Dokonalá viera



Ale Ježiš žil vo svete o ktorom nikto nič nevedel, on bol zvláštnou osobou. On žil vo svete Dokonalej viery v Dokonalého Boha, v ktorom On bol. Ak my žijeme v Dokonalej Viere kresťana, v to čo sme, budeme záhadnými pre tento svet; ľudia vám nebudú rozumieť. Budete chodiť v Duchu. To čo Duch povie, to budete robiť. Čo On zakáže, to nebudete robiť. Potom ľudia začnú hovoriť ... oni ... budete pre nich záhadnou osobou. To je cesta, ktorá je pre všetkých veriacich, oni sú záhadní. Ľudia tomu nerozumejú, pretože oni si žijú pre seba vo svete. Ježiš žil vo svete, ktorý bol nedotknuteľný pre každého iného. Učeníci Mu nemohli porozumieť. Keď hovoril ku ním, oni to tak povedali. A potom povedali, "Prečo, hovoríš v hádankách! My tomuto nerozumieme. Ako toto môže byť?" Vidíte, oni neboli v tom svete, v ktorom žil On. Vidíte, oni mu nemohli rozumieť, nikto Mu nemohol rozumieť.

A tak keď nejaký človek žije vo viere a chodí vo viere, myslím vieru ktorá má podstatu, on je odizolovaný od celého sveta a stáva sa novým stvorením v Kristovi. Tam, teraz sa dostávate do materiálu na Nevestu. Vidíte? Dostávate sa do stavu vytrhnutia, teraz. To je určené pre každého jedného z nás (nie len pre pastora, teraz), pre diakonov, starších, to je určené pre laikov, každý jednotlivec kráča vo svete sám s Bohom. Ste pokrstení do tohoto Kráľovstva, a tam nie je nikoho iba vy a Boh. Vidíte? On dáva tie rozkazy, a vy ich vyplňujete. Čokoľvek On povie, nikde v to nie je ani tieň pochybnosti, vy postupujete dopredu. Ak Pán povie toto, nieto nikoho na svete, kto by vám to mohol vyhovoriť, vy postupujte ďalej tak isto. Teraz sa dostávate do Dokonalej Viery, do dokonalej dokonalosti, ktorá nemôže sklamať. Taká viera nikdy nesklame. Áno, On pre nich, so Svojou Dokonalou Vierou, bol záhadným; a tak je to teraz s tými, ktorí majú Dokonalú Vieru, sú záhadnými pre ostatných.

1Náš Nebeský Otče, toto je dnes večer náš zámer. Zhromaždili sme sa spolu aby sme len verili, verili len Pánovi Ježišovi. Sú tu dnes večer takí, ktorí sú nemocní a postihnutí, a mi sme posvätili naše - naše - naše zhromaždenie dnes večer ku uzdravovaniu nemocného a zlámaného tela. A teraz, tak ako ten brat spieval ten nádherný chválospev, Potom prišiel Ježiš, nech by si Ty prišiel pre nás dnes večer na scénu, Pane, a uzdravil všetkých týchto postihnutých, a aby v našom strede nebola dnes večer ani jedna slabá osoba. Udeľ nám toho, Pane, a pomôž nám pri tom, keď sa teraz dívame do Slova, aby sme našli vieru dostatočnú na túto hodinu. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

2[brat Branham hovorí s niekým na pódiu. – pozn.prekl.] Sú tu nejaké okuliare, ktoré niekto stratil, našli sa tu v zhromaždení. Ak niekto . . . ak sú to tvoje, v poriadku, sú tu na pódiu, na kazateľni.

3A teraz, viem že mnohí idú do práce, a musia sa dostať skorej domov, a tak nebudem hovoriť veľmi dlho; a potom sa postavia do zástupu a budeme sa modliť za nemocných. To mi dáva príležitosť chytiť sa niektorých týchto núdzových prípadov, ktoré sú práva tam v tej miestnosti, overoval som si to práve teraz ako som tu prišiel a dnes popoludní. Niektorý z nich, skutočne sú vo veľmi zlom a naliehavom stave. A urobil som výzvy, že sa budeme modliť za nemocných. Keď vidím, že ruka Pána Ježiša uzdravuje chorých a postihnutých, ó aký je On len podivuhodný.

4Nuž, nie až tak často sa dostávame ku týmto uzdravovacím zhromaždeniam, pretože obyčajne . . . Duch Svätý príde ak je nejaký naliehavý prípad, a v momente to rozpozná, a odkryje to a povie niečo o tom. Potom tí ostatní, prečo, mi len . . . možno že to nie je nič až také zlé, tak mi len prejdeme popri tom. A myslel som si, keď som tu dvakrát za deň, že by sme mohli posvätiť jedno zhromaždenie, aby sme sa modlili za nemocných. Verím v uzdravovanie nemocných. Verím, že je to Biblický príkaz. Nemôžeme to kázať, bez . . . plné Evanjelium, bez toho, že by sme to tam nezahrnuli.

5A tak, je to možné . . . Neviem ešte, ešte som dnes večer nevolal domov, môže sa stať, že na budúcu nedeľu, by som tu znovu bol. A ak sa to nedozviete od nás tento týždeň, ak vám Billy nedá nič vedieť (on to bude vedieť trochu neskoršie, tento týždeň), ak sa to nedopočujete, potom tu znovu budeme na budúcu nedeľu; pretože, viete, pracovný deň vyžaduje aby ste si oddýchli, a tak . . . alebo sa dostať domov. Rozumiete? A tak sa budeme snažiť, ak bude vôľa Pánova. Nuž, a tak teraz, ak sa to nedopočujete . . . Myslím že Billy vám rozdáva karty alebo vám to nejako hovorí počas zhromaždení, a tak, ak vás nezavolá, tak potom tu prídem znovu na túto ďalšiu nedeľu. Brat Neville, nebude to vadiť keď tu znovu prídem? [Brat Neville hovorí ku bratovi Branhamovi. – pozn.prekl.] No, tak je dobre.

6Všetci tu chcú poznať tohoto malého Collinsa. A v čase keď sme kázali Sedem Pečatí, doktori povedali tomuto malému chlapcovi, ktorý mal reumatickú horúčku, že musí ležať na chrbte a piť cez trubičku; tak - tak to bolo. A jeho otec a matka ho vzali domov, posadili ho do izby a modlili sa za neho. A Pán Ježiš ho tak dokonale uzdravil, že išiel znovu do školy; a z úradov ich tam ohľadne toho zavolali. Tak oni tam zavolali toho špecialistu, ktorý na neho čakal, a ten nemohol tomu uveriť - on nemohol niečomu takému uveriť, a priviedli toho chlapca a podrobili ho vyšetreniu, a on bol dokonale, úplne zdravý. Potom, keď prišiel Ježiš, moc pokušiteľa bola zlámaná!

7Viete, je to divná vec, chcel som niekoho požiadať, aby dnes večer zaspieval tú pieseň. A zatiaľ čo som slúžil tam v tej miestnosti, tu to prišlo, niekto to tu začal spievať, Potom prišiel Ježiš. Ak by to nebolo spievané, chcel som požiadať aby to niekto zaspieval, predtým ako dnes večer začnem hovoriť. Tak, On - On všetky veci robí správne.

8Nuž, mnohí z vás tu budú čakať až do rána, je to pre nich ďaleko, vážim si tú námahu. Niektorí z vás budú cestovať domov dnes večer, pretože ráno musíte ísť do práce, a viem že je to ťažko. A potom, keď si pomyslím, keď to vidím . . .

9Hovorieval som tiež, viete o tom; Stával som sa mrzutým. Dostával som sa do toho že . . . Stávalo sa mi, keď som si toto hovorieval, keď som bol prepracovaný, a Satan prichádzal a hovoril mi, "Aha, nikto sa o teba nestará. Nemáš na tomto svete naozaj nijakého priateľa." A tak to ...

10Pamätajte, ja som nie imúnny proti pokušeniu. Vidíte, ja to musím premôcť. Potom, keď som sa pozrel naspäť a videl niečo takéto, hodil som mu to rovno do tvári a povedal, "A čo toto?"

11Ako jeden môj priateľ, ako sedel tu na zhromaždení, bola nejaká skupina, nejaká taká skupina, ktorí neverili v Božské uzdravovanie, prišli nedávno ku tomuto mladému mužovi a povedali mu, "To čo oni tam kážu o tom Božskom uzdravovaní, nič také neexistuje."

12A tento človek žije v Kentucky, práve kúsok od tej starej ženy, ktorá, keď sme boli v Akton Campgrounds, ktorá zomierala na rakovinu. A jej sestra prišla do zhromaždenia ten večer s vreckovkou, ktorú si vzala do kabelky, a Duch Svätý vyzval tú ženu, ona sedela tam vzadu, a ja som nikdy predtým nebol v tom kraji, a povedal jej že, "ona má vo svojej kabelke vreckovku, ktorú si vzala z domu a dala si ju tam, a že jej sestra sa nachádza tam hore na určitej vrchovine, a zomiera na rakovinu žalúdka. Doktor sa jej vzdal." A ja som povedal, "Choď, polož tú vreckovku na tú ženu, pretože TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Ona bude žiť." A toho večera, tam tí susedia si mysleli, že tam mali Armádu Spásy, keď tam prišiel brat Ben, a potom položili tú . . . A tá pani bola potom tak dokonale uzdravená, že robila všetku svoju robotu, a pomáhala ešte i susedom.

13A tak tento mladý muž, on o tom vedel, on povedal, "No tak vysvetlite jej prípad!" A tým to bolo vybavené. "Vysvetlite; viete že mala rakovinu. Ona bola tu v Louisville a doktori ju operovali, a keď ju otvorili, hneď sa toho vzdali. Znovu ju zašili, pretože sa nič nedalo robiť. A teraz je celkom normálna, zdravá." Povedal, "Vysvetlite to." A tým to bolo vybavené. Vidíte?

14Viete čo hovorí Biblia? "A oni nemohli nič proti nim povedať, preto že ten človek stál rovno medzi nimi, na ktorom sa stál ten zázrak." To je to kde mi . . . Satan sa za to musí hanbiť, či nie? Ten človek tam stál, na ktorom sa stal ten zázrak.

15Či kriesi Boh mŕtvych? Tu sedí muž, rovno tu, ktorý bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Uzdravuje Boh nemocných? Ó, všade sa môžu pozdvihnúť ruky. Boh uzdravuje chorých. A vieme, že On je ten veľký - ten veľký JA SOM, vie ten veľký "Bol som" alebo "Budem"; JA SOM. JA SOM, to je, "všade prítomný, všade, po celý čas"; ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

16Nuž aby sme sa príliš nezdržovali, obráťme sa teraz do tej požehnanej Biblii. Chcem čítať určitú stať, ktorá ma zvykne skoro otočiť naspäť, keď ju čítam. A dnes večer chcem nech vytvoriť zástup a modliť sa za každého, kto chce aby sa za neho modlilo.

17A tak teraz si otvorme Evanjelium Marka, sv. Marek, 11. kapitola Svätého Marka. A začneme čítať od 22. verša, v 11. kapitoly Sv. Marka. A mnohí z vás poznajú to Písmo, je to veľmi známe. Brat Russell, to bolo to Písmo, o ktorom som premýšľal, keď tie . . . keď On ku mne prehovoril a povedal to o tých veveričkách. A oni . . . to bolo práve to Písmo o ktorom som premýšľal. Stále to bola hádanka. On povedal, "Ak povieš"; "Ak poviem"; "Ak ty povieš!"

18A tak, čítajme:

... Ježiš povedal a riekol im: Majte vieru Božiu!

Lebo amen vám hovorím, že ktokoľvek by povedal tomuto vrchu: Zdvihni sa a hoď sa do mora! a nepochyboval by vo svojom srdci, ale by veril, že sa stane, čo hovorí, bude mu, čokoľvek by povedal.

Preto vám hovorím: Všetko, za čokoľvek modliac sa prosíte, verte, že dostanete, a bude vám.

A keď stojíte na modlitbe, odpúšťajte, ak máte niečo proti niekomu, aby aj váš Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám odpustil vaše poklesky.

Ale ak vy neodpustíte, ani váš otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám neodpustí vašich pokleskov.

19A tak, viera je potom založená na odpúšťaní. A potom, ako sme hovorili dnes ráno, snažíme sa dostať cirkev na to miesto, kde by sme skutočne môžeme vidieť prebiehať medzi nami tie apoštolské časy, to je to po čom všetci túžime. A to leží práve rovno predo dvermi. Vidíme to, ale chceme toho vidieť viacej. Chceme to vidieť v takej hojnosti, že to bude pomocou pre nás, a rozleje sa to i na ostatných.

20Pamätajte, Ježiš, ako sme to mali v tej lekcii dnes ráno, On nikdy nepoužil Svoju moc pre Seba, On to používal pre iných. Kvôli tomu to vlastne bolo poslané. A vy niekedy rozmýšľate, "Prečo taký Muž, ako On, ktorý bol tak plný moci, by mal byť niekedy chorý?" Tak, veru. Čítal som niekde, v nejakej knihe, že tam v tedy, keď vzkriesil toho chlapca, toho syna tej vdovy z Nain (Myslím, že to bolo, Knieža z Rodu Dávidovho), že si potom sadol na kameň a stenal od bolesti hlavy. Vidíte? On niesol naše nemoci. Niesť znamená "niesť ich." Vidíte, On ich niesol. A on mal všetko v . . . tak ako my. On býval chorý, On býval pokúšaný, On mával ťažkosti, On býval rozrušený tak ako my, pretože On sa musel stať tým opravdivým Prímluvcom; a tak On musel byť účastníkom, Pestovateľom ovocia, prv ako to bude vedieť robiť.. Žena pri studni a mnoho ďalších vecí, vidíte, keď sa dívame rovno do Písma.

21Chcem povedať, že verím v celé Písmo, a že každý Jeho kúsok je pravda. Sú dnes kritici, ktorí tomu nechcú veriť. Nejaký kritik raz povedal, že "keď Ježiš poslal tých učeníkov tam kde bolo priviazané to osľa, kde sa stretli tie dve cesty, že on to dopredu dohovoril, kde ten osol bude uviazaný." Vidíte, oni nerozumejú, že to Boh dopredu naplánoval.

22Boh mi povedal, jedného dňa, že si tu s bratom Dauchom znovu na ulici potrasieme ruky. Je to veľmi zvláštne, ja som tu v to ráno nebol: ale dve minúty neskoršie, alebo minútu neskoršie, a nestretol by som ho na ulici. On ma nepoznal; nemal okuliare, nemohol ma vidieť. Keď počul môj hlas, začal kričať. Čo to bolo? Obvykle to on nerobí, ale to bola odpoveď na to čo mu bolo povedané, keď ležal tam pod kyslíkovým prístrojom; on by to nemohol urobiť.

23Povedal som mu, "Tiež ešte prídeš a znovu budeš sedieť v zbore"; to bola túžba jeho srdca. Keď sme mali zhromaždenie v Chicagu, on chcel prísť na to zhromaždenie, jeho srdce bolo za tým. Poslal som mu telegram s pozdravom za nás a za jeho deti, a písal som mu, že sme sa modlili za neho, aby sa čo najskôr z toho dostal a bol zdravý. A nejaký milý brat, ktorý ho navštevoval, povedal že on tak strašne chce prísť. Ale tu on sedí, dnes večer, s nami. Vidíte? To nebolo predom dohovorené. Ten istý Boh to naplánoval dopredu, On spôsobuje, aby všetko fungovalo presne do bodky.

24Nejaký kritik raz povedal, že "Nie divu, že Ježiš mohol vziať päť chlebov a nakŕmiť päť tisíc ľudí," povedal, "tie chleby boli väčšie ako sú dnes, a On ich len rozlámal a z každého nakŕmil tisíc ľudí."

26A teraz, chceme teraz hovoriť o viere, a o zvláštnom druhu viery: o Dokonalej viere. Je to veľká vec. Nuž, viera, ako je nám to povedané v Biblii, "Viera prichádza cez počutie." A tak, nemôžete byť spasení bez viery. A viera je niečo, čomu musíte veriť, že to tam je, že skutočne nič iného vám nevydá svedectvo, že to tam je, okrem viery. A ja sa vám teraz snažím priniesť vieru, aby ste tak boli pripravení podísť do modlitebného zástupu, v tých ďalších niekoľkých minútach.

27A tak, viera: "Ten kto prichádza k Bohu musí veriť že On je." A nie je možné ľúbiť sa Bohu bez viery, nemôžete sa Mu ľúbiť. A keď hovoríte, že veríte v Boha . . . vy ste Ho nikdy nevideli, rozumiete, a tak potom vy Tomu musíte veriť skrze vieru. Vidíte? Všetko o čom nám dávajú svedectvo tieto zmysly, to už viacej nie je viera, to je vedecký fakt; vidíte, to nie je viacej viera. Ale vy Jeho musíte prijať skrze vieru. "A ten kto prichádza k Bohu musí veriť Bohu; a viera prichádza skrze počutie Božieho Slova." Vidíte? Vy musíte prv veriť, že toto je Božie Slovo, a vy musíte prísť ku Bohu skrze Slovo. Vidíte? Len vziať to Slovo, to čo Ono hovorí, a "To je pravda!" Všetko ďalšie čo sa s Ním nezhoduje nie je pravda.

28Abrahám musel veriť práve tomu čo mu povedal ten Hlas. A keď mu bolo sto rokov, po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch, on tomu pevnejšie veril ako v tedy pred dvadsiatymi piatimi rokmi, keď mu to bolo povedané. Vidíte? On Tomu veril. A "Nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu, súc si cele istý toho, že to čo zasľúbil, je mocný aj učiniť." A to je prístup, každý jeden musí ku tomu tak pristupovať. Musíte prísť s neochvejnou vierou, veriť že Boh dal to zasľúbenie. Ale teraz, musíte sa dostať do pozícii, aby ste mali túto vieru, a to je to o čom budeme hovoriť; vidíte, obdržať túto vieru.

29V Židom, v Liste Židom, v 11- tej kapitole, je nám povedané že:

... viera je podstatou toho na čo sa človek nadeje, ...

30A tak, sme pri tom, kde mnoho ľudí nedokáže obdržať svoje uzdravenie, alebo to o čo prosia, pretože oni vieru pokladajú za niečo čo ona nie je. Vidíte? Oni tomu neveria. To - to . . . to nie je predstava. To je skutočná podstata.

31A teraz, počúvajte pozorne! Vidíte, to nie je to čo si vy predstavujete. To je pre vás práve tak skutočné, ako keď ktorýkoľvek zmysel vášho tela vám o niečom podá správu. Je to tak skutočné, ako keď moje oči vyhlásia, "Toto je kúsok papieru." To je tak skutočné, ako keď poviem, že "toto je svetlo." Je to tak reálne, ako keď poviem, že cítim na sebe svoj kabát." Je to tak skutočné ako - ako počuť, že tam rozpráva to dieťa, alebo robí hluk. Vidíte, práve tak skutočné, ako že hrá hudba. Je to tak skutočné, ako keď cítim vo svojich ústach nejakú chuť. To je tak skutočné, iba že to nemôžete nikomu ukázať. Máte to len vy. Amen! Je to vaše. Viera je podstata; vidíte, nie žiadny mýt. Tak, mnoho ľudí prichádza ...

32Nuž, toto sú skutočne hlboké lekcie a ja sa dotknem len toho najdôležitejšieho, a vy potom budete v tom kopať do hĺbky. Vidíte?

33Všimnite si, to je niečo čo vlastníte; nie predstava, keď to skutočne máte. Je to pre vás tak skutočné, ako môže byť ktorákoľvek iná vec. Je to tak skutočné ako keď viete, že šoférujete na aute. Je to pre vás tak skutočné, ako keď viete že sedíte na zhromaždení. Je to pre vás tak skutočné, ako keď viete, že počujete môj hlas. To je podstata, nie predstava, nie nejaká emócia; ale niečo čo máte a to ku vám prichádza skrze počutie Slova Božieho - a jedine Jeho. "Viera prichádza skrze počutie a počutie Slova Božieho." Toto ukazuje v čom spočíva vaša viera. Ona potom nespočíva v nejakom jednotlivcovi. Ona nespočíva na nejakom človekovi. Ona nespočíva na nejakej organizácii. Ona nespočíva na skupine ľudí. Ona spočíva v Bohu, pretože Boh je Slovo. Vaša viera je v Bohu!

Viera prichádza skrze počutie Božieho Slova!!!

34Potom keď Boh, skrze Svoje Slovo, . . . nie skrze to čo niekto iný urobil, či povedal, ale skrze to čo hovorí Božie Slovo. On povedal, "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom, a Moje pravdou."

35Nuž, ak vidíte niekoho druhého, kto robí niečo skrze slovo, nejaký skutok Boží, zasľúbenie Božie; a mnohí z nich hovoria, "Ja to tiež môžem robiť!" - To je predstava. - A keď to robia, pozorujete, že niekde tam stroskotali. - To musí byť podstata!!! - Nuž, to je potencionálne viera. To je niečo čo vás privedie do viery. To je potenciálne, tak ako keby ste ma prosili o dub, a ja vám dám žaluď. Potenciálne máte dub, ale on sa ešte nevyvinul; ale keď sa on skutočne vyvinie, je to dub. A keď si predstavíte, že Boh toto robí, . . . Ale Keď vám je to zjavené, to je potom viera, a Dokonalá viera, ona nemôže sklamať.

36Preto tieto videnia sú pre mňa tak - tak ohromné, pretože sa to zakaždým dokázalo ako pravda. Vidíte? A ja viem, že On to zasľúbil. A On to zasľúbil vo Svojom Slove, a tu On prichádza a zasľúbil to na tento deň. A tak teda viete kde stojíte, keď to On tak povedal. Vidíte, to mi dodáva vieru, pretože On nerobí nič, čo by sa nezhodovalo s Jeho napísaným Slovom. Vidíte? A ak by to nesúhlasilo so Slovom, nemohol by som tomu veriť.

37Nuž, viera je podstata, a tam nachádzame - v Liste Židom - čo to je viera, a čo robili tí, ktorí mali vieru. Vidíte, mnohokrát je tak, že ľudia dnes majú vieru a zajtra ju nemajú; napozajtra je to zase ešte niečo iné. Ale keď to Boh raz zakotví, a vy to vidíte, neexistuje nič čo by vás niekedy mohlo odviesť od toho. Vy sa len strkáte, naťahujete, trúfate si - a trúfať si, to je odvážiť sa bez autority -; vy len skúšate toto, a skúšate toto, a idete touto cestou, a bežíte sem, a bežíte tam. Vy ešte nemáte tú Vieru! Ale keď . . . to je to čo nazývame "Viera".

38Ja - ja - ja . . . (prepáčte). Chcem aby ste . . . (ďakujem ti, brat).

39Chcem, aby ste to teraz porozumeli. My . . . Cirkev sa musí povzniesť do moci Božej. Ako? Sme príliš blízko pri konci a verím, že Cirkev je v stave, kde môžeme učiť trochu hlbšie veci a vyškrabať von týchto, ktorí sa robia veriacimi - vidíte? - a dostať sa do niečoho skutočného. Vidíte? To musí byť niečo čo vy viete!

A ak poviete, "Brat Branham, toto nie je svetlo."

40A preto verím týmto videniam, pretože oni stále vydávali svedectvo, že to je pravda, pretože to pochádza zo Slova. Potom, keď to On povie, tým je to vybavené. Nuž, keď je to takto oznámené, nie je to viacej domýšľanie, stane sa to. Potom počujete to, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," vidíte, pretože to je poza ľudským myslením. To preniklo do ríši Pánovho myslenia. Ale vy tu stojíte, tak ako Vinič . . . práve tak ako ratolesti produkujú ovocie, ktoré ja vo Viniči. Vidíte? Boh používa človeka, a jedine človeka. Boh nepoužíva stroje. Boh nepoužíva skupiny ľudí. Boh nepoužíva organizácie. Boh používa jednotlivcov, stále!

41A tak, viera je podstatou, a skrze ňu, rozumieme, všetky tieto veci, ktoré sú učinené. To nie je - to nie je nejaká predstava, to je podstata; zvlášť Dokonalá Viera. To je to o čom ja dnes hovorím., dostať sa do Dokonalej Viery. To nie je nejaká predstava.

42Nuž a sú iní, ktorí hovoria, "Ó, ja mám všetku vieru; och, ja ju skutočne mám." No dobre, tak načo tu potom stojíš? Vidíte? Vidíte? Vidíte, práve vaše zachovávanie sa dokazuje, že nemáte to o čom hovoríte. Vidíte? Ak vy máte vieru, tak načo potom stojíte v modlitebnej rade? Vidíte? Načo toto všetko robíte?

43Vidíte, ak máte Dokonalú Vieru, pozreli by ste sa priamo na Boha a verili tomu, a išli preč. Nepotrebovali by ste vôbec ísť do modlitebného zástupu. Vôbec by ste toto nepotrebovali, pretože vaša viera by to tak vykonala . Vidíte? Čo by to bol za zvyk, keby som hovoril, "Musím si obliecť košeľu?" Ja mám oblečenú košeľu!

45No dobre, vidím ju, cítim ju a viem že je tam." Nuž, to je proste tak skutočné, keď sa toho chytí Dokonalá Viera. Vy ne - nepotrebujete nič viacej. Už je to vykonané; viete to.

48Nuž, inými slovami, odvažujem sa, "Dobre, pôjdem. Biblia hovorí, Zavolajte si starších, nech ich pomažú olejom, modlia sa za to. Viem to, pôjdem tam." A vy si hovoríte, "Dobre, budem uzdravený." Vidíte, vy sa robíte; vy teraz nehľadíte, vy sa sami idete len - len prepracovať do toho. A potom, keď to máte za sebou, poviete, "Och, ja som to stále ne . . ? . . . "Vidíte, tu to máte, vy ste nemali vieru!

49Vaša opravdivá viera to namieste vykoná. Vaša opravdivá viera to pre vás urobí tak skutočným že . . . Pozrite sa na tú prostú ženu, ktorá mala ten krvotok, ona si povedala, "Ak sa len budem môcť dotknúť lemu Jeho rúcha, budem uzdravená." A akonáhle to urobila, povedala že, "pocítila sama na sebe, že ustal jej krvotok." Ona tomu skutočne verila.

50A keď sa dotkla toho . . . dokázať že to prestalo - to prestalo; Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" Dokonalá Viera! A tá istá Dokonalá Viera dnes večer, sa dotkne Ježiša Krista, tak ako to urobila vtedy. Tá žena prišla s Dokonalou Vierou na ten čas.

51Nuž a teraz vidíme, že prv učeníci nemali túto Dokonalú Vieru. Oni to nemali, pretože oni mali Krista, chodili s Ním; ale potom neskoršie, Kristus bol v nich. A tak, vidíte, je potom ťažké mať túto Dokonalú Vieru bez Ducha Svätého; On to musí priniesť, On to robí. A teraz si hovoríte, "Či učeníci nemali Dokonalú Vieru?" Nie; pretože mali tam toho epileptického chlapca, z ktorého sa pokúšali vyhnať démona, a nemohli to urobiť.

52A ten otec videl prichádzať Ježiša, a povedal Mu, "Priviedli sme môjho syna tu ku Tvojim učeníkom, a oni ho nemôžu uzdraviť." Vidíte?

53A neskoršie, sa učeníci opýtali Ježiša, hovorili, "Prečo sme ho my nemohli uzdraviť?"

54A Ježiš im povedal, "Pre nedostatok viery, pre vašu neveru." Tak to je. "Pre vašu neveru v . . ."

55Nuž zapamätajte si, oni mali moc. Ježiš im dal moc, aby uzdravovali nemocných, kriesili mŕtvych, a vyháňali démonov, práve niekoľko dní pred tým. Oni mali tú moc, ale nemali vieru, aby použili tú moc. Nuž, tam je Branhamova Modlitebňa! Tam je Cirkev, Nevesta, dnes! Duch Svätý je tu s mocou, ale vy nemáte tú vieru, aby ste s tým pohli. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Na to treba viera, aby s tým pohnúť.

56Aha: Mám nábojnicu, ktorú som naládoval. Viem čo ona vykoná na svojej balistickej dráhe, tak ako Slovo, ale ja musím zapáliť tú kapsľu. Oheň sa musí dostať na pušný prach. Pušný prach má moc, ale on potrebuje oheň, aby to zapálil. A tá istá vec, pušný prach v nábojnici, ale to potrebuje vieru odpáliť to a vystreliť. To je to čo treba ku tomu (vidíte?), Dokonalú Vieru, aby vznietila pušný prach Ducha Svätého, ktorého teraz máme, zatiaľ čo On prišiel na nás; vieru aby vznietila, aby sme videli veľké veci, je . . . viera, niečo čo vám to ukazuje.

57So srdcom plným radosti, vchádzate do izby k nemocnému, a presne viete čo poviete. Vstupujete do vnútra a viete čo sa stane, niečo už bolo zjavené, a vy to viete. A vstupujete do vnútra, "V Mene Ježiša Krista vstať z tade. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!" No vidíte; to je Dokonalá Viera. Ak by tam bolo aj desať miliónov ľudí, ktorí by tam stáli a hovorili, že to sa nestane, vy jednako viete že sa to stane, pretože vy to viete. To sa stane. Bez ohľadu čo ktokoľvek hovorí, vy ste ten, ktorý má vieru.

58Dokázali by ste si predstaviť Jozueho, že by zavolal dokopy starších Izraela a povedal, "Och, bratia, sme služobníci Pánovi, rád by som vám povedal . . . požiadajme Pána, či to bude v poriadku, ak by nám dal trochu viacej denného svetla, rozumiete, a zadržal na chvíľu slnko"?

59Nie; on to potreboval - a bez modlitby, bez všetkého - on to potreboval, a jednoducho rozkázal slnku! Povedal, "Stoj tam! Potrebujem to, ja som v Pánovej službe, a On ma sem poslal, aby som konal túto robotu, a ja to robím najlepšie ako viem, a nepriateľ sa zhromaždil, a oni sú tamto; ak dovolím slnku aby zapadlo, oni sa dajú dokopy a narobia mi mnoho ťažkostí. Tak, stoj potichu!! A, mesiac, ty vis tam!" Amen; on tam visel za dvadsať štyri hodín.

60Nuž, ak sa svet točí, a on ho zadržal, a slnko stálo na mieste a nezapadalo, čo sa potom stalo? Nuž, ak takto hovoríte, dávate tým najavo, že ste neveriaci; nuž a ak to tak nehovoríte, robíte si posmech z vedy, pretože oni hovoria, že ak by sa svet zastavil, rozsypal by sa. Tak čo teraz? A ak poviete, že Božie Slovo nie je pravda, potom ste neveriaci. Vidíte? Ale to sa stalo, to je hlavná vec. Ja nepoznám tú mechaniku, ale to sa stalo!

61Ja nepoznám mechaniku Ducha Svätého, ale viem že zostúpil na mňa. Ja neviem vysvetliť Jeho mechaniku, ale poznám Jeho požehnania. To - to je to o čo sa starám aby som to poznal, požehnania Ducha Svätého. A mechanika, to On činí, to je Jeho tajomstvo.

62Tento chlapec nemohol byť uzdravený, pretože . . . Tí učeníci mali moc; Ježiš im dal moc, aby uzdravovali každý druh nemoci, aby vyháňali démonov, očisťovali malomocných, a kriesili mŕtvych. On im dal moc, ale oni nemali vieru, aby narábali s tou mocou, ktorú mali. A potom sa oni opýtali Ježiša a povedali, "Nuž a prečo sme ho my nemohli uzdraviť?"

63Nuž, zapamätajte si, oni mali to Slovo; a to Slovo sa stalo Telom, potom. A to Slovo im povedalo, "Dávam vám moc." Amen! "A oni mali moc, ale nemali vieru, aby narábali tým Slovom, ktoré bolo v nich. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Ale Ježiš to mal, On bol Slovo, a On mal vieru, že to čo povie sa stane. On povedal, "Och, priveďte ho sem. Ako dlho vás budem trpieť?"

64On mal vieru, so Svojou mocou. Ako to urobil? On povedal, "Ja nemôžem robiť nič Sám od Seba." Prečo? On sa spoliehal na to, čo On bol; On sa spoliehal na to, že vedel, že On je Slovo. A On mal vieru v Boha, Ktorý Ho tým Slovom učinil. On bol Boh - Slovo - a ono bolo v Ňom, a to Mu dalo vieru, pretože On vyrozumel Svoje postavenie. On vedel kto On je, pretože Písmo povedalo, že toto je On. A každé Písmo tu nadväzovalo do toho, aby dokázalo, že On je presne to, čo hovorilo Písmo, že On bude, a On vedel kto On je.

65Nuž teda, On spoliehal na tom čím Ho Boh učinil. A keď to On tak robil, či potom my nemáme spoliehať na tom čím nás Boh učinil ako veriacich? "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia!" On mal vieru v to čo On bol. A ak si ty veriaci, ty máš vieru v to čo si ty; ty si veriaci! A ak máš vieru v Boha, Biblia tu hovorí v . . . "Ak naše - ak nás naše srdcia obviňujú, potom nemôžeme mať vieru; ale ak nás neobviňujú naše srdcia, potom máme vieru, máme smelú dôveru k Bohu." Ak si to chcete prečítať, je to Svätý Ján 3: 21. Mám tu poznačené to miesto Písma.

66Nuž všimnite si, Svätý Ján . . . Mám na mysli Prvý List Jánov 3: 21. Všimnite si:

... keď nás neobviňuje naše srdce, máme smelú dôveru k Bohu.

67Ale kým robíte niečo čo je zlé, nemôžete mať smelú dôveru k Bohu. Tak, vidíte, môžete . . . vy automaticky budete vedieť, že nekonáte správne. Vy sa sami automaticky odsuniete na miesto hriešnika, tým že viete, že nekonáte správne. Ale keď vás neodsudzuje vaše srdce, a viete že ste veriaci, a nič nestojí medzi vami a Bohom, môžete prosiť o čo chcete a viete, že vám to bude dané, preto že to je Slovo, ktoré vám je dané, tak ako to bolo dané tým učeníkom.

68Nuž, a tá jediná vec, ktorú potom musíte urobiť, je mať vieru v to čo ste. Mať vieru v to čo Slovo o vás hovorí že ste! A Ježiš mal vieru v Slovo Božie, ktoré hovorilo čo On bol, "To je napísané o Mne" Či nehovoril David v žalmoch; a proroci, i všetci z nich o Ňom? "Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý zostupuje od Boha z neba." Amen! "Ja som ten Strom Života v záhrade Eden. Ja som toto všetko, JA SOM KTORÝ SOM." A On vedel s tou Dokonalou Vierou, že On je ten pomazaný Mesiáš, že Duch Boží je na Ňom. On povedal, "Nuž, Ja, sám od seba, nič nečiním; ale to je Moja viera v Boha." A Boh bol v Ňom, to Slovo sa manifestovalo. A keď Slovo Božie prichádza do vás. Ono sa manifestuje pretože ste veriaci. Vidíte? A veriaci to je, "viera Božia ktorá sa pohybuje vo vás."

69Páči sa vám to? Mám rád keď . . . Rád učím o tom kde . . . ako . . . čo viera skutočne je.

70Vediac Kto On bol, bez najmenšieho tieňa pochybnosti, On vedel, že On je Syn Boží. On to vedel, pretože Slovo to preukázalo. Slovo Božie preukázalo kto On bol. On povedal, "Ak Ja nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, tak Mi neverte; ale ak - ak nečiním tie skutky, neverte Mi. Ale ak ich činím, potom verte tým skutkom, pretože oni sú tým zamanifestovaným Slovom, ktoré bolo zasľúbené." Och, keby ste sa len mohli prebudiť do toho! Rozumiete to? Vidíte, samo to Slovo preukazovalo Jeho totožnosť, kto On je. A On povedal, "Kto ma môže usvedčiť o hriechu?" Nikto nemohol nič povedať; proti tomu čo On bol. Potom On mal vieru veriť, potom; a čokoľvek povedal sa stalo.

71On sa potom otočil a povedal, "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. Krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí; ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás. Nestarajte sa o to čo budete hovoriť, pretože to nie ste vy, ktorí hovoríte, to je váš Otec, ktorý prebýva vo vás; On je Ten ktorý hovorí. A To nie som Ja, To je Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne, On činí tie skutky." Rozumiete čo mám na mysli?

72A tak, ako poznávacie znamenie Biblického Kresťana, Ježiš povedal tieto Slová: "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia." Nuž, ako sa môžete nazývať veriacim, ľudia, a zapierať tieto Slová? Ako sa môžete nazývať veriacim a zapierať niečo z tohoto Slova? Vidíte? Nemôžete to robiť. Vy ste nie veriaci, preto vás tie znamenia nemôžu nasledovať, pretože vy prijímate len to čo chcete veriť a to ostatné z Toho nechávate - vy Tomu neveríte. Ale vy musíte zobrať všetko a veriť Tomu. A keď opravdu veríte - nie robiť sa že veríte, ale keď skutočne veríte - potom tieto znamenia nasledujú tých ktorí veria.

73Och, mohli by ste porovnať dnešných kresťanov s tými voľakedajšími kresťanmi? Ako tí učeníci chodili v moci Ducha, vedení Duchom Božím. Tak ako väzeň, ako som to kázal jedného večera, väzeň Slova a vôli Božej; on sa nemôže ani len pohnúť až kým s ním Boh nepohne. Neboli by ste radi, keby ste videli povstať takto Cirkev? To bude, ide to späť. Ono to príde. Je to pravda. To musí . . . Je to teraz na ceste. Ja . . .

74Slovo overilo totožnosť, overilo totožnosť Jeho samého, čo On bol; a to isté Slovo overuje našu totožnosť. Vidíte? "Ak ma niekto miluje, on ostríha Moje prikázania. A ak on povie že Ma miluje, a neostríha Moje prikázania (to platí pre každého z nich), je klamár, a Pravdy v ňom niet."

75Vy si poviete, "No dobre, ja neverím všetko . . ." No dobre, potom toto . . . vy ste proste neveriaci, a hotovo. Ak Biblia tak hovorí, to znamená že je to pravda a tým je to naveky vybavené. To čo hovorí Biblia je Pravda.

76Všimnite si, kde nám On povedal, "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás." Ev. Sv. Jána 15., "Ak zostanete vo Mne . . . " (Vidíte, mať vieru v Neho.) "Vy zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete."

77Nuž, pozrite sa, On vedel kto bol, a tak preto On mal vieru. Viera sa mohla zjaviť, keď On vedel čo On je. Nuž, "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás," potom budete vedieť kto ste. Proste si o čo chcete, bude vám to dané.

78Či by to nebolo nádherné, dnes večer, keby každý kto sa postaví do zástupu pre modlitbu, povie, "Ja som kresťan. Nič ma neodsudzuje. Viem - viem, že moje srdce ma neodsudzuje. Niečo mi hovorí, že dnes je koniec môjmu trápeniu"? To je . . . veríš, odídeš s tadeto s niečím. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa dostávaš do emócii, ako veľmi to robíš, to nebude fungovať, až kým tá Dokonalá Viera sa nezamanifestuje a nezjaví v tebe svoju totožnosť, ako podstata. A keď sa to deje, potom ťa nič neodtrhne od toho.

79Ak - ak si mal rakovinu, a doktor ti včera povedal, že do pondelku rána zomrieš, (všetko - tvoje srdce, tvoje dýchanie je preč, rakovina ťa zožrala, tvoj krvný obeh je celý napadnutý rakovinou, i všetko); a Niečo prichádza s touto podstatou, tejto rýdzej viery, Dokonalá Viera sa v tebe stala podstatou, a ty sa vysmeješ doktorovi do tvári.

80Budeš ako starý Eliáš, keď chodil hore dole pred tými modlami, a povedal, "Prečo nekričíte trochu hlasnejšie, možno že je niekde na ceste?" On vedel čo ide urobiť, pretože Boh mu povedal čo sa stane. On povedal, "Nech ten boh, ktorý odpovie ohňom, je Bohom."

81Oni povedali, "Prijímame tento návrh." A vyliali vodu na tie oltáre. A oni - oni sa rezali, a robili všetko možné, a kričali, "Ó Báál! Ó Báál! Odpovedz!!"

82Eliáš bol tak pokojný ako len mohol byť. On povedal, "Volajte trochu hlasnejšie," povedal - povedal, "možno, že je niekde na ceste. Možno, že si zašiel na ryby. Možno, že robí niečo iné, veď viete. Niekde si odskočil." Oni len . . . Proste si z nich robil žarty, pretože vedel, že to sa stane.

83Oh, pozrite sa, keď urobil všetko ako bolo treba. On tam predstúpil a povedal, "Pane Bože Abrahámov, Izákov a Izraelov!" On ho vôbec nepomenoval jeho menom Jákob, "podvodník." Nazval ho Izrael, "knieža Božie."

85Nuž, táto istá Biblia je to isté Božie Slovo. A potom, keď môžete prijať tú podstatu, to je Dokonalá Viera; podstata, že toto zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal, je vaše.

87Ak by mi On dnes večer povedal, aby som zajtra ráno išiel na prezidentský cintorín a vzbudil Georga Washingtona, pozval by som celý svet, "Poďte sa pozrieť ako sa to stane." Povedal by som, "Priveďte každého . . . doveďte každého kritika, ktorého len môžete a postavte ich okolo, budete vidieť slávu Božiu. Prineste si sem stoličku a sadnite si kde sa vám len dá a oddýchnite si trošku; on tu bude za chvíľu, akonáhle zavolám."

88Ten večer, keď ten malý chlapec vo Fínsku, lepšie povedané, toho dňa; ležal tam mŕtvy, ležal tam asi pol hodinu, rozmačkaný, krv mu vytekala z očí, nosa i uší; jeho útle nôžky boli polámané v jeho pančuchách; nohy mu vytŕčali cez potrhané pančuchy, a topánky mu niekde odfrkli. Pozrel som sa, a pomyslel som si, "To má byť ten chlapec." Povedal som, "Pozri sa dozadu do Biblii, brat Moore."

89Bol s nami brat Lindsay, brat Moore sa pozrel tam dozadu: "A stane sa, HOVORÍ PÁN," (Ó!) "bude krajina, kde bude rásť mnoho zelene. Budú tam výbežky skál. Nejaký chlapec, nakrátko ostrihaný, v krátkych nohaviciach hore na zapínanie, a jeho nohy . . . pančuchy vytiahnuté hore. Bude mať hnedé oči, oni budú prevrátené dozadu. Bude zabitý pri automobilovej nehode. Ale ty polož na neho ruky, a on znovu ožije."

90Tu to bolo, zapísané tam. On tam ležal, amen, čakajúc len na Slovo. Povedal som, Ak tento chlapec teraz za chvíľu neožije, potom som falošný prorok, vykážte ma z Fínska. Ale ak ožije, padnite na svoju tvár a čiňte pokánie!"

91Povedal som, "Smrť, ty ho nemôžeš zadržať." Zavolal som jeho ducha podľa Slova Božieho, "V mene Ježiša Krista," a on vyskočil. Tak veru! Vidíte, . . . ? . . . Viera, vidíte, sa toho chytila. Boh to tak povedal, a stalo sa to!

92Nuž, to je Boh, ktorý hovorí v tomto dni skrze videnie. Ale toto: ak to videnie by sa nezhodovalo s Týmto, tak to by bolo zlé; Toto je viacej ako videnie. Ak sa nejaké videnie nezhoduje so Slovom, nechajte ho tak; to nie je z Boha, Boh nerobí nič, čo by sa nezhodovalo s Jeho Vlastným Slovom. Tak, ak vám toto Slovo niečo hovorí, potom sa môžete tak isto spoľahnúť na to čo sa má potom stať. Neexistuje nič, . . . Ak Ono hovorí, "Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni budú uzdravení"; nuž, brat, ak viera, tá Dokonalá viera, sa toho uchopí, ty . . . keď si prešiel cez tento modlitebný zástup, budeš poskakovať a vykrikovať až . . . keď si z tadeto odišiel, "Je to preč!" Je to preč! Všetko sa skončilo, je po tom! Ak si mal vo svojom srdci nejakú prosbu a veril si, že keď bola za to prednesená modlitba, že bude na to daná odpoveď, nie je o čom diskutovať, to je to čo sa stane; ako tá žena s tým krvotokom.

93Ježiš mal Dokonalú Vieru. On - On to mal, a to prišlo preto, že On bol Slovom. A vy sa stanete Slovom; vy sa stanete Slovom, tým že prijmete Slovo. "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás. Moje Slová ktoré . . ." (toto Slovo) "zostane vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete a bude vám to dané." Vidíte? "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu, Presuň sa, a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, potom budete mať to čo ste povedali. Keď sa modlíte, verte že dostanete to o čo prosíte, a budete to mať; bude vám to dané." Čas, priestor, ani nič iné to nebude môcť zmeniť. Viete, že to sa stalo. Je už - je už po tom.

94A teraz, dávajte pozor! Nuž, a On nám povedal, "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás;" (Sv. Ján, tu) "Môžete si prosiť čo chcete, a stane sa." Potom, rozpoznajte svoju pozíciu v Písme, ako veriaci. Vidíte, vy musíte rozpoznať svoju pozíciu, tak ako On rozpoznal Svoju pozíciu.

96A oni si mysleli, "Ó, tento muž hovorí trochu inak ako tí ostatní." Išli aby to zistili, keď vošli do toho hostinca, to bol On. Vidíte, ich oči boli zdržiavané od Neho. Vidíte, oni vedeli, že On stále poukazoval do toho Písma, a poznali že to je On.

97Nuž, vy musíte veriť za čo prosíte. Ak ste veriaci, rozpoznajte sami seba ako veriaceho. Rozpoznajte, že tieto veci sú pre vás. Ak vo vašom živote vás niečo odsudzuje, dajte to najprv do poriadku. Vidíte? Ak vás niečo odsudzuje vo vašom . . . Ja . . . alebo môžete mať Oralov Robertsov a - a na tucty ďalších ľudí, ktorí majú vieru aby sem prišli a modlili sa za vás, a poskakovali by hore dole, a vyliali na vás galóny oleja, ale stále by sa s tým nič nestalo. Je to tak.

98To čo odchádzajú z Oralových zhromaždení sem. Našiel som takých v modlitebnej rade. Počuli ste ho ako povedal, že už predtým sa za neho modlil.

102V knihe Jóba, tu stojí napísané, "Jób sa bál." A to čoho sa obával, to sa skutočne stalo. Čo to priviedlo? Jeho strach. To je to čo to spôsobilo. Jeho viera by ho bola od toho chránila, ale jeho strach ho priviedol . . . priviedol to na neho. On sa toho obával, že sa to stane, a stalo sa to. Nuž, ak by on bol vedel, že to sa nestane, nebolo by sa to stalo. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?

103Ak sa bojíte, keď prichádzate do modlitebného zástupu, "Možne že nemám práve tú dostatočnú vieru"; nikdy sa to nestane, netrápte sa. Vidíte? Ale keď viete, že sa to stane, stane sa to. Vidíte? Vidíte, to je proste podstata niečoho. Jób mal strach, že tieto veci prídu na neho, a oni prišli. Ak máte strach, že vaša nemoc vás opustí ... či neopustí, tak sa to nestane. Ak máš vieru, tak sa to stane.

104Opýtajte sa nejakého doktora. Prvá vec, do čoho sa vás on snaží doviesť, je to aby ste mali dôveru v ten liek, ktorý vám predpisuje. Ak v to nemáte žiadnu dôveru, nechajte to radšej tak. Vidíte? Skutočne! Čo to potom je? To je viera, ktorá spôsobuje to uzdravenie; to je viera, ktorá to stále robí.

105Peter, on to robil dobre, až kým sa nezačal báť. Slovo mu povedalo, že môže kráčať po vode. On sa prv bál, myslel si že je to duch, a povedal, "Pane, ak si to Ty, rozkáž mi aby som išiel ku Tebe po vode."

106On povedal, "Poď." Nuž, to je presne to isté ako v Jakobovi 5. 14., ako v Markovi 16; to je ten istý Boh, ktorý To povedal, povedal, "Poď." A tak on vykročil. On postupoval správne, vykročil z lode, začal kráčať po . . .

107Na mori bola búrka, ako viete; veľké spenené hrebene vĺn, väčšie ako tieto kopce tu okolo, pena sa prevaľovala po ich vrcholcoch; hrozné, možno pätnásť, dvadsať stôp peny, prevaľujúce sa veľké spenené hrebene vĺn. A bolo to pre neho strašné žiadať si, "Ak si to Ty Pane, . . . " Vidíte, On vyzeral ako . . . vyzeral tam ako tieň nejakého ducha. On povedal, "Ak si to Ty, rozkáž mi aby som išiel ku Tebe po vode."

108Ježiš povedal, "Poď."

109A on zoskočil dole, povedal, "To je Pán, pôjdem proste po vode." Ale keď obrátil svoje oči na tie vlny, začal mať strach. Čo mu prišlo na rozum? Po prvé, on . . . "Pôjdem, pretože Slovo povedalo aby som išiel." A to druhé, on sa pozrel na svoje . . . nuž, on sa pozrel na svoje príznaky; on sa tam pozrel a videl tie veľké vlny, a začal mať strach; a keď sa začal báť, začal sa ponárať. Vidíte? To čoho sa bál, to sa stalo! To čomu uveril, to sa stalo! Keď veril, mohol chodiť, on chodil po vode; keď veril. Zľakol sa vo svojej viere, a jeho podstata ho potom opustila. Vidíte to? On vyznával stále svoju vieru, ale on už nemal tú podstatu. Tá podstata by mala prejsť rovno ponad tie rozbúrené hrebene vĺn a ísť rovno ďalej ku Nemu, vidíte, ak by on mal Dokonalú vieru. Vidíte? Ale on ju nemel. On si myslel že ju má. On ju prv mal, on bol odhodlaný s odvahou sa pustiť do toho, "Prečo, Pán my povedal aby som to urobil, to sa musí stať." A tak hneď vyskočil z člnu, a išiel. On vôbec nerozmýšľal o vlnách, o ich protivenstve. On to vôbec nemal na mysli.

110Nuž, keď začnete rozmýšľať, "No dobre, počkaj teraz. A, viete, už som tak dlho chorí, ja . . . " Stoj! Vráť sa radšej do člnu. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale keď prestanete o tom myslieť . . .

112Ale Ježiš žil vo svete o ktorom nikto nič nevedel, on bol zvláštnou osobou. On žil vo svete Dokonalej viery v Dokonalého Boha, v ktorom On bol. Ak my žijeme v Dokonalej Viere kresťana, v to čo sme, budeme záhadnými pre tento svet; ľudia vám nebudú rozumieť. Budete chodiť v Duchu. To čo Duch povie, to budete robiť. Čo On zakáže, to nebudete robiť. Potom ľudia začnú hovoriť ... oni ... budete pre nich záhadnou osobou.

113To je cesta, ktorá je pre všetkých veriacich, oni sú záhadní. Ľudia tomu nerozumejú, pretože oni si žijú pre seba vo svete. Ježiš žil vo svete, ktorý bol nedotknuteľný pre každého iného. Učeníci Mu nemohli porozumieť. Keď hovoril ku ním, oni to tak povedali. A potom povedali, "Prečo, hovoríš v hádankách! My tomuto nerozumieme. Ako toto môže byť?" Vidíte, oni neboli v tom svete, v ktorom žil On. Vidíte, oni mu nemohli rozumieť, nikto Mu nemohol rozumieť.

114A tak keď nejaký človek žije vo viere a chodí vo viere, myslím vieru ktorá má podstatu, on je odizolovaný od celého sveta a stáva sa novým stvorením v Kristovi. Tam, teraz sa dostávate do materiálu na Nevestu. Vidíte? Dostávate sa do stavu vytrhnutia, teraz. To je určené pre každého jedného z nás (nie len pre pastora, teraz), pre diakonov, starších, to je určené pre laikov, každý jednotlivec kráča vo svete sám s Bohom. Ste pokrstení do tohoto Kráľovstva, a tam nie je nikoho iba vy a Boh. Vidíte? On dáva tie rozkazy, a vy ich vyplňujete. Čokoľvek On povie, nikde v to nie je ani tieň pochybnosti, vy postupujete dopredu. Ak Pán povie toto, nieto nikoho na svete, kto by vám to mohol vyhovoriť, vy postupujte ďalej tak isto. Teraz sa dostávate do Dokonalej Viery, do dokonalej dokonalosti, ktorá nemôže sklamať. Taká viera nikdy nesklame. Áno, On pre nich, so Svojou Dokonalou Vierou, bol záhadným; a tak je to teraz s tými, ktorí majú Dokonalú Vieru, sú záhadnými pre ostatných.

115My sme učení aby sme sa sprotivili Diablovi a utečie od nás. Nuž, sprotiviť sa to je len proste "odmietnuť ho"; len sa mu sprotiviť, to je "proste odísť preč od toho." Boh povedal určitú vec; nezáleží na tom čo sa vám on snaží povedať, vôbec ho ani len nepočúvate. Vy máte ... vaše uši sú hluché na všetko iné okrem toho čo hovorí Duch. Vidíte? "Kto má uši - ktoré počúvajú, vidí to čo Duch hovorí do zborov"; ten kto má ten sluchový orgán, ten zachytáva to čo Duch hovorí do zborov. Vidíte?

116Čo hovorí Satan, "Nuž, ja proste nemôžem ... " To nemá nič ... "Nuž, ak budete toto učiť, denominácie vás . " Oni nemajú s tým nič dočinenia, on tak isto ide rovno ďalej.

118A to sa deje skrze vieru, o ktorej teraz hovoríme, vieru, ktorú musíte mať, tú Dokonalú Vieru; tú Vieru ktorá hovorí. "Áno!" Nie je nič na čo by ste povedali "Nie," keď Boh hovorí , "Áno." Vidíte? Keď On povie "Áno," To je "Áno!" A nikdy vám To nič nemôže vziať.

119So Svojou Dokonalou Vierou, On bol veľmi divný. A Diabol sa neobšmietal okolo Neho veľmi dlho. To je naša lekcia dnes ráno. Keď on prichádza s tým veľkým zastrašovaním intelektuálnymi pojmami, keď tam prišiel a a chcel zastrašiť Ježiša, spoznal že sa dotkol vedenia s desať tisíc voltami: odhodilo ho to naspäť. Tak veru. A On povedal, "Je napísané, človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe!" - on potom dostal šok.

Potom po druhé prišiel trochu nežnejšie, keď povedal, "Nuž ty si veľký človek, ty sa tu môžeš postaviť a byť niekým."

120Povedal, "Choď za Mnou, Satan." Ó, koho to stretol! A, "Nebudeš pokúšať Pána svojho Boha." Vidíte, On sa dokázal pred Satanom, že je Pán Boh. "Pretože je napísané, Nebudeš pokúšať . . ."

121Nuž, ak - ak by Satan nebol vedel, že to bol Pán Boh, on by povedal, "Počkaj chvíľu, ty si nie tou Osobou." Ale on to vedel lepšie, než aby to tak povedal Ježišovi.

122On vedel na akej pôde stojí. On povedal, "Nebudeš pokúšať Pána svojho Boha." A to bolo to kto On bol. A Satan to vedel lepšie, než aby to povedal, pretože Ježišove skutky už dokázali, že On je Pán tvoj Boh.

123Všimnite si! Všimnite si teraz, Dokonalá viera je pánom všetkých okolností. Nezáleží na tom čo to je, Ona zavládne nad tým. Nuž, dávaj len pozor! Keď čokoľvek veríš, čokoľvek robíš, a máš vieru v to čo robíš; nezáleží na okolnostiach, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Vidíte, ona panuje nad tými okolnosťami. Ak je to v izbe s nemocným, a Pán zjavil, že toto a toto sa stane, ty to len vyslov a pokračuj.

125Viera verí, že Boh to vyrieši. "Ja neviem ako to urobí, ale On to aj tak urobí." Vidíte? Ona je pánom všetkých okolností.

126A viera a láska sú si príbuzné, pretože nemôžete mať Vieru, bez toho že by ste nemali Lásku, pretože vaša Viera je v Boha, ktorý je samou podstatou Lásky. Viera a Láska pracujú spoločne.

127Zaiste, tak ako mladý pár. Vezmite si mladého muža a mladú ženu, a oni milujú . . . oni sú zamilovaní jeden do druhého. A pritom, ako sa oni začínajú navzájom poznávať, ich srdcia začínajú biť ako jedno. Vidíte? Oni sú - oni sú . . . oni ešte nie sú muž a žena, ale ich láska ich viaže dokopy, a oni majú smelú dôveru jeden ku druhému. Nuž, ak sa oni skutočne milujú, skutočne milujú, a ty vieš, že toto dievča ťa miluje a ona vie, že ty miluješ ju, vy máte dôveru - vieru jeden ku druhému - ak máte vieru jeden ku druhému; ak nemáte, lepšie bude aby ste sa nebrali. Vidíte?

128Všimnite si, vy musíte mať vieru. A oddeľte ich a dajte jedného úplne na juh a druhého úplne na sever, tá láska jedného za druhým stále existuje, bez ohľadu na to kde sú. Oni sú si tak verní ako len môžu byť, pretože sa navzájom milujú. A ak vy milujete Pána, nie len snažiť sa vyhnúť peklu, ale milujte Pána, potom máte vieru v Boha; vidíte, ak Ho milujete.

129Ako nejaké mladé dievča ... stalo sa to práve tu v Louisville, nie tak dávno. Nejaká žena, ona bola - ona bola ... bola kresťanka už veľa rokov, ale jej muž bol len ... zamilovali sa, ona sa zamilovala do tohoto muža. On bol kresťanom pár rokov. A tak sa vzali; oni sa milovali a dôverovali si jeden druhému, a vzali sa. A tak táto žena povedala tomu mužovi, riekla, "Mužíčku, musí to byť ťažké pre teba, ta si len krátky čas kresťanom. Mal si toho tak mnoho cez čo si musel prejsť." (to bolo pitie) Povedala, "Mal si toho tak mnoho aby si si s tým dal rady." A povedala, "Viem, že si vystavený do veľmi veľkého pokušenia." A povedala, "Chcem ti dať teraz navedomie jednu vec. Nuž, ak by sa ti stalo, že by si upadol, ak by sa ti stalo, že by si upadol do pokušenia a bol by si premožený, nezostávaj niekde pomimo domu; vráť sa naspäť. Príď rovno sem, pretože ja tu čakám práve na teba, a budem ti pomáhať modliť sa, až kým sa znovu z toho nedostaneš a neobdržíš víťazstvo. Budem stáť pri tebe, pretože keď som si ťa vzala, vzala som si ťa preto že ťa milujem. A nezáleží na tom čo si, ja ťa stále milujem."

130Pár dní potom, on bol na obede so svojimi kolegami tam v tej vývarovni, on im o tom rozprával, povedal, "Nuž, ako by niekto mohol niekedy urobiť niečo zlého, keď vás niekto takto miluje?" Vidíte?

131Tu to máte. Ako - ako by ste sa mohli dopustiť prehrešenia proti takej dôvere?

132A keď sme boli hriešnici, odcudzení, bez Boha; vo svete, v tom špinavom blate, ako som o tom hovoril dnes ráno, Boh prišiel ku nám! Boh ťa hľadal, ty si nikdy nehľadal Boha. "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho prv Otec nepotiahne." A Boh prišiel dole do tej špiny, ktorou si bol, a hľadal ťa a vyviedol ťa von! To má stvoriť Dokonalú Lásku. Pozrite sa na to čo ste boli, a pozrite sa na to čo ste. Čo to spôsobilo? Niekto kto vás miloval! Či nemôžete mať potom vieru v to čo vám On zasľúbil? Skutočná opravdivá láska stvorí dôveru v Jeho Slovo.

133On sa ma chopil, keď som bol ničím. Ja som stále ničím, ale som v Jeho rukách. Vidíte, On sa ma chopil. A On ma miloval, keď nebolo na mne nič čo by bolo hodno milovať. On ťa miloval, keď nebolo na tebe nič čo by bolo hodno milovať, ale On ťa premenil. Tak ako povedala tá černošská sestra, vtedy vo svojom svedectve, ona povedala, "Ja - ja nie som to čo by som mala byť, a nie som to čo by som chcela byť, ale nie so to čo som zvykla byť!" Ona vedela že niekde prišla, niečo sa stalo. A tak to je. Ak Boh, keď som bol odcudzený od Neho, ma tak miloval, že sa až znížil dole aby ma vzal a pozdvihol, to mi dáva dôveru, že On ma chce použiť. On to robí za nejakým účelom. On niečo vo mne uvidel. On uvidel niečo v tebe. On má nejaký dôvod aby ťa spasil, pozri sa na tých ľudí ktorí nie sú dnes spasení. Pozri sa na tie milióny, ktorých On mohol vziať namiesto teba, ale On vzal teba. Amen! Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto. Amen! Ty si v Božej ekonómii. Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto. To je Jeho Láska ku tebe.

134Potom, či tvoja láska sa nechce načiahnuť rovno späť ku Nemu? A to je milostná udalosť. Nezáleží na tom aká je situácia, jej okolnosti sú zvládnuté skrze túto Lásku ktorá vytvára Vieru: To Boh miluje vás a vy milujete Boha, a milujete jeden druhého, a - a to prináša Vieru. Áno. Potom to nemôže ... ale to nemôže zadržiavať od toho aby bolo prinesené na svetlo presne to čo Boh zasľúbil, že sa má stať.

135Nuž, dávajte pozor! Dokonalá Viera je čistá, práve tak čistá ako láska. Vidíte? Nuž, keď niekoho milujete, a máte ... milujete svojho muža, alebo milujete svoju ženu. Nuž, nie je treba aby vám nikto hovoril že to nerobíte, pretože vy to robíte, a viete že to robíte.

136Nuž, ak by som sa vás opýtal, "Ako môžete dokázať že to robíte?"

138A keď máte čistú, nescudzoloženú Vieru, takú ako je vaša láska ku vášmu druhovi, potom to dokazujete svojím správaním. Vy sa viacej nesťažujete, viete že je to dokonané, len kráčať dopredu. Nezáleží na tom ako tie veci vyzerajú, ani na tom čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, vy viete čo sa stalo. Vy viete, že je to dokonané; práve tak dobre ako viete, že milujete svojho muža, tak dobre ako viete, že máte . . . Vidíte, láska a viera musia ísť spolu. Oni sú si príbuzné, oni sa milujú. Láska produkuje Vieru.

139Keď nás Satan pokúša, máme sa mu sprotiviť v Dokonalej Viere v Dokonalé Slovo, tak ako to urobil Ježiš. Slovo Božie je dokonalé. Máme mať Dokonalú Vieru v toto Dokonalé Slovo, a sprotiviť sa Satanovi.

140Nuž, budeme sa ponáhľať, tak ako len môžeme.

141Skrze Svoju Vieru v Jeho Slovo (On porazil), môžeme poraziť všetko: oboje smrť, peklo, i hrob. Vieme že Boh je Bohom, tá Dokonalá Viera v Dokonalé Božie Slovo, On porazil všetko s čím prišiel do styku. Dokonca ani smrť nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. Nemoc nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. Prúdilo to z Neho ako rieky cností, vychádzalo to neprestajne, moc - cnosti vychádzali z Jeho rúcha. Títo ľudia, ležiaci v tieňoch, len prstom sa dotkli Jeho rúcha a boli uzdravení. Keď to tá žena urobila, potom sa každý chcel dotknúť Jeho rúcha, pretože videli, že neustále z Neho vychádzala cnosť - moc, prúdila ako rieky. On tam bol, a kráčal, kráčal po svete s Dokonalou Vierou, pretože bol Slovom.

142A teraz, "Ak vy zostanete vo Mne," skrze Neho, On privádza to Slovo do vás; "a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás," potom budete kráčať tak isto: cnosti - moc budú prúdiť z vás, rieky Božích fontán požehnania sa z vás budú rozlievať na ľudí. Rozumiete čo myslím? A vy sa tým neklamete, vy si to nepredstavujete. To sa skutočne deje, a vy to vidíte. Ak by ste si to len predstavovali, to by nebolo na nič; Ale ak to tam skutočne je, to sa skutočne stalo.

143Nuž všimnite si! Vidíte, skrze To, keď sa On postavil a povedal, "Ak zboríte toto Telo (tento Chrám), za tri dni Ho znovu postavím." Prečo? On si bol tak istý, že to urobí, pretože Písma hovorili, že On to urobí (Mesiáš): "Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedám Svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie." Prorok, ku ktorému prichádza Slovo, povedal že to sa stane, a On vedel, že On je tou Osobou.

144A keď ... Ježiš, On sám povedal, "Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého," alebo "Na chorých budú klásť ruky, a oni budú uzdravení." Ak . . .

Vy musíte mať tú istú dokonalú dôveru že, "keď sú na mňa položené ruky, budem uzdravený," pretože to On tak povedal.

145On povedal, "Zborte toto Telo, a Ja Ho vzbudím," pretože On vedel, že je Mesiáš. "Nenechám Svojho Svätého aby videl porušenie"; On vedel, že On je Ten Svätý. "Ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle"; On ju nezanechal. On vedel, že On to urobí. On mal dôveru, že On tam bol na to aby porazil oboje, smrť i peklo, povedal, "Zborte To, keď chcete, a Ja to za tri dni znovu postavím." Ó! "Mám moc položiť Svoj život, a mám moc vziať ho znovu späť"; On vedel Kto On je.

146Ty si kresťan. Ty máš právo na každé vykúpené požehnanie, kvôli ktorému Ježiš za teba zomrel. To všetko je tvoje! Už je za to zaplatené, ty tomu len musíš veriť. Nie predstavovať si to; ale veriť tomu, a vedieť, že je to tvoje, a ty to môžeš vlastniť. Ó, to je víťaziaca Viera: vedieť!

147On už predtým vedel že sa to stane. On mohol predpovedať, že to sa stane, pretože vedel, že sa to stane; a čokoľvek predpovedal, to sa stalo. Nuž, dávajte pozor! Čokoľvek On povedal, Boh dal vážnosť tomu čo On povedal. Zamyslite sa nad tým! Čokoľvek Ježiš povedal, Boh to uskutočnil. Tak, On vedel, že Jeho Slová sú Božími Slovami. Nuž, hľaďte! To isté Písmo prichádza znovu rovno späť ku nám, "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu." Ó! Nechám to trochu vsiaknuť, rozumiete, pretože budeme mať modlitebnú radu. Ukončíme zhromaždenie a budeme sa modliť za chorých, za tých ktorí budú chcieť ... musia ísť.

148Hľaďte! On vedel že sa ľúbi Bohu. On vedel, že na Jeho živote nebolo nič. Boh o tom už vydal svedectvo, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo, Jeho počúvajte! Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať," v ten deň Jeho krstu. "Tu sa Mi zaľúbilo urobiť si Svoj príbytok, proti Nemu nieto žiadneho odsúdenia."

149Nuž, keď ten istý Boh príde do vás, a zaľúbi sa Mu vo vás prebývať, zaľúbi sa Mu dať vážnosť vášmu slovu, aké bude vaše rozhodnutie, ... Aké bolo Jozueho rozhodnutie? "Stoj potichu, slnko!" A ono tam stálo. Amen! Skutočne! Aké bolo Mojžišove rozhodnutie? Držal svoju palicu takto nad - riekou, a potom na ňu zavolal, "Otvor sa!" A ona sa otvorila! Vidíte, to je - čokoľvek si zažiadate. "A ak poviete tomuto vrchu, pohni sa, a nebudete pochybovať" (vidíte, vo svojom srdci) "ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, stane sa, môžete to mať (čo ste povedali)." To vás kladie späť do Slova. Nuž, to nie je srvátka. To vás kladie späť. Viem že to tu preskočí ponad vaše hlavy, vidíte, pretože sa To nemôže zachytiť; ale skutočná, opravdivá viera to uchytí, hneď teraz.

150Videl som to, priateľu. Táto Biblia tu leží otvorená predo mnou. Videl som ako sa to stalo, a viem že je to Pravda. Viem, Boh v Nebi to vie, že nemusím dožiť do konca tohoto posolstva, ale viem že to sa stalo. Sám som to videl. Som svedkom ako sa to Slovo vyplnilo, a viem že je To Pravda: povedal som to, a stál som tam a videl som ako Stvoriteľ privádza do existencie živé stvorenie, rovno pred vašimi očami; neprestávajúc krútiť hlavou a diviť sa; a potom som sa rozhliadol okolo a videl som Ho ako priviedol do existencii ďalšiu, presne tak ako to, pretože vy ste tak povedali; a poď sem a povedz, "Tam bude ďalšia," a pozri, tam to je! Nuž, to je pravda.

151Ó, kde by sme mali byť? To je Dokonalá Viera. Žiadne videnie, "Povedz len Slovo," vôbec som nevidel tú veveričku. On len povedal toto Písmo, čo to je, a "Povedz to, a nepochybuj o tom; ale čo povieš, bude to tam." A ja som vzal Boha za Slovo, a bolo to tam. Je to tak. Je to práve tak mocné . . . A priateľu, ako tvoj pastor, je to práve tak mocné ako to bolo vtedy keď Jozua zastavil slnko; pretože slnko tam už bolo, tie častice sa pohybovali, a on zastavil ten pohyb. Ale toto, On tam priniesol niečo čo tam nebolo, On to stvoril!! Som tak rád, že som sa spoznal s Bohom, ktorý môže vziať tento prach zeme, jedného dňa keď to nebudem vidieť, a zavolá ma znovu späť do života, potom čo budem pochovaný v hrobe. Ó! Tam to je:

Moja viera hľadí na Teba, Baránok z Golgoty

152Poviete to a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť to čo ste povedali, a budete mať to čo ste povedali. Vidíte, verte že sa to stane!

153David, v Žalmoch, hovoril o Ňom. A s tým, On vzal Svoju moc a slúžil iným. Nie že by to On len opatroval pre Seba, ale On s tým slúžil iným; tiež spasil iných, dokonca tých najvzdialenejších, a On to isté môže urobiť teraz. A zasľúbil veriacim tú istú vieru, vo Svojom Slove, a Ján . . . ako v Jánovi 14: 12., On to tak povedal; v Markovi 16; a tak isto v Markovi 11: 23, čo sme práve čítali.

154Nuž, hľaďte na to. Nuž, On sa zjavil pred nami v tej istej forme ako to urobil pri nich v Starom Zákone, a tak isto ako to urobil v Novom Zákone; a ukázal nám skrze to isté Slovo, toho istého Krista. A ja vyhlasujem pred vami, že Kristus je Duch Svätý. Slovo Kristus znamená, "ten pomazaný"; proste nejaká osoba, ktorá je pomazaná, to je Kristus, ten pomazaný. Koľkí z vás vedia že je to pravda? (to je dobre) Ten pomazaný, bude človek ktorý bude pomazaný. Pomazaný čím? Biblia hovorí v Skutkoch 2., že Ježiš z Nazaretu, muž Bohom potvrdený, pomazaný Duchom Svätým; išiel a činil veľké skutky a všetko, vidíte, že Boh zamanifestoval, dokázal, že On bol v tom mužovi.

155A teraz, my sa stávame pomazaní tým istým Duchom, pomazanými mesiášmi; mesiášmi tohoto posledného času, aby sme ďalej niesli svetlo vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista; aby bolo dané najavo, že On nie je mŕtvy, ale vo forme Ducha Svätého, je vo Svojich ľuďoch; pohybujúci sa medzi Svojou Nevestou, z lásky ku Nej, vlieva do Nej Seba samého. Oni sa stávajú jedno na Svadobnú hostinu; a tie isté znamenia, zasľúbené skrze toho istého Boha, v tom istom Slove, pôsobia tie isté Jeho manifestácie.

156Nezostáva pre nás nič iné iba Tomu veriť, a "veriť to", to je podstata, a to vytvára Dokonalú Vieru. Pomyslite len akí - akí sme my strnulí; zamyslite sa len teraz za chvíľu nad tým.

Nuž, pozrime sa:

157Či On neučinil všetko dobre? Povedal nám niekedy niečo čo by sa nebolo stalo presne tak ako to On povedal? Či to nevykonal, a či nebol ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp medzi nami a nerobil presne to čo On zasľúbil? Či sme To nevideli? Či to veda nezachytila, potom ako to bolo predpovedané že sa to stane; Išlo to rovno tam a je to dokonca v novinách a časopisoch, kde je to zachytené a ukázané, keď to bolo povedané mesiace predtým ako sa to stalo? Či On nerobil presne to isté tak ako to robil v Starom zákone, a v Novom Zákone? A To je presne Ten istý! Ten istý Svätý Duch prichádza a je rozpoznávačom; a Slovo Božie, ktoré je živšie a ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktoré rozoznáva myšlienky a úmysly srdca. Či to nie je tak? Či je to nie ten istý Boh? A ten istý Boh, to nie je niekde v cudzine, On je tu. On je tu a robí toto, aby vytvoril Dokonalú Vieru. Cítim Ho. Viem, že On tu teraz je. Viem, že Jeho Duch je tu. Viem, že On vie o všetkom. Amen! A viem, že On chce niečo urobiť. On niečo robí, aby v ľuďoch stvoril túto dokonalosť viery.

158Pôjdeme do Večnosti, tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, s ôsmimi zachránenými dušami? Pôjdeme tak ako Lot, s tromi von zo Sodomy? Pôjdeme, ako to bolo vo dňoch Jána Krstiteľa, so šiestymi veriacimi? Verme, pretože Jeho skutky sú dokonalé! Oni sa denne pred nami dokonale manifestujú, ukazujú že On je Slovo, to Slovo! V liste Židom v 4. kapitole stojí:

... slovo Božie je ... ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, ... spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a mysle srdca.

159Pamätajte na to! Slovo Božie je Tým, posudzovačom úmyslov srdca. Pretože Slovo Božie je účinné a mocné a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, prenikajúce do rozdelenia duše a ducha a kĺbov a špikov a je spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca. To Slovo sa stalo telom! Haleluja! To Slovo funguje v ľudskom tele, skrze telesné znamenia, skrze hmotné znamenia, skrze Biblické znamenia, dokonale, aby vás to priviedlo do Dokonalej Viery ku Dokonalému Vytrhnutiu.

160Prečo sa nemôžeme dívať ne To? To nie je žiadna mystika; Diabol kladie všetko možné na tom svete pred vás, snažiac sa zadržať vás - spôsobiť vám - zadržať vás od toho aby ste Tomu uverili. On príde do zhromaždenia a snaží sa postaviť pred vás všetko čo len môže. Straste to zo seba! Biblia hovorí, "Povstaň a otras sa." Uštipni sa.

161Ak je tu ten Duch, On ťa pozná. Ty musíš urobiť jedno, a to veriť Tomu, prijať To. On ťa pozná. Veríš tomu? On vie čo je v tebe, On vie kto si, On vie po čom túžiš, On vie čo potrebuješ.

162Jim, veríš, že On vie o tom decku? Zmeral si mu horúčku prv ako si odišiel, sto päť. Veríš, že On ho uzdraví? Tak poď dnes, povedz, "to ho opustí." Len som sa tam pozrel a videl som ich čo urobili prv ako odišli z domu. Nuž, je to pravda.

163Pani Littleová, veríš že Boh ti môže dať víťazstvo nad tou cukrovkou? Vedľa teba sedí nejaká žena, nepoznám ju, ale Duch je na nej. To s čím si ona robí starosti, to je malé . . . ona má dieťa, ktoré musí ísť na operáciu kvôli oku či niečomu takému. Ona je z Chicaga. "Účinné, mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč; schopné rozpoznať." Čo to je? Slovo! Veríte tomu? Samozrejme.

164Tam v ďalšej rade sedí nejaká pani; práve si bola operovaná na oko, nedopadlo to príliš dobre. Ale ty - ty veríš Tomu, bude to . . . budeš v poriadku. Veríš Tomu? V poriadku, si uzdravená. Mala by si o tom premýšľať.

165Pani Peckenpoughová, to nie je pre teba, to je pre toho vnuka, ktorý tu sedí. Ty sa za to modlíš, ale veríš, že Boh to dá do poriadku? Ty veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať čo mu je. Doktori nemôžu na to prísť; nie. Je to tak. Opuchnuté pľúca. To je ono. Problémy s krvou. Presne tak! Si z toho zmätená či ho máš dať do školy alebo nie. "Účinné, mocnejšie než dvojsečný meč."

166Vidím nejakú ženu, ktorá nemôže jesť. Ona nie niekde, počkajte nech niekde uvidím jej tvár. Áno, sedí tam vzadu. Nazýva sa pani LewElenová. Ona verí z celého svojho srdca, tie žalúdočné ťažkosti ťa opustia. Amen!

167Tu na druhej strane od nej sedí nejaká pani, práve teraz sa díva na mňa, sedí tam na konci; nosí okuliare. Má artritídu. Je to v jej ľavej ruke; bolo, už nie je. Ak len veríš!

168Čo s tým malým dieťaťom, tam vzadu? Ono prišlo z Ohio; má rakovinu na oku. Veríš, že Boh to uzdraví? On to urobí, ver tomu. Akron, Ohio! Ty veríš, že Boh to dá do poriadku, a On to urobí. Čo to je? "Mocnejšie, účinnejšie než každý . . ."

169Tu sedí nejaká zdravotná sestra, niečo ju udrelo, má bolesti vo svojom ramene. Je to tak. Je to pravda? V poriadku, ver Tomu, a opustí ťa to. Vidíte? "Slovo Božie, schopné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca."

170Nuž, nemáme tu žiadne modlitebné karty. Nie je nikto kto by sa modlil ... rozdával nejaké modlitebné karty. My to tu nepoužívame, to je len kvôli tomu aby bol zachovaný poriadok. Chcete aby sa za vás modlilo? Koľkí chcú aby sa za nich modlilo zatiaľ čo sa to Slovo manifestuje cez telo? Nech táto rada tu vstane a príde sem, rovno cez túto uličku, rovno sem, ktorí chcete aby sa za vás modlilo. Potom, po nich, nech tu príde táto rada za nimi. A potom keď oni prejdú, nech tu príde tá ďalšia.

171"Účinné, mocnejšie, . . ." Či môže toto dokázať dvojsečný meč? Nie veru! Ale Slovo Božie to môže robiť. Prečo? To je Slovo Božie. Nuž, veríte tomu?

172Ten veľký lekár! Kde je tá sestra tam z - z Tennessee, sestra Ungren ... Dowingová? Ten veľký Lekár sa teraz priblížil.

173Nikdy na to nezabudnem, vo Fort Wayne ten večer, keď to prosté Amišove dievča, či Dunkardove, sedelo tam, a hralo túto pieseň, Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko; a ako počula, že ten malý chlapec bol uzdravený, vyskočila, Duch Svätý padol na ňu, jej krásne vlasy spadli na jej plecia, a piano vôbec neprestalo hrať. "Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, súcitu plný Ježiš." Nadprirodzená moc pohybovala klávesami piana, hrajúc "Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko."

174Pozrite sa, ... Veríte? Chcete? Nuž pamätajte, keď budete prechádzať ... Nuž, ak tomu neveríte, nepoďte sem, seďte tam dole. Povedzte, "Ja budem ... Som syn, ktorý tomu verí. Idem tomu veriť." Keď ...

175Biblia hovorí, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých ktorí veria. Ak na chorých položia ruky, budú uzdravení." Je to presne tak. Nuž, to je pod podmienkou, "ak tomu veríte," Nuž, bol som práve ... Nuž, dokázal som vám to, že tomu verím. Vidíte? On manifestuje Svoje Slovo, aby ukázal, že to je Jeho Slovo. Biblické vyplnenie, aby bolo dokázané, že to existuje. Nuž verte tomu ako tu budete prechádzať. Budete veriť? A potom, keď na vás položím ruky, ... to je presne to čo hovorí Biblia.

176Máš tu olej na pomazávanie, brat Neville? Vezmi ho, a poď sem tu z druhej strany, nech sa to deje podľa Písma. Zastaň si tu na druhú stranu, a pomaž každého ako tu budú prechádzať okolo. Nuž, a tak si budem istý, že sa budem modliť modlitbou viery za každého jedného z vás, položte všetci svoje ruky jeden na druhého, kto ste veriaci. Načiahnite sa len a poprekrižujte si ruky jeden s druhým. Hodláme v tomto niečo nájsť, za niekoľko minút.

177Predstavujem si, ako pokročil môj zbor, toto malé ... v čo veríme, vidíte. Dívam sa ako títo ľudia ďaleko pokročili; ako sú hotoví vziať Slovo a vykročiť do prvej línii a povedať, "Vyzývam ťa Satan. Vyzývam ťa! Už ma viacej nemôžeš odrádzať od viery." Kvôli čomu sa dejú tieto veci? Aby ľudia verili. To je Slovo. To dáva najavo, že vám kážem Pravdu, Slovo. Slovo sa stalo telom, stalo sa telom vo vás; stalo sa Slovom; stalo sa Životom vo vás, stalo sa Životom vo mne. Vidíte?

Ten veľký Lekár! Dobre, skloňme teraz naše hlavy:

178Pán Ježiš, Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, Ty si ten Lekár. Ja som kázal Tvoje Slovo, a Tvoje Slovo svedčí o tom že Ty si tu; že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky; že Ty nemôžeš sklamať. Ty si nás nikdy nesklamal, Pane. A teraz, nech každí jeden z tých, ktorí majú položené svoje ruky jeden na druhom, nech požehnanie Božie zostúpi na nich. A pri tom ako prichádzame v modlitbe, a ako ich pomazávame olejom, pastor a ja, a ako prechádzajú cez túto radu, nech každý jeden tu prechádza s vierou, aby tomu veril, aby vedel, že sám Nebeský Boh je tu prítomný. Nech sa otrasie - preberie každý jeden. Môžu to urobiť tento krát, Pane? Nechaj ich len . . . nech to hlboko vsiakne, Pane, tento raz. Otvor ich oči, Pane, nech môžu uvidieť to čo nadchádza, a nebyť slepí, potácajúci sa, ale vidieť skutočnú prítomnosť vzkrieseného Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Pane, skrze Ježišove Meno. Amen.

179Vyzývam vás v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby ste neprichádzali do tejto rady skôr, ako by ste cítili, že máte Dokonalú Vieru, pretože by ste im iba zaberali čas, čas niekoho ďalšieho. Nerobte to! A pri . . . po všetky tie roky čo som vám kázal, či som vám povedal niekedy jednu vec, ktorá by sa nebola stala? Presne! Pán to učinil. On to nerobil kvôli mne, ja verím. On to robil kvôli vám, aby ste mohli veriť, že to čo vám hovorím je Pravda. Potom keď to budete veriť, bude to v poriadku, a to ... budete uzdravený. Keď sem prídete, zanechajte svoju neveru rovno v tomto ... duchovnom vrecku tu dole. Nemôžete to vidieť, ale je to tam. Keď sa vás dotkne ten olej, zanechajte hneď tam svoju neveru. Vložte to tam a kráčajte ďalej s Dokonalou Vierou, že ste uzdravený. Budete to tak robiť? Nech vás Pán potom žehná.

180V poriadku, poprosím niekoho, kto by mohol viesť piesne ... Kde je ten veľký kazateľ, brat, ktorý ... ? Ako sa volá? Capps, brat Capps. Je v rade? Čo to je? Poď sem, brat Capps, a zastaň si tam a spievaj (zhromaždenie) zatiaľ čo sa všetci budeme modliť, Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ako oni - oni ... Spievajte teraz všetci z celého svojho srdca. Nespievajte len, nehovorte, "Budem spievať: veľký lekár, je teraz blízko, súcitu plný Ježiš." (Vy nespievate od srdca.) "nech sa radujú, súcitu plný Ježiši." Ó, ó!

Chcem to teraz počuť, na špičkách; buďte bdelí: "Áno, ten veľký Lekár je teraz tu, súcituplný Ježiš." Modlili sme sa že On je tu! Ja tomu verím. Amen.

181V poriadku, nech ... nech tí, ktorí majú rodiny prídu dopredu. V Mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem svoje ruky na tohoto brata. [Brat Branham sa modlí za nemocných. – pozn.prekl.] . . . To sú všetci?

182Nuž, a teraz skloňme svoje hlavy:

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko;

Súcitu plný Ježiš;

On hovorí skľúčeným srdciam nech sa radujú;

Ó, počúvajte na hlas Ježiša.

Sladké melódie v piesni serafínov;

Sladké meno na smrteľnom jazyku;

Sladké piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

183Viete čo som vám urobil? Vy ma nazývate "svojím pastorom"; a dobre hovoríte, pretože tak to je. Ak ja, váš pastor, som bol zidentifikovaný Ježišom Kristom, že činím Jeho skutky, potom verte môjmu slovu. Tým že vykonávam tento skutok viery, tým že kladiem na vás ruky, odsúdil som nemoc i ťažkosti ktoré vás trápia. Verte tomu, a tak obdržíte čo si žiadate, bez ohľadu čo to je, pretože všetko je možné, tým ktorí veria. A keď sa modlíte, verte že dostanete to o čo prosíte. A ja skutočne verím že to dostanem, a vo svojom srdci prijímam každé jedno vaše uzdravenie. Verím tomu, verím tomu so všetkým tým čo je vo mne. Tak isto, kladiem svoje ruky tu na tie vreckovky, dával som na to dobrý pozor, verím, že oni vyprodukujú presne to čo si tí ľudia žiadali. Verím tomu.

184Toto prichádza do toho Tretieho Potiahnutia! Verím tomu. Chcem sa vás teraz úprimne niečo opýtať, vás ktorí ste prešli cez tú modlitebnú radu. Môžete skutočne teraz veriť, a cítiť, že niečo sa vo vás stalo ako na vás boli položené ruky? Zodvihnite ruku. To je On. To je to na čo sme očakávali. Nuž, toto nie je . . . toto je teraz len začiatok kvitnutia. Vidíte? Len to začalo s . . . Urobil som to za určitým účelom. Urobil som to za určitým účelom. Dávam niečo najavo, to je vziať toto vyzvanie viery, a začať s tým znovu od začiatku; vidíte, aby nejako vzbudiť vieru v zátvorky , kde ste si ju nikdy predtým takto nevšimli. Nie nejakú vieru, ale Dokonalú Vieru, ktorá sa tu buduje. A pozorujte dokonalého Boha, s dokonalým srdcom, ktorý dodržuje dokonalé zasľúbenie, skrze Svoje Dokonalé Slovo, ktoré je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč a schopné rozpoznať myšlienky srdca. A čo? My teraz prichádzame do dokonalosti, pretože ľudia musia do toho prísť, aby boli pripravení na vytrhnutie. To je to čo práve teraz zdržuje, čakanie, že Cirkev príde do Dokonalej Viery na Vytrhnutie. Ja na to očakávam. To pre mňa znamená, že mnohého sa musím ešte zbaviť, to pre teba znamená, že sa musíš mnohého zbaviť, ale spoločne to dokážeme skrze milosť Božiu. Amen.

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko;

Súcitu plný Ježiš.

Pane Ježišu, Ty si teraz prítomný; tu medzi nami, boli sme odmenený, prítomnosťou Božou. Nech Tvoj Duch Svätý stále v dobrom stave udržiava tohoto pastora; zdravého a silného, na jeho ceste, až kým ho Ty nezavoláš. V Mene Ježiša. Dovolávam sa toho, Pane. Milujem ho. Obaja sa toho dovolávame. Vieme že je to v poriadku, dovolávame sa teraz toho, a obidvaja máme vieru . . . ? . . .

Ten spev najsladších piesní;

Ó Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

185Či Ho nemilujete? Pomyslite si len, On je práve teraz tu, už rozpočal prácu v tvojom tele, na tvojom uzdravení, pretože to On zasľúbil, že sa to stane. A teraz (vidíte?), polapali ste to čo som dnes večer hovoril? Je to pre vás hádanka? Vidíte, "Ak vy poviete tomuto vrchu," nepochybujte, nepochybujte, ale verte tomu čo ste povedali. A teraz sa na to pozrite, ani nie za päť minút a každá ruka sa pozdvihla, že niečo sa v nich práve teraz začalo diať. Ó! To je On. Ktorý to urobil! Čo to je? Prítomnosť Veľkého Lekára.

186Ó, pozdvihnime svoje ruky k Bohu a spievajme znovu:

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko;

Súcitu plný Ježiš;

On hovorí skľúčeným srdciam nech sa radujú;

Ó, počúvajte na hlas Ježiša.

Sladké melódie v piesni serafínov;

Sladké Meno na smrteľnom jazyku;

Sladké piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

187Stojme len potichu za chvíľu. Oslavujme Ho len vo svojich srdciach. Myslite na to: Boh, On je tu. On je tu. Kto? Kto sa preukázal, že je Slovom? "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, to isté včera, dnes i naveky. To Slovo je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, schopné posúdiť aj myšlienky a zámery (prečo ste sem prišli, kvôli čomu ste tu, kto ste)"; zidentifikovalo Ježiša Krista, že je Mesiáš, a dnes Ono identifikuje Jeho, že je ten istý Mesiáš, včera, dnes i naveky.

188Ten Veľký Lekár, ktorý je tu, ktorý povedal, "Tieto znamenie budú sprevádzať tých ktorí veria. Ak položia na chorých ruky, budú uzdravení. A ak poviete tomuto vrchu, - Pohni sa -, a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že On môže stvoriť veveričky," ktorý tam nijako nemá nič aby veriť; je to moja vlastná viera, ktorá ide a činí to, moja viera v to, do čoho ma On vyzval aby som o to prosil. On ma vyzval aby som si to prosil. A ja som prijal Jeho výzvu v poslušnosti do Jeho Slova, požiadal som o to, a zjavilo sa to! Boh na Nebi vie, že je to pravda. Či môže On tak isto uzdraviť chorého? Ak ma On môže pozdvihnúť vo viere do tohoto smeru, dokonca za ľudí, dokonca ak sa oni nemôžu dostať na takýto stupeň. Vidíte? Ak to oni nemôžu urobiť, On môže použiť moju vieru. On mňa môže pozdvihnúť na to miesto, a ja si to nárokujem pre vás. Verím za vás. Hovorím za vás.

189Ja som váš brat, stojím tu ako váš brat, prímluvca, snažím sa robiť to najlepšie čo môžem, aby som vás držal pred Bohom. A stojím tu teraz rovno pred tým Bielym Trónom, a beriem toto . . . ukazujem vám prstom tam na tú krvavú obeť, a hovorím vám skrze Jeho Meno, že je to vykonané. To sa musí stať, a to sa musí stať. Vy viete, že to sa stalo. Ja viem, že to sa stalo, a tak viete, že sa to stalo, a je to tak. Je to pravda. Amen.

... piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

Sladké melódie v piesni serafínov;

Sladké meno na smrteľnom jazyku;

Sladké piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

190A démoni sa nám poddali v Tvojom Mene, sladké Meno na smrteľnom jazyku. Démoni ... To - To kriesi mŕtvych, To uzdravuje nemocných, To očisťuje malomocných, To vyháňa démonov, To robí Kresťanov. Nie je iného Mena pod Nebom. Ja v Tom žijem, pokrstený v to, verím v To, uctievam To. Ó, dovoľte mi stať sa časťou Toho. Dovoľte mi stratiť moje vlastné ja; a nájsť to, Pane, v Tebe, To Meno je Ježiš Kristus, pomazaný Mesiáš, tak som si mohol pretlačiť svoju cestu cez to blato nevery, aby som odzrkadľoval nádheru Ježiša Krista: toho istého včera, dnes i naveky.

191Nech vás Boh teraz žehná. Keď sem prídete na budúcu nedeľu, vydáte svedectvo o tom ako ste boli uzdravení, čo sa stalo tento týždeň. Dávajte pozor a hľaďte čo sa deje. Je po tom! "Ako to vieš?"

192On my povedal, "povedz to," a ja som to povedal. Teraz je po tom, je s tým koniec. Je s tým koniec. Verím tomu. A teraz, pastor, brat Neville.

193Moment. [Posolstvo v inom jazyku a výklad, zo zhromaždenia: "Či nie je Moje Slovo skutočne v srdciach tých, ktorým ho zjavím? hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Áno, a či nie je Moje Slovo ostré, práve tak ako som hovoril dnes večer, že kopija Môjho Ducha je ostrejšia ako dvojsečný meč ostrý. Áno, hovorím ti, Moje rameno nie je ukrátené, že by som nemohol uzdraviť. Áno, moje ucho nie je hluché, že by som nemohol počuť na tvoje modlitby, hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Áno, hľaď na Mňa a vedz že sa stane to čo som povedal [nezrozumiteľné slovo – pozn.prekl.] teba, hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Áno, vedz, áno, to je pravda čo ti bolo teraz večer hovorené. Áno, a zázraky ktoré som ti zasľúbil, áno, už sa dejú, áno, oni sa začínajú diať, hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Vedz a nech je táto modlitba potvrdená v tvojom srdci, že som sa s tebou sdieľal a budem s tebou, hovorí Pán." – pozn.prekl.]

Nech je požehnaní Meno Pánovo. Pozdvihnime svoje ruky a oddávajme mu chválu ešte za chvíľu. [Zhromaždenie chváli Boha. – pozn.prekl.] A teraz, ako veriaci, všimli ste si v tom ten odstup, koľko posolstva bolo povedané; a ten rytmus, v akom to bolo hovorené, a pozorovali ste ten výklad, ako sa to vrátilo späť do . . . ? . . . To je ono. Hľaďte čo to bolo, presne s tým Posolstvom; a potvrdzuje to, že tieto veci sú pravda, že On to už učinil čo vám zasľúbil že bude robiť. Dívajte sa ako to postupovalo, a hľaďte ako to bolo vykladané. Hľaďte ako dlho on hovoril, a hľaďte koľko povedal slov; úplne presne.

Nech vás Pán žehná, až kým sa znovu nestretneme.

1 Our Heavenly Father, that is our intention tonight. We have assembled together to only believe, just believe the Lord Jesus. There are those here, tonight, who are sick and afflicted, and we have dedicated our--our--our service tonight to the healing of the sick and broken body. Now, as the singer just sang that beautiful hymn, Then Jesus Came, may You come on the scene for us tonight, Lord, and heal all that's afflicted, and there won't be a feeble person in our midst tonight. Grant it, Lord, and help us as we look to the Word now to find faith sufficient for this hour. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

2 [Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.] There's a pair of glasses here, that someone has lost, and been found in the church. If anybody... if they belong to you, well, they're here on the platform, on the pulpit.

3Now, I know that many are working, and they have to go home early, and so I won't speak very long; and then have a prayer line to pray for the sick. That gives me an opportunity to--to catch up in some of the emergencies that just been in the room, catch them just now before coming in, and this afternoon. Some of them, of course, is very, very bad and violent. And I been making the calls, too, and praying for the sick. Seeing the hand of our Lord Jesus heal the sick and the afflicted, just how wonderful He is!

4Now, not too often do we get into these healing services, because usually we... the Holy Spirit will come around if there's any emergency case, and discern it right quick, and pick it out and say something about it. Then the rest of them, why, we just... maybe it's nothing too bad, so we just pass it on by. And I thought, being here twice today, it should be that we dedicate one service for a prayer for the sick. I believe in healing the sick. I believe it is a Bible command. We cannot preach that, without... the full Gospel, without including that.

5 Now, it's possible... I don't know yet, I haven't called home yet tonight, it may be possible that next Sunday I'd be through here again. And if you--if you don't hear from us this week, if Billy don't let you know (he'll know a little later on in the week), if you don't hear it, then we'll be here again next Sunday; 'cause that gives you Labor Day, you see, to rest up, and so... or to get home on. See? And so we'll try, the Lord willing. Now, well, if you don't hear... I think Billy drops you a card, or tells you through the services some way, so if he doesn't call you, then I'm coming back for--for this next coming Sunday. If, Brother Neville, it's all right, one of the service? [Brother Neville speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Oh, that's fine.

6 If anybody wants to know, this little Collins, here. And during the time of the Seven Seals, the doctors had told that little boy, with rheumatic fever, that he had to lay on his back and drink through a tube; that--that was it. And the father and mother brought him to the home and set him in the room, prayed for him. And the Lord Jesus healed him so completely, he went back to school; and the authorities called them in about it. So they called the specialist who was waiting on him, and she couldn't believe... He couldn't believe such a thing as that, and they brought the boy down for a test, and he was perfectly, normally well. Then, Jesus came, the tempter's power was then broken!

7You know, strange thing, I was going to ask someone to sing that song tonight. And as I was ministering in the room there, here it come, someone singing it out here, Then Jesus Came. If that--that wasn't sang, I was going to ask someone to sing it before I--I spoke tonight. So, He--He works all things right.

8 Now, many of you will be waiting over till in the morning, that's got a long distance to go, and I--I appreciate that--that effort. Some of you will drive home tonight 'cause you got to go to work by daylight, in the morning, and I--I know it's hard. And then when I think, and see that,...

9I get spells too, you know; I get moody. I get to a spot to where I... What gets me, is where I get to those spells when I get all overworked, and Satan comes telling me, "Why, nobody cares for you. You really haven't got a friend in the world, see." And so that...

10Remember, I'm not immune to the temptation. See, I got to overcome that. Then when I look back and see something like this, I put it right back in his face and say, "What about that?" That helps me to over--overcome. "What about that?"

11 Like a certain friend of mine, setting in--in the meeting here, there was a--a--a clan, kind of a--a clan that doesn't believe in Divine healing, come to this young fellow recently and said to him, "That stuff that they're preaching there about that Divine healing, there's nothing to it."

12And this man lives in Kentucky, right near an old woman that, when we was at Acton Campgrounds, that was dying with cancer. And her sister came to the meeting that night with a handkerchief in her purse that she had taken, and the Holy Spirit called out the woman back there (and I'd never been in that country before) and told her that "she had a handkerchief in her purse, that she had there, she'd took from home, and her sister was up on a certain ridge there, dying with cancer of the stomach. The doctor's give her up." And I said, "Go put the handkerchief upon the woman, for THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'She shall live.'" And that's the night, the neighbors up there thought they had the Salvation Army, when Brother Ben got up there, and then put the... And--and then that lady was so perfectly healed until she does her own work and the neighbor's work.

13 So this young man, knowing that, he said, "Then explain her case! That settled it. Explain; you know she had cancer. She was here in Louisville and the doctors was perform the operation, and just simply turned, 'Sew her, put her back. Nothing can be done.' And now she's perfectly normal, well." Said, "Explain that." That settled it. See?

14You know what the Bible said? "And they could say nothing amiss, because the man was standing right in their midst, on whom the miracle was done on." That's where we... It puts Satan to a shame, doesn't it? The man was standing there that the miracle was performed on.

15Does God raise the dead? Here sets a man, right here, raised from the dead. God heal the sick? Oh my, the hands could just go everywhere. God heals the sick. And we know He's the great--the great I AM, not the great "I was" or "will be"; I AM. That's right. I AM, that's "ever present, everywhere, all the time"; the same yesterday, today, and forever.

16 Now, to hurry, let's turn now into the blessed Bible. I want to read a--a passage that--that used to just "turn me around" when I read it. And I want to have a prayer line tonight, and pray for everybody that wants to be prayed for.

17And now we're going to turn to Mark, Saint Mark, the 11th chapter of Saint Mark. And we're going to begin to read about the--the 22nd verse of the 11th chapter of Saint Mark. And many of you know this Scripture, It's very familiar. It was the Scripture I was thinking on, Brother Russell, when those... when He spoke to me and said about those squirrels. And they... that was just the very Scripture I was thinking on. It's always been a puzzle. He said, "If ye say"; not "If I say". "If you say!"

18 Now, let us read.

... Jesus answering said unto them, Have faith in God.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them, and you shall have them.

And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought against any: that your Father also... that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

19 Now, faith is based on forgiveness, then. And then, as we said this morning, trying to get the church into the place to where we could really see apostolic times moving among us, that's what we all hunger. And it's just laying right at the door. We see it, but we want to see more of it. We want it such a flow that it'll--it'll be a help to us, us flow out to others.

20Remember, Jesus (as we had in the lesson this morning), He never used His power for Himself, He used it for others. That's what it was sent for. And you think sometime, "Why would a Man that was so full of power, like Him, would have ever be sick?" Yes, sir. I've read in some book, somewhere, where when He raised up that boy, the widow's son from Nain (I believe, The Prince of the House of David), that He set on a rock and groaned with a headache. See? He bore our infirmity. Bear means "to pack them." See, He bore. And He had all things in... like we have. He had sickness, he had temptations, He had trouble, He had flusteration just as we have, because He had to be the right kind of a Mediator; so He had to be partaker, the Husbandman of the fruit, before He would know. The woman at the well and many things, see, if we looked right into the Scripture.

21 I want to say that I believe every Scripture, and every bit of It to be true. There's critics today that don't want to believe that. A critic once said that "when Jesus sent those disciples to where that colt was tied, where two ways met, that He prearranged that to where that colt was tied." See, they don't understand that God prearranged it.

22God told me, other day, with Brother Dauch here, that I would "shake his hand, on the street again." That's very strange, I wasn't here that morning; but two minutes longer, or a minute longer, I'd have not met him on the street. But I stepped off the car just in time to shake his hand when he was coming in, on the street. He didn't know me; he had his glasses off, he couldn't see me. When he heard my voice, he started crying. What was it? Usually he doesn't do that, but it was a answer to what was told him up there under the oxygen tent; he would do it.

23I said, "You'll also set in the church again"; his heart's desire. When we was having Chicago meeting, he wanted to come to that meeting, his heart was for it. I sent him a telegram of greetings for us and the children, told him we was praying that he'd get well, right quick. And a loving brother, who visited him, said that he--he just wanted to come so bad. But here he sets, tonight, with us. See? That was not prearranged. The same God arrange it, He makes everything work perfectly on the dot.

24 A critic once said that "No wonder Jesus could take five loaves and feed five thousand," said, "the loaves were bigger in that day, and He just cut each loaf to feed a thousand."

25"I give you to understand, a little boy had it in his lunch!" A little child packed five loaves of bread that could feed five thousand people, and be full. Then what about the twelve basketfuls taken up afterwards? See? Oh, they just... that's just critics, that's all it is. That doesn't change God's Word. It's just the same, see, moves on.

26 Now, we want to speak now upon faith, and a different type of faith: Perfect Faith. That's a great thing. Now, faith, we're told in the Bible, "Faith cometh by hearing." Now, you cannot be saved without faith. And faith is something that you have to believe it's there, that really nothing else will declare it's there but faith. Now I'm trying to bring faith to you, so that you can be ready for this prayer line, in the next few minutes.

27 Now, faith: "He that cometh to God must believe that He is." And it's impossible to--to please God without faith, you cannot please Him. And if you say you believe God... you have never seen Him, see, so then you've got to believe It by faith. And if you could see Him, it would be no more faith. See? Anything that the senses declares, is no more faith, it's a scientific fact; see, it's not no more faith. But you have to accept Him by faith. "And he that cometh to God must believe God; and faith comes by hearing the Word of God." See? You must first believe this is God's Word, and you must come to God by the Word. See? Just take the Word, what It says, and "That's right!" Everything else contrary to It, is not right.

28Abraham had to believe just what that Voice told him. And when he was a hundred years old, twenty-five years later, he was stronger believing It than he was twenty-five years ago when It was give to him. See? He believed It. And "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God, knowing that He was able to perform what He had promised." And that's the way, every one must be that way. You must come with an unfailing faith, believing that God made the promise. But now, you have to be in a position to have that faith, and that's what we're going to talk on; see, to receive that faith.

29 In Hebrews, the Book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, we are told that.

... faith is the substance of things hoped for,...

30Now, here's where many people fail to receive their healing, or what they're asking for, because they take faith to be something that it is not. See? They don't believe it. It--it's... it--it's not imagination. It is a actual substance.

31Now, listen close! See, it is not what you imagine. It's just as real to you as any sense of your body will declare anything else. It's just as real as my eyes says, "This is a piece of paper." It's just as real as to say that "that is a light." It's just as real as to say, "I feel my coat." It's just as real as--as I hear that baby talking there, or making its noise. See, just that real, as music playing. It's just as real as I taste anything in my mouth. It is that real, only you can't show it to somebody else. You have it alone. Amen! It's yours. Faith is the substance; see, not just a myth. So, many people come...

32Now, these are real deep lessons, and I'll catch the top of it, then you dig down in it. See?

33 Notice, it is something that you possess; not imagination, if you really have it. It's just as real to you as any other thing that could be. It's just as real as--as you know that--that you're riding an automobile. It's just as real as you know that you're setting in the church. It's just as real as you hear my voice. It is a substance, not an imagination, not an emotion; but something that you have, and it comes to you by hearing the Word of God, and That only. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the Word of God." That puts it back to where your faith, then, is not in some individual. It's not in a man. It's not in a organization. It's not in a group of people. It's in God, because God is the Word. See? Your faith is in God.

Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God.

34Then when God, by His Word,... not by what somebody else did, somebody else said, but by what God's Word said. He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true."

35 Now, you see somebody else do something by a word, act of God, or a promise of God; and many of them say, "I can do that, too." It's an imagination. And when they do, you find them wrecked up out there somewhere. It's got to be a substance. Now, that is potentially a faith. That is something that would bring you to a faith. It's potentially, like if you'd asked me for an oak tree, and I give you an acorn. Potentially you have an oak tree, but it hasn't produced itself yet; but when it really brings itself out, it is an oak tree. And when you imagine that God does this,... But when it's revealed to you, it's a faith then, a Perfect Faith that cannot fail.

36That's the reason those visions are so--so tremendous to me, because it's been proved "right" every time. See? And I know that He promised that. And He promised it in His Word, and here He comes and promised it for this day. Therefore, you know where you're standing, when He said so. See, that gives me a faith, because He never does nothing contrary to His written Word. See? And if it was contrary to the Word, I couldn't have faith in it. Brings it right back again to the Word, see, faith in hearing the Word of God. You must hear the Word! God's Word is that all-sufficient Word. It's all you have need of, is this Word.

37 Now, faith being the substance, and in there we find out (in Hebrews) what faith was, and what those did who had faith. See, there's many times that people have faith today, and tomorrow they haven't got it; the next day there's something, and something else. But when God once anchors it, and you see it, there's nothing ever going to make you move from it. You're just poking, reaching, presuming. And presume is to "venture without authority"; you're just trying this, and you're trying this, and going this way, and run here, and run there. You haven't got the Faith yet! But when... that is what we call "Faith."

38I--I--I... Excuse me. I want you to... Thank you, brother.

39I--I want you to get this now. We... the Church has got to lift Itself in the power of God. How? We are too close to the end, now; and I believe the Church is in condition where we can teach It a little deeper things, and rub some of this make-believe out, see, and get into something real. See? It's got to be something that you know!

And if you say, "Brother Branham, that isn't the light."

"Yet I know it's the light."

"How do you know it's the light?"

"I'm looking at it."

"Well, how do you know that you couldn't be wrong?"

"My sight has always declared to me that that was light." See?

40 And that's the reason I believe those visions, 'cause it's always declared to be the truth, 'cause it comes from the Word. See? Then if He says it, that settles it. Now, when it's declared like that, there's no more guesswork, it's going to be. Then you hear it "THUS SAITH THE LORD," see, because it's--it's beyond the human thinking. It's up into the realms of the Lord's thinking. But you're standing here, just as the Vine... just as a branch producing the fruit that's in the Vine. See? God uses man, and man only. God doesn't use machinery. God doesn't use groups of men. God doesn't use organizations. God uses individuals, always!

41 Now, faith is the substance, and by it, we understand, all of those things are done. It's not a--it's not a imagination, it is a substance; especially Perfect Faith. That's what I'm talking on tonight, getting to Perfect Faith. It is not an imagination.

42Now, others, have people come say, "Oh, I got all faith; oh, I sure have." Well, what are you standing here for, then? See? See? See, your--your very actions prove that you haven't got what you're talking about. See? If you had faith, then what you stand in the prayer line for? See? What do you do these things for?

43See, if you had Perfect Faith, you'd look right straight to God and believe it, and walk away. You would--you would have no need of coming into a prayer line. You'd have no need of these things, because your faith has done made it so. See? What would be the use for me saying, "I got to put a shirt on"? I got a shirt on!

44"How do you know you got a shirt on?"

45"Well, I see it, feel it, and I know it's there." Well, that's just how real that when Perfect Faith takes a hold. You don't--you don't need no more. It's already done; you know it.

46"How do you know it?"

47"Faith tells me so!" That's it. See? Do you get it now, what I mean? That Perfect Faith.

48 Now, other words, I'm venturing out, "Well, I'll go. The Bible said, 'Call the elders, let them anoint with oil, pray over it.' I know, I'll go up." And you say, "Well, I'm going to be healed." See, you're making yourself; you don't watch now, you're going to make yourself just--just worked up. Then when he pass through, he say, "Oh, I--I still don't see." See, there you was, you didn't have faith!

49Your genuine faith will do it right there. Your--your genuine faith will make it so real to you that... Look at that little woman with the blood issue, she said, "If I can only touch the border of His garment, I'll be made well." And as soon as she did it, she said she "felt within herself that her blood issue stopped." She actually believed it.

50And when she touched It... to prove that it stopped--it stopped, Jesus turned and said, "Who touched Me?" That Perfect Faith! And that same Perfect Faith tonight, will touch Jesus Christ just as it did then. The woman come with a Perfect Faith for that time.

51 Now, now we see, at first the disciples didn't have this Perfect Faith. They didn't have it, because they'd had Christ, walking with Him; but then afterwards, Christ was in them. And so, you see, it's hard then to have this Perfect Faith without the Holy Spirit; It has to bring it, It does. Now, you say, "The disciples didn't have Perfect Faith?" No; for they had an epileptic child there, that they were trying to cast this devil out of him, and they couldn't do it.

52And the father seen Jesus coming, and he said, "We have brought my son to--to Your disciples, and they could not cure him." See?

53And afterwards, the disciples asked Jesus, saying, "Why could not we cure him?"

54And Jesus said, "Because, of the lack of faith, of your unbelief." That's right. "Because of your unbelief at..."

55 Now remember, they had the power. Jesus had given them power to heal the sick, to raise the dead, and cast out devils, just a few days before that. They had the power, but not the faith to use the power. Now, there's the Branham Tabernacle! There's the Church, the Bride, today! The Holy Spirit is here with the power, but you haven't got that faith to move it. See what I mean? It takes faith to move it.

56Here: I got a shell that I hand-loaded. I know what it'll do by ballistics, like the Word, but I've got to fire the gun. The fire has to get to the powder. The powder's got the power, but it's got to have the fire to light it off. And the same thing, the powder's in the shell, but it needs faith to charge it and throw it out. That's what it takes, see, Perfect Faith to ignite the power of the Holy Spirit which we have now, since He's come upon us; faith to ignite, to see great things, is to... the faith, something that presents it to you.

57 With a heart full of joy, you walk into the sickroom, knowing exactly what you're going to say. Walk in there and know what's going to happen, something's already been revealed, and you know it. And you walk in, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, rise up from there. THUS SAITH THE LORD!" There you are; that's Perfect Faith. If there'd be ten million people standing there saying it wouldn't happen, you know it's going to happen anyhow, 'cause you know it. It's going to happen. Regardless of what anybody else says, you're the one that's got the faith.

58Could you imagine, Joshua, he'd call the elders of Israel together and said, "Uh, brethren, we are the servants of the Lord, I would like for you to say a... ask the Lord if it'd be all right if--if He'd give us a little more sunlight, see, and hold the sun a little while"?

59Nah; he had need of it (and without prayer, without anything), he had need of it, and he just commanded the sun! He said, "Stand there! I have need, and I'm in the service of the Lord, and He sent me over here to do this job, and I'm doing the best that I know how, and the enemy is routed, and they're out in here; if I let the sun go down, they'll get together and cause me more trouble. So, stand still! And, moon, you hang there!" Amen; she hung there for twenty-four hours.

60 Now, if the world's turning and he holds it up, and the sun stayed in a place and it don't run, what happened then? Now, you made yourself an infidel, if you say of this; and then if you don't, you sure do fool with science, 'cause they said if the world stopped, it dropped. So now what? And if you say God's Word is not right, then you're an infidel. See? But it happened, that's the main thing. I don't know the mechanics of it, but it happened!

61I don't know the mechanics of the Holy Ghost, but I know It fell on me. I--I can't tell the mechanics of It, but I know the blessings of It. That--that's all I--I care to know about, is the blessings of the Holy Ghost. And mechanics, He works them. That's His secret.

62This boy could not be healed, because... The disciples had power; Jesus gave them power to heal all manner of sickness, to cast out devils, to cleanse the lepers, and to raise the dead. He gave them power, but they didn't have faith to operate the power that they had. And then they questioned Jesus and said, "Well, now, why couldn't we do it?"

63 Now, remember, they had the Word; and the Word was Flesh then. And the Word told them, "I give you power." Amen! "I give you power." And they had the power, but they didn't have faith to operate the Word that was in them. See what I mean? But Jesus had it, He was the Word, and He had faith that what He said would happen. He said, "Oh, bring him here. How long will I suffer you?"

64He had faith, with His power. How did He? He said, "I can do nothing in Myself." Why? He relied upon what He was; He relied in knowing that He was the Word. And He had faith in God, Who made Him the Word. He was God (the Word), and they was in Him, and that give Him faith because He understood His position. He knowed what He was, because the Scripture had said He was this. And here every Scripture tied in, to prove that He was exactly what the Scripture said He would be, and He knew what He was.

65 Therefore, He relied upon what God had made Him. And if He did that, then can't we rely upon what God made us as believers? "These signs shall follow them that believe!" He had faith in what He was. And if you are a believer, you have faith in what you are: you are a believer! And if you've got faith in God, the Bible says over here in... "If our--if our hearts condemn us, then we can't have faith; but if our hearts don't condemn us, then we have faith, we have confidence towards God." If you want to read that, found in Saint John 3:21. I got the Scripture written down there.

66Now notice, Saint John... I mean First John 3:21. Notice.

... if our hearts condemn us not, then we have confidence towards God.

67But as long as you're doing things that's wrong, you can't have confidence towards God. So, you see, you can... you'll automatically know that you're wrong. You automatically put yourself back there a sinner, by knowing that you're wrong. But when your heart don't condemn you, and you know you are a believer, and there's nothing between you and God, you can ask what you will and know that it'll be given, because it's the Word that's given to you just like it was to those disciples.

68 Now, the only thing you have to do then, is have faith in what you are. Have faith in what the Word says you are! And Jesus had faith in the Word of God, that said what He was, "It is written of Me." Didn't David, in the Psalms; and the prophets, and all of them speak of Him? "I am the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven." Amen! "I am that Tree of Life from the garden of Eden. I am all these things, I AM THAT I AM." And He knew with that Perfect Faith, that He was the anointed Messiah, that the Spirit of God was upon Him. He said, "Now, I, in Myself, do nothing; but it's My faith in God." And God was in Him, the Word made manifest. And when the Word of God comes in you, It's made manifest, for you are a believer. See? And a believer is "the faith of God that moves in you."

69You like that? I--I--I like when you... I like teaching of where the... how to... what faith really is.

70 Knowing Who He was, without a shadow of doubt, He knew He was the Son of God. He knew it, for the Word identified. The Word of God identified Who He was. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me; but if--if I don't do them works, don't believe Me. But if I do, then believe the works, for they are the manifested Word promised." Oh, if you could just wake up to that, a minute! You see, the Word Itself identified Him, Who He was. And He said, "Who can condemn Me of sin?" In other words, "Who can show Me that My life and My works don't fulfill exactly what Messiah should do?" Nobody could say nothing; for He was. Then He had faith to believe, then; of whatever He said, it would happen.

71Then He turned around and said, "The works that I do, shall you also. A little while, and the world seeth no more; yet you shall, because I'll be with you, even in you. Take no thought what ye shall say, for it's not you that speak, it's thy Father that dwelleth in you; He's the One Who does the speaking. And It's not Me, It's the Father That dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works." See what I mean?

72 Now, the identification of a Scripture Christian, these Words said Jesus: "These signs shall follow them that believe." Now, how can you call yourself a believer, a people, and deny those Words? How can you call yourself a believer and deny any of this Word? See? You can't do it. You're not a believer, therefore signs can't follow, because you just accept what you want to believe and let the rest of It... you won't--don't believe It. But you got to take the whole thing, and believe It. And when you truly believe (not make believe, but really believe), then these signs follow them that believe.

73Oh, could you compare a Christian today with them Christians of long ago? How them disciples walked in the power of the Spirit, moved by the Holy Ghost, do it. Just a prisoner, as I preached on the other night, a prisoner to the Word and will of God; he couldn't even move until God moved him. Wouldn't you like to see a Church rise like that? It's going to; going back. It's--it's got to come. That's right. It's go-... It's on its road now, I believe.

74 For the Word identified, identified Himself, what He was; and the same Word identifies us. See? "If a man loves Me, he keeps My commandment. And if he says he loves Me, and keeps not My commandments (that's all of them), he's a liar, and the Truth's not even in him."

75You say, "Well, I don't believe all..." Well then, that... you're just an unbeliever, that's all. If the Bible said so, that makes it right, that settles it Eternally. What the Bible said, is the Truth.

76Notice where He said to us, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you." Saint John 15, "If ye abide in Me,..." See, have faith in Him. "Ye abide in Me, and My Word abides in you, then you ask what you will."

77 Now, see, He knew Who He was, therefore He had faith. Faith could produce when He knowed what He was. Now, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you," then you know who you are. "Ask what you will, it'll be given to you."

78Wouldn't that be wonderful, tonight, if everybody come in that prayer line, say, "I am a Christian. I have no condemnation. I--I know that my heart condemn me not. Something tells me that tonight's the end of my suffering"? That, you're going to do. You'll go away here with something. No matter how much you come in emotion, how much you do, it won't work until that Perfect Faith has manifested and identified itself in you, as a substance. And when it's there, then nothing's going to shake you from it.

79 If--if you had cancer, and the doctor told you yesterday that you'd be dead before Monday morning, (all your heart, your respiration's gone, the cancer's eat you up, your bloodstream's become completely cancer, whatever it is); and Something come with this substance of this genuine faith, Perfect Faith was made a substance in you, you'd laugh in that doctor's face.

80You'd be like old Elijah, when he walked up-and-down before the idol, and said, "Won't you call a little louder? And maybe he's pursuing." He knowed what he was going to do, because God had told him what was going to happen. He said, "Let the god that answers by fire, be God."

81They say, "We'll take that proposition." And they poured water upon the altars. And they--they cut themselves, and they done everything, and called, "O Baal! O Baal! Answer!"

82 Elijah was just as calm as he could be. He said, "Call a little louder," said--said, "maybe he's pursuing. Maybe--maybe he's on a fishing trip. Maybe he's doing something else, you see. He's out somewhere." They just... Just made fun of them, because he knew it's going to happen.

83Oh, watch when he got everything in order. He walked out there and said, "Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel!" He never called him now his name Jacob, "shyster." He called him Israel, "prince with God."

84"Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of that Prince (Jacob), let it be known today that I am Your servant; and I have done this, not at my desire, not at my make up, but at Your command I have did this; Your will, You told me what to do. You showed me these things would be here. Now, I've poured the water upon the altar. I've done all these things according to Your command. Now, let it be known!" And when he said that, fire fell from the heavens. He was just as confident it was going to fall, because he had the substance. Why? The Word said so.

85 Now, this same Bible is the same God's Word. And when you can receive the substance (that's Perfect Faith); substance that this promise that God made is yours.

86"How do you feel, Brother Branham, when you stand there and you see people coming in different languages and things? Are you afraid?" No, sir. No, sir. He said so! Never been afraid yet, 'cause He told me so, and I believe that it's Truth.

87If He told me tonight, to go to the presidential graveyard and raise up George Washington tomorrow morning, I'd invite the whole world, "Come and see it done." I'd say, "Bring every... get--get every critic you can and stand them around, you're going to see the Glory of God. Set that chair over here where you can set down and rest a little while; he'll be here just in a moment, soon as I call."

88 That night when that little boy in Finland, that day, rather; laying there dead, been laying there for a half hour, mashed up, blood running out of eyes, nose and ears; his little legs broke up, in his little stockings; and his feet out through the end of his stockings, his shoes gone. I looked, and I thought, "That ought to be that boy." I said, "Say, let's look in the back of that Bible, Brother Moore."

89We got Brother Lindsay, Brother Moore looked back there "'And it shall come to pass,' SAITH THE LORD," (Oh, my!) "'there will be a--a land where's a lot of evergreen growing. Rocks will be lapped together. A little boy with a cropped haircut, little pantywaist buttoned up here, and his feet... his stockings pulled up high. He'll have brown eyes, they'll be turned back. He'll be killed in an automobile accident. But you lay your hands upon him, and he'll come back to life.'"

90 There It was, wrote on there. There he laid, amen, just waiting the Word. I said, "If this boy isn't alive in a couple minutes from now, then I'm a false prophet, run me out of Finland. But if he is alive, fall on your faces and repent!"

91I said, "Death, you can't hold him." I called for his spirit according to the Word of God, "In the Name of Jesus Christ," up he jumped. Right! See? Oh, my! Faith, see, took a hold. God said so, there it is!

92Now, that's--that's God speaking in this day through vision. But this: if that vision was contrary to This, that would be wrong; This is more than the vision. If any vision's contrary to the Word, leave it alone; it ain't of God, God don't contradict His Own Word.

So, if this Word told you something, then you can have the same confidence then what's going to happen. There's nothing,... If It says, "They shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover"; well, brother, if faith, that Perfect Faith, got a hold of that, you'd... when you passed by this prayer line, you'd be jumping and shouting till you... when you left here, "It's over!" It's over! It's all over, it's finished! If you had a request in your heart and believe that when that prayer was made for that, it was going to be answered, there isn't nothing you discuss, that's what's going to happen; like the woman with the blood issue.

93 Jesus had Perfect Faith. He--He had it, and it come because He was the Word. And you become the Word; you become the Word, as you receive the Word. "If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you. My Words which..." (this Word) "abides in you, then ask what you will, and it'll be done for you." See? "If ye say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, but believe in what you've said, then you shall have what you said. When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, and ye shall have it; it'll be given to you." Time, space, nothing else will ever change it. You know it's done. It's already--it's already over with.

94 Now, watch! Now, and He said to us, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you," Saint John, here, "you can ask what you will, it'll be done." Then, recognize your position in the Scripture, as a believer. See, you've got to recognize your position, as He recognized His position.

95"Is not it written that Christ shall come, and what all Christ would do?" He said to Cleopas and them that morning, "Isn't it written in the Scriptures that they'll have to... that He must suffer and then be killed and raised the third day?" Said, "Why are you so slow of understanding?"

96And they thought, "My, this man speaks a little different from other men." Come to find out, when they got into the inn, it was Him. See, their eyes was withholden from Him. See, they knowed that He kept laying to that Scripture, and they knowed It was Him.

97 Now, you must believe what you ask for. If you are a believer, recognize yourself as a believer. Recognize that these things are for you.

98If there's condemnation in your life, straighten that first. See? If you got condemnation in your... I... or you might have Oral Roberts and--and a dozen more people who has faith to come here and pray over you, and jump up and down, and pour oil on you by the gallons, it--it still it--it won't move. That's right.

99What falls off from Oral's meetings to that? I catch them in the prayer line. You hear Him say, "You was prayed for before. A man with dark hair, kind of big fellow, big jaw." That's Oral Roberts. See? "And that was at a certain city; called certain, certain thing."

100"Yes, that's right." See?

101"You was prayed for by such-and-such a man." See, like that. "But here it is. Here is your trouble." See? "Go make that thing right. Go out there and confess that sin to your husband, to your wife. Go do this thing." It'll never do you any good, no matter who you pray for, till you make that right. Condemnation's in your heart, and God will not come into that heart condemned. See? God don't dwell in that; you got to make it right. Then when you do, you must have faith. If everything's right, you must have faith and believe it. Don't be afraid.

102 In the Book of Job, It says here, "Job feared." And what he feared, it actually happened. What brought it? His fear. That's what made it happen. His faith would have kept him from it, but his fear brought him... brought it to him. He was scared it was going to happen, and it did happen. Now, if been--he knowed it wouldn't happen, it wouldn't happen. See what I mean?

103If you're afraid when you come by the prayer line, "Maybe I just haven't got the faith sufficient"; it'll never happen, don't worry. See? But if you know it's going to happen, it'll happen. See? See, it's a substance of something. Job had a fear that these things would come upon him, and they did. If you have a fear that your disease is going to leave you... or won't leave you, it won't. If you have a faith, that it will.

104You ask any medical doctor. The first thing he'll try to get you to do, is to have confidence in the medicine he's giving you. If you haven't got no confidence in it, you better leave it alone. See? Sure! What is it then? It's faith that does the healing; it's faith that does it all the time.

105 Peter, he was doing all right till be got scared. The Word told him, he could walk on the water. He was scared first, he thought it was a--a ghost, and he said, "Lord, if it be You, bid me come to You on the water."

106Said, "Come on." Now, that's just the same as James 5:14, same as Mark 16. The same God said It, said, "Come on." And so he started walking. He done all right, got down out of the ship, started walking on...

107There was a storm on the sea, you know; great, whitecap waves, bigger than these hills around here, the foam breaking on top of them; terrific, maybe fifteen, twenty feet foam, the whitecaps breaking. And that was a terrific thing for him to ask, "If it be You, Lord,..." See, He looked like a... there looked like a shadow or a spirit. He said, "If it's You, bid me come to You on the water."

108Jesus said, "Come on."

109And he stepped down, said, "It's the Lord, I'll just walk." But when he got his eyes on the waves, he got scared. What come in his mind? First thing, he... "I'm going to walk because the Word said for me to walk." And the next thing, he looked at his... well, he looked at his symptoms; he looked out there and seen how big them waves was, and he got scared; and when he did, down he went. See? What he feared, happened! What he believed, happened! When he believed he could walk, he walked; when he believed. Got scared in his belief, then his substance left him. See? He still professed his faith, but he didn't have the substance. The substance would have went right over top of that whitecap and went right on to Him, see, if he has the Perfect Faith. See? But he didn't have it. He thought he did. He did at first, he was willing to venture right out, "Why, the Lord told me to do it, it's got to happen." So he just steps right down out of the boat, and takes off. He never thought about the--the--the--the waves, how contrary they was. He never got that in his mind.

110 Now, when you get to thinking, "Well, now wait. And, you know, I've been sick so long, I..." Stop! You just might as well go back to the boat. See? See? But when you quit thinking about that,...

111"Abraham considered not his own body, now dead, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb." He didn't think about that, didn't even consider it. It wasn't even brought into--to understanding. He didn't even consider at all; he just considered what God said, and he went on. As--as long as Peter did that, he walked.

112 But Jesus lived in a world that no one knowed about, He was an odd Person. He lived in a world of Perfect Faith in the Perfect God, in which He was. If we lived in a Perfect Faith of a Christian, to what we are, we'd be a mystic to the world; the people wouldn't understand you. You'd walk in the Spirit. What the Spirit said, you would do. What It forbid, you would not do. Then the people begin to say... they... you'd be a--a mystic person to them.

113That's the way it is to all believers, they're a mystic. The people don't understand, because they live in a world to themselves. Jesus lived in a world that nobody else could touch. The disciples couldn't understand Him. When He spoke to them, they say this. And then they said, "Why, You--You talk in riddles! We--we don't understand this. How can this be?" See, they wasn't in the world that He lived in. See, they couldn't understand Him, nobody could understand Him.

114 And so when a man lives by faith and walks by faith, I mean substance faith, he is isolated from the entire world and becomes a new creature in Christ. There, now you're getting into Bride material. See? See? See? You're getting into rapturing condition, now. That means for each one of us; not just the pastor, deacons, trustees. That means for the laity, every individual walks in a world with God alone. You're baptized into this Kingdom, and there's nobody in there but you and God. See? He gives the orders, and you pack them out. Whatever He says, there's not a shadow of doubt nowhere, you walk right on. If the Lord says this, there's nobody in the world can talk you out of it, you go right on just the same. Now you're coming into Perfect Faith, perfect perfection that cannot fail. That faith never fails. Yes, He was a mystic to them with His Perfect Faith; and so is it now with those who have Perfect Faith, are a mystic to others.

115 We are taught to "resist the Devil, and he will flee from us." Now, to resist is to just simply "turn him down"; just resist him, that is "just walk away from it." God said a certain thing; no matter what he's trying to tell you, you don't even listen to him. You have... your ears are deaf to anything else but what the Spirit says. See? "To he that has an ear (that listens), see what the Spirit saith unto the churches"; the one that's got the listening post, that catches what the Spirit says to the churches. See?

116 What Satan says, "Well, I just can't..." That don't have nothing to... "Well, if you teach that, the denomination will put..." That don't have nothing to do with it, he goes right on just the same.

117"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches." You know, in the Bible, It's always constantly saying that. "To him that has faith. To he that has an ear to hear, let him hear." See? "He that has wisdom, let him count the numbers of the beast." All these different things. "He that has, let him tell it to the rest of them, that they might have."

118And that's by faith we're talking about now, faith that you've got to have, that Perfect Faith; that Faith that says, "Yes!" There's nothing can say "no" when God says, "Yes." See? When He says "Yes," It's "Yes!" And nothing else can ever take It from you.

119 With His Perfect Faith, He was very strange. And the Devil didn't stay around Him very long. We got it in the lesson this morning. When he come with that great big bluffed of--of intellectual conception, he bluffed up against Jesus there when he come, and he found out he hit a ten thousand volt line: throwed him right back again. Yes sir. He said, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone!" Whew! He got a shock then.

He come a little softer the next time, when he said, "Now You're a great Man, You can puff Yourself up here, be somebody."

120Said, "Get behind Me, Satan." Oh, my, what he met! And, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." See, He proved Himself unto Satan that He was the Lord God. "For it is written, 'Thou shalt not tempt... '"

121Now, if--if Satan didn't know that that was the Lord God, he'd said "Wait a minute, You're not that Person." But he knowed better then to debate it with Him.

122He knowed what ground to stand on. He said, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." And that's Who He was. And Satan knowed better than to say that, because Jesus' works had already proved that He was the Lord thy God.

123 Notice now another. Perfect Faith is a master of all circumstances. Perfect Faith masters all circumstances. No matter what it is, It masters it. Now, just watch! When you believe anything, do anything, and you got faith in what you're doing; no matter what the circumstance is, that don't have one thing to do with it. See, it masters that circumstance. If it's in a--a room of sickness, and the Lord's revealed that this certain thing's going to happen, you just speak it and go on.

124"Oh, does the...?" Just don't ask any questions. It's already over, just keep going. See? It masters all circumstances. "Well, if you do this, So-and-so's going to do..." That... you see, It already got it mastered. See?

125Faith believes that God will work it out. "I don't know how He's going to do it, but He'll do it anyhow." See? It masters all circumstances.

126And faith and love is relation, because you can't have faith unless you got love, because your faith is in a God Who is the very essence of love. Faith and love works together.

127 Here, just like a young couple. You take a young man and young woman, and they love... they fall in love with one another. And as they go along and begin to know one another more, their hearts just begin to beat as one. See? They're--they're... yet they're not husband and wife, but their love binds them together, and they have confidence in one another. Now, if they really love one another, really love, and you know that this girl loves you and--and she knows that you love her, you've got confidence (faith in one another) if you got faith in one another; if you didn't, you'd better not marry her. See?

128Notice, you got to have faith. And you separate them and put one extreme south and one extreme north, there's still that love beats for one another, no matter where they're at. They're just as true to one another as they can be, because they love one another. And if you love the Lord, just not trying to dodge hell, but you love the Lord, then you have faith in God; see, if you love Him.

129 Like a--a young girl... just happened here in Louisville, not long ago. A woman, she was a--she was a... been a Christian for many years, but her husband had just... fell in love, she fell in love with this man. He had been a Christian, a couple years. And so they got married; they loved and had confidence in one another, and they got married. And so the woman said to the man, said, "Hubby, it must be hard on you, you're just a young Christian. You've had so much to go through with." Drinking is what it was. Said, "You've had so much to go through with." And said, "I know you're bound to be tempted awfully hard." And said, "I want you to know one thing now. Now, if you happen to fall, if you happen to--to fall into temptation and is overcome, don't stay away from home; you come on back. You come right here, 'cause I--I'm going to be right here waiting for you, and I'm going to help you pray through again until you get victory. I'm going to stay with you, because when I married you, I married you because I loved you. And no matter what you are, I still love you."

130Few days after that, he was eating his lunch with the fellows down in the boiler room, he was telling them about it, said, "Now, how could a man ever do anything wrong when somebody loves you like that?" See?

131There you are. How--how could you trespass that confidence?

132 And when we were sinners, alienated, without God; in the world, in that muck of mud, as I talked about this morning, God come to us! God sought you, you never sought God. "No man can come to Me except the Father draws him first." And God came down in that muck, what you were, and sought you out and brought you out! That ought to create a Perfect Love. Look what you was, and look what you are. What did that? Somebody that loved you! Can't you have faith in what He's promised you, then? Real genuine love will create a confidence in His Word.

133 He caught me when I was nothing. I'm still nothing, but I'm in His hand. See, He caught me. And He loved me when I was unlovable. He loved you when you was unlovable, but He changed you. Just like the colored sister said, that time in her testimony, she said, "I'm--I'm not what I ought to be, and I'm not what I want to be, then I'm not what I used to be!" She knowed she had come somewhere, something happened. And that's the way it is. If God, when I was an alien from Him, so loved me till He stooped down to get me and pick me up, that gives me confidence that He wants to use me. He's got a purpose in doing it. He seen something in me. He seen something in you. He had a reason to save you, look at the people that's unsaved today. Look at the millions He could have took beside you, but He took you. Amen! No one can take your place. Amen! You're in God's economy. No one can do it. That's His Love to you.

134Then, won't your love reach right back to Him? And there's a love affair. No matter what the situation is, its circumstances is governed by this Love that creates Faith: that God loves you and you love God, and you love one another, and--and that brings the Faith. All right. Then it can't--it can't keep from bringing out just exactly what God promised it would do.

135 Now, watch! Perfect Faith is pure, just as pure as love is. See? Now, when you love somebody, and you got... you love your husband or you love your wife. Now, there's no need of anybody telling you "you don't" do it, because you do do it, and you know you do it.

136Now, if I'd ask you, "How can you--you prove you do it?"

137"Oh, I prove it by the way I live to him." See? "I'm a true, honest wife. I'm a loyal, honest husband, and that proves to me that I--that I love my wife; or I love my husband." See, your life proves what you are. The same thing Christianity does. See? Your faith, you have confidence in one another, it's pure. And it's something real, that you can't show it to somebody else, yet you got it, and your actions prove it.

138 And when you got pure, unadulterated Faith, like your love is to your companion, then you prove it by the way you act. You ain't complaining no more, you know it's done, just walk along. No matter what the thing look like, what anybody else says, you know what's happened. You know that it's finished; just as well as you know you love your husband, as well as you know you love... See, love and faith has to go together. They're kinfolks, they love. Love produces Faith.

139 When Satan tempts us, we are to resist him in a Perfect Faith in a Perfect Word, like Jesus did. The Word of God is perfect. We're to have Perfect Faith in this Perfect Word, and resist Satan.

140Now we'll hurry, just as quick as we can.

141By His Faith in--in His Word we (He conquers), we can conquer anything: both death, hell, and the grave. We know that God is God, that Perfect Faith in God's Perfect Word, He conquered everything that He come in contact with. Death could not even stand in His Presence. Sickness could not stand in His Presence. Flowing from Him was like rivers of virtue, going out constantly, virtue going from His garment. These people, laying in His shadows; step, put their finger on His garment and was healed. When that woman done that, then everybody wanted to touch His garment, 'cause they seen that there was virtue going from Him constantly, flowed like rivers. There He was, walking, walking in a world with Perfect Faith, because He was the Word.

142And now, "If ye abide in Me," through Him, He brought the Word to you; "and My Words abide in you," then walk in the same kind of a way: virtues flowing from you, the rivers of God's fountains of blessing just flowing out to the people. See what I mean? And you're not bluffing it, you're not imagine it. It's actually taking place, and you see it. If you're just imagining it, that don't do any good; but if it's really there, it really happened.

143 Now notice! See, by It, when He stood and He said, "If you destroy this Body (this Temple), I'll raise It up again in three days." Why? He was just as satisfied He'd do that, because the Scriptures said that He would do it (the Messiah): "I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." A prophet, who the Word comes to, had said that would happen, and He knowed He was that Person.

144And when the... Jesus, Himself, said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick," or "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." If...

You must have that same perfect confidence that "when hands is laid on me, I shall recover," 'cause He said so.

145He said, "You destroy This Body, and I'll raise It up," 'cause He knowed He was the Messiah. "I'll not suffer My Holy One to see corruption"; He knowed He was the Holy One. "Neither will I leave His soul in hell"; He didn't. He knowed He'd do it. He had confidence that He was there to conquer both death and hell, said, "Destroy It, if you wish to, and I'll raise It back again in three days." Oh, my! "I have power to lay My life down, or I have power to take it up again"; He knowed Who He was.

146 You're a Christian. You have right to any redemptive blessing that Jesus died for you for. It's all yours! It's already paid for, you just have to believe it. Not imagine it; but believe it, and know that it's yours, and you can possess it. Oh, that's the conquering Faith: know! Yeah.

147He knew it would happen before. He could predict that it would happen, because He knowed it would happen; and whatever He predicted, come to pass. Now, watch! Whatever He said, God honored what He said. Think of that! Whatever Jesus said, God brought It to pass. So, He knowed His Words were God's Words. Now, look! That same Scripture comes right back into us again, "If ye say to this mountain." Oh, my! I--I just let that soak just a little, you see, 'cause we're going to have a prayer line. We'll dismiss the congregation and pray for the sick, the ones that want to... has to go.

148 Look! He knew that He pleased God. He knew that there was nothing on His life. God had already testified, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased, hear Him! This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in," at the day of His baptism. "I'm pleased to make My abode in here, there's no condemnation to Him at all."

149Now, when the same God comes to you, and is pleased to dwell in you, pleased to honor your word, what your decision is,... What was Joshua's decision? "Stand still, sun!" And it stood there. Amen! Sure! What was Moses' decision? Held his stick over the--a river like that, then called for it to "Open!" And it opened! See, whatever you ask. "And if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, see, in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you said." That puts you back in the Word. Now, that's not skim milk. See? It puts you back. I know it's going to jumps right over top of you, maybe, see, because It can't anchor. But real, genuine faith catches that, right now.

150 I've seen it, friend. Here's this Bible laying open before me. I've seen it happen, and I know it's the Truth. I know, God in Heaven knows, that I might not live through to finish this message, but I--I know that it happened. I've seen it myself. I'm a witness of that Word being fulfilled, that I know It is the Truth: say it, and stand there and see the Creator bring a living creature into existence, right in presence of your eyes; you shake your head and wonder; and then look around and seen Him bring another one, just exactly like it, because you said so; and turn over here and say, "There'll be another one there," and look, and there it is! Now, that's the truth.

151 Oh, where should we be? There's Perfect Faith. No vision, "Just speak the Word," never saw the squirrel. He just said this Scripture, what it was, and "Speak it, and don't doubt it; but what you say, it'll be there." And I took God at His Word, and it was there. That's right. That's just as powerful... And friend, as your pastor, that's just as powerful as it was when Joshua stopped the sun; because the sun was already there, the elements was moving, and he stopped the movement. But this, He brought something there that wasn't there, He created! I'm so glad to be acquainted with the God that can take the dust of the earth, someday, without anything, and call me back to life again, that same faith, after I been planted in the grave. Oh, my! There it is.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

152You say and don't doubt, but believe that what you've said, you shall have what you've said. See, believe that it'll happen!

153 David, in the Psalms, spoke of Him. And with it, He took His power and He ministered to others. Not only did He keep it to Himself, but He ministered to others by it; also saved others, even to the uttermost, and He can do the same thing now. And promised the same faith to the believers, in His Word, and John... as John 14:12, He said so; Mark 16; and also in Mark 11:23, we just read.

154 Now, watch. Now, He has appeared to us in the same form that He did to them in the Old Testament, and in the same as He did in the New Testament; and has showed by the same Word, the same Christ. And I declare to you that Christ is the Holy Ghost. The--the word Christ means "the anointed one"; just a person that's anointed, that is the Christ, the anointed one. How many knows that's true? That's interpet-... The anointed one, there would be a man that would be anointed. Anointed with what? The Bible said in Acts 2, that Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God, anointed with the Holy Ghost; went about it and done great works and things, see, that God manifested, proved that He was in this Man.

155 And now, we become anointed with that same Spirit, anointed messiahs; messiahs of the last day, to shine forth the resurrection of Jesus Christ; to show that He is not dead, but in the form of the Holy Ghost, He's in His people; moving among His Bride, with a love affair to Her, pouring out into Her, Himself. They are becoming one for the Wedding Supper; and the same signs, promised by the same God, in the same Word, is making His same manifestations.

156There's nothing left for us to do but believe It, and "believe it" is the substance, and that creates a Perfect Faith. Just think how--how how numb we are; just think of that just a minute, now.

157 Now, let's see. Has He done all things well? Has He ever told us anything, but what happened just exactly the way He said it? Hasn't He performed, and hasn't the great Pillar of Fire been among us and done just exactly like He promised to do? Haven't we seen It? Hasn't science taken It, after it's been predicted what would happen; go right there and have it even in the papers and magazines, pack it right back and show it, when it's told you months before it happened? Hasn't He done just exactly the way He did in the Old Testament, and the New Testament? And It's just exactly the same One! The same Holy Spirit comes, and is a Discerner. "And the Word of God, which is quicker and sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Isn't that right? Isn't that the same God? Now, that same One, it's not a stranger off somewhere else, He's here. He's here, does this to create a Perfect Faith. I feel Him. I know He's here now. I know that His Spirit is here. I know that He knows all things. Amen! And I know He wants to--to do something. He's been doing something, to--to create this perfection of faith in the people.

158 Are we going to walk into Eternity, like it was in the days of Noah, with eight souls saved? Are we going to come like Lot, with three out of Sodom? Are we going to come, like in the days of John the Baptist, with six believers? Let us believe, for His works is perfect! They're manifested daily and perfectly before us, showing that He is the Word, the Word! Hebrews, the 4th chapter, says.

... the word of God is... sharper than any two-edged sword,... even a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

159Think of that! The Word of God is That, a Discerner of the intents of the heart. "For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and of spirit, and of the joints and of the marrow, and is a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." The Word made flesh! Hallelujah! The Word operating in human flesh, by physical signs, by material signs, by Scriptural signs, perfectly, to bring to you a Perfect Faith for a Perfect Rapture.

160 Why can't we look at It? Not a mystic; the Devil has put everything in the world before you, try to keep, make you... keep you from believing It. He'll bring in a meeting and try to throw everything he can in front of you. Shake it away from you! The Bible says, "Rise and shake yourself." Pinch yourself.

161His Spirit is here, He knows you. You've got one thing to do, and that's to believe It, to accept It. He knows. You believe that? He knows what's in you, He knows what you are, He knows what your desire is, He knows what you have need of.

162Jim, do you believe He knows about that baby? Took his fever before you left, a hundred and five. Do you believe He'll heal it? Come on it, today, sick. It'll leave it. I just looked over there and seen them before they left home, what they done. Now, that's true.

163 Mrs. Little, do you believe God would give you victory over that diabetes? There's a woman setting beside you, don't know you, but the Spirit's upon her. What she's worried about's a little... she got a child that has to have an operation for an eye or something. She's from Chicago. "Quicker, more powerful, than a two-edged sword; a Discerner." What is it? The Word! Do you believe that? Certainly.

164There's a lady setting right in the next row there; just had an eye operation, didn't do too well. But you--you believe It, it'll get... you'll--you'll get all right. Do you believe It? All right. She, she is thinking about that.

165Mrs. Peckenpough, it isn't for you, it's for this grandson setting here. You're praying about it, but you believe that God will make it well? You believe God can tell me what's wrong with him. Doctors don't know; no. That's right. Swelling lungs. That's right. He's got a blood condition. Correct! They're kind of confused about whether they're going to let him go to school or not. "Quicker, more powerful, than a two-edged sword."

166 I see a woman losing her food. She's somewhere, let me get her face somewhere. Yes, setting back there. Her name's Mrs. LewEllen. She believe with all her heart, that stomach trouble will leave you. Amen!

167Here's a lady setting right across from her, looking at me right now, setting on the end; she's wearing glasses. She got arthritis. It's in your left hand; it was, it ain't now. Yes, if you believe!

168What about that little baby, right back there? It comes from Ohio; got cancer in the eye. Do you believe God will heal it? He'll do it, you believe it. Ashland, Ohio! You believe now that God will make it well, He'll do it. What is It? "More powerful, quicker than any..."

169Here sets a lady here, something struck her, she's got a trouble in her shoulder. That's right. Is that right? All right, believe It, and it'll leave. See? "The Word of God, a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart."

170 Now, there's no prayer cards in this building. There's nobody to pray... give out any prayer cards. We don't use them here, 'less it's just have to keep in order. You want to be prayed for? How many wants to be prayed for while the Word is manifested through flesh? Let this row here get up and come down this way, right down this aisle here first, right in here, you that want to be prayed for. Then, after that, I want this aisle here to come down behind them. Then after they're through, let this aisle over here come.

171"Quicker, more powerful,..." Could a two-edged sword do that? No, sir! But the Word of God can do it. Why? It is the Word of God. Now, you believe it?

172The Great Physician! Where's that sister from down in--in Tennessee, Sister Ungren, or Downing? "The great Physician now is near."

173I'll never forget that, in Fort Wayne that night when that little Amish girl or Dunkard was setting there, playing that, "The great Physician now is here," hearing that little boy was healed, she jumped up, the Holy Ghost fell on her, her pretty hair fell down across her shoulders, and the piano never missed a key. "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Supernatural power moving them piano keys, playing "The great Physician now is near."

174 Look, are... You believe? You ought to? See? Now remember, when you pass... Now, if you don't believe it, don't come, you set down. Say, "I ain't going to. I ain't going to stumble into this. I'm coming, believe it." When I...

175The Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's exactly right. Now, that's under conditions, "if you believe It." Now, I believe this. God's proved it to you, I believe It. You see? He manifest His Word, to show that it is His Word. A Scripture fulfillment, to prove that it is. Now, you believe it when you pass by. Will you do it? And then when I lay hands upon you,... that's exactly what the Bible said.

176 You got anointing oil here, Brother Neville? Get that, and come over this other side, lets just fulfill the Scripture. Get over on this side here, and anoint every person as they pass by, and we'll pray for them. Now, so that I'll be sure, that I'll get the prayer of faith for every one of you, let's have everybody put your hands on one another that's believers. Just reach over, and cross your hands on each other. This is where we're going to find out something in a few minutes.

177I'll see just how advanced my church is, on what we believe in; see just how advanced the people are; how they're ready to take the Sword and walk out in the front line, say, "I challenge you, Satan. See? I challenge you! You can't--you can't make me disbelieve anymore." What are these things done for? So that people will believe. It's the Word. It's where that shows that I am preaching to you the Truth, the Word. The Word made flesh, made flesh in you; made Word; made Life in you, made Life in me. See?

The Great Physician! All right, let us bow our heads now.

178 Lord Jesus, the great Physician now is near, You are the Physician. I have preached Your Word, and Your Word has declared that You are here; that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever; that You cannot fail. You never failed us, Lord. And now, let each one of these that has their hands on each other, may the blessings of God rest upon them. And as we come, they're believers. And as we anoint them with oil, the pastor and I, and pass them through this line, may each one pass through here with faith to believe it, to know that the very God of Heaven stands present. May each one shake themself. Can they only this one time, Lord? Just let them... let it soak down, Lord, one time. Open their eyes, Lord, that they can see what is going on, and not be blind, staggering, but to see the reality of the Presence of a resurrected Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord, through Jesus' Name. Amen.

179 I charge you in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you come not in this line unless you feel that you got that Perfect Faith, 'cause you're only taking their time, somebody else's time. Don't you do it! And by... as long as I've preached to you, have I ever said one thing to you but what it happened? Exactly! The Lord did that. He did it not for me, I believe. He did it for you, that you might believe that what I'm telling you is the Truth. Now you believe it, it'll be all right, and it... you'll get well. When you come by here, drop your unbelief right in this... a spiritual pocket down here. You won't see it, but it's there. When that oil touches you, drop your unbelief right there. Deposit that and walk away with Perfect Faith that you're well. Will you do it? The Lord bless you, then.

180 All right, I'm going to ask somebody who can lead songs, just to... Where is that great preacher, brother, that...? What's his name? Capps, Brother Capps. Is he in the line? What's that? Come here, Brother Capps, and stand there and sing (the congregation) while we all pray, "The great Physician now is near."

As they lead it, each one sing now with your heart. Don't just sing, say, "I'm going to sing, 'Great Physician now is near, sympathizing Jesus. Speak, drooping hearts to cheer, sympathizing Jesus.'" [Brother Branham illustrated an unemotional singing--Ed.] Oh, oh, oh, my!

All your jaw! On your toes. Your spirit alert. "Yes, the great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus!" He proves that He's here! I believe Him. Amen.

181 All right. Let the... Let those who have faith come forward.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands on her for her healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I condemn the sickness.

Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my brother, for healing.

The Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands on my sister for her healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my brother for his healing.

In Jesus' Name, I lay hands on my sister for healing.

In Jesus' Name, I lay hands on my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands on sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands my brother for healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands on my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus Christ's Name!

In Jesus' Name!

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this, my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name!

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother. May he be well.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal this, my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this child. God, grant it.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this little boy.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this little girl.

In the Name of Jesus, heal this, my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal this, my brother, Lord.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal, Lord, my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, Lord...?... for the glory of God.

Healing my brother, in Jesus' Name. Leave it alone.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this child.

Jesus' Name, heal this sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal the sister.

Jesus' Name, heal sister...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus, Lord, heal our sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother, make him well.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this, my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal this little girl.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal the child.

Heal the child, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal the little boy, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my Sister Collins, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Deposit your unbelief now.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Drop your unbelief in the box now. Pass by. Take Perfect Faith.

In Jesus' Name, take it. May it be done.

In Jesus' Name, grant it, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, grant it, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister, Lord.

In the Name of Jesus, heal my sister!...?...

In the Name of Jesus, heal this.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Bless you, brother. In Jesus' Name, heal Brother Cox, Lord. Praise God!

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Now, remember, I'm putting every bit of faith that I know how to do, in this, for a purpose.

In Jesus' Name, heal this little girl.

In Jesus' Name, heal this sister.

God, I lay hands upon the baby. So shall it be healed, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

In Jesus' Name, heal the little girl.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother.

The little girl? Hold them up to you. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal them, Lord, for Your glory.

In Jesus' Name, heal our sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal our sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus, heal my little brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask for her healing.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my little brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother, the child.

In Jesus' Name, heal them, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my brother, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Heal my sister.

Heal my sister. Bless them, Lord, for their...?... in Jesus' Name.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal our brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal our brother, Lord.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, grant his request.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Deposit your unbelief. Come, believing now, God will grant it. Come, believing it, and God will grant it. I believe it. I'm using all the faith I know how. "They shall lay hands on the sick; they shall recover."

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

How is this sight, Brother Neville? Brother Dauch, a trophy of God's grace! This is the man supposed to died, a week or two ago.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, God, You must love him, Father, for You done great things for him. I lay my hands upon him, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Lord God, upon his precious wife, I lay my hands on her, the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen.

That all of them?

182Now, let's bow our head now.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus;

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph's song,

Sweetest name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

Jesus, blessed Jesus.

183 Know ye what I have done to you? You've called me, "your pastor"; and you say well, for so I am. If I, your pastor, have been identified by Jesus Christ, that I do His work, then believe my Word. By acting this act of faith, by laying hands upon you, I have condemned the disease and afflictions that's bothering you. Believe that, so shall you have your request, regardless of what it is, for all things are possible to them that believe. And when you pray, believe that you receive what you asked for. And I truly believe that I receive it, and in my heart I accept every one of your healing, I accept it, that it's done. I believe it, I believe it with all that's in me. Also, with my hands upon these handkerchiefs laying here, I been watching it close, I believe that they'll produce just exactly what the people requested. I--I believe it.

184 This is coming into that Third Pull! I--I'm believing it. Now I want to ask you a sincere question, you that passed through the prayer line. Can you actually believe, and feel now, that there is something happened in you since you've had hands laid on you? Raise your hand!...?... There it is. This is what we've waited for. Now, this is not... This is just starting to bloom now. See? Just started with... I did this for a purpose. I did this for a purpose. I'm working out something, see, it's taking this charge of faith and going right back to begin and come in; see, to kind of raise faith in a bracket where you've never noticed it that way before. Not a faith, but a Perfect Faith, build it up in here. And watch a perfect God, with a perfect heart, keep a perfect promise, by His Perfect Word, which is sharper than a two-edged sword and a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart. What? We're coming now to the perfection, because the people has to come to this in order for the Rapture. That's what's holding it away right now, is waiting for that Church to come into that Perfect Raptured Faith. Looking for it. It means a lot of shaving down for me, it means a lot for you, but together we'll make it by the grace of God. Amen.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing...

Lord Jesus, bless my dear brother. May Your Holy Ghost ever make this pastor well, and keep him healthy and strong, in the service that You called him. In Jesus' Name. I'm claiming it, Lord. I love him. We claim it. We know that it's right. We are believing it now.

Sweetest carol ever sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

185 Don't you love Him? Just think: right here now, already begun a work in your body, of your healing, because that He promised it would happen. And now, see, did you catch what I was saying tonight? Have you got the riddle of it? See, "If ye say to this mountain," see, don't doubt, don't doubt, but believe that what you have said. Now watch it, in less than five minutes time, every hand went up, that a work had begun in them right now. Oh, my! There He is. That's it! What is it? The Presence of the great Physician.

186Oh, let's raise our hands to God and sing it again.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus;

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweetest name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

187 Let's just stand still a minute. Let's just worship Him in our heart. Think of it: God, He's here. He's here. Who? Who identified Himself as being the Word? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, even a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents (what you've come here for, what your purpose of being here, who you are)"; identified Jesus Christ to be Messiah, and today It identifies Him of being the same Messiah, yesterday, today, and forever.

188 The Great Physician, Who is here, Who said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover. And if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but can believe." If He can create squirrels, who has no way at all, or nothing there to believe; it's my own faith that goes and does that, my faith in what He challenged me to ask. He challenged me to ask it. And I received His challenge in obedience to His Word, I asked it, and it appeared! God in Heaven knows that's true. Can't He also heal the sick? If He can lift me with a faith up this way, even for the people, even if they can't climb to that bracket. If they can't do it, He can use my faith. He can lift me to that place, and I'm climbing for you. I'm believing for you. I'm speaking for you.

189 I'm your brother, standing as your brother, an intercessor, trying my best to hold you before God. And I'm standing here right before the White Throne now, and staking that... pointing my finger to that bloody Sacrifice there, and speaking through His Name that it's done. It has to happen, and it has to happen. You know it's happened. I know it's happened, so do you know it's happened, and it's so. That's right. Amen.

... the carol ever sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweeting name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

Jesus, blessed Jesus.

190 And the devils were subject unto us in Thy Name, sweetest Name on mortal tongue. The devils... That--That raises the dead, That heals the sick, That cleanses the leper, That casts out devils, That makes Christians. There's not another Name under Heaven. I live in It, baptized in It, believe It, worship in It. Oh, let me become part of It. Let me lose my own self; and find it, Lord, in Thee, That Name called Jesus Christ, the anointed Messiah, that I might press my way through the mud of unbelief to reflect the beauty of Jesus Christ: the same yesterday, today, and forever.

191 God bless you now. When you get back here next Sunday, give the testimony how you were healed, what happened this week. Watch and see what happens. It's over! "How do you know?"

192He told me to "say it," and I said it. That's it. That's it. It's over. I believe it. Now, the pastor, Brother Neville.

193Just a moment. [A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Let's raise our hand and worship Him a minute.

We thank Thee, Lord. We thank Thee, Lord. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Father.

As a believer, did you notice the distance in how much of the message was spoke; and in the rhythm it was spoke in, and watch the interpretation turn back to the same? That's it. Watch what it was, exactly with the Message; and confirming that the thing was the Truth, that He had already performed what He promised you He would do. Watch the way that come forth, and watch the way this interpret. Watch how long he spoke, and watch how many words he said, see, just exactly.

The Lord bless you, till I see you again. Amen.

1Náš Nebeský Otče, toto je dnes večer náš zámer. Zhromaždili sme sa spolu aby sme len verili, verili len Pánovi Ježišovi. Sú tu dnes večer takí, ktorí sú nemocní a postihnutí, a mi sme posvätili naše - naše - naše zhromaždenie dnes večer ku uzdravovaniu nemocného a zlámaného tela. A teraz, tak ako ten brat spieval ten nádherný chválospev, Potom prišiel Ježiš, nech by si Ty prišiel pre nás dnes večer na scénu, Pane, a uzdravil všetkých týchto postihnutých, a aby v našom strede nebola dnes večer ani jedna slabá osoba. Udeľ nám toho, Pane, a pomôž nám pri tom, keď sa teraz dívame do Slova, aby sme našli vieru dostatočnú na túto hodinu. Prosíme to v Mene Ježiša. Amen.

2[brat Branham hovorí s niekým na pódiu. – pozn.prekl.] Sú tu nejaké okuliare, ktoré niekto stratil, našli sa tu v zhromaždení. Ak niekto . . . ak sú to tvoje, v poriadku, sú tu na pódiu, na kazateľni.

3A teraz, viem že mnohí idú do práce, a musia sa dostať skorej domov, a tak nebudem hovoriť veľmi dlho; a potom sa postavia do zástupu a budeme sa modliť za nemocných. To mi dáva príležitosť chytiť sa niektorých týchto núdzových prípadov, ktoré sú práva tam v tej miestnosti, overoval som si to práve teraz ako som tu prišiel a dnes popoludní. Niektorý z nich, skutočne sú vo veľmi zlom a naliehavom stave. A urobil som výzvy, že sa budeme modliť za nemocných. Keď vidím, že ruka Pána Ježiša uzdravuje chorých a postihnutých, ó aký je On len podivuhodný.

4Nuž, nie až tak často sa dostávame ku týmto uzdravovacím zhromaždeniam, pretože obyčajne . . . Duch Svätý príde ak je nejaký naliehavý prípad, a v momente to rozpozná, a odkryje to a povie niečo o tom. Potom tí ostatní, prečo, mi len . . . možno že to nie je nič až také zlé, tak mi len prejdeme popri tom. A myslel som si, keď som tu dvakrát za deň, že by sme mohli posvätiť jedno zhromaždenie, aby sme sa modlili za nemocných. Verím v uzdravovanie nemocných. Verím, že je to Biblický príkaz. Nemôžeme to kázať, bez . . . plné Evanjelium, bez toho, že by sme to tam nezahrnuli.

5A tak, je to možné . . . Neviem ešte, ešte som dnes večer nevolal domov, môže sa stať, že na budúcu nedeľu, by som tu znovu bol. A ak sa to nedozviete od nás tento týždeň, ak vám Billy nedá nič vedieť (on to bude vedieť trochu neskoršie, tento týždeň), ak sa to nedopočujete, potom tu znovu budeme na budúcu nedeľu; pretože, viete, pracovný deň vyžaduje aby ste si oddýchli, a tak . . . alebo sa dostať domov. Rozumiete? A tak sa budeme snažiť, ak bude vôľa Pánova. Nuž, a tak teraz, ak sa to nedopočujete . . . Myslím že Billy vám rozdáva karty alebo vám to nejako hovorí počas zhromaždení, a tak, ak vás nezavolá, tak potom tu prídem znovu na túto ďalšiu nedeľu. Brat Neville, nebude to vadiť keď tu znovu prídem? [Brat Neville hovorí ku bratovi Branhamovi. – pozn.prekl.] No, tak je dobre.

6Všetci tu chcú poznať tohoto malého Collinsa. A v čase keď sme kázali Sedem Pečatí, doktori povedali tomuto malému chlapcovi, ktorý mal reumatickú horúčku, že musí ležať na chrbte a piť cez trubičku; tak - tak to bolo. A jeho otec a matka ho vzali domov, posadili ho do izby a modlili sa za neho. A Pán Ježiš ho tak dokonale uzdravil, že išiel znovu do školy; a z úradov ich tam ohľadne toho zavolali. Tak oni tam zavolali toho špecialistu, ktorý na neho čakal, a ten nemohol tomu uveriť - on nemohol niečomu takému uveriť, a priviedli toho chlapca a podrobili ho vyšetreniu, a on bol dokonale, úplne zdravý. Potom, keď prišiel Ježiš, moc pokušiteľa bola zlámaná!

7Viete, je to divná vec, chcel som niekoho požiadať, aby dnes večer zaspieval tú pieseň. A zatiaľ čo som slúžil tam v tej miestnosti, tu to prišlo, niekto to tu začal spievať, Potom prišiel Ježiš. Ak by to nebolo spievané, chcel som požiadať aby to niekto zaspieval, predtým ako dnes večer začnem hovoriť. Tak, On - On všetky veci robí správne.

8Nuž, mnohí z vás tu budú čakať až do rána, je to pre nich ďaleko, vážim si tú námahu. Niektorí z vás budú cestovať domov dnes večer, pretože ráno musíte ísť do práce, a viem že je to ťažko. A potom, keď si pomyslím, keď to vidím . . .

9Hovorieval som tiež, viete o tom; Stával som sa mrzutým. Dostával som sa do toho že . . . Stávalo sa mi, keď som si toto hovorieval, keď som bol prepracovaný, a Satan prichádzal a hovoril mi, "Aha, nikto sa o teba nestará. Nemáš na tomto svete naozaj nijakého priateľa." A tak to ...

10Pamätajte, ja som nie imúnny proti pokušeniu. Vidíte, ja to musím premôcť. Potom, keď som sa pozrel naspäť a videl niečo takéto, hodil som mu to rovno do tvári a povedal, "A čo toto?"

11Ako jeden môj priateľ, ako sedel tu na zhromaždení, bola nejaká skupina, nejaká taká skupina, ktorí neverili v Božské uzdravovanie, prišli nedávno ku tomuto mladému mužovi a povedali mu, "To čo oni tam kážu o tom Božskom uzdravovaní, nič také neexistuje."

12A tento človek žije v Kentucky, práve kúsok od tej starej ženy, ktorá, keď sme boli v Akton Campgrounds, ktorá zomierala na rakovinu. A jej sestra prišla do zhromaždenia ten večer s vreckovkou, ktorú si vzala do kabelky, a Duch Svätý vyzval tú ženu, ona sedela tam vzadu, a ja som nikdy predtým nebol v tom kraji, a povedal jej že, "ona má vo svojej kabelke vreckovku, ktorú si vzala z domu a dala si ju tam, a že jej sestra sa nachádza tam hore na určitej vrchovine, a zomiera na rakovinu žalúdka. Doktor sa jej vzdal." A ja som povedal, "Choď, polož tú vreckovku na tú ženu, pretože TAK HOVORÍ PÁN, Ona bude žiť." A toho večera, tam tí susedia si mysleli, že tam mali Armádu Spásy, keď tam prišiel brat Ben, a potom položili tú . . . A tá pani bola potom tak dokonale uzdravená, že robila všetku svoju robotu, a pomáhala ešte i susedom.

13A tak tento mladý muž, on o tom vedel, on povedal, "No tak vysvetlite jej prípad!" A tým to bolo vybavené. "Vysvetlite; viete že mala rakovinu. Ona bola tu v Louisville a doktori ju operovali, a keď ju otvorili, hneď sa toho vzdali. Znovu ju zašili, pretože sa nič nedalo robiť. A teraz je celkom normálna, zdravá." Povedal, "Vysvetlite to." A tým to bolo vybavené. Vidíte?

14Viete čo hovorí Biblia? "A oni nemohli nič proti nim povedať, preto že ten človek stál rovno medzi nimi, na ktorom sa stál ten zázrak." To je to kde mi . . . Satan sa za to musí hanbiť, či nie? Ten človek tam stál, na ktorom sa stal ten zázrak.

15Či kriesi Boh mŕtvych? Tu sedí muž, rovno tu, ktorý bol vzkriesený z mŕtvych. Uzdravuje Boh nemocných? Ó, všade sa môžu pozdvihnúť ruky. Boh uzdravuje chorých. A vieme, že On je ten veľký - ten veľký JA SOM, vie ten veľký "Bol som" alebo "Budem"; JA SOM. JA SOM, to je, "všade prítomný, všade, po celý čas"; ten istý včera dnes i naveky.

16Nuž aby sme sa príliš nezdržovali, obráťme sa teraz do tej požehnanej Biblii. Chcem čítať určitú stať, ktorá ma zvykne skoro otočiť naspäť, keď ju čítam. A dnes večer chcem nech vytvoriť zástup a modliť sa za každého, kto chce aby sa za neho modlilo.

17A tak teraz si otvorme Evanjelium Marka, sv. Marek, 11. kapitola Svätého Marka. A začneme čítať od 22. verša, v 11. kapitoly Sv. Marka. A mnohí z vás poznajú to Písmo, je to veľmi známe. Brat Russell, to bolo to Písmo, o ktorom som premýšľal, keď tie . . . keď On ku mne prehovoril a povedal to o tých veveričkách. A oni . . . to bolo práve to Písmo o ktorom som premýšľal. Stále to bola hádanka. On povedal, "Ak povieš"; "Ak poviem"; "Ak ty povieš!"

18A tak, čítajme:

... Ježiš povedal a riekol im: Majte vieru Božiu!

Lebo amen vám hovorím, že ktokoľvek by povedal tomuto vrchu: Zdvihni sa a hoď sa do mora! a nepochyboval by vo svojom srdci, ale by veril, že sa stane, čo hovorí, bude mu, čokoľvek by povedal.

Preto vám hovorím: Všetko, za čokoľvek modliac sa prosíte, verte, že dostanete, a bude vám.

A keď stojíte na modlitbe, odpúšťajte, ak máte niečo proti niekomu, aby aj váš Otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám odpustil vaše poklesky.

Ale ak vy neodpustíte, ani váš otec, ktorý je v nebesiach, vám neodpustí vašich pokleskov.

19A tak, viera je potom založená na odpúšťaní. A potom, ako sme hovorili dnes ráno, snažíme sa dostať cirkev na to miesto, kde by sme skutočne môžeme vidieť prebiehať medzi nami tie apoštolské časy, to je to po čom všetci túžime. A to leží práve rovno predo dvermi. Vidíme to, ale chceme toho vidieť viacej. Chceme to vidieť v takej hojnosti, že to bude pomocou pre nás, a rozleje sa to i na ostatných.

20Pamätajte, Ježiš, ako sme to mali v tej lekcii dnes ráno, On nikdy nepoužil Svoju moc pre Seba, On to používal pre iných. Kvôli tomu to vlastne bolo poslané. A vy niekedy rozmýšľate, "Prečo taký Muž, ako On, ktorý bol tak plný moci, by mal byť niekedy chorý?" Tak, veru. Čítal som niekde, v nejakej knihe, že tam v tedy, keď vzkriesil toho chlapca, toho syna tej vdovy z Nain (Myslím, že to bolo, Knieža z Rodu Dávidovho), že si potom sadol na kameň a stenal od bolesti hlavy. Vidíte? On niesol naše nemoci. Niesť znamená "niesť ich." Vidíte, On ich niesol. A on mal všetko v . . . tak ako my. On býval chorý, On býval pokúšaný, On mával ťažkosti, On býval rozrušený tak ako my, pretože On sa musel stať tým opravdivým Prímluvcom; a tak On musel byť účastníkom, Pestovateľom ovocia, prv ako to bude vedieť robiť.. Žena pri studni a mnoho ďalších vecí, vidíte, keď sa dívame rovno do Písma.

21Chcem povedať, že verím v celé Písmo, a že každý Jeho kúsok je pravda. Sú dnes kritici, ktorí tomu nechcú veriť. Nejaký kritik raz povedal, že "keď Ježiš poslal tých učeníkov tam kde bolo priviazané to osľa, kde sa stretli tie dve cesty, že on to dopredu dohovoril, kde ten osol bude uviazaný." Vidíte, oni nerozumejú, že to Boh dopredu naplánoval.

22Boh mi povedal, jedného dňa, že si tu s bratom Dauchom znovu na ulici potrasieme ruky. Je to veľmi zvláštne, ja som tu v to ráno nebol: ale dve minúty neskoršie, alebo minútu neskoršie, a nestretol by som ho na ulici. On ma nepoznal; nemal okuliare, nemohol ma vidieť. Keď počul môj hlas, začal kričať. Čo to bolo? Obvykle to on nerobí, ale to bola odpoveď na to čo mu bolo povedané, keď ležal tam pod kyslíkovým prístrojom; on by to nemohol urobiť.

23Povedal som mu, "Tiež ešte prídeš a znovu budeš sedieť v zbore"; to bola túžba jeho srdca. Keď sme mali zhromaždenie v Chicagu, on chcel prísť na to zhromaždenie, jeho srdce bolo za tým. Poslal som mu telegram s pozdravom za nás a za jeho deti, a písal som mu, že sme sa modlili za neho, aby sa čo najskôr z toho dostal a bol zdravý. A nejaký milý brat, ktorý ho navštevoval, povedal že on tak strašne chce prísť. Ale tu on sedí, dnes večer, s nami. Vidíte? To nebolo predom dohovorené. Ten istý Boh to naplánoval dopredu, On spôsobuje, aby všetko fungovalo presne do bodky.

24Nejaký kritik raz povedal, že "Nie divu, že Ježiš mohol vziať päť chlebov a nakŕmiť päť tisíc ľudí," povedal, "tie chleby boli väčšie ako sú dnes, a On ich len rozlámal a z každého nakŕmil tisíc ľudí."

26A teraz, chceme teraz hovoriť o viere, a o zvláštnom druhu viery: o Dokonalej viere. Je to veľká vec. Nuž, viera, ako je nám to povedané v Biblii, "Viera prichádza cez počutie." A tak, nemôžete byť spasení bez viery. A viera je niečo, čomu musíte veriť, že to tam je, že skutočne nič iného vám nevydá svedectvo, že to tam je, okrem viery. A ja sa vám teraz snažím priniesť vieru, aby ste tak boli pripravení podísť do modlitebného zástupu, v tých ďalších niekoľkých minútach.

27A tak, viera: "Ten kto prichádza k Bohu musí veriť že On je." A nie je možné ľúbiť sa Bohu bez viery, nemôžete sa Mu ľúbiť. A keď hovoríte, že veríte v Boha . . . vy ste Ho nikdy nevideli, rozumiete, a tak potom vy Tomu musíte veriť skrze vieru. Vidíte? Všetko o čom nám dávajú svedectvo tieto zmysly, to už viacej nie je viera, to je vedecký fakt; vidíte, to nie je viacej viera. Ale vy Jeho musíte prijať skrze vieru. "A ten kto prichádza k Bohu musí veriť Bohu; a viera prichádza skrze počutie Božieho Slova." Vidíte? Vy musíte prv veriť, že toto je Božie Slovo, a vy musíte prísť ku Bohu skrze Slovo. Vidíte? Len vziať to Slovo, to čo Ono hovorí, a "To je pravda!" Všetko ďalšie čo sa s Ním nezhoduje nie je pravda.

28Abrahám musel veriť práve tomu čo mu povedal ten Hlas. A keď mu bolo sto rokov, po dvadsiatych piatych rokoch, on tomu pevnejšie veril ako v tedy pred dvadsiatymi piatimi rokmi, keď mu to bolo povedané. Vidíte? On Tomu veril. A "Nepochyboval o zasľúbení Božom v nevere, ale bol posilnený vo viere dajúc slávu Bohu, súc si cele istý toho, že to čo zasľúbil, je mocný aj učiniť." A to je prístup, každý jeden musí ku tomu tak pristupovať. Musíte prísť s neochvejnou vierou, veriť že Boh dal to zasľúbenie. Ale teraz, musíte sa dostať do pozícii, aby ste mali túto vieru, a to je to o čom budeme hovoriť; vidíte, obdržať túto vieru.

29V Židom, v Liste Židom, v 11- tej kapitole, je nám povedané že:

... viera je podstatou toho na čo sa človek nadeje, ...

30A tak, sme pri tom, kde mnoho ľudí nedokáže obdržať svoje uzdravenie, alebo to o čo prosia, pretože oni vieru pokladajú za niečo čo ona nie je. Vidíte? Oni tomu neveria. To - to . . . to nie je predstava. To je skutočná podstata.

31A teraz, počúvajte pozorne! Vidíte, to nie je to čo si vy predstavujete. To je pre vás práve tak skutočné, ako keď ktorýkoľvek zmysel vášho tela vám o niečom podá správu. Je to tak skutočné, ako keď moje oči vyhlásia, "Toto je kúsok papieru." To je tak skutočné, ako keď poviem, že "toto je svetlo." Je to tak reálne, ako keď poviem, že cítim na sebe svoj kabát." Je to tak skutočné ako - ako počuť, že tam rozpráva to dieťa, alebo robí hluk. Vidíte, práve tak skutočné, ako že hrá hudba. Je to tak skutočné, ako keď cítim vo svojich ústach nejakú chuť. To je tak skutočné, iba že to nemôžete nikomu ukázať. Máte to len vy. Amen! Je to vaše. Viera je podstata; vidíte, nie žiadny mýt. Tak, mnoho ľudí prichádza ...

32Nuž, toto sú skutočne hlboké lekcie a ja sa dotknem len toho najdôležitejšieho, a vy potom budete v tom kopať do hĺbky. Vidíte?

33Všimnite si, to je niečo čo vlastníte; nie predstava, keď to skutočne máte. Je to pre vás tak skutočné, ako môže byť ktorákoľvek iná vec. Je to tak skutočné ako keď viete, že šoférujete na aute. Je to pre vás tak skutočné, ako keď viete že sedíte na zhromaždení. Je to pre vás tak skutočné, ako keď viete, že počujete môj hlas. To je podstata, nie predstava, nie nejaká emócia; ale niečo čo máte a to ku vám prichádza skrze počutie Slova Božieho - a jedine Jeho. "Viera prichádza skrze počutie a počutie Slova Božieho." Toto ukazuje v čom spočíva vaša viera. Ona potom nespočíva v nejakom jednotlivcovi. Ona nespočíva na nejakom človekovi. Ona nespočíva na nejakej organizácii. Ona nespočíva na skupine ľudí. Ona spočíva v Bohu, pretože Boh je Slovo. Vaša viera je v Bohu!

Viera prichádza skrze počutie Božieho Slova!!!

34Potom keď Boh, skrze Svoje Slovo, . . . nie skrze to čo niekto iný urobil, či povedal, ale skrze to čo hovorí Božie Slovo. On povedal, "Nech každé ľudské slovo je klamstvom, a Moje pravdou."

35Nuž, ak vidíte niekoho druhého, kto robí niečo skrze slovo, nejaký skutok Boží, zasľúbenie Božie; a mnohí z nich hovoria, "Ja to tiež môžem robiť!" - To je predstava. - A keď to robia, pozorujete, že niekde tam stroskotali. - To musí byť podstata!!! - Nuž, to je potencionálne viera. To je niečo čo vás privedie do viery. To je potenciálne, tak ako keby ste ma prosili o dub, a ja vám dám žaluď. Potenciálne máte dub, ale on sa ešte nevyvinul; ale keď sa on skutočne vyvinie, je to dub. A keď si predstavíte, že Boh toto robí, . . . Ale Keď vám je to zjavené, to je potom viera, a Dokonalá viera, ona nemôže sklamať.

36Preto tieto videnia sú pre mňa tak - tak ohromné, pretože sa to zakaždým dokázalo ako pravda. Vidíte? A ja viem, že On to zasľúbil. A On to zasľúbil vo Svojom Slove, a tu On prichádza a zasľúbil to na tento deň. A tak teda viete kde stojíte, keď to On tak povedal. Vidíte, to mi dodáva vieru, pretože On nerobí nič, čo by sa nezhodovalo s Jeho napísaným Slovom. Vidíte? A ak by to nesúhlasilo so Slovom, nemohol by som tomu veriť.

37Nuž, viera je podstata, a tam nachádzame - v Liste Židom - čo to je viera, a čo robili tí, ktorí mali vieru. Vidíte, mnohokrát je tak, že ľudia dnes majú vieru a zajtra ju nemajú; napozajtra je to zase ešte niečo iné. Ale keď to Boh raz zakotví, a vy to vidíte, neexistuje nič čo by vás niekedy mohlo odviesť od toho. Vy sa len strkáte, naťahujete, trúfate si - a trúfať si, to je odvážiť sa bez autority -; vy len skúšate toto, a skúšate toto, a idete touto cestou, a bežíte sem, a bežíte tam. Vy ešte nemáte tú Vieru! Ale keď . . . to je to čo nazývame "Viera".

38Ja - ja - ja . . . (prepáčte). Chcem aby ste . . . (ďakujem ti, brat).

39Chcem, aby ste to teraz porozumeli. My . . . Cirkev sa musí povzniesť do moci Božej. Ako? Sme príliš blízko pri konci a verím, že Cirkev je v stave, kde môžeme učiť trochu hlbšie veci a vyškrabať von týchto, ktorí sa robia veriacimi - vidíte? - a dostať sa do niečoho skutočného. Vidíte? To musí byť niečo čo vy viete!

A ak poviete, "Brat Branham, toto nie je svetlo."

40A preto verím týmto videniam, pretože oni stále vydávali svedectvo, že to je pravda, pretože to pochádza zo Slova. Potom, keď to On povie, tým je to vybavené. Nuž, keď je to takto oznámené, nie je to viacej domýšľanie, stane sa to. Potom počujete to, "TAK HOVORÍ PÁN," vidíte, pretože to je poza ľudským myslením. To preniklo do ríši Pánovho myslenia. Ale vy tu stojíte, tak ako Vinič . . . práve tak ako ratolesti produkujú ovocie, ktoré ja vo Viniči. Vidíte? Boh používa človeka, a jedine človeka. Boh nepoužíva stroje. Boh nepoužíva skupiny ľudí. Boh nepoužíva organizácie. Boh používa jednotlivcov, stále!

41A tak, viera je podstatou, a skrze ňu, rozumieme, všetky tieto veci, ktoré sú učinené. To nie je - to nie je nejaká predstava, to je podstata; zvlášť Dokonalá Viera. To je to o čom ja dnes hovorím., dostať sa do Dokonalej Viery. To nie je nejaká predstava.

42Nuž a sú iní, ktorí hovoria, "Ó, ja mám všetku vieru; och, ja ju skutočne mám." No dobre, tak načo tu potom stojíš? Vidíte? Vidíte? Vidíte, práve vaše zachovávanie sa dokazuje, že nemáte to o čom hovoríte. Vidíte? Ak vy máte vieru, tak načo potom stojíte v modlitebnej rade? Vidíte? Načo toto všetko robíte?

43Vidíte, ak máte Dokonalú Vieru, pozreli by ste sa priamo na Boha a verili tomu, a išli preč. Nepotrebovali by ste vôbec ísť do modlitebného zástupu. Vôbec by ste toto nepotrebovali, pretože vaša viera by to tak vykonala . Vidíte? Čo by to bol za zvyk, keby som hovoril, "Musím si obliecť košeľu?" Ja mám oblečenú košeľu!

45No dobre, vidím ju, cítim ju a viem že je tam." Nuž, to je proste tak skutočné, keď sa toho chytí Dokonalá Viera. Vy ne - nepotrebujete nič viacej. Už je to vykonané; viete to.

48Nuž, inými slovami, odvažujem sa, "Dobre, pôjdem. Biblia hovorí, Zavolajte si starších, nech ich pomažú olejom, modlia sa za to. Viem to, pôjdem tam." A vy si hovoríte, "Dobre, budem uzdravený." Vidíte, vy sa robíte; vy teraz nehľadíte, vy sa sami idete len - len prepracovať do toho. A potom, keď to máte za sebou, poviete, "Och, ja som to stále ne . . ? . . . "Vidíte, tu to máte, vy ste nemali vieru!

49Vaša opravdivá viera to namieste vykoná. Vaša opravdivá viera to pre vás urobí tak skutočným že . . . Pozrite sa na tú prostú ženu, ktorá mala ten krvotok, ona si povedala, "Ak sa len budem môcť dotknúť lemu Jeho rúcha, budem uzdravená." A akonáhle to urobila, povedala že, "pocítila sama na sebe, že ustal jej krvotok." Ona tomu skutočne verila.

50A keď sa dotkla toho . . . dokázať že to prestalo - to prestalo; Ježiš sa otočil a povedal, "Kto sa Ma dotkol?" Dokonalá Viera! A tá istá Dokonalá Viera dnes večer, sa dotkne Ježiša Krista, tak ako to urobila vtedy. Tá žena prišla s Dokonalou Vierou na ten čas.

51Nuž a teraz vidíme, že prv učeníci nemali túto Dokonalú Vieru. Oni to nemali, pretože oni mali Krista, chodili s Ním; ale potom neskoršie, Kristus bol v nich. A tak, vidíte, je potom ťažké mať túto Dokonalú Vieru bez Ducha Svätého; On to musí priniesť, On to robí. A teraz si hovoríte, "Či učeníci nemali Dokonalú Vieru?" Nie; pretože mali tam toho epileptického chlapca, z ktorého sa pokúšali vyhnať démona, a nemohli to urobiť.

52A ten otec videl prichádzať Ježiša, a povedal Mu, "Priviedli sme môjho syna tu ku Tvojim učeníkom, a oni ho nemôžu uzdraviť." Vidíte?

53A neskoršie, sa učeníci opýtali Ježiša, hovorili, "Prečo sme ho my nemohli uzdraviť?"

54A Ježiš im povedal, "Pre nedostatok viery, pre vašu neveru." Tak to je. "Pre vašu neveru v . . ."

55Nuž zapamätajte si, oni mali moc. Ježiš im dal moc, aby uzdravovali nemocných, kriesili mŕtvych, a vyháňali démonov, práve niekoľko dní pred tým. Oni mali tú moc, ale nemali vieru, aby použili tú moc. Nuž, tam je Branhamova Modlitebňa! Tam je Cirkev, Nevesta, dnes! Duch Svätý je tu s mocou, ale vy nemáte tú vieru, aby ste s tým pohli. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Na to treba viera, aby s tým pohnúť.

56Aha: Mám nábojnicu, ktorú som naládoval. Viem čo ona vykoná na svojej balistickej dráhe, tak ako Slovo, ale ja musím zapáliť tú kapsľu. Oheň sa musí dostať na pušný prach. Pušný prach má moc, ale on potrebuje oheň, aby to zapálil. A tá istá vec, pušný prach v nábojnici, ale to potrebuje vieru odpáliť to a vystreliť. To je to čo treba ku tomu (vidíte?), Dokonalú Vieru, aby vznietila pušný prach Ducha Svätého, ktorého teraz máme, zatiaľ čo On prišiel na nás; vieru aby vznietila, aby sme videli veľké veci, je . . . viera, niečo čo vám to ukazuje.

57So srdcom plným radosti, vchádzate do izby k nemocnému, a presne viete čo poviete. Vstupujete do vnútra a viete čo sa stane, niečo už bolo zjavené, a vy to viete. A vstupujete do vnútra, "V Mene Ježiša Krista vstať z tade. TAK HOVORÍ PÁN!" No vidíte; to je Dokonalá Viera. Ak by tam bolo aj desať miliónov ľudí, ktorí by tam stáli a hovorili, že to sa nestane, vy jednako viete že sa to stane, pretože vy to viete. To sa stane. Bez ohľadu čo ktokoľvek hovorí, vy ste ten, ktorý má vieru.

58Dokázali by ste si predstaviť Jozueho, že by zavolal dokopy starších Izraela a povedal, "Och, bratia, sme služobníci Pánovi, rád by som vám povedal . . . požiadajme Pána, či to bude v poriadku, ak by nám dal trochu viacej denného svetla, rozumiete, a zadržal na chvíľu slnko"?

59Nie; on to potreboval - a bez modlitby, bez všetkého - on to potreboval, a jednoducho rozkázal slnku! Povedal, "Stoj tam! Potrebujem to, ja som v Pánovej službe, a On ma sem poslal, aby som konal túto robotu, a ja to robím najlepšie ako viem, a nepriateľ sa zhromaždil, a oni sú tamto; ak dovolím slnku aby zapadlo, oni sa dajú dokopy a narobia mi mnoho ťažkostí. Tak, stoj potichu!! A, mesiac, ty vis tam!" Amen; on tam visel za dvadsať štyri hodín.

60Nuž, ak sa svet točí, a on ho zadržal, a slnko stálo na mieste a nezapadalo, čo sa potom stalo? Nuž, ak takto hovoríte, dávate tým najavo, že ste neveriaci; nuž a ak to tak nehovoríte, robíte si posmech z vedy, pretože oni hovoria, že ak by sa svet zastavil, rozsypal by sa. Tak čo teraz? A ak poviete, že Božie Slovo nie je pravda, potom ste neveriaci. Vidíte? Ale to sa stalo, to je hlavná vec. Ja nepoznám tú mechaniku, ale to sa stalo!

61Ja nepoznám mechaniku Ducha Svätého, ale viem že zostúpil na mňa. Ja neviem vysvetliť Jeho mechaniku, ale poznám Jeho požehnania. To - to je to o čo sa starám aby som to poznal, požehnania Ducha Svätého. A mechanika, to On činí, to je Jeho tajomstvo.

62Tento chlapec nemohol byť uzdravený, pretože . . . Tí učeníci mali moc; Ježiš im dal moc, aby uzdravovali každý druh nemoci, aby vyháňali démonov, očisťovali malomocných, a kriesili mŕtvych. On im dal moc, ale oni nemali vieru, aby narábali s tou mocou, ktorú mali. A potom sa oni opýtali Ježiša a povedali, "Nuž a prečo sme ho my nemohli uzdraviť?"

63Nuž, zapamätajte si, oni mali to Slovo; a to Slovo sa stalo Telom, potom. A to Slovo im povedalo, "Dávam vám moc." Amen! "A oni mali moc, ale nemali vieru, aby narábali tým Slovom, ktoré bolo v nich. Rozumiete čo mám na mysli? Ale Ježiš to mal, On bol Slovo, a On mal vieru, že to čo povie sa stane. On povedal, "Och, priveďte ho sem. Ako dlho vás budem trpieť?"

64On mal vieru, so Svojou mocou. Ako to urobil? On povedal, "Ja nemôžem robiť nič Sám od Seba." Prečo? On sa spoliehal na to, čo On bol; On sa spoliehal na to, že vedel, že On je Slovo. A On mal vieru v Boha, Ktorý Ho tým Slovom učinil. On bol Boh - Slovo - a ono bolo v Ňom, a to Mu dalo vieru, pretože On vyrozumel Svoje postavenie. On vedel kto On je, pretože Písmo povedalo, že toto je On. A každé Písmo tu nadväzovalo do toho, aby dokázalo, že On je presne to, čo hovorilo Písmo, že On bude, a On vedel kto On je.

65Nuž teda, On spoliehal na tom čím Ho Boh učinil. A keď to On tak robil, či potom my nemáme spoliehať na tom čím nás Boh učinil ako veriacich? "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia!" On mal vieru v to čo On bol. A ak si ty veriaci, ty máš vieru v to čo si ty; ty si veriaci! A ak máš vieru v Boha, Biblia tu hovorí v . . . "Ak naše - ak nás naše srdcia obviňujú, potom nemôžeme mať vieru; ale ak nás neobviňujú naše srdcia, potom máme vieru, máme smelú dôveru k Bohu." Ak si to chcete prečítať, je to Svätý Ján 3: 21. Mám tu poznačené to miesto Písma.

66Nuž všimnite si, Svätý Ján . . . Mám na mysli Prvý List Jánov 3: 21. Všimnite si:

... keď nás neobviňuje naše srdce, máme smelú dôveru k Bohu.

67Ale kým robíte niečo čo je zlé, nemôžete mať smelú dôveru k Bohu. Tak, vidíte, môžete . . . vy automaticky budete vedieť, že nekonáte správne. Vy sa sami automaticky odsuniete na miesto hriešnika, tým že viete, že nekonáte správne. Ale keď vás neodsudzuje vaše srdce, a viete že ste veriaci, a nič nestojí medzi vami a Bohom, môžete prosiť o čo chcete a viete, že vám to bude dané, preto že to je Slovo, ktoré vám je dané, tak ako to bolo dané tým učeníkom.

68Nuž, a tá jediná vec, ktorú potom musíte urobiť, je mať vieru v to čo ste. Mať vieru v to čo Slovo o vás hovorí že ste! A Ježiš mal vieru v Slovo Božie, ktoré hovorilo čo On bol, "To je napísané o Mne" Či nehovoril David v žalmoch; a proroci, i všetci z nich o Ňom? "Ja som Chlieb Života, ktorý zostupuje od Boha z neba." Amen! "Ja som ten Strom Života v záhrade Eden. Ja som toto všetko, JA SOM KTORÝ SOM." A On vedel s tou Dokonalou Vierou, že On je ten pomazaný Mesiáš, že Duch Boží je na Ňom. On povedal, "Nuž, Ja, sám od seba, nič nečiním; ale to je Moja viera v Boha." A Boh bol v Ňom, to Slovo sa manifestovalo. A keď Slovo Božie prichádza do vás. Ono sa manifestuje pretože ste veriaci. Vidíte? A veriaci to je, "viera Božia ktorá sa pohybuje vo vás."

69Páči sa vám to? Mám rád keď . . . Rád učím o tom kde . . . ako . . . čo viera skutočne je.

70Vediac Kto On bol, bez najmenšieho tieňa pochybnosti, On vedel, že On je Syn Boží. On to vedel, pretože Slovo to preukázalo. Slovo Božie preukázalo kto On bol. On povedal, "Ak Ja nečiním skutky Svojho Otca, tak Mi neverte; ale ak - ak nečiním tie skutky, neverte Mi. Ale ak ich činím, potom verte tým skutkom, pretože oni sú tým zamanifestovaným Slovom, ktoré bolo zasľúbené." Och, keby ste sa len mohli prebudiť do toho! Rozumiete to? Vidíte, samo to Slovo preukazovalo Jeho totožnosť, kto On je. A On povedal, "Kto ma môže usvedčiť o hriechu?" Nikto nemohol nič povedať; proti tomu čo On bol. Potom On mal vieru veriť, potom; a čokoľvek povedal sa stalo.

71On sa potom otočil a povedal, "Skutky, ktoré Ja činím, vy tiež budete činiť. Krátku chvíľu a svet Ma viacej neuvidí; ale vy Ma uvidíte, pretože Ja budem s vami, dokonca vo vás. Nestarajte sa o to čo budete hovoriť, pretože to nie ste vy, ktorí hovoríte, to je váš Otec, ktorý prebýva vo vás; On je Ten ktorý hovorí. A To nie som Ja, To je Otec, ktorý prebýva vo Mne, On činí tie skutky." Rozumiete čo mám na mysli?

72A tak, ako poznávacie znamenie Biblického Kresťana, Ježiš povedal tieto Slová: "Uverivších budú sprevádzať tieto znamenia." Nuž, ako sa môžete nazývať veriacim, ľudia, a zapierať tieto Slová? Ako sa môžete nazývať veriacim a zapierať niečo z tohoto Slova? Vidíte? Nemôžete to robiť. Vy ste nie veriaci, preto vás tie znamenia nemôžu nasledovať, pretože vy prijímate len to čo chcete veriť a to ostatné z Toho nechávate - vy Tomu neveríte. Ale vy musíte zobrať všetko a veriť Tomu. A keď opravdu veríte - nie robiť sa že veríte, ale keď skutočne veríte - potom tieto znamenia nasledujú tých ktorí veria.

73Och, mohli by ste porovnať dnešných kresťanov s tými voľakedajšími kresťanmi? Ako tí učeníci chodili v moci Ducha, vedení Duchom Božím. Tak ako väzeň, ako som to kázal jedného večera, väzeň Slova a vôli Božej; on sa nemôže ani len pohnúť až kým s ním Boh nepohne. Neboli by ste radi, keby ste videli povstať takto Cirkev? To bude, ide to späť. Ono to príde. Je to pravda. To musí . . . Je to teraz na ceste. Ja . . .

74Slovo overilo totožnosť, overilo totožnosť Jeho samého, čo On bol; a to isté Slovo overuje našu totožnosť. Vidíte? "Ak ma niekto miluje, on ostríha Moje prikázania. A ak on povie že Ma miluje, a neostríha Moje prikázania (to platí pre každého z nich), je klamár, a Pravdy v ňom niet."

75Vy si poviete, "No dobre, ja neverím všetko . . ." No dobre, potom toto . . . vy ste proste neveriaci, a hotovo. Ak Biblia tak hovorí, to znamená že je to pravda a tým je to naveky vybavené. To čo hovorí Biblia je Pravda.

76Všimnite si, kde nám On povedal, "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás." Ev. Sv. Jána 15., "Ak zostanete vo Mne . . . " (Vidíte, mať vieru v Neho.) "Vy zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete."

77Nuž, pozrite sa, On vedel kto bol, a tak preto On mal vieru. Viera sa mohla zjaviť, keď On vedel čo On je. Nuž, "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás," potom budete vedieť kto ste. Proste si o čo chcete, bude vám to dané.

78Či by to nebolo nádherné, dnes večer, keby každý kto sa postaví do zástupu pre modlitbu, povie, "Ja som kresťan. Nič ma neodsudzuje. Viem - viem, že moje srdce ma neodsudzuje. Niečo mi hovorí, že dnes je koniec môjmu trápeniu"? To je . . . veríš, odídeš s tadeto s niečím. Nezáleží na tom ako veľmi sa dostávaš do emócii, ako veľmi to robíš, to nebude fungovať, až kým tá Dokonalá Viera sa nezamanifestuje a nezjaví v tebe svoju totožnosť, ako podstata. A keď sa to deje, potom ťa nič neodtrhne od toho.

79Ak - ak si mal rakovinu, a doktor ti včera povedal, že do pondelku rána zomrieš, (všetko - tvoje srdce, tvoje dýchanie je preč, rakovina ťa zožrala, tvoj krvný obeh je celý napadnutý rakovinou, i všetko); a Niečo prichádza s touto podstatou, tejto rýdzej viery, Dokonalá Viera sa v tebe stala podstatou, a ty sa vysmeješ doktorovi do tvári.

80Budeš ako starý Eliáš, keď chodil hore dole pred tými modlami, a povedal, "Prečo nekričíte trochu hlasnejšie, možno že je niekde na ceste?" On vedel čo ide urobiť, pretože Boh mu povedal čo sa stane. On povedal, "Nech ten boh, ktorý odpovie ohňom, je Bohom."

81Oni povedali, "Prijímame tento návrh." A vyliali vodu na tie oltáre. A oni - oni sa rezali, a robili všetko možné, a kričali, "Ó Báál! Ó Báál! Odpovedz!!"

82Eliáš bol tak pokojný ako len mohol byť. On povedal, "Volajte trochu hlasnejšie," povedal - povedal, "možno, že je niekde na ceste. Možno, že si zašiel na ryby. Možno, že robí niečo iné, veď viete. Niekde si odskočil." Oni len . . . Proste si z nich robil žarty, pretože vedel, že to sa stane.

83Oh, pozrite sa, keď urobil všetko ako bolo treba. On tam predstúpil a povedal, "Pane Bože Abrahámov, Izákov a Izraelov!" On ho vôbec nepomenoval jeho menom Jákob, "podvodník." Nazval ho Izrael, "knieža Božie."

85Nuž, táto istá Biblia je to isté Božie Slovo. A potom, keď môžete prijať tú podstatu, to je Dokonalá Viera; podstata, že toto zasľúbenie, ktoré Boh dal, je vaše.

87Ak by mi On dnes večer povedal, aby som zajtra ráno išiel na prezidentský cintorín a vzbudil Georga Washingtona, pozval by som celý svet, "Poďte sa pozrieť ako sa to stane." Povedal by som, "Priveďte každého . . . doveďte každého kritika, ktorého len môžete a postavte ich okolo, budete vidieť slávu Božiu. Prineste si sem stoličku a sadnite si kde sa vám len dá a oddýchnite si trošku; on tu bude za chvíľu, akonáhle zavolám."

88Ten večer, keď ten malý chlapec vo Fínsku, lepšie povedané, toho dňa; ležal tam mŕtvy, ležal tam asi pol hodinu, rozmačkaný, krv mu vytekala z očí, nosa i uší; jeho útle nôžky boli polámané v jeho pančuchách; nohy mu vytŕčali cez potrhané pančuchy, a topánky mu niekde odfrkli. Pozrel som sa, a pomyslel som si, "To má byť ten chlapec." Povedal som, "Pozri sa dozadu do Biblii, brat Moore."

89Bol s nami brat Lindsay, brat Moore sa pozrel tam dozadu: "A stane sa, HOVORÍ PÁN," (Ó!) "bude krajina, kde bude rásť mnoho zelene. Budú tam výbežky skál. Nejaký chlapec, nakrátko ostrihaný, v krátkych nohaviciach hore na zapínanie, a jeho nohy . . . pančuchy vytiahnuté hore. Bude mať hnedé oči, oni budú prevrátené dozadu. Bude zabitý pri automobilovej nehode. Ale ty polož na neho ruky, a on znovu ožije."

90Tu to bolo, zapísané tam. On tam ležal, amen, čakajúc len na Slovo. Povedal som, Ak tento chlapec teraz za chvíľu neožije, potom som falošný prorok, vykážte ma z Fínska. Ale ak ožije, padnite na svoju tvár a čiňte pokánie!"

91Povedal som, "Smrť, ty ho nemôžeš zadržať." Zavolal som jeho ducha podľa Slova Božieho, "V mene Ježiša Krista," a on vyskočil. Tak veru! Vidíte, . . . ? . . . Viera, vidíte, sa toho chytila. Boh to tak povedal, a stalo sa to!

92Nuž, to je Boh, ktorý hovorí v tomto dni skrze videnie. Ale toto: ak to videnie by sa nezhodovalo s Týmto, tak to by bolo zlé; Toto je viacej ako videnie. Ak sa nejaké videnie nezhoduje so Slovom, nechajte ho tak; to nie je z Boha, Boh nerobí nič, čo by sa nezhodovalo s Jeho Vlastným Slovom. Tak, ak vám toto Slovo niečo hovorí, potom sa môžete tak isto spoľahnúť na to čo sa má potom stať. Neexistuje nič, . . . Ak Ono hovorí, "Na chorých budú klásť ruky a oni budú uzdravení"; nuž, brat, ak viera, tá Dokonalá viera, sa toho uchopí, ty . . . keď si prešiel cez tento modlitebný zástup, budeš poskakovať a vykrikovať až . . . keď si z tadeto odišiel, "Je to preč!" Je to preč! Všetko sa skončilo, je po tom! Ak si mal vo svojom srdci nejakú prosbu a veril si, že keď bola za to prednesená modlitba, že bude na to daná odpoveď, nie je o čom diskutovať, to je to čo sa stane; ako tá žena s tým krvotokom.

93Ježiš mal Dokonalú Vieru. On - On to mal, a to prišlo preto, že On bol Slovom. A vy sa stanete Slovom; vy sa stanete Slovom, tým že prijmete Slovo. "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás. Moje Slová ktoré . . ." (toto Slovo) "zostane vo vás, potom si proste čo chcete a bude vám to dané." Vidíte? "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu, Presuň sa, a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, potom budete mať to čo ste povedali. Keď sa modlíte, verte že dostanete to o čo prosíte, a budete to mať; bude vám to dané." Čas, priestor, ani nič iné to nebude môcť zmeniť. Viete, že to sa stalo. Je už - je už po tom.

94A teraz, dávajte pozor! Nuž, a On nám povedal, "Ak zostanete vo Mne, a Moje Slová vo vás;" (Sv. Ján, tu) "Môžete si prosiť čo chcete, a stane sa." Potom, rozpoznajte svoju pozíciu v Písme, ako veriaci. Vidíte, vy musíte rozpoznať svoju pozíciu, tak ako On rozpoznal Svoju pozíciu.

96A oni si mysleli, "Ó, tento muž hovorí trochu inak ako tí ostatní." Išli aby to zistili, keď vošli do toho hostinca, to bol On. Vidíte, ich oči boli zdržiavané od Neho. Vidíte, oni vedeli, že On stále poukazoval do toho Písma, a poznali že to je On.

97Nuž, vy musíte veriť za čo prosíte. Ak ste veriaci, rozpoznajte sami seba ako veriaceho. Rozpoznajte, že tieto veci sú pre vás. Ak vo vašom živote vás niečo odsudzuje, dajte to najprv do poriadku. Vidíte? Ak vás niečo odsudzuje vo vašom . . . Ja . . . alebo môžete mať Oralov Robertsov a - a na tucty ďalších ľudí, ktorí majú vieru aby sem prišli a modlili sa za vás, a poskakovali by hore dole, a vyliali na vás galóny oleja, ale stále by sa s tým nič nestalo. Je to tak.

98To čo odchádzajú z Oralových zhromaždení sem. Našiel som takých v modlitebnej rade. Počuli ste ho ako povedal, že už predtým sa za neho modlil.

102V knihe Jóba, tu stojí napísané, "Jób sa bál." A to čoho sa obával, to sa skutočne stalo. Čo to priviedlo? Jeho strach. To je to čo to spôsobilo. Jeho viera by ho bola od toho chránila, ale jeho strach ho priviedol . . . priviedol to na neho. On sa toho obával, že sa to stane, a stalo sa to. Nuž, ak by on bol vedel, že to sa nestane, nebolo by sa to stalo. Rozumiete čo chcem povedať?

103Ak sa bojíte, keď prichádzate do modlitebného zástupu, "Možne že nemám práve tú dostatočnú vieru"; nikdy sa to nestane, netrápte sa. Vidíte? Ale keď viete, že sa to stane, stane sa to. Vidíte? Vidíte, to je proste podstata niečoho. Jób mal strach, že tieto veci prídu na neho, a oni prišli. Ak máte strach, že vaša nemoc vás opustí ... či neopustí, tak sa to nestane. Ak máš vieru, tak sa to stane.

104Opýtajte sa nejakého doktora. Prvá vec, do čoho sa vás on snaží doviesť, je to aby ste mali dôveru v ten liek, ktorý vám predpisuje. Ak v to nemáte žiadnu dôveru, nechajte to radšej tak. Vidíte? Skutočne! Čo to potom je? To je viera, ktorá spôsobuje to uzdravenie; to je viera, ktorá to stále robí.

105Peter, on to robil dobre, až kým sa nezačal báť. Slovo mu povedalo, že môže kráčať po vode. On sa prv bál, myslel si že je to duch, a povedal, "Pane, ak si to Ty, rozkáž mi aby som išiel ku Tebe po vode."

106On povedal, "Poď." Nuž, to je presne to isté ako v Jakobovi 5. 14., ako v Markovi 16; to je ten istý Boh, ktorý To povedal, povedal, "Poď." A tak on vykročil. On postupoval správne, vykročil z lode, začal kráčať po . . .

107Na mori bola búrka, ako viete; veľké spenené hrebene vĺn, väčšie ako tieto kopce tu okolo, pena sa prevaľovala po ich vrcholcoch; hrozné, možno pätnásť, dvadsať stôp peny, prevaľujúce sa veľké spenené hrebene vĺn. A bolo to pre neho strašné žiadať si, "Ak si to Ty Pane, . . . " Vidíte, On vyzeral ako . . . vyzeral tam ako tieň nejakého ducha. On povedal, "Ak si to Ty, rozkáž mi aby som išiel ku Tebe po vode."

108Ježiš povedal, "Poď."

109A on zoskočil dole, povedal, "To je Pán, pôjdem proste po vode." Ale keď obrátil svoje oči na tie vlny, začal mať strach. Čo mu prišlo na rozum? Po prvé, on . . . "Pôjdem, pretože Slovo povedalo aby som išiel." A to druhé, on sa pozrel na svoje . . . nuž, on sa pozrel na svoje príznaky; on sa tam pozrel a videl tie veľké vlny, a začal mať strach; a keď sa začal báť, začal sa ponárať. Vidíte? To čoho sa bál, to sa stalo! To čomu uveril, to sa stalo! Keď veril, mohol chodiť, on chodil po vode; keď veril. Zľakol sa vo svojej viere, a jeho podstata ho potom opustila. Vidíte to? On vyznával stále svoju vieru, ale on už nemal tú podstatu. Tá podstata by mala prejsť rovno ponad tie rozbúrené hrebene vĺn a ísť rovno ďalej ku Nemu, vidíte, ak by on mal Dokonalú vieru. Vidíte? Ale on ju nemel. On si myslel že ju má. On ju prv mal, on bol odhodlaný s odvahou sa pustiť do toho, "Prečo, Pán my povedal aby som to urobil, to sa musí stať." A tak hneď vyskočil z člnu, a išiel. On vôbec nerozmýšľal o vlnách, o ich protivenstve. On to vôbec nemal na mysli.

110Nuž, keď začnete rozmýšľať, "No dobre, počkaj teraz. A, viete, už som tak dlho chorí, ja . . . " Stoj! Vráť sa radšej do člnu. Vidíte? Vidíte? Ale keď prestanete o tom myslieť . . .

112Ale Ježiš žil vo svete o ktorom nikto nič nevedel, on bol zvláštnou osobou. On žil vo svete Dokonalej viery v Dokonalého Boha, v ktorom On bol. Ak my žijeme v Dokonalej Viere kresťana, v to čo sme, budeme záhadnými pre tento svet; ľudia vám nebudú rozumieť. Budete chodiť v Duchu. To čo Duch povie, to budete robiť. Čo On zakáže, to nebudete robiť. Potom ľudia začnú hovoriť ... oni ... budete pre nich záhadnou osobou.

113To je cesta, ktorá je pre všetkých veriacich, oni sú záhadní. Ľudia tomu nerozumejú, pretože oni si žijú pre seba vo svete. Ježiš žil vo svete, ktorý bol nedotknuteľný pre každého iného. Učeníci Mu nemohli porozumieť. Keď hovoril ku ním, oni to tak povedali. A potom povedali, "Prečo, hovoríš v hádankách! My tomuto nerozumieme. Ako toto môže byť?" Vidíte, oni neboli v tom svete, v ktorom žil On. Vidíte, oni mu nemohli rozumieť, nikto Mu nemohol rozumieť.

114A tak keď nejaký človek žije vo viere a chodí vo viere, myslím vieru ktorá má podstatu, on je odizolovaný od celého sveta a stáva sa novým stvorením v Kristovi. Tam, teraz sa dostávate do materiálu na Nevestu. Vidíte? Dostávate sa do stavu vytrhnutia, teraz. To je určené pre každého jedného z nás (nie len pre pastora, teraz), pre diakonov, starších, to je určené pre laikov, každý jednotlivec kráča vo svete sám s Bohom. Ste pokrstení do tohoto Kráľovstva, a tam nie je nikoho iba vy a Boh. Vidíte? On dáva tie rozkazy, a vy ich vyplňujete. Čokoľvek On povie, nikde v to nie je ani tieň pochybnosti, vy postupujete dopredu. Ak Pán povie toto, nieto nikoho na svete, kto by vám to mohol vyhovoriť, vy postupujte ďalej tak isto. Teraz sa dostávate do Dokonalej Viery, do dokonalej dokonalosti, ktorá nemôže sklamať. Taká viera nikdy nesklame. Áno, On pre nich, so Svojou Dokonalou Vierou, bol záhadným; a tak je to teraz s tými, ktorí majú Dokonalú Vieru, sú záhadnými pre ostatných.

115My sme učení aby sme sa sprotivili Diablovi a utečie od nás. Nuž, sprotiviť sa to je len proste "odmietnuť ho"; len sa mu sprotiviť, to je "proste odísť preč od toho." Boh povedal určitú vec; nezáleží na tom čo sa vám on snaží povedať, vôbec ho ani len nepočúvate. Vy máte ... vaše uši sú hluché na všetko iné okrem toho čo hovorí Duch. Vidíte? "Kto má uši - ktoré počúvajú, vidí to čo Duch hovorí do zborov"; ten kto má ten sluchový orgán, ten zachytáva to čo Duch hovorí do zborov. Vidíte?

116Čo hovorí Satan, "Nuž, ja proste nemôžem ... " To nemá nič ... "Nuž, ak budete toto učiť, denominácie vás . " Oni nemajú s tým nič dočinenia, on tak isto ide rovno ďalej.

118A to sa deje skrze vieru, o ktorej teraz hovoríme, vieru, ktorú musíte mať, tú Dokonalú Vieru; tú Vieru ktorá hovorí. "Áno!" Nie je nič na čo by ste povedali "Nie," keď Boh hovorí , "Áno." Vidíte? Keď On povie "Áno," To je "Áno!" A nikdy vám To nič nemôže vziať.

119So Svojou Dokonalou Vierou, On bol veľmi divný. A Diabol sa neobšmietal okolo Neho veľmi dlho. To je naša lekcia dnes ráno. Keď on prichádza s tým veľkým zastrašovaním intelektuálnymi pojmami, keď tam prišiel a a chcel zastrašiť Ježiša, spoznal že sa dotkol vedenia s desať tisíc voltami: odhodilo ho to naspäť. Tak veru. A On povedal, "Je napísané, človek nebude žiť na samom chlebe!" - on potom dostal šok.

Potom po druhé prišiel trochu nežnejšie, keď povedal, "Nuž ty si veľký človek, ty sa tu môžeš postaviť a byť niekým."

120Povedal, "Choď za Mnou, Satan." Ó, koho to stretol! A, "Nebudeš pokúšať Pána svojho Boha." Vidíte, On sa dokázal pred Satanom, že je Pán Boh. "Pretože je napísané, Nebudeš pokúšať . . ."

121Nuž, ak - ak by Satan nebol vedel, že to bol Pán Boh, on by povedal, "Počkaj chvíľu, ty si nie tou Osobou." Ale on to vedel lepšie, než aby to tak povedal Ježišovi.

122On vedel na akej pôde stojí. On povedal, "Nebudeš pokúšať Pána svojho Boha." A to bolo to kto On bol. A Satan to vedel lepšie, než aby to povedal, pretože Ježišove skutky už dokázali, že On je Pán tvoj Boh.

123Všimnite si! Všimnite si teraz, Dokonalá viera je pánom všetkých okolností. Nezáleží na tom čo to je, Ona zavládne nad tým. Nuž, dávaj len pozor! Keď čokoľvek veríš, čokoľvek robíš, a máš vieru v to čo robíš; nezáleží na okolnostiach, to s tým nemá nič spoločného. Vidíte, ona panuje nad tými okolnosťami. Ak je to v izbe s nemocným, a Pán zjavil, že toto a toto sa stane, ty to len vyslov a pokračuj.

125Viera verí, že Boh to vyrieši. "Ja neviem ako to urobí, ale On to aj tak urobí." Vidíte? Ona je pánom všetkých okolností.

126A viera a láska sú si príbuzné, pretože nemôžete mať Vieru, bez toho že by ste nemali Lásku, pretože vaša Viera je v Boha, ktorý je samou podstatou Lásky. Viera a Láska pracujú spoločne.

127Zaiste, tak ako mladý pár. Vezmite si mladého muža a mladú ženu, a oni milujú . . . oni sú zamilovaní jeden do druhého. A pritom, ako sa oni začínajú navzájom poznávať, ich srdcia začínajú biť ako jedno. Vidíte? Oni sú - oni sú . . . oni ešte nie sú muž a žena, ale ich láska ich viaže dokopy, a oni majú smelú dôveru jeden ku druhému. Nuž, ak sa oni skutočne milujú, skutočne milujú, a ty vieš, že toto dievča ťa miluje a ona vie, že ty miluješ ju, vy máte dôveru - vieru jeden ku druhému - ak máte vieru jeden ku druhému; ak nemáte, lepšie bude aby ste sa nebrali. Vidíte?

128Všimnite si, vy musíte mať vieru. A oddeľte ich a dajte jedného úplne na juh a druhého úplne na sever, tá láska jedného za druhým stále existuje, bez ohľadu na to kde sú. Oni sú si tak verní ako len môžu byť, pretože sa navzájom milujú. A ak vy milujete Pána, nie len snažiť sa vyhnúť peklu, ale milujte Pána, potom máte vieru v Boha; vidíte, ak Ho milujete.

129Ako nejaké mladé dievča ... stalo sa to práve tu v Louisville, nie tak dávno. Nejaká žena, ona bola - ona bola ... bola kresťanka už veľa rokov, ale jej muž bol len ... zamilovali sa, ona sa zamilovala do tohoto muža. On bol kresťanom pár rokov. A tak sa vzali; oni sa milovali a dôverovali si jeden druhému, a vzali sa. A tak táto žena povedala tomu mužovi, riekla, "Mužíčku, musí to byť ťažké pre teba, ta si len krátky čas kresťanom. Mal si toho tak mnoho cez čo si musel prejsť." (to bolo pitie) Povedala, "Mal si toho tak mnoho aby si si s tým dal rady." A povedala, "Viem, že si vystavený do veľmi veľkého pokušenia." A povedala, "Chcem ti dať teraz navedomie jednu vec. Nuž, ak by sa ti stalo, že by si upadol, ak by sa ti stalo, že by si upadol do pokušenia a bol by si premožený, nezostávaj niekde pomimo domu; vráť sa naspäť. Príď rovno sem, pretože ja tu čakám práve na teba, a budem ti pomáhať modliť sa, až kým sa znovu z toho nedostaneš a neobdržíš víťazstvo. Budem stáť pri tebe, pretože keď som si ťa vzala, vzala som si ťa preto že ťa milujem. A nezáleží na tom čo si, ja ťa stále milujem."

130Pár dní potom, on bol na obede so svojimi kolegami tam v tej vývarovni, on im o tom rozprával, povedal, "Nuž, ako by niekto mohol niekedy urobiť niečo zlého, keď vás niekto takto miluje?" Vidíte?

131Tu to máte. Ako - ako by ste sa mohli dopustiť prehrešenia proti takej dôvere?

132A keď sme boli hriešnici, odcudzení, bez Boha; vo svete, v tom špinavom blate, ako som o tom hovoril dnes ráno, Boh prišiel ku nám! Boh ťa hľadal, ty si nikdy nehľadal Boha. "Nikto nemôže prísť ku Mne, ak ho prv Otec nepotiahne." A Boh prišiel dole do tej špiny, ktorou si bol, a hľadal ťa a vyviedol ťa von! To má stvoriť Dokonalú Lásku. Pozrite sa na to čo ste boli, a pozrite sa na to čo ste. Čo to spôsobilo? Niekto kto vás miloval! Či nemôžete mať potom vieru v to čo vám On zasľúbil? Skutočná opravdivá láska stvorí dôveru v Jeho Slovo.

133On sa ma chopil, keď som bol ničím. Ja som stále ničím, ale som v Jeho rukách. Vidíte, On sa ma chopil. A On ma miloval, keď nebolo na mne nič čo by bolo hodno milovať. On ťa miloval, keď nebolo na tebe nič čo by bolo hodno milovať, ale On ťa premenil. Tak ako povedala tá černošská sestra, vtedy vo svojom svedectve, ona povedala, "Ja - ja nie som to čo by som mala byť, a nie som to čo by som chcela byť, ale nie so to čo som zvykla byť!" Ona vedela že niekde prišla, niečo sa stalo. A tak to je. Ak Boh, keď som bol odcudzený od Neho, ma tak miloval, že sa až znížil dole aby ma vzal a pozdvihol, to mi dáva dôveru, že On ma chce použiť. On to robí za nejakým účelom. On niečo vo mne uvidel. On uvidel niečo v tebe. On má nejaký dôvod aby ťa spasil, pozri sa na tých ľudí ktorí nie sú dnes spasení. Pozri sa na tie milióny, ktorých On mohol vziať namiesto teba, ale On vzal teba. Amen! Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto. Amen! Ty si v Božej ekonómii. Nikto nemôže zaujať tvoje miesto. To je Jeho Láska ku tebe.

134Potom, či tvoja láska sa nechce načiahnuť rovno späť ku Nemu? A to je milostná udalosť. Nezáleží na tom aká je situácia, jej okolnosti sú zvládnuté skrze túto Lásku ktorá vytvára Vieru: To Boh miluje vás a vy milujete Boha, a milujete jeden druhého, a - a to prináša Vieru. Áno. Potom to nemôže ... ale to nemôže zadržiavať od toho aby bolo prinesené na svetlo presne to čo Boh zasľúbil, že sa má stať.

135Nuž, dávajte pozor! Dokonalá Viera je čistá, práve tak čistá ako láska. Vidíte? Nuž, keď niekoho milujete, a máte ... milujete svojho muža, alebo milujete svoju ženu. Nuž, nie je treba aby vám nikto hovoril že to nerobíte, pretože vy to robíte, a viete že to robíte.

136Nuž, ak by som sa vás opýtal, "Ako môžete dokázať že to robíte?"

138A keď máte čistú, nescudzoloženú Vieru, takú ako je vaša láska ku vášmu druhovi, potom to dokazujete svojím správaním. Vy sa viacej nesťažujete, viete že je to dokonané, len kráčať dopredu. Nezáleží na tom ako tie veci vyzerajú, ani na tom čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí, vy viete čo sa stalo. Vy viete, že je to dokonané; práve tak dobre ako viete, že milujete svojho muža, tak dobre ako viete, že máte . . . Vidíte, láska a viera musia ísť spolu. Oni sú si príbuzné, oni sa milujú. Láska produkuje Vieru.

139Keď nás Satan pokúša, máme sa mu sprotiviť v Dokonalej Viere v Dokonalé Slovo, tak ako to urobil Ježiš. Slovo Božie je dokonalé. Máme mať Dokonalú Vieru v toto Dokonalé Slovo, a sprotiviť sa Satanovi.

140Nuž, budeme sa ponáhľať, tak ako len môžeme.

141Skrze Svoju Vieru v Jeho Slovo (On porazil), môžeme poraziť všetko: oboje smrť, peklo, i hrob. Vieme že Boh je Bohom, tá Dokonalá Viera v Dokonalé Božie Slovo, On porazil všetko s čím prišiel do styku. Dokonca ani smrť nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. Nemoc nemohla obstáť v Jeho prítomnosti. Prúdilo to z Neho ako rieky cností, vychádzalo to neprestajne, moc - cnosti vychádzali z Jeho rúcha. Títo ľudia, ležiaci v tieňoch, len prstom sa dotkli Jeho rúcha a boli uzdravení. Keď to tá žena urobila, potom sa každý chcel dotknúť Jeho rúcha, pretože videli, že neustále z Neho vychádzala cnosť - moc, prúdila ako rieky. On tam bol, a kráčal, kráčal po svete s Dokonalou Vierou, pretože bol Slovom.

142A teraz, "Ak vy zostanete vo Mne," skrze Neho, On privádza to Slovo do vás; "a Moje Slová zostanú vo vás," potom budete kráčať tak isto: cnosti - moc budú prúdiť z vás, rieky Božích fontán požehnania sa z vás budú rozlievať na ľudí. Rozumiete čo myslím? A vy sa tým neklamete, vy si to nepredstavujete. To sa skutočne deje, a vy to vidíte. Ak by ste si to len predstavovali, to by nebolo na nič; Ale ak to tam skutočne je, to sa skutočne stalo.

143Nuž všimnite si! Vidíte, skrze To, keď sa On postavil a povedal, "Ak zboríte toto Telo (tento Chrám), za tri dni Ho znovu postavím." Prečo? On si bol tak istý, že to urobí, pretože Písma hovorili, že On to urobí (Mesiáš): "Nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle, ani nedám Svojmu svätému vidieť porušenie." Prorok, ku ktorému prichádza Slovo, povedal že to sa stane, a On vedel, že On je tou Osobou.

144A keď ... Ježiš, On sám povedal, "Modlitba viery uzdraví chorého," alebo "Na chorých budú klásť ruky, a oni budú uzdravení." Ak . . .

Vy musíte mať tú istú dokonalú dôveru že, "keď sú na mňa položené ruky, budem uzdravený," pretože to On tak povedal.

145On povedal, "Zborte toto Telo, a Ja Ho vzbudím," pretože On vedel, že je Mesiáš. "Nenechám Svojho Svätého aby videl porušenie"; On vedel, že On je Ten Svätý. "Ani nezanechám Jeho dušu v pekle"; On ju nezanechal. On vedel, že On to urobí. On mal dôveru, že On tam bol na to aby porazil oboje, smrť i peklo, povedal, "Zborte To, keď chcete, a Ja to za tri dni znovu postavím." Ó! "Mám moc položiť Svoj život, a mám moc vziať ho znovu späť"; On vedel Kto On je.

146Ty si kresťan. Ty máš právo na každé vykúpené požehnanie, kvôli ktorému Ježiš za teba zomrel. To všetko je tvoje! Už je za to zaplatené, ty tomu len musíš veriť. Nie predstavovať si to; ale veriť tomu, a vedieť, že je to tvoje, a ty to môžeš vlastniť. Ó, to je víťaziaca Viera: vedieť!

147On už predtým vedel že sa to stane. On mohol predpovedať, že to sa stane, pretože vedel, že sa to stane; a čokoľvek predpovedal, to sa stalo. Nuž, dávajte pozor! Čokoľvek On povedal, Boh dal vážnosť tomu čo On povedal. Zamyslite sa nad tým! Čokoľvek Ježiš povedal, Boh to uskutočnil. Tak, On vedel, že Jeho Slová sú Božími Slovami. Nuž, hľaďte! To isté Písmo prichádza znovu rovno späť ku nám, "Ak poviete tomuto vrchu." Ó! Nechám to trochu vsiaknuť, rozumiete, pretože budeme mať modlitebnú radu. Ukončíme zhromaždenie a budeme sa modliť za chorých, za tých ktorí budú chcieť ... musia ísť.

148Hľaďte! On vedel že sa ľúbi Bohu. On vedel, že na Jeho živote nebolo nič. Boh o tom už vydal svedectvo, "Toto je Môj milovaný Syn, v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo, Jeho počúvajte! Toto je Môj milovaný Syn v ktorom sa Mi zaľúbilo prebývať," v ten deň Jeho krstu. "Tu sa Mi zaľúbilo urobiť si Svoj príbytok, proti Nemu nieto žiadneho odsúdenia."

149Nuž, keď ten istý Boh príde do vás, a zaľúbi sa Mu vo vás prebývať, zaľúbi sa Mu dať vážnosť vášmu slovu, aké bude vaše rozhodnutie, ... Aké bolo Jozueho rozhodnutie? "Stoj potichu, slnko!" A ono tam stálo. Amen! Skutočne! Aké bolo Mojžišove rozhodnutie? Držal svoju palicu takto nad - riekou, a potom na ňu zavolal, "Otvor sa!" A ona sa otvorila! Vidíte, to je - čokoľvek si zažiadate. "A ak poviete tomuto vrchu, pohni sa, a nebudete pochybovať" (vidíte, vo svojom srdci) "ale budete veriť tomu čo ste povedali, stane sa, môžete to mať (čo ste povedali)." To vás kladie späť do Slova. Nuž, to nie je srvátka. To vás kladie späť. Viem že to tu preskočí ponad vaše hlavy, vidíte, pretože sa To nemôže zachytiť; ale skutočná, opravdivá viera to uchytí, hneď teraz.

150Videl som to, priateľu. Táto Biblia tu leží otvorená predo mnou. Videl som ako sa to stalo, a viem že je to Pravda. Viem, Boh v Nebi to vie, že nemusím dožiť do konca tohoto posolstva, ale viem že to sa stalo. Sám som to videl. Som svedkom ako sa to Slovo vyplnilo, a viem že je To Pravda: povedal som to, a stál som tam a videl som ako Stvoriteľ privádza do existencie živé stvorenie, rovno pred vašimi očami; neprestávajúc krútiť hlavou a diviť sa; a potom som sa rozhliadol okolo a videl som Ho ako priviedol do existencii ďalšiu, presne tak ako to, pretože vy ste tak povedali; a poď sem a povedz, "Tam bude ďalšia," a pozri, tam to je! Nuž, to je pravda.

151Ó, kde by sme mali byť? To je Dokonalá Viera. Žiadne videnie, "Povedz len Slovo," vôbec som nevidel tú veveričku. On len povedal toto Písmo, čo to je, a "Povedz to, a nepochybuj o tom; ale čo povieš, bude to tam." A ja som vzal Boha za Slovo, a bolo to tam. Je to tak. Je to práve tak mocné . . . A priateľu, ako tvoj pastor, je to práve tak mocné ako to bolo vtedy keď Jozua zastavil slnko; pretože slnko tam už bolo, tie častice sa pohybovali, a on zastavil ten pohyb. Ale toto, On tam priniesol niečo čo tam nebolo, On to stvoril!! Som tak rád, že som sa spoznal s Bohom, ktorý môže vziať tento prach zeme, jedného dňa keď to nebudem vidieť, a zavolá ma znovu späť do života, potom čo budem pochovaný v hrobe. Ó! Tam to je:

Moja viera hľadí na Teba, Baránok z Golgoty

152Poviete to a nebudete pochybovať, ale budete veriť to čo ste povedali, a budete mať to čo ste povedali. Vidíte, verte že sa to stane!

153David, v Žalmoch, hovoril o Ňom. A s tým, On vzal Svoju moc a slúžil iným. Nie že by to On len opatroval pre Seba, ale On s tým slúžil iným; tiež spasil iných, dokonca tých najvzdialenejších, a On to isté môže urobiť teraz. A zasľúbil veriacim tú istú vieru, vo Svojom Slove, a Ján . . . ako v Jánovi 14: 12., On to tak povedal; v Markovi 16; a tak isto v Markovi 11: 23, čo sme práve čítali.

154Nuž, hľaďte na to. Nuž, On sa zjavil pred nami v tej istej forme ako to urobil pri nich v Starom Zákone, a tak isto ako to urobil v Novom Zákone; a ukázal nám skrze to isté Slovo, toho istého Krista. A ja vyhlasujem pred vami, že Kristus je Duch Svätý. Slovo Kristus znamená, "ten pomazaný"; proste nejaká osoba, ktorá je pomazaná, to je Kristus, ten pomazaný. Koľkí z vás vedia že je to pravda? (to je dobre) Ten pomazaný, bude človek ktorý bude pomazaný. Pomazaný čím? Biblia hovorí v Skutkoch 2., že Ježiš z Nazaretu, muž Bohom potvrdený, pomazaný Duchom Svätým; išiel a činil veľké skutky a všetko, vidíte, že Boh zamanifestoval, dokázal, že On bol v tom mužovi.

155A teraz, my sa stávame pomazaní tým istým Duchom, pomazanými mesiášmi; mesiášmi tohoto posledného času, aby sme ďalej niesli svetlo vzkriesenia Ježiša Krista; aby bolo dané najavo, že On nie je mŕtvy, ale vo forme Ducha Svätého, je vo Svojich ľuďoch; pohybujúci sa medzi Svojou Nevestou, z lásky ku Nej, vlieva do Nej Seba samého. Oni sa stávajú jedno na Svadobnú hostinu; a tie isté znamenia, zasľúbené skrze toho istého Boha, v tom istom Slove, pôsobia tie isté Jeho manifestácie.

156Nezostáva pre nás nič iné iba Tomu veriť, a "veriť to", to je podstata, a to vytvára Dokonalú Vieru. Pomyslite len akí - akí sme my strnulí; zamyslite sa len teraz za chvíľu nad tým.

Nuž, pozrime sa:

157Či On neučinil všetko dobre? Povedal nám niekedy niečo čo by sa nebolo stalo presne tak ako to On povedal? Či to nevykonal, a či nebol ten veľký Ohnivý Stĺp medzi nami a nerobil presne to čo On zasľúbil? Či sme To nevideli? Či to veda nezachytila, potom ako to bolo predpovedané že sa to stane; Išlo to rovno tam a je to dokonca v novinách a časopisoch, kde je to zachytené a ukázané, keď to bolo povedané mesiace predtým ako sa to stalo? Či On nerobil presne to isté tak ako to robil v Starom zákone, a v Novom Zákone? A To je presne Ten istý! Ten istý Svätý Duch prichádza a je rozpoznávačom; a Slovo Božie, ktoré je živšie a ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, ktoré rozoznáva myšlienky a úmysly srdca. Či to nie je tak? Či je to nie ten istý Boh? A ten istý Boh, to nie je niekde v cudzine, On je tu. On je tu a robí toto, aby vytvoril Dokonalú Vieru. Cítim Ho. Viem, že On tu teraz je. Viem, že Jeho Duch je tu. Viem, že On vie o všetkom. Amen! A viem, že On chce niečo urobiť. On niečo robí, aby v ľuďoch stvoril túto dokonalosť viery.

158Pôjdeme do Večnosti, tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho, s ôsmimi zachránenými dušami? Pôjdeme tak ako Lot, s tromi von zo Sodomy? Pôjdeme, ako to bolo vo dňoch Jána Krstiteľa, so šiestymi veriacimi? Verme, pretože Jeho skutky sú dokonalé! Oni sa denne pred nami dokonale manifestujú, ukazujú že On je Slovo, to Slovo! V liste Židom v 4. kapitole stojí:

... slovo Božie je ... ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, ... spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a mysle srdca.

159Pamätajte na to! Slovo Božie je Tým, posudzovačom úmyslov srdca. Pretože Slovo Božie je účinné a mocné a ostrejšie nad každý meč dvojsečný, prenikajúce do rozdelenia duše a ducha a kĺbov a špikov a je spôsobné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca. To Slovo sa stalo telom! Haleluja! To Slovo funguje v ľudskom tele, skrze telesné znamenia, skrze hmotné znamenia, skrze Biblické znamenia, dokonale, aby vás to priviedlo do Dokonalej Viery ku Dokonalému Vytrhnutiu.

160Prečo sa nemôžeme dívať ne To? To nie je žiadna mystika; Diabol kladie všetko možné na tom svete pred vás, snažiac sa zadržať vás - spôsobiť vám - zadržať vás od toho aby ste Tomu uverili. On príde do zhromaždenia a snaží sa postaviť pred vás všetko čo len môže. Straste to zo seba! Biblia hovorí, "Povstaň a otras sa." Uštipni sa.

161Ak je tu ten Duch, On ťa pozná. Ty musíš urobiť jedno, a to veriť Tomu, prijať To. On ťa pozná. Veríš tomu? On vie čo je v tebe, On vie kto si, On vie po čom túžiš, On vie čo potrebuješ.

162Jim, veríš, že On vie o tom decku? Zmeral si mu horúčku prv ako si odišiel, sto päť. Veríš, že On ho uzdraví? Tak poď dnes, povedz, "to ho opustí." Len som sa tam pozrel a videl som ich čo urobili prv ako odišli z domu. Nuž, je to pravda.

163Pani Littleová, veríš že Boh ti môže dať víťazstvo nad tou cukrovkou? Vedľa teba sedí nejaká žena, nepoznám ju, ale Duch je na nej. To s čím si ona robí starosti, to je malé . . . ona má dieťa, ktoré musí ísť na operáciu kvôli oku či niečomu takému. Ona je z Chicaga. "Účinné, mocnejšie ako dvojsečný meč; schopné rozpoznať." Čo to je? Slovo! Veríte tomu? Samozrejme.

164Tam v ďalšej rade sedí nejaká pani; práve si bola operovaná na oko, nedopadlo to príliš dobre. Ale ty - ty veríš Tomu, bude to . . . budeš v poriadku. Veríš Tomu? V poriadku, si uzdravená. Mala by si o tom premýšľať.

165Pani Peckenpoughová, to nie je pre teba, to je pre toho vnuka, ktorý tu sedí. Ty sa za to modlíš, ale veríš, že Boh to dá do poriadku? Ty veríš, že Boh mi môže povedať čo mu je. Doktori nemôžu na to prísť; nie. Je to tak. Opuchnuté pľúca. To je ono. Problémy s krvou. Presne tak! Si z toho zmätená či ho máš dať do školy alebo nie. "Účinné, mocnejšie než dvojsečný meč."

166Vidím nejakú ženu, ktorá nemôže jesť. Ona nie niekde, počkajte nech niekde uvidím jej tvár. Áno, sedí tam vzadu. Nazýva sa pani LewElenová. Ona verí z celého svojho srdca, tie žalúdočné ťažkosti ťa opustia. Amen!

167Tu na druhej strane od nej sedí nejaká pani, práve teraz sa díva na mňa, sedí tam na konci; nosí okuliare. Má artritídu. Je to v jej ľavej ruke; bolo, už nie je. Ak len veríš!

168Čo s tým malým dieťaťom, tam vzadu? Ono prišlo z Ohio; má rakovinu na oku. Veríš, že Boh to uzdraví? On to urobí, ver tomu. Akron, Ohio! Ty veríš, že Boh to dá do poriadku, a On to urobí. Čo to je? "Mocnejšie, účinnejšie než každý . . ."

169Tu sedí nejaká zdravotná sestra, niečo ju udrelo, má bolesti vo svojom ramene. Je to tak. Je to pravda? V poriadku, ver Tomu, a opustí ťa to. Vidíte? "Slovo Božie, schopné posúdiť myšlienky a úmysly srdca."

170Nuž, nemáme tu žiadne modlitebné karty. Nie je nikto kto by sa modlil ... rozdával nejaké modlitebné karty. My to tu nepoužívame, to je len kvôli tomu aby bol zachovaný poriadok. Chcete aby sa za vás modlilo? Koľkí chcú aby sa za nich modlilo zatiaľ čo sa to Slovo manifestuje cez telo? Nech táto rada tu vstane a príde sem, rovno cez túto uličku, rovno sem, ktorí chcete aby sa za vás modlilo. Potom, po nich, nech tu príde táto rada za nimi. A potom keď oni prejdú, nech tu príde tá ďalšia.

171"Účinné, mocnejšie, . . ." Či môže toto dokázať dvojsečný meč? Nie veru! Ale Slovo Božie to môže robiť. Prečo? To je Slovo Božie. Nuž, veríte tomu?

172Ten veľký lekár! Kde je tá sestra tam z - z Tennessee, sestra Ungren ... Dowingová? Ten veľký Lekár sa teraz priblížil.

173Nikdy na to nezabudnem, vo Fort Wayne ten večer, keď to prosté Amišove dievča, či Dunkardove, sedelo tam, a hralo túto pieseň, Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko; a ako počula, že ten malý chlapec bol uzdravený, vyskočila, Duch Svätý padol na ňu, jej krásne vlasy spadli na jej plecia, a piano vôbec neprestalo hrať. "Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, súcitu plný Ježiš." Nadprirodzená moc pohybovala klávesami piana, hrajúc "Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko."

174Pozrite sa, ... Veríte? Chcete? Nuž pamätajte, keď budete prechádzať ... Nuž, ak tomu neveríte, nepoďte sem, seďte tam dole. Povedzte, "Ja budem ... Som syn, ktorý tomu verí. Idem tomu veriť." Keď ...

175Biblia hovorí, "Tieto znamenia budú nasledovať tých ktorí veria. Ak na chorých položia ruky, budú uzdravení." Je to presne tak. Nuž, to je pod podmienkou, "ak tomu veríte," Nuž, bol som práve ... Nuž, dokázal som vám to, že tomu verím. Vidíte? On manifestuje Svoje Slovo, aby ukázal, že to je Jeho Slovo. Biblické vyplnenie, aby bolo dokázané, že to existuje. Nuž verte tomu ako tu budete prechádzať. Budete veriť? A potom, keď na vás položím ruky, ... to je presne to čo hovorí Biblia.

176Máš tu olej na pomazávanie, brat Neville? Vezmi ho, a poď sem tu z druhej strany, nech sa to deje podľa Písma. Zastaň si tu na druhú stranu, a pomaž každého ako tu budú prechádzať okolo. Nuž, a tak si budem istý, že sa budem modliť modlitbou viery za každého jedného z vás, položte všetci svoje ruky jeden na druhého, kto ste veriaci. Načiahnite sa len a poprekrižujte si ruky jeden s druhým. Hodláme v tomto niečo nájsť, za niekoľko minút.

177Predstavujem si, ako pokročil môj zbor, toto malé ... v čo veríme, vidíte. Dívam sa ako títo ľudia ďaleko pokročili; ako sú hotoví vziať Slovo a vykročiť do prvej línii a povedať, "Vyzývam ťa Satan. Vyzývam ťa! Už ma viacej nemôžeš odrádzať od viery." Kvôli čomu sa dejú tieto veci? Aby ľudia verili. To je Slovo. To dáva najavo, že vám kážem Pravdu, Slovo. Slovo sa stalo telom, stalo sa telom vo vás; stalo sa Slovom; stalo sa Životom vo vás, stalo sa Životom vo mne. Vidíte?

Ten veľký Lekár! Dobre, skloňme teraz naše hlavy:

178Pán Ježiš, Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, Ty si ten Lekár. Ja som kázal Tvoje Slovo, a Tvoje Slovo svedčí o tom že Ty si tu; že Ty si ten istý včera, dnes i naveky; že Ty nemôžeš sklamať. Ty si nás nikdy nesklamal, Pane. A teraz, nech každí jeden z tých, ktorí majú položené svoje ruky jeden na druhom, nech požehnanie Božie zostúpi na nich. A pri tom ako prichádzame v modlitbe, a ako ich pomazávame olejom, pastor a ja, a ako prechádzajú cez túto radu, nech každý jeden tu prechádza s vierou, aby tomu veril, aby vedel, že sám Nebeský Boh je tu prítomný. Nech sa otrasie - preberie každý jeden. Môžu to urobiť tento krát, Pane? Nechaj ich len . . . nech to hlboko vsiakne, Pane, tento raz. Otvor ich oči, Pane, nech môžu uvidieť to čo nadchádza, a nebyť slepí, potácajúci sa, ale vidieť skutočnú prítomnosť vzkrieseného Ježiša Krista. Udeľ to, Pane, skrze Ježišove Meno. Amen.

179Vyzývam vás v Mene Ježiša Krista, aby ste neprichádzali do tejto rady skôr, ako by ste cítili, že máte Dokonalú Vieru, pretože by ste im iba zaberali čas, čas niekoho ďalšieho. Nerobte to! A pri . . . po všetky tie roky čo som vám kázal, či som vám povedal niekedy jednu vec, ktorá by sa nebola stala? Presne! Pán to učinil. On to nerobil kvôli mne, ja verím. On to robil kvôli vám, aby ste mohli veriť, že to čo vám hovorím je Pravda. Potom keď to budete veriť, bude to v poriadku, a to ... budete uzdravený. Keď sem prídete, zanechajte svoju neveru rovno v tomto ... duchovnom vrecku tu dole. Nemôžete to vidieť, ale je to tam. Keď sa vás dotkne ten olej, zanechajte hneď tam svoju neveru. Vložte to tam a kráčajte ďalej s Dokonalou Vierou, že ste uzdravený. Budete to tak robiť? Nech vás Pán potom žehná.

180V poriadku, poprosím niekoho, kto by mohol viesť piesne ... Kde je ten veľký kazateľ, brat, ktorý ... ? Ako sa volá? Capps, brat Capps. Je v rade? Čo to je? Poď sem, brat Capps, a zastaň si tam a spievaj (zhromaždenie) zatiaľ čo sa všetci budeme modliť, Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko, ako oni - oni ... Spievajte teraz všetci z celého svojho srdca. Nespievajte len, nehovorte, "Budem spievať: veľký lekár, je teraz blízko, súcitu plný Ježiš." (Vy nespievate od srdca.) "nech sa radujú, súcitu plný Ježiši." Ó, ó!

Chcem to teraz počuť, na špičkách; buďte bdelí: "Áno, ten veľký Lekár je teraz tu, súcituplný Ježiš." Modlili sme sa že On je tu! Ja tomu verím. Amen.

181V poriadku, nech ... nech tí, ktorí majú rodiny prídu dopredu. V Mene Ježiša Krista, kladiem svoje ruky na tohoto brata. [Brat Branham sa modlí za nemocných. – pozn.prekl.] . . . To sú všetci?

182Nuž, a teraz skloňme svoje hlavy:

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko;

Súcitu plný Ježiš;

On hovorí skľúčeným srdciam nech sa radujú;

Ó, počúvajte na hlas Ježiša.

Sladké melódie v piesni serafínov;

Sladké meno na smrteľnom jazyku;

Sladké piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

183Viete čo som vám urobil? Vy ma nazývate "svojím pastorom"; a dobre hovoríte, pretože tak to je. Ak ja, váš pastor, som bol zidentifikovaný Ježišom Kristom, že činím Jeho skutky, potom verte môjmu slovu. Tým že vykonávam tento skutok viery, tým že kladiem na vás ruky, odsúdil som nemoc i ťažkosti ktoré vás trápia. Verte tomu, a tak obdržíte čo si žiadate, bez ohľadu čo to je, pretože všetko je možné, tým ktorí veria. A keď sa modlíte, verte že dostanete to o čo prosíte. A ja skutočne verím že to dostanem, a vo svojom srdci prijímam každé jedno vaše uzdravenie. Verím tomu, verím tomu so všetkým tým čo je vo mne. Tak isto, kladiem svoje ruky tu na tie vreckovky, dával som na to dobrý pozor, verím, že oni vyprodukujú presne to čo si tí ľudia žiadali. Verím tomu.

184Toto prichádza do toho Tretieho Potiahnutia! Verím tomu. Chcem sa vás teraz úprimne niečo opýtať, vás ktorí ste prešli cez tú modlitebnú radu. Môžete skutočne teraz veriť, a cítiť, že niečo sa vo vás stalo ako na vás boli položené ruky? Zodvihnite ruku. To je On. To je to na čo sme očakávali. Nuž, toto nie je . . . toto je teraz len začiatok kvitnutia. Vidíte? Len to začalo s . . . Urobil som to za určitým účelom. Urobil som to za určitým účelom. Dávam niečo najavo, to je vziať toto vyzvanie viery, a začať s tým znovu od začiatku; vidíte, aby nejako vzbudiť vieru v zátvorky , kde ste si ju nikdy predtým takto nevšimli. Nie nejakú vieru, ale Dokonalú Vieru, ktorá sa tu buduje. A pozorujte dokonalého Boha, s dokonalým srdcom, ktorý dodržuje dokonalé zasľúbenie, skrze Svoje Dokonalé Slovo, ktoré je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč a schopné rozpoznať myšlienky srdca. A čo? My teraz prichádzame do dokonalosti, pretože ľudia musia do toho prísť, aby boli pripravení na vytrhnutie. To je to čo práve teraz zdržuje, čakanie, že Cirkev príde do Dokonalej Viery na Vytrhnutie. Ja na to očakávam. To pre mňa znamená, že mnohého sa musím ešte zbaviť, to pre teba znamená, že sa musíš mnohého zbaviť, ale spoločne to dokážeme skrze milosť Božiu. Amen.

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko;

Súcitu plný Ježiš.

Pane Ježišu, Ty si teraz prítomný; tu medzi nami, boli sme odmenený, prítomnosťou Božou. Nech Tvoj Duch Svätý stále v dobrom stave udržiava tohoto pastora; zdravého a silného, na jeho ceste, až kým ho Ty nezavoláš. V Mene Ježiša. Dovolávam sa toho, Pane. Milujem ho. Obaja sa toho dovolávame. Vieme že je to v poriadku, dovolávame sa teraz toho, a obidvaja máme vieru . . . ? . . .

Ten spev najsladších piesní;

Ó Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

185Či Ho nemilujete? Pomyslite si len, On je práve teraz tu, už rozpočal prácu v tvojom tele, na tvojom uzdravení, pretože to On zasľúbil, že sa to stane. A teraz (vidíte?), polapali ste to čo som dnes večer hovoril? Je to pre vás hádanka? Vidíte, "Ak vy poviete tomuto vrchu," nepochybujte, nepochybujte, ale verte tomu čo ste povedali. A teraz sa na to pozrite, ani nie za päť minút a každá ruka sa pozdvihla, že niečo sa v nich práve teraz začalo diať. Ó! To je On. Ktorý to urobil! Čo to je? Prítomnosť Veľkého Lekára.

186Ó, pozdvihnime svoje ruky k Bohu a spievajme znovu:

Ten veľký Lekár je teraz blízko;

Súcitu plný Ježiš;

On hovorí skľúčeným srdciam nech sa radujú;

Ó, počúvajte na hlas Ježiša.

Sladké melódie v piesni serafínov;

Sladké Meno na smrteľnom jazyku;

Sladké piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

187Stojme len potichu za chvíľu. Oslavujme Ho len vo svojich srdciach. Myslite na to: Boh, On je tu. On je tu. Kto? Kto sa preukázal, že je Slovom? "Na počiatku bolo Slovo, a to Slovo bolo u Boha to Slovo bol Boh. A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami, to isté včera, dnes i naveky. To Slovo je ostrejšie ako dvojsečný meč, schopné posúdiť aj myšlienky a zámery (prečo ste sem prišli, kvôli čomu ste tu, kto ste)"; zidentifikovalo Ježiša Krista, že je Mesiáš, a dnes Ono identifikuje Jeho, že je ten istý Mesiáš, včera, dnes i naveky.

188Ten Veľký Lekár, ktorý je tu, ktorý povedal, "Tieto znamenie budú sprevádzať tých ktorí veria. Ak položia na chorých ruky, budú uzdravení. A ak poviete tomuto vrchu, - Pohni sa -, a nebudete pochybovať vo svojom srdci, ale budete veriť, že On môže stvoriť veveričky," ktorý tam nijako nemá nič aby veriť; je to moja vlastná viera, ktorá ide a činí to, moja viera v to, do čoho ma On vyzval aby som o to prosil. On ma vyzval aby som si to prosil. A ja som prijal Jeho výzvu v poslušnosti do Jeho Slova, požiadal som o to, a zjavilo sa to! Boh na Nebi vie, že je to pravda. Či môže On tak isto uzdraviť chorého? Ak ma On môže pozdvihnúť vo viere do tohoto smeru, dokonca za ľudí, dokonca ak sa oni nemôžu dostať na takýto stupeň. Vidíte? Ak to oni nemôžu urobiť, On môže použiť moju vieru. On mňa môže pozdvihnúť na to miesto, a ja si to nárokujem pre vás. Verím za vás. Hovorím za vás.

189Ja som váš brat, stojím tu ako váš brat, prímluvca, snažím sa robiť to najlepšie čo môžem, aby som vás držal pred Bohom. A stojím tu teraz rovno pred tým Bielym Trónom, a beriem toto . . . ukazujem vám prstom tam na tú krvavú obeť, a hovorím vám skrze Jeho Meno, že je to vykonané. To sa musí stať, a to sa musí stať. Vy viete, že to sa stalo. Ja viem, že to sa stalo, a tak viete, že sa to stalo, a je to tak. Je to pravda. Amen.

... piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

Sladké melódie v piesni serafínov;

Sladké meno na smrteľnom jazyku;

Sladké piesne stále znejú;

Ježiš, požehnaný Ježiš.

190A démoni sa nám poddali v Tvojom Mene, sladké Meno na smrteľnom jazyku. Démoni ... To - To kriesi mŕtvych, To uzdravuje nemocných, To očisťuje malomocných, To vyháňa démonov, To robí Kresťanov. Nie je iného Mena pod Nebom. Ja v Tom žijem, pokrstený v to, verím v To, uctievam To. Ó, dovoľte mi stať sa časťou Toho. Dovoľte mi stratiť moje vlastné ja; a nájsť to, Pane, v Tebe, To Meno je Ježiš Kristus, pomazaný Mesiáš, tak som si mohol pretlačiť svoju cestu cez to blato nevery, aby som odzrkadľoval nádheru Ježiša Krista: toho istého včera, dnes i naveky.

191Nech vás Boh teraz žehná. Keď sem prídete na budúcu nedeľu, vydáte svedectvo o tom ako ste boli uzdravení, čo sa stalo tento týždeň. Dávajte pozor a hľaďte čo sa deje. Je po tom! "Ako to vieš?"

192On my povedal, "povedz to," a ja som to povedal. Teraz je po tom, je s tým koniec. Je s tým koniec. Verím tomu. A teraz, pastor, brat Neville.

193Moment. [Posolstvo v inom jazyku a výklad, zo zhromaždenia: "Či nie je Moje Slovo skutočne v srdciach tých, ktorým ho zjavím? hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Áno, a či nie je Moje Slovo ostré, práve tak ako som hovoril dnes večer, že kopija Môjho Ducha je ostrejšia ako dvojsečný meč ostrý. Áno, hovorím ti, Moje rameno nie je ukrátené, že by som nemohol uzdraviť. Áno, moje ucho nie je hluché, že by som nemohol počuť na tvoje modlitby, hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Áno, hľaď na Mňa a vedz že sa stane to čo som povedal [nezrozumiteľné slovo – pozn.prekl.] teba, hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Áno, vedz, áno, to je pravda čo ti bolo teraz večer hovorené. Áno, a zázraky ktoré som ti zasľúbil, áno, už sa dejú, áno, oni sa začínajú diať, hovorí Pán tvoj Boh. Vedz a nech je táto modlitba potvrdená v tvojom srdci, že som sa s tebou sdieľal a budem s tebou, hovorí Pán." – pozn.prekl.]

Nech je požehnaní Meno Pánovo. Pozdvihnime svoje ruky a oddávajme mu chválu ešte za chvíľu. [Zhromaždenie chváli Boha. – pozn.prekl.] A teraz, ako veriaci, všimli ste si v tom ten odstup, koľko posolstva bolo povedané; a ten rytmus, v akom to bolo hovorené, a pozorovali ste ten výklad, ako sa to vrátilo späť do . . . ? . . . To je ono. Hľaďte čo to bolo, presne s tým Posolstvom; a potvrdzuje to, že tieto veci sú pravda, že On to už učinil čo vám zasľúbil že bude robiť. Dívajte sa ako to postupovalo, a hľaďte ako to bolo vykladané. Hľaďte ako dlho on hovoril, a hľaďte koľko povedal slov; úplne presne.

Nech vás Pán žehná, až kým sa znovu nestretneme.

PERFECT FAITH, 63-0825E, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 106 min

1 Our Heavenly Father, that is our intention tonight. We have assembled together to only believe, just believe the Lord Jesus. There are those here, tonight, who are sick and afflicted, and we have dedicated our--our--our service tonight to the healing of the sick and broken body. Now, as the singer just sang that beautiful hymn, Then Jesus Came, may You come on the scene for us tonight, Lord, and heal all that's afflicted, and there won't be a feeble person in our midst tonight. Grant it, Lord, and help us as we look to the Word now to find faith sufficient for this hour. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

2 [Brother Branham speaks to someone on the platform--Ed.] There's a pair of glasses here, that someone has lost, and been found in the church. If anybody... if they belong to you, well, they're here on the platform, on the pulpit.

3Now, I know that many are working, and they have to go home early, and so I won't speak very long; and then have a prayer line to pray for the sick. That gives me an opportunity to--to catch up in some of the emergencies that just been in the room, catch them just now before coming in, and this afternoon. Some of them, of course, is very, very bad and violent. And I been making the calls, too, and praying for the sick. Seeing the hand of our Lord Jesus heal the sick and the afflicted, just how wonderful He is!

4Now, not too often do we get into these healing services, because usually we... the Holy Spirit will come around if there's any emergency case, and discern it right quick, and pick it out and say something about it. Then the rest of them, why, we just... maybe it's nothing too bad, so we just pass it on by. And I thought, being here twice today, it should be that we dedicate one service for a prayer for the sick. I believe in healing the sick. I believe it is a Bible command. We cannot preach that, without... the full Gospel, without including that.

5 Now, it's possible... I don't know yet, I haven't called home yet tonight, it may be possible that next Sunday I'd be through here again. And if you--if you don't hear from us this week, if Billy don't let you know (he'll know a little later on in the week), if you don't hear it, then we'll be here again next Sunday; 'cause that gives you Labor Day, you see, to rest up, and so... or to get home on. See? And so we'll try, the Lord willing. Now, well, if you don't hear... I think Billy drops you a card, or tells you through the services some way, so if he doesn't call you, then I'm coming back for--for this next coming Sunday. If, Brother Neville, it's all right, one of the service? [Brother Neville speaks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Oh, that's fine.

6 If anybody wants to know, this little Collins, here. And during the time of the Seven Seals, the doctors had told that little boy, with rheumatic fever, that he had to lay on his back and drink through a tube; that--that was it. And the father and mother brought him to the home and set him in the room, prayed for him. And the Lord Jesus healed him so completely, he went back to school; and the authorities called them in about it. So they called the specialist who was waiting on him, and she couldn't believe... He couldn't believe such a thing as that, and they brought the boy down for a test, and he was perfectly, normally well. Then, Jesus came, the tempter's power was then broken!

7You know, strange thing, I was going to ask someone to sing that song tonight. And as I was ministering in the room there, here it come, someone singing it out here, Then Jesus Came. If that--that wasn't sang, I was going to ask someone to sing it before I--I spoke tonight. So, He--He works all things right.

8 Now, many of you will be waiting over till in the morning, that's got a long distance to go, and I--I appreciate that--that effort. Some of you will drive home tonight 'cause you got to go to work by daylight, in the morning, and I--I know it's hard. And then when I think, and see that,...

9I get spells too, you know; I get moody. I get to a spot to where I... What gets me, is where I get to those spells when I get all overworked, and Satan comes telling me, "Why, nobody cares for you. You really haven't got a friend in the world, see." And so that...

10Remember, I'm not immune to the temptation. See, I got to overcome that. Then when I look back and see something like this, I put it right back in his face and say, "What about that?" That helps me to over--overcome. "What about that?"

11 Like a certain friend of mine, setting in--in the meeting here, there was a--a--a clan, kind of a--a clan that doesn't believe in Divine healing, come to this young fellow recently and said to him, "That stuff that they're preaching there about that Divine healing, there's nothing to it."

12And this man lives in Kentucky, right near an old woman that, when we was at Acton Campgrounds, that was dying with cancer. And her sister came to the meeting that night with a handkerchief in her purse that she had taken, and the Holy Spirit called out the woman back there (and I'd never been in that country before) and told her that "she had a handkerchief in her purse, that she had there, she'd took from home, and her sister was up on a certain ridge there, dying with cancer of the stomach. The doctor's give her up." And I said, "Go put the handkerchief upon the woman, for THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'She shall live.'" And that's the night, the neighbors up there thought they had the Salvation Army, when Brother Ben got up there, and then put the... And--and then that lady was so perfectly healed until she does her own work and the neighbor's work.

13 So this young man, knowing that, he said, "Then explain her case! That settled it. Explain; you know she had cancer. She was here in Louisville and the doctors was perform the operation, and just simply turned, 'Sew her, put her back. Nothing can be done.' And now she's perfectly normal, well." Said, "Explain that." That settled it. See?

14You know what the Bible said? "And they could say nothing amiss, because the man was standing right in their midst, on whom the miracle was done on." That's where we... It puts Satan to a shame, doesn't it? The man was standing there that the miracle was performed on.

15Does God raise the dead? Here sets a man, right here, raised from the dead. God heal the sick? Oh my, the hands could just go everywhere. God heals the sick. And we know He's the great--the great I AM, not the great "I was" or "will be"; I AM. That's right. I AM, that's "ever present, everywhere, all the time"; the same yesterday, today, and forever.

16 Now, to hurry, let's turn now into the blessed Bible. I want to read a--a passage that--that used to just "turn me around" when I read it. And I want to have a prayer line tonight, and pray for everybody that wants to be prayed for.

17And now we're going to turn to Mark, Saint Mark, the 11th chapter of Saint Mark. And we're going to begin to read about the--the 22nd verse of the 11th chapter of Saint Mark. And many of you know this Scripture, It's very familiar. It was the Scripture I was thinking on, Brother Russell, when those... when He spoke to me and said about those squirrels. And they... that was just the very Scripture I was thinking on. It's always been a puzzle. He said, "If ye say"; not "If I say". "If you say!"

18 Now, let us read.

... Jesus answering said unto them, Have faith in God.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them, and you shall have them.

And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought against any: that your Father also... that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

19 Now, faith is based on forgiveness, then. And then, as we said this morning, trying to get the church into the place to where we could really see apostolic times moving among us, that's what we all hunger. And it's just laying right at the door. We see it, but we want to see more of it. We want it such a flow that it'll--it'll be a help to us, us flow out to others.

20Remember, Jesus (as we had in the lesson this morning), He never used His power for Himself, He used it for others. That's what it was sent for. And you think sometime, "Why would a Man that was so full of power, like Him, would have ever be sick?" Yes, sir. I've read in some book, somewhere, where when He raised up that boy, the widow's son from Nain (I believe, The Prince of the House of David), that He set on a rock and groaned with a headache. See? He bore our infirmity. Bear means "to pack them." See, He bore. And He had all things in... like we have. He had sickness, he had temptations, He had trouble, He had flusteration just as we have, because He had to be the right kind of a Mediator; so He had to be partaker, the Husbandman of the fruit, before He would know. The woman at the well and many things, see, if we looked right into the Scripture.

21 I want to say that I believe every Scripture, and every bit of It to be true. There's critics today that don't want to believe that. A critic once said that "when Jesus sent those disciples to where that colt was tied, where two ways met, that He prearranged that to where that colt was tied." See, they don't understand that God prearranged it.

22God told me, other day, with Brother Dauch here, that I would "shake his hand, on the street again." That's very strange, I wasn't here that morning; but two minutes longer, or a minute longer, I'd have not met him on the street. But I stepped off the car just in time to shake his hand when he was coming in, on the street. He didn't know me; he had his glasses off, he couldn't see me. When he heard my voice, he started crying. What was it? Usually he doesn't do that, but it was a answer to what was told him up there under the oxygen tent; he would do it.

23I said, "You'll also set in the church again"; his heart's desire. When we was having Chicago meeting, he wanted to come to that meeting, his heart was for it. I sent him a telegram of greetings for us and the children, told him we was praying that he'd get well, right quick. And a loving brother, who visited him, said that he--he just wanted to come so bad. But here he sets, tonight, with us. See? That was not prearranged. The same God arrange it, He makes everything work perfectly on the dot.

24 A critic once said that "No wonder Jesus could take five loaves and feed five thousand," said, "the loaves were bigger in that day, and He just cut each loaf to feed a thousand."

25"I give you to understand, a little boy had it in his lunch!" A little child packed five loaves of bread that could feed five thousand people, and be full. Then what about the twelve basketfuls taken up afterwards? See? Oh, they just... that's just critics, that's all it is. That doesn't change God's Word. It's just the same, see, moves on.

26 Now, we want to speak now upon faith, and a different type of faith: Perfect Faith. That's a great thing. Now, faith, we're told in the Bible, "Faith cometh by hearing." Now, you cannot be saved without faith. And faith is something that you have to believe it's there, that really nothing else will declare it's there but faith. Now I'm trying to bring faith to you, so that you can be ready for this prayer line, in the next few minutes.

27 Now, faith: "He that cometh to God must believe that He is." And it's impossible to--to please God without faith, you cannot please Him. And if you say you believe God... you have never seen Him, see, so then you've got to believe It by faith. And if you could see Him, it would be no more faith. See? Anything that the senses declares, is no more faith, it's a scientific fact; see, it's not no more faith. But you have to accept Him by faith. "And he that cometh to God must believe God; and faith comes by hearing the Word of God." See? You must first believe this is God's Word, and you must come to God by the Word. See? Just take the Word, what It says, and "That's right!" Everything else contrary to It, is not right.

28Abraham had to believe just what that Voice told him. And when he was a hundred years old, twenty-five years later, he was stronger believing It than he was twenty-five years ago when It was give to him. See? He believed It. And "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God, knowing that He was able to perform what He had promised." And that's the way, every one must be that way. You must come with an unfailing faith, believing that God made the promise. But now, you have to be in a position to have that faith, and that's what we're going to talk on; see, to receive that faith.

29 In Hebrews, the Book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, we are told that.

... faith is the substance of things hoped for,...

30Now, here's where many people fail to receive their healing, or what they're asking for, because they take faith to be something that it is not. See? They don't believe it. It--it's... it--it's not imagination. It is a actual substance.

31Now, listen close! See, it is not what you imagine. It's just as real to you as any sense of your body will declare anything else. It's just as real as my eyes says, "This is a piece of paper." It's just as real as to say that "that is a light." It's just as real as to say, "I feel my coat." It's just as real as--as I hear that baby talking there, or making its noise. See, just that real, as music playing. It's just as real as I taste anything in my mouth. It is that real, only you can't show it to somebody else. You have it alone. Amen! It's yours. Faith is the substance; see, not just a myth. So, many people come...

32Now, these are real deep lessons, and I'll catch the top of it, then you dig down in it. See?

33 Notice, it is something that you possess; not imagination, if you really have it. It's just as real to you as any other thing that could be. It's just as real as--as you know that--that you're riding an automobile. It's just as real as you know that you're setting in the church. It's just as real as you hear my voice. It is a substance, not an imagination, not an emotion; but something that you have, and it comes to you by hearing the Word of God, and That only. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the Word of God." That puts it back to where your faith, then, is not in some individual. It's not in a man. It's not in a organization. It's not in a group of people. It's in God, because God is the Word. See? Your faith is in God.

Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God.

34Then when God, by His Word,... not by what somebody else did, somebody else said, but by what God's Word said. He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true."

35 Now, you see somebody else do something by a word, act of God, or a promise of God; and many of them say, "I can do that, too." It's an imagination. And when they do, you find them wrecked up out there somewhere. It's got to be a substance. Now, that is potentially a faith. That is something that would bring you to a faith. It's potentially, like if you'd asked me for an oak tree, and I give you an acorn. Potentially you have an oak tree, but it hasn't produced itself yet; but when it really brings itself out, it is an oak tree. And when you imagine that God does this,... But when it's revealed to you, it's a faith then, a Perfect Faith that cannot fail.

36That's the reason those visions are so--so tremendous to me, because it's been proved "right" every time. See? And I know that He promised that. And He promised it in His Word, and here He comes and promised it for this day. Therefore, you know where you're standing, when He said so. See, that gives me a faith, because He never does nothing contrary to His written Word. See? And if it was contrary to the Word, I couldn't have faith in it. Brings it right back again to the Word, see, faith in hearing the Word of God. You must hear the Word! God's Word is that all-sufficient Word. It's all you have need of, is this Word.

37 Now, faith being the substance, and in there we find out (in Hebrews) what faith was, and what those did who had faith. See, there's many times that people have faith today, and tomorrow they haven't got it; the next day there's something, and something else. But when God once anchors it, and you see it, there's nothing ever going to make you move from it. You're just poking, reaching, presuming. And presume is to "venture without authority"; you're just trying this, and you're trying this, and going this way, and run here, and run there. You haven't got the Faith yet! But when... that is what we call "Faith."

38I--I--I... Excuse me. I want you to... Thank you, brother.

39I--I want you to get this now. We... the Church has got to lift Itself in the power of God. How? We are too close to the end, now; and I believe the Church is in condition where we can teach It a little deeper things, and rub some of this make-believe out, see, and get into something real. See? It's got to be something that you know!

And if you say, "Brother Branham, that isn't the light."

"Yet I know it's the light."

"How do you know it's the light?"

"I'm looking at it."

"Well, how do you know that you couldn't be wrong?"

"My sight has always declared to me that that was light." See?

40 And that's the reason I believe those visions, 'cause it's always declared to be the truth, 'cause it comes from the Word. See? Then if He says it, that settles it. Now, when it's declared like that, there's no more guesswork, it's going to be. Then you hear it "THUS SAITH THE LORD," see, because it's--it's beyond the human thinking. It's up into the realms of the Lord's thinking. But you're standing here, just as the Vine... just as a branch producing the fruit that's in the Vine. See? God uses man, and man only. God doesn't use machinery. God doesn't use groups of men. God doesn't use organizations. God uses individuals, always!

41 Now, faith is the substance, and by it, we understand, all of those things are done. It's not a--it's not a imagination, it is a substance; especially Perfect Faith. That's what I'm talking on tonight, getting to Perfect Faith. It is not an imagination.

42Now, others, have people come say, "Oh, I got all faith; oh, I sure have." Well, what are you standing here for, then? See? See? See, your--your very actions prove that you haven't got what you're talking about. See? If you had faith, then what you stand in the prayer line for? See? What do you do these things for?

43See, if you had Perfect Faith, you'd look right straight to God and believe it, and walk away. You would--you would have no need of coming into a prayer line. You'd have no need of these things, because your faith has done made it so. See? What would be the use for me saying, "I got to put a shirt on"? I got a shirt on!

44"How do you know you got a shirt on?"

45"Well, I see it, feel it, and I know it's there." Well, that's just how real that when Perfect Faith takes a hold. You don't--you don't need no more. It's already done; you know it.

46"How do you know it?"

47"Faith tells me so!" That's it. See? Do you get it now, what I mean? That Perfect Faith.

48 Now, other words, I'm venturing out, "Well, I'll go. The Bible said, 'Call the elders, let them anoint with oil, pray over it.' I know, I'll go up." And you say, "Well, I'm going to be healed." See, you're making yourself; you don't watch now, you're going to make yourself just--just worked up. Then when he pass through, he say, "Oh, I--I still don't see." See, there you was, you didn't have faith!

49Your genuine faith will do it right there. Your--your genuine faith will make it so real to you that... Look at that little woman with the blood issue, she said, "If I can only touch the border of His garment, I'll be made well." And as soon as she did it, she said she "felt within herself that her blood issue stopped." She actually believed it.

50And when she touched It... to prove that it stopped--it stopped, Jesus turned and said, "Who touched Me?" That Perfect Faith! And that same Perfect Faith tonight, will touch Jesus Christ just as it did then. The woman come with a Perfect Faith for that time.

51 Now, now we see, at first the disciples didn't have this Perfect Faith. They didn't have it, because they'd had Christ, walking with Him; but then afterwards, Christ was in them. And so, you see, it's hard then to have this Perfect Faith without the Holy Spirit; It has to bring it, It does. Now, you say, "The disciples didn't have Perfect Faith?" No; for they had an epileptic child there, that they were trying to cast this devil out of him, and they couldn't do it.

52And the father seen Jesus coming, and he said, "We have brought my son to--to Your disciples, and they could not cure him." See?

53And afterwards, the disciples asked Jesus, saying, "Why could not we cure him?"

54And Jesus said, "Because, of the lack of faith, of your unbelief." That's right. "Because of your unbelief at..."

55 Now remember, they had the power. Jesus had given them power to heal the sick, to raise the dead, and cast out devils, just a few days before that. They had the power, but not the faith to use the power. Now, there's the Branham Tabernacle! There's the Church, the Bride, today! The Holy Spirit is here with the power, but you haven't got that faith to move it. See what I mean? It takes faith to move it.

56Here: I got a shell that I hand-loaded. I know what it'll do by ballistics, like the Word, but I've got to fire the gun. The fire has to get to the powder. The powder's got the power, but it's got to have the fire to light it off. And the same thing, the powder's in the shell, but it needs faith to charge it and throw it out. That's what it takes, see, Perfect Faith to ignite the power of the Holy Spirit which we have now, since He's come upon us; faith to ignite, to see great things, is to... the faith, something that presents it to you.

57 With a heart full of joy, you walk into the sickroom, knowing exactly what you're going to say. Walk in there and know what's going to happen, something's already been revealed, and you know it. And you walk in, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, rise up from there. THUS SAITH THE LORD!" There you are; that's Perfect Faith. If there'd be ten million people standing there saying it wouldn't happen, you know it's going to happen anyhow, 'cause you know it. It's going to happen. Regardless of what anybody else says, you're the one that's got the faith.

58Could you imagine, Joshua, he'd call the elders of Israel together and said, "Uh, brethren, we are the servants of the Lord, I would like for you to say a... ask the Lord if it'd be all right if--if He'd give us a little more sunlight, see, and hold the sun a little while"?

59Nah; he had need of it (and without prayer, without anything), he had need of it, and he just commanded the sun! He said, "Stand there! I have need, and I'm in the service of the Lord, and He sent me over here to do this job, and I'm doing the best that I know how, and the enemy is routed, and they're out in here; if I let the sun go down, they'll get together and cause me more trouble. So, stand still! And, moon, you hang there!" Amen; she hung there for twenty-four hours.

60 Now, if the world's turning and he holds it up, and the sun stayed in a place and it don't run, what happened then? Now, you made yourself an infidel, if you say of this; and then if you don't, you sure do fool with science, 'cause they said if the world stopped, it dropped. So now what? And if you say God's Word is not right, then you're an infidel. See? But it happened, that's the main thing. I don't know the mechanics of it, but it happened!

61I don't know the mechanics of the Holy Ghost, but I know It fell on me. I--I can't tell the mechanics of It, but I know the blessings of It. That--that's all I--I care to know about, is the blessings of the Holy Ghost. And mechanics, He works them. That's His secret.

62This boy could not be healed, because... The disciples had power; Jesus gave them power to heal all manner of sickness, to cast out devils, to cleanse the lepers, and to raise the dead. He gave them power, but they didn't have faith to operate the power that they had. And then they questioned Jesus and said, "Well, now, why couldn't we do it?"

63 Now, remember, they had the Word; and the Word was Flesh then. And the Word told them, "I give you power." Amen! "I give you power." And they had the power, but they didn't have faith to operate the Word that was in them. See what I mean? But Jesus had it, He was the Word, and He had faith that what He said would happen. He said, "Oh, bring him here. How long will I suffer you?"

64He had faith, with His power. How did He? He said, "I can do nothing in Myself." Why? He relied upon what He was; He relied in knowing that He was the Word. And He had faith in God, Who made Him the Word. He was God (the Word), and they was in Him, and that give Him faith because He understood His position. He knowed what He was, because the Scripture had said He was this. And here every Scripture tied in, to prove that He was exactly what the Scripture said He would be, and He knew what He was.

65 Therefore, He relied upon what God had made Him. And if He did that, then can't we rely upon what God made us as believers? "These signs shall follow them that believe!" He had faith in what He was. And if you are a believer, you have faith in what you are: you are a believer! And if you've got faith in God, the Bible says over here in... "If our--if our hearts condemn us, then we can't have faith; but if our hearts don't condemn us, then we have faith, we have confidence towards God." If you want to read that, found in Saint John 3:21. I got the Scripture written down there.

66Now notice, Saint John... I mean First John 3:21. Notice.

... if our hearts condemn us not, then we have confidence towards God.

67But as long as you're doing things that's wrong, you can't have confidence towards God. So, you see, you can... you'll automatically know that you're wrong. You automatically put yourself back there a sinner, by knowing that you're wrong. But when your heart don't condemn you, and you know you are a believer, and there's nothing between you and God, you can ask what you will and know that it'll be given, because it's the Word that's given to you just like it was to those disciples.

68 Now, the only thing you have to do then, is have faith in what you are. Have faith in what the Word says you are! And Jesus had faith in the Word of God, that said what He was, "It is written of Me." Didn't David, in the Psalms; and the prophets, and all of them speak of Him? "I am the Bread of Life that come from God out of Heaven." Amen! "I am that Tree of Life from the garden of Eden. I am all these things, I AM THAT I AM." And He knew with that Perfect Faith, that He was the anointed Messiah, that the Spirit of God was upon Him. He said, "Now, I, in Myself, do nothing; but it's My faith in God." And God was in Him, the Word made manifest. And when the Word of God comes in you, It's made manifest, for you are a believer. See? And a believer is "the faith of God that moves in you."

69You like that? I--I--I like when you... I like teaching of where the... how to... what faith really is.

70 Knowing Who He was, without a shadow of doubt, He knew He was the Son of God. He knew it, for the Word identified. The Word of God identified Who He was. He said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me; but if--if I don't do them works, don't believe Me. But if I do, then believe the works, for they are the manifested Word promised." Oh, if you could just wake up to that, a minute! You see, the Word Itself identified Him, Who He was. And He said, "Who can condemn Me of sin?" In other words, "Who can show Me that My life and My works don't fulfill exactly what Messiah should do?" Nobody could say nothing; for He was. Then He had faith to believe, then; of whatever He said, it would happen.

71Then He turned around and said, "The works that I do, shall you also. A little while, and the world seeth no more; yet you shall, because I'll be with you, even in you. Take no thought what ye shall say, for it's not you that speak, it's thy Father that dwelleth in you; He's the One Who does the speaking. And It's not Me, It's the Father That dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works." See what I mean?

72 Now, the identification of a Scripture Christian, these Words said Jesus: "These signs shall follow them that believe." Now, how can you call yourself a believer, a people, and deny those Words? How can you call yourself a believer and deny any of this Word? See? You can't do it. You're not a believer, therefore signs can't follow, because you just accept what you want to believe and let the rest of It... you won't--don't believe It. But you got to take the whole thing, and believe It. And when you truly believe (not make believe, but really believe), then these signs follow them that believe.

73Oh, could you compare a Christian today with them Christians of long ago? How them disciples walked in the power of the Spirit, moved by the Holy Ghost, do it. Just a prisoner, as I preached on the other night, a prisoner to the Word and will of God; he couldn't even move until God moved him. Wouldn't you like to see a Church rise like that? It's going to; going back. It's--it's got to come. That's right. It's go-... It's on its road now, I believe.

74 For the Word identified, identified Himself, what He was; and the same Word identifies us. See? "If a man loves Me, he keeps My commandment. And if he says he loves Me, and keeps not My commandments (that's all of them), he's a liar, and the Truth's not even in him."

75You say, "Well, I don't believe all..." Well then, that... you're just an unbeliever, that's all. If the Bible said so, that makes it right, that settles it Eternally. What the Bible said, is the Truth.

76Notice where He said to us, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you." Saint John 15, "If ye abide in Me,..." See, have faith in Him. "Ye abide in Me, and My Word abides in you, then you ask what you will."

77 Now, see, He knew Who He was, therefore He had faith. Faith could produce when He knowed what He was. Now, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you," then you know who you are. "Ask what you will, it'll be given to you."

78Wouldn't that be wonderful, tonight, if everybody come in that prayer line, say, "I am a Christian. I have no condemnation. I--I know that my heart condemn me not. Something tells me that tonight's the end of my suffering"? That, you're going to do. You'll go away here with something. No matter how much you come in emotion, how much you do, it won't work until that Perfect Faith has manifested and identified itself in you, as a substance. And when it's there, then nothing's going to shake you from it.

79 If--if you had cancer, and the doctor told you yesterday that you'd be dead before Monday morning, (all your heart, your respiration's gone, the cancer's eat you up, your bloodstream's become completely cancer, whatever it is); and Something come with this substance of this genuine faith, Perfect Faith was made a substance in you, you'd laugh in that doctor's face.

80You'd be like old Elijah, when he walked up-and-down before the idol, and said, "Won't you call a little louder? And maybe he's pursuing." He knowed what he was going to do, because God had told him what was going to happen. He said, "Let the god that answers by fire, be God."

81They say, "We'll take that proposition." And they poured water upon the altars. And they--they cut themselves, and they done everything, and called, "O Baal! O Baal! Answer!"

82 Elijah was just as calm as he could be. He said, "Call a little louder," said--said, "maybe he's pursuing. Maybe--maybe he's on a fishing trip. Maybe he's doing something else, you see. He's out somewhere." They just... Just made fun of them, because he knew it's going to happen.

83Oh, watch when he got everything in order. He walked out there and said, "Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel!" He never called him now his name Jacob, "shyster." He called him Israel, "prince with God."

84"Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of that Prince (Jacob), let it be known today that I am Your servant; and I have done this, not at my desire, not at my make up, but at Your command I have did this; Your will, You told me what to do. You showed me these things would be here. Now, I've poured the water upon the altar. I've done all these things according to Your command. Now, let it be known!" And when he said that, fire fell from the heavens. He was just as confident it was going to fall, because he had the substance. Why? The Word said so.

85 Now, this same Bible is the same God's Word. And when you can receive the substance (that's Perfect Faith); substance that this promise that God made is yours.

86"How do you feel, Brother Branham, when you stand there and you see people coming in different languages and things? Are you afraid?" No, sir. No, sir. He said so! Never been afraid yet, 'cause He told me so, and I believe that it's Truth.

87If He told me tonight, to go to the presidential graveyard and raise up George Washington tomorrow morning, I'd invite the whole world, "Come and see it done." I'd say, "Bring every... get--get every critic you can and stand them around, you're going to see the Glory of God. Set that chair over here where you can set down and rest a little while; he'll be here just in a moment, soon as I call."

88 That night when that little boy in Finland, that day, rather; laying there dead, been laying there for a half hour, mashed up, blood running out of eyes, nose and ears; his little legs broke up, in his little stockings; and his feet out through the end of his stockings, his shoes gone. I looked, and I thought, "That ought to be that boy." I said, "Say, let's look in the back of that Bible, Brother Moore."

89We got Brother Lindsay, Brother Moore looked back there "'And it shall come to pass,' SAITH THE LORD," (Oh, my!) "'there will be a--a land where's a lot of evergreen growing. Rocks will be lapped together. A little boy with a cropped haircut, little pantywaist buttoned up here, and his feet... his stockings pulled up high. He'll have brown eyes, they'll be turned back. He'll be killed in an automobile accident. But you lay your hands upon him, and he'll come back to life.'"

90 There It was, wrote on there. There he laid, amen, just waiting the Word. I said, "If this boy isn't alive in a couple minutes from now, then I'm a false prophet, run me out of Finland. But if he is alive, fall on your faces and repent!"

91I said, "Death, you can't hold him." I called for his spirit according to the Word of God, "In the Name of Jesus Christ," up he jumped. Right! See? Oh, my! Faith, see, took a hold. God said so, there it is!

92Now, that's--that's God speaking in this day through vision. But this: if that vision was contrary to This, that would be wrong; This is more than the vision. If any vision's contrary to the Word, leave it alone; it ain't of God, God don't contradict His Own Word.

So, if this Word told you something, then you can have the same confidence then what's going to happen. There's nothing,... If It says, "They shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover"; well, brother, if faith, that Perfect Faith, got a hold of that, you'd... when you passed by this prayer line, you'd be jumping and shouting till you... when you left here, "It's over!" It's over! It's all over, it's finished! If you had a request in your heart and believe that when that prayer was made for that, it was going to be answered, there isn't nothing you discuss, that's what's going to happen; like the woman with the blood issue.

93 Jesus had Perfect Faith. He--He had it, and it come because He was the Word. And you become the Word; you become the Word, as you receive the Word. "If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you. My Words which..." (this Word) "abides in you, then ask what you will, and it'll be done for you." See? "If ye say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, but believe in what you've said, then you shall have what you said. When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for, and ye shall have it; it'll be given to you." Time, space, nothing else will ever change it. You know it's done. It's already--it's already over with.

94 Now, watch! Now, and He said to us, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you," Saint John, here, "you can ask what you will, it'll be done." Then, recognize your position in the Scripture, as a believer. See, you've got to recognize your position, as He recognized His position.

95"Is not it written that Christ shall come, and what all Christ would do?" He said to Cleopas and them that morning, "Isn't it written in the Scriptures that they'll have to... that He must suffer and then be killed and raised the third day?" Said, "Why are you so slow of understanding?"

96And they thought, "My, this man speaks a little different from other men." Come to find out, when they got into the inn, it was Him. See, their eyes was withholden from Him. See, they knowed that He kept laying to that Scripture, and they knowed It was Him.

97 Now, you must believe what you ask for. If you are a believer, recognize yourself as a believer. Recognize that these things are for you.

98If there's condemnation in your life, straighten that first. See? If you got condemnation in your... I... or you might have Oral Roberts and--and a dozen more people who has faith to come here and pray over you, and jump up and down, and pour oil on you by the gallons, it--it still it--it won't move. That's right.

99What falls off from Oral's meetings to that? I catch them in the prayer line. You hear Him say, "You was prayed for before. A man with dark hair, kind of big fellow, big jaw." That's Oral Roberts. See? "And that was at a certain city; called certain, certain thing."

100"Yes, that's right." See?

101"You was prayed for by such-and-such a man." See, like that. "But here it is. Here is your trouble." See? "Go make that thing right. Go out there and confess that sin to your husband, to your wife. Go do this thing." It'll never do you any good, no matter who you pray for, till you make that right. Condemnation's in your heart, and God will not come into that heart condemned. See? God don't dwell in that; you got to make it right. Then when you do, you must have faith. If everything's right, you must have faith and believe it. Don't be afraid.

102 In the Book of Job, It says here, "Job feared." And what he feared, it actually happened. What brought it? His fear. That's what made it happen. His faith would have kept him from it, but his fear brought him... brought it to him. He was scared it was going to happen, and it did happen. Now, if been--he knowed it wouldn't happen, it wouldn't happen. See what I mean?

103If you're afraid when you come by the prayer line, "Maybe I just haven't got the faith sufficient"; it'll never happen, don't worry. See? But if you know it's going to happen, it'll happen. See? See, it's a substance of something. Job had a fear that these things would come upon him, and they did. If you have a fear that your disease is going to leave you... or won't leave you, it won't. If you have a faith, that it will.

104You ask any medical doctor. The first thing he'll try to get you to do, is to have confidence in the medicine he's giving you. If you haven't got no confidence in it, you better leave it alone. See? Sure! What is it then? It's faith that does the healing; it's faith that does it all the time.

105 Peter, he was doing all right till be got scared. The Word told him, he could walk on the water. He was scared first, he thought it was a--a ghost, and he said, "Lord, if it be You, bid me come to You on the water."

106Said, "Come on." Now, that's just the same as James 5:14, same as Mark 16. The same God said It, said, "Come on." And so he started walking. He done all right, got down out of the ship, started walking on...

107There was a storm on the sea, you know; great, whitecap waves, bigger than these hills around here, the foam breaking on top of them; terrific, maybe fifteen, twenty feet foam, the whitecaps breaking. And that was a terrific thing for him to ask, "If it be You, Lord,..." See, He looked like a... there looked like a shadow or a spirit. He said, "If it's You, bid me come to You on the water."

108Jesus said, "Come on."

109And he stepped down, said, "It's the Lord, I'll just walk." But when he got his eyes on the waves, he got scared. What come in his mind? First thing, he... "I'm going to walk because the Word said for me to walk." And the next thing, he looked at his... well, he looked at his symptoms; he looked out there and seen how big them waves was, and he got scared; and when he did, down he went. See? What he feared, happened! What he believed, happened! When he believed he could walk, he walked; when he believed. Got scared in his belief, then his substance left him. See? He still professed his faith, but he didn't have the substance. The substance would have went right over top of that whitecap and went right on to Him, see, if he has the Perfect Faith. See? But he didn't have it. He thought he did. He did at first, he was willing to venture right out, "Why, the Lord told me to do it, it's got to happen." So he just steps right down out of the boat, and takes off. He never thought about the--the--the--the waves, how contrary they was. He never got that in his mind.

110 Now, when you get to thinking, "Well, now wait. And, you know, I've been sick so long, I..." Stop! You just might as well go back to the boat. See? See? But when you quit thinking about that,...

111"Abraham considered not his own body, now dead, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb." He didn't think about that, didn't even consider it. It wasn't even brought into--to understanding. He didn't even consider at all; he just considered what God said, and he went on. As--as long as Peter did that, he walked.

112 But Jesus lived in a world that no one knowed about, He was an odd Person. He lived in a world of Perfect Faith in the Perfect God, in which He was. If we lived in a Perfect Faith of a Christian, to what we are, we'd be a mystic to the world; the people wouldn't understand you. You'd walk in the Spirit. What the Spirit said, you would do. What It forbid, you would not do. Then the people begin to say... they... you'd be a--a mystic person to them.

113That's the way it is to all believers, they're a mystic. The people don't understand, because they live in a world to themselves. Jesus lived in a world that nobody else could touch. The disciples couldn't understand Him. When He spoke to them, they say this. And then they said, "Why, You--You talk in riddles! We--we don't understand this. How can this be?" See, they wasn't in the world that He lived in. See, they couldn't understand Him, nobody could understand Him.

114 And so when a man lives by faith and walks by faith, I mean substance faith, he is isolated from the entire world and becomes a new creature in Christ. There, now you're getting into Bride material. See? See? See? You're getting into rapturing condition, now. That means for each one of us; not just the pastor, deacons, trustees. That means for the laity, every individual walks in a world with God alone. You're baptized into this Kingdom, and there's nobody in there but you and God. See? He gives the orders, and you pack them out. Whatever He says, there's not a shadow of doubt nowhere, you walk right on. If the Lord says this, there's nobody in the world can talk you out of it, you go right on just the same. Now you're coming into Perfect Faith, perfect perfection that cannot fail. That faith never fails. Yes, He was a mystic to them with His Perfect Faith; and so is it now with those who have Perfect Faith, are a mystic to others.

115 We are taught to "resist the Devil, and he will flee from us." Now, to resist is to just simply "turn him down"; just resist him, that is "just walk away from it." God said a certain thing; no matter what he's trying to tell you, you don't even listen to him. You have... your ears are deaf to anything else but what the Spirit says. See? "To he that has an ear (that listens), see what the Spirit saith unto the churches"; the one that's got the listening post, that catches what the Spirit says to the churches. See?

116 What Satan says, "Well, I just can't..." That don't have nothing to... "Well, if you teach that, the denomination will put..." That don't have nothing to do with it, he goes right on just the same.

117"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches." You know, in the Bible, It's always constantly saying that. "To him that has faith. To he that has an ear to hear, let him hear." See? "He that has wisdom, let him count the numbers of the beast." All these different things. "He that has, let him tell it to the rest of them, that they might have."

118And that's by faith we're talking about now, faith that you've got to have, that Perfect Faith; that Faith that says, "Yes!" There's nothing can say "no" when God says, "Yes." See? When He says "Yes," It's "Yes!" And nothing else can ever take It from you.

119 With His Perfect Faith, He was very strange. And the Devil didn't stay around Him very long. We got it in the lesson this morning. When he come with that great big bluffed of--of intellectual conception, he bluffed up against Jesus there when he come, and he found out he hit a ten thousand volt line: throwed him right back again. Yes sir. He said, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone!" Whew! He got a shock then.

He come a little softer the next time, when he said, "Now You're a great Man, You can puff Yourself up here, be somebody."

120Said, "Get behind Me, Satan." Oh, my, what he met! And, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." See, He proved Himself unto Satan that He was the Lord God. "For it is written, 'Thou shalt not tempt... '"

121Now, if--if Satan didn't know that that was the Lord God, he'd said "Wait a minute, You're not that Person." But he knowed better then to debate it with Him.

122He knowed what ground to stand on. He said, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." And that's Who He was. And Satan knowed better than to say that, because Jesus' works had already proved that He was the Lord thy God.

123 Notice now another. Perfect Faith is a master of all circumstances. Perfect Faith masters all circumstances. No matter what it is, It masters it. Now, just watch! When you believe anything, do anything, and you got faith in what you're doing; no matter what the circumstance is, that don't have one thing to do with it. See, it masters that circumstance. If it's in a--a room of sickness, and the Lord's revealed that this certain thing's going to happen, you just speak it and go on.

124"Oh, does the...?" Just don't ask any questions. It's already over, just keep going. See? It masters all circumstances. "Well, if you do this, So-and-so's going to do..." That... you see, It already got it mastered. See?

125Faith believes that God will work it out. "I don't know how He's going to do it, but He'll do it anyhow." See? It masters all circumstances.

126And faith and love is relation, because you can't have faith unless you got love, because your faith is in a God Who is the very essence of love. Faith and love works together.

127 Here, just like a young couple. You take a young man and young woman, and they love... they fall in love with one another. And as they go along and begin to know one another more, their hearts just begin to beat as one. See? They're--they're... yet they're not husband and wife, but their love binds them together, and they have confidence in one another. Now, if they really love one another, really love, and you know that this girl loves you and--and she knows that you love her, you've got confidence (faith in one another) if you got faith in one another; if you didn't, you'd better not marry her. See?

128Notice, you got to have faith. And you separate them and put one extreme south and one extreme north, there's still that love beats for one another, no matter where they're at. They're just as true to one another as they can be, because they love one another. And if you love the Lord, just not trying to dodge hell, but you love the Lord, then you have faith in God; see, if you love Him.

129 Like a--a young girl... just happened here in Louisville, not long ago. A woman, she was a--she was a... been a Christian for many years, but her husband had just... fell in love, she fell in love with this man. He had been a Christian, a couple years. And so they got married; they loved and had confidence in one another, and they got married. And so the woman said to the man, said, "Hubby, it must be hard on you, you're just a young Christian. You've had so much to go through with." Drinking is what it was. Said, "You've had so much to go through with." And said, "I know you're bound to be tempted awfully hard." And said, "I want you to know one thing now. Now, if you happen to fall, if you happen to--to fall into temptation and is overcome, don't stay away from home; you come on back. You come right here, 'cause I--I'm going to be right here waiting for you, and I'm going to help you pray through again until you get victory. I'm going to stay with you, because when I married you, I married you because I loved you. And no matter what you are, I still love you."

130Few days after that, he was eating his lunch with the fellows down in the boiler room, he was telling them about it, said, "Now, how could a man ever do anything wrong when somebody loves you like that?" See?

131There you are. How--how could you trespass that confidence?

132 And when we were sinners, alienated, without God; in the world, in that muck of mud, as I talked about this morning, God come to us! God sought you, you never sought God. "No man can come to Me except the Father draws him first." And God came down in that muck, what you were, and sought you out and brought you out! That ought to create a Perfect Love. Look what you was, and look what you are. What did that? Somebody that loved you! Can't you have faith in what He's promised you, then? Real genuine love will create a confidence in His Word.

133 He caught me when I was nothing. I'm still nothing, but I'm in His hand. See, He caught me. And He loved me when I was unlovable. He loved you when you was unlovable, but He changed you. Just like the colored sister said, that time in her testimony, she said, "I'm--I'm not what I ought to be, and I'm not what I want to be, then I'm not what I used to be!" She knowed she had come somewhere, something happened. And that's the way it is. If God, when I was an alien from Him, so loved me till He stooped down to get me and pick me up, that gives me confidence that He wants to use me. He's got a purpose in doing it. He seen something in me. He seen something in you. He had a reason to save you, look at the people that's unsaved today. Look at the millions He could have took beside you, but He took you. Amen! No one can take your place. Amen! You're in God's economy. No one can do it. That's His Love to you.

134Then, won't your love reach right back to Him? And there's a love affair. No matter what the situation is, its circumstances is governed by this Love that creates Faith: that God loves you and you love God, and you love one another, and--and that brings the Faith. All right. Then it can't--it can't keep from bringing out just exactly what God promised it would do.

135 Now, watch! Perfect Faith is pure, just as pure as love is. See? Now, when you love somebody, and you got... you love your husband or you love your wife. Now, there's no need of anybody telling you "you don't" do it, because you do do it, and you know you do it.

136Now, if I'd ask you, "How can you--you prove you do it?"

137"Oh, I prove it by the way I live to him." See? "I'm a true, honest wife. I'm a loyal, honest husband, and that proves to me that I--that I love my wife; or I love my husband." See, your life proves what you are. The same thing Christianity does. See? Your faith, you have confidence in one another, it's pure. And it's something real, that you can't show it to somebody else, yet you got it, and your actions prove it.

138 And when you got pure, unadulterated Faith, like your love is to your companion, then you prove it by the way you act. You ain't complaining no more, you know it's done, just walk along. No matter what the thing look like, what anybody else says, you know what's happened. You know that it's finished; just as well as you know you love your husband, as well as you know you love... See, love and faith has to go together. They're kinfolks, they love. Love produces Faith.

139 When Satan tempts us, we are to resist him in a Perfect Faith in a Perfect Word, like Jesus did. The Word of God is perfect. We're to have Perfect Faith in this Perfect Word, and resist Satan.

140Now we'll hurry, just as quick as we can.

141By His Faith in--in His Word we (He conquers), we can conquer anything: both death, hell, and the grave. We know that God is God, that Perfect Faith in God's Perfect Word, He conquered everything that He come in contact with. Death could not even stand in His Presence. Sickness could not stand in His Presence. Flowing from Him was like rivers of virtue, going out constantly, virtue going from His garment. These people, laying in His shadows; step, put their finger on His garment and was healed. When that woman done that, then everybody wanted to touch His garment, 'cause they seen that there was virtue going from Him constantly, flowed like rivers. There He was, walking, walking in a world with Perfect Faith, because He was the Word.

142And now, "If ye abide in Me," through Him, He brought the Word to you; "and My Words abide in you," then walk in the same kind of a way: virtues flowing from you, the rivers of God's fountains of blessing just flowing out to the people. See what I mean? And you're not bluffing it, you're not imagine it. It's actually taking place, and you see it. If you're just imagining it, that don't do any good; but if it's really there, it really happened.

143 Now notice! See, by It, when He stood and He said, "If you destroy this Body (this Temple), I'll raise It up again in three days." Why? He was just as satisfied He'd do that, because the Scriptures said that He would do it (the Messiah): "I'll not leave His soul in hell, neither will I suffer My Holy One to see corruption." A prophet, who the Word comes to, had said that would happen, and He knowed He was that Person.

144And when the... Jesus, Himself, said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick," or "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." If...

You must have that same perfect confidence that "when hands is laid on me, I shall recover," 'cause He said so.

145He said, "You destroy This Body, and I'll raise It up," 'cause He knowed He was the Messiah. "I'll not suffer My Holy One to see corruption"; He knowed He was the Holy One. "Neither will I leave His soul in hell"; He didn't. He knowed He'd do it. He had confidence that He was there to conquer both death and hell, said, "Destroy It, if you wish to, and I'll raise It back again in three days." Oh, my! "I have power to lay My life down, or I have power to take it up again"; He knowed Who He was.

146 You're a Christian. You have right to any redemptive blessing that Jesus died for you for. It's all yours! It's already paid for, you just have to believe it. Not imagine it; but believe it, and know that it's yours, and you can possess it. Oh, that's the conquering Faith: know! Yeah.

147He knew it would happen before. He could predict that it would happen, because He knowed it would happen; and whatever He predicted, come to pass. Now, watch! Whatever He said, God honored what He said. Think of that! Whatever Jesus said, God brought It to pass. So, He knowed His Words were God's Words. Now, look! That same Scripture comes right back into us again, "If ye say to this mountain." Oh, my! I--I just let that soak just a little, you see, 'cause we're going to have a prayer line. We'll dismiss the congregation and pray for the sick, the ones that want to... has to go.

148 Look! He knew that He pleased God. He knew that there was nothing on His life. God had already testified, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased, hear Him! This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in," at the day of His baptism. "I'm pleased to make My abode in here, there's no condemnation to Him at all."

149Now, when the same God comes to you, and is pleased to dwell in you, pleased to honor your word, what your decision is,... What was Joshua's decision? "Stand still, sun!" And it stood there. Amen! Sure! What was Moses' decision? Held his stick over the--a river like that, then called for it to "Open!" And it opened! See, whatever you ask. "And if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, see, in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you said." That puts you back in the Word. Now, that's not skim milk. See? It puts you back. I know it's going to jumps right over top of you, maybe, see, because It can't anchor. But real, genuine faith catches that, right now.

150 I've seen it, friend. Here's this Bible laying open before me. I've seen it happen, and I know it's the Truth. I know, God in Heaven knows, that I might not live through to finish this message, but I--I know that it happened. I've seen it myself. I'm a witness of that Word being fulfilled, that I know It is the Truth: say it, and stand there and see the Creator bring a living creature into existence, right in presence of your eyes; you shake your head and wonder; and then look around and seen Him bring another one, just exactly like it, because you said so; and turn over here and say, "There'll be another one there," and look, and there it is! Now, that's the truth.

151 Oh, where should we be? There's Perfect Faith. No vision, "Just speak the Word," never saw the squirrel. He just said this Scripture, what it was, and "Speak it, and don't doubt it; but what you say, it'll be there." And I took God at His Word, and it was there. That's right. That's just as powerful... And friend, as your pastor, that's just as powerful as it was when Joshua stopped the sun; because the sun was already there, the elements was moving, and he stopped the movement. But this, He brought something there that wasn't there, He created! I'm so glad to be acquainted with the God that can take the dust of the earth, someday, without anything, and call me back to life again, that same faith, after I been planted in the grave. Oh, my! There it is.

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary,

152You say and don't doubt, but believe that what you've said, you shall have what you've said. See, believe that it'll happen!

153 David, in the Psalms, spoke of Him. And with it, He took His power and He ministered to others. Not only did He keep it to Himself, but He ministered to others by it; also saved others, even to the uttermost, and He can do the same thing now. And promised the same faith to the believers, in His Word, and John... as John 14:12, He said so; Mark 16; and also in Mark 11:23, we just read.

154 Now, watch. Now, He has appeared to us in the same form that He did to them in the Old Testament, and in the same as He did in the New Testament; and has showed by the same Word, the same Christ. And I declare to you that Christ is the Holy Ghost. The--the word Christ means "the anointed one"; just a person that's anointed, that is the Christ, the anointed one. How many knows that's true? That's interpet-... The anointed one, there would be a man that would be anointed. Anointed with what? The Bible said in Acts 2, that Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God, anointed with the Holy Ghost; went about it and done great works and things, see, that God manifested, proved that He was in this Man.

155 And now, we become anointed with that same Spirit, anointed messiahs; messiahs of the last day, to shine forth the resurrection of Jesus Christ; to show that He is not dead, but in the form of the Holy Ghost, He's in His people; moving among His Bride, with a love affair to Her, pouring out into Her, Himself. They are becoming one for the Wedding Supper; and the same signs, promised by the same God, in the same Word, is making His same manifestations.

156There's nothing left for us to do but believe It, and "believe it" is the substance, and that creates a Perfect Faith. Just think how--how how numb we are; just think of that just a minute, now.

157 Now, let's see. Has He done all things well? Has He ever told us anything, but what happened just exactly the way He said it? Hasn't He performed, and hasn't the great Pillar of Fire been among us and done just exactly like He promised to do? Haven't we seen It? Hasn't science taken It, after it's been predicted what would happen; go right there and have it even in the papers and magazines, pack it right back and show it, when it's told you months before it happened? Hasn't He done just exactly the way He did in the Old Testament, and the New Testament? And It's just exactly the same One! The same Holy Spirit comes, and is a Discerner. "And the Word of God, which is quicker and sharper than a two-edged sword, a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Isn't that right? Isn't that the same God? Now, that same One, it's not a stranger off somewhere else, He's here. He's here, does this to create a Perfect Faith. I feel Him. I know He's here now. I know that His Spirit is here. I know that He knows all things. Amen! And I know He wants to--to do something. He's been doing something, to--to create this perfection of faith in the people.

158 Are we going to walk into Eternity, like it was in the days of Noah, with eight souls saved? Are we going to come like Lot, with three out of Sodom? Are we going to come, like in the days of John the Baptist, with six believers? Let us believe, for His works is perfect! They're manifested daily and perfectly before us, showing that He is the Word, the Word! Hebrews, the 4th chapter, says.

... the word of God is... sharper than any two-edged sword,... even a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

159Think of that! The Word of God is That, a Discerner of the intents of the heart. "For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and of spirit, and of the joints and of the marrow, and is a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." The Word made flesh! Hallelujah! The Word operating in human flesh, by physical signs, by material signs, by Scriptural signs, perfectly, to bring to you a Perfect Faith for a Perfect Rapture.

160 Why can't we look at It? Not a mystic; the Devil has put everything in the world before you, try to keep, make you... keep you from believing It. He'll bring in a meeting and try to throw everything he can in front of you. Shake it away from you! The Bible says, "Rise and shake yourself." Pinch yourself.

161His Spirit is here, He knows you. You've got one thing to do, and that's to believe It, to accept It. He knows. You believe that? He knows what's in you, He knows what you are, He knows what your desire is, He knows what you have need of.

162Jim, do you believe He knows about that baby? Took his fever before you left, a hundred and five. Do you believe He'll heal it? Come on it, today, sick. It'll leave it. I just looked over there and seen them before they left home, what they done. Now, that's true.

163 Mrs. Little, do you believe God would give you victory over that diabetes? There's a woman setting beside you, don't know you, but the Spirit's upon her. What she's worried about's a little... she got a child that has to have an operation for an eye or something. She's from Chicago. "Quicker, more powerful, than a two-edged sword; a Discerner." What is it? The Word! Do you believe that? Certainly.

164There's a lady setting right in the next row there; just had an eye operation, didn't do too well. But you--you believe It, it'll get... you'll--you'll get all right. Do you believe It? All right. She, she is thinking about that.

165Mrs. Peckenpough, it isn't for you, it's for this grandson setting here. You're praying about it, but you believe that God will make it well? You believe God can tell me what's wrong with him. Doctors don't know; no. That's right. Swelling lungs. That's right. He's got a blood condition. Correct! They're kind of confused about whether they're going to let him go to school or not. "Quicker, more powerful, than a two-edged sword."

166 I see a woman losing her food. She's somewhere, let me get her face somewhere. Yes, setting back there. Her name's Mrs. LewEllen. She believe with all her heart, that stomach trouble will leave you. Amen!

167Here's a lady setting right across from her, looking at me right now, setting on the end; she's wearing glasses. She got arthritis. It's in your left hand; it was, it ain't now. Yes, if you believe!

168What about that little baby, right back there? It comes from Ohio; got cancer in the eye. Do you believe God will heal it? He'll do it, you believe it. Ashland, Ohio! You believe now that God will make it well, He'll do it. What is It? "More powerful, quicker than any..."

169Here sets a lady here, something struck her, she's got a trouble in her shoulder. That's right. Is that right? All right, believe It, and it'll leave. See? "The Word of God, a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart."

170 Now, there's no prayer cards in this building. There's nobody to pray... give out any prayer cards. We don't use them here, 'less it's just have to keep in order. You want to be prayed for? How many wants to be prayed for while the Word is manifested through flesh? Let this row here get up and come down this way, right down this aisle here first, right in here, you that want to be prayed for. Then, after that, I want this aisle here to come down behind them. Then after they're through, let this aisle over here come.

171"Quicker, more powerful,..." Could a two-edged sword do that? No, sir! But the Word of God can do it. Why? It is the Word of God. Now, you believe it?

172The Great Physician! Where's that sister from down in--in Tennessee, Sister Ungren, or Downing? "The great Physician now is near."

173I'll never forget that, in Fort Wayne that night when that little Amish girl or Dunkard was setting there, playing that, "The great Physician now is here," hearing that little boy was healed, she jumped up, the Holy Ghost fell on her, her pretty hair fell down across her shoulders, and the piano never missed a key. "The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus." Supernatural power moving them piano keys, playing "The great Physician now is near."

174 Look, are... You believe? You ought to? See? Now remember, when you pass... Now, if you don't believe it, don't come, you set down. Say, "I ain't going to. I ain't going to stumble into this. I'm coming, believe it." When I...

175The Bible said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover." That's exactly right. Now, that's under conditions, "if you believe It." Now, I believe this. God's proved it to you, I believe It. You see? He manifest His Word, to show that it is His Word. A Scripture fulfillment, to prove that it is. Now, you believe it when you pass by. Will you do it? And then when I lay hands upon you,... that's exactly what the Bible said.

176 You got anointing oil here, Brother Neville? Get that, and come over this other side, lets just fulfill the Scripture. Get over on this side here, and anoint every person as they pass by, and we'll pray for them. Now, so that I'll be sure, that I'll get the prayer of faith for every one of you, let's have everybody put your hands on one another that's believers. Just reach over, and cross your hands on each other. This is where we're going to find out something in a few minutes.

177I'll see just how advanced my church is, on what we believe in; see just how advanced the people are; how they're ready to take the Sword and walk out in the front line, say, "I challenge you, Satan. See? I challenge you! You can't--you can't make me disbelieve anymore." What are these things done for? So that people will believe. It's the Word. It's where that shows that I am preaching to you the Truth, the Word. The Word made flesh, made flesh in you; made Word; made Life in you, made Life in me. See?

The Great Physician! All right, let us bow our heads now.

178 Lord Jesus, the great Physician now is near, You are the Physician. I have preached Your Word, and Your Word has declared that You are here; that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever; that You cannot fail. You never failed us, Lord. And now, let each one of these that has their hands on each other, may the blessings of God rest upon them. And as we come, they're believers. And as we anoint them with oil, the pastor and I, and pass them through this line, may each one pass through here with faith to believe it, to know that the very God of Heaven stands present. May each one shake themself. Can they only this one time, Lord? Just let them... let it soak down, Lord, one time. Open their eyes, Lord, that they can see what is going on, and not be blind, staggering, but to see the reality of the Presence of a resurrected Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord, through Jesus' Name. Amen.

179 I charge you in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you come not in this line unless you feel that you got that Perfect Faith, 'cause you're only taking their time, somebody else's time. Don't you do it! And by... as long as I've preached to you, have I ever said one thing to you but what it happened? Exactly! The Lord did that. He did it not for me, I believe. He did it for you, that you might believe that what I'm telling you is the Truth. Now you believe it, it'll be all right, and it... you'll get well. When you come by here, drop your unbelief right in this... a spiritual pocket down here. You won't see it, but it's there. When that oil touches you, drop your unbelief right there. Deposit that and walk away with Perfect Faith that you're well. Will you do it? The Lord bless you, then.

180 All right, I'm going to ask somebody who can lead songs, just to... Where is that great preacher, brother, that...? What's his name? Capps, Brother Capps. Is he in the line? What's that? Come here, Brother Capps, and stand there and sing (the congregation) while we all pray, "The great Physician now is near."

As they lead it, each one sing now with your heart. Don't just sing, say, "I'm going to sing, 'Great Physician now is near, sympathizing Jesus. Speak, drooping hearts to cheer, sympathizing Jesus.'" [Brother Branham illustrated an unemotional singing--Ed.] Oh, oh, oh, my!

All your jaw! On your toes. Your spirit alert. "Yes, the great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus!" He proves that He's here! I believe Him. Amen.

181 All right. Let the... Let those who have faith come forward.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay my hands on her for her healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I condemn the sickness.

Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my brother, for healing.

The Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands on my sister for her healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my brother for his healing.

In Jesus' Name, I lay hands on my sister for healing.

In Jesus' Name, I lay hands on my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands on sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I lay hands on my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands my brother for healing.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, lay hands on my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus Christ's Name!

In Jesus' Name!

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal this, my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name!

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother. May he be well.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal this, my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this child. God, grant it.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this little boy.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this little girl.

In the Name of Jesus, heal this, my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal this, my brother, Lord.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal, Lord, my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, Lord...?... for the glory of God.

Healing my brother, in Jesus' Name. Leave it alone.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this child.

Jesus' Name, heal this sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal the sister.

Jesus' Name, heal sister...?...

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus, Lord, heal our sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother, make him well.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal this, my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal this little girl.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal the child.

Heal the child, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal the little boy, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my Sister Collins, Lord, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Deposit your unbelief now.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Drop your unbelief in the box now. Pass by. Take Perfect Faith.

In Jesus' Name, take it. May it be done.

In Jesus' Name, grant it, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, grant it, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister, Lord.

In the Name of Jesus, heal my sister!...?...

In the Name of Jesus, heal this.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Bless you, brother. In Jesus' Name, heal Brother Cox, Lord. Praise God!

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Now, remember, I'm putting every bit of faith that I know how to do, in this, for a purpose.

In Jesus' Name, heal this little girl.

In Jesus' Name, heal this sister.

God, I lay hands upon the baby. So shall it be healed, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

In Jesus' Name, heal the little girl.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal this my brother.

The little girl? Hold them up to you. In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal them, Lord, for Your glory.

In Jesus' Name, heal our sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal our sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus, heal my little brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask for her healing.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my little brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my brother, the child.

In Jesus' Name, heal them, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my brother, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in Jesus' Name.

Heal my sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Heal my sister.

Heal my sister. Bless them, Lord, for their...?... in Jesus' Name.

In Jesus' Name, heal my sister.

In Jesus' Name, heal our brother.

In Jesus' Name, heal our brother, Lord.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister, Lord.

In Jesus' Name, grant his request.

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

Deposit your unbelief. Come, believing now, God will grant it. Come, believing it, and God will grant it. I believe it. I'm using all the faith I know how. "They shall lay hands on the sick; they shall recover."

In Jesus' Name, heal my brother.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, heal my sister.

How is this sight, Brother Neville? Brother Dauch, a trophy of God's grace! This is the man supposed to died, a week or two ago.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, God, You must love him, Father, for You done great things for him. I lay my hands upon him, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Lord God, upon his precious wife, I lay my hands on her, the Name of Jesus Christ, for her healing. Amen.

That all of them?

182Now, let's bow our head now.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus;

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph's song,

Sweetest name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

Jesus, blessed Jesus.

183 Know ye what I have done to you? You've called me, "your pastor"; and you say well, for so I am. If I, your pastor, have been identified by Jesus Christ, that I do His work, then believe my Word. By acting this act of faith, by laying hands upon you, I have condemned the disease and afflictions that's bothering you. Believe that, so shall you have your request, regardless of what it is, for all things are possible to them that believe. And when you pray, believe that you receive what you asked for. And I truly believe that I receive it, and in my heart I accept every one of your healing, I accept it, that it's done. I believe it, I believe it with all that's in me. Also, with my hands upon these handkerchiefs laying here, I been watching it close, I believe that they'll produce just exactly what the people requested. I--I believe it.

184 This is coming into that Third Pull! I--I'm believing it. Now I want to ask you a sincere question, you that passed through the prayer line. Can you actually believe, and feel now, that there is something happened in you since you've had hands laid on you? Raise your hand!...?... There it is. This is what we've waited for. Now, this is not... This is just starting to bloom now. See? Just started with... I did this for a purpose. I did this for a purpose. I'm working out something, see, it's taking this charge of faith and going right back to begin and come in; see, to kind of raise faith in a bracket where you've never noticed it that way before. Not a faith, but a Perfect Faith, build it up in here. And watch a perfect God, with a perfect heart, keep a perfect promise, by His Perfect Word, which is sharper than a two-edged sword and a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart. What? We're coming now to the perfection, because the people has to come to this in order for the Rapture. That's what's holding it away right now, is waiting for that Church to come into that Perfect Raptured Faith. Looking for it. It means a lot of shaving down for me, it means a lot for you, but together we'll make it by the grace of God. Amen.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing...

Lord Jesus, bless my dear brother. May Your Holy Ghost ever make this pastor well, and keep him healthy and strong, in the service that You called him. In Jesus' Name. I'm claiming it, Lord. I love him. We claim it. We know that it's right. We are believing it now.

Sweetest carol ever sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

185 Don't you love Him? Just think: right here now, already begun a work in your body, of your healing, because that He promised it would happen. And now, see, did you catch what I was saying tonight? Have you got the riddle of it? See, "If ye say to this mountain," see, don't doubt, don't doubt, but believe that what you have said. Now watch it, in less than five minutes time, every hand went up, that a work had begun in them right now. Oh, my! There He is. That's it! What is it? The Presence of the great Physician.

186Oh, let's raise our hands to God and sing it again.

The great Physician now is near,

The sympathizing Jesus;

He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,

Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweetest name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

187 Let's just stand still a minute. Let's just worship Him in our heart. Think of it: God, He's here. He's here. Who? Who identified Himself as being the Word? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, even a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents (what you've come here for, what your purpose of being here, who you are)"; identified Jesus Christ to be Messiah, and today It identifies Him of being the same Messiah, yesterday, today, and forever.

188 The Great Physician, Who is here, Who said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover. And if you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but can believe." If He can create squirrels, who has no way at all, or nothing there to believe; it's my own faith that goes and does that, my faith in what He challenged me to ask. He challenged me to ask it. And I received His challenge in obedience to His Word, I asked it, and it appeared! God in Heaven knows that's true. Can't He also heal the sick? If He can lift me with a faith up this way, even for the people, even if they can't climb to that bracket. If they can't do it, He can use my faith. He can lift me to that place, and I'm climbing for you. I'm believing for you. I'm speaking for you.

189 I'm your brother, standing as your brother, an intercessor, trying my best to hold you before God. And I'm standing here right before the White Throne now, and staking that... pointing my finger to that bloody Sacrifice there, and speaking through His Name that it's done. It has to happen, and it has to happen. You know it's happened. I know it's happened, so do you know it's happened, and it's so. That's right. Amen.

... the carol ever sung,

O Jesus, blessed Jesus.

Sweetest note in seraph song,

Sweeting name on mortal tongue;

Sweetest carol ever sung,

Jesus, blessed Jesus.

190 And the devils were subject unto us in Thy Name, sweetest Name on mortal tongue. The devils... That--That raises the dead, That heals the sick, That cleanses the leper, That casts out devils, That makes Christians. There's not another Name under Heaven. I live in It, baptized in It, believe It, worship in It. Oh, let me become part of It. Let me lose my own self; and find it, Lord, in Thee, That Name called Jesus Christ, the anointed Messiah, that I might press my way through the mud of unbelief to reflect the beauty of Jesus Christ: the same yesterday, today, and forever.

191 God bless you now. When you get back here next Sunday, give the testimony how you were healed, what happened this week. Watch and see what happens. It's over! "How do you know?"

192He told me to "say it," and I said it. That's it. That's it. It's over. I believe it. Now, the pastor, Brother Neville.

193Just a moment. [A brother speaks in another tongue. Another brother gives an interpretation--Ed.]

Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Let's raise our hand and worship Him a minute.

We thank Thee, Lord. We thank Thee, Lord. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Father.

As a believer, did you notice the distance in how much of the message was spoke; and in the rhythm it was spoke in, and watch the interpretation turn back to the same? That's it. Watch what it was, exactly with the Message; and confirming that the thing was the Truth, that He had already performed what He promised you He would do. Watch the way that come forth, and watch the way this interpret. Watch how long he spoke, and watch how many words he said, see, just exactly.

The Lord bless you, till I see you again. Amen.