Ako môžem víťaziť?



„Premôcť" znamená „rozpoznať diabla pri každom z jeho trikov." Mnoho ľudí hovorí, že nie je žiadny diabol, to je len predstava. Neverte tomu. Existuje skutočný diabol. On je tak skutočný ako vy, ako ktokoľvek, skutočný diabol. A vy ho musíte skutočne rozpoznať. Vy musíte vedieť, že to je diabol. A potom, hneď, ako ho rozpoznávate a viete, že on je diabol a že je proti vám, potom, aby ste premohli, musíte rozpoznať, že Boh vo vás je väčší a mocnejší ako on,... že Ten vo vás ho už premohol a skrze Jeho milosť on na vás nijako nemá. Amen. Tam je skutočné premoženie.

Keď rozpoznávate... Pozriete sa späť a poviete: „Robím toto a robím tamto." Potom, ó, ó, vy... ste porazený. Ale nie je žiadneho odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela ale podľa Ducha. Potom si vy uvedomujete, že ste premohli a viete, že on je diabol. Nemôžete povedať: „Som chorý, a ja, ja...ja neverím, že to je choroba." Ó, áno, je to choroba. Vy máte rakovinu, vy neveríte, že to je rakovina, je to rakovina. Ale pamätajte, že väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Vy si musíte uvedomiť, že Duch Svätý, ktorý je vo vás, už premohol túto vec. A On je vo vás a vy môžete premôcť skrze Neho. To je úplne jasné. To je presne tak, ako je napísané Písmo: premáhanie.

1 Skloňme svoje hlavy k modlitbe. Náš Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes ráno za tento veľkolepý čas ďalšieho spoločného zídenia sa a otvorenia Slova Pánovho, ktoré leží tu pred nami. A teraz s modlitbou, aby to Svätý Duch zobral, čo je Boh a oznámil nám to, aby sme dnes mohli opúšťať toto miesto uctievania so šťastnými srdcami plnými radosti, a aby sme videli Tvoju veľkú moc vyslobodenia, Pane, ako to vyslobodzuje zajatcov a dáva im slobodu, ako nám to dáva poznávať veci, ktoré boli, ktoré sú a ktoré prídu. A my Ti tak ďakujeme za tieto veci.

2Modlíme sa, aby si nás požehnal, ako teraz študujeme spoločne Tvoje Slovo. A keď budeme odchádzať, nech je hovorené v našich srdciach, keď pôjdeme cestou: „Naše srdcia v nás horeli, keď On, Svätý Duch, k nám hovoril, keď sme boli na ceste."

3 Požehnaj dnes všade každého kazateľa, Tvojich sluhov, ktorí stoja za touto Tvoju Pravdu. Vypočuj ich modlitby za chorých. Uzdrav nemocné telá tých, ktorí trpia.

4 Pane, poprosili by sme Ťa, aby si išiel von medzi ľudí a vyhľadal to predurčené semeno tam vonku, Pane a priniesol ho nejako, aby Svetlo padlo krížom cez chodník, Pane, lebo veríme, že je neskorá hodina, slnko rýchlo klesá na západe. Potom, skoro sa stane, že času viacej nebude. A čas a večnosť sa navzájom spoja, keď Boh a Jeho ľud spolu splynú. A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby sme v tom čase boli počítaní medzi tými, ktorí budú splynutí s Kristom, ktorí sa nazývajú Jeho Nevesta. Pomôž nám dnes, keď sa pripravujeme, nevediac, čo prinesie zajtrajšok, ale sme pripravení prijať čokoľvek, Pane, pokiaľ vieme, že Ty máš pre nás, sme pripravení prijať to. Prosíme o tieto požehnania na slávu Božiu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

5 Bol som dnes ráno naozaj šťastný, keď som sem vstúpil a videl, že ľudia sa spolu zhromaždili na službu Pánovu. A teraz oznamujeme, že dnes večer bude služba uzdravovania. Budeme sa modliť za chorých dnes večer.

6 Práve pred chvíľou, keď som vošiel, Billy, môj syn, mi povedal: „Je tu nejaký pán, ktorý je veľmi chudobný a prišiel z veľkej vzdialenosti," a povedal, „usadím ho v izbe, tatko."

7 Minulú noc som prišiel veľmi neskoro a nedostal som sa k štúdiu na tému nedeľnej školy, na ktorú som sa chystal dnes ráno hovoriť, takže som len vzal nejaké poznámky, ktoré som si urobil, keď som počul o tom hovoriť jedného brata a vzal som z toho text, aby sme mali dnes ráno lekciu nedeľnej školy a zatiaľ sa pripravíme, prichystáme na večernú službu.

8 A Billy povedal: „Je tam muž, ktorý je chorý," povedal, „Ja by som si prial, aby si ho tam išiel pozrieť." Takže som hneď išiel do tej miestnosti a sedel tam brat, asi v mojom veku, aj so ženou a v tej chvíli Duch Svätý prišiel dole medzi nás, do tej miestnosti.

9 Len pomyslite, práve som sa zmieňoval o službe uzdravovania a tam On bol. Vidíte? A On povedal tomu bratovi všetko, čo urobil a čo robí a čo zapríčinilo jeho problémy a odkiaľ pochádza a všetko o ňom. A bol tam veľký čierny tieň, vznášajúci sa v tej miestnosti, potom sa to stávalo svetlejším a svetlejším a svetlejším, a potom to Svätý Duch vzal preč.

10 Myslím, že ten muž je teraz niekde tam vzadu. On a jeho žena, možno sa nemôžu dostať do budovy, ale povedali, že každopádne zostanú na zhromaždení. Oni prichádzajú zhora okolo... blízko Yakimy, Washington a prišli autom. A on je kazateľom evanjelia. Ale tam vidíme práve milosť Božiu, kde ten muž bol v inštitúcii a bol liečený a všetko možné, Duch Svätý toto všetko zjavoval. Keď sa lekári horko-ťažko pokúšali robiť možno všetko, čo mohli, pre toho človeka, ale stačil len ten určitý malý dotyk od Boha, aby to bolo prekonané. Liečba šokom je v poriadku, ale je to niečo ako, čo my voláme „rana naslepo", viete. To vám môže urobiť ešte horšie (Vidíte?), lebo zabúdate všetko, čo ste kedy vedeli, keď do vás dávajú tie lieky. Ale Pán Boh, ako Jeho milosť a milosrdenstvo... A dokonca skôr, ako som sa za neho pomodlil, už bol v poriadku. Vidíte? Stačilo len to niečo určité od Boha, určitý dotyk, aby to urobil. Nemal by som toto hovoriť, ale... Áno, obzeral som sa, teraz ho vidím. Čo? Nevedel som, či sa mu dnes podarilo sem dostať alebo nie.

11 Tam v tej krajine, kde som tento týždeň býval... Mám rád mojich priateľov, ktorých tam mám. Sú to malé prázdniny pred týmito veľkými zhromaždeniami. Viete? A prichádzam domov, aby som išiel s týmito bratmi tam na poľovačku na veveričky. A táto rodina, vlastne rodiny, u ktorých tam bývam, sú samozrejme milí ľudia. A ten muž je skutočný brat, sú to priatelia. A jeden z nich je veľký milovník poľovníckych psov. On ich tam má plnú ohradu. A videl som najkrajšieho loveckého psa, malý psík, ako to ja hovorím „asi ako pol psa vysoký a ako dvaja psi dlhý," viete a behalo to okolo domu a ja som myslel: „Ó, to... nechcel by Joe mať niečo také?"

12 Samozrejme, tam v Arizone by som ho nemohol použiť. Dostal by sa medzi kaktusi a to by bol jeho koniec. Tak som potom povedal: „Nemôžeš mať... Tam ľudia nepoužívajú psov v tej časti krajiny, lebo by sa ... Nemôžu ich využiť, oni by ... Počasie, podmienky krajiny s kaktusmi, oni by sa pozabíjali. A potom, pravda, lovecký pes tam, vlk alebo niečo by ho asi aj tak zabilo, ak by išiel von."

13 Potom mi ten človek povedal: „Môžeš ho hneď mať." Ale ja som si ho nemohol zobrať. Cenil som si to. Zistil som, že je to jeden z jeho najobľúbenejších psov.

14 A tento človek má milú ženu a niekoľko malých detí. A na druhý deň ona vychádzala s jeho autom a cúvala (a ona mala to staré auto Oldsmobile a ten pes je len asi takýto dlhý, to je len šteňa) a prešla rovno cez neho. Ten Oldsmobile prešiel rovno cez toho psíka a rozmačkol ho, kamene z tej cesty sa mu zaryli do jeho malého bruška, viete. A tá žena, namiesto toho, aby s tým malým psíkom bežala k veterinárovi... Samozrejme, veterinár by ho len uspal a zabil. Viete. Bol so mnou ešte jeden mladý človek a hneď ako tam prišiel, povedal: „Keby to bol môj pes, tak by som ho zastrelil," povedal, „a hotovo, ako ho nechať takto sa trápiť."

15 Povedal som: „Nezastreľme ho," povedal som, „počkajme trochu." Poslal som všetkých preč, išiel som a modlil som sa za neho a ten malý psík išiel za mnou hore na verandu a... Vidíte? „Čokoľvek si prajete, keď sa modlíte, verte, že to dostanete, budete to mať, bude vám to dané." Čokoľvek... To je náš Boh, však? On je úžasný a nádherný a my Ho iste milujeme dnes ráno a očakávame na Neho a vieme...

16 Jedného dňa som videl starší pár, matku a otca jedného milého člena tohoto zhromaždenia veriacich. A tá matka má, ó, myslím, že je blízko stovky a otec tiež. A asi za dvanásť rokov tento muž nemohol hýbať chrbátom, len ležal. Nemohol si ľahnúť ani na bok, ležal tak dvanásť rokov, to je proste staroba. A tá matka, ona je teraz asi v jeho veku, myslím, že má niečo pred stovkou a ona chudera už skoro celkom stratila svoju duševnú kontrolu. Myslí si, že niekto jej berie všetko, čo má. A teraz, pozrel som sa na ... ponad stôl na všetkých nás, sedeli tam mladí aj starí a povedal som: „Kam ideme? Čo robíme?" A tá pani, u ktorej som vtedy býval, to boli jej matka a otec. A povedal som: „Vy tiež idete tou cestou" Presne tak, každý jeden z nás. Vidíte?

17 Zamyslime sa nad tým na chvíľu prv, ako začneme našu lekciu. To je to, kam vy smerujete. Za čo zápasíte? Aby ste mohli žiť. Kvôli čomu žijete? Aby ste mohli zomrieť. Nebolo by to najbláznivejšie, ak by sme neprijali Božie zaopatrenie pre Večný Život? Na čo by sme mohli myslieť? Čo by mohlo byť v našich mysliach, čo by upútalo našu pozornosť z - na niečo? Čo ak by ste vlastnili sto miliónov dolárov a vlastnili by ste štát Indiana, alebo nejaký iný štát, alebo dokonca národ, alebo pokiaľ ide o to, celý svet? Keď žijete dosť dlho, musíte tiež ku tomu prísť. Vidíte? A stále, deň za dňom, zakaždým, ako vám udrie srdce, idete priamo ku tomu. Vidíte, nie je pre vás žiadne víťazstvo. Ste na tej stratenej strane a musíte sa stratiť. Ale pamätajte, že zasľúbenie hovorí: „Kto by stratil svoju dušu pre mňa, nájde ju." Teraz, aký by bol väčší poklad ako nájsť Život? Dokonca, keby ste našli celý svet a bol by váš, ale ak nájdete Život, našli ste tú najväčšiu vec, akú ste mohli nájsť.

18 Chcem sa pozrieť na moju lekciu. Videl som teraz znovu ďalšiu trofej milosti Pánovej. Asi pred pár týždňami ma volal po telefóne jeden milý člen tejto cirkvi, alebo tohoto tela... Nechcem to veľmi nazývať cirkev, chcem to nazývať... Ako keď som sa rozprával s nejakými ľuďmi a oni povedali:

„Do akej cirkvi patríš?"

Povedal som: „Nepatrím."

„Do akej denominácie patríš?"

Povedal som: „Do žiadnej."

Povedali: „Dobre, kam patríš?"

19 Povedal som: „Do Kráľovstva, ...do Kráľovstva." A jedným Duchom sme pokrstení do toho Kráľovstva, jedným Duchom, všetci, do tohoto Kráľovstva. Ježiš povedal: „Modlite sa: Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo, Tvoja vôľa nech sa stane na zemi tak, ako je v nebi." Aha, On sa jedného dňa postavil na Vrchu Premenenia, On povedal: „Amen, amen vám hovorí, že stoja tu niektorí, ktorí neokúsia smrti dokiaľ neuvidia prichádzať Kráľovstvo v moci." A to bolo dopredu ukázané, ako sme to prebrali, na Vrchu Premenenia. A Biblia hovorí: „Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás."Tak toto sú ľudia Kráľovstva, ktorí vyznávajú, že toto nie je ich domov. Toto nie je náš domov. My očakávame na príchod Kráľa, ktorý ustanoví Kráľovstvo.

20 Bol som zavolaný na jeden pohotovostný prípad jedného starého brata, ktorý mi bol ako otec a on... Dlho som ho nepoznal, ale pamätám si deň, kedy som ho priviedol sem a pokrstil. A ten muž má, onedlho bude mať 91 rokov. A jeho milá manželka mi volala, ona je zdravotná sestra, povedala, že on mal úplne zlyhanie srdca, mimo toho mal, (neviem si spomenúť na ten názov toho záchvatu srdca [Niekto hovorí: „koronárny" – pozn.prekl.], koronárny srdcový záchvat, ďakujem), koronárny srdcový záchvat a úplne zlyhanie srdca. Lekár mu nedával vôbec žiadnu nádej. A ten muž zomieral a zavolal mi.

21 A ja som nasadol do môjho starého Forda a vyrazil som na cestu do Ohia, tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol. A nevedel som, že jedno z mojich kolies je mimo osi, vytrhlo mi to pneumatiku. A tak som potom... Ako som tam šiel, vyrazil som z čerpacej stanici okolo 11 hodiny, mal som o neho starosť. Mám ho rád a vedel som, že ak to bude trvať ďalej, Pán vyčkáva, no, skôr či neskôr sa budeme musieť jeden druhého vzdať.

22 Ale to teraz neuškodí vytrhnutiu. Vidíte? Nie. Oni idú prví. Oni majú to privilégium, tí, ktorí sú už preč. Oni idú prví, vidíte, potom my, ktorí sme ponechaní nažive do príchodu Pánovho nepredstihneme tých, ktorí už spia. Trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv. Potom, keď naše oči zazrú našich milovaných, potom my budeme premenení v okamihu a spolu s nimi budeme vychvátení. Vidíte, tí, ktorí idú prví, sú privilegovaní pred tými, ktorí sú nažive.

23 A tak, keď som vyšiel zo stanice o 11 hodine, Duch Svätý mi povedal: „Neboj sa o neho. Znovu si s ním na ulici potrasieš ruku a on príde do zboru," zomierajúci, starý 91 ročný človek. Keď som stretol jeho manželku a jeho milovaných v nemocnici v Lime, povedali mi o jeho stave, išli dovnútra, pozreli sa tam na neho. A on povedal: „Ale on je... To je zvláštne." Povedal, že o jedenástej sa mu to začalo zlepšovať. Pán tým ľuďom ukázal tak mnohé veci a oni vedia, že ja som to nepovedal, pretože oni mi to povedali prv. On to začal meniť, oni vedeli, že im poviem pravdu.

24 Takže minulú nedeľu, keď som išiel do Blue Boar Cafeteria v Louisville, kde sa stravuje myslím, asi 80 percent tohoto zhromaždenia v nedeľu popoludní, koho som videl ísť dolu ulicou? Poviem vám, moje srdce sa zachvelo, keď som videl brata Daucha idúceho dolu ulicou, presne, ako mi On povedal. A ja som si s ním na ulici potriasol ruku.

25 Potom som sa minulú noc v nedeľu sem vrátil a hovoril na tému jednoty, - „Čas zjednocovania sa a jeho znak."A potom, to prinieslo to, čo On povedal, že sa stane a tu dnes sedí v zbore, práve tu s nami, ako trofej milosti Božej. Keď sme si potriasli ruky pod stanom, pod kyslíkovým stanom, pod ktorým bol, povedal som: „Brat Dauch, budeš v poriadku. Uvidím ťa znova v zbore. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Vidíte? Sedí tu v zbore práve teraz - brat Dauch.

26 A ak sa nemýlim, ten kazateľ, o ktorom som pred chvíľou hovoril, keď Svätý Duch prišiel a zjavil všetky tie veci, povedal mu, ako sa to stalo a čo urobil, ako sa to stalo a ako ku tomu prišlo, všetko, čo sa potom dialo, dokonca i znak jeho rodiny a všetko o tom a povedal mu, že je s tým koniec a ten kazateľ teraz sedí práve tu, po mojej pravej ruke. Mohol by si len zodvihnúť ruku, pane? Tam je on a jeho žena. Presne. Práve teraz a tu sedí brat Dauch, práve tu.

27 Ó, nie je On nádherný? Tie veci, ktoré boli, ktoré sú a ktoré sa stanú. Jeden, dvaja, traja svedkovia vecí, ktoré boli, čo si urobil, veci, ktoré sa teraz dejú a veci, ktoré sa stanú. A zakaždým je to presne, presne v línii Slova. Len Boh to môže robiť. Ó, nie sme najšťastnejší za tieto veci?

28 No, dôvod, prečo som to trochu preťahoval, Billy musel ísť pre svoju ženu a dieťa a povedal: „Tatko, nezačni kázať, kým sa nevrátim." Takže myslím, že sa už vrátil. Každopádne by som nemal mať toľko času. Pokúšam sa dať preč tieto štvorhodinové preťažovania, ktoré som na vás položil a kázať 35, 45 minút a pokúsiť sa držať...

29 Teraz, raz sa mi v Chicagu dostalo komentáru, kázal som asi 30 minút, 35 minút a minulú nedeľu večer to bolo len 45 minút. Billy povedal: „Naozaj sa zlepšuješ, tatko. Som pre to na teba hrdý."

30 Dobre, možno dnes ráno to spravíme ako malú nedeľnú školu... Nebudem vás držať príliš dlho, potom môžete ísť von a dať si obed a modliť sa a vrátiť sa večer na služby uzdravovania. Vytvoríme modlitebný rad dnes večer a budeme sa modliť za chorých.

31 Teraz, ak poznáte nejakých ľudí v okolí, ktorí sú chorí a chcú, aby sa za nich modlilo, priveďte ich dnes večer. Vidíte? Ak ich musíte nejako priniesť, dostaňte ich sem. Vidíte? To je tá hlavná vec, priviesť ich dnes večer. Všetci sa spolu zídeme. Takto, je to ťažké robiť zavolanie a chodiť z miesta na miesto, potom niekoho vynecháte a je z toho neporozumenie. Ale ak ich môžem dostať na jedno miesto, potom sa za nich môžem modliť. No, ak vy - ak ľudia chcú, aby sa za nich modlilo, oni... Poviete: „Budú chcieť?" Ó, samozrejme. Budeme sa za nich modliť. Priveďte ich, ak Pán dá, budeme sa tu za každého modliť, lebo cítim, že to tretie potiahnutie sa začína hýbať. Vidíte? Je to vo mne a ja sa chcem modliť za každého.

32 No, prejdime dnes ráno do známeho starého miesta Písma, z ktorého som si to v rýchlosti pozbieral včera v noci, bol som už naozaj ospalý a zapísal som si niekoľko miest Písma, s ktorých by som vychádzal. A vzal som si zopár poznámok, keď som raz počul jedného brata použiť tento text a myslel som... poznačil som si to, myslel som: „Dobre, myslím, že si to poznačím, lebo sa mi to môže zísť." Mnohokrát to robíme. Všimol som si, že mnohí z vás tu majú kúsok papiera. Keď nejaký kazateľ niečo hovorí a vy chytíte ten bod, niečo vo vás udrie. A potom, ak to robí Svätý Duch, potom začnete budovať práve od toho bodu posolstvo pre Pána. A to je v poriadku, všimol som si v zhromaždeniach, kdekoľvek idem, ako si kazatelia a ľudia robia poznámky. To je v poriadku. My sme tu - kvôli tomu sme tu, aby sme sa pokúsili pomôcť jeden druhému na týchto cestách.

33 A teraz, prejdime do Zjavenia, 3. kapitoly v cirkevných vekoch, opakujúc cirkevný vek. Ale teraz, my sme... Mohol by som vziať tento jeden text a s Duchom Svätým, kázať na to sto rokov a nikdy by som to nevyčerpal, lebo tento jeden text, tak, ako aj iné texty Biblie, sú všetky spolu zviazané. A ja chcem tomu dnes ráno dať názov: „Ako môžem víťaziť?" Teraz, vybral som to, pretože si myslím, že je čas, kedy by sme nikdy nemali nechať zomrieť toho Ducha prebudenia, obživenia. Musíme zostávať v prebudení, sústavne sa oživovať každý deň. Pavol povedal, že musí denne zomierať, aby Kristus mohol žiť. A my nikdy nesmieme nechať zomrieť to prebudenie v nás.

Teraz, Zjavenie 3. kapitola a začneme od 21. verša, kde čítame toto:

Tomu, kto víťazí, dám sedieť so sebou na

[angl. - „vo" – pozn.prekl.]

svojom tróne, ako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so svojim Otcom na

[angl. - „v" – pozn.prekl.]

jeho tróne.

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo hovorí Duch zborom!

34 Všimli ste si to usporiadanie? Vidíte? „...dám sedieť so sebou v Mojom tróne," nie, „na Mojom tróne," „v Mojom tróne." To je v Jeho panstve. Vidíte? A teraz, ako Kristus je ten Vládca, Vládca trónu celého panstva Božieho v tomto čase, tak bude Cirkev s Ním, Nevesta bude s Ním v Jeho tróne, v celom panstve. Vidíte? Nie, „na Mojom tróne," ale „v Mojom tróne," (vidíte?), kde zasahuje Jeho panstvo. Trón je nad panstvom. A panstvo zasahuje tak ďaleko, ako jeho hranica a toto je z večnosti do večnosti. Len na to pomyslite...

35 Teraz, ako toto študujeme, môj dôvod je nie len prísť sem a mať s vami obecenstvo, čo milujem. Ale ak by som mal na to príležitosť, prišiel by som k vám domov, potriasol ruku a porozprával sa s vami a posadil, navečeral sa s vami a sadol si do tieňa pod stromom a porozprával sa s vami a mal obecenstvo na chvíľu. Ale keď prichádzame sem, sme tu pre jeden určitý účel. Toto je dom nápravy. Toto je ten trón. Toto je trón Boží a súd prichádza od domu Božieho. A tu sa schádzame, zhromažďujeme sa v láske jeden k druhému, ako sa len Kresťania vedia milovať, ale tu sme pod vedením Ducha Svätého. Duch Svätý je medzi nami. A my sme tu na to, aby sme si dali medzi sebou veci do poriadku, aby sme videli naše slabé miesta, naše nedostatky a ako sa môžeme dostať z toho stavu, kde by sme mali byť, tam, kde by sme mali teraz byť - kde sme a kde by sme mali byť. A to je to, čo študujeme. Kazatelia študujú tieto miesta pre svojich ľudí. Keď vidia tých ľudí, ten nedostatok, potom oni s tým začínajú.

36 No, myslím, že zakrátko v tomto čase by cirkev možno mala urobiť len jeden malý krok vyššie. Neplánujem to urobiť dnes ráno, ukazovať tieto veci, ale myslím, že v krátkosti, ak bude Pán chcieť, predtým, ako budeme kázať tie Trúby, chcem priniesť cirkvi práve niečo, čo teraz verím, že by ste mali vedieť.

37 A teraz, hovoríme o tomto víťazení, premáhaní. To slovo „víťaziť," samozrejme, viete, čo to znamená. Musíte mať niečo, čo musíte premôcť. A tento cirkevný vek, o ktorom hovoril Svätý Duch tu v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku (ako sme to práve prebrali), potreboval pokarhanie. Laodicea musela byť pokarhaná, za svoju odlišnosť od Krista, ona vystrčila Krista von v tom dni, v jej veku a Kristus bol vonku, snaží sa dostať dovnútra. To je láska. Po tom, čo bol vystrčený zo svojho vlastného domu, pokúšal sa dostať späť a povedal: „Ten, kto otvorí dvere, vojdem k nemu." Vidíte?

38 Sama celá cirkev ho vystrčila von. Ale teraz si všimnite, On tu nevolá len na cirkev: „Ten, kto víťazí. Vidíte? Nie cirkev, to by bola „ona", (vidíte?) cirkevné telo, ale to je ten, kto víťazí, jednotlivec, ktorý víťazí. A teraz, Laodicea spravila, že to na ňu prišlo.

39 Vidíme potom, vediac, že toto je Laodicejský vek a vieme, že tento vek potrebuje ostré pokarhanie od Boha... Potrebuje ostré pokarhanie. A keď naše duchovenstvo sa stalo také mäkké a senilné, ako nejaký starý otec ku svojim vnukom, všetko, čo oni robia je dokonalé a oni sú...

40 Tak veľa sa hovorí, že Boh je taký dobrý Boh, že až sa snažia urobiť z Boha len nejakého veľkého naivného dedka. Vidíte? Ale On nie je. On je Otec, a to Otec spravodlivosti, nápravy. A láska vždy napráva. Vidíte? Láska napráva. Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi to zraňuje, ona stále napráva. Skutočná matka bude naprávať svoje deti, skutočný otec bude naprávať. Vidíte, ak sa stanete len mäkkí a senilní a necháte to...

41 Prechádzal som raz po takom starom polene cez výmoľ, alebo ako sa to volá, cez jarok. A vyskočil som na to poleno. Zvonku vyzeralo dobre, ako veľké bukové poleno, ale keď som naň vyskočil, ó, odlomil sa z neho veľký kus, bolo úplne zhnité a strúchnivené. Povedal som: „Takí sa stávajú Kresťania." Boli mŕtvi v hriechu a prestúpeniach tak dlho, až strúchniveli. Nemôžu udržať vôbec žiadnu váhu. Oni nevedia, čo znamená premáhať. Potom som začal myslieť na tento text: Premôž, uchovaj v sebe život. Keď ten život odišiel, to je to, čo doviedlo to poleno do toho stavu. Vidíte? A to ho urobilo horším, ako inokedy, keď ležalo v jarku, kde bola voda.

42 A potom, vezmete Kresťana, o ktorom sa predpokladá, že je Kresťan, nechajte, aby od neho odišiel Boží Život a to prežite tá radosť zo slúženia Kristovi a nechajte ho žiť v cirkvi, kde to takto ide, on zhnije dvakrát rýchlejšie (Vidíte? Tak veru.), žije rovno v tom.

43 Takže, ak sa pokúšame nasledovať Posolstvo tejto hodiny, alebo aspoň túto časť toho Posolstva, mali by sme žiť neustále v Živote Krista. Vidíte? Lebo ak nie, ste blízko tam toho a viete, že tieto veci, ktoré by ste mali robiť a nerobíte ich, Biblia hovorí: „Ten, kto vie dobre robiť a nerobí, má hriech." A stáva sa nepevný, naivný, zhnitý, keď je oddelený od Božieho Života. Tak sa usilujte so všetkým, čo je vo vás, aby ste zostávali v Živote Kristovom, aby ste niesli ovocie.

44 My vidíme tento vek, v ktorom žijeme. Je to jeden z najveľkolepejších zo všetkých vekov. Tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek je ten najveľkolepejší zo všetkých cirkevných vekov, pretože v ňom sa zakončuje čas a prechádza sa do večnosti. A potom, je to najviac hriešny vek. V tomto veku je viac hriechu, ako bolo doteraz. A proti mociam Satana sa oveľa ťažšie bojuje, než ako v ktoromkoľvek inom veku. Vidíte?

45 Aha,voľakedy v tých ranných vekoch, Kresťanovi mohli za to, že vyznával, že je cirkev - že patrí Kristovi, sťať hlavu. On mohol byť zabitý a vytrhnutý z biedy a ísť sa rýchlo stretnúť s Bohom. Ale teraz, nepriateľ prišiel v mene cirkvi, a to je tak zvodné. Toto je veľký vek zvodu, keď... Kristus tak povedal, že tie dva duchy budú tak blízko v posledných dňoch, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Vidíte? Vidíte? A pamätajte, Kristus hovoril o vyvolenom ľude v tom poslednom dni. Vidíte? To by zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné, tak blízko.

46 Ľudia tak žijú - ľudia môžu žiť čistý, svätý život, nemusia byť hriešny, cudzoložníci a pijani a klamári, hazardní hráči, oni môžu žiť ponad tým a stále môžu byť bez toho. Toto je vek života, osobného Života Krista, kde tie chemikálie Jeho Tela, to, čo bolo v Ňom. Zaprvé, pod Ospravedlnením, vodný krst. Zadruhé, pod novým narodením Wesleya, posvätenie, ktoré očisťuje a zatretie, pod krstom Duchom Svätým, postaviac posvätenú nádobu do služby... Vidíte? To slovo „posvätiť" znamená - je to zložené grécke slovo, ktoré znamená „očistený a oddelený pre službu." Oddelený pre službu, teraz Duch Svätý stavia do služby. Vidíte?

47 A my si všimneme, keď nečistý duch odíde od človeka, prechádza sa po suchých miestach. To je presne to, čo cirkev urobila, baptisti, metodisti, tí, ktorí verili v posvätenie. Potom, Ježiš povedal, že ten nečistý duch, ktorý vyšiel, sa vracia späť do tohoto cirkevného tela a nachádza ten dom ozdobený, vyzametaný, žijúci čisto, čisté životy, všetko v poriadku. Ale keď potom ten dom nie je naplnený, obsadený, potom on vchádza so siedmimi inými démonmi, horšími ako on a posledné veci toho miesta sú sedem krát horšie, ako boli tie prvé. Bolo by pre nich lepšie, keby boli bývali zostali Luteránmi, ako keď obdržali to svetlo a zlyhali ho nasledovať. Tak to bude s letničnými. Viete, čo mám na mysli. Ten dom je ozdobený.

48 Ako som sa raz rozprával s niekým, povedal: „Oni sú veľmi opatrní, dokonca mnohí z tých skupín svätosti, nenazývajú Svätého Ducha „Svätý Duch,"[v angl. „Holy Ghost" – pozn.prekl.] lebo ich potom stotožňujú s letničnými." Oni hovoria, „Svätý Duch." [v angl. „Holy Spirit" – pozn.prekl.]. Vidíte? Nechcú hovoriť Svätý Duch [„Holy Ghost"], pretože letniční, bežní ľudia, to proste nazývajú ako hovorí Biblia, „Svätý Duch," [„Holy Ghost"], pri čom „Svätý Duch" [„Holy Ghost"] a „Svätý Duch,"[„Holy Spirit"] je to isté. Ale oni sú pri tom veľmi opatrní... Oni sa nechcú stotožňovať s tými, ktorí hovoria jazykmi, a to je Sám Duch Svätý. Vidíte? Čo sa potom stalo? Keď sa ten nepriateľ, ktorý odišiel v čase posvätenia, ktorý bol vypláknutý, vrátil späť a našiel dom nenaplnený Svätým Duchom, teraz takýto stav cirkvi ju spojil s ligou Cirkví, so Svetovou Radou Cirkví, a to je teraz stav, ktorý to spája s rímskym katolicizmom a všetkým tým ostatným a teraz je to sedem krát horšie, ako to bolo, keď to vyšlo z Luteranizmu. Tam to vedie človek.

49 A potom sa pozrite na Laodicejský cirkevný vek, potom, keď dostal Ducha Svätého. A poznanie, Duch Boží je v ňom, a on potom zapiera skutky Božie a nazýva to skutkom zla, čo potom s tým? Tam bol Kristus vystrčený zo svojej vlastnej cirkvi. Vidíte, On... To Ho nikdy neukázalo v cirkvi, až kým to neprišlo k Laodicei. A keď sa On dostal k Laodicei, On bol vystrčený zo svojej cirkvi, pokúšajúc sa dostať späť.

50 Teraz, vidíte, ospravedlnenie Ho nikdy neumiestnilo dovnútra. Posvätenie len očistilo miesto pre Neho. Ale keď prišiel krst Duchom Svätým, to Ho dostalo do ľudí. A teraz, oni Ho vystrčili von, keď sa začal ukazovať, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Oni Ho vystrčili von, lebo urobili denominácie a Duch Pánov nesúhlasí s ich denomináciami. Rozumiete tomu teraz? To... Oni Ho vystrčili: „My nechceme mať nič s touto telepatiou, to je z diabla, to je veštenie, alebo..." Vidíte? Oni nerozumejú. Oči a nevidia, uši a nepočujú. Vidíte, Boh otvára oči len ako On chce. On zatvrdzuje, koho chce zatvrdiť, a dáva Život tým, ktorým ho chce dať. To je to, čo hovorí Písmo.

51 No, my vidíme tieto hodiny, v ktorých sa nachádzame, tento stav a vidíme, čo to bolo. A Duch Svätý karhá tento vek, ktorý Ho vystrčil von. Ale v tom všetkom, všimli ste si, „Tomu, kto víťazí"? Dokonca v tom svetskom, zlom cirkevnom veku, „Tomu, kto víťazí."

52 Nachádzame tu, že Boh mal vždy víťazov. On mal víťazov v každom veku. To je vždy, zakaždým, v každom veku, ktorý bol na zemi, Boh mal vždy niekoho, na koho mohol položiť Svoje ruky ako na svedka na zemi. On nikdy nebol bez svedka, hoci niekedy mal len jedného, ale niekto víťazil.

53 Teraz, ako svätí starého... Jeden veľmi milý človek, učenec, hovoril po Siedmich Pečatiach, povedal: „brat Branham, ty, ktorý znázorňuješ všetko na predobrazoch," povedal, „ako vôbec môžeš postaviť tú Cirkev do vytr- hnutia bez obdobia súženia v nejakom obraze?" On povedal... Vidíte, ak je to obraz, musí tam byť... Tam je... Ak je predobraz, musí byť nejaký obraz, z ktorého ten predobraz pochádza. A všetko, čo hovorím, to je pravda, má obraz. Má to obraz. Máte tieň. A Biblia hovorí, že tie staré veci boli tieňom tých nových, ktoré majú prísť. On povedal: „Ale teraz, vezmi si Starú Zmluvu ako tieň, a teraz," povedal, „čo teraz urobíš s touto Cirkvou?"

54 Tento človek pochádza z... Veľký muž, veľký učiteľ, môj dôverný priateľ, veľmi dobrý človek a on je milý brat. A ja by som nepovedal jedno slovo proti tomu bratovi, každopádne by som nepovedal, ako Kresťan. Nepovedal by som nič proti nemu. On so mnou nesúhlasí v tejto jednej veci, ale on je môj vzácny brat, jedávame spolu, on je skvelý človek. Beriem si jeho časopisy, čítam jeho články a on píše niektoré moje články a tak. A ja som si vzal mnoho z jeho textov, ktoré som čítal, čo som ho počul hovoriť. On je veľký muž, ale on nemôže so mnou súhlasiť. Ja si to cením, jeho úprimnosť, že on nie je jeden z tých ľahkoverných ľudí, ktorí musia veriť všetkému, čo poviete. On má svoje vlastné presvedčenie a stojí si za tým. Ja to oceňujem. A on je dobrý človek, ... Ó, ja nie som vôbec ani učiteľ, ani učenec, ale tento človek je aj učiteľ aj učenec. Ale ja s ním nesúhlasím, lebo ja to tak nevidím, ale to sa netýka spasenia, to sa týka príchodu Pána.

55 On to vidí tak, že Cirkev musí ísť cez obdobie súženia aby bola očistená. Ja hovorím, že Krv Ježiša Krista očisťuje Cirkev. Vidíte? To nepotrebuje žiadne... Verím, že cirkev ide cez obdobie súženia, cirkev, organizácia, ale nie Nevesta. Vybrali by ste si ženu, ktorú by ste museli očistiť predtým ako by ste si ju vzali? Kristova Nevesta je vybraná a ona je vyvolená a ona je Božia Nevesta, Nevesta Ježiša Krista.

56 A teraz, on povedal: „Na akom predobraze to ukážeš? Ak tá Nevesta ide ďalej, ak ide hore predtým, ako ide cez obdobie súženia..." Povedal: „mám Písmo, ktoré ukazuje, že Cirkev je v období súženia." Povedal som... „Čítaj Šiestu Pečať. To je všetko. Ona je práve tam, v období súženia." Ale zisťujeme, že tesne predtým, Nevesta je už preč. Ona je v tom čase v sláve, Ona nepotrebuje žiadne očistenie. Vidíte? „Ten, kto vo mňa verí, má Večný Život a nepríde do zatratenia alebo na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života." Kristus nám dal zasľúbenie, že dokonca nebudeme ani stáť pred súdom. On tak slobodne zaujal moje miesto, že až som úplne slobodný. Keď mi je odpustené, je mi odpustené. Ako ma On môže vziať zo záložne a vymazať zápis... Ako môže On byť mojim Vykupiteľom a vziať ma zo záložne a ten maklér bude stále hovoriť, že patrím jemu? Mám zápis (vidíte?), napísaný Krvou Ježiša Krista. Vidíte?

Teraz, v tom, tuto my prichádzame. On povedal: „No, ako oddelíš tú vyvolenú Nevestu, o ktorej hovoríš, ako to dáš do nejakého predobrazu?"

57 Povedal som: „Veľmi dobre." Povedal som: „Tu to je. Aha, v Matúšovi, 27. kapitola a 51. verš..." Ak my... Dovoľte, že to prečítam, a potom to budeme mať. Potom zistíme, či to bolo v predobraze alebo nie, či to bola vyvolená Nevesta. Matúš, 27. kapitola a 51. verš. V poriadku. Čítame toto pri ukrižovaní nášho Pána:

A hľa, chrámová opona sa roztrhla na dvoje, odvrchu až dolu...

58 No, to bol zákon. Zákon skončil práve tam, lebo tá opona držala to zhromaždenie od svätých Božích vecí. Išiel tam iba pomazaný kňaz, a to iba raz za rok. Pamätáte sa na to? Teraz, Boh so Svojou vlastnou rukou, všimnite si, odvrchu nadol nie zdola hore. To je asi 40 stôp vysoko [12m – pozn.prekl.] Všimnite si, nie zdola hore, ale odvrchu nadol. To ukazuje, že to urobil Boh. Roztrhol tú oponu na dvoje. Potom každý, ktokoľvek mohol prísť a mať účasť na Jeho svätosti. Vidíte? V poriadku.

...odvrchu až dolu a zem sa triasla a skaly sa pukaly,

a hroby sa otvárali, a mnohé telá zosnulých svätých vstali

a vyjdúc z hrobov po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní vošli do svätého mesta a ukázali sa mnohým.

59 Tam sú tí Vyvolení, Nevesta. Nie všetci z tej židovskej cirkvi vyšli v tom čase. Oni všetci dávali tú istú obeť. Všetci boli pod preliatou krvou baránka, ale tam bola vyvolená skupina. A tá vyvolená skupina, hneď ako nastala tá udalosť, Tí, ktorí tomu skutočne verili a boli úprimní, pevní... Teraz, prichádzam ku slovu „víťaziť," no, držte sa toho. Títo, ktorí skutočne zvíťazili, úprimne obetovali tie isté obete, ako tí ostatní, ale v úprimnosti, víťazili nad vecami toho sveta, keď bola za nich správne prinesená obeť zmierenia (Oni boli v raji až do toho času), a keď prišiel ten čas, oni už zvíťazili a teraz odpočívali, spali (vidíte?), telá mnohých, ktorí spali v prachu, vidíte, spali...

60 No, keby sme mali čas, mohli by sme sa vrátiť k Danielovi. Keď Daniel, ten vyvolený, ktorý zvíťazil ... A On povedal: „Zavri knihu, Daniel, lebo budeš odpočívať ku svojmu losu. Ale keď príde Knieža, ktorý sa postaví za ľud, vstaneš ku svojmu losu." Tu je to. Daniel, tento Boží prorok, videl prichádzať čas konca. A On povedal: „Daniel, ty vstaneš ku svojmu losu v tom dni." A tu on bol, vystúpil, nie všetci z Izraela, ale tí, ktorí z Izraela predstavovali Nevestu.

61 No, zbytok Izraela nevystupuje až do všeobecného vzkriesenia. A teraz, pri príchode Pána Ježiša, tí, ktorí skutočne milujú Jeho príchod, ktorí pre to žijú, keď sa On zjaví na oblohe, Cirkev, ktorá je mŕtva v Kristovi vstane a tí budú premenení v okamihu. Tí ostatní o tom nič nevedia. Pamätajte, oni sa ukázali tým v meste. Vidíte? S vytrhnutím to bude tak isto. My uvidíme jeden druhého a budeme ich vidieť. Zbytok sveta ich neuvidí. To bude vzatie ako tajný odchod, čakáme na ten čas, potom návrat na zem do toho slávneho Milénia, tých tisíc rokov. Ostatní mŕtvi neožili za tisíc rokov a potom vystupujú v tom všeobecnom vzkriesení, kde celý Izrael...

62 Pozrite sa tiež tam, tých dvanásť apoštolov, dvanásť patriarchov, všetci sú zastúpení. A my sme sa ku tomu ešte nedostali, možno, ak bude Pán chcieť, dostaneme sa ku tomu v tej zmluve, ako tie múry z jaspisu a dvanásť kameňov, dvanásť brán, dvanásť základov, všetko je tam zastúpené. Oni sú tu na dvanástich trónoch, anjelskí poslovia tých dní, aby súdili, tých, ktorí odmietli ich posolstvo. Amen. Blíži sa tá veľká hodina.

63 Áno, čo za deň, čo za čas, v ktorom žijeme. Ako by sme sa mali prekontrolovať, cirkev. Hovoríme o týchto veciach, ako prichádzajú, ktoré prídu. No pristavme sa tu dnes a pozrime, skontrolujme sa a vidzme, či sme skutočne vo viere.

64 Teraz, hovorme chvíľu o niekoľkých víťazoch. Ježiš Kristus povedal, že dnes to bude ako v čase dní Noeho. Myslel som, že zaberiem desať minút a teraz je to už pol hodiny. Práve som začal na prvej strane. Preskočím niekoľko strán, ak budem môcť a dostanem sa...

65 Sledujte. V čase Noeho, typ na dnes, Ježiš na to poukazoval a povedal: „Ako bolo v čase Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." V čase Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Všimnite si, tam bol celý ten predpotopný svet, možno milióny ľudí, tam bolo osem premožiteľov. Ôsmi ľudia premohli, ktorí boli naozajstní, skutoční premožitelia. Tam boli Noeho traja synovia a ich manželky a Noe so svojou manželkou. Osem ich premohlo, tí, ktorí vstúpili do korábu v určenom čase. Ako to urobili? Oni počúvali Slovo Božie. Oni neboli nájdení vonku pred dverami. Oni boli nájdení vo vnútri za dverami.

66 Ó, moji milovaní priatelia, nenechajte tie dvere zavrieť. Ježiš povedal: „Tak, ako to bolo v tom dni, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka - tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Teraz, ak niekto bude nájdený vonku pred dverami... Mnohí z nich mohli mať dobré úmysly, „Keď sa jedného dňa stane niečo také, my vojdeme s bratom Noem, lebo on je taký fajn chlapík." Ale vidíte. To zastihlo len ôsmich vo vnútri.

67 No, dobre sa teraz zamyslite, ak ležíte len okolo, stávate sa neistými, vojdite dovnútra, ponáhľajte sa, rýchlo, lebo tie dvere sa môžu kedykoľvek zavrieť.

68 Koráb bol vždy v Božej ekonómii. V čase Noeho bol koráb na záchranu jeho ľudí. V čase zákona bol koráb, koráb svedectva v čase zákona. Oni nasledovali ten koráb a teraz je tretie časové rozdelenie - Noeho čas, Lótov čas a teraz tento čas. Je tu teraz koráb a ten koráb nie je denominácia, ani to nie sú dobré skutky, ktoré robíte, je to jedným Duchom. Rimanom 8:1: My sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela v panstve toho Kráľovstva, jeden duchovný krst. Nezáleží na tom ako dobre, ako zle, čokoľvek, ty si v tom Kráľovstve skrze krst Duchom Svätým. Vidíte? To je ten jediný spôsob, ako zvíťazíš. To všetko, čo je pod preliatou Krvou, sú premožitelia, lebo vy sami nemôžete premôcť, to je On, ktorý premohol za vás. Vy odpočívate.

69 „Ako potom viem, brat Branham, že som tam?" Sledujte akým životom žijete. Len sa poobzerajte. Pozrite sa, či to žijete automaticky, alebo sa musíte namáhať a ťahať do toho, vidíte, potom to robíte vy. Ale nesnažte sa to robiť.

70 Práve tak, ako - ako strčenie ruky dieťatka do rukávu, (vidíte?), ono robí tak a tak, hore a dole a všetko možné. Vidíte? Ono to nedokáže. „Obleč si kabát, môj drahý." On to nedokáže. Jeho ručička ide hore, dolu a všade okolo. Ono potrebuje vašu pevnú ruku. A ó, aký som rád, že môžem vystrieť svoju ruku k Otcovi a povedať: „Pane Ježišu, Ja sa tam neviem dostať. Ty mi pomôž, obleč mi ten kabát. Už sa to nebudem pokúšať." Len to nechajte urobiť Jeho.

71 Vidíte, ak sa to malé dieťa bude ďalej pokúšať: „Ó, ja to dokážem, ja to dokážem." A ono proste všade ... Ono to nedokáže. Tak ako ani vy, ani ja. Ale ak my len budeme kľudne držať a necháme to Jeho urobiť, prenecháme to Jemu: „Tu, Pane, tu som. Len ma nechaj byť ničím. A ja sa ti poddávam, Ty daj moju ruku na to správne miesto." To je víťazstvo, to je premoženie.

72 Tá vec, ktorú musíte premôcť, ste vy sami, vaše predstavy, vaše veci a poddať sa Jemu. On premohol za vás. On pozná ten spôsob, my nie.

73 Ale v čase Noeho bolo osem premožiteľov, a to bolí tí, ktorí vošli dovnútra. Oni boli nájdení vo vnútri. No, pozrite sa priatelia, verím, že toto sa nahráva a ak je to v televízii, či nie v televízii, prepáčte, na páske, čokoľvek robíte, vy, ktorí teraz počúvate, alebo, ktorí to budete počúvať potom, je veľmi neskorá hodina a vy máte dobré úmysly, ale buďte nájdení vo vnútri. No, nebojujte. Nie ten, kto chce, alebo ten, kto beží, ale Boh - nechajte to len na Boha. Vy sa len vydajte Jemu a kráčajte s dokonalou, presvedčenou vierou, že to, čo Boh zasľúbil, On je schopný vyplniť. Nie pripojenie sa k jednej denominácii alebo druhej denominácii a robiac toto, tamto alebo ono a skúšajúc toto, len vydajte samých seba Bohu a kráčajte s Ním, v pokoji, tichosti, bez prerušenia, len ďalej kráčajte s Ním. To je správne.

74 To je to, čo som povedal nášmu bratovi, ktorý mal ten kolaps. Vidíte? „Len sa poddaj Jemu. On je tu, On, ktorý vie, čo si urobil a čo zapríčinilo, že si na tom takto a to všetko. On vie o tebe všetko a On ti teraz len odpovedal, čo máš robiť." Povedal som: „To jediné, čo musíš urobiť, je len ísť a urobiť to. To znamená, zabudni všetko, čo bolo, kráčaj, ži pre budúcnosť v sláve a v Prítomnosti Božej."

75 Osem premožiteľov... V čase Daniela, tam boli štyria premožitelia, ktorí mohli obstáť v skúške ohňom a pred levmi. No, od nás sa očakáva, že budeme skúšaní. To je dobrá lekcia tiež pre môjho brata tam vzadu. Ten, kto prichádza k Bohu, musí byť najprv skúšaný. Skúšaní čím? Slovom. To je Boží test. Veríte tomu? Ten, kto prichádza k Bohu, musí byť skúšaný. To len ukazuje pravdivé dieťa (vidíte?), byť testovaný. A keď prichádza tá skúška, nemôžete premôcť, (víťaziť), ak vám nie je daný test. A keď je daný test, je to na to, aby sa ukázalo, či môžete premôcť alebo nie. A Ježiš povedal: „Tomu, kto víťazí," test. Test, skúška je tá najväčšia vec, ktorá sa vám stala. A verím, že je to napísané v Písme, Peter povedal, že naše skúšky sú pre nás viac, ako cenné zlato. Je to čas skúšok, je to... A je to jeden dobrý dôkaz, že Boh je s nami, keď sme skúšaní, lebo všetky deti Božie sú testované a skúšané.

76 A Daniel, človek, prorok. Sadrach, Mézach a Abednégo... Daniel bol prorok a taká veľká bola v tom čase cirkev, chcem povedať, Nevesta. Cirkev tvoria mnohí, tam vtedy išlo asi dva milióny ľudí. Ale bolo - toľko bol tých víťazov. A tí premožitelia boli daní do skúšky. A každý premožiteľ musí byť daný do skúšky. A keď ľudia povedali: „Odstúpte od toho, čo povedalo Slovo, inak budete hodení do ohnivej pece," oni odmietli všetko okrem Slova.

77 A keď bola Danielovi daná skúška, že mal odstúpiť od toho, čo povedalo Slovo, že sa majú modliť obrátení smerom ku chrámu, ako sa modlil Šalamún a On ich vyslobodí od všetkého, Boh vypočuje z nebies, ak sa obrátia smerom k chrámu a budú sa modliť. A povedal: „Ak sa niekto bude modliť počas týchto dní (A my sme Médo-peržania, ktorí nemôžu meniť svoje zákony), ten človek bude hodený do jamy levov."

78 Oni mu nastavili pascu. Verím, že to ten prorok vedel. Ale oni mu nastavili pascu. On kráčal pokorne. Keď prišiel čas, že sa začal modliť, keď vedel, že tam doma v Jeruzaleme bola na oltári horiaca obeť. Daniel sa neobával tých vyzvedačov. On zodvihol rolety otvoril okenice, kľakol si na kolená a vystrel svoje ruky k Bohu a modlil sa. Prečo? Žiť alebo zomrieť, on mal to víťazstvo, a preto, tam bolo toľko víťazstva, že tie levy ho nemohli zožrať. Vidíte? On premohol.

79 Tí - Sadrach, Mézach a Abednégo mali toľko víťazstva, že ani ten lev - že ani ten oheň ich nemohol spáliť. Viete, víťazstvo je veľmi ťažko spáliť alebo zožrať alebo čokoľvek. Vidíte? Tak oni, oni to mali.

80 Mohol by som sa zmieniť o ďalšej postave. Vo dňoch Lóta (Ježiš sa na to odvolával), tam boli len traja, ktorí premohli: Lót a jeho dve dcéry. Dokonca ani jeho žena nepremohla. Ona je... Ona začala, ona je predobraz. (Prial by som si teraz, keby sme mali čas, mojich tridsať minúť práve uplynulo. Vidíte?) Ona - ona začala v poriadku, ona vyšla. No, musím vám toto v krátkosti predstaviť.

81 Mnohí z vás tiež vyšli. Mnohí z vás zanechali tieto veci, aby zaujali svoje miesto, potom, čo ste to hľadali v Písme a zistili ste, že to je správne. Videli ste potvrdenie Všemohúceho Boha, ale potvrdenie nie je to, čo niekto povedal, ale to, čo Biblia povedala, že bude a tu sa to deje. Uvideli ste, že je to pravda. Tak ste sa rozhodli opustiť Sodomu, opúšťate denominácie, opúšťate veci, ktoré vás priväzujú k nejakému vyznaniu a nasledujete Krista, skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý sa potvrdzuje cez napísané Slovo Božie. Inými Slovami, vzali ste Bibliu namiesto vyznania. Vyšli ste, aby ste nasledovali.

82 Dobre, Lótova žena urobila to isté, viete to. Ona vyšla s Lótom, nasledovala svojho manžela, svoje deti, svojich milovaných, ale to nebolo v jej srdci. Ona stále milovala svet. Takže je možné, že vy môžete začať a svet stále bude vo vás. Vidíte, ona nikdy nepremohla. A hoci bola v poriadku na ceste, nakoniec ju to porazilo. Ona musela urobiť ten jeden veľký, dlhý posledný pohľad. Tam ju to zastihlo. Dokonca sa ani neobzerajte naspäť. Nemajte žiadne žiadosti. Choďte ďalej. Uprite svoju myseľ na Golgotu a kráčajte stále smerom ku Kristovi.

83 Vidíte, ona vyšla ako premožiteľ, ale nikdy nezvíťazila. Ó, ona opustila denomináciu, skutočne. Ona vykročila zo Sodomy s Lótom, ale ona sa chcela vrátiť a strihať si vlasy. Viete čo?... Ona sa musela vrátiť. Ona nemohla obstáť v tej skúške. Ona sa musela znovu obzrieť späť, aby videla, čo robia tí ostatní. „Ó, vieš, ja tam mám napokon zopár dobrých priateľov. A nakoniec, toto môže byť len nejaké malé hnutie. Neviem, či je správne alebo nie. Mám na to len slovo tohoto muža. On je síce môj manžel, ale jednako." (Váš pastor je váš manžel, duchovne hovoriac. Viete?) „No, či je to správne alebo nie. Neviem, možno on - jeho zjavenie nebolo správne..?.." Potom, ak nie ste dokonale presvedčení, ak si nie ste dokonale vedomí, že to je Slovo Božie, potom - potom nemôžete ísť. Vidíte? Musíte byť úplne presvedčení. Musíte to vedieť, nie len povedať: „Dobre, ja viem, že iný to robia. Vidím znak."

84 Viete, že Izrael sa vydal na cestu... Mohol by som o ňom povedať to isté a priniesť to tu do tohoto. Oni vyrazili ako silné dva milióny ľudí a skončili dvaja. Tak je to. Oni videli skutky Božie, videli manifestáciu Ducha, videli veľké, mocné zázraky, ktoré sa stali v Egypte a všetko a vy- dali sa na cestu, ale to nebolo v ich srdci. Oni nepremohli, oni len vyšli. A Ježiš povedal: „Oni zahynuli na púšti a sú večne mŕtvi." Každý jeden z nich je mŕtvy, to znamená „večné oddelenie." Každý jeden z nich zhnil na púšti.

85 Ale boli tam dvaja mužovia, Jozue a Kálef. A keď to prišlo ku skúške sily (tie prekážky boli také veľké, že oni pri nich vyzerali ako kobylky), Jozue s Kálefom zakričali a povedali: „Sme viac ako schopní to urobiť." Prečo? Boh tak povedal. A oni boli premožitelia. Oni premohli. Oni boli tí, ktorí mali tú výsadu z celej tej veľkej organizácie ľudí, aby doviedli tú skutočnú vyvolenú nevestu do zasľúbenej zeme. Jozue a Kálef tam v predných líniách, ako dvaja generáli, ich viedli priamo dolu ku rieke a prešli cez tú rieku rovno do zasľúbenej zeme. Prečo? Oni verili Slovu.

86 Nezáleží na tom, čo Dátan - povstal Dátan, ako aj Kórach a oni sa pokúšali povedať: „Tento muž sa snaží robiť vyšším od všetkých nás ostatných, on je viac svätý, ako tí ostatní," potom, keď Boh priamo potvrdil toho človeka. Oni povedali: „My začneme so skupinou ľudí. Urobíme toto, tamto alebo to. A spravíme si svoje organizácie. Urobíme..." A oni pomreli a zahynuli. Ale tamtí mužovia mali Slovo Pánovo a zostávali s tým. A oni prešli. Nie ten, kto začne, ten, kto dokončí. Mnohí začnú závod, ale je jeden, ktorý dokončí. Bude mnoho cirkví, ktoré začnú, mnoho skupín ľudí. Bude jedna skupina, ktorá dokončí. To sú premožitelia.

87 Lótov deň... Áno, ona musela urobiť ten jeden veľký, dlhý pohľad späť. „Ó, ja opúšťam toho-a-toho tam dole. Mali sme s nimi také pekné chvíle, nikdy na to nezabudnem," a bola zastihnutá pred zavretými dverami, tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho. Ona bola vymknutá bez milosti a zahynula. A tá hruda tam dnes stále stojí, oni tvrdia (ja neviem), že si môžete z nej kúsok odlomiť a to tam znova dorastie, soľný stĺp. Ak ste niekedy videli ten film „Sodoma a Gomora," uvidíte ten pôvodný soľný stĺp, ktorý tam stál.

88 No, je rozdiel medzi soľným stĺpom a Ohnivým Stĺpom. Áno.

89 No, všimnite si, v čase Jána Krstiteľa... v čase Jána Krstiteľa, tam boli šiesti, ktorí premohli. Všetky veky mali premožiteľov. V Jánovom čase boli šiesti, boli to Jozef a Mária, Zachariáš a Alžbeta, Simeon a Anna; muž a žena, muž a žena, muž a žena, (vidíte?), typ na Krista a Cirkev; Kristus a Cirkev, Kristus a Cirkev, Kristus a Cirkev. Vidíte?

90 Všimnite si, to začína od prirodzeného človeka. Noe - Mojžiš - alebo Jozef. Prirodzený človek Jozef, čo on bol? Tesár. Potom ten kňaz, čo on bol? Vidíte? Služobník v dome Pánovom, Zachariáš. A odtiaľ po Simeona, proroka a prorokyňu. Vidíte to..?.. ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. Amen. Nevidíte to? Dokonalé. Šiesti premohli. Všetci ostatní z nich, oni obetovali svoje obete a všetko, ale títo boli vyvolení. Oni premohli.

91 Všimnite si, každý cirkevný vek, to isté víťazstvo, keď oni... Každý - niekoľkí z každého cirkevného veku premohli pokušenia toho veku. Mám tu miesto Písma. Myslím, že nemáme na to celkom čas. Ale vieme... Každý jeden z cirkevných vekov... To isté je teraz, je to ako keď niekto, kto je...

92 Vidíte, ako som povedal na začiatku, narodili ste sa ako porazení. A to narodenie nikdy nemôže urobiť - nemôže vás priniesť do Života, lebo ste sa narodili porazení. A ste v porazenom svete medzi porazenými ľuďmi, ktorí sa dostali medzi porazené vyznania, porazené denominácie. Musíte nejakým spôsobom prísť do víťazstva.

93 Je to ako ľalia. Zatiaľčo je ľalia, myslím, jeden z najkrajších kvetov... Mám veľmi rád tie veľké bahenné ľalie a rybníkové ľalie. Myslím, že nie je nič tak krásne, ako veľká rybníková ľalia, nazýva sa vodná ľalia. Aká je jej žiara. A odkiaľ to pochádza? Je to malé semeno dolu na spodku blatového, bahnitého rybníku. A to malé semeno, všetok svoj jas, ktorým bude kedy žiariť, je práve tam, keď je to v tom bahne. Ale ono musí denne bojovať, vediac, že tam je niečo... Je to čierne, je to špinavé, je to bahnité, je to odporné v tom hnuse, v ktorom žije, ale ono si tlačí cestu cez to bahno, blato a vody a hnijúce miesta, až kým nevystrčí svoju hlavu nad tým hore do svetla a nevyjadrí, čo bolo v nej po celý ten čas skryté.

94 Myslím, že to je premožiteľ, ktorý raz v hriechu, raz robil veci, ktoré boli zlé (teraz sa o to nebojte), raz robil nesprávne veci. Potom... Teraz, prečo sa obzerať naspäť do rybníka? Vidíte, pozrite, vy máte...

95 Boh svojim predurčením priniesol toto semeno do života a ono sa vyjadruje (vidíte?), prichádza do života. A teraz, na vrchu toho všetkého, ono zvíťazilo. Vidíte, ono sa nevyjadruje tam dole. Ono sa dostáva hore, aby sa vyjadrilo. Tak ani vy vo svojom hriechu, cudzoložstve a všetkom, v čom ste žili. Vy ste nič nevyjadrili, ale tam vo vnútri bolo semeno. A ono dostalo príležitosť pretlačiť sa do života a teraz ste v Prítomnosti Ježiša Krista so slnečným svetlom. Ukázalo sa, čím ste v skutočnosti boli na začiatku. Rozumiete, čo myslím? Uvideli ste Svetlo. Rozkvitli ste. Položili ste svoje roztvorené srdce a teraz ste ľalia.

96 Pamätáte si moju kázeň o ľalii: Pastor Ľalia, ako sa on lopotí a pritom sa nevykrúca, a ani Šalamún v celej svojej sláve nebol odiaty ako jedna z týchto... Pozrite sa neho. On je zodvihnutý do... On sa o seba nestará. Ľalia sa vôbec o sebe nestará. Čo robí? Vydáva svoju krásu, svoj život, aby ostatní mohli vidieť. Jej život je vyjadrený tak, aby iní mohli vidieť tú slávu, čo je v nej, čo bolo v nej, keď bola v bahne. Ona je teraz na vrchu, to je premožiteľ. Premohla bahno. Premohla veci sveta a teraz sa slobodne vydáva. Každý sa na ňu môže dívať, na jej život, nemôžete na ňu ukázať prstom. Vidíte, ona je skutočný premožiteľ. Nemôžete teraz na ňu nič povedať, ale iba povedať: „Poď von z toho bahna." Ale ona teraz nie je v tom bahne, ona je na vrchu toho. Amen. Nemôžete poukazovať na to, čím bola. Čím je teraz? Je na vrchu.

97 Potom prechádza okolo včela a hovorí: „To je nádherná vôňa. Verím, že pôjdem a vezmem si môj diel."

98 Ona len otvára svoje srdce: „Poď, nech sa páči." Všetko si berie z nej. Vidíte? To je skutočný pastor. On vyjadruje slávu Božiu a pozrite, odkiaľ pochádza. On musel premôcť, aby to robil.

99 Raz on alebo ona bola mladá a krásna. Oni mali veľa pokušení, cez ktoré museli prejsť, ale oni to premohli. Vidíte? Oni premohli a teraz vyjadrujú tú skutočnú krásu Krista vo svojom živote.

100 Všimnite si, prejavuje sa cez to bahno. Ježiš nám dal príklad, ako to máme robiť. Teraz chceme vedieť, ako víťaziť. Ježiš nám povedal, ako to urobiť. Vidíte, pokora, On sa opásal uterákom a poumýval učeníkom nohy a poutieral ich. Sám Boh nebies sa pokoril.

101 My sa nechceme pokoriť. To je ten dôvod, prečo si ženy nechcú nechať rásť vlasy (vidíte?), dôvod, prečo sa nechcú obliekať, ako by sa dámy mali obliekať, ako muži nechcú... Vidíte, to je to isté. Oni ne... Oni sa pokorili. Ale Ježiš neustále... Pozrite, kto On bol. Veľkosť (idem niečo povedať) - veľkosť sa sama pokoruje. Milosť sa pokoruje sama: veľkosť.

102 Mal som to privilégium dostať sa... stretnúť niektorých veľkých ľudí. A to sú títo, ktorí si prezliekajú šaty a v kapse majú 50 centov, aby nimi hrkali, to je chlap, ktorý si myslí, že je niečo, zatiaľčo nie je ničím. Ale stál som s veľkými mužmi, myslím, s veľkými mužmi, s otrhanými rukávmi, manžetami a pri nich si myslíš, že ty si ten veľký človek. Vidíte, veľkosť je pokora. Nezabudni to, cirkev. Veľkosť je vyjadrená v pokore, nie ako pekne môžete byť... Nemyslím teraz špinavý, myslím pokorný v duchu. Vidíte? Nemyslím teraz neísť von a neumyť sa. To... Mali by ste robiť, viete to. Vidíte? Ale ja hovorím o pokore, skutočnej pokore, nie niečo, čo je oblečené, niečo, čo je, čo je skutočná pokora.

103 Ježiš nám povedal, ako to robiť. On premohol. To znamená... „Premôcť" znamená „obstáť v skúške," (Je to tak.), ako všetci tí starí svätí obstáli, ako Ježiš obstál. V strede svojich nepriateľov, On obstál v skúške. Všetko, čím bol skúšaný, On vo všetkom obstál. Práve pred tvárou nemoci, On súc Mesiášom, On ich uzdravil. Pred tvárou smrti, On to priniesol späť do života. Pred tvárou Golgoty, Jeho vlastnej smrti, On to porazil tým, že sa vzdal Samého Seba. Prečo? Slovom. Povedal: „Zborte tento chrám a ja ho za tri dni postavím." Slovo tak povedalo." Vidíte? A v prítomnosti smrti to On porazil, On premohol smrť. V prítomnosti pekla On porazil peklo a premohol peklo. Áno. V prítomnosti hrobu On premohol hrob. Prečo? Všetko Slovom a pokorou. Ó! To je skutočný Muž. Tam je Ten, ktorý vám dáva príklad. On porazil všetko, premohol to.

104 Pozrite. Pokušenie doliehalo na Neho. Vedeli ste to? Biblia povedala, že On bol pokúšaný vo všetkom ako my, ale bez hriechu. On bol pokúšaný pitím, On bol pokúšaný ženami, On bol pokúšaný všetkým, čím človek môže byť pokúšaný. On bol pokúšaný všetkým, čím sme my pokúšaní, On bol človek. A pritom ste nemohli na Neho ukázať prstom. Tak veru.

105 „Premôcť" znamená „rozpoznať diabla pri každom z jeho trikov." Mnoho ľudí hovorí, že nie je žiadny diabol, to je len predstava. Neverte tomu. Existuje skutočný diabol. On je tak skutočný ako vy, ako ktokoľvek, skutočný diabol. A vy ho musíte skutočne rozpoznať. Vy musíte vedieť, že to je diabol. A potom, hneď, ako ho rozpoznávate a viete, že on je diabol a že je proti vám, potom, aby ste premohli, musíte rozpoznať, že Boh vo vás je väčší a mocnejší ako on,... že Ten vo vás ho už premohol a skrze Jeho milosť on na vás nijako nemá. Amen. Tam je skutočné premoženie.

106 Keď rozpoznávate... Pozriete sa späť a poviete: „Robím toto a robím tamto." Potom, ó, ó, vy... ste porazený. Ale nie je žiadneho odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela ale podľa Ducha. Potom si vy uvedomujete, že ste premohli a viete, že on je diabol. Nemôžete povedať: „Som chorý, a ja, ja...ja neverím, že to je choroba." Ó, áno, je to choroba. Vy máte rakovinu, vy neveríte, že to je rakovina, je to rakovina. Ale pamätajte, že väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Vy si musíte uvedomiť, že Duch Svätý, ktorý je vo vás, už premohol túto vec. A On je vo vás a vy môžete premôcť skrze Neho. To je úplne jasné. To je presne tak, ako je napísané Písmo: premáhanie.

Musím sa poponáhľať. Už som teraz zabral 45 minút. Teraz už naozaj preťahujem.

107 Všimnite si, premôcť. Ten Boh, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je v ňom. Ten boh tohoto sveta nie je taký veľký, ako Boh nebies, ktorý je vo vás.

108 Tak isto ako nemôže temnosť obstáť v prítomnosti svetla... No, temnosť nemôže obstáť v prítomnosti svetla. Je mi jedno, aké je to temné, svetlo to vytlačí von. To nemôže obstáť. Sláva! Ale zoberte toľko temnoty, koľko chcete a skúste to postaviť raz proti svetlu a uvidíte, čo sa stane. To je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, On je svetlo. A ten, ktorý je vo svete, je temnota. Takže svetlo dokázalo, že premohlo temnotu. A človek, ktorý je v Kristovi a vie, že premohol veci tohoto sveta (Amen), to už nemá viacej na vás žiadne putá, ste slobodní. „Kráčajte vo Svetle, ako je On vo Svetle a Krv Ježiša Krista vás očisťuje z každého hriechu a máte obecenstvo jeden s druhým navždy." Tu to máte.

109 On, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. No, ak sa obzeráte naspäť a ste odsúdení, potom... ste stále vo svete. Ale keď žijete ponad tým, potom Ten, ktorý je vo vás, vás vyviedol ponad temnotu. Ako ľalia, ona je nad temnotou toho bahna. Ona je nad temnotou tých bahenných vôd. Ona je vo svetle, odrážajúc krásu, ktorá bola do nej položená predtým, ako opustila to bahno. Amen.

110 Cítim sa ako kričiaci Kresťan. To, čo tam na začiatku bolo dané od Boha, to si pretlačilo cestu, premohlo. To premohlo tú škrupinu, to premohlo to bahno, to premohlo tie vody. To premohlo všetko a bolo premožiteľom a odrážalo krásu a slávu Božiu.

111 Takto to urobí každý veriaci. Tak to urobil Noe. Tak to urobil Lót. Tak to... Pozrite, v akej špine on bol. Tak to urobil Mojžiš. Tak to urobil Jozue. Tak to urobil Daniel. Tak to urobili Sadrach, Mézach. Tak to urobil Ján Krstiteľ, Zachariáš, Alžbeta. Tak to urobil Simeon, tak to urobila Anna, každý jeden z nich. Oni prekonali to bahno, ktoré... ktoré bolo okolo nich a ktoré ich zabalilo, držali hlavu nad tou vecou a vyžarovali slávu Božiu. Tak to robí skutočný Kresťan.

112 Pamätajte, Ježiš nám ukázal, ako sa to robí. Štyridsať dní pokušenia, On bol pokúšaný viac než ktokoľvek, kto mohol byť kedy pokúšaný, pri pokušení Ježiša Krista. No, sledujte to. On nám ukázal ako sa to robí. (Za chvíľu zakončím. Dobre?)

113 Pozrite, On nám ukázal, ako sa to robí. Ako to On urobil? Slovom. To je to, ako to On urobil, lebo On bol Slovo. A Ježiš povedal: „Ak vy zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás..." Ste naspäť v Slove, v Slove zasľúbenia. Čo je Slovo zasľúbenia pre každého Kresťana? „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete." Potom, ako ja premôžem? Nie ja, ale to Slovo, ktoré je vo mne. To Slovo je Boh. Potom premôžem veci tohoto sveta, lebo to Slovo je vo mne. „Ak zostanete vo Mne, Moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo len chcete." Len sa ďalej pretláčajte hore. Prichádzate k vrcholu tak iste, ako nič iné. Vidíte? Vy musíte prísť ku vrcholu.

114 V štyridsiatich dňoch pokušenia, On premohol Slovom Božím. Chcem tu niečo zdôrazniť na pár minút. Satan na Neho urobil tri hlavné útoky, v tom pokušení. Sledujte, to je vždy v tých troch. Nezabudnite toto. On urobil tri hlavné útoky od najväčšieho po najmenší. On sa snažil, ako len mohol, aby nad Ním zvíťazil, ale On bol to Slovo. Amen. Čo On použil? Seba, Slovo. Satanove tri hlavné útoky na Neho, ale On sa proti tomu staval so Slovom. Každý útok, On ho mohol odraziť Slovom (Sledujte to teraz), od najväčšieho po najmenší.

115Prvý útok, ktorý na Neho urobil bolo to, aby použil Svoju veľkú moc. Pričom On vedel, že On je Slovo, On poznal svoju pozíciu. Veríte, že poznal? „Ja som Syn človeka." On poznal svoju pozíciu. A Satan prišiel a chcel od Neho, aby použil Svoju vlastnú moc pre seba, aby sa najedol. On chcel, aby sa On Sám najedol, On bol hladný. Keď človek vyhladne, je schopný urobiť takmer všetko. Bude kradnúť, žobrať, požičiavať si, čokoľvek. Vidíte, On mal hlad. A Satan použil svoj prvý hlavný útok na Neho, aby vzal Svoju moc, ktorá Mu bola daná k premáhaniu a aby ju použil ju pre Seba. Nie, On ju nepoužil pre seba. On ju použil pre iných. To je správne. On ju použil pre iných, nie pre Seba, to nebolo pre Neho. Hoci by to mohol urobiť, On by to skutočne mohol urobiť.

116Ale vidíte, ako to robí diabol? Diabol chce, aby ste hľadeli na neho. On dával pozor len na to, čo Mu kázal robiť Otec. To je správne. On povedal... Ale Satan povedal: „Je napísané, On pošle anjelov, aby ťa ostríhali..."

117On povedal: „Áno, ale je tiež napísané." Tu to máte. Vidíte, On vedel, kto On je. Satan urobil... Tá myšlienka ide hlbšie, ako je napísané. Vidíte, to je inšpirácia. To jadro vo vnútri toho (vidíte?), čo to skutočne je.

118Hoci by to mohol urobiť, On to neurobil. Ale On nikdy nebral ohľad na Satanove návrhy. No, tu je jedna dobrá vec. Vidíte, niekedy vás Satan môže vziať a myslíte si , že robíte vôľu Božiu a on vám môže dať nejaký návrh a vy na to naletíte. Skutočne. On to naozaj môže urobiť.

119No, zoberme napríklad naše sestry. Ony sú pekné a on vás môže dostať na miesto, že si necháte rásť vlasy a neuvedomili ste si, že to na vás vyzerá pekne a za chvíľu zbadáte, že začínate mať trochu taký pocit nafúkanosti, trochu nad niečim iným. Niektorí z vás mužov, vy viete, čo myslím. Vidíte, a on môže vziať tú istú vec a ponúkať vám ju. Tak je to. Vidíte? Musíte to premôcť. Pamätajte len, žijete pre Boha. Máte jeden cieľ, a to je Ježiš Kristus. Mimo toho, nič iné sa nepočíta, to je On. Potom za druhé, vaša rodina, potom zatretie, vy sami, ale zaprvé, Boha, potom, vaša rodina a potom vy. Vy ste číslo tri, to je koniec cesty. Postavte seba na posledné miesto. On to urobil.

120Pozrite, čo On mohol urobiť, On povedal: „Mohol by som zavolať na Môjho Otca, hovoriť ku Nemu a On by mi hneď poslal dvanásť legiónov anjelov," pričom jeden z nich by mohol zničiť svet. Povedal: „Ak je Moje Kráľovstvo z tohoto sveta, potom by moji poddaní zápasili o to, ale Moje Kráľovstvo je zhora." No prosím. Vidíte? On to mohol urobiť, ale neurobil. Vidíte? Hoci to mohol urobiť, On nikdy nepočúval na Satanove návrhy.

121No, počuli ste ľudí hovoriť: „Ak veríš, že je Božský uzdravovateľ... Ak si Božský uzdravovateľ... Choď zavolaj svojho Božského uzdravovateľa, mám tam človeka, ktorý je chorý, chcel by som vidieť ako ho uzdraví." Vidíte toho istého diabla? On sa vám potom snaží dávať návrhy. Vidíte? On sa snaží, aby ste počúvali jeho, namiesto toho, aby ste počúvali Boha. Ale skutočný, pravdivý sluha Boží bude počúvať a hľadieť na to, čo najprv hovorí Otec.

122 Ako to malé dieťa od Stadskleva, keď poslali sem pre... Pán Stadsklev povedal: „brat Branham, ja som volal z Nemecka." Bola tam americká armáda s jedným z ich tryskových lietadiel, ktoré štartovalo tu na poli, oni by ma previezli do Nemecka a späť behom jedného dňa. On bol vojenský kňaz. A to dieťa ležalo mŕtve. A tá matka kričala, ona povedala: „Počúvaj..." Povedala: „Viem, stála som tam pri tom a videla som, keď tá žena držala to mŕtve dieťa vo svojich rukách, ktoré zomrelo toho rána. A ja som videla brata Branhama, ako kráča priamo tam a položil ruky na to mŕtve dieťa a ono ožilo." Povedala: „Toto je moje dieťa, brat Branham." V ich rodine nikdy nebola smrť. Vidíte? A toto malé jedného rána ochorelo a popoludní zomrelo.

Všetci tu okolo stáli a prorokovali a všetko možné: „To dieťa vstane," a podobne.

123 Povedal som: „Dobre, to je veľmi pekné, sestra Stadsklev, ale počkajte nech uvidím, čo hovorí Otec." A išiel som von do lesov a modlil som sa. Vrátil som sa, ona volala dva alebo tri krát, lebo som sa vrátil na druhý deň ráno. Nič.

Lekár povedal: „V poriadku, ak je to... Ak máte takú vieru, pani, nenecháme aby to dieťa opustilo nemocnicu. Nech len tu leží. Zostaňte tu s ním. To je v poriadku."

Brat Stadsklev išiel a navštívil armádu a toho majora a oni povedali: „Iste, my ho privezieme lietadlom a odvezieme naspäť."

124 A tam bolo pripravené lietadlo, aby ma zobralo toho rána a priviezlo späť v tú noc do Nemecka, do Heidelbergu v Nemecku, kvôli vzkrieseniu tohoto dieťaťa. Povedal som: „Iste, Boh to môže urobiť, ale pozrime sa, čo je Jeho vôľa."

125 Potom som išiel von a modlil som sa celú noc, nič sa nestalo. Vrátil som sa nasledujúceho rána, nič sa nestalo. A práve vtedy, keď som chcel vojsť do tej miestnosti, pozrel som sa a tam stálo to Svetlo, vznášalo sa pri dverách, povedalo: „Nevzkladaj na neho svoje ruky. Nekarhaj to. To je Božia ruka."

126 Zatelefonoval som jej a povedal: „sestra Stadsklev, pochovajte svoje dieťa. To je ruka Pánova. Je to Božia vôľa. Niečo by sa tomu dieťaťu stalo tam na tej ceste. Nechajte ho len ísť práve tam, kde Boh vie, na čom ono je. Nemôžete ku nemu teraz prísť. Keby žilo, neprídete. Nechajte to tak byť."

127 Ten veľký luteránsky kazateľ v Nemecku napísal list a povedal: „Ako oceňujem to, že brat Branham čakal na to jasné rozhodnutie od Boha predtým, ako niečo povedal." To je to. Držte sa Božieho rozhodnutia. Nezáleží na tom, čo hovoria ostatní, alebo čokoľvek to je, vôbec nedbajte na Satanove návrhy.

128 Ak Satan povie: „Teraz, vodný krst v mene Otca, Syna..." Ak to... ak on robí návrhy, nechajte to tak. Boh to povedal inak. Ak on povedal: „Ty si dobrý človek, ty nemusíš byť... Ty si dobrá žena, ty nemusíš robiť..." Nehľaďte na jeho návrhy. Ak Slovo hovorí niečo iné, vy zostaňte so Slovom, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je. To je ten príklad, aký vám dal Ježiš a tam je ten hlavný útok (vidíte?), ktorý on urobil na Neho.

129 Potom, druhý útok. Budem sa ponáhľať. (Vyzerá to, ako by ten čas bežal tak rýchlo.) Ten ďalší veľký útok, ktorý on na Neho urobil bol, aby sa On vytiahol. A ako to zasiahne Božích sluhov, vytiahnúť sa, ukázať, čo dokážete urobiť. „Sláva Bohu. Haleluja, som vysloboditeľ. Ja som niečo." Vidíte?

130 „Vyjdi sem hore na vrch chrámu a zhoď sa dolu." On Ho pokúšal, aby to urobil. Teraz, pamätajte, On bol pokúšaný to urobiť. To bolo ťažké. Povedal: „Teraz, ak chceš byť niekým pred ľuďmi, postav sa sem na chrám a zoskoč." Vidíte? „Dám ti k tomu Písmo, lebo je napísané, ´Prikáže svojim anjelom o tebe, aby si si neuderil nohy o kameň, na rukách ťa ponesú.´" Aby sa vystavil na obdiv, aby ukázal svoju veľkú autoritu...

131 Žiadny pravdivý služobník Boží to nikdy nerobí. Keď vidíte človeka vyťahovať sa, s vypnutou hruďou, pamätajte len, tam niečo nie je v poriadku. Nie, Boh to takto nechce. Ježiš ukázal príklad. On by to mohol urobiť. On by to samozrejme mohol urobiť, ale On to neurobil. Žiaden sluha Boží sa sám nevystavuje, aby sa pokúsil vziať Božiu moc a ukázať sa nad niekým druhým.

132 Pamätáte si, keď to urobil Mojžiš? Pamätáte si to? Boh mu dal moc robiť čokoľvek by chcel, urobil ho prorokom. On kráčal ku tej skale a udrel tú skalu druhý krát. To bolo proti Božej vôli. Boh povedal: „Hovor ku tej skale. Neudieraj ju znova. Ty tu kazíš celý ten predobraz. Tá Skala bude udretá len raz." Ale on, keď to urobil, hovoril o slabosti Slova, že nebolo dostačujúce. Áno, to Slovo bolo to, o čo išlo, tá skala bolo Slovo. Vidíte?

133 On prvý krát udrel tú skalu a vody vyšli. A potom oni boli znova smädní. On povedal: „Vráť sa a hovor ku tej skale." To bolo len raz udreté. Vidíte, nedostatočnosť Slova, Mojžiš vydal o tom svedectvo, to Slovo nebolo správne. Muselo to byť udreté znova.

134 Tak Mojžiš išiel tam dole a udrel takto tú skalu, on povedal: „Vytryskni." Ona nevytryskla. Tak on ju udrel znova a povedal: „Vytryskni. Rozkazujem ti, vytryskni." A tie vody vyšli.

135 Boh povedal: „Poď sem hore. Poď sem. Ty si sa sám oslávil. Ty si vzal Moju moc, miesto toho aby si Ma posvätil, ty si posvätil seba. Teraz nepôjdeš do tej zeme. Pozri sa a vidz ako ona vyzerá, ale tu, zostaneš práve tu." Ó! Nikdy nebol niekto taký ako Mojžiš, viete. Ó, nie.

136 Keď on prišiel k tej ukážke s Ježišom, on povedal: „Vystúp sem hore na chrám a zoskoč."

137 On povedal: „Je napísané (Amen.), ´Nebudeš pokúšať Pána, svojho Boha.´" Vidíte? On ho zvládol Slovom v každom tom hlavnom útoku.

138 Žiaden skutočný služobník sa pri tom nikdy nepokúša ukázať seba s Božou mocou. Ak to robí, hneď tam prehráva.

139 Tretí veľký útok: Satan Mu ponúkol, že sa zriekne tohoto kráľovstva a dá mu Ho. Ponúkol Mu to. Satan povedal: „Vidíš tieto kráľovstvá sveta? Sú moje. Robím si s nimi čo chcem. Dám Ti ich." Ale pamätajte, on sa Ho snažil naviesť na to, aby ich získal bez kríža. Ak by to On prijal, boli by sme stratení. On mohol dostať tie kráľovstvá, ale On musel nasledovať... musel sa vrátiť, On bol pokúšaný, aby to teraz prijal. To je tvrdá vec. On bol pokúšaný, aby vzal svoju slobodu a bol kráľom zeme bez kríža. Ale ak by to On urobil, Jeho poddaní by zomreli. Satan by mu rád urobil tento návrh. Ale On povedal: „Odídi odo mňa, Satan."

140 On to neprijal. On prišiel, trpel a vzal tú ťažkú drsnú cestu. On vzal tú cestu prenasledovania, On vzal tú cestu smrti. Sme my dnes ráno ochotní urobiť - vziať tú istú cestu ako On? Sme ochotní zomrieť? Sme ochotní vydať samých seba Bohu, zriecť sa celého sveta a tých vecí aby sme slúžili Jemu? Vidíte?

141 No, On to neprijal. Ochotne sa toho zriekal, Satan Mu to chcel dať, ale On to neprijal. Hoci Ježiš bol pokúšaný, On premohol pre nás. On znášal všetky pokušenia pre mňa i pre teba. Vidíte, On to mohol vziať hneď vtedy. Ale prečo si On vyvolil tú druhú cestu? Aby sme my mohli prísť a byť s Ním. A ak On za to zaplatil takú cenu, potom akí malí by sme my boli, keby sme to nezobrali, keď, pamätajte, aj tak tu nič nie je.

142 Ak by ste žili sto rokov, k čomu by ste prišli? Duševne, ... a vaša myseľ je preč, a všetko ochrnuté a staré a trasľavé. To je to, kam idete. A to je koniec toho. Vy teraz prichádzate. Premôžte tú vec. Ako to urobíte? Slovom. Robte to, čo hovorí Slovo. Kráčajte pokorne, žite pred Ježišom.

143 On znášal všetky veci pre teba a mňa. On je náš príklad, ako premôcť našu zlú generáciu, ako On premohol Svoju zlú generáciu.

144 Pamätajte, keď On prišiel na zem, tu bolo toľko nevery, alebo viac ako bolo v ktoromkoľvek čase. Jeho to ani trochu neznepokojovalo. Keď Ho nazývali diablom namiesto Bohom, keď Ho nazývali všetkým možným, Jeho to neznepokojovalo. On mal jeden cieľ: hľadieť na Otca, držať sa Slova. Slovo je Boh. On mal jeden úmysel.

145 My sme niekedy pokúšaní aby sme sa vrátili. Mnohí z vás sú pokúšaní vrátiť sa do denominácií, vrátiť sa a uspokojiť sa tým, lebo celý svet hovorí: „Do ktorej denominácie patríš? Do ktorej cirkvi si pripojený?" My sme pokúšaní to urobiť. Všetci z nás. Naše sestry sú pokúšané vrátiť sa, vrátiť sa a pripojiť k niektorej z tých ostatných cirkví, k niektorým zo Zborov alebo Cirkví Božích alebo k niektorým z nich, byť stále Letničným a strihať si vlasy a obliekať sa ako len chcete. Vidíte, vy ste pokúšaní to urobiť, vrátiť sa a byť populárnymi s touto hriešnou generáciou, v ktorej žijeme, keď toto je ten hlavný hriech nášho dňa, ten hlavný hriech medzi našimi ľuďmi je svetskosť. Ako Biblia hovorí, že Laodicea - Laodicejský vek, že ona je svetská, bohatá, nepotrebuje ničoho a nevie, že je nahá, mizerná, úbohá, slepá. To je hriech dneška. Keď počujete Slovo Božie volať proti tomu, potom idete inou cestou, ste nepopulárni vo svete.

146 Vy ste pokúšaní aby ste sa vrátili. Viem, že mi to stále hovoríte. Viem, že celý čas hovoríte... Viem, že vás to unavuje, keď hovorím stále o týchto veciach. Mňa tiež unavuje, keď vás to vidím robiť. Tento hriech, o ktorom sa vám snažím povedať... Hovoríte: „Prečo neustále o tom hovoríš?" Potom to prestaňte robiť. Snažím sa zachrániť váš život tým Slovom. Tiež ma to unavuje. Tak sa narovnajte. Toto je hriech, nemalo by sa to robiť. Tak veru.

147 Ak máme premôcť tieto veci, predpokladáme, že budeme nimi pokúšaní, tým svetom, „Ak milujete svet, veci tohoto sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás," povedal Ježiš.

148 Teraz, zakončíme pri tomto: Existuje odmena pre premožiteľa.

149 Dovoľte, že vám tu niečo prečítam. Otvorte si svoje Biblie. Vráťme sa späť do Zjavenia 3., 2. kapitoly. Sledujte to tu teraz. Všetky tieto veci, ktoré som vám hovoril o premožení... Teraz, len sa pozrite na seba a vidzte, skúšajte samých seba cez duchovné okuliare. Vidzte, či ste premohli.

150 No, prvý odkaz anjelovi do Efezu, chcem aby ste počúvali, čo On povedal v Zjavení v 2.kapitole 7.verš. Toto je tomu cirkevnému veku, keď On im všetkým povedal, čo urobili, opustili svoju prvú lásku. 7.verš:

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo hovorí Duch zborom! Tomu, ...

(osobe, nie cirkvi)


tomu, kto víťazí - víťazí, tomu dám jesť zo stromu života

ktorý je prostred raja Božieho. 

(Vidíte, premožitelia v Efeze.)

151 Teraz, to ďalšie bola Smyrna. Teraz, jej premožitelia, počúvame toto. Teraz 11.verš:

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí zborom. Tomu, kto víťazí, neuškodí druhá smrť. 

(Vidíte, ten premožiteľ...)

152 Do Pergamu, zistíme, čo bolo odložené pre premožiteľa. Budeme čítať 17.verš, zboru v Pergame.

Kto má uši ... 

(To je jednotlivec, nie celá skupina, jednotlivec. To vychádza Nevesta, vidíte, z cirkvi.)


Kto má uši, nech počuje

čo Duch hovorí zborom! Tomu, kto víťazí, dám mu jesť zo skrytej manny a dám mu biely kamienok a na kamienku napísané nové meno, ktoré nevie nikto, iba ten, kto ho berie. 

(To je pre premožiteľa toho cirkevného veku.)

153 Teraz, nasleduje Tyatíra. Zistíme, čo mal premožiteľ v tom dni. Vezmime 26.verš.

A tomu, kto víťazí, a kto ostríha až do konca moje skutky, tomu dám moc nad pohanmi

[angl. „nad národmi" – pozn.prekl.]


a bude ich pásť železným prútom, ako hrnčiarske nádoby budú roztrieskaní, ako som i Ja prijal od svojho Otca.

Vidíte? S Ním na Jeho tróneKristus má panovať nad národmi železným prútom a tu je tá Cirkev, ktorá víťazí, prichádza s Ním, aby rozbila tie národy železným prútom.

154 No, poďme do zboru v Sardách. Teraz, 5. verš 3. kapitoly:

Ten, kto víťazí, bude odiaty bielym rúchom a nevytriem jeho mena z knihy života a vyznám jeho meno pred svojim Otcom i pred Jeho anjelmi.

 (To je pre premožiteľa v Sardách.)

155 No, vezmime teraz 12. verš. Toto je zboru vo Filadelfii, v 12. verši.

Toho, kto víťazí, učiním stĺpom v chráme svojho Boha a von nevyjde viacej nikdy a napíšem na neho meno svojho Boha a meno mesta svojho Boha, toho nového Jeruzalema, ktorý zostupuje z neba od môjho Boha, i svoje nové meno.

156Sledujte, čo je zasľúbené pre víťazov, premožiteľov. Vidíte? Teraz, Laodicea, to je ten posledný cirkevný vek, tam budú nejakí premožitelia. Sledujte to. Oni... Pamätajte, každý cirkevný vek , ten predchádzajúci, on dedí všetko to, čo tým ostatným bolo ponúknuté. Sledujte to tu. Teraz, tu, po tom, čo oni obdržali všetky tieto moci a tieto nové mená a všetko, čo je napísané, čo On zasľúbil, jesť skrytú mannu a všetky tie veci. Sledujte tento posledný cirkevný vek, Zjavenie 3:21:

Tomu, kto víťazí, dám sedieť so sebou na svojom tróne, ... 


ako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so Svojím Otcom na Jeho tróne.

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo hovorí Duch zborom.

157Tam je odmena pre premožiteľov. Pretlač sa, ľalia. Ak je to v tebe, postav sa preč od toho bahna a všetkého ostatného a tlač sa smerom k vrchu. Tak veru. „...tomu dám sedieť so Mnou na Mojom tróne."

158 Viete, raz matka Jakuba a Jána (nebudeme mať čas to čítať) - matka Jakuba a Jána prišla a pýtala si toto miesto. Poznáte to? Pamätáte si to: „Pane, nech môj syn sedí na jednej strane a môj druhý syn na tej druhej." To bola matkina túžba pre jej synov. Ale sledujte. Ale to miesto, povedal Ježiš, bolo predurčené. Táto pozícia v tom čase nebola v existencii. Prečo? Všimnite si, to bude udelené tým, pre ktorých je to určené. Čo? Tomu, ktorý sa posadí po pravej ruke a po tej druhej, najbližšie k Nemu, ten mal ešte len premôcť. Vidíte, to bolo stále... On povedal: „Ja neudelím toto... Nemôžem toto udeliť, ale to bude dané po tom, čo príde skúška." Amen. Vidíte: „Nemôžem to dať, ale potom, čo príde skúška, oni sa posadia po pravej a ľavej ruke." Tam je predurčené semeno, ktoré na to tam v diaľke čaká. To bude dané tým, ktorým je to zasľúbené. To bude tam dané, ale tá skúška ešte neprišla. On ešte nepremohol.

159 Vidíte, tá osoba, ktorá mala zaujať toto miesto na jednej strane a druhá, na tej druhej strane hneď pri Ňom v tom Kráľovstve, to ešte nebolo dané. Vidíte? Ten ešte nepremohol. Tá skúška ešte neprišla. Tá príde v budúcnosti. Ak trpíme pre Krista a jeho Slovo, budeme s Ním vládnuť, lebo On je Slovo. Pamätajte, ak trpíme pre Neho a pre Jeho Slovo, budeme vládnuť s Ním v Jeho Slove.

160 Všimnite si, On, náš príklad, zvíťazil a potom vystúpil hore, po tom, keď premohol smrť, peklo, chorobu, hrob, On všetko premohol, potom vystúpil hore a zajal zajatie, dal ľuďom dary. To bol Starý Zákon so starozákonnými svätými, ktorý premohli. Oni hľadali takú Osobu a oni zomreli prv, ako On prišiel. Ale keď prišla táto Osobato nezabránilo tým, ktorí spali. Amen. Nemohli nijako prehrať. Žiť alebo zomrieť, aký to robí rozdiel? To nezabráni. Vidíte, oni očakávali na tú...

161 Dokonca Jób tam dávno, on na to očakával, on povedal: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije, a v posledných dňoch sa postaví na zem." Tam bol spravodlivý človek, dokonalý človek. On obetoval, on robil všetko, čo mu Boh povedal, aby robil. On robil všetko s úctou a rešpektom, on bol prorok. A potom prišiel Satan, aby ho pokúšal, práve tak ako on prichádza pokúšať teba. Čo on urobil? On tam ďalej stál.

Dokonca jeho žena prišla a povedala: „Prečo nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš? Vyzeráš tak úboho ako tam tak sedíš."

162 On povedal: „Hovoríš ako nejaká bláznivá žena." On nepovedal, že je bláznivá, ale že hovorí ako bláznivá. Vidíte? Povedal: „Hovoríš ako nejaká bláznivá žena." Povedal: „Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané meno Pánovo." On premohol.

163 On premohol to, čo tí susedia mali do povedania. On premohol to, čo všetci tí členovia cirkvi, Bildad a všetci tí mali do povedania. On premohol biskupa a to, čo on mal do povedania. On premohol kardinála a to, čo on mal do povedania. On premohol denomináciu, to, čo oni mali do povedania. A on stál na Slove ospravedlnenia. Amen. Hoci ho to stálo všetko čo mal, ešte aj deti. On si škriabal ten vred kúskom črepu, sedel na tomto, ale on premohol. A keď sa tá veľká hodina pokušenia konečne skončila, potom sa tie oblaky odhrnuli.

164 On sa pozeral na každú logickú vec. On povedal: „Strom má nádej, keď zomrie, on znovu ožije. A semeno padne do zeme, zhnije, znova ožije. Ale človek zomrie a leží, vypúšťa ducha, premožený mdlobou a jeho deti prichádzajú, jeho synovia, aby si ho uctili a nariekali nad ním, on to nevníma. On nikdy nevstane. Ó, tam on je. Čo sa deje? Ja som tiež semeno. Ja som niečo, čo má semeno a ja pôjdem do zeme. Ja nemôžem vstať znova, ja tam budem ležať. Ó, ukry ma tam do hrobu, nechaj na tajnom mieste, kým neprejde Tvoj hnev. Stanov mi čas a súď ma. Ako sa skaly drobia, ako vody odierajú kameň..." Ó, on ďalej hovoril tieto veci. On mohol vidieť všetky tie príklady tam vonku, čo to bolo. Ó, on to proste nemohol pochopiť.

165 Sestra Rodgersová, pamätáš si, čo som kázal na Bustyho pohrebe? Ako on odieral ten kameň a ako tieto veci, všetko...

166 „Ó, aby si ma ukryl v hrobe a schoval na tajnom mieste." On sa ďalej tlačil. On povedal: „Keby som len vedel, keby som len vedel, kde by som mohol ísť ku Človeku, ktorý by položil Svoje ruky na mňa, hriešneho človeka a na svätého Boha a prihovoril by sa za mňa u Nemu." Ó! „Je Taký. Ja viem, že je. Je Niekto taký, kto to môže urobiť. Niekde je Niekto taký. Kde môžem nájsť tú Osobu? Kde Ho môžem nájsť? Zaklopem na Jeho dvere a budem s Ním hovoriť. Ak len Niekto môže položiť Svoje ruky na mňa a na Boha a preklenúť mi tú cestu. Hovoriť... Keby som len mohol nájsť tú Osobu. Ó, kde On je?"

167 On to hľadal cez svoju cirkev, hľadal to cez svoju organizáciu, on nemohol nájsť takú Osobu. A zrazu sa mraky odhrnuli a on videl prichádzať tú Osobu. Ó, jeho staré srdce bilo od radosti. Potom sa niečo stalo: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije."

168 Existuje taká Osoba. Amen. Stále existuje taká Osoba. „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. A hoci potom, čo červy v koži zničia toto telo, ešte v mojom tele uvidím Boha, Ktorého ja uvidím sebe. On sa postaví na zemi v posledných dňoch."

169 Toho veľkonočného rána, keď On vstal, a z Jóbovho telo nebolo viac ako lyžica prachu, on čakal, on bol tou vyvolenou skupinou. On vstal z hrobu a vstúpil do mesta s Abrahámom, Izákom, Jákobom, Jób. Ó! Sláva. Amen. Lebo oni očakávali na takú Osobu.

170 A tým, ktorí vyzerajú Krista druhý krát, ktorí môžu premôcť veci tohoto sveta skrze Jeho milosť, vojsť do Neho a zatvoriť svoje oči pre všetko ostatné, okrem Neho a Jeho Slovo, tým sa On zjaví podruhé v sláve. „Lebo trúba Božia zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú, tí, ktorí sú nažive a pozostanú budú premenení v okamihu a budú spolu vychvátení, aby sa s Ním stretli na povetrí."

171 Či je so mňa lyžica prachu, alebo či budem žiť, keď On príde, to pre mňa nie je žiaden rozdiel. Amen. Na tom nezáleží, lebo som uzrel to videnie. Závoj sa odhrnul a ja vidím Jeho, Toho, Ktorý sa môže postaviť a položiť na mňa Svoje ruky, na hriešneho človeka a na svätého Boha, a On je moje Zmierenie. On je to Slovo, za ktorým stojím. Na počiatku bolo Slovo, On je to Slovo, a On ma tam zastupuje. Amen. A ja budem kričať tak dlho, ako dlho budem mať dych. On je moje vzkriesenie a môj Život. A všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom, všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.

172 Ako On vzal tých, ktorí na to očakávali, tak On príde ku každému novozákonnému svätému, ktorý premohol každé denominačné vyznanie, ktorý premohol všetky populárne hriechy tohoto dňa, tohoto veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme, tak, ako to On urobil vo všetkých ostatných cirkevných vekoch. Tí, ktorí víťazia v tom cirkevnom veku, tí, ktorí premôžu čo? „Som bohatý. Nepotrebujem ničoho. Mám... Ó, ja som toto všetko a toto všetko a ja som nevesta. Ja som toto, ja nepotrebujem nič," a nevieš, že si nahý, slepý.

173 Vidíte ten zvodný vek o ktorom som hovoril? To nie je ako pri tých, ktorým boli sťaté hlavy, aby dostali ten biely kamienok, nie ako pri tých, ktorí zomreli pod mučeníctvom, pálení na hranici a také veci, ktorí získali korunu, ale to je teraz tento zvodný vek, ktorý si myslí, že má všetko: „Dobre, ja som člen cirkvi. Ja som dobrý človek. Ja som dobrá žena. Ja robím toto, ja nemusím robiť tamto." Ale ten, kto víťazí...

174 Ten, kto premôže všetky tieto svetské veci tohoto veku, čo oni budú robiť? Všetci sa posadia s Ním na Jeho tróne, pôjdu do vytrhnutia, keď On príde. Ó! O čo sa potom starám? Na čo by sme sa mali starať o to, čo hovorí svet. Načo by sme sa mali starať o to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí? Ten veľký duch Svätý je medzi nami. Jeho Ohnivý Stĺp nás vedie a sprevádza. Jeho Slovo je potvrdené medzi nami. Jeho Láska je v našich srdciach. Svet je za nami. Prešli sme zo smrti do Života. Svet si myslí, že ste blázni, ale:

Či len sám Ježiš musel niesť tento kríž,

a celý svet ide bez kríža

každému je daný kríž,

a jeden je tiež pre mňa.

175Tridsaťtri rokov na bojisku

budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí,...

176 Nech ma moji bratia zavrhnú a hovoria si čo chcú, čo, zavrhnú, ale na tomto Slove stojím a jedine na ňom.

Budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí

a potom pôjdem domov vo vytrhnutí

... budem nosiť korunu, ...

177 To je to, čo všetci chceme, však? To je to, čo chceme. To je naša - to je naša nádej a prosba. Neuvažujeme o ničom inom, jedine o tom čo je založené na Ježišovi Kristovi. A stojíme jedine na Jeho spravodlivosti, v Jeho spravodlivosti, v Jeho Slove: „A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A to Slovo sa stále potvrdzuje.

178 Ako premôcť? Tým, že vezmeme Slovo, zasľúbenie, v pokore a pokorne kráčame.

Budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí

a potom pôjdem domov a budem nosiť korunu, ...

179 Ó, keď zaznie tá trúba, môžete ma pochovať v mori, ale tá trúba ma zobudí. Jedného dňa pôjdem domov. Amen. Dovtedy budem bojovať. (Amen.) Nesiem tento kríž, nemám svoje oči obrátené na ľudí, ale tam na Golgotu, lebo On je môj príklad, On ukázal, ako to treba robiť. A jeho príklad budeme s radosťou nasledovať deň za dňom.

Nasledujem Ježiša každým krokom na tej ceste,

nasledujem Ježiša každým krokom na tej ceste...

180 Máte to radi? Ó, keď myslím: nasleduj Ho deň za dňom každým krokom na tej ceste. Modlime sa.

181 Pane Ježišu, teraz je tomu hodina aj pätnásť minút, stojím tu a pokúšam sa vziať Tvoje Slovo a vysvetliť tým ľuďom, ako víťaziť. Ty si nám povedal, ako to robiť. Ty si nám to nielen povedal, ale Ty si nám to ukázal, ako to robiť. Ty si nás viedol. Ty si nám ukázal, ako to treba robiť: prijať to Slovo do nášho vnútra a byť si istý a držať sa toho Slova, „Je napísané," v každom pokušení, ale byť pokorný, kráčať pokorne. Potom sme zvíťazili skrze Teba, skrze Tvoju moc, ktorá už porazila nášho nepriateľa. A tá jediná vec, ktorú musíme robiť je, len kráčať pokorne s vierou a veriť tomu a s naším identifikačným odznakom Ducha Svätého, a Satan musí ustúpiť.

182 Ležia tu vreckovky. Oni zastupujú chorých ľudí. Oni sú v potrebách, Pane. A oni čítali v tomto neklamnom Slove, kde brali z tela svätého Pavla vreckovky a zástery. Oni boli položené na tých chorých ľudí, zlí duchovia z nich vychádzali a diali sa veľké zázraky. No, Ty si dnes ten istý Pán Ježiš.

183 Pavol kázal toto Slovo a napísal toto Slovo, to isté Slovo, ktoré sa my snažíme nasledovať, lebo on vzal Starý Zákon a utvoril vzor a ukázal, že to bol predobraz, že všetko z toho Starého Zákona bolo dokonalým predobrazom toho Nového. Ó, Pane, nech môžeme nasledovať ten príklad.

184 Vidíme nášho Pána, čo On robil a uvedomujeme si, že tí starozákonní svätí, zistili sme dnes ráno, že oni odišli. Keď Ježiš vstal, oni išli s Ním. Pane, my veríme, že my pôjdeme, keď On zatrúbi na tej trúbe. My tomu veríme, že Nevesta povstane v tom dni a spojí sa s tou hebrejskou skupinou, a tam bude spoločná svadobná večera v sláve. Tí čakajú. Prosíme teraz o Tvoju milosť a milosrdenstvo nad nami.

Premožitelia, Pane, my túžime byť premožitelia, víťazi. Pane Ježišu, Ty si premohol svet. Modlím sa teraz, aby si dal každej osobe tu dnes ráno, aby odložila nabok všetok hriech, odložila nabok tú ťažobu, ktorá nás tak ľahko obklopuje, aby sme mohli v trpezlivosti bežať beh o závod, ktorý je pred nami.

185 Pavol hovoril o tomto, náš nebeský Otče, tam v Knihe Židom, že máme zložiť každé bremeno, v tej 12.kapitole, on toto hovoril potom, keď už ukázal na príklade tam vtedy, tých, ktorí išli ďalej, tých, ktorí nešli ďalej, tých, ktorí to vlažne nasledovali, tých, ktorí to nasledovali vpredu, tých, ktorí zostávali vzadu, ukázal nám všetky tie príklady. Potom sa otočil a povedal: „Zložme každé bremeno, zložme každú drobnú vec, ktorá nás obklopuje, aby sme mohli bežať s trpezlivosťou pred nami ležiaci beh o závod, hľadiac na Neho, na Autora a Dokonávateľa našej viery, ktorý nám dal príklad." Robíme to dnes ráno, Otče.

186 Teraz, so sklonenými hlavami, skontrolujte sa teraz skutočne dôkladne, naozaj, skutočne dôkladne a potom buďte skutočne hlboko úprimní. To len - stačí len... To je všetko čo treba, vaše skontrolovanie sa a vaša úprimnosť. Buďte naozaj v modlitbe, keď sa teraz kontrolujete: „Preskúmaj ma Pane, skús ma. Je tam vo mne nejaké zlo? Ak tam je, Pane, nechaj ma to zložiť práve teraz tu. Toto miesto, kde som sklonený, je Tvoj oltár. A ja to zložím práve teraz tu, pošliapem to keď vykročím. Zostane to tam ležať. Moc Tvojej krvi to strávi. Chcem byť premožiteľ. Mám niečo, čo ma obťažuje, Pane. Chcem to dnes ráno premôcť. S Tebou to dokážem, bolo mi povedané, že Tvojím Slovom. Vzkladám to teraz, Pane a postúpam po tom, keď budem vychádzať dnes ráno z tejto budovy, pôjdem a budem vedieť, že to je ponorené do vane s Božím bielidlom. Nikdy viac to nebude spomenuté. Vyznám to teraz a poprosím o milosť."

187 S našimi sklonenými hlavami, zavretými očami, našimi srdciami rozmýšľajúc, to sú teraz dvere do duše, je niečo, čo chcete zložiť dnes ráno, niečo, čo chcete premôcť a vy ste sa toľko pokúšali, ale dnes ráno idete skončiť svoje pokusy, idete len prijať to, čo On urobil? Chcem, aby ste len zodvihli ruku. Povedzte: „Pane, ja chcem zvíťaziť. Určitá vec ma trápi."

188 Pane Ježišu, Ty vidíš tie ruky. Teraz, ako Tvoj sluha stojaci medzi živými a mŕtvymi, odsudzujem všetko, čo trápi týchto ľudí a mňa a prosím to v mene Ježiša Krista, aby sme to mohli nechať ležať tu na Božom oltári a vykročiť dnes ráno slobodní, ako víťazi.

189 Ak naše sestry ešte nemali tú milosť, nech im je to teraz udelené, Pane. Ak naši bratia nemali doteraz tú milosť, nech im je to teraz udelené. A nech pokora... Matka so svojimi deťmi, miesto toho aby bola arogantná, ona vie, že ona... Ona je kazateľ tým malým deťom, jej život je príklad. Otec je príklad matke, lebo on je hlavou domu. A tá matka sa pokúšala nad ním panovať, ona to už nikdy neurobí. Ak ju on používal ako rohožku, už sa to nikdy nestane, ona je pomocnica. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech všetky tieto veci, ktoré nám prekážali, sú vzaté preč.

190 My sa posväcujeme, Otče, pre - aký čas života leží pred nami, vediac toto, že musíme prísť na koniec toho, a to hneď. Tak my dnes ráno využívame túto príležitosť po tomto posolstve, využívame príležitosti, Pane, prísť, lebo máme nariadené prísť: „Uvaľte svoje starosti na Neho, lebo On sa stará o vás." Ja viem, že Ty sa staráš, Pane. Ty si sa staral toľko, že si zomrel za nás. A my sa iste môžeme starať toľko, aby sme prišli a prijali to, za čo si Ty zomrel.

191 Posväť nás, Pane. Naplň nás nanovo Svätým Duchom. Nech len Svätý Duch vládne zvrchovane v našich srdciach, aby sme kráčali, zabúdajúc na veci, ktoré sú za nami, na to blato a bahno, v ktorom sme raz žili, budeme sa hnať k odmene horného povolania, kde naše svetlo môže tak svietiť v láskavosti a pokore, že až každý okoloidúci povie: „Tam na tom kopci žije jeden kresťan. Tá osoba, tá žena, ten muž je skutočný, posvätený Boží kvet. Oni sú takí láskaví a milí, vždy milujúci a majú porozumenie." Udeľ to, Otče. Daj nám byť slanými, aby zem mohla žízniť. Udeľ to, Otče, a premôž tie veci tohoto sveta a tie starosti tohoto života v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Počujem (zodvihnite teraz len ruky) volanie Spasiteľa,

Aké volanie? „Vyjdi von z toho blata". Vyšší život, Niečo je vo vás, čo vás takto ťahá. Čo je to? To je On. Dole v bahne, malé kvietky, máš tam dolu Život, ktorý sa ku tebe pretláča.

Počujem volanie môjho Spasiteľa,

(To je to, čo vás volá. Vyjdi von z toho bahna.)

Nasleduj, nasleduj Ma."

192 Myslíte to tak? Zavrite teraz oči.

Kde ma On povedie, tam Ho budem nasledovať,

(Vzdajte sa seba, myslite to tak)

Kde ma On povedie, tam Ho budem nasledovať.

Kde ma On povedie, tam Ho budem nasledovať,

pôjdem s Ním, s Ním, celú cestu.

Kde ma On povedie

(A teraz len jemne. Pamätajte, položte sa tam.)

Kde ma On vedie

„Skladám to sem, Pane. Odteraz Ťa budem nasledovať. Prijímam to, verím tomu."

Kde ma On povedie

Pamätajte, váš život svedčí hlasnejšie ako vaše ústa. To, čo žijete bude dokazovať ľuďom viac, ako to, čo hovoríte.

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním, (cestou - kam?) celou cestou.

193 Len sa posväťte, hlboko, úprimne, celým svojím srdcom. Čo ak je toto ten posledný krát, čo vám bolo umožnené modliť sa? Mohlo by to byť. Dúfam, že nie. Môže to byť. A buďte si teraz istí, skutočne istí, naozaj istí... Pamätajte, tie dvere sa jedného dňa zavrú, potom je po všetkom. „Žiadajte, dostanete to."

194 Pomyslite len na všetku tú slávu, ktorú vám On tam ponúkol, na všetko, čo On urobil... „Verím, Pane. Verím. Verím, že Ty si môj Premožiteľ, Víťaz. Budem len kráčať s Tebou, Pane. Chcem stáť bližšie pri Tebe, lebo kde si Ty, tam aj ja chcem byť."

195 A pamätáme, Ty si nám povedal, Otče, že budeme navždy s Pánom, keď budeme vychvátení. My sme teraz dostali len letmý pohľad na Neho, ako On teraz kráča s nami, ale potom budeme..." Aká veľká vec to je, vedieť len, že On je v našom strede. Čo to bude, keď budeme navždy s Ním? My tak milujeme všetky naše aktivity. Môžeme ísť von si zajazdiť na aute. Môžeme ísť nakupovať. Môžeme ísť poľovať, alebo ísť na ryby, alebo čokoľvek by sme mohli robiť v radostiach, ale, ó, keď sa otvára zbor, my chceme stretnúť nášho Pána. To je tá najväčšia vec zo všetkých tých vecí, ktoré nám On zasľúbil: „A navždy byť s Pánom, posadiac sa s Ním na Jeho tróne a byť s Ním navždy." Ó, Bože, my to pokorne so - so sklonenými hlavami prijímame, Pane. V Mene Ježiša Krista.

196 Cítite, že môžete tu teraz všetko zložiť, každé bremeno, že teraz môžete proste vykročiť ponad to. Ak cítite, zodvihnete ruku a povedzte: „Pomocou Božej milosti skladám tieto pokusy. Nebudem s tým už viac bojovať. Uchopím sa len Jeho ruky, vykročím vpred. Bojoval som, brat Branham, skúšal som prestať fajčiť. Skúšala som si nechať rásť vlasy. Snažil som sa robiť toto. Urobil som... Tak veľmi som sa to snažil, brat Branham, ja to proste nedokážem." Už to viac neskúšajte. Len sa chopte Jeho ruky a povedzte: „Otče, Ty vsuň moju ruku do rukáva." Rozumiete? „Dávam Ti teraz svoju ruku, vykročím, Pane, hľadiac na Teba." To sa stane. On vás oblečie, ako skutočného Kresťana. Budete skutočným Kresťanom.

197 Kým vás neuvidím dnes večer, Boh vás miluje a je s vami. Vy ste moje deti Evanjelia. Vy ste tým ziskom. No, dávam vám späť vášho pastora. Poď sem, brat... brat Neville.

1 Let's bow our heads for prayer.

Our Father, we thank Thee, this morning, for this grand time of coming together again, and to opening up the Word of the Lord, laying It here before us. And--and with prayer now, that the Holy Spirit will take that which is God, and will deliver It to us, that we might leave this place of worship today with happy hearts full of joy. See Your great power of deliverance, Lord, how it delivers the captive and sets them free, makes known to us "the things that was, and which is, and shall come." And we just thank Thee for these things.

2We pray that You'll bless us as we study Thy Word now together. And when we leave, may it be said in our hearts, as we go along the way, "Our hearts burned within us as He, the Holy Ghost, talked to us while we were in the way."

3 Bless every minister today, everywhere, Thy servants that's standing for This, Thy Truth. Answer their prayers for the sick. Heal the sick bodies of those that are suffering.

4Lord, we would ask that You'd go out among the people and seek out that predestined seed out there, Lord, and bring it around, in some way, that the Light will fall across the path, Lord. For, we believe that the hour is getting late, the sun is swiftly sinking in the west, then will soon be that "time shall be no more." Time and Eternity will blend together when God and His people blends together. And we pray, God, that, at that time, that we will be numbered among those that'll be blended into Christ, that's called His Bride.

Help us, today, as we prepare, knowing not what tomorrow will hold, but we are ready to receive anything, Lord, as far as we know, that Thou has for us. We are ready to receive It. We ask this blessing for the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

You may be seated.

5 I was sure happy, this morning, when I walked in and saw that the--the people gathered together for the service of the Lord. And we are giving announcement now for tonight. There will be healing service tonight. We'll be praying for the sick, tonight. Just a few moments ago, they...

6As I come in, Billy, my son, told me, said, "There's a--a gentleman here, that's just a poor man that's drove from a long distance." And said, "I--I put him in the room, dad."

7 I--I got in late last night, and--and didn't get to study much on the Sunday school subject that I was going to talk on, this morning. So I picked up some little notes that I picked from what I heard some brother say, and took from that a text, to kind of have the Sunday school lesson this morning; and while we prepare, make ready for the evening service.

8And Billy said, "There's a man in there that's sick." Said, "I--I--I wish you'd go by and see him." So, I went into the room just now. And a brother about my age, and his wife, setting in there. And the Holy Spirit came down among us in the room just now.

9Just think, just making mention of healing service, and there He was. See? And He told this brother all about what he had done, and what he had been doing, and what caused his trouble, and where he come from, and all about him. And there was a great dark shadow hung in the room. Then it started getting lighter, lighter, lighter, and lighter, then the Holy Spirit took a hold.

10 I think the man is in the... somewhere back here now. He and his wife maybe can't get into the building, but they said they were going to stay, anyhow, for the service. They come from up around, near Yakima, Washington, and drove in. And he's a minister of the Gospel.

But just to see the grace of--of God there! Where, the man had been in the institution and had treatments and everything. The Holy Spirit revealing all this. When, the doctors trying hard to do everything that they could, perhaps, for the man, but it just took that certain little touch from God, to turn the tide. Shock treatments is all right, but it's kind of like we'd call "a shot in the dark," you know. You, it might make you worse, see, 'cause you'd forget everything you ever knew, when they put that medicine in you. But the Lord God, how His grace and mercy! And even before I ever offered a word of prayer for him, it was already over. See? Just took that certain something of God, that certain touch, to do it.

I oughtn't to say this. Yeah. I'd look over, see the man now. Well, I didn't know whether you'd make it today, or not.

11 Down in the country where I been staying, this week. I--I--I love my friends down there. It's a little vacation before these big meetings, you see. And I come home, to go down there and go out squirrel hunting with these brethren. And this family, families, rather, that I stay with down there, are certainly lovely people. And the man, real brother, friends, they are.

And one of them is a great lover of--of hunting dogs. And he has a pen full of them up there. And--and I seen the prettiest little hound down there, a little fellow, was what I call about that, "half a dog high and two dogs long," you know, that--that was running around the house there. I thought, "My, wouldn't Joe like to have something like that!"

12 And, course, out in Arizona, couldn't use him. He'd get in the cactus, and that would be the end of him. So then I said, too, "You can't have it. They don't use dogs in there, in that part of the country. Cause, they, well, they just couldn't use them. They, too, the weather, the--the condition of the country with cactus, and they'd get killed. And then, true, a hound out there, a--a wolf, or something would kill him, perhaps, anyhow, if he'd get out.

13So then this man said to me, "You can just have him." But I--I couldn't take him. I--I appreciated it. Come to find out, it was one of his favorite dogs.

14 And this man has got a lovely little wife and little kiddies. And the other day, she started to back out with his car, and she had this Oldsmobile car. And the little dog is only about that long, just a puppy. And she run right straight over him. That Oldsmobile going right across the little dog, in its back here, and mashed it down, where the rocks on the driveway had just pinched across its little stomach down here, you know. And--and the little wife, instead of running the little dog over to the veterinary... Course, the veterinary would just put it to sleep right then, and killed it. See?

There was another young man with me. And soon as he got up there, said, "That was my dog, I'd shoot it." Said, "That's all. Let it suffer like that?"

15I said, "Well, let's not shoot it." I said, "Let's wait a little bit."

Got everybody away, and went and prayed for it. The little dog followed me up on the porch. And he, yes, he... See? "Whatsoever things that you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive it; ye shall have it, be given to you." "Whatsoever things." That's our Lord God. Isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's--He's marvelous and wonderful. And we certainly love Him, this morning; and expecting Him, and knowing.

16 Seen, the other day, a--an old couple, the mother and father of a very fine member of this--this congregation of believers. And the mother is, oh, I guess she's close to hundred, and the dad is, too. And for around twelve years this man has never moved; on his back, just laying straight out. Or, can't lay on his side, or nothing. Laid there for twelve years. Just old age! And the mother is now about his age, I guess, somewhere close to a hundred, and poor old thing is just about lost her mental control. She is thinking somebody is taking all she has.

And I looked at the... across the table, at all of us, young and old, setting there. And I said, "Where are we going? What are we doing?" And the lady that I was staying with then, that was her mother and dad. And I said, "You're headed that way, too. Exactly, every one of us." See?

17 Just think of it, just a moment, before we start our lesson. That's where you're headed. What are you struggling for? So you can live. What are you living for? So you can die. Wouldn't it be most foolish if we didn't accept God's provision for Eternal Life? What could we think about? What--what could be on our mind, that would attract our attention from... to anything? What if you owned a hundred million dollars, and you owned the state of--of Indiana, or any other state, or even a nation, or, as far as that concern, the entire world?

You live long enough, you've got to come to that, too. See? And constantly, day by day, every time your heart beats, you're going right straight to that. See? You, there's no winning for you. You're on the losing side, and, you, you've got to lose. But remember the promise, that, "He that'll lose his life for My sake shall find it." Now, what would be any more of a treasure to find than Life, though you found the whole world to be yours? But, if you--if you find Life, you found the greatest thing that could be found. I want to...

18 Looked to my left and saw again, just now, another trophy of the grace of the Lord. About a few weeks ago, I was called to the phone. And a lovely member of this church, or this body... I don't want to call this so much as a church. I--I want to call this, that...

Like I was talking to some people, they said, "Well, what church you belong to?"

I said, "I don't belong..."

"What denomination you belong to?"

I said, "None."

Said, "Well, what do you belong to?"

I said, "A Kingdom."

19A Kingdom! "And by one Spirit we are baptized into that Kingdom." By one Spirit, all, into this Kingdom! Jesus said, "Pray, 'Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.'" Now, He stood one day before Mount Transfiguration, He said, "Verily I say to you, that some stand here, shall not taste death, until they see the Kingdom come in power." It was foreshowed, as we've been through it, Mount Transfiguration. And the Bible said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." So, this is a Kingdom people that professes that this is not their home. This is not our home. We are looking for the Coming of the King, set up the Kingdom.

20 I was called on an emergency case, of a--an old brother that's been like a daddy to me. And he... I hadn't knowed him very long, but I remember the day that I took him in here for water baptism. And the man will soon be ninety-one years old. And his lovely wife called me, and her being a nurse, said, "He had a complete heart failure." Besides that, he had... Oh, I call... can't call the name. Heart attack. [A sister says, "Coronary"--Ed.] Coronary heart attack. Thank you. Coronary heart attack, and a complete heart failure. Doctor give no hopes, at all. And the man was dying, and he called for me.

21 And I got in my little old Ford, and started up the road to Ohio, as hard as I could. And didn't know, one of my wheels out of line, ripped the tire off of it. So then I... getting up there. Coming out of a filling station, about eleven o'clock. I was worried about him. I--I love him. And I know, if--if it continues on, the Lord tarries, why, sooner or later, we're going to have to give each other up.

22But, that won't hurt the Rapture, now. See? No. They come first, then. Them are privileged, that's gone on. They come first. See? See? "We which are alive and remain, to the Coming of the Lord, will not hinder or prevent those that are asleep. The trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then when our eyes behold our loved ones, then we'll be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and with them shall be caught up together." See? The ones that goes first are privileged above those that are living.

23 As I stepped out of the station, just at eleven o'clock, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Don't worry about him. You'll shake his hand, on the street again, and he'll come in the church," man ninety-one years old, dying.

When I met his wife and his loved ones in the hospital at Lima, they told me about his condition. Went in, looked at him in there. He said, "But he's something strange." Said, "He--he started changing for the better, at eleven o'clock." Well, and I'd... The Lord had showed them people so many things, they know that I just didn't say that. Because, they said it to me first, "He started changing." They knowed that I would tell them the truth.

24So, last Sunday, as I was going into the Blue Boar Cafeteria in Louisville, where I think about eighty percent of this congregation gathers on Sunday afternoon, to eat, who did I see coming down the street? I tell you, my heart quivered when I seen our Brother Dauch coming down the street, exactly what He told me. I shook his hand, on the--on the street.

25 Then I--I come back here for last Sunday night and spoke on the subject of the unity, of The Uniting Of The Time Sign. So... And then that brought that to pass, just what He said. And here he sets in the church today, right here by us, as a trophy of the grace of God. When shaking his hand under the tent, oxygen tent he was under, I said, "Brother Dauch, you'll be all right. I'll see you in church again. That, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD." See? Here he sets in the church, right here now, Brother Dauch.

26 If I'm not mistaken, the minister I talking about, a few moments ago, the Holy Spirit came in and revealed all these things; told him how it happened, and told him what he done; how it happened, how it come to pass, all that's been taking place since then, even to the character of his family, and all about that. And told him, that, "It's over." And the minister is setting right over here, at the right hand. Would you just raise up your hand, sir? There, he and his wife, exactly, just now.

Here sets Brother Dauch, right here now. Oh, my!

27Isn't He wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Those things which was, which is, and shall come to pass." One, two, three witnesses. "The things which was, what you have done; the things that's going on now; and the things that will come to pass." And every time, exactly, exactly upon the Word. That's only God can do that. Oh! Aren't we most happy for these things? ["Amen."]

28 Now, reason I was taking just a little bit extra time, Billy had to go get his wife and baby. And he said, "Daddy, don't start preaching till I get back." So, I--I think he's back now. And I ought to have that much time, anyhow. I'm trying to get away from these four hours of strain that I put you all under here, and make it thirty-five, forty minutes, you see, and trying to keep it.

29Now, I was commented one time in Chicago. I got it to a thirty minute, or something, thirty-five minutes. And last Sunday night was only forty-five minutes. Billy said, "You're really improving, dad. I'm kind--kind--kind of proud of you, for that."

30Well, maybe, this morning, to make it a little Sunday school type, I won't keep you too long. Then you can go out and have your lunch, and pray, and come back tonight for healing services. We're going to form a prayer line tonight and pray for the sick.

31 Now, if you know any peoples around, anywhere, that's sick and wants to be prayed for, you bring them here tonight. See? If you have to bring them, any way, get them here. See? That's the main thing, is, bring them here tonight. We all meet together. That way... It's hard to make calls, going place after place; then you leave off somebody, there's a hard feeling. But if I can get them all in one place, then I could pray for them. Now, if you'll... If the people wants to be prayed for, they... You say, "Will they?" Oh, certainly. They'll be prayed for. Bring them on in. The Lord willing, we'll be here, pray for everybody. Cause, I feel that that third pull is beginning to move, you see, with--within me. I--I--I want to pray for everybody.

32 Now let us turn, this morning to a familiar old Scripture where I kind of picked up in a hurry last night, being real sleepy, and wrote out a few more Scriptures to go with it. And taking kind of complimentary. I heard some brother, once, use this text. I thought... I jotted it down. I thought, "Well, I believe I'll jot that down, 'cause it might come in handy."

Lot of times we do that. I notice, many of you here, had a piece of paper. And a minister can be saying something, and then you'll--you'll hit that point, something will strike within you. And then if the Holy Spirit is doing that, then you'll start building from that very point right there, a message for the Lord. And that's all right. I've noticed in meetings, wherever you go, just preachers and people jotting down. That's all right. We--we are here, that's what we're here for, is to try to help one another along these roads.

33 And now let's turn to Revelations, the 3rd chapter, at the church ages, repeating a church age. But now we are... we... there. Yeah. I could take this one text, and with the Holy Spirit, preach on It a hundred years and never get what's in It out. Because, in this one text, like all other texts of the Bible, It's all tied together.

And I want to take my subject, this morning, of this: How Can I Overcome? Now, I chose this because that I think that it's a time that we should never let the Spirit of revival die. We've got to keep in revival, constantly revived, every day. Paul said he had to "die daily, that Christ could live." And we must never let that revival die, within us.

Now, Revelations, the 3rd chapter, and beginning with the 21st verse, we read this.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I... overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

34 Did you notice the--the 'rangements of that? See? "Set with Me in My throne," not "on My throne." "In My throne," that's in His domain. See? And now, as--as Christ is the Ruler, throne Ruler at this time, of the complete domain of God, so will the Church be with Him, the Bride be with Him, in His throne, in the entire domain. See? Not "on My throne," but "in My throne," see, where His domain reaches. A throne is over a domain, and--and a domain reaches just as far as its boundaries does. And this is from Eternity to Eternity. Just think of it!

35 Now, as we study this, my purpose of this is just not to come here to--to fellowship with you people. Which, I love to do that. But if--if I had a chance to do that, I would come to your home, and shake your hand and talk with you, and set down, eat dinner with you; and set down, under the shade tree, and talk and fellowship a while.

But when we come here, we are here for one specific purpose. This is the house of correction. This is the throne. This is the throne of God, and judgment goes forth from the house of God. And here is where we come together, gather in love, with one another, as only Christians can love. But, in here, we are--we are under a--a--a--a leadership of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost is among us. And we're here to be... to take reckoning among us, to see where our short places are, our shortcoming, and how can we catch from where we should be, over to where we ought to be now; where we are, and where we ought to be. And that's what we study. Ministers study those places, for their people. When they see the people, the lack, then they begin on that.

36 Now, soon, I think that the church maybe should be taking just a little step higher at this time. I don't plan on doing it this morning, of showing these things. But I--I think, shortly, the Lord willing, before we preach on those Trumpets, I want to--to--to bring the Church just something that--that you should know, I believe, now.

37 And now we're speaking on this, "overcoming." The word overcome, of course, you know what it means. You've got to have something to overcome. And this church age that the Holy Spirit was speaking about here, at the Laodicea Church Age, as we have just been through it, needed a rebuking. Laodicea had to be rebuked, because of its--its different towards Christ. It had put Christ outside, in--in their age. And Christ was on the outside, trying to get back on the inside. That's love. After He had been put out of His Own house, was trying to come back in, and said, "He that'll open the door, I'll come in to him." See? The church, itself, in whole, had put Him out.

38But now notice. His call here is not to just the church. "He that overcometh." See? Not the church; that would be she, see, the church body. But it's "he that overcometh," the individual that will overcome, now.

39 And Laodicea had it coming to her. Now we see, then, knowing that this is the Laodicea Age, and knowing that this age needs a sharp rebuke from God. It needs a sharp rebuke. And when our clergy gets so soft and doty, like some aged grandfather to his grandchildren, ever what they do is perfect. And they're...

40It's been said so much, that God is such a good God, until they try to make God just a big doty grandfather. You see? But He is not. He is a Father, and a Father of righteousness, of correction. And love is always corrective. See? Love corrects. No matter how bad it hurts, it still corrects.

A real mother will correct her children. A real dad will correct. See? If you just get soft and doty, and let it...

41 I was crossing an old log the other day, down a--a wash, or what is called a hollow. And I jumped up on this log. On the outside, it looked good, looked like a big old beech log. But when I jumped on it, oh, a great chunk of it fell off. It was real rotten and dotty. I said, "That's the way the Christians are becoming." They been dead in sin and trespasses, so long, till become doty. They can hold no weight, at all. They--they don't know what the overcoming means. I begin to think of this text, then. Overcome, keep Life in you. When life went out, that's what brought that log to that condition. See? And it made it worse than ever when it laid in the branch where the water was.

42 And then, there, you take a Christian, that's supposed to be a Christian, let the Life of God go from him, and the experience, the joy of serving Christ; and, living in a church where such is going on, he rottens twice as quick, right, living right under.

43So, if we are trying to follow the Message of the hour, or at least this part of the Message, we should live constantly in the Life of Christ. See? Cause, if it don't, you lay around, and know That, these things that you're supposed to do, and don't do it. The Bible said, "He that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it's sin." Then you become doty, rotten, when you're separated from the Life of God. So, strive with all that's in you, to stay in the Life of Christ, that you be fruit-bearing.

44 We see this age that we're living in. It's one of the grandest ages of all ages. This Laodicea Church Age is the grandest of all the church ages, because it's the ending of time and the blending of Eternity. And, then, it's the greatest sinful age. It's more sin in this age than there's ever been. And the powers of Satan is--is many times harder to fight against than it was in any age. See? Here!

45Back there in early ages, a Christian could, for his profession of in a church, of belonging to Christ, could be beheaded for it. He could be killed, and put out of his misery, and go to meet God, quickly.

But now the enemy has come in, in the name of the church, and it's so deceiving. This is the great age of deception. When, Christ said so, "The two spirits would be so close in the last days till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." See? See? See? Remember, Christ spoke of an elected people for the last day. See? "It would deceive the very Elected if it were possible." So close! The people so live, people can live a clean, holy life; not be sinful, adulterers, and drinkers, and liars, gamblers. They can live above that, and still not with It. That's right.

46 This is the--the age of Life, personal Life of Christ, where, the--the chemical of His Body, what was in Him.

First, under justification, the water baptism. Second, under the new Birth, of Wesley, sanctification, which cleanses. And thirdly, under the baptism of the Holy Spirit, putting that sanctified vessel into service. See? The word sanctify means, it's a compound Greek word which means "cleaned and set aside for service," set aside for service. Now the Holy Spirit puts it in service. See?

47 And we'll notice, "When the unclean spirit is gone from a man, he walks in dry places." That's exactly what the church has done, Baptists, Methodists, those who believed in sanctification. "Then," Jesus said, "the unclean spirit that went out, returns back to this church body and finds the house garnished, swept clean, living pure, clean lives." All right. "But then if that house isn't filled, occupied, then he comes in with seven other evil demons worse than he was, and the last stage of this place is seven times worse than it was at the first place." They had been better to stay Lutheran, than it would to be to receive that Light and fail to follow It. So will the Pentecostals, see, you know what I mean, the house is garnished.

48 As I was talking to someone, the other day, said, "They're very careful, even many of the holiness groups, not to call the Holy Ghost, 'Holy Ghost,' 'cause they identify themselves with Pentecostals when they do that. They say, 'Holy Spirit,' see, keep from saying, 'Holy Ghost.'" Because, the Pentecostal, common people, just call It what the Bible says, "Holy Ghost." Which, Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost is the same thing. But they're very careful about it. They don't want to be identified with them tongues-speaking people; and that's the Holy Spirit, Itself. See?

What happened then? When the enemy, that went out under sanctification, that was washed out, returned back and found the house not filled with the Holy Spirit, now the state of the church is joined with the--with the league of churches, with the World Council of Churches. And it's a state now that connects it with Roman Catholicism and all the rest of it, and now it's seven times worse than it was when it come out of Lutheranism. That's where man takes it.

49 And then look at the Laodicea Church Age after has received the Holy Ghost, and with the knowledge and the Spirit of God within It, and then the works of God is denied by It, and call It "an evil work." Then what about that? There is where Christ is put out of His Own church. See? He... It never showed Him in the church until it come to Laodicea; and when He got to Laodicea, He had been put out of His church, trying to get back in.

50Now, see, justification never put Him in. Sanctification just cleaned the place for Him. But when the baptism of the Holy Spirit come, it put Him in the people. And now they turned Him out, when He begin to show Hisself, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. They turned Him out because they have denominated, and the--the Spirit of the Lord don't agree with their denomination. You understand now? [Congregations says, "Amen."--Ed.] That, they put Him out. "We don't want nothing to do with His telepathy. It's--it's of the Devil. It's fortune-telling. Or..." See?

They don't understand. "Eyes and can't see; ears, and can't hear." See? God only opens eyes as He will. "He hardens who He hardens, He wishes to, and--and--and gives Life to those who He desires to." That's what the Scripture said.

51 Now, we see these hours that we're in, this stage, and we see what it was. And the Holy Ghost is rebuking the age that put Him out. But, in all that, did you notice, "To him that overcometh"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Even in that worldly, wicked church age, "Him that overcometh."

52We find here that God has always had overcomers. He's had overcomers in every age. There's always, every time, in every age that there's been on the earth, God has always had somebody He could put His hands on, as a witness in the earth. He's never been without a witness, though sometimes just one. But somebody overcome, now, like the saints of old.

53 And a--a very fine man, a scholar, was saying, after The Seven Seals, he said, "Brother Branham, you being a--a typist, typologist, rather," said, "how in the world are you going to put that Church in the Rapture without the Tribulation period, in a type?" he said.

You see, if it's a type, there's got to be a... there's got... If there's an antitype, there's got to be a type for that antitype to come from. And everything I say, that is true, has a type. It has a type. You have a shadow. And the Bible said, "The old things was a shadow of the new things to come."

He said, "But now you took the Old Testament as a shadow. Now," he said, "what you going to do with this Church?"

54 This man comes from a... A great man, a great teacher that's a bosom friend of mine, very good man, and he's a lovely brother. I--I'd be daresn't to say one word against the brother. I wouldn't, anyhow. As--as a... As a Christian, I wouldn't say nothing against him. He--he--he don't agree with me on that one subject, but he--he's my precious brother. We eat together. And, oh, he's just a dandy fellow. I take his magazine, read his articles. And he writes some of mine, and so forth. And I've took a many a texts out of what I--I've read--read of his articles, hear him say. He's a great man, but he--he just can't agree with me. I appreciate that, of his sincerity. Though he don't just, one of these pushover, just have to agree with everything you say. He's got his own conviction, and he stands for it. I appreciate that. And he's a good man. Oh, I--I am not a teacher or scholar, at all, but this man is both teacher and scholar.

55 But I--I can't agree with him, 'cause I don't see it. But, it doesn't pertain to salvation, it's pertaining to the Coming of the Lord. He sees that the Church has to go through the Tribulation period, for purification. I say the Blood of Jesus Christ purified the Church. See? It needs no...

I believe that the church goes through the Tribulation period, church organization, but the Bride does not. Would you choose a woman you had to purify before you married her? See? Christ's Bride is chosen, and She is Elected. And She is God's Bride, the Bride of Jesus Christ.

56 And now he said, "How you going to type that, if that Bride goes forth, goes up before She goes through the Tribulation period?" Said, "I got Scripture that shows you that the Church is in the Tribulation period."

I said, "Just read the Sixth Seal, that's all, she is right there under the Tribulation period. But find out, just before that, the Bride is done gone. See? She is in Glory at that time. She has no purification." See?

"He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation or the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Christ gave the promise that we would not even stand at the Judgment. So freely did he take my place, until I'm absolutely free. When I'm pardoned, I'm pardoned. How can He take me out of the pawn shop, got a clear receipt, if... How can He be my Redeemer, and take me from the pawn shop, and the broker still say I belong to him? I got a written receipt, amen, see, wrote by the Blood of Jesus Christ. See? Now, in that, here is where we come.

He said, "Now, how are you going to get, separate that elected Bride you talk about now, how you going to put That under a type?"

57 I said, "Very good." I say, "Here it is now, in Matthew, the 27th chapter and the 51st verse." If we...

Let me just read it, and then we--we got it good. Then we find out whether it was typed or not, whether it's the elected Bride. Matthew, the 27th chapter and the--and the 51st verse. All right. We read this, at the crucifixion of our Lord.

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom;...

58 Now, that was the law. The law ended right there. Because, the veil kept the congregation from the holy articles of God. Only an anointed priest went in there, and, that, once a year. Remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, God, with His Own hand, notice, "from the top to the bottom," not from the bottom to the top. It's some forty-feet high. Notice, not from the bottom to the top, but "from the top to the bottom," showed it was done by God. Rent the veil in two, then the anyone, whosoever will, may come and partake of His holiness. See? All right.

... from top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

And came out of the graves after his resurrection,... went into the holy city, and appeared to many.

59 There is that Elected, that Bride. Not all of the Jewish church come forth at that time. All of them made the same sacrifice. All of them was under the shed blood of the lamb. But there was an elected Group; and that elected Group, as soon as the event come, that really believed in It with sincerity. Now I'm coming to the word overcome. Now hold that. These that had really overcome, sincerely making the same offering that the rest of them made, but, in sincerity, overcome the things of the world. When the propitiation correctly was made for them, they were in paradise until that play at that time. When that time was made, they had overcome and was resting, sleeping; see, "many bodies of those that slept in the dust," see, slept.

60 Now, if we had time, we could go on back to Daniel, when, Daniel, that elected one that had overcome. And He said, "Close up the Book, Daniel, for thou shall rest in thy lot. But when the Prince shall come, which will stand for the people, thou shall stand in that lot." Here it is. Daniel, this prophet of God, saw the end time coming. And He said, "Daniel, you'll stand in your lot at that day." And here he was, come forth; not all of Israel, but the Bride-type of Israel. Now, the rest of Israel don't come forth until the general resurrection.

61 And now, at the Coming of the Lord Jesus, those who are really loving His Coming, that's living for it; when He appears in the sky, the Church that's dead in Christ shall rise, and those will be changed in a moment. The rest of them will know nothing about it. Remember, "Appeared to those in the city." See? The--the--the Rapture will be like that. We'll see each other, and we'll see them. The rest of the world won't see them. It'll be caught away as a secret going. Waiting for that time!

Then returning back to the earth for that glorious Millennium; then the thousand years... "The rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years."

62 And then come forth the general resurrection, where, all Israel. And also, looky there, the twelve apostles, the twelve patriarchs, all represented. And we ain't never got to that yet. Maybe, the Lord willing, we'll get to it in the Testament, how that those walls of jasper, and twelve stones, twelve gates, twelve foundations, all of that's represented. Here they are on twelve thrones, the angel-messengers of those days, to pass judgment upon those who rejected their message. Amen. There comes forth that great hour. Yeah.

63What a day, what a time that we're living! How that we should check up, Church. Now we talk about these things coming, that's going to come. Now, today, let's drop back here and see, check ourselves and see if we're right in the Faith.

64 Now let's talk of a few overcomers for a few minutes, in the days of Noah's time, which was typed by Jesus Christ, of being like today.

I suppose to have ten minutes. Now I'll be a half hour. I just getting started, the first page. I'll skip a few of them, if I can. And get what...

65In Noah's time, type of today. Jesus referred to it, and said, "As it was in Noah's time, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man. In Noah's time, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Notice, there were all that antediluvian world, perhaps of millions of people, there was eight overcomers. Eight people overcome, that was real, genuine overcomers. There was Noah's three sons and their wives, and Noah and his wife. Eight overcome, that entered the ark at the appropriate time. How did they do it? They listened to the Word of God. They wasn't caught outside the door. They were caught inside the door.

66 Oh, my beloved friends, don't let that door shut. Jesus said, "As it was in that day, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." (Thank you, brother.) "So shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Now, there's somebody is going to get caught outside that door.

Many of them might have had good intentions, and, "Someday, if such things happen, we'll go in with Brother Noah, 'cause he's a fine fellow." But, you see, it caught just eight inside.

67Now, think hard now. If you are laying around, getting doty, get in. Hurry, quick, 'cause the door might close at any time.

68 And there's always been an ark in God's economy. There was an ark in the days of Noah, for the saving of His people. There was an ark in the days of the law, ark of testimony. In the days of the law, they followed the ark.

And there is a third dispensation now; like Noah's time, Lot's time, and now this time. There is an ark now. And that ark is not a denomination, neither is it a good works that you do. "It's by one Spirit," Romans 8:1, "we are all baptized into one Body, in the domain of that Kingdom, one Spiritual baptism." No matter how good, how bad, whatever, you're in that Kingdom by--by Holy Ghost baptism. See? That's the only way you overcome. It's all that is under the shed Blood is overcomers, 'cause you cannot overcome, yourself. It's He that overcome for you. You're resting.

69"How will I know then, Brother Branham, that I'm in There?" Watch what kind of a life you're living. Just look around. See if it's just lived out of you, automatically. Or, you have to strain and pull, see, then you're doing it. But don't try to do it. Did you ever try? Yeah. Don't.

70 Just like putting a little baby's arm in a sleeve hole, you see. He's just up, down, over, and everything else. See? He can't do it. "Put on your coat, honey." He can't do it. Little arm is up, down, around. It takes your steady hand.

Oh, how glad I am, I can just yield my hand to Father, say, "Lord Jesus, I can't get in There. You help me. Put the coat on me." I quit trying. Just let Him do it. See?

71 If the little baby keeps trying, "Oh, I can do it. I can do it." And he's just everywhere. He can't do it.

Neither can you, neither can I, but if we'll just hold still and let Him do it. Just yield to Him, "Here, Lord, here I am. Just--just let me be nothing. I--I yield. You put my hand in the right place." That's the victory. That's overcoming.

72The thing you have to overcome is yourself, your idea, your thing, and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for you. He knows the way; we don't.

73 But in Noah's time there was eight overcomers, and that's what went in. They were caught inside.

Now look, friends. I believe they're taping this. And if it's on television, or not tel-... pardon me, a tape. Whatever you do, who is listening now, or who will listen hereafter, the hour is very late, and you do have good intention, but be caught inside. Now, don't struggle. "Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God." Just let God. Just yield yourself to Him and walk on, with a perfect, satisfied faith, that, "What God has promised He is able to perform." Not joining one denomination, another denomination, running this, that, or the other, trying this. Just yield yourself to God, and walk with Him, peaceful, quiet, not interrupted. Just keep on walking with Him. That's right.

74That's what I told our brother that just had the--the breakdown. See? "Just yield to Him. He's here, He Who knowed what you have done, and what caused your being and doing this way, and all that. He knows all about you, and now He's just told you back just what to do. Now," I said, "only thing you have to do is just go do it. That is, forget all about the past, walk, live for the future, in the Glory and Presence of God.

Eight overcomers.

75 In the days of Daniel's time, there was four overcomers that could stand the test of fire and lion.

Now, we're expected to be tested. That's a good lesson for my--my brother back there, also. "He that cometh to God must first be tested." Tested (what?) with the Word. That's God's test. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "He that cometh to God must be tested." That only shows a true child, then, see, be tested, and when the test comes on. You can't overcome 'less there's a test give to you. And when test is given, it's to see whether you can overcome or not. And Jesus said, "To him that overcometh," the test. The test is the greatest thing that ever happened to you. I believe it's written in the Scripture, Peter said, that, "Our trials are worth more to us than precious gold." It's a testing time. It's one good evidence to us that God is with us, when we're tested, for all children of God are tested and tried.

76 And Daniel, a man, a prophet. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel was the prophet, and that was the size of the Church in that day, I mean, the Bride. There's lots of church, about two million of them went down there. But there was... That was the size of the overcomer. And them overcomers was put to the test. And every overcomer has to be put to the test. When they said, "You take back what the Word says, or either be throwed in the fiery furnace." They refused anything but the Word.

77 And when Daniel was given a test, that he should take back what the Word said, that they should lean towards the temple, as Solomon prayed, and He would deliver them from all things. God would hear from Heaven if they'd lay... look towards the temple and pray. And said, "If any man prays within these amount of days... And we are Medo-Persians, who cannot change or alter our laws. That man will be throwed into the lions' den."

78They set a trap for him. I believe that prophet knew that. But they set a trap for him. He walked humbly. When it come time for him to pray... When, he knowed, at the home place in Jerusalem, there was a burning sacrifice on the altar. Daniel wasn't afraid of them spies. Raised up the shades, and threw back the shutters, and knelt down on his knees, and throwed his hands up to God and prayed. Why? Live or die, he had the victory. And, therefore, so much victory till the lions couldn't eat it. He--he overcome.

79The Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, had so much victory until the lion... till the fire couldn't burn them. You know, victory is a hard thing to burn out, or eat up, or anything. See? So, they, they had it.

80 I might mention another character. In the days of Lot, Jesus referred to it, there were only three that overcome, Lot and his two daughters. Not even his wife; didn't overcome. She--she started out. She's a type. Wish we had time. My thirty minutes is up right now. See? See? She, she done all right, she left.

81Now I've got to give this to you, just a moment. Many of you has left, too. Many of you left these things, to take your stand, after you search It through the Scripture and find It's right. You seen the vindication of Almighty God; not by some, what somebody said was a vindication. What the Bible said would be, and here It is doing it. You saw It was the Truth. So, you've set out, to leave Sodom, leave the denomination, leave the things that bind you to a creed; and to follow Christ, by the Holy Spirit vindicating Himself by the written Word of God. Other words, you took the Bible instead of the creed. You've set out, to follow.

82 Well, Lot's wife did the same thing, you know. She set out, to go with Lot, follow her husband, her children, her loved ones, but It wasn't in her heart. She still loved the world. So it's possible you can make a start, and still be the world in you. See? She never overcome. And even though she was well on the road, it finally overthrowed her. She had to take that one big, long, last look. There's where she got caught. Don't even look back. Don't have no desires. Keep going. Put your mind on Calvary and keep moving towards Christ. See?

83 She started out, as an overcomer, but she never did overcome. Oh, she left the denomination. She did. She walked out of Sodom, with Lot. But she wanted to go back and have her hair cut. You know what I mean. See? She had to go back. She just couldn't stand the--the test. She had to look back again, to see what the rest of them was doing. "Oh, you know, I had some good friends down there, after all. And, after all, this might be just a little--a little move. I don't know whether it could be right or not. I--I've only got this man's word for it, though he's my husband. But yet..." Your pastor is your husband, spiritually speaking, you see. "Now, whether it could be right or not, I don't know. Maybe his revelation wasn't right."

Then, if you're not perfectly satisfied, you're not perfectly know that It's the Word of God, then--then you can't go. See? You got to be really sold out. You've got to know. Not just say, "Well, I see others doing it. I see a sign."

84 You know, Israel started out, I could say the same thing and bring it in here. They started out, two million strong, and ended up with two men. Right. They saw the works of God. They saw the manifestation of the Spirit. They saw great, mighty miracles being done there in Egypt, and everything, and started out. But it--it wasn't in their heart. They didn't overcome. They just come out. And Jesus said, "And they perished in the wilderness," and are Eternally dead. "Every one of them is dead," that means Eternal separation. Every one of them rotted in the wilderness.

85 But there was two men, Joshua and Caleb. And when it come to the showdown, the obstacles was so great till they looked like grasshoppers side of them. Joshua screamed out with Caleb, and said, "We are more than able to do it." Why? "God said so." And they were overcomers. They overcome. They was the ones that was privileged, out of that whole great organization of people, to take the real, elected Bride into the promised land. Joshua and Caleb in the front lines out there, as the two generals, led them right down to the river, and crossed the river, over into the promised land. Why? They believed the Word, no matter what.

86 Then, Dathan raised. Dathan, rather, raised up, and so did Korah, and they tried to say, "This man is trying to make himself above all the rest of us; he's more holy than the rest of them." After God had thoroughly vindicated the man. They said, "We'll just start a group of people. We'll make this, that, or the other. We'll make our organizations. We'll do." And they died and perished.

But those men had that Word of the Lord, and they stayed with It, and they went over.

"Not he that starts; he that finishes." Many start the race, but there's One finishing it. There'll be many churches start, many groups of people. There'll be one Group finish. That's the overcomers.

87 Lot's day, yes, she had to have that one great, long look back. "Oh, I'm leaving So-and-so down there, them fine times we used to have. I'll never forget it." And she was caught, shut out, like it was in the days of Noah. She was shut out, without mercy, and she perished. And the--the lump still stands there today. They claim (I don't know) you could break a piece off of it and it'll grow back, a salt pillar. You ever see that picture of Sodom And Gomorrah, you'll see the original pillar of salt that stood there.

88Now, there's a difference between a pillar of salt and a Pillar of Fire. See? You have to turn one way. Yeah.

89 Notice, in John the Baptist's time. In John the Baptist's time, there was found six that had overcome. All ages, they've had overcomers. In John's time they had six, that was Joseph and Mary, Zacharias and Elisabeth, Simeon and Ann. A man and a woman, a man and a woman, a man and a woman; see, type of Christ, the Church; Christ, the Church; Christ, the Church; Christ, the Church. See? See?

90Notice, it starts from the natural man. No, Mo-... Joseph, the natural man, Joseph, what was he? A carpenter. Then the priest, what was he, see? A minister in the house of the Lord; Zacharias. And from that, to Simeon, a prophet and a prophetess. See?...?... Justification, sanctification, baptism the Holy Ghost. Amen. Don't you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Perfectly. Six overcome. All the rest of them, they offered their sacrifice and everything, but these were Elected. They overcome.

91 Notice each church age. The same overcome when they, each son out of each church age, overcome the temptation of that age. I got the Scriptures here. I don't think we really have time to make it, but we know each one of the church ages. Same now. It's just like someone who is...

92See, as I said at the beginning, you are born defeated. And that birth can never bring you to--to Life, because you're born defeated. And you're in a defeated world, amongst defeated people, amongst defeated creeds, defeated denominations. You've got to come to victory some way.

93 It's just like a lily. Where is... A lily, I think, is one of the most prettiest flowers that there is. I'm very fond of those great calla lilies and pond lily. I think there's nothing hardly as pretty as a great big pond lily, call it water lily. How it's radiance! Now, where does it come from? It's a little seed, down in the bottom of a muddy, mucky pond. And that little seed, yet, all the radiance that'll ever shine in it, is in it right then, when it's in that mud. But it has to strive, daily, knowing that there is something. It's black. It's dirty. It's mucky. It's slimy. In that slime that it's living in, yet it presses its way through the mud, the muck, and the waters, and the stagnant places, until it sticks its head above, in the light, and expresses what's been hid in it all the time.

94I think that's an overcomer, that, once in sin, once did things that was wrong, don't worry about it now. Once did things that was wrong, then, now why look back into the pond again? See? Look, you have...

95 God, by His predestination, see, has brought this seed to life, and it's pressing itself, see, coming to light. And now, on top of all of that, it has overcome. See? It doesn't express itself down there. It's getting up, to express itself.

Neither did you, in your--your sin, and adultery, and everything that you lived in. You didn't express nothing. But there was a seed in there, and it got a chance to press itself into Light. And now you're in the Presence of Jesus Christ, with the Son Light. It brought out what you really was in the beginning. You see what I mean? You saw the Light. You bloomed out. You laid your heart open, and now you're a lily.

96 You remember my sermon on the lily? Reverend Lily, how he toils. "And, yet, does he not spin. And yet, Solomon, in all of his glory, is not arrayed like one of these." He--he--he--he--he... Look at him. He's ready to gi-....He takes nothing for himself. The lily don't care nothing about himself. What does he do? He--he throws his beauty out, his life, that others might see. His life is expressed out, that others might see the glory, what's in him, that was in him in that mud. Now he's on top.

That's the overcomer. He overcome the mud. He overcome the things of the world. And now he freely gives hisself out. Everybody can look at him. His life, you can't put a finger on it. See? He's a real overcomer. You can't say nothing about him now. Say, "He come out of the mud." But he's not in the mud now. He's on top of it. Amen. You can't now point back what he was. What is he now? He's on top.

97Then the bee comes by and say, "That's wonderful perfume. I believe I'll go and get my part."

98He just opens up his heart, "Come on now. All right." Everything takes from him. See? He, he's a real pastor. He expresses the Glory of God. And look where he come from. He had to overcome, to do that.

99 One time, he or she was young and fair, beautiful. They had a lot of temptations to go through, but they overcome that. See? They overcome. Now they're expressing the real beauty of Christ in their life. Notice, expressing, through the mud.

100Jesus gave us the example, how to do it. Now we want to know how to overcome. Jesus told us how to do it. See? Humility! Girded Himself, took a towel, and washed the disciples' feet and wiped them. The very God of Heaven humiliated Himself.

101We don't want to be humiliated. That's the reason women don't want their hair to grow out; the reason they don't want to dress like ladies should dress. Like, men don't want to, see, it's the same thing. They don't. They, they get humiliated.

But, Jesus, constantly! Look Who He was. Greatness! I'm going to say something. Greatness humiliates itself. Great humbles itself. Greatness!

102 I've had the privilege of getting, meeting some great men. And it's these guys that got a change of clothes, and fifty cents in their pocket, and to rattle, that's the guy that thinks he's something when he's nothing. But I stood by great men, I mean great men with ragged sleeves, cuffs. They make you think you're the great person. See?

Greatness is humility. Don't forget that, Church. Greatness is expressed in humility, not how fine you can be.

I don't mean dirty, now. I--I mean humble in spirit. See? I don't mean just get--get out and... Go to wash and clean up. That, you should do that. You know that. See?

But I'm talking about humility, genuine humility, not something is put-on. Something that is, that's real humility.

103 Jesus told us how to do it. He overcome. Means... Overcome means "to stand the test," that's right, like all the old saints did; like Jesus did: amidst of all of His enemies, He stood the test. Everything He was tested against, He stood it. In the very face of sickness, and Him being Messiah, He healed them. In the face of death, He brought it back to life. In the face of Calvary, His Own death, He defeated it by surrendering Himself. Why? By the Word. Said, "You destroy this Temple, and I'll raise it up in three days." The Word said so. See? And in the presence of death, He defeated it. He overcome death. In the presence of hell, He defeated hell and overcome hell. Yes. In the presence of the grave, He overcome the grave. Why? All by the Word, and humility. Oh, my! There's the real Man. There's the One to make your example. See? He defeated everything, overcome it.

104 Look. Temptation was for Him. You know that? The Bible said, "He was tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin." He was tempted by--by drinking. He was tempted by women. He was tempted by everything that could be tempted by. He was tempted by everything that we are. He was a Man, and yet you couldn't put a mark on Him. Yes, sir.

105Overcome means "to recognize the Devil in every one of his tricks." Lot of people says, "There is no Devil. It's just a thought." Don't you believe that. There's a real Devil. He's just as real as you are, anybody. A real Devil, and you must recognize him real. You must know he's a devil. Then, the same time that you--you recognize him, and know that he's a devil and he's against you, then, to overcome, you must recognize that the God in you is greater and mightier than he is, that the One that's in you has already overcome him. And, by His grace, you are more than a match for him. Amen. There's real overcoming, when you recognize.

106 You look back, say, "I'm doing this and I'm doing that," then, no, you--you, you're defeated.

"But there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Then you realize that you've overcome.

And you know that he's a devil. You can't say, "I got a sickness, and I--I--I--I don't believe it is a sickness." Oh, yes, it is a sickness. You got cancer, you "don't believe it is a cancer." It is a cancer. It is a cancer.

But, remember, "Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world." You must realize that the Holy Spirit that's in you has already overcome this thing. And He's in you, and you can overcome by Him. That's exactly sensible, exactly the way the Scripture is written. Overcoming!

I got to hurry. I done got forty-five minutes now. I'm really running overtime now.

107 Notice, overcome! The God that's in you is greater than the one that's in him. The god of the world is not as great as the God of Heaven, which is in you, no more than darkness can stand in the presence of light.

108Now, darkness cannot stand in the presence of light. I don't care how dark it is, light will put it out. It can't stand. Glory! But you take as much darkness you want to, and try to stand against light one time, see what happened.

That's the One that's in you, is Light. And the one that's in the world is darkness. So, the Light has proved to overcome the darkness, and the man that's in Christ and knows that he's overcome the things of the world. Amen. It has no more ties to you, at all. You're free. "Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, and the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, and we have fellowship one with another." There you are.

109 "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." Now, if you look back, you're condemned, then you're still in the world. But if you're living above that, then He that's in you has led you above the darkness.

Like the lily, he's above the darkness of the mud. He's above the darkness of the muddy waters. He's in the light, reflecting the beauty that was put in him before he left the mud. Amen.

110Now I--I feel like a shouting Christian. What was in there by God, at the beginning, it pressed its way through, overcome. It overcome the shell. It overcome the mud. It overcome the waters. It overcome everything, and was an overcomer, and reflected the beauty and Glory of God.

111 That's the way every believer does. That's the way Noah did. That's the way Lot did. That's the way. Look what a mess he was in. That's the way Moses did. That's the way Joshua did. That's the way Daniel did. That's the way Shadrach, Meshach did. That's the way John the Baptist did; Zacharias, Elisabeth. That's the way that Simeon, that's the way that Anna, every one of them did. They overcome the mud that there was around them and packed into them. Stuck their head above the thing, and shined forth the Glory of God. That's what a real Christian does.

112 Remember, Jesus showed Her how it's done. Forty days of temptation, He was tempted above any man that ever could be tempted, in the temptation of Jesus Christ. Watch. He showed us how it's done.

Now I will close, just in a few minutes.

113Look. He showed us how it's done. How did He do it? By the Word. That's how He done it, for He was the Word. And Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you," you're back to Word again, the Word of promise. What is the Word of promise to every Christian? "Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world." Then how do I overcome? Not me, but the Word that's in me. The Word is God. Then I overcome the things of the world, because it's the Word in me. "If ye abide in Me, My Words in you, then just ask what you will." Just keep pressing up. You're coming to the top, as sure as anything. See? You got to come to the top.

114 His forty days of temptation, by God's Word He overcome. I want to express something here just for a few minutes. Satan made three major assaults upon Him in that temptation. Watch. It's always in them three. Don't forget it. See? He made three major assaults, from the highest to the lowest. He tried his best to conquer Him. But He was the Word. Amen. What did He use? Himself, the Word. Satan's three major attacks or assaults upon Him, but He met it with the Word. Every attack, He could make it with the Word. Watch this now, from the highest to the lowest.

115 The first he made his attack upon, to use His great power. Which, He knowed He was the Word. He knowed His position. You believe He did? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "I the Son of man." He knowed His position. And Satan come and want Him to use His Own power on Hisself, to feed Him, want to feed Hisself. He was hungry. A man gets hungry, he can do almost anything. He'll steal, rob, beg, borrow, anything. See? He had that appetite. And Satan used his first great major assault upon Him, to take His power that He had been given to overcome with and use it on Himself. He didn't use it on Himself. No. He used it on others. That's right. He used it on others, not Himself. It wasn't for Him. Though, He could have done it. He certainly could have done it.

116 But see how the Devil gets? The Devil wants you to mind him. He minded only what the Father said do. That's right.

He said, "Why," Satan said, "it's written, 'He'd give the Angels charge... '"

117He said, "Yes, but it's also written..." See? There you are. See? He knew Who He was. Satan did...

The Thought runs deeper than what It's wrote. See? It's inspiration. The kernel is on the inside of It, you see, what It really is.

118Though He could have done it, He didn't do it. But He--He never paid heed to Satan's proposition.

Now, here is a good thing. See? Sometime Satan can take you, and when you think that you're doing the will of God, and can make you a proposition, you'll fall for it. Yes, sir. He sure can.

119 Now let's just take, for instance, like our sisters. They're pretty. And he can get you to a place, that, you let your hair grow out, you didn't realize. It looked so nice on you, and, the first thing you know, you get kind of feeling a little stuck-up, little above something else. Some of you men, you know what I mean. See? And he can take that same thing and proposition it with you. That's right. You got to overcome that.

Just remember, you're living for God. You have one objective, and that's Jesus Christ. Outside of that, there's nothing else counts. That's Him. Then, secondly, for your family. Then, thirdly, for yourself. But, first, for God; next, for your family; and next, for you. You're number three; that's the end of the road. Put yourself last; He did.

120 Look what He could have done. Said, "I could call My Father, speak to Him, He'd straightway send Me twelve legions of Angels." When, one of Them could destroy the world. Said, "If My Kingdom was this world, then My subjects would fight. But My Kingdom is of Above." There you are. See? He could have done that, but He didn't. See? Though, He could have done it. He never listened to Satan's proposition.

121Now, have you heard people say, "If--if you believe there--there's a Divine healer... If you're a Divine healer... Go get your Divine healer. I got a man over here, sick. I'd like to see him heal him." See that same Devil? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's trying to proposition with you. He's trying to make you listen to him instead of God. But a real, true servant of God will listen and see what Father says, first. See?

122 Like the little Stadsklev baby, when they sent over here. And Mrs. Stadsklev said, "Brother Branham, I called from Germany." There was an American army, with one of their jet planes setting out here at the field, would fly me to Germany and back, in a day. He was a chaplain. And the baby was laying, dead. And that little mother screaming, she said, "Listen!" Said, "I know. I stood right there and seen that woman hold that dead baby in her arms, that died that morning. I seen Brother Branham walk right out there, lay hands on that dead baby, and it come to life." Said, "This is my baby, Brother Branham." Never been a death in their family. See? And this little thing took sick one morning and died that afternoon.

Here was all of them standing around, and giving prophecies and things, "The baby is going to raise up," and all like that.

123I said, "Well, that's mighty nice, Sister Stadsklev. But let me see what Father says."

I went out to the woods. And I prayed. Come back in; she done called two or three times 'fore I got back the next morning. Nothing.

The doctor said, "All right." Said, "If that's it, if you have faith like that, lady, we'll never let the baby leave the hospital. Let it lay right here. You stay right here with it. That's all right."

Brother Stadsklev went and seen the army major. They said, "Sure. We will fly him over, and bring him back."

124 And there was a plane setting, waiting, to take me over that morning and bring me back that night, to Germany, to Heidelberg, Germany, for the resurrection of this baby. I said, "Sure, God can do it, but let's see what His will is."

125Then I went out, prayed all night. Nothing happened. Come back the next morning; nothing happened. And I started into the room. Just then I looked there, and there stood that Light hanging there in the door. Said, "Don't put your hand on that. Don't rebuke that. That's the hand of God."

126I got her on the phone. I said, "Sister Stadsklev, bury your baby. It's the hand of the Lord. It's God's will. Something would happen to that baby down along the line. You let it go right where God knows where it's at. You can go to it now. It lives, you won't. You leave it right like that."

127That great Lutheran preacher in Germany wrote a letter and said, "How I can appreciate, what, Brother Branham waiting for that clear-cut decision of God, before he said anything."

That's it. Hold to God's decision. No matter what others say, whatever it is, don't proposition Satan, at all.

128 If Satan says, "Now, water baptism, name of 'Father, Son... '" If that, he even proposition, you leave it alone. God said otherwise. If he says, "You're a good man, you don't have to be... You're a good woman, you don't have to do..." Don't you proposition. If the Word says something different, you stay with the Word regardless of what it is. That's the example Jesus give to you, and there's that major assault, see, that he made on Him.

129 Then, the second assault. I'll hurry. Just looks like the time just goes so fast. The next great assault was, that he made upon Him, that He would be a show-off.

And how that does hit God's servants, to be a show-off, to show what you can do. "Glory to God! Hallelujah! I'm a deliverer! I'm so." See? See?

130"Come up here, on top of the temple, and set down here." He tempted Him to do it. Now, remember, He was tempted to do it, hard. Said, "Now, if You want to be something before the people, stand up here on this temple, jump off." See? "I'll give You a Scripture for it, because it's written, 'He'd give the Angels charge over Thee, lest, any time, dash a foot against a stone. He'd bear Thee up.'" To make Him a show-off, to show His authority.

131No true servant of God ever does that. You see a man showing off, his chest out, and all like that, just remember, there is something wrong there. No. God don't want that. Jesus set the example. He could have done it. He certainly could have done it, but He didn't do it. No servant of God is a show-off, of himself, to try to take God's power and show himself above somebody else.

132 You remember Moses did that? Remember it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God give him power to do whatever he wanted to; made him a prophet. He walked down to that Rock, and he smote the Rock the second time. That was against God's will.

God said, "Speak to that Rock. Don't smite it again. You break all the--all the--the type here. The Rock is only going to be smitten once." But he spoke of the weakness of the Word when he did that; That wasn't sufficient. Yeah. The Word was what was going on. That Rock was the Word. See?

133He, first time, he smote the Rock and the waters come forth. And then they got thirsty again. He said, "Now go back and speak to the Rock." It was only smitten once. See?

"The insufficiency of the Word," Moses testified to it. "The Word wasn't right; He had to be smitten again."

134So Moses went down there and smote the Rock like that, said, "Come forth!" Didn't come forth, so he smote it again, and said, "Come forth! I command you to come forth." And the waters come.

135God said, "Come up here. Come here. You glorified yourself. You took My power; instead of sanctifying Me, you sanctified yourself. Now you're not going over in the land. Look over, see what it looked like; but, here, you're going to leave right here." Oh, my! There never has been one like Moses, you know. No, no.

136 When he come to that show off with Jesus, he said, "Get up on the temple here and jump off."

137He said, "It's written," amen, "'Don't tempt the Lord thy God.'" See? He met him with the Word, that, every major assault.

138No true servant ever tries to show himself off, with--with God's power. He does, he loses right then.

139 Third great assault, Satan offered to forfeit this kingdom to Him. He did. Satan said, "See these kingdoms of the world? These are mine. I do with them whatever I want to. I'll forfeit them to you."

But, remember, he was trying to get Him to forfeit it without the cross. If He did, we'd be lost. He could have took the kingdom. But He must follow the... He must come back. He was tempted to do it, now. Death is a hard thing. He was tempted to take His liberty and be the King of the earth, without the cross. But, if He did, His subjects would have died. Satan would have gladly made that proposition with Him. But He said, "Get behind Me, Satan." He didn't do it.

140 He come and suffered, and took the hard, rugged route. He took the route of persecution. He took the route of death.

Are we, this morning, willing to do, take that same route that He taken? Are we willing to die. Are we willing to give ourselves up to God, forfeit all the world and the things, to serve for Him? See?

141Now, He failed to do it. Willingly to--to forfeit it, Satan was, to Him. But He didn't do it. Though Jesus was tempted, He overcome for us. He--He endured all temptations for me and for you. See? He could have took it right then. But what did he take the other route for? So that we could come, be with Him. And if He paid such a price as that, then how little would we be not to take it? When, remember, there's nothing here, anyhow.

142 If you live a hundred years, what are you going to come to? Mental, and your mind gone, all crippled up, and old and shaky. That's where you're going, and that's the end of it. You come now, overcome the thing. How you do it? By the Word. What the Word says, you do it. Walk humble. Live before Jesus.

143He endured all things for you and I. He is our example how to overcome our evil generation, as He overcome His evil generation.

144Remember, when He come to the earth, there's just as much unbelief, or more, than there is at any time. It didn't bother Him a bit. When they called Him a devil instead of God, when they called Him everything that could be done, it didn't bother Him a bit. He had one object, "Mind the Father. Keep the Word." The Word is God. He had one mind.

145 We're sometimes tempted to go back. Many of you, tempted to go back to the denomination, go back and take up, 'cause all the world say, "What denomination you belong to? What church you affiliated with?" We're tempted to do that; all of us are. Our sisters are tempted to go back, go back and join up with some of the rest the churches, with some of the Assemblies, or churches of God, or some of them; still be Pentecostal, let your hair cut off, and dress just about any way you want to. See? You're tempted to do that, go back and be popular with this wicked generation that we're living with.

When, this is the major sin of our days. It's the major sin among our people, worldliness, as the Bible said the Laodi-... Laodicea Age was. She's worldly, "Rich, have need of nothing; don't know that she's naked; miserable, wretch, and blind." That's the sin of our day. When you hear the Word of God call out against it, then you take the other route, you're unpopular with the world. You're tempted to go back.

146 I know. You keep saying to me. I know you're saying, "All the time." I know you get tired of me harping on these things. I get tired seeing you do it, too, that's right, this sin that I'm trying to tell you about. Say, "What are you harping on it for?" Stop doing it, then. I'm trying to save your life, by the Word. I get tired, also. So, just straighten up. This is a sin, shouldn't be done. Yes, sir.

147We are to overcome these things. We expect to be tempted by them, the world. "You love the world, the things of the world, love of God is not in you," said Jesus.

148 Now we'll just close, and say this. There's a reward for the overcomer.

149Let me read something here to you. Turn in your Bibles. Let's go back to Revelations, the 3rd, the 2nd chapter. Watch here now, all these things I been talking about, to overcome. Now just look at yourself and see. Examine yourself in the spiritual looking-glass, see if you've overcome.

150 Now, the first message, to the--to the angel of Ephesus, I want you to listen to what He said. And Revelations, the 2nd chapter, the 7th verse. This is to that church age, when He told them all what they done, "Left their first love." 7th verse:

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him (the person, not the church)... To him that overcometh--overcometh I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

See? The overcomers in Ephesus.

151Now, the next was Smyrna. Now, to overcomers in that, we listen to this. Now, the 11th verse.

To he--he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

See? They overcome it.

152Now, that, now look to Pergamos, we'll find out what the overcomer had left for him, in this. We'll read the 17th verse, to the Pergamos church.

He that has an ear,...

That, that's the individual, not the whole group. The individual, that's Bride coming out, you see, the Church.

Let him that has an ear, hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receives it.

That's the overcomer, of the church age.

153 Now, the next is the Thyatira. Let's find out what the overcomer had in that day. Let's take the 26th verse.

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give the power over the nations: (That is right.)

And... shall rule them with a rod of iron; and as a vessel of a potter shall they be broken into shivers: even as I received of my Father.

See, "With Him, in His throne." Christ is to rule the nations, with a rod of iron. And here is the Church that overcomes, "Setting in there, with Him, to break the nations with a rod of iron."

154Now let's take them to the Sardis church. Now the 5th verse of the 3rd chapter.

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and the holy angels.

That's to the overcomer in Sardis.

155 Now, let's take now the 12th verse. Now, this is to the church of--of Philadelphia, in the 12th verse.

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him my name, name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from... God: and I will write upon him my new name.

156Watch what the overcomer is promised. See?

Now, now Laodicea, that's the last church age. There's going to be some overcomers in there. Watch here. They, remember, each church age, the one preceding it inherits all that the other ones offered. Watch up here. Now, here, it's after they done received all these powers, these new names, and everything written, that He promised, and eat the hidden manna, and all down through. Watch this last church age, Revelations 3:21.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, (amen), even as I also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.

157There's a reward for overcomers. Press on, lily. If it's in you, lay aside the mud and everything else, and press towards the top. Yes, sir. "To sit with Me on My throne."

158 You know, one time, the mother of James and John... We won't have time to read it. The mother of James and John came and asked for this place. You know that? Remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Lord, let my son set on one side, and my other son set on the other." There's a mother's desire for her son.

But watch. But, "That place," Jesus said, "was predestinated." This position was not in existence at that time. Why? Notice. "It will be granted to them who it is meant for." What? The one to set at the right hand, and the other closest to Him, was yet an overcomer. See? It was still... He said, "I--I don't grant this. I can't grant this, but it will be given after the trial comes." Amen. See? "I can't give this. But after the trial comes, they'll set on the right hand and on the left. There's a predestinated seed waiting out yonder for that. It will be given to the ones that it's promised to. It'll be given there, but the test hasn't come yet. Yeah. He hasn't overcome yet." See?

159 The person that was to take this place on one side, and another one to take it on the other side, next to Him in the Kingdom, it wasn't yet given, see, that that overcome. The test hadn't fell yet. "It will fall in the future."

"If we suffer for Christ and His Word, we will reign with Him, for He is the Word." Remember, "If we suffer for Him and His Word, we'll reign with Him, in His Word."

160Notice. He, our example, overcome, and then ascended up, after he conquered death, hell, sickness, grave. Everything, He conquered. "Then He ascended up, and led captivity captive, give gifts unto men." That was the Old Testament, with the Old Testament saints that had overcome. They looked for such a Person, and they died before It got there. But when this Person come, "It didn't prevent them which were asleep." Amen. Can't lose, any way. Live or die, what difference does it make? "Won't prevent." See? They looked for that.

161 Even Job back there, he looked for it. He said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last days He'll stand upon the earth." There was a just man, a perfect man. He offered sacrifice. He done everything that God told him to do. He did it with reverence and respect. He was a prophet. And then Satan come around, to tempt him. (Just like he comes to tempt you.) What did he do? He kept standing there.

His wife even come out, said, "Won't you curse God and die the death? You look so miserable setting there."

162He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." Now, never said she was foolish, but she talked like one. See? Said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." Said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord." He overcome.

163 He overcome what the neighbors had to say. He overcome what all the church members, Bildad and all them, had to say. He overcome the bishop and what he had to say. He overcome the cardinal and what he had to say. He overcome the denomination, what they had to say. And he stayed with the justification of the Word. Amen. Yet, it cost him everything he had, even his children. He scraped the boils with a piece of crock, setting on this, and yet he overcome. And when the great hour of temptation had finally succeeded, then the clouds rolled back.

164 He looked at every reasonable thing. He said, "There's a hope in a tree if it dies; it lives again. And a seed falls in the ground, it rots away; it lives again. But a man layeth down and giveth up the ghost; he wasteth away. And his children come, his sons, to honor and to mourn over him; he perceived it not. He don't raise no more. Oh, there he is. What's the matter? I'm a seed, too. I'm something, that it's a seed, and I'll go to the ground. I can't rise no more. I'll lay there. Oh, hide me in the grave, keep me in the secret place till Thy wrath be past. Appoint me a time and judge me. As the rocks wear away, water wears away the stone." Oh, he went on, saying all these things. He could see all the examples out there, what it was. Oh, he just couldn't see it.

165 And, Sister Rodgers, remember when I preached that at Busty's funeral. See?

166How, that, "He'd wear away the stone," how these things. "Oh, O Thou, hide me in the grave, and keep me in the secret place." He kept on pressing. He said, "I wish I knowed. I wish I knowed where I could go, to a Man that could put His hands on me, a sinful man, and a holy God, and talk to Him for me." Oh, my! "He's There. I know He's There. There is Someone There that can do that. There is Someone somewhere. Where can I find that Person? Where can I find? I'll knock on His door and talk to Him? If Somebody could only put His hand on me, and on God, and--and bridge the way for me, talk! If I could only find that Person! Oh, where is He at?"

167 He searched through his church. He had searched through his organization. He couldn't find such a Person.

168And all at once, the clouds rolled back, and he saw that Person coming. Oh! His old heart beat for joy. Then something happened. "I know my Redeemer liveth. There is such a Person." Amen. There is still such a Person. "I know my Redeemer liveth. And though, after the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God, Whom I shall see for myself. He'll stand on the earth in the last day."

169 On that Easter morning, when He rose out yonder, and Job's body no more than a spoonful of ashes, he was waiting. He was that elected Group. He rose from the grave and entered into the city, with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job. Oh, my! Amen. For, they looked for such a Person.

170"And to those who look for Christ the second time," that can overcome the things of this world, by His grace, to come into Him, and shut your eyes to anything else but Him and His Word, "He will appear the second time in Glory."

"For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise; those which are alive and remain shall be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, be caught up together, to meet Him in the air."

171 Whether I'm a spoonful of ashes, or whether I'm living when He comes, it matters me no difference. Amen. Doesn't matter, because I've caught the vision. The veil rolled back, and I see Him. One that could stand, and put His hand upon me, a sinful man, and upon a holy God. And He is my propitiation. He is the Word that I stand for. "In the beginning was the Word." He's that Word, and He represents me, There. Amen. And I'll scream it, as long as I have breath, "He is my Resurrection and my Life." And all other grounds are sinking sand. All other grounds are sinking sand.

172 As He caught them who looked for that, so will He come to each New Testament saint that's overcome every denominational critic, who has ever overcome all the popular sins of this day, of this age that we live in now, like He did in all the other church ages, those who overcome in that church age. Those who overcome what? "'I am rich. I have need of nothing. I have... Oh, I'm all this and all this. And I'm the Bride. I'm this. I have need of nothing.' And don't know that you are naked, blind."

173See that deceiving age that I said? It's not like them that had their heads cut off, back yonder, to get the white stone; not those who died under martydoms, and burnt with stakes, and things like that; who won the crown. But it's this deceiving age now, that think that they're everything. "Well, I'm a church member. I'm a good man. I'm a good woman. I do this. I don't have to do This."

174 "But he that overcometh," he that overcomes all those worldly things of this age, what will they do? All will set with Him in His throne; will go in the Rapture when He comes. Oh, my! What do I care, then? What should we care what the world says? What should we care what anybody else says? The great Holy Spirit is among us. His Pillar of Fire leads us and guides us. His Word is vindicated before us. His love is in our heart. The world is in the back. We've passed from death unto Life. The world thinks you're crazy.

But must Jesus bear this cross alone,

And all the world go free?

There is a cross for every one,

And there's a cross for me.

175Thirty-three years in the field, and this consecrated cross I'll bear till death shall set me free.

176Let my brothers turn me down, say whatever they want to, what turn me down. But on this Word I stand, and This alone.

This consecrated cross I'll bear

Until death shall set me free,

And then go Home, in the Rapture, a crown to wear.

177That's what we all want. Isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's what we want. That's our--that's our hope and plea. No other thoughts have we, but that one upon Jesus Christ. And upon His righteousness we stand, alone, and His righteousness in His Word. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And the Word is still vindicating Itself.

178 Overcome how? By taking the Word, the promise, in humility, humbly walking.

This consecrated cross I'll bear

Until death shall set me free,

Then go Home, a crown to wear.

179For, "When that Trumpet sounds!" You can bury me in the sea, but the Trumpet will awake me. Right. I'm going Home, one day. Amen. Until then, I'll struggle on, amen, bearing this cross; keeping my eyes not on people, but upon Calvary yonder, for He was my example. He showed how to do it. And His example, we'll gladly follow it, day by day.

I'm following Jesus each step of the way.

I'm following Jesus each step of the way.

180 Don't you like that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, how I think, follow Him, day by day, each step of the way.

Let us pray.

181Lord Jesus, hour and fifteen minutes now, standing here, trying to take Your Word and explain to the people how to overcome. You told us how it's done. You didn't only tell us, but You showed how it was done. You led us. You showed us how to do it: receive the Word inside of us, and be sure to hold to that Word, "It is written," in every temptation; but be humble, walk humbly. Then we have conquered, through You, through Your power which has already conquered our enemy. And the only thing we have to do is--is just walk humble with faith, believing That, and our badge of identification of the Holy Ghost, and Satan has to move.

182There is handkerchiefs laying here. They represent sick people. They're needy, Lord. And they read in this infallible Word where they took from the body of Saint Paul handkerchiefs and aprons. They were laid upon the sick people. Evil spirits went out of them, and great miracles were done. Now, You're the same Lord Jesus today.

183 Paul preached this Word, and wrote this Word, the same Word that we're trying to follow. Because, he took the Old Testament and patterned it, and showed that it was a type, that all of the Old Testament was a perfect type of the New. O Lord, may we follow that example.

184We see our Lord, what He did. And we realize that, those Old Testament saints, this morning, we find out that they did go. When Jesus raised, they went with Him. And, Lord, we believe that we'll go when He sounds the Trumpet. We believe it, that the Bride will go forth at that Day and will join with the--the Hebrew group of It, and, together, there'll be a Wedding Supper in Glory. Those are waiting.

We pray now Your mercy and grace upon us overcomers. Lord, overcomers, we long to be overcomers. Lord Jesus, You overcome the world. Now I pray that You'll let every person here, this morning, "Lay every sin aside, lay aside the weight that doth so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us."

185Paul spoke this, our Heavenly Father, over there in the Book of the Hebrews, that, "We should lay aside every weight," that 12th chapter, that he spoke this, after he had already showed by example, back there: those who did go on; those who did not go on; those who lukewarmly followed; those who followed up in the front; those who lingered behind. Oh! He showed the example. Then he turned and said, "Let us lay aside every weight, every little teeny thing that besets us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us; looking to Him, the author and the finisher of our Faith, Who gave us the example." We do that this morning, Father.

186 Now, with our heads bowed, now check real close, real, real close. And, then, be real deeply sincere. It just--it just takes... That's all it takes: your check and your sincerity. Be real careful as you're checking now. "Search me, Lord. Try me. Is there an evil in me? If there is, Lord, let me lay it down, right here now. This place, where I'm bowed, is Your altar. I lay it down, right here now, put my feet upon it. When I walk away, it's going to lay there. The power of Your Blood will consume it. I want to be an overcomer. I have something that's bothering me, Lord. I want to overcome, this morning. I can, by You. I've been told that, by Your Word. I lay it down now, Lord, and I lay my feet on it. As I pass out of this building this morning, go, to know that it's put in the--the tub of God's bleach. It'll never be remembered no more. I will now confess it and ask for mercy."

187With our heads bowed, our eyes closed; our hearts thinking, that's the door to the soul now. Is there something that you want to lay aside this morning, something that you want to overcome? And you've tried it so hard, but, this morning, you're just going to quit trying. You're just going to accept what He did. I want you just raise your hand, "Lord, I want to overcome. A certain thing bothers me."

188 Lord Jesus, You see those hands. Now, as Your servant, stand between the living and dead, I condemn everything that's bothering these people and myself. And I ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ, we can leave it laying here on the altar of God, and walk away this morning, free, as overcomers.

189If our sisters hasn't had the grace before, may it be granted now, Lord. If our brothers hasn't had the grace, may it be granted now. And may, in humility, mother with her children, instead of being arrogant. She knows she is setting... She is a preacher to them little children. Her life is an example. Dad is an example to mother, for he is the head of the house. The mother has been trying to boss him around; she'll never do it no more. If he's been using her for a floor mat, it'll never be done no more. She's a helpmate. Grant it, Lord. May all these things that hinder us, Lord, be taken away.

190 We--we are consecrating ourselves, Father, for what time of life we have ahead of us, knowing this, that we've got to come to the end of it, and that right away. So, this morning, we take this opportunity, after this Message. We take the opportunity, Lord, to come, because we are bidden to come. "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." I know You care, Lord. You cared enough to die for us. And we surely can care enough to come and accept what You died for.

191Sanctify us, Lord. Fill us anew with the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Ghost just reign in our hearts, supremely, that we'll walk, forgetting the things that are in the past, the muck and mire that we once lived in. We'll press towards the mark of the high calling, where our Lights can so shine in sweetness and humility, till every passer-by can say, "There's a Christian lives there on that hill. That person, that woman, that man, is a real consecrated flower of God. They're so sweet and so kind, always loving and sweet, and understanding." Grant it, Father. Let us be salty, that the earth might thirst; grant it, Father; and overcome the things of this world, and the cares of this life. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I can...

Now let's just raise our hand.

... Saviour...

Calling what? "Come up, out of the mud." A higher Life; Something is in you, pulling you that way. What is it? It's Him. Down in the mud, little flowers; you've got Life in there, pressing to you. That's what calls you, "Come up, out of the mud."

Follow, follow...

192 Now, do you mean it? Now close your eyes.

Where He leads me I will fol-...

Now surrender yourself. Mean that, now.

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him, all the way.

Where He leads me I...

Just sweetly now. Remember, lay yourself there.

He leads...

"I'll lay it here, Lord. I'm going to follow You, from now on. I accept It. I believe It."

Where He leads...

Remember, your life will testify louder than your mouth. What you live will prove to people more than what you say.

Go with Him, with Him, (way, where?) all the way.

[Brother Branham begins to hum Where He Leads Me--Ed.]

193Just consecrate yourself, deeply, sincerely, all your heart. What if this was the last time you'd ever be permitted to pray? It might be. I hope not. It may be. Then, be sure now, real sure, real sure. Remember, the door will close, one day, then it's all over. "Ask, you shall receive."

[Brother Branham begins to hum Where He Leads Me--Ed.]

194Just think of all the glory that He's offered to you, everything that He's done. "I believe, Lord. I believe. I believe that You're my overcomer. I just walk with You, Lord. I want to stay close to You, that where You are, there I want to be."

195 And remember, You told us, Father, that, "We would forever be with the Lord, when we be caught up." We just got a--a glimpse of Him now, as He walks with us now. But then we'll... What a great thing it is, just to know that He's in our--our midst! What will it be when we'll be with Him forever? We so love all of our activities: we can go out a riding; we can go shopping; we can go hunting, fishing, or whatever we might do in pleasures. But, oh, when the church opens, see, we want to meet our Lord. That's greatest of all things. Then, think, He promised us. "And forever be with the Lord. Set with Him in His throne, and be with Him forever." O God, we humbly, with--with bowed heads, we accept it, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

196 Do you feel you can just leave, now, everything, every burden? You can just walk over, above it now? If you do, raise up your hand, say, "By God's grace I lay this trial down. I won't fight it, any more. I'm just going to take a hold of His hand, start walking on."

"I've fought, Brother Branham. I tried to quit smoking. I--I tried to let my hair grow out. I've tried to do this. I done... I've tried, so hard, Brother Branham. I just can't do it."

Don't try it, anymore. Just take a hold of His hand, say, "Father, You put my hand in the sleeve." See? "I'm just going to give You my hand. I'm going to walk on, Lord, looking to You." It'll happen. It'll dress you like a real Christian. You'll be a real Christian.

197Until I see you, tonight, God love you and be with you. You're my children of the Gospel. You're the purchased.

Now I give your pastor back to you, for the dismissing, Brother Orman Neville.

1 Skloňme svoje hlavy k modlitbe. Náš Otče, ďakujeme Ti dnes ráno za tento veľkolepý čas ďalšieho spoločného zídenia sa a otvorenia Slova Pánovho, ktoré leží tu pred nami. A teraz s modlitbou, aby to Svätý Duch zobral, čo je Boh a oznámil nám to, aby sme dnes mohli opúšťať toto miesto uctievania so šťastnými srdcami plnými radosti, a aby sme videli Tvoju veľkú moc vyslobodenia, Pane, ako to vyslobodzuje zajatcov a dáva im slobodu, ako nám to dáva poznávať veci, ktoré boli, ktoré sú a ktoré prídu. A my Ti tak ďakujeme za tieto veci.

2Modlíme sa, aby si nás požehnal, ako teraz študujeme spoločne Tvoje Slovo. A keď budeme odchádzať, nech je hovorené v našich srdciach, keď pôjdeme cestou: „Naše srdcia v nás horeli, keď On, Svätý Duch, k nám hovoril, keď sme boli na ceste."

3 Požehnaj dnes všade každého kazateľa, Tvojich sluhov, ktorí stoja za touto Tvoju Pravdu. Vypočuj ich modlitby za chorých. Uzdrav nemocné telá tých, ktorí trpia.

4 Pane, poprosili by sme Ťa, aby si išiel von medzi ľudí a vyhľadal to predurčené semeno tam vonku, Pane a priniesol ho nejako, aby Svetlo padlo krížom cez chodník, Pane, lebo veríme, že je neskorá hodina, slnko rýchlo klesá na západe. Potom, skoro sa stane, že času viacej nebude. A čas a večnosť sa navzájom spoja, keď Boh a Jeho ľud spolu splynú. A my sa modlíme, Bože, aby sme v tom čase boli počítaní medzi tými, ktorí budú splynutí s Kristom, ktorí sa nazývajú Jeho Nevesta. Pomôž nám dnes, keď sa pripravujeme, nevediac, čo prinesie zajtrajšok, ale sme pripravení prijať čokoľvek, Pane, pokiaľ vieme, že Ty máš pre nás, sme pripravení prijať to. Prosíme o tieto požehnania na slávu Božiu v Mene Ježiša Krista. Amen. Môžete si sadnúť.

5 Bol som dnes ráno naozaj šťastný, keď som sem vstúpil a videl, že ľudia sa spolu zhromaždili na službu Pánovu. A teraz oznamujeme, že dnes večer bude služba uzdravovania. Budeme sa modliť za chorých dnes večer.

6 Práve pred chvíľou, keď som vošiel, Billy, môj syn, mi povedal: „Je tu nejaký pán, ktorý je veľmi chudobný a prišiel z veľkej vzdialenosti," a povedal, „usadím ho v izbe, tatko."

7 Minulú noc som prišiel veľmi neskoro a nedostal som sa k štúdiu na tému nedeľnej školy, na ktorú som sa chystal dnes ráno hovoriť, takže som len vzal nejaké poznámky, ktoré som si urobil, keď som počul o tom hovoriť jedného brata a vzal som z toho text, aby sme mali dnes ráno lekciu nedeľnej školy a zatiaľ sa pripravíme, prichystáme na večernú službu.

8 A Billy povedal: „Je tam muž, ktorý je chorý," povedal, „Ja by som si prial, aby si ho tam išiel pozrieť." Takže som hneď išiel do tej miestnosti a sedel tam brat, asi v mojom veku, aj so ženou a v tej chvíli Duch Svätý prišiel dole medzi nás, do tej miestnosti.

9 Len pomyslite, práve som sa zmieňoval o službe uzdravovania a tam On bol. Vidíte? A On povedal tomu bratovi všetko, čo urobil a čo robí a čo zapríčinilo jeho problémy a odkiaľ pochádza a všetko o ňom. A bol tam veľký čierny tieň, vznášajúci sa v tej miestnosti, potom sa to stávalo svetlejším a svetlejším a svetlejším, a potom to Svätý Duch vzal preč.

10 Myslím, že ten muž je teraz niekde tam vzadu. On a jeho žena, možno sa nemôžu dostať do budovy, ale povedali, že každopádne zostanú na zhromaždení. Oni prichádzajú zhora okolo... blízko Yakimy, Washington a prišli autom. A on je kazateľom evanjelia. Ale tam vidíme práve milosť Božiu, kde ten muž bol v inštitúcii a bol liečený a všetko možné, Duch Svätý toto všetko zjavoval. Keď sa lekári horko-ťažko pokúšali robiť možno všetko, čo mohli, pre toho človeka, ale stačil len ten určitý malý dotyk od Boha, aby to bolo prekonané. Liečba šokom je v poriadku, ale je to niečo ako, čo my voláme „rana naslepo", viete. To vám môže urobiť ešte horšie (Vidíte?), lebo zabúdate všetko, čo ste kedy vedeli, keď do vás dávajú tie lieky. Ale Pán Boh, ako Jeho milosť a milosrdenstvo... A dokonca skôr, ako som sa za neho pomodlil, už bol v poriadku. Vidíte? Stačilo len to niečo určité od Boha, určitý dotyk, aby to urobil. Nemal by som toto hovoriť, ale... Áno, obzeral som sa, teraz ho vidím. Čo? Nevedel som, či sa mu dnes podarilo sem dostať alebo nie.

11 Tam v tej krajine, kde som tento týždeň býval... Mám rád mojich priateľov, ktorých tam mám. Sú to malé prázdniny pred týmito veľkými zhromaždeniami. Viete? A prichádzam domov, aby som išiel s týmito bratmi tam na poľovačku na veveričky. A táto rodina, vlastne rodiny, u ktorých tam bývam, sú samozrejme milí ľudia. A ten muž je skutočný brat, sú to priatelia. A jeden z nich je veľký milovník poľovníckych psov. On ich tam má plnú ohradu. A videl som najkrajšieho loveckého psa, malý psík, ako to ja hovorím „asi ako pol psa vysoký a ako dvaja psi dlhý," viete a behalo to okolo domu a ja som myslel: „Ó, to... nechcel by Joe mať niečo také?"

12 Samozrejme, tam v Arizone by som ho nemohol použiť. Dostal by sa medzi kaktusi a to by bol jeho koniec. Tak som potom povedal: „Nemôžeš mať... Tam ľudia nepoužívajú psov v tej časti krajiny, lebo by sa ... Nemôžu ich využiť, oni by ... Počasie, podmienky krajiny s kaktusmi, oni by sa pozabíjali. A potom, pravda, lovecký pes tam, vlk alebo niečo by ho asi aj tak zabilo, ak by išiel von."

13 Potom mi ten človek povedal: „Môžeš ho hneď mať." Ale ja som si ho nemohol zobrať. Cenil som si to. Zistil som, že je to jeden z jeho najobľúbenejších psov.

14 A tento človek má milú ženu a niekoľko malých detí. A na druhý deň ona vychádzala s jeho autom a cúvala (a ona mala to staré auto Oldsmobile a ten pes je len asi takýto dlhý, to je len šteňa) a prešla rovno cez neho. Ten Oldsmobile prešiel rovno cez toho psíka a rozmačkol ho, kamene z tej cesty sa mu zaryli do jeho malého bruška, viete. A tá žena, namiesto toho, aby s tým malým psíkom bežala k veterinárovi... Samozrejme, veterinár by ho len uspal a zabil. Viete. Bol so mnou ešte jeden mladý človek a hneď ako tam prišiel, povedal: „Keby to bol môj pes, tak by som ho zastrelil," povedal, „a hotovo, ako ho nechať takto sa trápiť."

15 Povedal som: „Nezastreľme ho," povedal som, „počkajme trochu." Poslal som všetkých preč, išiel som a modlil som sa za neho a ten malý psík išiel za mnou hore na verandu a... Vidíte? „Čokoľvek si prajete, keď sa modlíte, verte, že to dostanete, budete to mať, bude vám to dané." Čokoľvek... To je náš Boh, však? On je úžasný a nádherný a my Ho iste milujeme dnes ráno a očakávame na Neho a vieme...

16 Jedného dňa som videl starší pár, matku a otca jedného milého člena tohoto zhromaždenia veriacich. A tá matka má, ó, myslím, že je blízko stovky a otec tiež. A asi za dvanásť rokov tento muž nemohol hýbať chrbátom, len ležal. Nemohol si ľahnúť ani na bok, ležal tak dvanásť rokov, to je proste staroba. A tá matka, ona je teraz asi v jeho veku, myslím, že má niečo pred stovkou a ona chudera už skoro celkom stratila svoju duševnú kontrolu. Myslí si, že niekto jej berie všetko, čo má. A teraz, pozrel som sa na ... ponad stôl na všetkých nás, sedeli tam mladí aj starí a povedal som: „Kam ideme? Čo robíme?" A tá pani, u ktorej som vtedy býval, to boli jej matka a otec. A povedal som: „Vy tiež idete tou cestou" Presne tak, každý jeden z nás. Vidíte?

17 Zamyslime sa nad tým na chvíľu prv, ako začneme našu lekciu. To je to, kam vy smerujete. Za čo zápasíte? Aby ste mohli žiť. Kvôli čomu žijete? Aby ste mohli zomrieť. Nebolo by to najbláznivejšie, ak by sme neprijali Božie zaopatrenie pre Večný Život? Na čo by sme mohli myslieť? Čo by mohlo byť v našich mysliach, čo by upútalo našu pozornosť z - na niečo? Čo ak by ste vlastnili sto miliónov dolárov a vlastnili by ste štát Indiana, alebo nejaký iný štát, alebo dokonca národ, alebo pokiaľ ide o to, celý svet? Keď žijete dosť dlho, musíte tiež ku tomu prísť. Vidíte? A stále, deň za dňom, zakaždým, ako vám udrie srdce, idete priamo ku tomu. Vidíte, nie je pre vás žiadne víťazstvo. Ste na tej stratenej strane a musíte sa stratiť. Ale pamätajte, že zasľúbenie hovorí: „Kto by stratil svoju dušu pre mňa, nájde ju." Teraz, aký by bol väčší poklad ako nájsť Život? Dokonca, keby ste našli celý svet a bol by váš, ale ak nájdete Život, našli ste tú najväčšiu vec, akú ste mohli nájsť.

18 Chcem sa pozrieť na moju lekciu. Videl som teraz znovu ďalšiu trofej milosti Pánovej. Asi pred pár týždňami ma volal po telefóne jeden milý člen tejto cirkvi, alebo tohoto tela... Nechcem to veľmi nazývať cirkev, chcem to nazývať... Ako keď som sa rozprával s nejakými ľuďmi a oni povedali:

„Do akej cirkvi patríš?"

Povedal som: „Nepatrím."

„Do akej denominácie patríš?"

Povedal som: „Do žiadnej."

Povedali: „Dobre, kam patríš?"

19 Povedal som: „Do Kráľovstva, ...do Kráľovstva." A jedným Duchom sme pokrstení do toho Kráľovstva, jedným Duchom, všetci, do tohoto Kráľovstva. Ježiš povedal: „Modlite sa: Nech príde Tvoje Kráľovstvo, Tvoja vôľa nech sa stane na zemi tak, ako je v nebi." Aha, On sa jedného dňa postavil na Vrchu Premenenia, On povedal: „Amen, amen vám hovorí, že stoja tu niektorí, ktorí neokúsia smrti dokiaľ neuvidia prichádzať Kráľovstvo v moci." A to bolo dopredu ukázané, ako sme to prebrali, na Vrchu Premenenia. A Biblia hovorí: „Kráľovstvo Božie je vo vás."Tak toto sú ľudia Kráľovstva, ktorí vyznávajú, že toto nie je ich domov. Toto nie je náš domov. My očakávame na príchod Kráľa, ktorý ustanoví Kráľovstvo.

20 Bol som zavolaný na jeden pohotovostný prípad jedného starého brata, ktorý mi bol ako otec a on... Dlho som ho nepoznal, ale pamätám si deň, kedy som ho priviedol sem a pokrstil. A ten muž má, onedlho bude mať 91 rokov. A jeho milá manželka mi volala, ona je zdravotná sestra, povedala, že on mal úplne zlyhanie srdca, mimo toho mal, (neviem si spomenúť na ten názov toho záchvatu srdca [Niekto hovorí: „koronárny" – pozn.prekl.], koronárny srdcový záchvat, ďakujem), koronárny srdcový záchvat a úplne zlyhanie srdca. Lekár mu nedával vôbec žiadnu nádej. A ten muž zomieral a zavolal mi.

21 A ja som nasadol do môjho starého Forda a vyrazil som na cestu do Ohia, tak rýchlo, ako som len mohol. A nevedel som, že jedno z mojich kolies je mimo osi, vytrhlo mi to pneumatiku. A tak som potom... Ako som tam šiel, vyrazil som z čerpacej stanici okolo 11 hodiny, mal som o neho starosť. Mám ho rád a vedel som, že ak to bude trvať ďalej, Pán vyčkáva, no, skôr či neskôr sa budeme musieť jeden druhého vzdať.

22 Ale to teraz neuškodí vytrhnutiu. Vidíte? Nie. Oni idú prví. Oni majú to privilégium, tí, ktorí sú už preč. Oni idú prví, vidíte, potom my, ktorí sme ponechaní nažive do príchodu Pánovho nepredstihneme tých, ktorí už spia. Trúba Božia zaznie a mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú najprv. Potom, keď naše oči zazrú našich milovaných, potom my budeme premenení v okamihu a spolu s nimi budeme vychvátení. Vidíte, tí, ktorí idú prví, sú privilegovaní pred tými, ktorí sú nažive.

23 A tak, keď som vyšiel zo stanice o 11 hodine, Duch Svätý mi povedal: „Neboj sa o neho. Znovu si s ním na ulici potrasieš ruku a on príde do zboru," zomierajúci, starý 91 ročný človek. Keď som stretol jeho manželku a jeho milovaných v nemocnici v Lime, povedali mi o jeho stave, išli dovnútra, pozreli sa tam na neho. A on povedal: „Ale on je... To je zvláštne." Povedal, že o jedenástej sa mu to začalo zlepšovať. Pán tým ľuďom ukázal tak mnohé veci a oni vedia, že ja som to nepovedal, pretože oni mi to povedali prv. On to začal meniť, oni vedeli, že im poviem pravdu.

24 Takže minulú nedeľu, keď som išiel do Blue Boar Cafeteria v Louisville, kde sa stravuje myslím, asi 80 percent tohoto zhromaždenia v nedeľu popoludní, koho som videl ísť dolu ulicou? Poviem vám, moje srdce sa zachvelo, keď som videl brata Daucha idúceho dolu ulicou, presne, ako mi On povedal. A ja som si s ním na ulici potriasol ruku.

25 Potom som sa minulú noc v nedeľu sem vrátil a hovoril na tému jednoty, - „Čas zjednocovania sa a jeho znak."A potom, to prinieslo to, čo On povedal, že sa stane a tu dnes sedí v zbore, práve tu s nami, ako trofej milosti Božej. Keď sme si potriasli ruky pod stanom, pod kyslíkovým stanom, pod ktorým bol, povedal som: „Brat Dauch, budeš v poriadku. Uvidím ťa znova v zbore. To je TAK HOVORÍ PÁN." Vidíte? Sedí tu v zbore práve teraz - brat Dauch.

26 A ak sa nemýlim, ten kazateľ, o ktorom som pred chvíľou hovoril, keď Svätý Duch prišiel a zjavil všetky tie veci, povedal mu, ako sa to stalo a čo urobil, ako sa to stalo a ako ku tomu prišlo, všetko, čo sa potom dialo, dokonca i znak jeho rodiny a všetko o tom a povedal mu, že je s tým koniec a ten kazateľ teraz sedí práve tu, po mojej pravej ruke. Mohol by si len zodvihnúť ruku, pane? Tam je on a jeho žena. Presne. Práve teraz a tu sedí brat Dauch, práve tu.

27 Ó, nie je On nádherný? Tie veci, ktoré boli, ktoré sú a ktoré sa stanú. Jeden, dvaja, traja svedkovia vecí, ktoré boli, čo si urobil, veci, ktoré sa teraz dejú a veci, ktoré sa stanú. A zakaždým je to presne, presne v línii Slova. Len Boh to môže robiť. Ó, nie sme najšťastnejší za tieto veci?

28 No, dôvod, prečo som to trochu preťahoval, Billy musel ísť pre svoju ženu a dieťa a povedal: „Tatko, nezačni kázať, kým sa nevrátim." Takže myslím, že sa už vrátil. Každopádne by som nemal mať toľko času. Pokúšam sa dať preč tieto štvorhodinové preťažovania, ktoré som na vás položil a kázať 35, 45 minút a pokúsiť sa držať...

29 Teraz, raz sa mi v Chicagu dostalo komentáru, kázal som asi 30 minút, 35 minút a minulú nedeľu večer to bolo len 45 minút. Billy povedal: „Naozaj sa zlepšuješ, tatko. Som pre to na teba hrdý."

30 Dobre, možno dnes ráno to spravíme ako malú nedeľnú školu... Nebudem vás držať príliš dlho, potom môžete ísť von a dať si obed a modliť sa a vrátiť sa večer na služby uzdravovania. Vytvoríme modlitebný rad dnes večer a budeme sa modliť za chorých.

31 Teraz, ak poznáte nejakých ľudí v okolí, ktorí sú chorí a chcú, aby sa za nich modlilo, priveďte ich dnes večer. Vidíte? Ak ich musíte nejako priniesť, dostaňte ich sem. Vidíte? To je tá hlavná vec, priviesť ich dnes večer. Všetci sa spolu zídeme. Takto, je to ťažké robiť zavolanie a chodiť z miesta na miesto, potom niekoho vynecháte a je z toho neporozumenie. Ale ak ich môžem dostať na jedno miesto, potom sa za nich môžem modliť. No, ak vy - ak ľudia chcú, aby sa za nich modlilo, oni... Poviete: „Budú chcieť?" Ó, samozrejme. Budeme sa za nich modliť. Priveďte ich, ak Pán dá, budeme sa tu za každého modliť, lebo cítim, že to tretie potiahnutie sa začína hýbať. Vidíte? Je to vo mne a ja sa chcem modliť za každého.

32 No, prejdime dnes ráno do známeho starého miesta Písma, z ktorého som si to v rýchlosti pozbieral včera v noci, bol som už naozaj ospalý a zapísal som si niekoľko miest Písma, s ktorých by som vychádzal. A vzal som si zopár poznámok, keď som raz počul jedného brata použiť tento text a myslel som... poznačil som si to, myslel som: „Dobre, myslím, že si to poznačím, lebo sa mi to môže zísť." Mnohokrát to robíme. Všimol som si, že mnohí z vás tu majú kúsok papiera. Keď nejaký kazateľ niečo hovorí a vy chytíte ten bod, niečo vo vás udrie. A potom, ak to robí Svätý Duch, potom začnete budovať práve od toho bodu posolstvo pre Pána. A to je v poriadku, všimol som si v zhromaždeniach, kdekoľvek idem, ako si kazatelia a ľudia robia poznámky. To je v poriadku. My sme tu - kvôli tomu sme tu, aby sme sa pokúsili pomôcť jeden druhému na týchto cestách.

33 A teraz, prejdime do Zjavenia, 3. kapitoly v cirkevných vekoch, opakujúc cirkevný vek. Ale teraz, my sme... Mohol by som vziať tento jeden text a s Duchom Svätým, kázať na to sto rokov a nikdy by som to nevyčerpal, lebo tento jeden text, tak, ako aj iné texty Biblie, sú všetky spolu zviazané. A ja chcem tomu dnes ráno dať názov: „Ako môžem víťaziť?" Teraz, vybral som to, pretože si myslím, že je čas, kedy by sme nikdy nemali nechať zomrieť toho Ducha prebudenia, obživenia. Musíme zostávať v prebudení, sústavne sa oživovať každý deň. Pavol povedal, že musí denne zomierať, aby Kristus mohol žiť. A my nikdy nesmieme nechať zomrieť to prebudenie v nás.

Teraz, Zjavenie 3. kapitola a začneme od 21. verša, kde čítame toto:

Tomu, kto víťazí, dám sedieť so sebou na

[angl. - „vo" – pozn.prekl.]

svojom tróne, ako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so svojim Otcom na

[angl. - „v" – pozn.prekl.]

jeho tróne.

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo hovorí Duch zborom!

34 Všimli ste si to usporiadanie? Vidíte? „...dám sedieť so sebou v Mojom tróne," nie, „na Mojom tróne," „v Mojom tróne." To je v Jeho panstve. Vidíte? A teraz, ako Kristus je ten Vládca, Vládca trónu celého panstva Božieho v tomto čase, tak bude Cirkev s Ním, Nevesta bude s Ním v Jeho tróne, v celom panstve. Vidíte? Nie, „na Mojom tróne," ale „v Mojom tróne," (vidíte?), kde zasahuje Jeho panstvo. Trón je nad panstvom. A panstvo zasahuje tak ďaleko, ako jeho hranica a toto je z večnosti do večnosti. Len na to pomyslite...

35 Teraz, ako toto študujeme, môj dôvod je nie len prísť sem a mať s vami obecenstvo, čo milujem. Ale ak by som mal na to príležitosť, prišiel by som k vám domov, potriasol ruku a porozprával sa s vami a posadil, navečeral sa s vami a sadol si do tieňa pod stromom a porozprával sa s vami a mal obecenstvo na chvíľu. Ale keď prichádzame sem, sme tu pre jeden určitý účel. Toto je dom nápravy. Toto je ten trón. Toto je trón Boží a súd prichádza od domu Božieho. A tu sa schádzame, zhromažďujeme sa v láske jeden k druhému, ako sa len Kresťania vedia milovať, ale tu sme pod vedením Ducha Svätého. Duch Svätý je medzi nami. A my sme tu na to, aby sme si dali medzi sebou veci do poriadku, aby sme videli naše slabé miesta, naše nedostatky a ako sa môžeme dostať z toho stavu, kde by sme mali byť, tam, kde by sme mali teraz byť - kde sme a kde by sme mali byť. A to je to, čo študujeme. Kazatelia študujú tieto miesta pre svojich ľudí. Keď vidia tých ľudí, ten nedostatok, potom oni s tým začínajú.

36 No, myslím, že zakrátko v tomto čase by cirkev možno mala urobiť len jeden malý krok vyššie. Neplánujem to urobiť dnes ráno, ukazovať tieto veci, ale myslím, že v krátkosti, ak bude Pán chcieť, predtým, ako budeme kázať tie Trúby, chcem priniesť cirkvi práve niečo, čo teraz verím, že by ste mali vedieť.

37 A teraz, hovoríme o tomto víťazení, premáhaní. To slovo „víťaziť," samozrejme, viete, čo to znamená. Musíte mať niečo, čo musíte premôcť. A tento cirkevný vek, o ktorom hovoril Svätý Duch tu v Laodicejskom cirkevnom veku (ako sme to práve prebrali), potreboval pokarhanie. Laodicea musela byť pokarhaná, za svoju odlišnosť od Krista, ona vystrčila Krista von v tom dni, v jej veku a Kristus bol vonku, snaží sa dostať dovnútra. To je láska. Po tom, čo bol vystrčený zo svojho vlastného domu, pokúšal sa dostať späť a povedal: „Ten, kto otvorí dvere, vojdem k nemu." Vidíte?

38 Sama celá cirkev ho vystrčila von. Ale teraz si všimnite, On tu nevolá len na cirkev: „Ten, kto víťazí. Vidíte? Nie cirkev, to by bola „ona", (vidíte?) cirkevné telo, ale to je ten, kto víťazí, jednotlivec, ktorý víťazí. A teraz, Laodicea spravila, že to na ňu prišlo.

39 Vidíme potom, vediac, že toto je Laodicejský vek a vieme, že tento vek potrebuje ostré pokarhanie od Boha... Potrebuje ostré pokarhanie. A keď naše duchovenstvo sa stalo také mäkké a senilné, ako nejaký starý otec ku svojim vnukom, všetko, čo oni robia je dokonalé a oni sú...

40 Tak veľa sa hovorí, že Boh je taký dobrý Boh, že až sa snažia urobiť z Boha len nejakého veľkého naivného dedka. Vidíte? Ale On nie je. On je Otec, a to Otec spravodlivosti, nápravy. A láska vždy napráva. Vidíte? Láska napráva. Nezáleží na tom, ako veľmi to zraňuje, ona stále napráva. Skutočná matka bude naprávať svoje deti, skutočný otec bude naprávať. Vidíte, ak sa stanete len mäkkí a senilní a necháte to...

41 Prechádzal som raz po takom starom polene cez výmoľ, alebo ako sa to volá, cez jarok. A vyskočil som na to poleno. Zvonku vyzeralo dobre, ako veľké bukové poleno, ale keď som naň vyskočil, ó, odlomil sa z neho veľký kus, bolo úplne zhnité a strúchnivené. Povedal som: „Takí sa stávajú Kresťania." Boli mŕtvi v hriechu a prestúpeniach tak dlho, až strúchniveli. Nemôžu udržať vôbec žiadnu váhu. Oni nevedia, čo znamená premáhať. Potom som začal myslieť na tento text: Premôž, uchovaj v sebe život. Keď ten život odišiel, to je to, čo doviedlo to poleno do toho stavu. Vidíte? A to ho urobilo horším, ako inokedy, keď ležalo v jarku, kde bola voda.

42 A potom, vezmete Kresťana, o ktorom sa predpokladá, že je Kresťan, nechajte, aby od neho odišiel Boží Život a to prežite tá radosť zo slúženia Kristovi a nechajte ho žiť v cirkvi, kde to takto ide, on zhnije dvakrát rýchlejšie (Vidíte? Tak veru.), žije rovno v tom.

43 Takže, ak sa pokúšame nasledovať Posolstvo tejto hodiny, alebo aspoň túto časť toho Posolstva, mali by sme žiť neustále v Živote Krista. Vidíte? Lebo ak nie, ste blízko tam toho a viete, že tieto veci, ktoré by ste mali robiť a nerobíte ich, Biblia hovorí: „Ten, kto vie dobre robiť a nerobí, má hriech." A stáva sa nepevný, naivný, zhnitý, keď je oddelený od Božieho Života. Tak sa usilujte so všetkým, čo je vo vás, aby ste zostávali v Živote Kristovom, aby ste niesli ovocie.

44 My vidíme tento vek, v ktorom žijeme. Je to jeden z najveľkolepejších zo všetkých vekov. Tento Laodicejský cirkevný vek je ten najveľkolepejší zo všetkých cirkevných vekov, pretože v ňom sa zakončuje čas a prechádza sa do večnosti. A potom, je to najviac hriešny vek. V tomto veku je viac hriechu, ako bolo doteraz. A proti mociam Satana sa oveľa ťažšie bojuje, než ako v ktoromkoľvek inom veku. Vidíte?

45 Aha,voľakedy v tých ranných vekoch, Kresťanovi mohli za to, že vyznával, že je cirkev - že patrí Kristovi, sťať hlavu. On mohol byť zabitý a vytrhnutý z biedy a ísť sa rýchlo stretnúť s Bohom. Ale teraz, nepriateľ prišiel v mene cirkvi, a to je tak zvodné. Toto je veľký vek zvodu, keď... Kristus tak povedal, že tie dva duchy budú tak blízko v posledných dňoch, že by to zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné. Vidíte? Vidíte? A pamätajte, Kristus hovoril o vyvolenom ľude v tom poslednom dni. Vidíte? To by zviedlo i vyvolených, ak by to bolo možné, tak blízko.

46 Ľudia tak žijú - ľudia môžu žiť čistý, svätý život, nemusia byť hriešny, cudzoložníci a pijani a klamári, hazardní hráči, oni môžu žiť ponad tým a stále môžu byť bez toho. Toto je vek života, osobného Života Krista, kde tie chemikálie Jeho Tela, to, čo bolo v Ňom. Zaprvé, pod Ospravedlnením, vodný krst. Zadruhé, pod novým narodením Wesleya, posvätenie, ktoré očisťuje a zatretie, pod krstom Duchom Svätým, postaviac posvätenú nádobu do služby... Vidíte? To slovo „posvätiť" znamená - je to zložené grécke slovo, ktoré znamená „očistený a oddelený pre službu." Oddelený pre službu, teraz Duch Svätý stavia do služby. Vidíte?

47 A my si všimneme, keď nečistý duch odíde od človeka, prechádza sa po suchých miestach. To je presne to, čo cirkev urobila, baptisti, metodisti, tí, ktorí verili v posvätenie. Potom, Ježiš povedal, že ten nečistý duch, ktorý vyšiel, sa vracia späť do tohoto cirkevného tela a nachádza ten dom ozdobený, vyzametaný, žijúci čisto, čisté životy, všetko v poriadku. Ale keď potom ten dom nie je naplnený, obsadený, potom on vchádza so siedmimi inými démonmi, horšími ako on a posledné veci toho miesta sú sedem krát horšie, ako boli tie prvé. Bolo by pre nich lepšie, keby boli bývali zostali Luteránmi, ako keď obdržali to svetlo a zlyhali ho nasledovať. Tak to bude s letničnými. Viete, čo mám na mysli. Ten dom je ozdobený.

48 Ako som sa raz rozprával s niekým, povedal: „Oni sú veľmi opatrní, dokonca mnohí z tých skupín svätosti, nenazývajú Svätého Ducha „Svätý Duch,"[v angl. „Holy Ghost" – pozn.prekl.] lebo ich potom stotožňujú s letničnými." Oni hovoria, „Svätý Duch." [v angl. „Holy Spirit" – pozn.prekl.]. Vidíte? Nechcú hovoriť Svätý Duch [„Holy Ghost"], pretože letniční, bežní ľudia, to proste nazývajú ako hovorí Biblia, „Svätý Duch," [„Holy Ghost"], pri čom „Svätý Duch" [„Holy Ghost"] a „Svätý Duch,"[„Holy Spirit"] je to isté. Ale oni sú pri tom veľmi opatrní... Oni sa nechcú stotožňovať s tými, ktorí hovoria jazykmi, a to je Sám Duch Svätý. Vidíte? Čo sa potom stalo? Keď sa ten nepriateľ, ktorý odišiel v čase posvätenia, ktorý bol vypláknutý, vrátil späť a našiel dom nenaplnený Svätým Duchom, teraz takýto stav cirkvi ju spojil s ligou Cirkví, so Svetovou Radou Cirkví, a to je teraz stav, ktorý to spája s rímskym katolicizmom a všetkým tým ostatným a teraz je to sedem krát horšie, ako to bolo, keď to vyšlo z Luteranizmu. Tam to vedie človek.

49 A potom sa pozrite na Laodicejský cirkevný vek, potom, keď dostal Ducha Svätého. A poznanie, Duch Boží je v ňom, a on potom zapiera skutky Božie a nazýva to skutkom zla, čo potom s tým? Tam bol Kristus vystrčený zo svojej vlastnej cirkvi. Vidíte, On... To Ho nikdy neukázalo v cirkvi, až kým to neprišlo k Laodicei. A keď sa On dostal k Laodicei, On bol vystrčený zo svojej cirkvi, pokúšajúc sa dostať späť.

50 Teraz, vidíte, ospravedlnenie Ho nikdy neumiestnilo dovnútra. Posvätenie len očistilo miesto pre Neho. Ale keď prišiel krst Duchom Svätým, to Ho dostalo do ľudí. A teraz, oni Ho vystrčili von, keď sa začal ukazovať, že je ten istý včera, dnes i naveky. Oni Ho vystrčili von, lebo urobili denominácie a Duch Pánov nesúhlasí s ich denomináciami. Rozumiete tomu teraz? To... Oni Ho vystrčili: „My nechceme mať nič s touto telepatiou, to je z diabla, to je veštenie, alebo..." Vidíte? Oni nerozumejú. Oči a nevidia, uši a nepočujú. Vidíte, Boh otvára oči len ako On chce. On zatvrdzuje, koho chce zatvrdiť, a dáva Život tým, ktorým ho chce dať. To je to, čo hovorí Písmo.

51 No, my vidíme tieto hodiny, v ktorých sa nachádzame, tento stav a vidíme, čo to bolo. A Duch Svätý karhá tento vek, ktorý Ho vystrčil von. Ale v tom všetkom, všimli ste si, „Tomu, kto víťazí"? Dokonca v tom svetskom, zlom cirkevnom veku, „Tomu, kto víťazí."

52 Nachádzame tu, že Boh mal vždy víťazov. On mal víťazov v každom veku. To je vždy, zakaždým, v každom veku, ktorý bol na zemi, Boh mal vždy niekoho, na koho mohol položiť Svoje ruky ako na svedka na zemi. On nikdy nebol bez svedka, hoci niekedy mal len jedného, ale niekto víťazil.

53 Teraz, ako svätí starého... Jeden veľmi milý človek, učenec, hovoril po Siedmich Pečatiach, povedal: „brat Branham, ty, ktorý znázorňuješ všetko na predobrazoch," povedal, „ako vôbec môžeš postaviť tú Cirkev do vytr- hnutia bez obdobia súženia v nejakom obraze?" On povedal... Vidíte, ak je to obraz, musí tam byť... Tam je... Ak je predobraz, musí byť nejaký obraz, z ktorého ten predobraz pochádza. A všetko, čo hovorím, to je pravda, má obraz. Má to obraz. Máte tieň. A Biblia hovorí, že tie staré veci boli tieňom tých nových, ktoré majú prísť. On povedal: „Ale teraz, vezmi si Starú Zmluvu ako tieň, a teraz," povedal, „čo teraz urobíš s touto Cirkvou?"

54 Tento človek pochádza z... Veľký muž, veľký učiteľ, môj dôverný priateľ, veľmi dobrý človek a on je milý brat. A ja by som nepovedal jedno slovo proti tomu bratovi, každopádne by som nepovedal, ako Kresťan. Nepovedal by som nič proti nemu. On so mnou nesúhlasí v tejto jednej veci, ale on je môj vzácny brat, jedávame spolu, on je skvelý človek. Beriem si jeho časopisy, čítam jeho články a on píše niektoré moje články a tak. A ja som si vzal mnoho z jeho textov, ktoré som čítal, čo som ho počul hovoriť. On je veľký muž, ale on nemôže so mnou súhlasiť. Ja si to cením, jeho úprimnosť, že on nie je jeden z tých ľahkoverných ľudí, ktorí musia veriť všetkému, čo poviete. On má svoje vlastné presvedčenie a stojí si za tým. Ja to oceňujem. A on je dobrý človek, ... Ó, ja nie som vôbec ani učiteľ, ani učenec, ale tento človek je aj učiteľ aj učenec. Ale ja s ním nesúhlasím, lebo ja to tak nevidím, ale to sa netýka spasenia, to sa týka príchodu Pána.

55 On to vidí tak, že Cirkev musí ísť cez obdobie súženia aby bola očistená. Ja hovorím, že Krv Ježiša Krista očisťuje Cirkev. Vidíte? To nepotrebuje žiadne... Verím, že cirkev ide cez obdobie súženia, cirkev, organizácia, ale nie Nevesta. Vybrali by ste si ženu, ktorú by ste museli očistiť predtým ako by ste si ju vzali? Kristova Nevesta je vybraná a ona je vyvolená a ona je Božia Nevesta, Nevesta Ježiša Krista.

56 A teraz, on povedal: „Na akom predobraze to ukážeš? Ak tá Nevesta ide ďalej, ak ide hore predtým, ako ide cez obdobie súženia..." Povedal: „mám Písmo, ktoré ukazuje, že Cirkev je v období súženia." Povedal som... „Čítaj Šiestu Pečať. To je všetko. Ona je práve tam, v období súženia." Ale zisťujeme, že tesne predtým, Nevesta je už preč. Ona je v tom čase v sláve, Ona nepotrebuje žiadne očistenie. Vidíte? „Ten, kto vo mňa verí, má Večný Život a nepríde do zatratenia alebo na súd, ale prešiel zo smrti do života." Kristus nám dal zasľúbenie, že dokonca nebudeme ani stáť pred súdom. On tak slobodne zaujal moje miesto, že až som úplne slobodný. Keď mi je odpustené, je mi odpustené. Ako ma On môže vziať zo záložne a vymazať zápis... Ako môže On byť mojim Vykupiteľom a vziať ma zo záložne a ten maklér bude stále hovoriť, že patrím jemu? Mám zápis (vidíte?), napísaný Krvou Ježiša Krista. Vidíte?

Teraz, v tom, tuto my prichádzame. On povedal: „No, ako oddelíš tú vyvolenú Nevestu, o ktorej hovoríš, ako to dáš do nejakého predobrazu?"

57 Povedal som: „Veľmi dobre." Povedal som: „Tu to je. Aha, v Matúšovi, 27. kapitola a 51. verš..." Ak my... Dovoľte, že to prečítam, a potom to budeme mať. Potom zistíme, či to bolo v predobraze alebo nie, či to bola vyvolená Nevesta. Matúš, 27. kapitola a 51. verš. V poriadku. Čítame toto pri ukrižovaní nášho Pána:

A hľa, chrámová opona sa roztrhla na dvoje, odvrchu až dolu...

58 No, to bol zákon. Zákon skončil práve tam, lebo tá opona držala to zhromaždenie od svätých Božích vecí. Išiel tam iba pomazaný kňaz, a to iba raz za rok. Pamätáte sa na to? Teraz, Boh so Svojou vlastnou rukou, všimnite si, odvrchu nadol nie zdola hore. To je asi 40 stôp vysoko [12m – pozn.prekl.] Všimnite si, nie zdola hore, ale odvrchu nadol. To ukazuje, že to urobil Boh. Roztrhol tú oponu na dvoje. Potom každý, ktokoľvek mohol prísť a mať účasť na Jeho svätosti. Vidíte? V poriadku.

...odvrchu až dolu a zem sa triasla a skaly sa pukaly,

a hroby sa otvárali, a mnohé telá zosnulých svätých vstali

a vyjdúc z hrobov po Jeho zmŕtvychvstaní vošli do svätého mesta a ukázali sa mnohým.

59 Tam sú tí Vyvolení, Nevesta. Nie všetci z tej židovskej cirkvi vyšli v tom čase. Oni všetci dávali tú istú obeť. Všetci boli pod preliatou krvou baránka, ale tam bola vyvolená skupina. A tá vyvolená skupina, hneď ako nastala tá udalosť, Tí, ktorí tomu skutočne verili a boli úprimní, pevní... Teraz, prichádzam ku slovu „víťaziť," no, držte sa toho. Títo, ktorí skutočne zvíťazili, úprimne obetovali tie isté obete, ako tí ostatní, ale v úprimnosti, víťazili nad vecami toho sveta, keď bola za nich správne prinesená obeť zmierenia (Oni boli v raji až do toho času), a keď prišiel ten čas, oni už zvíťazili a teraz odpočívali, spali (vidíte?), telá mnohých, ktorí spali v prachu, vidíte, spali...

60 No, keby sme mali čas, mohli by sme sa vrátiť k Danielovi. Keď Daniel, ten vyvolený, ktorý zvíťazil ... A On povedal: „Zavri knihu, Daniel, lebo budeš odpočívať ku svojmu losu. Ale keď príde Knieža, ktorý sa postaví za ľud, vstaneš ku svojmu losu." Tu je to. Daniel, tento Boží prorok, videl prichádzať čas konca. A On povedal: „Daniel, ty vstaneš ku svojmu losu v tom dni." A tu on bol, vystúpil, nie všetci z Izraela, ale tí, ktorí z Izraela predstavovali Nevestu.

61 No, zbytok Izraela nevystupuje až do všeobecného vzkriesenia. A teraz, pri príchode Pána Ježiša, tí, ktorí skutočne milujú Jeho príchod, ktorí pre to žijú, keď sa On zjaví na oblohe, Cirkev, ktorá je mŕtva v Kristovi vstane a tí budú premenení v okamihu. Tí ostatní o tom nič nevedia. Pamätajte, oni sa ukázali tým v meste. Vidíte? S vytrhnutím to bude tak isto. My uvidíme jeden druhého a budeme ich vidieť. Zbytok sveta ich neuvidí. To bude vzatie ako tajný odchod, čakáme na ten čas, potom návrat na zem do toho slávneho Milénia, tých tisíc rokov. Ostatní mŕtvi neožili za tisíc rokov a potom vystupujú v tom všeobecnom vzkriesení, kde celý Izrael...

62 Pozrite sa tiež tam, tých dvanásť apoštolov, dvanásť patriarchov, všetci sú zastúpení. A my sme sa ku tomu ešte nedostali, možno, ak bude Pán chcieť, dostaneme sa ku tomu v tej zmluve, ako tie múry z jaspisu a dvanásť kameňov, dvanásť brán, dvanásť základov, všetko je tam zastúpené. Oni sú tu na dvanástich trónoch, anjelskí poslovia tých dní, aby súdili, tých, ktorí odmietli ich posolstvo. Amen. Blíži sa tá veľká hodina.

63 Áno, čo za deň, čo za čas, v ktorom žijeme. Ako by sme sa mali prekontrolovať, cirkev. Hovoríme o týchto veciach, ako prichádzajú, ktoré prídu. No pristavme sa tu dnes a pozrime, skontrolujme sa a vidzme, či sme skutočne vo viere.

64 Teraz, hovorme chvíľu o niekoľkých víťazoch. Ježiš Kristus povedal, že dnes to bude ako v čase dní Noeho. Myslel som, že zaberiem desať minút a teraz je to už pol hodiny. Práve som začal na prvej strane. Preskočím niekoľko strán, ak budem môcť a dostanem sa...

65 Sledujte. V čase Noeho, typ na dnes, Ježiš na to poukazoval a povedal: „Ako bolo v čase Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." V čase Noeho, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka. Všimnite si, tam bol celý ten predpotopný svet, možno milióny ľudí, tam bolo osem premožiteľov. Ôsmi ľudia premohli, ktorí boli naozajstní, skutoční premožitelia. Tam boli Noeho traja synovia a ich manželky a Noe so svojou manželkou. Osem ich premohlo, tí, ktorí vstúpili do korábu v určenom čase. Ako to urobili? Oni počúvali Slovo Božie. Oni neboli nájdení vonku pred dverami. Oni boli nájdení vo vnútri za dverami.

66 Ó, moji milovaní priatelia, nenechajte tie dvere zavrieť. Ježiš povedal: „Tak, ako to bolo v tom dni, tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka - tak bude pri príchode Syna človeka." Teraz, ak niekto bude nájdený vonku pred dverami... Mnohí z nich mohli mať dobré úmysly, „Keď sa jedného dňa stane niečo také, my vojdeme s bratom Noem, lebo on je taký fajn chlapík." Ale vidíte. To zastihlo len ôsmich vo vnútri.

67 No, dobre sa teraz zamyslite, ak ležíte len okolo, stávate sa neistými, vojdite dovnútra, ponáhľajte sa, rýchlo, lebo tie dvere sa môžu kedykoľvek zavrieť.

68 Koráb bol vždy v Božej ekonómii. V čase Noeho bol koráb na záchranu jeho ľudí. V čase zákona bol koráb, koráb svedectva v čase zákona. Oni nasledovali ten koráb a teraz je tretie časové rozdelenie - Noeho čas, Lótov čas a teraz tento čas. Je tu teraz koráb a ten koráb nie je denominácia, ani to nie sú dobré skutky, ktoré robíte, je to jedným Duchom. Rimanom 8:1: My sme všetci pokrstení do jedného tela v panstve toho Kráľovstva, jeden duchovný krst. Nezáleží na tom ako dobre, ako zle, čokoľvek, ty si v tom Kráľovstve skrze krst Duchom Svätým. Vidíte? To je ten jediný spôsob, ako zvíťazíš. To všetko, čo je pod preliatou Krvou, sú premožitelia, lebo vy sami nemôžete premôcť, to je On, ktorý premohol za vás. Vy odpočívate.

69 „Ako potom viem, brat Branham, že som tam?" Sledujte akým životom žijete. Len sa poobzerajte. Pozrite sa, či to žijete automaticky, alebo sa musíte namáhať a ťahať do toho, vidíte, potom to robíte vy. Ale nesnažte sa to robiť.

70 Práve tak, ako - ako strčenie ruky dieťatka do rukávu, (vidíte?), ono robí tak a tak, hore a dole a všetko možné. Vidíte? Ono to nedokáže. „Obleč si kabát, môj drahý." On to nedokáže. Jeho ručička ide hore, dolu a všade okolo. Ono potrebuje vašu pevnú ruku. A ó, aký som rád, že môžem vystrieť svoju ruku k Otcovi a povedať: „Pane Ježišu, Ja sa tam neviem dostať. Ty mi pomôž, obleč mi ten kabát. Už sa to nebudem pokúšať." Len to nechajte urobiť Jeho.

71 Vidíte, ak sa to malé dieťa bude ďalej pokúšať: „Ó, ja to dokážem, ja to dokážem." A ono proste všade ... Ono to nedokáže. Tak ako ani vy, ani ja. Ale ak my len budeme kľudne držať a necháme to Jeho urobiť, prenecháme to Jemu: „Tu, Pane, tu som. Len ma nechaj byť ničím. A ja sa ti poddávam, Ty daj moju ruku na to správne miesto." To je víťazstvo, to je premoženie.

72 Tá vec, ktorú musíte premôcť, ste vy sami, vaše predstavy, vaše veci a poddať sa Jemu. On premohol za vás. On pozná ten spôsob, my nie.

73 Ale v čase Noeho bolo osem premožiteľov, a to bolí tí, ktorí vošli dovnútra. Oni boli nájdení vo vnútri. No, pozrite sa priatelia, verím, že toto sa nahráva a ak je to v televízii, či nie v televízii, prepáčte, na páske, čokoľvek robíte, vy, ktorí teraz počúvate, alebo, ktorí to budete počúvať potom, je veľmi neskorá hodina a vy máte dobré úmysly, ale buďte nájdení vo vnútri. No, nebojujte. Nie ten, kto chce, alebo ten, kto beží, ale Boh - nechajte to len na Boha. Vy sa len vydajte Jemu a kráčajte s dokonalou, presvedčenou vierou, že to, čo Boh zasľúbil, On je schopný vyplniť. Nie pripojenie sa k jednej denominácii alebo druhej denominácii a robiac toto, tamto alebo ono a skúšajúc toto, len vydajte samých seba Bohu a kráčajte s Ním, v pokoji, tichosti, bez prerušenia, len ďalej kráčajte s Ním. To je správne.

74 To je to, čo som povedal nášmu bratovi, ktorý mal ten kolaps. Vidíte? „Len sa poddaj Jemu. On je tu, On, ktorý vie, čo si urobil a čo zapríčinilo, že si na tom takto a to všetko. On vie o tebe všetko a On ti teraz len odpovedal, čo máš robiť." Povedal som: „To jediné, čo musíš urobiť, je len ísť a urobiť to. To znamená, zabudni všetko, čo bolo, kráčaj, ži pre budúcnosť v sláve a v Prítomnosti Božej."

75 Osem premožiteľov... V čase Daniela, tam boli štyria premožitelia, ktorí mohli obstáť v skúške ohňom a pred levmi. No, od nás sa očakáva, že budeme skúšaní. To je dobrá lekcia tiež pre môjho brata tam vzadu. Ten, kto prichádza k Bohu, musí byť najprv skúšaný. Skúšaní čím? Slovom. To je Boží test. Veríte tomu? Ten, kto prichádza k Bohu, musí byť skúšaný. To len ukazuje pravdivé dieťa (vidíte?), byť testovaný. A keď prichádza tá skúška, nemôžete premôcť, (víťaziť), ak vám nie je daný test. A keď je daný test, je to na to, aby sa ukázalo, či môžete premôcť alebo nie. A Ježiš povedal: „Tomu, kto víťazí," test. Test, skúška je tá najväčšia vec, ktorá sa vám stala. A verím, že je to napísané v Písme, Peter povedal, že naše skúšky sú pre nás viac, ako cenné zlato. Je to čas skúšok, je to... A je to jeden dobrý dôkaz, že Boh je s nami, keď sme skúšaní, lebo všetky deti Božie sú testované a skúšané.

76 A Daniel, človek, prorok. Sadrach, Mézach a Abednégo... Daniel bol prorok a taká veľká bola v tom čase cirkev, chcem povedať, Nevesta. Cirkev tvoria mnohí, tam vtedy išlo asi dva milióny ľudí. Ale bolo - toľko bol tých víťazov. A tí premožitelia boli daní do skúšky. A každý premožiteľ musí byť daný do skúšky. A keď ľudia povedali: „Odstúpte od toho, čo povedalo Slovo, inak budete hodení do ohnivej pece," oni odmietli všetko okrem Slova.

77 A keď bola Danielovi daná skúška, že mal odstúpiť od toho, čo povedalo Slovo, že sa majú modliť obrátení smerom ku chrámu, ako sa modlil Šalamún a On ich vyslobodí od všetkého, Boh vypočuje z nebies, ak sa obrátia smerom k chrámu a budú sa modliť. A povedal: „Ak sa niekto bude modliť počas týchto dní (A my sme Médo-peržania, ktorí nemôžu meniť svoje zákony), ten človek bude hodený do jamy levov."

78 Oni mu nastavili pascu. Verím, že to ten prorok vedel. Ale oni mu nastavili pascu. On kráčal pokorne. Keď prišiel čas, že sa začal modliť, keď vedel, že tam doma v Jeruzaleme bola na oltári horiaca obeť. Daniel sa neobával tých vyzvedačov. On zodvihol rolety otvoril okenice, kľakol si na kolená a vystrel svoje ruky k Bohu a modlil sa. Prečo? Žiť alebo zomrieť, on mal to víťazstvo, a preto, tam bolo toľko víťazstva, že tie levy ho nemohli zožrať. Vidíte? On premohol.

79 Tí - Sadrach, Mézach a Abednégo mali toľko víťazstva, že ani ten lev - že ani ten oheň ich nemohol spáliť. Viete, víťazstvo je veľmi ťažko spáliť alebo zožrať alebo čokoľvek. Vidíte? Tak oni, oni to mali.

80 Mohol by som sa zmieniť o ďalšej postave. Vo dňoch Lóta (Ježiš sa na to odvolával), tam boli len traja, ktorí premohli: Lót a jeho dve dcéry. Dokonca ani jeho žena nepremohla. Ona je... Ona začala, ona je predobraz. (Prial by som si teraz, keby sme mali čas, mojich tridsať minúť práve uplynulo. Vidíte?) Ona - ona začala v poriadku, ona vyšla. No, musím vám toto v krátkosti predstaviť.

81 Mnohí z vás tiež vyšli. Mnohí z vás zanechali tieto veci, aby zaujali svoje miesto, potom, čo ste to hľadali v Písme a zistili ste, že to je správne. Videli ste potvrdenie Všemohúceho Boha, ale potvrdenie nie je to, čo niekto povedal, ale to, čo Biblia povedala, že bude a tu sa to deje. Uvideli ste, že je to pravda. Tak ste sa rozhodli opustiť Sodomu, opúšťate denominácie, opúšťate veci, ktoré vás priväzujú k nejakému vyznaniu a nasledujete Krista, skrze Ducha Svätého, ktorý sa potvrdzuje cez napísané Slovo Božie. Inými Slovami, vzali ste Bibliu namiesto vyznania. Vyšli ste, aby ste nasledovali.

82 Dobre, Lótova žena urobila to isté, viete to. Ona vyšla s Lótom, nasledovala svojho manžela, svoje deti, svojich milovaných, ale to nebolo v jej srdci. Ona stále milovala svet. Takže je možné, že vy môžete začať a svet stále bude vo vás. Vidíte, ona nikdy nepremohla. A hoci bola v poriadku na ceste, nakoniec ju to porazilo. Ona musela urobiť ten jeden veľký, dlhý posledný pohľad. Tam ju to zastihlo. Dokonca sa ani neobzerajte naspäť. Nemajte žiadne žiadosti. Choďte ďalej. Uprite svoju myseľ na Golgotu a kráčajte stále smerom ku Kristovi.

83 Vidíte, ona vyšla ako premožiteľ, ale nikdy nezvíťazila. Ó, ona opustila denomináciu, skutočne. Ona vykročila zo Sodomy s Lótom, ale ona sa chcela vrátiť a strihať si vlasy. Viete čo?... Ona sa musela vrátiť. Ona nemohla obstáť v tej skúške. Ona sa musela znovu obzrieť späť, aby videla, čo robia tí ostatní. „Ó, vieš, ja tam mám napokon zopár dobrých priateľov. A nakoniec, toto môže byť len nejaké malé hnutie. Neviem, či je správne alebo nie. Mám na to len slovo tohoto muža. On je síce môj manžel, ale jednako." (Váš pastor je váš manžel, duchovne hovoriac. Viete?) „No, či je to správne alebo nie. Neviem, možno on - jeho zjavenie nebolo správne..?.." Potom, ak nie ste dokonale presvedčení, ak si nie ste dokonale vedomí, že to je Slovo Božie, potom - potom nemôžete ísť. Vidíte? Musíte byť úplne presvedčení. Musíte to vedieť, nie len povedať: „Dobre, ja viem, že iný to robia. Vidím znak."

84 Viete, že Izrael sa vydal na cestu... Mohol by som o ňom povedať to isté a priniesť to tu do tohoto. Oni vyrazili ako silné dva milióny ľudí a skončili dvaja. Tak je to. Oni videli skutky Božie, videli manifestáciu Ducha, videli veľké, mocné zázraky, ktoré sa stali v Egypte a všetko a vy- dali sa na cestu, ale to nebolo v ich srdci. Oni nepremohli, oni len vyšli. A Ježiš povedal: „Oni zahynuli na púšti a sú večne mŕtvi." Každý jeden z nich je mŕtvy, to znamená „večné oddelenie." Každý jeden z nich zhnil na púšti.

85 Ale boli tam dvaja mužovia, Jozue a Kálef. A keď to prišlo ku skúške sily (tie prekážky boli také veľké, že oni pri nich vyzerali ako kobylky), Jozue s Kálefom zakričali a povedali: „Sme viac ako schopní to urobiť." Prečo? Boh tak povedal. A oni boli premožitelia. Oni premohli. Oni boli tí, ktorí mali tú výsadu z celej tej veľkej organizácie ľudí, aby doviedli tú skutočnú vyvolenú nevestu do zasľúbenej zeme. Jozue a Kálef tam v predných líniách, ako dvaja generáli, ich viedli priamo dolu ku rieke a prešli cez tú rieku rovno do zasľúbenej zeme. Prečo? Oni verili Slovu.

86 Nezáleží na tom, čo Dátan - povstal Dátan, ako aj Kórach a oni sa pokúšali povedať: „Tento muž sa snaží robiť vyšším od všetkých nás ostatných, on je viac svätý, ako tí ostatní," potom, keď Boh priamo potvrdil toho človeka. Oni povedali: „My začneme so skupinou ľudí. Urobíme toto, tamto alebo to. A spravíme si svoje organizácie. Urobíme..." A oni pomreli a zahynuli. Ale tamtí mužovia mali Slovo Pánovo a zostávali s tým. A oni prešli. Nie ten, kto začne, ten, kto dokončí. Mnohí začnú závod, ale je jeden, ktorý dokončí. Bude mnoho cirkví, ktoré začnú, mnoho skupín ľudí. Bude jedna skupina, ktorá dokončí. To sú premožitelia.

87 Lótov deň... Áno, ona musela urobiť ten jeden veľký, dlhý pohľad späť. „Ó, ja opúšťam toho-a-toho tam dole. Mali sme s nimi také pekné chvíle, nikdy na to nezabudnem," a bola zastihnutá pred zavretými dverami, tak ako to bolo vo dňoch Noeho. Ona bola vymknutá bez milosti a zahynula. A tá hruda tam dnes stále stojí, oni tvrdia (ja neviem), že si môžete z nej kúsok odlomiť a to tam znova dorastie, soľný stĺp. Ak ste niekedy videli ten film „Sodoma a Gomora," uvidíte ten pôvodný soľný stĺp, ktorý tam stál.

88 No, je rozdiel medzi soľným stĺpom a Ohnivým Stĺpom. Áno.

89 No, všimnite si, v čase Jána Krstiteľa... v čase Jána Krstiteľa, tam boli šiesti, ktorí premohli. Všetky veky mali premožiteľov. V Jánovom čase boli šiesti, boli to Jozef a Mária, Zachariáš a Alžbeta, Simeon a Anna; muž a žena, muž a žena, muž a žena, (vidíte?), typ na Krista a Cirkev; Kristus a Cirkev, Kristus a Cirkev, Kristus a Cirkev. Vidíte?

90 Všimnite si, to začína od prirodzeného človeka. Noe - Mojžiš - alebo Jozef. Prirodzený človek Jozef, čo on bol? Tesár. Potom ten kňaz, čo on bol? Vidíte? Služobník v dome Pánovom, Zachariáš. A odtiaľ po Simeona, proroka a prorokyňu. Vidíte to..?.. ospravedlnenie, posvätenie, krst Duchom Svätým. Amen. Nevidíte to? Dokonalé. Šiesti premohli. Všetci ostatní z nich, oni obetovali svoje obete a všetko, ale títo boli vyvolení. Oni premohli.

91 Všimnite si, každý cirkevný vek, to isté víťazstvo, keď oni... Každý - niekoľkí z každého cirkevného veku premohli pokušenia toho veku. Mám tu miesto Písma. Myslím, že nemáme na to celkom čas. Ale vieme... Každý jeden z cirkevných vekov... To isté je teraz, je to ako keď niekto, kto je...

92 Vidíte, ako som povedal na začiatku, narodili ste sa ako porazení. A to narodenie nikdy nemôže urobiť - nemôže vás priniesť do Života, lebo ste sa narodili porazení. A ste v porazenom svete medzi porazenými ľuďmi, ktorí sa dostali medzi porazené vyznania, porazené denominácie. Musíte nejakým spôsobom prísť do víťazstva.

93 Je to ako ľalia. Zatiaľčo je ľalia, myslím, jeden z najkrajších kvetov... Mám veľmi rád tie veľké bahenné ľalie a rybníkové ľalie. Myslím, že nie je nič tak krásne, ako veľká rybníková ľalia, nazýva sa vodná ľalia. Aká je jej žiara. A odkiaľ to pochádza? Je to malé semeno dolu na spodku blatového, bahnitého rybníku. A to malé semeno, všetok svoj jas, ktorým bude kedy žiariť, je práve tam, keď je to v tom bahne. Ale ono musí denne bojovať, vediac, že tam je niečo... Je to čierne, je to špinavé, je to bahnité, je to odporné v tom hnuse, v ktorom žije, ale ono si tlačí cestu cez to bahno, blato a vody a hnijúce miesta, až kým nevystrčí svoju hlavu nad tým hore do svetla a nevyjadrí, čo bolo v nej po celý ten čas skryté.

94 Myslím, že to je premožiteľ, ktorý raz v hriechu, raz robil veci, ktoré boli zlé (teraz sa o to nebojte), raz robil nesprávne veci. Potom... Teraz, prečo sa obzerať naspäť do rybníka? Vidíte, pozrite, vy máte...

95 Boh svojim predurčením priniesol toto semeno do života a ono sa vyjadruje (vidíte?), prichádza do života. A teraz, na vrchu toho všetkého, ono zvíťazilo. Vidíte, ono sa nevyjadruje tam dole. Ono sa dostáva hore, aby sa vyjadrilo. Tak ani vy vo svojom hriechu, cudzoložstve a všetkom, v čom ste žili. Vy ste nič nevyjadrili, ale tam vo vnútri bolo semeno. A ono dostalo príležitosť pretlačiť sa do života a teraz ste v Prítomnosti Ježiša Krista so slnečným svetlom. Ukázalo sa, čím ste v skutočnosti boli na začiatku. Rozumiete, čo myslím? Uvideli ste Svetlo. Rozkvitli ste. Položili ste svoje roztvorené srdce a teraz ste ľalia.

96 Pamätáte si moju kázeň o ľalii: Pastor Ľalia, ako sa on lopotí a pritom sa nevykrúca, a ani Šalamún v celej svojej sláve nebol odiaty ako jedna z týchto... Pozrite sa neho. On je zodvihnutý do... On sa o seba nestará. Ľalia sa vôbec o sebe nestará. Čo robí? Vydáva svoju krásu, svoj život, aby ostatní mohli vidieť. Jej život je vyjadrený tak, aby iní mohli vidieť tú slávu, čo je v nej, čo bolo v nej, keď bola v bahne. Ona je teraz na vrchu, to je premožiteľ. Premohla bahno. Premohla veci sveta a teraz sa slobodne vydáva. Každý sa na ňu môže dívať, na jej život, nemôžete na ňu ukázať prstom. Vidíte, ona je skutočný premožiteľ. Nemôžete teraz na ňu nič povedať, ale iba povedať: „Poď von z toho bahna." Ale ona teraz nie je v tom bahne, ona je na vrchu toho. Amen. Nemôžete poukazovať na to, čím bola. Čím je teraz? Je na vrchu.

97 Potom prechádza okolo včela a hovorí: „To je nádherná vôňa. Verím, že pôjdem a vezmem si môj diel."

98 Ona len otvára svoje srdce: „Poď, nech sa páči." Všetko si berie z nej. Vidíte? To je skutočný pastor. On vyjadruje slávu Božiu a pozrite, odkiaľ pochádza. On musel premôcť, aby to robil.

99 Raz on alebo ona bola mladá a krásna. Oni mali veľa pokušení, cez ktoré museli prejsť, ale oni to premohli. Vidíte? Oni premohli a teraz vyjadrujú tú skutočnú krásu Krista vo svojom živote.

100 Všimnite si, prejavuje sa cez to bahno. Ježiš nám dal príklad, ako to máme robiť. Teraz chceme vedieť, ako víťaziť. Ježiš nám povedal, ako to urobiť. Vidíte, pokora, On sa opásal uterákom a poumýval učeníkom nohy a poutieral ich. Sám Boh nebies sa pokoril.

101 My sa nechceme pokoriť. To je ten dôvod, prečo si ženy nechcú nechať rásť vlasy (vidíte?), dôvod, prečo sa nechcú obliekať, ako by sa dámy mali obliekať, ako muži nechcú... Vidíte, to je to isté. Oni ne... Oni sa pokorili. Ale Ježiš neustále... Pozrite, kto On bol. Veľkosť (idem niečo povedať) - veľkosť sa sama pokoruje. Milosť sa pokoruje sama: veľkosť.

102 Mal som to privilégium dostať sa... stretnúť niektorých veľkých ľudí. A to sú títo, ktorí si prezliekajú šaty a v kapse majú 50 centov, aby nimi hrkali, to je chlap, ktorý si myslí, že je niečo, zatiaľčo nie je ničím. Ale stál som s veľkými mužmi, myslím, s veľkými mužmi, s otrhanými rukávmi, manžetami a pri nich si myslíš, že ty si ten veľký človek. Vidíte, veľkosť je pokora. Nezabudni to, cirkev. Veľkosť je vyjadrená v pokore, nie ako pekne môžete byť... Nemyslím teraz špinavý, myslím pokorný v duchu. Vidíte? Nemyslím teraz neísť von a neumyť sa. To... Mali by ste robiť, viete to. Vidíte? Ale ja hovorím o pokore, skutočnej pokore, nie niečo, čo je oblečené, niečo, čo je, čo je skutočná pokora.

103 Ježiš nám povedal, ako to robiť. On premohol. To znamená... „Premôcť" znamená „obstáť v skúške," (Je to tak.), ako všetci tí starí svätí obstáli, ako Ježiš obstál. V strede svojich nepriateľov, On obstál v skúške. Všetko, čím bol skúšaný, On vo všetkom obstál. Práve pred tvárou nemoci, On súc Mesiášom, On ich uzdravil. Pred tvárou smrti, On to priniesol späť do života. Pred tvárou Golgoty, Jeho vlastnej smrti, On to porazil tým, že sa vzdal Samého Seba. Prečo? Slovom. Povedal: „Zborte tento chrám a ja ho za tri dni postavím." Slovo tak povedalo." Vidíte? A v prítomnosti smrti to On porazil, On premohol smrť. V prítomnosti pekla On porazil peklo a premohol peklo. Áno. V prítomnosti hrobu On premohol hrob. Prečo? Všetko Slovom a pokorou. Ó! To je skutočný Muž. Tam je Ten, ktorý vám dáva príklad. On porazil všetko, premohol to.

104 Pozrite. Pokušenie doliehalo na Neho. Vedeli ste to? Biblia povedala, že On bol pokúšaný vo všetkom ako my, ale bez hriechu. On bol pokúšaný pitím, On bol pokúšaný ženami, On bol pokúšaný všetkým, čím človek môže byť pokúšaný. On bol pokúšaný všetkým, čím sme my pokúšaní, On bol človek. A pritom ste nemohli na Neho ukázať prstom. Tak veru.

105 „Premôcť" znamená „rozpoznať diabla pri každom z jeho trikov." Mnoho ľudí hovorí, že nie je žiadny diabol, to je len predstava. Neverte tomu. Existuje skutočný diabol. On je tak skutočný ako vy, ako ktokoľvek, skutočný diabol. A vy ho musíte skutočne rozpoznať. Vy musíte vedieť, že to je diabol. A potom, hneď, ako ho rozpoznávate a viete, že on je diabol a že je proti vám, potom, aby ste premohli, musíte rozpoznať, že Boh vo vás je väčší a mocnejší ako on,... že Ten vo vás ho už premohol a skrze Jeho milosť on na vás nijako nemá. Amen. Tam je skutočné premoženie.

106 Keď rozpoznávate... Pozriete sa späť a poviete: „Robím toto a robím tamto." Potom, ó, ó, vy... ste porazený. Ale nie je žiadneho odsúdenia tým, ktorí sú v Kristu Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela ale podľa Ducha. Potom si vy uvedomujete, že ste premohli a viete, že on je diabol. Nemôžete povedať: „Som chorý, a ja, ja...ja neverím, že to je choroba." Ó, áno, je to choroba. Vy máte rakovinu, vy neveríte, že to je rakovina, je to rakovina. Ale pamätajte, že väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. Vy si musíte uvedomiť, že Duch Svätý, ktorý je vo vás, už premohol túto vec. A On je vo vás a vy môžete premôcť skrze Neho. To je úplne jasné. To je presne tak, ako je napísané Písmo: premáhanie.

Musím sa poponáhľať. Už som teraz zabral 45 minút. Teraz už naozaj preťahujem.

107 Všimnite si, premôcť. Ten Boh, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je v ňom. Ten boh tohoto sveta nie je taký veľký, ako Boh nebies, ktorý je vo vás.

108 Tak isto ako nemôže temnosť obstáť v prítomnosti svetla... No, temnosť nemôže obstáť v prítomnosti svetla. Je mi jedno, aké je to temné, svetlo to vytlačí von. To nemôže obstáť. Sláva! Ale zoberte toľko temnoty, koľko chcete a skúste to postaviť raz proti svetlu a uvidíte, čo sa stane. To je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, On je svetlo. A ten, ktorý je vo svete, je temnota. Takže svetlo dokázalo, že premohlo temnotu. A človek, ktorý je v Kristovi a vie, že premohol veci tohoto sveta (Amen), to už nemá viacej na vás žiadne putá, ste slobodní. „Kráčajte vo Svetle, ako je On vo Svetle a Krv Ježiša Krista vás očisťuje z každého hriechu a máte obecenstvo jeden s druhým navždy." Tu to máte.

109 On, ktorý je vo vás, je väčší ako ten, ktorý je vo svete. No, ak sa obzeráte naspäť a ste odsúdení, potom... ste stále vo svete. Ale keď žijete ponad tým, potom Ten, ktorý je vo vás, vás vyviedol ponad temnotu. Ako ľalia, ona je nad temnotou toho bahna. Ona je nad temnotou tých bahenných vôd. Ona je vo svetle, odrážajúc krásu, ktorá bola do nej položená predtým, ako opustila to bahno. Amen.

110 Cítim sa ako kričiaci Kresťan. To, čo tam na začiatku bolo dané od Boha, to si pretlačilo cestu, premohlo. To premohlo tú škrupinu, to premohlo to bahno, to premohlo tie vody. To premohlo všetko a bolo premožiteľom a odrážalo krásu a slávu Božiu.

111 Takto to urobí každý veriaci. Tak to urobil Noe. Tak to urobil Lót. Tak to... Pozrite, v akej špine on bol. Tak to urobil Mojžiš. Tak to urobil Jozue. Tak to urobil Daniel. Tak to urobili Sadrach, Mézach. Tak to urobil Ján Krstiteľ, Zachariáš, Alžbeta. Tak to urobil Simeon, tak to urobila Anna, každý jeden z nich. Oni prekonali to bahno, ktoré... ktoré bolo okolo nich a ktoré ich zabalilo, držali hlavu nad tou vecou a vyžarovali slávu Božiu. Tak to robí skutočný Kresťan.

112 Pamätajte, Ježiš nám ukázal, ako sa to robí. Štyridsať dní pokušenia, On bol pokúšaný viac než ktokoľvek, kto mohol byť kedy pokúšaný, pri pokušení Ježiša Krista. No, sledujte to. On nám ukázal ako sa to robí. (Za chvíľu zakončím. Dobre?)

113 Pozrite, On nám ukázal, ako sa to robí. Ako to On urobil? Slovom. To je to, ako to On urobil, lebo On bol Slovo. A Ježiš povedal: „Ak vy zostanete vo Mne a Moje Slová vo vás..." Ste naspäť v Slove, v Slove zasľúbenia. Čo je Slovo zasľúbenia pre každého Kresťana? „Väčší je Ten, ktorý je vo vás, ako ten, ktorý je vo svete." Potom, ako ja premôžem? Nie ja, ale to Slovo, ktoré je vo mne. To Slovo je Boh. Potom premôžem veci tohoto sveta, lebo to Slovo je vo mne. „Ak zostanete vo Mne, Moje Slová vo vás, potom si proste, čo len chcete." Len sa ďalej pretláčajte hore. Prichádzate k vrcholu tak iste, ako nič iné. Vidíte? Vy musíte prísť ku vrcholu.

114 V štyridsiatich dňoch pokušenia, On premohol Slovom Božím. Chcem tu niečo zdôrazniť na pár minút. Satan na Neho urobil tri hlavné útoky, v tom pokušení. Sledujte, to je vždy v tých troch. Nezabudnite toto. On urobil tri hlavné útoky od najväčšieho po najmenší. On sa snažil, ako len mohol, aby nad Ním zvíťazil, ale On bol to Slovo. Amen. Čo On použil? Seba, Slovo. Satanove tri hlavné útoky na Neho, ale On sa proti tomu staval so Slovom. Každý útok, On ho mohol odraziť Slovom (Sledujte to teraz), od najväčšieho po najmenší.

115Prvý útok, ktorý na Neho urobil bolo to, aby použil Svoju veľkú moc. Pričom On vedel, že On je Slovo, On poznal svoju pozíciu. Veríte, že poznal? „Ja som Syn človeka." On poznal svoju pozíciu. A Satan prišiel a chcel od Neho, aby použil Svoju vlastnú moc pre seba, aby sa najedol. On chcel, aby sa On Sám najedol, On bol hladný. Keď človek vyhladne, je schopný urobiť takmer všetko. Bude kradnúť, žobrať, požičiavať si, čokoľvek. Vidíte, On mal hlad. A Satan použil svoj prvý hlavný útok na Neho, aby vzal Svoju moc, ktorá Mu bola daná k premáhaniu a aby ju použil ju pre Seba. Nie, On ju nepoužil pre seba. On ju použil pre iných. To je správne. On ju použil pre iných, nie pre Seba, to nebolo pre Neho. Hoci by to mohol urobiť, On by to skutočne mohol urobiť.

116Ale vidíte, ako to robí diabol? Diabol chce, aby ste hľadeli na neho. On dával pozor len na to, čo Mu kázal robiť Otec. To je správne. On povedal... Ale Satan povedal: „Je napísané, On pošle anjelov, aby ťa ostríhali..."

117On povedal: „Áno, ale je tiež napísané." Tu to máte. Vidíte, On vedel, kto On je. Satan urobil... Tá myšlienka ide hlbšie, ako je napísané. Vidíte, to je inšpirácia. To jadro vo vnútri toho (vidíte?), čo to skutočne je.

118Hoci by to mohol urobiť, On to neurobil. Ale On nikdy nebral ohľad na Satanove návrhy. No, tu je jedna dobrá vec. Vidíte, niekedy vás Satan môže vziať a myslíte si , že robíte vôľu Božiu a on vám môže dať nejaký návrh a vy na to naletíte. Skutočne. On to naozaj môže urobiť.

119No, zoberme napríklad naše sestry. Ony sú pekné a on vás môže dostať na miesto, že si necháte rásť vlasy a neuvedomili ste si, že to na vás vyzerá pekne a za chvíľu zbadáte, že začínate mať trochu taký pocit nafúkanosti, trochu nad niečim iným. Niektorí z vás mužov, vy viete, čo myslím. Vidíte, a on môže vziať tú istú vec a ponúkať vám ju. Tak je to. Vidíte? Musíte to premôcť. Pamätajte len, žijete pre Boha. Máte jeden cieľ, a to je Ježiš Kristus. Mimo toho, nič iné sa nepočíta, to je On. Potom za druhé, vaša rodina, potom zatretie, vy sami, ale zaprvé, Boha, potom, vaša rodina a potom vy. Vy ste číslo tri, to je koniec cesty. Postavte seba na posledné miesto. On to urobil.

120Pozrite, čo On mohol urobiť, On povedal: „Mohol by som zavolať na Môjho Otca, hovoriť ku Nemu a On by mi hneď poslal dvanásť legiónov anjelov," pričom jeden z nich by mohol zničiť svet. Povedal: „Ak je Moje Kráľovstvo z tohoto sveta, potom by moji poddaní zápasili o to, ale Moje Kráľovstvo je zhora." No prosím. Vidíte? On to mohol urobiť, ale neurobil. Vidíte? Hoci to mohol urobiť, On nikdy nepočúval na Satanove návrhy.

121No, počuli ste ľudí hovoriť: „Ak veríš, že je Božský uzdravovateľ... Ak si Božský uzdravovateľ... Choď zavolaj svojho Božského uzdravovateľa, mám tam človeka, ktorý je chorý, chcel by som vidieť ako ho uzdraví." Vidíte toho istého diabla? On sa vám potom snaží dávať návrhy. Vidíte? On sa snaží, aby ste počúvali jeho, namiesto toho, aby ste počúvali Boha. Ale skutočný, pravdivý sluha Boží bude počúvať a hľadieť na to, čo najprv hovorí Otec.

122 Ako to malé dieťa od Stadskleva, keď poslali sem pre... Pán Stadsklev povedal: „brat Branham, ja som volal z Nemecka." Bola tam americká armáda s jedným z ich tryskových lietadiel, ktoré štartovalo tu na poli, oni by ma previezli do Nemecka a späť behom jedného dňa. On bol vojenský kňaz. A to dieťa ležalo mŕtve. A tá matka kričala, ona povedala: „Počúvaj..." Povedala: „Viem, stála som tam pri tom a videla som, keď tá žena držala to mŕtve dieťa vo svojich rukách, ktoré zomrelo toho rána. A ja som videla brata Branhama, ako kráča priamo tam a položil ruky na to mŕtve dieťa a ono ožilo." Povedala: „Toto je moje dieťa, brat Branham." V ich rodine nikdy nebola smrť. Vidíte? A toto malé jedného rána ochorelo a popoludní zomrelo.

Všetci tu okolo stáli a prorokovali a všetko možné: „To dieťa vstane," a podobne.

123 Povedal som: „Dobre, to je veľmi pekné, sestra Stadsklev, ale počkajte nech uvidím, čo hovorí Otec." A išiel som von do lesov a modlil som sa. Vrátil som sa, ona volala dva alebo tri krát, lebo som sa vrátil na druhý deň ráno. Nič.

Lekár povedal: „V poriadku, ak je to... Ak máte takú vieru, pani, nenecháme aby to dieťa opustilo nemocnicu. Nech len tu leží. Zostaňte tu s ním. To je v poriadku."

Brat Stadsklev išiel a navštívil armádu a toho majora a oni povedali: „Iste, my ho privezieme lietadlom a odvezieme naspäť."

124 A tam bolo pripravené lietadlo, aby ma zobralo toho rána a priviezlo späť v tú noc do Nemecka, do Heidelbergu v Nemecku, kvôli vzkrieseniu tohoto dieťaťa. Povedal som: „Iste, Boh to môže urobiť, ale pozrime sa, čo je Jeho vôľa."

125 Potom som išiel von a modlil som sa celú noc, nič sa nestalo. Vrátil som sa nasledujúceho rána, nič sa nestalo. A práve vtedy, keď som chcel vojsť do tej miestnosti, pozrel som sa a tam stálo to Svetlo, vznášalo sa pri dverách, povedalo: „Nevzkladaj na neho svoje ruky. Nekarhaj to. To je Božia ruka."

126 Zatelefonoval som jej a povedal: „sestra Stadsklev, pochovajte svoje dieťa. To je ruka Pánova. Je to Božia vôľa. Niečo by sa tomu dieťaťu stalo tam na tej ceste. Nechajte ho len ísť práve tam, kde Boh vie, na čom ono je. Nemôžete ku nemu teraz prísť. Keby žilo, neprídete. Nechajte to tak byť."

127 Ten veľký luteránsky kazateľ v Nemecku napísal list a povedal: „Ako oceňujem to, že brat Branham čakal na to jasné rozhodnutie od Boha predtým, ako niečo povedal." To je to. Držte sa Božieho rozhodnutia. Nezáleží na tom, čo hovoria ostatní, alebo čokoľvek to je, vôbec nedbajte na Satanove návrhy.

128 Ak Satan povie: „Teraz, vodný krst v mene Otca, Syna..." Ak to... ak on robí návrhy, nechajte to tak. Boh to povedal inak. Ak on povedal: „Ty si dobrý človek, ty nemusíš byť... Ty si dobrá žena, ty nemusíš robiť..." Nehľaďte na jeho návrhy. Ak Slovo hovorí niečo iné, vy zostaňte so Slovom, bez ohľadu na to, čo to je. To je ten príklad, aký vám dal Ježiš a tam je ten hlavný útok (vidíte?), ktorý on urobil na Neho.

129 Potom, druhý útok. Budem sa ponáhľať. (Vyzerá to, ako by ten čas bežal tak rýchlo.) Ten ďalší veľký útok, ktorý on na Neho urobil bol, aby sa On vytiahol. A ako to zasiahne Božích sluhov, vytiahnúť sa, ukázať, čo dokážete urobiť. „Sláva Bohu. Haleluja, som vysloboditeľ. Ja som niečo." Vidíte?

130 „Vyjdi sem hore na vrch chrámu a zhoď sa dolu." On Ho pokúšal, aby to urobil. Teraz, pamätajte, On bol pokúšaný to urobiť. To bolo ťažké. Povedal: „Teraz, ak chceš byť niekým pred ľuďmi, postav sa sem na chrám a zoskoč." Vidíte? „Dám ti k tomu Písmo, lebo je napísané, ´Prikáže svojim anjelom o tebe, aby si si neuderil nohy o kameň, na rukách ťa ponesú.´" Aby sa vystavil na obdiv, aby ukázal svoju veľkú autoritu...

131 Žiadny pravdivý služobník Boží to nikdy nerobí. Keď vidíte človeka vyťahovať sa, s vypnutou hruďou, pamätajte len, tam niečo nie je v poriadku. Nie, Boh to takto nechce. Ježiš ukázal príklad. On by to mohol urobiť. On by to samozrejme mohol urobiť, ale On to neurobil. Žiaden sluha Boží sa sám nevystavuje, aby sa pokúsil vziať Božiu moc a ukázať sa nad niekým druhým.

132 Pamätáte si, keď to urobil Mojžiš? Pamätáte si to? Boh mu dal moc robiť čokoľvek by chcel, urobil ho prorokom. On kráčal ku tej skale a udrel tú skalu druhý krát. To bolo proti Božej vôli. Boh povedal: „Hovor ku tej skale. Neudieraj ju znova. Ty tu kazíš celý ten predobraz. Tá Skala bude udretá len raz." Ale on, keď to urobil, hovoril o slabosti Slova, že nebolo dostačujúce. Áno, to Slovo bolo to, o čo išlo, tá skala bolo Slovo. Vidíte?

133 On prvý krát udrel tú skalu a vody vyšli. A potom oni boli znova smädní. On povedal: „Vráť sa a hovor ku tej skale." To bolo len raz udreté. Vidíte, nedostatočnosť Slova, Mojžiš vydal o tom svedectvo, to Slovo nebolo správne. Muselo to byť udreté znova.

134 Tak Mojžiš išiel tam dole a udrel takto tú skalu, on povedal: „Vytryskni." Ona nevytryskla. Tak on ju udrel znova a povedal: „Vytryskni. Rozkazujem ti, vytryskni." A tie vody vyšli.

135 Boh povedal: „Poď sem hore. Poď sem. Ty si sa sám oslávil. Ty si vzal Moju moc, miesto toho aby si Ma posvätil, ty si posvätil seba. Teraz nepôjdeš do tej zeme. Pozri sa a vidz ako ona vyzerá, ale tu, zostaneš práve tu." Ó! Nikdy nebol niekto taký ako Mojžiš, viete. Ó, nie.

136 Keď on prišiel k tej ukážke s Ježišom, on povedal: „Vystúp sem hore na chrám a zoskoč."

137 On povedal: „Je napísané (Amen.), ´Nebudeš pokúšať Pána, svojho Boha.´" Vidíte? On ho zvládol Slovom v každom tom hlavnom útoku.

138 Žiaden skutočný služobník sa pri tom nikdy nepokúša ukázať seba s Božou mocou. Ak to robí, hneď tam prehráva.

139 Tretí veľký útok: Satan Mu ponúkol, že sa zriekne tohoto kráľovstva a dá mu Ho. Ponúkol Mu to. Satan povedal: „Vidíš tieto kráľovstvá sveta? Sú moje. Robím si s nimi čo chcem. Dám Ti ich." Ale pamätajte, on sa Ho snažil naviesť na to, aby ich získal bez kríža. Ak by to On prijal, boli by sme stratení. On mohol dostať tie kráľovstvá, ale On musel nasledovať... musel sa vrátiť, On bol pokúšaný, aby to teraz prijal. To je tvrdá vec. On bol pokúšaný, aby vzal svoju slobodu a bol kráľom zeme bez kríža. Ale ak by to On urobil, Jeho poddaní by zomreli. Satan by mu rád urobil tento návrh. Ale On povedal: „Odídi odo mňa, Satan."

140 On to neprijal. On prišiel, trpel a vzal tú ťažkú drsnú cestu. On vzal tú cestu prenasledovania, On vzal tú cestu smrti. Sme my dnes ráno ochotní urobiť - vziať tú istú cestu ako On? Sme ochotní zomrieť? Sme ochotní vydať samých seba Bohu, zriecť sa celého sveta a tých vecí aby sme slúžili Jemu? Vidíte?

141 No, On to neprijal. Ochotne sa toho zriekal, Satan Mu to chcel dať, ale On to neprijal. Hoci Ježiš bol pokúšaný, On premohol pre nás. On znášal všetky pokušenia pre mňa i pre teba. Vidíte, On to mohol vziať hneď vtedy. Ale prečo si On vyvolil tú druhú cestu? Aby sme my mohli prísť a byť s Ním. A ak On za to zaplatil takú cenu, potom akí malí by sme my boli, keby sme to nezobrali, keď, pamätajte, aj tak tu nič nie je.

142 Ak by ste žili sto rokov, k čomu by ste prišli? Duševne, ... a vaša myseľ je preč, a všetko ochrnuté a staré a trasľavé. To je to, kam idete. A to je koniec toho. Vy teraz prichádzate. Premôžte tú vec. Ako to urobíte? Slovom. Robte to, čo hovorí Slovo. Kráčajte pokorne, žite pred Ježišom.

143 On znášal všetky veci pre teba a mňa. On je náš príklad, ako premôcť našu zlú generáciu, ako On premohol Svoju zlú generáciu.

144 Pamätajte, keď On prišiel na zem, tu bolo toľko nevery, alebo viac ako bolo v ktoromkoľvek čase. Jeho to ani trochu neznepokojovalo. Keď Ho nazývali diablom namiesto Bohom, keď Ho nazývali všetkým možným, Jeho to neznepokojovalo. On mal jeden cieľ: hľadieť na Otca, držať sa Slova. Slovo je Boh. On mal jeden úmysel.

145 My sme niekedy pokúšaní aby sme sa vrátili. Mnohí z vás sú pokúšaní vrátiť sa do denominácií, vrátiť sa a uspokojiť sa tým, lebo celý svet hovorí: „Do ktorej denominácie patríš? Do ktorej cirkvi si pripojený?" My sme pokúšaní to urobiť. Všetci z nás. Naše sestry sú pokúšané vrátiť sa, vrátiť sa a pripojiť k niektorej z tých ostatných cirkví, k niektorým zo Zborov alebo Cirkví Božích alebo k niektorým z nich, byť stále Letničným a strihať si vlasy a obliekať sa ako len chcete. Vidíte, vy ste pokúšaní to urobiť, vrátiť sa a byť populárnymi s touto hriešnou generáciou, v ktorej žijeme, keď toto je ten hlavný hriech nášho dňa, ten hlavný hriech medzi našimi ľuďmi je svetskosť. Ako Biblia hovorí, že Laodicea - Laodicejský vek, že ona je svetská, bohatá, nepotrebuje ničoho a nevie, že je nahá, mizerná, úbohá, slepá. To je hriech dneška. Keď počujete Slovo Božie volať proti tomu, potom idete inou cestou, ste nepopulárni vo svete.

146 Vy ste pokúšaní aby ste sa vrátili. Viem, že mi to stále hovoríte. Viem, že celý čas hovoríte... Viem, že vás to unavuje, keď hovorím stále o týchto veciach. Mňa tiež unavuje, keď vás to vidím robiť. Tento hriech, o ktorom sa vám snažím povedať... Hovoríte: „Prečo neustále o tom hovoríš?" Potom to prestaňte robiť. Snažím sa zachrániť váš život tým Slovom. Tiež ma to unavuje. Tak sa narovnajte. Toto je hriech, nemalo by sa to robiť. Tak veru.

147 Ak máme premôcť tieto veci, predpokladáme, že budeme nimi pokúšaní, tým svetom, „Ak milujete svet, veci tohoto sveta, láska Božia nie je vo vás," povedal Ježiš.

148 Teraz, zakončíme pri tomto: Existuje odmena pre premožiteľa.

149 Dovoľte, že vám tu niečo prečítam. Otvorte si svoje Biblie. Vráťme sa späť do Zjavenia 3., 2. kapitoly. Sledujte to tu teraz. Všetky tieto veci, ktoré som vám hovoril o premožení... Teraz, len sa pozrite na seba a vidzte, skúšajte samých seba cez duchovné okuliare. Vidzte, či ste premohli.

150 No, prvý odkaz anjelovi do Efezu, chcem aby ste počúvali, čo On povedal v Zjavení v 2.kapitole 7.verš. Toto je tomu cirkevnému veku, keď On im všetkým povedal, čo urobili, opustili svoju prvú lásku. 7.verš:

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo hovorí Duch zborom! Tomu, ...

(osobe, nie cirkvi)


tomu, kto víťazí - víťazí, tomu dám jesť zo stromu života

ktorý je prostred raja Božieho. 

(Vidíte, premožitelia v Efeze.)

151 Teraz, to ďalšie bola Smyrna. Teraz, jej premožitelia, počúvame toto. Teraz 11.verš:

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo Duch hovorí zborom. Tomu, kto víťazí, neuškodí druhá smrť. 

(Vidíte, ten premožiteľ...)

152 Do Pergamu, zistíme, čo bolo odložené pre premožiteľa. Budeme čítať 17.verš, zboru v Pergame.

Kto má uši ... 

(To je jednotlivec, nie celá skupina, jednotlivec. To vychádza Nevesta, vidíte, z cirkvi.)


Kto má uši, nech počuje

čo Duch hovorí zborom! Tomu, kto víťazí, dám mu jesť zo skrytej manny a dám mu biely kamienok a na kamienku napísané nové meno, ktoré nevie nikto, iba ten, kto ho berie. 

(To je pre premožiteľa toho cirkevného veku.)

153 Teraz, nasleduje Tyatíra. Zistíme, čo mal premožiteľ v tom dni. Vezmime 26.verš.

A tomu, kto víťazí, a kto ostríha až do konca moje skutky, tomu dám moc nad pohanmi

[angl. „nad národmi" – pozn.prekl.]


a bude ich pásť železným prútom, ako hrnčiarske nádoby budú roztrieskaní, ako som i Ja prijal od svojho Otca.

Vidíte? S Ním na Jeho tróneKristus má panovať nad národmi železným prútom a tu je tá Cirkev, ktorá víťazí, prichádza s Ním, aby rozbila tie národy železným prútom.

154 No, poďme do zboru v Sardách. Teraz, 5. verš 3. kapitoly:

Ten, kto víťazí, bude odiaty bielym rúchom a nevytriem jeho mena z knihy života a vyznám jeho meno pred svojim Otcom i pred Jeho anjelmi.

 (To je pre premožiteľa v Sardách.)

155 No, vezmime teraz 12. verš. Toto je zboru vo Filadelfii, v 12. verši.

Toho, kto víťazí, učiním stĺpom v chráme svojho Boha a von nevyjde viacej nikdy a napíšem na neho meno svojho Boha a meno mesta svojho Boha, toho nového Jeruzalema, ktorý zostupuje z neba od môjho Boha, i svoje nové meno.

156Sledujte, čo je zasľúbené pre víťazov, premožiteľov. Vidíte? Teraz, Laodicea, to je ten posledný cirkevný vek, tam budú nejakí premožitelia. Sledujte to. Oni... Pamätajte, každý cirkevný vek , ten predchádzajúci, on dedí všetko to, čo tým ostatným bolo ponúknuté. Sledujte to tu. Teraz, tu, po tom, čo oni obdržali všetky tieto moci a tieto nové mená a všetko, čo je napísané, čo On zasľúbil, jesť skrytú mannu a všetky tie veci. Sledujte tento posledný cirkevný vek, Zjavenie 3:21:

Tomu, kto víťazí, dám sedieť so sebou na svojom tróne, ... 


ako som i ja zvíťazil a sedím so Svojím Otcom na Jeho tróne.

Kto má uši, nech počuje, čo hovorí Duch zborom.

157Tam je odmena pre premožiteľov. Pretlač sa, ľalia. Ak je to v tebe, postav sa preč od toho bahna a všetkého ostatného a tlač sa smerom k vrchu. Tak veru. „...tomu dám sedieť so Mnou na Mojom tróne."

158 Viete, raz matka Jakuba a Jána (nebudeme mať čas to čítať) - matka Jakuba a Jána prišla a pýtala si toto miesto. Poznáte to? Pamätáte si to: „Pane, nech môj syn sedí na jednej strane a môj druhý syn na tej druhej." To bola matkina túžba pre jej synov. Ale sledujte. Ale to miesto, povedal Ježiš, bolo predurčené. Táto pozícia v tom čase nebola v existencii. Prečo? Všimnite si, to bude udelené tým, pre ktorých je to určené. Čo? Tomu, ktorý sa posadí po pravej ruke a po tej druhej, najbližšie k Nemu, ten mal ešte len premôcť. Vidíte, to bolo stále... On povedal: „Ja neudelím toto... Nemôžem toto udeliť, ale to bude dané po tom, čo príde skúška." Amen. Vidíte: „Nemôžem to dať, ale potom, čo príde skúška, oni sa posadia po pravej a ľavej ruke." Tam je predurčené semeno, ktoré na to tam v diaľke čaká. To bude dané tým, ktorým je to zasľúbené. To bude tam dané, ale tá skúška ešte neprišla. On ešte nepremohol.

159 Vidíte, tá osoba, ktorá mala zaujať toto miesto na jednej strane a druhá, na tej druhej strane hneď pri Ňom v tom Kráľovstve, to ešte nebolo dané. Vidíte? Ten ešte nepremohol. Tá skúška ešte neprišla. Tá príde v budúcnosti. Ak trpíme pre Krista a jeho Slovo, budeme s Ním vládnuť, lebo On je Slovo. Pamätajte, ak trpíme pre Neho a pre Jeho Slovo, budeme vládnuť s Ním v Jeho Slove.

160 Všimnite si, On, náš príklad, zvíťazil a potom vystúpil hore, po tom, keď premohol smrť, peklo, chorobu, hrob, On všetko premohol, potom vystúpil hore a zajal zajatie, dal ľuďom dary. To bol Starý Zákon so starozákonnými svätými, ktorý premohli. Oni hľadali takú Osobu a oni zomreli prv, ako On prišiel. Ale keď prišla táto Osobato nezabránilo tým, ktorí spali. Amen. Nemohli nijako prehrať. Žiť alebo zomrieť, aký to robí rozdiel? To nezabráni. Vidíte, oni očakávali na tú...

161 Dokonca Jób tam dávno, on na to očakával, on povedal: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije, a v posledných dňoch sa postaví na zem." Tam bol spravodlivý človek, dokonalý človek. On obetoval, on robil všetko, čo mu Boh povedal, aby robil. On robil všetko s úctou a rešpektom, on bol prorok. A potom prišiel Satan, aby ho pokúšal, práve tak ako on prichádza pokúšať teba. Čo on urobil? On tam ďalej stál.

Dokonca jeho žena prišla a povedala: „Prečo nezlorečíš Bohu a nezomrieš? Vyzeráš tak úboho ako tam tak sedíš."

162 On povedal: „Hovoríš ako nejaká bláznivá žena." On nepovedal, že je bláznivá, ale že hovorí ako bláznivá. Vidíte? Povedal: „Hovoríš ako nejaká bláznivá žena." Povedal: „Pán dal, Pán vzal, nech je požehnané meno Pánovo." On premohol.

163 On premohol to, čo tí susedia mali do povedania. On premohol to, čo všetci tí členovia cirkvi, Bildad a všetci tí mali do povedania. On premohol biskupa a to, čo on mal do povedania. On premohol kardinála a to, čo on mal do povedania. On premohol denomináciu, to, čo oni mali do povedania. A on stál na Slove ospravedlnenia. Amen. Hoci ho to stálo všetko čo mal, ešte aj deti. On si škriabal ten vred kúskom črepu, sedel na tomto, ale on premohol. A keď sa tá veľká hodina pokušenia konečne skončila, potom sa tie oblaky odhrnuli.

164 On sa pozeral na každú logickú vec. On povedal: „Strom má nádej, keď zomrie, on znovu ožije. A semeno padne do zeme, zhnije, znova ožije. Ale človek zomrie a leží, vypúšťa ducha, premožený mdlobou a jeho deti prichádzajú, jeho synovia, aby si ho uctili a nariekali nad ním, on to nevníma. On nikdy nevstane. Ó, tam on je. Čo sa deje? Ja som tiež semeno. Ja som niečo, čo má semeno a ja pôjdem do zeme. Ja nemôžem vstať znova, ja tam budem ležať. Ó, ukry ma tam do hrobu, nechaj na tajnom mieste, kým neprejde Tvoj hnev. Stanov mi čas a súď ma. Ako sa skaly drobia, ako vody odierajú kameň..." Ó, on ďalej hovoril tieto veci. On mohol vidieť všetky tie príklady tam vonku, čo to bolo. Ó, on to proste nemohol pochopiť.

165 Sestra Rodgersová, pamätáš si, čo som kázal na Bustyho pohrebe? Ako on odieral ten kameň a ako tieto veci, všetko...

166 „Ó, aby si ma ukryl v hrobe a schoval na tajnom mieste." On sa ďalej tlačil. On povedal: „Keby som len vedel, keby som len vedel, kde by som mohol ísť ku Človeku, ktorý by položil Svoje ruky na mňa, hriešneho človeka a na svätého Boha a prihovoril by sa za mňa u Nemu." Ó! „Je Taký. Ja viem, že je. Je Niekto taký, kto to môže urobiť. Niekde je Niekto taký. Kde môžem nájsť tú Osobu? Kde Ho môžem nájsť? Zaklopem na Jeho dvere a budem s Ním hovoriť. Ak len Niekto môže položiť Svoje ruky na mňa a na Boha a preklenúť mi tú cestu. Hovoriť... Keby som len mohol nájsť tú Osobu. Ó, kde On je?"

167 On to hľadal cez svoju cirkev, hľadal to cez svoju organizáciu, on nemohol nájsť takú Osobu. A zrazu sa mraky odhrnuli a on videl prichádzať tú Osobu. Ó, jeho staré srdce bilo od radosti. Potom sa niečo stalo: „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije."

168 Existuje taká Osoba. Amen. Stále existuje taká Osoba. „Ja viem, že môj Vykupiteľ žije. A hoci potom, čo červy v koži zničia toto telo, ešte v mojom tele uvidím Boha, Ktorého ja uvidím sebe. On sa postaví na zemi v posledných dňoch."

169 Toho veľkonočného rána, keď On vstal, a z Jóbovho telo nebolo viac ako lyžica prachu, on čakal, on bol tou vyvolenou skupinou. On vstal z hrobu a vstúpil do mesta s Abrahámom, Izákom, Jákobom, Jób. Ó! Sláva. Amen. Lebo oni očakávali na takú Osobu.

170 A tým, ktorí vyzerajú Krista druhý krát, ktorí môžu premôcť veci tohoto sveta skrze Jeho milosť, vojsť do Neho a zatvoriť svoje oči pre všetko ostatné, okrem Neho a Jeho Slovo, tým sa On zjaví podruhé v sláve. „Lebo trúba Božia zaznie, mŕtvi v Kristu vstanú, tí, ktorí sú nažive a pozostanú budú premenení v okamihu a budú spolu vychvátení, aby sa s Ním stretli na povetrí."

171 Či je so mňa lyžica prachu, alebo či budem žiť, keď On príde, to pre mňa nie je žiaden rozdiel. Amen. Na tom nezáleží, lebo som uzrel to videnie. Závoj sa odhrnul a ja vidím Jeho, Toho, Ktorý sa môže postaviť a položiť na mňa Svoje ruky, na hriešneho človeka a na svätého Boha, a On je moje Zmierenie. On je to Slovo, za ktorým stojím. Na počiatku bolo Slovo, On je to Slovo, a On ma tam zastupuje. Amen. A ja budem kričať tak dlho, ako dlho budem mať dych. On je moje vzkriesenie a môj Život. A všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom, všetky ostatné základy sú topiacim sa pieskom.

172 Ako On vzal tých, ktorí na to očakávali, tak On príde ku každému novozákonnému svätému, ktorý premohol každé denominačné vyznanie, ktorý premohol všetky populárne hriechy tohoto dňa, tohoto veku, v ktorom teraz žijeme, tak, ako to On urobil vo všetkých ostatných cirkevných vekoch. Tí, ktorí víťazia v tom cirkevnom veku, tí, ktorí premôžu čo? „Som bohatý. Nepotrebujem ničoho. Mám... Ó, ja som toto všetko a toto všetko a ja som nevesta. Ja som toto, ja nepotrebujem nič," a nevieš, že si nahý, slepý.

173 Vidíte ten zvodný vek o ktorom som hovoril? To nie je ako pri tých, ktorým boli sťaté hlavy, aby dostali ten biely kamienok, nie ako pri tých, ktorí zomreli pod mučeníctvom, pálení na hranici a také veci, ktorí získali korunu, ale to je teraz tento zvodný vek, ktorý si myslí, že má všetko: „Dobre, ja som člen cirkvi. Ja som dobrý človek. Ja som dobrá žena. Ja robím toto, ja nemusím robiť tamto." Ale ten, kto víťazí...

174 Ten, kto premôže všetky tieto svetské veci tohoto veku, čo oni budú robiť? Všetci sa posadia s Ním na Jeho tróne, pôjdu do vytrhnutia, keď On príde. Ó! O čo sa potom starám? Na čo by sme sa mali starať o to, čo hovorí svet. Načo by sme sa mali starať o to, čo ktokoľvek iný hovorí? Ten veľký duch Svätý je medzi nami. Jeho Ohnivý Stĺp nás vedie a sprevádza. Jeho Slovo je potvrdené medzi nami. Jeho Láska je v našich srdciach. Svet je za nami. Prešli sme zo smrti do Života. Svet si myslí, že ste blázni, ale:

Či len sám Ježiš musel niesť tento kríž,

a celý svet ide bez kríža

každému je daný kríž,

a jeden je tiež pre mňa.

175Tridsaťtri rokov na bojisku

budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí,...

176 Nech ma moji bratia zavrhnú a hovoria si čo chcú, čo, zavrhnú, ale na tomto Slove stojím a jedine na ňom.

Budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí

a potom pôjdem domov vo vytrhnutí

... budem nosiť korunu, ...

177 To je to, čo všetci chceme, však? To je to, čo chceme. To je naša - to je naša nádej a prosba. Neuvažujeme o ničom inom, jedine o tom čo je založené na Ježišovi Kristovi. A stojíme jedine na Jeho spravodlivosti, v Jeho spravodlivosti, v Jeho Slove: „A to Slovo sa stalo telom a prebývalo medzi nami." A to Slovo sa stále potvrdzuje.

178 Ako premôcť? Tým, že vezmeme Slovo, zasľúbenie, v pokore a pokorne kráčame.

Budem niesť tento posvätený kríž,

až kým ma smrť nevyslobodí

a potom pôjdem domov a budem nosiť korunu, ...

179 Ó, keď zaznie tá trúba, môžete ma pochovať v mori, ale tá trúba ma zobudí. Jedného dňa pôjdem domov. Amen. Dovtedy budem bojovať. (Amen.) Nesiem tento kríž, nemám svoje oči obrátené na ľudí, ale tam na Golgotu, lebo On je môj príklad, On ukázal, ako to treba robiť. A jeho príklad budeme s radosťou nasledovať deň za dňom.

Nasledujem Ježiša každým krokom na tej ceste,

nasledujem Ježiša každým krokom na tej ceste...

180 Máte to radi? Ó, keď myslím: nasleduj Ho deň za dňom každým krokom na tej ceste. Modlime sa.

181 Pane Ježišu, teraz je tomu hodina aj pätnásť minút, stojím tu a pokúšam sa vziať Tvoje Slovo a vysvetliť tým ľuďom, ako víťaziť. Ty si nám povedal, ako to robiť. Ty si nám to nielen povedal, ale Ty si nám to ukázal, ako to robiť. Ty si nás viedol. Ty si nám ukázal, ako to treba robiť: prijať to Slovo do nášho vnútra a byť si istý a držať sa toho Slova, „Je napísané," v každom pokušení, ale byť pokorný, kráčať pokorne. Potom sme zvíťazili skrze Teba, skrze Tvoju moc, ktorá už porazila nášho nepriateľa. A tá jediná vec, ktorú musíme robiť je, len kráčať pokorne s vierou a veriť tomu a s naším identifikačným odznakom Ducha Svätého, a Satan musí ustúpiť.

182 Ležia tu vreckovky. Oni zastupujú chorých ľudí. Oni sú v potrebách, Pane. A oni čítali v tomto neklamnom Slove, kde brali z tela svätého Pavla vreckovky a zástery. Oni boli položené na tých chorých ľudí, zlí duchovia z nich vychádzali a diali sa veľké zázraky. No, Ty si dnes ten istý Pán Ježiš.

183 Pavol kázal toto Slovo a napísal toto Slovo, to isté Slovo, ktoré sa my snažíme nasledovať, lebo on vzal Starý Zákon a utvoril vzor a ukázal, že to bol predobraz, že všetko z toho Starého Zákona bolo dokonalým predobrazom toho Nového. Ó, Pane, nech môžeme nasledovať ten príklad.

184 Vidíme nášho Pána, čo On robil a uvedomujeme si, že tí starozákonní svätí, zistili sme dnes ráno, že oni odišli. Keď Ježiš vstal, oni išli s Ním. Pane, my veríme, že my pôjdeme, keď On zatrúbi na tej trúbe. My tomu veríme, že Nevesta povstane v tom dni a spojí sa s tou hebrejskou skupinou, a tam bude spoločná svadobná večera v sláve. Tí čakajú. Prosíme teraz o Tvoju milosť a milosrdenstvo nad nami.

Premožitelia, Pane, my túžime byť premožitelia, víťazi. Pane Ježišu, Ty si premohol svet. Modlím sa teraz, aby si dal každej osobe tu dnes ráno, aby odložila nabok všetok hriech, odložila nabok tú ťažobu, ktorá nás tak ľahko obklopuje, aby sme mohli v trpezlivosti bežať beh o závod, ktorý je pred nami.

185 Pavol hovoril o tomto, náš nebeský Otče, tam v Knihe Židom, že máme zložiť každé bremeno, v tej 12.kapitole, on toto hovoril potom, keď už ukázal na príklade tam vtedy, tých, ktorí išli ďalej, tých, ktorí nešli ďalej, tých, ktorí to vlažne nasledovali, tých, ktorí to nasledovali vpredu, tých, ktorí zostávali vzadu, ukázal nám všetky tie príklady. Potom sa otočil a povedal: „Zložme každé bremeno, zložme každú drobnú vec, ktorá nás obklopuje, aby sme mohli bežať s trpezlivosťou pred nami ležiaci beh o závod, hľadiac na Neho, na Autora a Dokonávateľa našej viery, ktorý nám dal príklad." Robíme to dnes ráno, Otče.

186 Teraz, so sklonenými hlavami, skontrolujte sa teraz skutočne dôkladne, naozaj, skutočne dôkladne a potom buďte skutočne hlboko úprimní. To len - stačí len... To je všetko čo treba, vaše skontrolovanie sa a vaša úprimnosť. Buďte naozaj v modlitbe, keď sa teraz kontrolujete: „Preskúmaj ma Pane, skús ma. Je tam vo mne nejaké zlo? Ak tam je, Pane, nechaj ma to zložiť práve teraz tu. Toto miesto, kde som sklonený, je Tvoj oltár. A ja to zložím práve teraz tu, pošliapem to keď vykročím. Zostane to tam ležať. Moc Tvojej krvi to strávi. Chcem byť premožiteľ. Mám niečo, čo ma obťažuje, Pane. Chcem to dnes ráno premôcť. S Tebou to dokážem, bolo mi povedané, že Tvojím Slovom. Vzkladám to teraz, Pane a postúpam po tom, keď budem vychádzať dnes ráno z tejto budovy, pôjdem a budem vedieť, že to je ponorené do vane s Božím bielidlom. Nikdy viac to nebude spomenuté. Vyznám to teraz a poprosím o milosť."

187 S našimi sklonenými hlavami, zavretými očami, našimi srdciami rozmýšľajúc, to sú teraz dvere do duše, je niečo, čo chcete zložiť dnes ráno, niečo, čo chcete premôcť a vy ste sa toľko pokúšali, ale dnes ráno idete skončiť svoje pokusy, idete len prijať to, čo On urobil? Chcem, aby ste len zodvihli ruku. Povedzte: „Pane, ja chcem zvíťaziť. Určitá vec ma trápi."

188 Pane Ježišu, Ty vidíš tie ruky. Teraz, ako Tvoj sluha stojaci medzi živými a mŕtvymi, odsudzujem všetko, čo trápi týchto ľudí a mňa a prosím to v mene Ježiša Krista, aby sme to mohli nechať ležať tu na Božom oltári a vykročiť dnes ráno slobodní, ako víťazi.

189 Ak naše sestry ešte nemali tú milosť, nech im je to teraz udelené, Pane. Ak naši bratia nemali doteraz tú milosť, nech im je to teraz udelené. A nech pokora... Matka so svojimi deťmi, miesto toho aby bola arogantná, ona vie, že ona... Ona je kazateľ tým malým deťom, jej život je príklad. Otec je príklad matke, lebo on je hlavou domu. A tá matka sa pokúšala nad ním panovať, ona to už nikdy neurobí. Ak ju on používal ako rohožku, už sa to nikdy nestane, ona je pomocnica. Udeľ to, Pane. Nech všetky tieto veci, ktoré nám prekážali, sú vzaté preč.

190 My sa posväcujeme, Otče, pre - aký čas života leží pred nami, vediac toto, že musíme prísť na koniec toho, a to hneď. Tak my dnes ráno využívame túto príležitosť po tomto posolstve, využívame príležitosti, Pane, prísť, lebo máme nariadené prísť: „Uvaľte svoje starosti na Neho, lebo On sa stará o vás." Ja viem, že Ty sa staráš, Pane. Ty si sa staral toľko, že si zomrel za nás. A my sa iste môžeme starať toľko, aby sme prišli a prijali to, za čo si Ty zomrel.

191 Posväť nás, Pane. Naplň nás nanovo Svätým Duchom. Nech len Svätý Duch vládne zvrchovane v našich srdciach, aby sme kráčali, zabúdajúc na veci, ktoré sú za nami, na to blato a bahno, v ktorom sme raz žili, budeme sa hnať k odmene horného povolania, kde naše svetlo môže tak svietiť v láskavosti a pokore, že až každý okoloidúci povie: „Tam na tom kopci žije jeden kresťan. Tá osoba, tá žena, ten muž je skutočný, posvätený Boží kvet. Oni sú takí láskaví a milí, vždy milujúci a majú porozumenie." Udeľ to, Otče. Daj nám byť slanými, aby zem mohla žízniť. Udeľ to, Otče, a premôž tie veci tohoto sveta a tie starosti tohoto života v mene Ježiša Krista. Amen.

Počujem (zodvihnite teraz len ruky) volanie Spasiteľa,

Aké volanie? „Vyjdi von z toho blata". Vyšší život, Niečo je vo vás, čo vás takto ťahá. Čo je to? To je On. Dole v bahne, malé kvietky, máš tam dolu Život, ktorý sa ku tebe pretláča.

Počujem volanie môjho Spasiteľa,

(To je to, čo vás volá. Vyjdi von z toho bahna.)

Nasleduj, nasleduj Ma."

192 Myslíte to tak? Zavrite teraz oči.

Kde ma On povedie, tam Ho budem nasledovať,

(Vzdajte sa seba, myslite to tak)

Kde ma On povedie, tam Ho budem nasledovať.

Kde ma On povedie, tam Ho budem nasledovať,

pôjdem s Ním, s Ním, celú cestu.

Kde ma On povedie

(A teraz len jemne. Pamätajte, položte sa tam.)

Kde ma On vedie

„Skladám to sem, Pane. Odteraz Ťa budem nasledovať. Prijímam to, verím tomu."

Kde ma On povedie

Pamätajte, váš život svedčí hlasnejšie ako vaše ústa. To, čo žijete bude dokazovať ľuďom viac, ako to, čo hovoríte.

Pôjdem s Ním, s Ním, (cestou - kam?) celou cestou.

193 Len sa posväťte, hlboko, úprimne, celým svojím srdcom. Čo ak je toto ten posledný krát, čo vám bolo umožnené modliť sa? Mohlo by to byť. Dúfam, že nie. Môže to byť. A buďte si teraz istí, skutočne istí, naozaj istí... Pamätajte, tie dvere sa jedného dňa zavrú, potom je po všetkom. „Žiadajte, dostanete to."

194 Pomyslite len na všetku tú slávu, ktorú vám On tam ponúkol, na všetko, čo On urobil... „Verím, Pane. Verím. Verím, že Ty si môj Premožiteľ, Víťaz. Budem len kráčať s Tebou, Pane. Chcem stáť bližšie pri Tebe, lebo kde si Ty, tam aj ja chcem byť."

195 A pamätáme, Ty si nám povedal, Otče, že budeme navždy s Pánom, keď budeme vychvátení. My sme teraz dostali len letmý pohľad na Neho, ako On teraz kráča s nami, ale potom budeme..." Aká veľká vec to je, vedieť len, že On je v našom strede. Čo to bude, keď budeme navždy s Ním? My tak milujeme všetky naše aktivity. Môžeme ísť von si zajazdiť na aute. Môžeme ísť nakupovať. Môžeme ísť poľovať, alebo ísť na ryby, alebo čokoľvek by sme mohli robiť v radostiach, ale, ó, keď sa otvára zbor, my chceme stretnúť nášho Pána. To je tá najväčšia vec zo všetkých tých vecí, ktoré nám On zasľúbil: „A navždy byť s Pánom, posadiac sa s Ním na Jeho tróne a byť s Ním navždy." Ó, Bože, my to pokorne so - so sklonenými hlavami prijímame, Pane. V Mene Ježiša Krista.

196 Cítite, že môžete tu teraz všetko zložiť, každé bremeno, že teraz môžete proste vykročiť ponad to. Ak cítite, zodvihnete ruku a povedzte: „Pomocou Božej milosti skladám tieto pokusy. Nebudem s tým už viac bojovať. Uchopím sa len Jeho ruky, vykročím vpred. Bojoval som, brat Branham, skúšal som prestať fajčiť. Skúšala som si nechať rásť vlasy. Snažil som sa robiť toto. Urobil som... Tak veľmi som sa to snažil, brat Branham, ja to proste nedokážem." Už to viac neskúšajte. Len sa chopte Jeho ruky a povedzte: „Otče, Ty vsuň moju ruku do rukáva." Rozumiete? „Dávam Ti teraz svoju ruku, vykročím, Pane, hľadiac na Teba." To sa stane. On vás oblečie, ako skutočného Kresťana. Budete skutočným Kresťanom.

197 Kým vás neuvidím dnes večer, Boh vás miluje a je s vami. Vy ste moje deti Evanjelia. Vy ste tým ziskom. No, dávam vám späť vášho pastora. Poď sem, brat... brat Neville.

HOW CAN I OVERCOME?, 63-0825M, Branham Tabernacle, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN, 113 min

1 Let's bow our heads for prayer.

Our Father, we thank Thee, this morning, for this grand time of coming together again, and to opening up the Word of the Lord, laying It here before us. And--and with prayer now, that the Holy Spirit will take that which is God, and will deliver It to us, that we might leave this place of worship today with happy hearts full of joy. See Your great power of deliverance, Lord, how it delivers the captive and sets them free, makes known to us "the things that was, and which is, and shall come." And we just thank Thee for these things.

2We pray that You'll bless us as we study Thy Word now together. And when we leave, may it be said in our hearts, as we go along the way, "Our hearts burned within us as He, the Holy Ghost, talked to us while we were in the way."

3 Bless every minister today, everywhere, Thy servants that's standing for This, Thy Truth. Answer their prayers for the sick. Heal the sick bodies of those that are suffering.

4Lord, we would ask that You'd go out among the people and seek out that predestined seed out there, Lord, and bring it around, in some way, that the Light will fall across the path, Lord. For, we believe that the hour is getting late, the sun is swiftly sinking in the west, then will soon be that "time shall be no more." Time and Eternity will blend together when God and His people blends together. And we pray, God, that, at that time, that we will be numbered among those that'll be blended into Christ, that's called His Bride.

Help us, today, as we prepare, knowing not what tomorrow will hold, but we are ready to receive anything, Lord, as far as we know, that Thou has for us. We are ready to receive It. We ask this blessing for the glory of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

You may be seated.

5 I was sure happy, this morning, when I walked in and saw that the--the people gathered together for the service of the Lord. And we are giving announcement now for tonight. There will be healing service tonight. We'll be praying for the sick, tonight. Just a few moments ago, they...

6As I come in, Billy, my son, told me, said, "There's a--a gentleman here, that's just a poor man that's drove from a long distance." And said, "I--I put him in the room, dad."

7 I--I got in late last night, and--and didn't get to study much on the Sunday school subject that I was going to talk on, this morning. So I picked up some little notes that I picked from what I heard some brother say, and took from that a text, to kind of have the Sunday school lesson this morning; and while we prepare, make ready for the evening service.

8And Billy said, "There's a man in there that's sick." Said, "I--I--I wish you'd go by and see him." So, I went into the room just now. And a brother about my age, and his wife, setting in there. And the Holy Spirit came down among us in the room just now.

9Just think, just making mention of healing service, and there He was. See? And He told this brother all about what he had done, and what he had been doing, and what caused his trouble, and where he come from, and all about him. And there was a great dark shadow hung in the room. Then it started getting lighter, lighter, lighter, and lighter, then the Holy Spirit took a hold.

10 I think the man is in the... somewhere back here now. He and his wife maybe can't get into the building, but they said they were going to stay, anyhow, for the service. They come from up around, near Yakima, Washington, and drove in. And he's a minister of the Gospel.

But just to see the grace of--of God there! Where, the man had been in the institution and had treatments and everything. The Holy Spirit revealing all this. When, the doctors trying hard to do everything that they could, perhaps, for the man, but it just took that certain little touch from God, to turn the tide. Shock treatments is all right, but it's kind of like we'd call "a shot in the dark," you know. You, it might make you worse, see, 'cause you'd forget everything you ever knew, when they put that medicine in you. But the Lord God, how His grace and mercy! And even before I ever offered a word of prayer for him, it was already over. See? Just took that certain something of God, that certain touch, to do it.

I oughtn't to say this. Yeah. I'd look over, see the man now. Well, I didn't know whether you'd make it today, or not.

11 Down in the country where I been staying, this week. I--I--I love my friends down there. It's a little vacation before these big meetings, you see. And I come home, to go down there and go out squirrel hunting with these brethren. And this family, families, rather, that I stay with down there, are certainly lovely people. And the man, real brother, friends, they are.

And one of them is a great lover of--of hunting dogs. And he has a pen full of them up there. And--and I seen the prettiest little hound down there, a little fellow, was what I call about that, "half a dog high and two dogs long," you know, that--that was running around the house there. I thought, "My, wouldn't Joe like to have something like that!"

12 And, course, out in Arizona, couldn't use him. He'd get in the cactus, and that would be the end of him. So then I said, too, "You can't have it. They don't use dogs in there, in that part of the country. Cause, they, well, they just couldn't use them. They, too, the weather, the--the condition of the country with cactus, and they'd get killed. And then, true, a hound out there, a--a wolf, or something would kill him, perhaps, anyhow, if he'd get out.

13So then this man said to me, "You can just have him." But I--I couldn't take him. I--I appreciated it. Come to find out, it was one of his favorite dogs.

14 And this man has got a lovely little wife and little kiddies. And the other day, she started to back out with his car, and she had this Oldsmobile car. And the little dog is only about that long, just a puppy. And she run right straight over him. That Oldsmobile going right across the little dog, in its back here, and mashed it down, where the rocks on the driveway had just pinched across its little stomach down here, you know. And--and the little wife, instead of running the little dog over to the veterinary... Course, the veterinary would just put it to sleep right then, and killed it. See?

There was another young man with me. And soon as he got up there, said, "That was my dog, I'd shoot it." Said, "That's all. Let it suffer like that?"

15I said, "Well, let's not shoot it." I said, "Let's wait a little bit."

Got everybody away, and went and prayed for it. The little dog followed me up on the porch. And he, yes, he... See? "Whatsoever things that you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive it; ye shall have it, be given to you." "Whatsoever things." That's our Lord God. Isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's--He's marvelous and wonderful. And we certainly love Him, this morning; and expecting Him, and knowing.

16 Seen, the other day, a--an old couple, the mother and father of a very fine member of this--this congregation of believers. And the mother is, oh, I guess she's close to hundred, and the dad is, too. And for around twelve years this man has never moved; on his back, just laying straight out. Or, can't lay on his side, or nothing. Laid there for twelve years. Just old age! And the mother is now about his age, I guess, somewhere close to a hundred, and poor old thing is just about lost her mental control. She is thinking somebody is taking all she has.

And I looked at the... across the table, at all of us, young and old, setting there. And I said, "Where are we going? What are we doing?" And the lady that I was staying with then, that was her mother and dad. And I said, "You're headed that way, too. Exactly, every one of us." See?

17 Just think of it, just a moment, before we start our lesson. That's where you're headed. What are you struggling for? So you can live. What are you living for? So you can die. Wouldn't it be most foolish if we didn't accept God's provision for Eternal Life? What could we think about? What--what could be on our mind, that would attract our attention from... to anything? What if you owned a hundred million dollars, and you owned the state of--of Indiana, or any other state, or even a nation, or, as far as that concern, the entire world?

You live long enough, you've got to come to that, too. See? And constantly, day by day, every time your heart beats, you're going right straight to that. See? You, there's no winning for you. You're on the losing side, and, you, you've got to lose. But remember the promise, that, "He that'll lose his life for My sake shall find it." Now, what would be any more of a treasure to find than Life, though you found the whole world to be yours? But, if you--if you find Life, you found the greatest thing that could be found. I want to...

18 Looked to my left and saw again, just now, another trophy of the grace of the Lord. About a few weeks ago, I was called to the phone. And a lovely member of this church, or this body... I don't want to call this so much as a church. I--I want to call this, that...

Like I was talking to some people, they said, "Well, what church you belong to?"

I said, "I don't belong..."

"What denomination you belong to?"

I said, "None."

Said, "Well, what do you belong to?"

I said, "A Kingdom."

19A Kingdom! "And by one Spirit we are baptized into that Kingdom." By one Spirit, all, into this Kingdom! Jesus said, "Pray, 'Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.'" Now, He stood one day before Mount Transfiguration, He said, "Verily I say to you, that some stand here, shall not taste death, until they see the Kingdom come in power." It was foreshowed, as we've been through it, Mount Transfiguration. And the Bible said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." So, this is a Kingdom people that professes that this is not their home. This is not our home. We are looking for the Coming of the King, set up the Kingdom.

20 I was called on an emergency case, of a--an old brother that's been like a daddy to me. And he... I hadn't knowed him very long, but I remember the day that I took him in here for water baptism. And the man will soon be ninety-one years old. And his lovely wife called me, and her being a nurse, said, "He had a complete heart failure." Besides that, he had... Oh, I call... can't call the name. Heart attack. [A sister says, "Coronary"--Ed.] Coronary heart attack. Thank you. Coronary heart attack, and a complete heart failure. Doctor give no hopes, at all. And the man was dying, and he called for me.

21 And I got in my little old Ford, and started up the road to Ohio, as hard as I could. And didn't know, one of my wheels out of line, ripped the tire off of it. So then I... getting up there. Coming out of a filling station, about eleven o'clock. I was worried about him. I--I love him. And I know, if--if it continues on, the Lord tarries, why, sooner or later, we're going to have to give each other up.

22But, that won't hurt the Rapture, now. See? No. They come first, then. Them are privileged, that's gone on. They come first. See? See? "We which are alive and remain, to the Coming of the Lord, will not hinder or prevent those that are asleep. The trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then when our eyes behold our loved ones, then we'll be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and with them shall be caught up together." See? The ones that goes first are privileged above those that are living.

23 As I stepped out of the station, just at eleven o'clock, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Don't worry about him. You'll shake his hand, on the street again, and he'll come in the church," man ninety-one years old, dying.

When I met his wife and his loved ones in the hospital at Lima, they told me about his condition. Went in, looked at him in there. He said, "But he's something strange." Said, "He--he started changing for the better, at eleven o'clock." Well, and I'd... The Lord had showed them people so many things, they know that I just didn't say that. Because, they said it to me first, "He started changing." They knowed that I would tell them the truth.

24So, last Sunday, as I was going into the Blue Boar Cafeteria in Louisville, where I think about eighty percent of this congregation gathers on Sunday afternoon, to eat, who did I see coming down the street? I tell you, my heart quivered when I seen our Brother Dauch coming down the street, exactly what He told me. I shook his hand, on the--on the street.

25 Then I--I come back here for last Sunday night and spoke on the subject of the unity, of The Uniting Of The Time Sign. So... And then that brought that to pass, just what He said. And here he sets in the church today, right here by us, as a trophy of the grace of God. When shaking his hand under the tent, oxygen tent he was under, I said, "Brother Dauch, you'll be all right. I'll see you in church again. That, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD." See? Here he sets in the church, right here now, Brother Dauch.

26 If I'm not mistaken, the minister I talking about, a few moments ago, the Holy Spirit came in and revealed all these things; told him how it happened, and told him what he done; how it happened, how it come to pass, all that's been taking place since then, even to the character of his family, and all about that. And told him, that, "It's over." And the minister is setting right over here, at the right hand. Would you just raise up your hand, sir? There, he and his wife, exactly, just now.

Here sets Brother Dauch, right here now. Oh, my!

27Isn't He wonderful? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Those things which was, which is, and shall come to pass." One, two, three witnesses. "The things which was, what you have done; the things that's going on now; and the things that will come to pass." And every time, exactly, exactly upon the Word. That's only God can do that. Oh! Aren't we most happy for these things? ["Amen."]

28 Now, reason I was taking just a little bit extra time, Billy had to go get his wife and baby. And he said, "Daddy, don't start preaching till I get back." So, I--I think he's back now. And I ought to have that much time, anyhow. I'm trying to get away from these four hours of strain that I put you all under here, and make it thirty-five, forty minutes, you see, and trying to keep it.

29Now, I was commented one time in Chicago. I got it to a thirty minute, or something, thirty-five minutes. And last Sunday night was only forty-five minutes. Billy said, "You're really improving, dad. I'm kind--kind--kind of proud of you, for that."

30Well, maybe, this morning, to make it a little Sunday school type, I won't keep you too long. Then you can go out and have your lunch, and pray, and come back tonight for healing services. We're going to form a prayer line tonight and pray for the sick.

31 Now, if you know any peoples around, anywhere, that's sick and wants to be prayed for, you bring them here tonight. See? If you have to bring them, any way, get them here. See? That's the main thing, is, bring them here tonight. We all meet together. That way... It's hard to make calls, going place after place; then you leave off somebody, there's a hard feeling. But if I can get them all in one place, then I could pray for them. Now, if you'll... If the people wants to be prayed for, they... You say, "Will they?" Oh, certainly. They'll be prayed for. Bring them on in. The Lord willing, we'll be here, pray for everybody. Cause, I feel that that third pull is beginning to move, you see, with--within me. I--I--I want to pray for everybody.

32 Now let us turn, this morning to a familiar old Scripture where I kind of picked up in a hurry last night, being real sleepy, and wrote out a few more Scriptures to go with it. And taking kind of complimentary. I heard some brother, once, use this text. I thought... I jotted it down. I thought, "Well, I believe I'll jot that down, 'cause it might come in handy."

Lot of times we do that. I notice, many of you here, had a piece of paper. And a minister can be saying something, and then you'll--you'll hit that point, something will strike within you. And then if the Holy Spirit is doing that, then you'll start building from that very point right there, a message for the Lord. And that's all right. I've noticed in meetings, wherever you go, just preachers and people jotting down. That's all right. We--we are here, that's what we're here for, is to try to help one another along these roads.

33 And now let's turn to Revelations, the 3rd chapter, at the church ages, repeating a church age. But now we are... we... there. Yeah. I could take this one text, and with the Holy Spirit, preach on It a hundred years and never get what's in It out. Because, in this one text, like all other texts of the Bible, It's all tied together.

And I want to take my subject, this morning, of this: How Can I Overcome? Now, I chose this because that I think that it's a time that we should never let the Spirit of revival die. We've got to keep in revival, constantly revived, every day. Paul said he had to "die daily, that Christ could live." And we must never let that revival die, within us.

Now, Revelations, the 3rd chapter, and beginning with the 21st verse, we read this.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I... overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

34 Did you notice the--the 'rangements of that? See? "Set with Me in My throne," not "on My throne." "In My throne," that's in His domain. See? And now, as--as Christ is the Ruler, throne Ruler at this time, of the complete domain of God, so will the Church be with Him, the Bride be with Him, in His throne, in the entire domain. See? Not "on My throne," but "in My throne," see, where His domain reaches. A throne is over a domain, and--and a domain reaches just as far as its boundaries does. And this is from Eternity to Eternity. Just think of it!

35 Now, as we study this, my purpose of this is just not to come here to--to fellowship with you people. Which, I love to do that. But if--if I had a chance to do that, I would come to your home, and shake your hand and talk with you, and set down, eat dinner with you; and set down, under the shade tree, and talk and fellowship a while.

But when we come here, we are here for one specific purpose. This is the house of correction. This is the throne. This is the throne of God, and judgment goes forth from the house of God. And here is where we come together, gather in love, with one another, as only Christians can love. But, in here, we are--we are under a--a--a--a leadership of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost is among us. And we're here to be... to take reckoning among us, to see where our short places are, our shortcoming, and how can we catch from where we should be, over to where we ought to be now; where we are, and where we ought to be. And that's what we study. Ministers study those places, for their people. When they see the people, the lack, then they begin on that.

36 Now, soon, I think that the church maybe should be taking just a little step higher at this time. I don't plan on doing it this morning, of showing these things. But I--I think, shortly, the Lord willing, before we preach on those Trumpets, I want to--to--to bring the Church just something that--that you should know, I believe, now.

37 And now we're speaking on this, "overcoming." The word overcome, of course, you know what it means. You've got to have something to overcome. And this church age that the Holy Spirit was speaking about here, at the Laodicea Church Age, as we have just been through it, needed a rebuking. Laodicea had to be rebuked, because of its--its different towards Christ. It had put Christ outside, in--in their age. And Christ was on the outside, trying to get back on the inside. That's love. After He had been put out of His Own house, was trying to come back in, and said, "He that'll open the door, I'll come in to him." See? The church, itself, in whole, had put Him out.

38But now notice. His call here is not to just the church. "He that overcometh." See? Not the church; that would be she, see, the church body. But it's "he that overcometh," the individual that will overcome, now.

39 And Laodicea had it coming to her. Now we see, then, knowing that this is the Laodicea Age, and knowing that this age needs a sharp rebuke from God. It needs a sharp rebuke. And when our clergy gets so soft and doty, like some aged grandfather to his grandchildren, ever what they do is perfect. And they're...

40It's been said so much, that God is such a good God, until they try to make God just a big doty grandfather. You see? But He is not. He is a Father, and a Father of righteousness, of correction. And love is always corrective. See? Love corrects. No matter how bad it hurts, it still corrects.

A real mother will correct her children. A real dad will correct. See? If you just get soft and doty, and let it...

41 I was crossing an old log the other day, down a--a wash, or what is called a hollow. And I jumped up on this log. On the outside, it looked good, looked like a big old beech log. But when I jumped on it, oh, a great chunk of it fell off. It was real rotten and dotty. I said, "That's the way the Christians are becoming." They been dead in sin and trespasses, so long, till become doty. They can hold no weight, at all. They--they don't know what the overcoming means. I begin to think of this text, then. Overcome, keep Life in you. When life went out, that's what brought that log to that condition. See? And it made it worse than ever when it laid in the branch where the water was.

42 And then, there, you take a Christian, that's supposed to be a Christian, let the Life of God go from him, and the experience, the joy of serving Christ; and, living in a church where such is going on, he rottens twice as quick, right, living right under.

43So, if we are trying to follow the Message of the hour, or at least this part of the Message, we should live constantly in the Life of Christ. See? Cause, if it don't, you lay around, and know That, these things that you're supposed to do, and don't do it. The Bible said, "He that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it's sin." Then you become doty, rotten, when you're separated from the Life of God. So, strive with all that's in you, to stay in the Life of Christ, that you be fruit-bearing.

44 We see this age that we're living in. It's one of the grandest ages of all ages. This Laodicea Church Age is the grandest of all the church ages, because it's the ending of time and the blending of Eternity. And, then, it's the greatest sinful age. It's more sin in this age than there's ever been. And the powers of Satan is--is many times harder to fight against than it was in any age. See? Here!

45Back there in early ages, a Christian could, for his profession of in a church, of belonging to Christ, could be beheaded for it. He could be killed, and put out of his misery, and go to meet God, quickly.

But now the enemy has come in, in the name of the church, and it's so deceiving. This is the great age of deception. When, Christ said so, "The two spirits would be so close in the last days till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." See? See? See? Remember, Christ spoke of an elected people for the last day. See? "It would deceive the very Elected if it were possible." So close! The people so live, people can live a clean, holy life; not be sinful, adulterers, and drinkers, and liars, gamblers. They can live above that, and still not with It. That's right.

46 This is the--the age of Life, personal Life of Christ, where, the--the chemical of His Body, what was in Him.

First, under justification, the water baptism. Second, under the new Birth, of Wesley, sanctification, which cleanses. And thirdly, under the baptism of the Holy Spirit, putting that sanctified vessel into service. See? The word sanctify means, it's a compound Greek word which means "cleaned and set aside for service," set aside for service. Now the Holy Spirit puts it in service. See?

47 And we'll notice, "When the unclean spirit is gone from a man, he walks in dry places." That's exactly what the church has done, Baptists, Methodists, those who believed in sanctification. "Then," Jesus said, "the unclean spirit that went out, returns back to this church body and finds the house garnished, swept clean, living pure, clean lives." All right. "But then if that house isn't filled, occupied, then he comes in with seven other evil demons worse than he was, and the last stage of this place is seven times worse than it was at the first place." They had been better to stay Lutheran, than it would to be to receive that Light and fail to follow It. So will the Pentecostals, see, you know what I mean, the house is garnished.

48 As I was talking to someone, the other day, said, "They're very careful, even many of the holiness groups, not to call the Holy Ghost, 'Holy Ghost,' 'cause they identify themselves with Pentecostals when they do that. They say, 'Holy Spirit,' see, keep from saying, 'Holy Ghost.'" Because, the Pentecostal, common people, just call It what the Bible says, "Holy Ghost." Which, Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost is the same thing. But they're very careful about it. They don't want to be identified with them tongues-speaking people; and that's the Holy Spirit, Itself. See?

What happened then? When the enemy, that went out under sanctification, that was washed out, returned back and found the house not filled with the Holy Spirit, now the state of the church is joined with the--with the league of churches, with the World Council of Churches. And it's a state now that connects it with Roman Catholicism and all the rest of it, and now it's seven times worse than it was when it come out of Lutheranism. That's where man takes it.

49 And then look at the Laodicea Church Age after has received the Holy Ghost, and with the knowledge and the Spirit of God within It, and then the works of God is denied by It, and call It "an evil work." Then what about that? There is where Christ is put out of His Own church. See? He... It never showed Him in the church until it come to Laodicea; and when He got to Laodicea, He had been put out of His church, trying to get back in.

50Now, see, justification never put Him in. Sanctification just cleaned the place for Him. But when the baptism of the Holy Spirit come, it put Him in the people. And now they turned Him out, when He begin to show Hisself, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. They turned Him out because they have denominated, and the--the Spirit of the Lord don't agree with their denomination. You understand now? [Congregations says, "Amen."--Ed.] That, they put Him out. "We don't want nothing to do with His telepathy. It's--it's of the Devil. It's fortune-telling. Or..." See?

They don't understand. "Eyes and can't see; ears, and can't hear." See? God only opens eyes as He will. "He hardens who He hardens, He wishes to, and--and--and gives Life to those who He desires to." That's what the Scripture said.

51 Now, we see these hours that we're in, this stage, and we see what it was. And the Holy Ghost is rebuking the age that put Him out. But, in all that, did you notice, "To him that overcometh"? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Even in that worldly, wicked church age, "Him that overcometh."

52We find here that God has always had overcomers. He's had overcomers in every age. There's always, every time, in every age that there's been on the earth, God has always had somebody He could put His hands on, as a witness in the earth. He's never been without a witness, though sometimes just one. But somebody overcome, now, like the saints of old.

53 And a--a very fine man, a scholar, was saying, after The Seven Seals, he said, "Brother Branham, you being a--a typist, typologist, rather," said, "how in the world are you going to put that Church in the Rapture without the Tribulation period, in a type?" he said.

You see, if it's a type, there's got to be a... there's got... If there's an antitype, there's got to be a type for that antitype to come from. And everything I say, that is true, has a type. It has a type. You have a shadow. And the Bible said, "The old things was a shadow of the new things to come."

He said, "But now you took the Old Testament as a shadow. Now," he said, "what you going to do with this Church?"

54 This man comes from a... A great man, a great teacher that's a bosom friend of mine, very good man, and he's a lovely brother. I--I'd be daresn't to say one word against the brother. I wouldn't, anyhow. As--as a... As a Christian, I wouldn't say nothing against him. He--he--he don't agree with me on that one subject, but he--he's my precious brother. We eat together. And, oh, he's just a dandy fellow. I take his magazine, read his articles. And he writes some of mine, and so forth. And I've took a many a texts out of what I--I've read--read of his articles, hear him say. He's a great man, but he--he just can't agree with me. I appreciate that, of his sincerity. Though he don't just, one of these pushover, just have to agree with everything you say. He's got his own conviction, and he stands for it. I appreciate that. And he's a good man. Oh, I--I am not a teacher or scholar, at all, but this man is both teacher and scholar.

55 But I--I can't agree with him, 'cause I don't see it. But, it doesn't pertain to salvation, it's pertaining to the Coming of the Lord. He sees that the Church has to go through the Tribulation period, for purification. I say the Blood of Jesus Christ purified the Church. See? It needs no...

I believe that the church goes through the Tribulation period, church organization, but the Bride does not. Would you choose a woman you had to purify before you married her? See? Christ's Bride is chosen, and She is Elected. And She is God's Bride, the Bride of Jesus Christ.

56 And now he said, "How you going to type that, if that Bride goes forth, goes up before She goes through the Tribulation period?" Said, "I got Scripture that shows you that the Church is in the Tribulation period."

I said, "Just read the Sixth Seal, that's all, she is right there under the Tribulation period. But find out, just before that, the Bride is done gone. See? She is in Glory at that time. She has no purification." See?

"He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation or the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Christ gave the promise that we would not even stand at the Judgment. So freely did he take my place, until I'm absolutely free. When I'm pardoned, I'm pardoned. How can He take me out of the pawn shop, got a clear receipt, if... How can He be my Redeemer, and take me from the pawn shop, and the broker still say I belong to him? I got a written receipt, amen, see, wrote by the Blood of Jesus Christ. See? Now, in that, here is where we come.

He said, "Now, how are you going to get, separate that elected Bride you talk about now, how you going to put That under a type?"

57 I said, "Very good." I say, "Here it is now, in Matthew, the 27th chapter and the 51st verse." If we...

Let me just read it, and then we--we got it good. Then we find out whether it was typed or not, whether it's the elected Bride. Matthew, the 27th chapter and the--and the 51st verse. All right. We read this, at the crucifixion of our Lord.

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom;...

58 Now, that was the law. The law ended right there. Because, the veil kept the congregation from the holy articles of God. Only an anointed priest went in there, and, that, once a year. Remember? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, God, with His Own hand, notice, "from the top to the bottom," not from the bottom to the top. It's some forty-feet high. Notice, not from the bottom to the top, but "from the top to the bottom," showed it was done by God. Rent the veil in two, then the anyone, whosoever will, may come and partake of His holiness. See? All right.

... from top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

And came out of the graves after his resurrection,... went into the holy city, and appeared to many.

59 There is that Elected, that Bride. Not all of the Jewish church come forth at that time. All of them made the same sacrifice. All of them was under the shed blood of the lamb. But there was an elected Group; and that elected Group, as soon as the event come, that really believed in It with sincerity. Now I'm coming to the word overcome. Now hold that. These that had really overcome, sincerely making the same offering that the rest of them made, but, in sincerity, overcome the things of the world. When the propitiation correctly was made for them, they were in paradise until that play at that time. When that time was made, they had overcome and was resting, sleeping; see, "many bodies of those that slept in the dust," see, slept.

60 Now, if we had time, we could go on back to Daniel, when, Daniel, that elected one that had overcome. And He said, "Close up the Book, Daniel, for thou shall rest in thy lot. But when the Prince shall come, which will stand for the people, thou shall stand in that lot." Here it is. Daniel, this prophet of God, saw the end time coming. And He said, "Daniel, you'll stand in your lot at that day." And here he was, come forth; not all of Israel, but the Bride-type of Israel. Now, the rest of Israel don't come forth until the general resurrection.

61 And now, at the Coming of the Lord Jesus, those who are really loving His Coming, that's living for it; when He appears in the sky, the Church that's dead in Christ shall rise, and those will be changed in a moment. The rest of them will know nothing about it. Remember, "Appeared to those in the city." See? The--the--the Rapture will be like that. We'll see each other, and we'll see them. The rest of the world won't see them. It'll be caught away as a secret going. Waiting for that time!

Then returning back to the earth for that glorious Millennium; then the thousand years... "The rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years."

62 And then come forth the general resurrection, where, all Israel. And also, looky there, the twelve apostles, the twelve patriarchs, all represented. And we ain't never got to that yet. Maybe, the Lord willing, we'll get to it in the Testament, how that those walls of jasper, and twelve stones, twelve gates, twelve foundations, all of that's represented. Here they are on twelve thrones, the angel-messengers of those days, to pass judgment upon those who rejected their message. Amen. There comes forth that great hour. Yeah.

63What a day, what a time that we're living! How that we should check up, Church. Now we talk about these things coming, that's going to come. Now, today, let's drop back here and see, check ourselves and see if we're right in the Faith.

64 Now let's talk of a few overcomers for a few minutes, in the days of Noah's time, which was typed by Jesus Christ, of being like today.

I suppose to have ten minutes. Now I'll be a half hour. I just getting started, the first page. I'll skip a few of them, if I can. And get what...

65In Noah's time, type of today. Jesus referred to it, and said, "As it was in Noah's time, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man. In Noah's time, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Notice, there were all that antediluvian world, perhaps of millions of people, there was eight overcomers. Eight people overcome, that was real, genuine overcomers. There was Noah's three sons and their wives, and Noah and his wife. Eight overcome, that entered the ark at the appropriate time. How did they do it? They listened to the Word of God. They wasn't caught outside the door. They were caught inside the door.

66 Oh, my beloved friends, don't let that door shut. Jesus said, "As it was in that day, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." (Thank you, brother.) "So shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Now, there's somebody is going to get caught outside that door.

Many of them might have had good intentions, and, "Someday, if such things happen, we'll go in with Brother Noah, 'cause he's a fine fellow." But, you see, it caught just eight inside.

67Now, think hard now. If you are laying around, getting doty, get in. Hurry, quick, 'cause the door might close at any time.

68 And there's always been an ark in God's economy. There was an ark in the days of Noah, for the saving of His people. There was an ark in the days of the law, ark of testimony. In the days of the law, they followed the ark.

And there is a third dispensation now; like Noah's time, Lot's time, and now this time. There is an ark now. And that ark is not a denomination, neither is it a good works that you do. "It's by one Spirit," Romans 8:1, "we are all baptized into one Body, in the domain of that Kingdom, one Spiritual baptism." No matter how good, how bad, whatever, you're in that Kingdom by--by Holy Ghost baptism. See? That's the only way you overcome. It's all that is under the shed Blood is overcomers, 'cause you cannot overcome, yourself. It's He that overcome for you. You're resting.

69"How will I know then, Brother Branham, that I'm in There?" Watch what kind of a life you're living. Just look around. See if it's just lived out of you, automatically. Or, you have to strain and pull, see, then you're doing it. But don't try to do it. Did you ever try? Yeah. Don't.

70 Just like putting a little baby's arm in a sleeve hole, you see. He's just up, down, over, and everything else. See? He can't do it. "Put on your coat, honey." He can't do it. Little arm is up, down, around. It takes your steady hand.

Oh, how glad I am, I can just yield my hand to Father, say, "Lord Jesus, I can't get in There. You help me. Put the coat on me." I quit trying. Just let Him do it. See?

71 If the little baby keeps trying, "Oh, I can do it. I can do it." And he's just everywhere. He can't do it.

Neither can you, neither can I, but if we'll just hold still and let Him do it. Just yield to Him, "Here, Lord, here I am. Just--just let me be nothing. I--I yield. You put my hand in the right place." That's the victory. That's overcoming.

72The thing you have to overcome is yourself, your idea, your thing, and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for you. He knows the way; we don't.

73 But in Noah's time there was eight overcomers, and that's what went in. They were caught inside.

Now look, friends. I believe they're taping this. And if it's on television, or not tel-... pardon me, a tape. Whatever you do, who is listening now, or who will listen hereafter, the hour is very late, and you do have good intention, but be caught inside. Now, don't struggle. "Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God." Just let God. Just yield yourself to Him and walk on, with a perfect, satisfied faith, that, "What God has promised He is able to perform." Not joining one denomination, another denomination, running this, that, or the other, trying this. Just yield yourself to God, and walk with Him, peaceful, quiet, not interrupted. Just keep on walking with Him. That's right.

74That's what I told our brother that just had the--the breakdown. See? "Just yield to Him. He's here, He Who knowed what you have done, and what caused your being and doing this way, and all that. He knows all about you, and now He's just told you back just what to do. Now," I said, "only thing you have to do is just go do it. That is, forget all about the past, walk, live for the future, in the Glory and Presence of God.

Eight overcomers.

75 In the days of Daniel's time, there was four overcomers that could stand the test of fire and lion.

Now, we're expected to be tested. That's a good lesson for my--my brother back there, also. "He that cometh to God must first be tested." Tested (what?) with the Word. That's God's test. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "He that cometh to God must be tested." That only shows a true child, then, see, be tested, and when the test comes on. You can't overcome 'less there's a test give to you. And when test is given, it's to see whether you can overcome or not. And Jesus said, "To him that overcometh," the test. The test is the greatest thing that ever happened to you. I believe it's written in the Scripture, Peter said, that, "Our trials are worth more to us than precious gold." It's a testing time. It's one good evidence to us that God is with us, when we're tested, for all children of God are tested and tried.

76 And Daniel, a man, a prophet. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel was the prophet, and that was the size of the Church in that day, I mean, the Bride. There's lots of church, about two million of them went down there. But there was... That was the size of the overcomer. And them overcomers was put to the test. And every overcomer has to be put to the test. When they said, "You take back what the Word says, or either be throwed in the fiery furnace." They refused anything but the Word.

77 And when Daniel was given a test, that he should take back what the Word said, that they should lean towards the temple, as Solomon prayed, and He would deliver them from all things. God would hear from Heaven if they'd lay... look towards the temple and pray. And said, "If any man prays within these amount of days... And we are Medo-Persians, who cannot change or alter our laws. That man will be throwed into the lions' den."

78They set a trap for him. I believe that prophet knew that. But they set a trap for him. He walked humbly. When it come time for him to pray... When, he knowed, at the home place in Jerusalem, there was a burning sacrifice on the altar. Daniel wasn't afraid of them spies. Raised up the shades, and threw back the shutters, and knelt down on his knees, and throwed his hands up to God and prayed. Why? Live or die, he had the victory. And, therefore, so much victory till the lions couldn't eat it. He--he overcome.

79The Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, had so much victory until the lion... till the fire couldn't burn them. You know, victory is a hard thing to burn out, or eat up, or anything. See? So, they, they had it.

80 I might mention another character. In the days of Lot, Jesus referred to it, there were only three that overcome, Lot and his two daughters. Not even his wife; didn't overcome. She--she started out. She's a type. Wish we had time. My thirty minutes is up right now. See? See? She, she done all right, she left.

81Now I've got to give this to you, just a moment. Many of you has left, too. Many of you left these things, to take your stand, after you search It through the Scripture and find It's right. You seen the vindication of Almighty God; not by some, what somebody said was a vindication. What the Bible said would be, and here It is doing it. You saw It was the Truth. So, you've set out, to leave Sodom, leave the denomination, leave the things that bind you to a creed; and to follow Christ, by the Holy Spirit vindicating Himself by the written Word of God. Other words, you took the Bible instead of the creed. You've set out, to follow.

82 Well, Lot's wife did the same thing, you know. She set out, to go with Lot, follow her husband, her children, her loved ones, but It wasn't in her heart. She still loved the world. So it's possible you can make a start, and still be the world in you. See? She never overcome. And even though she was well on the road, it finally overthrowed her. She had to take that one big, long, last look. There's where she got caught. Don't even look back. Don't have no desires. Keep going. Put your mind on Calvary and keep moving towards Christ. See?

83 She started out, as an overcomer, but she never did overcome. Oh, she left the denomination. She did. She walked out of Sodom, with Lot. But she wanted to go back and have her hair cut. You know what I mean. See? She had to go back. She just couldn't stand the--the test. She had to look back again, to see what the rest of them was doing. "Oh, you know, I had some good friends down there, after all. And, after all, this might be just a little--a little move. I don't know whether it could be right or not. I--I've only got this man's word for it, though he's my husband. But yet..." Your pastor is your husband, spiritually speaking, you see. "Now, whether it could be right or not, I don't know. Maybe his revelation wasn't right."

Then, if you're not perfectly satisfied, you're not perfectly know that It's the Word of God, then--then you can't go. See? You got to be really sold out. You've got to know. Not just say, "Well, I see others doing it. I see a sign."

84 You know, Israel started out, I could say the same thing and bring it in here. They started out, two million strong, and ended up with two men. Right. They saw the works of God. They saw the manifestation of the Spirit. They saw great, mighty miracles being done there in Egypt, and everything, and started out. But it--it wasn't in their heart. They didn't overcome. They just come out. And Jesus said, "And they perished in the wilderness," and are Eternally dead. "Every one of them is dead," that means Eternal separation. Every one of them rotted in the wilderness.

85 But there was two men, Joshua and Caleb. And when it come to the showdown, the obstacles was so great till they looked like grasshoppers side of them. Joshua screamed out with Caleb, and said, "We are more than able to do it." Why? "God said so." And they were overcomers. They overcome. They was the ones that was privileged, out of that whole great organization of people, to take the real, elected Bride into the promised land. Joshua and Caleb in the front lines out there, as the two generals, led them right down to the river, and crossed the river, over into the promised land. Why? They believed the Word, no matter what.

86 Then, Dathan raised. Dathan, rather, raised up, and so did Korah, and they tried to say, "This man is trying to make himself above all the rest of us; he's more holy than the rest of them." After God had thoroughly vindicated the man. They said, "We'll just start a group of people. We'll make this, that, or the other. We'll make our organizations. We'll do." And they died and perished.

But those men had that Word of the Lord, and they stayed with It, and they went over.

"Not he that starts; he that finishes." Many start the race, but there's One finishing it. There'll be many churches start, many groups of people. There'll be one Group finish. That's the overcomers.

87 Lot's day, yes, she had to have that one great, long look back. "Oh, I'm leaving So-and-so down there, them fine times we used to have. I'll never forget it." And she was caught, shut out, like it was in the days of Noah. She was shut out, without mercy, and she perished. And the--the lump still stands there today. They claim (I don't know) you could break a piece off of it and it'll grow back, a salt pillar. You ever see that picture of Sodom And Gomorrah, you'll see the original pillar of salt that stood there.

88Now, there's a difference between a pillar of salt and a Pillar of Fire. See? You have to turn one way. Yeah.

89 Notice, in John the Baptist's time. In John the Baptist's time, there was found six that had overcome. All ages, they've had overcomers. In John's time they had six, that was Joseph and Mary, Zacharias and Elisabeth, Simeon and Ann. A man and a woman, a man and a woman, a man and a woman; see, type of Christ, the Church; Christ, the Church; Christ, the Church; Christ, the Church. See? See?

90Notice, it starts from the natural man. No, Mo-... Joseph, the natural man, Joseph, what was he? A carpenter. Then the priest, what was he, see? A minister in the house of the Lord; Zacharias. And from that, to Simeon, a prophet and a prophetess. See?...?... Justification, sanctification, baptism the Holy Ghost. Amen. Don't you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Perfectly. Six overcome. All the rest of them, they offered their sacrifice and everything, but these were Elected. They overcome.

91 Notice each church age. The same overcome when they, each son out of each church age, overcome the temptation of that age. I got the Scriptures here. I don't think we really have time to make it, but we know each one of the church ages. Same now. It's just like someone who is...

92See, as I said at the beginning, you are born defeated. And that birth can never bring you to--to Life, because you're born defeated. And you're in a defeated world, amongst defeated people, amongst defeated creeds, defeated denominations. You've got to come to victory some way.

93 It's just like a lily. Where is... A lily, I think, is one of the most prettiest flowers that there is. I'm very fond of those great calla lilies and pond lily. I think there's nothing hardly as pretty as a great big pond lily, call it water lily. How it's radiance! Now, where does it come from? It's a little seed, down in the bottom of a muddy, mucky pond. And that little seed, yet, all the radiance that'll ever shine in it, is in it right then, when it's in that mud. But it has to strive, daily, knowing that there is something. It's black. It's dirty. It's mucky. It's slimy. In that slime that it's living in, yet it presses its way through the mud, the muck, and the waters, and the stagnant places, until it sticks its head above, in the light, and expresses what's been hid in it all the time.

94I think that's an overcomer, that, once in sin, once did things that was wrong, don't worry about it now. Once did things that was wrong, then, now why look back into the pond again? See? Look, you have...

95 God, by His predestination, see, has brought this seed to life, and it's pressing itself, see, coming to light. And now, on top of all of that, it has overcome. See? It doesn't express itself down there. It's getting up, to express itself.

Neither did you, in your--your sin, and adultery, and everything that you lived in. You didn't express nothing. But there was a seed in there, and it got a chance to press itself into Light. And now you're in the Presence of Jesus Christ, with the Son Light. It brought out what you really was in the beginning. You see what I mean? You saw the Light. You bloomed out. You laid your heart open, and now you're a lily.

96 You remember my sermon on the lily? Reverend Lily, how he toils. "And, yet, does he not spin. And yet, Solomon, in all of his glory, is not arrayed like one of these." He--he--he--he--he... Look at him. He's ready to gi-....He takes nothing for himself. The lily don't care nothing about himself. What does he do? He--he throws his beauty out, his life, that others might see. His life is expressed out, that others might see the glory, what's in him, that was in him in that mud. Now he's on top.

That's the overcomer. He overcome the mud. He overcome the things of the world. And now he freely gives hisself out. Everybody can look at him. His life, you can't put a finger on it. See? He's a real overcomer. You can't say nothing about him now. Say, "He come out of the mud." But he's not in the mud now. He's on top of it. Amen. You can't now point back what he was. What is he now? He's on top.

97Then the bee comes by and say, "That's wonderful perfume. I believe I'll go and get my part."

98He just opens up his heart, "Come on now. All right." Everything takes from him. See? He, he's a real pastor. He expresses the Glory of God. And look where he come from. He had to overcome, to do that.

99 One time, he or she was young and fair, beautiful. They had a lot of temptations to go through, but they overcome that. See? They overcome. Now they're expressing the real beauty of Christ in their life. Notice, expressing, through the mud.

100Jesus gave us the example, how to do it. Now we want to know how to overcome. Jesus told us how to do it. See? Humility! Girded Himself, took a towel, and washed the disciples' feet and wiped them. The very God of Heaven humiliated Himself.

101We don't want to be humiliated. That's the reason women don't want their hair to grow out; the reason they don't want to dress like ladies should dress. Like, men don't want to, see, it's the same thing. They don't. They, they get humiliated.

But, Jesus, constantly! Look Who He was. Greatness! I'm going to say something. Greatness humiliates itself. Great humbles itself. Greatness!

102 I've had the privilege of getting, meeting some great men. And it's these guys that got a change of clothes, and fifty cents in their pocket, and to rattle, that's the guy that thinks he's something when he's nothing. But I stood by great men, I mean great men with ragged sleeves, cuffs. They make you think you're the great person. See?

Greatness is humility. Don't forget that, Church. Greatness is expressed in humility, not how fine you can be.

I don't mean dirty, now. I--I mean humble in spirit. See? I don't mean just get--get out and... Go to wash and clean up. That, you should do that. You know that. See?

But I'm talking about humility, genuine humility, not something is put-on. Something that is, that's real humility.

103 Jesus told us how to do it. He overcome. Means... Overcome means "to stand the test," that's right, like all the old saints did; like Jesus did: amidst of all of His enemies, He stood the test. Everything He was tested against, He stood it. In the very face of sickness, and Him being Messiah, He healed them. In the face of death, He brought it back to life. In the face of Calvary, His Own death, He defeated it by surrendering Himself. Why? By the Word. Said, "You destroy this Temple, and I'll raise it up in three days." The Word said so. See? And in the presence of death, He defeated it. He overcome death. In the presence of hell, He defeated hell and overcome hell. Yes. In the presence of the grave, He overcome the grave. Why? All by the Word, and humility. Oh, my! There's the real Man. There's the One to make your example. See? He defeated everything, overcome it.

104 Look. Temptation was for Him. You know that? The Bible said, "He was tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin." He was tempted by--by drinking. He was tempted by women. He was tempted by everything that could be tempted by. He was tempted by everything that we are. He was a Man, and yet you couldn't put a mark on Him. Yes, sir.

105Overcome means "to recognize the Devil in every one of his tricks." Lot of people says, "There is no Devil. It's just a thought." Don't you believe that. There's a real Devil. He's just as real as you are, anybody. A real Devil, and you must recognize him real. You must know he's a devil. Then, the same time that you--you recognize him, and know that he's a devil and he's against you, then, to overcome, you must recognize that the God in you is greater and mightier than he is, that the One that's in you has already overcome him. And, by His grace, you are more than a match for him. Amen. There's real overcoming, when you recognize.

106 You look back, say, "I'm doing this and I'm doing that," then, no, you--you, you're defeated.

"But there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Then you realize that you've overcome.

And you know that he's a devil. You can't say, "I got a sickness, and I--I--I--I don't believe it is a sickness." Oh, yes, it is a sickness. You got cancer, you "don't believe it is a cancer." It is a cancer. It is a cancer.

But, remember, "Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world." You must realize that the Holy Spirit that's in you has already overcome this thing. And He's in you, and you can overcome by Him. That's exactly sensible, exactly the way the Scripture is written. Overcoming!

I got to hurry. I done got forty-five minutes now. I'm really running overtime now.

107 Notice, overcome! The God that's in you is greater than the one that's in him. The god of the world is not as great as the God of Heaven, which is in you, no more than darkness can stand in the presence of light.

108Now, darkness cannot stand in the presence of light. I don't care how dark it is, light will put it out. It can't stand. Glory! But you take as much darkness you want to, and try to stand against light one time, see what happened.

That's the One that's in you, is Light. And the one that's in the world is darkness. So, the Light has proved to overcome the darkness, and the man that's in Christ and knows that he's overcome the things of the world. Amen. It has no more ties to you, at all. You're free. "Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, and the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, and we have fellowship one with another." There you are.

109 "He that's in you is greater than he that's in the world." Now, if you look back, you're condemned, then you're still in the world. But if you're living above that, then He that's in you has led you above the darkness.

Like the lily, he's above the darkness of the mud. He's above the darkness of the muddy waters. He's in the light, reflecting the beauty that was put in him before he left the mud. Amen.

110Now I--I feel like a shouting Christian. What was in there by God, at the beginning, it pressed its way through, overcome. It overcome the shell. It overcome the mud. It overcome the waters. It overcome everything, and was an overcomer, and reflected the beauty and Glory of God.

111 That's the way every believer does. That's the way Noah did. That's the way Lot did. That's the way. Look what a mess he was in. That's the way Moses did. That's the way Joshua did. That's the way Daniel did. That's the way Shadrach, Meshach did. That's the way John the Baptist did; Zacharias, Elisabeth. That's the way that Simeon, that's the way that Anna, every one of them did. They overcome the mud that there was around them and packed into them. Stuck their head above the thing, and shined forth the Glory of God. That's what a real Christian does.

112 Remember, Jesus showed Her how it's done. Forty days of temptation, He was tempted above any man that ever could be tempted, in the temptation of Jesus Christ. Watch. He showed us how it's done.

Now I will close, just in a few minutes.

113Look. He showed us how it's done. How did He do it? By the Word. That's how He done it, for He was the Word. And Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you," you're back to Word again, the Word of promise. What is the Word of promise to every Christian? "Greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world." Then how do I overcome? Not me, but the Word that's in me. The Word is God. Then I overcome the things of the world, because it's the Word in me. "If ye abide in Me, My Words in you, then just ask what you will." Just keep pressing up. You're coming to the top, as sure as anything. See? You got to come to the top.

114 His forty days of temptation, by God's Word He overcome. I want to express something here just for a few minutes. Satan made three major assaults upon Him in that temptation. Watch. It's always in them three. Don't forget it. See? He made three major assaults, from the highest to the lowest. He tried his best to conquer Him. But He was the Word. Amen. What did He use? Himself, the Word. Satan's three major attacks or assaults upon Him, but He met it with the Word. Every attack, He could make it with the Word. Watch this now, from the highest to the lowest.

115 The first he made his attack upon, to use His great power. Which, He knowed He was the Word. He knowed His position. You believe He did? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "I the Son of man." He knowed His position. And Satan come and want Him to use His Own power on Hisself, to feed Him, want to feed Hisself. He was hungry. A man gets hungry, he can do almost anything. He'll steal, rob, beg, borrow, anything. See? He had that appetite. And Satan used his first great major assault upon Him, to take His power that He had been given to overcome with and use it on Himself. He didn't use it on Himself. No. He used it on others. That's right. He used it on others, not Himself. It wasn't for Him. Though, He could have done it. He certainly could have done it.

116 But see how the Devil gets? The Devil wants you to mind him. He minded only what the Father said do. That's right.

He said, "Why," Satan said, "it's written, 'He'd give the Angels charge... '"

117He said, "Yes, but it's also written..." See? There you are. See? He knew Who He was. Satan did...

The Thought runs deeper than what It's wrote. See? It's inspiration. The kernel is on the inside of It, you see, what It really is.

118Though He could have done it, He didn't do it. But He--He never paid heed to Satan's proposition.

Now, here is a good thing. See? Sometime Satan can take you, and when you think that you're doing the will of God, and can make you a proposition, you'll fall for it. Yes, sir. He sure can.

119 Now let's just take, for instance, like our sisters. They're pretty. And he can get you to a place, that, you let your hair grow out, you didn't realize. It looked so nice on you, and, the first thing you know, you get kind of feeling a little stuck-up, little above something else. Some of you men, you know what I mean. See? And he can take that same thing and proposition it with you. That's right. You got to overcome that.

Just remember, you're living for God. You have one objective, and that's Jesus Christ. Outside of that, there's nothing else counts. That's Him. Then, secondly, for your family. Then, thirdly, for yourself. But, first, for God; next, for your family; and next, for you. You're number three; that's the end of the road. Put yourself last; He did.

120 Look what He could have done. Said, "I could call My Father, speak to Him, He'd straightway send Me twelve legions of Angels." When, one of Them could destroy the world. Said, "If My Kingdom was this world, then My subjects would fight. But My Kingdom is of Above." There you are. See? He could have done that, but He didn't. See? Though, He could have done it. He never listened to Satan's proposition.

121Now, have you heard people say, "If--if you believe there--there's a Divine healer... If you're a Divine healer... Go get your Divine healer. I got a man over here, sick. I'd like to see him heal him." See that same Devil? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He's trying to proposition with you. He's trying to make you listen to him instead of God. But a real, true servant of God will listen and see what Father says, first. See?

122 Like the little Stadsklev baby, when they sent over here. And Mrs. Stadsklev said, "Brother Branham, I called from Germany." There was an American army, with one of their jet planes setting out here at the field, would fly me to Germany and back, in a day. He was a chaplain. And the baby was laying, dead. And that little mother screaming, she said, "Listen!" Said, "I know. I stood right there and seen that woman hold that dead baby in her arms, that died that morning. I seen Brother Branham walk right out there, lay hands on that dead baby, and it come to life." Said, "This is my baby, Brother Branham." Never been a death in their family. See? And this little thing took sick one morning and died that afternoon.

Here was all of them standing around, and giving prophecies and things, "The baby is going to raise up," and all like that.

123I said, "Well, that's mighty nice, Sister Stadsklev. But let me see what Father says."

I went out to the woods. And I prayed. Come back in; she done called two or three times 'fore I got back the next morning. Nothing.

The doctor said, "All right." Said, "If that's it, if you have faith like that, lady, we'll never let the baby leave the hospital. Let it lay right here. You stay right here with it. That's all right."

Brother Stadsklev went and seen the army major. They said, "Sure. We will fly him over, and bring him back."

124 And there was a plane setting, waiting, to take me over that morning and bring me back that night, to Germany, to Heidelberg, Germany, for the resurrection of this baby. I said, "Sure, God can do it, but let's see what His will is."

125Then I went out, prayed all night. Nothing happened. Come back the next morning; nothing happened. And I started into the room. Just then I looked there, and there stood that Light hanging there in the door. Said, "Don't put your hand on that. Don't rebuke that. That's the hand of God."

126I got her on the phone. I said, "Sister Stadsklev, bury your baby. It's the hand of the Lord. It's God's will. Something would happen to that baby down along the line. You let it go right where God knows where it's at. You can go to it now. It lives, you won't. You leave it right like that."

127That great Lutheran preacher in Germany wrote a letter and said, "How I can appreciate, what, Brother Branham waiting for that clear-cut decision of God, before he said anything."

That's it. Hold to God's decision. No matter what others say, whatever it is, don't proposition Satan, at all.

128 If Satan says, "Now, water baptism, name of 'Father, Son... '" If that, he even proposition, you leave it alone. God said otherwise. If he says, "You're a good man, you don't have to be... You're a good woman, you don't have to do..." Don't you proposition. If the Word says something different, you stay with the Word regardless of what it is. That's the example Jesus give to you, and there's that major assault, see, that he made on Him.

129 Then, the second assault. I'll hurry. Just looks like the time just goes so fast. The next great assault was, that he made upon Him, that He would be a show-off.

And how that does hit God's servants, to be a show-off, to show what you can do. "Glory to God! Hallelujah! I'm a deliverer! I'm so." See? See?

130"Come up here, on top of the temple, and set down here." He tempted Him to do it. Now, remember, He was tempted to do it, hard. Said, "Now, if You want to be something before the people, stand up here on this temple, jump off." See? "I'll give You a Scripture for it, because it's written, 'He'd give the Angels charge over Thee, lest, any time, dash a foot against a stone. He'd bear Thee up.'" To make Him a show-off, to show His authority.

131No true servant of God ever does that. You see a man showing off, his chest out, and all like that, just remember, there is something wrong there. No. God don't want that. Jesus set the example. He could have done it. He certainly could have done it, but He didn't do it. No servant of God is a show-off, of himself, to try to take God's power and show himself above somebody else.

132 You remember Moses did that? Remember it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] God give him power to do whatever he wanted to; made him a prophet. He walked down to that Rock, and he smote the Rock the second time. That was against God's will.

God said, "Speak to that Rock. Don't smite it again. You break all the--all the--the type here. The Rock is only going to be smitten once." But he spoke of the weakness of the Word when he did that; That wasn't sufficient. Yeah. The Word was what was going on. That Rock was the Word. See?

133He, first time, he smote the Rock and the waters come forth. And then they got thirsty again. He said, "Now go back and speak to the Rock." It was only smitten once. See?

"The insufficiency of the Word," Moses testified to it. "The Word wasn't right; He had to be smitten again."

134So Moses went down there and smote the Rock like that, said, "Come forth!" Didn't come forth, so he smote it again, and said, "Come forth! I command you to come forth." And the waters come.

135God said, "Come up here. Come here. You glorified yourself. You took My power; instead of sanctifying Me, you sanctified yourself. Now you're not going over in the land. Look over, see what it looked like; but, here, you're going to leave right here." Oh, my! There never has been one like Moses, you know. No, no.

136 When he come to that show off with Jesus, he said, "Get up on the temple here and jump off."

137He said, "It's written," amen, "'Don't tempt the Lord thy God.'" See? He met him with the Word, that, every major assault.

138No true servant ever tries to show himself off, with--with God's power. He does, he loses right then.

139 Third great assault, Satan offered to forfeit this kingdom to Him. He did. Satan said, "See these kingdoms of the world? These are mine. I do with them whatever I want to. I'll forfeit them to you."

But, remember, he was trying to get Him to forfeit it without the cross. If He did, we'd be lost. He could have took the kingdom. But He must follow the... He must come back. He was tempted to do it, now. Death is a hard thing. He was tempted to take His liberty and be the King of the earth, without the cross. But, if He did, His subjects would have died. Satan would have gladly made that proposition with Him. But He said, "Get behind Me, Satan." He didn't do it.

140 He come and suffered, and took the hard, rugged route. He took the route of persecution. He took the route of death.

Are we, this morning, willing to do, take that same route that He taken? Are we willing to die. Are we willing to give ourselves up to God, forfeit all the world and the things, to serve for Him? See?

141Now, He failed to do it. Willingly to--to forfeit it, Satan was, to Him. But He didn't do it. Though Jesus was tempted, He overcome for us. He--He endured all temptations for me and for you. See? He could have took it right then. But what did he take the other route for? So that we could come, be with Him. And if He paid such a price as that, then how little would we be not to take it? When, remember, there's nothing here, anyhow.

142 If you live a hundred years, what are you going to come to? Mental, and your mind gone, all crippled up, and old and shaky. That's where you're going, and that's the end of it. You come now, overcome the thing. How you do it? By the Word. What the Word says, you do it. Walk humble. Live before Jesus.

143He endured all things for you and I. He is our example how to overcome our evil generation, as He overcome His evil generation.

144Remember, when He come to the earth, there's just as much unbelief, or more, than there is at any time. It didn't bother Him a bit. When they called Him a devil instead of God, when they called Him everything that could be done, it didn't bother Him a bit. He had one object, "Mind the Father. Keep the Word." The Word is God. He had one mind.

145 We're sometimes tempted to go back. Many of you, tempted to go back to the denomination, go back and take up, 'cause all the world say, "What denomination you belong to? What church you affiliated with?" We're tempted to do that; all of us are. Our sisters are tempted to go back, go back and join up with some of the rest the churches, with some of the Assemblies, or churches of God, or some of them; still be Pentecostal, let your hair cut off, and dress just about any way you want to. See? You're tempted to do that, go back and be popular with this wicked generation that we're living with.

When, this is the major sin of our days. It's the major sin among our people, worldliness, as the Bible said the Laodi-... Laodicea Age was. She's worldly, "Rich, have need of nothing; don't know that she's naked; miserable, wretch, and blind." That's the sin of our day. When you hear the Word of God call out against it, then you take the other route, you're unpopular with the world. You're tempted to go back.

146 I know. You keep saying to me. I know you're saying, "All the time." I know you get tired of me harping on these things. I get tired seeing you do it, too, that's right, this sin that I'm trying to tell you about. Say, "What are you harping on it for?" Stop doing it, then. I'm trying to save your life, by the Word. I get tired, also. So, just straighten up. This is a sin, shouldn't be done. Yes, sir.

147We are to overcome these things. We expect to be tempted by them, the world. "You love the world, the things of the world, love of God is not in you," said Jesus.

148 Now we'll just close, and say this. There's a reward for the overcomer.

149Let me read something here to you. Turn in your Bibles. Let's go back to Revelations, the 3rd, the 2nd chapter. Watch here now, all these things I been talking about, to overcome. Now just look at yourself and see. Examine yourself in the spiritual looking-glass, see if you've overcome.

150 Now, the first message, to the--to the angel of Ephesus, I want you to listen to what He said. And Revelations, the 2nd chapter, the 7th verse. This is to that church age, when He told them all what they done, "Left their first love." 7th verse:

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him (the person, not the church)... To him that overcometh--overcometh I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

See? The overcomers in Ephesus.

151Now, the next was Smyrna. Now, to overcomers in that, we listen to this. Now, the 11th verse.

To he--he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

See? They overcome it.

152Now, that, now look to Pergamos, we'll find out what the overcomer had left for him, in this. We'll read the 17th verse, to the Pergamos church.

He that has an ear,...

That, that's the individual, not the whole group. The individual, that's Bride coming out, you see, the Church.

Let him that has an ear, hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receives it.

That's the overcomer, of the church age.

153 Now, the next is the Thyatira. Let's find out what the overcomer had in that day. Let's take the 26th verse.

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give the power over the nations: (That is right.)

And... shall rule them with a rod of iron; and as a vessel of a potter shall they be broken into shivers: even as I received of my Father.

See, "With Him, in His throne." Christ is to rule the nations, with a rod of iron. And here is the Church that overcomes, "Setting in there, with Him, to break the nations with a rod of iron."

154Now let's take them to the Sardis church. Now the 5th verse of the 3rd chapter.

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and the holy angels.

That's to the overcomer in Sardis.

155 Now, let's take now the 12th verse. Now, this is to the church of--of Philadelphia, in the 12th verse.

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him my name, name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from... God: and I will write upon him my new name.

156Watch what the overcomer is promised. See?

Now, now Laodicea, that's the last church age. There's going to be some overcomers in there. Watch here. They, remember, each church age, the one preceding it inherits all that the other ones offered. Watch up here. Now, here, it's after they done received all these powers, these new names, and everything written, that He promised, and eat the hidden manna, and all down through. Watch this last church age, Revelations 3:21.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, (amen), even as I also overcome, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.

157There's a reward for overcomers. Press on, lily. If it's in you, lay aside the mud and everything else, and press towards the top. Yes, sir. "To sit with Me on My throne."

158 You know, one time, the mother of James and John... We won't have time to read it. The mother of James and John came and asked for this place. You know that? Remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "Lord, let my son set on one side, and my other son set on the other." There's a mother's desire for her son.

But watch. But, "That place," Jesus said, "was predestinated." This position was not in existence at that time. Why? Notice. "It will be granted to them who it is meant for." What? The one to set at the right hand, and the other closest to Him, was yet an overcomer. See? It was still... He said, "I--I don't grant this. I can't grant this, but it will be given after the trial comes." Amen. See? "I can't give this. But after the trial comes, they'll set on the right hand and on the left. There's a predestinated seed waiting out yonder for that. It will be given to the ones that it's promised to. It'll be given there, but the test hasn't come yet. Yeah. He hasn't overcome yet." See?

159 The person that was to take this place on one side, and another one to take it on the other side, next to Him in the Kingdom, it wasn't yet given, see, that that overcome. The test hadn't fell yet. "It will fall in the future."

"If we suffer for Christ and His Word, we will reign with Him, for He is the Word." Remember, "If we suffer for Him and His Word, we'll reign with Him, in His Word."

160Notice. He, our example, overcome, and then ascended up, after he conquered death, hell, sickness, grave. Everything, He conquered. "Then He ascended up, and led captivity captive, give gifts unto men." That was the Old Testament, with the Old Testament saints that had overcome. They looked for such a Person, and they died before It got there. But when this Person come, "It didn't prevent them which were asleep." Amen. Can't lose, any way. Live or die, what difference does it make? "Won't prevent." See? They looked for that.

161 Even Job back there, he looked for it. He said, "I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last days He'll stand upon the earth." There was a just man, a perfect man. He offered sacrifice. He done everything that God told him to do. He did it with reverence and respect. He was a prophet. And then Satan come around, to tempt him. (Just like he comes to tempt you.) What did he do? He kept standing there.

His wife even come out, said, "Won't you curse God and die the death? You look so miserable setting there."

162He said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." Now, never said she was foolish, but she talked like one. See? Said, "Thou speakest like a foolish woman." Said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord." He overcome.

163 He overcome what the neighbors had to say. He overcome what all the church members, Bildad and all them, had to say. He overcome the bishop and what he had to say. He overcome the cardinal and what he had to say. He overcome the denomination, what they had to say. And he stayed with the justification of the Word. Amen. Yet, it cost him everything he had, even his children. He scraped the boils with a piece of crock, setting on this, and yet he overcome. And when the great hour of temptation had finally succeeded, then the clouds rolled back.

164 He looked at every reasonable thing. He said, "There's a hope in a tree if it dies; it lives again. And a seed falls in the ground, it rots away; it lives again. But a man layeth down and giveth up the ghost; he wasteth away. And his children come, his sons, to honor and to mourn over him; he perceived it not. He don't raise no more. Oh, there he is. What's the matter? I'm a seed, too. I'm something, that it's a seed, and I'll go to the ground. I can't rise no more. I'll lay there. Oh, hide me in the grave, keep me in the secret place till Thy wrath be past. Appoint me a time and judge me. As the rocks wear away, water wears away the stone." Oh, he went on, saying all these things. He could see all the examples out there, what it was. Oh, he just couldn't see it.

165 And, Sister Rodgers, remember when I preached that at Busty's funeral. See?

166How, that, "He'd wear away the stone," how these things. "Oh, O Thou, hide me in the grave, and keep me in the secret place." He kept on pressing. He said, "I wish I knowed. I wish I knowed where I could go, to a Man that could put His hands on me, a sinful man, and a holy God, and talk to Him for me." Oh, my! "He's There. I know He's There. There is Someone There that can do that. There is Someone somewhere. Where can I find that Person? Where can I find? I'll knock on His door and talk to Him? If Somebody could only put His hand on me, and on God, and--and bridge the way for me, talk! If I could only find that Person! Oh, where is He at?"

167 He searched through his church. He had searched through his organization. He couldn't find such a Person.

168And all at once, the clouds rolled back, and he saw that Person coming. Oh! His old heart beat for joy. Then something happened. "I know my Redeemer liveth. There is such a Person." Amen. There is still such a Person. "I know my Redeemer liveth. And though, after the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God, Whom I shall see for myself. He'll stand on the earth in the last day."

169 On that Easter morning, when He rose out yonder, and Job's body no more than a spoonful of ashes, he was waiting. He was that elected Group. He rose from the grave and entered into the city, with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job. Oh, my! Amen. For, they looked for such a Person.

170"And to those who look for Christ the second time," that can overcome the things of this world, by His grace, to come into Him, and shut your eyes to anything else but Him and His Word, "He will appear the second time in Glory."

"For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise; those which are alive and remain shall be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, be caught up together, to meet Him in the air."

171 Whether I'm a spoonful of ashes, or whether I'm living when He comes, it matters me no difference. Amen. Doesn't matter, because I've caught the vision. The veil rolled back, and I see Him. One that could stand, and put His hand upon me, a sinful man, and upon a holy God. And He is my propitiation. He is the Word that I stand for. "In the beginning was the Word." He's that Word, and He represents me, There. Amen. And I'll scream it, as long as I have breath, "He is my Resurrection and my Life." And all other grounds are sinking sand. All other grounds are sinking sand.

172 As He caught them who looked for that, so will He come to each New Testament saint that's overcome every denominational critic, who has ever overcome all the popular sins of this day, of this age that we live in now, like He did in all the other church ages, those who overcome in that church age. Those who overcome what? "'I am rich. I have need of nothing. I have... Oh, I'm all this and all this. And I'm the Bride. I'm this. I have need of nothing.' And don't know that you are naked, blind."

173See that deceiving age that I said? It's not like them that had their heads cut off, back yonder, to get the white stone; not those who died under martydoms, and burnt with stakes, and things like that; who won the crown. But it's this deceiving age now, that think that they're everything. "Well, I'm a church member. I'm a good man. I'm a good woman. I do this. I don't have to do This."

174 "But he that overcometh," he that overcomes all those worldly things of this age, what will they do? All will set with Him in His throne; will go in the Rapture when He comes. Oh, my! What do I care, then? What should we care what the world says? What should we care what anybody else says? The great Holy Spirit is among us. His Pillar of Fire leads us and guides us. His Word is vindicated before us. His love is in our heart. The world is in the back. We've passed from death unto Life. The world thinks you're crazy.

But must Jesus bear this cross alone,

And all the world go free?

There is a cross for every one,

And there's a cross for me.

175Thirty-three years in the field, and this consecrated cross I'll bear till death shall set me free.

176Let my brothers turn me down, say whatever they want to, what turn me down. But on this Word I stand, and This alone.

This consecrated cross I'll bear

Until death shall set me free,

And then go Home, in the Rapture, a crown to wear.

177That's what we all want. Isn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's what we want. That's our--that's our hope and plea. No other thoughts have we, but that one upon Jesus Christ. And upon His righteousness we stand, alone, and His righteousness in His Word. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." And the Word is still vindicating Itself.

178 Overcome how? By taking the Word, the promise, in humility, humbly walking.

This consecrated cross I'll bear

Until death shall set me free,

Then go Home, a crown to wear.

179For, "When that Trumpet sounds!" You can bury me in the sea, but the Trumpet will awake me. Right. I'm going Home, one day. Amen. Until then, I'll struggle on, amen, bearing this cross; keeping my eyes not on people, but upon Calvary yonder, for He was my example. He showed how to do it. And His example, we'll gladly follow it, day by day.

I'm following Jesus each step of the way.

I'm following Jesus each step of the way.

180 Don't you like that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, how I think, follow Him, day by day, each step of the way.

Let us pray.

181Lord Jesus, hour and fifteen minutes now, standing here, trying to take Your Word and explain to the people how to overcome. You told us how it's done. You didn't only tell us, but You showed how it was done. You led us. You showed us how to do it: receive the Word inside of us, and be sure to hold to that Word, "It is written," in every temptation; but be humble, walk humbly. Then we have conquered, through You, through Your power which has already conquered our enemy. And the only thing we have to do is--is just walk humble with faith, believing That, and our badge of identification of the Holy Ghost, and Satan has to move.

182There is handkerchiefs laying here. They represent sick people. They're needy, Lord. And they read in this infallible Word where they took from the body of Saint Paul handkerchiefs and aprons. They were laid upon the sick people. Evil spirits went out of them, and great miracles were done. Now, You're the same Lord Jesus today.

183 Paul preached this Word, and wrote this Word, the same Word that we're trying to follow. Because, he took the Old Testament and patterned it, and showed that it was a type, that all of the Old Testament was a perfect type of the New. O Lord, may we follow that example.

184We see our Lord, what He did. And we realize that, those Old Testament saints, this morning, we find out that they did go. When Jesus raised, they went with Him. And, Lord, we believe that we'll go when He sounds the Trumpet. We believe it, that the Bride will go forth at that Day and will join with the--the Hebrew group of It, and, together, there'll be a Wedding Supper in Glory. Those are waiting.

We pray now Your mercy and grace upon us overcomers. Lord, overcomers, we long to be overcomers. Lord Jesus, You overcome the world. Now I pray that You'll let every person here, this morning, "Lay every sin aside, lay aside the weight that doth so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us."

185Paul spoke this, our Heavenly Father, over there in the Book of the Hebrews, that, "We should lay aside every weight," that 12th chapter, that he spoke this, after he had already showed by example, back there: those who did go on; those who did not go on; those who lukewarmly followed; those who followed up in the front; those who lingered behind. Oh! He showed the example. Then he turned and said, "Let us lay aside every weight, every little teeny thing that besets us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us; looking to Him, the author and the finisher of our Faith, Who gave us the example." We do that this morning, Father.

186 Now, with our heads bowed, now check real close, real, real close. And, then, be real deeply sincere. It just--it just takes... That's all it takes: your check and your sincerity. Be real careful as you're checking now. "Search me, Lord. Try me. Is there an evil in me? If there is, Lord, let me lay it down, right here now. This place, where I'm bowed, is Your altar. I lay it down, right here now, put my feet upon it. When I walk away, it's going to lay there. The power of Your Blood will consume it. I want to be an overcomer. I have something that's bothering me, Lord. I want to overcome, this morning. I can, by You. I've been told that, by Your Word. I lay it down now, Lord, and I lay my feet on it. As I pass out of this building this morning, go, to know that it's put in the--the tub of God's bleach. It'll never be remembered no more. I will now confess it and ask for mercy."

187With our heads bowed, our eyes closed; our hearts thinking, that's the door to the soul now. Is there something that you want to lay aside this morning, something that you want to overcome? And you've tried it so hard, but, this morning, you're just going to quit trying. You're just going to accept what He did. I want you just raise your hand, "Lord, I want to overcome. A certain thing bothers me."

188 Lord Jesus, You see those hands. Now, as Your servant, stand between the living and dead, I condemn everything that's bothering these people and myself. And I ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ, we can leave it laying here on the altar of God, and walk away this morning, free, as overcomers.

189If our sisters hasn't had the grace before, may it be granted now, Lord. If our brothers hasn't had the grace, may it be granted now. And may, in humility, mother with her children, instead of being arrogant. She knows she is setting... She is a preacher to them little children. Her life is an example. Dad is an example to mother, for he is the head of the house. The mother has been trying to boss him around; she'll never do it no more. If he's been using her for a floor mat, it'll never be done no more. She's a helpmate. Grant it, Lord. May all these things that hinder us, Lord, be taken away.

190 We--we are consecrating ourselves, Father, for what time of life we have ahead of us, knowing this, that we've got to come to the end of it, and that right away. So, this morning, we take this opportunity, after this Message. We take the opportunity, Lord, to come, because we are bidden to come. "Cast your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." I know You care, Lord. You cared enough to die for us. And we surely can care enough to come and accept what You died for.

191Sanctify us, Lord. Fill us anew with the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Ghost just reign in our hearts, supremely, that we'll walk, forgetting the things that are in the past, the muck and mire that we once lived in. We'll press towards the mark of the high calling, where our Lights can so shine in sweetness and humility, till every passer-by can say, "There's a Christian lives there on that hill. That person, that woman, that man, is a real consecrated flower of God. They're so sweet and so kind, always loving and sweet, and understanding." Grant it, Father. Let us be salty, that the earth might thirst; grant it, Father; and overcome the things of this world, and the cares of this life. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I can...

Now let's just raise our hand.

... Saviour...

Calling what? "Come up, out of the mud." A higher Life; Something is in you, pulling you that way. What is it? It's Him. Down in the mud, little flowers; you've got Life in there, pressing to you. That's what calls you, "Come up, out of the mud."

Follow, follow...

192 Now, do you mean it? Now close your eyes.

Where He leads me I will fol-...

Now surrender yourself. Mean that, now.

Where He leads me I will follow,

Where He leads me I will follow,

I'll go with Him, with Him, all the way.

Where He leads me I...

Just sweetly now. Remember, lay yourself there.

He leads...

"I'll lay it here, Lord. I'm going to follow You, from now on. I accept It. I believe It."

Where He leads...

Remember, your life will testify louder than your mouth. What you live will prove to people more than what you say.

Go with Him, with Him, (way, where?) all the way.

[Brother Branham begins to hum Where He Leads Me--Ed.]

193Just consecrate yourself, deeply, sincerely, all your heart. What if this was the last time you'd ever be permitted to pray? It might be. I hope not. It may be. Then, be sure now, real sure, real sure. Remember, the door will close, one day, then it's all over. "Ask, you shall receive."

[Brother Branham begins to hum Where He Leads Me--Ed.]

194Just think of all the glory that He's offered to you, everything that He's done. "I believe, Lord. I believe. I believe that You're my overcomer. I just walk with You, Lord. I want to stay close to You, that where You are, there I want to be."

195 And remember, You told us, Father, that, "We would forever be with the Lord, when we be caught up." We just got a--a glimpse of Him now, as He walks with us now. But then we'll... What a great thing it is, just to know that He's in our--our midst! What will it be when we'll be with Him forever? We so love all of our activities: we can go out a riding; we can go shopping; we can go hunting, fishing, or whatever we might do in pleasures. But, oh, when the church opens, see, we want to meet our Lord. That's greatest of all things. Then, think, He promised us. "And forever be with the Lord. Set with Him in His throne, and be with Him forever." O God, we humbly, with--with bowed heads, we accept it, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

196 Do you feel you can just leave, now, everything, every burden? You can just walk over, above it now? If you do, raise up your hand, say, "By God's grace I lay this trial down. I won't fight it, any more. I'm just going to take a hold of His hand, start walking on."

"I've fought, Brother Branham. I tried to quit smoking. I--I tried to let my hair grow out. I've tried to do this. I done... I've tried, so hard, Brother Branham. I just can't do it."

Don't try it, anymore. Just take a hold of His hand, say, "Father, You put my hand in the sleeve." See? "I'm just going to give You my hand. I'm going to walk on, Lord, looking to You." It'll happen. It'll dress you like a real Christian. You'll be a real Christian.

197Until I see you, tonight, God love you and be with you. You're my children of the Gospel. You're the purchased.

Now I give your pastor back to you, for the dismissing, Brother Orman Neville.