýbala a tu tie deti by chýbali. Všetko sa stalo ... Čo sa stalo? Potom ste tu zostali!

Ó, čo za plač a nárek keď zatrateným je povedané čo ich čaká.

Budú kričať na skaly a na hory

(ako Izrael, ktorý išiel do mesta, do chrámu.)

Modlili sa ale na ich modlitby bolo príliš neskoro.

(Oni odmietli posolstvo.)

137 Ó, brat, nikdy to neurob. Čokoľvek robíš, stoj chrabro za tým! Tak veru!

138 A teraz, až kým sa stretneme, budeme robiť toto:

Ber zo sebou Meno Ježiš

ako štít pred každou pascou;

Keď sa nahromadia okolo teba pokušenia (čo urobíš?)

Vzdychni to sväté Meno v modlitbe.

Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

139 Skloňme teraz hlavy a budeme to hmkať.

Skláňajúc sa pred Menom Ježiš,

padajúc na tvár ku jeho nohám,

Kráľa kráľov v nebesiach Ho budeme korunovať;

Keď sa skončí naša púť. (Jedného dňa sa to stane.)

Vzácne meno, ó aké sladké!

(Nech je Boh s vami až sa znovu stretneme.)

Nádej zeme a radosť neba;

Vzácne Meno, ó aké sladké!

Nádej zeme a radosť neba.

THE UNITING TIME AND SIGN, 63-0818, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 84 min

1 Good evening. Privilege to be here tonight, and stand in this place.

2I, this morning, coming down the road... I'd been off praying, waiting on the Lord. And coming down the road, I turned on a--a radio minister, Brother Smith, the colored brother, (did you all hear him this morning? Any of you?) up at, I believe it's Ohio. Someone was telling me about him preaching, and said, "You ought to turn him on, like that."

3I just happened to get him, this morning. And he was certainly telling about how that sin was abounding in the world today, and is... And I turned over a little farther, station from that, and come down and heard another. Time I got down here, I was about ready see if it wasn't too late to come to church, this morning when I got in. So, we're very indeed privileged to be here tonight, and to serve in the service of the Lord.

4 And talking about Brother Neville, and the message the other day, to this little lady, our sister that just went from us; left us, we all know who it was, it's Sister Weaver. And thinking about a man here, being baptized tonight; she... I baptized her in this pool when I... they had to bring her here in a wheel chair. She was dying, with cancer, and she just had that night to live; the doctors done give her up, she was going to die the next morning. And I went into her home and tried to speak to her about Divine healing, and she just kept repeating, "I'm not worthy that you come under my roof." She said, "I--I'm not worthy for a minister to be in my house." She said, "I'm a sinner." But she said, "Sir, I don't want to die like this." And so Grace Weber, up here, took me down there. I just come in, tired from the meetings; and there when I was praying for her, and read the Scripture to her, and she got saved. Then, she could hardly raise her hand up, but she wanted to shake hands with everybody. She just... something happened to her.

5And while they was shaking hands, I saw a vision of her going to a chicken coop, coming back. I said, "All right, it's going to be all right now"; and that's eighteen years ago. And she's been a jump ahead of that cancer, all along. If she died,... Never died with no cancer, she had a heart attack and killed her. They had her under oxygen; she died in a heart attack.

6 And then I was thinking, just at the last when the people were going out, and they sang, Then Jesus Came. That's exactly what happened, He came and spared her life for those eighteen years. And I thought, how appropriate. That woman probably didn't know she was doing it like that. Then, again, she might have. But just how appropriate it was to have that part there, Then Jesus Came.

7 Now it's a little bit before, I--I hope, my great set in for meetings. I get real nervous. This morning, I was so twisted up, I went up to--to pray. And I--I'm home, back here. The family, just took them to Arizona, and I'm... so the kiddies get in school. And I'm back here just to--to kind of relax, go hunting with Brother Wood and a bunch of the brethren here; to go out hunting, for this coming week. We're going down in Kentucky. And I was... been in... I just happened to come in the day that--that Mrs. Weaver died, and it's just right that I could be here and help Brother Neville in that funeral.

8 And I don't try to... I do not try to--to say too much about it on, you know, around people complaining. Because, I think, one of the horriblest things is to see a--a man or a woman that's constantly complaining. I've always thought, "God, keep me from it." See, that--that weakens faith all the time, you know. You just--you just... if you--if you... I know as they get older, each one of us, we're going to get something happen and something happen. And I know those little things are going to keep accumulating, that's as you get older, they just got to. But I think one of the most horrible things, is for Satan to crown some person's life: a crabbed old man or an old woman, you see. I--I hope that I don't get to that place. I hope that I can bear it, my burdens, and--and get to a spot to where... I want my life crowned with the Glory of God: His longsuffering, gentleness, peace, meekness, and filled with the Holy Spirit.

9 And I... one of my main things that's always hurt me through my life, has been a nervous condition. That when I get so worn, then I get real weary. I get... kind of feel like nobody cares for you, you know, and--and you're all... You have it, too. And I just happen to have a real overdose of it, you know, and it gets real bad sometime, and I can't hardly... It's tension, and that's what does it. And I get to a spot then that many times, especially with so many of those visions, you see, it just gets me. I look at a person, I think, "This is a vision. No, no, no, it isn't. Yes! Is it not?" You see? And you just don't realize what a price goes with that. So then--so then you--you wonder. Then you get to thinking, "Well, you're..." Then you get off your side and say, "Well, now, what--what have I done? Here I am, I'm--I'm fifty years old and I've done nothing for the Lord; and I--I'm getting old And what's...? Oh, my." Then you just get the... what we used to call "the blues." Some of you brethren about my age remember what they used to call "have the blues." Pop used to talk about it and I wondered what he meant, and I sure know now what he meant. So then, you get to feeling that way, which is none of it true; it's just you, you know it. See, you know it, it's just you doing that.

10 So I was trying to quieten myself a little bit now, and get ready for the--the big push that I hope coming soon. And then through... I've got to go to New York right away, and I... to a meeting up there, a campaign. And then down to Shreveport, then go back to Phoenix. And then come around the west... the south border of the United States. And then they're making arrangements for overseas now, to begin as soon as we can after the first of the year, maybe March, April, something like that; where you start in Stockholm or Oslo, and go around the world, if we can on this next tour.

11 And now I'm home, kind of resting up a little bit, to get kind of back to myself and kind of 'cuperated. And if the Lord's willing, I'll be back next Sunday, from down in Kentucky. And--and if it's all right, pleasing to the Lord, and Brother Neville don't mind; well, I'll just try to have the service next Sunday, if--if the Lord willing. And if He's just as willing as Brother Neville is, I--I'll be here. You see? Yes sir, if He's just as willing about it as Brother Neville. I hope He is. Now, see, then I know I'm soon, if the Lord willing, I'm going to be gone from you quite a while.

12 And I... just little messages, as I pick up a little something on my heart, then I--I--I feel like I want to express it to you, you see, and we can fellowship around it. Now, I've got quite a few of them, five or six that just come to me in the last few days. And I went, couple days here, squirrel hunting out here. And I get in the woods, and take me a pencil and paper. See? Now at about time it gets good and daylight, I back up against a tree somewhere. If I don't go to sleep, I start to pray, and then the Lord will give me something. I start writing down little notes of it, you see. You know what I mean; when you get to yourself, and then you... Then here I come in, write it all off on a tablet of paper. And then when I'm called on, I run out and get my tablet and go to looking through it and see what I can start, you see. That's what happened just now.

13 So now, I want to, if the Lord willing, to speak just... I'm trying to make... cut down them big, long messages, you see; where it takes you hours. And the Lord helped me do a pretty short job of it at Chicago, the last night there, about thirty minutes. And somebody come around, said, "I didn't think it was in you, but you did it!" So thirty minutes, from about two and a half hours, or three, you know. So maybe I can hurry up tonight and get a little practice, not hold you too long.

14 God bless you. No matter wherever go, there'll never be a place like this tabernacle here. It's home, sweet home. And I'm in sympathy with the Weaver family, and with this precious colored brother that died. I prayed with him a little while before he went, and a fine character. And he's at Home with God now, and it's all over. And you'd have to go anyhow, and we all know that. So we're... may the Lord rest their souls in peace, and someday we expect to join in a Land yonder, where there's no sickness, sorrow, or death. Until then, let's just do everything we can for the Gospel.

15 Speaking of tension, I was praying about it this morning. What would you do if you didn't have tension? Just think of it. Tension is part of living. That kind of encouraged me when I thought that. If you had no tension, you'd be like a rag doll, you wouldn't have no feelings. There'd be nothing you could work on. Like a husband and wife, maybe if she wants to do something, and they're trying to work together (especially Christians), and the other one wants... And then when you come together to... and find out what she's done; she finds out... See, the tension really brings you closer together. And somebody tells you that "Well," said, "just think of the little wife that went under a lot of tension when you wasn't so good, or the husband went under some tension when you wasn't so good. Then when it's all forgiven, look how you feeled about him. My, you just..." See, you got to have tension. That's all.

16 And just think, of feelings, what if you didn't have any feeling, no pains or nothing? What if there be no pain at all? You'd have no feelings at all. See? And if you had no feeling, then one of your senses would be gone. See? So, see, everything's just right anyhow. So, "God, just give us Grace to stand up to it," that's the thing. If I just stand up with that Grace, and stand there and say, "We know that when this life is over, the great one's on the other side where we're looking to go to." And now, we--we remember that all these things, that's a tension that...

17 Some people tries to introduce Christianity, that "you're free from worry. You're..." No, you're not. "You're free from tension." Oh, no! You add tension when you become a Christian, because you was kind of a slop--go, happy-go-lucky, whatever it was out there, not caring what you did.

18But when you've become a real Christian, every moment you're wondering, "Am I pleasing my Lord? If I could hear from Him!" It puts you on tension, puts you on guard. That's what makes you what you are. So after all, tension is a blessing. It's just the way you're looking at it. It's just the way you're looking at it. See? If you just look the other side, there's--there's... No matter how thin you slice anything, you still got two sides to it, you see. So you want to see both sides.

19So tension... I think, "Oh my, it's... What's this tension? If I could've been born without this tension." Well, if I wouldn't have had this tension, I wouldn't have been what I am. I wouldn't have been a Christian, perhaps. It was this tension that drove me to Jesus Christ. See? So, it's been a blessing thing to me.

20 So then as Paul said, as though when he had a tension or something or another, he had consulted the Lord to--to take it away from him three times. And the Lord said, "Saul... My Paul, My grace is sufficient."

21He said, "Then, I'll glory in my infirmities. Then when I'm weak, I'm strong." See? As long as it's to the will of God, all right.

22Now, I consulted Him one time when it used to bother me so bad, it scared me. And He told me, about eight or ten years ago, He said, "It'll never scare you again." And it never has did it. No, sir; don't--don't worry about it. I just feel it, but I know it's there; but I just go on because it don't scare me no more, so thankful for that. Now, He could have said, "It won't be no more," just as well as that "You won't be scared no more."

23So it's His will that it happened, so I just embrace it and say, "Thank You, Lord, I'll walk that way."

24 Now, let us bow our heads just a moment for a--for a prayer. Is there a special request for prayer? (I see handkerchiefs are laying here.) Raise your hand. Lord, bless each one of Your children.

25Our Heavenly Father, as we now approach Thy great, majestic Throne of Grace, because we've been asked to come. We're coming upon the bidding of Jesus Christ. And we come with all of our cares, and cast them upon Him because He cares for us. What a great comfort that is, to know that He cares for us. The great God of Heaven, the Creator; cares for us, His creation. We're so glad for that, Lord. What a comfort it is in these times that we're living, when there seems to be able to--to draw comfort from nothing but Your Word. That's our consolation, is Your Promise. And in Your Promise, You said make our requests known, and "If you'll ask anything in My Name, I'll do it." And all these great Promises: "Ask and you shall receive. Say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, and it'll be moved." All these Promises, and we can draw from That just what we are asking for.

26Hands went up, they need something, Lord. Thou knowest their need; supply it, Father. I place my prayer with theirs before Thee, my hand up with theirs. Here lays upon this desk here, handkerchiefs laying here. Oh, how the people with faith, gallant faith, Lord,... Seems to be just something that You've blessed me by, to be able to pray for sick people. Wherever, anywhere, wherever I go, it's something about praying for the sick. God help, now. I pray with sincerity that You will grant the requests of these handkerchiefs that's been placed here for people that's asked. Let Your mercy be upon them.

27 Lord, we understand that Sister Hicks has a woman here, that flew all the way in from somewhere to be prayed for; with cancer, and wanted to know if she could get her to get over here. I pray, God, that You spare the life of that person; grant it. My little nephew, Mikie, laying yonder sick and vomiting, with a high fever; just left the door. Lord, I--I believe we had the prayer of faith there that You've stopped it, and I--I--I'm grateful to You, feeling the fever going from the boy before I left the room.

28Now, Lord,... and thank You for all these things. Now it falls my lot to speak on Thy Word. Give us Thy Word, Lord. "Thy Word is Truth." Bless our souls and give us the--the grace that we need that we might draw from the Promises of God tonight, in the Word, to sustain us through the rest of this week; grant it. Bless our pastor, this gallant soul, his wife, his children, the deacons, the trustees, and every person that comes in or out of this building; grant it, Father. In the Name of Jesus Christ we ask these blessings. Amen.

29 Now, I want to read from two places of the writings of the Lord. I want to read first from the Book of the Psalms, the 86th Psalm. And then I want to read from Saint Matthew, the 16th chapter, 1 to 3. And I want to read portion of this Psalm, not all of it but down about to the 11th verse, which is a little over half of it.

30And I want to announce this, if I call a text, before I preach on it: The Uniting Time And Sign. "The uniting time Sign," that sounds kind of complicated. Uniting; see? Time; uniting time, that's what it is now. And the Sign of that uniting time.

31 In--in the Psalm, a prayer of David... the 86th Psalm.

Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy.

Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusts in thee.

Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.

Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer;... attend to the voice of my supplications.

In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou will answer me.

Oh, isn't that beautiful? "Thou wilt answer me."

Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works liken unto thy work.

All nations whom thou has made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; thou shall glorify thy name.

For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.

Listen now.

Teach me thy way, O LORD; I--I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. (Unity! See?)... unite my heart to fear thy name.

32 I'm talking now of uniting; and time sign. Now, in the 16th chapter of Saint Matthew.

The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came,... tempting him, desiring him that he would show them a sign from heaven.

And He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, you say, I... It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.

And in the morning, It will be lower... foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky; but ye cannot discern the signs of the time?

The Lord add His gracious blessings to the reading of this Word.

33 Now, we're talking of this uniting, uniting time; the sign of the uniting time. See, Jesus was here, in this last Scripture reading, He was rebuking the clergy for not being able to discern the time or the sign of the time. Now, that has always been a great thing to the people, see, to be able to discern the sign of the time that you're living; because God writes it plainly so nobody could escape it.

34 Now, ordinarily, I'd go back and pick up from other ministers, other servants of the Lord in the Bible time (like the sign in Noah's time, the sign of Daniel's time and--and so forth, the different signs), but I want to bypass that tonight to--to save time, to be able... But it's always been God's way, to give them a--a natural sign of the time, so that everyone would know just what time it--it was. And these Pharisees should have known their time. They should have knowed what the time was. He said in another place, "If you would've known Me, you would've known My day." See? It--it's very a--a great thing that we understand. See, "Without understanding!"

35 That's what they always referred to the prophets about, they said, "And he had understanding, by visions from the Lord. And the Word of the Lord came to the--the prophets of old." See, they had understanding through the Word of the Lord, by the prophets. And then--the prophets give a sign. Like, one man laid on his side for so long, then turned over and laid on the other side. One man had to strip his clothes. And oh, there's many things that they did to show the sign that they were living in. And now we know that the God that made the heavens and earth, and--and so laid out His work that He would describe His time by sign, that same God lives today. So we must be, something... As we see the--the time that we're living in, there must be something that somebody's overlooking, somewhere. See? Because God would never let these things happen without giving us a definite sign, that where... that--that we'd understand.

36 Now here is the same today, that the clergy, we don't read it right. It's just like it was then, they didn't think that it was time. They--they thought that they were living pretty peaceful then, and so they wasn't looking for no Messiah. And Jesus has said that His coming would be "as a thief in the night," when the--when the people would be unaware of His Coming. But there were some of the virgins that went to meet Him, half of them, had oil in their lamp and was ready; they were watching for that sign. And that's who I'm speaking to tonight, see, to those who are looking for the sign now, the sign of His Coming.

37 These signs given, by the Lord, is given only to believers. The unbelievers never see it. They go right over the top of them, and they don't see it. And now, just as sure as it is that an Angel of God could stand on this platform tonight, just as true as--as I'm looking at you, and I could be looking at it; or you could be looking at it and I couldn't see it, or I could look at it and you couldn't see it. Now, you know that's Scriptural; that's exactly the Truth. They saw... You know Paul fell down, but they... none of them could see that Light.

38 That Light was right there when John stood there before the multitudes, and thousands out on the bank there, of clergymen and--and sages, great men. And John said, himself, he bore record of seeing the Spirit of God descending like a dove and come down upon Him, and a Voice saying, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am pleased to dwell." And nobody saw It but John. See? It was just for him.

39Did you notice how it did it, the sign for the wise men? They looked, there was... They were Hebrew. They wasn't really Indian astronomers, they were Hebrews; because they were up there in that country studying astronomy, to finish their education. And when they was... looked towards Jerusalem, and knowing that they saw those three stars from each one of their--their birth-path, of Ham, Shem, and Japheth, of which race they come from, each, and they seen them stars in their birth-path. That was a sign to them, that when those stars were in line, the Messiah was on earth.

40 Oh, my! No wonder they came, "Where is He? Where is He that's born King of the Jews? We've saw His Star in the East, and have come to worship Him. Where is He?" They knowed that that infant Messiah was laying somewhere, because God gave them a sign of the time, that God and man were uniting together. What a unity, when God united Himself in a human body! The principle, the greatest of all the unitings that ever was done, was when God united with man; and left His--His great strain of being God and stretched forth His tent and took in humanity, and become one of them through...?... unity. That what? That brought peace between God and man forever; how thankful we are.

41 And signs was not sent... Now just think, every man, and all the astronomers; people them days, their clocks was the stars. There was a watchman went on top of--of the tower, and he would get up there and watch. And he seen when certain stars was in a certain constellations, as they were passing, he knowed what time it was. Remember in the Scripture, "What time is it watchman?" And the watchman come back and told him in what hour it was. See, they kept time by the stars.

42Now, isn't it strange that these stars were exactly in line for three men and nobody else saw it? See? Just exactly in line. Now, you can be so in line with the Scripture. See? When those stars become in unity, united themselves together in this constellation, three men were also united at the same time. And you can be so united with God, in His Word, until these things become realities, and you can see them and know that they are true. See? The sign of the time! You might look right over top of it, say, "Ah, nonsense!"

43 But to you it isn't nonsense. To you, you're united with the Word, and here It is. Then it's--it's absolutely right, Brother Pat, when--when--when--when you see this sign unite with the believer. And that's who I'm addressing this to, is the believer, for the unbeliever never see it. And what a rebuke it would be if He was on earth today; to many of our clergy today, who cannot read this sign; the signs that we're reading daily here at the tabernacle, and seeing the things. And others are reading it and seeing the handwriting on the wall, and yet many just ignore it, and don't even see it at all. It's nothing to them at all; they don't notice it.

44 Now notice, that in this, that He--He pointed out national signs. Now, when they asked Him about this, they wanted signs; and He gave them signs that happened. And they wanted to know when would be the end of the world, what would be the sign at the end. And He pointed them many places through the Scripture about national signs, about heavenly sign in the heavens, and earthly sign; He gave them signs, sign, signs, just constantly a sign. And when He told them there in one place about a national sign, He said, "When you see the nations, see, begin to gather around Jerusalem, see, then we know that the time of their trouble was at hand, when you see Jerusalem compassed about with army."

45 Now, before that they could do this, God... The world had to unite. Titus, this great Roman general had to unite his armies together and come around, after these Jews had rejected the God-given sign of the time to them. That's the time that Titus united his armies together, and come to take the city. First there had to be a uniting of God's people (so-called) against the Word of God, before that the nation could unite itself against God's people. See, the--the--the unity, the uniting; uniting together.

46I believe that we're living in a great uniting time. I am taking these red lights down, and flash signals and everything (of the women, how they do; and the men, how they do; and the churches, how they do), showing to this little group, with all my heart, that I believe that we are lining in the line of God's Word in this great prophetic hour, just before the coming of the Lord Jesus; uniting together and getting ready.

47 Now, you see, before Titus united the nations of... his armies together, Israel united themselves together and banded themselves, that they would not believe Jesus to be the Messiah. They rejected Him, and turned Him out, and crucified Him. And then, when they rejected the salvation that was sent to them, they united themselves together to do it. Now, hold that in mind: uniting themselves together, to reject the Message of the hour! They had to do that. And then when they did that, then the national sign come in.

48The nations begin to unite themselves together, and Titus brought this great army of Romans and Greeks and compassed the walls of Jerusalem, penned those people in there now, and they starved to death. They eat the bark from the trees. Josephus, the great historian, tells us. And they eat the grass off the ground. They even boiled one anothers' children and eat it; see, as they were mad people. And then when, finally, Titus, he was setting back upon the hills and around Jerusalem there, and--and those people in there thought they were doing the will of God, when they saw these armies marching in. They had refused to hear that Great Master, Lord Jesus, tell them that.

49 There wasn't one of them Christians caught in there, for they saw the sign and moved. See? They said, "Let them that's on the housetop come not down, or him that's in the field go back, take not his coat; but flee into Judaea, and pray that your flight be not in the winter time or on the Sabbath." Because, in the winter time, the--the hills would be full of snow; and on the Sabbath day, the door--doors was closed the gate and they'd be caught in that condition. See? We want to get on that pretty soon about the... how God does those things, if the Lord willing.

50 Notice now, He... They prayed that it would be that... not be that way, Jesus told them to pray for that, and they never caught one of them in there. They were gone 'cause they looked at the sign, and they were gone; that's all there was to it.

51Oh, how the churches today ought to see the sign of the time that we're living in! Flee as hard as you can to Calvary, for Life; not in some church, but to Jesus Christ. Unite yourself with Him, and not with some organization or some church creed. Unite with Christ, and be sure that it's Him. You can't just take anything, you got to be positive that it's Him. What a time of union!

52 Now, we find out that they rejected the Messiah and then united themselves together and drawed themselves a league, and made a--a motion among them that if any persons received Jesus as a Prophet, that they would be excommunicated from the church. You remember the blind boy that was set with blinded eyes? And the disciples said, "Who sinned? Him, or his father, his mother?"

53And Jesus said, "In this case, neither; but that the works of God might be done, made known."

54And remember, they said that the father and mother could not say. They said, "They know this is our son, but we don't know how he was healed." Because the Jews had said that any person that confessed Him to being the Prophet, that they would be excommunicated.

55 But, you see, the works of God was that this boy didn't belong to that group. And he said, "Now, it's a strange thing to me that you don't know where this Man come from, and yet He give me eyesight." See? Now, he could say it. See, that was the works of God. He had been made healed, and well, and he could--he could tell it because he had no strings tied to him from anywhere. He was the one the works was done on, and he certainly saw his... for his first time in his life.

56 Now, the Jews united themselves against Jesus and--and against His Messiahship, and His Messiahic Message. We see the same thing now happening, just the same thing. Communism is uniting to destroy the church, and the only way that it... that is after the church has united itself too, in the Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches, to deny and to destroy the Message, the Word! They have turned down the Word, the churches have! They cannot accept It because It's against their denominational creed; no matter how many Pillars of Fire would hang in our... in the midst of the people, or how many people be... how many things would be foretold and happen, and all the great signs that He promised of the last day; they cannot do it.

57 Therefore, they are uniting themselves now, and your pastor here and many can tell you, that's reading, that they are... have the ecumenical movement of the--the--the world. And the... there's a Lutheran minister over it. That, if there comes a disaster, would happen in this neighborhood here; if we are not united with that ecumenical move, then our church can no more be church, and they can use it for a storeroom. Or if one of us brothers would see somebody dying or hurt, and try to minister to him any Spiritual blessing, we could be shot for it; exactly right. We can be given ten years in the federal prison for ministering anything, because we're not a member of this ecumenical move. Don't you see the mark of the beast? See? See?

58 Now, we see this uniting time coming. See? Now, watch! And then the church has united itself against the Message; and then when it does that, the nations are uniting themselves in Communism to destroy the church again; just exactly what it did in the first place. See? It repeats itself right back again.

59Israel had to turn down the Message first. And when they turned down the Message, then the military, the national life united itself together (of other nations), and come in and destroyed the church. And today, they have turned down the Message of the Lord Jesus, and they've turned It down. And now, the time is come to where Communism is uniting the world together against the church. See, it has to be that way. Now, it's hard to say that.

60 It was hard for them Jews to believe, they said, "Now come, brethren, we see that--that our--our God is with us, and so we'll--we'll go into the Temple. And now we will pray, and let holy father So-and-so... Holy father So-and-so, lead in prayer. Close the gate!" And Titus took his stand, and stood right there for about a year or more. See, right on guard, and starved them right out. There couldn't be a one of them even get outside the city; and they died, starved. And when he went in there and tore the walls down, the blood burst out and run like rivers down there where he slaughtered everything was in there.

61 Now, the Angel of the Lord prophesied that, back in the Old Testament, and told that that would happen. And them ministers who was clergy, who was supposed to be posted on that and to tell the people that; instead of that, when Jesus stood among them, they didn't even know Him; and try to make a--a--some kind of a--a rabbit foot, "Do us a trick, let us see how--how it's done! Show us a sign." See? And He said, "I..." Why, He said so many things, and yet they couldn't see it. See? And then when they rejected Him as their... the Message of that day, they rejected the Message of that day.

62They failed to see the sign of that day. And the sign of the--the Bible's prophecy was made before them, and they said, "Let's go in now!" Them were holy men. They were men that you couldn't lay your finger on their life. They couldn't be that, and then--and then be a--a--a priest. A priest would be killed, he would be stoned to death for any little thing. So he had to live a clean, holy life. He could not do it, because he was stoned for just anything. And now they were great men, and holy men in the sight of the people, and yet they went in and said, "Now, we will... We've got God, the God Who's been with us all through the ages. We will go into His Holy Temple." That was God's Holy Temple! But, you see, He had been turned down in His Holy Temple. See? "We'll go into the House of the Lord. Now all of you Hebrews know that we are the chosen race, we are, here. And God is our God; God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He's with us. He will deliver us from them uncircumcised Philistines out there (as it was), them Romans and Greeks. He'll deliver us from that. Let's go into the House of the Lord!"

63 That sound good; but what had they done? The Builder of the House was in there, in a form of a lowly Galilean carpenter, and they turned Him down; when God had vindicated Him of being His Messenger of the hour and of rank, and they turned It down. So all the praying, all the sincerity, all their sacrifices didn't mean nothing to God. They had done it! And God let this great army unite to destroy it.

64And we see today, as the churches through the denominations and so forth, turning down the Word of God. They don't want you tell them about these things, and science can prove it by pictures and everything else, and still they want nothing to do with It. So communism is forming to destroy it, just exactly like Titus did, and the Bible said they would. Exactly!

65 Now, you see where we're living? The uniting time. When we see these things being united, oh; why, we fail to see those things! You can--you can look in here in the Scripture and see where that He promised that, what He would do. Now, we see it coming to pass. We see in the church what He promised to do; we see it coming to pass. We see the nations uniting together. We see the isms uniting together. We see the churches uniting together. It's uniting time. It's the hour of uniting. That's the spirit of the age, "We've got to unite." Everything you talk about has got to be organized; even the government won't receive it.

66 You know, as a citizen... I can't as a citizen, as a citizen of the United States, yet I--I... you'd give me a check for five dollars and I'd be "daresn't" to put my name on it. See? See, I couldn't do it. See, it's a uniting time. It all has to go through some union of some sort, and that union is the very thing that brings the mark of the beast. See? It's a uniting time, and it's working right on up into that. You can see it just with your plain eyes, if you'd look at it. It's a uniting time, where everything is uniting together.

67 The Jew--Jews united themselves against Jesus, as their--as their Messiah. Therefore, we see what happened. We see the same thing now, communism uniting to destroy the church, after the church has united in the World Council of Churches and trying to destroy the Message, the Word of God. They tried to get rid of It. The only thing they can do is to draw themselves a council, because that they are separated; a little group here, the Methodists, and Baptists, and Lutherans, and Presbyterians, church of Christ, and so forth like that. They can't do nothing, 'cause this one will be against this one, this one be against the other one, their doctrine is just as much difference as the east is from the west. See, they can't do it. But once together, under one big head, they got it. They got it then.

68 That's where the Catholics are so in unity, the Roman Catholic, course they're in a unity, they're... the majority is the Roman Catholic; the Greek and other Catholics are--are not as much as the Roman Catholic. Now they unite together, and that's the reason they stand together. No matter what takes place, that pope is the head of everything. See? And no matter what anybody else says, "He's the infallible; he's--he's--he's a vicar of God, that's all; he's next to God; he has the jurisdiction over hell, Heaven, and purgatory." See? So there isn't a thing that can be done in that case; whatever he says, that's what has to go.

69 Now, the Protestants is making themselves a head just like that. And don't... The Bible said "There was a image made unto the beast." What is a image? It's something like it, made like it. There it is, the same thing. What is it? By uniting themselves together, and this is the spirit of the age, is uniting.

70Uniting together now, trying to destroy the Message. How did they destroy It? How could they destroy the Word of God? They can make it of none effect, noneffective, by taking traditions as they did back there in the beginning, and making the Word of God of no effect. See, they've, "Ah, that... Really, after all,..." You see where this infidel woman that's trying to... she... I forget what her name is now; if I could just call it. She... I'm trying to think of so many.

71 I thinking of this Miss Nations the other day; I wish we had another one like that to rise up. She was the one that went in the barrooms and tore out the whiskey, and throwed out the signs and everything like that. Why don't some woman rise up today like that, and go out here and tear some of these naked pictures down of these women of her own race, and things like that? That, they don't have it no more.

72 Now, but this woman, an infidel, who said that--that "the Bible's unconstitutional, to read it in public schools," and things like that.

73Now they've also... Have you noticed again, they're trying to say now, and great studiers of the Scripture, said that "much of the prophecy that was prophesied in the Bible was absolutely wrong, and never did come to pass." And you've heard of that and read it. And they were trying to say everything; you see, they're trying to destroy the effect of that Word. If they can only destroy and substitute for It a creed or something that men has, that seems in their eyes to be better than the Word, then they destroy It with their--with their tradition. And that's how they're trying to destroy the Word of God, is by denominational politics.

74 Now, each church has its own politics. The church of Christ has its, the Christian church has its, and the Baptists, and Methodists, and Presbyterian; they all have their different politics. Now, they're getting away from that because they're separated. See, it couldn't have done it before, they got to do it now. See, this is the uniting time, and now they're all putting it together and pooling it up and see what they come out with. My, it's like baking a loaf of bread out of horse meat, and garbage out of the can, and whatever more they had together; and wad it together, and throw some rotten potatoes and things together, and see what you come out with. I sure don't want any of it. No, sir! That's the way they're doing. See, they're taking people who believe that Jesus was a myth, a church that believes that Jesus was a myth; the other, some believes He was a Prophet.

75One says, "The days of miracles is past."

76The other said, "There might be such a thing."

77 And all this together; and the Bible said, "How can two walk together except they be agreed?" See? Now, that's the kind of a unity they got. And to have some great holy father to put above it, and there you got a image to the beast, just exactly what the Bible says. Now they got a Lutheran minister, the head of it. Well, we see it's uniting time. Same thing now, Communism and all uniting together; in the world, and in the church and so forth, uniting together.

78 Watch nature. Oh, my! Nature, if you'll just watch nature, it does the same thing. Nature is God's calendar of signs. Did you know that? Jesus told them to watch nature. The sea would be roaring, see, and there'd be different things, and earthquakes in divers places, national strife, signs in the heaven, signs on the earth, everywhere there'd be signs of these coming time.

79Watch the clouds. Before the clouds can bring up a rainstorm, you know how it's done? Several little clouds get together, make one big cloud. Well, this one's got a little bunch of wind blowing it, this other one's got a little bunch of wind blowing it, and they all blow together, and then they got a hurricane. See? They unite before they can have the storm; they have to.

80Watch ducks and geese unite themselves together before they leave their country. See? They unite together. You can see them flying from this pond to that pond, from here over to there, all of them getting together. They're uniting, getting ready for their take off. See, it's just... that's nature, and God created nature, and nature works by the plan of God. It's a law, an unwritten law of God, that nature works according to His law.

81 Just like speaking at a funeral service; of the sap that goes down into the grave, in the bottom of the tree root, to lay there until the resurrection in the spring. It's a law of God. There's no intelligence can make that sap go down there; you couldn't drain it out, you couldn't milk it out. There's no way of doing it any better than God does it. God's got the perfect way. So when the leaf drops off, then He sends the sap down into the grave and hides it. As Job said, "Hide me in the grave until Thy wrath be past." See? It goes down there because it's a law of nature, before frost. Look at the leaves now begin to fall. Why? It's a law of nature.

82 Ducks will get together, every one of them, and rally around a leader. In there they'll know somehow, I don't know how they do it, but they know that that certain little drake is a leader. And that little fellow, they all get together and rally right around him, and rise right up in the air. And he'll... never been off that pond now, but he'll go just as straight to Louisiana or Texas as he can go, to the rice field. See, before they take to their flight, to leave their home where they been born that year, they unite together. Amen! There you are; rallying around their leader.

83 The trouble of it is, with man, he don't know his leader. Yes, sir. They'll rally around a denomination, they'll rally around a bishop or a man, but they won't rally around the Leader, the Holy Spirit and the Word. See? They say, "Oh, well, I'm afraid I'll get a little fanatically; I'm afraid I'll get off on the wrong foot." Ohhhh, there you are! What if the little duck said, "I just don't like the way he keeps his feathers. I don't believe I'll follow him." He'll freeze to death. You'll be caught up there, if you don't take with the--with the flight as it goes. It unites itself together, and nature does that.

84Geese unites themselves together, rallies themselves around their leader; they do the same thing.

85 Did you ever notice bees swarming? Bees will unite themselves together, before they swarm, right around their queen. That's right. And where she goes, away they go too. Yes! What do they do? They unite before the swarm. Exactly; every nature!

86Fish unites themselves together before the spring run. Out in the ocean, you can find them; them big... what we call "humpys," the salmon. When they come up there, before that run comes in, you'll see them by the tens of thousands, out in that sea, coming around and around; salt water, but they're actually freshwater fish. And here they come right up that fresh water, to go up for spawning season. They go up there and spawn, about every four years, and die as soon as they spawn. And they know they're going there to die, and you couldn't stop them with nothing. They'll jump fish ladders and everything else, getting up there, knowing they're going to their death. But the law of nature makes them, knowing that they go up there and spawn in the old, and die. And the young ones come off, and something unites them together then, and out into the ocean they go. It's uniting! It's a law. You just can't beat God's law.

87 Nations are--are breaking, for the time now that we see that--that they're supposed to do this. We're in the process of national disturb. We see the nations are breaking relationship. Year by year, we find this nation being swallowed up in communism; this one being swallowed up in communism. And right here in our own nation, it's honeycombed with communism, and it will take over! See, it'll do it, no way of stopping it. Why? The same reason that you couldn't stop Titus. The people has rejected God and His Word. Yes, sir, so they're going to do it, and we see it right in process.

88I usually will take couple of hours; I've already been about thirty minutes, right now. See? But to get all this in, I'm just pushing. You study it when you get home.

89 Notice, they're right now uniting. You say, "Brother Branham, is that true?" They're coming to the Battle of Armageddon; exactly what they will do. See? And they're uniting for that right now. That's why we got the U.N. and everything we have. The Western World's uniting against the Eastern World, communism and so forth, it's all uniting together. The churches are uniting together. Everything seems to be uniting. Uniting, uniting themselves together, we see that.

90Also, while all this uniting of the nation, these signs, national signs, we see out here in the world, earthquakes in divers places, different things uniting; bringing the world together, bringing the people together, all the churches together, all these things. And while all this uniting's being going on, there is another uniting going on. Amen! That's what I want to point to you now.

91 God is uniting His Bride. She is coming together, from the East and the West, and the North and South. There is a uniting time, and that's on right now. What is She uniting for? The Rapture. Amen! God's getting Her ready. Yes sir, uniting! What is She uniting with? With the Word! "For all heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away." She's uniting Herself with THUS SAITH THE LORD regardless of what any denomination or anybody else says. She's uniting Herself. She's getting ready. Why? She is the Bride. That's right. And She's united Herself with Her Bridegroom, see, and the Bridegroom is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

92 And the Church and the Bride and the Word is becoming so one, until the very Word Itself is working out the work of the Bridegroom. Amen! You see it? A uniting! Not no more, "Join the church"; not more of this, but flee from everything and tied to Jesus Christ. See? It's the uniting time. God, uniting His Bride together, bringing It back; just exactly. Uniting the Words of His promise.

93Second Thessalonians, 2nd chapter; It says, this 5th chapter says, "The saints that are asleep in the dust of the earth will waken. And then we will unite with them (the living ones, with the ones that's been dead), will unite before we even get up There," 'cause the Bride will be complete when She gets There. The ones that's living, that's uniting themself with the Word, and those that are gone already did that; and It all comes together, make one great union of the uniting before going up There. Amen!

94 Communism has to rise, these other things has to rise, and the church has to unite itself out yonder for the... in the nations out there for the World Council of Churches; and the Bride has to unite Itself under the Word of God. In order to do that, God has sent down a Heavenly sign and things, that prove to the Church, that there is a Nation. Amen.

95 God; uniting time! Yes, sir. Oh, my! Now, remember now, there is a uniting of the Word (uniting back again), bringing back "the Faith that was once delivered to the saints." Bringing back! That--this could only be done in this day. The only time it could be done is right now. It never was attacked anywhere else; they went off on denominational sprees. But now, it don't belong to no denominational spree, because it's time for the uniting of men and women of every race, every color, every creed, everything under Christ by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and back to the Word.

96 Uniting time for the Church! Oh, my! Uniting every Word that's been scattered all abroad by these organizations: ever since at Nicaea, Rome, when they organized the first church, and they've organized Luther, they organized Wesley, they organized all the rest of the churches. And doing that, they had to adopt a creed, and then when God sent something else, they could not receive It. Therefore, it was not possible until now. And God promised, in the last days, that "the Faith of the fathers would be restored back to the Bride again," that it would be this way, and it couldn't be no other time but this time. Look what a sign from Heaven, as a Pillar of Fire hanging among us, and with signs and wonders of the Lord Jesus Christ. And while He speaks to us, It never fails to be perfectly on the dot. Amen! Then we see where we're standing. Uniting time!

97 We see nations uniting, we see the world uniting, we see communism uniting, we see the churches uniting; and we see God uniting Hisself with His Bride, until He and the Church is the same thing; like the family, together. Right! Uniting themselves together; God uniting! Why? Never before, since the early church age, was the Pillar of Fire ever among the people. Never before, since the early church age, did they ever see the things that we are seeing today. And this was only made possible when God sent the Seven Seals and give us a sign by It, and sent seven Angels down out of Heaven; and come to bring back that scattered Word in them denominations, and tie it back into the Word of God again, to bring down His Holy Spirit.

98 Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, then ask what you will, it shall be done unto you." Uniting the Bride back with the Word, which is God. The Church and the Word, not Church and the creed, Church and the Word; the Bride and the Word united together. Oh, my! What a... Restore back what? The Faith of the original pentecostal fathers, see, that had been scattered by Luther's group. Not Luther himself; not Luther, not Wesley, not those great founders. But after their going away, there was a church raised up, and they... what they did with that then, they made a organization out of it. They accepted creeds and so forth, and away they went. And look at them today, now they've come into that World Council of Churches.

99Now, you see; but in the last days, you see, we see things happening now that has never happened before. See, it's God's sign, and all this uniting is the time sign. Now, we want to look at that carefully and be real sure that we get it. Leaving the... they leave the true Word for denominations; to accept creed and opinions of different men instead of taking the Word.

100 Revelation 10 said, "The seventh angel's Message." Now remember, that's right at the Seven Trumpets, and there's seven angels blowing Seven Trumpets. That's what we're coming to next. But remember there, very specifically It said, "The angel's...," not the seventh angel's Trumpet, but the "seventh angel's Message." See, not the Trumpet angel, the Message angel! See, the angel only sounded the trumpet, that seventh angel. The Trumpet angel was this, that in the days of the Message of the seventh angel; see, when his Message is finished. See, that's the church age Message. And this time, then he would... the Message, not the Trumpet, and "the mystery of God (that's written in the Word) should be finished."

101 Now look what a day we're living in! Look at those Seals, how that drawed that scattered Word of God, what Luther and all the rest of them, that them great reformers that went forth; come right back and showed it in the Bible, where they'd be; every man right to his spot, what he would do and what would happen to the church; what would he do, and what would happen to the church; all these things he left off. And then, in the last day, when we knowed nothing about it, foretold us of a certain thing happening; and even the newspapers and things picked it up, and comes right down and reveals it and ties the mysteries together. Amen! Brother, that's sublime to me! That, to me, lines the Word up. I don't care what--what... or I do care what people said--thinks, that's right, but to me it's the Truth of the Bible.

102 Like the wise men, coming down from Babylon, they screamed, "Where is He, born King of the Jews? He's on earth, right now. We've got to find Him." That's right. And I believe He's so close to coming that I can say, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh! I hear the midnight cry!" Hallelujah! We're right at the time of the end. Oh, my, the hour we're living in. Notice... See?

103What a day! What a time that we're living, this great mystery of God being finished; bringing in the Godhead, showing what It is; how these little isms, and went off and made Him this, and somebody made Him this, and somebody made Him that. But the Angel of the Lord come down and brought up all their isms, and pulled out that Truth out of it, and presented It. And there It is, just as perfect as It can be, no other way you could go. There It is, that's what He is. See, serpent seed, all--all these different things that's been so mysteriously amongst the people. See? What is it? He had... This is the sign to what? Unite!

104 What did He say in Malachi 4? Would restore! Restore back the original pentecostal Faith, back to the people with the same pentecostal Message, the same pentecostal sign, the same pentecostal evidence, the same God, the same Power, the same teaching, everything exactly, with the vindication of the same Pillar of Fire that struck Paul down on the road, down to Damascus; amongst us today, doing the same things He did in that day. Uniting!

105We see the nations uniting, we see the world uniting, we see the churches uniting. We see the Bride uniting, uniting with the Word. Why? The Word is God. And as the Word... As the Bridegroom (being the Word), and the Bride (being the hearer of the Word), they come together in a Union. They unite like a wedding. See, they're getting ready for a wedding, and they--they become one. The Word becomes you, you become the Word. Jesus said, "At that day,... You know what? All the Father is, I am; and all I am, you are; and all you are, I am. In that day you'll know that I'm in the Father, Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me." See? At "that day." What day? This day! We find out the great hidden mysteries of God being revealed. Oh, how I like that!

106 Oh, watch how science and the Word could not compare, as they do today. They couldn't do it before. It's just now that they could do it.

107Notice, He said, "heavenly signs, heavenly signs." Science, and national signs; now they have a great signs in the sky today, they have astronauts and everything. But what does these astronauts do to the world science? It brings them fear. They don't know what time they could send up something like that and just drop these bombs, and we'd be no more. See? Now that's the signs that they got, fearful sights in heaven. See? They got them, atomic missiles and everything, all kinds of signs.

108 You see where they signed this--this treaty, the other day, that they were going to not explode any more bombs out over, but now they're going under water and down in the ground, testing them just the same. See? They sign a treaty, "We won't do this, if you say you won't do it (but we'll go back over home and do it this way; oh, ah, we know you're doing the same way over there)." See? There's just not a thing, it's just... there's not no trust among them, there's no--there's no nothing. You can... See? And everyone's scared of the other one. That's a fearful sign.

109 Science and man and nations has produced a fearful sign in the skies. That's exactly right. Now, fearing one another. And there's been a heavenly sign give to the... See now, they got a sign in the heaven too, a fearful sign, a man in a astronaut; might have an atomic missile, and could drop and destroy the whole nation. Get up in an astronaut, and stand out there. There ain't nothing keeping them from doing it. They can sure do it, they... anytime they want to. They can bring her into dust if they wanted to, but... in fifteen minutes from now. And what one can do, the other one that way, too. So, you see that they got a sign, but that kind of sign makes them scared.

110They're uniting together, putting their powers together. The free world, they're putting its power together. The communism putting their power together with Russia. Everybody; but each one's scared of the other one. See, it's a fearful sign. That's right. That's national sign, see.

111 But the Church has received a Heavenly Sign: an Astronaut! Amen! Jesus Christ, in the form of a Pillar of Fire; that He was in the Old Testament, that He was then He met Saul on the road down there to Damascus, the same Jesus here today! And what does It do? Does It bring fear? It brings love that's uniting one another. Amen! A feeling for one another. It brings the Love of God, oh, uniting us and brings us (the Body of Christ) into unity as a Bride. That's what it's doing now, this great union that God...

112They're uniting themselves, one group here to fight the other one, one group over here to fight the other one. Here the church is standing between them; you watch what happens, it'll unite with them. That's exactly right. But, now, we find out that brings fear and flusterations.

113 But the Church (the Bride) is united by one God, under one Spirit (the Spirit of God), in one holy Union of God, to be one holy Bride to God. That's right, all together; unity of the Body. The Body waiting as a Bride; as--as it is the Bride, as we call ourselves the Bride. For the uniting time of the Bride, the Church is so coming together. It should create such a love among us that we could hardly be away from one another. That's right. We just... you don't have to beg people to pray, you don't have to beg them to worship God, you don't have to beg them to do what's right. They're just so in love with Him, till there's nothing else.

114 What do you think about a little girl, a real pretty little maid, that's going to marry some handsome young man that she's just so madly in love with, it means more to her than her own life, and she knows right away that they're going to get married. As that wedding day approaches, that little fellow, I'm telling you, she's all "walking around." See? She's just making everything ready; she surrenders completely to him. That's right. Everything that pleases him, that's just what she wants to do. Well, that should be the way of the Church today, that our life should be so hid in God through Christ, sealed in there by the Holy Spirit.

115 The thing I've been teaching to you here, is telling you these signs and different things happening, I haven't got time to do it now; will in another message, the Lord willing. But there's one little thing yet lacking in the Church. And we want that, to get to that, and I'm right on the edge of it now. See? We want to get to that, if... you got to do it. If you don't do it, that's just all. You must do it. For looky, the uniting time is at hand, for God is getting the Church together to be a--a Rapture to go to the wedding for the Great Union: when God and man will unite for Eternity, when creatures of time unite with the Eternal.

116It was once done in the form of the Son of man on earth. And He had to give His Life to bring about a power, to unite other men with this same Power, for the Bride of Jesus Christ. And now the Church is uniting Itself to the Body of Christ. It's got Itself free, cut away from every little fetter, getting Itself ready; getting together, union among them; oh, a love and joy, and the Holy Spirit moving among them. Oh, my, what a time!

117 As we see the ducks getting ready, we see the geese getting ready, we see the beast... bees getting ready, we see the clouds getting ready for rain, we see everything; how it unites itself together, for its great push. We see the League of Nations, of the nations together, uniting themselves in communism. We see them uniting themselves over here in the Western World. We see the church uniting itself together, all these others. So it's absolutely impossible, no other time could it be this way; it couldn't have been this way twenty years ago, couldn't been this way. Couldn't been this way ten years ago, has to be right now. See, because these isms and things hadn't come to this place.

118 Now wake up! Shake yourself, right quick, and look out here where we're at! Where are we? Like those wise men, we're right in line with His Word, and the Light of the Lord is shining upon our path. Glory be to God in the Highest. And Glory be to God Who give us Jesus Christ, Who we love, and has brought us to this place. And as we... We are His people, bought with the price of His Blood.

119Oh, my! When the uniting time comes, we're looking, like we united with one another in the bonds of His Spirit, we... Can it be His Spirit? Sure, It's His Spirit. Why is It? It's His Word, and He is... that is the Spirit of the Word. And when that Spirit of Promise comes upon you and vindicates and shows Itself right here, is It the same Spirit? It was the One that was with Moses in the wilderness! It was the One that... upon Jesus Christ! He's the One met Saul on his road to Damascus! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever! And He does the same thing!

120 And we see the nations together, we see the church heads together, we see communism together, we see the isms uniting, we see all these things; and now we see the Bride uniting with the Word. Oh, my! It's time that the saints shall arise to unite with those that are living, to go and unite with Jesus Christ for Eternity.

121May God help us, every one, to unite with Christ tonight, when... Surrender our everything that we are, everything that we have (our whole soul, body, and mind to Jesus Christ) and look for the time of that uniting.

When the trumpet of God shall sound, and time shall be no more,

And the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair;

When the dead in Christ shall rise and gather over on the other shore yonder (with the Bride that's alive), to be caught up together.

122Look at the uniting! God uniting the Church with His Word, the Word with the Church, that they both become the same, "Say this, and it'll happen. Do this, and it'll happen. This is it; this is Me before you, this is Me proving it; this is Me with you." All...

123 We find that now the time comes when the Trumpet sounds, and those sleeping saints back there that could not be made perfect without us; they're depending on us (Hebrews 11); and when they come together, they unite with the living ones. The Church uniting with the Word, then the Church and the Word uniting together, being coming one. The dead saints with the living saints uniting together to be one; and all going together to unite with Christ yonder, for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

124 It's uniting time, and the signs are flying everywhere. The signs are in the nations, the signs are in communism, the signs in the Western World, the signs in the Council of Churches. And the Sign is here tonight under the office of the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God confirming it and making it the Truth. Amen! Uniting time! The sign of the Uniting Time!

Let's bow our heads.

125 Lord Jesus, as my poor heart jumps for joy, as I see the possibilities, (of me a middle-aged man), but yet the possibilities of me seeing You come in this generation; to be alive and stand here, and see when that Trumpet sounds, "He that's filthy, is filthy still. He that's righteous, is righteous still. He that's holy, is holy still." O Lord God!

126And to think of us standing, (in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, when the world won't know what's going on), but all of a sudden, you'll see appear before you, your loved ones that's gone on, has come to unite with you again. And we'll be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and be caught up, together, to meet our Lord in the air. And then unite with Him, to be there forever, and never to have to be out of His Presence again.

127 What a great thing it is today, Lord, to know that now we are united with one Spirit. One Spirit, the Holy Spirit, has got the Word in His grip, comes in us. And what a great thing it is, what a privilege to cut loose from all the world, to unite ourself to Jesus Christ. And to think that someday, in a physical form, with a body like His own glorious body, we will set down at the table at the Wedding Supper and there be united and wed in marriage to Him; to live as Bride and Bridegroom through all times that is to come, through a ceaseless Eternity.

128Lord God, may this not be just a mythical thought to the people, but may it become such a reality till such hunger and thirst will set into the people that they'll... reading their newspapers, looking upon... listening at the radio and the news, and seeing it's uniting time. The signs are flashing.

129 Lord God, like we spoke of the women, what they have did in the last days; what the church would do in the last lays; and what the Church Ages would be, and what the Seals would be, all these other things. And we see as it was, in the days of Noah. We see as it was, in the days of Sodom and Lot, when the Angel of God made Hisself known in human flesh, that eat the flesh of a cow and drinking the milk from the cow, and eat bread; and stood there and could tell what was going on behind Him. And Jesus said the same thing will take place at the coming of the Son of man.

130Lord God, we seen the pyramid, how we build it up there, and seen how we added these things to it; and find that we're at the end-time, waiting for the Chief Cornerstone. Glory to God! We pray, Lord, that You'll wake people up, quickly now, and gather us together, with godly love and respect to Jesus Christ and to each other.

131 If there be some here tonight that doesn't have that hope resting within you, will you raise your hand to God and say, "Lord God, unite me with You, unite me with You"? God bless you, Brother. God bless you, and you, you; yes. "Unite me with You, Lord." Yes! Oh, my!

Nations are breaking, Israel's awakening,

132Look at Israel over there, united together. Israel, from all over the world, has come to unite themselves; to unite themselves and now they are a nation. They are a united nation: with their own flag, own money, own army, everything; if they ever was, they are now. Israel united, Rome is united, the church is united. And the Bride is uniting, amen; and the coming of that Great Union. What is it? It's all moving up to that Sign, that main capital Sign, Jesus and His Bride uniting as one.

133 Father, God, grant these blessings that I ask for these people, and may we be united to You in heart, in spirit, as they raise their hands, desiring that. Lord God, cleanse us and make us Yours; grant it, Lord. That's all we know and we can do, is ask. And then You said if we asked it and believed it, we should receive it; I'm looking for it, Lord. I thank You in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him,

Because He first loved me,

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree. (Amen. Oh, my!)

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!

I hear the midnight cry!

We'll go up with a shout, if we all hold out,

And meet Him in the sky.

Watch and pray, my brother,

Lest someone takes your crown,

For the lukewarm and backslider

Won't wear the marriage gown.

134 That's right. Let's get ready for this midnight cry. It's coming in a hour when you think not. There'll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret. But the believers, who are looking for this, you see the stars coming in line? See? What did it produce? Just exactly like it did the first time. See, here we are, the signs are coming.

We see the signs appearing of His blessed Coming,

Lo, behold the fig leaves now becoming green;

The gospel of the kingdom has gone to every nation;

And we're near, the end can be seen.

Then gladly, away, we'll herald the Message of His blessed appearing,

135 Is that right? Oh, herald the Message of His blessed appearing! That's what we got to do. Tell everybody, "Get ready, prepare to meet God." Amen! I love Him. Oh, how I love Him. Now, let's stand up on our feet now. As we bid one another, reach around and shake hands with somebody, and say

Until we meet! (shake hands, now)... till we meet!

Till we meet at Jesus' feet;

Till we meet!...

Remember, you might have a call. Our next meeting may be at His feet.

O God be with you till we meet again!

136 Now, just think, before we meet again; before we meet Sunday morning, or Wednesday night, it may be that... first thing you know, somebody's missing. This one's missing, and they're gone. Oh, to think of your husband missing, or your wife missing, and--and John's wife missing, and--and--and over here the kids are missing. All happened (what took place?), then you're left behind!

Oh, what a weeping and wailing when the lost are told of their fate,

They cried to the rocks and the mountains, (like Israel, on going back into the city, to the Temple)

They prayed but their prayers were too late. (They rejected the Message)

137Oh, brother, don't never do that. Whatever you do, stand gallant to the cause! Yes, sir!

138 Now, till we meet, we'll do this:

Take the Name of Jesus with you,

As a shield from every care;

When temptations round you gather, (What do you do?)

Breathe that holy Name in prayer.

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.

139Let us bow our heads now, as we hum.

At the Name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostrate at His feet,

King of kings in Heaven... crown Him,

When our journey is complete. (It will be, someday.)

O precious Name, O how sweet!

Till we meet again, God be with you.

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;

Precious Name, O how sweet!

Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.